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Final Report (Internship)

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“Quality Improvement and NDT repair reduce in

GMAW Process”


Submitted by



In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



Mechatronics Engineering

G. H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Anand

Gujarat Technical University, Ahmedabad

[April, 2022]


G. H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology

(Bakrol Rd, Bakrol, Vallabh Vidyanagar,

Anand, Gujarat 388120)

This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project entitled “Quality
Improvement and NDT repair reduce”. has been carried out by Jay Chetankumar Lad
under my guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Mechatronics, 8th Semester of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad during the
academic year 2021-22.

Dr. Yogesh Chauhan Dr. Sanket Bhavsar

(Internal Guide) (Head of Department)



G. H. Patel College of Engineering and Technology

(Bakrol Rd, Bakrol, Vallabh Vidyanagar,

Anand, Gujarat 388120)


We hereby declare that the Internship report submitted along with the internship entitled
“Quality Improvement and NDT repair reduce” submitted in partial fulfilment for the
degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics to Gujarat Technological University,
Ahmedabad, is a Bonafede record of original project work carried out by me at HLE Glascoat
Pvt. Ltd. under the supervision of Mr. Ashvin Jadhav and that no part of this report has been
directly copied from any students reports or taken from any other source, without providing
due reference.

Name of the Student Sign of Student

Jay Lad



It was a great opportunity to be part of HLE Glascoat family. I found internship to be very
interesting. The internship was very knowledgeable and learnt many things during the 3-
month period of internship. I was very grateful to find so many knowledgeable people during
internship with whom I interacted and learnt many things from them.

We acknowledge the support, the encouragement and the immense guidance extended for this
study by my internal guide Dr. Yogesh Chauhan.

I undertook this Internship and completed the report under the guidance of Mr. Ashvin Jadav
during internship training. I greatly appreciate the motivation, understanding and mentoring
for the project work. This training helped me learn practical aspects of various fabrication
processes carried out in construction of pressure vessels.

The training was interactive and interesting with a good mixture of practical and theory. The
instructor explained everything thoroughly and also assigned us with some research work of
individual topics. I worked on real project undertaken in company to increase production.

It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to

Mr. Ashvin Jadav and Mr. Prashant Tank for their careful and precious guidance which
were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and practically.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives.

-Jay Lad (180110120018)



In today’s competitive world, every company wants their product to be best among all others
competitors. So, for that it’s important for the company to have a department which mainly
focuses on Quality and improvement in Quality. Glass Lined pressure vessels (Reactors) have
been the main product of HLE Glascoat. Welding plays an important role in their production.
This pressure vessels are subjected to different welding operations including SMAW, SAW,

The main objective of this project is to minimize the welding defects and improve the
welding quality of nozzle weld joints by changing welding parameters, that occur often
during GMAW (Robot Welding). As a consequence, time will decrease in order to repair
defects and, as a result, productivity will increase. Lack of Fusion and Porosity are the main
faults to be observed. In order to remedy these problems, I thoroughly examined the welding
parameters of the GMAW process, as most defects occur during this phase of the welding
process. Furthermore, we changed certain prior parameters such as shielding gas
composition, robot operating frequency, and conventional welding parameters such as
current, voltage, and CTWD with the help of related research papers, books, and external
guide. Finally, by altering those settings, we were able to successfully reduce welding defects
that occur throughout the GMAW process.

Project Keyword: Atomization in Welding Works, GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding), NDT
Methods, Quality and Productivity Improvement, Welding Parameters.


List of Figures
Fig 1.1 Glass Lined Equipment.......………...............................................................................2
Fig 1.2 Filtration & Drying........................................................................................................2
Fig 1.3 Exotic Metal Equipment................................................................................................2
Fig 1.4 cGMP Pharma Models...................................................................................................2
Fig 1.5 Glass Lined Storage Vessel...........................................................................................3
Fig 1.6 Glass Lined Columns....................................................................................................3
Fig 1.7 Industry Layout.............................................................................................................4
Fig 2.1 SMAW Process.............................................................................................................6
Fig 2.2 SAW Process................................................................................................................7
Fig 2.3 FCAW Process.............................................................................................................8
Fig 2.4 Tig Welding.................................................................................................................9
Fig 2.5 GMAW Process..........................................................................................................10
Fig 2.6 Dry Penetrant Test......................................................................................................11
Fig 2.7 Drasing Report of a Nozzle………….........................................................................13
Fig 2.8 RT performed on Top Part..........................................................................................13
Fig 2.9 UT.….……………………………………….............................................................14
Fig 2.10 Glass Lining…......................................................................................................... 15
Fig 2.11 Plain Jacket…….......................................................................................................16
Fig 2.12 Half Pipe Coil Jacket………………………………………………………............17
Fig 2.13 Dimple Jacket………......………..............................................................................18
Fig 2.14 Flow Chart of Reactor Manufacturing.......................................................................19
Fig 3.1 Research Methodology................................................................................................21
Fig 5.1 Flow Diagram manufacturing of Top Dish..................................................................25
Fig 5.2 Inner side of dish end...................................................................................................25
Fig 5.3 Outer side of dish end..................................................................................................25
Fig 5.4 Swaging process..........................................................................................................26
Fig 5.5 Bevel cutting of swaging parts……............................................................................26
Fig 5.6 Bevel cutting of top part..............................................................................................26
Fig 5.7 Initial joint of nozzle top part with bottom part..........................................................27
Fig 5.8 Positioner with top dish end mounted on it................................................................28
Fig 5.9 KUKA KR30 L16 robot..….......................................................................................28



Fig 6.1 Types of welding defects..........................................................................................29

Fig 6.2 Slag inclusion...........................................................................................................29
Fig 7.1 RT Test Piece 1-a……..........……...........................................................................41
Fig 7.2 RT Test Piece 1-b.....................................................................................................41
Fig 7.3 RT Test Piece 1-c.....................................................................................................42
Fig 7.4 Test Piece 2-a...........................................................................................................43
Fig 7.5 Test Piece 2-b...........................................................................................................43
Fig 7.c Test Piece 2-c............................................................................................................43


List of Tables

Table 3.1 Gannt Chart....……….............................................................................................22

Table 4.1 Literature Review...............................................................................................23,22
Table 5.1 Values of current and voltage of different welding process for each pass..............27
Table 7.1 Spray Transfer Welding Parameters.......................................................................34
Table 7.2 Job No. S-20745......................................................................................................35
Table 7.3 Job No. S-20740......................................................................................................36
Table 7.4 Job No. S-20741......................................................................................................37
Table 7.5 Job No. S-20744......................................................................................................38
Table 7.6 Job No. S-20742......................................................................................................39
Table 7.7 Job No. S-20780......................................................................................................40
Table 7.8 Welding Parameters for 1st Test Piece…………...……………………………….41
Table 7.9 Welding parameters for 2nd Test Piece….….…………………………………….42


List of Abbreviations

ASME: American society for mechanical engineering

AWS: American welding Society

LPG: liquefied petroleum gas

SMAW: Shielded metal arc welding

SAW: Submerged arc welding

FCAW: Flux coated arc welding

GMAW: Gas metal arc welding

GTAW: Gas tungsten arc welding

LPM: Litter per minute

TIG: Tungsten inert gas

MIG: Metal inert gas

NDT: Non-destructive test

UT: Ultrasonic test

RT: Radiography test

DPT: Dry penetrate test


List of Contents

Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................i
Abstract ................................................................................................................................ii
List of Figures .....................................................................................................................iii
List of Tables ......................................................................................................................iv
List of Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................v

Chapter 1 Overview of the Company………………………………………………………1

1.1 History…………………………………………………...…………………….….….2
1.2 Different product/Scope of Work.....................………………………………………2
1.3 Plant layout...................................................................................................................5

Chapter 2 Overview of different department.........….……………………...…………….6

2.1 Plate yard.….….……………………………………….…………………………….7
2.2 Fabrication ....……………………………………………………………….……….8
2.2 NDT department.…………………………………………………………….……...12
2.3 Glass lining department……….…………………………………………………….17
2.4 Jacket fitting department…………………………………………………………….18
2.5 Assembly department..................................................................................................20
2.6 Manufacturing of Glass Lined Reactor………………………………………………21
Chapter 3 Introduction to project ...........…………………………………………………22
3.1 Problem statement….……………………………………………………………….23
3.2 Description....................…………………………………………………………….23
3.3 Objective................…………………………………………………………............23
3.4 Research Methodology……......................................................................................24
3.5 Gannt Chart ………………………………………………………………………...25

Chapter 4 Literature review……………………………………………………………….26

4.1 Literature review (Table form) …………………………………………………….27
Chapter 5 Manufacturing process of Top dish…………………………………………...29



Chapter 6 Welding Defects Observation and its causes & remedies ………………….34
6.1 Burn through………………………………………………………………………36
6.2 Porosity……………………………………………………………………………36
6.3 Lack of penetration………………………………………………………………...37
6.4 Lack of fusion……………………………………………………………………...37
6.5 Internal undercut…………………………………………………………………...38
6.6 External or crown undercut………………………………………………………...38
6.7 Slag inclusions……………………………………………………………………...39
Chapter 7 GMAW data collection and analysing….…………………………………….40
Chapter 8 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….51
8.1 Overall Analysis.…………………………………………………………………...52
8.2 Problem Encountered……………………………………………………………....52
8.3 Limitation and Future Work………………………………………………………...52
8.4 Learning Outcome…………………………………………………………………...53


211268 CHAPTER-1

CHAPTER-1 Overview of Company

211268 CHAPTER-1

HLE Glascoat Limited is a leading manufacturer of process equipment for the chemical
and pharmaceutical industries.

They are market leaders in Filtration and Drying Equipment and are a leading
manufacturer of Glass Lined Equipment globally. They manufacture a wide range of
chemical processing equipment in an equally wide range of materials for some of the
most demanding applications.

Over the last 40 years, their consistently high quality, and their commitment to solving
their customers’ unique process requirements has helped them build a solid reputation as
a preferred supplier of process equipment.

HLE Glascoat Limited is a part of the Patel Group of Companies founded in 1951 by Late
Dr. Khushal Bhai H. Patel.

1.1 History

HLE Engineers Pvt. Ltd. (HLE) was established in the year 1981. Over the years, HLE
emerged as the leading manufacturer of filtration and drying equipment in India and globally.

In 2017, HLE acquired a controlling stake in Swiss Glascoat Equipments Limited (Glascoat).
Glascoat, which was established in the year 1991, was a leading manufacturer of glass lined
equipment at the time.

In 2019, the operating businesses of HLE and Glascoat were integrated via a scheme of
arrangement and the resulting company was renamed ‘HLE Glascoat Limited’.

1.2 Different product / scope of work

There are four categories of different products are listed on next page.

1. Glass Lined Equipment

2. Filtration & Drying
3. Exotic Metal Equipment

211268 CHAPTER-1

4. cGMP Pharma Models

Fig 1.1Glass Lined Equipment

Fig 1.2 Filtration & Drying Equipments

Fig 1.3 cGMP Rotary Vacuum Paddle Dryers

Fig 1.3 cGMP Rotary Vacuum

Fig 1.4 Exotic Metal Equipment
Paddle Dryers

211268 CHAPTER-1

Fig 1.5 Glass lined storage vessel Fig 1.6 Glass lined columns

211268 CHAPTER-1

Fig 1.7 Industrial Layout

211268 CHAPTER-2

CHAPTER-2 Overview of Different Department

211268 CHAPTER-2

 HLE Glascoat Pvt. Ltd. is manufacturing unit of the variety of product and provide a
necessary service regarding their product configuration.

 Being a manufacturer of process equipment, company procure the equipment which is

processed in different department. Therefore, the major department of the company

I. Plate Yard.

II. Fabrication Department.

III. NDT Department.

IV. Glass Lining Department.

V. Jacket Fitting Department.

VI. Assembly Department.

2.1 Brief detail of department

 Plate Yard Department:

 As the name suggest, this department is the place where plates are kept initially
before being processed.

 The plates of different thickness and different length are cut according to the
drawing provided by the engineer.

 The plate here being used is steel plate with type SF-516M GR-415(As per
ASME pressure vessel plate standard).

 The plate cutting process is carried out by gas cutting process where LPG and
Oxygen gas is used.

 After the plate cutting process, it goes to cell setup unit, where the plate is rolled
in the form of cell and later on, both the ends are welded together. After this the
plate is re-rolled so as to remove the ovality and make it into a proper circular.

211268 CHAPTER-2

 Fabrication Department:
 In this department various welding processes are carried out so as to complete
various setups in pressure vessel manufacturing.

 Various Welding Processes:

I. SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) -

 Also known as Stick Welding.

 This is because a flux-coated electrode, which is a metal stick or rod

held in an electrode holder connected to a power source, is used to
form weld. Electricity passes through electrode and touches the base

 The flux forms a gas that shields the electric arc between the electrode
the metal being welded. This prevents contamination from atmospheric

Filler Size: 3.15 4.0 5.0 gases.

 Current: 110-135 130-180 180-240 Filler Material:


Fig 2.1 SMAW Process

II. SAW (Submerged Arc Welding) -

211268 CHAPTER-2

 Submerged arc welding is a joining process that involves the formation

of an electric arc between a continuously feed electrode and the
workpiece to be welded.
 A blanket of powdered flux surrounds and covers the arc and, when
molten, provides electrical conduction between the metal to be joined
and the electrode.
 It also generates a protective gas shield and a slag, all of which protects
the weld zone.
 Submerged arc welding is viewed as a high productivity process and is
usually automated/mechanized in its form. The simplest application of
the process uses a single wire.
 Filler Material: EL-8 + Flux F7AZ
 Filler Size: Diameter 3.15mm.
 Current: 380-500 Amp.
 Voltage: 28-34 V.

Fig 2.2 SAW Process

III. FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding) -

 Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) uses the heat generated by a DC

electric arc to fuse the metal in the joint area.
 The arc is struck between a continuously fed consumable filler wire and
the workpiece, melting both the filler wire and the workpiece in the
immediate vicinity.
 The entire arc area is covered by a shielding gas, which protects the
molten weld pool from the atmosphere.

211268 CHAPTER-2

 FCAW is a highly productive process for a range of plain carbon, alloy,

stainless and duplex steels. It can also be used for surfacing and hard
 There are two FCAW operating modes:
a) Gas-shielded operation where a shielding gas is supplied from an
external source, such as a gas cylinder.
b) Self-shielding operation where gas is produced when fluxing
agents decompose within the wire.
 Filler Material: E71T-1C.
 Filler Size: Diameter 1.2mm.
 Current: 180-250 Amp.
 Voltage: 26-35 V.
 Gas Flow: 10-18 LPM.

Fig. 2.3 FCAW Process

IV. TIG Welding (Tungsten Inert Gas Welding) -

 Also known as Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW).

 It is an arc welding process that produces weld with a non-consumable
tungsten electrode.
 In the TIG welding process the arc is formed between a pointed tungsten
electrode and the workpiece in an inert atmosphere of argon or helium.
 The small intense arc provided by the pointed electrode is ideal for high
quality and precision welding.

211268 CHAPTER-2

 Because the electrode is not consumed during welding, the TIG welder does
not have to balance the heat input from the arc as the metal is deposited
from the melting electrode. When filler metal is required, it must be added
separately to the weld pool.
 Shielding Gas – Argon (99.997%).
 Flow Rate: 8-18 LPM.
 Filler Material: ER70S-2.
 Filler Size: Diameter 2.0 or 2.4.
 Current: 80-250 Amp.
 Tungsten: EWTH-2 (Red Colour).

Fig. 2.4 Tig Welding

V. GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding) -

 This process is carried out on robot. Also known as robot welding.

 In the GMAW process, an electric arc is formed between the metal and a
wire electrode, applying heat to the metal pieces. This action melts and
fuses the parts together to form a permanent bond.

211268 CHAPTER-2

 In the MIG and GMAW processes, a continuous solid wire electrode travels
through the welding gun along with a shielding gas, which protects against
contaminants in the air.
 Filler Material: ER70S-6.
 Filler Size: Diameter 1.2mm.
 Current: 210-300 Amp.
 Gas Flow: 18-22 LPM.
 Gas Composition: Argon+CO2 [ 82% + 18%].
 The robot being used is KUKA KR30 L16.
 The filler wire being used is Merit LMC6 by Lincoln Electric.

Fig. 2.5 GMAW

 NDT Department:

 Full Form Non-Destructive Test.

 This department is responsible for Quality of the welding done on the pressure
 This department focus on defects that are found on the weld parts on pressure
 NDT is a testing and analysis technique used by industry to evaluate the
properties of a material, component, structure or system for characteristic
differences or welding defects and discontinuities without causing damage to the
original part.
 There are mainly eight NDT techniques available:

211268 CHAPTER-2

i. Visual NDT (VT).

ii. Ultrasonic NDT (UT).
iii. Radiography NDT (RT).
iv. Eddy Current NDT (ET).
v. Magnetic Particle NDT (MT).
vi. Acoustic Emission NDT (AE).
vii. Dry Penetrant NDT (PT).
viii. Leak Testing (LT).
 Among all this techniques the most commonly used NDT techniques are RT, UT,
and PT. This three NDT are used in all company’s workshop.

I. Dry Penetrant NDT (PT) -

 Liquid penetrant processes are non-destructive testing methods for detecting

discontinuities that are open to surface.
 A suitable liquid penetrant is applied to the surface of the component under
examination and is permitted to remain there for sufficient time to allow the
liquid to penetrant into any defects open at the surface.
 After the penetrant time, the excess penetrant, which remain on the surface,
is removed. Then a light coloured, powder absorbent called a developer is
applied to the surface.
 This developer acts as a blotter and draws out a portion of the penetrant
which had previously seeped into the surface openings. As the penetrant is
drawn out, it diffuses into the coating of the developer, forming indications
of the surface discontinuities or flaws
 The Penetrant used is Magnaflux- SKL SP1.
 Surface discontinuities, such as cracks, seams, laps, cold shuts and
laminations, are
indicated by these

211268 CHAPTER-2

Fig 2.6 Dry Penetrant Test

II. Radiography NDT (RT) -

 This method of weld testing makes use of X-rays, produced by an X-ray

tube, or gamma rays, produced by a radioactive isotope.
 The basic principle of radiographic inspection of welds is the same as that
for medical radiography. Penetrating radiation is passed through a solid
object, in this case a weld rather that part of the human body, onto a
photographic film, resulting in an image of the object's internal structure
being deposited on the film.
 The amount of energy absorbed by the object depends on its thickness and
density. Energy not absorbed by the object will cause exposure of the
radiographic film.
 These areas will be dark when the film is developed. Areas of the film
exposed to less energy remain lighter.
 Therefore, areas of the object where the thickness has been changed by
discontinuities, such as porosity or cracks, will appear as dark outlines on
the film. Inclusions of low density, such as slag, will appear as dark areas
on the film while inclusions of high density, such as tungsten, will appear as
light areas.
 All discontinuities are detected by viewing shape and variation in density of
the processed film.
 Radiographic testing can provide a permanent film record of weld quality
that is relatively easy to interpret by trained personnel.

211268 CHAPTER-2

 This testing method is usually suited to having access to both sides of the
welded joint
 Although this is a slow and expensive method of non-destructive testing, it
is a positive method for detecting porosity, inclusions, cracks, and voids in
the interior of welds.
 It is essential that qualified personnel conduct radiographic interpretation
since false interpretation of radiographs can be expensive and interfere
seriously with productivity.
 There are obvious safety considerations when conducting radiographic
testing. X-ray and gamma radiation is invisible to the naked eye and can
have serious health and safety implications.

Fig 2.7 Drasing Report of a Nozzle

Fig 2.8 RT performed on Top Part

III. Ultrasonic NDT (UT) -

211268 CHAPTER-2

 This method of testing makes use of mechanical vibrations similar to

sound waves but of higher frequency.
 A beam of ultrasonic energy is directed into the object to be tested. This
beam travels through the object with insignificant loss, except when it is
intercepted and reflected by a discontinuity.
 The ultrasonic contact pulse reflection technique is used. This system uses
a transducer that changes electrical energy into mechanical transducer is
excited by a high-frequency voltage, which causes a crystal to vibrate
 The crystal probe becomes the source of ultrasonic mechanical vibration.
These vibrations are transmitted into the test piece through a coupling
fluid, usually a film of oil, called a couplant.
 When the pulse of ultrasonic waves strikes a discontinuity in the test piece,
it is reflected back to its point of origin. Thus, the energy returns to the
 The transducer now serves as a receiver for the reflected energy. The initial
signal or main bang, the returned echoes from the discontinuities, and the
echo of the rear surface of the test piece are all displayed by a trace on the
screen of a cathode-ray oscilloscope.
 The detection, location, and evaluation of discontinuities become possible
because the velocity of sound through a given material is nearly constant,
making distance measurement possible, and the relative amplitude of a
reflected pulse is more or less proportional to the size of the reflector.
 One of the most useful characteristics of ultrasonic testing is its ability to
determine the exact position of a discontinuity in a weld.
 This testing method requires a high level of operator training and
competence and is dependent on the establishment and application of
suitable testing procedures.
 This testing method can be used on ferrous and nonferrous materials, is
often suited for testing thicker sections accessible from one side only, and
can often detect finer lines or

211268 CHAPTER-2

plainer defects which may not be as readily detected by radiographic


Fig 2.9 UT

 Glass Lining Department:

 The pressure vessels that are tested OK from NDT goes for glass lining.
 The inner surfaces of the pressure vessels are glass lined as per the requirement.
 The first coat of glass is called the ground coat, also known as “slip”. The
ground coat is specially formulated with emulsifying agents to promote
adherence to the steel and does not have any corrosion resistance.
 After the glass suspension is sprayed onto the prepared steel tank it is allowed
time to dry. The vessel is then transported to an electric furnace via a rail cart
where it is fired at a specific temperature for a standard length of time to “fuse”
the glass to the steel.
 The item is then transferred to a controlled cooling booth that helps to reduce
built-in stress in the glass.
 Subsequent coatings called cover coats are applied in the same respect (spray,
dry, heat, cool), with the one significant difference being the lower temperature
at which the cover coats are fired at to prevent the ground coat from bleeding
 Quality control spark and thickness tests between coats are performed to ensure
the highest quality of the finished lining.
 The procedure is repeated until the desired glass thickness is attained. The
standard thickness of a completed vessel is between 1-2mm.
 The result is an impermeable, smooth coating of glass that is ideal for
pharmaceutical and chemical applications.

211268 CHAPTER-2

 The glass to steel bond is very strong, with strength of approximately 16,000

Fig 2.10 Glass Lining

 Jacket Fitting Department:

 When the glassing process is finished the vessel then enters the welding area to
have the jacket installed.
 The jacket shell and jacket head have already been welded together and are now
ready to be welded onto the closure rings that are on the vessel.
 A diaphragm is welded to the closure ring to compensate for expansion and
contraction of the jacket.
 A hydro test, in which the vessel is filled with water, is performed for quality
 Basically there 3 main types of jacket design:

I. Plain Jacket -

 It can be termed as an extra covering all around the vessel or on some part of
the vessel. The annular space between the vessel wall and jacket wall is used
for circulation of heating or cooling medium. Plain jackets are suitable for
small capacity vessels and for operations where pressure inside the vessel is
more than twice the jacket pressure.
 It is most suitable where heating is to be done with steam. Jacket height is
usually up to the liquid height in the vessel.

211268 CHAPTER-2

 Jacket can be fabricated in one piece or can be divided into number of parts
and all parts operating in parallel. For higher flow segmental jacket is
preferred when downstream vapours are used as heating medium, plain jacket
is preferred.

Fig 2.11 Plain Jacket

II. Half Pipe Coil Jacket -

 Pipe is cut into 1/2 pieces and half pipe coil is welded to the vessel wall. It
helps to provide high velocity and high turbulence.
 It also helps to provide strength to the vessel wall and thereby reduce the cost
of vessel.
 It provides structural rigidity which is an advantage for high temperature
operation. To have flexibility and high efficiency the half coil jacket can be
divided into multiple zones.
 Half coil jacket is usually made from carbon steel. Stainless steel, Monel.
Inconel and other alloys can also be used for the fabrication of half coil
jacket. Shows the half coil jacket welded to shell.
 These are used for high-capacity vessels and where high velocities for
circulating hot oils, glycols etc. is required. In these jackets by passing, short
circulation is completely avoided.

211268 CHAPTER-2

Fig 2.12 Half Pipe Coil Jacket

III. Dimple Jacket -

 It can be fabricated by using thin sheets. It is useful for high jacket pressure
operation. Dimple jacket can induce turbulence even at very low flow
 It can be used for circulating steam and hot Oil.
 A vessel can be provided either a jacket on limpet coil for heat transfer.
Which alternative should be selected depends upon the process
requirements, ease of operation and the cost involved?

Fig 2.13 Dimple Jacket

 Assembly Department:

 In this department the pressure vessel is kept for final inspection after jacket
 The remaining parts of pressure vessels like Agitator, Baffle, Motor, Helical
Gear, etc. are mounted.
 Also, as per customers requirement the Good Manufacturing Practice is done.
 Also, pressure vessels are being coloured.

211268 CHAPTER-2

 In final inspection the company engineers perform all the tests as the
customer’s ask for. Also, customers bring another official also called third
party person for detailed inspection and quality check.
 Different Options for Distillation Set up over Glass lined Reactor. Different
options are available considering Process requirements
 Simple Distillation.
 Fractional Distillation.
 Azeotropic Distillation.
 Different improved packings considering Pressure drop and Process

Flow chart of making glass lined reactor:

211268 CHAPTER-2

Plate Yard

Shell Setup

Fabrication Bay-

Fabrication Bay-


Glass Lining

Re Blasting

Jacket Fitting

Hydro Test


Painting and

Fig 2.14 Flow Chart of Reactor Manufacturing

211268 CHAPTER-3

CHAPTER-3 Introduction of Project

211268 CHAPTER-3

“Quality improvement and NDT repair reduce in GMAW


3.1 Problem statement: Minimize welding defects and improve welding

quality of nozzle weld joints by changing welding parameters.

III.2 Descriptions:
 In HLEGLASCOAT GMAW process is done by KUKA KR30 L16 on
nozzle joints.
 In this method considerable amount of time saved compared to manually
GMAW process.
 However, in this methods proportion of welding defects mainly “lack of
fusion and porosity” is higher which are detected during NDT testing.
These defects are produces because of inappropriate welding grove
geometry, higher contact tip to work piece distance, incorrect proportion of
shielding gases and other welding parameters.

III.3 Objective:
 The main objective of this project is to minimize welding defects and
improve welding quality of nozzle weld joints by changing welding
parameters that occur often during GMAW done by robot on nozzle joints.
 As a consequence, time will be decreases in order to repair defects and, as
a result, productivity will also increase.

211268 CHAPTER-3

III.4 Research methodology:

Fig 3.1 Research Methodology

211268 CHAPTER-3


January February March April
Activity W W W W
W3 W4 W2 W3 W1 W2 W4 W1 W2
2 1 4 3

Industry visit

Problem definition

Literature review

Study factor that effect on


Literature & patent


NDT Defect analysis

Test piece preparation and

its result

Repair cost estimation


Expected Work Work Done

Table 3.1 Gannt Chart

211268 CHAPTER-4

CHAPTER-4 Literature Review

211268 CHAPTER-4

Title of paper Author name Outcome

 Defect Analysis in  Purvi Chauhan  Learn about Welding
Dish End and Nozzle Birla Vishvakarma influence parameters
Joint of Reactor Vessel Mahavidyalaya such as current and
Engineering College travel speed on 2 case
 Amit Trivedi  2 major’s defects and its
Birla Vishvakarma causes
Mahavidyalaya  Necessity of proper
Engineering College cleaning after every
pass, importance of arc
striking, proper grinding,
baking of electrode,
proper shied of weld
area from outside

 Multi-variable  Rahul Ram  The weld bead width is

statistical models for Chandrasekaran determined by
predicting bead  voltage, travel speed,
geometry in gas  Michael J. Benoit shielding gas type, and
metal arc welding the interactions between
 Jeff M. Barrett all of these factors. The
shielding gas type had a
 Adrian P. Gerlich direct influence on the
bead width and
 Analysis of variance is
used to predict the
impact of welding
parameters on the
 DOE on welding

 Productivity  Jaya Chitra R  How to develop research

improvement in Robot Associate Professor, methodology
welding through Department of  study the effect of
experimentation by Mechanical various welding

211268 CHAPTER-4

varying process Engineering, PSG parameters such as,

parameters College of Technology welding current, voltage,
feed rate, number of
welding passes, coil
diameter, welding path

 Optimal pass planning  S.J. Yan  For the pass planning of

for robotic welding of  S.K. Ong deep groove welding,
large dimension joints  A.Y.C. nee this paper proposes an
with deep grooves optimization
 method with the
objective to maximize
the section area of the
weld bead, so that
number of passes can be
 Relationship between
bead dimension and
welding parameters
 Welding seam tracking  Yanling Xu, Na Lv,  Related to welding
in robotic gas metal arc Gu Fang quality improvements
welding  Shanfeng Du, Wenjun  Vision based robotic
Zhao GMAW welding seam
tracking system
 Reduction of welding  Shashank Soni, 
defects using six sigma  Ravindra Mohan,
techniques  Lokesh Bajpai and
 S K Katare
 Gas Metal Arc  Jeff Nadzam, Senior  Modes of Metal Transfer
Welding Guidelines Application Engineer  Shielding Gases for
(BOOK) by Lincoln  Frank Armao, Senior GMAW
electric private limited Application Engineer  Effects of Variable such
 Damian Kotecki, as Current Density,
Ph.D., Consumable Electrode Efficiencies,
Research and Deposition Rate,
Development Electrode Extension and
 Electrode type and its
optimum parameters

Table 4.1 Literature Review

211268 CHAPTER-5

CHAPTER-5 Manufacturing Process of Top Dish



211268 CHAPTER-5

Fig 5.1 Flow Diagram manufacturing of Top Dish

HLEGLASCOAT import top dish

end of vessels according to
volume and capacity of
reactors from other top dish
manufacturers. They are mainly
used Toro spherical dish end.
Initially rotary grinding
processes are done on inner surface to dish end in Oder to remove rust and heat treatment
contaminates. After that white coat of colour put on surface for clear marking purpose.

Fig 5.2 Inner side of dish end Fig 5.3 Outer side of dish end

procedure is
process is
initiated. According to nozzle dimension swaging process
is carried out on small or big punching press.

211268 CHAPTER-5

Fig 5.4 Swaging process

Once swaging process is completed on all nozzles marking then bevel cutting process is
initiated by CNC bevel cutting machine. The progamme of path cutting is prefix in computer.
For one bevel angle cutting it takes 6-10 minutes.

Fig 5.5 Bevel

cutting of swaging parts

Simultaneously on other machine top

part of nozzle are cut down according to dimension.

Fig 5.6 Bevel cutting

of top part

After that nozzle top part mount on swaging part and if that is high of nozzle is longer than
drawing dimension than grinding process is carried out on swaging portion until high is

211268 CHAPTER-5

match with actual dimension. Once it is completed than level of nozzle check with leveller
and weld that two portion by GTAW process. The angle v groove is between 45 to 55 degree
is acceptable and gap between them is 3-4 mm from its bottom side.

Fig 5.7 Initial

joint of nozzle top part with bottom

Once 3 TIG joints are completed dish is carried for further welding process. Root pass is
done by GTAW process. According to thickness of nozzle decide how many passes of
different welding process are required. For example, if nozzle thickness is 16 mm or less than
that than 2 pass of GTAW and remaining pass are of GMAW. if nozzle thickness is 17-18
mm than 2 pass of GTAW ,1pass of SMAW and remaining passes are of GMAW.

From previous studied company decide current and voltage for each pass and make their own
WPS procedure and they thoroughly follow it.

Type of welding Diameter of Current (A) Voltage (V)

process [pass(x)] electrode
GTAW (1) 2 80-180 8-12
GTAW (2) 2 120-150 11-14
SMAW (1) 3.15 100-150 21-25
SMAW (2) 4 140-200 23-30
GMAW (1) 1.2 200-250 21-23
GMAW (2) 1.2 220-280 25-28
GMAW (3) 1.2 250-300 27-30

Table 5.1 Values of current and voltage of different welding process for each pass

211268 CHAPTER-5

In this project our most of time spent in robotic welding shop and fabrication way -2 where
defects are repair by worker. Once GTAW and SMAW are over, dish is passing to robotic
welding department where remaining grove is filled with GMAW process.

Robotic department have 2 KUKA KR30 L16 robots. They have 6 degrees of freedom. There
are 2 positioner capacity of 6.3 tons and 2 degrees of freedom. Dish is preciously mounted on
positioner and marking process is start by robot operator. Robot operator defines the path for
welding and it takes several hours.

Fig 5.8 Positioner with top dish end mounted on it

Fig 5.9 KUKA KR30 L16 robot

211268 CHAPTER-6

CHAPTER-6 Welding Defects Observation and It’s

Causes and Remedies

211268 CHAPTER-6

Fig 6.1 Types of welding defects

Fig 6.2 Slag Inclusion

Majority of defets were found during GMAW process. Only slag inclusion happen during
SMAW process.

6.1 Burn-Through: Results when too much heat causes excessive weld metal to penetrate
the weld zone. Often lumps of metal sag through the weld, creating a thick globular condition
on the back of the weld. These globs of metal are referred to as icicles. On a radiograph,
burn-through appears as dark spots, which are often surrounded by light globular areas

 Causes: Excessive heat is the primary cause of burn through. Having too large of a
root opening on the weld joint can also result in burn through.
 Cures: If burn through occurs, lowering the voltage or wire feed speed can help
rectify the problem. Increasing travel speed helps, too, especially when welding on
aluminum, which is prone to heat build-up. If a wide root opening is the suspected
cause of burn-through, increasing the wire extension and/or using a weaving
technique during welding can help minimize heat input and the potential for burn

211268 CHAPTER-6

6.2 Porosity: It is the result of gas entrapment in the solidifying metal Porosity can take
many shapes on a radiograph but often appears as dark round or irregular spots or specks
appearing singularly, in clusters, or in rows. Sometimes, porosity is elongated and may
appear to have a tail. This is the result of gas attempting to escape while the metal is still in a
liquid state and is called wormhole porosity. All porosity is a void in the material and it will
have a higher radiographic density than the surrounding area.

 Causes: The cylinder is out of gas, The presence of moisture can lead to problems,
Plugged or restricted gas metal arc welding (GMAW) gun nozzles, The GMAW gun
is laid at an angle, SMAW electrodes, FCAW electrodes, and submerged arc welding
(SAW) flux absorb moisture, The gas flow is too high, proportion of gases is
 Cures: Choosing suitable electrode and filler materials. Checking the gas flow meter
and ensure that it is adapted as needed with appropriate pressure and flow settings.
Make sure that arc distance is correct. Cleaning the metal before starting the welding
process. Individual cleaning and prevention of pollution from entering the weld zone.

6.3 Incomplete penetration (IP) or lack of penetration (LOP): Occurs when

the weld metal fails to penetrate the joint. It is one of the most objectionable weld
discontinuities. Lack of penetration allows natural stress riser from which a crack may
propagate. The appearance on a radiograph is a dark area with well-defined, straight edges
that follows the land or root face down the centre of the weldment.

 Causes: Insufficient heat input and improper joint preparation are the main causes of
incomplete joint penetration. The shielding gas mixture and wire diameter can also be
a factor.
 Cures: There are several cures for incomplete joint penetration, including using
higher wire feed speed and/or voltages. Reducing travel speed also allows more weld

211268 CHAPTER-6

metal to penetrate the joint, as does preparing and designing the joint properly. The
joint should allow the welding operator to maintain the proper welding wire extension
(no more than 1/2 inch beyond the nozzle) and still access the bottom of the weld
joint. Make sure that the shielding gas or gas mixture, wire type and diameters are
recommended for the application.

6.4 Incomplete Fusion: is a condition where the weld filler metal does not properly fuse
with the base metal Appearance on radiograph usually appears as a dark line or lines oriented
in the direction of the weld seam along the weld preparation or joining area

 Causes: Most often the cause of incomplete fusion is an incorrect gun angle, although
contaminants on the base metal can also cause this weld flaw. In some instances,
insufficient heat can be the culprit.
 Cures: First, clean the base metal properly prior to welding, making sure it is free of
dirt, oil, grease or other debris. Next, welding operators should place their GMAW
gun at an angle of zero to 15 degrees in order to access the groove of the weld joint
fully and keep the arc on the leading edge of the weld puddle. Increase travel speed as
necessary to keep the arc from getting too far ahead of the weld puddle. For joints
requiring a weaving technique, holding the arc on the sidewall for a moment can help
prevent incomplete fusion. Make certain, too, that there is enough heat input to fuse
the weld metal and base metal fully. Increase the voltage range and adjust the wire
feed speed as necessary to complete the weldment.

6.5 Internal or root undercut: It is an erosion of the base metal next to the root of the
weld. In the radiographic image it appears as a dark irregular line offset from the centreline of
the weldment. Undercutting is not as straight edged as LOP because it does not follow a
ground edge.

 Causes: Excessive heat, as well as poor welding techniques, can both lead to
undercutting on a weld joint.

211268 CHAPTER-6

 Cures: Reducing the welding current and voltage is the first step to rectifying
undercutting. Using a weaving technique in which the welding operator pauses
slightly at each side of the weld bead can also help prevent this weld flaw. Additional
cures include reducing travel speed to a rate that allows the weld metal to fill out the
joint completely and adjusting the angle of the GMAW gun to point more directly
toward the weld joint.

6.6 External or crown undercut: is an erosion of the base metal next to the crown of
the weld. the radiograph, it appears as a dark irregular line along the outside edge of the weld

6.7 Slag inclusions: These are non-metallic solid material entrapped in weld metal or
between weld and base metal. In a radiograph, dark, jagged asymmetrical shapes within the
weld or along the weld joint areas are indicative of slag inclusions.

 Causes: there are numerous reasons behind slag inclusions types of flux coating used,
welding parameters such as amperage, welding speed and poor welding techniques.

 Cures: Increase current density and increase the arc stop period. Adjust the welding
speed, don't let occur the situation of mixture between slag and the weld pool or slag
flows forward in the melting zone Clean up the edge and get rid of all slags of the
previous welding layers before welding Make an appropriate adjustment for the
electrode angle and electrode travel rate Reducing rapid cooling of the weld pool

211268 CHAPTER-6

211268 CHAPTER-7

CHAPTER-7 GMAW Data Collection

and Analysing

211268 CHAPTER-7

As per company WPS, GMAW process is carried out by robots. Voltage and current is
mentioned above in previous table __. the value of gas flow rate is 20-22 litre per minute and
nozzle should we clean by worker after each pass.

The below table showed working range of welding parameters for 1.2 mm ER70S-6 filler
wire. Those mentioned all data are experimental proven by https://www.esab.com/, during
experiments they used 75% Ar + 25%CO2 as shielding gas. In HLEGLASCAOT they use
spray transfer mode as metal transfer mode in GMAW process because it is most effective
method of metal transfer method among others.

Company used AISI/AWS A5.18 & ASME SFA 5.18 ER 70S-6 copper coated filler wire
which is manufactured by Lincoln electric private ltd.

Table 7.1 Spray Transfer Welding Parameters

211268 CHAPTER-7

Table 7.2 Job No. S-20745

211268 CHAPTER-7

Table 7.3 Job No. S-20740

211268 CHAPTER-7

211268 CHAPTER-7

Table 7.4 Job No. S-20741

211268 CHAPTER-7

Table 7.5 Job No. S-20744

211268 CHAPTER-7

Table 7.6 Job No. S-20742

211268 CHAPTER-7

Table 7.7 Job No. S-20780

New Welding Parameters for GMAW:

Welding parameters for Test piece -1 ID (150mm) TH-18mm

Name of parameters Previously New

voltage (V) 21-23 24-25
25-28 27.5-28.5
27-30 26-27.5
ampere (A) 200-250 240-255
220-280 310-325
250-300 275-290
Gas flow rate (litre per minute) 20-22 20-22

84% Ar+ 14%

Shielding gas composition 82% Ar+ 18% CO2
Co2+ 2% o2

18 13
Contact tip to work piece distance
13 8
8 3
0.19 0.19
Travel speed (m/min)
0.16 0.16
0.1 0.1

211268 CHAPTER-7

Table 7.8 Welding Parameters for 1st Test Piece

Fig 7.1 RT Test Piece 1-a Fig 7.2 RT Test Piece 1-b

211268 CHAPTER-7

Fig 7.3 RT Test Piece 1-c

RT result for test is shown below. The results for this test piece are ok this there is no defect
found during radiography.

Welding parameters for Test piece -2 ID (150mm) TH-20mm

Name of parameters Previously New

voltage (V) 21-23 25-26
25-28 27.6-28.5
27-30 29-29.5
ampere (A) 200-250 225-265
220-280 255-315
250-300 282-320
gas flow rate (liter per minute) 20-22 20-22
84% Ar+ 14%
shielding gas composition 82% Ar+ 18% CO2
Co2+ 2% o2
18 17
contact tip to work piece distance (mm) 13 12
8 7
0.19 0.175
travel speed (m/min) 0.16 0.15
0.1 0.11
0.7-0.745 0.8-0.825
wire feed speed (m/min) 0.75-0.815 0.840-0.850
0.81-0.915 0.89-0.940
Reduce frequency of weaving

211268 CHAPTER-7

Table 7.9 Welding

parameters for 2nd Test Piece

Fig 7.4 Test Piece 2-a Fig 7.5 Test Piece 2-b

Fig 7.6 Test Piece 2-c

211268 CHAPTER-8

CHAPTER-8 Conclusion

211268 CHAPTER-8

8.1 Overall Analysis:

 As per my observation during internship program welding defects are major issues for
company nowadays and they try to minimize them by applying different approaches.
 In all welding processes there are several defects are produced every day and if worker
take care of some processes like clean of weld pass after every run, use proper welding
position according welding methods, proper baking of electrode, with root backing and
do their job with some patients then one third of total ratio of defects will reduce.
 The two test pieces that were subjected to the GMAW process with improved welding
settings passed the RT and UT tests.
 The new shielding gas proportion is helpful in reducing porosity effect, possibly due to
the removal of oxygen gas, and we intentionally make 3-3 cuts on both groove surface
approximately 2-3mm deep, but they are all completely filled with filler material and no
lack of fusion or other defects have occurred because of changed welding parameters.

8.2 Problem Encountered:

 GMAW is done by robot though it is not fully automize shop.

 Whenever there is new top dish is arrived even it have same capacity though robotic
worker have to define new path data for every nozzle and set stick out distance and
weaving length according to remaining thickness and width, respectively.
 Moreover, there is groove gap in not uniform over periphery of nozzles because of
swaging process and this causes excessive weld reinforcement and external undercut on
some are of nozzle circumference.

8.3 Limitation and future work:

 Robotic GMAW process can fill weld material up to 18 mm beyond that limit nozzle is
completely touch with nozzle surface and it will damage nozzle.
 Resolve the problem for uneven groove size because of swaging phenomenon
 There should be predefining path for GMAW for each size of nozzles with same capacity
of top dish.
 After GTAW/SMAW passes on nozzles there should be minimum variance (2-4 mm)
in remaining groove height.

211268 CHAPTER-8

8.4 Learning Outcome:

 We learned about different department of the industry.
 We learned in detail about processes taking place in various department.
 We learned a little about any industry’s work culture.
 We learned about how one should keep their healthy relation with their fellow mates in
the industry.
 We learned about small loop holes that every company have.
 We also learned many things from other group’s project and their approach towards
finding the best possible solution to minimize the problem.
 We also learnt about how company was established and a brief history of it, how is it
performing in present years and how it may perform in future.
 We also learnt about how important is keeping a healthy relation on international level
for a company.
 We also learnt about how a company competes with their competitors and how it
establishes themselves as the best in global market.

211268 References

Jaya Chitra R. Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of
Technology “Productivity improvement in Robot welding through experimentation by
varying process parameters” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 6 No. 3
October-December, 2021

Jeff Nadzam, Senior Application Engineer, Frank Armao, Senior Application Engineer
Damian Kotecki, Ph.D. “Gas Metal Arc Welding Guidelines” (BOOK) by Lincoln electric
private limited

Prof. Purvi Chauhan, Dr. Amit Trivedi, Prof. K. D. Bhatt, Mr. Hemant V. Suthar “Defect
Analysis in Dish End and Nozzle Joint of Reactor Vessel” National Conference on Recent
Trends in Engineering & Technology,13-14 May 2011

Rahul Ram Chandrasekaran, Michael J. Benoit, Jeff M. Barrett, Adrian P. Gerlich, “Multi-
variable statistical models for predicting bead geometry in gas metal arc welding” The
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, November 2019

Shashank Soni, Ravindra Mohan, Lokesh Bajpai, S K Katare “Reduction of welding defects
using six sigma techniques” International journal of mechanical engineering and robotic
research Vol. 2, No. 3, July 2013

S.J. yan, S.K. Ong, A.Y.C. nee “Optimal pass planning for robotic welding of large
dimension joints with deep grooves” 9th International Conference on Digital Enterprise
Technology - DET 2016 – “Intelligent Manufacturing in the Knowledge Economy Era”

Yanling Xu, Na Lv, Gu Fang, Shanfeng Du, Wenjun Zhao “Welding seam tracking in robotic
gas metal arc welding” Journal of Materials Processing Technology Volume 248, October





211268 References


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