15 湖泊的卫星测高研究
15 湖泊的卫星测高研究
15 湖泊的卫星测高研究
For more than 10 years, satellite radar altimetry has been a successful technique for monitoring the variation in elevation of
continental surface water, such as inland seas, lakes, rivers, and more recently wetland zones. The surface water level is measured
within a terrestrial reference frame with a repeatability varying from 10 to 35 days depending on the orbit cycle of the satellite.
With several decades of technique refinement, current data processing can be fairly simple or complex depending on the mission
and the instrument tracking methods. Data acquisition is not affected by weather conditions, but the technique can have a number
of limitations. Rapidly varying topography or complex terrain may inhibit the retrieval of good elevation data. The instruments
can only operate in a profiling mode and do not have a true global view. Stage accuracies are also dependent on target size and
surface roughness, which will limit worldwide surveying and limnological applications. However, there is the scope for systematic
continental scale monitoring and the provision of new stage information where gauge data is absent. The technique is sufficiently
advanced to have enabled a number of inland water case studies. Focussing on the large lakes, the links between lake evolution and
the local climate cycle on seasonal to interannual timescales have been explored, and water storage balance for water management
has also been brought into focus. Typically altimetric stage measurements can range in accuracy from a few centimetres (e.g., Great
Lakes, USA) to tens of centimetres (e.g., Lake Chad, Africa), depending on size and wind conditions. In the case of the Aral Sea,
contributing E-P (1.5 km3 yr−1 ), river run-off (3.0 km3 yr−1 ) and altimetry (1.5 km3 yr−1 ) errors combine to give a ∼3.5 km3 yr−1
water mass balance error. Of particular interest are those lakes in arid and semi-arid regions where water is an essential economical
resource. Anthropogenic influences (irrigation and the construction of dams) may strongly affect lake and inland sea evolution or
affect the global water cycle in general, noting the worldwide development of large reservoirs over the last 50 years. With regards
to societal and economic issues then, this article reviews several of the case studies focussing on the Aral and Caspian Seas, and
Lakes Issykkul and Chad. To cite this article: J.-F. Crétaux, C. Birkett, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).
© 2006 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Altimétrie satellitaire sur les lacs. Depuis plus de 10 ans, l’altimétrie satellitaire est une technique utilisée pour le suivi des
variations de niveau des eaux continentales, telles que les lacs, les rivières, ou encore les zones inondées. Le niveau d’eau est
mesuré avec une répétitivité de 10 à 35 jours selon le type d’orbite utilisé, et il est exprimé dans un système de référence terrestre
ellipsoïdal. En fonction du type de la mission et du mode de fonctionnement des instruments en orbite, le traitement des mesures
altimétriques est plus ou moins compliqué. Si la technique présente de nombreux avantages, entre autres de ne pas être affectée par
les conditions météorologiques, comme dans le cas, par exemple, de l’imagerie satellitaire optique, elle peut toutefois présenter un
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: Jean-francois.Cretaux@cnes.fr (J.-F. Crétaux), cbirkett@umd.edu (C. Birkett).
1631-0713/$ – see front matter © 2006 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
J.-F. Crétaux, C. Birkett / C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006) 1098–1112 1099
certain nombre de limitations. Une topographie de surface aux alentours de la zone à étudier qui serait trop irrégulière peut, par
exemple, restreindre fortement le nombre de mesures de qualité satisfaisante. Par ailleurs, les altimètres fournissant une mesure
exactement au nadir du satellite, leur couverture spatiale dépend de l’espacement entre deux traces au sol, et ils ne permettent pas
une vue d’ensemble de la Terre. Pour ces raisons, la précision des mesures effectuées par le biais de l’altimétrie satellitaire n’est
pas homogène, et dépend, dans une large mesure, de la dimension des objets ciblés, de la rugosité de surface, limitant ainsi une
surveillance globale de la Terre. Toutefois, cette technique est suffisamment avancée aujourd’hui et offre un potentiel intéressant
pour le suivi systématique de l’eau de surface à l’échelle continentale, en particulier dans les nombreux cas d’objets non mesurés
par des instruments au sol. Par exemple, les liens entre l’évolution des grands lacs et les effets climatiques à différentes échelles
spatio-temporelles ont été étudiés, ainsi que des bilans hydrologiques dans certains cas spécifiques. À titre d’exemple, l’altimétrie
permet un suivi régulier des grands lacs américains, avec une précision de l’ordre de quelques centimètres. Pour d’autres lacs,
comme le lac Tchad, la précision obtenue à travers diverses études est de l’ordre de 10 cm. Dans un autre cas, celui de la mer
d’Aral, de telles précisions ont permis d’établir, de façon assez précise, le bilan hydrologique au cours de la dernière décennie, et
de faire un bilan d’erreur détaillé (en combinant les valeurs suivantes : évaporation moins précipitations, 1,5 km3 an−1 , débit des
fleuves, 3 km3 an−1 , altimétrie, 3 km3 an−1 , on obtient une précision de l’ordre de 3,5 km3 an−1 du bilan hydrologique total).
Pour des régions extrêmement arides, comme l’Asie centrale, ce type l’évaluation des ressources en eaux est d’une importance
capitale. Par ailleurs, les activités humaines ont une grande influence sur les eaux continentales par le biais de l’irrigation et de la
construction de grands barrages. Le cycle global de l’eau peut en être affecté, notamment avec le grand développement, au cours de
ces dernières années, de projets de barrages le long de tous les grands fleuves de la planète. Cet article fait le point sur l’utilisation
de l’altimétrie satellitaire pour les eaux continentales, dans le cadre de ces questions d’actualités liées à la gestion de l’eau et aux
changements climatiques, en se focalisant sur quelques cas caractéristiques, comme les mers d’Aral et Caspienne, les lacs Tchad
et Issykkul. Pour citer cet article : J.-F. Crétaux, C. Birkett, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).
© 2006 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Altimetry; Lakes; Climate change; Water management; Central Asia; Lake Chad
Mots-clés : Altimétrie ; Lacs ; Changements climatiques ; Gestion de l’eau ; Asie centrale ; Lac Tchad
temperature, saturated and air vapour pressure, wind, 1.2. Behaviour of lakes under hydrological condition
etc.). Other ‘empirical’ methods (more than 30 such changes
methods exist in the literature) are more frequently used
[24,49]. Groundwater flux between lake and subsur- The volume of stored water will vary with time ac-
face is also difficult to measure, but can be acquired cording to changes in the hydrological budget. Under a
through the use of seepage minipiezometers [49] or constant climate scenario, the volume will tend towards
modelling the groundwater flow system. Operation of an equilibrium level over a given time period, display-
minipiezometers does not permit continuous monitor- ing a perfect balance between inflow and outflow [33].
ing, while modelling requires many tests and complex If one of the components varies, for example, the lake
geological investigations. As a consequence, ground- level will change to compensate and reach a steady state.
water fluxes are generally considered as negligible or If a further change in water balance occurs before the
defined as a constant value in the water budget equation. lake has reached its equilibrium level, then the lake will
Measurement of precipitation via rain gauge presents find a new equilibrium state. Lakes and reservoirs will
another large uncertainty. The problem is due to high thus exhibit seasonal changes in surface area and level
variability in space and time and the paucity of gauge due to proportional changes in precipitation and evapo-
locations. The problem is generally amplified over lakes ration. Mason et al. [33] stated that for the 200 largest
because of the inability to measure rain directly over its lakes, one can use lake level and area variations to moni-
surface area, and precipitation on the shoreline and on tor climate variation via an ‘aridity index’, which ranges
the lake can differ markedly for large lakes. In some in value from 0, for very arid lakes, to 1, for lakes sit-
cases, lake evaporation can return to the lake as precipi- uated in humid zones. The authors’ formalised sets of
tation. Several of the large African lakes have greater di- relations between the equilibrium return time and the
rect lake precipitation (Victoria by 30%, Tanganyika by lake geomorphology. Through these relations, the lake
20%) than over their catchments areas. Global precipi- level records alone could then be used to compute the
tation databases (constructed by meteorological centres aridity index variation and therefore note the chang-
such as the ECMWF or the NCEP) do exist and are ing climatic conditions in the lake basin. Note though
freely available on the Worldwide Web, though discrep- that there is scope for erroneous interpretation if human
ancies with published climatologies are apparent. For activities are the source of the original lake volume per-
example, comparison between NCEP and a climatology turbation.
published by New et al. [36] for Lake Issykkul (Kirgizs- Nonetheless, the assessment of lake water balance
tan) and Lake Titicaca (Peru) reveals a factor-2 differ- could provide improved knowledge of regional and
ence between the annual average precipitation. A large global climate change and a quantification of the hu-
literature database exists for the Aral Sea, but differ- man stress on water resources across all continents. The
ences of up to 100% exist between different sets of pre- choice of the lake is an important factor. Hostetler [24]
cipitation [14]. Satellite missions such as TRMM and noted that deep and steep side lakes are good proxies for
the future GPM may offer precipitation datasets in the high-amplitude/low-frequency changes, while shallow
future. water basins are better target for rapid low-amplitude
Surface water flow, measured by runoff gauge instru- changes. The latter are extremely sensitive for revealing
ments on many river systems is often not available for decreased water input and rising evaporation.
many rivers entering or leaving lakes. Maintaining such Observation of many lakes in different climatic and
a device is expensive and many rivers in the world are regional zones can be utilised to discriminate between
not monitored or the data not released into the public do- global and regional climate and anthropogenic phenom-
main. Braided streams are difficult to gauge, and uncer- ena occurring on different time and spatial scales. For
tainties can be added to the hydrological water balance example, some lakes located in the Andean Mountains
when gauges are installed too far upstream (in case of are sensitive to ENSO sequences being more sensi-
delta like in the Aral Sea [14] or when the gauges ceased tive to precipitation variations in a humid region. Other
to work operationally (Lake Chad [12]). Although no lakes are more affected by global warming in the form
satellite-based instruments can monitor changes in stor- of changing glacier feed. Examples include Lakes Ar-
age volume, there exist now many imaging and altimet- gentino and Viedma, located at the border of Chile and
ric instruments with capabilities to map a real extent and Argentina [13,15,51].
to monitor the variation in lake stage, respectively. This The East African Rift region, covered by a dense net-
presents new opportunities to better determine the water work of natural lakes and some regulated reservoirs is
mass balance, particularly for poorly gauged regions. also of interest. Here, lakes are not only influenced by
J.-F. Crétaux, C. Birkett / C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006) 1098–1112 1101
global climatic conditions, but affect the regional cli- from the ecological consequences, problems associated
mate themselves due to their size. Nicholson and Yin with economic expenditure will also arise. Increasing
[37] have shown that precipitation over Lake Victoria is temperatures in mountainous regions will accelerate the
greater than over its catchment area by more than 30%. thaw of snow and glaciers, affecting both lake level and
However, the main components of water balance (evap- salinity, while in coastal regions variations in riverine
oration and precipitation) for the East African lakes are outflow could affect heat exchange impacting thermal
still very uncertain and assessment of water balance stratification and mixing dynamics [38,39]. The effects
and connection to regional climate variability is an on- of climate change are still uncertain however, but the
going debate [6,37]. Based on seven years of satellite sustainable preservation of lakes worldwide depends on
radar altimetry data from the TOPEX/Poseidon mission the extensive understanding of the processes that gov-
and the utilisation of precipitation data over East Africa ern their potential evolution and the monitoring of these
and the Indian Ocean, Mercier et al. [34] showed ev- bodies via remote sensing.
idences of hydrometeorological linkages between the The construction of reservoirs over the last 50 years
Indian Ocean sea-surface temperature (SST) and pre- and the potential effects on sea level rise have been dis-
cipitation effects over the East African continent, and cussed by Shiklomanov et al. [44] and Gornitz [20]. On
the changes in lake levels. New satellite radar altimetry a global scale, it could be assumed that reservoirs act as
missions (Jason, GFO, and Envisat) have recently in- simple retainers of water and thus do not contribute to a
creased the number of lakes observable over East Africa general increase in elevation. While Shiklomanov et al.
and climate studies continue. [44] estimated that since 1950 reservoir storage has con-
Arpe et al. [5] showed a strong linkage on a decadal tributed to a sea-level decrease of around 0.3 mm yr−1 ,
time scale between the level variation of the Caspian Gornitz [20] quoted a water loss of 0.56–0.81 mm yr−1
Sea and the El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO). Be- and stressed that seepage loss, evaporation and sedimen-
cause the Volga river discharge (VRD) and the sea evap- tation process are still unknown and associated errors
oration both dictate the evolution of the Caspian Sea can be high. However, the example of the Aral Sea (see
level, the authors showed that the equatorial Pacific SST next sections), which dramatically shrank after 1960
variability could be used to simulate the VRD and via due to the building of irrigation channels and reservoirs
validation exercises showed good correlation with the across its drainage basin, reveals a potential negative ef-
observed discharge. Other decadal climate fluctuations fect on global sea-level rise.
such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) can also significantly 1.3. Present-day lake-level monitoring
change the water circulation in the atmosphere, and so
affect lake level changes across large regions. The NAO The systematic, global monitoring of these water
could prominently influence climate variability over a bodies is becoming a fundamental objective of the in-
continental scale affecting the freshwater ecosystems of ternational community (as faced by United Nations’ or-
Europe, Central Asia and the US. ganisations, numerous governments, and other public
General circulation models (GCM) that have been or private institutions), but the decline in ground-based
developed to assess the effect of the so-called ‘green- gauge information has dramatically increased during the
house effect’ have shown that one of the consequences last decade [2,3,48]. In many regions, the expense of
of global warming would be significant changes in pre- data collection is restricted due to economic reasons,
cipitation and surface temperature [16,50]. This will or the collected data is restricted, being considered as
have an impact on regional hydrology and ultimately sensitive national information. The physical removal of
affect lake and reservoir level. For example, the present- gauges from many lake domains is a common situation
day decrease in the Arctic Lake total surface has been in many parts of the world. Nevertheless observation of
highlighted from a set of satellite images over more than the status of lakes and reservoirs and calculation of their
10 000 lakes in Siberia [47]. For some other locations water balance can be improved with the help of satellite
(e.g., the North American Great Lakes), global warming measurements such as precipitation from the TRMM
could be accompanied by a drop in lake level or increas- mission, and inundated surface extent or lake area from
ing level depending on which GCM is used to determine missions such as AVHRR, Landsat, and MODIS. While
the effect of global warming [32]. Seasonal variation scientists are looking to the GRACE mission to enable
of the Great Lakes are also affected by global warm- estimates of the vertically integrated water mass change
ing, as precipitation and runoff increases in autumn and over large rivers basins, researchers continue to explore
winter, inducing higher extreme lake level [4]. Apart satellite radar altimetry data as a contributor of surface
1102 J.-F. Crétaux, C. Birkett / C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006) 1098–1112
height variability. The techniques are now so well val- over the altimeter footprint. Corrections must be applied
idated that lake and reservoir altimetric measurements to the range measurement, to take into consideration
can be found via several web sites: atmospheric refraction, tidal and electromagnetic bias
effects. No consideration is given to lake tides, which,
• http://www.legos.obs-mip.fr/soa/hydrologie/ with the exception of spring tides (e.g., ∼8 cm for Lake
hydroweb/, Superior), are generally ∼1–2 cm. Random rain events
• http://earth.esa.int/riverandlake/, can also affect the range measurement via attenuation of
• http://www.pecad.fas.usda.gov/cropexplorer/ the altimeter radar pulse. Estimates of the effect of very
global_reservoir/. heavy rain are in the order of some tens of centimetres.
A frozen lake surface may present an additional bias to
Because water storage variability is mainly driven the altimeter range measurement, since radiation pene-
by a combination of meteorological input (precipitation, tration into the ice surface will lead to a larger than true
evaporation) and human water use, there is the need value of the altimeter range and hence to a lower height
though to have both in-situ local and global datasets estimate.
coupled with remote sensing measurements. Radar al- With knowledge of the satellite orbit, the difference
timetry has been the dominant technique for lake-level between the corrected range and the orbit, reveals the
contributions so far although lidar (laser altimetry) also height of the surface above a given reference datum
shows promise [10,22,23]. A number of authors have (the reference ellipsoid). Due to the inhomogeneous
explored the radar application over inland waters, more mass distribution within the Earth, the altimetry mea-
generally [7,35] or to more specific lake basin case surements can be further corrected for the height of the
studies [1,8,10,11,14,34]. These studies show that radar geoid above the ellipsoid of reference [19]. For conti-
altimetry is an effective and powerful technique with nental water bodies, a low-resolution terrestrial geoid
many potential applications: assessment of hydrological like EGM96 can be utilised [31], the data being first av-
water balance [11,14], prediction of lake-level variation eraged across the lake over a given period to remove
[12], studies of anthropogenic impact on lake’s water all periodical and random fluctuations and so reveal a
storage [1], correlation of interannual fluctuation of lake more precise Mean Lake Surface (MLS). However, for
level on a regional scale with ocean–atmosphere inter- small lakes, this computation introduces additional er-
action [34]. rors due to lack of averaging data to average properly
Here, we will summarise the principle of the altime- for the geoid slope along and cross track.
try technique and illustrate its potential by reviewing The derivation of time series of surface-height vari-
several test case studies on a diverse selection of wa- ations involves the use of repeat track methods. This
ter bodies. methodology employs the use of a mean (reference)
lake height profile. This is derived from averaging all
2. Altimetry: principles and error budget height profiles across the lake expanse within a given
time interval, effectively smoothing out the varying ef-
A full discussion of the derivation of altimetric fects of tide and wind set-up. The height difference be-
heights and their associated errors can be found else- tween the reference pass and each repeat pass enables
where [7]. A summary is provided here. the time series of lake-height variation to be created.
The altimeter transmits a short microwave pulse in To date, a number of satellite radar altimeter mis-
the nadir direction, and the resulting echo reflected by sions have been launched. Table 1 lists their temporal
the surface is examined in the time domain. The time coverage, repeat periods, spatial coverage with respect
for the pulse to be reflected back to the altimeter cor- to large lakes and reservoirs. Overall, stage accuracies
responds to the distance (or ‘range’) between satellite range from a few to tens of centimetres. Minimum target
and earth surface [19]. The altimetric height H of a sizes are dependent on a number of factors, including
non-ocean surface is determined by the difference be- footprint size, topography complexity and instrument
tween the satellite orbit (Alt) and the altimeter range tracking logic. Table 1 gives approximations for each al-
Rcorr measurement, with a final correction for earth tide timetric mission, but note that ongoing altimetric range
TE effects. and radar echo interpretation studies are aiming to im-
prove expected elevation accuracy and minimum target
H = Alt − Rcorr − TE
size. Table 2 summarises the estimated rms error bud-
where H is considered with respect to a mathematical get on a single 10-Hz TOPEX/Poseidon (or T/P) height
reference ellipsoid. This surface height is a mean height measurement (taken from [7]). Summing the squares of
J.-F. Crétaux, C. Birkett / C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006) 1098–1112 1103
Table 1
Summary of satellite altimetry general characteristics
Tableau 1
Résumé des caractéristiques générales de l’altimétrie satellitaire
Satellites Operation period Orbital cycle Accuracy Minimum target area and width
ERS2 1995–2002 35 days >9 cm rms >100 km2 > 500 m
ENVISAT >2002 35 days >9 cm rms >100 km2 > 500 m
T/P 1992–2005 10 days >3 cm rms >100 km2 > 500 m
Jason-1 >2002 10 days >3 cm rms >100 km2 > 500 m
Table 2 nitude higher than the total error budget. Ongoing re-
Total error budget for lake height search is examining the trade-off between minimum tar-
Tableau 2 get size observable and acceptable height accuracy for
Erreur totale budgétée pour la hauteur du lac the various hydrological applications.
Contribution Root-mean-square (cm)
NASA orbit 3.5* 3. Case studies
Range precision (variable)
Embias plus skewness 2 + 1.2
Earth tide 1 3.1. The lakes of Central Asia
Dry troposphere 0.7
Wet troposphere, ECMWF/TMR 3/1.2 Fig. 1 depicts the lakes and reservoirs of Central
Ionosphere, DORIS 1.7 Asia that are overpassed by satellite altimetry. Both
Minimum total (TMR/ECMWF) 4.85/5.57
the larger (Small and Big Aral, Issykkul, Balkhash)
Abbreviations are ECMWF, European Centre for Medium-Range
and smaller lakes and reservoirs (Sarykamish, Kap-
Weather Forecasts; TMR, TOPEX microwave radiometer; and DO-
RIS, Doppler orbitography and radiopositioning integrated by satel- shagoyskoye, Toktogul, Chardarya, Aydarkul, Karakul)
lite. can be observed with the altimeter.
* The removal of geographically correlated orbit error components
This figure illustrates the potential of altimetry in
via the use of repeat track techniques may reduce this value. large basins water monitoring, in particular in regions
where in-situ data are lacking, or not available. We are
the individual rms values derives the total height er- going to show how altimetry can be used to explore
ror. The range precision will be improved, as a mean various water-resource situations in this Central Asian
lake height (across the profile) is determined, effectively region.
averaging all valid height measurements (N) from coast-
line to coastline. 3.1.1. Aral Sea
The accuracy of a single lake’s height measurement The Aral Sea is located in an arid zone, characterised
then will vary depending on the knowledge of the range, by marked differences between summer and winter tem-
the orbit and the various corrections. Range precision peratures and has low precipitation all year round. Evap-
will vary according to the surface roughness and the se- oration is approximately ten times greater than precipi-
lected satellite mission, as more complex tracking logic tation, the sea being maintained at equilibrium by the in-
and algorithms try to maximize the quantity of data col- flowing waters of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya. These
lected over continental surfaces. In practice then, it is two rivers originally provided around 60 km3 yr−1 of
important to note that altimetric height measurements fresh water, roughly half of their total capacity. Around
are an average (across the effective footprint and across 1960, a decision was made to develop an intensive cot-
the lake profile) and in this way differ from a single- ton and rice economy. In such an arid zone, irrigation
spot height at a given location provided by a traditional provided the means to reach the planned agricultural
gauge. Validation exercises with ground-based gauge objectives of the Soviet Union government. Large-scale
data give some measure of the expected accuracy for development of ground infrastructure (irrigation chan-
a similar target type and size. Comparison of T/P and nels, reservoirs) began and the extent of the irrigated
Jason results with gauge data for the Great Lakes, for area increased from 4 billion to 8 billion hectares. The
example, shows an accuracy ∼3–5 cm rms [45]. Al- volume of water utilised for irrigation increased up to
though this accuracy will reduce for smaller lakes, the about 100 km3 yr−1 . The effect on the level of the Aral
derived level variations are generally an order of mag- Sea was drastic, dropping from +53 m (above the 0
1104 J.-F. Crétaux, C. Birkett / C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006) 1098–1112
Fig. 1. Central Asian lakes and reservoirs monitored by satellite altimetry (http://www.legos.obs-mip.fr/soa/hydrologie/hydroweb/; the image is
constituted from a mosaic of Landsat images taken in 1990).
Fig. 1. Lacs et réservoirs d’Asie centrale observés par altimétrie satellitaire (http://www.legos.obs-mip.fr/soa/hydrologie/hydroweb/ ; l’image est
constituée à partir d’une mosaïque d’images Landsat collectées dans les années 1990).
Baltic sea level) in 1960 to +40 m in 1989. This de- be further assessed by hydrogeological modelling and
crease led to the separation of the sea into two lakes, more accurate data on the evaporation and precipitation
the ‘Small Aral’ to the north and the ‘Big Aral’ to the rates.
south. From 1989 to 2005, Small and Big Aral were Even if this can be accurately established, the ground-
separated and evolved in different ways. With the T/P water flow will likely only slow the desiccation of the
altimeter, which overpasses both new distinct lakes, it Big Aral. To reverse the process or even to stabilise the
was possible to measure precisely the level variations sea level to the level of the mid 1990s would require
from 1992 until now. The elevation of the Big Aral more underground flow than it could be even supplied
reached a low of +30 m in 2004 [14]. The correspond- in the most optimistic scenarios [14].
ing decrease in surface extent and volume was 67 000 For Small Aral, the situation since 1989 is radically
km2 and 1083 km3 in 1960 [9] to 16 000 km2 and different. It has continued to be fed by the Syr Darya
100 km3 in 2004 [14]. The difference between evapo- River, and has dried up at a lower rate than its counter-
ration and precipitation for the Big Aral represents an part. There are two main explanations: first the area of
average loss of 25–30 km3 yr−1 over the last decade, the basin is much smaller, which diminishes the effect
while river discharge from Amu Darya have varied from of evaporation, and secondly, during the years 1992 to
0 to 15 km3 yr−1 in the 1990s. Overall, the Big Aral 1999 a dam was built in the Berg’s strait (see Fig. 3),
shrank during this period at a rate of 60 to 80 cm yr−1 . which stopped the loss of water from the Syr Darya into
Satellite remote sensing also allowed a method of the desert. This dam was destroyed (and rebuilt) three
exploring the complex new hydrology. Using a com- times during this period.
bination of precise digital bathymetry map (DBM) of Aladin et al. [1] demonstrated that during the pe-
the basin with level variation deduced from altimetry, riod (1993–1999), the existence of the dam allowed
Crétaux et al. [14] computed the resulting volume vari- some restoration of the Small Aral. They computed that
ation of the Big Aral Sea for the period 1993–2004. during periods of dam absence, only 20% of the river
They showed that the reduction of the lake volume as runoff as measured at Kazalinsk (Fig. 3) reached the
measured by T/P, GFO and Jason is smaller than that sea. The rest was lost by evaporation in the delta and
deduced from examination of the hydrological budget in the desert, as well as by underground infiltration and
(Fig. 2). There are errors within both methods, but the probably by some inflow to the Big Aral through the
possibility of an additional positive water inflow to Big Berg’s strait. This computation (with uncertainties ∼20
Aral (5 km3 yr−1 [14]) via significant underground wa- to 25%) was fully based on comparison of volume vari-
ter inflow cannot be ignored. This conjecture needs to ations deduced from a combination of altimetry and
J.-F. Crétaux, C. Birkett / C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006) 1098–1112 1105
Fig. 2. Big Aral Sea volume variations, deduced from in-situ measurements and from altimetry data [14].
Fig. 2. Variations de volume de la grande mer d’Aral déduite de mesures in situ et de l’altimétrie [14].
Fig. 4. Volume variations of the Small Aral Sea deduced from satellite altimetry (black stars) and from hydrological in-situ measurements (triangles).
Amount of runoff data from the Syr Darya River to the Small Aral Sea have been adjusted considering initial values measured in Kazalinsk
(from [1]).
Fig. 4. Variations de volume de la Petite Aral déduites de l’altimétrie (étoiles noires) et de mesures in situ (triangles). Les débits totaux du Syr
Darya dans la Petite Aral ont été ajustés en considérant les valeurs initiales mesurées à Kazalinsk (d’après [1]).
catchment area is immense, covering an area of 2.5 × as one means of coping with the current situation. This
106 km2 . The climate in the vicinity of the lake is practice utilises the moist soil bed revealed by the re-
semi-arid in the south and arid in the north, with a dry treating floodwater to harvest a number of differing
season occurring between October and April. A short crops. As the waters rise, fishing replaces farming until
wet season (typically 550 mm yr−1 in the south and the waters once again decline, and the harvesting cycle
250 mm yr−1 in the north) occurs between May and commences [42]. Recent studies [8,43] have discussed
August. Approximately 90% of the lake’s water stems the plight of Lake Chad and have shown how remote
from the Chari/Logone river systems. These rivers have sensing technology can monitor the ever-changing in-
their origins in Cameroon and the Central African Re- undation conditions. The areal extent and duration of
public, where there are more humid zones with rain- the floodwaters were observed via image analysis using
fall from May to September. The remaining 10% stems the NOAA/AVHRR LAC dataset. The variation of the
from local precipitation, and from the El Beid and Ko- water level, within the permanent lake waters, the in-
madougou Yobé Rivers [17,18,28]. The lake is classed flowing rivers, and the surrounding marsh lands were
as ‘closed’, referring to zero water outflow, although observed over a 10-year period using data from the
[28] reports losses as high as 21% via ground water TOPEX/Poseidon mission (1992–2002). With an ac-
seepage, which occurs in the Southwest of the lake curacy 10 cm rms, the altimetry revealed seasonal
basin. With low humidity, high temperatures, and shal- water-level variations of the order of 0.5–6 m and there
low lake depths (mean ∼5 m), ∼80% of the lake’s water was a notable rise in minimum levels, 15–35 cm yr−1
is lost through evaporation [40], with associated annual within the lake basin (Fig. 13). Peak-level phase lags
water-level variations of ∼1–3 m and large fluctuations of 4–5 months were also observed between the head-
of the surface area [25,26]. waters of the Chari/Logone Rivers and the western lake
During the last 40 years, regional precipitation in the marshes. Image results reveal that the permanent lake
region has been reportedly low and there have been no- area is ∼1385 km2 , and that with an accuracy of ∼5%
table droughts between 1968 to 1974 and 1983 to 1985. the surrounding regions have been additionally flood-
This led to the drilling of many uncapped boreholes ing by up to ∼3600 km2 yr−1 (Fig. 12). Despite current
and a large-scale irrigation system was constructed in basin complexities, the synergistic area/level measure-
the south. Both schemes led to high evaporation losses ments corroborate the known hydraulic relationship at
and the irrigation system further failed due to the non- low water levels. Both measurement sets reflect the poor
implementation of contingency plans during the drought inundation years of 1993–1994 and 1997–1998 despite
periods [27]. The reduction in lake surface area, from the indication of a general recovery in regional precipi-
∼25 000 km2 in 1960 to ∼2500 km2 in the mid-1980s tation to the Southeast of the lake.
[21] clearly demonstrates the magnitude of the com- Coe and Birkett [12] developed the work of Birkett
bined effects. There has thus been a slow desiccation [8] by using a combination of gauge and radar altime-
of the lake from the north to the south, and exposed try data, not only to deduce inflowing river discharge,
ancient dunes now dominate the northern and eastern but also to predict in advance the downstream discharge
boundaries of the original coastline. The only remain- and lake level. In particular, the prediction of the wet
ing area of permanent open water exists in the south- season water height on the lake and marshes was of
ern region of the lake basin, where it is surrounded particular interest because the seasonal maximum level
by densely vegetated swamps and smaller pools. Each determines the success of the farming and fishing peo-
year, the Chari/Logone waters flow into the lake basin ple on the southern shore of the basin [43]. The tech-
from the south and gradually move northwards, supply- nique used upstream measurements of surface water
ing the permanent open water and seasonally inundating height from the TOPEX/Poseidon radar altimeter, cal-
the marsh regions. ibrated through simple empirical regression techniques
The diminishment of Lake Chad has had adverse ef- with ground-based gauge height and discharge data, to
fects on both food and water resources. The local pop- estimate the mean monthly river discharge of the Chari
ulation has learned to adapt to the reduced seasonal River at N’Djamena, Chad (about 500 km downstream
inundation of the lake basin, but is vulnerable to both of the altimetric measurements). It also aimed to pre-
droughts and excessive inflows. The lake however re- dict the wet season height of the surface waters within
mains an important source of water and protein (fish) the Lake Chad basin (more than 600 km downstream).
for both the sedentary and nomadic local people. With In the particular case of the Lake Chad Basin, a cal-
a current coastal population of ∼0.75 million, the in- culation of water height directly from satellite height
troduction of flood retreat farming has been employed was more instructive than a general analysis of volume
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