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Leukocyte Complexity

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Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8274.



Leukocyte Complexity Predicts

Breast Cancer Survival and
Functionally Regulates Response to

David G. DeNardo1, Donal J. Brennan2, Elton Rexhepaj2, Brian Ruffell1, Stephen L. Shiao3, Stephen F. Madden4,
William M. Gallagher2, Nikhil Wadhwani1, Scott D. Keil1, Sharfaa A. Junaid1, Hope S. Rugo5,6, E. Shelley
Hwang6,7, Karin Jirström8, Brian L. West9, and Lisa M. Coussens1,6

Immune-regulated pathways influence multiple aspects of cancer development.

In this article we demonstrate that both macrophage abundance and T-cell
abundance in breast cancer represent prognostic indicators for recurrence-free and overall sur-
vival. We provide evidence that response to chemotherapy is in part regulated by these leukocytes;
cytotoxic therapies induce mammary epithelial cells to produce monocyte/macrophage recruit-
ment factors, including colony stimulating factor 1 (CSF1) and interleukin-34, which together en-
hance CSF1 receptor (CSF1R)–dependent macrophage infiltration. Blockade of macrophage
recruitment with CSF1R-signaling antagonists, in combination with paclitaxel, improved survival
of mammary tumor–bearing mice by slowing primary tumor development and reducing pulmonary
metastasis. These improved aspects of mammary carcinogenesis were accompanied by decreased
vessel density and appearance of antitumor immune programs fostering tumor suppression in a
CD8+ T-cell–dependent manner. These data provide a rationale for targeting macrophage recruit-
ment/response pathways, notably CSF1R, in combination with cytotoxic therapy, and identifica-
tion of a breast cancer population likely to benefit from this novel therapeutic approach.

SIGNIFICANCE: These findings reveal that response to chemotherapy is in part regulated by the tumor
immune microenvironment and that common cytotoxic drugs induce neoplastic cells to produce
monocyte/macrophage recruitment factors, which in turn enhance macrophage infiltration into mam-
mary adenocarcinomas. Blockade of pathways mediating macrophage recruitment, in combination with
chemotherapy, significantly decreases primary tumor progression, reduces metastasis, and improves
survival by CD8+ T-cell–dependent mechanisms, thus indicating that the immune microenvironment of
tumors can be reprogrammed to instead foster antitumor immunity and improve response to cytotoxic
therapy. Cancer Discovery; 1(1); 54–67. ©2011 AACR.

Authors’ Affiliations: 1Departments of Pathology, 3Radiation Oncology, Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer
Medicine, and 7Surgery, and 6Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Discovery Online (http://www.aacrjournals.org).
Center, University of California, San Francisco; 2University College Dublin Corresponding Author: Lisa M. Coussens, Department of Pathology,
School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin University of California, San Francisco, 513 Parnassus Avenue, HSW450C,
Conway Institute, Belfield, and 4National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, San Francisco, CA 94143. Phone: 415-502-6318; Fax: 415-514-0878;
Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland; 8Center for Molecular E-mail: Lisa.Coussens@ucsf.edu
Pathology, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University, Skåne
University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden; and 9Plexxikon Inc., Berkeley, California doi: 10.1158/2159-8274.CD-10-0028

Current affiliation for Dr. DeNardo: Department of Medicine, Washington ©2011 American Association for Cancer Research.
University, St. Louis, Missouri

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Downloaded from cancerdiscovery.aacrjournals.org on April 9, 2020. © 2011 American Association for Cancer
Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8274.CD-10-0028

INTRODUCTION pulmonary metastasis are regulated by CSF1 and tissue macro-

phages (15). We found that when TAM presence in mammary
Tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) have been
adenocarcinomas was minimized, antitumor immunity and
identified as regulators of solid tumor development
CD8+ CTL infiltration were enhanced; together, this improved
based on their capacity to enhance angiogenic, in-
chemosensitivity and resulted in reduced primary tumor de-
vasive, and metastatic programming of neoplastic
velopment, significant decrease in pulmonary metastases, and
tissue (1, 2). Colony stimulating factor-1 (CSF1) is a
improved OS, when compared with treatment using standard
key cytokine involved in recruitment and activation
chemotherapy alone.
of tissue macrophages, exerting these effects through
binding to a high-affinity receptor tyrosine kinase, the RESULTS
cFMS/CSF1 receptor (CSF1R; ref. 3). A second CSF1R li-
gand, interleukin 34 (IL-34), possesses similar binding af- Single Immune Marker Analysis of Leukocyte
finities and regulates macrophage recruitment to tissues, but Infiltration Predicts Breast Cancer Survival
exhibits distinct tissue distribution characteristics (4). In previous studies, we demonstrated that in the absence
Macrophage presence in several types of human cancer, of a significant CD8+ CTL response, CD4+ T lymphocytes
including breast, ovarian, non–small cell lung cancer, and indirectly promoted invasion and metastasis of mammary
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, correlates not only with increased vas- adenocarcinomas by directly regulating the protumor bioac-
cular density but also a worse clinical outcome (1, 5, tivities of TAMs (11). From these data, we predicted that infil-
6). Accordingly, a CSF1-response gene signature tration of primary human breast cancer by CD4+ and CD8+
was identified in human breast cancer T lymphocytes and CD68+ macrophages would correlate with
that predicts risk of recurrence and aspects of breast cancer regulating OS. To address this issue,
metastasis, and is similarly predictive we analyzed CD4+, CD8+, and CD68+ leukocyte density in
for clinical outcome in colon can- tissue microarrays consisting of tumor tissue obtained at the
cer and leiomyosarcoma (7–9). time of primary surgery from 179 treatment-naïve breast can-
On the basis of these findings, cer patients (Fig. 1A). We employed a fully automated nuclear
it seems reasonable to pos- algorithm to quantify CD4+, CD8+, and CD68+ cells following
tulate that blockade of the immunohistochemical (IHC) detection. For survival analyses,
molecular programs enhanc- high and low thresholds for each marker were established us-
ing macrophage recruitment ing a classification and regression decision tree analysis with
or protumor bioactivity in tumors 10-fold cross-validation (16). Kaplan-Meier analyses indicated
may represent tractable targets for an- that, as single variables, “high” CD4+ T-cell density (P = 0.032)
ticancer therapy. Accordingly, genetic and “low” CD8+ T-cell density (P = 0.012) correlated with re-
or pharmacologic blockade of CSF1 or its duced OS, whereas CD68+ cell density alone showed no sta-
receptor has been reported to decrease macrophage tistical significance (Fig. 1B). However, analysis of CD68+ and
presence in tissues and in some experimental solid tumors, cor- CD8+ immune cell infiltration demonstrated an inverse as-
relating with diminished tumor angiogenesis, reduced primary sociation between stromal infiltration by CD68+ macrophages
tumor growth, and pulmonary metastasis (1, 2). and CD8+ T lymphocytes in human breast cancer tissues
Experimental studies have recently revealed that B and T (Spearman’s rho, −0.38; P < 0.001; Supplementary Table S1).
lymphocytes can exert protumor activity indirectly by regulat-
ing the bioactivity of myeloid cells, including macrophages, Three-Marker Immune Signature Is Prognostic for
monocytes, and mast cells, resulting in resistance to endocrine Breast Cancer Survival
therapies and development of metastasis (10–13). We reported Heterotypic interactions between diverse leukocyte popu-
that in the absence of a significant CD8+ CTL response, CD4+ lations often determine the outcome of immune responses
T-effector lymphocytes potentiate mammary adenocarcinoma in tissues (17). As such, we proposed that combined analysis
metastasis by directly enhancing the protumor bioactivity of of CD4, CD8, and CD68 would allow for improved prog-
TAMs (11). On the basis of these results, we hypothesized that nostic stratification of breast cancer patients by assessing
human breast cancers containing leukocytic infiltrates domi- both antitumor immunity (i.e., CD8+ density) and protumor
nated by CD4+ T lymphocytes and CD68+ macrophages, with- immunity (i.e., high CD4+ and CD68+ leukocyte density).
out significant CD8+ T-cell infiltration, would have a higher Thus, we predicted that an immune profile characterized
relative risk for metastasis and therefore reduced overall sur- by CD68low/CD4low/CD8high would represent primary breast
vival (OS) of patients. In this article, we report on an immune cancer controlled by local resection, with improved OS and
signature consisting of CD68high/CD4high/CD8low that signifi- relapse-free survival (RFS). In contrast, an immune response
cantly correlates with reduced OS for patients with breast can- characterized by CD68high/CD4high/CD8low would instead
cer. Moreover, to demonstrate the biologic significance of this represent a population of patients at risk for distant me-
signature, we investigated a combination of standard-of-care tastasis and thus reduced OS. A classification and regres-
chemotherapy and agents that block TAM infiltration of mam- sion tree algorithm was used to define the signature in the
mary tumors in an aggressive transgenic mouse model of mam- screening cohort (Cohort I, n = 179; Supplementary Fig.
mary adenocarcinoma development [MMTV–polyoma middle S1). High and low thresholds for each marker were estab-
T (PyMT) mice; ref. 14], in which late-stage carcinogenesis and lished by decision tree analysis with 10-fold cross-validation


Downloaded from cancerdiscovery.aacrjournals.org on April 9, 2020. © 2011 American Association for Cancer
Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8274.CD-10-0028


Figure 1. CD68/CD4/CD8 immune
signature is an independent prognostic
indicator of breast cancer survival.
A, high-magnification images (40×; 80×
for inlays) of human breast cancer tissue
sections showing immunoreactivity for
representative CD68+, CD4+, and CD8+
leukocyte infiltration. B, automated analysis
of CD68+, CD4+, and CD8+ immune cell B
detection, revealing relationship between
leukocyte density and OS. Kaplan-Meier
estimate of OS comparing autoscore
leukocyte high- and low-infiltration groups is
shown; 179 samples from Cohort I were
used for analyses, and log-rank (Mantel-
Cox) P values are denoted for difference
in OS. C and D, Kaplan-Meier estimate of
RFS, comparing CD68high/CD4high/CD8low
and CD68low/CD4low/CD8high immune
profiles as assigned by random forest C D
clustering to identify optimal thresholds
using Cohort I (C). Identified CD68high/
CD4high/CD8low and CD68low/CD4low/CD8high
immune profiles were used to stratify a
second independent cohort, Cohort II (D).
Cohort I (n = 179) and Cohort II (n = 498)
samples were assessed, and the log-rank
(Mantel-Cox) P value is denoted for
difference in RFS. E and F, results from
multivariate Cox regression analysis of
RFS for the CD68/CD4/CD8 signature
in Cohort I (E) and Cohort II (F). Hazard
ratios (HR) and P values are shown for E F
all characteristics. G and H, RFS in node-
positive breast cancer predicted by CD68/
CD4/CD8 immune signature. Kaplan-
Meier estimates of RFS comparing
CD68high/CD4high/CD8low and CD68low/
CD4low/CD8high immune profiles as
assigned by random forest clustering
of breast cancer tissues. breast cancers
were stratified into node-negative (G) and
node-positive (H) patients and analyzed
for RFS. The log-rank (Mantel-Cox) P value G H
is denoted for difference in RFS.

of each tree model (16). All patients were categorized as hav- Three-Marker Immune Signature Is an Independent
ing either a CD68high/CD4high/CD8low or a CD68low/CD4low/ Predictor of RFS in Node-Positive Patients
CD8high immune signature, and the same thresholds were The OS of breast cancer patients is greatly reduced if me-
then applied to a validation cohort (Cohort II, n = 498 pa- tastasis to regional or draining lymph nodes is present at the
tients, primary tumor samples). Kaplan-Meier analysis in the time of primary tumor detection. Therefore, node-positive
2 independent cohorts (totaling 677 patients) showed sig- patients require aggressive treatment with neoadjuvant
nificantly reduced OS and RFS in patients whose tumors har- or adjuvant systemic chemotherapy, or targeted therapies
bored the CD68high/CD4high/CD8low signature (Fig. 1C and D; such as anti-estrogens or trastuzumab. To assess whether
Supplementary Fig. S2A and B). Multivariate Cox regression immune infiltration by macrophages and T lymphocytes
analysis revealed that the CD68high/CD4high/CD8low signature affected the survival of this high-risk group, we examined
was an independent predictor of decreased OS and RFS af- the impact of the CD68/CD4/CD8 signature following
ter controlling for grade, nodal status, tumor size, estrogen stratification for nodal status. Whereas the CD68/CD4/
receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), HER2, and Ki-67 CD8 signature was not predictive in node-negative patients
status in both cohorts (Fig. 1E and F; Supplementary Tables (Fig. 1G), Kaplan-Meier analysis of Cohort II demonstrated
S2–S5), indicating that the immune signature predicted OS significantly reduced RFS in node-positive patients whose
independently of established histopathologic parameters. tumors harbored the CD68high/CD4high/CD8low signature

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Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8274.CD-10-0028

Macrophages Regulate Response to Chemotherapy RESEARCH ARTICLE

(Fig. 1H). Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that (Fig. 2C). Of these, CSF1 and IL34 mRNAs were also increased
the CD68high/CD4high/CD8low signature was an independent following exposure to either CDDP or ionizing radiation
predictor of decreased RFS after controlling for grade, tu- (Fig. 2D; Supplementary Fig. S3D). Increased mRNA expres-
mor size, ER, PR, HER2, and Ki-67 status (Supplementary sion was not merely a response of malignant PyMT-derived
Table S6), indicating that the immune signature predicts MECs (pMEC), because a similar induction was also observed
RFS independently of established histopathologic pa- in nontransgenic MECs exposed to PTX in culture (Fig. S3E).
rameters. Thus, tumor infiltration by macrophages and Similarly, CSF1 mRNA expression was also induced by PTX
T lymphocytes may influence breast cancer recurrence in and CDDP in 5 of 6 human breast cancer cell lines reflecting
lymph node–positive patients, a group often aggressively the major subtypes of breast cancer (Fig. 2E). In vivo, CSF1
treated with neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy. mRNA was increased in mammary tissue of MMTV-PyMT
mice following treatment with either PTX or ionizing radia-
Cytotoxic Therapies Induce TAM Recruitment and tion (Fig. 2F; Supplementary Fig. S3F). Together, these data
CSF1 and IL-34 Cytokine Expression indicate that induction of CSF1 (and IL34) mRNA and sub-
These findings led us to hypothesize that blocking TAM sequent TAM recruitment into mammary tissue represent a
infiltration in breast cancer patients bearing the CD68high/ common response of MECs to cytotoxic agents.
CD4high/CD8low signature might enhance antitumor T-cell re-
sponses and facilitate CD8+ CTL infiltration and/or repolar-
ization of CD4+ T-cell responses toward T-helper 1 cell (TH1). Blockade of Chemotherapy-Induced TAM Recruitment
Consistent with this hypothesis, we found an inverse asso- To determine whether tumor-infiltrating TAMs also regu-
ciation between stromal infiltration by CD68+ macrophages late sensitivity of MECs to cytotoxic therapy, we blocked TAM
and CD8+ T lymphocytes in human breast cancer tissues infiltration in vivo with immunologic and pharmacologic
(Spearman’s rho, –0.38; P < 0.001; Supplementary Table S1). agents (Supplementary Fig. S4) and evaluated myeloid cell in-
On the basis of this observation, we postulated that chemosen- filtration of tumors from treated mice (Supplementary Fig.
sitivity might in part be regulated by TAM and/or CD8+ T-cell S5). Mice bearing orthotopic mammary tumors were treated
presence in breast cancer tissue. To address this, we initially with neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAb) CSF1 (clone
evaluated leukocyte infiltration in a small cohort of freshly iso- 5S1) or CD11b (clone M1/70), or a competitive ATP inhibitor
lated breast tumors from women who had received neoadju- with potent (nM) specificity for CSF1 and cKIT receptor tyro-
vant chemotherapy, compared with those undergoing primary sine kinases (PLX3397), either as a monotherapy or in combi-
surgery without preoperative treatment (Supplementary Table nation with PTX. CD11b is an integrin cell adhesion molecule
S7). We found a higher percentage of CD45+CD11b+CD14+ expressed on granulocytes, macrophages, monocytes, dendritic
macrophages in breast cancer from women who had received cells (DC), and natural killer cells that in part regulates tran-
neoadjuvant chemotherapy than in tumors from women sendothelial migration of cells into tissue and tumor paren-
treated with surgery alone (Fig. 2A). In contrast, we observed chyma. PLX3397 has 10- to 100-fold selectivity for cKIT and
no difference in tumor-infiltrating CD45+CD3+CD8+ T lym- CSF1R, as opposed to other related kinases, such as KDR (see
phocytes between the 2 groups (Supplementary Fig. S3A). Supplementary Fig. S6A and Methods; ref. 20).
To determine whether TAM presence in breast cancers was Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis of the predominant
directly enhanced by chemotherapy, we evaluated leukocyte myeloid subtypes infiltrating mammary tumors revealed that ei-
responses in MMTV-PyMT mice, a transgenic mouse model ther as monotherapy, or in combination with PTX, CD45+CD11b
of mammary carcinogenesis, following treatment with pacli- Ly6C−Ly6G−F4/80+ TAM recruitment was significantly dimin-
taxel (PTX; Supplementary Fig. S4). We found that infiltration ished following treatment with either αCSF1 mAb or PLX3397,
of mammary tumors by CD45+CD11b+Ly6ClowLy6G−F4/80+ with no effect on infiltration of CD45+CD11b+LY6Ghigh iMCs
TAMs was significantly increased following PTX treatment, or CD45+CD11blow/−Ly6C−CD22−Ly6G−CD11chighMHCIIhigh
with no significant change in the presence of CD3+CD8+ DCs (Fig. 3A and B; Supplementary Fig. S5A and B). Treatment
T lymphocytes (Fig. 2B; Supplementary Fig. S3B). Similar with aCD11b mAb decreased both TAM and iMC infiltration
PTX-induced TAM recruitment was observed in syngeneic (Fig. 3A). Analysis of the maturation and differentiation status
orthotopic PyMT-derived tumors (Supplementary Fig. of TAMs remaining in mammary tumor tissue following αCSF1
S3C). Consistent with our hypothesis, PTX treatment of or PLX3397 treatment revealed no significant change in CD11b,
MMTV-PyMT mice only modestly slowed primary tumor CD11c, F4/80, CD45, or MHCII expression (Supplementary
growth (Fig. 2B). For studies herein, we defined TAMs as Fig. S5B). However, examination of mammary tumor sections
CD45+CD11b+Ly6G−Ly6ClowF4/80+, monocytic immature revealed a population of perivascular CSF1-independent F4/80+
myeloid cells (iMC) as CD45+CD11b+Ly6G−Ly6Chigh, and TAMs remaining (Fig. 3C). Blockade of TAM recruitment was
granulocytic iMCs/neutrophils as CD45+CD11b+Ly6GhighL a direct effect of CSF1/CSF1R blockade: In vitro CSF1R inhibi-
y6C+ (Supplementary Fig. S5A and B), in agreement with tion efficiently blocked CD11b+ monocyte chemotaxis in re-
previously published studies (18, 19). sponse to control or PTX-treated pMEC–conditioned medium,
To reveal molecular mediators involved in regulating PTX- with no effect on chemotaxis of CD3+ T lymphocytes (Fig. 3D;
induced TAM recruitment, we examined mRNA expression Supplementary Fig. S3G). These results were mirrored in vivo;
of several monocyte/macrophage cytokines and chemo- treatment of late-stage MMTV-PyMT mice with PLX3397 sig-
kines in murine mammary epithelial carcinoma cells (MEC) nificantly inhibited both steady-state and PTX-induced tumor
following exposure to several forms of cytotoxic therapy infiltration by CD45+CD11b+Ly6C−Ly6G−F4/80+ TAMs (Fig.
in vitro. CSF1, CCL8/MCP2, and IL34 mRNAs were increased 3E; Supplementary Fig. S5) without altering TAM maturation/
in MMTV-PyMT–derived MECs following exposure to PTX differentiation (Supplementary Fig. S6B).


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Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8274.CD-10-0028




Figure 2. Cytotoxic therapy induces macrophage recruitment, as well as CSF1 and IL-34 mRNA expression. A, macrophage percentage in fresh human primary
breast cancer tissues, depicted as mean of CD45+CD11b+CD14+ macrophages as a percentage of total cells (analyzed by flow cytometry). “Neo-adjuvant” denotes
patients who received chemotherapy prior to surgical resection of their primary breast cancer, as opposed to those who did not, denoted as “untreated”; *,
statistically significant differences (P = 0.004) between the 2 groups. B, PTX-induced CSF1 mRNA expression regulates tumor infiltration of macrophages and
limits PTX response. (i), TAM percentage in mammary tumors of MMTV-PyMT mice following PTX treatment with mean number of CD45+Ly6G−Ly6C−CD11b
F4/80+ TAMs as a percentage of total cells shown (analyzed by flow cytometry); (ii), primary tumor growth reduced by treatment with PTX. The 85-day-old MMTV-
PyMT mice were treated with PTX and total tumor burden per animal was assessed every 5 days until endpoint. Treatment schematic is depicted at top, and data are
displayed as mean tumor burden ±SEM; *, statistically significant differences between controls and PTX-treated mice (>8 mice/group). C, expression of monocyte/
macrophage chemoattractants following chemotherapy. Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) analyses of CSF1, MCP1, MCP2, MCP3, and IL34
expression in MMTV-pMECs–derived MECs treated with PTX for 24 hours ex vivo, expressed as mean fold change, compared with controls. Samples were assayed
in triplicate for each tested condition; *, statistically significant differences between control and PTX-treated groups. D, Dose-dependent expression of CSF1
following chemotherapy or radiation therapy. qRT-PCR analysis of mRNA expression in MMTV-PyMT–derived pMECs 24 hours after treatment with either cisplatin
(CDDP), PTX, or a single dose of ionizing radiation, expressed as mean fold change, compared with control ±SEM. Drug and radiation doses are shown. Samples were
assayed in triplicate for each tested condition; *, statistically significant differences between control and the indicated treatment. E, CSF1 expression induced by
chemotherapy in human breast carcinoma cell lines. qRT-PCR analysis of mRNA expression in BT474, MDA-MB-435, SKBR3, T47D, MCF7, and MDA-MB-231 at 24
hours after treatment with either CDDP or PTX, expressed as mean fold change, compared with vehicle-treated cells ±SEM. Chemotherapeutic doses are denoted.
Samples were assayed in triplicate for each condition; *, statistically significant differences between control and indicated treatment. F, CSF1 expression induced
by cytotoxic therapy in MMTV-PyMT mammary tumors. qRT-PCR analysis of mRNA expression isolated from normal mammary tissue or MMTV-PyMT mammary
tumors from mice treated with either PTX (10 mg/kg) every 5 days, or ionizing radiation (single dose of 8 Gy), expressed as mean fold change, compared with vehicle-
treated tumors (4 mice/group). SE is depicted; *, statistically significant differences (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney) for all gene expression analyses (C–F).

We next treated 80-day-old MMTV-PyMT mice, or mice tumors arising in MMTV-PyMT mice treated with combined
bearing syngeneic orthotopic PyMT-derived tumors (1.0 cm) PLX3397/PTX therapy exhibited decreased development of late-
with αCSF1, αCD11b, or PLX3397 (vs controls) for 5 days, stage carcinoma, compared with tumors in age-matched mice
followed by 4 cycles of PTX (10 mg/kg, i.v.; Supplementary treated with either PTX or PLX3397 as monotherapy (Fig. 4C;
Fig. S4). Primary tumor burden at study endpoints (2.0 cm Supplementary Fig. S7B). Moreover, the late-stage carcinomas
primary tumors or 100 days of age) was significantly reduced that did develop in PLX3397/PTX-treated mice contained large
in mice treated with combined αCSF1/PTX, αCD11b/PTX, or areas of necrosis (Supplementary Fig. S7C) characterized by
PLX3397/PTX therapy, compared to mice treated with these increased presence of apoptotic cells, as measured by cleaved
as single agents (Fig. 4A and B; Supplementary Fig. S7A). caspase 3-positivity (Fig. 4D) with no accompanying change in
Similar results were observed in syngeneic mice bearing or- epithelial proliferation (Supplementary Fig. S7D).
thotopic PyMT-derived mammary tumors receiving combined
PLX3397/carboplatin (CBDCA) therapy (Fig. 4B). Decreased Vascular Density Accompanies
Mammary tumors in MMTV-PyMT mice progress through Improved Chemosensitivity
well-defined stages of cancer development, similar to progres- It is known that TAMs provide VEGF to developing mammary
sion of breast cancer in women, including tissue with florid tumors and thereby regulate angiogenic programming of tissue
ductal hyperplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ with early stromal (22–24). Chemosensitivity to CDDP in MMTV-PyMT mice is in
invasion, and poorly differentiated invasive ductal carcinoma part regulated by myeloid-derived VEGF (25); thus, we sought
(15, 21). Using this staging criterion, we observed that mammary to determine if TAM depletion altered VEGF expression and/

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Macrophages Regulate Response to Chemotherapy RESEARCH ARTICLE

or density of CD31+ vessels in MMTV-PyMT mice treated with infiltration (Supplementary Table S1), we predicted that deple-
PTX. Whereas total VEGF mRNA expression was significantly tion of TAMs would enhance CD8+ CTL infiltration and thereby
reduced by PLX3397 (Fig. 4E), this 70% reduction did not corre- foster an antitumor immune microenvironment. Analyses of tu-
late with a change in vascular density (Fig. 4F). In contrast, com- mor-infiltrating T lymphocytes in mice treated with αCSF1/PTX
bined PLX3397/PTX therapy resulted in a significant reduction or PLX3397/PTX by flow cytometry or IHC revealed significantly
in CD31+ vessel density within mammary tumors, paralleling increased presence of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in mammary tu-
induction of apoptosis and necrosis (Fig. 4F). mors (Fig. 5A and B; Supplementary Fig. S8A). Consistent with
these findings, cytokine mRNA expression in mammary tissue
CSF1-Signaling Blockade Enhances Antitumor derived from PLX3397/PTX-treated MMTV-PyMT mice revealed
Immunity and CTL Infiltration in Response to increased mRNA expression of cytotoxic effector molecules, in-
Chemotherapy cluding IFN-γ, granzyme A, granzyme B, perforin-1, and the type 1
Because analysis of human breast cancer tissues revealed that DC effector molecules IL12p35 and IFN-α (Fig. 5C). In contrast,
high stromal TAM density inversely correlated with CD8+ T-cell expression of the immunosuppressive molecule arginase-1 was



Figure 3. Cytotoxic therapy induces CSF1-dependent macrophage recruitment. E

A, analysis of TAM depletion following CSF1/CSF1R blockade. Mice bearing 1.0-cm
orthotopic PyMT-derived tumors were treated either with αCSF1 or αCD11b neutral-
izing immunoglobulins (Ig) or with PLX3397. Treatment regimen is shown, and flow
cytometric analysis of tumor-infiltrating D45+Ly6G−Ly6ClowCD11b+F4/80+ macro-
phages and CD45+CD11b+Ly6Ghigh iMCs is depicted as mean percentage of total
cells ±SEM. B, selective depletion of TAMs following CSF1R kinase blockade. MMTV-
PyMT mice (either 80 or 84 days old) were treated with PLX3397 for 4 or 8 days.
Treatment regimen is shown, and flow cytometric analysis of tumor-infiltrating
CD45+Ly6G−Ly6ClowCD11b+F4/80+ TAMs, CD45+Ly6G−Ly6ClowCD11blow/–
CD11chighMHCIIHi DCs, and CD45+CD11b+Ly6GHi iMCs in mammary tumors is
depicted as mean percentage of total cells ±SEM. C, perivascular TAMs resisting
PLX3397. Representative images of F4/80+ cell staining of mammary tumors
from 90-day-old MMTV-PyMT mice treated with PLX3397 (vs control) for 8 days.
Insets (a and b) show F4/80 staining in tumor stroma and tumor interior; (i), costain-
ing for F4/80 (red) and CD31 (green); scale bar, 500 μm, 100 μm (a and b); 25 μm
(i). D, peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) migration in response to conditioned
medium from MMTV-PyMT MECs treated with either vehicle or PTX (25 nM for 24
hours), evaluated by Boyden chamber assay. CD45+CD11b+ peripheral blood monocytes after migration to the lower chamber, in the presence or
absence of PLX3397 (50 nM), as quantified by flow cytometry. Data are depicted as mean cell number assayed in triplicate. E, PTX-induced TAM
recruitment inhibited by PLX3397. TAM density in mammary tumors removed from MMTV-PyMT mice following treatment with PTX ± PLX3397.
Treatment regimen is shown with mouse age, and data are depicted as mean number of CD45+Ly6G−Ly6C−CD11b+F4/80+ TAMs as a percentage
of total cells ±SEM (analyzed by flow cytometry, >5 mice/group). Representative IHC staining for F4/80 (red) and nuclear DNA (blue) from the
same cohort of animals is shown. Scale bar, 500 μm; *, statistically significant differences (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney) in A–E.


Downloaded from cancerdiscovery.aacrjournals.org on April 9, 2020. © 2011 American Association for Cancer
Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8274.CD-10-0028


decreased by PLX3397/PTX therapy (Fig. 5C). This reprogram- T cells. In particular, growing interest has been expressed in the
ming of the immune microenvironment was accompanied by in- PD1- PDL1 ligand system, in which PDL1/B7-H1 expression by
creased tumor infiltration of CD45+CD11blow/−CD19−Ly6G−Ly6 TAMs represents a major source of the inhibitory PD1 ligand.
ClowCD11chighMHCIIhigh DCs (Fig. 5D), indicating that combined Thus, we evaluated TAMs isolated from mammary tumors for
treatment of MMTV-PyMT mice with PLX3397/PTX fostered an expression of PDL1/B7-H1 and PDL2/B7-DC, as well as co-
antitumor immune response by T lymphocytes expressing high stimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86, and MHCII. TAMs
levels of cytotoxic effector molecules. expressed high levels of MHCII and B7-H1, but relatively lower
Given these findings, we assessed the capacity of TAMs (iso- levels of CD80 and CD86, indicating a possible role in inducing
lated from mammary tumors of MMTV-PyMT mice) to directly tolerance/anergy in tumor antigen–specific CD4+ and CD8+ T
repress CD8+ T-cell activation in vitro. Using carboxyfluorescein lymphocytes (Supplementary Fig. S5C).
succinimidyl ester (CFSE) dilution as a marker for T-cell prolifera-
tion, we found that CD45+CD11b+F4/80+Ly6G−Ly6Clow TAMs Macrophage Depletion Enhances Chemotherapeutic
significantly repressed CD8+ T-cell activation and proliferation Response in a CD8+ CTL-Dependent Manner
in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 5E) that was reflective of the To determine whether increased chemosensitivity of mam-
altered ratio of TAMs to CD8+ T cells in mammary tumors of un- mary tumors in PLX3397/PTX-treated mice was depen-
treated versus PLX3397/PTX-treated MMTV-PyMT mice (Fig. 5F). dent on enhanced CD8+ T-cell response, we depleted CD8+
One mechanism by which TAMs may suppress CD8+ T cells T cells from late-stage MMTV-PyMT mice treated with PTX or
involves expression of inhibitory B7 family members that inter- PLX3397 or both. Findings from this study revealed that the
act with “checkpoint” receptors expressed on infiltrating CD8 improved outcome with enhanced chemosensitivity resulting



Figure 4. Macrophage depletion improves response to chemotherapy. A and B, primary tumor growth reduced by treatment with macrophage-
depleting agents in combination with chemotherapy. Orthotopic PyMT-derived tumors were grown to a median diameter of 1.0 cm, and mice were then
treated with PTX, CBDCA, and/or αCSF1, αCD11b neutralizing Igs ± PLX3397 for 21 or 28 days, with total tumor burden per animal assessed every 2
to 3 days. Treatment regimens are depicted for all cohorts, and data displayed as mean tumor burden ±SEM; *, statistically significant differences
between vehicle- and PTX-treated mice. **, significant differences between mice treated with PTX alone and mice treated with PTX/PLX3397 or
αCSF1 or αCD11b in combination. C, histologic stage analysis of MMTV-PyMT tumors. Tumors from 100-day-old MMTV-PyMT mice treated with PTX
or PLX3397 or both were assessed for the presence of premalignant tissue and early- and late-stage carcinoma; data expressed as mean percentage
of total gland area ±SEM. D, quantification of cleaved caspase-3–positive cells in mammary tumors of MMTV-PyMT mice treated with PTX or
PLX3397 or both versus control (vehicle). Graph depicts mean positive cells per μm2 of tumor tissue. Representative images show cleaved caspase-3–
positive cells (brown staining) in tumors of MMTV-PyMT mice; scale bar, 500 μm. E, VEGF mRNA expression assessed by qRT-PCR of tumor tissue from
MMTV-PyMT mice treated with vehicle or PTX or PLX3397 or both. Graph depicts mean fold change in gene expression compared with vehicle-treated
control group. F, quantification of CD31− positive vessels in mammary tumors from MMTV-PyMT mice treated with PTX or PLX3397 or both, versus
control (vehicle). Data represent the mean number of CD31+ positive vessels per mm2 of carcinoma tissue. Representative photomicrographs show
CD31-positive vessels (brown staining); scale bar, 400 μm; *, statistically significant differences (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney) in C–F.

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Macrophages Regulate Response to Chemotherapy RESEARCH ARTICLE

Figure 5. PTX in combination with PLX397
induces antitumor T-cell response. A and B,
tumor infiltration by T lymphocytes enhanced
by combined PTX and CSF1 or CSF1R
blockade. Flow cytometric analyses of
tumor infiltrating CD3+CD8+ and CD3+CD4+ T
lymphocytes depicted as the mean number of
positive cells, assessed as a percentage of
total cells following treatment of MMTV-
PyMT mice with PTX or PLX3397 or both (A),
or treatment of mice having orthotopic PyMT-
derived tumors with combined PTX/αCSF1 or
PTX/PLX3397 (B), compared with controls.
Mean values ±SEM are depicted. C, cytokine
mRNA expression assessed in orthotopic
PyMT-derived tumors from mice treated
with PTX alone or in combination with B E
PLX3397. Graph depicts mean fold change
in mRNA expression compared with PTX
treatment group (5 animals/group). SEM
is depicted. D, tumor infiltration by DCs
enhanced by combined PTX/PLX3397.
Flow cytometric analysis of tumor-
infiltrating CD45+Ly6G−Ly6ClowCD11blow/–
CD11chighMHCIIhigh DCs depicted as mean
percentage of positive cells as a percentage
of total cells from MMTV-PyMT mice treated
with PTX or PLX3397 or both, versus controls.
E, CD8+ T-lymphocyte activation repressed by
TAMs. Purified T cells were loaded with CFSE
and activated in vitro by plate-bound CD3/28
and cocultured with the indicated ratio of
CD45+Ly6G−Ly6CLow CD11b+F4/80+ TAMs
isolated from late-stage mammary tumors C F
of MMTV-PyMT mice. Data are depicted as
the percentage of live CD8+ T lymphocytes
exhibiting CFSE dilution after 60 hours.
Data are representative of 2 independent
experiments run in triplicate. Error bars
represent SEM. F, analysis of the ratio of tumor-
infiltrating CD45+Ly6G−Ly6ClowCD11b+F4/80+
TAMs to CD3+CD8+ T lymphocytes depicted
as mean ratio (TAM/CD8 CTL) ±SEM from
MMTV-PyMT mice treated with vehicle or
with PTX and/or PLX3397. *, statistically
significant differences (P < 0.05, Mann-
Whitney) in A–F. **, statistically significant
differences (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney)
between PLX3397-treated groups in F.

from combined PLX3397/PTX therapy was indeed a CD8+ pulmonary metastases that was in part CD8+ T-cell–dependent
T-cell–dependent response (Fig. 6A and B; Supplementary Fig. (Fig. 6E).
S8B). We found that CD8 depletion also resulted in increased
tumor grade and decreased presence of cleaved caspase-3– Macrophages and CD8 Infiltration Predicts
positive cells in mice that had received combined PLX3397/ Survival and Chemotherapeutic Response
PTX therapy (Fig. 6C and D). Taken together, these data indi- Overall, our data indicated that in the absence of TAMs,
cate that the enhanced cytotoxic response elicited by CSF1R- antitumor CD8+ CTLs bolster response to chemotherapy and
signaling blockade was CD8+ T-cell–dependent. thereby influence outcome; thus, we predicted that TAM and
CD8 T-cell ratios would correlate with pathologic responses
Combined Macrophage Depletion and Chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer. Accordingly, we analyzed CD68
Blocks Metastasis in a CD8-Dependent Manner and CD8a mRNA expression in a cohort of 311 patients con-
Long-term survival of breast cancer patients is often limited structed from 2 independent datasets (26, 27). All patients
by disseminated metastases following surgical resection of pri- provided fine-needle aspirates (FNA) prior to neoadjuvant che-
mary tumors. Analysis of leukocyte profiles in human breast motherapy, and pathologic response was assessed at the time
cancers demonstrated that OS, and thus presumably metastatic of definitive surgery. CD8 mRNA expression in FNA samples
spread, were regulated by the spectrum of tumor-infiltrating T correlated with pathologic complete response (pCR; R = 0.216;
lymphocytes and macrophages present. In MMTV-PyMT mice, P < 0.001); however, CD68 did not. With median expression
although neither CSF1R-signaling blockade nor PTX therapy as a threshold, examination of both CD8 and CD68 mRNA
alone inhibited development of pulmonary metastasis, mice re- revealed 3 groups—CD68 > CD8, CD68 < CD8, and CD68 =
ceiving combined PLX3397/PTX exhibited >85% reduction in CD8 (denoted CD68high/CD8low, CD68low/CD8high, and CD68/


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Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8274.CD-10-0028




Figure 6. Combined PLX3397 and PTX treatment inhibits metastasis in a CD8-dependent manner. A and B, improved outcome following
PLX3397/PTX treatment dependent on CD8+ T cells. A, 85-day-old MMTV-PyMT mice were treated with PTX or PLX3397 or both, as well as
anti-CD8 IgG. Total tumor burden per animal was assessed every 5 days. B, orthotopic PyMT-derived tumors were grown to a median diameter
of 1.0 cm, at which time mice were treated with PTX or PLX3397 or both in combination with anti-CD8 or control IgG for 21 days, and total tumor
burden per animal was assessed every 2 to 3 days. Treatment regimens are depicted along with SEM; *, statistically significant differences
between mice treated with PTX alone and those treated with PLX3397/PTX. **, significant differences between mice treated with PLX3397/PTX
and those treated with anti-CD8 and PTX/PLX3397/control IgG. C, histologic stage analysis of MMTV-PyMT tumors. Tumors from 100-day-old
MMTV-PyMT mice treated with anti-CD8 IgG or with PTX and/or PLX3397 were assessed for presence of premalignant tissue and early- and late-
stage carcinoma; data expressed as mean percentage of total gland area ±SEM. D, quantification of cleaved caspase-3–positive cells in mammary
tumors of MMTV-PyMT mice treated with anti-CD8 IgG or with PTX and/or PLX3397 versus control (vehicle). Graph depicts mean positive cells per
μm2 of tumor tissue. E, quantification of metastatic foci per lung section per mouse from 100-day-old MMTV-PyMT mice treated with PTX and/or
PLX3397 and/or anti-CD8 IgG, versus controls. Each lung was serially sectioned, 6 sections 100 μm apart were stained with hematoxylin and eosin
(H&E), and the total number of metastatic foci (>8 cells) was quantified per mouse (n ≥10 mice per cohort). SEM is depicted. *, Statistically
significant differences (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney). Representative photomicrographs of lung tissue sections reveal metastatic foci from 100-day-
old MMTV-PyMT mice treated with vehicle or with PTX and/or PLX3397. Scale bar, 500 μm.

CD8equal, respectively)—with the CD68high/CD8low group cor- gene expression results were validated using Kaplan-Meier
relating with a significantly lower rate of pCR (7%) and the analysis of OS on IHC data from Cohort I and II stratified for
CD68low/CD8high exhibiting the highest rate of pCR at 27% CD68high/CD8low or CD68low/CD8high (Supplementary Fig. S9A
(Fig. 7A). Thus, the ratio of CD68/CD8a expression represents a and B).
predictive response biomarker for neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Because breast cancer represents a spectrum of distinct mo-
We next evaluated CD68 and CD8a mRNA expression in lecular subtypes (luminal A, luminal B, HER2-positive, basal
breast cancers representing 4000 patients assembled from 22 type/triple negative), possessing distinct histopathologic and
retrospective gene expression datasets (Supplementary Table molecular features and correlating with differential responses
S8). Median expression for both CD8 and CD68 was used to to therapy and outcome (28–30), we evaluated CD68/CD8
determine high and low groups. All patients were categorized expression within breast cancer subtypes. CD68high/CD8low
as either CD68high/CD8low or CD68low/CD8high. Kaplan-Meier expression correlated with reduced OS for breast cancer pa-
estimates of survival demonstrated significantly reduced OS tients whose tumors were classified as either basal or HER2-
in the CD68high/CD8low group (Fig. 7B). Not surprisingly, these positive (Fig. 7C; Supplementary Fig. S10).

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Macrophages Regulate Response to Chemotherapy RESEARCH ARTICLE

DISCUSSION reduced OS (31). Unsupervised expression profiling of breast

The immune microenvironment in which a tumor evolves cancer-associated stroma revealed a gene signature predictive of
influences multiple parameters of the tumorigenic process. In good prognostic outcome (>98% 5-year survival) that was func-
this article we demonstrate that the immune microenviron- tionally enriched for genes suggestive of CTL and natural killer
ment in breast cancer is a predictor of RFS and OS. Moreover, cell activity (32). Moreover, elucidation of a CSF1-response gene
we provide evidence that response to chemotherapy is in part expression signature in breast cancer demonstrated that CSF1
regulated by the immune microenvironment and that cytotoxic signaling correlates with response to therapy and OS (7–9). In
therapies induce neoplastic cells to produce monocyte/macro- this article, we revealed that not only does increased macrophage
phage recruitment factors, including CSF1 and IL-34, which density correlate with poor outcome (Fig. 1), as reported by oth-
in turn enhance CSF1R-dependent macrophage infiltration ers, as well (5, 31, 33), but also the ratio of macrophages/CD68
into mammary adenocarcinomas. This is significant in light of to CD8+ T lymphocytes/CD8a in breast cancer is inversely cor-
our finding that blockade of the CSF1-signaling pathway me- related, an important finding when considering that TAMs can
diating TAM recruitment, in combination with chemotherapy, also suppress antitumor immunity. These findings indicate that
decreases primary tumor progression, reduces metastasis, and our immune-based signature may be a useful predictor of recur-
improves survival—a CD8+ T-cell–dependent outcome result- rence and poor OS for multiple breast cancer subtypes, and, as
ing from a reprogrammed immune microenvironment that such, may improve existing gene expression-based prognostic
fosters antitumor immunity. These data provide a compelling profiling to evaluate risk.
rationale for combinatorial therapies targeting TAM recruit- Breast Cancer CSF1 and CSF1R Expression
ment, notably CSF1R-mediated signaling pathways, in combi-
Our findings demonstrate that macrophage CSF1R sig-
nation with cytotoxic therapy for breast cancer.
naling is necessary for their recruitment following induction
of CSF1 mRNA and interaction with ligand in carcinoma
The Immune Microenvironment in Breast Cancer cells treated with chemotherapy (Fig. 3). Recent studies by
Predicts Outcome Patsialou and colleagues (34) demonstrated that in some
In a previous study, we reported that T-helper 2 (TH2)–CD4+ human breast carcinoma cell lines, specifically MDA-MB231,
T-effector cells regulate TAM bioactivity and thereby promote steady-state CSF1R mRNA is expressed at high levels and
late-stage mammary carcinogenesis and development of pulmo- autocrine CSF1-CSF1R signaling enhances invasion (44).
nary metastasis (11). We now extend these findings and dem- Notably, MDA-MB231 cells in our studies did not respond
onstrate that the complexity of CD8+ T lymphocytes, CD4+ T to CTX with increased CSF1 mRNA expression (Fig. 3), likely
lymphocytes (presumably TH2 or T regulatory cells or both), and because these cells already express 10- to 50-fold higher levels
CD68+ TAMs is a predictive biomarker for OS and RFS in node- of CSF1 mRNA than do other breast cancer cell lines evalu-
positive breast cancer (Fig. 1). Retrospective clinical studies have ated (data not shown). Carcinoma cells isolated from MMTV-
previously revealed that the ratio of CD4+ to CD8+ T lympho- PyMT mice do not express significant levels of CSF1R mRNA
cytes, or TH2 to TH1 CD4+ T cells, infiltrating breast cancer cor- (15, 22), indicating that CSF1R blockade in MMTV-PyMT
relates with increased tumor grade, lymph node metastasis, and mice influences myeloid biology, as opposed to MECs.

Figure 7. Ratio of CD68 to CD8 predicts patient
survival and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
A, frequency of pCR in a cohort of 311 patients
constructed from 2 independent datasets. All
patients received FNAs prior to neoadjuvant
chemotherapy and pathologic response was assessed
at definitive surgery. With median expression as a
threshold, examination of CD8a and CD68 mRNA in
FNA samples revealed 3 separate groups: CD68 >
CD8, CD68 < CD8, and CD68 = CD8 (denoted
CD68high/CD8low, CD68low/CD8high, and CD68/CD8equal,
respectively). Analysis of the rate of pCR in the
groups is shown. B, Kaplan-Meier estimate of survival,
comparing CD68high/CD8low and CD68low/CD8high
immune profiles as assessed by mRNA expression
from 3,872 patient samples assembled from 14 C
different platforms. Median expression for both CD8
and CD68 was used to determine high and low groups
within each of the 22 individual datasets. Once a
sample was assigned to a particular group, the 22
datasets were combined and a global survival analysis
was performed. The log-rank (Mantel-Cox) P value is
shown for difference in survival. C, Kaplan-Meier
estimate of survival, comparing CD68high/CD8low and
CD68low/CD8high immune profiles as assessed by
mRNA expression from 3872 patient samples for
tumors stratified into basal and HER2+ breast cancer.
The log-rank (Mantel-Cox) P value is shown for
difference in survival.


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Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8274.CD-10-0028


Immunosuppressive Macrophages and inside tumor nests, particularly when CD8+ CTLs are also pres-
Chemosensitivity ent, can correlate with improved survival outcome (44). These
Development and progression of pulmonary metastases in differences might be explained in part by the fact that TAMs pro-
mammary carcinoma is impaired in mice containing a re- duce either protumor or antitumor bioactivities depending on
cessive null mutation in the CSF1 gene (15, 35). Similarly, the types of cytokines to which they are exposed (43). TAMs regu-
blockade of CSF1R signaling impairs aspects of mammary lated by TH1 cytokines including IFN-γ, TNF-α, and granulo-
carcinogenesis (36) and metastases (37). We used αCSF1 cyte monocyte colony stimulating factor enhance TAM cytotoxic
mAb and PLX3397, a novel small-molecular-weight tyro- activity, production of proinflammatory cytokines, and antigen
sine kinase inhibitor, to efficiently deplete CD11b+Ly6G−L presentation (45). In contrast, tissue macrophages exposed to
y6ClowF4/80+ TAMs (70%) without altering the presence of TH2 cytokines, immune complexes, or immunosuppressive cyto-
CD11b+Ly6GhighF4/80− iMCs or perivascular F4/80+ macro- kines instead block CTL activity and promote angiogenesis and
phages in mammary tumor stroma (Fig. 3). tissue remodeling (43, 45). In non–small cell lung cancer, TAMs
Malignant mammary epithelial cells from MMTV-PyMT mice that localize to tumor nests and correlate with favorable clini-
express high levels of CSF1, which directly regulates TAM re- cal outcomes exhibit an M1/TH1 cytokine profile and express
cruitment (and EGF expression) and induction of macrophage high levels of HLA-DR (46, 47). In contrast, CD163 and CD204
HIF1α (11, 38, 39). We previously reported that IFN-γ+ CD8+ expressing TAMs (M2/TH2 markers) correlate with poor clinical
CTL activity is impaired by myeloid-derived ARG1 and nitric ox- outcomes in melanoma, non–small cell lung cancer, and pancre-
ide synthase that is HIF1α-dependent (38). Thus, on the basis of atic cancer (48, 49). We found that tumor tissue from PLX3397/
inverse correlation between TAMs and CD8+ T cells in human PTX-treated mice had increased IL12p35 and IFNα1 mRNA ex-
breast cancer, and the fact that TAMs infiltrating mammary car- pression, indicative of bolstered antitumor immunity, indicating
cinomas directly suppress CTL activity in a HIF1α-dependent that PLX3397/PTX therapy fostered a general reprogramming
manner (38), we postulated that TAM depletion would foster an- of the immune microenvironment, in addition to blocking TAM
titumor immunity by relieving TAM-mediated CTL suppression infiltration that together favored CD8+ T-cell–mediated tumor
and thereby enhance response to cytotoxic therapy. Accordingly, suppression. Data presented herein do not reveal whether the
combined treatment of MMTV-PyMT mice with PTX, and either improved outcome for tumor-bearing mice or the antitumor
αCSF1 mAb or PLX3397, slowed primary tumor development, immune microenvironment fostered under these conditions re-
reduced development of high-grade carcinomas (Fig. 4), and de- sulted directly from reduced presence of alternatively activated
creased pulmonary metastasis by 85% (Fig. 6), features of mam- TAMs, decreased vessel density, or a combination of the two.
mary carcinogenesis accompanied by decreased vascular density Given the fact that PLX3397 as monotherapy efficiently reduced
(Fig. 4), and increased CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell infiltration in pri- TAM presence but had no effect on vessel density, primary car-
mary tumors (Fig. 5). Increased presence of CD8+ T cells was cinoma (Fig. 4), or pulmonary metastasis development (Fig. 6),
significant in this regard, as when specifically depleted, the added it seems reasonable to speculate that TAM depletion resulted
benefit of combined PLX3397/PTX therapy was lost (Fig. 6). in loss of an important epithelial cell survival pathway (possibly
Immunosuppressive myeloid cells encompass a diverse popu- mediated by EGF) that resists chemotherapy-induced cell death;
lation of CD11b+Gr1+Ly6G+ cells, including myeloid-derived certainly, however, effects on vascular pathways may also play a
suppressor cells, inflammatory monocytes, neutrophils, and role, as has been recently reported by Rolny and colleagues (50). It
iMCs. Human equivalents have been identified as LIN–/low will be interesting to determine whether directly reprogramming
human leukocyte antigen (HLA)–DR−CD33+CD11b+ and TAMs—for example, by neutralization of IL-4—to favor the pres-
CD14+HLA-DR−/low cells (40). CSF1R blockade by PLX3397 ence of classically activated (M1) TAMs, as we have previously
depleted CD11b+Ly6G−Ly6ClowF4/80+ TAMs, but not reported (11), also similarly enhances antitumor immune pro-
CD11b+Ly6G+ cells (Fig. 3C), which are 12-fold less abundant grams and chemosensitivity and, if so, whether those responses
in MMTV-PyMT carcinomas. In contrast, immunosuppressive are also CD8+ T-cell–dependent.
CD11b+Ly6G+ cells are more abundant in other mammary tu- Microtubule inhibitors constitute one of the most effective
mor models, such as 4T1 (41). This may be an important distinc- classes of cytotoxic agents available for treating both early- and
tion between tumor types considering the fact that monocyte late-stage breast cancer, and are considered the standard of care
mobilization from bone marrow is impaired by genetic loss of for treatment of metastatic disease. Several agents that affect mi-
CSF1, but unaltered following pharmacologic or immunologic crotubule dynamics are active antitumor agents and induce po-
inhibition of CSF1R. Gr1+CCR2+CX3CR1low iMCs are highly lymerization or cause nonfunctional tubulin aggregates. These
responsive to CCL2 (42), and CCL2 (MCP1) is expressed at high compounds block cell division by interfering with function of the
levels in MMTV-PyMT mammary tumors (Fig. 2C). Therefore, mitotic spindle and consequently result in cell-cycle arrest and cell
in extrapolating to the clinical scenario, it will be important to death. PTX is among the most widely used agents in this class.
stratify human breast cancers containing predominantly high Despite the clinical activity of taxanes, median time to progression
levels of mature tissue TAMs, compared with those containing in patients treated with PTX is only 6 to 9 months in the first- and
LIN–/lowHLA-DR−CD33+CD11b+ or CD14+HLA-DR−/low iMCs, second-line setting, and 3 to 4 months in patients with previ-
because these breast cancers would likely be less responsive to ous exposure to taxanes (51). Although addition of the antiangio-
combinatorial therapy involving CSF1R-targeted agents. genic agent bevacizumab to PTX improved response and time to
progression, it was without impact on OS (52). Glucocorticoid
premedication is required for PTX to prevent increased bone mar-
Tissue Specificity and Clinical Implications row and peripheral nerve toxicity as well as allergic reactions and
Stromal infiltration of TAMs is a poor prognostic indicator anaphylaxis due to the Cremaphor solvent base. For other cyto-
for some solid tumor types (43); however, infiltration of TAMs toxic agents, glucocorticoids are also commonly used to prevent

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Macrophages Regulate Response to Chemotherapy RESEARCH ARTICLE

toxicities such as nausea, vomiting, and fluid retention. Although Automated Image Acquisition, Management, and Analysis
these agents are standard additions to many chemotherapies, Fully automated image acquisition was used for the results presented in
they suppress production of proinflammatory cytokines and che- this article. The Aperio ScanScope XT Slide Scanner (Aperio Technologies)
mokines, severely impair differentiation of antigen presentation was used to capture whole-slide digital images with a 20× objective. Slides
by DCs, suppress development of TH1 cells, and bias immune were dearrayed to visualize individual cores, using Spectrum software
responses toward TH2 cell types (53). Our neoadjuvant studies (Aperio). A tumor-specific nuclear algorithm (IHC-MARK) developed in
in MMTV-PyMT and orthotopic tumor–bearing mice were per- house was modified to quantify CD4, CD8, and CD68 expression. IHC-
MARK was initially designed to identify tumor cells on the basis of nuclear
formed without dexamethasone, an H2 antagonist, or diphen-
morphologic features (56); however, this was modified for evaluating leu-
hydramine. Thus, it is possible that the CD8+ T-cell–dependent
kocyte infiltration based on specific nuclear morphologic features.
antitumor program fostered by combined PLX3397/PTX would
have been dampened in the presence of dexamethasone. An un- Image and Statistical Analysis
derstanding of the mechanisms that lead to inadequate or poor A decision tree–supervised algorithm was used to group patients
response to taxanes is urgently needed, as are prognostic biomark- based on immune cell IHC density. For decision tree analysis, all pa-
ers that predict which patients will respond favorably. That said, tients were randomly divided into 10 subsets. A decision tree model was
it seems reasonable that administration of cytotoxic agents not selected using a 10-fold cross-validation approach (16). Ten consecutive
requiring steroids, in combination with novel strategies such as decision tree models were independently constructed with the immune
TAM ablation (or TAM reprogramming), which together bolster cell infiltration density continuous output from 9 subsets. Survival out-
come predictive power of each decision tree model was tested on the
natural antitumor immunity, would improve outcomes and ex-
remaining set of patients, and the model with the higher accuracy was
tend long-term survival for patients with breast cancer, as well as selected as optimal for the dataset. Kaplan-Meier analysis and the log-
other cancer types. The clinical outcome of pharmacologically (or rank test were used to illustrate differences between OS and RFS accord-
immunologically) targeting TAMs directly or the pathways that ing to individual CD68, CD4, and CD8 expression. A Cox regression
regulate their recruitment must be considered carefully because proportional hazards model was used to estimate the relationship to
all cancer types may not respond in a similar fashion. This study OS of the CD68/CD4/CD8 immune profile; lymph node status; tumor
provides a compelling rationale for clinical evaluation of combi- grade; and HER2, PR, and ER status in the patient cohorts. A P value of
natorial therapies inhibiting TAM recruitment, in combination <0.05 was considered statistically significant, and calculations were as-
with standard-of-care chemotherapy for treatment of breast can- sessed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, Inc.).
cer, and underscores the importance of identifying a population Neoadjuvant Cohort
of patients who, by virtue of their immune profile and CSF1R The neoadjuvant cohort consisted of 2 gene expression cohorts
status, may benefit most from such therapies. representing 311 patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy
(26, 27), with complete pathologic response in 60 (19%) patients.
METHODS The majority of patients received PTX and fluorouracil-doxorubicin-
cyclophosphamide. Both datasets were examined on the same array
Patients and Tumor Samples
platform (Affymetrix U133A), using a standard operating procedure
Tissue microarray studies were conducted on 2 separate patient co- and normalization method (dCHIP) as previously reported (57, 58).
horts. The screening cohort, Cohort I, described elsewhere in detail (54), Data were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (59) and
was constructed from 179 cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed at the an institutional website (60). Normalized expression values for both
Department of Pathology, Malmö University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden, CD8 and CD68 were established as previously described (54).
between 2001 and 2002. The median age at diagnosis was 65 years of
age, and the median follow-up time for OS was 52 months. Patients had Preclinical Mouse Models and Animal Husbandry
not received neoadjuvant therapy and were treated with either modified Mice harboring the PyMT transgene under the control of the MMTV
radical mastectomy or wide local excision. The median tumor size was promoter in the FVB/n strain were obtained from Dr. Zena Werb
2.2 cm; 62% of the tumors were PR-positive and 72% were ER-positive. [University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, California]
Complete endocrine treatment data were available for 143 patients, 67 and have been previously described (14). Two murine models of mam-
of whom received adjuvant tamoxifen, 3 an aromatase inhibitor, and 25 mary tumor development were used to analyze response to chemother-
a combination of tamoxifen and an aromatase inhibitor. Information apy (Supplementary Fig. S3). The first model used MMTV-PyMT mice
on adjuvant chemotherapy was available for 143 patients, of whom 30 (Supplementary Fig. S3A). The 80-day-old MMTV-PyMT female litter-
received treatment. The second (validation) cohort, Cohort II, included mates were randomized by initial tumor volume and fed either PLX3397
498 patients with primary invasive breast cancer diagnosed at the Malmö (20, 61, 62) formulated in mouse chow or control chow (provided by
University Hospital between 1988 and 1992. These cases belonged to an Plexxikon Inc). PLX3397 was formulated in mouse chow so that the av-
original cohort of 512 patients, as previously described in detail (55). The erage dose per animal per day was 40 mg/kg. When PLX3397-treated
median age at diagnosis was 65 years, and median follow-up time to first MMTV-PyMT mice reached 85 days of age, they were then administered
breast cancer event was 128 months. Information regarding the date of PTX (Hospira) every 5 days by i.v. injection into the retroorbital plexus.
death was obtained from regional cause-of-death registries for all patients PTX was given at 10 mg/kg of the animal per injection, diluted in PBS.
in both cohorts. Complete endocrine treatment data were available for Tumor burden was evaluated by caliper measurement every 5 days follow-
379 patients, 160 of whom received adjuvant tamoxifen. Information on ing the start of PLX3397 treatment. Prior to tissue collection, mice were
adjuvant chemotherapy was available for 382 patients, of whom 23 re- cardiac-perfused with PBS to clear peripheral blood. Mammary tumor tis-
ceived treatment. To assemble tissue microarrays, clearly defined areas of sue from PBS-perfused MMTV-PyMT mice was analyzed by flow cytom-
tumor tissue were indicated on a slide with a fresh tissue section from the etry and qRT-PCR 2 days after the second dose of PTX, when metastatic
paraffin block. Two biopsy samples, 1.0 mm in diameter, were taken from burden and tumor grade were determined. Primary tumor burden was
each donor paraffin block corresponding to the marked area. Recipient determined by caliper measurements on live sedated mice. Metastatic bur-
blocks were limited to 200 cores each. In general, cores were taken from den was assessed by serial sectioning of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded
the peripheral aspect of the tumor. Necrotic tissue was avoided. For IHC lung tissue whereby the entire lung was sectioned and the number of
analyses, 4.0-μm paraffin sections were used. The ethical committee at metastatic foci (>5 cells) was determined on 6 sections taken every 100
Lund University (Malmö, Sweden) approved this study. μm following H&E staining. Lungs from >10 mice/group were analyzed.


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Leukocyte Complexity Predicts Breast Cancer Survival and

Functionally Regulates Response to Chemotherapy
David G. DeNardo, Donal J. Brennan, Elton Rexhepaj, et al.

Cancer Discovery 2011;1:54-67. Published OnlineFirst April 3, 2011.

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