Travel Induction Handbook
Travel Induction Handbook
Travel Induction Handbook
Induction Handbook
Dear Learner,
A very warm welcome to your training course with Inspire London College.
This Induction Handbook is produced to give you all the information you need to get
started with the course.
Online learning gives you the flexibility to study in your own time and at your own pace.
The distance learning programs at Inspire London College are entirely self-paced and
flexible and it depends on how much time you give to your studies. This will be
dependent on how quickly you read and retain information.
Your coursework is completed online and you will be expected to use I.T. This will
include, the assessing the assignments, downloading of study material, uploading
Assessment Tasks as well as being involved in forums and individual contact with your
assessor all online. After taking the course you will be able to login to the Moodle of ILC
and you will be able to assess all of your learning material.
Use this pack as an aid to get you started. Once you have logged on a few times you
should be confident enough to work smoothly through your programme of learning.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you an enjoyable and successful
learning experience with Inspire London College.
We would like to wish you all the very best in your study with us.
After taking a course at ILC you will be given with log in details for VLE/Moodle (the e-
learning platform).
If you need to improve your I.T. skills we advise that you do a short course. We
appreciate that skills develop the more you practice, so use the e-learning platform
(Moodle) regularly.
You will find useful guides and a short video on how to use your course on the
Remember we are here to help so please do not hesitate to contact:
Your Tutor
ILC Student Support Officer
ILC’s Emails
If you have any question or require further information please E-Mail us on the following
E-learning with Inspire London College gives you the support to successfully complete
your programme of study but we cannot support you if we don’t know you are having
The course overview will offer you a way to understand the basic content that has been
included in the course. Each and every course has its own course overview at ILC, which
offers the learners a better way to know about the course.
What is a Certificate?
ILC offers two major types of qualifications i.e. the professional qualifications which are
endorsed by the awarding bodies (TQUK and ABC Awards) and NVQ qualifications. After
the completion of a course the college will issue the course completion certificate while the
accredited or endorsed certificate will be issued from the awarding body that will include
the course name, student name, registration number, credit hours, and a complete
Course Structure
The course structure is based on your course. Each professional course has its own
structure and is divided into different levels. From Level 1 to Level 4 the courses are
benchmarked against the Ofqual guidelines. In Level 1 the 30 credits will be assigned to
students and they will be taught 3 to 4 units. The Level 3 qualifications are 60 credits and
level 4 qualifications are of 90 credits. To achieve an accredited certificate the learner
must have to achieve all of the credit hours.
For further information about the course structure you can find on Moodle/ VLE Course
Module Descriptor & Units Descriptor.
Course delivery
Your course is online
You will view your training and upload your assignments on our e-learning
platform, known as ‘Moodle’.
Inspire London College’s online tutor will support you online and mark your work.
The ILC’s student support officer and team will be there for your help.
How is it assessed?
Each unit is divided into Learning Outcomes. These are statements of what you
can be expected to know, understand or do as a result of the process of learning.
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These learning outcomes are divided into Assessment Criteria. These are descriptions
of the requirements you are expected to meet to demonstrate that a learning outcome
has been achieved. To achieve the unit the learner must provide evidence to meet all of
the assessment criteria of the unit.
Time Frame
After the final submission of an assignment your tutor or assessor will mark the
assignment within 7 working days and will be responsible for providing the feedback
within 7 working days. In case, of any delay you can make any complaint to college’s
administration. If there are any types of technical issues then college will inform you
earlier. After getting a feedback the learners will be assigned the next unit and
assessment to work on.
Your work will be subject to an Internal Quality Assurance process where an Internal
Quality Assurer (IQA/IV) will sample work to check and standardise assessment
decisions made by your assessor.
Moodle is online Learning Platform. ILC has developed a comprehensive and user-friendly
For getting support from our side you can just simply contact the College via email. At the
time of making a request for support you will be asked to provide the following
• Complete Name
• Student ID
• Course Name
• Email Address
Technical support
If you are struggling with Moodle and you cannot find the answer to your query in the
guidance provided you can email:
Study Skills
The completed timetable on the next page is a guide to demonstrate to you the time you
spend involved in activity which you don’t always recognise. This is usually because we
often go from one activity to another without recognising what we are actually doing and
how much we are doing.
Try to read additional subject related articles and journal where every possible. This will
help you when you are writing assignments and increase your knowledge.
Do access the resources and informal learning activities on Moodle. They are there to
support your learning.
I f you don’t read and research you w ill find w riting your Assessm ent
Tasks m ore challenging.
You will retain less information the longer you study. Find the best time and place to
use for your study. This does not have to be a large space but it should be a place
where you are not easily disturbed.
Points to remember:
Tell the people around you when you are going to study – including children. Tell
them what time you will start and end. This will stop them interrupting you during
this period.
Do not take phone calls (except in emergencies) during your study time.
Try to allocate some of your study slots at the time of the day when you are most
Any course related queries you have should be directed to your assessor in the first
We are always happy to receive feedback from learners as this helps us to continually
develop and improve the learning experience we provide.
In the unlikely event that you have a concern or a complaint about your course, please
raise this with the student support team at ILC, or via the Compliments, Comments
and Complaints procedure. Please do not raise a concern or complaint you would like
us to address via message on Moodle.
Please use the Harvard system of referencing when it is necessary to reference course
work. You will find a guide on Harvard Referencing Guide on Moodle in the
introductory section for each unit.
Plagiarism Policy
ILC has an obligation to awarding bodies, learners, members, funders and society in
general to ensure that the qualifications its learners receive are a fair and accurate
representation of their work, and of the knowledge and skills attained. Plagiarism and
other forms of cheating undermine the value and credibility of qualifications for all
concerned. If a learner passes an assessment, or gets a qualification, by unfair means
then this affects those who achieved the same qualification fairly. ILC will therefore take
appropriate measures to ensure that learners work is their own and that plagiarism has
not taken place. Where plagiarism is detected appropriate action will be taken in line with
Inspire London College procedures and awarding organization requirements.
Copying text from a book or any other source word for word and using it as
your own. You may legitimately use any such information providing it is
clearly acknowledged in the body of your work and appropriately referenced
in your bibliography. In this case you have recognized that the work is not
your own and plagiarism is avoided.
Paraphrasing work – this is using words from a text to make it simpler. This
is a form of plagiarism as it simply restates the point made by the original
Copying diagrams and charts or any such document is also plagiarism again
you must reference at the foot of the diagram or chart and acknowledge in
your bibliography.
ILC is committed to the detection of plagiarism and will take appropriate measures where
it is detected including:
Please check your work Plagiarism via using online Viper Plagiarism Checker or grammarly
Staff will be informed and supported to prevent and detect plagiarism. It is the
responsibility of
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To ensure all tutors, assessors and internal quality assurers are provided
with a copy of the policy.
To explain what plagiarism is to learners and explain to them the ILC policy
on plagiarism and the implications if plagiarism is detected.
To ensure that the words and arguments of others are appropriately cited
and referenced.
Learners must not copy materials from written sources, from the Internet, or from any
other source whether this is through cutting and pasting, rewriting or by any other
means. Changing a few words within a copied piece of text does not render it original and
still counts as plagiarism.
If evidence is discovered that a learner has copied work from elsewhere and the
plagiarism would have altered the result obtained by the learner if it had been
undetected then the assessment must be referred.
The learner will be advised by the tutor of this decision within 5 days of the decision
being made.
If it is clear that the plagiarism was minor and did not constitute intentional cheating,
then guidance and support should be provided.
In cases of plagiarism the assessor should provide feedback (in consultation with tutor)
explaining the issue and signposting to support so the learner can resubmit evidence.
The learner will be given further guidance on how to correctly reference and be given a
verbal warning.
The student support team will also write to the learner explaining why they have referred,
reinforcing the unacceptability of plagiarism, reminding the learner of appropriate
referencing practice and offering support and guidance if required.
The learner will also be redirected to the plagiarism policy given to him/her at the
beginning of the course.
If a second case of plagiarism occurs from the same learner the tutor will advise the
learning in writing that all previous work will be call back for detailed scrutiny. This will be
done by a panel to include:
The Assessor
A tutor
A third case of plagiarism will result in a learner being withdrawn from the course. No
refund of course fee will be given and learner will have to complete any outstanding
payments owed to ILC.
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Frequently Asked Questions for the use of the Distance Learning and Moodle e-
learning platform.
For enrolling on a distance learning course at Inspire London College select a course from
College’s course catalogue and fill out the apply online form for enrolment. After receiving
your application form the Accounts department of ILC will send you an invoice for the
course fee and after receiving your course fee you will be registered with college and will
be eligible for the benefits of learning with ILC.
Inspire London College’s distance learning courses are open to international students from
any geographical location as currently we have students from more than 50+ countries
therefore students from a different region of the world can enroll for online courses at ILC.
After course completion you will be awarded with an accredited certificate from UK’s best
awarding body i.e. TQUK and ABC Awards.
Unlike the traditional education the distance learning courses are open throughout the
year and students can enroll anytime for any course.
As distance learning courses are provided online therefore there are no classes and lecture
sessions for these professional courses.
Courses at Inspire London College are delivered with 100% tutor support. Therefore, if
during the studies you need a support you can directly contact your tutor via email.
All the courses offered by ILC are completely flexible as they offer self-paced learning
process at home or workplaces and there are no specific deadlines for submitting an
assignment or completion of the course.
How long I will have access to Inspire London College’s Moodle?
It’s a very rare case that a student will not be able to pass an assignment as 100% tutor
support is available for the students. If something happens like that students can re-take
their assignment without any extra charges.
Does Inspire London College offer scholarship?
Inspire London College’s Management is working on the scholarship program. In first step,
the scholarship program will be launched for African Students and in second step the
needy students will be given scholarships around the globe.
We aim to give all our stakeholders –local authorities, colleges and other support agencies
– the highest standards of service. We welcome feedback on all aspects of our work.
Please give us your feedback via Moodle/VLE. Feedback forms are available through
Moodle /VLE.
However, if you have a concern about any aspect of ILC’s work, try to have a chat about it
with a member of our staff – perhaps your ILC, someone in the relevant head office
department, or an employee on the ILC information line.
Many issues are resolved in this way, but if you are still not happy, you may want to make
a formal complaint.
Learners have the right to challenge an assessment decision made by an assessor if they
are not happy with the final grade (Appeal form is on page 21).
Appeal forms are available in our college, you can ask us by email at
Appeals Procedure
• all learners are made aware of the procedure and are given access to it
• all Tutors, Assessors and Internal Quality Assurers are aware of the procedure and
given access to it.
The purpose of this document is to describe the procedure to follow where a dispute
arises from any assessment that has taken place.
The following procedure should be followed in the event of a learner disputing the
outcome of an assessment.
Stage One:
• Where the learner disagrees with the assessment given (s)he must explain the
reasons for this to the assessor concerned as soon as possible.
• The assessor should consider the learner’s explanation and provide a response
giving a clear explanation or a repeat explanation of the assessment decision
following a re-evaluation of the evidence.
• If the learner is not happy with the outcome then the Appeal will proceed to Stage
Stage Two:
• The learner will submit the reasons for the appeal completing section 1 of the
Learner Appeal Form.
• The assessor completes section 2 of the Learner Appeal Form and forwards this to
the Quality Lead who will allocate an Internal Quality Assurer (IQA). This will
include the original assessment record and candidate evidence
• The IQA will reconsider the assessment decision through an evaluation of:
• the candidate’s evidence and associated records
• the assessor’s rationale for the decision
• The IQA will complete Section 3 of the Learner Appeal Form and provide the
learner with the reconsidered decision within 10 working days of receiving the
• Where the learner remains unhappy with the reconsidered assessment decision, the
Appeal must proceed to Stage Three.
Stage Three:
• If no resolution has been reached, the Stage Two Internal Quality Assurer will
forward details to the Quality Appeals Panel. These should include:
• Learner Appeal Form, appropriately completed
• Assessment records
• Any written comments from the IQA (e.g. background details)
• The Quality Appeals Panel will include the Quality Lead and the Lead Internal
Quality Assurer
• They will evaluate the situation and complete Section 4 of the Learner Appeal Form,
informing the learner with the reconsidered decision within 5 working days.
• If the learner remains unhappy with the reconsidered assessment decision, the
appeal will proceed to stage four.
Stage Four:
• If no resolution has been reached the Quality Lead will contact the External Verifier
from the awarding body.
Date of Appeal:
Unit Assessor
(Unit Assessor writes here why you think that the assessment decision is correct or
why it needs to be amended and reviewed further?)
To be completed by the second assessor and internal verifier within 10 working days of
receiving appeals stage 2.
Learner’s Name:
Date of Appeal:
Date of Stage 2:
Name of Unit
Name of Second
Name of Internal
Second Assessor’s decision following assessment of the learners
assignment/assessment evidence
( please write here your assessment decision of the learners evidence)
Signature of Date:
second Assessor:
Signature of Date:
Internal Verifier:
Signature of Date:
Does the Learner Yes/No Does the Learner Yes/No
accept the wish to proceed to
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decision? stage 3?
Learner’s Name:
Date of Appeal:
Date of Stage 3:
Name(s) of Management
Name of Curriculum Staff(s)
Management decision following re-evaluation of decisions made in stages 1 and 2.
(Please write here if the decision is to reject or uphold the appeal. Provide a rationale for
the decision and state what action the Learner is permitted to take if further evidence is
Signature of Date:
Signature of Date:
Curriculum Staff:
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Signature of Date feedback given
Learner: to Learner:
Does the Learner Yes/No Does the Learner Yes/No
accept the wish to appeal to the
decision? Academic Board?
The panel's findings will be formally reported back to the Learner within 5 working days of
the hearing. The letter will include the outcome of the appeal and the rationale behind
the decision made.
Learner’s Name:
Date of Appeal:
Date of Stage 4:
Academic Board Member One:
Academic Board Member Two:
Academic Board Member Three:
Unit Assessor:
Learner’s family or Friend Name:
Academic Board’s decision following convening an Appeals Panel. Include notes of
interviews with the Learner, unit Assessor and other staff involved in stage 4 appeals.
Also include any assessment records used to make the final judgement.
(Please write here if the decision is to reject or uphold the appeal. Provide a rationale for
the decision and state what action the Learner is permitted to take if further evidence is
Signature of Date:
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Academic Board
person number 1:
Signature of Date:
Academic Board
person number 2:
Signature of Date:
Academic Board
person number 3:
Signature of Date feedback given
Learner: to Learner:
Does the Learner Yes/No Does the Learner Yes/No
accept the decision? wish to appeal to the
Awarding Body?
This policy is provided for Inspire London customers, including learners and staff members
who are using or delivering the courses or qualifications Inspire London offer.
This policy is available for all staff members, third parties and learners to access.
It is important that staff involved in the management, delivery, assessment and quality
assurance of awarding organisation’s qualifications and learners undertaking these
qualifications, are fully aware of the contents of the policy.
Inspire London College is committed to the principles of Equal and Diversity. Equality of
access and opportunity for all are core values of our organisation and we are committed to
raising the profile of Equality and Diversity and to being proactive in ensuring fairness to
all. The Equality Act 2010 underpins our policies.
All learners and staff are required to follow and honor the principles of Inspire London
College's Equality and Diversity Policy. We encourage everyone to play a part in promoting
our policy in the course of their learning or work.
There are no circumstances under which Inspire London College will tolerate
discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation from or towards any staff member or
This also includes cyber-harassment or cyber-bullying. Any issues must be reported to the
Centre Manager.
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Discrimination is when people are treated less favorably than others because of a
protected characteristic they have or are thought to have. This includes discrimination on
the grounds of their gender, race, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, age, marital status, stage
of development, ability or disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and wealth
or background.
Inspire London College is committed to providing a quality service for its learners and staff
members, working in an open and accountable way that builds the trust and respect. One
of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and
responding to the views of our staff members, customers and learners, and in particular
by responding positively to complaints, and by putting mistakes right.
Racial Harassment
Racial harassment is any action of a racist nature that results in people feeling
threatened or compromised. It can include:
• racial name calling
• derogatory remarks
• racist graffiti or jokes
• display or circulation of racially offensive material
• physical threats, insulting behaviour or gestures
• open hostility
• exclusion from normal conversation or social events.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that affects the dignity of
women and men at work, including physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct. It can be
in the form of:
• insensitive jokes or pranks
• lewd comments about appearance
• unnecessary bodily contact
• displays of explicit materials
• gestures and leering
• speculation about a person’s private or personal life
Bullying is a form of harassment, whether by staff or other learners. Bullying is verbal,
nonverbal or physical conduct that causes individuals to feel threatened, isolated or
humiliated – and may include members of a group other than those being directly
Victimisation is when a person is treated less favourably in the same circumstances
because that person has, in good faith, made a complaint or raised a grievance under the
Equality Act, or because they are suspected of doing so.
Vulnerable Adults
A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who may be unable to take care of
themselves or protect themselves from harm or from being exploited.
Abuse can take a number of forms and cause victims to suffer pain, fear and distress.
Adults may be too afraid or embarrassed to raise any complaints. They may be reluctant
to discuss their concerns with other people or unsure who to trust with their worries.
Sometimes people can be unaware they are being abused.
Inspire London College staff have a responsibility to follow this policy and report any
suspicions that may arise
Protection of Children Policy.
The policy of safeguarding a child is to protect any person under the age of 18 years
and those whom are considered vulnerable. The Children Act 1989 provides the legal
framework for the protection of children and young People in UK. Inspire London
College is committed to the safeguarding of children and our staff have a
responsibility to follow this policy and report any suspicions that may arise. Both the
safeguarding policies above also include the protection of our staff from unfounded
allegations of abuse.
P urpose: The formal complaints procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are
handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant's
This policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that
you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to
understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will
treat it. For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 2000 (the Act), the data controller
is the Professional Association for Inspire London College.
Information that you provide by filling in forms (either paper forms or forms
completed on our site). This includes information provided at the time of
registering your interest in our e-learning course, registering to use our e-
learning site, subscribing to our service, posting material or requesting further
services. We may also ask you for information when you report a problem
with our site.
Information that you provide as part of the e-learning course (including but
not limited to unit assignments and unit credits).
We may also ask you to complete surveys that we use for research
purposes, although you do not have to respond to them.
Details of transactions you carry out through our site and of the fulfillment of
your orders.
Details of your visits to our site and the resources that you access.
We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP
address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and to report
aggregate information. This is statistical data about our users' browsing actions and
patterns, and does not identify any individual. For the same reason, we may obtain
information about your general internet usage by using a cookie file which is stored on the
hard drive of your computer. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your
When a user connects to an ASP.NET application that uses session state a unique session
ID will be affiliated with the user. If nothing is put in the session however, no cookie will
be sent to the browser. This means that the user will get a new session ID the next time
a new url is open or the page is refreshed. If something is put on the session however,
ASP.NET will issue a cookie called ASP.NET_Session Id. This cookie contains the user's
session ID and the cookie will expire at the end of the session (when you close your
You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the setting on your browser which allows
you to refuse the setting of cookies. However, if you select this setting you may be
unable to access certain parts of our site. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting
so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you log on to our site
The data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination
outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"). It may also be processed by staff operating
outside the EEA who works for us or for one of our suppliers. Such staff maybe engaged
in, among other things, the fulfillment of your order, the processing of your payment
details and the provision of support services. By submitting your personal data, you agree
to this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to
ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.
Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to
access Moodle, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential and for all
activities that occur under your ID or password. We ask you not to share a password
with anyone. We may disable your user ID and password at our sole discretion or if you
breach any of the policies or terms governing your use of the site or any other
contractual obligation you owe us.
Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure.
Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the
security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once
we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to
try to prevent unauthorised access.
We use information and permit selected third parties to use information held about you
in the following ways:
For internal assessment and moderation and for external assessment and
For training and monitoring purposes and to improve our products and services.
To ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective manner
for you and for your computer.
To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you
and us.
To allow you to participate in interactive features of our service, when you choose
to do so.
We may also use your data, or permit selected third parties to use your data, to provide
you with information about goods and services which may be of interest to you and we
or they may contact you about these by post or telephone.
If you are an existing learner, we will only contact you by electronic means (e-mail or
SMS) with information about courses.
If you are a new learner, and where we permit selected third parties to use your data,
we (or they) will contact you by electronic means only if you have consented to this.
If you do not want us to use your data in this way, or to pass your details on to third
parties for marketing purposes, please tick the relevant box situated on the form on
which we collect your data (the registration form).
If ILC or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which
case personal data held by it about its learners will be one of the transferred
If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply
with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms of use.
Your Rights
You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes.
We will usually inform you (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for
such purposes or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for such
purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain
boxes on the forms we use to collect your data. You can also exercise the right at any
time by contacting ILC’s student support team.
Our site may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner
networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please
note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any
responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit
any personal data to these websites.
Access to Information
The Act gives you the right to access information held about you. Your right of access
can be exercised in accordance with the Act. Any access request may be subject to a fee
of £10 to meet our costs in providing you with details of the information we hold about
Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on website
page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail.
Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and
should be addressed to:
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Inspire London College
First Floor, Fairlawn
High Street
UB1 3HB, United Kingdom,
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7101 9543