Hampton - Adams Kinesiology Tape Ebook
Hampton - Adams Kinesiology Tape Ebook
Hampton - Adams Kinesiology Tape Ebook
Happy Reading
DO NOT use Kinesiology tape if you are suffering from (but not limited to):
1. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT, or blood clots): if a clot were to break
free and travel to the heart, brain, or lungs, it could be fatal.
2. Renal Insufficiency: Sending extra fluid to insufficient kidneys could
be very dangerous due to the fact that the kidney can become over-
whelmed. Taping any part of the body during this time could cause kid-
ney failure.
3. Congestive Heart Failure: Moving fluid back to a weak heart could
overwhelm the heart and cause heart failure.
4. Infection - Tape should never be applied in the vicinity of any infec-
tion. Moving fluid associated with an infection can cause the infection to
5. Cancer: if cancerous cells are present in the body, this could cause the
spread of those cells to the rest of the body.
Dеfinitеlу not уоu. Kinеѕiоlоgу tаре iѕ аll you nееd fоr kеерing your
muѕсlеѕ safe, and continue doing what you love! Made of cotton with
the perfect elasticity, this аllоws frееdоm оf mоvеmеnt. It ѕuрроrtѕ аnу
оvеr-wоrkеd muѕсlе or ѕkеlеtаl part аnd thuѕ prevents furthеr damage
frоm happening.
This tape comes in a variety of colors and sizes. It’s a roll of magic!
A gооd kinesiology tаре should еliminаtе mоiѕturе and аllоw gооd аir
сirсulаtiоn. Mоrеоvеr, еnѕurе уоu buу оnе mаdе of соttоn.
11. Remove slowly.
12. Do not use on open wounds.
13. Adult supervision required when applying to children.
14. Kinesiology tape is not a cure or substitution for a doctor.
Injured Area Before K-Tape:
After trauma, various fluids and blood build in the area, resulting in
bruises or swelling. These fluids exert pressure on the sensory nerves,
causing pain. The inflammation from the injury could block the lymphat-
ic drainage vessels, preventing the swelling from receding. Along with
the drainage vessels, blood vessels are also compressed, which, in turn,
reduces the delivery of oxygen and nutrients for healing. The healing
response will be delayed the longer the cycle of pain and inflammation
continues. Basically, kinesiology tape speeds up the healing process by
Most Common
Do not overstretch the tape, especially at the ends. When the ends
of the tape are applied to the skin with stretch, they can pull on the skin
and cause rashes and/or blistering.
Skin preparation
Skin must be completely clean and dry, free of any lotions or oils.
Wash the area with soap and water, or wipe the area with alcohol or
hand-sanitizer. After application, wait at least one hour before sweating,
swimming, or showering. If applying after exercise, ensure perspiration
has ceased, and the area is completely dry.
to another piece of tape. After applying, rub tape briskly from the center
to the ends to activate the adhesive. While wearing the tape, avoid rub-
bing ends on clothing or other objects. To dry, gently pat dry with a tow-
el. Do not use any form of heat to dry the tape for it is heat-activated and
may become difficult to remove.
If it won’t stick, check that all skin and tape preparation and applica-
tion guidelines above were followed. It can be challenging to get tape to
stick to wet skin or areas that have receive repeated body contact.
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1. Locate The Exact Area Of Your Body Where The Tape Needs To Be
It’s important to locate the correct area that needs to be supported.
You should take time on this step to make sure that the tape is placed
correctly. It’s crucial to make sure that the tape is placed correctly so it
has the best chance at being able to work for you. It may take a few re-
peated taping applications before you get the Kinesiology Tape in exact-
ly the right place, but you should feel more supported immediately.
3. Cut The Right Length Of Tape From The Roll And Round The Edg-
Once you’ve cut the correct amount of tape that you need, cut the
ends so they’re rounded. Rounding the edges of the tape before you put
it on will help the tape to stay on for longer. It’s much harder to catch an
edge if the ends have been rounded. Depending on the activity and how
long you plan on wearing your Kinesiology Tape, most products will stay
on for a couple of days.
5. Stretch The Muscle That Needs Taping And Remove The Backing
On The Tape.
It’s important to apply the tape while the muscle is stretched to stop
the tape from being too tight when you’re moving and stretching your
muscles. You’ll also be able to feel the support and get the right amount
of tension in the tape straight away. This will ensure that it is definitely
supportive rather than restrictive. Only remove the tape backing when
you’re sure of the position you’ll be placing the tape. Be careful not to let
the tape stick to itself.
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1. The “I” strip
Typically “I” strips are used to
support muscles, tendons, and liga-
ments. They are often used to facil-
itate your rotator cuff, gluteus mus-
cles, quadriceps, or Achilles’ tendon.
The “I” strip can also be used on
your low back and middle back to
help you maintain proper posture.
To make an “I” strip, simply cut off the amount of kinesiology tape you
will need. Use scissors to round the corners to prevent the tape from
being easily pulled off when rubbing against clothing.
4. The Fan
The Fan is a type of kinesiology
tape used to control swelling of your
leg or arm. It is commonly used in
lymphedema management or for
superficial contusions and swell-
ing. To make a fan, simply cut an
“I” strip, and then make three cuts
lengthwise through the tape, leaving
about 1-2 inches uncut at one end. This creates four small strips of tape
that can then be used to fan out over your swollen arm or leg.
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Achilles tendonitis:
The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It connects the
calf muscles to the heel and is active during almost all activities includ-
ing walking, jumping, and swimming. This dense tendon can withstand
large forces, but can become inflamed and painful during periods of
overuse. Pain results from inflammation (tendonitis) from overuse or
trauma or a degenerating tendon (tendinosis). KT Tape helps treat this
condition by increasing circulation and support.
WHAT YOU NEED 2 strips of KT
TAPE 1 full 10” strip 1 full 10” strip
cut in half BEFORE YOU START
one hour before beginning activity
CLEAN SKIN Clean dirt, oils and
lotions from area ACTIVATE ADHE-
SIVE After application rub tape vig-
- 15 -
Strip Two Strip Three
ANCHOR: Anchor ANCHOR: If there
the middle of a is pain higher up
half strip over the on tendon, anchor
point of pain. middle of a sec-
ond half strip to
FINISH: Lay the another point.
last two inches
of the tape down FINISH: Lay the
without stretch. last two inches
of the tape down
without stretch.
This application can
be used for a variety of
ankle issues including
ankle sprains, stretched
ligaments, inflamed ten-
dons, or general ankle
weakness. KT Tape gives
support and stability to
the ankle.
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Strip One
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0% stretch 50% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor full strip on APPLY: Apply strip along bot- FINISH: Lay the end down
ball of foot as shown without tom of foot and up the back of without stretch. Smooth tape
stretch. heel as shown with 50% stretch against the arch.
on tape.
- 20 -
0% stretch 50% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip on APPLY: Apply the tape around FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
the inside heel without stretch the bottom of the heel and up es of tape without stretch.
on tape as shown. to the point of pain with 50%
- 21 -
AVG wear: 2 days
- 22 -
A second half strip can be
applied over the first strip for
additional support if desired.
0% stretch
FINISH: Smooth the tape
against the skin.
- 23 -
AVG wear: 2 days
- 24 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Apply middle of a APPLY: Lay ends down without
half strip of tape over the point stretch.
of pain with 80% stretch.
- 26 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor middle of a APPLY: Apply the ends of each
full strip of tape over the point side of the tape without stretch.
of pain with 80% stretch.
- 27 -
AVG wear: 2 days
- 28 -
0% stretch 80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a narrow APPLY: Lay tha tape around FINISH: Lay the end of tape
strip on the back of the outer the heel without stretch. At the along the outside of the toe with-
side of the heel. mid-arch, apply 80% stretch to out stretch. A second narrow
the side of the big toe. strip can be applied over the first
- 29 -
AVG wear: 2 days
- 30 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Cut the narrow strip APPLY: Lay the ends down
to a three inch length. Apply around toe without stretch.
under the big toe with 80%
- 31 -
AVG wear: 2 days
The bicep muscles and tendons run along
the front of your arm and to the front of the
shoulder. These muscles are responsible
for “curling” motions and raising your arm
in front of you. Causes of bicep pain may
include tears and strains to the muscle or
nerve, ligament, or tendon damage. KT Tape
relieves pressure, supports the muscle, and
may increase circulation to reduce pain.
- 32 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip APPLY: Apply tape along the FINISH: Lay the last two inches
one inch above the inner elbow bicep with 25% stretch. down without stretch.
without stretch.
- 33 -
AVG wear: 2 days
Tricep injuries include muscle pain and weak-
ness. Cause of pain may include overuse, landing
on an outstretched arm, or muscular imbalance.
KT Tape helps support the muscle by assisting
function through support, reduction of pressure,
and increasing circulation.
- 34 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip APPLY: Apply the tape along FINISH: Lay the last two inches
on the upper tricep two inches the tricep with 25% stretch. of tape down without stretch.
from the base of the arm.
- 35 -
AVG wear: 1 day
Causes of wrist pain may include typing for
long periods of time, overuse in sports, land-
ing on an outstretched hand, or carrying heavy
loads. KT Tape helps treat this condition by re-
lieving pressure to reduce pain, relaxing associat-
ed muscles, and may increase circulation.
- 36 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle of FINISH: Lay ends down around
a half strip of tape to the top of the wrist without stretch.
the wrist with 80% stretch.
- 37 -
AVG wear: 1 day
- 38 -
0% stretch 50% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip APPLY: Apply tape around the FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
on the outer arm four inches elbow with 50% stretch. es of tape without stretch.
above the elbow.
- 39 -
AVG wear: 2 days
- 40 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle FINISH: Lay ends down without
of a half strip of tape over the stretch.
point of pain with 80% stretch.
- 41 -
AVG wear: 2 days
- 42 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle APPLY: Lay the ends of tape
of a half strip of tape over the down without stretch.
point of pain with 80% stretch.
- 44 -
0% stretch 0% stretch 10% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a narrow APPLY: Lay the tape down over FINISH: Apply remaining tape
strip two inches below the the wrist without stretch. with 10% stretch towards the
wrist. tip of the finger. Then lay the
last inch of tape down without
0% stretch
ANCHOR: Cut a narrow strip in
half. Lay the tape around the
point of pain without stretch.
- 45 -
AVG wear: 1 day
Cut one strip of tape into two one-inch wide
strips. Hereafter, these strips will be referred to
as narrow strips.
- 46 -
0% stretch 50% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a narrow APPLY: Apply tap to the fore- FINISH: Smooth the tape
strip over the nail without arm with 50% stretch on tape against the skin. Lay the last
stretch. two inches of tape down with-
out stretch.
0% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Tilt the wrist and APPLY: Apply the ends around
thumb down. the wrist without stretch.
If desired, a second narrow strip can be applied over the first strip us-
ing the same technique to add extra support.
Anchor the middle of a half strip of tape over the base of the thumb
with 80% stretch.
For additional support, apply a second half strip over the first.
- 47 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 48 -
0% stretch 25% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip an APPLY: Apply tape up the neck FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
inch to the side of the spine. with 25% stretch. es without stretch.
- 50 -
0% stretch 20% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip APPLY: Apply the tape around
on the lower deltoid without the back of the shoulder with
stretch. 20% stretch as shown.
- 51 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 52 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip APPLY: Apply the tape around FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
slightly under the point of pain the shoulder and under the es without stretch.
as shown without stretch. shoulder blade with 25%
- 54 -
80% stretch
ANCHOR: the middle of a half
strip of tape over the point of
pain. Lay the ends down with-
80% stretch
ANCHOR: the middle of a sec-
ond half strip in an X pattern
over the first strip.
- 56 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: one full strip of tape ANCHOR: tape towards the FINISH: Apply last two inches
at a diagonal, just off the spine top of the shoulder or AC joint to tape without stretch.
and going over the bottom of using 25% stretch.
the angle of the shoulder blaide
- 57 -
SI Joint:
AVG wear: 3 days
Low back pain is often caused by complica-
tions arising from the SI Joint. Though the SI
Joint is not the singular cause of low back pain,
attention to the joint is important in assessing
and treating the pain. Athletes from all sports
and people from all walks of like experience
problems with the SI Joint due to its pivotal po-
sition in the body. SI Joint pain may be caused
by hip misalignments, pregnancy, poor posture,
or sitting for long periods of time. KT Tape helps
treat this condition by relieving pressure and in-
flammation around the area to reduce pain.
- 58 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: the middle of a full FINISH: Lay ends down without
strip of tape over the point of stretch.
80% stretch
ANCHOR: the middle of a half FINISH: Lay ends of tape down
strip at diagonal over the point without stretch.
of pain.
80% stretch
ANCHOR: the middle of anoth- FINISH: Lay ends of tape down
er half strip over the first strip without stretch.
as shown.
- 59 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 60 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor middle of a FINISH: Lay ends down without
full strip of tape over the point stretch.
of pain with 80% stretch.
- 61 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 62 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: one full strip of tape APPLY: tape towards the top of FINISH: Apply last two inches
just below the area of pain, just the shoulders along the spine of tape without stretch.
off the spine. using 25% stretch.
- 63 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 64 -
50% stretch 0% stretch 50% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle FINISH: tApply the last two ANCHOR: Anchor the middle
of a full strip of tape with 50% inches of each end without of a second full strip above the
stretch below the point of pain. stretch. point of pain, parallel to first
strip, with 50% stretch.
0% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
of fourth full strip to form a box es of each end without stretch.
around the point of pain with
50% stretch.
- 65 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 66 -
80% stretch 0% stretch 80% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor middle of a FINISH: Apply ends of tape ANCHOR: Anchor middle of a
half strip of tape over the point without stretch. half strip of tape over the point
of pain with 80% stretch. of pain with 80% stretch.
- 67 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 68 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip of APPLY: tape over the line of FINISH: Apply last two inches
tape without stretch at a diag- pain. of tape without stretch.
onal two inches below the area
of pain.
- 69 -
IT Band Hip:
AVG wear: 3 days
*Apply tape directly to skin, photos show
placement on body only
- 70 -
80% stretch 0% stretch 80% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle of FINISH: Lay down the ends ANCHOR: Anchor the middle
a half strip tape over the point without stretch. of another half strip with 80%
of pain with 80% stretch. stretch across the other strip.
- 72 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip APPLY: Apply tape around me- FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
three inches above the base of dial side of the calf with 25%. es of the tape without stretch.
the heel without stretch.
- 73 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 74 -
0% stretch 50% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip APPLY: Apply the tape up the FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
at the base of the shin without shin over the area of pain with es of the tape without stretch.
stretch. 50% stretch.
- 76 -
0% stretch 50% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip on APPLY: Apply tape under the FINISH: Lay the last two inches
the outer heel opposite to the foot and up the heel with 50% of tape down without stretch
side of the pain without stretch. stretch.
At the ankle, point toes away from shin and apply tape up the leg with
50% stretch.
- 77 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 78 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip APPLY: Apply tape up the quad FINISH: Lay the last two inches
of tape without stretch on the with 25% stretch. down without stretch.
inner quad two inches above
the knee.
- 79 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 80 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: one full strip of tape APPLY: tape along the line of FINISH: Apply last two inches
at base of hamstring just above pain with 25% stretch. of tape without stretch.
bend in knee.
- 81 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 82 -
25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor a full strip FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
of tape to the side of the knee es of tape without stretch.
on the inner muscles of leg as
shown with no stretch.
- 83 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 84 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: a full strip without APPLY: Lay the tape diagonally FINISH: Apply last two inches
stretch 3 inches below the toward hip over the point of without stretch on tape.
point of pain.* pain with 25% stretch.
- 85 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 86 -
0% stretch 25% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor tape two APPLY: Apply the tape over the FINISH: Lay the last two inches
inches above and diagonal to line of pain with 25% stretch. of tape down without stretch.
the area of pain.
- 87 -
Outer Knee:
AVG wear: 3 days
Causes of outer knee pain may include IT
Band Syndrome, overuse, overtraining, poor
training form, or training on hills or stairs. KT
Tape relieves knee pain and promotes the heal-
ing process.
- 88 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle APPLY: Lay ends down without
of a half strip of tape over the stretch.
point of pain with 80% stretch.
- 89 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 90 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle FINISH: Apply the ends of tape
of a half strip of tape over the without stretch.
point of pain with 80% stretch.
- 91 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 92 -
80% stretch 0% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: middle of a half strip APPLY: lay ends down without ANCHOR: Anchor full strip 10
of tape under kneecap with stretch (a second half strip can inches above the kneecap.
80% stretch. be added for additional sup-
- 94 -
80% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: Anchor the middle of APPLY: Apply ends of tape
a half strip of tape diagonally without stretch.
over the point of pain with 80%
- 95 -
AVG wear: 3 days
- 96 -
0% stretch 50% stretch 0% stretch
ANCHOR: a full strip three inch- APPLY: Apply the tape around FINISH: Apply the last two inch-
es below the lateral side of the the point of pain with 50% es of tape without stretch.
back of the knee. stretch.
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Althоugh thiѕ fоrm оf taping has bееn аrоund fоr over 20 years,
many рrоfеѕѕiоnаl athletes were ѕееn using the tаре at the 2008 Bei-
jing Olуmрiсѕ and ѕinсе thеn it’s popularity has ѕоаrеd. Thеѕе dауѕ,
hоwеvеr, уоu’rе juѕt аѕ likely tо see Kinesiology taping on a ѕuburbаn
runner аѕ a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl ѕроrtѕреrѕоn. The reason fоr its рорulаritу is
Thеrареutiс Kinesiology tаре iѕ made frоm stretchy, ѕtiсkу brеаthаblе
fаbriс thаt, оnсе аррliеd, ѕuрроrtѕ muѕсlе mоvеmеnt аnd hеlрѕ tо
calm inflаmmаtiоn аnd rеduсе раin. Aftеr аррliсаtiоn, the tape аllоwѕ
a full range of movement, whiсh iѕ whу аthlеtеѕ are finding it so crucial,
bоth in trаining аnd in competition.
Kinеѕiоlоgу tаре wоrkѕ in different wауѕ: It helps tо lift, ѕtrеtсh аnd
ѕuрроrt injured muѕсlеѕ, tendons аnd ligаmеntѕ, ѕо it саn bе еѕресiаllу
uѕеful for runnеrѕ ѕuffеring frоm runnеr’ѕ knее, рlаntаr fаѕсiitiѕ оr shin
As thе tаре iѕ flexible, likе a rubber bаnd, it’s able tо еxраnd аnd соn-
trасt which аѕѕiѕtѕ tissue funсtiоn. This means thаt inflamed оr dam-
aged muѕсlеѕ аnd tendons are constantly рrоtесtеd аnd furthеr injurу
саn be аvоidеd. Thiѕ hеlрѕ to еxtеrnаllу ѕuрроrt injurеd tiѕѕuе whilѕt
allowing it to rеѕt аnd rераir.
Thе tape is vеrу thin аnd ѕоft tо thе tоuсh but it’s tensile ѕtrеngth аnd
durаbilitу allow it tо bе wоrn whilѕt competing in thе toughest еnvirоn-
mеntѕ. Triаthlеtеѕ аrе раrtiсulаrlу fоnd оf thiѕ therapy аѕ it аllоwѕ thеm
to continue tо соmреtе in all thrее diѕсiрlinеѕ: Swimming, Cусling &
Away from соmреtitivе sports and Kinеѕiоlоgу оffеrѕ benefits tо
раtiеntѕ with arthritis оr those ѕuffеring with muѕсlе, jоint аnd ligаmеnt
Unlikе conventional tарing tесhniquеѕ, Kenisio tарing does not
оссludе nоrmаl fluid flоw but inѕtеаd nоrmаl flow of bоdу fluidѕ iѕ
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maintained аnd at the ѕаmе time, support аnd stability iѕ рrоvidеd to
thе injured аrеа оf thе body.
Mаdе оf еlаѕtiс mаtеriаl, the Kinеѕiо tape iѕ аррliеd оvеr thе affected
muѕсlе grоuр, оr juѕt рrоximаl оr distal tо the muѕсlе. Thе tаре givеѕ
ѕuрроrt tо the damaged muѕсlе withоut limiting too much mоvеmеnt
thаt will lеt уоu соntinuе with your daily tasks and activities. Because оf
this, nоrmаl muscle hеаling happens to the muscle.
There аrе vаriоuѕ mеdiсаl соnditiоnѕ where аррliсаtiоn of Kenisio
Tape iѕ bеnеfiсiаl. It iѕ used tо help раtiеntѕ ѕuffеring from different
problems, rаnging frоm hеаdасhеѕ to саrреl tunnеl ѕуndrоmе.
Tо knоw if you will bеnеfit from this tуре оf trеаtmеnt technique, it
wоuld bе bеѕt to аѕk your physiatrist or сhirорrасtоr.
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