Design Thinking 2324 5
Design Thinking 2324 5
Design Thinking 2324 5
Design Thinking/Innovation
Management and Design Thinking
Joana Mendonça
Inspire Ideate Implement
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• Before ideation, each team member must prepare for
ideation with the user research, other information
gathered, and the criteria established in the reframed
problem definition.
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A visualization of a customer’s objectives, needs,
feelings and barriers before, during and after the
Ideation: What it really
• Ideation is the creative
• Ideation process
is the of
creative process of
generating new ideas, after identifying a
generating new ideas, after
well defined and articulated
identifying a well defined and
• It’s a strategy challenge/problem.
to transition from
identifying problems to creating
• for
solutions It’susers
a strategy
by workingtointransition
groups. from
identifying problems to creating
• “Ideate” is the third phase of the
design thinking process.for users by working in
Ways to 3. Word Play - By making portmanteau words or scrambling words. You can
Boost either use Scrabble letter tiles or take any two words that come to mind
and find ways of combining them directly - a portmanteau word or
scrambling the parts completely to come up with either a real or a
Creativity ridiculous word.
5. Stare Off Into Space ... on purpose – Master the art of focusing off in the
distance and emptying your mind. It can allow the mind freedom to
wander to unexpected places.
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6. Listen or Watch with Purpose - Listen or watch EVERYTHING and notice
patterns. The act of hyper observation forces the brain to concentrate and
notice things it normally glosses over.
7. Make Lists of Opposites of the thing you want to resolve – another way to
force the brain to consider differences. For example, if you’re fixated on
finding a name for something, describe it in a word or two and then list as
Ways to many opposites to that idea as you can.
Boost 8. Play Music You Don't Love - Make a playlist of music you have played the
least. You liked it enough to load it there, but by playing less familiar music,
Creativity you’re forcing your brain into a place that is less known and therefore more
like to encourage creative thinking.
9. Use All Five Senses - to describe any object on your desk – examine an
everyday object by using all five senses
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7 rules from IDEO *
• Defer judgment. You never know where a good idea is going to come from. The
key is make everyone feel like they can say the idea on their mind and allow others to
build on it.
• Encourage wild ideas. Wild ideas can often give rise to creative leaps. In thinking
about ideas that are wacky or out there we tend to think about what we really want
without the constraints of technology or materials.
• Build on the ideas of others. Being positive and building on the ideas of others
takes some skill. In conversation, we try to use "and" instead of "but."
• Stay focused on the topic. Try to keep the discussion on target, otherwise you can
diverge beyond the scope of what you're trying to design for.
• One conversation at a time. Your team is far more likely to build on an idea and
make a creative leap if everyone is paying full attention to the person sharing a new
• Be visual. In live brainstorms we write down on sticky notes and then put them on
a wall. Nothing gets an idea across faster than drawing it. Doesn't matter if you're not
• Go for quantity. Aim for as many new ideas as possible. In a good session, up to
100 ideas are generated in 60 minutes. Crank the ideas out quickly and build on the
best ones.
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• Review the Research
• Brainstorming: A common strategy where groups build on the ideas of others. Wild
idea generation may help you break out of stale thinking or of an unacknowledged
set of assumptions about the problem. Some people criticize brainstorming as
ineffective, but when used properly it is a good method to get ideas flowing.
• Note and Vote: Individual team members to sit and write down ideas and share
the best ones with the rest of the team. The team then votes on which ideas to
carry forward.
• Brainwrite: Each member writes down their ideas on paper. Then, each person
passes their piece of paper to another person, who will elaborate on the ideas.
After a few minutes, team members pass the papers to yet another person, who
elaborates, and so on. After 15 minutes or so, collect the papers and post them for
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• Worst Possible Idea: This method helps re-energize a tired team or provides a fun way of
getting started. Some people refer to this as "reverse brainstorm." Rather than finding a
good solution, team members identify the worst possible ideas or even ways of causing or
worsening the problem you're trying to solve. Finding the worst possible solution can
relieve the stress and scrutiny involved in ideating good suggestions.
• Mindmap: This is a technique in which participants draw a web of relationships. Write a
problem definition or a key phrase in the middle of a large piece of paper or a whiteboard.
As team members have ideas, write those on the same page in a location that indicates
how this new idea is related to the others. After that, begin to connect associated ideas by
drawing lines.
• SCAMPER: (Substitute/Combine/Adapt/Modify/Put to another use/Eliminate/Reverse):
This set of seven action words helps groups generate more ideas or think about ideas in a
new way.
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Worst possible idea
• Worst Possible Idea is a highly effective
method that you can use to get the creative
juices flowing and help those who are not so
confident in expressing themselves by flipping
the brainstorm on its head. It’s a lot of fun too.
Instead of going for good ideas and putting the
pressure on, call for the worst possible ideas
your team can come up with.
• Doing this relieves any anxiety and self-
confidence issues and allows people to be more
playful and adventurous, as they know their
ideas are most certainly not going to be
scrutinised for missing the mark. It's way easier
to say, “hey, no that's not bad enough” than the
• Stories are a key medium for • Storyboarding can help you bring a situation to
communication, learning, and exploring. life, it can show what happens over time, and explore
Storyboarding is all about developing a the dynamics of a situation. You can use
visual story relating to the problem, storyboarding after having empathised with people
design, or solution which you want to in order to better understand their lives. You can
explain or explore. draw out their stories.
is an effective Inject insights from a broader group
way to:
Build enthusiasm
Crazy ideas
Super heroes?
With all the world’s money?
Without any money?
The opposite?