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Parental Involvement On The Modular Distance Learning in Challenged Area: A Case Study

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Volume: 14
Pages: 1089-1097
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1319
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10068611
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-3-11
Psych Educ,2023 , 14: 1089-01097, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1319, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068611, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Parental Involvement on the Modular Distance Learning in

Challenged Area: A Case Study
Harlyn L. Palmes*, Harry R. Palmes
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Education has undergone a radical change because of COVID-19. It completely altered the way we approach
education. The gap in learning possibilities had already widened even before the pandemic, but it had widened
more significantly in challenging areas. With the closure of schools, parents’ role becomes even more
indispensable. Considering the unique difficulties faced by parents caring for their children at home during the
lockdown, it is possible that these circumstances have either increased or created new difficulties for at-home
parental involvement. Hence, understanding parents’ perspectives in terms of their involvement in their students
learning during these unprecedented times was the focus of the study. This study presented three (3) cases
through multiple case study methodological perspective. The three (3) participants (parents) were selected
through purposive sampling on the following bases: (1) they were parents who have children enrolled in a
challenged area like the remote or mountainous areas in the municipality of Calinog, Iloilo, (2) they were
identified as parents who were actively involved in facilitating the learning of their children, and (3) were
willing to participate in the research. Sources of data were interviews and observations from participants and
significant other. The result of the study revealed that parents in challenged areas got involved with the modular
learning of their children by creating time and opportunity for study, encouragement and through monitoring
and discipline. The issues and challenges faced in parental involvement were, parents lack of knowledge,
unpleasant behavior of children in answering the modules, working parents, and vulnerable to distraction. The
strategies employed by parents in challenged areas in modular learning were constant update with the teacher,
encourage simple routines and making use of available support systems.

Keywords: parental involvement, modular learning, challenge areas

Introduction of kids, instructors, and families (Wajdi, 2020).

Significant academic losses among children may have
been impacted by learning interruptions at school,
As COVID-19 expanded, nations devised emergency especially for those who were already at a
strategies to halt and restrict the virus's spread, disadvantage (Reimers & Schleicher, 2020).
including the shutdown of schools on a general,
regional, or targeted basis (UNESCO, 2020). For in- To counteract these learning losses, certain educational
person learning activities, certain colleges and strategies were put in place, and various online
institutions were temporarily closed (Wajdi, 2020). learning platforms and educational resources were
made available to guarantee the continuity of teaching
The Philippines is currently in the midst of and learning. As a result, throughout the epidemic, the
implementing the new normal type of education, and need for digital technology increased considerably,
its success depends on educators' ongoing innovations despite the difficulties this increased need presented
and the active participation of other stakeholders. The for instructors, families, and children to maintain home
Department of Education implemented Modular learning. A sudden transformation was difficult
Distance Learning to maintain continuity in education because most schools and teachers were not
and ensure that every school continues to fulfill its accustomed to online instruction (Carvalho, Azevedo,
mission and vision, which is to offer high-quality Cruz, & Fonseca, 2020). Even with the availability of
instruction to every Filipino learner. Distance learning technology tools, effective use of digital devices in the
is a method of delivering education in which the classroom requires both qualified teachers and school
teacher and the students interact while they are policies (UNESCO, 2020). Other issues included
physically separated during instruction. Three students' limited access to technology and the internet,
variations of this modality exist: TV/radio-based alternative methods of providing academic activity
instruction, online distance learning, and modular supplies like extra work and excessive homework, and
distance learning (Quinones, 2020). fewer opportunities for teachers to provide more in-
depth explanations when necessary (Carvalho,
During the pandemic, it is important to take into Azevedo, Cruz &Fonseca, 2020). Therefore, online
account the psychological effects of homeschooling learning increased stress levels for both students and
and social isolation on the mental health and wellness family (Wajdi, 2020).

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Psych Educ,2023 , 14: 1089-01097, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1319, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068611, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Companies and organizations had to implement remote

work when schools were closed, which forced families important factor in explaining income differences
into new routines and social contact patterns. The between rural and urban areas. Rural areas continued
work-family balance, parental support, and school- to experience larger educational inequality than urban
family cooperation have all been profoundly impacted areas. Furthermore, Cruces, Garca, and Gasparini
by this new circumstance. This was necessary since it (2011) shown that nations with significant wealth
imposed changes on the entire Portuguese community disparity also have high levels of educational
of parents, students, and schools. It also changed inequality. In the Philippines, where there is obvious
parents' involvement in their children's education and income inequality, there is also obvious education
learning at this time in a way that had never been seen inequality (Monsod and Monsod 2003; Mesa 2007).
before (Markowska-Manista & Zakrzewska-Ol, 2020). Monitoring education disparity in the Philippines is
important because it can lead to welfare losses for
Parents collaborate with instructors in the classroom
society and because education is a key component in
since education is no longer confined to the school
reducing poverty.
setting. Parents are essential home facilitators. Their
main responsibility in modular learning is to engage Recognizing the importance of parental engagement
with the student and mentor them (FlipScience, 2020). while also taking into account the unique difficulties
faced by parents caring for their children at home
Parents and guardians have a variety of responsibilities
during the lockdown, it is possible that these
in modular learning, including Module-ator, Bundy-
circumstances have either increased or created new
clock, and Home Innovator, according to the
difficulties for at-home parental involvement. The
Department of Education (DepEd). Depending on the
COVID-19 epidemic, according to Lu (Lu, 2020), may
arrangement between the parents and the school, the
pave the way for educational advancements including
Module-ators are responsible for collecting the printed
supporting and promoting parental involvement.
Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) from and delivering
Hence, understanding parents’ perspectives in terms of
them to the barangay halls or schools at the start and
their involvement in their students learning during
end of each week. They are required to verify their
these unprecedented times will be the focus of the
child's timetable or weekly plan as a Bundy-clock.
Because there are so many courses or tasks to do, they
must ensure that everything is done correctly to Research Objectives
prevent cramming or submission delays, which could
have an impact on the child's performance. Finally, in This study aimed to investigate the parental
order to help their child focus more on learning, home involvement on the modular distance modality in
innovators need to give their kids a conducive learning challenged areas in the Municipality of Calinog, Iloilo,
environment. It must be a quiet, distraction-free area of Philippines.
the home that is well-ventilated and bright
(FlipScience, 2020).
Parents' participation in these pandemic times is
crucial, there is no doubt about it. Numerous studies
demonstrated, even in the years before the pandemic, This study employed the multiple case study
important parental participation is important to methodological perspective. According to Yin (2003),
adolescents' academic success. Parents' participation in when the researcher chooses to do a multiple case
homework assignments, according to researchers Xu, study, he is able to analyze the data within each
Benson, Mudrey-Camino and Steineret (2010), can be situation and also across different situations, unlike
a useful tool for keeping parents well-informed about when a single case study is chosen.
their children's abilities and shortcomings in a variety
of academic subjects, particularly reading. In terms of Locale of the Study
learning possibilities, the gap had already widened
even before the pandemic, but it had widened more In th e P h i l i p p i n e p r o v i n c e of I l o i l o ,
significantly in challenge areas. Calinog—officially known as the Municipality of
Calinog—is a first-class municipality. The town of
According to Mohamed and Said (2012), as urban Calinog is tucked away in Panay's heart. It is the final
areas are commonly linked to having more access to municipality in the region of central Iloilo Province
education, access to education is becoming an

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Psych Educ,2023 , 14: 1089-01097, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1319, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068611, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

that borders Capiz. The municipality of Calinog shares is only a plain housewife while her husband is working
its mountain area borders with Antique, Capiz, and in their small farm. They are currently living in a
Aklan and is situated in the fourth quadrant of Central barangay in a very far away barangay. That is why,
Panay. they have to let their children to stay with her brother’s
house in a barangay closer to the school. Since their
A one-hour ride through a difficult, bumpy, sometimes barangay where they live is approximately 17
muddy, and dusty road from the población will take kilometers and they have to walk for 2 hours.
you to the locale of the study. The Calinog Mountain
Elementary School (not the real school’s name) being Despite having a lot of time for her children, she does
one of the few complete elementary schools in these not have the capacity to teach and follow up the
mountainous areas, this is somehow located in the modular lessons. She even agreed that her children are
center of 13 mountain barangays of these areas. It has better readers compared to her. That is why she and
many learners who live in far-flung areas. her husband are working so hard just to support their
children. They even shared and agreed that modular
Participants learning is not good in students learning. Parents and
students like their family really need teachers to teach
The researchers of this study involved three (3) cases their children though face to face open so that learning
of parents selected through purposive sampling. will be more effective.

Case 1 (Parent A) All she could do was follow up if their children are
Parent A is a mother of 7 children, two of which are studying and answering their module. Implementing
Grade 1, one Grade 6 and four junior high school discipline in their studies is the only thing they can do
students. She is 41 years old and residents of one of for their children.
the mountain Barangays in the municipality of
Calinog. She attended college but was not able to Case 3 (Parent C)
finish it due to poverty. She is currently working as Having children who are still studying is very difficult.
barangay treasurer in their barangay. She had shared a What could be more difficult having 12 children
lot of experiences being a parent of 7 learners. The mostly of them are still studying and have been
distance from their house in school is very far. They amplified by modular learning modality in times of
must walk for almost 10 kilometers for 1 and a half pandemic. What made it worse is that parent C only
hour just to get to school. It becomes even more finished Grade 4. The only advantage she has is that
difficult when it rains, for, they have to trek slippery, the house is near the school.
muddy and perilous road.
Although she has raised children, all of them have not
gone to college. Some of them had to stop their studies
Although she had attended college but still, she is
to work and help the family. But sadly, her grown up
having difficulty in teaching and guiding her children
children had married at an early age because also of
in their modular learning. Other than attending to the
poverty. She and her husband were left to guide and
needs of her 7 children of their lessons, she had shared
attend to their children.
that her knowledge was not enough to help all of them
in teaching lessons, especially is her high school It is given that parent C has no capacity to teach her
children. She also explained that her job as barangay children since her knowledge is limited. They had to
treasurer required her to be in town always, that is why work even at an old age on farms of other people and
she had difficulty in supervising the modular learning neighbors. That is why they must leave their children
of her children. She couldn’t entrust her children to her on their own to do their lesson/module. For them, they
husband since her husband is only an elementary would really appreciate it if the learning modality were
graduate and is always busy on the farm. face to face. As much as they want their children to
learn and to finish studies they cannot do otherwise
Case 2 (Parent B) since their knowledge is limited and they are
Having two children in elementary school, parent B financially incapable.
still had a hard time involving herself with children’s
studies. For her during those days having to read and But they always believe in education, that is why as
write is already enough. She got married early due to much as possible they do not want their children to
poverty, she was allowed by her parents to get married work jeopardizing their studies. They see to it that they
at an early stage with a man she barely knows in give opportunity to their children for their
exchange for an amount of money and a carabao. She studies.

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Psych Educ,2023 , 14: 1089-01097, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1319, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068611, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Other sources of data were the interviews of other Results and Discussion
informants like the teacher advisers, the learner whose
parents were chosen as participants and other
significant school stakeholders. The data that were Parental Involvement in Challenged Areas
gathered from them were used for triangulating data
In their child's general growth and education, parents
gathered from the primary participants.
are crucial. Along with meeting their basic needs and
teaching their children, parents nurture their offspring
Data-gathering Methods
by showing them love, care, support, and a basic grasp
of the world. Similar to this, they act as a child's
Formal and informal interviews with the participants
primary and ongoing educators before they begin
and significant others were conducted. The researchers formal schooling and continue to have a significant
also made use of observation in school and in-home impact on their learning both inside and outside of the
visits. This involved observation of the issues, classroom. As a result, the family and parents are
difficulties, challenges and problems encountered as regarded as the child's educational partners and
parent’s involvement in the modular learning of their supports.
students. Observations were made several times to
confirm the information gathered. It would be quite difficult for the study participants,
who live in challenging locations, to actively
Data Analysis participate in their children's education, particularly
when it comes to the modular learning approach.
Following the completion of the study, line transcripts Parental home-based involvement was especially
were used to transcribe the interviews. The researchers important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the
then tagged pertinent parts, such as pertinent words, changes it brought to pupils' learning. To adjust to the
phrases, sentences, or sections. After eliminating the change, many adjustments were made. Due to the
problem's location in a challenging place, however, it
irrelevant codes, the researcher went over the
was emphasized even more, making parental
developed codes and kept only the ones she considered
engagement seem impossible.
meaningful, which she then grouped into themes.
These classifications were not of the same kind. They Based on the presented cases of the participants the
might be about things, methods, variations, or ways how parents in challenged areas get involved
anything else. The primary findings of the data were with the modular learning of their students were the
those from the standpoint of the study participants, it following: (1) Creating time and opportunity for study;
would now constitute new information. The researcher (2) Encouragement; and (3) Monitoring and
determined whether there was a hierarchy among the Discipline.
categories by examining whether it was more
important than the other categories. Triangulation was Creating Time and Opportunity for Study. Because
used to examine and cross-check the qualitative data. of their lack of education, parents in every example
mentioned were unable to serve as their children's at-
The researcher checked the information provided by home teachers. The area in which the participants are
the informants to see if it coincided with that of the always engaged is in providing their learners with the
significant others who were also interviewed in order time and opportunity to study. Not all kids in
to guarantee the accuracy of the transcripts. The disadvantaged communities had the chance to go to
school. Some of them grow up being compelled to
researcher outlined the categories and how they were
labor for their family. The adoption of a modular
connected when writing up the findings. The
learning approach has provided possibilities for
participant's parental involvement in the modular
students to work while they learn. Unfortunately, a lot
distance modality in underserved areas was the first of people find it difficult to balance employment and
scenario the researcher discussed. The researchers then school. However, the participants claimed that despite
summarized the case using their insights. In analyzing the difficulties they experience, they are doing their
the findings in the context of, for instance, findings best to offer their kids the chance to learn. Instead of
from related, prior studies published in journals, completing challenging household and employment
theories and notions from the area of study, as well as tasks, they want their kids to concentrate on their
other pertinent factors, a neutral viewpoint was taken schoolwork. However, there are times when they must
into consideration. request that their child work for their household.

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Psych Educ,2023 , 14: 1089-01097, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1319, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068611, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Despite their subpar educational backgrounds, they all the pandemic. As a result, some difficulties and
teach values education. For them, since they can’t problems with increased parental involvement while
teach their children about their modular topics, engaging and attempting to support their children in
providing opportunity and their learner’s need is the various levels and types of distance learning have
only way for them to show their support for their come to light (Garbe, Ogurlu, Logan & Cook, 2020).
children’s education. Parental participation, according to Borup et al.
(2014), has a major impact on students' academic
Encouragement. Parents want what is best for their success in traditional school settings as well as their
kids, which includes providing them with the success in modular learning. However, parents should
necessary emotional support. Despite the fact that be completely aware of their obligations in the online
positive reinforcement may appear like a wonderful learning environment. If not, parents might find it
parenting idea, it is thought that positive reinforcement difficult to grasp their role in helping their kids learn
really enhances children's conduct. This is another way online, which could have an impact on how they
that a parent can get involved in their child's interact with them and ultimately have an impact on
educational process. Due to their lack of knowledge in how well the kids learn.
many subjects included in their children's lessons, they
occasionally lack the ability to serve as tutors or The issues and challenges faced in the parental
teachers for their kids. However, this did not stop them involvement gathered during the interview included
from participating. different responses were which was sorted into several
categories, as follows:
When a child is learning in a modular way, where they
occasionally lose enthusiasm, providing emotional Parents Lack of Knowledge. One of the noted
support in the form of encouragement for them is just challenges faced by the parents in the modular learning
as crucial as teaching them. The participants constantly of their children before and during pandemic was the
admonish their kids to persevere in spite of their lack of knowledge and capacity to teach the different
circumstances of poverty and to place a high value on lessons from modules. Parents in challenged areas
their education because, in their eyes, it is their key to usually had not completed their studies/education.
prosperity. According to them, the learners are Some or most of them had not gone to school or had
consistently motivated by being reminded of their only attained elementary level. Out of the 3
current circumstances. participants 2 were only elementary level and 1 was a
college. Elementary learners had seven to eight
Monitoring and Discipline. When the participants different subject areas. On a weekly basis, these
were questioned regarding their level of understanding students participated in the various activities for each
of the lesson's material, they all acknowledged that and every module by subject. Parents were supposed
they lacked the necessary mastery or that their to support their children in all subject areas so that
understanding was inadequate for them to instruct their they may successfully move from one activity to the
children. However, when asked to facilitate the next. The situation was a challenge for parents who
modular learning process, the three of them lack had just completed elementary school. The standard of
confidence in their ability to train their kids. They only education for their kids was in jeopardy. In contrast to
know to keep an eye on their youngster to see if they face-to-face instruction, parents send their children to
are completing their modules and applying discipline school and trust the instructor to look after them while
to their studies. they are in class.

Students with good discipline are more likely to learn Unpleasant Behavior of their Children in
in class, even in face-to-face settings. It would take a Answering the Modules. According to the
lot of discipline for a learner to complete their modular participants, another challenge that parents face on the
exercises religiously, as there are numerous modular learning setup of their children was their
circumstances that could influence or obstruct their unpleasant behaviors. All agreed that their children
ability to learn using this modality. manifested different undesirable behaviors that was
sometimes mishandled by parents. Most of the time,
Issues and Challenges Encountered by Parents in children were not in the mood to answer their modules.
Challenged Areas in Modular Learning Especially when they were preoccupied by other
things, they did not want to be under pressure and
Many educators, families, and students were pushed to complete their assignments. Children are not
unprepared for the abrupt change that occurred with accustomed to going to school via module. They were

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Psych Educ,2023 , 14: 1089-01097, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1319, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068611, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

made to realize that education occurred in classrooms. schools, parents might try out various tactics to get
They were restricted within the house, only allowed to around problems and keep their children's education
see friends, and prohibited from meeting their teachers going. Parents who have a child enrolled in modular
under the new educational system. The only people distance learning must maintain hope and fortitude in
they could interact with right now were their parents the face of a variety of obstacles.
and siblings.
Strategies Employed by Parents in Challenged
One of the parents shared that it was difficult to Areas in Modular Learning
sometimes convince her child to answer the module, it
took a great deal of convincing strategy for them to Remote learning has become popular in the
follow what they need to do. The monotony of the educational field. Students, instructors, and parents in
module's activities, which were restricted to reading particular found this dynamic change in the
and writing, was making kids irritable and impatient. educational environment to be overwhelming. The
Numerous engaging activities were suggested in light involvement of parents and guardians in their
of kids' numerous intelligences. However, the majority children's education is more crucial than ever in this
of the time the modules were just exercises and new norm. Students won't advance as they should
assessments on paper. In this case, teachers might offer without parental and guardian help. Teachers are not
a variety of exercises that call for movement and physically present in the virtual environment to track
classroom involvement. Given the constraints and each student's development, in contrast to the school-
limits of in-person instruction, parents were actually based setting.
faced with a difficulty in trying to make their children
learn. Constant Update with the Teacher. The parents who
are taking part in their children's modular learning
Working Parents. Most of the parents might confront should admit that they lack the skills necessary for
this problem on time management. .The participants self-involvement. Despite their ignorance, the
could no longer provide their children the time needed participants-maintained contact with the teachers to
to learn through their module since they worked ask for updates and guidance on how to assist their
throughout the day. Parents were no longer able to children. The participants' hope that their children
instruct or supervise their kids because they were using would still learn something despite this modular
all of their physical strength to work. In addition to the learn in g came from keep in g the lines of
various issues they had to balance, they also had to communication open with teachers. They all concurred
give their children's education top priority at this time. that in a distance learning environment, this is much
The lack of training the study participants received more crucial. Students learned for a sizable portion of
regarding how to manage homeschooling their the day in front of their parents at home. Working with
children must have caused them stress and anxiety. the student, or at the very least at home with the child,
One mom explained that she could not attend to her helped them understand their responsibility. The
child's module because she had to work every day and instructor could help them in this way. Additionally,
with her husband. they believed that the teacher's comments was crucial
information that would help them further enhance their
Vulnerable to Distraction. In answering their child's education.
modules at home, according to the participants, there
were many distractions as compared to classroom Encourage Simple Routines. It would be unfair to
where learning was focused and oriented. At home, the expect parents and guardians to produce the same
youngsters can be distracted from their studies by their teaching and supervision level as certified teachers,
siblings, neighbors, or playmates. The availability of especially the participant who in their educational
many items in the houses, such as televisions, attainment were not capable of teach nor guide their
telephones, and other electronics, may cause these children. In addition to its impact on the child's
kids' attention to wander from their lessons. Children schooling, the parents were concerned about a great
select more engaging and enjoyable home activities deal of other things. Every participant acknowledged
from their modules. They had no control over the that they were already concerned, particularly about
things that diverted their attention and attention span. their everyday requirements. It is vital to assist them
Children exhibited misbehavior when they were by giving them straightforward advice on creating
distracted because they were no longer motivated to schedules and learning environments. They should be
complete their module. In spite of the epidemic and given synchronous learning timetables by their
constraints on their children attending traditional teachers that they may readily follow at home. They

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Psych Educ,2023 , 14: 1089-01097, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1319, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068611, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

anticipated that the teachers would take the time to talk Greenwood & Hickman, 1991; Henderson & Berla,
to the parents about the expected behavior. Simple 1994; Rumberger et al., 1990; Swap, 1993; Whitaker
learning routines were encouraged, which helped & Fiore, 2001). Studies also indicate that parental
students develop discipline and productivity. Teachers involvement is most effective when viewed as a
should give parents advice on how to increase their partnership between educators and parents (Davies,
kids' focus and productivity. This might involve 1996; Emeagwali, 2009; Epstein, 2009). By examining
everything from creating a favorable studying parents’ and teachers’ perceptions, educators and
atmosphere to teaching kids how to stay away from parents should have a better understanding of effective
online distractions. This should make the job of the parental involvement practices in promoting student
teacher easier and help online learning programs achievement.
succeed. Parents' involvement is significant and
essential to students' development, just as it is in more Being a parent is a complex matter. It requires eternal
traditional learning environments. Because of this, it is love, devotion, and patience to become an effective
equally crucial for institutions like schools to make one. The role of guiding their children is among the
every effort to increase parent and guardian responsibilities of a parent despite their incapabilities.
engagement. Likewise, it is a shared obligation between the parents
and the school to educate children and make
Make Use of Available Support Systems. This is the opportunities for them to socialize. It is well accepted
method and location by which the participants use that children’s development and success greatly matter
material, emotional, and spiritual support. Sadly, this to parents.
was a participant who was acting alone and over
whom they frequently had very little influence. Given Students perform well in school, no matter what their
their ability, they were extremely appreciative of the parent’s educational attainment, economic status, and
folks who were always willing to assist them. Without ethnic background are as long as parents involved in
these systems of assistance, their kids would have their children’s education (Ma et al., 2016). According
ended up doing it by themselves. However, students to Chen (2021), parents can show their children their
spent the most of their time working on their modular involvement in their lives by doing simple things like
assignments alone, which they found extremely asking them about school or helping them with
challenging in the absence of a teacher or mentor. homework. Parents who are involved in their
children’s education not only help them excel
academically but also give the teachers more
Conclusion confidence in delivering the lesson to help children
reach their full potential.
Strengthening the quality of education is not a single
issue. This involved factors such as school, teacher, During the implementation of the Modular Distance
student, parent, and other relevant parties. Importantly, Learning modality, parents themselves went to school
it needs a very strong commitment of involvement to get and submit modules and other learning outputs
from those parties to make it happen. When parents are of their children. At home, they assisted their children
involved in their children’s education, both children in answering the activities enclosed in modules. Even
and parents are likely to benefit. working parents and even those parents who were
incapable of teaching their children devoted time to
Educators and parents play major roles in the help their children accomplished the given tasks in
educational success of students. Students need a self-learning modules.
positive learning experience to succeed in school: one
providing support, motivation, and quality instruction. Most parents would like to help their children learn,
With the increasing demands on the family, parental but they might not be able to do so due to various
support in the education of students extends beyond challenges. First, there were financial problems and
the school building. limited access to learning materials which considered
key barriers that obstruct parental involvement.
Parental involvement in the education of students Hornby and Lafaele (2011) argued that parental
begins at home with the parents providing a safe and involvement is a complicated matter as it is shaped and
healthy environment, appropriate learning experiences, limited by many barriers which are related to parents
support, and a positive attitude about school. Several and families, children, teachers, and social issues. In
studies indicate increased academic achievement with order not to affect the effectiveness of parental
students that have involved parents (Epstein, 2009; involvement, educators should clearly understand

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Psych Educ,2023 , 14: 1089-01097, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1319, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068611, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

these underlying factors. Second, Yulianti et al. (2019) that they upon knowing they are working hard,
noted that parents with a low level of education tended describe their good behavior, praise their effort rather
to see themselves as incapable and not self-efficacious than their ability, and look for the little changes.
as they did not have flexible working hours and they Regular parental praise is a great way to improve a
faced financial issues, preventing them from being child’s well-being.
actively involved in their children’s learning.
Support System is one that individual students often
Along with the challenges encountered during distance have very little control of. It is also important to note
learning, Sorensen’s (2012) study revealed the most that there are plenty of successful people who did not
challenging and favorable aspects of online learning have a good support system when growing up. It is
for parents is keeping their children on schedule while something that one can overcome, but it does make it a
completing their coursework. In addition, schools and lot easier if one has a healthy support system in place.
teachers simply do not have enough guidance to These are people who have one’s best interest in mind.
improve parental engagement experience, especially They push one to success, offer advice, and guide and
with the effective use of technology (Goodall, 2016). direct one’s decisions throughout one’s life. They are
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