Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Perhaps there
is an alternate way to arrive at a correct
Step 1. Understand the problem.
By paying $100 cash up front and the balance
Read the problem several times. The first
at $20 a week, how long will it take to pay for
reading can serve as an overview. In the
a bicycle costing $680?
second reading, write down what information is
ANSWER: It will take 29 weeks to pay for the
given and determine exactly what it is that the
problem requires you to find.
Solution: Step 1: Understand the problem.
We are given:
Step 2. Devise a plan.
Cost of the bicycle: $680
The plan for solving the problem might involve
Amount paid in cash: $100
one or more of these suggested problem-
Weekly payments: $20
solving strategies:
-Use inductive reasoning to look for a pattern.
Step 2: Devise a plan. Subtract the amount
-Make a systematic list or a table.
paid in cash from the cost of the bicycle. This
-Use estimation to make an educated guess at
results in the balance, the amount still to be
the solution.
paid. Divide this result by the weekly payment
-Check the guess against the problem’s
of $20 to find the number of weeks required
conditions and work backward to eventually
to pay for the bicycle.
determine the solution.
Step 3: Carry out the plan and solve the
-Try expressing the problem more simply and
solve a similar simpler problem.
Begin by finding the balance: $680 – $100 =
-Use trial and error.
-List the given information in a chart or table.
Now, divide the balance by $20,
-Try making a sketch or a diagram to illustrate
the weekly payment to find the number of
the problem.
weeks: $580/20 = 29 weeks
-Relate the problem to a similar problem that
Step 4: Look back and check the answer. We
you have seen before. Try applying the
can double check the arithmetic. We can also
procedures used to solve the similar problem
see if the answer satisfies the conditions of
to the new one.
the problem.
-Look for a “catch” if the answer seems too
$20 weekly payment
obvious. Perhaps the problem involves some
× 29 number of weeks
sort of trick question deliberately intended to
=$580 total of weekly payments
lead the problem solver in the wrong direction.
$580 total of weekly payments
-Use the given information to eliminate
+$100 amount paid in cash
=$680 cost of the bicycle
-Use common sense.
The answer of 29 weeks satisfies the
condition that the cost of the bicycle is $680
A jokester tells you that he has a group of
cows and chickens and that he counted 13
heads and 36 feet. How many cows and
chickens does he have?
ANSWER: The answer is 8 chickens and 5
Step 3. Carry out the plan and solve the
Step 4. Look back and check the answer.
Nick and Marsha are driving from Santa Rosa,
The answer should satisfy the conditions of
CA, to Los Angeles, a distance of 460 miles.
the problem. The answer should make sense
They leave at 11:00 A.M. and average 50 mph.
and be reasonable. If this is not the case,
On the other hand, Mary and Dan leave at 1:00
P.M in Dan’s sports car. Who is closer to Los
Angeles when they meet for dinner in San Luis -Such reasoning is called deductive reasoning
Obispo at 5:00 P.M.? and, if the conclusion follows from the
hypotheses, the reasoning is said to be valid.
ANSWER: They are all the same distance from -Logic is the study of reasoning; it is
Los Angeles. specifically concerned with whether reasoning
is correct.
-Logic focuses on the relationship among
statements as opposed to the content of any
particular statement.
A statement (or proposition) is a sentence
that is either true or false, but not both.
The truth value of a statement is true,
A magic denoted by T, if it is a true statement, and
square is a square array of numbers arranged the truth value of a statement is false,
so that the numbers in all rows, all columns, denoted by F, if it is a false statement.
and the two diagonals have the same sum.
PROBLEM 4: 1. London is the capital of England.
Use the properties of a magic square to fill in 2. William Shakespeare wrote the television
the missing numbers. series Modern Family.
3. 2 + 3 = 7
4. 11 – 6 = 5
In symbols, ~q.
-We frequently encounter statements
containing the words all, some, and no (or
-These words are called quantifiers. COMPOUND STATEMENTS &
-A statement that contains one of these words CONNECTIVES
is a quantified statement. Consider the statement:
You’ll be happy.
If ~q then ~p.
“If Howard can swim across the lake, then Then p ↔ q is the statement
Howard can swim to the island.”
“You can take the flight if and only if you buy a
An important type of step used in a An argument consists of two parts: the given
mathematical argument is the replacement of statements, called the premises, and a
a statement with another statement with the conclusion.
same truth value.
Here’s the prosecutor’s argument from the
A compound proposition that is always true, no Menendez brothers’ criminal case:
matter what the truth values of a propositions
that occur in it, is called a tautology. Premise 1: If children murder their parents in
cold blood, they deserve to be punished to the
A compound proposition that is always false is full extent of the law.
called a contradiction.
Premise 2: These children murdered their
parents in cold blood.