Weaning 1
Weaning 1
Weaning 1
Prepared by:
Anwar Ahmed Bara’a Alkamel
Jalal Abdualla Gehan Foud
Hatem Haza’a Hosam Ali
Khetam Abdualjalel
supervision of:
T/ Marwa
As a parent you want the best start for your baby, what
your child eats and drinks is important for his/her health
now and in future.
1. Increase E ,vitamins ,and mineral density of diet To match infant needs
that can not fullified by breast milk alone.
2. Train GIT and train baby to use cup, spoon or fingers.
3. Increase social interaction with carers.
4. Encourage tongue ,jaw ,and lip movement.
What signs of readiness of infant for weaning
1. Developmental
2. Behavioral
• Putting toys and other objectives in mouth
• Sucking their fists
• Seeming unsatisfied with breast milk
• Watching other with interest when they eat
• Sleep pattern changes
Every baby is an individual and will be ready at different stages ,
especially if they were born early
See if your baby can:
Guidelines Of WHO &American Academy Of Pediatrics
For Weaning
a) First 6 months of life
-exclusive breast feeding
b) Second 6 months of age
- Introduce complementary foods beyond breast feeding (Why)?
• Maturation of digestive enzymes
• Declines of vitamin and mineral store
• Inadequate caloric value of breast milk
c) From 12 to 24 month of age
-Continue frequent on demand breast feeding
2. Food safety
a) Saves foods immediate after preparation
b) Use clean spoons,cups,vtensils
c) Avoid bottle feeding
3. Amount
a) Introduce food once, at time, at weekly intervals before new food is
b) Stepwise weaning ^start low and go slow^
4. Food consistency
a) Start with pureed, mashed and semisolid foods
b) Gradual increase consistency as baby get older
c) By 12 months most children can eat family foods
5. Feeding manner
a) Feed slowly
b) Don’t force
c) Try many times
d)If refuse , try different combinations,tastes,attractive presentation
6. Frequency
a) One per day
b) (2-3) times per day(6-8) months
c) Then increase gradually
7. During illness
a) Increase fluid intake, increase breast feeding
b) Give soft,appetizing, favorite food
c) Increase food intake after illness
How to start
1. Preparing
Planning, play with food( use baby-led weaning)
2. Positioning
Be supported to sit upright
3. Start feeding
FIRST Cereals , pureed rice given
NEXT Vegetables soups and fruits
Followed by stained meats , fish
Finally egg yolk
Whole milk shouldn’t be given below 1 years while milk
products as cheese and yogurt may be used from 6 months
Daily weaning food must contain protein
Continue with milk feeding
Supplement with minerals and vitamins
What limit?
• Puddings and desserts
• Phytate
• Offered juice no more than 240 ml per day
Foods Drinks
1. Salt 1. Cola
2. Sugar
2. Sheep milk
3. Honey
3. Tea and coffee
4. Nuts
4. A baby juice
5. Canned food
5. Bottled water
6. Allergen food
6. Animal milk
When infant start to eat solid food 4
food groups must included daily
(during toddler years):
1. Starchy food
2. Meat , fish and egg
3. Fruit, vegetables
4. Full fat yogurt , cheese
Problems with weaning
1. Allergies
2. PCM
3. Colic's
4. Diarrheal disorders
5. Dental caries
6. Delayed weaning may predispose to:
a) Marasmus
b) Iron deficiency anemia
c) Rickets
7. Some diseases may manifest during period of weaning
8. Preterm infants
9. Fussy eaters
1. Baby nelson
2. Weaning your premature baby
3. www.nhs.ok
4. Start life
5. A whole new wold.blog
6. Child-nutrition.co.ok
7. Weaning from breast milk to family food (WHO)
8. Weaning made easy
9. The baby led weaning
10. Weaning 2017