중3 동아 윤정미 7과
중3 동아 윤정미 7과
중3 동아 윤정미 7과
① ⓐ-ⓒ-ⓑ-ⓓ
② ⓐ-ⓓ-ⓑ-ⓒ
③ ⓒ-ⓐ-ⓑ-ⓓ
④ ⓒ-ⓑ-ⓐ-ⓓ
⑤ ⓒ-ⓓ-ⓐ-ⓑ
Second, choose how much money you want to ① My shoes wear out quickly.
add. = I take out my shoes quickly.
A: OK. ② Jason can run as fast as Mike.
B: Last, insert your money into the machine. = Mike is faster than Jason.
A: That sounds simple. Thanks. ③ The bird singing in the tree is big.
= The tree that a bird is singing in is big.
① A와 B는 목적지가 같다. ④ I haven’t received what I ordered yet.
② B는 교통카드 충전 방법을 모른다. = I haven’t ordered what I wanted to receive.
③ A는 B의 교통카드 충전을 돕고 있다. ⑤ As she felt tired, Jane went to bed early.
④ B는 A의 도움에 감사함을 표현하고 있다. = Feeling tired, Jane went to bed early.
⑤ A는 교통카드 충전이 간단하다고 생각한다.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [7과]
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [7과] How is big data influencing our lives?
Big data is data sets that are very big and Big data is influencing almost all parts of our lives.
complex. (A) As information and communication It helps companies understand their customers'
technology develops, the amount of data we have is needs (A)_____________ and helps them sell
getting much greater than before. (B) This is mainly (B)_____________ products. It helps people avoid heavy
because almost everything that we do online leaves traffic. Its uses are endless, and here are some
a trace. (C) For example, the photos you upload on interesting examples.
your blog and the records of your purchases at
online stores are all part of big data. Disease Forecast
Simply ⓐcollecting data, however, is not enough. Did you know that health professionals can now
(D) Big data has to be analyzed, and this is done by forecast a disease just as weather experts forecast
big data experts. (E) These results then can be used the weather? This is possible thanks to big data. For
to make decisions or to predict the future. example, when the flu season comes, people will
buy more flu medicine. They will also search online
about flu symptoms more. If this kind of data is
4. 위 글의 (A)~(E) 중 다음 문장이 들어가기에 가장
analyzed wisely, (C)_____________________________________.
적절한 곳은?4)
Using various methods, the experts analyze big data
7. 위 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 가장 적절한 것은?7)
and draw meaningful results from it.
(A) (B)
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E ① well little
② better more
③ less fewer
5. 위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?5)
④ fewer less
① Big data experts analyze big data. ⑤ little well
② Collecting data is not meaningful at all.
③ Everything you do online leaves no trace.
④ It is impossible to draw results from data.
8. 위 글의 빈칸 (C)에 가장 적절한 것은?8)
⑤ Purchasing at online stores is very dangerous. ① big data will become useless.
② the flu season never comes again.
③ people can stop buying flu medicine.
6. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ의 ing와 쓰임이 같은 것은?6)
④ we can forecast the weather exactly.
① Eating popcorn, they watched a movie. ⑤ the experts can predict the spread of the flu.
② Loving his music a lot, I listen to his songs all
③ Playing soccer with my friends is one of my
favorite things.
④ There are a lot of people suffering from the flu
these days.
⑤ Learning English, I could work in the theme
park in Canada last year.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
Improving Performance in Sports 소녀: Excuse me, but what’s this robot for?
Are you a sports fan? Well, big data is ⓐimproving 소년: Oh, it’s a robot that fines books for you.
the performance of players, making sports more ⓑ 소녀: Really? Can you tell me how to use it?
excited. A famous example is Germany's national 소년: Sure. First, place your library card on the
soccer team. The team built a database by collecting robot’s screen.
and ⓒanalyzing a huge amount of data on players. 소녀: Ok.
For example, the data included information about 소년: Second, type the title of the book you’re
how much each player ⓓran and how long he had looking for and then press ENTER.
the ball. With the help of this database, Germany's 소녀: ⓐ________________________________
national soccer team was able to improve its 소년: Yes, Then, the robot will find the book and
performance and win the 2014 World Cup. take it to the front desk.
소녀: So I can just go to the front desk and get the
Crime Prevention book?
Thanks to big data, police can now predict crime 소년: Right. It’s so easy, isn’t it?
before it happens. Through the analysis of big data 소녀: Yes, it’s really amazing. Thank you.
about the type, time and place of crime, police can
make a map of crime hot spots. This map identifies 11. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?11)
when and where crime is most likely to happen.
① 소녀는 소년에게 로봇 사용법을 묻고 있다.
Police can prevent further crime by ⓔfocusing on
② 도서관 카드를 로봇 손에 올려놓으며 된다.
the areas and the times this map predicts.
③ 책을 찾으려면 찾고자 하는 책의 제목을 타이핑해
야 한다.
9. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법에 맞지 않는 것 ④ 로봇은 책을 찾으면 앞쪽 책상에 가져다 놓는다.
은?9) ⑤ 소녀는 소년의 도움을 고마워한다.
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
12. 위 글의 ⓐ에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?12)
10. 위 글을 읽고 답할 수 있는 것은?10)
① Is that all?
① Is it easy to build a database? ② Anything else?
② How much crime did police prevent? ③ That’s right.
③ Why do people watch soccer games? ④ What can do I for you?
④ What is the map of crime hot spots for? ⑤ Do you know the title?
⑤ When did the police develop the map of crime
hot spots?
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
experts analyze big data and draw meaningful
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [7과] results from it.
ⓐsurprise by the books that the store recommended ① What is big data?
for you? Many of them looked interesting to you. ② Why is the amount of data we have getting
SO how did the bookstore know what you liked? much greater than before?
This is all possible because of big data. ③ What are some examples of traces that we
What is big data? leave online?
Big data is data sets that are very big and complex. ④ When do we collect data for big data?
As information and communication technology ⑤ How can these results from analyzing data be
develops, the amount of data we have is getting used?
much greater than before. This is mainly because
almost everything that we do online ⓑleave a trace.
For example, the photos you upload on your blog
and the records of your purchases at online stores
are part of big data.
Simply collecting data, however, is not enough. Big
data has to be analyzed, and this is done by big
data experts. (A)Using various methods, experts
analyze big data and draw meaningful results from
it. These results then can be used to make decisions
or to predict the future.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
Example 3
19. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ~ⓔ에 들어갈 제목으로 적절하 Through the analysis of big data, police can make a
지 않은 것은?19) map of crime _______________ _______________ and use
① Disease Forecast it to further crime.
② Improving Performance in Sports
③ Making a map for finding good players ① spread
④ How is big data influencing our lives? ② symptoms
⑤ Crime Prevention ③ performance
④ improvement
⑤ prevent
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
③ Munjado was popular in the late Joseon
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [8과] dynasty.
Look at the painting on the bottom (A) Do you see ④ Munjado shows just plants of the Joseon
the Chinese character, hyo(孝)? Do you also see a dynasty.
carp, a geomungo, and a fan? (B) This kind of ⑤ There is an old story related to the paintings of
painting ⓐis called Munjado*, and it is a type of hyo.
folk painting that was ⓑpopular in the late Joseon
dynasty. In Munjado, 보통 한자 하나가 동물들이나 사
물들과 함께 나온다. (C) One of eight Chinese
characters appears in Munjado. They are hyo(孝), je
(悌), chung(忠), sin(信), ye(禮), ui(義), yeom(廉), and
chi(恥), and they represent the values ⓒwhat were
important to people of the Joseon Dynasty. The
animals or objects in Munjado are not just
decorations. (D) For example, carp in the painting of
hyo symbolize respect for parents ⓓbecause of an
old story. The story ⓔgoes as follows. (E)
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
38. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 39. Which is NOT right to fill in the blanks and
한 것은?38) [7과] complete the following dialogue?39) [7과]
Are you a sports fan? Well, big data is improving G: Excuse me, but what's this robot for?
the performance of players, making sports more B: Oh, it's a robot that finds books for you.
exciting. G: Really? ⓐ_____________ how to use it?
B: Sure. First, ⓑ_____________ on the robot's screen.
(A) For example, the data included information about G: OK.
how much each player ran and how long he had B: ⓒ_____________, type the title of the book ⓓ
the ball. _____________ and then press ENTER.
(B) A famous example is Germany's national soccer G: Is that all?
team. The team built a database by collecting and B: Yes. Then, the robot will find the book and take
analyzing a huge amount of data on players. it to the front desk.
(C) With the help of this database, Germany's G: So I can just ⓔ_____________ and get the book?
national soccer team was able to improve its B: Right. It's so easy, isn't it?
performance and win the 2014 World Cup. G: Yes, it's really amazing. Thank you.
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
46. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ는 잘못 사용되었다. 바르
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [7과] 게 고쳐지지 않은 것은?46)
How is big data influencing our lives? ① ⓐ improving
Big data is influencing almost all parts of our lives. ② ⓑ collecting
It helps companies understand their customers' ③ ⓒ how much
needs better and helps them sell more products. It ④ ⓓ how long
helps people avoid heavy traffic. Its uses are endless, ⑤ ⓔ were able to
and here are some interesting examples.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
50. 다음 (A)를 읽고 (B)의 안내문을 완성하려고 한 51. 다음 (A)~(D)를 대화의 흐름에 맞게 바르게 배열
다. ⓐ~ⓔ의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞지 않은 것 한 것은?51) [7과]
은?50) [7과]
(A) (A) Sure. First, insert the card.
G: Excuse me, but what's this robot for? (B) Then put the books in this box.
B: Oh, it's a robot that finds books for you. (C) Do you know how to return these books?
G: Really? Can you tell me how to use it? (D) I really appreciate your help.
B: Sure. First, place your library card on the robot's
screen. ① (A)-(B)-(C)-(D) ② (B)-(C)-(D)-(A)
G: OK. ③ (C)-(A)-(B)-(D) ④ (C)-(D)-(A)-(B)
B: Second, type the title of the book you're looking ⑤ (D)-(A)-(C)-(B)
for and then press ENTER.
G: Is that all?
52. 다음 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것
B: Yes. Then, the robot will find the book and take
은?52) [7과]
it to the front desk.
Ms. Honey: (A)____________________________________
G: So I can just go to the front desk and get the
Matilda: Of course. First, boil some water in a small
pot. Second, put in dried noodles and the soup
B: Right. It's so easy, isn't it?
powder. Then, cover and boil 3 to 4 minutes.
G: Yes, it's really amazing. Thank you.
You can add an egg.
Ms. Honey: Thanks. It's easy.
ⓐ_______ to Use The Robot ① Can you explain how to boil eggs?
1 ⓑ_______ your library card on the ⓒ_______. ② Do you know how to cook Ramyeon?
Type the ⓓ_______ of the book and then ③ Let me tell you how to cook Ramyeon.
press ENTER. ④ Can you tell me what your favorite food is?
Go to the ⓔ_______ desk and get the book ⑤ Do you know how to eat soup with noodles?
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
55. 위 글을 읽고 난 후 학생들의 반응으로 가장 적
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [7과] 절한 것은?55)
Have you ever visited an online bookstore and ① Last weekend, I read the novel "Matilda" the
been (A)surprise by the books that the store online bookstore recommended for me. I really
recommended for you? Many of them looked enjoyed it. I think the online bookstore used big
(B)interest to you. So how did the bookstore know date to find out what I like.
what you liked? This is all possible because of big ② The amount of date we have is getting much
data. smaller than before because almost everything we
do online doesn't leave any trace.
What is big data? ③ The photos I upload on my blog and the
Big data is data sets that are very big and records of my purchases at online stores cannot
complex. (가)The amount of date we have is getting be a part of big data.
much greater than before since almost everything ④ Simply collecting data is enough to draw
that we do online leaves a trace. For example, the meaningful results. It's because big date experts
photos you upload on your blog and the records of developed new methods for analyzing data.
your purchases at online stores are all part of big ⑤ Big data experts analyze data sets that are very
data. big and simple and draw meaningful results.
Simply collecting data, however, is not enough. Big These results can be used to evaluate what they
data has to be analyzed, and this is done by big don't before.
data experts. (C)Use various methods, experts analyze
big data and draw meaningful results from it. These
results then can be used to make decisions or to
predict the future.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
Crime Prevention
Thanks to big data, police can now predict crime
before ⓔit happens. Through the analysis of big
data about the type, time and place of crime, police
can make a map of crime hot spots. This map
(E)_______ when and where crime is most likely to
happen. Police can prevent further crime by focusing
on the areas and the times this map predicts.
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
(A) (B)
① players data
② players performance
③ the ball data
④ the World Cup performance
⑤ the World Cup information
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① You're welcome.
② It's my pleasure.
③ Don't mention it.
④ I'm sorry to hear that.
⑤ I really appreciate your help.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ, ⓓ ② ⓐ, ⓔ ③ ⓑ, ⓒ
④ ⓑ, ⓓ ⑤ ⓒ, ⓔ
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
v 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [7과] 95. 다음 중 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것은?95) [7과]
G: Excuse me, but what’s this robot for?
① A: How often do you take bowling lessons?
B: Oh, it’s (A)a robot that (B)finds books for you.
B: Twice a week. I’m just a beginner.
G: Really? Can you tell me how to use ⓐit? ② A: I’m happy for you to win the gold medal.
B: Sure. First, (C)place your library card on the
B: Thanks. You must be proud of yourself.
robot’s screen.
③ A: I suggest that you should use a lighter ball.
G: OK. B: OK. I will look for a lighter one.
B: Second, type the title of the book you ⓑlook for
④ A: How big is the swimming class on weekends?
and then ⓒpress ENTER.
B: It has a limit of 10 people.
G: Is that all? ⑤ A: Do you remember where you used your
B: Yes. Then, the robot will find (D)the book and
phone last?
take ⓓit to the (E)front desk.
B: Well, I took it out of my bag at the snack
G: So I can just go and get the book ⓔthere? shop.
B: Right. It’s so easy, isn’t it?
G: Yes, it’s really amazing. Thank you.
96. 다음 대화의 흐름에 맞게 (A)~(E)를 바르게 배열
한 것은?96) [7과]
93. 위 대화의 주제로 알맞은 것은?93)
G: Can you tell me how to use this application to
① How to fix a robot’s screen rent a bike?
② How to make a library card (A)Then find the RENT button and touch it.
③ How to find a book by a robot (B)Of course.
④ How to volunteer in a library (C)Log in to the application first.
⑤ How to trpe a book title on a robot’s screen (D)Then the application will give you a number to
unlock a bike with.
94. 위 대화에서 짝지어진 것의 의미가 서로 다른 것 (E)Then what?
은?94) G: Thank you. I really appreciate your help.
① (A)-ⓐ ② (B)-ⓑ ③ (C)-ⓒ
④ (D)-ⓓ ⑤ (E)-ⓔ ① (B)-(C)-(A)-(E)-(D)
② (B)-(D)-(E)-(A)-(C)
③ (C)-(A)-(B)-(D)-(E)
④ (E)-(B)-(D)-(C)-(A)
⑤ (E)-(C)-(B)-(A)-(D)
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ : ~에게 감사하다
② ⓑ : ~하기에 가장 좋아질 것 같다
③ ⓒ : ~에서 벗어남으로써
④ ⓓ : 진지하게도
⑤ ⓔ : 중요한 역할을 하다
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
Disease Forecast
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
(D) Just put in the money. Then take the snack out. ① That's too bad.
② I think so, too.
① (A)-(B)-(D)-(C) ② (B)-(A)-(D)-(C) ③ Which do you prefer?
③ (B)-(D)-(A)-(C) ④ (D)-(C)-(A)-(B) ④ What is this application for?
⑤ (D)-(A)-(C)-(B) ⑤ Thank you. I really appreciate your help.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
정답: ___________________________________________________
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
113. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 바르게 나열
(A) Did you know that health professionals can now
한 것은?113) [7과]
forecast a disease just as weather experts forecast
the weather? (B) This is possible ⓒthanks to big Thanks to big data, police can now predict crime
data. (C) For example, when the flu season comes, before it happens. Through the analysis of big data
people will buy more flu medicine. (D) If this kind of about the type, time and place of crime, police can
data is analyzed wisely, ⓓthe spread of the flu can make a map of crime hot spots. This map identifies
be predicted. (E) when and where crime is most likely to happen.
Police can prevent further crime by focusing on the
Big data has already changed the world greatly. So areas and the times this map predicts.
where will the big data industry go from here?
Nobody knows for sure, but experts agree that big ⓐ 범죄의 유형, 시간, 장소에 대한 빅데이터를 분석할
data will ⓔplay a more and more important role in 수 있다.
our lives. ⓑ 경찰이 많이 다니는 지역의 지도를 만들 수 있다.
ⓒ 지도를 통해 범죄가 흔히 일어나는 이유를 파악할
수 있다.
110. 위 글의 (가) 에 들어갈 소제목으로 가장 적절
ⓓ 경찰을 지도에게 알려주는 지역과 시간에 집중하여
한 것은?110)
범죄를 예방한다.
① Disease Forecast
② Crime Prevention ① ⓐ,ⓑ ② ⓐ,ⓓ ③ ⓑ,ⓒ
③ Weather Forecast ④ ⓑ,ⓓ ⑤ ⓒ,ⓓ
④ What is big data?
⑤ Improving Performance in Sports
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
④ You say the title of the book to the robot and ① In (A), what does the boy need to do after he
it will go find it. puts his card in the machine?
⑤ The girl thinks that it’s better to go find a book ② In (B), what does the boy want to buy?
herself than using the robot. ③ In (B), what’s the first thing you need to do,
using the snack machine?
128. 위 글을 읽고 응답할 수 없는 질문은?128) ④ In (C), what do you need to unlock a bike?
⑤ In (C), how much do you have to pay to rent a
① Where are the boy and the girl?
② What does the robot do in the library?
③ Where do you put the library card?
④ How many books can the robot carry at once?
⑤ Where will the robot take the book that it
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
ⓐ ⓑ
① that that
② that which
③ which which
④ which what
⑤ what what
144. 위 글의 우리말과 같은 의미로 (A)에 들어갈
알맞은 말을 두 단어로 쓰시오.144)
정답: _____________ ______________
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [7과]
What is the big date? 149. 위 글의 (♣)에 들어갈 제목으로 알맞은 것
Big data is data sets that are very big and 은?149)
complex. As information and communication ① How is big data influencing our lives?
technology develops, the amount of data we have is ② How is company influencing our lives?
getting much greater than before. ③ How is products influencing our lives?
ⓐThis is mainly because almost everything that we ④ How is heavy traffic influencing our lives?
do online leaves a trace. For example, the photos ⑤ How is customers’ needs influencing our lives?
you upload on your blog and the records of your
purchases at online stores are all parts of big data.
150. 위 글을 읽고 아래 질문에 알맞은 대답을 찾아
ⓑSimply collecting date, however, is not enough.
Big data has to be analyzed, and this is done by
big data experts. ⓒUsing various methods, experts <조건>
analyze big data and draw meaningful results from · 완전한 문장으로 쓸 것
it. These results then can be used to make decisions · 12개 단어로 완성할 것
or to predict the future. · 반드시 위 글에서 찾아 쓸 것
Big data is influencing almost all parts of our lives. Q: What happens as information and
ⓓIt helps companies understand their customers’ communication technology develops?
needs better and helps them sell more products. It A: _____________________________________________.
helps people avoid heavy traffic. Its uses are endless,
and here are some interesting examples.
Disease Forecast
Did you know that health professionals can now
forecast a disease just as weather experts forecast
the weather? This is possible thanks to big data. For
example, when the flu season comes, people will
buy more file medicine. They will also search online
about flu symptoms more. ⓔIf this kind of data will
be analyzed wisely, the spread of the flu can be
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
152. 위 글에서 아래 질문에 알맞은 대답을 찾아 우
리말로 쓰시오.152)
· 본문에서 찾아 반드시 우리말로 쓸 것
정답: ______________________________________________.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
정답: ______________________________________________.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
① rent a bike
② return these books
③ use this application
④ use this snack machine
⑤ add money to my transportation card
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
(B) Big data is data sets ⓑwhat are very big and 165. 위 글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절
complex. As information and communication 한 것은?165)
technology develops, the amount of data we have is ① mean ② meaning ③ meaningly
getting ⓒmany greater than before. This is mainly ④ meaningful ⑤ meaningless
because almost everything that we do online leaves
a trace. For example, the photos ⓓthat you upload
166. 다음 중 밑줄 친 단어 또는 어구의 쓰임이 맥
on your blog and the records of your purchases at
락상 가장 어색한 것은?166) [7과]
online stores are all part of big data.
① This is a really fascinating story.
② The movie has a surprising ending.
(C) Simply collecting data, however, is not enough.
③ The photos remind me of my hometown.
Big data has to be analyzed, and this is done by
④ I like playing musical instruments, in particular,
big data experts. ⓔUsed various methods, experts
the violin.
analyze big data and draw (A)__________ results from
⑤ Everybody was able to answer the question easy
it. These results then can be used to make decisions
since it was very easily.
or to predict the future.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
M: Hello. May I help you?
G: Yes, please. I’d like to get a refund for this.
M: Do you have the receipt?
G: No, I don’t. I received it as a gift.
M: If you don’t have the receipt, then, it’s not
possible to get a refund.
G: I see. Then, can I exchange it for something else?
M: Yes, you can. What would you like to get?
G: This blue one, please.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ
① ㉠ - ㉡ - ㉢ - ㉣ - ㉤
② ㉢ - ㉡ - ㉣ - ㉤ - ㉠
③ ㉢ - ㉣ - ㉤ - ㉡ - ㉠
④ ㉠ - ㉣ - ㉡ - ㉤ - ㉢
⑤ ㉢ - ㉣ - ㉡ - ㉠ - ㉤
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
A: _________________________________________________
B: First, log in to the homepage and then click this
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
Disease Forecast
225. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?225)
Did you know that health professionals can now
forecast a disease just as weather experts forecast ① The Future of Big Data
the weather? This is possible thanks to big data. For ② The Way of Predicting Disease
example, when the flu season comes, people will ③ The Procedure of Using Big Data
buy more flu medicine. They will also search online ④ The Useful Map for Crime Prevention
about flu symptoms more. If this kind of data is ⑤ The Effect of Big Data on Our Lives
analyzed wisely, the spread of the flu can be
predicted. 226. 위 글을 읽고 답할 수 없는 것은?226)
Crime Prevention
Thanks to big data, police can now predict crime
before it happens. Through the analysis of big data
about the type, time and place of crime, police can
make a map of crime hot spots. This map identifies
when and where crime is most likely to happen.
Police can prevent further crime by focusing on the
areas and the times this map predicts.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
232. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분의 의미로 적절하지 않은
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [7과] 것은?232)
Have you ever visited an online bookstore and ⓐ ① Have you ever visited: 당신은 방문한 적이 있는
were surprised by the books that the store 가
recommended for you? Many of them looked ② Many of them: 그것들 중 다수
interesting to you. So how did the bookstore know ③ This is mainly because: 이것의 주된 결과는 ~이
what you liked? This is all possible because of big 다
data. ④ because of big data: 빅데이터 때문에
Big data is data sets that ⓑis very big and ⑤ draw meaningful results: 의미 있는 결과를 도출
complex. As information and communication 하다
technology develops, the amount of data we have is
getting much greater than before. This is mainly
233. 다음 글에 이어질 내용으로 가장 적절한 것
because almost everything that we do online ⓒleave
은?233) [7과]
a trace. (A)________________, the photos you upload on
your blogs and the records of your purchases at Big data is influencing almost all parts of our lives.
online stores are all part of big data. It helps companies understand their customers'
Simply collecting data, (B)____________, is not enough. needs better and helps them sell more products. It
Big data has to be analyzed, and this is done by helps people avoid heavy traffic. Its uses are endless,
big data experts. ⓓUsing various methods, experts and here are some interesting examples.
analyze big data and draw meaningful results from
it. These results then can be used to make decisions ① 빅데이터 회사의 영향력
or ⓔpredicting the future. ② 빅데이터의 다양한 용도
③ 상품 판매 이익을 높이는 방법
④ 빅데이터를 통한 교통 체증 해결
229. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 옳은 것
⑤ 회사 업종에 따른 주요 소비자 분석
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
235. 위 글의 밑줄 친 단어 중 <보기>의 영영 풀이
에 해당하는 것은?235)
something that shows you may have a particular
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ-ⓑ-ⓒ
② ⓐ-ⓒ-ⓑ
③ ⓑ-ⓐ-ⓒ
④ ⓑ-ⓒ-ⓐ
⑤ ⓒ-ⓐ-ⓑ
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
250. 위 글을 읽고 답할 수 없는 것은?250)
→ (1)_____________________________________________
→ (2)_____________________________________________
→ (3)_____________________________________________
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중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
254. 다음 해석 문장을 분사를 사용하여 문장을 완 Because she didn't finish her homework, she didn't
성하여 쓰시오.254) [7과] come.
→ ______________________________, she didn't come.
그 소녀는 잔디 위에 앉아서 공원에 있는 새들에게 먹
이를 주었다. (sit, feed)
<보 기>
her / homework / finish / finishing / not / she / to
정답 : __________________________________________________
255. 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 가장 적절
한 것은?255) [7과]
Have you ever visited an online bookstore and
258. 다음 <보기>의 단어를 모두 사용하여 빈칸에
been (A)[surprised / surprising] by the books that
들어갈 말을 쓰시오.258) [7과]
the store recommended for you? Many of them
________________________, I ate all of the food up.
looked (B)[interested / interesting] to you. So how
did the bookstore know (C)[that / what] you liked?
<보 기>
This is all possible because of big data.
hungry / so / I / as / was
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① visited - surprised
② visiting - surprised
263. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분을 분사구문으로 바꾸
어 쓴 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?263) [7과]
③ visiting - surprising
④ visited - been surprised Simply collecting data, however, is not enough. Big
⑤ to visit - been surprised data has to be analyzed, and this is done by big
data experts. As they use various methods, experts
analyze big data and draw meaningful results from
it. These results then can be used to make decisions
260. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 부사절로 바르게 바꾼 것
or to predict the future.
은?260) [7과]
Walking across the street, I saw my teacher. ① Using various methods
② Using they various methods
① That I walked across the street ③ Being used various methods
② Unless I walked across the street ④ As Various methods are using
③ While I was walking across the street ⑤ Big data using various methods
④ Even if I was walking across the street
⑤ Although I was walking across the street
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
(A) (B)
265. 다음 중 밑줄 친 as가 다른 의미로 쓰인 것 ① fascinate bore
은?265) [7과,5과] ② fascinated bore
① No student is as kind as Jenny. ③ fascinated bored
② The book is as old as my house. ④ fascinating bored
③ Tom cannot run as fast as Jason. ⑤ fascinating boring
④ He became stronger as he grew older.
⑤ Your dog is three times as big as mine. 269. 다음 밑줄 친 as의 쓰임이 나머지와 다른 것
은?269) [7과]
266. 다음 <보기>와 다른 용법으로 쓰인 것은?266) ① As spring came, it got warmer.
[7과] ② She got wiser as she got older.
<보기> ③ As I was very tired, I want to bed early
she got onto the train, waving her hand. ④ As we went up the mountain, it became colder.
⑤ As it gets colder, people wear heavier clothes.
① Saying goodbye, she cried.
② She looked at me, eating a sandwich. 270. 다음 주어진 우리말을 <보기>의 단어를 이용
③ Walking along the riverside, she sang a song. 하여 영어로 쓰시오.270) [프린트]
④ Being very tired, I went to bed earlier than
wings, fly
⑤ Listening to music, she studied for the final
내가 날개가 있다면, 날 수 있을 텐데.
→ ________________________________________.
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
277. 다음 글에서 어법상 올바른 것은?277) [7과] 280. 다음 밑줄 친 As(as}의 의미가 <보기>와 같은
것은?280) [7과 문법]
ⓐYesterday my computer has broken down, ⓑso, I
couldn't doing my homework. ⓒIt made me to feel <보기>
worried. ⓓFortunately, my brother let me use his I'll have to stay home as it's raining again. (이유)
laptop. ⓔWhile I was doing my homework, Mom
and Dad fixed my computer. ① I like him as a novelist.
② Leave everything as you found it.
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ ③ As she was young, she worked for a bank.
④ As you can see now, I'm not a good cook.
⑤ As she was hungry, she ate all of the food up.
278. 다음 문장의 의미가 같은 것은?278) [7과]
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
① Was waving his hand, he took the bus. (1) Surprised by his recent success, the competitors
② Reading a book, she waited for the train. started to look for similar companies to invest their
③ While walking along the street, I saw five dogs. money in.
④ Studying English hard, the exam was easy for
me. 정답: ___________________________________________________
⑤ Knowing not the recipe, he couldn’t make the
soup. (2) The stars sparkled above us, we lying on the
정답: ___________________________________________________
289. 다음 <보기>의 문장과 의미가 같은 것은?289)
(3) Not feeling hungry, he tried to eat something.
Being very sick, he couldn’t go on the field trip.
정답: ___________________________________________________
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
23) ③
정답 24) There is usually a chinese character with some
animals or objects.
1) ⑤
25) ④
2) ④
26) ④
3) ⑤
27) ④
4) ⑤
28) ⑤
5) ①
29) ⑤
6) ③
30) it was because it does not bend and stays
7) ②
green in all kinds of weather
8) ⑤
31) ④
9) ②
32) ③
10) ④
33) is likely to lose
34) as the weather forecaster predicted, it rained
all day.
35) ③
36) ⑤
37) ⑤
38) ②
39) ④
40) ②,④
41) ②,③
42) ⑤
43) ③
44) ③
45) ①
46) ⑤
47) ⑤
48) ④
49) ④
50) ③
51) ③
52) ②
11) ② 53) ①
12) ① 54) ①
13) ④ 55) ①
14) ⑤ 56) ②
15) ④ 57) ①
16) ② 58) ③
17) ① 59) ②
18) ④ 60) ②
19) ③ 61) ①
20) ⑤ 62) ③
21) ② 63) ⑤
22) ④ 64) ②
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
65) ②
66) ⑤
67) ③
68) ②
69) ①
93) ③
70) ②
94) ③
71) ①
95) ②
72) ④
96) ①
73) ④
97) ⑤
74) ⑤
98) ②
75) ③
99) ⑤
76) ⑤
100) ⑤
77) ④
101) ③
78) ③
102) ①
79) ②
103) ①
80) ④
104) ②
81) ②
105) ②
82) ①
106) ⑤
83) ④
107) ③
84) ②
108) ⑤
85) ⑤
109) Using various methods, experts analyze big
86) Waving his hands
data and draw meaningful results from it.
87) ②
110) ①
88) ②
111) ④
89) ③
112) ③
90) ①
113) ②
91) ④
114) ①
92) ②
115) Saying goodbye
116) ①
117) ②
118) ①
119) ②
120) ⑤
121) ⑤
122) ⑤
123) ③
124) ⑤
125) ②
126) ⑤
127) ①
128) ④
129) ④
130) ⑤
131) ②
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
132) ④ 157) 공통단어 : as
133) ② (A) 대로
134) ④ (B) 때문에
135) ② 158) ③
136) ② 159) ⑤
160) ②
161) ⑤
162) ①
163) ④
164) ①
165) ④
166) ⑤
167) ③
168) ⑤
169) ③
170) ④
171) ③
172) ③
173) using
174) how to use this application
175) ⑤
176) ④
137) ④
177) ⑤
138) ⑤
178) ②
139) ②
179) ①
140) (A) - (E) - (B) - (D) - (C)
180) ③
141) ②
181) ④
142) ④
182) ②
143) ④
183) ④
144) Thanks to
184) ④
145) ③
185) ①
146) ③
186) ②
147) ⑤
187) ⑤
148) ③
188) ④
149) ①
189) ①
150) The amount of data we have is getting such
190) ④
greater than before
191) ④
151) ③
192) ⑤
152) 그 범죄의 종류, 시간, 장소에 대한 빅데이터의
193) ②
분석을 통해 만들 수 있다.
194) ③
153) (A) Eating cookies, they watched a movie
195) ②
(B) Waving this hand, Jiho took a train
196) ①
154) ②
197) ①
155) crime hot spots.
198) ①
156) (A) sitting on the glass
(B) three times a month 199) ③
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
200) ② 244) ①
201) ③ 245) ②
202) ① 246) ①
203) ③ 247) ④
204) ② 248) ①
205) ④ 249) ③
206) ④ 250) ②
207) ⑤ 251) (1) 정보 분석
208) ⑤ (2) 결과 도출
209) ④ (3) 의사결정이나 미래예측에 사용
210) ③ 252) ①
211) ④ 253) (A) comes
212) ① (B) is analyzed
(C) be predicted
213) ④
254) sitting on the grass, the girl fed birds in the
214) ⑤
215) ⑤
255) ③
216) ⑤
256) ①
217) ⑤
257) Now/not finishing her homework
218) ①
258) As/as I was so hungry
219) ④
220) ⑤
221) Big data is improving the performance of
players, making sports more exciting
222) ④
223) ②
224) ③
225) ⑤
226) ③
227) ②
228) ①
229) ②
230) ①
231) ⑤
232) ③
233) ③
234) ④
235) ④
236) ②
237) ⑤
238) ①
239) ③
240) ②
241) ④
242) ③
243) ③
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
263) ①
264) ⑤
265) ④
266) ④
267) ①
268) ④
259) ④
269) ③
260) ③
270) If I had wings, I could fly
261) ⑤
271) ③
262) ②
272) (1) Not having enough time
(2) as she takes a bath
273) (1) Because she didn’t finish her work
(2) Although he studied very hard
(3) If he follows my advice
274) ④
275) ④
276) ①
277) ④
278) ②
279) ④
중3 동아 윤정미 7과 기출문제
280) ⑤
281) ②
282) ⑤
283) ③
284) ②
285) ①,④
286) ④
287) ⑤
288) ②,③,④
289) ⑤
290) ④
291) (1) Because they were surprised by his recent
(2) While we were lying on the grass
(3) Although he didn’t feel hungry
292) (1) If you go straight two blocks
(2) As he speaks of his appearance
293) big data will play a more and more important
role in our lives.