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Unit 1-MCQ-DV

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Unit I-Data Visualization -21ADU502A-III B.

Sc CS (AI & DS)

Tableau is a Tableau is a Tableau is a Tableau is a
relational business programming business
database intelligence and language used intelligence and
Which of the following statements is true about management data visualization for statistical Tableau is an data visualization
1 Tableau? system. tool. analysis. operating system. tool.
A measure that is A data type
computed based A column in a data used to A type of join A type of join
What is a dimension in Tableau? on the values of source that represent used to combine used to combine
one or more contains numerical data from data from
2 dimensions. categorical data. values. multiple tables multiple tables
A column in a data source that contains
dimension Value items dimension
3 categorical data is known as ____ category
A value that can be used to dynamically change
parameter items parameter
4 the behavior of a calculation is called as ___ dimension measure
A column in a data source that is created by
performing a calculation on existing columns
5 is____ dimesion value calculated value measure value item value calculated value
_______ can be used to combine multiple
dimensions into a single dimension
6 groups hierachy set view groups
A way to group numeric data into discrete
7 ranges is ____ min Max bin tin bin
A chart that combines two different chart types
8 on the same axis is _____ dual axis chart Multi axis chart single axis chart line axis chart dual axis chart
9 A _____is a single chart or table worksheet dashboard story workbook worksheet
10 A _____ is a collection of worksheets worksheet dashboard story workbook workbook
A measure is a _____ value that can be
11 aggregated alpha numeric alphanumeric symbol numeric
A ______field is represented by individual data
12 points continuous discipline discrete partition discrete
A line that indicates a specific value on a chart
13 is _____ reference line axis line dual line single line reference line
14 A _____ filter requires more setup. quick normal advanced special normal
A type of chart that displays data as a color
15 gradient is _____ heat map fever map special map value map heat map
A way to emphasize specific data points in a
16 chart or table is ____ main feature focal point high spot highlighter highlighter
Default aggregation used for tree
17 map__________ Avg Count Sum Count Sum
How do you find the field is discrete in Tableau
18 ? Green color # symbol Blue color None Blue color
19 Where can we apply global filters? Dashboards Stories Sheets All of the above All of the above
Data Values available for the Table
20 visualization_______________ Basic Expression Table Calculation LoD Expression None of the above Calculation
21 Current Version of Tableau is____________ 2020.1 2020.4 2020.3 2020.2 2020.3
22 Which of these is NOT a tableau file format? Tde tdb twb twbx tdb
Which of the following Data Pane items cannot
23 be dragged onto the Filters Shelf? Measures Dimensions Parameters Sets Parameters
24 Views in Tableau_____ Dashboard Story Sheet All of above All of above
Which of the intricate techniques is not used for
25 data visualization? Bullet Graphs Bubble Clouds Fever Maps Heat Maps Fever Maps
Which of the following method make vector of
26 repeated values? rep() data() view() read() data()
A data visualization tool that updates in real
time and gives multiple outputs is called
27 _______ a metrics table a data dashboard a data table None of the above a data dashboard
________is used to restrict the data from none of these
database based on selected dimension or Quick filter Normal Filter
28 measure. Normal Filter sort filter
29 How to get current date and time? Date() Time() Both A& B Now() Now()
Which filter is used to get the top 10 values
30 from a view? High filter Top filter low filter Bottom filter Top filter
Visualization is
used to Data
communicate Data Visualization Visualization
information helps users in makes complex
What is true about Data Visualization? clearly and analyzing a large data more All of the above All of the above
efficiently to amount of data in a accessible,
users by the usage simpler way. understandable,
of information and usable.
graphics such as
31 tables and charts.
It can be
It can be accessed
It can misrepresent It can be None Of the accessed quickly
Which are pros of data visualization? quickly by a
information distracting above by a wider
wider audience.
32 audience.
33 Data can be visualized using? graphs charts maps All of the above All of the above
visual data is
It conveys a lot It makes your visual data is
distorted or None Of the
Which are cons of data visualization? of information in report more distorted or
excessively above
a small space. visually appealing. excessively used.
34 used.
deliver dataset
Data visualization is also an element of the data presentation data process data presentation
presentation presentation
broader _____________. architecture architecture architecture
35 architecture architecture
Which of the intricate techniques is not used for
Bullet Graphs Bubble Clouds Fever Maps Heat Maps Fever Maps
36 data visualization?
Which method shows hierarchical data in a Population
Treemaps Scatter plots Area charts Treemaps
37 nested format? pyramids
Which one of the following is most basic and Population
Line charts Scatter plots . Area charts Line charts
38 commonly used techniques? pyramids
The seeds for Tableau were planted in the early
1970s 1960s 1980s 1990s 1970s
39 ____
Rendering data accurately with appropriate
visual analytics reduces the _____required to money time value power time
40 achieve understanding.
_____are intended to show one-to-many
bar chart line chart Pie Charts bubble chart Pie Charts
41 comparisons of dimensions
________Provide appropriate graphics by Visual Visual
Simplicity Connectivity Sharing
42 default. Competence Competence
_______________ is the design tool for
prep Desktop server analyser Desktop
43 creating visual analytics and dashboards
Less common datasources can be accessed via
44 the____ standard.
when you save your work in desktop the default
tbw twb twx txw twb
45 save method creates a workbook ____ file
____________ allow you to share a single Tableau Tableau Tableau woork Tableau Data
worksheet from your workbook with others Bookmarks (tbm) Datasources (tds) book (twb) Extracts (tde
46 (tbm)
Tableau _____ is a free hosted web service that
can be used to publish Tableau Reports on the Desktop reader Public prep Public
47 web.
Storage space on Tableau Public is limited to
40 50 30 60 50
48 ___megabytes per named-user
49 Datasource size is limited to_______ records. 100000 10,00 10000000 1000 100000
Install____ megabytes of internal memory for
2 to 4 3 to 6 1to 4 4 to 8 4 to 8
50 the best performance.

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