Lecture 4 Consideration and Capacity.
Lecture 4 Consideration and Capacity.
Lecture 4 Consideration and Capacity.
Lecture 4
Contract Law – Consideration and
Exceptions —
s.26 (a) It is in writing, registered & made for natural love &
affection between parties in relation to each other; or
s.26 (c) promise in writing to pay statute barred debts that cannot be
enforced due to Limitation Act 1953
(e) A, B and C enter into agreement for division of gains
acquired by fraud. Agreement is void.
(f) A promises to obtain for B employment in public service, and
B promises to pay RM1,000 to A. Agreement is void.
(a) A promises to paint picture for B. B later forbids
him to do so. A no longer bound to perform the
(b) A owes B RM5,000. A pays B who accepts, in
satisfaction of whole debt, RM2,000. Whole debt is
CA: no contract since they did not intent that agreement should have
legal consequences.
Rationale – otherwise courts would be flooded with these sort of cases