Sip Report
Sip Report
Sip Report
A Study on Tools Digital Marketing at Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of Bachelor of Business
Administration (B.B.A) General
Acknowledgement 3
Certification of Completion 4
Certificate 5
Declaration 6
List of tables 7
List of figures 8
Objectives 17-18
Limitations 43-44
Appendix 45-48
Bibliography 51-57
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to God for enabling me to complete the report on
“A Study on Tools of Digital Marketing at Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd.”.
Successfully completion of any type of project requires helps from a number of people. I have
also taken help from different people for the preparation of this report. Now, there is a little
effort to show my deep gratitude to that helpful person.
I convey my sincere gratitude to my Internal guide Ms. Aditi Joshi, Assistant Professor at
Jagannath International Management School, Kalkaji. Without her kind direction and proper
guidance this study would have been a little success. In every phase of the project her
supervision and guidance shaped this report to be completed perfectly.
I would also like to thanks my External guide Mr. Ankit Wadhwa, Client Successive Manager
at Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd. for providing me with required data for my research and also
teaching and guiding me throughout the experience.
This is to certify that Ananya Mangla, enrolment number 00414101718 pursuing BBA (General)
from Jagannath International Management School, Kalkaji has successfully completed the
project on “Study on Tools of Digital Marketing at Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd.” under my
supervision and guidance.
She has taken care of all necessary aspects and has shown keen interest and utmost sincerity during
the completion of this project file.
I certify that this project file is up to my satisfaction and as per the guidelines laid down by the
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
(Internal mentor)
I declare that:
• I have not used work that is previously produced by any other student or any other person to
submit it as my own.
• The work confirms to the guidelines for layout, content and style as set out in the Regulations
and Guidelines.
Ananya Mangla
List of Tables
Analysis of Q1 II 31
Analysis of Q2 III 32
Analysis of Q3 IV 33
Analysis of Q4 V 34
Analysis of Q5 VI 35
Analysis of Q6 VII 36
Analysis of Q7 VIII 37
Analysis of Q8 IX 38
Analysis of Q9 X 39
Analysis of Q10 XI 40
List of figures
Response of Q1 1 31
Response of Q2 2 32
Response of Q3 3 33
Response of Q4 4 34
Response of Q5 5 35
Response of Q6 6 36
Response of Q7 7 37
Response of Q8 8 38
Response of Q9 9 39
Response of Q10 10 40
The project work is pursued as a part of BBA curriculum at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
University. It is under taken as an internship at Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad. This
project is done under expert supervision and guidance of Ms. Aditi Joshi (Assistant Professor) and
Mr. Ankit Wadhwa (Client Successive Manager at Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd.). The project is
about the study of tools of digital marketing with reference to Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
At Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd., initially I was imparted process and service knowledge. I was
given sufficient time to know about the services and what company is doing.
The main aim was to understand digital marketing and generating leads. I was provided with
database and had to make cold calls from the data and a brief training in content creation that is
how to create advertisements on Adobe Photoshop and a content writing orientation for the same
to be posted on company’s social media handles.
After the training, I started with the work. It included creating content for and posting it on
company’s social media handles and to follow up their growth. I was to reach out to the potential
customers and mail them our broachers and product lists.
Thus, it gave me the opportunity to learn about all the services and with the range of services
Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Offered it made the task a bit easier as we could fulfill the need of
the customer in a better way. My task was divided in 4 phases:
• Service Knowledge: This included the theoretical knowledge about the field and training
which needed to be marked.
• Starting Work: This included the implementation of the knowledge imparted to me and
the test of my marketing skills. Initially I was accompanied by company guide so that I can
learn how to handle the company’s social media accounts (Facebook and LinkedIn) and
deal with the customers and understand their needs. This also enhanced our interpersonal
skills and confidence level.
• Analysis: After posting content an in-depth analysis is done about the growth and reach of
the content and get contact details of the potential customers and reach out to them.
• Reporting: This included handling a report after each week about the work done to my
to the Topic
To begin with as a part of the curriculum a summer internship program was to be conducted for a
period of 8 weeks. Given a choice one was allowed to choose the field in which he/she was
interested. As my interest and curiosity was in digital marketing, I choose to work with a company
named Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Is a 12-year-old Delhi based
Software, Consulting, and Servicing & Training firm focused on providing business-centric
strategic solutions to the companies. I choose the startup company because with startup I can
explore myself and why digital marketing? Because it is booming industry, the growth of digital
marketing is tremendous and expected to grow more.
Due to this summer internship, I learnt every aspect of digital marketing (business development
process, content writing, and social media). The company asks me to create and post content on
the company’s social media handles. And to analyze the data collected through these posts. Also,
to go through the database and contact the potential customers.
Digital marketing startup companies follow a standard process of approaching clients. There are
certain steps which cannot be altered or skipped. These are followed in sequences and executed
after evaluating the process again and again. In digital marketing your team should be strong
enough to deliver what your client is expecting, as under digital marketing everyone work is
interconnected and with a team only one campaign can get ready.
An extensive literature review is done on the concepts and theories related to digital marketing. A
review of Research papers, articles is undertaken to take a note of and acknowledge work that has
been done in the field of digital marketing as such. The Researcher has collected secondary data
from reputed Journals and Magazines, Newspapers, articles, Internet websites and Archives.
It was an amazing experience working virtually and on field. I come to many new terminologies
of digital marketing, corporate world, etc. The project contains the task which has been done by
me during my internship as well as what I have learnt from it.
Digital marketing:
Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other
channels to reach consumers. Some marketing experts consider digital marketing to be an entirely
new endeavor that requires a new way of approaching customers and new ways of understanding
how customers behave compared to traditional marketing.
Website Marketing
A website is the centerpiece of all digital marketing activities. Alone, it is a very powerful channel,
but it’s also the medium needed to execute a variety of online marketing campaigns. A website
should represent a brand, product, and service in a clear and memorable way. It should be fast,
mobile-friendly, and easy to use.
Content Marketing
The goal of content marketing is to reach potential customers through the use of content. Content
is usually published on a website and then promoted through social media, email marketing, SEO,
or even PPC campaigns. The tools of content marketing include blogs, e-books, online courses,
info graphics, podcasts, and webinars.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is still one of the most effective digital marketing channels. Email marketing is
the medium to get in touch with your potential customers or the people interested in your brand.
Many digital marketers use all other digital marketing channels to add leads to their email lists and
then, through email marketing, they create customer acquisition funnels to turn those leads into
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing, and the Internet has brought new life
to this old standby. With affiliate marketing, influencers promote other people’s products and get
a commission every time a sale is made or a lead is introduced. Many well-known companies like
Amazon have affiliate programs that pay out millions of dollars per month to websites that sell
their products.
Video Marketing
YouTube has become the second most popular search engine and a lot of users are turning to
YouTube before they make a buying decision, to learn something, read a review, or just to relax.
There are several video marketing platforms, including Facebook Videos or Instagram. Companies
find the most success with video by integrating it with SEO, content marketing, and broader social
media marketing campaigns.
Ryanus Consulting Pvt. Ltd. started in 2008 by Mr. Gaurav Sachdeva. The company deals with
CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM Software, Consulting, and Services & Training. The company has the
headquarters in Faridabad and is now operating internationally along with other parts of the
country. Some of the products that the company deals with are SolidWorks 3D, MSC Software,
Simu fact and recently in the mist of the pandemic of coronavirus they have also started dealing
with the essential products for other companies, hospitals, schools, etc.
There major marketing channel is through digital networking and connections that each employee
holds. Digital marketing, webinars and personal interactions are all part of the company. But due
to Covid-19 crisis the personal interactions have reduced substantially.
My main reason to work with Ryanus Technologies was to understand the working of digital
marketing in practical world. Some of the key elements I learned there were:
So, to understand the working of the company I was under my guide there Mr. Ankit Wadhwa
who helped me through a lot. Taught me the workings of the company and trained me for social
media marketing and branding. And for any other doubt that I had I presented a questionnaire to
him and the rest of the team to get me some clarification. The response was very welcoming.
Objective of
the Study
The objectives are:
1) J Suresh Reddy has published article in Indian Journal of Marketing. Title of article is
"Impact of E-commerce on marketing".
Marketing is one of the business functions most dramatically affected by emerging information
technologies. Internet is providing companies new channels of communication and interaction. It
can create closer yet more cost-effective relationships with customers in sales, marketing and
customer support. Companies can use web to provide ongoing information, service and support h
also creates positive interaction with customers that can serve as the foundation for long term
relationships and encourage repeat purchases.
2) Neelika Arora has published research article entitled "Trends in Online Advertising" in
adverting Express, Dec2004.
The global online advertising revenues are expected to touch US $10bn by 2006. In India, the
revenues at present are estimated to be Rs. 80 Cr. and are expected to increase six times more
within the next five years.
In India, Internet as a medium is accepted by wider industrial segment that includes automobiles,
telecom, education, banking, credit card and FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods),
apparel/clothing, durables, media, business services and tourism. Out of these, it is estimated that
the banking, FMCG and the insurance sectors together account for 45% of the total advertising
spend. In comparison to this, automotive, travel and retail spend 37% of the total advertising
revenue and financial services companies spend 12% only. Some of the top spenders in India are
automobiles, followed by brands like Pepsodent, Kellogg's, Cadbury, HDFC (Housing
Development Finance Corporation Lid) loans and Sun Silk. In addition to these the early adopters
in the field of finance and IT are also increasing their spending Globally, the trend is that almost
60% of the revenue goes to five firms- Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL (America Online
Launchers), and Overture. Approximately. 90% of the Goggle revenues come from advertising. In
India, portals like,, etc. Are
attracting major online spender.
This article explains demographic profile of Indian user. It also gives the comparison between
Global trend and Indian trend which is useful for my research work.
3) Sumanjeet has published article on "On Line Banner Advertising"- in Indian Journal of
Online banner advertising has great potential as an advertising medium. It is easy to create, place
and use. It offers companies targeting well educated, innovative, affluent males/females or students
with great potential for success at their segments are highly represented.
4) Nicholas Ind, Maria Chiara Riondino have originally published their article in the Journal
of Brand Management in September 2001. The tide of this article "Branding on the Web: A
real Revolution?”
In this paper difference in corporate attitudes to the Web are discussed and contusions as to the
way in which branding practice and theory are affected by the new technology are drawn. This
article explains the Web is both a distribution and a communication channel that facilities
interaction community building, openness and comparability.
5) Jeffrey Graham has published his article entitled “Web advertising’s future >>> e
Marketing strategy”
Morgan Stanley Dean Writer published an equality report analyzing the internet making and
advertising industry. The report studies research from dozens of companies and calculates the cost
and effectiveness of advertising across various media. Branding on the Internet works. For existing
brands, the Internet is more effective in driving recall than television, magazines, and newspapers
and at least as good in generating product interest.
6) Advertising in social media: How consumers act after seeing social ads. Adapted from
Nielsen (2012: 10).
Social media has not only changed how people communicate online, but it has also changed the
consumption of other media too. Online social connections are used to filter, discuss, disseminate
and validate news, entertainment, and products for consumption (Ryan 2011: 15) The next chapters
will explain more about each of the world’s current most widely used social medias. There are, of
course, many other social networks and applications (apps) available but considering the study,
the focus in on the main Medias.
7) Victor Van Valen has published article "Is Your Marketing Smart"
Today advertisers not only need to cater to and directly pinpoint a precise targeted audience, but
they need to customize their advertisements as well. In web media, you have an idea of who will
see your ads, and it create an impact on your audience. For example, you know Femina Magazine
would be great to target women so you can promote your new beauty product in this magazine.
But when it comes to online venues, how can you target the right audience when millions are
8) Vikas Bondar has published his article on "sales and marketing strategies”
Internet is a really good thing. The Internet gives people a greater amount of information as we
need. It is the best way to get a comparison of the products that we need. If we are interested in
buying. It is best for us to check the Websites. Also, if we would like to make our own Web page,
we can do this, without paying a lot of money. From where do we set all this information? The
answer is from advertising, which we see, everywhere: on TV, on the Internet, in the newspapers
and more. Year after year we get more and more interesting information and in the future the
internet use will increase more than now.
marketing and
7 Veldeman et Survey of 92 Belgium Exploratory Results suggest
al. (2017) Belgian B2B study/qualitative that B2B IT
companies company’s usage
of social media is
higher than
companies as they
find it more useful
then industrial
8 Ewelina Survey of 181 The UK Empirical The findings
Lacka, Alain users and China testing suggest that
Chong marketer’s
perception of the
usability, utility
and usefulness of
social media sites
enable the
adoption and use
in B2B sector
9 Wang et Five case New Empirical Based on MST
al. (2016) studies-SMEs Zealand testing (media
and China synchronicity
theory) this study
first time
examined the
capabilities of
SMA (social
media analytics)
and business
performance in
B2B context
10 Habibi et Not available Australia Conceptual EMO-
al. (2015) Paper (Philosophical,
and adaptation)
has been used to
address the issue
in implementing
social media for
B2B. Findings
suggest that each
part of EMO
consist of different
16 Barac et Survey of 78 Serbia Quantitative Findings suggest
al. (2017) participants that relationship
capability, social
and analytical
PRM (partner
17 Meire et Secondary data Belgium Quantitative Facebook was
al. (2017) and the found to be most
USA informative data
source to acquire
B2B customer and
work better with
other websites,
which contain
18 Swani et Analysis on The USA Exploration of The findings
al. (2017) Fortune 500 factors suggest that
companies’ including
brand posts corporate brand
names, emotional
and functional
messages and
information search
cues enhances the
popularity of B2B
messages as
compared to B2C
19 Swani et Analysis on 289 The USA Quantitative This study
al. (2014) Fortune 500 suggested that
companies’ B2B and B2C
tweets social media
strategy are
different from
each other in
Table I
Research Design
Research design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular study. A
research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of the data in a manner
that aims to combine relevance to their search purpose with economy in procedure. Research
design is broadly classified into three types.
• Exploratory Research Design
• Descriptive Research Design
• Casual Research Design
Exploratory Research Design
Exploratory research, as the name implies, intends merely to explore the research questions and
does not intend to offer final and conclusive solutions to existing problems. This type of research
is usually conducted to study a problem that has not been clearly defined yet.
Conducted in order to determine the nature of the problem, exploratory research is not intended
to provide conclusive evidence, but helps us to have a better understanding of the problem.
When conducting exploratory research, the researcher ought to be willing to change his/her
direction as a result of revelation of new data and new insights.
Exploratory research design does not aim to provide the final and conclusive answers to the
research questions, but merely explores the research topic with varying levels of depth. It has
been noted that “exploratory research is the initial research, which forms the basis of more
conclusive research. It can even help in determining the research design, sampling methodology
and data collection method”. Exploratory research “tends to tackle new problems on which little
or no previous research has been done”. Unstructured interviews are the most popular primary
data collection method with exploratory studies
To design the questionnaire, I used my basic knowledge of digital marketing to create the questions
and Google Forms to create the outlay of E-questionnaire.
Sample Design
A Sample Design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the
technique to the procedure adopted in selecting items for the sampling designs are as below:
Sample Size
Since we were in the middle of a pandemic, all the employees were not available in the office, due
to the company policy. Only people who were allowed at the office were people living in
Faridabad. So, my sample size was only 15 people that were available whiten the premises.
Sampling Method
In this marketing research project, I am using Convenience sampling method.
Analysis and
After collecting the data, it is time to analysis and interpret the data to draw conclusions and results.
Q1: What kind of digital marketing do you engage in for your own business?
S. No. Tools No. of Responses Percentage of
1 SEO 4 26.7%
2 Email Marketing 1 6.7%
3 PPC 1 6.7%
4 Online Advertising 3 20%
5 Content Marketing 1 6.7%
6 Social Media Marketing 5 33.3%
Table II
Figure 1
Interpretation: The Company uses a variety of tools to market their products and to increase the
traffic towards their website. The most preferred way of marketing is Social Media Marketing
followed by Search Engine Optimization.
Q2: What’s the main objective of your website?
S. No. Objectives No. of Responses Percentage of
1 To sell products/ services 15 100%
2 To build a community 0 0%
3 To provide customer services 0 0%
4 To enroll members 0 0%
5 To showcase information 0 0%
Table III
Figure 2
Interpretation: The main objective of the company’s website is to sell and
promote their products and services.
Q3: When was the last time an SEO performance audit was performed on your website?
S. No. SEO Audit No. of Responses Percentage of
1 Never done 0 0%
2 Was done a while ago 8 53.3%
3 Was done recently 7 46.7%
Table IV
Figure 3
Interpretation: According to the data the SEO performance audit was performed quite recently.
Q4: Do you believe you website is getting enough exposure on search engines?
S. No. Enough Exposure No. of Responses Percentage of
1 Yes 9 60%
2 No 0 0%
3 Not sure 6 40%
Table V
Figure 4
Interpretation: 60% of the employees believe that they are getting enough exposure on search
engines whereas rest are not sure.
Q5: How have you been building (or intend to build) the content?
S. No. Content Creations No. of Responses Percentage of
1 We have an in-house content 15 100%
2 We buy them from writers/ 0 0%
Table VI
Figure 5
Interpretation: The Company creates their own content and don’t outsource it.
Q6: What’s your current leverage of social media?
S. No. Current Leverage No. of Responses Percentage of
1 No visibility on social media 0 0%
2 Basic visibility, looking to 8 53.3%
3 Significant Visibility 7 46.7%
Table VII
Figure 6
Interpretation: The data shows that the employees believes that they have a significant visibility
on social media.
Q7: What’s your objective from Social Media presence?
S. No. Tools No. of Responses Percentage of
1 Increase traffic to website 0 0%
2 Brand awareness 0 0%
3 Continual engagement and 0 0%
customer loyalty
4 Customer Service 0 0%
5 All of the above 15 100%
Table VIII
Figure 7
Interpretation: The main objective of the company’s social media presence is to Increase traffic
to the website, brand awareness, continual engagement and customer loyalty and to provide
customer services.
Q8: Which social platforms are you keen on leveraging the most?
S. No. Social Platforms No. of Responses Percentage of
1 Facebook 15 100%
2 LinkedIn 15 100%
3 Instagram 4 26.7%
4 YouTube 3 20%
5 Twitter 5 33.3%
Table IX
Figure 8
Interpretation: The employees are keener on leveraging towards Facebook and LinkedIn,
Q9: Which platform did you use for content creation?
S. No. Platforms No. of Responses Percentage of
1 Canva 0 0%
2 Adobe Photoshop 15 100%
3 PicMonkey 0 0%
Table X
Figure 9
Q10: On Average, how many new customers is your team getting per month?
S. No. Customers No. of Responses Percentage of
1 10-20 0 0%
2 20-30 15 100%
3 30 or more 0 0%
Table XI
Figure 10
Findings and
1) The company uses Social Media Marketing as their main source of marketing. Followed
by Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Online Marketing. And since the pandemic, i.e.,
the spread of Coronavirus online advertisements has become one of the main sources of
reaching the potential clients.
2) The main objective of the website is to sell the products and services. The website is user
friendly and quite straight forward. The products have all the listing about prices, pictures,
and refund polices, etc.
3) The last SEO performance audit was done a while ago. SEO or Search Engine Optimization
is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website
through organic search engine results.
4) The company believes that the company is getting enough exposure on their social media
accounts and on the website.
5) The company has an in-house content team. The team consist of three people, one creates
the content, and one uploads the content on the social media platforms and keep the track
of the traffic. And last one contacts the potential clients who are attracted by the content.
6) They have basic social media visibility and are looking to enhance it. The company is
always thriving to enhance and be a better version of themselves.
7) The main objective of social media presence is to gain utmost out of it. Stopping at nothing
and utilizing everything that the internet has to offer.
8) They are present on almost every social media platform. Their main focused accounts with
most potential are Facebook and LinkedIn.
9) They use Adobe Photoshop and Canva for editing and creating content.
10) On an average 20-30 new potential clients are reached by the company.
Nonetheless, these results must be interpreted with caution and a number of limitations should be
borne in mind
Due to the pandemic only the employees living in Faridabad were allowed to come to the office.
So, because of that only a limited people were there in the office therefore the office environment
was a bit casual and the work was a little slow.
As discussed above there were less employees at the office so my sample size was very limited.
So, the results could be biased and not just. Also, my data is of one specific organization only.
Age of Data
The data I used for literature review is as fresh as I could get. But still it could be possible that the
data might be obscure or out dated.
Timing of Study
According to me the study appeared at a very ill time, i.e., during the pandemic. I feel that if it
would have appeared before the crises my research would have been more profound and insightful.
A sample of the questionnaire:
Q1: What kind of digital marketing do you engage in for your own business?
• Email Marketing
• Online Advertising
• Content Marketing
• Social Media Marketing
Q3. When was the last time an SEO performance audit was performed on your website?
• Never done
• Was done a while ago
• Was done recently
Q4. Do you believe your website is getting enough exposure on search engines?
• Yes
• No
• Not sure
Q5. How have you been building (or intend to build) the content?
• We have an in-house content person
• We buy them from writers/designers
Q8. Which social platforms are you keen on leveraging the most?
• Facebook
• LinkedIn
• Instagram
• YouTube
• Twitter
• Other:
Q10. On average, how many new customers is your team getting per month?
• 10-20
• 20-30
• 30 or more
and Conclusion
B2B marketing differs significantly from its B2C variant. The main focus
here is on identifying the target group and directly addressing it with
smaller and more targeted measures. Personal contact and a flawless
reputation are also extremely important. In addition, any advertising
should not be too pushy, especially if you hope to win new customers. If
a company’s name and services are known, this is often enough, since
customers can then find any information, they require via B2B portals and
the company’s own corporate website. Social media can help generate
leads, but will mostly play second fiddle to content and SEO marketing
The focus of this study was to answer the following question: how the
digital marketing techniques work in the real world? To achieve the
objective of the research, various research articles were reviewed
regarding digital marketing usage and a survey was conducted. Various
emerging themes were identified and most of them have been confirmed
with semi-structured interviews with the industry experts. Conclusively,
it can be said that with the covid-19 pandemic not leaving soon the need
for digital marketing has increased expeditiously. Future researchers can
also analyze the case studies of various companies to figure out the extent
to which B2B digital marketing has been used to create a competitive
advantage for the organizations.
• Company’s website
• Company’s Facebook page
• Company’ LinkedIn page
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