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4.properties of Matter Chapter 4 1st Sem Physics

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Al koclies deom9nda the action of toe

may twndergo change in Size, shope or foces,. But
all the salds, liquids and opses esist thechonge in
olume Liquids ond qases avnot oter any esistame
to the bices Tndig to
change ther ghape.
Defaming tövce.
The force which chonges or ies tochange the sie
or shope of a bocdy wthout moving ft as a woleig
called deloming tore.
kestring tovee.
The force which ceelops inside the
body againat
a defoming foce and tris ooning -he
body kack
toits originol sze ord shope s calld teonina
The pIopety ot certain matorbs of etming
back totheir oriqinal size arod shape okter8roving
be defoming toce is called elasticityhs s po5ibe
onlu when the detorwation is wrthin a certin limit
which known as elastic limit.

Blcsto Bedy
body'whi tegaivs is brigial shope ondsize
Complet-liy ofier the remoal of defoming force ts
called anelasti bol
he inability oft Certain mErICIS to rqain their

orioinal size and shape ofter emoving the detomir

toce is allad plasticity.
nelast or Klastic Body.
*oy whch anvnot taaain fts original Size and
shope after the vemoval tf deformíng toce is alled
apastio or nelastic body.
he restoring toice ole veloped Perunit oim insde

thebody called shess N

Sthess) Kestoring fléer) L1

Tf L
rewtn meve?
unit of stiess is pasclor

Stiss o c e MLT ML
hrdhangs, in dimension pe unit ofJOC
the me
dimension t the body, rs ala gtiain
Cviginal dimensíon
Stain has ho unit s and no dimensorial tonub.

Elastc liit
The macmum value of sttess,uitan which the boy
COmpletly.regains its oriqiral cordlton otcr iemoval
of detomina bice, 6 @lled
elasti fiit
Hook 5 Law
zatomantt Within theelastc limit, s 3, s propo rtionalto
the $tiain Proclucec na body
3tiess a sthain

whac E is known as the moclulus of dasticiy
Elastic tatigue
TT sthtef tonpoony loss of ehstic hatue of
boty ue tb örtivucus stinl a alled elastic

Moduus of Elasticit
Ihe modulus of elasticity ofa body is the
magitud c of stiess to he applcd to ploduCe unit
ton tlookes law, SieSS
nlled the moclulus of elas tioty
Tyes of Macluli ohelasticity
There ae thyee types of moduli ofclasticits-hayare

4Yauas mactulus
2. Rigidity modulus and
3. Bulk modulus
oung's Modu kus.
Within thoc edastic limit of a kocy the sqtio of
lornjtucdinal sttess to the longitudlizl sthan 1s colla
Voungs imodulus of e lasticity.
It is replesentd by Y
tonula tor bungs Modulus
sder a wie of
to sp
orea ct a0SS Saction A Uupposs
that a lohgitudipralfoue facts on
and produs anelongation
Longituelival sthessors
Longitucinol stiain
Yaungs ModlMocluus= 0r9Tuclinal stiess
Fiv iaitiadi) stitoin


STunitfYoungs Modkus of elosticity is nebston

mereor pas.cal

Er M
. Stess, pressue and bung's modlus cf elaaticrty

hgve same unts and 9me cimansional fotmula.

Note 2
Tf a wire of lenatlb lis fired cit one and and lotied
at the otherend by a'moss Mthen

laorgtuclinal sthesS
Mawheeqis theaceeratio
i s dus togavity and ts the adius of.the wive

Langitudinal stiocin

YCungs maculus, of chs tieity ongitudinl sTes

Tomytuclinol stian

y -Mg
Vecocity vet
whoh gves,Ns6 a
he popetu cf liguicd:
fpicehat tends todprtetherecitiue motion
between íts layets is called visC0sity
ViScous toce The tangential backwai dioggirg
tbrce that comes inio pay between tno odpet
lauers of a iquid andends to opPose he relatie
motion tethenh thomis'collet vscóusice ot visae
Inertial 1prCe! An inatial torce is afore hatest
a chonge n veltity of an biject.1raeyal and
Cpposite o the
aplied toice aS uel as to resstie
toco. In ase d tuids itis
qual and apposite T0
visous Crag
Eromples tor Viscosity
1.The tides ot woitet arb 'subsidd due to nscosity
ain croPs are 50 Wered due to
viscosity ot air
2. Roper viscosity ot the blo0d
kceps cur adiovsalor
Suptcm nell
4.tiycralic bokes ore
oeratcd by prope viscosity
the brake Hud.
3, Mony UEmetic opls ond lotions (Eg: Sun tan latiorn)
3CQuld rat lee splctad aAO5S the i n it it wete not vSCOus

6The visrasity of paint enables us to coat the bildings

7 1oney runs sower thar Nater because of high ve

and agproochas
Moten olass S ectemey visOus
iinite viscosity as it soloihes

Newton's fmula tor Vsrous oce

Consider to adoentbyers P
having equol ercos
ona JM and
Seporatcod baa distone de ín
the bminar fow of a leuid
of the
Acording to Nentons bw the ow pyagnitude
teobnous Drcet on a Certin laljerof liquid ís propo Itiona Ito
the arenA of the louid and
to He
) the velcity oradient which s Peenaiaular
clirectron of flow


orfnt h
cothicient of wiscasity
Coefficiert of Visosty
The viBwus toG cting per untaraU when ths
is mere
wnit Veloaity geadient in the fowof lquicd is cld
coefticient ot visositunl
Notc: This is also alled coêttidient of dynamG vísosity
STUnib newton
FGwO Seond
metie metelsaond metre
n newton Metie Sccond
ST Onit of
nis Ns
Omesiorcil fomulo an- METoh

Foiseuilles huation for Coefhciev

Foiseuille deducal ancepression to determire tle odhoot
of viscosity of low visos
liquids like watcray
measuring the tatrfHow through a
wnitorm bore apilay tube d
he ocfficicn tvisosity of the liqud
throudn the apillay tube S qiven by
/7 t
where P-Pressure difference between the ends of the
auillany tube,
YlaciuS of Cpillany tube
-Tength of the opillan Tube and
V VDlume of the liquid 4lowing Per wit time
hough the apillany tube.

Efat of empeatuie on Vsosity of Liquids

r d Goases.
he molecules
tor kquids The cohesive torcas between
in lquids. he
ae responsíble or the viscOSity
the temperature
p visosity of the liquids deaases as
or Gases! h e hesive torces in gaseS ve veny Small

Due tote ollisionB among

he moleales hemomertum
swanstencd fiom molecules, ot higher velooity
angther ayer.
the mokaules ot louer velocíty în
layer 10
ot pses inaeses as the tempe
So. the viscosty
Surface Tension
he poperty by which surfre behaves asa stietch

membrane haunq mínîmunm urfae atea iS ala

S face tension. Jt sa poperty t h e tree urtaæd
acts Iikea thin
liquid. The hee surfa of he liquid
stretched dastic mcmbonc and has a tendenay to
acuire amimum Surtae
Cohesive taco:
The fore of attiaction
between he molaules of h
sme substane is alled ohesive toroe
Adhesve orce
he foce ot attiocton betman the moleaules of the
Same substavnce is alled gdhesive toe
Sufae lension c e lhiqulds.
The nomal torce acting Per unit lngth ofan magran
line diawn onthe suta ofa liquidyich tands to pull
the qurface olong -e ine S detimed as the aitface

tonson of the liquid.

SL unit of surtace tension is inewton metre (o) Nm

Surtace tension = pre 2

Icnan L ML°T
The dimensonalformulg of surtace tason is M°T
he pheronenon of trise or depression ofa liquid
2acapillay tulbe due to Suufaetensíon is alled
Capillaity-h Tnis s que to cohesive and adhesive
forces acting on water in qlass tube.
o ngle of onteact
eangle màde by the liquid by the tangent off
he Surtace of liauid, with the solidsurtae at the poírt
of contact rs allat angle of ovtact.
Character istics:
C)he angle of coritat may have ang value betveen Oand s80

G-ormost f the lqids with gloss, it b less hon90

a C for qlass and mercaury it s obout 44O

)he ange ot orntact depends only on tve oture dsoli dandligid
6) The anae of cortact aoes not cleperd on the amount
6fincliniation of the 5olid sarfae in the liquid.
Tana e

ott ercu
inge f ovttact
1.Hot water, tetge rts and Weting agerts aie
Sed to reduao the ange of ontocts by whích
washing and dyirg6effechve
2. Woter
fHoofing arnents are. uSed to inaeOt the
ongle of contact and wetting. does not tike
ake place
Omula tor Surface Tension eaed on aplarity
TRet lcos


Watcy 1
nge (cpillaty
OntoCT Oini MeuNu
Aguss aplan tulbe tbore tadius 18dipped
vertiaally ina beaker cortainig duidof densityd.
h e t h e cupilany se. lhe meniscusS onae ua

let be the ange of ortao¢.

hen Surtace lensiornT hrdg

Case-1! tor some liquids Such as water O.bve Small
Jf0-0 co9
Surfae ension T- hrdg
Cose 2': Jt the Ssurfae of the hiquid in the apillay tulbe s
corvex, then -he volume.t the
liquid in the apillavy tube will
ht TGrS 7(h)

Surface lension T nrdla

A stteamlne isdetived as the fot htocd 0ut by

trld-massless AmagmaU Particleas t moves wth

"he tangenr 0 the urve it
ay poin+
epesents he dhiectron of the instantoncousel
atho t point.
Lomivar tHow
hetupe of 4luid flow n which ts velocity at any
POint Is onstont or varieS n rqular manner s

shcet-like fhw) whic s sownetimes

alletl lannarfow
called stuAmline tlow
Tuabulert flew
hetre ofa fluicl flow ín which the mation at
any point vavies in ditec tioh' avd magnítude s
called urbelent flow

Lamina tlow Turbuleit flow

Rendds Number: ene
The eyndld's number isdetíined as he atio of

fluid's inertial toce to its viscous toce

keynold'snumbeRntenal torce
Vewus force
The fluid fowis lawivnar ifR22300 ond rbulent
R000. Tn between these two valuesthe flid
to turbuetstaie
flow chanqes om lominar
Equation of Contintu

he vcune Hlow rate i.e.the volume of tuid
mouinq through
the ppe at ang púnt is eqpal to he ara ot the pire ot
hat poirt multaicd by the elocity of the Huid.Ths volume
Mo rate must be constont though out the Pipe.
Av= cCorstont
A A,

AAea of crosa section ofmet, 1 hen of doss section ofmet

y Velocity of flid ot inlet, VVelocity of tliol ot outtlet.

StheesRestoring 10rea
Stein Y
MhbN anOriaindl dímersio
dut idliqio aho
glicy AAU
fiess.cstant -E(mauluS ofela
Y o n g s M a d a i u s - r g i t d i m l s e s s l y - 4 2

onghudinal sthain

of ongtil is fid ot
one ordnd
Y l o a d e t ot
theotherand byamssiVM,en.
M 2 b y ri
Surfrelerson oe

Sure ensionT- hrd basedon aplhrity

hrdg when 0-0 in coe o liquidlg le naer

pfonve inae of liguids ke merauny tun

Ttdgokbe oh V*)
ddelore sepaat by erolae
Viscoustorce |t:nA d velocitry sepetabed by ejualae

coefficie tof viscont

Coefficientofirsasity - hadi5egrm
AG)s imethe2

oiaegulle's Equation, ] R Ppesaue bolifFerorce

73ev ndius of apilbny tute
or) Jlength ofthe apillanyee
vvolume of the lquid
R 2800 s laminar
enods Number R:hetialfoe
visousfova Phooo 1sTubult

Eoquathionoførtinsity AM
olvad Emmpes
J.A pice ot 20N sagpliad at the hee ond tfa wite f
length 4m and diometer 2m. PIcduces an elngabon

of C24 mm. firdi)the stess n thr wie i) ts strain

and ii) Young's moduus.

aiven f20N, -4m dmm,rr4--1mm:Axa0m

elongaton 4b 0.24mm 0.24x 10m
shess(o 20 48-6.37
6376 22.

Stiess6.87 Io N2


naungs Madulualyl Stess


Y-637x 1
6 xA05
Y- 1.06x Nm?
(opilany rse in att is 10cm When the


tuae is dipred in
merayy dpesses by 342
Commre the auace tensions of watrt ancl
of terct of watcr
meun f the
gks and meicuny are Oano
13 ord
the doustts arè
1k10°kgñiarel13.6 x10kavi3
orwater tor vnercu
Copillary ise dpieasion

h11Ocm -0.1 m h-3.4 2cm42x0o

d 110 kom o136x i0kam
angle ofcontact -0 135
Tm- non9
2coso 2 cose
Tn= Otxrx 90g Tn2110zrrl8.6x10'xg
20080) aso-1
asos NI08B6)
Tw 0.08xI01
231 65 q N

5 0 g M'-o
Trn 231.65 4633
.The tatio of suroe terslon s of wa tr ard meal
13 : 4633

:3 Note
at a level clitteren of 13m flows thotgh a

lorizontal tube of todius imm and..enqth 20m

n 2inutrs 520e of water 5colectd tid the
coetelernt of viscosity of water.
Given level diferene(hl=13cm 013m
( 4x 10 l-20cm 02m

820 820 10°m

t min -
120Scc ,d 0ka
Ressur diffeaena Pzhdg 015x J0°x9,8
P192Als? A4N
volume of wata ollertd pei Scond U=V. 3390x 10°
V 2.67 x/0

CofFricient ofuisoaits(n): 2thi

n 1274 x ao 36.8638*(0
8xO.2 x2.67r10

91368888 x 1oN 5.
4 h e coeficiants ofuscosity of woter ard a iquid
uid ont
O.00 Ns ondl bO03 Ns. TFeder3itof t
liquid is 600 kg., compare the iatrs of fow d the

Cofinet ofviscesityofmater0t ,= D001 Nis
Coeffrcient of iscosity of liqura = O.003 Nms
density ot water e Oiod, = 1000 kom
denoity of kquid ecn8d 0o kam
Letthe atrs flow of voter and kuiä ae V,ahd
espe celyra a ja sA
We kow that mr offlow va


V,:V2 = 6:1

The rotid
the rotes of flow

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