Abpsych Reviewer
Abpsych Reviewer
Abpsych Reviewer
Intellectual Disability Identifiable Deficits in intellectual functions -Lack of ADHD Augmentative Environmental:depri
(Intellectual within the Deficits in adaptive functioning that communication skills Bipolar Strategies and vation, abuse, and
Developmental Disorder) first 2 years result in failure to meet - Gullibility ASD Training neglect
-disorder evident in of life among developmental and sociocultural - difficulties with Anxiety Disorder Prenatal:exposure to
childhood as significantly those with standards for personal social judgment; Stereotypic Movement disease or drugs
below-average intellectual more severe independence and social assessment of risk; Disorder while still in the
and adaptive functioning intellectual responsibility. self-management of Major Depressive womb
-difficulties in three disability Onset during the developmental behavior, emotions, or Disorder Perinatal: Such as
domains: Conceptual, while mild period (evident before the person is interpersonal difficulties during
Social, Practical levels may 18) relationships; or labor and delivery
not be motivation in school or Postnatal:infections
identifiable work environments and head injury
until school - at risk for suicide
age - lack of awareness
Language Disorder Onset in Persistent difficulties in the - Shy or reticent to talk Specific learning May be self- Highly heritable
-Limited speech in all toddlerhood acquisition and use of language disorder correcting and
situations to the adult across modalities ADHD may not require
-Occurs in 10% to 15% of level of Reduced vocabulary ASD special
children younger than 3 competency Limited sentence structure Developmental intervention
years of age that appears Impairments in discourse coordination disorder
-five times as likely to during Language abilities are substantially Social (pragmatic)
affect boys as girls adolescence and quantifiably below those communication
expected for age disorder
Onset of symptoms is in the early Speech sound disorder
developmental period
Speech Sound Disorder Persistent difficulty with speech - Verbal dyspraxia
sound production - difficulty with
Limitations in effective phonological
communication that interfere with knowledge of speech
social participation, academic sounds or the ability to
achievement, or occupational coordinate movements
performance for speech in varying
Onset of symptoms is in the early
developmental period
Childhood-Onset Fluency Occurs by Marked occurrences of one (or - Fearful anticipation May be heritable?
Disorder (Stuttering) age 6 for more) of the following: of the problem
- Disturbances in the 80%– 90% -Sound and syllable repetitions - attempt to avoid
normal fluency and time of affected -Sound prolongations of consonants dysfluencies by
patterning of speech that individuals, as well as vowels linguistic mechanisms
are inappropriate for the with age at -Broken words - avoiding certain
individual’s age and onset ranging -Audible or silent blocking speech situations
language skills, persist from 2 to 7 -Circumlocutions - stress and anxiety
over time, and are years. The -Words produced with an excess of -abnormal motor
characterized by frequent onset can be physical tension movements
and marked occurrences insidious or -Monosyllabic whole-word
more sudden. repetitions
Causes anxiety about speaking
Onset in the early developmental
Social (Pragmatic) diagnosis of Deficits in using communication -Language impairment Individualized Family history of
Communication Disorder social for social purposes, such as -Avoid social social skills autism spectrum
- Persistent difficulties in (pragmatic) greeting and sharing information, in interactions training disorder,
the social use of verbal communicati a manner that is appropriate for the -ADHD, behavioral communication
and nonverbal on disorder is social context. problems, and specific disorders, or specific
communication rare among Impairment of the ability to change learning disorders are learning disorder
children communication to match context or also more common appears to increase
younger than the needs of the listener among affected the risk for social
4 years Difficulties following rules for individuals (pragmatic)
conversation and storytelling communication
Difficulties understanding what is disorder
not explicitly stated and nonliteral
or ambiguous meanings of
Result in functional limitations in
effective communication
Onset in the early developmental
Autism Spectrum Symptoms Deficits in social-emotional -Intellectual Epilepsy, sleep -Major -Heritability
Disorder are typically reciprocity, nonverbal impairment and/or problems, and tranquilizers and estimates for autism
- Persistent deficits in recognized communicative behaviors used for language impairment constipation. serotonin- spectrum disorder
social communication and during the social interaction and developing, -Motor deficits Specific learning specific have ranged from
social interaction across second year maintaining, and understanding -Odd gait difficulties are reuptake 37% to higher than
multiple contexts of life (12– relationships. -Clumsiness common, as is inhibitors. 90%, based on twin
- diagnosed four times 24 months of Restricted, repetitive patterns of -Tip toeing developmental -School concordance rates.
more often in males than age) but may behavior, interests, or activities, as -Self-Injury coordination disorder. education with -Amygdala in
in females be seen manifested by at least two of the - special children with ASD is
earlier than following: Disruptive/challenging psychological enlarged early in
12 months if - Stereotyped or repetitive motor behaviors supports for life.
development movements, use of objects, or -Prone to anxiety and problems with - Children with ASD
al delays are speech depression communication found lower levels
severe, or - Insistence on sameness, inflexible -Develop catatonic-like and socialization of oxytocin in their
noted later adherence to routines, or ritualized motor behaviour blood
than 24 patterns of verbal or nonverbal
months if behaviour
symptoms - Highly restricted, fixated interests
are more that are abnormal in intensity or
subtle focus
-Hyporeactivity to sensory input
Symptoms must be present in the
early developmental period.
Symptoms cause clinically
significant impairment in social,
occupational, or other important
areas of current functioning.
Attention- persisted for Inattention: Six (or more) of the -Mild delays in Oppositional defiant - stimulants - smoking during
Deficit/Hyperactivity at least 6 following symptoms: language, motor, or disorder methylphenidate pregnancy
Disorder months 1. Often fails to give close attention social development Conduct disorder (Ritalin, - child abuse,
- persistent pattern of to details or makes careless - Low frustration Disruptive mood Adderall) and neglect, multiple
inattention and/or mistakes tolerance, irritability, dysregulation disorder several foster placements,
hyperactivity-impulsivity 2. Often has difficulty sustaining or mood lability Anxiety disorders and nonstimulant neurotoxin exposure
that interferes with attention in tasks or play activities - Impaired Academic major depressive medications (e.g., lead),
functioning or 3. Often does not seem to listen or work Performance disorder such as infections (e.g.,
development when spoken to directly -Increased risk of Intermittent explosive atomoxetine encephalitis), or
-Key Hallmarks: 4. Often does not follow through on suicide attempt, disorder (Strattera), alcohol exposure in
Inattention, Hyperactivity, instructions and fails to finish task primarily when antisocial and other guanfacine utero
& Impulsivity 5. Often has difficulty organizing comorbid with mood, personality disorders (Tenex), and - norepinephrine,
Note: For adolescent, and tasks and activities conduct, or substance (Adults) clonidine serotonin, and
adults (17 above), 5 6. Often avoids, dislikes, or is use disorders OCD gamma-
symptoms must be reluctant to engage in tasks that ASD aminobutyric acid
present. require sustained mental effort Tic Disorder (GABA)
7. Often loses things necessary for - dopamine
tasks or activities transporter gene
8. Often easily distracted by (DAT1)
extraneous stimuli - Negative responses
9. Often forgetful in daily activities by parents, teachers,
Hyperactivity and impulsivity: and peers
Six (or more) of the following -Hereditary Factors
- Often fidgets with or taps hands or
feet or squirms in seat
- Often leaves seat in situations
when remaining seated is expected
- Often runs about or climbs in
situations where it is inappropriate
- Often unable to play or engage in
leisure activities quietly
- Often “on the go,” acting as if
“driven by a motor”
- Often talks excessively
- Often blurts out an answer before
a question has been completed
- Often has difficulty waiting his or
her turn
- Often interrupts or intrudes on
Several inattentive or hyperactive-
impulsive symptoms were present
prior to age 12 years
Several inattentive or hyperactive-
impulsive symptoms are present in
two or more settings
Clear evidence that the symptoms
interfere with, or reduce the quality
of, social, academic, or
occupational functioning
Specific Learning Symptoms Difficulties learning and using -delays in attention, ADHD Stimulant -Prematurity or very
Disorder persisted for academic skills, as indicated by the language, or motor Communication medications, low birth weight
- characterized by at least 6 presence of at least one of the skills disorder such as -Prenatal exposure
performance that is months following symptoms: -uneven profile of Developmental methylphenidate to nicotine
substantially below what - Inaccurate or slow and effortful abilities (above- coordination disorder - Direct - Chromosomes 1, 2,
would be expected given word reading average abilities in ASD Instruction 3, 6, 11, 12, 15, and
the person’s age, - Difficulty understanding the drawing, design, and Anxiety disorders Approach 18 is linked to these
intelligence quotient (IQ) meaning of what is read other visuo-spatial Depressive and bipolar prob.
score, and education - Difficulties with spelling abilities, but slow, disorders - Family history of
- Difficulties with written effortful, and reading difficulties
expression inaccurate reading and (dyslexia) and
- Difficulties mastering number poor reading parental literacy
sense, number facts, or calculation comprehension and - three areas of the
- Difficulties with mathematical written expression) left hemisphere
reasoning appear to be
Learning difficulties begin during involved in
school-age years but may not problems with
become fully manifest until the dyslexia
demands for those affected
academic skills exceed the
individual’s limited capacities
Developmental typically not Acquisition and execution of - show additional Speech and language -Prenatal exposure
Coordination Disorder diagnosed coordinated motor skills is (usually suppressed) disorder to alcohol and in
- manifestation of before age 5 substantially below that expected motor activity, such as Specific learning preterm and low-
impaired skills requiring years given the individual’s chronological choreiform movements disorder birth-weight children
motor coordination age and opportunity for skill of unsupported limbs ADHD -Cerebellar
- delayed in achieving learning and use or mirror movements ASD dysfunction has been
motor milestones Difficulties are manifested as - “overflow” Disruptive and proposed, but the
- Older children and clumsiness movements are emotional behavior neural basis of
adults may display slow Slowness and inaccuracy of referred to as problems developmental
speed or inaccuracy with performance of motor skills neurodevelopmental Joint hypermobility coordination
motor aspects of activities Persistently interferes with immaturities or syndrome disorder remains
activities of daily living appropriate neurological soft signs unclear
to chronological age
Onset in the early developmental
Stereotypic Movement Stereotypic Repetitive, seemingly driven, and -Include Non self- -Social isolation is a
Disorder movements apparently purposeless motor injurious stereotypic risk factor for self-
typically behaviour movement and Self- stimulation that may
begin within Repetitive motor behavior injurious stereotypic progress to
the first 3 interferes with social, academic, or movement stereotypic
years of life other activities and may result in - Stereotyped self- movements with
- Onset of self-injury injurious behaviors repetitive self-injury
complex Onset is in the early developmental include, but are not - Environmental
motor period limited to, repetitive stress
stereotypies head banging, face - Fear
may be in slapping, eye poking, - Lower cognitive
infancy or and biting of hands, functioning
later in the lips, or other body - May result from a
development parts painful medical
al period - Stereotypic condition
movements may occur
many times during a
day, lasting a few
seconds to several
minutes or longer
Tic Disorders Onset of tics Simple motor tics are ADHD - Observing a
- Tics are sudden, rapid, is typically of short duration and OCD gesture or sound in
recurrent, non-rhythmic between ages can include eye Demonstrate another person
motor movements or 4 and 6 years blinking, shoulder disruptive behavior, - Obstetrical
vocalizations. An - Peak shrugging, and social immaturity, and complications, older
individual may have severity extension of the learning difficulties paternal age, lower
various tic symptoms over occurs extremities. Simple Depressive, bipolar, or birth weight, and
time, but at any point in between ages vocal tics include substance use maternal smoking
time, the tic repertoire 10 and 12 throat clearing, disorders during pregnancy
recurs in a characteristic years sniffing, and grunting
fashion Complex motor tics
are of longer duration
and often include a
combination of simple
tics such as
simultaneous head
turning and shoulder
shrugging. Complex
tics can appear
purposeful, such as a
tic-like sexual or
obscene gesture
(copropraxia) or a tic-
like imitation of
someone else’s
(echopraxia). Include
repeating one’s own
sounds or words
(palilalia), repeating
the last-heard word or
phrase (echolalia), or
uttering socially
unacceptable words,
including obscenities,
or ethnic, racial, or
religious slurs
Tic Disorders 1-year Both multiple motor and one or Psychological:
(Tourette’s Disorder) minimum more vocal tics have been present Self-monitoring,
duration at some time during the illness, relaxation
criterion although not necessarily training, and
- onset of tics concurrently habit reversal.
must occur Tics may wax and wane in
prior to age frequency but have persisted for
18 years more than 1 year since first tic
Onset is before age 18 years
Persistent (Chronic) 1-year Single or multiple motor or vocal
Motor or Vocal Tic minimum tics have been present during the
Disorder duration illness, but not both motor and
criterion vocal
- onset of tics Tics may wax and wane in
must occur frequency but have persisted for
prior to age more than 1 year since first tic
18 years onset
Onset is before age 18 years
Criteria have never been met for
Tourette’s disorder
Provisional Tic Disorder motor and/or Single or multiple motor and/or
vocal tics of vocal tics
less than 1 Tics have been present for less than
year since 1 year since first tic onset
first tic onset Onset is before age 18 years
- onset of tics Criteria have never been met for
must occur Tourette’s disorder or persistent
prior to age (chronic) motor or vocal tic
18 years disorder
Delusional Disorder duration of 1 Presence of one (or more) delusions -describe that others Poor occupational - abuse of
- persistent belief that is month or Criterion A for schizophrenia has view their beliefs as functioning and social amphetamines,
contrary to reality, in the longer never been met irrational but are isolation alcohol, and cocaine
absence of other Apart from the impact of the unable to accept this - brain tumors,
characteristics of delusion(s) or its ramifications, themselves Huntington’s
schizophrenia functioning is not markedly - develop irritable or disease, and
Erotomanic - another impaired, and behavior is not dysphoric mood Alzheimer’s disease
person is in love with the obviously bizarre or odd - anger and violent
individual If manic or major depressive behaviour
Grandiose - inflated episodes have occurred, these have - may engage in
worth, power, knowledge, been brief relative to the duration of litigious or
identity, or special the delusional periods antagonistic behavior
relationship to a deity or
famous person
Jealous - sexual partner is
Persecutory - being
malevolently treated in
some way
Somatic - afflicted by a
physical defect or general
medical condition
Brief Psychotic Disorder Duration is at Presence of one (or more) of the - emotional turmoil or High rates of relapse
least 1 day following symptoms. At least one overwhelming
but less than of these must be (1), (2), or (3): confusion
1 month -Delusions - increased risk of
-Hallucinations suicidal behaviour
-Disorganized speech during acute episodes
-Grossly disorganized or catatonic
Duration of an episode of the
disturbance is at least 1 day but less
than 1 month, with eventual full
return to premorbid level of
Schizophreniform disorder lasts Two (or more) of the following, Dysfunction in several
Disorder at least 1 each present for a significant areas of daily
month but portion of time during a 1-month functioning
less than 6 period. At least one of these must
months be (1), (2), or (3):
-Disorganized speech
-Grossly disorganized or catatonic
-Negative symptoms
Disorder lasts at least 1 month but
less than 6 months. When the
diagnosis must be made without
waiting for recovery, it should be
qualified as “provisional”
Schizoaffective disorder and
depressive or bipolar disorder with
psychotic features have been ruled
Schizophrenia Persist for 6 Two (or more) of the following, -display inappropriate Substance-related -Neuroleptics -Dopamine system is
months with each present for a significant affect disorders -Transcranial too active in people
a 1 month portion of time during a 1-month - dysphoric mood Tobacco use disorder magnetic with schizophrenia
active phase period (or less if successfully - disturbed sleep Anxiety disorders stimulation -May be inherited
symptoms treated). At least one of these must pattern OCD - Modafinil -Stress
be (1), (2), or (3): - Depersonalization, Panic disorder - Collaborative - Pregnancy and
-Delusions derealization, and Schizotypal or psychopharmac birth complications
-Hallucinations somatic concerns paranoid personality ology with hypoxia and
-Disorganized speech - vocational and disorder - Assertive greater paternal age
-Grossly disorganized or catatonic functional impairment Weight gain, diabetes, community - infection,
behaviour - Abnormalities in metabolic syndrome, treatment malnutrition,
-Negative symptoms sensory processing and and cardiovascular and - Family maternal diabetes,
Significant portion of the time since inhibitory capacity pulmonary disease psychoeducation and other medical
the onset of the disturbance, level - social cognition - Supportive conditions
of functioning in one or more major deficits employment
areas, such as work, interpersonal - may lack insight or Shared vulnerability -Illness
relations, or self-care, is markedly awareness of their for psychosis and management
below the level achieved prior to disorder medical disorders and recover
the onset - hostility and - Integrated
Continuous signs of the disturbance aggression dual-disorders
persist for at least 6 months. This 6- - reduced overall brain treatment
month period must include at least volume
1 month of symptoms and may - increased brain
include periods of prodromal or volume reduction with
residual symptoms age
Schizoaffective disorder and
depressive or bipolar disorder with
psychotic features have been ruled
Disturbance is not attributable to
the physiological effects of a
Schizoaffective Disorder Symptoms An uninterrupted period of illness - Restricted social - Substance use -May be inherited
persist for 2 during which there is a major contact and difficulties disorders and anxiety from a first-degree
or more mood episode (major depressive or with self-care disorders relative
weeks manic) concurrent with Criterion A - Anosognosia (poor
of schizophrenia: Depressed mood insight)
Delusions or hallucinations for 2 or - risk for later
more weeks in the absence of a developing episodes of
major mood episode (depressive or major depressive
manic) during the lifetime duration disorder or bipolar
of the illness disorder
Symptoms that meet criteria for a - may be associated
major mood episode are present for alcohol and other
the majority of the total duration of substance-related
the active and residual portions of disorders
the illness
Cyclothymic Disorder Persist for at For at least 2 years (at least 1 year -usually begins in Substance-related -Increased familial
Note: If an individual least 2 years in children and adolescents) there adolescence or early disorders and sleep risk of substance-
with cyclothymic disorder (1 year for have been numerous periods with adult life disorders related disorders
subsequently experiences children and hypomanic symptoms that do not - has an insidious onset ADHD - More common in
a major depressive, adolescents) meet criteria for a hypomanic and a persistent course the first-degree
manic, or hypomanic episode and numerous periods with - 15%–50% risk of biological relatives
episode, the diagnosis depressive symptoms that do not developing Bipolar I of individuals with
changes to major meet criteria for a major depressive or II Disorder bipolar I disorder
depressive disorder, episode - Among children with
bipolar I disorder, or other During the above 2-year period (1 cyclothymic disorder,
specified or unspecified year in children and adolescents), the mean age at onset
bipolar and related the hypomanic and depressive of symptoms is 6.5
disorder respectively, and periods have been present for at years of age
the cyclothymic disorder least half the time and the
diagnosis is dropped individual has not been without the
symptoms for more than 2 months
at a time
Criteria for a major depressive,
manic, or hypomanic episode have
never been met
symptoms in Criterion A are not
better explained by schizoaffective
disorder, schizophrenia,
schizophreniform disorder,
delusional disorder, or other
specified or unspecified
schizophrenia spectrum and other
psychotic disorder
symptoms are not attributable to the
physiological effects of a substance
symptoms cause clinically
significant distress or impairment in
social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning
Disruptive Mood Symptoms A. Severe recurrent temper -Onset of disruptive -Strongest overlap is
Dysregulation Disorder present for outbursts manifested verbally mood dysregulation with oppositional
Note: If an individual has 12 or more and/or behaviorally that are grossly disorder must be defiant disorder
ever experienced a manic months out of proportion in intensity or before age 10 years, -wide range of
or hypomanic episode, the duration to the situation or and the diagnosis disruptive behavior,
diagnosis of disruptive provocation should not be applied mood, anxiety, and
mood dysregulation B. Temper outbursts are to children with a even autism spectrum
disorder should not be inconsistent with developmental developmental age of symptoms and
assigned level less than 6 years ((7– diagnoses
C. Temper outbursts occur, on 18 years)
average, three or more times per - severe irritability
week consists of chronic,
D. Mood between temper outbursts persistently irritable or
is persistently irritable or angry angry mood that is
most of the day, nearly every day, present between the
and is observable by others severe temper
E. Criteria A–D have been present outbursts
for 12 or more months
F. Criteria A and D are present in at
least two of three settings and are
severe in at least one of these
G. Diagnosis should not be made
for the first time before age 6 years
or after age 18
H. By history or observation, the
age at onset of Criteria A–E is
before 10 years
I. There has never been a distinct
period lasting more than 1 day
during which the full symptom
criteria, except duration, for a
manic or hypomanic episode have
been met
J. Behaviors do not occur
exclusively during an episode of
major depressive disorder and are
not better explained by another
mental disorder
Major Depressive present Five (or more) of the following -Frequently present Substance related -Neuroticism
Disorder during the symptoms have been present and with tearfulness, disorders (negative affectivity)
- defined by the presence same 2-week represent a change from previous irritability, brooding, Panic disorder, - Adverse childhood
of depression and the period functioning; at least one of the obsessive rumination, OCD experiences
absence of manic, or symptoms is either (1) depressed anxiety, phobias, Anorexia nervosa - Heritability is
hypomanic episodes, mood or (2) loss of interest or excessive worry over Bulimia nervosa approximately 40%
before or during the pleasure: physical health, and Borderline personality
disorder - Depressed mood most of the day, complaints of pain disorder
nearly every day - In children,
- Markedly diminished interest or separation anxiety may
pleasure in all, or almost all, occur
activities most of the day, nearly
every day
- Significant weight loss when not
dieting or weight gain
- Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly
every day
- Psychomotor agitation or
retardation nearly every day
- Fatigue or loss of energy nearly
every day
- Feelings of worthlessness or
excessive or inappropriate guilt
- Diminished ability to think or
concentrate, or indecisiveness,
nearly every day
- Recurrent thoughts of death,
recurrent suicidal ideation without a
specific plan, or a suicide attempt
or a specific plan for committing
There has never been a manic
episode or a hypomanic episode
Persistent Depressive Present at Depressed mood for most of the - mood as sad or Anxiety disorders - parental loss or
Disorder (Dysthymia) least 2 years day, for more days than not “down in the dumps” Substance use separation
Presence, while depressed, of two - disorders - may be inherited
(or more) of the following: DSM-IV Cluster B and from a first degree
-Poor appetite or overeating C personality disorders relatives
-Insomnia or hypersomnia - A number of brain
-Low energy or fatigue regions (e.g.,
-Low self-esteem prefrontal cortex,
-Poor concentration or difficulty anterior cingulate,
making decisions amygdala,
-Feelings of hopelessness hippocampus) have
During the 2-year period (1 year for been implicated in
children or adolescents) of the persistent depressive
disturbance, the individual has disorder. Possible
never been without the symptoms polysomnographic
in Criteria A and B for more than 2 abnormalities exist
months at a time as well
Criteria for a major depressive
disorder may be continuously
present for 2 years
There has never been a manic
episode or a hypomanic episode,
and criteria have never been met for
cyclothymic disorder
Premenstrual Dysphoric Must be In the majority of menstrual cycles, Delusions and migraine, asthma, - Stress, history of
Disorder present in the at least five symptoms must be hallucinations have allergies, seizure interpersonal
final week present in the final week before the been described in the disorders,depressive trauma, seasonal
before the onset of menses, start to improve late luteal phase of the and bipolar disorders changes, and
onset of within a few days after the onset of menstrual cycle but are anxiety disorders sociocultural aspects
menses menses, and become minimal or rare. The premenstrual bulimia nervosa of female sexual
absent in the week postmenses phase has been substance use disorder behaviour
One (or more) of the following considered by some to
symptoms must be present:
- Marked affective lability be a risk period for - heritability range
- Marked irritability or anger or suicide. between 30% and
increased interpersonal conflicts 80%
- Marked depressed mood, feelings
of hopelessness, or self-deprecating
- Marked anxiety, tension, and/or
feelings of being keyed up or on
One (or more) of the following
symptoms must additionally be
present, to reach a total of five
symptoms when combined with
symptoms from Criterion B above:
- Decreased interest in usual
- Subjective difficulty in
- Lethargy, easy fatigability, or
marked lack of energy
- Marked change in appetite;
overeating; or specific food
- Hypersomnia or insomnia
- A sense of being overwhelmed or
out of control
- Physical symptoms such as breast
tenderness or swelling, joint or
muscle pain, a sensation of
“bloating,” or weight gain
Symptoms are associated with
clinically significant distress or
interference with work, school,
usual social activities, or
relationships with others
Disturbance is not merely an
exacerbation of the symptoms of
another disorder,
such as major depressive disorder,
panic disorder, persistent
depressive disorder
Criterion A should be confirmed by
prospective daily ratings during at
least two symptomatic cycles