Scan-Multi Pro
Scan-Multi Pro
Scan-Multi Pro
9222-2887-11 P-A208
Thank you for purchasing this Minolta product. Please take the time to read through this instruc-
tion manual so you can enjoy all the features of your new scanner.
This manual contains information regarding products introduced before September, 2002. To
obtain compatibility information for products released after this date, contact a Minolta Service
Facility ( This product is designed to work with accessories manufac-
tured and distributed by Minolta. Using accessories or equipment not endorsed by Minolta may
result in unsatisfactory performance or damage to the product and its accessories.
Check the packing list before using this product. If any items are missing, immediately contact
your dealer.
Read and understand all warnings and cautions before using this product.
• Use only within the voltage range specified on the unit. Inappropriate current may cause
damage or injury through fire or electric shock.
• Do not disassemble this product. Electric shock may cause injury if a high-voltage circuit inside
the product is touched. Take the product to a Minolta Service Facility when repairs are required.
• Immediately unplug the unit and discontinue use if the product is dropped or subjected to an
impact in which the interior is exposed. The continued use of a damaged product may cause
injuries or fire.
• Store this product out of reach of children. Be careful when around children not to harm them
with the product or parts.
• Do not operate this product or handle the power cord with wet hands. Do not place a container
with liquid near the product. If liquid comes in contact with the product, immediately unplug the
unit. The continued use of a product exposed to a liquid may cause damage or injury through
fire or electric shock.
• Do not insert hands, inflammable objects, or metal objects such as paper clips or staples into
this product. It may cause damage or injury through fire or electric shock. Discontinue use if an
object enters the product.
• Do not use the product near inflammable gases or liquids such as gasoline, benzine, or paint
thinner. Do not use inflammable products such as alcohol, benzine, or paint thinner to clean the
product. The use of inflammable cleaners and solvents may cause an explosion or fire.
• When unplugging the unit, do not pull on the power cord. Hold the plug when removing the cord
from an outlet.
• Do not damage, twist, modify, heat, or place heavy objects on the power cord. A damaged cord
may cause damage or injury through fire or electric shock.
• If the product emits a strange odor, heat, or smoke, discontinue use. Immediately unplug the
product. The continued use of a damaged product or part may cause injuries or fire.
• Take the product to a Minolta Service Facility when repairs are required.
• This product should only be operated in the upright position. Inappropriate placement may result
in fire.
• Damage or injury through fire or electric shock may result if the product is used or stored in the
following conditions:
In humid or dusty environments
In direct sunlight or hot environments
In smoky or oily areas
In unventilated areas
On unstable or unlevel surfaces
• Insert the plug securely into the electrical outlet.
• Do not use if the cord is damaged.
• Do not connect the ground to a gas pipe, telephone ground, or water pipe. Improper grounding
can result in injury from electric shock.
• Unplug the product when cleaning or when the unit is not in use for long periods.
• Periodically check that the power cord is not damaged and the plug is clean. Dust and dirt that
may collect between the prongs of the plugs may result in fire.
This manual contains information specific to this model scanner. This includes hardware setup
and use as well as notes about software operation for this model scanner. See the supplied
DiMAGE Scan Utility software manual for information on the installation and operation of the scan-
ner software.
System requirements......................................................................................................5
Names of parts ..............................................................................................................6
Scanner setup ................................................................................................................7
Removing the optics locking screw ....................................................................7
Transporting the scanner ........................................................................7
Before connecting the scanner to the computer ................................................7
Connecting the SCSI cable ................................................................................8
Connecting the IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cable ......................................................9
Auto Power Save ................................................................................................9
Loading the film holders ..............................................................................................10
Handling film......................................................................................................10
Where is the emulsion? ....................................................................................10
Loading 35mm film strips ..................................................................................10
Loading 35mm mounted slides ........................................................................10
Inserting attachments into the Universal holder................................................11
Using the standard attachment ........................................................................12
Using the glassless attachment ........................................................................12
Multi-format Set HS-P1 (sold separately)..........................................................13
Loading a film holder into the scanner ..............................................................15
Ejecting a film holder ........................................................................................15
Scanner notes ..............................................................................................................16
Easy Scan Utility ..............................................................................................16
About the DiMAGE Scan Utility ........................................................................16
Film format and type settings ............................................................................16
Disconnecting the scanner ................................................................................16
SCSI cable ............................................................................................16
IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cable ..................................................................16
Digital ICE3 system requirements......................................................................18
Scanner resolution ............................................................................................19
Scanner color profiles ......................................................................................19
Job file lists ..............................................................................................................20
35mm ..............................................................................................................20
6 X 4.5 ..............................................................................................................21
6 X 6 ..............................................................................................................22
6 X 7 ..............................................................................................................23
6 X 8 ..............................................................................................................24
6 X 9 and Multi-format 6 X 9 ............................................................................25
Multi-format 35mm ............................................................................................25
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................26
Checking software installation - Windows ........................................................27
Technical support ..............................................................................................28
Warranty and product registration ....................................................................28
Image data sheet..........................................................................................................29
Technical specifications ................................................................................................30
The computer and the operating system must be guarantied by the manufacturer to support IEEE
1394 (FireWire), or SCSI interface.
Check the Minolta web site for the latest compatibility information:
North America:
PC / AT compatible computers Macintosh
A minimum of 96 MB of RAM (Windows (128MB with Windows XP)) or 64 MB of RAM (Macintosh) in addi-
tion to the requirements for the operating system and applications is required. 256 MB or more is necessary
when scanning with 16-bit color depth; 512 MB or more is recommended.
For Digital ICE3 requirements, see page18.
2 GB or more of available hard disk space is required. 6 GB or more of available hard disk space is neces-
sary when scanning with 16-bit color depth; 8 GB or more is recommended.
For Digital ICE3 requirements, see page18.
A High Color (16bit) 640 x 480 pixel monitor is A 640 x 480 pixel monitor capable of displaying
required. 32,000 colors is required.
1024 x 768 pixels is recommended. 1024 x 768 pixels is recommended.
TWAIN driver compatible with Photoshop 4.0.1, Plug-in compatible with Photoshop 5.0.2, 5.5, 6.0,
5.0.2, 5.5, 6.0, and 7.0, and PhotoshopLE 5.0. and 7.0, and PhotoshopLE 5.0.
* To use preinstalled Mac OS 8.6 with a built-in FireWire port, a Firewire 2.2 to 2.3.3 extension
must be installed. This software can be downloaded free of charge from the apple web site at
**Boards must be guarantied by the manufacturer to work with the computer and operating sys-
Front door
Indicator lamp
Eject button
SCSI ID switch
Power switch
Dip switch
AC terminal
Film masks
SCSI ports
Film attachments
35mm Film Holder (p. 10)
A message stating the completion of the operation will be displayed; click the OK button. Turn off
the computer and scanner. Disconnect the cable and power cord from the scanner and screw the
optic locking screw in the lock position.
The scanner should be placed on a level surface free from vibrations. It should be located away
from direct sunlight and in a clean, dry, well-ventilated area.
Set the SCSI ID for the scanner by pressing the buttons above and
below the ID number window. Devices in the same chain must have
unique ID numbers. Depending on the computer system, some SCSI
IDs may already be assigned:
IDE Macintosh systems do not use SCSI ID 0 for the hard drive. SCSI
ID 3 is available on the external bus on Macintosh systems with a
dual bus.
Connecting the IEEE1394 (FireWire) cable
The scanner is supplied with an IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cable. Up to 63 devices can be attached to
a computer using this interface. However, the number of devices is limited to 16 when using a
daisy-chain configuration.
Handling film
To achieve the best possible reproduction from the scanner, the film and film holder should be
free from dust and dirt. Always work with processed film in a clean, dust-free environment. Handle
film by the edges or mount to prevent fingerprints and dirt marring the image area. Special lint
free gloves are available from photographic equipment retailers for film handling as well as anti-
static cloths, brushes, and blowers for removing dust. Film cleaner can be used to remove oil,
grease, or dirt from film; carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions and precautions for the
film cleaning solvent.
With the cover hinges away from you, open the holder by
lifting on the latch on the cover.
With the emulsion down, place the slide mounts
sideways into the holder. The mount must be
oriented as illustrated otherwise the top and
bottom of the image will be cropped.
With the emulsion down, place the film on the mask.
Align the frame with the mask aperture.
Carefully close the cover until the latch clicks. See
page 15 for instructions on how to load the holder
into the scanner.
With the emulsion down, place the film on the
attachment. Align the frame with the attachment
The Multi-format attachment is designed for non-standard film sizes, special technical films, and
non-photographic transparent media. The maximum area that can be scanned at one time is
56.58 mm X 83.82 mm. This attachment can be used for 16 mm film, microfilm, or 24 X 65 mm
panoramic images. TEM (transmission electron microscopy) film can also be scanned. However,
since the image area of some TEM films is larger than the holder aperture, several scans need to
be made and then the image must be reconstructed digitally.
With a straight edge and sharp knife, cut the aperture for
the film from one of the masks. The aperture should be
the same dimensions as the image area, not the film size;
the mask should separate the film from the glass base of
the attachment to prevent newton rings, and the aperture
should only show the image area to eliminate flare from
the surrounding clear film.
Loading a film holder into the scanner
Before using the scanner, install the DiMAGE Scan Utility; see the software instruction manual.
Turn on the scanner and then start the computer. Launch the DiMAGE Scan Utility before insert-
ing the film holder.
Windows 98, 98SE, 2000 professional, XP, and Macintosh
Quit the DiMAGE Scan Utility. Confirm that the scanner indicator lamp is not blinking. Turn the
scanner off and then disconnect the cable.
Windows Me
To disconnect the scanner, quit the DiMAGE Scan Utility. Left click on the unplug-or-
eject-hardware icon located on the task bar. A small window will open indicating the
device to be stopped.
When determining the RAM available for a Macintosh computer, the volume required for the oper-
ating system and any application in use must be subtracted from the total memory allocation of
the computer.
Scanner resolution
The maximum resolution of this scanner is 4800 X 4800 dpi. The maximum optical resolution
varies with the format of the film: 35 mm film - 4800 X 4800, medium-format film - 3200 X 4800.
Scans of medium-format film can have a final resolution of 4800 X 4800 dpi through interpolation.
The minimum resolution is 300 dpi for 35mm and 200 dpi for medium-format film.
MLTF5000.icc - used with positive film at any color depth other than 16-bit linear.
MLTF5000p.icc - used with positive film with 16-bit linear color depth.
Jobs can be used to make scan settings based on the final use of the image. See making-the-
final-scan section in the DiMAGE Scan Utility manual. The following charts list the parameters of
the scanner’s Job files:
Category Job name Input res. Output res. Mag. Unit Input size Lock (input) Output size Lock (output) Input pixels
4800 37.08 25.02 7008 4728
1.460 0.985
Default Default 1200 300 400 pixel 1752 1182 OFF 1752 1182 OFF 1752 1182
ColorLaserPrinter A4Full 4800 600 800 mm 35.38 25.02 OFF 283 200.152 ON 6685 4728
A4Half 3550 600 591 mm 35.53 25.04 OFF 210 148 ON 4960 3496
A4Quarter 2518 600 419 mm 35.32 25.06 OFF 148 105 ON 3496 2480
LetterFull 4800 600 800 inch 1.26 0.99 OFF 10.1 7.88 ON 6060 4728
LetterHalf 3494 600 582 inch 1.46 0.94 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 5100 3270
LetterQuarter 2589 600 431 inch 1.26 0.99 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 3270 2550
Photosensitive A3Full 4749 400 1187 mm 35.38 25.02 OFF 420 297 ON 6614 4677
A4Full 3358 400 839 mm 35.4 25.03 OFF 297 210 ON 4677 3307
A5Full 2366 400 591 mm 35.53 25.04 OFF 210 148 ON 3307 2330
LetterFull 3452 400 863 inch 1.26 0.99 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 4360 3400
LetterHalf 2329 400 582 inch 1.46 0.94 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 3400 2180
LetterQuarter 1726 400 431 inch 1.26 0.99 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 2180 1700
8x10 3249 400 812 inch 1.23 0.99 OFF 10 8 ON 4000 3200
11x14 4460 400 1115 mm 31.93 25.02 OFF 356 279 ON 5606 4393
10x12 4061 400 1015 mm 30.05 25.02 OFF 305 254 ON 4803 4000
2L 2031 400 507 mm 35.11 25.05 OFF 178 127 ON 2803 2000
PostCard4x6 1644 400 411 inch 1.46 0.97 OFF 6 4 ON 2400 1600
Ink-Jet & SuperB 3945 300 1315 mm 36.73 25.02 OFF 483 329 ON 5704 3885
Dye-SubPrinter A3Full 3561 300 1187 mm 35.38 25.02 OFF 420 297 ON 4960 3507
A4Full 2518 300 839 mm 35.4 25.03 OFF 297 210 ON 3507 2480
A4Half 1775 300 591 mm 35.53 25.04 OFF 210 148 ON 2480 1748
A4Quarter 1259 300 419 mm 35.32 25.06 OFF 148 105 ON 1748 1240
LetterFull 2589 300 863 inch 1.26 0.99 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 3270 2550
LetterHalf 1747 300 582 inch 1.46 0.94 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 2550 1635
LetterQuarter 1295 300 431 inch 1.26 0.99 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 1635 1275
Photo4x6 1214 300 404 mm 37.13 24.75 OFF 150 100 ON 1771 1181
Photo3x5 1068 300 356 mm 35.67 25 OFF 127 89 ON 1500 1051
WebPage 1240x836 850 72 1180 pixel 1240 836 OFF 1240 836 ON 1240 836
1112x750 762 72 1058 pixel 1112 750 OFF 1112 750 ON 1112 750
984x663 674 72 936 pixel 984 663 OFF 984 663 ON 984 663
792x534 543 72 754 pixel 792 534 OFF 792 534 ON 792 534
760x512 521 72 723 pixel 760 512 OFF 760 512 ON 760 512
600x404 411 72 570 pixel 600 404 OFF 600 404 ON 600 404
320x240 300 72 416 pixel 320 240 OFF 320 240 ON 320 240
PhotoCD PhotoCD2048x3072 2105 300 701 pixel 3072 2048 OFF 3072 2048 ON 3072 2048
PhotoCD1024x1536 1053 300 351 pixel 1536 1024 OFF 1536 1024 ON 1536 1024
PhotoCD512x768 527 300 175 pixel 768 512 OFF 768 512 ON 768 512
Screen 1920x1200 1316 72 1827 pixel 1920 1200 OFF 1920 1200 ON 1920 1200
1600x1200 1219 72 1693 pixel 1600 1200 OFF 1600 1200 ON 1600 1200
1280x1024 1040 72 1444 pixel 1280 1024 OFF 1280 1024 ON 1280 1024
1280x960 975 72 1354 pixel 1280 960 OFF 1280 960 ON 1280 960
1152x870 884 72 1227 pixel 1152 870 OFF 1152 870 ON 1152 870
1024x768 780 72 1083 pixel 1024 768 OFF 1024 768 ON 1024 768
832x624 837 72 1162 pixel 832 824 OFF 832 824 ON 832 824
800x600 610 72 847 pixel 800 600 OFF 800 600 ON 800 600
640x480 488 72 677 pixel 640 480 OFF 640 480 ON 640 480
Document A4Half 426 72 591 mm 35.53 25.04 OFF 210 148 ON 595 419
A4Quarter 302 72 419 mm 35.32 25.06 OFF 148 105 ON 419 297
A4Eighth 300 72 416 mm 25.24 17.79 OFF 105 74 ON 297 209
LetterHalf 420 72 583 inch 1.46 0.93 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 612 392
LetterQuarter 311 72 431 inch 1.26 0.99 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 392 306
LetterEighth 300 72 416 inch 1.02 0.65 OFF 4.25 2.72 ON 306 195
FilmRecorder 4K 2806 2400 116 pixel 4096 2731 OFF 4096 2731 ON 4096 2731
2K 1403 2400 58 pixel 2048 1365 OFF 2048 1365 ON 2048 1365
6 X 4.5
Category Job name Input res. Output res. Mag. Unit Input size Lock (input) Output size Lock (output) Input pixels
3200 42.67 56.58 5376 7128
1.68 2.23
Default Default 800 300 266 pixel 1344 1782 OFF 1344 1782 OFF 1344 1782
ColorLaserPrinter A3Full 4454 600 742 mm 40.03 56.6 OFF 297 420 ON 7015 9921
A4Full 3150 600 525 mm 40 56.57 OFF 210 297 ON 4960 7015
A4Half 2227 600 371 mm 39.89 56.6 OFF 148 210 ON 3496 4960
A4Quarter 1570 600 261 mm 40.23 56.71 OFF 105 148 ON 2480 3496
LetterFull 3036 600 506 inch 1.68 2.15 OFF 8.5 10.9 ON 5100 6540
LetterHalf 2290 600 381 inch 1.43 2.23 OFF 5.45 8.5 ON 3270 5100
LetterQuarter 1518 600 253 inch 1.68 2.15 OFF 4.25 5.45 ON 2550 3270
Photosensitive A3Full 2970 400 742 mm 40.03 56.6 OFF 297 420 ON 4677 6614
A4Full 2100 400 525 mm 40 56.57 OFF 210 297 ON 3307 4677
A5Full 1485 400 371 mm 39.89 56.6 OFF 148 210 ON 2330 3307
LetterFull 2024 400 506 inch 1.68 2.15 OFF 8.5 10.9 ON 3400 4360
LetterHalf 1527 400 381 inch 1.43 2.23 OFF 5.45 8.5 ON 2180 3400
LetterQuarter 1012 400 253 inch 1.68 2.15 OFF 4.25 5.45 ON 1700 2180
8x10 1905 400 476 inch 1.68 2.1 OFF 8 10 ON 3200 4000
11x14 2615 400 653 mm 42.73 54.52 OFF 279 356 ON 4393 5606
10x12 2381 400 595 mm 42.69 51.26 OFF 254 305 ON 4000 4803
2L 1259 400 314 mm 38.22 56.69 OFF 120 178 ON 1889 2803
PostCard4x6 1078 400 269 inch 1.49 2.23 OFF 4 6 ON 1600 2400
Ink-Jet & SuperB 2561 300 853 mm 38.57 56.62 OFF 329 483 ON 3885 5704
Dye-SubPrinter A3Full 2227 300 742 mm 40.03 56.6 OFF 297 420 ON 3507 4960
A4Full 1575 300 525 mm 40 56.57 OFF 210 297 ON 2480 3507
A4Half 1114 300 371 mm 39.89 56.6 OFF 148 210 ON 1748 2480
A4Quarter 785 300 261 mm 40.23 56.71 OFF 105 148 ON 1240 1748
LetterFull 1518 300 506 inch 1.68 2.15 OFF 8.5 10.9 ON 2550 3270
LetterHalf 1145 300 381 inch 1.43 2.23 OFF 5.45 8.5 ON 1635 2550
LetterQuarter 759 300 253 inch 1.68 2.15 OFF 4.25 5.45 ON 1275 1635
Photo4x6 796 300 265 mm 37.74 56.6 OFF 100 150 ON 1181 1771
Photo3x5 674 300 224 mm 39.73 56.7 OFF 89 127 ON 1051 1500
WebPage 1240x935 557 72 773 pixel 935 1240 OFF 935 1240 ON 935 1240
1112x839 500 72 694 pixel 839 1112 OFF 839 1112 ON 839 1112
984x742 442 72 613 pixel 742 984 OFF 742 984 ON 742 984
792x597 356 72 494 pixel 597 792 OFF 597 792 ON 597 792
760x573 342 72 475 pixel 573 760 OFF 573 760 ON 573 760
600x452 270 72 375 pixel 452 600 OFF 452 600 ON 452 600
320x240 200 72 277 pixel 240 320 OFF 240 320 ON 240 320
PhotoCD PhotoCD2048x3072 1380 300 460 pixel 2048 3072 OFF 2048 3072 ON 2048 3072
PhotoCD1024x1536 690 300 230 pixel 1024 1536 OFF 1024 1536 ON 1024 1536
PhotoCD512x768 345 300 115 pixel 512 768 OFF 512 768 ON 512 768
Screen 1920x1200 862 72 1197 pixel 1200 1920 OFF 1200 1920 ON 1200 1920
1600x1200 719 72 998 pixel 1200 1600 OFF 1200 1600 ON 1200 1600
1280x1024 610 72 847 pixel 1024 1280 OFF 1024 1280 ON 1024 1280
1280x960 575 72 798 pixel 960 1280 OFF 960 1280 ON 960 1280
1152x870 518 72 719 pixel 870 1152 OFF 870 1152 ON 870 1152
1024x768 460 72 638 pixel 768 1024 OFF 768 1024 ON 768 1024
832x624 374 72 519 pixel 624 832 OFF 624 832 ON 624 832
800x600 360 72 500 pixel 600 800 OFF 600 800 ON 600 800
640x480 288 72 400 pixel 480 640 OFF 480 640 ON 480 640
Document A4Half 268 72 372 mm 39.79 56.45 OFF 148 210 ON 419 595
A4Quarter 200 72 277 mm 37.91 53.43 OFF 105 148 ON 297 419
A4Eighth 200 72 277 mm 26.71 37.91 OFF 74 105 ON 209 297
LetterHalf 275 72 381 inch 1.43 2.23 OFF 5.45 8.5 ON 392 612
LetterQuarter 200 72 277 inch 1.53 1.97 OFF 4.25 5.45 ON 306 392
LetterEighth 200 72 277 inch 0.98 1.53 OFF 2.72 4.25 ON 195 306
Category Job name Input res. Output res. Mag. Unit Input size Lock (input) Output size Lock (output) Input pixels
3200 56.58 56.58 7128 7128
2.23 2.23
Default Default 800 300 266 pixel 1782 1782 OFF 1782 1782 OFF 1782 1782
ColorLaserPrinter A3Full 3150 600 525 mm 56.57 56.57 OFF 297 297 ON 7015 7015
A4Full 2227 600 371 mm 56.6 56.6 OFF 210 210 ON 4960 4960
A4Half 1570 600 261 mm 56.71 56.71 OFF 148 148 ON 3496 3496
A4Quarter 1114 600 185 mm 56.76 56.76 OFF 105 105 ON 2480 2480
LetterFull 2290 600 381 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 8.5 8.5 ON 5100 5100
LetterHalf 1469 600 244 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 5.45 5.45 ON 3270 3270
LetterQuarter 1145 600 190 inch 2.24 2.24 OFF 4.25 4.25 ON 2550 2550
Photosensitive A3Full 2100 400 525 mm 56.57 56.57 OFF 297 297 ON 4677 4677
A4Full 1485 400 371 mm 56.6 56.6 OFF 210 210 ON 3307 3307
A5Full 1047 400 261 mm 56.71 56.71 OFF 148 148 ON 2330 2330
LetterFull 1527 400 381 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 8.5 8.5 ON 3400 3400
LetterHalf 979 400 244 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 5.45 5.45 ON 2180 2180
LetterQuarter 764 400 191 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 4.25 4.25 ON 1700 1700
8x10 1437 400 359 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 8 8 ON 3200 3200
14x17 2517 400 629 mm 56.6 56.6 OFF 356 356 ON 5606 5606
11x14 1973 400 493 mm 56.59 56.59 OFF 279 279 ON 4393 4393
10x12 1796 400 449 mm 56.57 56.57 OFF 254 254 ON 4000 4000
2L 898 400 224 mm 56.7 56.7 OFF 127 127 ON 2000 2000
PostCard4x6 719 400 179 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 4 4 ON 1600 1600
Ink-Jet & SuperB 1745 300 581 mm 56.63 56.63 OFF 329 329 ON 3885 3885
Dye-SubPrinter A3Full 1575 300 525 mm 56.57 56.57 OFF 297 297 ON 3507 3507
A4Full 1114 300 371 mm 56.6 56.6 OFF 210 210 ON 2480 2480
A4Half 785 300 261 mm 56.71 56.71 OFF 148 148 ON 1748 1748
A4Quarter 557 300 185 mm 56.76 56.76 OFF 105 105 ON 1240 1240
LetterFull 1145 300 381 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 8.5 8.5 ON 2550 2550
LetterHalf 735 300 245 inch 2.22 2.22 OFF 5.45 5.45 ON 1635 1635
LetterQuarter 573 300 191 inch 2.23 2.23 OFF 4.25 4.25 ON 1275 1275
Photo4x6 531 300 177 mm 56.5 56.5 OFF 100 100 ON 1181 1181
Photo3x5 472 300 157 mm 56.69 56.69 OFF 89 89 ON 1051 1051
WebPage 1240x1240 557 72 773 pixel 1240 1240 OFF 1240 1240 ON 1240 1240
1112x1112 500 72 694 pixel 1112 1112 OFF 1112 1112 ON 1112 1112
984x984 442 72 613 pixel 984 984 OFF 984 984 ON 984 984
792x792 356 72 494 pixel 792 792 OFF 792 792 ON 792 792
760x760 342 72 475 pixel 760 760 OFF 760 760 ON 760 760
600x600 270 72 375 pixel 600 600 OFF 600 600 ON 600 600
320x240 200 72 277 pixel 320 240 OFF 320 240 ON 320 240
PhotoCD PhotoCD2048x3072 1380 300 460 pixel 3072 2048 OFF 3072 2048 ON 3072 2048
PhotoCD1024x1536 690 300 230 pixel 1536 1024 OFF 1536 1024 ON 1536 1024
PhotoCD512x768 345 300 115 pixel 768 512 OFF 768 512 ON 768 512
Screen 1920x1200 862 72 1197 pixel 1920 1200 OFF 1920 1200 ON 1920 1200
1600x1200 719 72 998 pixel 1600 1200 OFF 1600 1200 ON 1600 1200
1280x1024 575 72 798 pixel 1280 1024 OFF 1280 1024 ON 1280 1024
1280x960 575 72 798 pixel 1280 960 OFF 1280 960 ON 1280 960
1152x870 518 72 719 pixel 1152 870 OFF 1152 870 ON 1152 870
1024x768 460 72 638 pixel 1024 768 OFF 1024 768 ON 1024 768
832x624 374 72 519 pixel 832 624 OFF 832 624 ON 832 624
800x600 360 72 500 pixel 800 600 OFF 800 600 ON 800 600
640x480 288 72 400 pixel 640 480 OFF 640 480 ON 640 480
Document A4Half 200 72 277 mm 53.43 53.43 OFF 148 148 ON 419 419
A4Quarter 200 72 277 mm 37.91 37.91 OFF 105 105 ON 297 297
A4Eighth 200 72 277 mm 26.71 26.71 OFF 74 74 ON 209 209
LetterHalf 200 72 277 inch 1.97 1.97 OFF 5.45 5.45 ON 392 392
LetterQuarter 200 72 277 inch 1.53 1.53 OFF 4.25 4.25 ON 306 306
LetterEighth 200 72 277 inch 0.97 0.97 OFF 2.69 2.69 ON 193 193
Category Job name Input res. Output res. Mag. Unit Input size Lock (input) Output size Lock (output) Input pixels
3200 70.10 56.58 8832 7128
2.76 2.23
Default Default 800 300 266 pixel 2208 1782 OFF 2208 1782 OFF 2208 1782
ColorLaserPrinter A3Full 3595 600 599 mm 70.12 49.58 OFF 420 297 ON 9921 7015
A4Full 2542 600 423 mm 70.21 49.65 OFF 297 210 ON 7015 4960
A4Half 1798 600 299 mm 70.23 49.5 OFF 210 148 ON 4960 3496
A4Quarter 1267 600 211 mm 70.14 49.76 OFF 148 105 ON 3496 2480
LetterFull 2370 600 395 inch 2.76 2.15 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 6540 5100
LetterHalf 1848 600 308 inch 2.76 1.77 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 5100 3270
LetterQuarter 1185 600 197 inch 2.77 2.16 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 3270 2550
Photosensitive A3Full 2397 400 599 mm 70.12 49.58 OFF 420 297 ON 6614 4677
A4Full 1695 400 423 mm 70.21 49.65 OFF 297 210 ON 4677 3307
A5Full 1199 400 299 mm 70.23 49.5 OFF 210 148 ON 3307 2330
LetterFull 1580 400 395 inch 2.76 2.15 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 4360 3400
LetterHalf 1232 400 308 inch 2.76 1.77 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 3400 2180
LetterQuarter 790 400 197 inch 2.77 2.16 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 2180 1700
8x10 1450 400 362 inch 2.76 2.21 OFF 10 8 ON 4000 3200
14x17 2517 400 629 mm 68.68 56.6 OFF 432 356 ON 6803 5606
11x14 2032 400 508 mm 70.08 54.92 OFF 356 279 ON 5606 4393
10x12 1796 400 449 mm 67.93 56.57 OFF 305 254 ON 4803 4000
2L 1016 400 254 mm 70.08 50 OFF 178 127 ON 2803 2000
PostCard4x6 870 400 217 inch 2.77 1.84 OFF 6 4 ON 2400 1600
Ink-Jet & SuperB 2756 400 689 mm 70.1 47.75 OFF 483 329 ON 7606 5181
Dye-SubPrinter A3Full 2397 400 599 mm 70.12 49.58 OFF 420 297 ON 6614 4677
A4Full 1271 300 423 mm 70.21 49.65 OFF 297 210 ON 3507 2480
A4Half 899 300 299 mm 70.23 49.5 OFF 210 148 ON 2480 1748
A4Quarter 634 300 211 mm 70.14 49.76 OFF 148 105 ON 1748 1240
LetterFull 1185 300 395 inch 2.76 2.15 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 3270 2550
LetterHalf 924 300 308 inch 2.76 1.77 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 2550 1635
LetterQuarter 593 300 197 inch 2.77 2.16 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 1635 1275
Photo4x6 642 300 214 mm 70.09 46.73 OFF 150 100 ON 1771 1181
Photo3x5 544 300 181 mm 70.17 49.17 OFF 127 89 ON 1500 1051
WebPage 1240x1000 450 72 625 pixel 1240 1000 OFF 1240 1000 ON 1240 1000
1112x897 403 72 559 pixel 1112 897 OFF 1112 897 ON 1112 897
984x794 357 72 495 pixel 984 794 OFF 984 794 ON 984 794
792x639 287 72 398 pixel 792 639 OFF 792 639 ON 792 639
760x613 276 72 383 pixel 760 613 OFF 760 613 ON 760 613
600x484 218 72 302 pixel 600 484 OFF 600 484 ON 600 484
320x240 200 72 277 pixel 320 240 OFF 320 240 ON 320 240
PhotoCD PhotoCD2048x3072 1114 300 371 pixel 3072 2048 OFF 3072 2048 ON 3072 2048
PhotoCD1024x1536 557 300 185 pixel 1536 1024 OFF 1536 1024 ON 1536 1024
PhotoCD512x768 279 300 93 pixel 768 512 OFF 768 512 ON 768 512
Screen 1920x1200 696 72 966 pixel 1920 1200 OFF 1920 1200 ON 1920 1200
1600x1200 580 72 805 pixel 1600 1200 OFF 1600 1200 ON 1600 1200
1280x1024 464 72 644 pixel 1280 1024 OFF 1280 1024 ON 1280 1024
1280x960 464 72 644 pixel 1280 960 OFF 1280 960 ON 1280 960
1152x870 418 72 580 pixel 1152 870 OFF 1152 870 ON 1152 870
1024x768 372 72 516 pixel 1024 768 OFF 1024 768 ON 1024 768
832x624 302 72 419 pixel 832 624 OFF 832 624 ON 832 624
800x600 290 72 402 pixel 800 600 OFF 800 600 ON 800 600
640x480 232 72 322 pixel 640 480 OFF 640 480 ON 640 480
Document A4Half 215 72 298 mm 70.13 49.33 OFF 209 147 ON 592 416
A4Quarter 200 72 277 mm 53.07 37.55 OFF 147 104 ON 416 294
A4Eighth 200 72 277 mm 37.55 26.53 OFF 104 73.5 ON 294 208
LetterHalf 222 72 308 inch 2.76 1.77 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 612 392
LetterQuarter 200 72 277 inch 1.97 1.53 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 392 306
LetterEighth 200 72 277 inch 1.53 0.97 OFF 4.25 2.7 ON 306 194
Category Job name Input res. Output res. Mag. Unit Input size Lock (input) Output size Lock (output) Input pixels
3200 77.15 56.58 9720 7128
3.04 2.23
Default Default 800 300 266 pixel 2430 1782 OFF 2430 1782 OFF 2430 1782
ColorLaserPrinter A3Full 3200 600 533 mm 77.2 55.72 OFF 411.48 297 ON 9720 7015
A4Full 2310 600 385 mm 77.14 54.55 OFF 297 210 ON 7015 4960
A4Half 1633 600 272 mm 77.21 54.41 OFF 210 148 ON 4960 3496
A4Quarter 1151 600 191 mm 77.49 54.97 OFF 148 105 ON 3496 2480
LetterFull 2290 600 381 inch 2.86 2.23 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 6540 5100
LetterHalf 1680 600 280 inch 3.04 1.95 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 5100 3270
LetterQuarter 1145 600 190 inch 2.87 2.24 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 3270 2550
Photosensitive A3Full 2178 400 544 mm 77.21 54.6 OFF 420 297 ON 6614 4677
A4Full 1540 400 385 mm 77.14 54.55 OFF 297 210 ON 4677 3307
A5Full 1089 400 272 mm 77.21 54.41 OFF 210 148 ON 3307 2330
LetterFull 1527 400 381 inch 2.86 2.23 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 4360 3400
LetterHalf 1120 400 280 inch 3.04 1.95 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 3400 2180
LetterQuarter 764 400 191 inch 2.85 2.23 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 2180 1700
8x10 1437 400 359 inch 2.79 2.23 OFF 10 8 ON 4000 3200
14x17 2517 400 629 mm 68.68 56.6 OFF 432 356 ON 6803 5606
11x14 1973 400 493 mm 72.21 56.59 OFF 356 279 ON 5606 4393
10x12 1796 400 449 mm 67.93 56.57 OFF 305 254 ON 4803 4000
2L 923 400 230 mm 77.39 55.22 OFF 178 127 ON 2803 2000
PostCard4x6 791 400 197 inch 3.05 2.03 OFF 6 4 ON 2400 1600
Ink-Jet & SuperB 1878 300 626 mm 77.16 52.56 OFF 483 329 ON 5704 3885
Dye-SubPrinter A3Full 1633 300 544 mm 77.21 54.6 OFF 420 297 ON 4960 3507
A4Full 1155 300 385 mm 77.14 54.55 OFF 297 210 ON 3507 2480
A4Half 817 300 272 mm 77.21 54.41 OFF 210 148 ON 2480 1748
A4Quarter 576 300 192 mm 77.08 54.69 OFF 148 105 ON 1748 1240
LetterFull 1145 300 381 inch 2.86 2.23 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 3270 2550
LetterHalf 840 300 280 inch 3.04 1.95 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 2550 1635
LetterQuarter 573 300 191 inch 2.85 2.23 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 1635 1275
Photo4x6 584 300 194 mm 77.32 51.55 OFF 150 100 ON 1771 1181
Photo3x5 494 300 164 mm 77.44 54.27 OFF 127 89 ON 1500 1051
WebPage 1240x909 409 72 568 pixel 1240 909 OFF 1240 909 ON 1240 909
1112x815 367 72 509 pixel 1112 815 OFF 1112 815 ON 1112 815
984x721 324 72 450 pixel 984 721 OFF 984 721 ON 984 721
792x580 261 72 362 pixel 792 580 OFF 792 580 ON 792 580
760x557 251 72 348 pixel 760 557 OFF 760 557 ON 760 557
600x440 200 72 277 pixel 600 440 OFF 600 440 ON 600 440
320x240 200 72 277 pixel 320 240 OFF 320 240 ON 320 240
PhotoCD PhotoCD2048x3072 1012 300 337 pixel 3072 2048 OFF 3072 2048 ON 3072 2048
PhotoCD1024x1536 506 300 168 pixel 1536 1024 OFF 1536 1024 ON 1536 1024
PhotoCD512x768 253 300 84 pixel 768 512 OFF 768 512 ON 768 512
Screen 1920x1200 633 72 879 pixel 1920 1200 OFF 1920 1200 ON 1920 1200
1600x1200 539 72 748 pixel 1600 1200 OFF 1600 1200 ON 1600 1200
1280x1024 460 72 638 pixel 1280 1024 OFF 1280 1024 ON 1280 1024
1280x960 431 72 598 pixel 1280 960 OFF 1280 960 ON 1280 960
1152x870 391 72 543 pixel 1152 870 OFF 1152 870 ON 1152 870
1024x768 345 72 479 pixel 1024 768 OFF 1024 768 ON 1024 768
832x624 281 72 390 pixel 832 624 OFF 832 624 ON 832 624
800x600 270 72 375 pixel 800 600 OFF 800 600 ON 800 600
640x480 216 72 300 pixel 640 480 OFF 640 480 ON 640 480
Document A4Half 200 72 277 mm 75.81 53.43 OFF 210 148 ON 595 419
A4Quarter 200 72 277 mm 53.43 37.91 OFF 148 105 ON 419 297
A4Eighth 200 72 277 mm 37.91 26.71 OFF 105 74 ON 297 209
LetterHalf 202 72 280 inch 3.04 1.95 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 612 392
LetterQuarter 200 72 277 inch 1.97 1.53 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 392 306
LetterEighth 200 72 277 inch 1.53 0.98 OFF 4.25 2.72 ON 306 195
6 X 9 and Multi-format 6 X 9
Category Job name Input res. Output res. Mag. Unit Input size Lock (input) Output size Lock (output) Input pixels
3200 83.82 56.58 10560 7128
3.30 2.23
Default Default 800 300 266 pixel 2640 1782 OFF 2640 1782 OFF 2640 1782
ColorLaserPrinter A3Full 3150 600 525 mm 80 56.57 OFF 420 297 ON 9921 7015
A4Full 2227 600 371 mm 80.05 56.6 OFF 297 210 ON 7015 4960
A4Half 1570 600 261 mm 80.46 56.71 OFF 210 148 ON 4960 3496
A4Quarter 1114 600 185 mm 80 56.76 OFF 148 105 ON 3496 2480
LetterFull 2290 600 381 inch 2.86 2.23 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 6540 5100
LetterHalf 1546 600 257 inch 3.31 2.12 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 5100 3270
LetterQuarter 1145 600 190 inch 2.87 2.24 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 3270 2550
Photosensitive A3Full 2100 400 525 mm 80 56.57 OFF 420 297 ON 6614 4677
A4Full 1485 400 371 mm 80.05 56.6 OFF 297 210 ON 4677 3307
A5Full 1047 400 261 mm 80.46 56.71 OFF 210 148 ON 3307 2330
LetterFull 1527 400 381 inch 2.86 2.23 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 4360 3400
LetterHalf 1031 400 257 inch 3.31 2.12 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 3400 2180
LetterQuarter 764 400 191 inch 2.85 2.23 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 2180 1700
8x10 1437 400 359 inch 2.79 2.23 OFF 10 8 ON 4000 3200
14x17 2517 400 629 mm 68.68 56.6 OFF 432 356 ON 6803 5606
11x14 1973 400 493 mm 72.21 56.59 OFF 356 279 ON 5606 4393
10x12 1796 400 449 mm 67.93 56.57 OFF 305 254 ON 4803 4000
2L 898 400 224 mm 79.46 56.7 OFF 178 127 ON 2803 2000
PostCard4x6 728 400 182 inch 3.3 2.2 OFF 6 4 ON 2400 1600
Ink-Jet & SuperB 1745 300 581 mm 83.13 56.63 OFF 483 329 ON 5704 3885
Dye-SubPrinter A3Full 1575 300 525 mm 80 56.57 OFF 420 297 ON 4960 3507
A4Full 1114 300 371 mm 80.05 56.6 OFF 297 210 ON 3507 2480
A4Half 785 300 261 mm 80.46 56.71 OFF 210 148 ON 2480 1748
A4Quarter 557 300 185 mm 80 56.76 OFF 148 105 ON 1748 1240
LetterFull 1145 300 381 inch 2.86 2.23 OFF 10.9 8.5 ON 3270 2550
LetterHalf 773 300 257 inch 3.31 2.12 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 2550 1635
LetterQuarter 573 300 191 inch 2.85 2.23 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 1635 1275
Photo4x6 537 300 179 mm 83.8 55.87 OFF 150 100 ON 1771 1181
Photo3x5 472 300 157 mm 80.89 56.69 OFF 127 89 ON 1500 1051
WebPage 1240x837 376 300 125 pixel 1240 837 OFF 1240 837 ON 1240 837
1112x751 338 300 112 pixel 1112 751 OFF 1112 751 ON 1112 751
984x664 299 300 99 pixel 984 664 OFF 984 664 ON 984 664
792x534 240 300 80 pixel 792 534 OFF 792 534 ON 792 534
760x513 231 300 77 pixel 760 513 OFF 760 513 ON 760 513
600x405 200 300 66 pixel 600 405 OFF 600 405 ON 600 405
320x240 200 300 66 pixel 320 240 OFF 320 240 ON 320 240
PhotoCD PhotoCD2048x3072 931 300 310 pixel 3072 2048 OFF 3072 2048 ON 3072 2048
PhotoCD1024x1536 466 300 155 pixel 1536 1024 OFF 1536 1024 ON 1536 1024
PhotoCD512x768 233 300 77 pixel 768 512 OFF 768 512 ON 768 512
Screen 1920x1200 582 72 808 pixel 1920 1200 OFF 1920 1200 ON 1920 1200
1600x1200 539 72 748 pixel 1600 1200 OFF 1600 1200 ON 1600 1200
1280x1024 460 72 638 pixel 1280 1024 OFF 1280 1024 ON 1280 1024
1280x960 431 72 598 pixel 1280 960 OFF 1280 960 ON 1280 960
1152x870 391 72 543 pixel 1152 870 OFF 1152 870 ON 1152 870
1024x768 345 72 479 pixel 1024 768 OFF 1024 768 ON 1024 768
832x624 281 72 390 pixel 832 624 OFF 832 624 ON 832 624
800x600 270 72 375 pixel 800 600 OFF 800 600 ON 800 600
640x480 216 72 300 pixel 640 480 OFF 640 480 ON 640 480
Document A4Half 200 72 277 mm 75.81 53.43 OFF 210 148 ON 595 419
A4Quarter 200 72 277 mm 53.43 37.91 OFF 148 105 ON 419 297
A4Eighth 200 72 277 mm 37.91 26.71 OFF 105 74 ON 297 209
LetterHalf 200 72 277 inch 3.07 1.97 OFF 8.5 5.45 ON 612 392
LetterQuarter 200 72 277 inch 1.97 1.53 OFF 5.45 4.25 ON 392 306
LetterEighth 200 72 277 inch 1.53 0.98 OFF 4.25 2.72 ON 306 195
Multi-format 35mm
Category Job name Input res. Output res. Mag. Unit Input size Lock (input) Output size Lock (output) Input pixels
4800 83.82 25.02 15840 4728
3.30 0.99
Default Default 1200 300 400 pixel 3960 1182 OFF 3960 1182 OFF 3960 1182
This section covers minor problems with scanner operation. For major problems or damage, or if a
problem continues to reoccur frequently, contact your dealer or a Minolta service facility.
Eject the film holder and click the OK button. Wait for
The setup-remove-holder message
the DiMAGE Scan Utility to open before inserting the
film holder.
The set-film message appears. Confirm film has been loaded into the holder.
Checking software installation – Windows
If the scanner was connected to the computer before the DiMAGE Scan Utility was installed, the
computer may not recognize the scanner unit. Windows 2000 Professional and XP users should
log on with the administrator privilege. With Windows 2000 Professional and XP, the “Digital signa-
tures not found” message may appear when the computer first detects the scanner. The additional
message “Installing hardware...Window log test is not passed” may appear when Windows XP is
launched. Simply click the OK (2000) or continue button (XP).
1. Turn off the computer and disconnect the scanner. Restart the computer.
2. Windows 98, 2000, Me: right click on the My-computer icon. Select properties from the drop-
down menu.
Windows XP: from the start menu go to the control panel. Click on the performance and mainte-
nance category. Click the system button to open the system properties window.
3. Windows 2000 and XP: select the hardware tab in the properties window and click the device-
manager button.
Windows 98 and Me: click the device-manager tab in the properties window.
4. The driver file should be located in the imaging-device location of the device manager. Click on
the location to display the files. When using a SCSI interface with Windows 98 or Me,
Minolta#2887 should be listed as the imaging device. For Windows 2000 Professional and XP,
Minolta DiMAGE Scan Multi PRO should be listed as the imaging device. When using an IEEE
interface, Minolta DiMAGE Scan Multi PRO should be listed as the imaging device.
If these files are not located in the imaging-device location, open the other-devices location of
the device manager. If Minolta#2887, Minolta DiMAGE Scan Multi PRO, or minolta SCANNER
2887 IEEE 1394 SBP2 Device is listed, follow steps 5 through 9 to delete and reinstall the cor-
rect driver.
6. Windows 2000 and XP: click on the action button to display the drop-down menu. Select unin-
stall. A confirmation screen will appear. Clicking the yes button will remove the driver from the
Windows 98 and Me: click the remove button. A confirmation screen will appear. Clicking the
yes button will remove the driver from the system.
If the computer does not recognize the scanner, repeat steps 1 through 4 to confirm the correct
driver was installed in the imaging-device location of the device manager.
Technical support
Please contact your dealer for information regarding installation, SCSI or IEEE 1394 interface rec-
ommendations, or application compatibility. If your dealer is unable to help you, contact an author-
ized Minolta service facility listed on the back cover. Please have the following information ready
when calling Minolta technical support:
4. DiMAGE Scan Utility version number. The version number is displayed by placing the mouse
pointer on the status bar in the main window.
6. Any message that appears on the screen when the problem occurs.
Image: Date:
Image-correction Job:
Image processing
Brightness, contrast, & Hue, saturation & light-
Unsharp mask Selective-color palette
color balance palette ness palette
Brightness: Hue: Amount: Cyan: R/ G/ B/ C/ M/ Y/
Job name:
Scan settings
Input resolution: Input size (W): Input size (H): Magnification:
Test conditions:
IBM PC/AT: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, Windows
2000 Professional operating system, IEEE1394
interface with an Adaptec AFW-4300 board, Adobe
Photoshop 7.0, no auto-exposure, no Digital ICE3
Macintosh PowerPC G4 533MHz CPU, 1.5GB RAM, Mac OS
9.2.2, FireWire interface, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, no
auto-exposure, no Digital ICE3 processing.
Times listed above do not include transfer time to the computer. Scanning times change according
to the preferences settings used. Scan times for negative film can be longer than positive film.
Specifications are based on the latest information available at the time of printing and are subject
to change without notice.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows NT are regis-
tered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh, Apple, and Power Macintosh are registered trade-
marks of Apple Computer, Inc. Adobe and Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated. Digital ICE3, Digital ICE, Digital ROC, and Digital GEM are trademarks of registered trade-
marks and technologies of Applied Science Fiction,Inc in U. S. A. Other corporate and product names are
the trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective companies.
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Minolta has determined that this product meets
the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
This mark certifies that this product meets the requirements of the EU
(European Union) concerning interference causing equipment regulations. CE
stands for Conformité Européenne.
The sound pressure level is less than 70dB according to ISO 3744 or ISO 7779.
© 2002 Minolta Co., Ltd. under the Berne Convention
and the Universal Copyright Convention.