German Cavalry Paining Guide
German Cavalry Paining Guide
German Cavalry Paining Guide
By Chris Hindmarsh
In this guide we will tackle German In this guide you'll notice I mix a lot
cavalry for late World War 2, focusing of colours. Often this is simply
on some of the more intimidating because I'm trying to achieve a
aspects of such a project such as certain shade but I don't have the
camouflage and horses. perfect paint on hand. Don't worry if
you don't have the same paints as
me. There are usually many different
The method outlined here uses ways to achieve the same colour, so
translucent paints and glazes applied I encourage you to experiment with
over a zenithal undercoat to provide a what you already have to get a
base layer from which we can apply similar shade.
further shading, highlighting, and other
details. With this technique we're Our subjects for this guide will be
hoping to get a sense of light falling on some 3D printed German cavalry
the miniature to create contrast that figures from Just Some Miniatures.
will make our cavalry pop on the
gaming table, without having to spend In this guide I will abbreviate the
hours and hours on every model. following miniature paint brands:
AP = The Army Painter
AK = AK Interactive Acrylics
The first step after cleaning your miniature is to prime it. I use a dark
brown primer through the airbrush, but a rattle can will work just as well.
We’ll follow that up with a zenithal highlight of white acrylic ink (I use
Liquitex Titanium White) through the airbrush. This highlight is delivered
mostly from above the model, aiming to simulate the way sunlight falls
on the upper surfaces of the model and leaves shadows in other areas.
We’ll take our time with this, building up the ink layer slowly, so the
surfaces that would reflect the most sunlight are more intensely white.
After the initial zenithal highlight is complete (and after the fragile ink
layers have had a couple of hours to fully cure) we thin down a pure
white paint with water and apply it to the parts of the miniature that we
want to be the brightest.
Preparing to Paint Oak Leaf Camouflage
Now that we have our light volumes sketched in, it's time to add some
colour! For most of the basecoats I use translucent paints to allow some
of our light sketch to show through. I mostly use AP Speedpaints, but feel
free to experiment with other brands like Citadel Contrast and Vallejo
Xpress Paints.
Our figures from Just Some Miniatures are wearing reversible winter
parkas that are white on one side and camouflage on the other side.
Some are also wearing helmet covers which could be white or
To paint our oak leaf camouflage, we'll start by applying a base coat
mixed from the following AP Speedpaint colours: 4 parts Pallid Bone, 1
part Dark Wood, 1 part Burnished Red, 1 part Speedpaint Medium.
Finishing Touches
Again referring to our reference images,
we can choose to apply some markings to
the horse's head and legs, using an off-
white such as AK Ivory. We'll paint our
hooves with AP Speedpaint Grim Black,
and use a light drybrush of AK Rubber
Black around the muzzle.
For the leather of the saddle and harness
we'll use a mix of AP Speedpaints
Hardened Leather and Burnished Red,
highlighted with AK Ochre.
Everything Else
This tutorial primarily focuses on camouflage and horses, but for those
interested I'll quickly list example colors for some of the other equipment
on the models. Most follow the general method of a translucent base
layer followed by standard acrylic highlights applied as a glaze.
Field Grey: AP Gunner Camo Speedpaint, highlighted with AK
Grey Green and AK Ice Yellow.
Gloves: AP Runic Grey Speedpaint (two coats), highlighted with
AP Gorgon Hide
Webbing and boots: AP Grim Black Speedpaint, highlighted with
AK Grey Green
Helmets: Mix of Speedpaints Grim Black, Gravelord Grey,
Absolution Green, Cloudburst Blue, Speedpaint Medium.
Rifle furniture: AP Hardened Leather Speedpaint, highlighted with
AK Ochre
Metallics: Vallejo Metal Colour Dark Aluminium, washed with 1:1
mix AP Grim Black and Gravelord Grey Speedpaints, highlighted
with Dark Aluminium.
Skin: Base coat of AP Mummy Robes, coat of diluted Citadel
Contrast Guilliman Flesh, selective glaze with Citadel Carroburg
Crimson. Highlight with mix of Mummy Robes and AP Elven Flesh.
Stubble achieved with a glaze of Citadel Contrast Gryphcharger
To protect our hard work, we hit the miniature with some varnish (I use
AK Ultra Matte varnish through an airbrush), pop a base on it, and we're