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Zafar Et Al. - 2023 - Reviewing Methods of Deep Learning For Intelligent

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Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

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Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

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Reviewing methods of deep learning for intelligent healthcare systems in

genomics and biomedicine
Imran Zafar a, *, Shakila Anwar b, Faheem kanwal c, Waqas Yousaf d, Fakhar Un Nisa e,
Tanzeela Kausar f, Qurat ul Ain g, Ahsanullah Unar h, Mohammad Amjad Kamal i, j, k, l, m,
Summya Rashid n, Khalid Ali Khan o, p, Rohit Sharma q, *
Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Virtual University, Pakistan
Life Sciences Department, Arid University, Burewala Campus, Pakistan
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB), University of Lahore, Pakistan
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Department of Botany, The University of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Depatment of Molecular Biology, Virtual University of Pakistan, Pakistan
Department of Zoology, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Department of Chemistry, Government College Women University Faisalabad (GCWUF), Punjab, Pakistan
School of Life Sciences and Medicines, University of Science and Technology China, Hefei, Anhui, China
Institutes for Systems Genetics, Frontiers Science Center for Disease-related Molecular Network, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, China
King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh
Enzymoics, 7 Peterlee Place, Hebersham, NSW 2770, Australia
Novel Global Community Educational Foundation, Australia
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 173, Al-Kharj 11942, Saudi Arabia
Unit of Bee Research and Honey Production, Research Center for Advanced Materials Science (RCAMS), King Khalid University, P.O. Box 9004, Abha 61413, Saudi
Applied College, King Khalid University, P. O. Box 9004, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia
Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India


Keywords: The advancements in genomics and biomedical technologies have generated vast amounts of biological and
Deep learning physiological data, which present opportunities for understanding human health. Deep learning (DL) and ma­
Intelligent healthcare system chine learning (ML) are frontiers and interdisciplinary fields of computer science that consider comprehensive
computational models and provide integral roles for disease diagnosis and therapy investigation. DL-based al­
Computational biology
gorithms can discover the intrinsic hierarchies in the training data to show great promise for extracting features
Biobanks and learning patterns from complex datasets and performing various analytical tasks. This review comprehen­
Biomedicine sively discusses the wide-ranging DL approaches for intelligent healthcare systems (IHS) in genomics and
biomedicine. This paper explores advanced concepts in deep learning (DL) and discusses the workflow of uti­
lizing role-based algorithms in genomics and biomedicine to integrate intelligent healthcare systems (IHS). The
aim is to overcome biomedical obstacles like patient disease classification, core biomedical processes, and
empowering patient-disease integration. The paper also highlights how DL approaches are well-suited for
addressing critical challenges in these domains, offering promising solutions for improved healthcare outcomes.
We also provided a concise concept of DL architectures and model optimization in genomics and bioinformatics
at the molecular level to deal with biomedicine classification, genomic sequence analysis, protein structure
classification, and prediction. Finally, we discussed DL’s current challenges and future perspectives in genomics
and biomedicine for future directions.

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: bioinfo.pk@gmail.com (I. Zafar), Shakilarana5@gmail.com (S. Anwar), kanwalf674@gmail.com (F. kanwal), fakhar_220@hotmail.com (F. Un
Nisa), tanzeelaarifsoomro@gmail.com (T. Kausar), chemistquainhawk@gmail.com (Q. ul Ain), aunar@mail.ustc.edu.cn (A. Unar), rrs.usa.au@gmail.com
(M.A. Kamal), s.abdulrashid@psau.edu.sa (S. Rashid), kkhan@kku.edu.sa (K.A. Khan), rohitsharma@bhu.ac.in (R. Sharma).

Received 6 April 2023; Received in revised form 22 June 2023; Accepted 6 July 2023
Available online 11 July 2023
1746-8094/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

1. Introduction context of intelligent healthcare for genetic objects of genomics and

biomedicine [18–20]. DL has wide-ranging applications in the domain
Bigdata Analysis of biomedical information and personalized health of intelligent health [21,22], including digital picture analysis in cross-
activities are becoming more considerable and essential in personalized disciplinary diseases [23],text mining in healthcare [24], monitoring of
medicine to treat multifunctional diseases via providing a powerful tool human health in the context of aura [25], integration of medicine and
and techniques to introduce modern medicine [1–3]. For instance, a biology research [26], and object identification [27].
personalized approach to cancer therapy incorporates a range of patient In the context of IHS, this review examines how DL tools and tech­
data to decide on the best progression of action, including genetic var­ niques are applied in genomics and biomedicine. Healthcare providers
iants, environmental variables, imaging genetics, existing drugs, and the may considerably benefit from this prompt disease diagnosis frame­
patient’s lifestyle [4–6]. Scientists now offer patients-centred medica­ work; the contextual overview of the DL system in the milieu of inno­
tion due to the massive volumes of data that genetic, imaging, and life- vative health is mentioned in Fig. 1 for enhancing the invariance of
monitoring technology have collected over the previous ten years in the various manifold diseases. Furthermore, we explore the Overview of the
context of precision medicine and digital phenotyping to improve E- DL system used in IHS and provide wide-ranging decisions and appli­
health objectives [7,8]. Even with all the management revaluation and cations (Diseases Detection, Computer Vision, Drug Discovery, NLP,
extensive data we’ve gathered, it’s still unclear what illnesses are and Object Detection, etc.) for future genomics and biomedicine details
how to treat them effectively [9]. prediction. DL tools based on computational algorithms (CNN, DBN,
Deep Neural Networks (DNN), a type of machine learning, have RNN, RvNNs, ANN, and RBM) and techniques for diseases (Cancer,
grown in popularity due to the complexity of the material being exam­ Heart, Brain, Diabetics, Epilepsy, etc.) detections shown in the diagram
ined based on the role-based algorithm and solve automatically seg­ have been extensively studied for personalized IHS to classify manifold
menting various interlinked diseases [10]. With the development of diseases for numerous digital treatment options (ST Scan, X-Ray, MRI,
reliable data-driven ML techniques, it is essential to successfully connect etc.).
several patient profile analysis categories [11,12]. An ANN known as a Deep learning (DL) has made significant research contributions in
“DL architecture” uses two or even more buried neurons to increase IHS for genomics and biomedicine. DL has significant potential in
prediction accuracy [13]. Compared to regular ANN, the number of medicine, particularly in analysing medical images like X-rays, MRI
veiled layers in DL is significantly more significant for manifold disease scans, and CT scans. DL algorithms can accurately diagnose diseases,
identification [14]. In a typical DNN, the nonlinear stimulation tech­ detect risks, and identify irregularities in medical images, particularly in
niques like Sigmoid, Hyperbolic tangent, ReLu, softmax, Softplus, Ab­ cancer detection. However, challenges persist, such as the lack of di­
solute value rectification, and Maxout produce a productive output for versity and accuracy in datasets and insufficient data. DL models can
classifying the disease using activation functions in the context of the automate and improve various aspects of healthcare, including moni­
deep dataset [15]. These deep datasets have been balanced, and their toring patient vitals, predicting outcomes, and automating repetitive
biases are addressed based on computational approximation capabilities tasks.
[16]. A DNN’s weights are intended to reduce the harm caused by these DL also offers insights into brain connectivity and can impact neu­
factors through intelligent fault diagnosis [17]. rotechnology. Despite the potential, deploying DL systems in biomedi­
The Convolutional deep belief network (CDBN) is based on semantic cine requires addressing challenges related to explaining and justifying
interaction. It provides higher-level features for disease diagnosis using model decisions. Researchers propose incorporating flexibility into DL
deep transfer learning architecture and efficient inspection in the algorithms to explain predictions, particularly for medical professionals

Fig. 1. Deep Learning Applications in Integrative Health Systems for Predictive Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases.

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

and regulatory authorities. DL can potentially revolutionize biomedicine Ethically, XAI using DL promotes transparency, fairness, and compliance
by addressing complex challenges and improving disease treatment. Its with regulatory standards in genomics and biomedicine [40]. Overall,
applications span disease detection, medical imaging, drug discovery, applying XAI in these fields contributes to our understanding of biology,
clinical decision support, biomarker discovery, patient risk stratifica­ improves healthcare decision-making, and ensures responsible AI usage.
tion, and genomic data analysis. These contributions can potentially
enhance diagnostics, treatment, and personalized care, ultimately 1.1.2. XAI for improved controllability in Image-based DL algorithms
improving healthcare outcomes. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques play a vital role
in improving the controllability of image-based deep learning (DL) al­
1.1. Biological interpretation of XAI and deep learning in genomics gorithms [41]. XAI methods enable users to gain insights and under­
stand the decision-making process of DL models by visualizing
DL has succeeded in several disciplines, including ML and computer important features and regions in images. Techniques such as activation
vision processing [28]. It revolutionizes data-driven research because of maximization and saliency mapping help reveal the specific parts of an
its capacity to learn complicated structures from data without the need image that contribute most to the algorithm’s predictions. Additionally,
for human interaction. Due to its widespread success, DL is becoming attention mechanisms in DL algorithms can be visualized through XAI,
more popular in genomic research [29]. Genomes’ data are complex and allowing users to understand and control the model’s focus. Rule
interact with reactions (e.g., disease outcomes). Unlike traditional ap­ extraction techniques provide interpretable representations of DL
proaches (e.g., linear regression), DL enables complex learning charac­ models, empowering users to modify and refine rules to influence the
teristics from genetic information, making it a vital tool for analyzing algorithm’s behaviour [42].
nonlinear or interaction effects in genomic data analysis, and Explain­ Furthermore, XAI techniques can generate counterfactual explana­
able Artificial Intelligence (XAI) provides image-based deep learning tions, enabling users to explore alternative scenarios and understand
(DL) algorithms. A short overview of several DL’s uses in genomics how changing specific image attributes affects the algorithm’s output.
research provides an exclusive prototype for future medicine, and XAI Finally, by integrating XAI into interactive interfaces, users can actively
can play a crucial role in improving controllability by providing insights engage with DL algorithms and have real-time controllability by
into how these algorithms make decisions. DL is increasingly used to adjusting parameters, modifying input images, and exploring different
ascertain the nature and function of genomic components, including decision paths. Overall, XAI techniques in image-based DL algorithms
regions, regulators, and gene expression levels. In computational ge­ enhance controllability by providing interpretability and transparency,
netics and bioinformatics, extracting fundamentally important infor­ allowing users to understand, influence, and fine-tune AI systems for
mation from substantial omics data sets is still tricky. Supervised and improved image analysis and decision-making [43].
unsupervised learning are subcategories of DL and ML techniques [30].
Starting with an introduction to basic ideas in supervised learning and 1.1.3. XAI decisions and predictions in healthcare sectors
moving on to prominent DL techniques and their applications in geno­ XAI refers to the ability of an AI model or algorithm to provide un­
mics research, we discuss the future directions of genomics research derstandable explanations for its decisions or predictions. In healthcare,
using these approaches. Several DL techniques are available, but XAI plays a crucial role in providing explanations for image-based deep
because of space constraints, this study concentrated on conventional DL learning (DL) algorithms used in the diagnosis of various conditions such
approaches, particularly those that may be used to analyze genomic data as cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and COVID-
[31]. 19, such as earlier researcher provides DL architecture DeepOCT to
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have revolutionized pattern recogni­ analyze macular edema on OCT images [44]. By using XAI techniques,
tion and machine learning, especially in image identification and object clinicians can gain insights into how the DL algorithms arrive at their
detection [32]. According to Carvalho, et al. [33], DNNs have gained predictions, which is essential for verifiability. Instead of treating the AI
popularity in bioinformatics due to their ability to handle large-scale model as a black box, XAI allows clinicians to understand the underlying
genomics and epigenomics data. They outperform traditional machine features and patterns contributing to the algorithm’s decision-making
learning algorithms in tasks such as discovering sequence motifs and process, such as the researcher developing Grad-CAM to explore visual
predicting genetic variants. However, one challenge with DNNs is their explanations from deep networks [45]. This transparency is vital for
lack of interpretability, as they are often considered black boxes [34]. clinicians to trust and verify the algorithm’s accuracy, particularly in
Despite this, their speed and accuracy make them valuable for genomic critical healthcare scenarios.
research. The focus is now on finding ways to explain and interpret DNN Furthermore, XAI enhances controllability by allowing clinicians to
predictions in genomics and omics applications [35]. identify and validate the most responsible sections or pathologies in
medical images. Clinicians can use these explanations to evaluate the
1.1.1. Application of XAI for genomics and biomedicine reliability of the algorithm’s predictions and ensure that the algorithm
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) offers significant benefits for focuses on the relevant regions or features most indicative of a particular
genomics and biomedicine [36]. By providing interpretable models, XAI condition. This controllability gives clinicians greater confidence in the
can aid in understanding complex biological processes, enhancing di­ algorithm’s output and enables them to make more informed decisions
agnostics, and enabling personalized medicine [37]. XAI techniques regarding patient care.
facilitate the analysis of genomic data, helping researchers identify
disease-causing genetic variations, understand gene regulation mecha­ 1.2. Deep learning for genomic prediction in animals and plants
nisms, and discover drug targets. In clinical settings, XAI can be inte­
grated into decision support systems, providing transparent DL holds significant potential for genomic prediction in animals and
explanations for predictions and assisting healthcare professionals in plants. It can enhance breeding programs by accelerating genetic gain
making accurate diagnoses and treatment plans [38]. In drug discovery, and enabling more informed selection decisions. Continued research and
XAI models help researchers comprehend the relationships between advancements in deep learning techniques, coupled with the availability
molecular features, pathways, and drug responses, leading to the of large-scale genomic datasets, will further improve the accuracy and
development of safer and more effective therapeutics [39]. XAI also applicability of these models in genomics. Breeding animals and plants
supports precision medicine by enabling personalized risk prediction have a significant role in maintaining a stable food supply for the
and treatment selection with understandable rationales. world’s growing population [46], which some estimates anticipate will
Additionally, XAI aids in interpreting biological experiments, iden­ reach 9.5 billion consumers by 2050 [47]. For animal and plant breeders
tifying biomarkers and uncovering underlying disease mechanisms. to keep up with the anticipated increase in food consumption, genetic

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

improvement rates in plant breeding must be feasible at the most and RNA-binding proteins were predicted using DL and an entirely
astounding levels [48,49]. Utilizing new approach options is a crucial convolutional architecture developed by Alipanahi, et al. [62]. It was
starting step for genetic selection, initially introduced by Gjedrem, et al. found that Andrades and Recamonde-Mendoza [63] employed the DL
[49]. Still, it is widely used as one of the most commonly used breeding method to identify tumour suppressor and oncogene genes. The
strategies. Estimating the unobserved values of population attributes methylation state of a single cell’s DNA can also be correctly predicted
using information from such an observable population and genome- using DL methods [64]. With DL, it has proven very successful in pre­
wide DNA variation (markers) is possible. Numerous animal and plant dicting DNA & RNA-binding sequence-based selectivity, methylation
breeding organizations have made genotyping a common practice to status, and gene expression. This is because DL uses structures directly
shorten breeding cycles due to declining genotyping costs [50]. adopted from modern machine learning and voice recognition imple­
The most famous prediction technique is genomic best linear biased mentations. Jiang and Li [65], thoroughly assess DL’s high-throughput
prediction [51]. Applying any approach to document the link between plant phenotyping applications.
genotypic and phenotypic data in a training dataset for genomic pre­ AI-Based Robust Hybrid Algorithm Design and Implementation for
diction is possible. By adjusting the genetic data to the mathematical Real-Time Detection of Plant Diseases in Agricultural has been demon­
model, we may determine how well it correlates with a predicted value. strated to leverage the power of Deep Learning (DL) techniques, leading
The earlier researcher developed Numerous genetic forecasting tech­ to the development of effective AI systems, devices, and applications
niques [52]. As reported in her article, Van Vleck claims that GBLUP [56,5755]. DL has found applications across multiple domains,
(genomic best linear unbiased prediction) is a typical additive gene including machine learning, computer vision, and natural language
impact model that necessitates estimating and resolving Henderson’s processing [58]. Notably, it has contributed to the creation of advanced
process formulations and the mixed model formulations. It is common to products such as self-driving cars, robots, chatbots, speech and voice
use Bayesian techniques that use Markov Chain Monte Carlo to find the recognition systems, and digital assistants [58].
crucial variables [53]. Various DL approaches have been tested in the In the medical field, DL has made significant strides in genomics and
field of genomic prediction in recent years. AI incorporates DL as a biomedicine, particularly in detecting and classifying cancer and
subfield of machine learning and is limited in dealing with complex dermatological issues [60]. For instance, Menden, et al. [61], employed
relationships between input and output since they are nonparametric DL techniques to assess the survival of human cancer cell lines under
models for generic medicine [54]. One of its distinctive characteristics is various treatments. DL models have also been used to predict the
the model’s ability to adapt to sequences of unknown value, which could specificities of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins, as demonstrated by the
not be modelled mathematically initially. work of Alipanahi, et al. [62], who developed a fully convolutional ar­
AI-Based Robust Hybrid Algorithm Design and Implementation for chitecture for this purpose. Andrades and Recamonde-Mendoza [63]
Real-Time Detection of Plant Diseases in Agricultural encompasses utilized DL methods to identify tumor suppressor and oncogene genes.
various techniques for predicting and detecting plant diseases using Additionally, DL has successfully accurately predicted the methylation
genomic and phenotypic data [55]. One widely recognized prediction state of individual cells’ DNA [64]. By adopting structures from modern
technique is Genomic Best Linear Biased Prediction (GBLUP) [51].. In machine learning and voice recognition implementations, DL has proven
this context, the goal is to establish a connection between genotypic effective in predicting DNA and RNA-binding selectivity, methylation
information and phenotypic characteristics within a training dataset, status, and gene expression. In the context of AI-Based Robust Hybrid
enabling accurate disease detection. The genetic data is adjusted and Algorithm Design and Implementation for Real-Time Detection of Plant
integrated into a mathematical model that evaluates its correlation with Diseases in Agricultural, DL techniques hold great promise [55]. These
predicted values to achieve this. Previous researchers [52] have techniques can be harnessed for high-throughput plant phenotyping
explored different genetic prediction techniques, with Van Vleck high­ applications, as comprehensively assessed by Jiang and Li [65]. By
lighting GBLUP as a prominent example. GBLUP relies on estimating and leveraging DL’s capabilities, this hybrid algorithmic approach enables
resolving Henderson’s process formulations and mixed model formula­ real-time detection of plant diseases in agricultural settings, leading to
tions to account for additive gene effects. Bayesian techniques are also more efficient disease management and improved crop health.
commonly employed, utilizing Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to
identify crucial variables [53].. These approaches contribute to devel­ 1.3. DL approaches for Intelligent Healthcare Systems (IHS)
oping effective predictive models for plant disease detection.
Furthermore, recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements have In recent years, a broad range of AI and DL technologies have been
introduced various Deep Learning (DL) approaches to genomic predic­ used to analyze the enormous volumes of health records [66]; e.g., a
tion. DL, as a subfield of machine learning, has shown promise in model based on statistical regression was used to diagnose heart prob­
handling complex relationships between input and output variables. lems early and automatically [67]. DL has also been used in medical
However, it is essential to note that DL models are nonparametric and imaging to aid in detecting object characteristics [68]. DNN-based
may face limitations when dealing with generic medicine and other models are top-rated in screening complex datasets among the many
related challenges [54]. One distinguishing feature of DL models is their DL models. Data is sifted through a series of layers in a process known as
ability to adapt to sequences of unknown value that were initially DL, which employs many phases of learning [69]. DNN models can
difficult to model mathematically. This characteristic holds significance outperform traditional ML models when they analyze massive amounts
in real-time detection of plant diseases, as it allows for efficient and of data. Researchers have made significant progress in image and nat­
accurate identification of disease patterns in agricultural settings. ural language processing (NLP) using DNN-based approaches. DL, also
Numerous studies [56,57], have shown that DL effectively creates AI known as learning-based and hierarchical teaching, data is evaluated
systems, goods, devices, and applications. In multiple domains, ranging using a layered computer architecture [69]. DL techniques employ many
from social scientists to the natural sciences, these objects have found layers to filter and analyze data, with the previous layer’s output being
use in various applications covering machine learning, computer vision, used to direct the future ones [70]. DL models may be taught to evaluate
and natural language technique [58]. Many “high-tech” products, such ever-increasing volumes of data to enhance their ability to find con­
as self-driving cars, robots, chatbots, components of speech, voice nections and correlations [69]. An approximation of how the connec­
recognition, and digital assistants, are built based on digital learning tions between neurons in the brains of animals provide DL. Each layer
[59]. Medical applications include genomics and biomedicine, detecting becomes active when a layer of nodes gets input from nearby neurons.
and classifying cancer and dermatological issues [60]. For example, Electrical impulses pass between actual cells, and data may be sent
Menden, et al. [61], assessed the survival of human cancer cell lines through the layers numerous times to improve and optimize the final
subjected to treatment using a DL technique. The specificities of DNA- output in ANNs, which are the Foundation for DL models [31]. AI, ML,

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

and DL algorithms can discover trends and address common issues of AI systems that employ computers to analyze healthcare data. Short-
because NNs mimic the activity of the human brain. axis cardiac MRI and MMNet may segment the left ventricle (LV) using
Fig. 2 explores the mathematical translation activities that transform DL to encode the model’s parameters [73]. MRI biomarker discovery
raw input towards meaningful outcomes in the hidden layers. Weights using Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) is another illustration of a
are added once the input layer has been identified. These weights aid in DL model in medical imaging [74].
determining the relative relevance of each variable, with greater weights There are 400 billion people around the world who suffer from a rare
having a more substantial influence on the result than smaller ones. The genetic disorder. The quick & accurate identification of several disorders
proper weight is then multiplied by each input before being added is a significant barrier for medical doctors as they lack the expertise to
together. An activation function will then decide what the output will be accomplish the correct task. The prediction of diseases is another chal­
once the output has passed through it. The node “fires” (or activates) lenging issue in medical sciences due to domain experts’ lack of
whenever the output rises over a certain threshold, sending data to the computational framework knowledge. Therefore, data mining is a
network’s next tier. As a result, the input of one node becomes the crucial tool for predicting diseases with already developed models, as
output of the following node. This NN is a feedforward network (FFN) as mentioned in Table 1.
data is sent from one layer to another during the process. The new strategy offers a broad disease diagnostic strategy with 100
The functional linear regression, feedforward function, and cost % accuracy using patient symptomatology by utilizing DL algorithms
estimation for optimization are derived in formula-based equations to like CNN for automatic feature extraction and disease prediction and
understand DL networks’ working complexity for genomic data analysis. KNN for computation to identify the exact match in the data set for
proper prognostication about illness consequence. The training dataset

wi xi +bias=w1 x1 +w2 x2 +w3 x3 +w4 x4 +w5 x5 +bias ↦ linearRegression has previously been identified with a collection of wide-ranging cases
i=1 and information as mentioned in Table 1 diseases category. A misdiag­
nosis might have a substantial negative influence on the patient’s life.

1if w1 x1 +b⩾0 Therefore, there is a critical need to increase knowledge of rare diseases

output = f (x) = ↦feedforwardFunction in medical sciences. The NLP and DL approaches may be able to extract

0if w1 x1 +b<0 valuable information about rare diseases to make identifying and
treating them simpler.
1 ∑n
CostFunction = MSE = (y. − y)2
2m i=1 1.4. Deep learning multiplayer models for genomic selection

Linear regression is a trained DL model that determines the linear DL is revolutionizing how AI systems are created such as; until 2015;
connection between the variables by determining the best-fitting linear humans were better than artificial machines at solving a variety of
line among them. In learning algorithms, the KNN model is frequently computer vision problems related to object localization and recognition
used for non-linear regression. KNN simply implements non-linear using photographs [91]; however, in more recent years, earlier re­
regression in DL. Regression analysis’ supervised learning method is searchers [92,93], the abilities of artificial machines have surpassed
used to learn the relationship between the attributes and the goal. Each those of humans in this particular endeavour. Here we explore an
solution with an interval—for instance, between 1.2 and 5.6—is regar­ example of how the application of DL models has exceeded the perfor­
ded as a linear combination since the objective parameters are contin­ mance of other machine-learning algorithms and human abilities. As a
uous. Using a gradient-based technique, the backpropagation (BP) result, DL models have been applied to genomic selection since the
algorithm trains a feedforward architecture. The projected value is volume of data produced during the breeding of plants and animals
continuous rather than conditional when using linear regression as a keeps growing; DL approaches have also been used to predict the out­
classifier, making it susceptible to imbalance data. comes of genomic and biomedical research [94]. The outcomes for
In detail, DL, sometimes referred to as DNN models, have become datasets with a limited sample size are usually erratic and underperform
new and exciting tools for analyzing healthcare data because of their the -possibly exaggerated- expectations. In this step, we provide a meta-
high performance and quick methodological progress. Biomedical and picture that outperforms traditional genomic estimation models in
healthcare data has been employed in developing DL models. Optimi­ predictive accuracy. To effectively use DL approaches, it is essential to
zation features are used from fuzzy sets optimized cost, productivity, comprehend the basic concepts of DL and its needs for knowledge,
and time such as cost function, linear regression (LR), and feedforward computer resources, and data amount and diversity [95].
function. Google DeepMind [71] and IBM Watson [72] are two examples We also explored literature from earlier research [96]. We examined

Fig. 2. The working mechanism of a feedforward neural network (FFN) in deep learning to explore the optimized output.

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

Table 1 Table 2
Deep Learning Approaches for Predictive Disease Diagnosis: A Review of Multi- Comparing Deep Learning Approaches for Accurate Analysis of Genetically
Dataset Methods. Modified Crops and Animal Breeds.
Sr Disease Category Article Data DL Methods Crop& Animals Topology Comparison with different References
# breeds approaches

1 Breast Cancer [68] INbreast CNN + DBN Human traits MLP&CNN BayesB, BRR
2 [75] DDSM CNN
3 MIAS Pig data and MLP GBLUP, BL
4 [76] DM, SFM-UM DCNN TLMAS2010 data
5 DM, SFM-USF Six species MLP rrBLUP, BRR, BA, BB, BL, SVM,
6 [77] MITOS12 CNN GTB
7 TUPAC16 Holstein bulls MLP&CNN GBLUP, BayesBandRF
8 [78] 227 SWE Images DBN(PGBM)
Wheat and MLP BayesianRidgeregression(BRR
9 Gastric Cancer [79] AUC CNN [101]
10 Lung Cancer [80] LIDC/IDRI CNN + DBN +
Holstein-Friesian MLP GBLUP
SDAE [102]
11 Brain Cancer [80] BRATS FCNN + CRF-
12 [81] Dataset III from BCI CNN + SAE
Arabidopsis, MLP OLS, RR, LR, ER, BRR
13 Competition II [102]
maizeand wheat
14 Dataset 2b from BCI
Maize and wheat MLP PNN
16 Competition IV [103]
17 Cancer [82] RNA-seq (LUAD + STAD DNN GBLUP
+ BRCA) [104]
18 Multiple [83] Myelin and T1w CNN BMTME
19 sclerosis Images
20 [83] Myelin and T1w DBN BayesianOPLM
21 Images
Wheat MLP BL, BayesA, BayesB, BRR, RKHS
22 Parkinson [84] PPMI CNN [107]
24 Heart Failure [85] Sutter-PAMF RNN adopted [108]
25 [86] MIT-BIH DNN + DAE
Soybean CNN rrBLUP, BRR, BayesA, BL
28 Epilepsy and [87] EEG signals CNN [110,111]
Seizure Strawberry MLP&CNN RKHS, BRR, BL
29 Diabetic [88] E-ophtha CNN + HCF [112]
30 Retinopathy DIARETDB1 Arabidopsis MLP&CNN GBLUP, EGBLUP, BayesA
31 MESSIDOR [113]
32 Mental Workload [89] – SDAE
33 Multiple Disease [90] – SDN
RF RandomForest. ER ClassicElasticNetRegression
34 [88] Everyone Healthy SCDP
OLS OrdinalLeastSquare BL BayesianLasso
35 WebMD
See RR ClassicalRidgeRegression DBN DeepBeliefNetworks. .
36 MedlinePlus
LR ClassicalLassoRegression GTB GradientTreeBoosting
GP GeneralizedPoissonRegression EGBLUP ExtendedGBLUP

how effectively DL can handle challenging prediction problems and how biological investigation and their productivity, and explore how ge­
combining genomic and biomedical datasets and DL algorithms can netics relate to them based on highly proficient topology-based
hasten the shift in breeding practices that the genomic section technique approaches.
has already begun. Based on a literature review, we also discuss a few DL
approach trends and point out certain instances in which the DL meth­ 1.4.1. Meta-analysis of deep learning techniques for genomic selection
odology can be successfully used in genomic and biomedical research. In Multilayer Perceptron (MLPs) were shown to be better than the
addition, we recognize that further research is required before we can Bayesian linear model (BLM) in prediction accuracy for genomic pre­
adapt and enhance DL methods that consider the unique characteristics diction in multiple species [97,114]. The projected Pearson’s correlation
of breeders’ inputs and biomedical investigation rather than relying on (PPC) for comparing wheat to bottleneck bandwidth and round-trip time
the current DL tools and techniques. The benefits, drawbacks, and po­ (BRR) ranged from 0.48, 0.03, 0.54, 0.56, 0.6 and 0.7 and from
tential applications of DL in the future are also examined by comparing 0.59 to 0.02 points, depending on the MLP correlation. These findings
different methods in Table 2. demonstrate a fundamental contrast between shallow (BRR) and DL
As methods are mentioned in Table 2, Analyses of genetically (MLP). MLP surpassed BRR by 11.2, 14.3, 15.8, and 18.6 percent in
modified crops and animal breed variants have been transformed by measures of Pearson’s correlation between the first, second, third, and
technological innovations, resulting in the frequent creation of massive, fourth neurons. On the other hand, Gianola, et al. [101]found that for
complicated data sets. As a result, we find the literature and pursue data Jersey cow data, A six-neuron application of MLP surpassed the BRR in
where the conclusion is done because there are now more attempts fatty production (52 %), milk production (33 %), and protein production
being made by computational exports to combine different data sets in (82 %), both with pedigree or markers.
the context of DL and interpret these metrics to check the accuracy of According to Panda and Panda [115], Models based on radial basis
outputs. Meanwhile, DL has developed quickly and is now used in many functions and Bayesian regularized neural networks surpassed linear
research fields, including crops and animal breed sequencing & identi­ models in terms of effectiveness when generating predictions. According
fication in particular to study more attentional outputs. In the same way, to the authors [115], nonlinear models (including neural networks and
we investigate whether DL is used in conservation biology, genetically kernel models) surpassed regression analysis specifications when
modified crops, and animal breed variants. We concentrate on genetic- applied to grain datasets for forecasting purposes. The MLP, RKHS
based assessments based on review and literature at several morpho­ (reproducing kernel hilbert space), and BL regressions were tested on
logical stages via applying DL methods and topologies, ranging from 300 tropical inbred lines of maize with 21 combinations of environment-

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

trait. This model’s average trait-environment correlation (0.553), fared alternative strategy that has started to pave the way for collecting an­
better than RBFNN (0.557) and the linear model (0.554 to 0.551). notations, which may become a powerful instrument in the coming
Regarding trait-environment combination, 0.542 and total accuracy of years, is crowdsourcing. DL in biomedicine might benefit from including
prediction, RKHS, and RBFNN (radial basis function neural network) these bidirectional drivers [60].
outperformed an additive Bayesian LASSO (least absolute selection and To accomplish its long-term goals, precision medicine research has to
shrinkage operator) model. actively learn from all available biological, biomedical, and health data
[8]. In addition to medical gear and equipment, wearable sensors from
1.5. Multiplayer functions of deep learning incorporating biological smartphones and other devices produce health data. DL has a lot of
structure in biomedicine potential to interpret this data for disease detection, diagnosis, prog­
nosis, and treatment [60]. We anticipate that more DL applications are
The current state of the art for various tasks in patient and disease also available for disease prevention, epidemic prediction, and clinical
classification, basic biological research, genomics, and therapeutic decision-making. The fundamental objective of DL, AI, is being ach­
research, where DL-based approaches meet or surpass the prior state of ieved, and details of deep learning-based architectures for predicting
the art [116]. Given this continuous evolution, how do we investigate biomedicine properties using different computational languages are
human illness using deep learning? We conclude that deep learning has mentioned in Table 3. The DL’s cutting-edge image retrieval capability
not yet fully realized its significance or generated a strategic inflexion allows for various applications. Numerous DL architectures, including
point, even though the proper response mostly depends on the particular popular ones like Torch, Caffe, Theano, MXNet, DMTK, and TensorFlow,
domain and challenge. DL has not entirely “fixed” these issues, despite are open-source platforms. Some frameworks, like Keras, Lasagne, and
outperforming rival network constructivist approaches in many of the Blocks, are meant to be high-level wrappers that are simple to use.
areas discussed below and showing measurable gains in prediction
performance [60]. 2. The fundamentals of deep learning models
Medical images, electroencephalograms, genomic and protein se­
quences, and other physiological and biological data are created at an Before being employed in patient diagnosis and treatment, DL re­
ever-increasing rate due to developments in biology and medical tech­ quires high-quality databases that have been painstakingly developed
nology [117]. These details aid in our understanding of human health [93]. Use high-quality datasets to improve ML algorithms’ capacity to
and illness. ANN-based DL techniques have a lot of potential for sorting foresee and minimize the data needed for training and the complexity of
through complex data and spotting pattern traits. The development of learned representations. ImageNet, a database of annotated and onto­
high-throughput technology has resulted in an explosion of biomedical logically linked images, makes it feasible to use advanced DL algorithms
data during the last several decades, including genetic sequences, pro­ for image recognition [120]. Computer science can be applied to various
tein structures, and medical imaging. We’ll need robust and efficient tasks in biomedicine, and similar efforts are necessary [121]. To be
computing tools to store, analyze, and understand this big biological extensively employed in clinical settings, high-quality data sets for ML in
data. Algorithmic frameworks based on DL provide insight into these diagnosis and therapy must overcome technological, governmental, and
complex issues. This review also examines DL methods and modern financial challenges. Combining data from many compartmentalized
medical applications for bioinformaticians and informaticians. systems using federated learning is theoretically feasible since no correct
data transmission is required, and personal data may be retained [117].
1.5.1. Current updates of deep learning for predicting biomedicine At the pre-processing stage, DL may gather information from unstruc­
properties tured sources like health records and publications using wearables and
Due to advancements in biological and medical technology, we now other home appliances. The standardization and interchange of medical
have access to enormous volumes of physiologically based data, such as data must be desirable to biomedical organizations and individuals.
clinical images, electroencephalograms, genetic data, and meta- Insurance providers, drug manufacturers, and groups that fund biolog­
proteomics. Evaluating human health & pathology is made more ical research must be prepared to invest in data administration, infra­
accessible by using this data for learning [118]. DL-based algorithms, structure, and collection.
created from artificial neural networks, have significant potential for
identifying trends and characteristics in large amounts of complex data
[119]. This Perspective investigates the use of machine learning to 2.1. Deep learning algorithms and architectures
enhance diagnosis and therapy. We show how computer vision might
improve three critical areas of biological systems as we face various Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a crucial component of DL and
diseases and the natural ageing process: healthcare diagnostics, preci­ are critically embedded with ML algorithms to perform multiple tasks to
sion medications, and health monitoring. There are successful applica­ detect brain function [122]. Complex algorithms in ANNs imitate the
tions of computer vision and potential concerns in every industry. When brain’s capacity to perceive patterns, such as machine perceiving,
these issues are addressed using computer vision, a future of rigorous labelling and natural grouping input are used to interpret the sensory
medical results is possible, with detection, diagnostic, and treatment
methods that are constantly adjusted to personal and environmental Table 3
differences. Deep Learning Approaches for Predicting Biomedicine Properties through
DL necessitates technology breakthroughs in conjunction with Computational Languages.
balancing concerns, the large amount of data required, and labelling for Python C++ MATLAB JAVA Julia Lua
biological data [68]. In contrast to other varieties, minor medical im­ Chainer ConvNet DLToolBox DL4J Mocha Torch
aging changes may reveal the condition’s existence. As a result, high- Hebel TensorFlow MetConvNet ConvNetJS – –
resolution inputs, quick training, and many memories are necessary Theano Caffe – – – –
for image analysis. Developing a consistent evaluation tool for classi­ DeepNet Cuda-Convnet – – – –
Blocks MShadow
fying or predicting biological data is difficult. Except for prior systems, – – – –
Neon DMTK – – – –
we can tolerate some false positives and reject few, if any, false neg­ Pyleam2 MXNet – – – –
atives in disease diagnosis. When working with different data sets, Karas IntelDLfreamwork – – – –
examining the model correctly and fine-tuning it based on the data’s Genrism – – – – –
characteristics is critical. Fortunately, deeper networks with inception Lasagne – – – – –
modules are faster and more accurate in biological imaging analysis. An
– – – – –

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

data [123]. This data must be translated into numerical vectors to transformation, the number of journals published each year to identify
identify the patterns they seek in the real world. the usage in various scientific disciplines, we also present data analysis
Almost all of us are exploiting the advantages of the careful DL of publications regarding neural networks to conventional details about
models wrapped around smartphones’ covers daily. It goes with a basic different datasets.
auto-correction to requesting Alexa by Ram, et al. [124] for the news In Table 5a, We collect the data from the review and literature to
report or score to the chatbot aiding us with daily support issues and if identify the different Models for Sequence Analysis in genomics and
Facebook encourages us to tag our people based on recognizing the biomedicine and also provide the details about how they can be used in
photographs. These are rudimentary uses of DL models, but there are the future for the transformation of DL to predict computational results
many more complex implementations of DL [125]. Not forget driverless with maximum accuracy.
as well as autonomous autos! All of them function utilizing the foun­
dations of neural networks. NNs are not just a new age phenomenon; 2.1.1. Feedforward networks (FFNs) in genomics and biomedicine
they have existed for over 70 years. The researcher [126] created the An artificial deep neural network (ADNNs)has a single path of in­
first NN that constructed “computer simulations for NN models based on formation flow: from the input neurons to the output layer. Only neu­
threshold logic methods. rons in layers X1 andXn are linked, and the weights at the ends of those
In Table 4, we show the complete detail and mechanical phenomena connections might vary Wkj, WIk , Wml andWtm . It is not feasible to have
of DL approaches data flow towards contextual architecture in basic interconnections inside the same layer (no intralayer), nor can infor­
models, where NNs are forwarded in Training Feed-Forward Neural mation be sent from a higher layer to a bottom level (Fig. 3). It is the
Networks (FFNNs) and then forwarded to Convolutional Neural Net­ easiest way to train ANNs. It may be used for various applications in
works (CNNs) for addressing the wide-ranging challenges associated genomics and biomedicine if the input data are presumed unrelated.
with different diseases and make scientific purposes for non-domain
experts in medical science includes innovative healthcare system, 2.1.2. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
biomedicine, and genomic sections. Visual recognition tasks may benefit significantly from CNNs’ ability
AI-NNs, also known as NNs for DL domains, are crucial instruments to capture the temporal and spatial connections of the input data [140].
in medical science. Their extensive utilization previously was con­ The data’s grid layout allows CNN to use pictures as input by connecting
strained by antiquated technology, but as vast and complicated net­ a tiny number of neurons in the information, and parameter sharing
works could be taught, their popularity began to rise starting in the early increases the efficiency of the fitting process [141]. Fewer parameters
2000 s. DL is frequently employed in biomedicine, from machine vision need to be calculated as a consequence, which improves CNN’s perfor­
to diagnostics. This also covers more complicated subjects like crimi­ mance. In contrast to the FFNs, which only employ fully connected
nology. We show how the most recent networks flow with FFNNs and layers, CNN contains convolutional layers, which commonly integrate
how they work relying on features of review-based NNs, with an all three techniques: convolutional, nonlinear transformations, and
attention on the interpretation of biological data. Table 3 shows a va­ pooling. Statistical linear convolution process in which two matrices are
riety of technological aspects, including training algorithms and para­ conjoined to generate an output matrix called the feature map, which
digms proposed for addressing different disorders, that we review from may be understood as a filtering version from one of the matrices. There
the literature. To give a fundamental understanding of the use of NNs are fewer parameters and computations in a system when they are
pooled. Each feature map is treated separately by the pooling layer.
Down sampling is used in the most systematic pooling method, max
Table 4 pooling, so no new parameters are introduced; max pooling conducts
Deep Learning in Computational Medical Sciences: Neural Network Architec­
dimensional reduction and de-noising by summarizing the input as that
tures and Data Flow.
of the maximum in the vicinity of a rectangular neighborhood
Sr The NNs Training FFNNs CNNs [141,142]. The pooling method reduces the initial 4-by-4 matrix to a 3-
by-3-dimensional array with all features of input to output in the context
1 Building Intelligent The Fast-Food Problem Neurons in Human of activation, optimization, and cost reduction to make desired results,
Machines Vision
as mentioned in the formula.
2 Restrictions Placed Gradient Descent Shortcomings of Feature
on Modern Selection
Computer Systems
3 Mechanics of Learning Rates and the Intuitive Deep Neural
Machine Learning Delta Rule Networks Cannot Scale
4 Neuron Gradient Descent with An Image Preprocessing Table 5a
Sigmoidal Neurons Pipeline Allows for More Computational Models for Sequence Analysis in Medical Domains.
Resilient Models.
Sr. Models Models working details References
5 Expressing Linear The Backpropagation Visualizing Learning in
Perceptron’s as Algorithm Convolutional Networks
Neurons 1 ANN Analyzing Inputs of varying length [127]
6 Neural Networks Stochastic and Building a Convolutional 2 Neural N- Using Neural N-Grams for seq2seq [128]
with Feed-Forward Minibatch Gradient Network for CIFAR-10 Grams
Information Descent 3 NNs Making a Part-of-Speech Tagger Work [129]
7 Linear Neurons and Oversampling, Validity Using Convolutional 4 ANNs Parsing of dependencies and Syntax Net [130]
Their Limitations Sets, as well as Testing Networks to Close the 5 NNs Infrared Search and Normalization for the [131]
Set MNIST Loop Whole World
8 Sigmoid, Tanh, and Keeping Deep Neural Accelerating Training 6 ANNs DL Models that Are Stateful [132]
ReLU Neurons Networks from with Batch 7 NNs Neural networks that use recurrence [133]
Overfitting Normalization 8 CNN Problems Associated with Disappearing [134]
9 Softmax Output Multi-Class Neural Feature Spaces and Filter Gradients
Layers Networks 9 LSTM Long-Term Memory Retention (LSTM) [135]
10 RNN RNN Modeling with TensorFlow Primitives [136]
10 ConvNets Capture the low-level Convolutional Level 11 RNNs How to Put Sentiment Analysis into Practice [137]
features Detailed Explanation 12 RNNs Seq2seq problems can be solved using [138]
11 Gatys’s Neural VGG16 models pre- Replicating Artistic Recurrent Neural Networks.
Algorithm of Artistic trained Styles using 13 RNs Adding Attention to Recurrent Networks [138]
Style Convolutional Filters 14 NNs-RNs Anatomy of a Neuronal Translation System [139]

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

Fig. 3. Four hidden layers Wkj, WIk , Wml andWtm and an output layer y1 , y2 , y3 follow the input layer X1 andXn in a convolutional DL model with nine layers. Twelve
neurons, four in the first four hidden units and three inside the fourth are utilized to predict a subject’s qualities.

Input: nXn=nh Xnw Xnc processed via several convolutional layers to decrease the original rep­
Filtersize: fXf resentation (input) without omitting important information. The edges
Output: (n− f +1)X(n− f +1)=[{(nh − − f )/s+1}X{(nw − − f )/s+1}Xnc ] of a picture are captured in the first convolution layer. A deep FFNs
Explanation requires at least half of the variables to be established during the
z[1] =w[1] *a[0] +b[1] a[1] =g(z[1] ) learning process for CNNs (Fig. 3). As a byproduct of decreasing the
a[l+2] =g(z[l+2] +a[l] )a[l+2] =g(w[l+2] *a[l+1] +b[l+2] +a[l] ) parameters, training times are also reduced. As shown in Fig. 4, the
a[l+2] =g(a[l] )
amount of convolution layer may be increased to capture more
J(G)= a*JContent (C,G)+β*JStyle (S,G)
ai,j,k =activationsat(i,j,k) outstanding features at lower levels of complexity depending on the
input (pictures). A feedback mechanism fallows these convolutional
Due to the formula we explore, a convolutional layer is shown in layers (flattening layer), and the variables of interest may be predicted
further depth in Fig. 4. After a nonlinear modification like Linear or using the high-level qualities gleaned from pictures as input (Fig. 4).
ReLU, the input becomes convolutional (hyperbolic tangent& any acti­
vation function). Convolutional layers allow us to reduce the input data CNNs in biomedical domains. Convolutional Neural Networks
while maintaining all critical information dramatically. Each image is (CNNs) have gained significant popularity and success in various

Fig. 4. Deep Learning for Predicting Biomedicine Properties using Conventional Layers and Pooling Methods with Fully Connected Networks.

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

biomedical domains [143]. CNNs excel in extracting meaningful fea­ neurons [150]. RNNs differ from feedforward neural networks in that
tures from high-dimensional and complex biomedical data, such as they have at least one feedback loop because transmission happens both
medical images, genomic sequences, and physiological signals. In ways. RRNs are favoured for time series prediction because short
medical imaging, CNNs have revolutionized the field by achieving state- attention spans or delays significantly increase their strength. However,
of-the-art results in tasks such as image classification, object detection, the computational resources required to train these networks are sub­
segmentation, and disease diagnosis. CNNs have also shown promise in stantial. In Fig. 5, we explored the recurrent two-layer NN; each neu­
genomics and bioinformatics, where they can analyze DNA sequences, ron’s output is delayed before being distributed to the other neurons in
predict protein structures, and classify gene expression patterns [144]. the network. Here, the feedback control flow is computed, the input
The ability of CNNs to automatically learn hierarchical representations units get a single input variable, and the outputs are sent via auxiliary
of data, capture spatial dependencies, and generalize well to new sam­ inputs. Another set of unit activation will be generated as a result, and so
ples makes them a powerful tool in biomedical research and healthcare. on. Once the activations have subsided, the final output signals can be
Their impact in these domains is expected to grow, facilitating early used to forecast future behaviour.
disease detection, personalized medicine, and improved patient care.
Altan and NARLI [145] study focuses on enhancing transfer learning 2.1.4. The beep belief networks (DBNs)
in COVID-19 detection by incorporating Contrast Limited Adaptive DBNs were developed as an alternative to address several issues
Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)-based enhancement techniques. By encountered with traditional neural networks, such as slow learning,
improving the contrast and details in chest X-ray images, the proposed insufficient parameterization, and the need for large datasets. These
approach enhances the feature extraction capabilities of CNNs, resulting limitations prompted the creation of a new class of neural networks
in higher accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in COVID-19 diagnosis. known as DBNs. They were introduced as an alternative to regular
Earlier researcher [146] investigates the potential of DBNs in breast neural networks due to their ability to overcome the challenges identi­
cancer diagnosis using Region of Interest (ROI) images. By training fied by Larochelle, et al. [151], including their lack of discrimination.
DBNs to learn high-level representations of cancerous and non- DBNs offer a more efficient and effective approach by leveraging deep
cancerous regions, accurate classification of breast cancer is achieved. hierarchical structures to capture complex patterns and relationships in
DL architecture for mammogram classification in breast cancer auto­ data. These networks have gained popularity as they exhibit improved
matically learns discriminative features using CNN from mammographic learning capabilities, better parameterization, and can use smaller
images, enabling accurate classification of mammograms as either datasets.
benign or malignant [147]. Altan [148], proposed DL architecture for Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) have emerged as a promising approach
identifying breast cancer on mammography by learning diverse repre­ for the computerized analysis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
sentations of cancerous masses. The model utilizes deep learning tech­ (COPD). DBNs are deep learning models consisting of multiple layers of
niques to extract relevant features and patterns, leading to accurate hidden units, which are trained unsupervised using Restricted Boltz­
identification of breast cancer. mann Machines (RBMs). These networks can effectively extract relevant
features from various types of input data, including clinical data and
2.1.3. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) imaging modalities like CT scans or X-rays. The pretraining phase with
In Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), information can leak back RBMs enables the DBN to learn complex data representations. Subse­
into a lower layer due to synaptic connections, guaranteeing that it does quently, a fine-tuning phase using labelled data optimizes the network
not always travel in one direction [149]. In this classification, neural for specific COPD analysis tasks such as disease diagnosis, severity
networks with one or more layers may be connected. The system’s classification, and progression prediction [152]. By leveraging the deep
neurons are all connected by neural pathways, which use repeated hierarchical structure of DBNs, they can capture intricate patterns and
connections to convey information from one layer of neurons to another. relationships in the input data, leading to improved accuracy and
Incoming impulses link every neuron in the layer before, and neuronal automation in COPD analysis.
connections continue into the following layer and link among individual Similarly, deep learning techniques combined with 3D second-order

Fig. 5. Recurrent Two-Layer Neural Network for Time-Series Prediction.

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

difference plot analysis have been utilized to analyse respiratory sounds and dimensionality reduction [155]. To solve these problems, sparse,
[153]. By constructing a three-dimensional representation of the denoising and sub-complete autoencoders are used. Some applications
spectro-temporal patterns in respiratory sounds, deep learning models, for deep autoencoders include compression, recommendation systems,
such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or recurrent neural net­ feature extraction, and image reduction are engaging in the domain of
works (RNNs), can extract relevant features and patterns. This enables smart healthcare systems (SHS). Here in Fig. 7, we explore that input has
accurate classification, abnormalities detection, and disease progression rough and fuzzy data as input, and after that, an encoder encodes input
tracking. Training these models on large datasets of labelled respiratory data by using latent and bottleneck layers to provide an apparent image
sound recordings allows them to generalize and make predictions on as output, as mentioned in diagram graphics to view excellent dots
new, unseen data, thereby aiding in respiratory disease diagnosis, resolutions and celerity of blurriness.
monitoring, and treatment.
Generic models offer a combined probabilistic model over input data 2.1.6. Deconvolutional methods
and labels, making it more straightforward to estimate P(x|y) and P(y|x), In a seismology experiment, a person is given drugs; the computa­
in contrast to discriminative models, which only use P(y|x). DBNs tional methods compute the source shock wave and the absorption
comprise numerous layers of neural nets, or “Boltzmann Machines,”. In process. The use of logical-mathematical equations for augmentation
Fig. 6, we show the phenomena of a visible layer catches the data as an and attenuation of the seismic background subtraction problem is used
input, as well as a hidden layer processing data in the mode of health to tackle this problem. Reconstructing undetected basal and pulse-like
care already provided rule-based algorithms to handle big data secretory contributions while accounting for random sampling error is
(OMICS), computational data flow, and transparency; at the end, the the goal when dealing with pulse-like hormone-concentration patterns.
top-level units show the output based on node 1 to node two and provide When fluorescence from out-of-focus structures is included in an
many available options for each of these characters to solve the problem image, deconvolution is a treatment process that can be employed to
with very efficient way. remove the blurring [156]. The most popular use is wide-field fluores­
cence, although it may also enhance phase-based images and conven­
2.1.5. Deep autoencoder tional image stacks. If a wide-field picture is deconvolved, noise is
A deep autoencoder is a feedforward neural network (FNN) type removed or reassigned to the originating planes, whereas fluorescence
comprising multiple hidden layers to transfer input data to output microscopy uses a pinhole to eliminate unwanted information [157].
neurons. The key components of the autoencoder architecture are the
encoder and decoder functions, which play a crucial role in recon­ 2.1.7. Performance metrics for intelligent healthcare systems
structing the data. The structure of a deep autoencoder typically in­ Performance metrics play a crucial role in evaluating the effective­
cludes input, hidden, and output layers, enabling the network to learn ness and efficiency of IHS. IHS aim to optimize these performance
and represent complex patterns in the data [154,155]. The DL model can metrics to enhance accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and precision and
be used to analyze the severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Dis­ reduce false positive and false negative rates. IHS can improve diag­
ease (COPD) using multi-channel lung sounds [152]. By compressing the nostic accuracy, patient outcomes, and overall healthcare efficiency by
lung sound recordings into a lower-dimensional latent space and achieving high performance in these metrics, as mentioned in Table 5b.
reconstructing them, deep autoencoders can extract meaningful features In terms of performance, CNNs outperform Feedforward Networks.
related to COPD severity [152]. The model is trained on labelled data­ CNNs achieve an accuracy of 95.7 %, which is higher than the accuracy
sets of lung sounds to learn patterns associated with different severity of 92.3 % achieved by Feedforward Networks. CNNs also exhibit a
levels. This approach can potentially enhance COPD diagnosis, moni­ higher sensitivity of 91.2 % and a specificity of 96.5 %, indicating their
toring, and personalized treatment. ability to identify both positive and negative instances correctly. The
The Deep Auto Encoder Architecture is one of the most popular ap­ precision of CNNs is 94.8 %, indicating a low rate of false positives, and
plications in the context of DL algorithms used for data reconstruction the F1 score is 92.7 %, indicating a good balance between precision and

Fig. 6. Efficient Data Processing in Healthcare Using OMICS, Computational Flow, and Transparent Algorithms.

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

Fig. 7. Encoding Rough and Fuzzy Data for Improved Image Output using Latent and Bottleneck Layers.

Table 5b
Performance Metrics of different Networks for IHS.
Network Type Accuracy ( Sensitivity ( Specificity ( Precision ( F1 Score ( Response Time False Positive False Negative
%) %) %) %) %) (ms) Rate ( %) Rate ( %)

Feedforward Networks 92.3 87.6 95.4 91.2 89.3 50 4.6 12.4

Convolutional Neural 95.7 91.2 96.5 94.8 92.7 100 3.2 8.8
Networks (CNNs)
CNNs in Biomedical Domains 93.5 89.7 94.8 92.1 90.4 80 5.2 10.3
Recurrent Neural Networks 89.1 85.2 91.5 87.9 86.3 150 8.5 14.8
Bayesian Belief Networks 86.7 82.4 88.9 85.2 83.6 200 11.1 17.6
Deep Autoencoders 91.8 87.9 94.2 90.6 88.9 70 5.8 12.1
Deconvolutional Methods 94.2 90.5 95.8 93.6 91.9 120 4.2 9.5

recall. However, CNNs have a slightly higher response time of 100 ms 3. Key deep learning tools and techniques for disease diagnosis
compared to 50 ms for Feedforward Networks. The false positive rate for
CNNs is 3.2 %, and the false negative rate is 8.8 %, indicating a relatively Doctors have used the traditional approaches for decades to diagnose
low rate of misclassifying positive and negative instances. It is important the disease: they look at the symptoms, conduct lab tests, and consult
to note that another variant of CNNs is designed explicitly for biomed­ medical diagnostic standards. A new generation of AI and computer
ical domains. This specialized variant achieves an accuracy of 93.5 %, a vision& DL advancements have enabled computers to identify and
sensitivity of 89.7 %, and a specificity of 94.8 %. The precision is 92.1 %, detect diseases accurately. In this blog article, data scientists may utilize
and the F1 score is 90.4 %. The response time for this variant is 80 ms, ML and DL approaches to train models for disease diagnosis.
with a false positive rate of 5.2 % and a false negative rate of 10.3 %. A few years ago, discovering and developing new medicines was
This indicates that CNNs can be optimized for specific domains to primarily the responsibility of a small team of researchers and scientists
improve their performance in specialized applications. who worked in a laboratory. Having one medicine authorized for use
RNNs achieve slightly lower performance compared to both Feed­ based on a single sickness connection would require significant time and
forward Networks and CNNs. RNNs demonstrate an accuracy of 89.1 %, cost investment in screening, validation, and synthesis procedures. The
sensitivity of 85.2 %, and specificity of 91.5 %. The precision is 87.9 %, development of several bioinformatics, pharmacoinformatic, and auto­
and the F1 score is 86.3 %. However, RNNs have a higher response time mated analysis tools of DL with various model combinations has sped up
of 150 ms and relatively higher false positive and false negative rates of the process of identifying novel medications to treat various diseases and
8.5 % and 14.8 %, respectively. Bayesian Belief Networks, another type their effects. Therefore, the combinational tools of DL, as mentioned in
of neural network model, achieve an accuracy of 86.7 %, sensitivity of Table 4, were made possible by technological advances in computa­
82.4 %, and specificity of 88.9 %. The precision is 85.2 %, and the F1 tional techniques mixed with an increase in multi-omics datasets shown
score is 83.6 %. However, they have a higher response time of 200 ms in Table 5c. However, developing AI, ML, and DL combinations has
and relatively higher false positive and false negative rates of 11.1 % and further streamlined the traditional clinical research method. ML/DL-
17.6 %, respectively. based methodologies can precisely identify patterns and algorithms
Deep autoencoders achieve an accuracy of 91.8 %, sensitivity of 87.9 that can be used to recognize potent therapeutic substances with a
%, and specificity of 94.2 %. The precision is 90.6 %, and the F1 score is significantly lower asset in terms of time, workforce, and money via
88.9 %. The response time is 70 ms, with a false positive rate of 5.8 % applying extensive biological data in the form of big data in numerous
and a false negative rate of 12.1 %. Deconvolutional Methods achieve an databases worldwide. The combinational perspective of DL with a
accuracy of 94.2 %, sensitivity of 90.5 %, and specificity of 95.8 %. They conditional perspective provides a detailed mechanism where DL-based
demonstrate good precision at 93.6 % and an F1 score of 91.9 %. The methods can be used to identify multiple diseases and address compu­
response time is 120 ms, with a low false positive rate of 4.2 % and a tational challenges (Table 6).
false negative rate of 9.5 %. Finally, the CNNs generally outperform
other types of neural network models in terms of accuracy, sensitivity,
specificity, precision, and F1 score. However, the choice of the neural 3.1. Deep learning approaches in intelligent healthcare systems (IHS)
network model depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand
and the trade-offs between performance metrics such as response time Healthcare study has been increasing in recent years to provide
and false positive/negative rates. improved health care. The healthcare industry offers various basic and
specialized services depending on the patient’s needs. An absence of
specialists, a lack of health services in rural places, traffic jams that

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

Table 5c Table 5c (continued )

Conditional working of DL-based tools and techniques for targeting wide- Sr. Targeted diseases Conditional working of DL-based References
ranging diseases. # tools and techniques
Sr. Targeted diseases Conditional working of DL-based References machine learning techniques
# tools and techniques (MLTs).
1 Prognosis and Early ML algorithms may be used to [158] 9 Parkinson’s Disease Detecting Parkinson’s disease (PD) [167]
Identification of identify a wide range of has been made possible via deep
Cancer malignancies. DL and CNN may be learning algorithms (DLAs) that use
used to identify melanoma from movement-related characteristics of
images of skin lesions and provide the body as input. CNNs may be
the opportunity for image analysis, used to predict disease progression
segmentation, and implementation and monitor signs of stress and
of other role-based algorithms. despair, which are common side
Combining different role-based effects of PD.
methods is very feasible to predict
the presence of cancer tumors at an
early stage. DNN is also applied to prevent patients from getting to a hospital on time, and patients who
provide a detailed study for don’t like to see a doctor can all be addressed via a mobile or remote
automatically detecting different healthcare application. A shortage of geriatric specialists has been
diseases using X-ray and
mammography pictures.
exacerbated by the rise in elderly persons seeking medical care. Wear­
2 Heart Diseases Data scientists can use computer [159] able sensors monitor a patient’s physiological signals, which are then
vision techniques to detect cardiac sent to a computer, smartphone, or the cloud for analysis. DL approaches
disease. In the vascular system that eliminate the need for a patient to attend the clinic in either case;
delivers oxygen-rich blood back to
consequently, healthcare apps enable effective treatments in real-time
the heart & brain, for instance,
coronary arterial disease (CAD) is a [180].
disorder where plaque accumulates. Medical research has benefited from technological advancements
Data analysts can train a DNN to [116]. New healthcare applications may be created because of new
diagnose illness on pictures taken technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), wireless connection, ML
from health scans, including CT or
MRI machines, to visualize CAD.
techniques, and AI [181,182]. Diabetes, obesity, psychological health,
3 Liver Diseases Liver illness has been diagnosed [160] cardiac illness, and chronic disease have all been successfully treated
using AI-related approaches, with mobile applications for preventative healthcare. For rehabilitation
including ML/DL and computer and aged care, real-time monitoring of human activities is used. As a
vision algorithms. Researchers have
result, falls and odd behaviours can be prevented by keeping track of
employed DNN to detect fatty liver
disease or steatosis in ultrasound daily activities. Mobile sensors and wearable gadgets are employed to
images using disease indicators such monitor daily routines (ADL). The wearables (e.g., inertial sensors and
as liver texture and echogenicity. smartphones) are placed on the body (e.g., in various body regions) (e.
4 Lung’s Diseases The output of DL methods and [161] g., chest, head, waist, wrist, hand). A wireless network of sensors is used
classification of images in the
context of lung details study can be
to gather and transmit data on body posture. Early cancer diagnosis in
used by data scientists to detect several organs, such as the breast, lungs, brain, and liver, is another
numerous diseases like tuberculosis, critical use. This earlier discovery was made possible by advances in
pulmonary nodules, and lung image processing technologies.
masses. For example, DL researchers
Additionally, image processing can be used to analyze neurodegen­
have done substantial work on
illness detection using erative disorders like Alzheimer’s, and picture biomarkers can be
characteristics derived from CT- employed in clinical practice to diagnose these diseases. Since AI and IoT
scanned x-ray images. enable better patient diagnosis decisions, healthcare services are
5 Autistic Disorder Neuroimaging & DL can be used to [162] improved due to their implementation [183]. As in Fig. 8, we mentioned
diagnose autism spectrum disorder.
An autistic child’s eyes can be
e conversion of Basic biomedical data as input to translate it using
tracked using computational multiple DL tools and techniques based on role-based algorithms to
techniques like DL methods, create an efficient output in favour of humanity applications and the
computer vision, face detection, internal structure of whole individuals for providing multidomain
face image analysis, and eye
biomedical benefits.
6 Diabetic Retinopathy High blood sugar can damage the [163]
Disease Diagnosis retina’s tiny blood vessels, which is
one example of this condition. 3.2. Deep learning potentials to target power of intelligent healthcare
Computer vision techniques such as systems (IHS)
segmentation, illness classification,
and other forms of DL may be used
to diagnose this disease using ML The traditional medical system depends on the knowledge of medical
approaches deep - learning - based specialists to recognize and foresee health issues [184]. Experts can
(e.g., convolutional neural ignore the data in various formats and feature space definitions. DL and
networks). ML may automatically predict and retrieve these patterns and feature
7 Psoriasis Disease A deep-learning model may be used [164]
Diagnosis to create algorithms for diagnosing
spaces [116]. The proliferation of digital health records has spurred
psoriasis using images of lesions. researchers in medical data analysis. For large datasets, these strategies
8 Alzheimer’s Disease DNNs or support vector machines [165,166] are powerful & execute well in feature extraction and pattern detection.
(SVM), as well as characteristics Fig. 9 shows how DL is applied in healthcare applications. NN is used to
collected from natural speech, may
forecast, diagnose, treat, or follow it inside the health service by feeding
be used to help in the diagnosis of
Alzheimer’s disease through it with multimedia data. Learning has been used in visual extracting
features, language recognition, and textual analysis. Mobile applications
or medical institutions may get information from wearable devices and

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

Table 6 Table 6 (continued )

List of advanced DL methods and their uses for targeting multifunctional Sr. DL Methods
diseases. no.
Sr. DL Methods help diagnose, the result is known as a
no. CAC-GAN [176].
1 Convolutional Neural Networks A diagnostic technique application in 8 Neural networks with attention- DL is a method for generating medical
(CNNs) multifunctional diseases uses DL, such based features (Attentional NNs) diagnoses, and a specific type of NN
as ANNS has at least three layers: may take context into account while
convolutional, pooling, & fully linked. creating predictions about its output
A disease-specific extracting features using a learning algorithm, making it
model built with CNN can be used to well-suited for demanding tasks like
diagnose disease. Medical depictions identifying diseases and formulating
can also be used for prediction, treatment plans [177]
diagnosis, and medicine discovery 9 Adversarial autoencoders (AAE) The DL approach known as Adversarial
(MD). Disease categorization, illness Autoencoders (AAE) may be used to
segmentation, and disease construct feature extraction models.
identification are some disorders that Two parts make up this system: an
can be diagnosed using CNN. Imagery encoder and a decoder. An image or
aids in diagnosing diseases, as CNN can symptom encodes a disease-relevant
treat skin cancer, prostate cancer, heart trait and is decoded to provide a
disease, etc. [168]. disease-relevant characteristic [178].
2 Fully Convolutional Networks DL algorithms may diagnose sickness 10 Auxiliary output GANs (GAN-AO) DL is a technique for determining if a
(FCNs) from text data, such as patient medical patient is ill, and a GAN-AO is used to
records (PMRs) stored in healthcare distinguish between malignant and
information systems (HCIS) and CNN, benign tumours and those that are
used to explore wide-ranging disease healthy or ill in diabetic patients. It
diagnoses [169]. resembles a discriminatory adversarial
3 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Machine translation models, for network [179].
/ LSTM example, frequently employ deep
reinforcement learning in their work.
This system has at least one or two telephones. A DL model can provide unique and efficient solutions to
stacks of neural network recurrent cells complex and noisy healthcare data [185]. To do this, DL uses multilayer
called LSTM [170]. A disease-specific neural networks, which can represent input data features effectively. As
language model, such as disease
symptoms or medical information, may
in Fig. 9, we explore that DL technologieDL technologieDL tech­
be created using an RNN to help in nologieDL technologieDL technologies have influenced Medical appli­
disease diagnosis of different diseases cations. These tools allow for the handling of multi-dimensional input
such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and data (e.g., OMICS-Big data), the learning of correlations between data in
Crohn’s disease [85].
the context of data transparency (e.g., images, text, information, real
4 Dilated Convolutions (DLs) A disease diagnostic technique uses DLs
for weight matrixes in DNNs that can be vitalization, sound, and voices), the extraction of prediction models (e.
adjusted in size (dilation). Numerous g., model and systems), and the analysis of real-time data trends (e.g.,
DL applications exist, including object predication, diagnosis, and treatments). After monitoring, the patient’s
detection and segmentation in image clinical data can be examined to determine the prognosis; for instance,
processing or computer vision systems
such as disease classification & disease
DL can find patterns in clinical data to forecast patient health or, more
segmentation challenges [171]. precisely, diagnose disorders (e.g., healthcare system outputs).
5 Generative Adversarial Networks Detection and prediction of illness DNN, information from the unstructured text (input data) can be
(GANs) onsets using a DL algorithm such as used to locate clinical triage textual data [186]. Healthcare costs and
GANs; there are two networks: a sample
lives rate can be improved using DNNs and advanced Internet of Things
generator and an assessment network
[172]. Patients’ medical records (IoT) applications to identify & diagnose disease early and provide
(PMRs) can be loaded into GAN to preventative therapy [182]. Due to the massive development of DL ap­
identify illnesses. GAN uses clinical plications in medical sciences, there is a substantial branch of big data
symptoms & medical information to originating from healthcare tenders, and healthcare research ap­
develop a model of disease onset [173].
Leukaemia & myocardial infarction are
proaches are in great demand [187]. The medical data source is patient-
among the conditions for which GAN taken sensors, records, pictures, and videos. Traditional diagnosis relies
may be utilized to build disease on the medical professionals’ practical experience and is based on
prediction models (heart disease). symptoms, antecedents, and consultation information.
6 Classifier GANs with auxiliary DL is a technique for disease diagnosis,
Nevertheless, adopting this diagnostic method could result in a
GAN (AC-GAN) and this adversarial network comprises
the generating & discriminatory mistake due to human error. It’s also possible that patients or medical
networks. AC-GAN is more accurate professionals won’t use the information collected well. Medical imaging
than GAN as it combines information has become increasingly dependent on images and videos during the
from both models utilizing disease- past decade. As a result, improvements in extensive data analysis have
specific extraction characteristics,
illness images, symptoms, or medical
simplified the diagnosis and treatment of ailments, and the purpose of
data. Based on supervised learning, AC- contemporary healthcare techniques is to build a system that can be
GAN may be used to create multiple used to examine the association between conditions and illnesses or
models for disease classification and investigate therapies, disease patterns, and risk factors [188].
detection [174,175].
7 Generative Adversarial Network DL algorithms may enhance
with Convolutional Auxiliary classification tasks like illness diagnosis 3.3. Computational methods of deep learning in biomedical research
Classifiers and prediction. When a disease image,
symptom, or medical information is
merged with a classifier network to DL approaches have profoundly impacted bioinformatics, making it
a hugely successful field. In the DL community, we’ve tackled most of
the main computational methods biologists use. Despite this, the third

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

Fig. 8. Translating Basic Biomedical Data using Deep Learning Tools and Techniques for Multidomain Biomedical Benefits.

Fig. 9. Influence of Deep Learning on Medical Applications for Improved Clinical Data Analysis and Forecasting.

type period has brought new chances and challenges for the DL com­ Post-genomic findings have made it possible to create multi-scale ge­
munity to work together. The DL categories of classification, clustering, netic profiles that can be utilized to develop personalized treatment
& regression may be used to handle biomedical research issues such as plans in precision oncology (multi-omics). Rapid advances in genetics
gene signatures, genetic analyses, gene-phenotype linkages, and gene and technology have resulted in enormous data being created in the
interactions. -omics study area. Examples include next-generation sequence (NGS)
based technologies, high-throughput platforms, and related genomic
3.4. Deep learning and genomics data analysis sequence affiliation studies like GWAS, which generate quantifiable
gene expression profiles and identify many genetic variations. These
Numerous disease groups were categorized and stratified using ma­ platforms measure the expression of thousands or even tens of hundreds
chine learning techniques that have been suggested and put to the test. of genes (e.g., RNA-seq technology).
(For example, treatment response, the likelihood of severe adverse ef­ Genome analysis may experience a fundamental transformation as a
fects, or the probability of a favourable result.) Classes may be discov­ result of the promising technology that applies DL to genomic data,
ered, groups of comparable feature space may be found, and instances which is increasing exponentially because a large number of biological
may be classified using the Least one occasion et al. approach for cate­ data sets that are now available and the application of cutting-edge
gorizing cases and mixed data. These techniques have been used for successes in DL domains like computer vision or NLPs, deep genomics,
multi-level genomic classification, particularly in the investigation of or the integration of DL to genomic sequences is actively changing
cancer. computational biology. The conventional genetic effect model allows
Precision medicine techniques that use genetic and clinical data and participants to adapt to complex interactions between data and output
the power of DL in prognostic prediction are found in the literature. with the potential to respond to highly complex structures, as described

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

in Table 7. The variable features are modelled through a mixed simu­ mechanical comprehension of genomic biology. DNA and chromatin’s
lation setting. According to literature reviews, several standard genomic complexity and vast information remain obstacles to a thorough un­
Bayesian estimate methods have also been identified. The success of the derstanding of the genome’s activities and interactions [210]. New in­
most recent, realistic models presented in the section on DL tools, al­ sights can be gained by utilizing genomic data from large numbers of
gorithms, and processes in genomics shows that DL is an effective individuals in genotype-phenotype correlation, regulatory function
technique in functional genomics. Here, we focus on deep learning (DL) prediction, and mutation classification. New and imaginative techniques
techniques often utilized in genomic settings, such as CNNs, GANs, FNN, in genomic research are needed to increase our understanding of
ANN, NLP, RNNs, LSTMs, AE, BLSTMs, and GRU, which are mentioned fundamental physiology and its relationship to illness. Computer vision
in Table 7. that employs ML can extract features and attributes from input data is an
exciting and promising technology in genomics [211]. DL has proven
particularly effective when dealing with enormous amounts of data,
3.5. Practical approaches of deep learning in genetics and healthcare
especially in image identification and robotics (e.g., self-driving auto­
mobiles). In this regard, using ML as a genomics technique is appropriate
It is interesting to see how DL may be applied to genomic datasets,
[212]. DL has several applications in genomics, from cancer diagnosis
and this field is poised to transform genome analysis shortly. We are
and treatment to agricultural development, epidemiology and public
excited about the promise machine learning holds to help us better
health, genetics, population genetics, and evolutionary or phylogenetic
understand genome biology, & we also hope this interest will spread to
analyses [213].
other areas of genomics study [207]. Biological sciences are being
The most incredible significant breakthrough in functional genetic
transformed into “big data” disciplines due to recent advances in high-
analyses has been accomplished via ML. Thanks to the wealth of training
throughput genomic & biomedical data. Advances in deep neural net­
datasets, it is now feasible to create effective forecast models for gene
works are transforming both image recognition & natural language
expression and genome regulation or variation interpretation (For
processing at the same time [208]. Speech recognition and picture
example, methylation, chromatin accessibility, histone modifications,
classification are two recent examples of widely used DL. Complex
and chromosomal connections)[214].
regression and categorization tasks, where the high-dimensional data’s
Splice-site prediction and detecting long non-coding RNAs are two
detailed structure is challenging to detect using traditional ML methods,
more features that can be examined [215]. Improved genetic traits and
have considerably improved DL performance. Predicting the functioning
functions may be predicted when more data is available, making it
and structure of genomic regions like promoters, enhancers, or gene
feasible to train more robust models. Genome research may benefit from
expression levels using DL techniques is becoming increasingly popular
DL, but caution and attention are required when using it [216]. It is
in biology [209].
recommended that DL can be used on biological datasets with a sub­
More than three billion base pairs make up the human genome.
stantial number of samples, often in the tens of thousands. Because of
Recent technological developments have greatly improved the
their inherent “black box” nature, DNNs cannot be fully understood or
transparent [217]. There might be significant effects from little changes
Table 7
in the input data, so it is essential to remember these when analyzing the
List of DL models used in genomics via targeting OMICS data to resolve com­
results. The increased complexity supplied by DL must be compared
plexes problems.
with simpler computer models with lower dimensionality to confirm
DL model OMICS data Purpose / Prediction References that the information has not been overfitted. As with any new technol­
ogy, DL can be beneficial or detrimental depending on how the data is
RNN miRNA-mRNA pairing Target prediction [189] evaluated and the questions being answered [218].
According to statistics, supervised learning consists of three essential
LSTM positive pre-miRNA and miRNA target [190]
non-miRNA parts [219]. The first is a device that produces random numbers at
ANN RNA-Seq Control-Cases [191] random times P(x) , the second is a supervisory (or a teacher) who offers Y
AE Time-series gene Pre-Processing Step for [192] for every P(y|x ), and the third is a class of machine language P(x) [220]:
expression Clustering
AE cDNA microarrays Predict the Organization of [193]
Vapnik first proposed this idea in 1998 [221]. X1 , Y1 , ..., (Xn , Yn ) are
Transcriptomic Machinery known as that of the training data. The task is how to choose from f(x,y) :
AE gene expression Identification/ [194] an f that best predicts the supervisor’s reaction Y in the “best” feasible
Reconstruction of way from the joint probability P(x,y) =P(y|x ) When Y it is a continuous
Biological Signals
RNN expression of landmark Gene Expression Inference [195]
variable, the challenge of learning is known as a prediction model to
genes minimize the quadratic loss function; we look for the optimal parameter.
CNN histone modifications Classify Gene Expression [196] ∑
[03B8] ∧ 1 = argmin[03B8] ∈ Θ1n ni = 1(Yi − f (Xi, [03B8]))2.
LSTM histone modifications Classify Gene Expression [197]
DBN gene expression, DNA Identification of Key Genes [198] In this case, the learning issue is a categorization or pattern-
methylation, and and miRNAs recognition problem. Y is dichotomous. The cross-entropy function is
miRNA expression a widespread loss function in classification problems.
CNN whole-genome sequence Variant Caller [199]

ANN cell-line with drug Predict Drug Response [200] [03B8] ∧ 2 = argmin[03B8] ∈ Θ1n i
CNN whole-genome sequence Predict Quantitative [201] = 1n[ − Yilogf (Xi, [03B8]) − (1 − Yi)log(1 − f (Xi, [03B8]))].
Epigenetic Variation
Multiple mRNA and miRNA Normal or Disease State [202] When f(x, [03B8]) = xTθ, θ ∧ 1 becomes the classical least squares
AEs and Cancer Type estimator in linear regression. Similarly, θˆ2 is the estimator for co­
CNN Single-cell methylation Predicts Missing [203]
efficients in a logistic regression if f(x, [03B8]) = (1 + e − xT[03B8]) − 1.
Methylation States and
Detects Sequence Motifs Activation function functions can be employed in the output layer
CNN and DNA-seq Predicting the Function of [204,205] when solving regression issues [222]. But in hidden layers, nonlinear
RNN DNA Directly from activation functions must be used. Neuronal networks can now record
Sequence Alone nonlinear interactions between input and output data thanks to the
GANs DNA-seq Optimize the Synthetic [206]
introduction of nonlinear activation functions [223]. Instead, a neural
Gene Sequences

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

net collapse to a regression analysis or a logistic regression when acti­ ML, and DL creation [232]. The framework for ML/DL-based strategies
vation functions are applied in hidden layers. The hidden layer separates is large-scale biological data in the form of big data, which is present in
a perceptron from a neural net with only one hidden layer. Nonlinear many global databases. This data helps select patterns and models that
activation functions applied to a weighted sum of weights & inputs can be applied to recognize pharmaceutically active compounds with
generate the hidden units in the hidden layer in the same way as that of much less time, workforce, and capital investments. The general con­
the processors in a perceptron [224]. cepts in the drug research pipelines in this study are introduced by an
overview of the drug discovery and development domains where ML/DL
3.6. Deep learning in genomics and biomedicine for drug development may be employed [227].
Schormann developed an advanced computational DL method to
Artificial intelligence-based medication development has lately simulate three-dimensional protein surfaces and chemical diagrams for
gained attention due to its ability to cut the time and money required to the ligands. The two modes were then combined to forecast a molecular
produce new drugs. Various DL-based techniques emerge at every stage docking score. Researchers then evaluated the abovementioned strategy
of the drug development process as DL increases technical and drug- against several baseline techniques and achieved excellent results. Re­
related data. It has been a challenge for pharmaceutical researchers to searchers Richards [233] digitally screened billions of ligands as part of
choose and design prospective medications for preclinical testing of a the worldwide Grand Challenge, and several substances will be experi­
target of interest. The two most demanding tasks are drug interaction mentally verified in the lab for potential COVID-19 pharmaceutical
prediction and the creation of novel molecules suited for the desired therapies.
target [225]. DrugBank and ZINC datasets were searched using the MT-DTI model
Even drug discovery has been transformed by DL, which has altered to identify 1,400 authorized medicines with a high affinity for the host
many fields of science and technology. As pathogens evolve and re- tissue targets critical for viral infection [181,234]. This method led to
emerge, traditional drug-discovery strategies cannot keep up with the discovery of therapeutic candidates with a high binding affinity
their fast development and re-emergence. NN and Naive Bayesian al­ (100 nM) for the ACE2 receptor and transmembrane serine two pro­
gorithms are some of the most modern tools for drug development teases. SARS-CoV-2 may be prevented from infecting human cells by
[226]; because of the larger data sets provided by high throughput Enalaprilat’s affinity for ACE2 [235]. Two of the pharmaceutical pos­
screenings, these alternative drug discovery approaches can better sibilities revealed, Daclatasvir and Ombitasvir, are both proven HCV
anticipate the targets’ bioactivities and chemical features. The versa­ inhibitors and may be able to treat HCV and SARS-CoV-2 together [236].
tility of NN design distinguishes DL from other ML techniques used for DL-based knowledge graphs were used by MacLean [237], to identify
drug development [29,227]. Due to the high costs and long lead times promising SARSCoV2 therapeutics.
associated with traditional drug development, deep understanding holds DL tools and techniques combine data from more than 20 million
great promise for speeding up the process [228]. For identifying the Journal entries with the DrugBank database and fifteen million edges
most promising medications against certain diseases, DL can analyze spanning 39 kinds of connections between expression profiles, genes,
large-scale chemical libraries for biological, chemical, or topological pathways, drugs, and disorders for Insilco research and investigation.
features [5]. A wide range of DL approaches has been created during the Researchers have used a combination of DL and molecular simulations
past few years, although their use in drug development has not yet to choose potential treatments for RdRp (RNA-dependent RNA poly­
achieved its promise. The time and resources needed to collect signifi­ merase). Pralatrexate & Azithromycin, two available commercial drug
cant volumes of data are a major roadblock for researchers who want to options, were shown to limit SARS-CoV-2 multiplication in vitro. Before
construct their DL models for drug detection [229]. Due to recent ad­ and after SARS-CoV-2 penetrated host cells, Azithromycin was more
vances with mixed methods of DL-ML algorithms drug predictor can­ effective than Pralatrexate.
didates have been prioritized using open databases based on The earlier researcher [238], combining a DL model with a tradi­
computational screenings recently to get many flexible adjustments for tional algorithm has resulted in an algorithm that can find drugs that
drug development and optimization. interact with 3D regions of protein targets such as MolAICal’sDL model,
the PDB-bind database and the ZINC database of drug-like compounds.
3.6.1. Recent drug-driven methods in deep learning The cell membrane glucagon receptor (GCGR) and SARSCoV2 main
The traditional medication design process is time-consuming, protease were used to demonstrate MolAICal’s drug discovery and
expensive, and riddled with failure; researchers test billions of mole­ development capabilities (MP2). Using QSAR models, an ML platform
cules, but only a handful make it to developmental or clinical trials performs Deep Docking to explore the ZINC database for potential drug
[230]. The average new medication initial investment in the pharma­ candidates. DL and molecular docking approaches were used to identify
ceutical sector is approximately $2.6 billion, with success rates natural medicines against SARS-CoV-2 [181]. The ChEMBL database has
frequently falling below 10 %. High-throughput screening is one of the more than 8,200 possible anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug options [239]. Since so
first phases of drug development for a given target, and DL has the po­ few are available, DL algorithms and other computer technologies are
tential to dramatically shorten the drug development lifecycle by doing used to find potential SARS-CoV-2 drugs [240]. Furthermore, the com­
a virtual screening of large datasets of putative therapeutic compounds pounds undergoing clinical testing will be identified using DL.
against a particular target (e.g., a protein) associated with some known
illness [90]. DL demonstrates the capacity, particularly with comput­ 3.7. Deep learning opportunities and challenges in genomics and
erized technology, to reduce the complexity of pharmacological devel­ biomedicine
opment and avoid the enormous expense and time required to bring a
medicine to market [29]. Due to the complexity of large datasets, DL models are ideal for
Before a few decades ago, the process of developing a medicine was capturing non-additive effects and complex interrelationships without
restricted to a group of therapeutic applications functioning in a lab that additional variables in the predictors [105,112]. Even though DL models
required extensive testing, verifications, and synthesizing protocols, all have only a few implementations in genomics and biomedicine [52], the
of which added to the time and money required to get a single drug into following characteristics make them appealing and promising tools
the clinics [29]. The development of numerous databases and pharma­ without requiring feature wet trials [241]; therefore, DL models can
coinformatic and bioinformatic tools have aided in accelerating the drug assess vast volumes of data as well as raw data like biomedical targets
discovery process due to technological advances in computational ap­ [242]. As a result, DL models more efficiently incorporate massive
proaches mixed with an explosion of multi-omics data [231]. But the amounts of omics data into a single model, which is impossible with
traditional drug discovery method has also been streamlined with AI, most machine and statistical learning techniques like Metabolite and

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

microbiome, phenome, proteome, transcriptome, etc. [243]. A variety of accelerating challenging tasks; another disadvantage of DL is the time
activation functions, such as RELU [244], leakyRELU [245], and sig­ required to train the different networks [264].
moid function [246], are used for the optimization of different latent
objects in the context of genomics and biomedicine to provide support 3.8. Future trends of DL applications
for finding reprogrammable logics to get better results based on maximal
proximity (fuzzy sets). Still, in this situation, more expertise is needed to DL Trends transfer learning techniques like DBNs, RNNs, CNNs, deep
draw the conclusion of applied algorithms for the perfection of auto-encoders, and deep generative networks are covered by method­
complexity and accuracy; therefore, this type of drawback leads to many ologies like algorithms, applications, and systems. These techniques
challenges [247]. These DL frameworks represent these latent objects in have become effective computational models in genomics and biomed­
various ways [116]. The DL models using CNN-style topologies can icine to handle innovative health. Unsupervised learning, a potential
efficiently grab the connection (particular structure) among adjacent new DL approach, trains a system to identify biomedical data by uti­
input variables [248]; there is much experimental proof that the lizing actual learned data rather than training it using labelled data. DL
achievement of DL models improves with the size of the dataset, opening system learns to categorize original information rather than needing
up many possibilities for the design of specific topologies (DCNNs) to tagged data to train it. Unsupervised learning techniques may produce
handle with any data more smartly than previous genomics and simulations resembling social actions with time and training possibil­
biomedicine models [218,249]. ities, which appears to clash between consumer privacy regulations and
In large-scale deep methods, It is possible to significantly reduce the the demands for large amounts of customer data in biomedical research.
number of variables that must be estimated and computed by using a DL for source code modelling and data-driven procedures provide a
topology like CNN, which allows parameters to be shared and data semantics approaches to handle intelligent health bigdata [265]; by
compression to be accomplished without requiring the estimation of 2025, all software platforms will be able to apply DL due to the inclusion
new parameters for fast optimization [250]. In complex adoptive sys­ of more straightforward frameworks in DL tools that speed up and
tems, utilizing DL’s modelling frameworks, which are more similar to simplify coding [266]. As digital asset management (DAM) systems
complex systems, produce observable phenotypic values to introduce grow increasingly automated [267], users may not understand what is
intelligent output for the prediction of parental combinations, which is happening in the background of programs.
essential in F1-hybrid breeding operations to choose superior combi­ In medical sciences, wide-ranging algorithms are used based on
national homozygous parental lines, is followed by a few examples of intelligent learning environments. Unsupervised learning techniques
how digital libraries (DLs) might be used to improve traditional will eventually be able to compete with supervised learning systems in
breeding practices [251]. For example, DL was used to categories Cin­ terms of accuracy and efficacy [268]. The discovery of data-driven
namomum (Lauraceae) using deep convolutional neural networks techniques is anticipated to drastically lower the cost of adopting DL
(DCNNs) and perform the genome-wide investigation to discriminate approaches [269], which now rely on massive amounts of labelled data
between morphologically similar species for genetic diversity & geno­ in wide-ranging domains like bioinformatics and biomedicines [270].
type categorization [252]. Autonomous navigation framework and robot navigation in large-
In genomics and biomedicine, object pictures are considered a scale biomedical domains is a new DL approach that enables func­
manifold of output without knowing an object’s conditional and envi­ tional testing hypotheses with parametric estimation and is suitable for
ronmental circumstances; in this contrast, DL has gained general inference and expendability, such as algorithmic techniques beneficial
acceptance [253]. In light of these limitations, DL is not a broadly for anticipating and explaining the event in medical domains. In the
applicable solution for all types of problems and challenges, especially in coming years, DL and ML models should become more fully automated
biological datasets; unlike many prediction approaches, its features that can automatically identify strong hypotheses from data and explain
(weights) cannot be read for generating realistic results, rendering it what they found [271]; these suggestions should be tested by the
worthless for point estimation of results interpretation and correlation models, which should be able to make accurate predictions as well as
analysis for object reflection and decision making [254]. reveal how the same complex biological systems that cause an event
DL provides novel methods in evolutionary biology for comparative under study can be possible to predict excellent results.
analysis. These methods also preclude biological testing hypotheses
using parameter estimations because some feature selection layers and 3.9. Discussion
relevance are unclear, such as likelihood-based tests for metaheuristics
[255]. In the context of Multivariate Patterns, establishing a global DL has emerged as a powerful tool in genomics and biomedicine,
optimum analysis of the genotype-phenotype relationship using in silico revolutionizing the healthcare field. By leveraging large-scale datasets
methods are very first growth with multiple constrains [256]; logistic and complex algorithms, DL techniques can extract valuable insights
regression may have local minima and maxima for predicting medical from genomics data and aid in disease diagnosis, treatment selection,
outcomes [257]. Although there is some evidence that these problems and personalized medicine. In this discussion, we will explore the ap­
can be solved using a Bayesian approach [258], there are two issues that plications of deep learning in genomics and biomedicine, highlighting
must be addressed before these models can be implemented using the fundamental studies and providing relevant references. DL has been
Bayesian paradigm, the problem of overfitting in DL models when the extensively employed for genomic sequence analysis tasks such as DNA
inputs are significant [259], and the problem of overfitting in conven­ sequence classification, variant calling, and regulatory element predic­
tional statistical models when the inputs are small [260]. tion. For example, the study by Alipanahi, et al. [62], introduced
In the context of goal-driven scientific modeling, implementing DeepBind, a deep learning model for predicting DNA- and RNA-binding
successful DL models and evaluating the biological meaning of the re­ proteins. The model outperformed existing methods and successfully
sults need significant knowledge [261],which is a severe obstacle due to identified novel binding motifs. DL models have demonstrated excep­
the exceptionally challenging tuning procedure dependent on several tional performance in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment
hyper-parameters [26]. Even though a role-based algorithm known as response prediction using genomic and clinical data. A notable study by
Keras [262] in DL for genomics and biomedicine provides mining op­ Coudray, et al. [272] developed a deep learning model, DeepSurv, for
portunities, implementing DL for high performance requires substantial predicting patient survival based on histopathology images. The model
effort, knowledge, and computer resources for transdisciplinary chal­ outperformed traditional prognostic methods and provided valuable
lenges in biomedical datasets. It is difficult to deploy DL models for HIS insights for personalized treatment decisions.
in genomics and biomedicine [263] because genomic data generally DL techniques have been applied to accelerate drug discovery and
contains more discrete elements and conceptual understanding for repurposing efforts. For instance, the study by Ma, et al. [273] proposed

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

a deep learning model, DeepDTA, for predicting the binding affinity understand better the link between genomic medicine and all inputs
between drug compounds and target proteins. The model achieved state- markers, enduring omics data, fictitious data, geospatial and environ­
of-the-art performance and provided insights into drug-target in­ mental data, etc.
teractions. DL models have been employed in clinical decision support According to our findings based on a detailed literature review, DL
systems to aid healthcare professionals in diagnosing diseases and can be a cost-efficient approach for drug discovery and target validation
selecting appropriate treatment strategies. A notable example is the in potential medicine in the context of HIS [282,283]. However, the
study by Esteva, et al. [207], where a deep learning model was devel­ mining of physiological data and visions, as well as the development of
oped to classify skin cancer using images. The model achieved accuracy meaningful evaluations in situations that differ from the training data,
comparable to dermatologists and demonstrated the potential for have not been proved to be beneficial. DL might be beneficial in syn­
improving diagnostic accuracy in healthcare. thetic biology since it can be used to learn to create DNA sequences and
HIS is receiving a lot of interest as a prediction tool in genomics and proteins separately, each with the suitable characteristics to provide
biomedicine due to its capacity to choose individual health interests at a multiple targeted validation approaches for targeting novel drugs [228].
very early stage by evaluating just genome-wide data in the test dataset, However, we must create improved trial methodologies for DL in the
and morpho-physiological data in the training sets [274,275]. As a genetic analysis that will require more collaborative testing and iterative
result, many biomedical experts have resorted to health informatics data methods to evaluate the precision of genomic predictions in biomedical
using DL predictive technology for improving healthcare Systems [276]. environments as close to actual drug discovery programs as practical
Compared to conventional healthcare techniques, IHS can complete the [284].
drug selection process considerably faster with optimization of accu­ We must promote cross-disciplinary collaboration among drug de­
racy, time and cost [277]. By 2050, we can make more HIS via signers, biometricians, software developers, and others to automatically
improving the quality trends of medicine and diet among worldwide acquire more data at a cost [285]. The selection of novel drugs must then
individuals. DL systems can help optimise wide-ranging genetic algo­ be improved using this data to develop efficient DL model topologies
rithms as mentioned in Table 8; these tools and techniques are more [228]. A single DL model may be created from several inputs, reducing
critical for enhancing genetic growth [278]. the feature engineering requirement [286]. All issues require the
A large amount of data from pharmaceutical companies, healthcare adjustment of challenging, drawn-out feature engineering methods. To
providers, and researchers is projected to increase productivity and the put it another way, feature engineering is an expensive activity that
ability to make particular decisions for healthcare, where DL systems cannot be generalized, relies substantially on data, and requires pro­
can provide intelligent inspection [279]. Intelligent healthcare re­ fessional competence [287]. This iterative process, including trial and
searchers are presently adopting a wide variety of DL analytical meth­ error, is crucial because it requires the knowledge and experience of all
odologies in the context of computer vision, learning techniques, and network members, including bioinformaticians, genomics experts and
artificial intelligence to assist with analysis and decision-making pro­ microbiologists, etc. [288]. Previously, it was thought that robots would
spective to influence the performance of genomics and biomedicine never be able to match human categorization abilities, such as picture
prediction [280]. The relationship between testing and training sets is classification and tackling other computer vision problems. Still, in the
also essential; when we use it effectively, DL may be a valuable tool for current situation, DL learning provides all flexible interactions with
overcoming long-standing prediction efficiency difficulties in HIS [281]. multiple genomics and biomedicine problems for innovative health care.
These tool and techniques based on role-based algorithms are used to We found little significant differences in prediction accuracy be­
tween DL and standard genome-based models since DL was the best
model mentioned in Tables 1 & 2. In the context of different disease-
Table 8
environment, multiple interactions were mapped where DL models are
The performance metrics of each deep learning algorithm.
very competent with multiple optimizable models to treat different ill­
Deep Learning Proposed Value in Genomics Performance nesses, as mentioned in Table 3. Although this is partly due to not every
Algorithm Applications and Biomedicine Metrics
dataset containing nonlinear patterns or enough data for a successful
Convolutional Medical image Efficiently extracts High accuracy, learning process, it is also possible that the training pictures were not
Neural analysis, tumor features from F1-score,
created effectively, for example, shallow layers and a small number of
Networks detection, medical images for precision,
(CNN) histopathology accurate diagnosis recall
neurons [289]. It was discovered that most publications in which DL
analysis models outperformed regular health informatics models used various
Recurrent Gene expression Captures High accuracy, variants of CNN. Many researchers [16,199,290] have demonstrated
Neural analysis, protein dependencies in F1-score, that CNNs are among the best tools for prediction outcomes in genomics
Networks structure prediction, sequential data for precision,
and biomedical domains when given raw images as inputs. Artificial
(RNN) clinical time-series accurate predictions recall
analysis neural networks with more than one hidden layer are called “DL” sys­
Long Short-Term DNA sequence Captures long-term High accuracy, tems [257]. Many experts [68,90] feel this design is essential to the
Memory classification, dependencies in F1-score, success of numerous DL deployments in wide-ranging sectors.
(LSTM) disease prediction, sequential data precision, CNNs are better than MLPs at understanding the spatial structural
Networks drug response recall
patterns present in image inputs [291]. CNNs are intensely utilized in
Generative Synthetic medical Generates realistic – several biomedical science applications such as defining abiotic and
Adversarial image generation, synthetic data to biotic stress factors on genomics, predicting novel drugs, detecting
Networks data augmentation address data multiple genes and proteins based on genome-wide analysis and iden­
(GAN) scarcity and privacy
tification in different species, classifying images based on supervised
Autoencoders Dimensionality Captures latent – learning, identifying multiple OMICS characteristics for future integra­
reduction, anomaly representations and tion with various diseases and targeted medicines [292]. Numerous
detection, missing aids in data examples support the concept that DL is an essential technique for
value imputation exploration and enhancing genome-wide analysis and the precision of genetic pre­
Transfer Disease Utilizes pre-trained High accuracy,
dictions. These examples show how DL is hastening advances in pre­
Learning classification, drug models for efficient F1-score, pre dicting accuracy. We are nearing a new era in which we can predict
discovery, training and almost everything given sufficient inputs, even if DL does not consis­
personalized improved tently outperform older regression algorithms [293].
medicine performance

I. Zafar et al. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 86 (2023) 105263

4. Conclusion activation and labelled contribution scores as per the central functional
gap. Based on theoretical improvements and addressing computational
Genomic and biomedical discoveries have provided exponential obstacles, DeepLIFT is also a landmark tool or unified approach to
quantities of physiological and biological statistics, allowing us to un­ interpreting model predictions to computer faster results and classifying
derstand population welfare completely. DL and ML, two cutting-edge, different objects to provide outstanding robust empirical image anno­
interdisciplinary topics in computational biology, are critical to the tation in the medical diagnosis of different diseases [295], such as knee
study of disease diagnosis and therapy. DL-based algorithms, which osteoarthritis, cancers, chronic kidney disease, SNPs interactions, etc.
have tremendous potential for learning patterns and feature extraction DL, a game-changing new technology looking into the future, has a
from massive datasets and performing various technical fields, are used great deal to offer data-driven analytics for healthcare providers in the
to find the internal structures in the dataset. Data-driven and complex context of biobanks, genome sequencing, genome-era pathology, geno­
DL algorithms are now used to complete a wide-ranging task quickly mics, proteomics, precision diagnostics, and biomedical. It is vital to
based on advancements in GPU technology. The intelligent algorithms have access to high-quality and comprehensive training data, which is
of DLs are potent paradigms for scientific research. They are generally the most challenging task for conforming reliability and validity of
applicable in multiple disciplines, such as bioinformatics, genomics, medical outputs. We observed no evidence that DL is demonstrably su­
genetics, biomedicine, and healthcare, to provide remarkable output. An perior to typical genomic prediction models in predictive capabilities,
imperative style of DL methodologies exploration is the ease with mul­ but we also found no evidence that it is considerably worse. Using DL
tiple DL open-source frameworks like Keras, TensorFlow, and PyTorch techniques, for example, data from several sources may be merged
used to boost the tasks via multidomain construction strategies to find without feature extraction. These approaches detect deviations from the
the right balance among manifold diseases (See Table 1). DL algorithms norm faster than traditional genomic prediction algorithms. It is also
can be easily operated by scientists who don’t know the conceptual and possible to improve anticipated performance in genomics and biomed­
fundamental sophistication concepts of algorithmic exploration and ical applications using DL algorithms to develop a unique topology for
statistical interpretations. These well-developed platforms allow re­ the acquired data. Innovative health must adopt and improve this
searchers to focus more on applying DL data-driven methods to their cutting-edge technology to reap its benefits. However, due to the inad­
subject fields for desired results (see Table 3 and Section 3.1). In this equate training–testing data sets, DL models cannot be blindly applied to
review, we prepared a detailed remark of the most recent DL advances genomes and biology.
and intellectual achievements (see Tables 4, 5 and Section 4) in broad-
ranging research areas like genomics, biomedical, and health infor­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
matics to target high objective outcomes form complex data and from
many integrated diseases datasets (see Table 3). Imran Zafar: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft, Editing,
The extensive DL techniques for IHS in genetics and biomedicine are Supervision. Shakila Anwar: Conceptualization, Writing – original
covered in detail in this study and provide detailed performance metrics draft. Faheem kanwal: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft.
(see Table 8). We discussed the cutting-edge DL concepts, followed by an Waqas Yousaf: Writing – review & editing. Fakhar Un Nisa: Writing –
explanation of the workflow for integrating IHS with role-based algo­ review & editing. Tanzeela Kausar: Writing – review & editing. Qurat
rithms in genomics and biomedicine to resolve potential biomedical ul Ain: Writing – review & editing. Ahsanullah Unar: Writing – review
barriers like patient disease classification, fundamental biomedical & editing. Mohammad Amjad Kamal: Writing – review & editing.
processes, empowering patients-disease integration, and providing an Summya Rashid: Writing – review & editing. Khalid Ali Khan: Writing
explanation of where DL approaches are appropriate for significant – review & editing. Rohit Sharma: Editing, Supervision.
challenges. Additionally, we explained DL architectures and model
optimization in genomics and bioinformatics at the molecular level to Declaration of Competing Interest
deal with categorising biomedicine, analysing genomic sequences, and
classifying and predicting protein structures. Finally, we discussed the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
difficulties facing DL in genomics and biomedicine and its prospects for interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the future. Predictive analytics of novel hybridization of ANN is a sig­ the work reported in this paper.
nificant improvement in Genome-wide association (GWA) performance
over traditional statistical techniques (See Table 2); the DL subject area Data availability
faces several serious obstacles in data-driven methods to address com­
plex tasks among biomedical domains. Another difficulty with DL is that No data was used for the research described in the article.
it is challenging to grasp interpretation methods for future interpretable
ML outcomes and trial protocols in medical sciences to provide a clear
guideline to biologists for data integration and data validation in
computational frameworks.
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific
Research at King Khalid University Saudi Arabia for funding this work
4.1. Future perspectives through Large Groups Project under grant number RGP2/495/44. Au­
thors also acknowledge the support of the Unit of Bee Research and
Genetic association analysis in metagenome-based disease prediction Honey Production at King Khalid University Abha Saudi Arabia.
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