Respiration in Animals
Respiration in Animals
Respiration in Animals
Respiration in Animals
Some animals can use gills to respire in air
• E.g. Land crabs.
• Coconut crab (Birgus latro): gills are rigid enough for
respiration in air.
• Gills enclosed in a chamber underneath carapace.
• Crabs keep water flowing through gills when in water
• O2 molecules dissolve into a layer of moisture around gill
membrane, & absorbed into blood.
• On land, they keep gills wet by sealing gill chamber
• They seek out cool, moist, dark hiding places (to avoid predators) &
keep breathing.
Respiration in Animals
Respiration in Animals
Ventilation of gills
• Movement of gills through water.
- practical only for small organisms as in mayfly larvae
• Movement of water over gills.
- E.g. by ciliary action as in clams
• Rapid swimming with mouth open to allow water flow
over gills (ram ventilation)
- E.g. Large tunas and whale sharks
• Pumping action of mouth & opercular covers (aided by
mouth & opercular valves
- mouth & opercular valves control water flow over gills
- E.g. teleost fish (bony fish of subclass Teleostei)
Respiration in Animals
Ventilation of gills
Invertebrate trachea
• Open respiratory system
- Composed of spiracles, tracheae, and tracheoles that terrestrial
arthropods have evolved to transport metabolic gases to and from tissues.
• Respiratory organ characteristic of insects
• System of tubes that branch to all parts of the body
• Convey respiratory gases directly to & from cells by diffusion.
• May also be connected to air sacs in the head, thorax, or abdomen
• Smallest tubes, moist, penetrate cells & serve as sites of diffusion for water,
oxygen & carbon dioxide. Oxygen first dissolves in liquid and diffuses into
cytoplasm of adjacent cell.
Breathing in Animals
Breathing in Animals
Breathing in Animals
Respiratory system in birds
• High oxygen demand due to high metabolic rate required for flight.
• Air sacs move air through respiratory system & allow lungs to maintain a
fixed volume of fresh air flowing constantly and in a single direction.
• The posterior and anterior air sacs, typically nine, inflate during inhalation
& deflate during exhalation.
Breathing in Animals
Respiratory system in birds
• Air passes through the lungs in both exhalation and
• No mixing of oxygen-rich air and oxygen-poor, carbon dioxide-
rich air as in mammalian lungs. Gaseous exchange is more
• Pressure changes in air sacs due to contraction of sternum
muscles allow for air movement in and out of the bird.
Breathing in Animals
Vertebrate respiratory system
• Ventilated by an in-and-out flow of air
• Respiratory organ in vertebrates
• Mammalian lung much more finely divided into small sacs
• Alveoli vastly increase surface area for gaseous exchange
- Essential for high rate of O2 uptake for high metabolic rate in
warm-blooded animals.
• In human lung, much of alveolar membrane is no more than
0.2 µm thick.
Breathing in Animals
Respiratory apparatus
Breathing in Animals
Respiratory systems, mammals & birds
• Absence of large air sacs and the presence of a diaphragm in
mammals to pull oxygen into the lungs.
• Diaphragm contraction raises rib cage resulting in a negative
pressure that allows the lungs to expand and air to flow in.
• Mammalian lungs are less rigid than avian lungs.
• Also in human lungs the bronchi contain alveoli instead of air
• Higher efficiency of birds’ respiratory system allows flight at
higher altitudes, with inadequate oxygen, while still taking in
enough oxygen to function.
Breathing in Animals
• Gills, lungs and tracheae are three major types of
respiratory organs.
• Large surface area, thin cuticle and high vascularization of
respiratory organs are important properties that enhance
• Depending on oxygen demand, various organisms use
additional adaptations that enhance gaseous exchange
- e.g. Air sacs, biological gill, air bubble, plastron, Hb,
• Gaseous exchange is fundamental to maintaining normal
metabolic processes for normal growth.