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Sbi General'S Arogya Plus Policy: Assure Your Health For A Fixed Premium

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Assure Your Health For A Fixed Premium
SBI General's Arogya Plus Policy
Good health is the foundation of a good life; and your health is one of your
most valuable possessions. A trusted health insurance that can enable
you to go for high quality healthcare during times of need can be your
best friend. Especially when the premium is xed and light on your
SBI General's Arogya Plus Policy. O ering nancial protection from
rising medical expenses – be it OPD or hospitalisation, it allows you to
focus on getting the best treatment possible. So that you can get back on
your feet faster.
Who Can Buy This Policy?
Any Individual can take this Policy for himself and/or his family. Floater
option is also available for self, spouse and maximum two children.
"Family" means the spouse, dependent children, parents and parents-in
What Are The Key Bene ts Of The Policy?

No pre-policy medical test up to Coverage of 60 days Pre and

the age of 55 years for people 90 days Post Hospitalisation
with no medical history Expenses

141 Day Care expenses Sum Insured option of

covered ` 1,00,000, ` 2,00,000 &
` 3,00,000

Multiple options - Individual & Premium exempt from

Family non Floater Income Tax under Sec 80 D of
Income Tax Act

Maternity Expenses covered OPD expenses as speci ed in

up to the OPD limit the policy schedule

SBI General Arogya Plus Policy

UIN: SBIHLIP21334V022021
141 Day Care Expenses Covered

What Does The Policy Cover?

Eligible hospitalisation expenses

„ Ro o m re n t , b o a rd i n g ex p e n s e s, Me d i c a l
Practitioners’ fees (Including Teleconsultation).
„ Intensive care unit.
„ Nursing expenses.
„ Anesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre,
surgical appliances, diagnostic expenses & x-ray,
d i a l y s i s , c h e m o t h e r a p y, m e d i c i n e s &
consumables, radiotherapy, cost of pacemaker,
prosthesis/internal implants & any medical
expense incurred that is a part of the operation.
„ Physiotherapy as inpatient care, if part of the
„ Drugs, medicines & consumables during

OPD treatment: Expenses for OPD consultation or

Teleconsultation & treatment up to speci ed limit.

Pre and Post-hospitalisation expenses coverage: 60

days prior to date of admission and 90 days after date of
discharge from the hospital, or in case of Domiciliary

Day Care expenses: 141 Day Care Procedures.

Ambulance expenses: Up to ` 1500.

Alternative treatment: Alternative treatment under

AYUSH taken in a government hospital or in any
institute recognised by government and/or accredited
by quality council of India/national accreditation board
on health.

Domiciliary hospitalisation: Reasonable and

customary charges towards domiciliary
Maternity Expenses: Cover for Maternity Expenses up
to the OPD limit in the policy.

SBI General Arogya Plus Policy

UIN: SBIHLIP21334V022021
Multiple Tenure Options

HIV/AIDS Cover up to the limit ` 50,000 except for the

conditions which are permanently excluded.

Mental Illness Cover up to the limit of ` 50,000.

Genetic Disorders Cover up to the limit of ` 50,000.

Internal Congenital Diseases Covered up to 10% of

Sum Insured.

12 Advanced treatment procedures covered up to

50% of Sum Insured.

What Is The Minimum & Maximum Entry Age Limit?

AGE 65
months years

Minimum age of entry Maximum age of entry

There is no exit age.

What Are The Tenure Options Available?

One, Two or Three Years

What Are Sum Insured Options Available?

` 1,00,000 ` 2,00,000 ` 3,00,000

What Is The Renewal Policy?

„ This Policy may be renewed by mutual consent every year.
„ If renewed, the renewal premium must be paid to the Insurer on or
before the expiry date or renewal date.
„ Lifelong Renewability (subject to terms and conditions).
„ A Grace Period of 30 days is allowed for renewal of the policy.
„ During the Grace Period a payment can be made to renew/continue
the Policy without losing any bene t.
„ Coverage is not available for the period for which no premium is

SBI General Arogya Plus Policy

UIN: SBIHLIP21334V022021
Fast, Fair & Transparent Claim Process

What are the Waiting Periods?

Pre-existing Diseases 48 Months

First Thirty-days period 30 Days, except for Accidents

Certain Speci c Illnesses 12 Months and 90 Days

What Is Not Covered In The Policy?

„ Treatment taken outside India „ Expenses for cosmetic or
„ Injury or disease directly or plastic surgery
indirectly caused by or „ Expenses related to any
contributed to by nuclear treatment necessitated
weapons/materials due to participation in
„ Admission primarily for hazardous or adventure
investigation & evaluation sports
„ Admission primarily for rest cure, „ Refractive Error
rehabilitation and respite care „ Breach of Law
„ Expenses related to the surgical „ Sterility and Infertility
treatment of obesity that do not „ Unproven Treatments
ful ll certain conditions „ War and war-like
„ Change-of-Gender treatments situations
Note: The above exclusions are only indicative in nature. For complete details
please read the policy wordings on our website (www.sbigeneral.in).

What Is The Claim Procedure?

Our dedicated and experienced claims team aim to deliver you
superlative customer service with a fast, fair, convenient and
transparent claims process so your claim is settled without any hassle.

Our Claims Team Will:


Provide assistance in Keep you informed of the

emergency situations progress of your claim
How Do You Make A Claim?
In case of an accident or illness that requires hospitalization or
daycare, please notify us or our TPA, by phone or email.

SBI General Arogya Plus Policy

UIN: SBIHLIP21334V022021
Coverage opted on
individual basis Coverage opted on individual basis
covering each covering multiple members of the
basis with overall Sum Insured
member of the family under a single policy
(Only one Sum Insured is available
family separately (Sum Insured is available for
for the entire family)
(at a single each member of the family)
point in time)

Age of Premium consolidated Premium
Sum if any Sum Floater Sum
the Premium Premium after premium after
Insured Family Insured discount Insured
members (` ) (` ) Discount for all discount
(` ) member (` ) if any (` )
insured (` ) members (` )
of family
(` )

35 yrs. 8900 3,00,000 8900 7.50% 8232.5 3,00,000

30 yrs. 8900 3,00,000 8900 7.50% 8232.5 3,00,000

8900 0 8900 3,00,000
15 yrs. 8900 3,00,000 8900 7.50% 8232.5 3,00,000

10 yrs. 8900 3,00,000 8900 7.50% 8232.5 3,00,000

Total Premium for all

members of the
Total Premium for all members of
Family is ` 35,600/- Total Premium when policy is opted
the Family is ` 32,930/- when they
when each member is ` 8,900/-
are covered under a single policy.
covered separately. Sum Insured of ` 3,00,000/- is
Sum Insured available for each
Sum Insured available available for the entire family.
family member is ` 3,00,000/-
for each individual is
` 3,00,000/-


exclusive of taxes applicable.

• The above illustration is for Arogya Plus

• Family size is considered 4 members = 2 A + 2 Dependent Child

• Illustration is given for Sum Insured ` 3 Lac

• Please note above rates are exclusive GST.

SBI General Arogya Plus Policy

UIN: SBIHLIP21334V022021
Premium Chart (Exclusive of GST)

Premium before GST ` 8900

1 Adult 1 Adult 2 Adults 2 Adults
Self 2 Adults
+ 1 Kid + 2 Kids + 1 Kid + 2 Kids
Age / Sum Insured 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000
0.25-18 7000 5500 4000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
19-35 7000 5500 4000 6000 4500 2500 6000 4500 2000 5000 3000 500 5000 2500 500 4000 1500 500
36-40 6500 5500 4000 5500 4000 1500 5000 3500 500 5000 2500 500 4500 1500 500 3500 500 500
41-45 6500 3500 2000 5500 3500 1000 4500 3000 500 4500 2000 500 4000 1000 500 3000 500 500
46-55 5500 3500 2000 4500 2000 500 3500 1500 500 4000 1000 500 2500 500 500 2000 500 500
56-60 3500 500 500 3000 500 500 1000 500 500 2000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
61 - 65 2000 500 500 1500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
66 - 70 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
71 - 75 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Premium before GST ` 13350
1 Adult 1 Adult 2 Adults 2 Adults
Self 2 Adults
+ 1 Kid + 2 Kids + 1 Kid + 2 Kids
Age / Sum Insured 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000
0.25-18 10000 10000 8500 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
19-35 10000 10000 8500 10000 9000 7000 10000 8500 6500 9500 7500 5000 9500 7000 4500 8500 6000 2500
36-40 10000 10000 8500 10000 8500 6000 9500 7500 5000 9000 7000 4000 8500 6000 3000 8000 5000 1000
41-45 10000 8500 7500 10000 8000 5500 9000 6500 4000 9000 6500 3500 8500 5500 2000 7500 4000 500
46-55 10000 7500 5500 9000 6500 3500 8000 5000 1000 8000 5500 1500 7000 3500 500 6500 2500 500
56-60 8000 4500 1500 7500 4000 500 5000 500 500 6500 2500 500 4500 500 500 4000 500 500
61 - 65 6500 2500 500 6000 1500 500 2500 500 500 5500 500 500 2000 500 500 1500 500 500
66 - 70 3500 500 500 3500 500 500 500 500 500 3000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
71 - 75 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Premium before GST ` 17800
1 Adult 1 Adult 2 Adults 2 Adults
Self 2 Adults
+ 1 Kid + 2 Kids + 1 Kid + 2 Kids
Age / Sum Insured 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000
0.25-18 10000 10000 10000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
19-35 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 9000 10000 10000 8500 10000 10000 7000
36-40 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 9500 10000 10000 8500 10000 10000 7500 10000 9500 5500
41-45 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 8000 10000 10000 8000 10000 10000 6000 10000 8500 4500
46-55 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 8000 10000 9500 5500 10000 9500 6000 10000 8000 3500 10000 7000 2000
56-60 10000 8500 5000 10000 8000 4000 9500 4500 500 10000 7000 2000 8500 3500 500 7500 3000 500
61 - 65 10000 7000 2000 10000 6000 1000 7000 500 500 9500 5000 500 6000 500 500 6000 500 500
66 - 70 8000 2500 500 8000 2000 500 3000 500 500 7500 1500 500 2000 500 500 2000 500 500
71 - 75 5000 500 500 5000 500 500 500 500 500 5000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

SBI General Arogya Plus Policy

UIN: SBIHLIP21334V022021
Premium Chart (Inclusive of GST)

Premium after GST ` 10502

1 Adult 1 Adult 2 Adults 2 Adults
Self 2 Adults
+ 1 Kid + 2 Kids + 1 Kid + 2 Kids
Age / Sum Insured 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000
0.25-18 7000 5500 4000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
19-35 7000 5500 4000 6000 4500 2500 6000 4500 2000 5000 3000 500 5000 2500 500 4000 1500 500
36-40 6500 5500 4000 5500 4000 1500 5000 3500 500 5000 2500 500 4500 1500 500 3500 500 500
41-45 6500 3500 2000 5500 3500 1000 4500 3000 500 4500 2000 500 4000 1000 500 3000 500 500
46-55 5500 3500 2000 4500 2000 500 3500 1500 500 4000 1000 500 2500 500 500 2000 500 500
56-60 3500 500 500 3000 500 500 1000 500 500 2000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
61 - 65 2000 500 500 1500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
66 - 70 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
71 - 75 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Premium after GST ` 15753
1 Adult 1 Adult 2 Adults 2 Adults
Self 2 Adults
+ 1 Kid + 2 Kids + 1 Kid + 2 Kids
Age / Sum Insured 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000
0.25-18 10000 10000 8500 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
19-35 10000 10000 8500 10000 9000 7000 10000 8500 6500 9500 7500 5000 9500 7000 4500 8500 6000 2500
36-40 10000 10000 8500 10000 8500 6000 9500 7500 5000 9000 7000 4000 8500 6000 3000 8000 5000 1000
41-45 10000 8500 7500 10000 8000 5500 9000 6500 4000 9000 6500 3500 8500 5500 2000 7500 4000 500
46-55 10000 7500 5500 9000 6500 3500 8000 5000 1000 8000 5500 1500 7000 3500 500 6500 2500 500
56-60 8000 4500 1500 7500 4000 500 5000 500 500 6500 2500 500 4500 500 500 4000 500 500
61 - 65 6500 2500 500 6000 1500 500 2500 500 500 5500 500 500 2000 500 500 1500 500 500
66 - 70 3500 500 500 3500 500 500 500 500 500 3000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
71 - 75 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Premium after GST ` 21004
1 Adult 1 Adult 2 Adults 2 Adults
Self 2 Adults
+ 1 Kid + 2 Kids + 1 Kid + 2 Kids
Age / Sum Insured 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000 100000 200000 300000
0.25-18 10000 10000 10000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
19-35 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 9000 10000 10000 8500 10000 10000 7000
36-40 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 9500 10000 10000 8500 10000 10000 7500 10000 9500 5500
41-45 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 8000 10000 10000 8000 10000 10000 6000 10000 8500 4500
46-55 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 8000 10000 9500 5500 10000 9500 6000 10000 8000 3500 10000 7000 2000
56-60 10000 8500 5000 10000 8000 4000 9500 4500 500 10000 7000 2000 8500 3500 500 7500 3000 500
61 - 65 10000 7000 2000 10000 6000 1000 7000 500 500 9500 5000 500 6000 500 500 6000 500 500
66 - 70 8000 2500 500 8000 2000 500 3000 500 500 7500 1500 500 2000 500 500 2000 500 500
71 - 75 5000 500 500 5000 500 500 500 500 500 5000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500

SBI General Arogya Plus Policy

UIN: SBIHLIP21334V022021
Prohibition of Rebates
Section 41 in The Insurance Act, 1938 as amended by Insurance Law
(Amendment) Act, 2015:
1. No person shall allow or er to allow, either directly or indirectly, as
an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an
insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property
in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable
or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any
person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any
rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with
the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer.
2. Any person making default in complying with the provisions of
this section shall be punishable with which may extend to
` 10 lakhs.

SBI General Insurance Company Limited

Corporate & Registered O�ice:
'Natraj', 301, Junction of Western Express Highway &
Andheri - Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 069.

Disclaimer : SBI General Insurance Company Limited | Corporate & Registered Office: 'Natraj', 301,
Junction of Western Express Highway & Andheri - Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 069. | The
information in the advertisement is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and
conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a
sale.|Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.|For SBI General Insurance Company Limited,
IRDAI Reg. No. 144 dated 15/12/2009 | CIN: U66000MH2009PLC190546 | SBI Logo displayed
belongs to State Bank of India and used by SBI General Insurance Company Limited under license. |
Website : www.sbigeneral.in, Tollfree 18001021111 | SBI General’s Arogya Plus Policy| UIN Number :
SBIHLIP21334V022021| Advertisement Number : ADBRO/MAR/20-21/2255

Contact Us
1800 22 1111 | 1800 102 1111 www.sbigeneral.in

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