HOPE Notes 2nd Grading
HOPE Notes 2nd Grading
HOPE Notes 2nd Grading
● Total fitness
This includes the exercise (of course), healthy Types of stretching
eating, overall wellness, activity involved and the ➔ Ballistic makes use of rapid and jerky
general things that create an overall healthy lifestyle movement. But it has been discovered that it
is wrong so this type of stretching is almost
Components of Total Fitness phased out
➔ Social ➔ Static Stretching or the stretch and hold
- Building good friendships and getting on increase range of motion as well as relaxes
with people. the muscle
➔ Emotional ➔ Dynamic Stretching is similar to ballistic but
- Looking after how we feel and respecting the movement is not jerky and uncontrolled.
self and others. Avoid bouncing and sometimes involve
➔ Physical movements which are sports-specific
- Ability to cope with physical demands.
➔ Nutritional
- Eating a healthy balanced diet.
Benefits of stretching
Stretching exercise practices like Yoga also help
relax muscles, and your mind so you stress less.
The feeling of well-being, and vitality you will notice
as a result of a regular flexibility routine can provide
many important health benefits. Stretching is not just
a part of a workout it can be a workout by itself.
● Cool down
A cool down a routine done after the session