PINNACLE Physics 2000mcq (Hindi English)
PINNACLE Physics 2000mcq (Hindi English)
PINNACLE Physics 2000mcq (Hindi English)
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(c) Covalent attraction/ सहसुंयोजी Ans: (c) higher temperature is h=2Tcosø/pgr (where, T=surface
आिषयण attained for cooking/खाना बनाने िे tension, p=density, r= radius of
(d) Dipole interaction/ कद्वध्रुिीय किए उच्च तापिान प्राप्त होता है | capillary tube)
Explanation: So if the radius of the capillary tube
This compression increases the is doubled, the height of the liquid
Ans: (a) Hydrogen bond column inside it is reduced by two
pressure inside the cooker to more
formation/ हाइिर ोजन बुंध कनिाय ण times.
than atmospheric pressure which in
turns increases the boiling point of
Explanation: the remaining water. ... Higher Q11. Why the needle of iron swims
When the two ice cubes are pressed temperature of water means higher on water surface when it is kept
together, the melting point of ice is transfer of heat to food kept in it and gently?िोहे िी एि सुई पानी िी सतह
lowered, so they melt to form a thin hence the faster cooking. पर अच्छे से रखे जाने पर तैरने क्योुं
layer of water (between them). On
िगती है ?
releasing the pressure, the water
Q9. When a strong beam of light is (a) It will remain under the water,
freezes because decrease in pressure
passed through a colloidal solution, when it will displace more water
raises the freezing point. Hence the
two cubes stick together, this is the light will/ जब प्रिाश िी एि तीव्र than its weight/ जब यह अपने िज़न से
because of hydrogen bond formation. किरण किसी िोिायिी किियन से अकधि जि किथथाकपत िरे गी तब यह
होिर गुज़रती है , तो प्रिाश - पानी िे अन्दर रहे गी |
Q7. Microphone is a device which (a) be scattered/ कितरा जाएगा (b) the density of needle is less than
transforms the/ िाइरोफोन एि (b) pass unchanged/ कबना पररितयन िे that of water/ सुई िा घनत्व पानी िे
उपिरण है जो रूपाुं तररत िरता है - गुजर जायेगा (c) be absorbed/ घनत्व से िि होता है |
(a) sound signal into current signal/ अिशोकषत हो जायेग (c) due to surface tension / पृष्ठ तनाि
ध्वकन सुंिेतोुं िो धारा सुंिेत िें (d) be reflected/ परािकतयत हो जायेगा िे िारण
(b) current signal into sound signal/ (d) due to its shape/ इसिे आिार िे
धारा सुंिेत िो ध्वकन सुंिेतोुं िें Ans: (a) be scattered/ कितरा जाएगा िारण
(c) sound signal into light signal/
ध्वकन सुंिेतोुं िो प्रिाश सुंिेत िें Explanation: Ans: (c) due to surface tension / पृष्ठ
(d) light signal into sound signal/ When a beam of light is passed तनाि िे िारण
प्रिाश सुंिेत िो ध्वकन सुंिेत िें | through a colloidal solution, then
scattering of light is observed This is Explanation:
Ans: (a) sound signal into current known as the Tyndall effect. This This is due to surface tension. A
signal/ ध्वकन सुंिेतोुं िो धारा सुंिेत िें scattering of light illuminates the phenomenon found at the edge of
Explanation: path of the beam in the colloidal fluid. The surface is held under
Microphones are a type of transducer solution. tension because the surface
- a device which converts energy molecules of the water are more
from one form to another. attracted to the main body of the
Microphones convert acoustical water than they are to the air. This is
energy (sound waves) into electrical the same phenomenon that causes
energy (the audio signal). water to seek the smallest surface
area, resulting in small amounts of
water beading and forming droplets.
Q10. If the diameter of a capillary is Q12. The mass of a star is two times
doubled, then the rise of water in it the mass of the Sun. How it will
Q8. Pressure Cooker cooks faster will be/ यकद किसी िेकशिा िा व्यास come to an end?/ किसी तारे िा
because/ प्रेशर िूिर िें खाना जल्दी दोगुना िर कदया जाये, तो इसिें जि िी द्रव्यिान सूयय िे द्रव्यिान से दोगुना है |
पि जाता है , क्योुंकि - िृल्टद् होगी - इसिा अुंत िैसे होगा ?
(a) boiling point decreases with rise (a) two times / दो गुना (b) half/ आधी (a) Neutron Star/न्यूटरॉन स्टार
of pressure/ दाब बढ़ने िे साथ (c) four times/ चार गुना (d) no (b) Black hole/ ब्लैि होि (c) White
क्वथनाुं ि िि हो जाता है | change/ िोई पररितय न नही ुं Dwarf/ सफ़ेद िािन
(b) it cooks the food at low pressure/ (d) Red Giant/ िाि दानि
यह कनम्न दाब पर खाना पिाता है | Ans: (b) half/ आधी
(c) higher temperature is attained for Ans: (a) Neutron Star/न्यूटरॉन स्टार
cooking/खाना बनाने िे किए उच्च Explanation:
तापिान प्राप्त होता है | The height of the liquid column in a Explanation:
(d) the material of the cooker is a capillary tube is inversely If the star's remaining mass is
good conductor/ िूिर िा पदाथय एि proportional to its radius as given by between 1 1/2 to 3 times the mass of
अच्छा चािि होता है | the formula the Sun, it will collapse into a small,
dense neutron star (about ten miles in
diameter, about 1.4 times the mass of Ans: (c) Electrostatic Image— हैं | (d) The sky remains clear and the
the Sun, with an extraordinarily Making/ किद् युतथथैकति कबम्ब कनिाय ण sun is at lower position in the sky/
strong magnetic field, and rapid आसिान साफ़ रहता है और सूयय
spin). Explanation: आसिान िें कनचिी ल्टथथकत िें होता है |
A photocopier is a machine that
makes copies of documents and other Ans: (b) The Sun remains behind
visual images onto paper or plastic
us and we face raindrops/ सूयय हिारे
film quickly and cheaply. Most
modern photocopiers use a पीिे रहता है तथा हि बाररश िी बूुंदोुं
technology called xerography, a dry िे सम्मुख होते हैं |
process that uses electrostatic
charges on a light-sensitive Explanation:
photoreceptor . The sun always has to be behind you,
Q13. Rain drops fall from great
though, because the light gets
height. Which among the following
Q15. One Kilowatt hour is equal to-/ refracted back in the general
statements is true regarding it? बाररश direction it came from. You'll never
एि कििोिाट घुंटा किसिे बराबर होता
िी बूूँदें िाफी ऊुंचाई से कगरती हैं | इस see a rainbow when you're facing the
है ?
सम्बन्ध िें कनम्न िें से िौन से िथन सही sun. From wherever you're standing,
(a) 3.6 Megajoule/3.6 िेगाजूि
हैं ? it looks like the rainbow actually
(a) they fall with that ultimate (b) 3.8 Mega Joule/ 3.8 िेगाजूि exists in some physical form.
velocity, which are different for (c) 3.2 Mega Joule/ 3.2 िेगाजूि
different droplets ./ िे परि िेग से (d) 4.0 Mega Joule/ 4.0 िेगाजूि Q18. How much calorie of energy is
कगरें गी जो अिग-अिग बूुंदोुं िे किए released by a boiled egg?/ किसी
कभन्न-कभन्न होता है | (b) they fall with Ans: (a) 3.6 Megajoule /3.6 िेगाजूि उबिे हुए अुं िे से कितनी िैिोरी ऊजाय
same ultimate velocity./ िे एि ही िुक्त होती है ?
परि िेग से कगरती हैं | Explanation: (a) 40
(c) their velocity increases and they One watt is equal to 1 J/s. One (b) 50
fall with different velocity on the kilowatt hour is 3.6 megajoules, (c) 60 (d) 77
which is the amount of energy
earth/ िेग िें िृल्टद् होती है और िे धरती
converted if work is done at an Ans: (d) 77
पर अिग-अिग िेग से कगरती हैं | average rate of one thousand watts
(d) their velocity increases and they for one hour.
fall with same velocity on the earth/ Explanation:
One large hard-boiled egg contains
उनिा िेग बढ़ता है तथा िे एिसिान Q16. What is the minimum escape 77 calories. Eating one hard-boiled
िेग से धरती पर कगरती हैं | velocity of rocket to be launched into egg provides 4 percent of your daily
space?/ अुंतररक्ष िें प्रक्षेकपत किये जाने caloric needs based on a 2,000-
Ans: (a) they fall with that िािे रॉिेट िा न्यूनति पिायन िेग क्या calorie diet.
ultimate velocity, which are
होता है ?
different for different droplets ./ िे (a) 5 Km/Se(c) (b) 6 Km/Se(c) (c) 11 Q19. The splitting of different
परि िेग से कगरें गी जो अिग-अिग बूुंदोुं Km/Se(c) (d) 15 Km/Se(c) colours of light in a prism is :/कप्रज्म
िे किए कभन्न-कभन्न होता है | िें प्रिाश िा किकभन्न रुं गोुं िें किभाकजत हो
As the raindrops come down, first Ans: (c) 11 Km/Sec जाना क्या है ? (a) Reflection of light/
the velocity is continuously Explanation: प्रिाश िा पराितयन
increasing. then the increase in The escape velocity from Earth is
pressure changes the speed of the (b) Dispersion of light/ प्रिाश िा
about 11.186 km/s (6.951 mi/s;
droplets. Therefore, their velocity 40,270 km/h; 36,700 ft/s; 25,020 किक्षेपण
increases and falls with different mph; 21,744 kn) at the surface. (c) Diffraction of light/ प्रिाश िा
speed or velocity. किितयन
Q17. Which of the following (d) Refraction of light/ प्रिाश िा
Q14. On which of the following statements is true when we see अपितयन
techniques photo state machine ’rainbow’?/ इुं द्रधनुष िो दे खने िे
works?/ कनम्न िें से किस तिनीि पर सम्बन्ध िें कनम्न िें से िौन से िथन सही Ans: (b) Dispersion of light/ प्रिाश
फोटोस्टे ट िशीन िायय िरती है ? हैं ? िा किक्षेपण
(a) Magnetic Image-Making/ चुुंबिीय (a) We face sun and raindrops/ हि
प्रकतकिम्ब कनिाय ण सूयय तथा बाररश िी बूुंदोुं िो दे खते हैं | Explanation:
(b) Thermal Image— Making/ उष्म (b) The Sun remains behind us and These colors are often observed as
कबम्ब-कनिाय ण (c) Electrostatic we face raindrops/ सूयय हिारे पीिे light passes through a triangular
Image— Making/ किद् युतथथैकति कबम्ब रहता है तथा हि बाररश िी बूुंदोुं िे prism. Upon passage through the
कनिाय ण / सम्मुख होते हैं |
prism, the white light is separated
(d) Electromagnetic Image - Making/ into its component colors - red,
(c) In light rainfall, we face Sun/
orange, yellow, green, blue and
किद् युतचुुंबिीय कबम्ब -कनिाय ण हल्की बाररश िें, हि सूयय िे सम्मुख होते violet. The separation of visible light
(c) of higher pitch when train arrives/ Ans:(d) recording a permanent happens when the ice melts. Ice is
जब टर े न आती है तो इसिा स्वरिान three dimensional photograph of a less dense than water. Therefore, the
उच्च होता है | given single colour or a multi water displaced by floating ice is less
(d) of higher pitch when train colour/ किसी कदए हुए एि रुं ग अथिा than the volume of the ice (hence a
departs/ टर े न िे रिाना होने पर इसिा िई रुं गोुं िािी एि थथायी कत्र-आयािी small part of the ice sticks out of
स्वरिान उच्च होता है | तस्वीर िो ररिॉिय िरने िी |
Holography is a photographic Q30. The velocity of heat radiation
Ans: (c) of higher pitch when train
technique that records the light in vacuum is/ कनिायत िें ऊष्मा किकिरण
arrives/ जब टर े न आती है तो इसिा
scattered from an object, and then िा िेग होता है -
स्वरिान उच्च होता है | presents it in a way that appears (a) Equal to that of light/ प्रिाश िे
Sound is a sequence of waves of
three-dimensional. िेग िे बराबर
pressure that propagates through (b) Less than that of light/ प्रिाश िे
compressible media such as air or िेग से िि
water. (Sound can propagate through (c) Greater than that of light/ प्रिाश
solids as well, but there are िे िेग से अकधि
additional modes of propagation).
(d) Equal to that of sound/ ध्वकन िे
Sound that is perceptible by humans
has frequencies from about 20 Hz to िेग िे बराबर |
20,000 Hz. In air at standard
temperature and pressure, the Q28. Boyle’s Law holds good for Ans: (a) Equal to that of light/
corresponding wavelengths of sound any gas at/ बॉयि िा कनयि किसी भी प्रिाश िे िेग िे बराबर
waves range from 17 m to 17 mm. गैस पर िब िागू होता है ? Explanation:
During propagation, waves can be (a) High temperature and low It is equal to the speed of light, or
reflected, refracted, or attenuated by pressures/ उच्च तापिान तथा कनम्न दाब 3×10^8 m/s (approx). This is because
the medium. Now if we consider (b) High temperature and high heat in vacuum travels in the form of
these cases, then the train which is 'Infrared Radiation', a form of
pressures/ उच्च तापिान तथा उच्च दाब
arriving towards us having whistles electromagnetic radiation.
(c) Low temperature and high
of higher pitch because it propagates
through a medium which is coming pressures / कनम्न तापिान तथा उच्च
Q31. The plastic material commonly
towards us but the train which is दाब used for making gear wheels is/
(d) Low temperature and low
leaving propagating through a दाुं तेदार पकहयोुं िो बनाने िें आितौर पर
medium moving further away from pressures/ कनम्न तापिान तथा कनम्न दाब |
प्रयुक्त प्लाल्टस्टि सािग्री है -
the listener and thus produced a
(a) Polyesters/ पॉकिएस्टर (b) Nylons/
whistle of lower pitch. Ans: (c) Low temperature and
नायिॉन (c) Bakelite/बैिेिाईट
high pressures / कनम्न तापिान तथा
(d) Polystyrene/ पॉिीस्टीररन
Q27. Holography is a technique of / उच्च दाब
होिोग्राफी किसिी तिनीि है ? Explanation:
(a) recording a permanent, sharp two Boyle's law states that when a Ans: (b) Nylons/ नायिॉन
dimensional black and white or multi sample of gas is compressed at a Explanation:
colour photograph/ एि थथायी, constant temperature, the pressure P Most plastic gears are made from
स्पष्ट, कद्व-आयािी ब्लैि एुं ि िाइट and volume V satisfy the equation nylon and acetal. But nylon absorbs
PV = C, where C is a constant. moisture with resultant changes in
अथिा रुं ग-कबरुं गी तस्वीर ररिॉिय िरने properties and dimensions.
िी |
(b) recording a permanent three Q29. An ice block with a piece of
lead embedded in it floats in water. If Q32. Ultra violet radiations of the
dimensional multi colour Sun do not reach the earth because,
photograph/ एि थथायी कत्र-आयािी ice melts the water level/ सीसा जकड़त
earth’s atmosphere is surrounded by/
रुं ग-कबरुं गी तस्वीर ररिॉिय िरने िी | बफय िा एि टु िड़ा पानी िें तै रता है |
सूयय िी पाराबैंगनी किरणें पृथ्वी ति नही ुं
(c) recording a permanent three यकद बफय कपघि जाए है तो जिस्तर
पहुूँ च पाती हैं क्योुंकि, पृथ्वी िा
dimensional black and white (a) Rises/ बढ़े गा (b) Falls/ िि होगा
िायुिुंिि कघरा हुआ है -
photograph/ एि थथायी कत्र-आयािी (c) Remains same/ सिान रहे गा
(a) Carbon dioxide/ िाबयन
ब्लैि एुं ि िाइट तस्वीर ररिॉिय िरने िी (d) Falls first and then rises/ पहिे
िाइऑक्साइि से
| िि होगा उसिे बाद बढ़े गा |
(d) recording a permanent three (b) Ammonia/ अिोकनया से (c)
dimensional photograph of a given Chlorine/ क्लोरीन से (d) Ozone/
Ans: (b) Falls/ िि होगा
single colour or a multi colour/ किसी Explanation: ओजोन से
कदए हुए एि रुं ग अथिा िई रुं गोुं िािी The water level will fall. As a result
एि थथायी कत्र-आयािी तस्वीर िो of Archimedes' Principle, if any Ans: (d) Ozone/ ओजोन से
ररिॉिय िरने िी | object is floating in a fluid, the Explanation:
weight of the fluid displaced by the Ozone is a molecule made up of
object is equal to the weight of the three atoms of oxygen. It works a lot
object. Now let us consider what like sunscreen, blocking out harmful
ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. In When water is heated from 0 0C, its (a) Radio waves/ रे कियो तरुं गें
recent years, the amount of ozone in volume decreases because its density (b) Microwaves / सूक्ष्म तरुं गें
the atmosphere has decreased. increases and you can see this effect
(c) X-rays/ एक्स-रे (d) Gamma rays/
upto 4 0(c) Because the density of ice
is maximum at 4 0(c) Afterwards as गािा किरणें
Q33. "Curie" is unit of:/ क्यूरी
किसिी इिाई है ? the density decreases the volume
increases. The main reason for this is Ans: (c) X-rays/ एक्स-रे
(a) Radioactivity/ रे कियोधकियता hydrogen bonds in ice get cleaved Explanation:
(b) Temperature/ तापिान (c) Heat/ due to the melting of ice. A high voltage power source, for
ऊष्मा example 30 to 150 kilovolts (kV),
(d) Energy/ ऊजाय Q36. Energy is continuously created called the tube voltage, is connected
in the sun due to:/ सूयय िें ऊजाय िा across cathode and anode to
accelerate the electrons. The X-ray
Ans: (a) Radioactivity/ रे कियोधकियता िगातार कनिाय ण किसिी िजह से होते
spectrum depends on the anode
Explanation: रहता है ? material and the accelerating voltage.
The curie is a unit of ionizing (a) nuclear fusion/ परिाणु सुंियन
radiation (radioactivity), symbolized
(b) nuclear fission/ परिाणु किखुंिन Q39. Which of the following is used
Ci and equal to 3.7 x 10
disintegrations or nuclear (c) radioactivity / रे कियोधकियता for regulated electric supply?/ कनम्न िें
transformations per second. This is (d) artificial radioactivity/ िृकत्रि से किसिा प्रयोग किकनयकित किद् युत
approximately the amount of रे कियोधकियता आपूकतय िे किए किया जाता है ?
radioactivity emitted by one gram (1 (a) Zener diode/ जेनर िायोि
g) of radium-226. The unit is named Ans: (a) nuclear fusion/ परिाणु (b) Junction diode/ जुंक्शन िायोि
after Pierre Curie, a French physicist.
सुंियन (c) Gun diode/ गन िायोि (d) Tunnel
Q34. Which of the following is used
Explanation: diode/ टनि िायोि
The sun produces Energy by Nuclear
in oven ?/ कनम्न िें से किसिा प्रयोग Fusion, which is basically the fusion
ओिन िें किया जाता है ? of two hydrogen atoms into a helium Ans: (a) Zener diode/ जे नर िायोि
(a) X-rays / एक्स-रे (b) UV rays / यूिी atom , when this process is done, the
Zener diodes are widely used as
किकिरण (c) Microwaves / सूक्ष्मतरुं गें sun produces a huge amount of
voltage references and as shunt
(d) Radio waves/ रे कियो तरुं गें energy.
regulators to regulate the voltage
across small circuits. Because of the
Q37. In electronics what comes
Ans: (c) Microwaves / सूक्ष्मतरुं गें low impedance of the diode when
under tank circuit?/ इिेक्ट्रॉकनक्स िें , operated like this, resistor R is used
A microwave oven uses microwaves टैं ि पररपथ िे अुंतगयत क्या आता है ? to limit current through the circuit.
to heat foo(d) Microwaves are a type (a) Resistance and capacity/ प्रकतरोध
of wave that are sandwiched between तथा क्षिता Q40. What is the orbital velocity of a
radio waves and infrared radiation on (b) Resistance and inductance/ geostationary satellite?/ भू ल्टथथर
the electromagnetic spectrum. In the प्रकतरोध तथा प्रेरित्व उपग्रह िा िक्षीय िेग क्या है ?
case of microwave ovens, the (c) Capacity and inductance/ क्षिता (a) 4.15 km/s
commonly used wave frequency is
तथा प्रेरित्व (b) 2.78 km/s
roughly 2,450 megahertz (2.45 (c) 3.08 km/s
(d) Resistance, capacity and
inductance/ प्रकतरोध, क्षिता तथा (d) 6.66 km/s
ककसी भौकतक संपका के दू र से ही उसके Ans:(b) Electrical energy/ कवद् युत Q61. A particle dropped from the top
बजरे में सूचनज संग्रहण की तकनीक है - ऊर्जा of a tower uniformly falls on ground
at a distance which is equal to the
(a) Remote sensing/ सुदूर संवेदन Explanation: height of tower. Which of the
(b) Remote control/ दू रस्र् कनयंत्रण following paths will be traversed by
(c) Remote accessing/ दू रस्र् पहुाँ च A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is
an electrical device that converts the the particle?/ ककसी मीनजर के शीर्ा से
(d) Space shuttle/ अंतररि यजन कगरजयज गयज कोई कण एकसमजन रूप से
energy of light directly into
electricity by the photovoltaic effect, भूकम पर उस दू री पर कगरतज है र्ो मीनजर
Ans: (a) Remote sensing/ सुदूर which is a physical and chemical की ऊंचजई के बरजबर है | वह कण कनम्न में
संवेदन phenomenon. से ककस मजगा कज अनुसरण करे गज ?
Explanation: (a) Circle/ वृत्तजकजर
(b) Parabolic/ परवलकयक
Remote sensing is the process of
(c) Great circle/ वृहत वृत्त
detecting and monitoring the
physical characteristics of an area by (d) Hyper-parabolic/ हजइपर-
measuring its reflected and emitted परवयकलक
radiation at a distance from the
Ans: (b) Parabolic/ परवलकयक
targeted are(a) Special cameras
collect remotely sensed images of the Explanation:
Earth, which help researchers
Q60. A man inside an artificial If a particle is dropped from the top
"sense" things about the Earth.
satellite feels weightlessness because of a tower uniformly falls on ground
the force of attraction due to earth at a distance which is equal to the
Q58. The head mirror used by ENT
height of tower then a parabolic path
doctors is / ENT कचककत्सकों द्वजरज is./ कृकत्रम उपग्रह के भीतर एक व्यल्टक्त
will be traversed by a particle
प्रयुक्त मुख्य दपाण होतज है - को भजरहीनतज कज अनुभव होतज है because when the particle is dropped
(a) Concave/ अवतल क्ोंकक पृथ्वी की वर्ह से आकर्ाण बल - that point is called the point of
(b) Convex/ उत्तल (a) zero at that place/ उस स्र्जन पर projection and when it reaches the
(c) Plane/ समतल शून्य होतज है | ground that point is called the point
(d) Plano-convex/समतलोत्तल (b) is balanced by the force of of impact. Now, if the two points is
attraction due to moon/ चन्द्रमज के met with one another the curve
emerges is parabolic in nature.
Ans: (a) Concave/ अवतल आकर्ाण बल के द्वजरज संतुकलत हो र्जतज
Hence, we can say that the path
है | followed by the particle is of
Explanation: (c) equal to the centripetal force/ parabolic trajectories.
A head mirror is mostly used for केंर्द्जकभमुख बल के बरजबर होतज है |
examination of the ear, nose & (d) non-effective due to particular Q62. Electron microscope was
throat. It comprises a circular design of the satellite/ उपग्रह की invented by/ इलेक्ट््ॉन सूक्ष्मदशी यन्त्र
concave mirror, with a small hole in कवशेर् रचनज की वर्ह से अप्रभजवी होतज कज आकवष्कजर ककसके द्वजरज ककयज गयज
the middle, and is attached to a head है | र्ज ?
Ans: (a) zero at that place/ उस स्र्जन (a) Knoll and Ruska/ नोल और रुस्क
पर शून्य होतज है | (b) Robert Koch/ रॉबटा कोच
(c) Leeuwenhoek/ ल्यूवेनहॉक
Explanation: (d) (c)P. Swanson/ सी.पी स्जं सन
You would feel weightless on any
satellite, whether natural or artificial, Ans: (a) Knoll and Ruska/ नोल और
as long as that satellite is too small to रुस्कज
have significant gravity of its own. Explanation:
That’s because the satellite is falling,
not straight down,and the force of The invention of the electron
Q59. Direct conversion of solar attraction due to earth is zero at that microscope by Max Knoll and Ernst
energy with the use. of a photo place. But like a rock that you have Ruska at the Berlin Technische
voltaic cell results in the production thrown, in a curve. But the curve of Hochschule in 1931 finally overcame
the barrier to higher resolution that
of/ फोटोवोल्टिक सेल से सौर ऊर्जा के its fall matches the curve of the
planet it is falling toward, so it never had been imposed by the limitations
सीधे रूपजं तरण कज पररणजम ककसके of visible light.
hits it. Everything inside the satellite
उत्पजदन के रूप में होतज है - (if it’s hollow) or on it is also falling
(a) Optical energy/प्रकजशीय ऊर्जा at the same speed, including the Q63. When a bottle of scent is kept
(b) Electrical energy/ कवद् युत ऊर्जा people, so they feel weightless. open in a comer of a room its odour
(c) Thermal energy/ तजप ऊर्जा is felt in all parts of the room. This is
If you fall off a building, you’ll feel due to the phenomenon of:/ र्ब इत्र
(d) Mechanical energy/ यजंकत्रक ऊर्जा weightless until you hit the groun(d)
की ककसी बोतल को कमरे के ककसी कोने
में खोल कर रख कदयज र्जतज है , तो इसकी
खुशबू कमरे के सभी कहस्ों में महसूस the lower the density, the faster Q68. The speed of light with the rise
होती है | ऐसज ककस पररघटनज की वर्ह sound travels in a medium. ... In air, in the temperature of the medium:/
से होतज है ?
for example, the speed of sound मजध्यम के तजपमजन में वृल्टि होने से
(a) evaporation/ वजष्पीकरण
increases with an increase in प्रकजश की गकत :
(b) vaporization/ बजष्पीभवन (a) Increases/ बढ़ती है |
(c) diffusion/ कवसरण For air the sound speed is about 330 (b) Decreases/ घटती है |
(d) sublimation/ उर्ध्ापजतन
m/s under ordinary conditions. Most (c) Remains unaltere(d)/ अपररवकतात
typical glass materials end up with रहती है |
Ans: (c) diffusion/ कवसरण sound speeds of 2000 m/s to 6000
(d) Drops suddenly/ अचजनक कम हो
m/s, depending both on the type of
Explanation: glass and the type of soun(d) र्जती है |
Ans: (c) Remains unaltere(d)/
In the case of the perfume, perfume Q66. A gas thermometer is more
is very volatile. This means it easily अपररवकतात रहती है |
sensitive than a liquid thermometer
changes from a liquid to a gas at because a gas:/ एक गैस र्मजा मीटर, Explanation:
room temperature. When you spray If we heat the object the particle
तरल र्मजा मीटर की तुलनज में अकधक
the perfume, tiny droplets of the within an object gets heat up moved
liquid are atomized into the air where संवेदनशील होतज है क्ोंकक गैस :
in different directions due to
they quickly evaporate. The gas (a) is lighter than liquid/ र्द्व की तुलनज temperature rise.
particles move randomly about, में हल्की होती है |
diffusing into surrounding air in the (b) expands more than a liquid/ र्द्व But light has wave particle duality so
room, becoming more dilute as they की तुलनज में अकधक फैलती है | we can't say definitely it acts as a
spread out. Soon the entire room
(c) is easy to obtain/ प्रजप्त करनज particle when interacting with the
contains some of the perfume heat addition process. Besides it has
molecules. This is also true for the आसजन होतज है |
very light mass even though it get
odor of a skunk, rotten eggs, and (d) does not change state easily/ गैस heat up there is no change in that
leaking natural gas. की अवस्र्ज में आसजनी से पररवतान नही ं momentum.
होतज |
Q64. Clear nights are colder than Q69. Clothes keep us warm in winter
Ans: (d) does not change state
cloudy nights because of/ सजफ़ रजतें because they:/ ठं ड में कपड़े हमें गमा
easily/ गैस की अवस्र्ज में आसजनी से
मेघयुक्त रजतों की तुलनज में ठं डी होती हैं , रखते हैं , क्ोंकक वे :
पररवतान नही ं होतज |
ककस वर्ह से ? (a) supply heat/ ऊष्मज की आपूकता
(a) conduction/ संवजहन Explanation: करते हैं |
(b) condensation/ संघनन Gas thermometers are more sensitive (b) do not radiate heat/ ऊष्मज
(c) radiation/ कवककरण because gas itself is, on average, कवककररत नही ं करते हैं |
(d) insolation/ पृर्क्करण more sensitive to changes in energy (c) prevent air from contacting the
than liquids. That is to say, the same body / वजयु को शरीर के संपका में आने
Ans: (c) radiation/ कवककरण amount of energy will cause a से रोकते हैं |
greater amount of temperature (d) prevent the heat of the body from
change in a gas than in a liquid of the
escaping/ शरीर से ऊष्मज को बजहर र्जने
This is true even during complete same substance. Temperature isn't a
overcast conditions because the "real" property, and neither is heat. से रोकते हैं |
clouds are generally colder than the Gas does not change its state easily. Ans: (d) prevent the heat of the body
air at the groun(d) Thus clouds in from escaping/ शरीर से ऊष्मज को
effect reduce the radiation imbalance Q67. Which one of the following is
बजहर र्जने से रोकते हैं |
between the upward flux from the used for sun glasses?/ धूप के चश्ों के
ground and downward flux from the कलए कनम्न में से ककसकज प्रयोग ककयज Explanation:
atmosphere, relative to that on clear र्जतज है ? Cotton clothes are thin and do not
(a) Pyrex glass/ पजइरे क्स कजं च have space in which air can be
Q65. Speed of sound is the greatest (b) Flint glass/ ल्टलंट कजं च trappe(d) Thus, cotton clothes do not
(c) Crooks glass/ क्रुक्स कजं च prevent heat coming out of our body.
in:/ र्ध्कन की चजल सवजा कधक होती है : Woollen clothes keep us warm
(a) Water/ र्ल (d) Crystal glass/ कक्रस्टल कजं च
during winter because wool is a poor
(b) Air/ वजयु conductor of heat and it has air
(c) Glass/ कजाँ च Ans: (c) Crooks glass/ क्रुक्स कजं च trapped in between the fibres and
(d) Glycerine/ ल्टिसरीन Explanation: thus prevent the heat of the body
from escaping.
Ans: (c) Glass/ कजाँ च Crookes glass: In this glass mainly
cerium oxide (CiO2) is present which
Explanation: sharply absorbs the ultraviolet rays Q70. In a refrigerator what produces
sound travels faster in liquids than in from the sunlight so utilised in the cooling?/ ककसी रे फ्रीकर्रे टर में,
gases and faster in solids than in making lenses of eyeglasses. शीतलन कज कनमजा ण कौन करतज है ?
liquids. The greater the elasticity and (a) The ice which deposits on the
freezer/ वह बफा र्ो फ्रीर्र पर र्म Q72. When the barometer reading (b) Photosynthesis/ प्रकजश संश्लेर्ण
र्जती है | dips suddenly, it is an indication of/ (c) Diffusion/ कवसरण (d)
(b) The sudden expansion of a र्ब बैरोमीटर कज पठन अचजनक कगर Osmosis/ असमस
compressed gas/संपीकडत गैस कज र्जए , तो यह ककसकज संकेत दे तज है ?
अचजनक कवस्तजर | (a) Hot weather/ गमा मौसम Ans: (b) Photosynthesis/ प्रकजश
(c) The evaporation of a volatile (b) Calm weather/ शजं त मौसम (c) संश्लेर्ण
liquid/ वजष्पशील तरल कज वजष्पीकरण Storm/ तूफ़जन
(d) Dry weather/ शुष्क मौसम
(d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं Photosynthesis in plants converts
Ans: (c) Storm/ तूफ़जन solar energy into chemical energy
Ans: (d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई using electrons and protons from
नही ं water. The process of photosynthesis
If the reading is going down very fast in plants involves a series of steps
Explanation: then its an indication of storm and reactions that use solar
It has a compressor that runs the (within 5-6 hours) otherwise a slow energy,water, and carbon dioxide to
refrigerant up to a high pressure. downfall of reading suggests a low produce organic compounds and
This causes the gas to both heat up pressure area is passing in a nearby oxygen.
and condense. Then there are cooling region, it may rain.
coils, typically on the back of the
refrigerator, where refrigerant is sent Q73. Good conductor of electricity
to cool down. ... Once the pressure is is/ कवद् युत कज सुचजलक है -
off, the liquid evaporates, becoming (a) dry air / शुष्क वजयु
very col(d) (b) paper/ कजगज़
(c) kerosene/ ककरोकसन Q76. The term ‘equinox’ means/
Q71. Why are we able to hear short (d) graphite/ ग्रेफजइट ‘कवर्ुव’ शब्द कज अर्ा है -
wave broadcasts better, than long (a) The path which the Earth takes
wave broadcasts?/ हम दीघा तरं गों के Ans: (d) graphite/ ग्रेफजइट around the Sun/ वह मजगा कर्सपर पृथ्वी
प्रसजरण की तुलनज में लघु तरं गों के सूया कज चक्कर लगजती है |
प्रसजरण को बेहतर ढं ग से सुन पजने में (b) The axis of the Earth around
सिम होते हैं , क्ों ? Graphite is a good conductor of heat which it rotates/ पृथ्वी की वह धुरी
(a) Short waves are more energetic and electricity. This is because, like कर्सपर यह घूमती है |
metals,graphite contains
than long waves./ लघु तरं गें दीघा तरं गों (c) When the day and night are of
delocalised(free) electrons.The equal duration/ र्ब कदन और रजत
की तुलनज में अकधक शल्टक्तशजली होती हैं | carbon-carbon bond allows for free
बरजबर लंबजई के होते हैं |
movement of electrons.
(b) Short waves are unaffected by (d) The time when the Sun seems to
atmospheric disturbances. / लघु तरं गें Q74. Which of the following is a be going round and round in the sky
वजयुमंडलीय व्यवधजनों से अबजकधत रहती non-renewable source of energy?/ in the Arctic but does not go below
the horizon/
हैं | कनम्न में से कौन ऊर्जा कज एक
(c) Shortwave broadcasts are made अनवीकरणीय स्रोत है ? Ans: (c) When the day and night are
by nearby radio stations./ लघु तरं गों (a) Biogas/ बजयोगैस of equal duration/ र्ब कदन और रजत
कज प्रसजरण पजस के रे कडयो स्टे शनों से (b) Solar/ सौर बरजबर लंबजई के होते हैं |
ककयज र्जतज है | (c) Wind/ पवन Explanation:
(d) By convention, short waves are (d) Coal/ कोयलज
meant for long distances, whereas the time when the sun crosses the
long waves are reserved for short Ans: (d) Coal/ कोयलज plane of the earth's equator, making
distances./ परं परज के अनुसजर, लघु तरं गें night and day of approximately equal
Explanation: length all over the earth and
लंबी दू री के कलए होती हैं , र्बकक दीघा
All fossil fuels are nonrenewable, but occurring about March 21 (vernal
तरं गों को छोटी दू री के कलए सुरकित रखज
not all nonrenewable energy sources equinox or spring equinox) and
र्जतज है | September 22 (autumnal equinox) .
are fossil fuels. Coal, crude oil, and
Ans: (a) Short waves are more natural gas are all considered fossil
energetic than long waves. fuels because they were formed from Q77. Heat from the Sun reaches the
the buried remains of plants and
Explanation: Earth by/ सूया की ऊष्मज पृ थ्वी तक
animals that lived millions of years
ago. ककसके मजध्यम से पहुाँ चती है ?
Shortwave broadcasts are made by
nearby radio stations. By convention,
short waves are meant for long Q75. Solar energy is converted into (a) Reflection/ परजवतान
distances whereas long waves are chemical energy during/ ककस दौरजन (b) Conduction/ संवजहन
reserved for short distances. सौर ऊर्जा कज रूपजं तरण रजसजयकनक (c) Radiation/ कवककरण
ऊर्जा में होतज है ? (d) Convection/ संवहन
(a) Transpiration/ भजप कनकजसी Ans: (c) Radiation/ कवककरण
Explanation: vessel and efficiently retain the (c) Change in momentum/ संवेग में
The sun heats the earth through
energy (heat) for maximum cooking पररवतान
radiation. Since there is no medium (d) Change in acceleration/ त्वरण में
(like the gas in our atmosphere) in
Q80. If the velocity-time graph of a पररवतान
space, radiation is the primary way
that heat travels in space. When the
particle is represented by y = mt + c, Ans: (b) Inertia of motion/ गकत की
then the particle is moving with: र्ड़तज
heat reaches the earth it warms the
molecules of the atmosphere, and यकद ककसी कण के वेग-समय ग्रजफ को y
they warm other molecules and so = mt + c से दशजा यज र्जतज है , तो वह कण Explanation:
on. ककस प्रकजर गमन कर रहज है ? It’s because of inertia, which is
(a) constant speed/ ल्टस्र्र चजल simply the tendency of any body to
Q78. In which of the following (b) constant velocity/ ल्टस्र्र वेग continue on whatever path it’s
cases, kinetic energy is being used in (c) constant acceleration/ल्टस्र्र त्वरण travelling unless acted on by an
performing work?/ कनम्न में से ककन (d) varying acceleration/ पररवतानशील
external force. For a standing
मजमलों में, गकतर् ऊर्जा कज प्रयोग कजया त्वरण
passenger, his/her body will tend to
continue along the straight line route
करने में ककयज र्ज रहज है ?
Ans: (c) constant acceleration/ ल्टस्र्र the bus was travelling before the
sharp turn. As the passenger’s feet
(a) Paddling the bicycle to cover a त्वरण
are fairly firmly located to the floor
distance/ ककसी दू री को तय करने के of the bus when it turns, a force will
कलए सजइककल पर पैडल मजरने के कलए act upon the passenger’s feet
(b) Driving a car to cover a distance/ If the velocity-time graph of a accelerating them towards the centre
ककसी दू री को तय करने के कलए कजर particle is represented by y = mt + c, of the turn. The result? The feet no
then the particle is moving with
चलजने के कलए longer be under the centre of gravity
constant acceleration.
(c) grinding wheat grain/ गेहं कज of the passenger and he/she will
अनजर् पीसने हे तु appear to fall outwards.
Q81. Which of the following
(d) Rowing a boat in the lake/ ककसी occurred first? Q83. When pressure is increased the
झील में नजव चलजने के कलए कनम्न में से पहले कौन हुआ ? melting point of ice/ दजब बढ़ने पर
Ans: (b) Driving a car to cover a बफा कज गलनजं क -
(a) Albert Einstein propounded the
distance/ ककसी दू री को तय करने के (a) increases/ बढ़तज है |
General Theory of Relativity/ अलबटा
कलए कजर चलजने के कलए (b) does not change/ अपररवकतात रहतज
आइं स्टीन ने सजमजन्य आपेकिकतज के
है |
Explanation: कसिजं त कज प्रकतपजदन ककयज |
(b) Max Planck unveiled the (c) decreases/ कम होतज है |
Kinetic energy is the energy an (d) depends on the impurities in the
object has because of its motion. If Quantum Theory/ मैक्स प्जं क ने
ice/ बफा में मौर्ूद अशुल्टियों पर कनभार
we want to accelerate an object, then क्जं टम कसिजं त की खोर् की |
we must apply a force.After work (c) Guglielmo Marconi sent out the करतज है |
has been done,energy has been first wireless signals/ गुल्येल्मो मजकोनी Ans: (c) decreases/ कम होतज है |
transferred to the object, and the ने पहले तजर रकहत ( वजयरलेस ) संकेतों
object will be moving with a new Explanation:
को भेर्ज
constant spee(d) Thus Driving a car (d) Wright Brothers successfully if you increase the pressure on the
to cover a distance kinetic energy is
flew an aircraft/ रजईट बंधुओं ने ice the ice-water system wants to try
being used in performing work. to lower it again. It can do that by
सफलतजपूवाक हवजईर्जहर् उड़जयज |
making itself fit into a smaller
Q79. Which of the following parts of Ans: (c) Guglielmo Marconi sent out volume. But since water fills a
the sunlight makes the solar cooker smaller volume when it's liquid,
the first wireless signals/ गुल्येल्मो
hot?/ सूया की रोशनी कज कनम्न में से कौन मजकोनी ने पहले तजर रकहत ( वजयरलेस )
rather than solid, it will go to a lower
melting point -- allowing more solid
सज भजग सौर कूकर को गमा करतज है ? संकेतों को भेर्ज to become liqui(d)
(a) Ultra violet/ पजरज बैंगनी
(b) Red light/ लजल प्रकजश Q82. A passenger standing in a bus Q84. Longitudinal waves cannot
(c) Infrared/ अवरक्त is thrown outward when the bus travel through/ अनुदैध्या तरं गें ककस
(d) Cosmic rays/ कॉल्टिक ककरणें takes a sudden turn. This happens मजध्यम से होकर यजत्रज नही ं कर सकती ं ?
due to/ र्ब बस अचजनक मु ड़ती है तो
Ans: (c) Infrared/ अवरक्त (a) Vacuum / कनवजा त
बस में खड़ज कोई व्यल्टक्त बजहर की तरफ
(b) Solid/ ठोस
Explanation: कगर र्जतज है | ऐसज ककस कजरण से होतज
(c) Liquid/ तरल
है ?
A solar cooker lets the UV light rays (d) Gas/ गैस
in and then converts them to longer (a) Outward pull on him / उसपर
infrared light rays that cannot escape. बजह्य प्रभजव Ans: (a) Vacuum / कनवजा त
An effective solar cooker will use the (b) Inertia of motionगकत की र्ड़तज Explanation:
energy of the sun to heat a cooking
The reason sound can't travel through Q87. What is the wavelength of (d) modern vehicles use electro
a vacuum is that sound needs a visible spectrum?/ ककसी र्द्श्य वणाक्रम ignition system/ आधुकनक वजहन
medium (solid, liquid or gas with कज तरं गदै ध्या ककतनज होतज है ? इलेक्ट््ो-इकग्नशन प्रणजली कज प्रयोग करते
real vibrating molecules) and not (a) 1300𝐴̇ -3000𝐴̇ हैं |
because it is a longitudinal wave'
(b) 3900𝐴̇ -7600 𝐴̇ Ans: (b) spark plug creates
Q85. Electrostatic precipitator is
(c) 7800 𝐴̇ -8000 𝐴̇ electromagnetic disturbances/ स्पजका
used to control the pollution (d) 8500 𝐴̇ -9800 𝐴̇ प्ग कवद् युत चुंबकीय बजधजओं कज
of/ल्टस्र्रवैद्युत अविेकपत्र कज प्रयोग ककस Ans: (b) 3900𝐴̇ -7600 𝐴̇ कनमजा ण करतज है |
प्रदू र्ण को कनयंकत्रत करने के कलए ककयज Explanation:
र्जतज है -
Visible light ranges from about 4,000 It is called multipath interference.
What happens is that in addition to
(a) air/ वजयु angstroms to 7,000 angstroms. In
the direct transmission, you get a
fact, the colors that make up visible
(b) water / र्ल second signal that is reflected off the
light, like red, blue and green, and
(c) noise / र्ध्कन their complements violet, yellow, passing vehicle and which interferes
(d) thermal/ तजपीय and orange, also have their own with the primary signal.
ranges of wavelength.
Ans: (a) air/ वजयु Q90. The energy emitted by the Sun
is due to/ सूया द्वजरज ऊर्जा कज उत्सर्ा न
Explanation: ककसकी वर्ह से होतज है ?
Originally designed for recovery of (a) Chemical reaction/ रजसजयकनक
valuable industrial-process materials, अकभकक्रयज
electrostatic precipitators are used (b) Nuclear fission/ परमजणु कवखंडन
for air pollution control, particularly (c) Nuclear fusion/ परमजणु संलयन
for removing particles from waste (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त में से
gases at industrial facilities and सभी
power-generating stations.
Q88. Who measured the velocity, of Ans: (b) Nuclear fission/ परमजणु
light first?/ प्रकजश के वेग कज मजपन कवखंडन
सवाप्रर्म ककसने ककयज ? Explanation:
because it travels as shorter, smaller (c) Of the surface tension an adherent layer of chromium oxide
waves. phenomenon / पृष्ठ तनजव की घटनज when it is heated for the first time
के कजरण
(d) Of the capillary action Q96. An electron microscope gives
higher magnification than an optical
phenomenon/ केकशकत्वन की घटनज के
microscope, because:/ एक इलेक्ट््ॉन
कजरण |
सूक्ष्मदशी यन्त्र प्रकजशीय सूक्ष्मदशी की
Ans: (d) Of the capillary action तुलनज में उच्च आवधान दे तज है , क्ोंकक
phenomenon/ केकशकत्वन की घटनज के
कजरण | (a) it uses more powerful lenses /
Explanation: इसमें अपेिजकृत अकधक शल्टक्तशजली
Q92. Dynamo is a device for लेंसों कज प्रयोग ककयज र्जतज है |
It's due to capillary action.
converting/ डजइनेमो एक उपकरण है (b) the velocity of electron is smaller
र्ो रूपजं तररत करतज है - Capillary action is the ability of a than that of visible light/ दृश्य प्रकजश
(a) Heat energy into electrical liquid to flow in narrow spaces की तुलनज में इलेक्ट््ॉन कज वेग कम होतज
energyऊष्ण ऊर्जा को कवद् युत ऊर्जा में without the assistance of, or even in है |
opposition to, external forces like (c) the electrons have more energy
(b) Mechanical energy into electrical gravity.
than the light particles / प्रकजश कणों
energy/ यजं कत्रक ऊर्जा को कवद् युत ऊर्जा
की तुलनज में इलेक्ट््ॉनों में अकधक ऊर्जा
में | Q94. In the atmosphere ultraviolet होती है |
(c) Magnetic energy into electrical rays are absorbed by/ वजयुमंडल में, (d) the wavelength of electrons is
energy/ चुम्बकीय ऊर्जा को कवद् युत
पजरजबैंगनी ककरणों कज अवशोर्ण ककसके smaller as compared to the
ऊर्जा में wavelength of visible light/ दृश्य
द्वजरज ककयज र्जतज है ?
(d) Chemical energy into electrical
प्रकजश के तरं गदै ध्या की तुलनज में
energy/ रजसजयकनक ऊर्जा को कवद् युत
(a) Oxygen/ ऑक्सीर्न इलेक्ट््ॉनों कज तरं गदै ध्या छोटज होतज है |
ऊर्जा में |
(b) Nitrogen/ नजइट् ोर्न
Ans: (d) the wavelength of electrons
(c) Ozone / ओर्ोन is smaller as compared to the
Ans: (b) Mechanical energy into
electrical energy/ यजंकत्रक ऊर्जा को (d) Helium/ हीकलयम wavelength of visible light/ दृश्य
कवद् युत ऊर्जा में | Ans: (a) Oxygen/ ऑक्सीर्न प्रकजश के तरं गदै ध्या की तुलनज में
इलेक्ट््ॉनों कज तरं गदै ध्या छोटज होतज है |
Explanation: Explanation:
A dynamo is an electric generator Most of the ultraviolet radiation in
that produces direct current using a sunlight is absorbed by oxygen in An electron microscope gives higher
commutator. A commutator is a Earth's atmosphere, which forms the magnification than an optical
device that reverses the direction of ozone layer of the lower microscope because the wavelength
current. Thedynamo uses wire coils stratosphere. Of the ultraviolet that of electrons is smaller as compared
that rotate creating a magnetic fiel(d) does reach Earth's surface, almost 99 to the wavelength of visible light
This action converts the mechanical percent is UVA radiation.
energy of the rotation to a direct Q97. The hydraulic brakes used in
electric current. Q95. Which of the following metals
automobiles is a direct application
is used for the manufacture of
heating elements provided in electric of:/ वजहनों में प्रयुक्त र्द्व-चजकलत ब्रेक
iron?कवद् युत आयरन में प्रदत्त तजपक ककसकज प्रत्यि अनुप्रयोग है -
(a) Archimedes’ principle/
तत्व के कनमजा ण के कलए कनम्न में से ककस
आकाकमडीर् कज कसिजं त
धजतु कज प्रयोग ककयज र्जतज है ?
(b) Torieellian law/ टोरीलीयन कनयम
(a) Nickel / कनकेल
(c) Bernoulli’s theorem/ बनूाली कज
(b) Chromium/ क्रोकमयम
कसिजं त
(c) Nichrome/ कनक्रोम (d)
(d) Pascal’s law/ पजस्कल कज कनयम
Tungsten/ टं गस्टन
Ans: (d) Pascal’s law/ पजस्कल कज
Q93. Oil rises up the wick in a lamp
Ans: (c) Nichrome/ कनक्रोम कनयम
because/तेल दीये की बजती में ऊपर
उठतज है , क्ों ? Explanation: Explanation:
(a) Oil is very light/ तेल बेहद हल्कज Hydraulic brakes work on the
Nichrome: Most resistance wire
होतज है | principle of Pascal's law. According
heating elements use nichrome 80/20
(b) Of the diffusion of oil through the to this law whenever pressure is
(80% nickel, 20% chromium) wire,
wick/ बजती के मजध्यम से तेल फैलजव के ribbon, or strip. Nichrome 80/20 is applied on a fluid it travels uniformly
कजरण an ideal material, because it has in all the directions. Therefore when
relatively high resistance and forms we apply force on a small piston,
pressure gets created which is (a) Displacement -Time graph is diffusely reflecting surface or ideal
transmitted through the fluid to a linear/ कवस्र्जपन-समय ग्रजफ रै ल्टखक diffuse radiator is directly
larger piston. होतज है | proportional to the cosine of the
(b) Displacement-Time graph is non- angle θ between the direction of the
Q98. Where are mesons found?/ incident light and the surface normal.
linear/ कवस्र्जपन-समय ग्रजफ रै ल्टखक नही ं
मेसॉन कहजाँ पजए र्जते हैं ?
होतज |
(c) Velocity -Time graph is
(a) Cosmic rays / कॉल्टिक ककरणों में
nonlinear/ वेग-समय ग्रजफ रै ल्टखक नही ं
होतज है |
(b) X-rays/ एक्स-रे में
(d) Velocity-Time graph is linear/
(c) Gamma rays / गजमज ककरणों में
वेग-समय ग्रजफ रै ल्टखक होतज है |
(d) Laser beam/ लेर्र बीम Q103. Which of the following laws
Ans: (a) Cosmic rays / कॉल्टिक validates the statement that matter
Ans: (b) Displacement-Time graph can neither be created nor
ककरणों में
is non-linear/ कवस्र्जपन-समय ग्रजफ destroyed?/ कनम्न में से कौन सज कनयम
Explanation: रै ल्टखक नही ं होतज | इस कर्न की पुकि करतज है कक पदजर्ा
Outside the nucleus, mesons appear कज नज तो कनमजा ण ककयज र्ज सकतज है
in nature only as short-lived products और नज ही अंत ?
of very high-energy collisions a body is said to be moving with the (a) Law of conservation of energy /
between particles made of quarks, uniform velocity when it has no ऊर्जा संरिण कज कनयम (b) Le
acceleration, which means that
such as cosmic rays (high-energy Chatelier's Principle/ लज-शजतैकलए कज
protons and neutrons) and ordinary neither the speed nor the direction of
the object are changing with respect कनयम
to time while the body is said to be (c) Law of conservation of mass/
Q99. Plants are dried up in winter moving with the non-uniform र्द्व्यमजन संरिण कज कनयम
due to frost because/ सकदा यों में पौधे velocity. (d) Law of osmosis/ असमस कज कनयम
तुर्जर की वर्ह से सूख र्जते हैं क्ोंकक Ans: (c) Law of conservation of
Q101. For which of the following mass/ र्द्व्यमजन संरिण कज कनयम
(a) Evaporation does not take place/ substances, the resistance decreases
वजष्पीकरण नही ं हो पजतज | with an increase in temperature?/
(b) Photosynthesis does not take कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किस पदाथय िे किए, Explanation:
place at such low temperature/ इतने तापिान िें िृल्टद् िे साथ प्रकतरोध िि हो
The law of conservation of mass
कम तजपमजन में प्रकजश संश्लेर्ण की जाता है ? states that mass in an isolated system
कक्रयज नही ं हो पजती | is neither created nor destroyed by
(c) Respiration does not take place at (a) Pure silicon/ शुद् कसकििॉन chemical reactions or physical
low temperature/ कम तजपमजन में श्वसन (b) Copper/ िॉपर transformations. According to the
कक्रयज नही ं हो पजती | (c) Nichrome/ कनरोि law of conservation of mass, the
(d) There is mechanical loss of (d) Platinum/ प्लेकटनि mass of the products in a chemical
tissues and drought condition reaction must equal the mass of the
prevails/ उत्तकों कज यजं कत्रक कवलोपन Ans. (a) Pure silicon/ शुद् कसकििॉन
होतज है तर्ज सूखे की पररल्टस्र्कतयजाँ प्रबल
Q104. Decibel is the unit used for/
हो र्जती हैं | Explanation: डे कसबल इकजई कज प्रयोग ककसके कलए
Resistance of a semiconductor
Ans: (d) There is mechanical loss of ककयज र्जतज है -
decreases with the increasing
tissues and drought condition
temperature. Pure silicon is a (a) Speed of light/ प्रकजश की गकत
prevails/ उत्तकों कज यजं कत्रक कवलोपन (b) Intensity of heat/ ऊष्मज की तीव्रतज
होतज है तर्ज सूखे की पररल्टस्र्कतयजाँ प्रबल
हो र्जती हैं | (c) Intensity of sound/ र्ध्कन की तीव्रतज
Q102. Lambert's law is related to/
Explanation: लैम्बटा के कनयम कज सम्बन्ध है -
(d) Radio wave frequency/ रे कडयो
Plants are dried up in winter due to (a) Reflection/ परजवतान से
तरं ग आवृकत्त
frost because there is mechanical loss (b) Refraction/ अपवतान से
of tissues and drought condition (c) Interference/ हस्तिेप से Ans: (c) Intensity of sound/ र्ध्कन की
prevails (d) Illumination/ प्रकजश से तीव्रतज
ratio. The ratio may be power, sound (a) high temperatures/ उच्च तजपमजन से Atomic clocks are the most accurate
pressure, voltage or intensity or time and frequency standards known,
several other things. (b) low temperatures/ कनम्न तजपमजन से and are used as primary standards for
international time distribution
services, to control the wave
Q105. A particle has initial velocity (c) friction and wear/ घर्ाण तर्ज रगड़
frequency of television broadcasts,
(3i +̂ 4j ̂) and has acceleration से and in global navigation satellite
(0.4i +̂ 0.3j ̂ ). Its speed after 10 (d) growth of crystals/ कक्रस्टलों के systems such as GPS.
seconds is?/ एि िण िा प्रारुं कभि िेग कवकजस से
(3i ̂ + 4j ocity) होता है और इसिें Q110. Why does bleeding occur
त्वरण (0.4i ̂ + 0.3j ocity) होता है। 10 Ans: (b) low temperatures/ कनम्न through the nose in high
सेिुंि िे बाद इसिी गकत है ? तजपमजन से mountainous regions? / ऊाँचे पवातीय
Explanation: िेत्रों में नजक से रक्तस्रजव क्ों होने लगतज
(a) 7 unit/ 7 यूकनट है ?
In physics, cryogenics is the
(b) 7 √2 unit/ 7 √2 इिाई production and behaviour of (a) The pressure of blood in
(c) 8.5 unit/ 8.5 इिाई materials at very low temperatures. capillaries is greater than the outside
(d) 10 unit/ 10 इिाई At what point on the temperature pressure/ केकशकजओं में रक्त कज दबजव
scale refrigeration ends and बजहरी दबजव से अकधक होतज है |
Ans. (b) 7 √2 unit/ 7 √2 इिाई cryogenics begins, but scientists (b) The pressure at high altitudes is
assume a gas to be cryogenic if it can greater than that on the plains/ उं चजई
be liquefied at or below −150 °C पर दबजव मैदजनी दबजव की तुलनज में
(123 K; −238 °F). अकधक होतज है |
Given, initial velocity (u) = 3i +̂ 4j ̂
Final velocity (v) =? (c) The blood pressure of a person
Q108. The mass-energy relation is
Acceleration (a) = (0.4i ̂+0.3j )̂ increases at high altitudes/ ऊंचजई
the outcome of/ र्द्व्यमजन-ऊर्जा सम्बन्ध
Time (t) = 10 s वजले िेत्रों में व्यल्टक्त कज रक्तचजप बढ़
From first equation of motion, v = u ककसकज पररणजम है ?
र्जतज है |
+ at (a) quantum theory/ क्जं टम कसिजं त
(d) The blood pressure fluctuates and
v = 3i ̂+4j ̂+10(0.4i ̂+0.3j )̂ (b) general theory of relativity/
finally decreases drastically/ रक्तचजप
सजमजन्य सजपेितज कसिजं त
में उतजर चढ़जव आते हैं तर्ज अंततः यह
v = 7i ̂+7j ̂⇒|v|=7√2 (c) field theory of energy/ ऊर्जा कज
कजफी कम हो र्जतज है |
िेत्र कसिजं त
Q106. The atmospheric layer
(d) special theory of relativity/ कवकशि Ans: (c) The blood pressure of a
reflecting radio waves is called/
सजपेितज कसिजं त person increases at high altitudes/
रे कडयो तरं गों को परजवकतात करने वजली ऊंचजई वजले िेत्रों में व्यल्टक्त कज रक्तचजप
वजयुमंडलीय परत को कहज र्जतज है - Ans: (d) special theory of relativity/ बढ़ र्जतज है |
(a) Ozonosphere/ ओर्ोनमंडल कवकशि सजपेितज कसिजं त
(b) Ionosphere/आयन मंडल Explanation:
(c) Stratosphere/ समतजप मंडल At higher altitudes ,due to the lesser
Mass-energy equivalence states that
(d) Mesosphere/ मध्य मंडल amount of oxygen in the atmosphere
mass is concentrated energy. In his ,the atmosphere becomes thinner and
Ans: (b) Ionosphere/आयन मंडल theory of special relativity Einstein many people and tourists who visit
formulated the equation E=mc^2. mountain regions while have nose
Explanation: There is a tremendous amount of bleeding and it is because the drier
In radio communication, skywave or energy in mass. ... Nuclear reactions and thinner atmosphere makes the
skip refers to the propagation of can be understood to release so much blood vessels burst and the blood
radio waves reflected or refracted more energy than chemical reactions flows rapidly because of the low
back toward Earth from the because of the mass changes. pressure.
ionosphere, an electrically charged
layer of the upper atmosphere. Q109. Which of the following are
used for accurately measuring very
small time intervals?/ कनम्नकलल्टखत में से
ककसकज प्रयोग बेहद छोटे समय अंतरजलों
की सटीक मजप के कलए ककयज र्जतज है ?
(a) Pulsars/ पल्सर
(b) Quartz clocks/ क्जटा ज़ घड़ी (c)
Atomic clocks/ परमजणु घड़ी
(d) White dwarfs/ सफ़ेद वजमन Q111. Danger signals are generally
red as red light/ खतरे के संकेत
Ans: (c) Atomic clocks/ परमजणु घड़ी
Q107. 'Cryogenics’ is a science सजमजन्यतः लजल होते हैं क्ोंकक लजल
dealing with/ ‘कनम्नतजकपकी’ एक कवज्ञजन प्रकजश
है कर्सकज सम्बन्ध है - Explanation:
(a) is least bright/ सबसे कम चमकीलज (c) oil does not mix with water/ तेल A knot is one nautical mile per hour
होतज है | पजनी के सजर् कमकित नही ं होतज | (1 knot = 1.15 miles per hour ). The
term knot dates from the 17th
(b) undergoes least deviation/ इसकज (d) surface tension of oil is much
century, when sailors measured the
कवचलन सबसे कम होतज है | smaller than that of water/ तेल कज पृष्ठ
speed of their ship by using a device
(c) has lowest velocity/ इसकज वेग तनजव पजनी के पृष्ठ तनजव की तुलनज में called a "common log."
न्यूनतम होतज है | कजफी छोटज होतज है |
(d) gives comfort to eye/ आाँ खों को Ans: (d) surface tension of oil is Q116. When the main switch of the
सुकून दे तज है | much smaller than that of water/ तेल
house is put off it disconnects the/
र्ब घर के मुख्य ल्टस्च को बं द ककयज
Ans: (b) undergoes least deviation/ कज पृष्ठ तनजव पजनी के पृष्ठ तनजव की
र्जतज है , तो यह कवयोकर्त करतज है -
इसकज कवचलन सबसे कम होतज है | तुलनज में कजफी छोटज होतज है |
(a) live wire only/ केवल कवद् युन्मय
Explanation: Explanation: तजर को
When the light passes through the The surface tension of the water is (b) live wire and the earth wire
atmosphere, it gets scattered by small more than that of oil.Therefore,when (c) live wire and the neutral wire/
air particles. The scattering of light is oil is poured over water,the greater कवद् युन्मय तजर तर्ज उदजसीन तजर को
inversely proportional to the fourth value of surface tension of water (d) earth wire and the neutral wire
power of its wavelength. As the red pulls oil in all directions,and as such
Ans: (c) live wire and the neutral
light has the highest wavelength it spreads on the water.On the other
hand,when water is poured over oil,it wire/ कवद् युन्मय तजर तर्ज उदजसीन तजर
among all the colours, so it is
scattered the least. Due to which does not spread over it because the को
most of the light gets reflected back surface tension of oil . Explanation:
and can travel longer distances The switch is connected to the live
through rain, fog, dust et(c) to reach Q114. The device which converts wire .When it is on then the circuit
our eyes effectively.
DC to AC is/ DC को AC में पररवकतात becomes close in nature and when
the switch is made off then it opens
Q112. A simple microscope consists करने वजलज उपकरण है -
the circuit during off condition no
of:/ एक सजमजन्य सूक्ष्मदशी में होतज है : current flows through the circuit..
(a) Oscillator/ दोलक
(a) a short focus convex lens/ लघु (b) Amplifier/ प्रवधाक After the switch is made on , current
फोकस उत्तल लेंस (c) Clipper / ल्टिपर flow takes place through the live
(b) a long focus convex lens / दीघा (d) Inverter / इन्वटा र wire as well as neutral wire.
फोकस उत्तल लेंस Ans: (d) Inverter Q117. Heat from the sun reaches
(c) a short focus concave lens/ लघु earth by the process of/ सूया की ऊष्मज
फोकस अवतल लेंस पृथ्वी तक ककस प्रक्रम द्वजरज पहुाँ चती है ?
(d) a long focus concave lens/ दीघा A power inverter, or inverter, is an
electronic device or circuitry that
फोकस अवतल लेंस (a) Conduction / प्रवजहकत्व
changes direct current (DC) to
alternating current (AC).The input (b) Convection/ संवहन
Ans: (a) a short focus convex lens/ (c) Radiation/ कवककरण
voltage, output voltage and
लघु फोकस उत्तल लेंस frequency, and overall power (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
Explanation: handling depend on the design of the
A simple microscope is also called specific device or circuitry. The Ans: (c) Radiation/ कवककरण
magnifying glass. It is actually a inverter does not produce any power; Explanation:
convex lens of small focal length, the power is provided by the DC
which is used for seeing the source. Radiation is the final form of
magnified images of small objects. movement of heat energy. The sun's
light and heat cannot reach us by
Q115. Knot is a measure of/ नॉट conduction or convection because
ककसकज मजप है - space is almost completely empty.
(a) The speed of ship/ र्हजज़ की गकत There is nothing to transfer the
कज energy from the sun to the earth. The
(b) The curvature of spherical sun's rays travel in straight lines
objects/ गोलजकजर वस्तुओं की वक्रतज called heat rays.
Q113. An oil drop spreads over Q118. Boyle’s law is a relationship
water because/ तेल की एक बूाँद पजनी (c) Solar radiation/ सौर कवककरण कज between/ बॉयल कज कनयम ककसके बीच
पर फ़ैल र्जती है , क्ोंकक (d) Intensity of earthquake shock/
कज सम्बन्ध है -
(a) oil is lighter than water/ तेल पजनी भूकंप की तीव्रतज कज
(a) Pressure and volume/ दजब तर्ज
से हल्कज होतज है | Ans: (a) The speed of ship/ र्हजज़ की आयतन
(b) oil is more viscous/ तेल अकधक गकत कज (b) Volume and temperature/ आयतन
कचपकचपज होतज है | तर्ज तजपमजन
(c) Volume and density/ आयतन तर्ज (a) Dalton/ डजिन द्वजरज (b) Erwin focus further back in the eye on the
घनत्व Schrodinger/ अकवान िोकडन्गर द्वजरज retin(a)
(d) Pressure and temperature/ दजब (c) Niels Bohr/ नील्स बोर द्वजरज (d)
तर्ज तजपमजन Rutherford/ रदरफोडा द्वजरज Ans: (c) Q124. What is the reason for
Niels Bohr/ नील्स बोर द्वजरज twinkling of stars?तजरों के कटमकटमजने
Ans: (a) Pressure and volume/ दजब
Explanation: की वर्ह क्ज है ?
तर्ज आयतन
The origin of spectral lines in the (a) Dispersion of light/ प्रकजश कज
Explanation: hydrogen atom can be explained on कविेपण
Boyle's law is a gas law, stating that the basis of Bohr's theory(by Niels (b) Total internal reflection/ कुल
the pressure and volume of a gas Bohr). The hydrogen atom is said to आतंररक परजवतान
have an inverse relationship, when be stable when the electron present (c) Atmospheric reflection/
temperature is held constant. If in it revolves around the nucleus in वजयुमंडलीय परजवतान
volume increases, then pressure the first orbit having the principal (d) Atmospheric refraction/
quantum number n = 1. This orbit is
decreases and vice versa, when वजयुमंडलीय अपवतान
temperature is held constant. called the ground state.
Ans: (d) Atmospheric refraction/
Q119. Which of the following Q122. Magnetism in materials is due वजयुमंडलीय अपवतान
produces more severe bums?/ कनम्न में to/ पदाथों िें चुम्बित्व किस िजह से
से कौन सबसे अकधक र्लन दे तज है ? होता है ?
(a) electrons at rest/ आराि से Atmospheric refraction is the reason
इिेक्ट्रॉनोुं behind the twinkling of stars.
(a) Boiling water/ उबलज हुआ पजनी
(b) Hot water/ गमा पजनी (b) circular motion of electrons/ The starlight on the earth surface
(c) Steam/ भजप इिेक्ट्रॉनोुं िी पररपत्र गकत undergoes refraction continuously
(d) Melting iceberg/ कपघलतज हुआ (c) protons at rest / किश्राि पर प्रोटॉन before it reaches to earth. The
(d) all neutrons at rest / बािी सभी starlight bends towards the normal as
it enters from rarer to denser
न्यूटरॉन किश्राि पर
Ans: (c) Steam/ भजप medium. The air near the earth's
surface is denser than upper layers.
Explanation: Ans: (b) circular motion of therefore the apparent position of the
electrons/ इिेक्ट्रॉनोुं िी पररपत्र गकत stars are slightly different from its
Steam will produce more severe
burns than boiling water because actual position, when it is viewed
steam has more heat energy than Explanation: from horizon.
water due to its latent heat of Magnetism is the force exerted by
evaporation. magnets when they attract or repel
Q125. The instrument for measuring
each other.Magnetism is caused by
intensity of earthquakes is called/
Q120. The sudden fall of the motion of electric charges. Every
substance is made up of tiny units भूकंप की तीव्रतज मजपने वजले उपकरण
atmospheric pressure indicates/
called atoms. In substances such as को कहते हैं -
वजयुमंडलीय दजब में अचजनक कगरजवट
iron, cobalt, and nickel, most of the (a) Radiograph/ रे कडयोग्रजफ
आनज संकेत है - electrons spin in the same direction. (b) Pantagraph/पेंटजग्रजफ
(a) fair weather सजफ़ मौसम कज
(c) Ergograph/ अगोग्रजफ
(b) storm/ तूफ़जन कज
Q123. ‘Short-sight’ in human eye (d) Seismograph/ कसिोग्रजफ
(c) rain/ बजररश कज
can be corrected by using proper/
(d) cold weather/ ठं डे मौसम कज Ans: (d) Seismograph/ कसिोग्रजफ
मजनव आाँ खों में कनकट-दृकि को उकचत
Ans: (b) storm/ तूफ़जन कज ……….. के द्वजरज ठीक ककयज र्ज सकतज Explanation:
है - A seismograph, or seismometer, is an
(a) convex lens/ उत्तल लेंस instrument used to detect and record
Falling pressure indicates the mass of (b) concave lens/ अवतल लें earthquakes. Generally, it consists of
the atmosphere above a point is
(c) cylindrical lens/ बेलनजकजर लेंस a mass attached to a fixed base.
decreasing, which can happen as the During an earthquake, the base
result of various atmospheric (d) bifocal lens/ कद्वनजकभत लेंस
moves and the mass does not.
processes. In general, weather Ans: (b) concave lens/ अवतल लेंस
systems with low pressure at their
centers (called cyclones) are Explanation:
associated with unsettled weather The simplest, cheapest and safest
(clouds and precipitation) and strong way to correct short sight is with
winds. glasses. Concave prescription lenses
(called minus lenses) are used to
Q121. Hydrogen spectrum was first bend light rays slightly outwards to
explained by/ हजइड् ोर्न वणाक्रम की counteract the over-focusing
सवाप्रर्म व्यजख्यज की गयी र्ी - tendency. As a result, the light rays
Q126. Which one of the following (a) current/ कवद् युत धजरज ककसपर आधजररत होते हैं ?
animals can hear ultrasonic sound?/ (b) voltage/ वोिे र्
कनम्न में से कौन से पशु अि् जसोकनक (c) resistance/ प्रकतरोध (a) nuclear fission/ परमजणु कवखंडन
र्ध्कन को सुन सकते हैं ? (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी (b) nuclear fusion/ परमजणु संलयन
(a) Rat / चूहज (c) cold fusion/ शीत संलयन
(b) Squirrel/ कगलहरी Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त
(d) superconductivity/ अकतचजलकतज
(c) Cat/ कबल्ली सभी
Ans: (a) nuclear fission/ परमजणु
(d) Bat/ चमगजदड़ Explanation:
Ans: (d) Bat/ चमगजदड़ A multimeter or a multitester, also
known as a VOM (volt-ohm- Explanation:
Explanation: milliammeter), is an electronic Nuclear reactors are used at nuclear
We cannot hear ultrasound (it has a measuring instrument that combines power plants for electricity
frequency above 20,000 Hz, the several measurement functions in generation and in nuclear marine
upper limit of human hearing). one unit. A typical multimeter can propulsion. Heat from nuclear fission
However animals, such as dogs, bats, measure voltage, current, and is passed to a working fluid (water or
and dolphins, can hear these very resistance. gas), which in turn runs through
high-pitched sounds. Bats use steam turbines.
ultrasound to 'see' trees and insects at
night. Q131. A solid sphere of radius R is
placed on a smooth horizontal
Q127. When a vibrating tuning fork surface. A horizontal force F is
is placed on a table, a loud sound is applied at height h from the lowest
hear(d) This is dire to : point. For the maximum acceleration
र्ब एक कंकपत स्ररत्र कद्व-भुर् को मेर् of the Centre of mass/ कत्रज्या आर िा
पर रखज र्जतज है , तब ऊाँची र्ध्कन सु नजई एि ठोस क्षेत्र एि कचिनी क्षैकतज सतह
दे ती है | ऐसज ककस कजरण से होतज है : पर रखा गया है। एि क्षैकतज बि F िो
(a) reflection/ परजवतान सबसे िि कबुंदु से ऊुंचाई h पर िगाया
(b) refraction/ अपवतान जाता है । द्रव्यिान िेंद्र िे अकधिति
(c) forced vibrations/ प्रणोकदत कंपन त्वरण िे किए
(d) damped vibrations/ अवमंकदत (a) h = R
कंपन Q129. Which of the following is (b) h = 2 R
used to split white light into different (c) h = 0
colours?/ कनम्न में से ककसकज प्रयोग (d) The acceleration will be the same
सफ़ेद प्रकजश को अलग-अलग रं गों में whatever h maybe./ त्वरण िही होगा
Ans: (c) forced vibrations/ प्रणोदित
कवभजकर्त करने के कलए ककयज र्जतज है ? जो h हो सिता है ।
(a) Glass slab/ कजं च की कसल्ली
(b) Convex lens/ उत्तल लेंस Ans.(d) The acceleration will be
(c) Concave lens/ अवतल लेंस the same whatever h maybe./ त्वरण
This is due to forced vibrations. (d) Prism/ कप्रज्म िही होगा जो h हो सिता है ।
Forced vibration is when an
alternating force or motion is applied Ans: (d) Prism/ कप्रज्म Explanation:
to a mechanical system, for example The linear acceleration of Centre of
when a washing machine shakes due mass will be a =F/m, wherever the
to an imbalance. Forced vibration is An ordinary triangular prism can force is applied. Hence, the
a type of vibration in which a force is separate white light into its acceleration will be the same
repeatedly applied to a mechanical constituent colours, called a whatever the value of h may be.
system. spectrum.
Q132. Which one of the following
instruments is used to study
dispersion of light?/ कनम्न में से ककस
उपकरण कज प्रयोग प्रकजश के प्रकीणान
कज अध्ययन करने के कलए ककयज र्जतज है
(a) Microscope/ सूक्ष्मदशी
(b) Telescope/ टे कलस्कोप
(c) Spectrometer/ वणाक्रममजपी
(d) Photometer/ फोटोमीटर
Q128. A multi meter is used to Q130. Nuclear reactors used to
measure/ मिीमीटर कज इस्तेमजल ककसे produce electricity are based on/ Ans: (c) Spectrometer/ वणाक्रममजपी
मजपने के कलए ककयज र्जतज है ? कबर्ली उत्पजदन हे तु प्रयुक्त परमजणु भट्ठी
Explanation: (d) optical rotation/ ऑकिकल रोटे शन Radiation from the Sun is mostly in
the visible range, which is either
When the light emerges from the Ans: (c) total internal reflection/ कुल reflected (by clouds) or passed
other face of the prism we observe
आतंररक परजवतान without absorption by the
the seven constituents of light.This
phenomenon of splitting of light into Explanation:
its constituent colors is called
An optical fiber is a cylindrical The ground absorbs this energy, then
dispersion. Spectrometers and
dielectric waveguide (nonconducting re-radiates it in the infrared.
polarimeters are instruments used to
waveguide) that transmits light along
study dispersion. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
its axis, by the process of total
internal reflection. absorb this radiation from the
Q133. A fountain pen works on the ground, and warm up; their thermal
principle of/ एक फजउं टेन कलम ककस
Q136. A decibel is/ डे कसबल है - energy is imparted to the entire
कसिजं त पर कजया करती है ? atmosphere.
(a) a musical instrument/संगीत
(a) flow of liquids from higher to
lower potential /उच्च से कनम्न िमतज Q139. A piece of wood is held under
(b) the wavelength of noise/ र्ध्कन कज
तक तरल कज प्रवजह water. The upthrust on it will be:
तरं गदै ध्या लकड़ी के एक टु कड़े को पजनी में रखज
(b) capillary action / केकशकत्वन
(c) a musical note/ संगीत कज सुर र्जतज है | इसपर उत्क्षेप होगज -
(c) Bernoulli's principle/ बनूाली कज
(d) a measure of sound level/ र्ध्कन (a) equal to the weight of the wood/
कसिजं त
स्तर कज मजप लकड़ी के वज़न के बरजबर
(d) Viscosity of liquids / तरल पदजर्ों
(b) less than weight of the wood/
कज कचपकचपजपन Ans: (d) a measure of sound level/
लकड़ी के वज़न से कम
र्ध्कन स्तर कज मजप
(c) more than weight of the wood/
Ans: (b) capillary action / केकशकत्वन Explanation: लकड़ी के वज़न से अकधक
Explanation: The decibel ( dB) is used to measure (d) Zero/ शून्य
sound level, but it is also widely used
The pen draws ink from the reservoir in electronics, signals and Explanation:
through a feed to the nib and deposits communication.
it on paper via a combination of It depends on the density of the
gravity and capillary action. wood . If the density of the wood is
Q137. Remote-sensing device has an greater than the density of water, the
inbuilt source of/ सुदूर-संवेदन upthrust will be less and the wood
Q134. Pycnometer is an instrument
उपकरण में अन्तकनाकहत स्रोत होतज है - will sink.if the density of the wood is
used to measure the/ घनजत्वमजपी
less than the density of water , the
उपकरण कज प्रयोग ककसे मजपने के कलए
(a) X-ray/ एक्स-रे upthrust will be more and hence the
ककयज र्जतज है ?
(b) g-ray/ र्ी-रे wood will float. if the density of
(a) density/ घनत्व wood is same or equal to the density
(c) ultraviolet ray/ पजरजबैंगनी ककरणें
(b) intensity of solar radiation/ सौर of water, half part of the wood will
(d) infrared ray/ अवरक्त कवककरण
कवककरण की तीव्रतज be in water and the other half on the
(c) intensity of earthquake/ भूकंप की surface of water , hence weight of
Ans: (d) infrared ray/ अवरक्त the wood and buoyant force cancels
तीव्रतज कवककरण out each other.
(d) high temperatures/ उच्च तजपमजन
Explanation: Q140. Energy of Ultraviolet rays is
Ans: (a) density/ घनत्व great than/ पजरजबैंगनी ककरणों की ऊर्जा
The Remote Sensing Device (RSD)
is a unique system that enables to अकधक होती है -
measure individually the emissions (a) Infrared rays/ अवरक्त ककरणों से
A gas pycnometer is a laboratory of vehicles in motion, it has an (b) Gamma rays/ गजमज ककरणों से
device used for measuring the inbuilt source of Infrared Ray. (c) X-rays/ एक्स-रे से
density—or, more accurately, the
(d) Cosmic rays/ कॉल्टिक ककरणों से
volume—of solids, be they regularly Q138. The atmosphere is heated
shaped, porous or non-porous. mainly by/ वजयुमंडल मुख्य रूप से गमा Ans: (a) Infrared rays/ अवरक्त
होतज है - ककरणों से
Q135. Fibre optics work on the
(a) Insolation/ आतपन द्वजरज
principle of/ फजइबर ऑकिक्स ककस Explanation:
(b) Conduction/ प्रवजहकत्व द्वजरज
कसिजं त पर कजया करते हैं ? Ultraviolet. Light expressed as a
(c) Radiation/ कवककरण द्वजर
(a) scattering of light/ प्रकजश कज wave has an energy of
(d) Convection/ संवहन द्वजरज
प्रकीणान E=hνE=hν
(b) total internal absorption/ कुल Ans: (c) Radiation/ कवककरण द्वजरज Which implies that since ultraviolet
आतंररक अवशोर्ण
light has a frequency νν that is higher
(c) total internal reflection/ कुल Explanation: than that of infrared light
आतंररक परजवतान (remembering that the redder the
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes on April 8, Ans: (b) Decreases/ कम हो र्जती है | कौन सज रं ग पीले रं ग कज पूरक रं ग है ?
1911, in Leiden.
(a) Blue/ नीलज
Q148. In a Laser (say neon laser) all If you increase the temperature, (b) Green/ हरज
the atoms emit the light waves of/ however, the amount of water vapor (c) Orange/ नजरं गी
ककसी लेर्र ( नीयन लेर्र ) में, सभी the air can hold increases, so the
(d) Red/ लजल
परमजणु प्रकजश तरं गें उत्सकर्ात करते हैं - relative humidity decreases.
Ans: (a) Blue/ नीलज
(a) Same frequency / समजन आवृकत्त Q151. Which of the following has
की the highest calorific value?/ कनम्न में से Explanation:
(b)Same amplitude/समजन आयजम की ककसकज तजपर्नक मजन सबसे अकधक Complementary colors are pairs of
(c) Same phase/ समजन अवस्र्ज की होतज है ? colors which, when combined or
mixed, cancel each other out (lose
(d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
(a) Carbohydrates/ कजबोहजयड् े ट hue) by producing a grayscale color
Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त (b) Fats/ वसज
like white or black.Complementary
सभी colors may also be called "opposite
(c) Proteins/ प्रोटीन colors."
Explanation: (d) Vitamins/ कवटजकमन
Modern color theory uses either the
In a laser (say neon laser) all the Ans: (b) Fats / वसज RGB additive color model or the
atoms emit the light waves of the CMY subtractive color model, and in
same frequency ,same amplitude and these, the complementary pairs are
same phase. fats provide more energy than red–cyan, green–magenta, and blue–
carbohydrates. The reason for this is yellow.
Q149. Which of the following has the amount of oxidation that takes
got more heat capacity?/ कनम्न में से place as these compounds are
Q154. During washing of clothes, we
ककसकी ऊष्ण िमतज अकधक होती है - converted to carbon dioxide and
use indigo due to its/ कपड़े धोने के
(a) Iron piece/ लोहे कज टु कड़ज water.Caloric /calorific value is
nothing but energy released by a दौरजन, हम नील कज प्रयोग इसके
(b) Water/ र्ल ……… की वर्ह से करते हैं ?
particular group of food/molecule on
(c) Gold piece/ सोने कज टु कड़ज complete oxidation.
(d) Benzene/ बेंर्ीन (a) better cleaning action/ बेहतर
Ans: (b) Water/ र्ल Q152. What is the full form of ‘AM’ कनमालन कक्रयज
regarding radio broadcasting?/ रे कडयो (b) proper pigmental composition/
Explanation: उकचत रं ग-सम्बन्धी रचनज
प्रसजरण के सन्दभा में AM कज पूरज नजम
Water has such a high specific heat क्ज है ? (c) high glorious nature/ बेहद
capacity because of multiple
(a) Amplitude Movement/ आयजम चमकदजर प्रकृकत
hydrogen bonds between water
गकत (d) very low cost/ बेहद कम लजगत
molecules it takes a lot of heat
energy to cause those molecules to (b) Anywhere Movement/ कही ं भी
Ans: (b) proper pigmental
move faster and raise the temperature गकत
composition/ उकचत रं ग-सम्बन्धी रचनज
of the water. (c) Amplitude Matching/ आयजम
(d) Amplitude Modulation/ आयजम
पररवतान Indigo is a dye that does not bound
strongly to fabric fibers, and washing
Ans: (d) Amplitude Modulation/ will fade it it. Adding indigo in the
आयजम पररवतान water used to wash blue colored
Explanation: clothes will add to the color density
and reduce the perceived fade.
Amplitude modulation (AM) is a
modulation technique used in Also, some white clothes can yellow
electronic communication, most over time, a slight blue tint would
Q150. If the temperature of a place commonly for transmitting help mask this.
increases suddenly, the relative information via a radio carrier wave.
humidity/ यकद ककसी स्र्जन कज तजपमजन In amplitude modulation, the Q155. The energy stored in a watch
अचजनक बढ़ र्जए , तो सजपेि आर्द्ातज - amplitude (signal strength) of the spring is/ वजच ल्टरंग में संगृकहत ऊर्जा
(a) Increases/ बढ़ती है | carrier wave is varied in proportion होती है -
(b) Decreases/ कम हो र्जती है |
to that of the message signal being (a) kinetic energy/ गकतर् ऊर्जा
(c) Remains constant/ ल्टस्र्र बनी रहती
transmitte(d) (b) potential energy/ ल्टस्र्कतर् ऊर्जा
है | (c) heat energy/ ऊष्ण ऊर्जा
Q153. Which colour is the
(d) Fluctuates/ घटती-बढ़ती रहती है | complementary colour of yellow?/ (d) chemical energy/ रजसजयकनक ऊर्जा
Ans: (b) potential energy/ ल्टस्र्कतर् Q158. The potential energy of a thousands of years in some countries
ऊर्जा system increases, if work is done/ for cooking and heating.
एि प्रणािी िी सुंभाकित ऊजाय बढ़
जाती है , अगर िाि किया जाता है Q161. Energy that is produced
The energy stored in a spring is (a) By the system against a commercially from coal is called/
potential energy. The spring does not conservative force/ एि रूकढ़िादी बि व्यजपजररक रूप से कोयले से कनकमात की
have kinetic energy until it is िे ल्टखिाफ प्रणािी द्वारा र्जने वजली ऊर्जा कहलजती है -
released and starts to move. In a (b) By the system against a non-
watch, the spring is allowed to move conservative force/ कसस्टि द्वारा एि (a) Light energy/ प्रकजश ऊर्जा
in a regulated way.
गैर-रूकढ़िादी बि िे ल्टखिाफ (b) Kinetic energy/ गकतर् ऊर्जा
(c) Upon the system by a (c) Thermal energy/ तजपीय ऊर्जा
Q156. The sensation of
conservative force/ रूकढ़िादी बि (d) Potential energy/ ल्टस्र्कतर् ऊर्जा
weightlessness in a spacecraft in an
orbit is due to the/ ककसी ग्रहपर् अर्वज द्वारा प्रणािी पर Ans: (c) Thermal energy/ तजपीय
किज में अंतररि यजन के भीतर (d) Upon the system by a non-
भजरहीनतज कज अनुभव ककस वर्ह से conservative force/ कसस्टि पर एि
होतज है ? गैर-रूकढ़िादी बि द्वारा Explanation:
एक चक्कर लगजने तर्ज अपनी धुरी पर (b) special mechanisms are present in (a) parabolic concave/ परवलकयक
वतान के कलए बरजबर समय लेतज है | parachute/ पैरजशूट में कवशेर् तंत्र मौर्ूद अवतल
होते हैं | (b) plane/ समतल .
(c) a parachute has a larger surface (c) spherical convex/ गोलीय उत्तल
Only one side of the Moon is visible area and air resistance is more/
(d) cylindrical concave/ बेलनजकजर
from Earth because the Moon rotates पैरजशूट कज पृष्ठ िेत्रफल बड़ज तर्ज वजयु
on its axis at the same rate that the प्रकतरोध अकधक होतज है |
Moon orbits the Earth – a situation (d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं Ans: (a) parabolic concave/
known as synchronous rotation, or परवलकयक अवतल
tidal locking. The Moon is directly Ans: (c) a parachute has a larger
illuminated by the Sun, and the surface area and air resistance is Explanation:
cyclically varying viewing more/ पैरजशूट कज पृष्ठ िेत्रफल बड़ज तर्ज The headlamp's parabolic concave
conditions cause the lunar phases. वजयु प्रकतरोध अकधक होतज है | mirror is open on one end, and the
light bulb's filament is placed at or
Q163. Water pipes in hilly areas Explanation:
near the focus. Parallel light rays, if
often burst on a cold frosty night, It's due to the larger surface area of they were coming into the headlamp
because/ पहजड़ी इलजकों में र्ल के the parachute coming against the from outside (say, the driver is
पजइप अक्सर ठं डी पजलेदजर रजत में फट force of gravity and hence, it comes driving his car in the direction of the
र्जते हैं , क्ोंकक slowly while the stone is having setting sun), would converge near the
smaller surface area comes down filament of the light bul(b)
(a) the material of which pipes are quickly.
made contracts due to cold and so Q167. The reason for a swimming
breaks/ कर्स सजमग्री से पजइपों कज Q165. Which of the following
pool to appear less deep than the
instruments is used to measure
कनमजा ण ककयज र्जतज है वह ठं ड की वर्ह actual depth is/ तरणतजल की वजस्तकवक
humidity?/ कनम्न में से ककस उपकरण
से कसकुड़ र्जती है और इस कजरण टू ट गहरजई की तुलनज में इसके कम गहरे
कज प्रयोग आर्द्ातज को मजपने के कलए
र्जती है | प्रतीत होने कज कजरण है -
ककयज र्जतज है ?
(b) water in the pipes freezes and on (a) refraction/ अपवतान
freezing water expands, so pipes (a) Kata Thermometer /कजटज
(b) light scattering/ प्रकजश कज
break/ पजइपों में पजनी र्म र्जतज है तर्ज र्मजा मीटर
र्मने पर पजनी फैलतज है , इसकलए पजइप (b) Anemometer/ वजयुवेगमजपी
(c) reflection / परजवतान
टू ट र्जते हैं | (c) Sling Psychrometer/ ल्टलंग
(d) interference/ हस्तिेप
(c) frost makes the pipes rusty, so सजइकोमीटर
they break/ तुर्जर के कजरण पजइप में (d) Clinical Thermometer/ िीकनकल
Ans: (a) refraction/ अपवतान
र्ंग लग र्जतज है , इसकलए वे टू ट र्जते हैं | र्मजा मीटर
(d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं
Ans: (c) Sling Psychrometer/ ल्टलंग Explanation:
Ans: (b) water in the pipes freezes सजइकोमीटर
and on freezing water expands, so Refraction of Light:Refraction is the
Explanation: bending of light as it passes from one
pipes break/ पजइपों में पजनी र्म र्जतज है
transparent substance into
तर्ज र्मने पर पजनी फैलतज है , इसकलए A psychrometer is a type of another.Light refracts whenever it
पजइप टू ट र्जते हैं | hygrometer, a device that measures travels at an angle into substance
relative humidity. A hygrometer uses with a different refractive index.
Explanation: two thermometers, one dry (dry
Water pipes burst because the water bulb) and one covered in a fabric
inside them expands as it gets close saturated with distilled water (wet
to freezing, and this causes an bulb). Air is passed over both
increase in pressure inside the pipe. thermometers, either by a fan or by
This happens with water too, and swinging the instrument, as in a sling
when water is cooled down, it gets psychrometer. A psychrometric chart
denser and denser, down to 3.98°C can then be used to calculate
then, something interesting occurs, it humidity by using the dry and wet
starts to expand again. bulb temperatures.
(c) oscillator/ दोलक पुतली को तुरंत फैलजने में असफल रहती (b) Air layer between two shirts
(d) rectifier/ कदिकजरी है | works as good conductor/ दो कमीर्ों
के बीच वजयु-परत अच्छे चजलक के रूप
Ans: (d) rectifier/ कदिकजरी Explanation:
में कजया करती है |
Explanation: When one enters a dim lit room from (c) Air layer between two shirts
bright sunlight, it takes some time to behaves like insulating media / दोनों
A rectifier is an electrical device that see the objects, due to the fact that,
converts an Alternating Current (AC) कमीर्ों के बीच वजयु-परत एक रोधी
in bright sunlight the pupil of our eye
into a Direct Current (DC) by using मजध्यम की तरह व्यवहजर करती है |
is small. So, when we enter the dim
one or more P-N junction diodes. lit room, very little light enters our (d) No radiation of heat takes place/
eye and we are unable to see ऊष्मज कज कवककरण नही ं होतज है |
properly. After a short time, the pupil
of our eye expands and becomes Ans: (c) Air layer between two shirts
large. More light then enters our eye behaves like insulating media / दोनों
and we can see clearly. कमीर्ों के बीच वजयु-परत एक रोधी
मजध्यम की तरह व्यवहजर करती है |
Q169. Which of the following is Q171. The swing of a spinning Explanation:
most elastic?/कनम्न में से कौन सबसे cricket ball in air can be explained on
the basis of/ककसी घूमती हुई कक्रकेट Any object which resists heat is
अकधक लचीलज होतज है ? called a bad conductor of heat.
गेंद के हवज में ल्टस्ंग होने की व्यजख्यज
(a) Rubber / रबड़ Air,wood,glass,etc all are said to be
ककस आधजर पर की र्ज सकती है -
(b) Wet clay/ गीली कमट्टी bad conductors of heat because they
(c) Steel / स्टील (a) Sudden change in wind
do not allow heat to pass through
(d) Plastic/ प्जल्टस्टक direction./ हवज की कदशज में अचजनक
In a thick blanket or shirt heat can
Ans: (c) Steel / स्टील पररवतान |
easily escape through it not
(b) Buoyancy of air/ वजयु की providing better warmth but when
प्वनशीलतज you take two blankets or shirts then
steel is more elastic than rubber (c) Turbulence caused by wind/वजयु air gets trapped between the layers of
because steel comes back to its द्वजरज उत्पन्न कविोभ two blankets and air acts as a bad
original shape faster than rubber
when the deforming forces are (d) Bernoulli's theorem./ बनूाली कज conductor of heat which does not
allow heat to escape from it.
remove(d) कसिजं त |
Ans: (c) Turbulence caused by Q173. When a mass is rotating in a
Q170. When a person walking in wind/वजयु द्वजरज उत्पन्न कविोभ plane about a fixed point, its angular
bright Sunlight enters a dark room, momentum is directed along/ जब एि
he is not able to see clearly for a little Explanation:
द्रव्यिान एि कनकित कबुंदु िे बारे िें एि
while because/चमकीले सूया प्रकजश में Bernoulli’s principle does not कििान िें घूि रहा होता है , तो इसिे
चल रहज कोई व्यल्टक्त र्ब अंधेरे कमरे में explain the swing of a cricket ball. िोणीय गकत िो साथ कनदे कशत किया
प्रवेश करतज है , तो वह र्ोड़ी दे र के कलए Bernoulli principle can only be
जाता है
सजफ़ अर्वज स्पि नही ं दे ख पजतज, क्ोंकक applied to a narrow domain of fluid
flow scenarios, namely inviscid, (a) A line perpendicular to the plane
(a) the eye muscles cannot
immediately adjust the focal length steady, laminar, frictionless fluid of rotation/ रोटे शन िे कििान िे किए
of the eye lens./ आाँ ख की मजंसपेकशयजाँ flows. swinging of a cricket ball, िुंबित एि रे खा
which is both unsteady, involves air, (b) The line making an angle of 45°
आाँ ख के लेंस की फोकल दू री को तुरंत
which is viscous, and involves to the plane of rotation/ घूणयन िे ति
अनुकूकलत नही ं कर सकती ं |
(b) the retina retains the bright
turbulent flow regions as well. Since पर 45 ° िा िोण बनाने िािी रे खा
the prerequisites for applying (c) The radius/ कत्रज्या
images for some time and becomes Bernoulli's equation aren’t met in
momentarily insensitive./ रे कटनज कुछ (d) The tangent to the orbit/ िक्षा िी
this situation, we cannot use it in any
समय तक चमकीले प्रकतकबंब को ही capacity whatsoever. स्पशयरेखा
बनजए रखती है तर्ज िण भर के कलए
Ans: (a) A line perpendicular to
संवेदनज-शून्य हो र्जती है |
(c) the iris is unable to contract the
Q172. Why two thin shirts can keep the plane of rotation/ रोटे शन िे
us warmer than a single thick shirt in
pupil immediately./ पररतजररकज पुतली कििान िे किए िुंबित एि रे खा
winter?/शीतकजल में, एक मोती कमीज़
को तुरंत कसकोड़ने में असफल रहती है | की तुलनज में दो पतली कमीर्ें हमें
(d) the iris is unable to dilate the अकधक गमा रखती हैं , क्ों ? Explanation:
pupil immediately./ पररतजररकज पुतली (a) Two thin shirts become thicker so When a mass is rotating in a Plane
को तुरंत फैलजने में असफल रहती है | prevent transmission of heat/ दो
about a fixed point its angular
momentum is directed along a line
Ans: (d) the iris is unable to dilate पतली कमीर्ें मोटी हो र्जती हैं इसकलए perpendicular to the plane of
the pupil immediately./ पररतजररकज ऊष्मज कज हस्तजं तरण रुक र्जतज है | rotation.
(d) falls gradually/ धीरे धीरे कम होतज (c) Spread his hands outwards/ अपने
है | हजर् बजहर की तरफ फैलज दे |
(d) Sit down with raised hands/ हजर्
Ans: (c) falls suddenly/ अचजनक कम उठजकर बैठ र्जए |
हो र्जतज है |
Ans: (c) Spread his hands outwards/
अपने हजर् बजहर की तरफ फैलज दे |
Drops in pressure also help indicate
the strength of winds in a storm, as Explanation:
Q174. Sound cannot pass through/ greater drops yield stronger winds. Spread his hands outwards When a
र्ध्कन ककससे होकर गुर्र नही ं सकती - Low air pressure is associated with person on a turntable will spread his
(a) water/ र्ल bad weather, high winds and rain or hands outwards, there will be an
(b) steel/ स्टील snow. increase in the moment of inerti(a)
(c) air / वजयु Hence, the angular velocity of the
(d) vacuum/ कनवजा त Q177. An egg sinks in soft water but turntable will decrease.
floats in a concentrated solution of
Ans: (d) vacuum/ कनवजा त salt because/ एक अं डज मृदु र्ल में डूब Q179. Which of the following
Explanation: र्जतज है ककंतु लवण के सजं कर्द्त कवलयन में celestial bodies contains abundant
तैरने लगतज है , क्ोंकक quantities of helium-3, a potential
Sound cannot travel through a (a) egg absorbs salt from the solution source of energy?/ कनम्न में से ककन
vacuum. A vacuum is an area खगोलीय कपंडों में हीकलयम 3 की प्रचुर
and expands/ अंडज कवलयन से लवण को
without any air, like space. So sound
सोख लेतज है तर्ज फ़ैल र्जतज है | मजत्रज पजयी र्जती है , र्ो ऊर्जा कज एक
cannot travel through space because
there is no matter for the vibrations (b) albumin dissolves in salt solution संभजकवत स्रोत है ?
to work in. and egg becomes lighter/ एल्ब्यूकमन (a) Earth/ पृथ्वी
लवणीय कवलयन में घुल र्जतज है तर्ज (b) Moon/ चंर्द्मज
Q175. In a photocell light energy is अंडज हल्कज हो र्जतज है | (c) Venus/ शुक्र
converted into/ ककसी फोटो सेल में (c) the density of salt solution (d) Saturn/ शकन
प्रकजश ऊर्जा को ककसमें पररवकतात ककयज exceeds the density of eggs/ लवणीय
Ans: (b) Moon/ चंर्द्मज
र्जतज है ? कवलयन की सघनतज अंडों की सघनतज से
अकधक होती है | Explanation:
(a) potential energy/ ल्टस्र्कतर् ऊर्जा (d) water has high surface tension/ The Moon has been bombarded with
(b)chemical energy रजसजयकनक ऊर्जा पजनी कज पृष्ठ तनजव अकधक होतज है | large quantities of Helium-3 by the
(c) heat energy/ ऊष्ण ऊर्जा solar win(d) It is thought that this
(d) electrical energy/ कवद् युत ऊर्जा Ans: (c) the density of salt solution isotope could provide safer nuclear
exceeds the density of eggs/ लवणीय energy in a fusion reactor, since it is
Ans: (d) electrical energy/ कवद् युत कवलयन की सघनतज अंडों की सघनतज से not radioactive and would not
ऊर्जा अकधक होती है | produce dangerous waste products.
Explanation: Q180. Smog is a combination of/ धुंध
A solid-state device that converts कमिण है -
light into electrical energy by Because the density of the egg is
higher than the density of tap water, (a) Air and water vapours/ वजयु एवं
producing a voltage, as in a
photovoltaic cell, or uses light to so it sinks.When enough salt is added र्लवजष्प कज
regulate the flow of current, as in a to the water, the saltwater solution's (b) Water and smoke/ वजयु एवं धुंए कज
photoconductive cell: used in density becomes higher than the
automatic control systems for doors, egg's, so the egg will then float! The (c) Fire and water/अकग्न और र्ल कज
lighting, et(c) ability of something, like the egg, to (d) smoke and fog/ धुआं तर्ज कोहरे
float in water or some other liquid is
कज |
Q176. A storm is predicted if known as buoyancy.
atmospheric pressure/ तूफ़जन की Ans: (d) smoke and fog/ धुआं तर्ज
भकवष्यवजणी की र्जती है यकद
Q178. What should a person on a कोहरे कज |
freely rotating turntable do to
वजयुमंडलीय दजब
decrease his (angular) speed?/ मुक्त Explanation:
(a) rises suddenly/ अचजनक बढ़ र्जतज
रूप से घूम रहे ककसी घूणी मंच पर एक Smog is a type of air pollutant; the
है |
व्यल्टक्त को अपनी ( कोणीय ) चजल को word "smog" is a combination of
(b) rises gradually/ धीरे -धीरे बढ़तज है |
कम करने के कलए क्ज करनज चजकहए ? smoke and fog. Classic smog results
(a) Bring his hands together./ हजर्ों from large amounts of coal burning
(c) falls suddenly/ अचजनक कम हो in an area and is caused by a mixture
को एकसजर् कमलज ले |
र्जतज है | of smoke and sulfur dioxide.
(b) Raise his hands up/ अपने हजर्ो को
ऊपर उठज ले | Q181. Which of the following circuit
elements is used to ‘block’ DC in an
electronic circuit?/ कनम्न में से ककन Q184. The value of universal Explanation:
पररपर् तत्वों कज प्रयोग ककसी कवद् युत gravitational constant
Ventilators are provided in the rooms
′G′ was first experimentally
पररपर् में DC को रोकने के कलए ककयज at the top of the roofs, just below the
determined by :/ साियभौकिि
र्जतज है ? roofs because if the air inside the
गुरुत्वािषयण ल्टथथराुं ि िा िान ′ G ′ room gets hot the hot air rises up and
(a) Resistances/ प्रकतरोधक पहिी बार प्रयोगात्मि रूप से कनधाय ररत flow through these ventilators and
(b) Capacitance/ धजररतज किया गया था: thus cool air remains at bottom so
(c) Inductance/ प्रेरकत्व (a) Galileo/ गैिीकियो that to relive in hot summers.
(d) Diode/ डजयोड (b) Newton/ न्यूटन
Q187. The hair of shaving brush
(c) Cavendish/ िैिेनकिश
Ans: (b) Capacitance/ धजररतज clings together when removed from
(d) Kelvin/ िेल्टिन water due to/ दजढ़ी बनजने की कूची
Explanation: अर्वज ब्रश के बजल कचपक र्जते हैं र्ब
a capacitor also blocks DC voltages Ans: (c) Cavendish/ िैिे नकिश उन्हें पजनी से कनकजलज र्जतज है , क्ों ?
but modulated DC has an effect on
its plates due to partial charge and (a) Surface tension/ पृष्ठ तनजव
discharge action. And a high The Cavendish experiment, (b) Viscosity/ कचपकचपजपन
resistance could dissipate DC to performed in 1797–1798 by British
(c) Elasticity/ लचीलजपन
zero. scientist Henry Cavendish, was the
first experiment to measure the force (d) Friction/ घर्ाण
Q182. Spectacles used for viewing of gravity between masses in the Ans: (a) Surface tension/ पृष्ठ तनजव
3D films have/ थ्रीडी कफल्मों को दे खने laboratory and the first to yield
के कलए प्रयुक्त चश्ों में होतज है - accurate values for the gravitational
constant. When the brush is taken out of water,
(a) Bifocal lens/ कद्वनजकभत लेंस the hairs cling together due to
Q185. A kilowatt-hour is unit of/
(b) Convex lens/ उत्तल लेंस surface tension. This happens
ककलोवजट-घंटज ककसकी इकजई है ? because the free surface of water
(c) Concave lens/ अवतल लेंस
(a) Energy/ ऊर्जा tries to acquire a minimum surface
(d) Polaroids/ पोलरॉयड
(b) Power/ शल्टक्त are(a)
Ans: (d) Polaroids/ पोलरॉयड (c) Electric charge/ कवद् युत भजर
(d) Electric current/ कवद् युत धजरज Q188. In severe winter, in cold
Explanation: countries water pipes burst because/
Polaroids spectacles are used for Ans: (a) Energy/ ऊर्जा बेहद ठं ड में, ठं डे दे शों में र्ल के पजइप
viewing 3D films. Explanation: फट र्जते हैं क्ोंकक
A polarized 3D system uses (a) water expands on freezing/ र्मने
The kilowatt hour (symbol kWh,
polarization glasses to create the पर पजनी फ़ैल र्जतज है
kW⋅h or kW h) is a unit of energy
illusion of three-dimensional images equal to 3.6 megajoules. (b) contraction of water pipes/ र्ल-
by restricting the light that reaches पजइपों की कसकुडन
each eye (an example of Q186. Ventilators are provided near (c) high atmospheric pressure/ उच्च
stereoscopy). the ceiling of the room because/ वजयुमंडलीय दजब (d) combined effect
To present stereoscopic images and वेंकटलेटरों को कमरे की छत के समीप of all the above three/ उपरोक्त तीनों
films, two images are projected लगजयज र्जतज है , क्ोंकक - कज संयुक्त प्रभजव
superimposed onto the same screen
or display through different (a) the exhaled warmer air rises up Ans: (a) water expands on freezing/
polarizing filters. and goes out/ सजं स छोड़ने से कनकली र्मने पर पजनी फ़ैल र्जतज है
गमा हवज ऊपर उठती है तर्ज बजहर चली Explanation:
Q183. A boy sitting in an open car
moving with the constant speed र्जती है | (b) these provide cross Water pipes burst because the water
throws a ball straight up into the air. ventilation in the room/ ये कमरे में inside them expands is it gets close
The ball falls/ एकसमजन गकत से चल कतरछज वजतन प्रदजन करते हैं | to freezing, and this causes an
रही ककसी खुली कजर में बैठज एक लड़कज (c) these provide some sunlight in increase in pressure inside the pipe.
गेंद को ऊपर की तरफ हवज में उछजलतज the room/ ये कमरे में सूया की रोशनी When the pressure gets too high for
है | गेंद कगरे गी - आने दे ते हैं | the pipe to contain, it ruptures.
(d) these do not look nice in the
(a) behind him/ उसके पीछे lower part/ कनचले भजग में ये अच्छे नही ं
(b) in front of him/ उसके सजमने कदखते |
(c) into his hand / उसके हजर्ों में Ans: (a) the exhaled warmer air rises
Q189. In the process of
(d) by his side/ उसके बगल में up and goes out/ सजं स छोड़ने से
magnetization of a bar/ ककसी छड़ के
कनकली गमा हवज ऊपर उठती है तर्ज
Ans: (a) behind him/ उसके पीछे चुम्बकीकरण की प्रकक्रयज में
बजहर चली र्जती है |
(a) The entire bulk of the bar gets Ans: (a) Gravitational force/ M is molecular or atomic mass ,R is
magnetized गुरुत्वजकर्ाण बल gas constant.
(b) Only the surface of the bar gets
magnetized/ छड़ की केवल सतह को Q194. The cause for the Tsunami, as
चुम्बकीकृत ककयज र्जतज है | gravity is the weakest of the four deduced by the seismologists, is/
(c) Only the ends of the bar get fundamental forces. Ordered from भूकंप कवज्ञजकनयों द्वजरज कदए गए तका के
magnetized/ छड़ के केवल कसरों को strongest to weakest, the forces are अनुसजर, सुनजमी की वर्ह है -
चुम्बकीकृत ककयज र्जतज है | 1) the strong nuclear force, 2) the
(d) Only some parts of the outer electromagnetic force, 3) the weak (a) gravitational pull of the moon/
layers of the bar get magnetized/ छड़
nuclear force, and 4) gravity. चन्द्रमज कज गुरुत्वजकर्ाण ल्टखंचजव
(b) low pressure trough in the ocean/
की बजहरी परत के केवल कुछ भजगों को Q192. Velocity of sound in air does समुर्द् कज कनम्न दजब
चुम्बकीकृत ककयज र्जतज है | not change with the change of/ वजयु में (c) deformation of sea floor and
र्ध्कन कज वेग ककसके बदलने से नही ं vertical displacement of water/ समुर्द्
Ans: (a) The entire bulk of the bar
बदलतज है ? तल कज कवरूपण तर्ज र्ल कज उर्ध्जा धर
gets magnetized
(a) Temperature of air/ वजयु कज कवस्र्जपन
Explanation: तजपमजन (d) sudden change in the monsoon
In the process of magnetization of a (b) Pressure of air/ वजयु दजब wind/ मजनसूनी हवज में अचजनक
bar the entire bulk of the bar gets (c) Moisture content in air/ वजयु में पररवतान
magnetize(d) आर्द्ातज
Ans: (c) deformation of sea floor and
(d) Wind in the direction of
Q190. A falling drop of rain water vertical displacement of water/ समुर्द्
propagation of sound/ र्ध्कन के प्रसजरण
acquires the spherical shape due to/ तल कज कवरूपण तर्ज र्ल कज उर्ध्जा धर
की कदशज में वजयु
वर्जा र्ल की कगरती बूाँद ककस कजरण से कवस्र्जपन
गोलीय आकजर धजरण करती है ? Ans: (b) Pressure of air/ वजयु दजब
(a) Viscosity/ कचपकचपजपन Tsunamis are waves caused by
(b) Surface Tension/ पृष्ठ तनजव Change in pressure has no effect on sudden movement of the ocean
(c) Atmospheric pressure/ velocity of sound in a gas, so long as surface due to earthquakes,
temperature remains constant; landslides on the seafloor, land
वजयुमंडलीय दजब
because ; P/ρ = constant; as long as slumping into the ocean, large
(d) Gravitational force/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण volcanic eruptions or meteorite
temperature is constant.
बल impact in the ocean.
Ans: (b) Surface Tension/ पृष्ठ तनजव Q193. The density of a gas is
maximum at/ गैस कज घनत्व अकधकतम Q195. Which one of the following
होतज है - wavelengths of light is most effective
Explanation: in photosynthesis?/ प्रकजश कज कनम्न में
A falling drop of rain water acquires (a) Low temperature, low pressure/ से कौन सज तरं गदै ध्या प्रकजश संश्लेर्ण में
the spherical shape due to surface कनम्न तजपमजन, कनम्न दजब सबसे अकधक प्रभजवी होतज है ?
tension. Surface Tension: The (b) Low temperature, high pressure/
cohesive forces between liquid कनम्न तजपमजन, उच्च दजब (a) Blue/ नीलज
molecules are responsible for the (c) High temperature, low pressure/ (b) Green/ हरज
phenomenon known as surface उच्च तजपमजन, कनम्न दजब (c) Orange/ नजरं गी
Tension. The molecules of the (d) High temperature, high pressure/ (d) Yellow/ पीलज
surface do not have other like
उच्च तजपमजन, उच्च दजब
molecules on all sides of them and Ans: (a) Blue/ नीलज
consequently they cohere more Ans: (b) Low temperature, high
strongly to those directly associated pressure/ कनम्न तजपमजन, उच्च दजब Explanation:
with them on the surface. Certain red and blue wavelengths of
If we talk about ideal gas , the light are the most effective in
Q191. The weakest of all photosynthesis because they have
density of gas will maximum when,
fundamental forces is/ सभी मूलभूत exactly the right amount of energy to
बलों में सबसे कमज़ोर है - 1). When pressure is high as enough energize, or excite, chlorophyll
(a) Gravitational force/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण electrons and boost them out of their
बल 2).And temperature is least ,as orbits to a higher energy level.
(b) Electrostatic force/ कवद् युतस्र्ैकतक possible
Q196. Why is it difficult to breathe
The expression of density is given by at higher altitudes?/ अकधक ऊंचजई पर
(c) Magnetic force/ चुंबकीय बल
सजं स लेनज मुल्टिल क्ों होतज है ?
(d) Nuclear force/ परमजणु बल D =PM/RT Where ,P is
pressure ,T is temperature (a) Due to low air pressure/ कनम्न
वजयुदजब के कजरण
(b) Due to low temperature/ कम in a vacuum and remains constant velocity for a body of mass 100 kg
तजपमजन के कजरण regardless of from where it is being would be/ पृथ्वी िी सतह से द्रव्यिान 1
(c) Due to ozone/ ओर्ोन के कजरण
observed, however, everything else कििो िे शरीर िे किए भागने िा िेग
as for instance time and length
(d) Due to high humidity./ अकधक 11.2 कििोिीटर¯¹ है । बड़े पैिाने पर
undergo change instead.
नमी के कजरण 100 कििो िे शरीर िे किए भागने िा
िेग होगा
Ans: (a) Due to low air pressure/ Q199. The spoon dropped by an (a) 11.2 × 10² kms¯¹/ 11.2 × 10²
कनम्न वजयुदजब के कजरण astronaut in a satellite will/ ककसी कििोिीटर¯¹
Explanation: उपग्रह में एक अंतररि यजत्री द्वजरज कगरजयज (b) 112 kms¯¹/ 112 कििोिीटर¯¹
गयज चम्मच - (c) 11.2 kms¯¹/ 11.2 कििोिीटर¯¹
When we breathe in air at sea level,
the atmospheric pressure is about (d) 11.2 × 10¯² kms¯¹/ 11.2 × 10¯²
14.7 pounds per square inch (1.04 (a) fall to the floor/ तल पर कगरे गज | कििोिीटर¯¹
kg. per cm.2) causes oxygen to easily (b) remain stationary/ ल्टस्र्र रहेगज
(c) continue to follow the motion of Ans: (c) 11.2 kms¯¹/ 11.2
pass through selectively permeable
the satellite/ उपग्रह की गकत कज कििोिीटर¯¹
lung membranes into the bloo(d)At
high altitudes, the lower air pressure अनुसरण करते रहे गज | Explanation:
makes it more difficult for oxygen to (d) move tangentially away/ ऊपरी Escape velocity is independent of the
enter our vascular systems. तौर से दू र चलज र्जयेगज | mass of projectile which is projected.
Q197. The strongest force in nature Ans: (c) continue to follow the Q202. When a body is taken from
is/ प्रकृकत में सवजा कधक शल्टक्तशजली बल है motion of the satellite/ उपग्रह की गकत earth to moon/ र्ब ककसी कपंड को
(a) electrical force/ कवद् युत बल कज अनुसरण करते रहे गज | पृथ्वी से चन्द्रमज पर ले र्जयज र्जतज है -
(b) gravitational force/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण Explanation:
बल (a) mass changes but weight remains
(c) nuclear force/ परमजणु बल
The spoon dropped by an astronaut same/ र्द्व्यमजन बदलतज है ककंतु वज़न
in a satellite will continue to follow समजन रहतज है |
(d) magnetic force/ चुंबकीय बल the motion of the satellite. (b) weight changes but mass remains
Ans: (c) nuclear force/ परमजणु बल same/ वज़न पररवकतात हो र्जतज है ककंतु
Q200. A colorblind person cannot/
Explanation: एक वणजां ध व्यल्टक्त र्द्व्यमजन समजन रहतज है |
(c) both weight and mass change/
The strong nuclear force is one of the
(a) see distant objects/ दू रवती वस्तुएं वज़न तर्ज र्द्व्यमजन दोनों बदल र्जते हैं |
four fundamental forces in nature;
the other three are gravity, नही ं दे ख सकतज |
(d) both weight and mass remain
electromagnetism and the weak (b) see black colour/ कजलज रं ग नही ं same/ र्द्व्यमजन तर्ज वज़न दोनों समजन
force. As its name implies, the strong दे ख सकतज |
force is the strongest force of the रहते हैं |
(c) distinguish between certain
four. It is responsible for binding
colours/ कुछ रं गों के बीच भेद नही ं कर Ans: (b) weight changes but mass
together the fundamental particles of
सकतज remains same/ वज़न पररवकतात हो र्जतज
matter to form larger particles.
(d) have persistence of vision/ उसमें है ककंतु र्द्व्यमजन समजन रहतज है |
Q198. According to the theory of दृकि कज स्र्जकयत्व होतज है | Explanation:
relativity, which of the following
Ans: (c) distinguish between certain Weight is given by
always remains constant?/ सजपेितज के
colours/ कुछ रं गों के बीच भेद नही ं कर
कसिजं त के अनुसजर, कनम्न में से कौन F = mg
हमेशज ल्टस्र्र रहतज है ? where m is mass, and g is
Explanation: acceleration due to gravity on the
(a) Length of an object/ वस्तु की Most colour blind people are able to planet.
लंबजई see things as clearly as other people But, mass will be a constant, and will
(b) Time/ समय but they are unable to fully ‘see’ red, not change anywhere.
(c) Space/ स्र्जन green or blue light. There are
(d) Velocity of light/ प्रकजश कज वेग different types of colour blindness Coming to your question, yes, weight
and there are extremely rare cases will change. 'g' on the moon is 6
Ans: (d) Velocity of light/ प्रकजश कज where people are unable to see any times lesser than that on earth, and
वेग colour at all. weight will be almost 6 times lesser,
Explanation: The most common form of colour
blindness is known as ‘red/green Q203. A mirage occurs because of/
According to the Theory of colorblindness.
Relativity, the speed of light is मृगतृष्णज ककसके कजरण उत्पन्न होती है ?
constant. ...According to Special Q201. The escape velocity for a
Relativity, the speed of body of mass 1 kg from the Earth (a) reflection by hot ground/ गमा भूकम
electromagnetic radiation is constant surface is 11.2 kms¯¹. The escape द्वजरज परजवतान (b) total internal
Q210. It is difficult to cook rice/ A soap bubble shows colours when (c) Petrol/ पेट्ोल
चजवल पकजनज मुल्टिल है - illuminated with white light. this is (d) Mercury/ पजरज
due to interference.
(a) at the top of a mountain/ पहजड़ की Ans: (c) Petrol/ पेट्ोल
छोटी पर Q213. The instrument used to see the Explanation:
(b) at the sea level/ समुर्द् स्तर पर distant objects on the Earth is/ पृथ्वी For liquids which are commonly
(c) under a mine/ ककसी खदजन के पर दू रवती वस्तुओं को दे खने के कलए found in everyday life, gasoline has a
भीतर इस्तेमजल ककयज र्जने वजलज उपकरण है - pretty low density: 0.7 g/ml. It is
(d) same anywhere/ कही ं भी (a) Terrestrial telescope/ स्र्लीय about 30% lighter than water which
Ans: (a) at the top of a mountain/ टे कलस्कोप has a density of 1.0 g/ml.
पहजड़ की छोटी पर (b) Astronomical telescope/ खगोलीय
Q216. Which of the following
टे कलस्कोप
Explanation: principle is used to produce‘ low-
(c) Compound microscope/ यौकगक temperatures?/ कनम्न में से ककस कसिजं त
At higher altitudes, say like सूक्ष्मदशी कज प्रयोग कम-तजपमजन कज कनमजा ण करने
mountains, cooking food is difficult. (d) Simple microscope/ सजधजरण के कलए ककयज र्जतज है ?
Higher altitudes means lower सूक्ष्मदशी
atmospheric pressure and thus lower
boiling point. But that doesn't mean Ans: (a) Terrestrial telescope/ स्र्लीय (a) Superconductivity/ अकतचजलकतज
that food can be cooked at lower टे कलस्कोप (b) Joule-Kelvin effect/ र्ूल केल्टिन
temperatures easily. प्रभजव
(c) Thermo-electric effect/ तजप-
Q211. If the temperature inside a Terrestrial telescope is a telescope कवद् युत प्रभजव
room is increased, the relative which, unlike most telescopes used (d) Adiabatic demagnetization/
humidity will/ यकद एि ििरे िे अुंदर for astronomical purposes, contains रुिोष्म कवचुम्बकन
िा तापिान बढ़ा है, तो सापेक्ष आद्रय ता an arrangement of lenses presenting
होगी an erect (non-inverted) image to the Ans: (d) Adiabatic demagnetization/
(a) Increase/ बढ़ाएूँ observer, suitable for observation of रुिोष्म कवचुम्बकन
objects on the Earth's surface.
(b) Decrease/ ििी Explanation:
(c) Remain unchanged/ अपररिकतयत Q214. Global warming is expected Adiabatic demagnetization is a
रहे to result in/ वैकश्वक तजपन कज संभजकवत process of cooling. It occurs in
(d) None of these/ इनिें से िोई नही ुं पररणजम होगज - magneto-caloric materials. The
principle is that these materials
(a) increase in level of sea/ समुर्द् स्तर (especially rare-earth elements) heat
Ans: (c) (b) Decrease/ ििी
up when placed in a magnetic field
में वृल्टि
Explanation: and cool down when removed from
(b) change in crop pattern/ फसल the magnetic fiel(d)
If the water vapor content stays the प्रजरूप में पररवतान
same and the temperature drops, the (c) change in coastline/ तटरे खज में Q217. A photo-electric cell converts/
relative humidity increases. If the
पररवतान एक प्रकजश कवद् युत सेल रूपजं तररत
water vapor content stays the same
and the temperature rises, the relative (d) All of the Above/ उपरोक्त सभी करतज है -
humidity decreases. This is because Ans: (d) All of the Above/ उपरोक्त
colder air doesn't require as much (a) mechanical energy to electric
सभी energy/ यजं कत्रक ऊर्जा को कवद् युत ऊर्जा
moisture to become saturated as
warmer air. Explanation: में
(b) heat energy to mechanical
Global warming is projected to have
Q212. A soap bubble shows colours energy/ ऊष्ण ऊर्जा को यजं कत्रक ऊर्जा में
when illuminated with white light. a number of effects on the oceans.
(c) light energy to chemical energy/
Ongoing effects include rising sea
This is due to/ सफ़ेद प्रकजश से प्रकजश ऊर्जा को रजसजयकनक ऊर्जा में
levels due to thermal expansion and
प्रकजशयुक्त होने पर सजबुन कज बुलबुलज melting of glaciers and ice sheets,
रं गों कज प्रदशान करतज है | इसकज कजरण and warming of the ocean surface, (d) light energy to electrical energy/
है - leading to increased temperature प्रकजश ऊर्जा को कवयुत ऊर्जा में |
(a) Diffraction/ कववतान stratification. Ans: (d) light energy to electrical
(b) Polarization/ ध्रुवण energy/ प्रकजश ऊर्जा को कवयुत ऊर्जा में
Q215. Which of the following
(c) Interference/ हस्तिेप
liquids has the least density?/ कनम्न में Explanation:
(d) Reflection/ परजवतान
से ककन तरल पदजर्ों में सबसे कम घनत्व Photoelectricity is about light energy
Ans: (c) Interference / हस्तिेप होतज है ? being converted into electrical
Explanation: (a) Fresh water/ मीठज पजनी energy and it happens in three
(b) Saltwater/ खजरज पजनी different ways. They're known as the
Q225. Which of the following is not distance for same time interval under
a property of heavy water?/कनम्न में से gravity.
कौन खजरज पजनी कज एक गुण नही ं है ?
(a) Boiling point of heavy water is Q227. If input frequency of a full
lower than that of ordinary water/ Surface tension 0.07198 0.0718 wave rectifier be n, then output
खजरे पजनी कज क्र्नजं क सजमजन्य पजनी के (at 25 °C, N/m) 7 frequency would be/ यकद ककसी पूणा
क्र्नजं क से कम होतज है | तरं ग की कनकवि आवृकत्त n है , तो इसकी
(b) Density of heavy water is higher कनगाम आवृकत्त होगी -
than that of ordinary water/ खजरे पजनी Dynamic 1.0016 1.2467 (a)
R = Radius of the earth(if earth is a Q238. Lighthouses are places with (c) it remains at the same level/ यह
perfect sphere) or the distance powerful lights to :/प्रकजश स्तम्भ में उसी स्तर पर बनज रहतज है |
between the point and the centre of स्र्जन होते हैं र्हजाँ शल्टक्तशजली लजइटें (d) it rises or sinks depending on the
लगी होती हैं , तजकक - material it is made of/ इसकज उठजनज
Since earth is not a perfect sphere, it यज डूबनज उस सजमग्री पर कनभार करतज है
is little flat at the poles and bulged at
(a) guide and resolve traffic jams in कर्ससे यह कनकमात है |
crowded metro-cities during nights./
the equator, the distance from the Ans: (a) it rises a little/ यह र्ोडज उठ
poles to the centre of the earth is रजत के समय भीड़-भजड़ वजले मे ट्ो शहरों
slightly less than the distance from a में यजतजयजत र्जम को मजगा कदखलजने एवं र्जतज है |
point on the equator to the centre of समजधजन करने कज कजया ककयज र्ज सके | Explanation:
the earth, g is slightly more at the (b) guide and help large crowds at
poles than at the equator. religious gathering during nights./ When a ship enters a sea from a river
रजत के समय धजकमाक सभज में र्ु टी भजरी ,the ship is elevated or uplifted due
to the density of seawater and during
Q236. The spokes used in the wheel भीड़ कज मजगादशान तर्ज उसकी सहजयतज
the buoyant motion of the ship, as it
of a bicycle increase Itsसजइककल के की र्ज सके | would gain both potential and kinetic
पकहये में प्रयुक्त तीकलयजाँ इसके _____ में (c) indicate to the incoming energy when rising in the flui(d)
warships, the location of a harbour
वृल्टि करती हैं |
during night./ Q240. Which of the following diodes
(a) Moment of inertia/ र्ड़तज प्रवृकत्त (d) guide and warn the ships coming is mostly commonly used as a
(b) Velocity/ वेग from different directions in the voltage regulator?
(c) Acceleration/ त्वरण ocean./ समुर्द् में अलग-अलग कदशजओं कनम्नकलल्टखत में से कौन सज डजयोड
(d) Momentum/ संवेग से आ रहे र्हजर्ों को मजगा कदखलजयज र्ज अकधकतर वोिे र् कनयजमक के रूप में
Ans: (a) Moment of inertia/ र्ड़तज सके और उन्हें सजवधजन ककयज र्ज सके | उपयोग ककयज र्जतज है ?
प्रवृकत्त (a) LED / एलईडी
Ans: (d) guide and warn the ships
(b) Zener Diode / र्ेनर डजयोड
The spokes if cycle wheel increases coming from different directions in
its moment of inerti(a)the greater is the ocean. (c) Varactor Diode / वैक्ट्र डजयोड
the momentum of inertia,the more is (d) Tunnel diode / टनल डजयोड
the opposition to any change from
other external forces in it from the A lighthouse is a tower, building, or Ans: (b) Zener Diode
uniform rotational a result other type of structure designed to Explanation:
cycle moves smoothly and steadily emit light from a system of lamps Zener diodes are widely used as
and lenses and to serve as a voltage references and as shunt
Q237. A transformer works on the navigational aid for maritime pilots regulators to regulate the voltage
principle of/ एक ट् जं सफ़ॉमार ककस at sea or on inland waterways. across small circuits. When
कसिजं त पर कजया करतज है ? Lighthouses mark dangerous connected in parallel with a variable
(a) Self induction/ स्-प्रेरण coastlines, hazardous shoals, reefs, voltage source so that it is reverse
(b) Mutual induction/ अन्योन्य प्रेरण rocks and safe entries to harbors; biased, a Zener diode conducts when
the voltage reaches the diode's
(c) Generator/ र्कनत्र they also assist in aerial navigation.
Once widely used, the number of reverse breakdown voltage.
(d) Inverter/ इन्वटा र
operational lighthouses has declined
Ans: (b) Mutual induction/ अन्योन्य due to the expense of maintenance Q241. Sea water can be purified by
प्रेरण and use of electronic navigational the process of/ समुर्द्ी र्ल कज
systems. शुल्टिकरण इस प्रकक्रयज से ककयज र्ज
सकतज है -
A transformer consists of two
electrically isolated coils and (a) Distillation/ आसवन
operates on Faraday's principle of (b) Evaporation/ वजष्पीकरण
“mutual induction”, in which an (c) Filtration/ कनस्पंदन
EMF is induced in the transformers
(d) Fractional distillation/ आं कशक
secondary coil by the magnetic flux
generated by the voltages and आसवन
currents flowing in the primary coil Ans: (a) Distillation/ आसवन
Q239. When a ship enters the sea
from a river/ र्ब कोई र्हजज़ ककसी
नदी से समुर्द् में प्रवेश करतज है - Desalination – is a process by which
saline water (generally sea water) is
(a) it rises a little/ यह र्ोडज उठ र्जतज converted to freshwater. The most
common desalination processes are
है | distillation and reverse osmosis.
(b) it sinks a little/ यह र्ोडज डूब र्जतज
है |
Q242. The scientist who first sent Ans: (c) reflect back the heat given km/s (1.91 mi/s) and an orbital
electromagnetic waves to distant by earth / पृथ्वी द्वजरज मुक्त ऊष्मज को period of 1,436 minutes, which
places is/ कवद् युतचुंबकीय तरं गों को वजकपस परजवकतात कर दे ते हैं | equates to almost exactly one
दू रवती स्र्जनों तक सवाप्रर्म भेर्ने वजले sidereal day (23.934461223 hours).
वैज्ञजकनक हैं -
Q247. A piece of paper and a cricket
(a) James Clerk Maxwell/ र्ेम्स िका During the day, our earth receives
ball are dropped from the same
मैक्सवेल light from the sun and gets heate(d)
Now, during a clear night, that is, height. Under which of the following
(b) Heinrich Hertz/ हे नररच हट्ा ज़ conditions do both reach the surface
when there are no clouds, this heat
(c) Thomas Alva Edison/ र्ॉमस अिज easily escapes through the simultaneously?/ कजगज़ के एक टु कड़े
एकडसन atmosphere into space, resulting in तर्ज कक्रकेट गेंद को समजन ऊंचजई से
(d) John Logie Baird/ र्ॉन लॉगी बेयडा cooling of the earth. ... Since the heat कगरजयज र्जतज है | कनम्न में से ककन
remains in the atmosphere, cloudy पररल्टस्र्कतयों के अंतगात वे दोनों एक सजर्
Ans: (c) Thomas Alva Edison/ र्ॉमस nights are warmer than clear nights. सतह पर पहुं चेंगे ?
अिज एकडसन
Explanation: Q245. A metal plate with a circular (a) They must have the same
hole at the centre is heated What will
volume/ उनकज आयतन अवश्य समजन
Thomas Alva Edison was the first to happen to the area of the hole?/ धजतु
send electromagnetic waves to होनज चजकहए |
की एक प्ेट को गमा ककयज र्जतज है ,
distant places. (b) They must have the same density/
कर्सके केंर्द् में एक वृत्तजकजर कछर्द् है | उनकज घनत्व अवश्य समजन होनज चजकहए
Q243. The centre of gravity of a कछर्द् के िेत्र के सजर् क्ज होगज ? (c) They must have the same mass/
sprinter during the race lies/ दौड़ के (a) Increase / बढ़े गज उनकज र्द्व्यमजन अवश्य समजन होनज
दौरजन धजवक के गुरुत्वजकर्ाण कज केंर्द् (b) Decrease/ घटे गज चजकहए |
होतज है - (c) Remain constant/ समजन रहेगज (d) They must be dropped in
(a) ahead of his feet/ उसके पैरों के vacuum/ उन्हें अवश्य कनवजा त में कगरजयज
(d) Will increase first and then र्जनज चजकहए |
decrease/ पहले बढ़े गज और कफर कम हो
(b) behind his feet/ उसके पैरों के पीछे
र्जयेगज | Ans: (d) They must be dropped in
vacuum/ उन्हें अवश्य कनवजा त में कगरजयज
(c) at the centre of the body/ शरीर के Ans: (a) Increase / बढ़े गज र्जनज चजकहए |
मध्य में
Explanation: Explanation:
(d) to the left side of the body/ शरीर
की बजयीं ओर | Hole size is irrelevant in this case. So In vacuum as there is no air to offer
we can think that hole is very large. resistance thus both the bodies will
Ans: (a) ahead of his feet/ उसके पैरों If we carve hole so large that its fall at the same rate as gravity is
के आगे radius is slightly less than that of the dependent on the mass of an object
plate itself, then we will have a ring. so if the masses are same then the
Explanation: It is obvious that the radius of the rate of descent is also the same.
The centre of gravity of a sprinter ring will increase, as atoms have
during the race lies ahead of his feet. more energy so their oscillation Q248. The frequency of ultrasound
amplitude will increase. As the wave is typically/आमतौर पर
diameter of the ring increases, the
Q244. Cloudy nights are warmer अि् जसजउं ड तरं ग की आवृकत्त होती है -
diameter of hole will also increase.
compared nights, because clouds (a) Above 20 kHz/20 kHz से अकधक
mainly/ मेघयुक्त रजतें अन्य रजतों की Q246. The period of revolution of a (b) Above 20,000 kHz/ 20,000 kHz
तुलनज में गमा होती हैं , क्ोंकक बजदल geostationary satellite is/ भू-ल्टस्र्र से अकधक
मुख्यतः उपग्रह के चक्कर की अवकध होती है - (c) Below 20 kHz/ 20 kHz से अकधक
(d) Below 02 kHz/ 02 kHz से अकधक
(a) absorb heat from the atmosphere (a) 365 days/ 365 कदन
send it towards earth/ वजयुमंडल से (b) 30 days/ 30 कदन Ans: (c) Below 20 kHz/ 20 kHz से
ऊष्मज कज अवशोर्ण कर लेते हैं और इसे (c) 24 hours/ 24 घंटे अकधक
पृथ्वी की तरफ भेर् दे ते हैं | (d) changing continuously/ लगजतजर
(b) prevent cold waves from the sky Explanation:
descending on earth/ पृथ्वी पर आ रही Ultrasound is not different from
ठं डी लहरों को रोक दे ते हैं | Ans: (c) 24 hours/ 24 घंटे "normal" (audible) sound in its
(c) reflect back the heat given by Explanation: physical properties, except that
earth / पृथ्वी द्वजरज मुक्त ऊष्मज को humans cannot hear it. This limit
A geostationary orbit can be
वजकपस परजवकतात कर दे ते हैं | varies from person to person and is
achieved only at an altitude very approximately 20 kilohertz (20,000
(d) produce heat and radiate it
close to 35,786 km (22,236 mi) and hertz) in healthy young adults.
toward earth/ ऊष्मज कज कनमजा ण करते हैं directly above the equator. This Ultrasound devices operate with
तर्ज इसे पृथ्वी पर कवककररत कर दे ते हैं | equates to an orbital velocity of 3.07
frequencies from 20 kHz up to or a=0.2t which is dependent on time leads to less density from cream and
several gigahertz. that is it will vary with time so its a thus the density of leftover milk
non−uniform acceleration. increases.
Q249. Which type of reaction
produces the most harmful Q251. ‘Mirage' is an example of/
Q253. Lens is made up of/ लेंस कज
radiation?/ ककस तरह की अकभकक्रयज मृगतृष्णज उदजहरण है -
कनमजा ण कनमजा ण ककयज र्जतज है -
सवजा कधक हजकनकजरक कवककरण मुक्त (a) refraction of light only / प्रकजश के
(a) Pyrex glass / पजइरे क्स कजाँ च
करती है ? केवल अपवतान कज
(b) Flint glass/ ल्टलंट कजाँ च (c)
(a) Fusion reactionसंलयन अकभकक्रयज (b) total internal, reflection of light
only / प्रकजश के केवल पूणा आतंररक Ordinary glass/ सजधजरण कजाँ च
(b) Fission reaction/ कवखंडन
परजवतान कज (d) Cobalt glass/ कोबजि कजाँ च
(c) Chemical reaction/ रजसजयकनक (c) refraction and total internal Ans: (b) Flint glass/ ल्टलंट कजाँ च
अकभकक्रयज reflection of light/प्रकजश के अपवतान
तर्ज पूणा आं तररक परजवतान कज Explanation:
(d) Photochemical reaction/ प्रकजश- This fault was overcome by adding
रजसजयकनक अकभकक्रयज (d) dispersion of light only/ प्रकजश के
lead oxide to produce lead crystal.In
केवल प्रकीणान कज the optical glass industry, flint glass
Ans: (b) Fission reaction/ कवखंडन Ans: (c) refraction and total internal is any highly refractive lead-
अकभकक्रयज reflection of light/प्रकजश के अपवतान containing glass used to make lenses
and prisms. Because it absorbs most
Explanation: तर्ज पूणा आं तररक परजवतान कज
ultraviolet light but comparatively
In such a reaction, free neutrons Explanation: little visible light, it is also used for
released by each fission event can The angle of incidence i is smaller telescope lenses.
trigger yet more events, which in than the angle of refraction r. Fig. 3
turn release more neutrons and cause Total internal reflection occurs when Q254. The time period of a
more fission. The chemical element the incident angle i is larger than the pendulum when taken to the Moon
isotopes that can sustain a fission critical angle (c) Fig. 4 The path of
would:/ चजाँ द पर ले र्जने से लोलक की
chain reaction are called nuclear light when a mirage happens.Its
formation is a result of the refraction समयजवकध -
fuels, and are said to be fissile.
and the total internal reflection of
Q250. There is the following relation light in the air. (a) remain the same / समजन रहे गी |
between the velocity (v) and time (t) (b) decrease/ कम हो र्जयेगी |
of a particle: v = 20 + 0.1 t². The (c) become zero/ शून्य हो र्जएगी |
particle is—/ िण िे िेग (v) और (d) increase/ बढ़ र्जयेगी |
सिय (t) िे बीच कनम्नकिल्टखत सुंबुंध है: v
= 20 + 0.1 t² | िण है - Ans: (d) increase/ बढ़ र्जयेगी |
(a) Moving with uniform Explanation:
acceleration/ िदी त्वरण िे साथ आगे When the pendulum is taken to the
बढ़ रहा है moon, the value of 'g' will decrease
(b) Having uniform retardation/ and hence the time period will
एिसिान िुंदता होना increase. As the pendulum takes
(c) Moving with non-uniform more time to complete one vibration,
acceleration/ गैर-सिान त्वरण िे साथ Q252. If cream is removed from it will lose time.
बढ़ना milk,then its density-
(d) Moving with zero acceleration/ यकद दू ध से मलजई कनकजल ली र्जए, तो
Q255. The atmospheric air is held to
शून्य त्वरण िे साथ बढ़ना इसकज घनत्व -
the Earth by :/ वजयुमंडलीय हवज
ककसके द्वजरज पृथ्वी पर बनी रहती है ?
Ans: (c) Moving with non-uniform (a) Increases/ बढ़ र्जतज है |
acceleration/ गैर-सिान त्वरण िे साथ (b) Decreases/ कम हो र्जतज है |
(a) gravity/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण
बढ़ना (c) Remains same / समजन रहतज है |
(b) winds/ वजयु
(d) May increase or decrease/ कम यज
Explanation: (c) clouds/ बजदल
अकधक हो सकतज है |
(d) rotation of the Earth/ पृथ्वी कज
Acceleration is defined as rate of घूणान
change of velocity with respect to Ans: (a) Increases/ बढ़ र्जतज है |
time./ त्वरण िो सिय िे सुंबुंध िें िेग Ans: (a) gravity/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण
िे पररितयन िी दर िे रूप िें
When it is removed, it increases the
पररभाकषत किया गया है । prevailing density of milk (1032 Explanation:
so a= (d/dt)v kg/cubic meter). Density of cream is It is held in place by Earth's gravity.
or a= d/dt about 0.98 while that of milk is 1.028 It is made up mainly of nitrogen
(20+0.1t^2)=0+0.1×2×t=0.2t and skim milk is 1.032. Thus if the (78.1%). It also has plentiful oxygen
amount of cream reduces thus it (20.9%) and small amounts of argon
(0.9%), carbon dioxide (~ 0.035%), carbon steel with a very high yield (d) length and size of the lens/ लंबजई
water vapor, and other gases. The strength. This allows objects made of तर्ज लेंस कज आकजर
atmosphere protects life on Earth by spring steel to return to their original
absorbing (taking) ultraviolet rays shape despite significant bending or Ans: (d) length and size of the lens/
from the sun. twisting.
लंबजई तर्ज लेंस कज आकजर
Q256. The function of ball bearings Q258. Among the following They both magnify the viewed
in a wheel is:/ ककसी पकहये में बॉल materials sound travels fastest in/ object. The eyepiece at the end
बेयररं ग कज कजया होतज है : कनम्नकलल्टखत पदजर्ों में से, र्ध्कन ककसमें where you look is basically the same
(a) to increase friction/ घर्ाण में वृल्टि सबसे तीव्र यजत्रज करती है ? on both. The objective, the piece on
the end pointed at the target (on
करनज (a) Steel / स्टील
refractor type scope, or mirror on a
(b) to convert kinetic friction into (b) Air / वजयु reflector) is completely different
rolling friction/ गकतर् घर्ाण को बेल्लन (c) Vacuum/ कनवजा त from telescope to microscope. The
घर्ाण में बदलनज (d) Water/ र्ल telescope has a very large lens to
(c) to convert static friction into collect more light, hence the
Ans: (a) Steel / स्टील
kinetic friction/ ल्टस्र्र घर्ाण को गकतर् telescope is very big. The
घर्ाण में बदलनज Explanation: microscope has a tiny lens pointed at
(d) just for convenience/ केवल सुकवधज Sound travels faster in liquids than in the viewed object, it actually is
gases because molecules are more usually even smaller than the
के कलए eyepiece. This allows it to get very
tightly packed In fact, sound waves
Ans: (b) to convert kinetic friction travel over 17 times faster through close to what is usually a glass slide
into rolling friction/ गकतर् घर्ाण को steel than through air. The exact holding a sample of tissue or other
बेल्लन घर्ाण में बदलनज speed of sound in steel is 5,960 cells.
meters per second (13,332 mph)!
Explanation: But, this is only for the majority of Q261. The sound produced by a bat
A ball bearing is a type of rolling- is-/ चमगजदड़ों द्वजरज कनकमात र्ध्कन होती है
element bearing that uses balls to
Q259. Which of the following is not (a) audible/ िव्य
maintain the separation between the
a scalar quantity? (b) subsonic/ अपर्ध्कनक
bearing races.The purpose of a ball
bearing is to reduce rotational कनम्नकलल्टखत में से कौन सी अकदश रजकश (c) infrasonic/ अपिव्य
friction and support radial and axial नही ं है ? (d) ultrasonic/ अि् जसोकनक
loads. (a) Time / समय Ans: (d) ultrasonic/ अि् जसोकनक
(b) Volume / आयतन
(c) Density / घनत्व
Humans can only hear sound up to
(d) Momentum / संवेग about 16KHz (that's 16,000 cycles
per second). Bats emit sounds at
Ans: (d) momentum typically 2 or 3 times higher pitch
than we can hear. Sounds above
human hearing are usually called
the same as the pole strength of the अवकध है - (d) Size of the camera / कैमरे कज
original bar magnet. (a) 1 second / 1 सेकंड आकजर
(b) 2 seconds/ 2 सेकंड
Ans: (a) The aperture / द्वजरक
Q263. A new technology which (c) 0-5 second/ 0-5 सेकंड
provides the ability to create an (d) 1-5 seconds/ 1-5 सेकंड Explanation:
artificial world and have people Most lenses are at their sharpest
interact with it is called :/ एक नयी Ans: (b) 2 seconds/ 2 सेकंड when stopped down a couple of stops
तकनीक र्ो कृकत्रम कवश्व के कनमजा ण की Explanation:
from the widest aperture. When
shooting landscapes, to get
िमतज प्रदजन करती है तर्ज कर्समें लोग A seconds pendulum is a pendulum
everything in sharp focus, use an
बजतचीत कर सकते हैं , कहलजती है - whose period is precisely two
aperture between f/8 and f/16.
seconds; one second for a swing in
(a) Televirtuality / टे लीवचुाअकलटी one direction and one second for the
Q268. In MRI machine, which one
return swing, a frequency of 1/2 Hz.
(b) Virtual reality/ आभजसी of the following is used?/ एमआरआई
A pendulum is a weight suspended
वजस्तकवकतज from a pivot so that it can swing मशीन में, कनम्न में से ककसकज प्रयोग ककयज
(c) Alternate reality/ वैकल्टिक freely. र्जतज है ?
वजस्तकवकतज (a) Sound wave/ र्ध्कन तरं ग
(d) 3-D reality/ थ्रीडी वजस्तकवकतज (b) T-ray/ टी-रे
Q266. Lakes freeze in cold countries
Ans: (b) Virtual reality/ आभजसी in winter, leaving the water (c) Ultrasound wave/ अि् जसजउं ड
वजस्तकवकतज underneath at/ सकदा यों में, ठं डे दे शों की तरं ग
झीलें र्म र्जती हैं , कर्नमें र्ल ककसके (d) Magnetic wave/ चुंबकीय तरं ग
नीचे पहुाँ च र्जतज है ?
Ans: (d) Magnetic wave/ चुंबकीय
Virtual reality is an artificial (a) 0°C
environment that is created with (b) 0°F तरं ग
software and presented to the user in (c) 4°C Explanation:
such a way that the user suspends (d) 4°F Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
belief and accepts it as a real is a type of safe, painless testing that
Ans: (c) 4°C
environment. On a computer, virtual doctors use to see the body's organs
reality is primarily experienced Explanation: and structures. MRI uses a magnetic
through two of the five senses: sight Look as the temperature decreases field and radio waves to create
and soun(d) the temperature of lake would detailed pictures of the body's
definitely decreases at 4°C the insides. Unlike CAT scans or X-
density of water is maximum so the rays,MRI doesn't use radiation.
water molecules on upper side would
try to settle down to bottom but Q269. For a person having
whole water has the same hypermetropia, the near point is/
temperature so the upper layer would दू रदृकि वजले ककसी व्यल्टक्त के कलए,
Q264. Which of these waves can be start to go below 4°C as the कनकट कबंदु होतज है -
polarized? environment has temperature of 0 or
(a) greater than 25 cm/ 25 सेमी से
कनम्न में से ककन तरं गों को ध्रुवीकृत ककयज less than it (as only it can cause
र्ज सकतज है ? freezing of water) so the superficial
layer of water would have lower (b) greater than 50 cm/ 50 सेमी से
(a) Sound waves in air / वजयु में र्ध्कन density so it would be above on the अकधक
तरं गें
underlying layers as they are on 4°C (c) less than 25 cm/ 25 सेमी से कम
(b) Longitudinal waves on a string/
and so are heavy this cause the upper (d) infinity/ अनंत
layer to freeze but the lower water
तजर पर अनुदैध्या तरं गें stay static but the whole lake can Ans: (a) greater than 25 cm/ 25 सेमी
(c) Transverse waves on a string / also freeze in case of prolonged low से अकधक
तजर पर अनुप्रस्र् तरं गें temperature as in alaska or Iceland
(d) Light wave/ प्रकजश तरं ग due to continuous decrease in water's Explanation:
temperature Hypermetropia Myopia is corrected
Ans: (d) Light wave/ प्रकजश तरं ग by spectacles having concave
Q267. Which one of the following lens.Near point of a person suffering
Explanation: determines the sharpness of image in from hypermetropia is more than
Light can be polarized because it is a a camera? 25cm.
transverse wave, so oscillations can
ककसी कैमरे में तस्ीर की स्पितज कज
be given a particular orientation
relative to the direction the wave is कनधजा रण कनम्न में से ककसके द्वजरज ककयज Q270. Amount of water vapour in
traveling. र्जतज है ? the atmosphere is measured in terms
(a) The aperture / द्वजरक of/ वजयुमंडल में र्लवजष्प की मजत्रज को
Q265. The time period of a seconds (b) The exposure time / अनजवृत कज ककसके अनुसजर मजपज र्जतज है ?
pendulum is/ सेकंड लोलक की समय (c) The focal length of the lens / लेंस
की केंर्द्ीय लंबजई (a) Humidity / आर्द्ातज
(b) Droplets/ बूाँदें हर्ा की आवृकत्त वजली र्ध्कन को कहज Ans: (a) feebly ionized/ स्ि
(c) Smog/ धुंध र्जतज है - आयकनत होतज है |
(d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी Explanation:
(a) Audible sounds/ िव्य र्ध्कन
Ans: (a) Humidity / आर्द्ातज If water does not contain any salts
(b) Ultrasonics/ परजिव्य (c) (or impurities) then it is considered
Explanation: Infrasonics/ अविजकवकी (d) to be pure water, this does not
Relative humidity is a measure of Megasonics/ मेगजसोकनक्स conduct electricity. That means Pure
how close to saturation the air is with water is a bad conductor of
water vapor. At any given Ans: (a) Audible sounds/ िव्य र्ध्कन electricity. Addition of a few drops
temperature and pressure, air can
Explanation: of H₂SO₄ makes water impure as it
"hold" only so much water vapor contains sulphate ions along with
The frequencies less than 20 hertz
before the vapor begins to form water, so it will conduct electricity.
are called infrasonic sound those
liquid water drops, such as fog or
above 20000 hertz are called
clouds. At 100% relative humidity,
ultrasonic soun(d) Frequency of 20 Q276. Gamma rays have greatest
the air is saturate(d)
Hertz to 20,000 Hertz are known as similarity with_____/ गजमज ककरणों की
audible sounds
ककससे सबसे अकधक समरूपतज होती है
Q271. Which of the following is a
possible dimensionless quantity?
Q274. Eclipses occur due to which (a) 𝛼-rays/ अल्फज ककरणें
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा एि सुंभि
optical phenomena?/ ककस ब्रह्जं डीय (b) 𝛽-rays/ बीटज ककरणें
आयािरकहत िात्रा है ?
पररघटनज की वर्ह से ग्रहण लगते हैं ? (c) X-rays/ एक्स-रे
(a) Velocity gradient/ िेग प्रिणता
(d) U.V.-rays/ पजरजबैंगनी ककरणें
(b) Pressure gradient/ दाब प्रिणता (a) Reflection / परजवतान
(c) Displacement gradient/ किथथापन (b) Refraction/ अपवतान Ans: (c) X-rays/ एक्स-रे
प्रिणता (c) Rectilinear propagation/ सरल
(d) Force gradient/ बि प्रिणता रे खीय प्रसजर Explanation:
(d) Diffraction/ कववतान Gamma rays are like x-rays, but the
Ans: (c)Displacement gradient/
waves are smaller in wavelength.
किथथापन प्रिणता Ans: (c) Rectilinear propagation/
Both gamma rays and x-rays are
सरल रे खीय प्रसजर photons with very high energies, and
Explanation: gamma have even more energy.
Displacement gradient is a They are also a type of ionizing
An eclipse is an astronomical event
dimensionless quantity. radiation. Gamma rays can travel
that occurs when an astronomical
object is temporarily obscured, either through thicker materials than x-rays
Q272. A spherical ball made of steel by passing into the shadow of can.
when dropped in mercury container another body or by having another
will/ स्टील से कनकमात एक गोलजकजर गेंद body pass between it and the viewer. Q277. The principle due to which
को र्ब पजरज कनकहत बतान में कगरजयज This alignment of three celestial circular patches of light is seen under
objects is known as a syzygy. Apart a tree during day time, is similar to
र्जतज है , तो यह -
from syzygy, the term eclipse is also that of image formation by a/ किस
used when a spacecraft reaches a कसद्ाुं त िे िारण कदन िे दौरान एि
(a) sink in mercury/ पजरज में डूब position where it can observe two
र्जयेगी | celestial bodies so aligne(d) An पेड़ िे नीचे प्रिाश िे गोिािार पैच िो
(b) will be on the surface of mercury/ eclipse is the result of either an दे खा जाता है , यह िकि कनिायण किस िे
पजरे की सतह पर होगी | occultation (completely hidden) or a सिान होता है ?
(c) will be partly, immersed mercury/ transit (partially hidden). (a) concave lens/ अिति िेंस
पजरे में आं कशक रूप से डूब र्जएगी | In a homogenous transparent (b) pinhole/ कपनहोि
(d) will dissolve in mercury/ पजरज में medium, light travels in a straight (c) photographic camera /
घुल र्जयेगी | line and this is known as the फोटोग्राकफि िैिरा
rectilinear propagation of light. (d) convex lens/ उत्ति िेंस
Ans: (b) will be on the surface of
mercury/ पजरे की सतह पर होगी | Q275. Pure water is bad conductor of
Ans: (b) pinhole/ कपनहोि
Explanation: electricity because it is/ शुि र्ल
Mercury has more density than steel कवद् युत कज कुचजलक होतज है क्ोंकक यह Explanation:
( an alloy of iron carbon and other (a) feebly ionized/ स्ि आयकनत A pinhole camera is a simple camera
elements) so the ball of steel will without a lens and with a single
होतज है |
float on the surface of mercury. small aperture, effectively a light-
(b) not volatile/ वजष्पशील नही ं होतज |
proof box with a small hole in one
Q273. The sounds having a (c) a very good solvent/ बहुत अच्छज side. Light from a scene passes
frequency of 20 Hertz to 20,000 कवलजयक होतज है | through this single point and
Hertz are known as/ 20 हर्ा से 20000 (d) anon-polar solvent/ गैर-ध्रुवीय projects, an inverted image on the
कवलजयक होतज है | opposite side of the box .This is
similar to that principle due to which Q280. The time period of a ईंधन के रूप में ककयज र्जतज है ?
circular patches of light is seen under pendulum depends on:/ एक पेंडुलम
a tree during day time. की समय अवकध ककस पर कनभार करती (a) Coa/ कोयलज
है ? (b) Uranium/ यूरेकनयम
Q278. [ML-1T-2] is the dimensional (a) the mass / र्द्व्यमजन (c) Radium/ रे कडयम
formula of/ [ML-1T-2] किसिा (b) the length / लंबजई (d) Diesel/ डीर्ल
आयािी सूत्र है ? (c) the time / समय
Ans: (b) Uranium/ यूरेकनयम
(a) Force/बि (d) both (a) and (b) / दोनों (a) और (b)
(b) Coefficient of friction/ घषयण Explanation:
गुणाुं ि Ans: (b) the length / लंबजई Many of these fuel rods are used in
each nuclear reactor. Most BWR and
(c) Modulus of elasticity/ िोच िे Explanation: PWR commercial reactors use
िापाुं ि Time period uranium enriched to about 4% U-
(d) Energy/ ऊजाय 235, and some commercial reactors
with a high neutron economy do not
Ans: (c)Modulus of elasticity/ िोच require the fuel to be enriched at all
(that is, they can use natural
िे िापाुं ि
Modulus of elasticity is defined as The time period of a pendulum
the ratio of tangential stress to the depends on its length L and Q284. The density of the liquid when
shearing strain, within the elastic acceleration due to gravity g. heated/गमा करने पर र्द्व कज घनत्व -
limit. Its unit is N/m2 or Pascal and
its dimensional formula is [ML-1T- Q281. Which of the following is the (a) decreases/ कम होतज है |
2]. smallest unit of length? (b) increases/ बढ़तज है |
कनम्नकलल्टखत में से कौन सी लंबजई की (c) does not change/ अपररवकतात रहतज
Constant ratio is called the सबसे छोटी इकजई है ?
coefficient of friction and is usually है |
symbolized by the Greek letter mu (a) Micrometre / मजइक्रोमीटर (d) may increase of decrease
(μ). Mathematically, μ = F/L. (b) Nanometre / नैनोमीटर depending on pressure/ दजब के
Because both friction and load are (c) Angstron / एं गस्ट् ॉन अनुसजर बढ़ यज घट सकतज है |
measured in units of force (such as (d) Fermimetre / फमीमीटर
pounds or newtons), the coefficient Ans: (a) decreases/ कम होतज है |
of friction is dimensionless. Ans: (d) Fermimetre Explanation:
Dimensional formula of force is The liquids tend to expand when
MLT^-2 Explanation:
1 micron = 10-6 m their temperature increases. For
Dimensional formula of energy is example, the same mass of boiling
MLT^-1 1 nanometre = 10-9 m
water occupies more volume at 100
1 angstrom = 10-10 m
degrees Celsius than at 20 degrees
1 fermi = 10-15 m
Q279. The phenomenon of light Celsius. Therefore, increasing
associated with the appearance of temperature decreases density.
Q282. Persistence of vision is the
blue colour of the sky is/ आिाश िे
principle behind/ दृकि कनबांध _______
नीिे रुं ग िी उपल्टथथकत से जुड़े प्रिाश Q285. The distance between node
के पीछे कज कसिजं त है ?
िी घटना िो क्या िहा जाता है ? and adjacent antinode is 30 cm. The
(a) Camera/ कैमरज wavelength is/ नोड तर्ज संलग्न एं टीनोड
(a) interference/ व्यकतिरण
(b) Spectroscope/ स्पेक्ट््ोस्कोप के मध्य 30 सेमी की दू री है | तरं गदै ध्या है
(b) reflection/ पराितयन
(c) Cinema/ कसनेमज (a) 30 cm.
(c) refraction/ अपितयन
(d) Periscope/ पेररस्कोप (b) 90 cm.
(d) scattering /प्रिाश प्रिीणयन (c) 120 cm.
Ans: (c) Cinema/ कसनेमज (d) 60 cm.
Ans: (d) scattering /प्रिाश प्रिीणयन Explanation:
Persistence of vision refers to the Ans: (d) 60 cm.
optical illusion whereby multiple Explanation:
The phenomenon of light associated
discrete images blend into a single The distance between node and
with the appearance of blue colour of
image in the human mind and adjacent antinode is 30 cm. The
the sky is scattering of light. The sky
believed to be the explanation for wavelength is 60cm.
appears blue because in the sun light,
motion perception in cinema and A node is a point on a standing wave
the blue colour of light is scattered
animated films. where the amplitude is minimum
maximum and this scattered blue
light enters our eyes and therefore, while antinode is the point of
the sky appears blue in appearance. Q283. In a nuclear reactor, one of the maximum displacement.
following is used as a fuel./ ककसी
परमजणु भट्ठी में, कनम्न में से ककसकज प्रयोग
Q286. The nature of fuse wire is/ bend and look like this below. It can (a) hot and humid climate/ गमा तर्ज
फ्यूर् तजर की प्रकृकत होती है - even cause rail fracture. आर्द्ा र्लवजयु के कलए
(a) high resistance and low melting (b) hot and dry climate/ गमा तर्ज शुष्क
point.उच्च प्रकतरोध तर्ज कनम्न गलनजं क र्लवजयु के कलए
(b) high resistance and high melting
(c) cool and humid climate/ ठं डी तर्ज
point./ उच्च प्रकतरोध तर्ज उच्च गलनजं क
Q288. Vehicle tyres are inflated आर्द्ा र्लवजयु के कलए
(c) low resistance and high melting
properly/ वजहनों के टजयर में अच्छे से (d) cool and dry climate/ ठं डी तर्ज
point. कनम्न प्रकतरोध तर्ज उच्च गलनजं क
(d) low resistance and low melting हवज भरी र्जती है - शुष्क र्लवजयु के कलए
point./ कनम्न प्रकतरोध कनम्न गलनजं क | (a) to ensure smooth running./ सुगम Ans: (b) hot and dry climate/ गमा
यजत्रज सुकनकित करने के कलए | तर्ज शुष्क र्लवजयु के कलए
Ans: (a) high resistance and low (b) to allow the vehicle to take more
melting point./ उच्च प्रकतरोध तर्ज कनम्न loa(d)/ वजहन द्वजरज अकधक भजर ढोने के Explanation:
गलनजं क | कलए | The air cooler works on the principle
(c) to avoid skidding and to of Evaporative cooling.
On a hot dry day, the amount of
The material used for making fuse minimize friction/ कफसलने से बचने
water vapour present in air is
elements has a low melting point तर्ज घर्ाण को कम करने के कलए | less. Thus, water present inside
such as tin, lead, or zin(c) A low (d) to go fast and save fuel. / तेज़ the desert cooler evaporates
melting point is, however, available
चलने तर्ज ईंधन बचजने के कलए | more, thereby cooling the
with a high specific resistance metal
surroundings more.
shown in the table below. Ans: (c) to avoid skidding and to
minimize friction/ कफसलने से बचने
तर्ज घर्ाण को कम करने के कलए | Q291. A transformer/ एक
Explanation: ट् जं सफ़ॉमार –
Under inflated tyres more friction (a) converts DC to AC/ DC को
with the road, increasing fuel AC में बदलतज है |
Q287. In a railway track, two rails consumption by up to 10% and are (b) is used to decrease or
are joined end to end with a gap in prone to skidding on either wet or increase AC voltage/ कज प्रयोग
slippery surfaces.
between them because/ ककसी रे लमजगा AC की वोिे र् बढ़जने यज घटजने के
में, दो पटररयों को उनके बीच खजली कलए ककयज र्जतज है |
स्र्जन छोड़कर र्ोड़ज र्जतज है क्ोंकक Q289. Refrigeration is a process- (c) converts AC voltage to
which/ प्रशीतन एक प्रकक्रयज है , र्ो (d)(c) voltage/ AC वोिे र् को
(a) steel can be saved/ लोहज बचजयज र्ज DC वोिे र् में बदलतज है |
सकतज है | (a) kills bacteria/ र्ीवजणुओं को मजर
(b) accidents due to contraction in दे ती है |
winter can be avoided/ सकदा यों में (b) slows down the bacterial growth/ (d) converts electrical energy into
कसकुड़न की वर्ह से दु घाटनजओं को र्ीवजणुओं के कवकजस को धीमज कर दे ती mechanical energy/ कवद् युत ऊर्जा कज
रोकज र्ज सकतज है | है | रूपजं तरण यजं कत्रक ऊर्जा में करतज है |
(c) air-gaps are necessary for bearing (c) Inactivates the bacteria/ र्ीवजणुओं
Ans: (b) is used to decrease or
the weight of running train/ दौड़ती को अकक्रय बनज दे ती है | (d) increase AC voltage/ कज प्रयोग AC
हुई रे ल कज वज़न सहने के कलए खजली Plasmolysed the bacteria/ र्ीवजणुओं की वोिे र् बढ़जने यज घटजने के कलए
स्र्जन अकनवजया होते हैं | को र्द्वकुंकचत कर दे ती है | ककयज र्जतज है |
(d) accidents due to expansion in Ans: (b) slows down the bacterial
summer can be avoide(d)/ गकमायों में growth/ र्ीवजणुओं के कवकजस को धीमज
फैलजव की वर्ह से होने वजली दु घाटनजओं Transformers are used to increase or
कर दे ती है | decrease alternating current (AC)
को रोकज र्ज सकतज है | voltage in circuits. The transformer
Ans: (d) accidents due to expansion Most infection-causing bacteria is usually built with two coils around
in summer can be avoide(d)/ गकमायों prefer body temperatures to grow the same core. Transformers cannot
में फैलजव की वर्ह से होने वजली and are slowed down significantly in increase power, so if the voltage is
raised, the current is proportionally
दु घाटनजओं को रोकज र्ज सकतज है | the refrigerator because the enzyme
systems that operate to allow them to
Explanation: grow slow down. However, some
The gap is left at regular intervals to bacteria are perfectly happy at Q292. When hot-water is sprinkled
allow the rails to expand during refrigeration temperatures—they on a hotter glass tumbler, it breaks
summer. As we have learnt, a lot of grow, but not rapidly. because/ र्ब गमा पजनी को कजाँ च के एक
materials do expand with increased
temperature and rails are prone to गमा कगलजस पर कछड़कज र्जतज है , तो यह
that as well. The gap allows it to Q290. Air coolers are more suitable टू ट र्जतज है क्ोंकक
expand and yet be functional. for/ एयर कूलर अकधक उपयुक्त होते हैं - (a) glass suddenly expands/ कजं च
Without the gaps, the rails could अचजनक फ़ैल र्जतज है |
(b) glass suddenly contracts/ कजं च transistor on the wafer of is open. An electric current flows
अचजनक कसकुड़ र्जतज है | semiconductor material. Mostly when electrons move through a
silicon is used for the fabrication. conductor, such as a metal wire.
(c) water evaporates/ र्ल वजष्पीकृत हो
But compound semiconductor is also Metals are good conductors of
र्जतज है | used for the manufacturing of the electricity. Electricity passes through
(d) glass reacts chemically with transistor. metallic conductors as a flow of
water/ कजं च र्ल के सजर् रजसजयकनक negatively charged electrons.
अकभकक्रयज करतज है |
Q295. Which of the following is not
Ans: (b) glass suddenly contracts/ the cause of low conductivity of Q298. Which of the following is a
कजं च अचजनक कसकुड़ र्जतज है | electrolyte. secondary cell?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से क्या
कनम्न में से कौन कवद् युत अपघट्य के कनम्न एि कद्वतीय सेि है ?
The crack is caused by differential प्रवजहकत्व कज कजरण नही ं है ? (a) Dry cell/ शुष्क सेि
thermal expansion. (b) Leclanche cell/ िेक्लेन्च से ि
The part of the glass that the boiling (a) Low drift velocity of ions/ आयनों (c) Mercury cell/ पारा सेि
water touches first expands due to कज कनम्न बहजव वेग (d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं
the heat, but the heat doesn't conduct (b) High resistance offered by the
through the glass quickly so there is solution of the motion of ions/ आयनों Ans: (d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई
stress between the expanded inside की गकत के कवलयन द्वजरज उत्पन्न उच्च नही ं
of the glass and unexpanded outside
of the glass. This stress is sometimes Explanation:
(c) Low number of density of charge
too much and the glass cracks. Dry cell (Leclanche cell) and
carriers/ आवेश वजहकों के घनत्व की
Mercury cell are primary voltaic
कनम्न संख्यज cells. They cannot be recharged.
Q293. Electricity is transmitted over (d) Ionization of salt/ लवण कज Hence, none of the given options is a
long distances/ कवद् युत को लम्बी दू री आयनीकरण secondary cell.
तक प्रेकर्त ककयज र्जतज है - Lead accumulator (lead storage
(a) it is fast/ यह तीव्र होतज है | (b) there Ans: (d) Ionization of salt/ लवण कज battery) is a secondary cell.
is less wastage of energy / ऊर्जा की आयनीकरण
कम बबजा दी होती है | Q299. The light rays used for
Explanation: eliminating bacteria/ र्ीवजणुओं को
(c) it is safer/ यह सुरकित होतज है |
The solutions of weak electrolytes
समजप्त करने के कलए इस्तेमजल की र्जने
have low conductance
(d) it is cheaper/ यह सस्तज होतज है | वजली प्रकजश ककरणें हैं -
(a) X-rays/ एक्स-रे
Ans: (c) it is safer/ यह सुरकित होतज है Q296. Light from the Sun reaches
(b) infrared rays/ अवरक्त ककरणें
| Earth in about: / सूयय से प्रिाश पृथ्वी
(c) microwave radiation/ सूक्ष्मतरं ग
Explanation: पर कितनी दे र िें पहुुं चता है :
As electricity is transmitted over (a) 2 minutes / किनट
(d) ultraviolet radiation/ पजरजबैंगनी
long distances, there are inherent (b) 4 minutes / किनट
energy losses along the way. The कवककरण
(c) 8 minutes / किनट
lower current that accompanies high
(d) 16 minutes / किनट Ans: (d) ultraviolet radiation/
voltage transmission reduces पजरजबैंगनी कवककरण
resistance in the conductors as
electricity flows along the cables. Ans: (c) 8 minutes / किनट Explanation:
This means that thin, light-weight Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation
wires can be used in long-distance Explanation: (UVGI) is a disinfection method that
transmission. The sunlight takes about 500 second uses short-wavelength ultraviolet
or 8.5 minutes to reach to the earth. (UV-C) light to kill or inactivate
microorganisms by destroying
Q294. The material used in the Q297. Electric current in a metal nucleic acids and disrupting their
fabrication of a transistor is/ ट् जं कर्स्टर wire is due to the flow of:/ ककसी DNA, leaving them unable to
के कनमजा ण में इस्तेमजल की र्जने वजली धजल्टत्वक तजर में कवद् युत धजरज ककसके perform vital cellular functions.
सजमग्री है - प्रवजह की वर्ह से होती है ? UVGI is used in a variety of
applications, such as food, air, and
(a) Aluminium/ एल्युमीकनयम (a) Electrons/ इलेक्ट््ॉन
water purification.
(b) Copper/ तजं बज (b) Protons/ प्रोटॉन
(c) Silicon / कसकलकॉन (c) Ions/ आयन Q300. Mud houses are cooler in
(d) Silver/ चजाँ दी (d) Holes/ कछर्द् summers and warmer in winters as
compared to brick houses because/
Ans: (c) Silicon / कसकलकॉन Ans: (a) Electrons/ इलेक्ट््ॉन कमट्टी के घर पक्के घरों की तुलनज में
Explanation: Explanation: गकमायों में अकधक शीतल तर्ज सकदा यों में
Silicon is a photo-lithographic or No current can flow if the circuit is अकधक गमा रहते हैं क्ोंकक
chemical process of creating the broken - for example, when a switch
(a) mud is a good conductor/ कमट्टी कजरों में बम्पर होने चजकहए र्ो टक्कर Density of water is approx 1g/ml;
एक अच्छी चजलक है | होने पर टू ट र्जते हैं ? Density of Ice is approx 0.93g/ml;
and Density of 100% pure ethanol is
(b) mud is a bad conductor / कमट्टी एक (a) Yes, since the offending car
0.79g/ml. So the density of ice cubes
कुचजलक है | should get damaged and pay for the
is lesser than water, but higher than
(c) mud is a poor insulator / कमट्टी एक mistake/ हजाँ , तजकक टक्कर मजरने वजली
alcohol. So it will float in water, but
खरजब कवसंवजहक है | (d) evaporation कजर िकतग्रस्त हो र्जए और उसे इस sink in alcohol. This can also be put
of water causes cooling in summers गलती की कीमत चुकजनी पड़े | as: The ice cube will float higher in
and sunlight coming through holes (b) No, since it would be very water as compared to alcohol.
causes warming in winters/ र्ल कज expensive to get the car repaired /
वजष्पीकरण गकमायों में शीतलन की वर्ह नही,ं क्ोंकक कजर की मरम्मत में कजफी Q304. A person wears spectates with
बनतज है तर्ज कछर्द् के मजध्यम से आने खचा आयेगज | concave lenses. It means that
(c) No, Since the colliding car would normally (when not using glasses),
वजली सूया की रोशनी सकदा यों में गमी की
then ram into the occupants and kill the image of distant objects is
वर्ह बनती है | focussed in his eyes/एक व्यल्टक्त
them/ नही,ं क्ोंकक कभड़ने वजली कजर
Ans: (b) mud is a bad conductor / यजकत्रयों पर चढ़ र्जएगी तर्ज उनकी मौत अवतल लेंस वजलज चश्ज लगजतज है |
कमट्टी एक कुचजलक है | हो र्जएगी | इसकज मतलब यह हुआ कक आम तौर पर
Explanation: (d) Yes, since they help to absorb the ( चश्ज नही ं पहनने पर ) दू रवती वस्तुओं
As mud is a bad conductor of heat, it impact of a collision and keep the कज प्रकतकबम्ब उसकी आाँ खों में कनकमात
does not allow external heat to come occupants safe/ हजाँ , क्ोंकक वे टक्कर के होगज -
in summer and internal heat to go out आघजत को अवशोकर्त करने में सहजयक (a) behind the retina ./ रे कटनज के पीछे
in winter. होते हैं और यजकत्रयों को सुरकित रखते हैं | (b) in front of the retina/ रे कटनज के
Ans: (d) Yes, since they help to आगे
Q301. After long periods of use, a
grey spot develops on the inside of a absorb the impact of a collision and (c) on the retina/ रे कटनज पर
bul(b) This is because/ लंबे समय तक keep the occupants safe/ हजाँ , क्ोंकक वे (d) on the blind spot/ अंध कबंदु पर
प्रयोग के बजद, बल्ब के भीतर एक भूरे टक्कर के आघजत को अवशोकर्त करने
Ans: (b) in front of the retina/ रे कटनज
धब्बे कज कनमजा ण हो र्जतज है | इसकज में सहजयक होते हैं और यजकत्रयों को
के आगे
कजरण है - सुरकित रखते हैं |
(a) the tungsten filament evaporate Explanation:
sand collects there/टं गस्टन कफलजमेंट Myopia occurs when the light is
Bumpers and softer material deforms
वजष्पीकृत होकर वहजं एककत्रत हो र्जतज है when force is applie(d) If they
focused in front of the retin(a) It
(b) the heat of the bulb scorches the occurs because either the eyeball is
deform, they absorb some energy. too long, or because the cornea is too
glass at the top/ बल्ब की ऊष्मज कजं च When you hit a wall or a car, a curve(d) People with short sight are
को शीर्ा पर र्लज दे ती है | bumper absorbs a part of the energy not able to see distant objects clearly.
(c) dust inside the bulb condenses on when you hit the wall. In some cases Concave prescription lenses (called
the top/ बल्ब के भीतर की धूल शीर्ा पर that difference saves a man's life. as minus lenses) are used to bend
संघकनत हो र्जती है | light rays slightly outwards. The
(d) glass undergoes a change due to Q303. Ice cubes are added to a glass light rays then have a greater angle to
the heat/ कजं च में ऊष्मज की वर्ह से of pure water and a glass of pure bend back to focus when traveling
पररवतान आतज है | alcohol . The ice would be/ बफा के through the cornea and lens. As a
टु कड़ों को शुि र्ल के कगलजस में तर्ज result, the light rays focus further
Ans: (c) dust inside the bulb शुि शरजब के कगलजस में डजलज र्जतज है | back on the retin(a)
condenses on the top/ बल्ब के भीतर बफा -
की धूल शीर्ा पर संघकनत हो र्जती है | Q305. What is the principle of a
(a) at a higher level in water/ पजनी में ‘Life Jacket?/ र्ीवन रिक र्ै केट कज
उच्चतर स्तर पर होगी | कसिजं त क्ज है ?
At high operating temperatures,
tungsten evaporates from the (b) at a higher level in alcohol/ शरजब
(a) It provides oxygen to a drowning
filament and gradually forms a gray में उच्चतर स्तर पर होगी |
person/ यह डूब रहे व्यल्टक्त को
film on the inside of the bul(b) The (c) at the same level in both/ दोनों में
ऑक्सीर्न प्रदजन करतज है |
inert gas atoms collide with the समजन स्तर पर होगी |
(b) It increases the volume of the
evaporating tungsten, causing some (d) floating in alcohol and sinking in
person to keep him afloat/ यह व्यल्टक्त
of the tungsten atoms to return to the water/ शरजब में तैरेगी तर्ज पजनी में डूब
filament. Eventually, however, a thin कज आयतन बढ़ज दे तज है तजकक वह बहतज
र्जएगी |
spot develops in the filament. When रहे |
this happens, the filament will break (c) It decreases the volume of the
and the bulb fails. Ans: (a) at a higher level in water/ person to keep him afloat/ यह व्यल्टक्त
पजनी में उच्चतर स्तर पर होगी | कज आयतन घटज दे तज है तजकक वह बहतज
Q302. Should cars have bumpers Explanation: रहे | (d) The person can sit on it like a
that collapse under impact?/ क्ज
raft/ व्यल्टक्त इसपर रजफ्ट की तरह बैठ The sun's rays travel in straight lines (a) To prevent the steam pressure
सकतज है | called heat rays. This movement is from bursting open the pouch/ वजष्प
called radiation. दजब से र्ैली को फटने से बचजने के कलए |
Ans: (b) It increases the volume of (b) To allow the heat to get into the
the person to keep him afloat/ यह Q308. A sphere rolls down on two food through the hole/ कछर्द् के मजध्यम
व्यल्टक्त कज आयतन बढ़ज दे तज है तजकक वह inclined planes of different angles से भोर्न में ऊष्मज के प्रवेश हे तु |
बहतज रहे | but same height, it does so/ एक गोलज (c) To allow the microwaves to get
अलग-अलग कोण ककंतु समजन उं चजई into the food through the holes / कछर्द्
The upward-pushing force that keeps वजले दो प्रवृत्त (झुके हुए ) स्र्जनों से के मजध्यम से भोर्न में सू क्ष्म तरं गों के
things afloat is called buoyancy. For लुढ़कतज है | यह ऐसज करतज है - प्रयोग हे तु |
an object to float it must be able to (d) To allow the aroma of the food to
equal its own weight by displacing (a) in the same time/ समजन समय में come out through the holes/ कछर्द् के
enough water. A life jacket is mainly (b) with the same speed/ समजन गकत से मजध्यम से भोर्न की खुशबू को आने दे ने
filled with gas which has a very low के कलए |
mass. As such when worn by a (c) in the same time with the same
Ans: (a) To prevent the steam
person, it acts to significantly speed/ समजन समय में समजन गकत से
increase their volume for only a very pressure from bursting open the
(d) in the same time with the same
small increase in their mass. This pouch/ वजष्प दजब से र्ैली को फटने से
kinetic energy/ समजन समय में समजन
means that they have a lower density बचजने के कलए |
than normal which increases their गकतर् ऊर्जा के सजर् |
buoyancy and helps them to float. Ans: (b) with the same speed/ समजन
गकत से In heating frozen foods in sealed
Q306. Myopia is the same as/ pouches in a microwave first poke
Explanation: holes in the pouch to prevent the
मजयोकपयज ककसके समजन है - If the ball and slopes are frictionless, steam pressure from bursting open
(a) Nearsightedness/ कनकट दृकि then the ball will roll the same the pouch.
(b) Astigmatism / दृकिवैर्म्य distance off of both slopes, as long Anything in a tight skin or shell can
(c) Presbyopia/ र्रजदू रदृकि (d) Long as the ball starts from the same explode in a microwave because the
sightedness/ दू रदृकि height. This is because at the top of water inside can expand and burst
the slope, the ball has potential through. It is for this very reason that
energy equal to mass * g * height. It
Ans: (a) Nearsightedness/ कनकट दृकि before microwaving, the skin of
doesn’t matter if the slope is steeper potatoes should be pricked, winter
or not; all that matters is that the ball squash and similar vegetables should
Explanation: starts out at the same height. be cut in half, eggs should be taken
Nearsightedness (myopia) is a very out of shells and holes should be
common condition in which the light If the ball and slopes are in real life poked in the plastic wrap or sealed
coming into the eye is not focused and have friction, then the ball will pouches of frozen packaged foods.
properly onto the retina, making it still roll similar distances, but it just
difficult to see objects far away. The depends on the difference between Q310. A vacuum cleaner works on
condition is usually caused by an the rolling friction of the slopes and the principle of pressure difference.
elongation of the eyeball that occurs the floor. The ball will spend less On the moon it will/ एक वैक्ूम
over time. Farsightedness time on the steeper slope compared
िीनर दबजव अंतर के कसिजं त पर कजया
(hyperopia) is the opposite of to the gentler slope. If the slope has a
myopia, and is usually caused by high coefficient of friction करतज है | चन्द्रमज पर यह -
shortening of the eyeball. (compared to the ground), then the (a) work as efficiently as on the earth
ball will lose energy rolling on the / पृथ्वी की तरह ही दितज से कजया करे गज
slope, so you want to minimize time |
Q307. Sun’s heat reaches us by/ सूया spent on the slope. (b) not work at all/ कबलकुल कजया नही ं
की ऊष्मज हम तक कैसे पहुाँ चती है ? करे गज |
If the slope has a low coefficient of (c) work with reduced efficiency/
(a) Conduction/ संवजहन friction compared to the ground, you कम दितज से कजया करे गज |
(b) Convection/ संवहन want to minimize time spent on the (d) work with increased efficiency/
(c) Radiation/ कवककरण ground, so the ball rolling on the
वकधात दितज से कजया करे गज |
gentler slope will roll further.
(d) Reflection/ परजवतान
Ans: (b) not work at all/ कबलकुल
Ans: (c) Radiation/ कवककरण Q309. In heating frozen foods in कजया नही ं करे गज |
Explanation: sealed pouches in a microwaves, Explanation:
why do you first poke holes in the
The sun's light and heat cannot reach pouch?/ र्मे हुए खजद्य पदजर्ों को बंद Vacuum cleaners work by creating
us by conduction or convection air pressure differences between
र्ैली में मजइक्रोवेव में गमा करने के दौरजन
because space is almost completely inside and outside of the vacuum
empty. There is nothing to transfer आप र्ैली में पहले छे द क्ों करते हैं ? cleaner . But that is not possible on
the energy from the sun to the earth. the moon .If no part of the vacuum
H = 2m. Ans: (b) Johannes Kepler/ र्ोहजनीज़ (a) magnified, virtual, erect image/
केप्र आवकधात, कजिकनक, सीधज प्रकतकबम्ब
Q313. When a pail of water is swung (b) diminished, real and erect image/
in a vertical circle, the water does not Explanation:
संकुकचत, वजस्तकवक तर्ज सीधज प्रकतकबम्ब
fall out at the top of the loop when
Johannes Kepler published his first (c) magnified, virtual and inverted
the speed is/ र्ब पजनी से भरी ककसी two laws about planetary motion in image/ आवकधात, कजिकनक तर्ज उिज
बजिी को उर्ध्जा धर वृत्तजकजर पर् में 1609. प्रकतकबम्ब
(d) diminished, virtual and erect (b) increasing the focal length of the D. Frequency / आिृकत्त 4. Decibel /
image/ संकुकचत, कजिकनक तर्ज सीधज eyepiece/ नेकत्रकज की फोकस दू री में िे कसबि
प्रकतकबम्ब वृल्टि करके |
(c) increasing the focal length of the Codes:/िूट:
Ans: (c) magnified, virtual and objective/ वस्तु की फोकस दू री में वृल्टि ABCD
inverted image/ आवकधात, कजिकनक करके | (a) 2 3 4 1
तर्ज उिज प्रकतकबम्ब (d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं (b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 2 3 1 4
Explanation: (d) 2 1 3 4
The microscope used in pathological Ans: (b) increasing the focal length
laboratories forms a magnified, of the eyepiece/ नेकत्रकज की फोकस
दू री में वृल्टि करके | Ans: (a) 2 3 4 1
virtual and inverted image.
Explanation: Explanation:
Q318. When milk is churned, the
cream separates due to- The image formed by the objective Light-year is a unit of length, joule is
the unit of energy. Intensity of sound
जब दू ध िो िथ किया जाता है , तो रीि acts as an image for the eyepiece.The
is measured in decibel. Frequency is
अिग हो जाती है - distance of the eyepiece is so
measured in hertz (Hz).
adjusted that the objective's image
(a) Frictional Force/घषयण बि
lies within its focal length.The
(b) Centrifugal Force/अकभिेन्द्रीय बि eyepiece magnifies this image so that Q322. The audio signals of TV are/
the final image is magnified and टीवी के िव्य संकेत होते हैं -
(c) Gravitational force/गुरुत्वािषयण inverted with respect to the object.
बि (a) Amplitude modulated/ आयजम
(d) Viscous Force/किस्कोस बि पररवकतात
Q320. Necessary element of change
in solar energy to electric energy/ (b) Frequency modulated/ आवृकत्त
Ans: (b) Centrifugal सौर ऊर्जा से कवद् युत ऊर्जा में पररवतान पररवकतात
Force/अकभिेन्द्रीय बि कज आवश्यक तत्व है - (c) Unmodulated/ उतजर-चढ़जव रकहत
(a) Beryllium/ बेरीकलयम (d) Velocity modulated/ वेग पररवकतात
In Newtonian mechanics, the (b) Silicon/ कसकलकॉन
Ans: (b) Frequency modulated/
centrifugal force is an inertial force (c) Tantalum/ टैं टलम
आवृकत्त पररवकतात
that appears to act on all objects (d) Pure Copper/ शुि तजं बज
when Explanation:
viewed in a rotating frame of Different methods of modulation are
reference. Ans: (b) Silicon/ कसकलकॉन used for both sound and picture
It is directed away from an axis Explanation: information so that there
passing through the coordinate A photodiode used in a manner that
system's origin and parallel to the makes it a photovoltaic cell is is less interference between the
axis required to turn the irradiation from picture and sound signals. Further,
of rotation. the sun into electricity. amplitude modulation of the carrier
takes up less bandwidth in the
These are made primarily from spectrum, and this is important when
semiconductors such as Silicon,
Germanium, and others, but also a high-frequency, content-
require other materials (doping) to modulating signal such as video is to
achieve the specific behavior be transmitte(d)
FM modulation is used for Sound for
Q321. Match List-I with List -II and a noiseless reception.
select the correct answer using the You know our ear is too concerned
about sound noise where's eyes are
codes given below the lists:/ सूची-I
not for picture noise.
िा सूची-II से कििान िीकजये और
सूकचयोुं िे नीचे कदए गए िूट िा
Q323. The light beam which is
Q319. The magnifying power of an उपयोग िरिे सही उत्तर िा चयन
highly directional is called?/प्रिाश
astronomical telescope can be िीकजये:
decreased by/ खगोलीय दू रदशी की किरण जो अत्यकधि कदशात्मि होती है
आवधाक िमतज को कम ककयज र्ज List-I / सूची-I List-II/ सूची-II उसे िहा जाता है ?
सकतज है - A. Distance / दू री 1. Hertz / हट्य ज़ (a) eraser /रबड़
B. Energy / ऊजाय 2. Light Year / (b) grazer /तृण खानेिािा
(a) decreasing the focal length of the प्रिाश िषय (c) maser /िेसर
eyepiece/ नेकत्रकज की फोकस दू री को (d) laser/िेज़र
C. Intensity of sound / ध्वनी िी
कम करके |
तीव्रता 3. Joule / जूि
Ans: (d) laser/िेज़र (b) it has large eyes with orbs Explanation:
directed forward, giving it binocular
Explanation: Clothes are dried in spin dryers by
sight/ इसकी आाँ खें बड़ी-बड़ी होती हैं the action of centrifugal force.
LASER stands for Light
Amplification by Stimulated कर्नके नेत्र-गोलक आगे की तरफ
Emission of Radiation. It is an कनदे कशत होते हैं , कर्ससे इसे कद्वनेत्री दृकि
Q327. Which colour of light shows
electronic device that produces light, कमलती है |
maximum deviation when passed
actually an electromagnetic (c) it has light bulbs in its eyes
through a prism?/ कप्रज्म से गुर्रने पर
radiation. provided by nature/ इसकी आाँ खों में
प्रकजश कज कौन सज रं ग सवजा कधक
प्रकृकत द्वजरज प्रदत्त प्रकजश बल्ब होते हैं |
कवचलन कज प्रदशान करतज है ?
Specific Laser Types: (d) it produces infrasonic sounds/ यह
1.Helium Neon Laser: The first CW (a) Red`/ लजल
अपिव्य र्ध्कन छोड़तज है |
system was the helium neon (HeNe) (b) Green/ हरज
gas mixture. Ans: (b) it has large eyes with orbs (c) Violet/ बैंगनी
2.Argon, Krypton, and Xenon Ion directed forward, giving it binocular (d) Yellow/ पीलज
Lasers. sight/ इसकी आाँ खें बड़ी-बड़ी होती हैं
3.Carbon Dioxide Laser. कर्नके नेत्र-गोलक आगे की तरफ Ans: (c) Violet/ बैंगनी
कनदे कशत होते हैं , कर्ससे इसे कद्वनेत्री दृकि Explanation:
कमलती है |
Wavelength is inversely proportional
Explanation: to the deviation in the path of the
light. Red light suffers the least
Owls are mostly nocturnal, so they amount of deviation and violet the
need to have good night-vision to most. When a white light is made to
survive. Humans are diurnal, pass through a prism, formation of a
meaning we operate during the day, spectrum of seven colors occurs
so we don’t need good night-vision. showing white light is a combination
We instead have colour vision which of seven separate colors.
helps us pick out predators and prey
Q324. Woolen cloth protects the from their surroundings, and
body from cold because/ ऊनी वस्त्र distinguish individual shapes from Q328. Tape recorder should not be
शरीर को ठं ड से बचजतज है , क्ोंकक each other by shades and hues. kept near one of the following
things:/ टे प ररकॉडा र को कनम्न में से ककस
But owls can’t see in complete
(a) it is a good conductor of heat/ यह darkness. For an animal’s eyes to वस्तु के पजस नही ं रखनज चजकहए ?
ऊष्मज कज सुचजलक होतज है | work, light must enter the pupil and (a) Clock/ घड़ी
(b) it is a poor conductor of heat/ यह be absorbed, or there’s no input. This (b) Magnet/ चुंबक
ऊष्मज कज हीन चजलक होतज है | is why nocturnal animals usually (c) Electrical switchboard/ कवद् युत
(c) external heat rays enter into the have such huge eyes; to absorb as ल्टस्च बोडा
much light as they can. Owls also
body through the woolen cloth/ऊनी (d) Radio/ रे कडयो
use their hearing to move in the dark.
वस्त्र के मजध्यम से बजहरी ऊष्मज कवककरणें Many owl species have asymmetrical Ans: (b) Magnet/ चुंबक
शरीर में प्रवेश कर र्जती हैं | (d) it ears, so that they can process the
reflects heat/ यह ऊष्मज को परजवकतात varying locations from which the Explanation:
कर दे तज है | noises in their surroundings Magnets can destroy dat(a) While
Ans: (b) it is a poor conductor of originated, and what they likely are. this is certainly true of the floppy
heat/ यह ऊष्मज कज हीन चजलक होतज है With this, they can effectively disc and some (very) old hard drives,
| construct a 3D image of their you might wonder whether it's true
surroundings based entirely on of musical mediums such as cassette
Explanation: soun(d) tapes and CDs. Well, floppy discs
Cotton clothes are thin and do not
were vulnerable to magnetic force
have space in which air can be
Q326. Damp clothes are dried in spin because they arranged the data
trappe(d) Thus, cotton clothes do not
dryers by the action of/ गीले कपड़ों magnetically. As such, understanding
prevent heat coming out of our body.
the effect of magnets on other
Woollen clothes keep us warm को ल्टस्पन ड् जयर में ककस कक्रयज द्वजरज mediums requires understanding of
during winter because wool is a poor सुखजयज र्जतज है - how they work.
conductor of heat and it has air (a) centripetal forces/ केंर्द्जकभमुख बल
trapped in between the fibres.
Q329. When a person sitting on a
(b) centrifugal forces/ अपकेंर्द्ी बल
swing stands up on the swing, the
Q325. The owl can see most clearly (c) central forces/ केन्द्रीय बल (d) non
frequency of oscillation/ झूले पर बैठज
in total darkness because/ उल्लू अंधेरे central forces/ गैर-केंर्द्ीय बल
कोई व्यल्टक्त र्ब झूले पर खड़ज हो र्जतज
में भी सजफ़ दे ख सकतज है , क्ोंकक
है , तो दोलन की आवृकत्त -
(a) it has squint eyes/ इसकी आाँ खें Ans: (b) centrifugal forces/ अपकेंर्द्ी
कतरछी होती हैं | बल
(a) decreases/ कम हो र्जती है | Q331. The blue colour of water in (a) gravity/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण
the sea is due to/ समुर्द् में पजनी कज रं ग (b) centripetal force/ केंर्द्जकभमुख बल
(b) increases/ बढ़ र्जती है | (c) नीलज ककस कजरण से होतज है ? (c) weight/ वज़न
becomes infinite/ अनंत हो र्जती है | (a) absorption of other colours except (d) centrifugal force/ केंर्द् त्यजगी बल
blue by water molecules/ र्ल के
(d) does not change/ अपररवकतात रहती अणुओं द्वजरज नीले रं ग को छोड़कर अन्य Ans: (a) gravity/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण
है | सभी रं गों कज अवशोर्ण
(b) scattering of blue light by water Explanation:
Ans: (b) increases/ बढ़ र्जती है |
molecules./ र्ल के अणुओं द्वजरज नीले An aircraft can perform aerobatic
Explanation: रं ग कज प्रकीणान manoeuvres in a vertical loop
When a person sitting on a swing (c) reflection of blue light by because of gravity. A key feature of
stands up on the swing, the impurities in seawater/ समुर्द्ी र्ल में super manoeuvres aircraft is a high
frequency of oscillation increases. मौर्ूद अशुल्टियों द्वजरज नीले रं ग कज thrust to weight ratio.
The Girl and Swing are one system परजवतान |
because they are moving together as (d) reflection of blue sky by sea Q334. A Photostat machine works
one part. water/ समुर्द्ी र्ल द्वजरज नीले आसमजन on/ एक फ़ोटोस्टे ट मशीन कजया करती है
कज पररवतान | (a) electromagnetic image
So they both will have a center of
mass as a system. Ans: (a) absorption of other colours making/कवद् युतचुंबकीय प्रकतकबंब
except blue by water molecules/ र्ल कनमजा ण
But when Girl Stands up. The mass के अणुओं द्वजरज नीले रं ग को छोड़कर (b) electrostatic image making/
distribution changes in the System अन्य सभी रं गों कज अवशोर्ण कवद् युतस्र्ैकतक प्रकतकबंब कनमजा ण
and So the center of mass. (c) magnetic image making/ चुंबकीय
Explanation: प्रकतकबंब कनमजा ण |
Girl Stands up so it is intuitive that it
"The ocean looks blue because red, (d) thermal image making/ तजपीय
shifts Upward(If she hung herself
down the swing then it will shift
orange and yellow (long wavelength प्रकतकबंब कनमजा ण |
light) are absorbed more strongly by
water than is blue (short wavelength
light). So when white light from the Ans: (b) electrostatic image making/
And you already know the formula कवद् युतस्र्ैकतक प्रकतकबंब कनमजा ण
of time period of Simple Pendulum. sun enters the ocean, it is mostly the
blue that gets returne(d) Same reason Explanation:
So we Can deduce that the swing will the sky is blue."
Most modern photocopiers use a
swing faster than before(Slower in
Q332. Which of the following is a technology called xerography, a dry
case she hung herself downward).
good conductor of heat but a bad process that uses electrostatic
Time period is decrease(d)
Frequency has increase(d) conductor of electricity?/ कनम्न में से charges on a light-sensitive
कौन ऊष्मज कज सुचजलक ककंतु कवद् युत photoreceptor to first attract and then
transfer toner particles (a powder)
कज कुचजलक है ?
Q330. Night photography and onto paper in the form of an
photography in mist and fog are image.Photocopying is widely used
possible using/ रजकत्र फोटोग्रजफी तर्ज (a) Celluloid/ कसलोलजइड in the business, education, and
धुंध और कोहरे में फोटोग्रजफी ककसके (b) Rubber/ रबड़ government sectors.
प्रयोग से संभव हो पजती है - (c) Asbestos/ अदह Q335. Steam at 100°C causes more
(d) Mica/ अभ्रक severe burns than water at 100° C
because/ 1000 C पर भजप, 1000 C पर
(a) ultraviolet radiation/ पजरजबैंगनी Ans: (d) Mica/ अभ्रक पजनी की तुलनज में अकधक तीव्र र्लन की
Explanation: वर्ह बनती है , क्ोंकक
(b) infrared radiation/ अवरक्त
कवककरण Mica is a good conductor of heat but
(a) steam has no specific heat
(c) microwave radiation/ मजइक्रोवेव an electrical insulator. According to
capacity/ भजप में कवकशि ऊष्मज िमतज
free electron theory (which applies
कवककरण होती है |
only to metals) free electrons carry
(d) gamma radiation/ गजमज कवककरण heat and electricity. Therefore, (b) steam has latent heat of
Ans: (b) infrared radiation/ अवरक्त thermal conductivity is directly vaporization/ भजप में गुप्त वजष्पन ऊष्मज
proportional electrical conductivity. होती है |
(c) water has no specific heat'
Explanation: Q333. An aircraft can perform capacity/ र्ल में कवकशि ऊष्मज िमतज
aerobatic manoeuvres in a vertical
Infrared radiations are used in नही ं होती है |
photography at night and also in mist loop because of/ एक वजयु यजन उर्ध्जा धर (d) water has latent heat of fusion/
and fog because they do not scatter लूप अर्वज कुंडली में हवजई करतब कदखज पजनी में गुप्त संगलन ऊष्मज होती है |
much and can penetrate through it. पजतज है , इसकज कजरण है -
high resistance region is/ वह (c) to withstand pressure that Q347. Which of the following
उपकरण र्ो कनम्न प्रकतरोध िेत्र से उच्च increases in a horizontal plane/ उस liquids is most viscous?/ कनम्न में से
प्रकतरोध िेत्र तक संकेत स्र्जनजं तररत दजब कज सहन करने के कलए र्ो िैकतर् कौन सज र्द्व सबसे कचपकचपज होतज है ?
करतज है - समिेत्र में बढ़ र्जती है | (a) Oil/ तेल
(d) to withstand pressure that is (b) Milk/ दू ध
(a) diode / डजयोड increased with atmospheric pressure/ (c) Water/ र्ल
(b) transistor/ ट् जं कर्स्टर उस दजब कज सहन करने के कलए र्ो (d) Petrol/ पेट्ोल
(c) capacitor/ संधजररत्र वजयुमंडलीय दजब के सजर् बढ़ र्जती है |
(d) inductor/ प्रेररत्र Ans: (a) Oil/ तेल
Ans: (b) to withstand pressure that
increases with depth/ उस दजब कज Explanation:
Ans: (b) transistor/ ट् जं कर्स्टर सहन करने के कलए र्ो गहरजई के सजर् There is no relationship between
Explanation: बढ़ती र्जती है | viscosity and density of a flui(d)But
oil is more viscous than water and
Transistor is an electronic Explanation: thus when we put a drop of water
component. It is a combination of The reason is that the pressure and oil on a slant surface, water will
two words trans + resistor means exerted by a liquid increases with its move downwards more quickly than
transfers signal from low resistance depth. Thus, as the depth increases, the oil drop.
region to high resistance region. Its more and more pressure is exerted by
applications are as a Switch, as an water on the wall of the dam. A Q348. Radioactivity is due to/
amplifier, as an oscillator. thicker wall is required to withstand रे कडयोधकमातज की वर्ह है -
greater pressure, therefore, the
thickness of the dam increases (a) unstable nucleus/ अल्टस्र्र केन्द्रक
Q344. A bird sitting on a high towards the bottom. (b) stable nucleus/ ल्टस्र्र केन्द्रक
tension electric wire does not get
(c) stable electronic configuration/
electrocuted because/ उच्च कवभव Q346. Which of the following is
ल्टस्र्र इलेक्ट््ॉकनक कवन्यजस
कवद् युत तजर पर बैठज एक पिी कवद् युत arranged in order of decreasing
(d) stable electronic configuration/
करं ट से नही ं मरतज क्ोंकक - conductivity?/ कनम्न में से कौन चजलकतज
ल्टस्र्र इलेक्ट््ॉकनक कवन्यजस
(a) it has high resistance/ इसमें उच्च के घटते क्रम में व्यवल्टस्र्त है -
प्रकतरोध िमतज होती है | (b) the body is Ans: (a) unstable nucleus/ अल्टस्र्र
earthed/ शरीर भूसम्पककात होतज है | (a) Copper, Aluminium, Steel,
(c) it does not form a closed path for Silver/ तजं बज, एल्युमीकनयम, स्टील, चजाँ दी
the flow of current/ यह कवद् युत धजरज Explanation:
(b) Aluminium, Silver, Copper,
के प्रवजह के कलए बंद पर् कज कनमजा ण नही ं Radioactive decay occurs in unstable
Steel/ एल्युमीकनयम , चजाँ दी, तजं बज, स्टील
करतज | atomic nuclei – that is, ones that
(d) its feet are good insulators/ इसके (c) Copper, Silver, Aluminium,
don't have enough binding energy to
पैर अच्छे कवसंवजहक होते हैं | hold the nucleus together due to an
Steel/ तजं बज, चजाँ दी, एल्युमीकनयम, स्टील excess of either protons or neutrons.
Ans: (c) it does not form a closed (d) Silver, Copper, Aluminium,
path for the flow of current/ यह Steel/ चजाँ दी, तजं बज, एल्युमीकनयम, स्टील | Q349. Which conservation principle
कवद् युत धजरज के प्रवजह के कलए बंद पर् is applicable in the case of the
कज कनमजा ण नही ं करतज | motion of a rocket?/ रॉकेट की गकत के
Ans: (d) Silver, Copper, Aluminium, संबंध में कौन सज संरिण कसिजं त लजगू
Explanation: Steel/ चजाँ दी, तजं बज, एल्युमीकनयम, स्टील | होतज है ?
Because the circuit is not Explanation:
complete(d) If it touches the ground (a) Conservation of mass/ र्द्व्यमजन
Thermal Conductivity
or another wire, charge transfer and संरिण
it is electrocute(d)
(b) Conservation of charge/ भजर
Material Thermal Thermal संरिण
Q345. The wall of a dam is broader conductivit conductivit (c) Conservation of momentum/
at the base/ बजाँ ध की दीवजर आधजर पर y(cal/sec)/( y (W/m
संवेग संरिण
cm2 C/cm) K)*
अपेिजकृत अकधक चौड़ी होती है - (d) Conservation of energy/ ऊर्जा
... 1000
Diamond संरिण
(a) because streamlining is required/ Silver 1.01 406.0
क्ोंकक धजरजरे खन अभीि है |
(b) to withstand pressure that Copper 0.99 385.0 Ans: (c) Conservation of
increases with depth/ उस दजब कज momentum/ संवेग संरिण
Gold ... 314
सहन करने के कलए र्ो गहरजई के सजर् The outlying principle behind rocket
बढ़ती र्जती है | propulsion happens to be the law of
conservation of linear momentum. In
other words, spacecraft eject mass in रे फ्रीकर्रे टर में, प्रशीतन प्रणजली हमेशज रं ग कज नज़र आतज है , यही गुलजब हरे
a certain direction in order to be होनी चजकहए - प्रकजश में कदखतज है -
propelled in another direction.
(a) at the top/ शीर्ा पर (b) at the (a) red/ लजल
bottom/ तल में (b) black/ कजलज
Q350. It is easier to carry two (c) at the middle/ मध्य में (c) green/ हरज
buckets of water in one hand each, (d) can be anywhere/ कही ं भी हो (d) yellow/ पीलज
than to carry only one in one hand
सकती है |
because/ दोनों हजर्ों में पजनी से भरी Ans: (b) black/ कजलज
एक-एक बजिी को उठजनज केवल एक Ans: (b) at the bottom/ तल में
हजर् में एक बजिी को उठजने की तुलनज Explanation:
में आसजन होतज है | क्ोंकक The only light to reach the petals is
The compressor is the motor (or green wavelengths, which are
(a) weights of buckets are balanced/ engine) of the cooling system. It is absorbed and not reflected by the red
normally at the bottom of the
बजल्टियों के वज़न संतुकलत हो र्जते हैं | flower. The result is that little light is
refrigerator in the back. The actually reflected, creating our
(b) centre of gravity falls within the
compressor runs whenever the
body/ शरीर के भीतर गुरुत्वजकर्ाण कज refrigerator thermostat calls for
perception of the flower as black.
केंर्द् नीचे आ र्जतज है | cooling. Q356. The sparkling of a diamond is
(c) centre of gravity and , centre of
equilibrium fall within the feet/ due to/ हीरे की चमक की वर्ह है -
Q353. Which of the following is
गुरुत्वजकर्ाण कज केंर्द् तर्ज संतुलन केंर्द् optical illusion?/ कनम्न में से कौन दृकि (a) Total internal reflection of light/
पैर के भीतर आ र्जते हैं | संबंधी भ्रम है ? प्रकजश कज आतंररक परजवतान
(d) resultant weight of buckets is (a) Rainbow/ इन्द्रधनुर् (b) interference of light/ प्रकजश कज
zero/ बजल्टियों कज पररणजमी वज़न शू न्य (b) Earthshine/ चजाँ दनी हस्तिेप
हो र्जतज है | (c) Halo/ प्रभजमंडल (c) polarization of light/ प्रकजश कज
(d) Mirage/ मृगतृष्णज ध्रुवण
Ans: (c) centre of gravity and ,
centre of equilibrium fall within the Ans: (d) Mirage/ मृगतृष्णज (d) refraction of light/ प्रकजश कज
feet/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण कज केंर्द् तर्ज संतुलन अपवतान
केंर्द् पैर के भीतर आ र्जते हैं |
A mirage is an optical phenomenon Ans: (a) Total internal reflection of
Explanation: that creates the illusion of water and light/ प्रकजश कज आतंररक परजवतान
results from the refraction of light
It is easier to carry two buckets of through a non-uniform medium. Explanation:
water in one hand each, than to carry Diamonds sparkle because of the
only one in one hand because the Q354. An athlete runs before long total internal reflection of light.
centre of gravity and centre of Diamonds have a very high
jump to get advantage on/ ककसकज
equilibrium fall within the feet. The refractive index, meaning they slow
weight is spaced out more evenly on लजभ ले ने के कलए एक एर्लीट लंबी light down much more than glass;
both the sides of the body than it छलजं ग से पहले दौड़ लगजतज है - and if cut in the right manner, the
would be if you had to carry in a angles of incidence can be made so
single bucket. (a) Inertia of motion/ गकत कज र्ड़त्व that light seems to get ‘trapped’
(b) Frictional force/ घर्ाण बल within the diamond giving it it’s
Q351. The surface tension of water (c) Moment of a force/ sparkly appearance.
on adding detergent to it/ पजनी कज पृष्ठ (d) Principle of moments/ Diamond sparkles due to total
तनजव इसमें अपमजर्ाक कमलजने पर-
Ans: (a) Inertia of motion/ गकत कज internal reflection. True enough.
(a) increases/ बढ़तज है |
र्ड़त्व Let's see how it happens. Take an
(b) decreases/ कम होतज है |
ideal cut diamond, for instance. I'll
(c) no change/ अपररवकतात रहतज है | Explanation:
explain according to the diagram
(d) becomes zero/ शून्य हो र्जतज है | An athlete runs before jumping to below.
gain momentum. Because it helps in
Ans: (b) decreases/ कम होतज है |
jumping higher and longer because
Explanation: of inertia of motion gained due to the
motion. When the athletes Jump they
When detergent is added to water, it already have a forward motion that
decreases the surface tension of the would be greater than that of a jump
water. Compounds that lower water's made from standing in one spot.
surface tension are called surfactants,
which work by separating the water Q355. In sunlight a rose appears red,
molecules from one another. In green light, the same rose appears/
When light falls on the diamond (on
सूया की रोशनी में गुलजब कज फूल लजल
Q352. In a refrigerator, the cooling incident angle 1) it refracts inside
system should always be/ ककसी and travels through the lattice. Now
angle 2 at the surface of diamond (a) using heat from exhaust/ कनकजस Explanation:
(denser medium) and air (rarer से ऊष्मज कज प्रयोग करके The oil in the wick of an oil lamp
medium) is well above the critical
(b) the battery/ बैटरी से rises up due to capillary action. This
angle, c(a) Same holds true for angle
(c) compressing air in the cylinders/ effect is due to surface tension of
3 and angle 4. Hence total internal
reflection occurs at angles 2, 3 and 4 कसकलंडर में वजयु को संपीकडत करके | liquids. The wick here acts as a
and finally the light refracts out. This (d) an electrical spark/कवद् युतीय capillary tube.
is the reason behind the brilliance of कचंगजरी द्वजरज
Q362. The radiation initially
a diamon(d)
Ans: (c) compressing air in the produced in fluorescent tube is/ एक
Q357. Ocean currents are an cylinders/ कसकलंडर में वजयु को संपीकडत प्रकतदील्टप्त ट्यूब में आरं भ में कनकमात
example of/ सजगरीय धजरजएं उदजहरण हैं करके | कवककरण होती है -
(a) convection/ संवहन Explanation:
(b) conduction/ प्रवजहकत्व (a) infrared/ अवरक्त
Diesel engines work by compressing
(c) insulation/ कवसंवजहन (b) ultraviolet/ पजरजबैंगनी (c)
only the air. This increases the air
(d) radiation/ कवककरण temperature inside the cylinder to microwaves/ मजइक्रोवेव (d) X-
such a high degree that atomised rays/ एक्स-रे
Ans: (a) convection/ संवहन Diesel fuel injected into the
Explanation: combustion chamber ignites
spontaneously. Ans: (b) ultraviolet/ पजरजबैंगनी
Heat is transferred by convection in
numerous examples of naturally Explanation:
Q360. Waves that are required for
occurring fluid flow, such as wind, long distance wireless A fluorescent lamp, or fluorescent
oceanic currents, and movements
communication are/लंबी दू री के तजर tube, is a low-pressure mercury-
within the Earth's mantle.
Convection is also used in रकहत संचजर के कलए आवश्यक तरं गें हैं : vapor gas-discharge lamp that uses
fluorescence to produce visible light.
engineering practices of homes, An electric current in the gas excites
industrial processes, cooling of (a) Infrared rays/ अवरक्त कवककरणें
mercury vapor, which produces
equipment, et(c) (b) Ultraviolet rays/ पजरजबैंगनी ककरणे
short-wave ultraviolet light that then
(c) Radio waves/ रे कडयो तरं गें causes a phosphor coating on the
Q358. If a copper wire is increased (d) Microwaves/ मजइक्रोवेव inside of the lamp to glow.
to double its length, its resistance
will become/ यकद ककसी तजं बे के तजर Ans: (c) Radio waves/ रे कडयो तरं गें Q363. The ‘four stroke petrol
की लंबजई दोगुनी कर दी र्जती है , तो Explanation: engine’ is based on/ “फोर स्ट् ोक
इसकज प्रकतरोध हो र्जयेगज - पेट्ोल इं र्न” ककसपर आधजररत है ?
Wireless communication is the
(a) four times/ चजर गुनज transfer of information between two
(b) one-fourth/ एक-चौर्जई or more points that are not connected (a) Carnot-cycle/ कजनो चक्र
(c) double/ दोगुनज by an electrical conductor. With (b) Otto-cycle/ ओटो-चक्र
(d) half/ आधज radio waves distances can be short, (c) Diesel-cycle/ डीर्ल-चक्र
Ans: (c) double/ दोगुनज such as a few metres for television (d) Boyle’s-cycle/ बॉईल-चक्र
remote control, or as far as thousands
Explanation: or even millions of kilometres for
deep-space radio communications.
Resistance= Resistivity x length/area Ans: (b) Otto-cycle/ ओटो-चक्र
When the wire is stretched to double Radio waves are electromagnetic
the length, the area of the cross waves of a frequency between about Explanation:
section gets reduced to half. 104 and 1011 or 1012 Hz, as used for
long-distance communication. The Otto cycle is a set of processes
So used by spark ignition internal
New Resistance = Resistivity x Q361. The oil in the wick of an oil combustion engines (2-stroke or 4-
2length/area/2 lamp rises up due to?/ एक दीपक की stroke cycles).
बजती में तेल की वृल्टि ककसके कजरण है ?
New resistance = (Resistivity x Q364. It is dangerous to observe
area/length)x4 (a) density of the oil / तेल कज घनत्व Solar eclipse with naked eyes
i.e, New resistance = Resistance x 4 because/ सूया ग्रहण को नग्न आाँ खों से
So when the wire is stretched, the (b) viscosity of the oil / तेल की
resistance multiplied by four times. कचपकचपजहट दे खनज ख़तरनजक है क्ोंकक-
(c) surface tension of the oil/ तेल कज (a) Infrared radiations from sun bum
Q359. In a diesel engine the high सतही तनजव our retina/ सूया की अवरक्त कवककरणें
temperature needed to ignite the fuel हमजरी रे कटनज को र्लज दे ती हैं |
is achieved by/ डीर्ल इं र्न में ईंधन (d) pressure of the oil/ तेल कज दबजव (b) Ultraviolet radiations from Sun
को सुलगजने के कलए आवश्यक उच्च Ans: (c) surface tension of the oil/ bum our retina/ सूया की पजरजबैंगनी
तजपमजन प्रजप्त ककयज र्जतज है - तेल कज सतही तनजव कवककरणें हमजरी रे कटनज को र्लज दे ती हैं |
(c) All radiations from sun initiate (c) linear expansion/ रै ल्टखक प्रसजर the liquid in the tube. So in this case,
chemical reactions in eyes/ सूया की (d) apparent expansion/ आभजसी water will rise in both the glass tube
सभी कवककरणें आाँ खों में रजसजयकनक प्रसजर
and the glass capillary tube.
अकभकक्रयज प्रजरं भ कर दे ती हैं |
Q368. When a strong beam of light
(d) Cosmic rays reach eyes more Ans: (c) linear expansion/ रै ल्टखक
is passed through a colloidal
during the eclipse/ ग्रहण के दौरजन प्रसजर solution, the light will/ जब एि
कॉल्टिक ककरणें आाँ खों तक अकधक
िोिाइकियि सिाधान िे िाध्यि से
पहुाँ चती हैं | Explanation:
प्रिाश िी एि िजबूत बीि पाररत िी
जाती है , तो प्रिाश क्या होगा-
When railway tracks are laid the
Ans: (b) Ultraviolet radiations from engineers leave a small gap between (a) Be scattered / प्रिाश िा प्रिीणयन
Sun bum our retina/ सूया की पजरजबैंगनी two rails. All metals expand when होगा
कवककरणें हमजरी रे कटनज को र्लज दे ती हैं | heate(d) If two railway tracks are (b) Pass unchanged/ अपररिकतयत
laid together without any gap कनिि जाएगी
Explanation: between them they will push against (c) Be absorbed/ अिशोकषत हो जाएगी
This is because the sun simply each other when they expand in the (d) Be reflected/ प्रकतकबुंकबत हो जाएगी
outputs more power than our eye is day time because of the heat of the
designed to handle, and exposing our sun, and when they cool down in the
eye to that kind of power can damage night they will contract and return to Ans: (a) Be scattered / प्रिाश िा
the retin(a) And in a nutshell, solar their original state pulling against प्रिीणयन होगाExplanation:
eclipses are dangerous because the each other. This constant pushing When a beam of light is passed
sun can come out from behind the and pulling against one another when through a colloidal solution, then
moon and "surprise you" before you they heat and expand in the day time scattering of light is observed. This is
have a chance to look away. and cool down and contract in the known as the Tyndall effect. This
night will result in the weakening of scattering of light illuminates the
the joints between the two tracks and path of the beam in the colloidal
after a few days the two tracks may solution.
also break free from one another.
Such a situation will result in the Q369. Stars in the sky appear to
derailment of the trains causing twinkle due to */ आसमजन में कसतजरे
major accidents and loss of lives.
Q365. These waves cannot be ककस वर्ह से कटमकटमजते हुए नज़र आते
transmitted through vacuum/ ये तरं गें हैं ?
So, the railway engineers always
कनवजा त के मजध्यम से संचजररत नही ं हो leave a small gap between two rails
(a) a series of refractions/ अपवतानों
सकती ं - to compensate for the linear
expansion of the rails during the hot की एक िृंखलज
(a) light/ प्रकजश day time and contraction during cold (b) a series of reflections/ परजवतानों
(b) Sound/ र्ध्कन nights. की एक िृंखलज
(c) Heat/ ऊष्मज (c) a surface tension phenomenon/
(d) Electromagnetic/ कवद् युतचुंबकीय
Q367. If an ordinary glass tube and a पृष्ठ तनजव से संबंकधत एक घटनज
glass capillary tube are both dipped (d) multiple diminishing brightness/
in a beaker of water, water rises in/ कई बजर कम होती चमक |
Ans: (b) Sound/ र्ध्कन
यकद ककसी सजधजरण कजं च की नली तर्ज
Ans: (a) a series of refractions/
कजं च की केकशकज नली दोनों को पजनी के
Explanation: अपवतानों की एक िृंखलज
बीकर में डु बजयज र्जये, तो पजनी उठे गज -
Sound cannot travel through a
(a) both/ दोनों में Explanation:
vacuum. A vacuum is an area
without any air, like space. So sound (b) only the glass tube/ केवल कजं च की Stars do not really twinkle, they just
cannot travel through space because नली में appear to twinkle when seen from
there is no matter for the vibrations (c) only the capillary tube/ केवल the surface of Earth. The stars
to work in. केकशकज नली में | twinkle in the night sky because of
the effects of our atmospheric
(d) neither/ ककसी में नही ं
refraction. When starlight enters our
Q366. A gap is left between two rails atmosphere it is affected by winds in
of a railway track to Ans: (a) both/ दोनों में the atmosphere and by areas with
accommodate...... of the metal./ ककसी Explanation: different temperatures and densities.
रे लवे ट् ै क की दो पटररयों के बीच एक
खजली स्र्जन छोड़ज र्जतज है तजकक धजतु के The rise or fall of liquid due to Q370. A pilot has to release the
………………. को समजयोकर्त ककयज capillarity in a beaker of water bomb to hit a target/ ककसी लक्ष्य को
र्ज सके - depends upon the radius of the bore भेदने के कलए पजयलट को बम कगरजनज
(a) areal expansion/ वजयवीय प्रसजर
of the tube (s) which is/are dipped पड़तज है -
into it. The narrower the bore of the
(b) volume expansionआयतन प्रसजर tube, the greater is the rise or fall of
(a) right above the target/ लक्ष्य के solid to conduct heat through it. रूप में र्जनज र्जतज है |
ठीक ऊपर The formula for thermal
conductivity is K = Qx AΔT (a) Clarity / प्रजं र्लतज
(b) beyond the target/ लक्ष्य से परे
Meaning of symbol used in this
(c) before the target/ लक्ष्य से पहले (b) Colour/ रं ग
formula K – Thermal conductivity
(d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं Q – the amount of heat transferred (c) Resolution/ ररर्ोल्यूशन
as a result of the temperature (d) Graphics/ ग्रजकफ़क्स
Ans: (c) before the target/ लक्ष्य से
Ans: (c) Resolution/ ररर्ोल्यूशन
पहले Q373. Match List-I with List-II and
Explanation: select the correct answer with the
The sharpness of a television image
help of codes given below: / सूची-I is called resolution. Resolution is an
In order to actually hit the target, the
bomber needs to release the bombs िा सूची-II से कििान िीकजये और umbrella term that describes the
before it passes over the target, so सूकचयोुं िे नीचे कदए गए िूट िा detail an image holds. The term
that the momentum of the bombs उपयोग िरिे सही उत्तर िा चयन applies to raster digital images, film
will cause them to hit the target िीकजये: images, and other types of images.
exactly. List-I List-II The display resolution of a digital
television, computer monitor or
A. Temperature/तापिान 1.
Q371. Parabolic mirrors are used in/ display device is the number of
परवलकयक दपाणों कज प्रयोग ककयज र्जतज distinct pixels in each dimension that
B. Power/ शल्टक्त 2. Watt/िाट can be displaye(d)
है - C. Pressure/ दबाि 3. Pascal/पास्कि
D. Force/बि 4. Newton/ न्यूटन Q376. Small bubbles are perfectly
(a) Car headlights/ कजर की हेडलजइट
Codes: spherical because of/ छोटे बुलबुले
में ABCD ककस कजरणवश पूणातः गोलजकजर होते हैं
(b) Driving mirrors/ चजलन दपाण में (a) 2 1 3 4
(c) Dentists mirrors/ दन्त कचककत्सक (b) 1 2 4 3 (a) Gravity/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण
के दपाण में (c) 1 2 3 4
(b) Pressure/ दजब
(d) Shaving mirrors/ दजढ़ी बनजने के (d) 2 1 4 3
(c) Viscosity/ कचपकचपजपन
दपाण में (d) Surface tension/ पृष्ठ तनजव
Ans: (c) 1 2 3 4
Explanation: in pascal and force in newton. In the case of bubbles, the air
molecules trapped inside experience
Parabolic reflectors are used to Q374. Superconductor is the a force from the air molecules
collect energy from a distant source conductor whose ___ is zero./ outside the bubble. The resultant
(for example sound waves or अकतचजलक वह चजलक है कर्सकज ____ shape is always spherical and the
incoming star light).In optics, शून्य होतज है | force that pulls the air bubbles
parabolic mirrors are used to gather together and keeps them in a
light in reflecting telescopes and spherical shape is referred to as
(a) potential/ िमतज
solar furnaces, and project a beam of surface tension.
light in flashlights, searchlights, (b) current/ धजरज
stage spotlights, and car headlights. (c) resistance/ प्रकतरोध Q377. Dimensional formula of
(d) inductance/ अकधष्ठजपन thermal conductivity is/ ऊष्मीय
Q372. The dimensional formula of चाििता िा आयािी सूत्र है ?
coefficient of viscosity is/ श्यानता िे Ans: (c) resistance/ प्रकतरोध (a) ML2T -3θ-1
गुणाुं ि िा आयािी सूत्र क्या है ? (b) ML2T -2θ-4
(a) [MLT-1] Explanation: (c) ML2T -2θ-1
(b) [M-1L2T-2] Superconductivity is a phenomenon (d) MLT -3θ-1
(c) [ML-1T -1] of exactly zero electrical resistance
(d) None of these/ इनिें से िोई नही ुं and expulsion of magnetic flux fields Ans: (d) MLT -3θ-1
occurring in certain materials, called Explanation:
superconductors, when cooled below The dimension of thermal
Ans: (c) [ML-1T -1] a characteristic critical temperature. conductivity is M 1 L 1 T − 3 Θ − 1.
It was discovered by Dutch physicist These variables are mass (M), length
Explanation: (L), time (T), and temperature (Θ).
[ML-1T -1] is the dimensional Heike Kamerlingh Onnes.
Coefficient of viscosity is defined as
formula of coefficient of viscosity. tangential force required to maintain
K = Qx AΔT Q375. The sharpness of a television
image is termed as its/ टे लीकवज़न a unit velocity gradient between two
The thermal conductivity of a solid parallel layers of liquid of unit area.
is a measure of the ability of the प्रकतकबंब की स्पितज को इसके ____ के
Mathematically, Coefficient of This, in turn, makes it easy to move both types of lenses convex and
viscosity (η)= Fr/Av ——- F= the object. concave.
tangential Force, Area, r= distance
between the layers, v= velocity. Q380. A light year is a measure of:/ Q383. In an observation, α-particles,
प्रकजश वर्ा ककसकज मजप है : β-particles and γ-rays have same
Q378. Two rods, one of copper and (a) Speed/ चजल energies. Their penetrating power in
a given medium in increasing order
other of steel, experience the same (b) Velocity/ वेग
will be/ किसी कनरीक्षण िें, α-िण, β-
upthrust when placed in water. Thus, (c) Distance/ दू री
both have/ दो छड़ें , एक तजं बे तर्ज दू सरी िण और γ-किरणोुं िी सिान ऊजाय है ।
(d) Time/ समय
लोहे की, पजनी में डजली र्जने पर समजन कदए गये िाध्यि िें बढ़ते हुए रि िें
उत्क्षेप कज अनुभव करती हैं | इस प्रकजर , Ans: (c) Distance/ दू री उनिी भेदन क्षिता क्या होगी?
(a) α, β, γ
दोनों में होगज -
(b) β, γ, α
(a) equal volume/ बरजबर आयतन Explanation:
(c) α, γ, β
(b) equal weight/ बरजबर वज़न A light-year is a unit of distance, not (d) β, α, γ
(c) equal density/ बरजबर घनत्व time. A light-year is how
(d) equal mass/ बरजबर र्द्व्यमजन astronomers measure distance in
Ans: (a) α, β, γ
space. It's defined by how far a beam
Ans: (a) equal volume/ बरजबर of light travels in one year – a Explanation:
आयतन distance of six trillion miles. γ – rays are the most penetrating rays
β – Particle are moderately
Explanation: Q381. A device which is used to penetrating and
Here two balls are made up of limit the current in an electrical α – particles are least penetrating
different metals but their volume will circuit is called a/ वह उपकरण
be the same. When they are कर्सकज प्रयोग ककसी कवद् युत पररपर् में Gamma radiation has no mass and no
immersed in liquid they experience कवद् युत धजरज को सीकमत करने के कलए electrical charge, unlike alpha and
same upthrust because Upthrust ककयज र्जतज है , कहलजतज है - beta radiation. Thus gamma radiation
acting on an object depends upon: doesn't interact so well with mater.
---> Volume of object immersed in (a) Grid/ कग्रड Thus it is more penetrating.
liqui(d) (b) Fuse/ फ्यूर्
Alpha particles have low penetrating
---> density of the liquid in which (c) Hub/ नजकभ
power largely because they are
objects are immerse(d)Upthrust does (d) Conductor/ चजलक immensely more massive than beta,
not depend upon the nature of the gamma, or neutron radiation. An
object. Ans: (b) Fuse/ फ्यू र् alpha particle is two protons and two
Explanation: neutrons – a helium atom minus the
Q379. A single fixed pulley is used electrons.
to draw water from a well because/ a fuse is an electrical safety device
कुाँए से पजनी कनकजलने के कलए एक ही that operates to provide overcurrent
protection of an electrical circuit. Its
ल्टस्र्र चरखी कज प्रयोग ककयज र्जतज है essential component is a metal wire
क्ोंकक - or strip that melts when too much
current flows through it, thereby
(a) efficiency is 100%/दितज 100 interrupting the current.
प्रकतशत होती है |
(b) velocity ratio is low./ वेग अनुपजत Q382. Presbyopia can be corrected
कम होतज है | using? / प्रेस्बोकपया िो किसिे प्रयोग से
(c) mechanical advantage is ठीि किया जा सिता है ?
high/उच्च यजं कत्रक लजभ (a) Bifocal lenses/ कद्वनाकभत िें स
(d) force is applied in a convenient (b) Cylindrical lenses/ बेिनािार िेंस
direction/ उपयुक्त कदशज में बल लगजयज (c) Concave lenses/ अिति िें स
र्जतज है | (d) Convex lenses/उत्ति िेंस
Ans: (d) force is applied in a Ans: (a) Bifocal lenses/ कद्वनाकभत िेंस Q384. Speed of sound in air is
convenient direction/ उपयुक्त कदशज में unaffected by change in:/ वजयु में र्ध्कन
बल लगजयज र्जतज है | की चजल ककसमें पररवतान के बजद भी
An eye that suffers from myopia as
well as from hypermetropia is said to अप्रभजकवत रहती है ?
suffer from presbyopia. A person (a) Pressure/ दजब
A single fixed pulley is used to draw with this defect cannot see objects (b) Humidity/ नमी
a bucket of water from a well. It is distinctly placed at any distance from (c) Temperature/ तजपमजन
easy to draw from a well using a
pulley because it helps in changing
him. To correct this defect, a person (d) Volume/ आयतन
is prescribed bifocal lens that has
the direction of the force applie(d)
earth. This stops a fault making the of kinetic energy of the rifle to that of the ionosphere is quite tiny
case of the appliance live. of the bullet is/ ककसी गोली को एक compared with the size of Earth.)
रजइफल से दजगज र्जतज है र्ो गोली दजगने
If a fault occurs where the live wire
के बजद पीछे हटती है | रजइफल की
connects to the case, the earth wire
allows a large current to flow गकतर् ऊर्जा तर्ज गोली की गकतर् ऊर्जा
through the live and earth wires. This के मध्य अनु पजत है ?
overheats the fuse which melts and
breaks the circuit. (a) zero/ शून्य
(b) one/ एक
Q391. Water is used in car radiator (c) less than one/ 1 से कम
because of its/ कजर रे कडयेटर में र्ल कज (d) more than one/ 1 से अकधक
प्रयोग इसकी _____ के कजरण ककयज Ans: (a) zero / शून्य
र्जतज है ?
The more the mass, the less would be Q396. Negative feedback in
(a) low density/ कनम्न घनत्व (b) easy
availability/ आसजनी से उपलब्धतज
the kinetic energy. In this instance amplifiers/ र्ध्कन कवस्तजरकों में
we consider the mass of the gun to
(c) high specific heat capacity/ उच्च नकजरजत्मक प्रकतपुकि-
be more than the bullet, so the bullet
कवकशि ऊष्मज िमतज will have higher kinetic energy than
(a) increases bandwidth and
(d) low boiling point/ कनम्न गलनजं क the gun. If we calculate the ratio
between the kinetic energy of a rifle decreases noise/ बैंड चौड़जई को बढ़जती
to that of a bullet, it would be less और शोर को कम करती है |
Ans: (c) high specific heat capacity/
(b) decreases bandwidth and
उच्च कवकशि ऊष्मज िमतज than 1.
decreases noise/ बैंड चौड़जई और शोर
Explanation: दोनों को कम करती है |
Q394. Heat stored in water vapour (c) increases bandwidth and
Water has a very high specific heat
capacity, that is, to raise the is/ र्लवजष्प में संगृकहत ऊष्मज है - increases noise/ बैंड चौड़जई और शोर
temperature of unit mass of water by दोनों को बढ़ज दे ती है |
1 °C, a large amount of heat is (a) specific heat/ कवकशि ऊष्मज (d) decreases bandwidth and
require(d) Car radiators get heated up (b) latent heat/ गुप्त ऊष्मज increases noise. / बैंड चौड़जई को कम
by large temperatures.Water can (c) absolute heat/ पूणा ऊष्मज और शोर में वृल्टि कर दे ती है |
easily take up this heat without (d) relative heat/ सजपेि ऊष्मज
getting heated up itself. Ans: (a) increases bandwidth and
Ans: (b) latent heat/ गुप्त ऊष्मज decreases noise/ बैंड चौड़जई को बढ़जती
Q392. How much mechanical work Heat is taken from your skin to और शोर को कम करती है |
must be done to completely melt 1 evaporate the water on your body.
gram of ice at 0°C?/ 00 C पर 1 ग्रजम Latent heat of condensation is energy
बफा को पूरी तरह से कपघलजने के कलए released when water vapor Negative feedback in amplifiers
ककतनज यजं कत्रक कजया अवश्य ककयज र्जनज condenses to form liquid droplets. increases bandwidth and decreases
चजकहए ? noise.
Q395. The layer of atmosphere used
for radio-wave transmission is/
(a) 4.2 J
रकडयो-तरं ग संचजरण के कलए प्रयुक्त
(b) 80 J
(c) 336 J वजयुमंडलीय परत है -
(d) 2268 J
(a) chromospheres/ वणामंडल
Ans: (b) 80 J (b) troposphere/ िोभ मंडल
Explanation: (c) ionosphere/ आयनमंडल
(d) stratosphere/ समतजपमंडल
When water at 0 degree celsius
Q397. Water cannot be used to
freezes, each gram of water gives off
extinguish fire caused by electric
80 calories. The temperature of water
Ans: (c) ionosphere/ आयनमंडल current, because/ कवद् युत धजरज की
stays at 0 degree Celsius until every
drop has frozen. When ice at 0 Explanation: वर्ह से लगी आग को बुझजने के कलए
degree celsius melts, it absorbs an The layer of the atmosphere that र्ल कज प्रयोग नही ं ककयज र्ज सकतज,
equal amount of heat-80 calories for reflects radio waves is the क्ोंकक -
each gram of ice and its temperature ionosphere.The ionosphere is defined
remains unchanged until it has as the layer of the Earth's atmosphere (a) it may cause electrocution/
completely melte(d) that is ionized by solar and cosmic कवद् युत करं ट की वर्ह से मौत हो
radiation. It lies 75-1000 km (46-621
सकती है |
miles) above the Earth. (The Earth's
Q393. A bullet is fired from a rifle
radius is 6370 km, so the thickness
which recoils after firing. The ratio
(b) it may cause hydrolysis/ यह and magnetic forces, which one of equilibrium? / उस तापिान और दाब
र्लीय संलयन की वर्ह बन सकतज है | the following statements is true?/ िो हि क्या िहते हैं कजस पर किसी
(c) it may cause electrolysis/ यह किद् युत और चुुंबिीय बिोुं से किशेष पदाथय िी ठोस, तरि और िाष्प
कवद् युतअपघटन की वर्ह बन सकतज है | गुरुत्वािषयण बि िे अुंतर िे सुंबुंध िें, अिथथा एि साथ सुंतुिन िें होती है ?
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा िथन सही
(d) it may spoil the wiring/ यह तजरों है ? (a) Equilibrium point/ सुंतुिन कबुंदु
को ख़रजब कर सकतज है | (a) Gravitational force is stronger (b) Triple point/ कतगुना कबुंदु
than the other two./ गुरुत्वािषयण बि (c) Normal point/ सािान्य कबुंदु
अन्य दो िी तु िना िें अकधि प्रबि है (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
Ans: (a) it may cause electrocution/ (b) Gravitational force is attractive
िोई नही ुं
कवद् युत करं ट की वर्ह से मौत हो only, whereas the electric and the
सकती है | magnetic forces are attractive as well
as repulsive. / गुरुत्वािषयण बि िेिि Ans: (b) Triple point/ कतगुना कबुंद
Explanation: आिषयण बि है , जबकि किद् युत और कतगुना कबुंदु
Water is not used for extinguishing चुुंबिीय बि आिषयण बि िे साथ-साथ Explanation:
fires caused due to electrical faults प्रकतिषयण बि भी हैं In thermodynamics, the triple point
because water is a good conductor of (c) Gravitational force has a very of a substance is the temperature and
electricity.If water is poured on an short range. / गुरुत्वािषयण बि िी रें ज pressure at which the three phases
electrical fire,the water could
बहुत िि है (gas, liquid, and solid) of that
conduct electricity causing the substance coexist in thermodynamic
(d) Gravitational force is a long-
person trying to extinguish the fire to equilibrium. It is that temperature
range force, while the other two are
experience an electric shock.
short range forces. / गुरुत्वािषयण बि and pressure at which the
एि िॉन्ग-रें ज बि है , जबकि अन्य दो sublimation curve, fusion curve and
Q398. A periscope works on the the vaporisation curve meet.
principle of/ एक पेररस्कोप यज पररदशी शोटय - रें ज बि हैं
ककस कसिजं त पर कजया करतज है -
Ans: (b) Gravitational force is
attractive only, whereas the
(a) refraction/ अपवतान
electric and the magnetic forces
(b) total internal reflection/ पूणा are attractive as well as repulsive. /
आं तररक परजवतान गुरुत्वािषयण बि गु रुत्वािषय ण बि
(c) diffraction/ कववतान िेिि आिषयण बि है , जबकि किद् युत
(d) reflection/ परजवतान और चुुंबिीय बि आिषयण बि िे
Ans: (b) total internal reflection/ पूणा साथ-साथ प्रकतिषयण बि भी हैं
आं तररक परजवतान िेििExplanation:
Gravitational force is attractive only
Explanation: whereas the electric and magnetic
A periscope is an optical instrument forces are attractive as well as Q403. Which one of the following
that uses a system of prisms, lenses, repulsive. has the highest value of specific
or mirrors to reflect images through a heat?/ कनम्न में से ककसमें कवकशि ऊष्मज
tube. At the bottom of the periscope, Q401. Butter paper is an example of कज मजन सबसे उच्च होतज है ?
the light strikes another mirror and is
_______ object./ बटर पेपर ________
then reflected into the viewer's eye. (a) Glass/ कजं च
Hence, A periscope works by the वस्तु कज एक उदजहरण है ।
principle of Total internal reflection. (b) Copper/ तजं बज
(a) a transparent / एक पजरदशी (c) Lead / सीसज
Q399. What does (b) a translucent / एक पजरभजसी (d) Water/ र्ल
sphygmomanometer measure?/ (c) an opaque/ एक अपजरदशी
ल्टिग्मैनोमीटर क्ज मजपतज है ? (d) a luminous/ एक चमकदजर Ans: (d) Water/ र्ल
(b) radar/ रािार atmospheric pressure?/र्ब वजष्पदजब, increased thereby maintaining the
(c) laser / िेज़र वजयुमंडलीय दजब के बरजबर हो र्जतज है , chain reaction.
(d) maser/ िेसर तो र्द्व के सजर् क्ज होतज है ?
(a) The liquid cools/ र्द्व ठं डज हो र्जतज Q408. Tear gas used by the police to
है | disperse the mob contains/ भीड़ को
Ans: (d) maser/ िेसरिेसर
(b) The liquid boils/ र्द्व उबलने लगतज कततर-कबतर करने के कलए पुकलस द्वजरज
Explanation: है | प्रयुक्त आाँ सू गैस में होतज है -
The word MASER stands for
(c) No change/ कोई पररवतान नही ं
Microwave Amplification
(d) The liquid evaporates/ र्द्व (a) carbon dioxide/ कजबान
by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Masers were वजष्पीकृत होने लगतज है | डजइऑक्सजइड
invented in 1953 by two scientists, (b) chlorine/ िोरीन
Ans: (b) The liquid boils/ र्द्व उबलने (c) ammonia/ अमोकनयज
Charles Townes
and Arthur Schawlow. Masers use लगतज है | (d) hydrogen sulphide/ हजइड् ोर्न
microwaves. Explanation: सल्फजइड
Masers use stimulated radiation
emission as the The boiling point of a liquid is the Ans: (b) chlorine/ िोरीन
essential principle of how they work. temperature at which its vapor
pressure is equal to the pressure of Explanation:
Masers are used
as the timekeeping device in atomic the gas above it.The normal boiling Tear gas is a compound. Each
clocks, and as point of a liquid is the temperature at molecule of tear gas contains one
extremely low-noise microwave which its vapor pressure is equal to atom of chlorine. Tear gas is used as
amplifiers in radio one atmosphere (760 torr). a riot control agent.
telescopes and deep space spacecraft
communication Q409. Which of the following
ground stations. sounds is produced by earthquakes
before the main shock waves?/ िुख्य
आघात तरुं गोुं से पहिे भूिुंप द्वारा िौन
सी ध्वकन उत्पन्न िी जाती है ?
(b) They fly inactively/ वे कनल्टियतज सबसे अकधक होतज है - (c) From south pole till the center of
से उड़ते हैं | the magnet/ दकक्षणी ध्रुि से चुुं बि िे
(c) They have extra air sacs/ उनमें (a) cornea/ कॉकनायज िेंद्र ति
अकतररक्त वजयुकोर् पजए र्जते हैं | (b) aqueous humor/ नेत्रोद (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
(d) They use less oxygen ./ वे कम (c) lens/ लेंस िोई नही ुं
ऑक्सीर्न कज प्रयोग करते हैं | (d) vitreous humor/ नेत्रकजचजभ र्द्व
Ans: (b) From north pole to south
Ans: (c) They have extra air sacs/ Ans: (a) cornea/ कॉकनायज pole/ उत्तरीउत्तरी ध्रुि से दकक्षणी ध्रुि
उनमें अकतररक्त वजयुकोर् पजए र्जते हैं | Explanation: ति ध्रुि से
Explanation: The part of the eye having the largest Explanation:
Because flying takes a tremendous refractive index is lens. It is located The lines of magnetic field from a
amount of energy, birds need to get directly behind the iris (the coloured bar magnet form closed lines. By
lots of oxygen. The air sacs in their part of the eye) and the pupil. Its convention, the field direction is
lungs help them to keep fresh air function is to focus light on the taken to be outward from the North
flowing in, unlike mammals, where retin(a) pole and in to the South pole of the
the “old” air within the trachea and magnet.
mouth (which has low oxygen Q414. Conversion of heat into
content and high CO2 levels) is electrical er is achieved by using :/
inhaled each time.
कवद् युत ऊर्जा में ऊष्मज कज रूपजं तरण
Q411. The temperature which has ककसके प्रयोग से संभव पजतज है ?
the same reading on both Fahrenheit
and Celsius scales is/वह तजपमजन क्ज (a) Ammeter/एमीटर
है कर्सकज पठन फ़जरे नहजइट तर्ज (b) Hydrometer/ हजइड् ोमीटर
सेल्टल्सयस, दोनों पैमजनों पर एक ही होतज (c) Voltmeter/ वोिमीटर
(d) Then no couple
है - Q417. What is meant by
Ans: (d) Then no couple Calorimetry?/ ऊष्माकिकत िा अथय
(a) 40°
(b) -40° क्या है ?
(c) -34° Q415. Ball pen functions on the (a) Measurement of specific heat
(d) -140° principle of:/ बॉल पेन ककस कसिजं त पर capacity/ किकशष्ट ऊष्मा क्षिता िा िाप
(b) Measurement of temperature/
कजया करतज है ?
तापिान िा िाप
Ans: (b) -40°
(a) Viscosity/ कचपकचपजपन (c) Measurement of heat/ ऊष्मा िा
Explanation: (b) Boyle's Law/ बॉईल कज कनयम िाप
(c) Gravitational force/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
To find the temperature when both
बल िोई नही ुं
are equal, we use an old algebra trick
and just set ºF = ºC and solve one of (d) Surface tension/ पृष्ठ तनजव
the equations. So the temperature Ans: Measurement of temperature/
when both the Celsius and Ans: (d) Surface tension/ पृष्ठ तनजव तापिान िा िाप
Fahrenheit scales are the same is -40
degrees. Explanation:
Calorimetry is the process of
Q412. Kilowatt -hour is the unit of:/ When the cohesive force (of ink
measuring the amount of heat
ककलोवजट-घंटज ककसकी इकजई है ? molecules) is less than adhesive
released or absorbed during a
force (of ink molecules and the
chemical reaction. Constant Volume
molecules of the material the ball of
(a) Energy/ ऊर्जा (bomb) calorimetry, is used to
the ballpoint pen is made up of ) ,
(b) Power/ कवद् युत surface tension would be low and
measure the heat of a reaction while
(c) Force / बल holding volume constant and
lower the surface tension the softer
resisting large amounts of pressure.
(d) Momentum/ संवेग and easier and more flowing the pen
would be.
Q418. Moving electric charge
Ans: (a) Energy/ ऊर्जा Q416. Which is the direction of produces:/ गकतशील कवद् युत आवेश से
magnetic field inside a magnet?/ कनकमात होतज है -
Explanation: किसी चुुंबि िे भीतर चुुंबिीय क्षेत्र िी
Kilowatt -hour is the unit of Energy. कदशा िैसी होती है ? (a) magnetic field/ चुंबकीय िेत्र
(a) From south pole to north pole/ (b) sound waves/ र्ध्कन तरं गें
Q413. The part of the eye having the दकक्षण ध्रुि से उत्तरी ध्रुि ति (c) light rays/ प्रकजश ककरणें
largest refractive index is:/ आाँ ख कज (b) From north pole to south pole/
(d) heat waves/ ऊष्मज तरं गें
वह भजग कर्सकज अपवताक सूचकजं क उत्तरी ध्रुि से दकक्षणी ध्रुि ति
Since the satellite rotates in a plane Q423. The second law of motion
which passes through the centre of gives us a measure of which of the
Ans: (a) magnetic field/ चुंबकीय िेत्र earth, for it to be stationary relative following physical quantities?/ गकत
Explanation: to the earth, its angular velocity must िा दू सरा कनयि हिें कनम्न िें से किस
be same as that of earth (direction
A charged particle moving without भौकति राकश िा िाप दे ता है ?
also). And hence it must rotate in the
acceleration produces an electric as equatorial plane.
well as a magnetic fiel(d) It produces (a) Acceleration/ त्वरण
an electric field because it's a charge (b) Force/ बि
particle. All of a sudden when it Since the angular velocity is same as
starts moving, it starts producing a that of earth, its direction must be (c) Power/ शल्टक्त
magnetic fiel(d) west to east. (d) Work done/ किया गया िायय
(d) mean square values/ औसत वगा Q428. The width of depletion layer (d) white and smooth/ सफ़ेद तर्ज
मजन of a P-N junction/ पी-एन र्ं क्शन की कचकनज
Ans: (b) rms values/ rms मजन अवियी परत की चौड़जई -
Ans: (a) black and rough / कजलज तर्ज
(a) decreases with light doping/ अि खुरदु रज
In AC circuits, AC meters measure मजदन के सजर् कम होती है |
''rms values'' (b) increases with heavy doping/ Q430. What is the process known as
अकधक मजदन के सजर् बढ़ती है | when substance converts from the
Q426. When a light wave is reflected (c) is independent of applied voltage/ solid to the vapour state directly?/
from a mirror, there is a change in प्रयुक्त वोिे र् से मुक्त होती है | उस प्रकरया िो क्या िहते हैं कजसिें
its/ र्ब कोई प्रकजश तरं ग ककसी दपाण (d) is increased under reverse bias/ पदाथय ठोस से सीधे िाष्प अिथथा िें
से परजवकतात होती है , तो इसके ____ में पजिकदकशक बजयस के अंतगात बढ़ र्जती पररिकतयत हो जाता है ?
पररवतान आतज है : है | (a) Sublimation/ उध्वयपातन
(b) Vapourization/ िाष्पीिरण
(a) frequency/ आवृकत्त Ans: (d) is increased under reverse
bias/ पजिकदकशक बजयस के अंतगात बढ़ (c) Regelation/ पुनकहय िायन
(b) amplitude/ आयजम
र्जती है | (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
(c) wavelength/ तरं गदै ध्या
िोई नही ुं
(d) velocity/ वेग Explanation:
Connecting the p-type region to the Ans: (a) Sublimation/ उध्वयपातन
Ans: (b) amplitude/ आयजम negative terminal of the battery and Explanation:
Explanation: the n-type region to the positive Sublimation is the process through
A “light ray”, experiences a 180 terminal corresponds to reverse bias. which the solid substance changes
degree phase shift on reflection from If a diode is reverse-biased, the directly into vapours or gaseous state
a surface. voltage at the cathode is without passing through liquid state.
comparatively higher than the anode. Dry ice is a common example of this
(Reflection also implies a directional Therefore, no current will flow until process.
change). the diode breaks down.
As any mirror material is never
100% reflective, the reflected light Q431. The following particles move
will have a somewhat lower with same kinetic energy. Which of
amplitude (power) than the incident them has maximum momentum?/
light. Some light energy will be कनम्नकलल्टखत कण एक समजन गकतर् ऊर्जा
absorbed in the material surface, and से गमन करते हैं | कनम्न में से ककसकज
some of the incident light will be संवेग सवजा कधक होतज है ?
scattere(d) (a) Electron/ इलेक्ट््ॉन
Because the p-type material is now
connected to the negative terminal of (b) Proton/ प्रोटोन
Q427. What is the product of the the power supply, the 'holes' in the p- (c) Deuteron/ड्यूट्जन
mass of the body and its velocity type material are pulled away from (d) Alpha Particle/ अल्फज कण
called as? / कपुंि िे द्रव्यिान और the junction, leaving behind charged
इसिे िेग िे गुणनफि िो क्या िहते ions causing the width of the Ans: (d) Alpha Particle/ अल्फज कण
हैं ? depletion region to increase. Explanation:
(a) Force/ बि Likewise, because the n-type region
is connected to the positive terminal, Alpha particles have maximum
(b) Momentum/ सुंिेग momentum if they move with the
the electrons will also be pulled
(c) Energy/ ऊजाय away from the junction, leaving same kinetic energy.
(d) Power/ शल्टक्त behind charged ions causing the
width of the depletion region to Q432. A bottle of soda lime is
increase. grasped by the neck and swung
Ans: (b) Momentum/ सुंिेग briskly in a vertical circle, Near
Explanation: which portion of the bottle do the
Q429. A body absorbs heat most if it
bubbles collect?/सोडज चूनज की एक
Linear momentum is defined as the is/ कोई कपंड सवजा कधक ऊष्मज अवशोकर्त
बोतल को गदा न पर से पकड़ज र्जतज है
product of a system's mass करतज है यकद यह है -
multiplied by its velocity. In तर्ज उर्ध्जा धर घेरे में घुमजयज र्जतज है |
symbols, linear momentum is बोतल के ककस भजग के समीप बुलबुले
(a) black and rough / कजलज तर्ज
expressed as p = mv. Momentum is एककत्रत होंगे ?
खुरदु रज
directly proportional to the object's
(b) black and smooth/ कजलज तर्ज
mass and also its velocity. Thus the (a) Near the bottom/ तल के समीप
greater an object's mass or the (b) In the middle of the bottom/ तल
greater its velocity, the greater its (c) white and rough/ सफ़ेद तर्ज
के मध्य में
momentum. खुरदु रज
(c) Near the neck/ गदा न के समीप
(a) 60° with horizontal (a) Dark box/ डजका बॉक्स Explanation:
(b) 45° with horizontal (b) Blind box/ ब्लजइं ड बॉक्स As the centripetal force acts upon
(c) 30° with horizontal
(c) Black box/ ब्लैक बॉक्स an object moving in a circle at
(d) 15° with horizontal
(d) Altitude meter/ एलटीट्यूड मीटर constant speed, the force always acts
Ans: (b) 45° with horizontal inward as the velocity of the object is
Explanation: Ans: (c) Black box/ ब्लैक बॉक्स directed tangent to the circle. Thus,
Explanation: the work done by the centripetal
The angle in which a cricket ball force in the case of uniform
should be hit to travel maximum A flight recorder is an electronic circular motion is 0 Joules.
horizontal distance is 45 degree. recording device placed in an aircraft
for the purpose of facilitating the
investigation of aviation accidents
Q435. The minimum number of Q440. Which of the following is true
and incidents. Flight recorders are
geostationary satellites needed for about displacement of an object?/
also known by the misnomer black
uninterrupted global coverage is :/ box—they are in fact bright orange किसी िस्तु िे किथथापन िे किषय िें
अबजकधत वैकश्वक कवरे र् के कलए to aid in their recovery after कनम्न िें से िौन सा सही है ?
आवश्यक भूगभीय उपग्रहों की न्यूनतम accidents. (a) It is always equal to the distance/
संख्यज है : यह हिेशा दू री िे बराबर होता है |
(b) It can be less than the distance/
Q438. Which type of mirror is used
(a) 3 यह दू री से िि हो सिता है |
in the head lights of vehicles?/ वजहनों
(b) 2
की हे ड लजइट में ककस तरह के दपाण कज
(c) 4
(d) 1
(c) It can be greater than the Q443. Magnifying Glass is basically (a) Necessary centrifugal force may
distance/ यह दू री से अकधि हो a/ आवधाक कजं च मूल रूप से होतज है - be obtained from the horizontal
सिता है | (a) Plano-concave lens/ प्ेनों-कनकेव component of the weight of the train/
(d) It is always less than the distance/ लेंस टर े न िे भार िे क्षैकतज अियि से
यह हिेशा दू री से िि होता है | (b) Concave lens/ अवतल लेंस अकनिायय अपिेंद्री बि िो प्राप्त किया
(c) Convex lens/ उत्तल लेंस जा सिे |
Ans: (d) It is always less than the (b) No frictional force may be
(d) Cylindrical lens/ बेलनजकजर लेंस
distance/ यह हिेशा दू री से िि होता produced between the tracks and the
है | Ans: (c) Convex lens/ उत्तल लें स wheels of the train/ टर ै ि तथा टर े न िे
Explanation: पकहयोुं िे बीच किसी भी तरह िे घषयण
बि िा कनिाय ण ना हो सिे |
Explanation: A magnifying glass (called a hand (c) Necessary centripetal force may
lens in laboratory contexts) is a be obtained from the horizontal
It cannot be greater than the convex lens that is used to produce a
magnitude of the distance travelled component of the weight of the train/
magnified image of an object. A टर े न िे भीर िे क्षैकतज अियि से
by an object, but it can be smaller magnifying glass can be used to
than the magnitude of the distance अकनिायय िेंद्राकभिुख बि िो प्राप्त किया
focus light, such as to concentrate the
travelled by an object or , it may be sun's radiation to create a hotspot at जा सिे |
equal to the distance travelled by the the focus for fire starting. (d) The train may not fall down
object. (a) is not true. Displacement inwards/ टर े न अन्दर िी ओर कगर ना
can be zero. सिे
Q444. Water will not be vaporized
Q441. As we go from Equator to if/ र्ल वजष्पीकृत नही ं होगज यकद
Ans: (c) Necessary centripetal
North pole the value of ‘g’, the (a) the temperature is 0°C/ तजपमजन force may be obtained from the
acceleration due to gravity/ र्ब हम शून्य हो horizontal component of the
भूमध्य रे खज से उत्तरी ध्रुव की तरफ र्जते (b) the humidity is 0%/ आर्द्ातज 0 weight of the train/ टर े न िे भीर िे
हैं , तो गुरुत्वजकर्ाण के कजरण त्वरण ‘g’ प्रकतशत हो | क्षैकतज अियि से अकनिायय िेंद्राकभिुख
कज मजन - (c) the humidity is 100%/ आर्द्ातज 100 बि िो प्राप्त किया जा सिे |
(a) remains the same/ समजन रहतज है प्रकतशत हो |
(b) decreases/ कम हो र्जतज है | Railway tracks are banked at the
(d) the temperature is 100°C/ तजपमजन
curves so that the necessary
(c) increases/ बढ़तज है | 100°C हो | centripetal force may be obtained
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से from the horizontal component of the
कोई नही ं reaction on the train.
Ans: (c) the humidity is 100%/
आर्द्ातज 100 प्रकतशत हो | Q447. The pitch of sound depends on
Ans: (c) increases/ बढ़तज है |
Explanation: its/ ध्वकन िा स्वरिान इसिी _____ पर
Explanation: कनभयर िरता है |
Water will not be vaporized if
If we move from equator to pole the humidity is 100%.
value of acceleration due to gravity (a) Frequency/ आिृकत्त
"g" – Increases. When compared to Q445. Which of the following is not (b) Intensity/ तीव्रता
the equator of the earth, the radius is
a part of a CRT?/ कनम्न में से कौन CRT (c) Velocity / िेग
less at the poles, since the earth is
कज एक भजग नही ं है ? (d) Amplitude/ आयाि
considerably flat at the poles.
Q442. Shaving mirror is/ दजढ़ी बनजने (a) Phosphor screen/ भजस्र स्क्रीन Ans: (a) Frequency/ आिृकत्त
वजलज दपाण होतज है : (b) Shadow mask/ छजयज आवरण Pitch depends on frequency but also
(c) Electron gun/ इलेक्ट््ॉन गन (d) Gas on loudness and spectrum. In the
(a) Convex / उत्तल plasma/ गैस प्जज्मज introduction on sound, we saw that
(b) Concave/ अवतल pitch depends primarily on
(c) Plane/ समतल Ans: (d) Gas plasma/ गैस प्जज्मज frequency. However, it also
depends, weakly on sound level. It
(d) Parabolic/ परवलकयक Explanation: depends, too, on harmonic content.
Ans: (b) Concave/ अवतल A CRT consists of three basic parts:
the electron gun assembly, the Q448. Which of the following is a
Explanation: phosphor viewing surface, and the conductor of electricity?/ कनम्न िें से
The mirror is concave. You must glass envelope so gas plasma is not a िौन किद् युत िा एि चािि है ?
have your face within the focal part of CRT.
length of the mirror, to get an upright (a) Rubber / रबड़
and enlarged image. Q446. Railway tracks are banked on (b) Pure water/ शुद् जि
curves so that/ रे ििे टर ै ि िो घुिाि पर (c) Salt water/ ििणीय जि
िोड़ा जाता है ताकि (d) Benzene/ बेंजीन
Fuse wire is made of a tin-lead alloy (d) radiation / from them/ उनिी
and not copper because of the किकिरण
Ans: (c) Salt water/ ििणीय जि following reasons:
This is because salt water is a good
conductor of electricity. Salt 1. They have high resistance due to Ans: (a) temperature/ तापिान
molecules are made of sodium ions high resistance the wire heats up For instance, the color of a star –
and chlorine ions. (An ion is an atom quickly, when large current flows. which varies from bluish-white and
that has an electrical charge because yellow to orange and red – is
it has either gained or lost an 2. They have a low melting point primarily due to its composition and
electron.)These ions are what carry which melts and breaks off the effective temperature. And at all
electricity through water. circuit if the current is larger than the times, stars emit light which is a
safety limit. combination of several different
Q449. Which of these instruments is wavelengths. On top of that, the
used for testing the purity of milk?/ color of a star can change over time.
Q451. Hydrometer is based on which
दू ध िी शुद्ता िो िापने िे किए कनम्न िें
of these principles: / हाइिर ोिीटर इनिें
से किस उपिरण िा प्रयोग किया जाता Q454. The fundamental scientific
से किस कसद्ाुं त पर आधाररत है :
है ? principle in the operation of battery
is/ बैटरी िे प्रचािन िा िौकिि
(a) Surface Tension/ भूति तनाि िैज्ञाकनि कसद्ाुं त है -
(a) Hydrometer/ हाइिर ोिीटर
(b) Buoyancy/ बौनापन
(b) Galvanometer/ गैिनोिीटर (c) Volume/ आयतन (a) acid-base interaction/ अम्ल-क्षार
(c) Lactometer/ िैक्ट्ोिीटर (d) Temperature/ तापिान परस्पर करया
(d) Ammeter/ एिीटर
(b) dialysis/ अपोहन
Ans: (b) Buoyancy/ बौनापन (c) dissociation of electrolytes/
Ans: (c) Lactometer/ िैक्ट्ोिीटर
इिेक्ट्रोिाइट् स िा पृथक्करण
The specific gravity of milk is
A hydrometer is an instrument used (d) oxidation-reduction/ ऑक्सीिरण
for measuring the relative density of
determined by means of the िें ििी
liquids based on the concept of
lactometer, an instrument which buoyancy. They are typically
sinks to a definite point in pure milk. calibrated and graduated with one or Ans: (c) dissociation of electrolytes/
A hydrometer is an instrument used more scales such as specific gravity. इिेक्ट्रोिाइट् स िा पृथक्करण
to measure the specific gravity or
relative density of liquids, i.e. the Q452. The shape of our milky way The fundamental scientific principle
ratio of the density of the liquid to in the operation of battery is
galaxy is/ हिारी किल्की-िे आिाश
the density of water. dissociation of electrolytes.
A galvanometer is an गुंगा िा आिार है -
electromechanical instrument used
for detecting and indicating an (a) circular / िृत्तीय
Q455. Which instrument is used to
electric current. (b) elliptical/ अुंिािार
test conductive hearing
An ammeter (from Ampere Meter) (c) spiral/ िुुंिकित mechanisms?/ प्रिाहिीय श्रिण तुंत्र िा
is a measuring instrument used to (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
measure the current in a circuit. परीक्षण िरने िे किए किस उपिरण
िोई नही ुं िा उपयोग किया जाता है ?
Q450. A fuse wire is made of:/ फ्यूज
Ans: (c) spiral/ िुुंिकित
तार िा कनिाय ण किससे किया जाता है : (a) Ammeter/ एिीटर
The Milky Way consists of a bar- (b) Anemometer/ एनीिोिीटर
(a) an alloy of tin and copper/ कटन shaped core region surrounded by a (c) Altimeter / तुुंगतािापी
तथा ताुं बे िी एि किश्रधातु से warped disk of gas, dust and stars.
The mass distribution within the (d) Audiometer/ श्रिण-शल्टक्तिापी
(b) an alloy of tin and lead/ कटन तथा
Milky Way closely resembles the
सीसा िी किश्रधातु से type Sbc in the Hubble classification, Ans: (d) Audiometer/ श्रिण-
(c) an alloy of tin and aluminium/ which represents spiral galaxies with शल्टक्तिापी
कटन तथा एल्युिीकनयि िी एि किश्रधातु relatively loosely wound arms.
से | An audiometer is a machine used for
(d) an alloy of nickel and chromium/ Q453. The different colours of evaluating hearing acuity. They
कनिेि तथा रोकियि िी एि किश्रधातु different stars are due to the variation usually consist of an embedded
से of/ किकभन्न कसतारोुं िे कभन्न-कभन्न रुं ग hardware unit connected to a pair of
किस िें पररितयन िी िजह से होते हैं ? headphones and a test subject
Ans: (b) an alloy of tin and lead/ feedback button, sometimes
controlled by a standard PC. Such
कटन तथा सीसा िी किश्रधातु से (a) temperature/ तापिान
systems can also be used with bone
(b) pressure/ दाब vibrators, to test conductive hearing
(c) density/ घनत्व mechanisms.
radiation, life as we know it would Q464. The primary colours in The first prototype electron
not exist. photography are/ फोटोग्रजफी के मुख्य microscope, capable of four-
रं ग हैं : hundred-power magnification, was
Q463. White clothes are cooler than developed in 1931 by the physicist
(a) Red, Blue, Yellow/ लजल, नीलज,
black ones because they/ सफ़ेद वस्त्र Ernst Ruska and the electrical
कजले वस्त्र की तुलनज में अकधक ठं डे होते engineer Max Knoll. The apparatus
(b) Red, Yellow, Green/ लजल, पीलज, was the first practical demonstration
हैं क्ोंकक वे -
हरज of the principles of electron
(a) absorb all the light that reaches (c) Red, Blue, Green/ लजल, नीलज,हरज microscopy.
them/ उन तक पहुाँ चने वजले सभी प्रकजश
(d) Blue, Yellow, Green/ नीलज, पीलज, Q467. Metal tea pots have wooden
कज अवशोर्ण कर लेते हैं | handles because/ धजतु की चजयदजनी में
(b) reflect all the light that reaches हरज
लकड़ी के हैं डल होते हैं क्ोंकक
them/ उन तक पहुाँ चने वजले सभी प्रकजश (a) wood is a bad conductor of heat/
को परजवकतात कर दे ते हैं | लकड़ी ऊष्मज की कुचजलक होती है |
Ans: (a) Red, Blue, Yellow/ लजल,
(c) will not allow the light to
नीलज, हरज (b) it prevents electric shock/ यह
penetrate/ प्रकजश को प्रवेश नही ं करने
कबर्ली के झटके से बचजती है |
दे ते हैं | Explanation:
(c) it gives beauty to the pots/ इससे
(d) cool the sunlight completely/ सूया In television and computer displays, चजयदजनी को सुंदरतज कमलती है |
की रोशनी को तुरंत ठं डज कर दे ते हैं | red, green, and blue are the primary (d) it is hygienic/ यह स्जस्थ्यकर है |
colors. In photography, red, green
and blue are the primary colors for
Ans: (b) reflect all the light that capturing the image, but cyan,
Ans: (b) it prevents electric shock/
reaches them/ उन तक पहुाँ चने वजले magenta, and yellow are the
यह कबर्ली के झटके से बचजती है |
सभी प्रकजश को परजवकतात कर दे ते हैं | primaries for printing the image. In
printing, cyan, magenta, and yellow Explanation:
Explanation: are common primary colors. Since wood is a bad conductor of
This is because black is more heat and metal is a good conductor of
absorbent than all other colours.The Q465. Doppler Effect is associated heat. So metal tea pots have wooden
actual reason behind this is not with - handles so that the person does not
heat,it’s because the energy:light. डॉपलर प्रभजव ककसके सजर् र्ुड़ज हुआ feel hot while holding it.
है ?
The observable color of an object has Q468. Which of the following is the
to do with the light wavelengths that
are reflected from that object.This (a) Electric Current / कवद् युत प्रवजह example of an ideal black body?/
(b) Light / प्रकजश कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन एि आदशय िािे
reflection, in turn, depends the
atomic and molecular properties of (c) Heat / ऊष्मज शरीर िा उदाहरण है ?
the object, its surface structure and (d) Sound / र्ध्कन (a) Blackboard/ ब्लैिबोिय
the angles at which the light hits it (b) Kajal/ िाजि
and at which someone observes it, Ans: (d) Sound / र्ध्कन (c) A pinhole box/ एि कपनहोि बॉक्स
among other things. An apple is red (d)None of these/ इनिें से िोई नही ुं
because when white light, which is Explanation:
made up of all visible wavelengths The Doppler Effect is associated
mixed together, hits it, its atomic with the phenomenon of Soun(d) It is Ans: (c) A pinhole box/ एि कपनहोि
innards reflect all the red
wavelengths more than the other
defined as the change in wavelength बॉक्स
and frequency caused by movement
colors and bounce them at our eyes. of an observer relative to the source. Explanation:
A body is said to be a black body if
A black object, like a t-shirt, looks Q466. Who invented Electron it perfectly absorbs and radiates the
black because it absorbs all the
Microscope?/ इिेक्ट्रॉन िाइरोस्कोप energy but does not reflect it. A pin
wavelengths in white light and hole box is an ideal black body.
reflects none. As the shirt absorbs all िा आकिष्कार किसने किया था?
Black board and kajal although
the light coming from the sun and, (a) Knoll and Ruska/ नोि और रुस्का black in colour need not to be black
say, a desk lamp, the energy carried (b) Robert Koch/ रॉबटय िोच body.
by that light doesn't just disappear (c) Leeuwenhoek/ िीउिेनहोि
into the shirt, never to be seen again. (d) C.P. Swanson/ सी.पी. स्वानसन Q469. The temperature of water at
Instead, as the light is absorbed, it the bottom of a waterfall is higher
gets converted to other forms of than that at the top because/ एि झरने
energy, usually heat, and then
Ans: (a) Knoll and Ruska/ नोि और िे ति पर पानी िा तापिान शीषय पर
emitted by the shirt. The darker the
object, the better it emits heat, रुस्का िी तुिना िें अकधि है क्योुंकि
because it’s a better absorber of light. (a) water at the bottom has greater
Explanation: potential energy / ति पर पानी िें
अकधि ऊजाय होती है
(b) the surface at the bottom provides area of the bottom of the vessel is not Ans: (d) refraction/ अपवतान
heat / ति पर सतह गिी प्रदान िरती require(d)
(c) kinetic energy of falling water is Q471. The water from a hand pump This happens due to refraction.
converted into heat / कगरते पानी िी is warm in winter because/ हैं डपंप कज
गकतज ऊजाय िो ऊष्मा िें पररिकतयत र्ल सकदा यों में गमा रहतज है क्ोंकक
(a) Our body is cold in winter and
किया जाता है
the water appears to be warm /
(d) falling water absorbs heat from
हमजरज शरीर सकदा यों में ठं डज होतज है और
the surroundings / पानी कगरने से
र्ल हमें गमा महसूस होतज है |
आसपास िी गिी अिशोकषत हो जाती The reason is that the rays of light
(b) The temperature inside the earth
है is higher than the atmospheric reaching you from the object at the
temperature / पृथ्वी के भीतर कज bottom of the water do not come
straight to you, as they would if there
Ans: (c) kinetic energy of falling तजपमजन वजयुमंडलीय तजपमजन से अकधक
was no water between you and the
water is converted into heat / कगरते होतज है | object. The light travels straight as
(c) The pumping process causes
पानी िी गकतज ऊजाय िो ऊष्मा िें long as it is in the water, but if it
friction which warms up the water/
पररिकतयत किया जाता है emerges obliquely from the water
पंकपंग कज कजया घर्ाण की वर्ह बनतज है into the air it is bent downward
कर्ससे पजनी गमा हो र्जतज है | toward the surface. This bending is
Explanation: (d) Inside water comes out and known as refraction, and it occurs
Water is slightly warmer at the absorbs heat from the environment/ whenever light passes from one
bottom of a waterfall than at the अन्दर कज पजनी बजहर आतज है और transparent medium into another of
top because the gravitational
पयजा वरण से ऊष्मज कज अवशोर्ण कर different density – as, for example,
potential energy is converted first to from water to air, or from air to
kinetic energy of the falling water, लेतज है |
glass. The eyes do not take refraction
and finally to heat energy as it comes Ans: (b) The temperature inside the into account, but judge the position
to rest at the bottom. earth is higher than the atmospheric of the object as if the light came in a
temperature / पृथ्वी के भीतर कज straight line.
Q470. If we want to calculate the
तजपमजन वजयुमंडलीय तजपमजन से अकधक
pressure of a liquid at the bottom of a
vessel, the quantity which is not होतज है | Q473. For a ray of light to' suffer
total internal reflection it has to pass
required to determine it, is/ यकद हम Explanation:
from :/ पूणा आतंररक पररवतान कज
ककसी पतीले के तल में र्द्व के दजब की Ground water is not warm or cold in सजमनज करने के कलए प्रकजश की ककसी
गणनज करनज चजहते हैं , तो इसकज पतज winter or summer respectively its ककरण को ककससे होकर गुर्रनज पड़तज
लगजने के कलए ककस मजत्रज की atmosphere whose temp rise and fall
है ?
आवश्यकतज नही ं है ? during summer,but soil is bad
conductor so here is little change in (a) glass to water/ कजं च से पजनी
(a) Height of the liquid column/ तरल temperature of groundwater…..take (b) water to glass/ पजनी से कजं च
स्तंभ की ऊंचजई an example….the air from your (c) air to water/ वजयु से र्ल
(b) Surface area of the bottom of the refrigerator or AC at 20°c makes you (d) air to glass/ वजयु से कजं च
feel cool in summer which is 40°c
vessel/ पतीले के तजल कज पृष्ठ िेत्रफल
and ground water at 30°c is also Ans: (c) air to water/ वजयु से र्ल
(c) Density of the liquid/ र्द्व कज cooler but in winter which is at 5°c
घनत्व that all 20°c and ground water at Explanation:
(d) Acceleration due to gravity at the 27°c makes you feel warmer even A ray of light must fulfill following
bottom of the vessel/ पतीले के तल में now groundwater temperature is 3°
two conditions to suffer total-internal
गुरुत्वजकर्ाण की वर्ह से त्वरण | lower compare to that of summer.
reflection :
Ans: (b) Surface area of the bottom (1) Ray of light must travel from an
of the vessel/ पतीले के तजल कज पृष्ठ Q472. A water tank appears
optically denser to an optically rarer
shallower when it is viewed from top
िेत्रफल medium .
due to/ पजनी की एक टं की ऊपर से
Explanation: दे खने पर ककस वर्ह से उर्ली नज़र (2) Angle of incidence must be
greater then CRITICAL ANGLE .
Pressure is force per unit are(a) आती है ?
Since density remains constant (a) rectilinear propagation of light/ Q474. A stone is dropped from the
throughout the liqui(d) Force
प्रकजश कज रै ल्टखक प्रसजर (b) reflection/ roof of a house towards the ground.
depends on volume.
परजवतान The kinetic energy of the stone will
Pressure is areal gradient of Force (c) total internal reflection/ पूणा be maximum:/ घर की छत से भूकम पर
ie: Volume per area which is nothing आतंररक परजवतान एक पत्थर कगरजयज र्जतज है | पत्थर की
but height. Therefore Pressure only (d) refraction/ अपवतान गकतर् ऊर्जा कब अकधकतम होगी ?
depends on height. so the surface
(a) just after it is dropped/ इसके Pascal's Law, framed by Blaise Ans: (b) Surface area of the bottom
कगरने के तुरंत बजद Pascal, states that “Pressure applied of the vessel/ पतीले के तल कज पृष्ठ
(b) when it is just on the half-way/ to any part of a confined fluid िेत्रफल
transmits to every other part with no
र्ब यह आधे मजगा में होगज Explanation:
loss. The pressure acts with equal
(c) just before it touches the ground/
force on all equal areas of the
भूकम को स्पशा करने से तुरंत पहले | confining walls and perpendicular to
It is because pressure is force per
(d) when it touches the ground/ र्ब unit area and not just force. A
the walls." This is the basic principle column of water of height h and area
यह भूकम को स्पशा करे गज | for any hydraulic system. A would exert a gravitational force
equal to (water density)*A*h*g at
the bottom. The pressure is force per
Ans: (c) just before it touches the unit area, and thus when you divide
ground/ भूकम को स्पशा करने से तुरंत by area, all you are left with is the
पहले | dependence on height of the water
column and not the volume.
Q477. Transfer of heat energy from a The force depends on the volume but
A stone is dropped from the roof of a heater coil to the cooking vessel the pressure depends on the height.
house towards the groun(d) The takes place through the process of /
kinetic energy of the stone will be Q479. The resistance of a bulb
एि हीटर िॉइि से खाना पिाने िािे
maximum at just before it touches filament is 100Ω at a temperature at
the groun(d) बतयन िें गिी ऊजाय िा थथानाुं तरण 100oC. If its temperature coefficient
प्रकरया िी प्रकरया से होता है of resistance be 0.005/o C, then its
(a) convection only / िेिि सुंिहन resistance will become 200Ω at a
Q475. A black body can absorb (b) conduction and convection only / temperature of / एि बल्ब कफिािेंट
radiations of:/ एक कजलज कपंड ककसकी िेिि चािन और सुंिहन िा प्रकतरोध 100ΩC पर एि तापिान
कवककरण को अवशोकर्त कर सकतज है ? (c) radiation and convection only / पर 100Ω है । यकद इसिे प्रकतरोध िा
(a) lower wavelengths only/ केवल िेिि किकिरण और सुंिहन गुणाुं ि 0.005 / o C हो, तो इसिा
लघु तरं गदै ध्या (d) convection, conduction and
प्रकतरोध 200 a िे तापिान पर हो
(b) intermediate wavelengths only/ radiation / सुंिहन, चािन और किकिरण
केवल मध्यवती तरं गदै ध्या जाएगा
(c) higher wavelengths only (a)300oC
(d) all wavelengths/ सभी तरं गदै ध्या Ans: (c) radiation and convection
only / िेिि किकिरण और सुंिहन (d)200oC
Ans: (d) all wavelengths/ सभी
तरं गदै ध्या The heater coil radiates heat. It also
Explanation: transfers heat to the food being
cooked, by convection of water
black body is an ideal emitter and an inside the vessel. Here, the heated Ans: (a)300oC
ideal absorber. no matter how much water becomes less denser and Explanation:
matter it has,it can emit a band moves upward, and colder water Given : R100
spectrum which is continuous goes downwards towards the heat =100Ω T1=100oC R′
without absorption spectr(a) It source. =200Ω α=0.005 per oC
absorbs all the radiation falling on it,
does not reflect any and the rate of Q478. If we want to calculate the
emission is proportional to the fourth Using R′=R100(1+α(T2−T1))
pressure of a liquid at the bottom of a ∴ 200=100(1+0.005(T2−100))
power of temperature as given by vessel, the quantity which is not
Planck's law. OR T2−100=200
required to determine it, is/ यकद हम
ककसी पतीले के तल पर र्द्व के दजब की
Q476. Hydraulic machines work गणनज करनज चजहते हैं , तो इसे कनधजा ररत
under the Principle of:/ र्द्व-चजकलत करने के कलए कर्स मजत्र की आवश्यकतज
मशीनें ककस कसिजं त के अंतगात कजया नही ं है , वह है -
Q480. State whether true or false:/
करती हैं : यह सच है या गित:
At constant temperature, the
(a) Newton’s Law/ न्यूटन कज कनयम (a) Height of the liquid column/ तरल
resistance of a conductor changes
(b) Joule's Law/ र्ूल कज कनयम स्तंभ की ऊंचजई according to the applied voltage. /
(c) Pascal’s Law / पजस्कल कज कनयम (b) Surface area of the bottom of the
कनरुं तर तापिान पर, िुंिक्ट्र िा
(d) Floatation Law/ प्वन कनयम vessel/ पतीले के तल कज पृष्ठ िेत्रफल
प्रकतरोध िागू िोिे ज िे अनुसार
(c) Density of the liquid/ र्द्व कज
बदिता है ।
Ans: (c) Pascal’s Law/ पजस्कल कज (d) Acceleration due to gravity at the
(a)True / सत्य़
कनयम bottom of the vessel/ पतीले के तल में
(b) False / असत्य
Explanation: गुरुत्वजकर्ाण की वर्ह से त्वरण |
Ans: (b) False / असत्य I= V/ R Q485. Tube light is filled with:/ ट्यूब
⇒2= 15/(4+R) लजइट ककस से भरज होतज है ?
Explanation: ⇒8+2R=15
Resistance is independent of voltage 2R=7 (a) Sodium Vapour / सोकडयम वजष्प
applied across it. R=3.5Ω
(b) Argon Gas at low pressure / कम
Q481. A strip of copper and another Terminal voltage=15−IR दबजव पर आगान गैस
of germanium are cooled from room =15−2×4 (c) mercury vapour at low pressure /
temperature to 80 K. The resistance =15−8 कम दबजव पर पजरज वजष्प
of / ताुं बे िी एि पट्टी और जिेकनयि ΔV=7V (d) mercuric oxide and argon gas/
िी एि और िो ििरे िे तापिान से मरक्ूररक ऑक्सजइड और आगान गैस
Q483. Which one of the following
80 K ति ठुं िा किया जाता है
statements is not correct? / Ans: (d) mercuric oxide and argon
(a)Each of these increases / इनिें से
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा िथन सही gas/ मरक्ूररक ऑक्सजइड और आगान
प्रत्येि बढ़ता है
नही ुं है ? गैस
(b)Each of these decreases / इनिें से (a) The Kelvin scale of temperature
प्रत्येि घटता है is called the Absolute scale / तापिान
(c)Copper strip increases and that of Tube light is filled with mercuric
िे िेल्टिन पैिाने िो कनरपेक्ष स्केि oxide and argon gas where mercuric
germanium decreases / ताुं बे िी पट्टी
िहा जाता है oxide is used to emit UV light while
बढ़ती है और जिेकनयि िी घट जाती है (b) Visible light radiation has a argon gas is used to provide an inert
(d)Copper strip decreases and that of wavelength range of 400-700 nm / atmosphere within the tube.
germanium increases / ताुं बे िी पट्टी दृश्यिान प्रिाश किकिरण िें 400-700
घट जाती है और जिेकनयि िी िृल्टद् एनएि िी तरुं ग दै ध्यय रें ज होती है Q486. Electrostatic precipitator is
होती है (c) The capacity to do work is called used to control/ल्टस्र्रवैद्युत अविेकपत्र
power / िायय िरने िी क्षिता िो कज प्रयोग ककसे कनयंकत्रत करने के कलए
Ans: (d)Copper strip decreases and शल्टक्त िहते हैं ककयज र्जतज है ?
that of germanium increases / ताुं बे िी (d) The wavelength of Gamma rays
पट्टी घट जाती है और जिेकनयि िी is less than that of X-rays / गािा (a) Chemical Pollutants/ रजसजयकनक
िृल्टद् होती है किरणोुं िी तरुं ग दै ध्यय एक्स-रे िी तुिना प्रदू र्क
Explanation: िें िि है (b) Radio-active Pollutants/
Copper is a conductor while रे कडयोधमी प्रदू र्क
germanium is a semiconductor. (c) Water Pollutants/ र्ल प्रदू र्क
In case of conductor resistance Ans: (c) The capacity to do work is (d) Air Pollutants/ वजयु प्रदू र्क
decreases with temperature while in called power / िायय िरने िी क्षिता
case of semi-conductor resistance िो शल्टक्त िहते हैं
increases with temperature. Hence Ans: (d) Air Pollutants/ वजयु प्रदू र्क
the resistance of copper strip
decreases and that of germanium Explanation: Explanation:
increases. Energy is defined as the capacity to
do work. Electrostatic precipitator, also called
electrostatic air cleaner, a device that
Q482. A battery of emf 15V and Q484. Which of the following uses an electric charge to remove
internal resistance of 4Ω is properties is generally found in certain impurities—either solid
connected to a resistor. If the current particles or liquid droplets—from air
nonmetals?/ अधजतुओं में कनम्न में से
in the circuit is 2A and the circuit is or other gases in smokestacks and
कौन से गुण पजए र्जते हैं ? other flues. The precipitator
closed. The resistance of the resistor
and the terminal voltage of the functions by applying energy only to
(a) Brittleness/ भंगुरतज
battery will be. / ईएिएफ 15 िी िी the particulate matter being
(b) Conductivity/ चजलकतज collected, without significantly
बैटरी और 4 connected िा आुं तररि
(c) Ductility/ लचीलजपन impeding the flow of gases.
प्रकतरोध एि रोिनेिािा से जु ड़ा है ।
(d) Malleability/ आघजतवधानीयतज Originally designed for recovery of
यकद सकियट िें िरुं ट 2A है और सकियट valuable industrial-process materials,
बुंद है । प्रकतरोधि िा प्रकतरोध और Ans: (a) Brittleness/ भंगुरतज electrostatic precipitators are used
बैटरी िा टकियनि िोिे ज होगा। for air pollution control, particularly
(a) 2.5Ω,6V for removing particles from waste
(b) 3.5Ω,6V Properties of Nonmetals. Nonmetals gases at industrial facilities and
(c) 2.5Ω,7V have high ionization energies and power-generating stations.
(d) 3.5Ω,7V electronegativities. They are
generally poor conductors of heat
and electricity. Solid nonmetals are
generally brittle, with little or no
Ans: (d) 3.5Ω,7V metallic luster.
Ans: (b) starts becoming cooler / Assuming an ideal gas, the speed of
ठुं िा होने िगता है sound c depends on temperature
only, not on the pressure or density
(since these change in lockstep for a
Explanation: given temperature and cancel out).
When puncture happens, the air Air is almost an ideal gas.
moves from high pressure region
inside to low pressure region outside. Q492. How can the boiling point of a
As air gains kinetic energy, it gains liquid be reduced? / किसी तरि पदाथय
this energy from the internal heat of िे क्वथनाुं ि िो िैसे िि किया जा
Q487. A micron is equal to/ एक the air. So it will use the internal सिता है ?
energy of the compressed air, so it
मजइक्रोन ककसके बरजबर होतज है ? (a) By adding a solid of lower
uses up internal heat and temperature
melting point / कनचिे कपघिने कबुंदु िा
(a) 0.1mm एि ठोस जोड़िर
(b) 0.01mm (b) By dissolving a soluble solid in it
(c) 0.001 mm / इसिें घु िनशीि ठोस िो घोििर
(d) 0.0001 mm (c) By increasing the pressure on the
Q490. Which of these instruments is
used for infrared imaging science? / liquid / तरि पर दबाि बढ़ािर
Ans: (c) 0.001 mm
इन्रारे ि इिेकजुंग किज्ञान िे किए किस (d) By decreasing the pressure on the
Explanation: उपिरण िा उपयोग किया जाता है ? liquid / तरि पर दबाि िो िि िरिे
1/1000000th of a meter. Also known (a) Ergograph/ अगोग्राफ
as a Micrometer (b) Ediograph/ एकियोग्राफ Ans: (d) By decreasing the pressure
𝜇 (c) Thermograph/ थिोग्राफ on the liquid / तरि पर दबाि िो िि
1000 (d) Seismograph/कसस्मोग्राफ िरिे
The millimetre is a unit of length in
the metric system, equivalent to one
thousandth of a metre (the SI base Ans: (c) Thermograph/ थिोग्राफ The liquid boils at the temperature
unit of length). when the vapor pressure becomes
equal to the atmospheric pressure. So
Q488. Universal gates are:/ Explanation: by decreasing the pressure on the
Thermograph an instrument that
सजवाभौकमक गेट हैं : liquid, boiling point of the liquid is
produces a trace or image reduced. For example : water boils at
representing a record of the varying lower temperature at high altitudes.
(a) AND and OR
temperature or infrared radiation
(b) OR and NOT
over an area or during a period of
(c) NAND and NOR Q493. Conversion of sound energy
(d) AND and XOR into electrical energy is done by/
Ans: (c) NAND and NOR
Infrared thermography, thermal र्ध्कन ऊर्जा कज रूपजं तरण कवद् युत ऊर्जा
Q489. At normal temperature due to imaging, and thermal video are में ककसके द्वजरज ककयज र्जतज है -
the puncture, the compressed air examples of infrared imaging
inside the tube of a car wheel science. Thermographic cameras (a) Solar cell/ सौर सेल
suddenly starts coming out. Then the usually detect radiation in the long- (b) Gramophone/ ग्रजमोफ़ोन
air inside the tube / पुंचर िे िारण infrared range of the electromagnetic (c) Microphone/ मजइक्रोफोन
सािान्य तापिान पर, एि िार िे ट्यूब spectrum and produce images of that (d) Loudspeaker/ लजउडस्पीकर
radiation, called thermograms.
िे अुंदर सुंपीकड़त हिा पकहया अचानि
बाहर कनििने िगता है । कफर ट्यूब िे Ans: (c) Microphone/ मजइक्रोफोन
अुंदर हिा Explanation:
Q491. Velocity of sound in air does
(a) starts becoming hotter / गिय होना
not depend on/ वजयु में र्ध्कन कज वेग A microphone is a transducer that
शुरू हो जाता है
ककसपर कनभार नही ं करतज है ? converts sound into an electrical
(b) starts becoming cooler / ठुं िा होने signal.
िगता है (a) Density of air/ वजयु कज घनत्व
(c) remains at the same temperature / Microphones are used in many
(b) Temperature of air/ वजयु कज applications such as telephones,
एि ही तापिान पर रहता है
तजपमजन hearing aids, public address systems
(d) may become hotter or cooler
depending on the amount of water (c) Pressure of air/ वजयुदजब for concert halls and public events,
(d) Humidity of air/ वजयु की आर्द्ातज motion picture production, live and
vapor present in the air / हिा िें recorded audio engineering, sound
िौजूद जि िाष्प िी िात्रा िे आधार recording, two-way radios,
Ans: (c) Pressure of air/ वजयुदजब
पर गिय या ठुं िा हो सिता है megaphones, radio and television
Explanation: broadcasting, and in computers for
recording voice.
Ans: (c) Less thermal conductivity/ चलती हुई कजर अचजनक रुक र्जती है ,
Q494. Two bodies A and B are of कम तजपीय चजलकतज तो यजत्री आगे की तरफ झुक र्जते हैं |
the same mass and the same amount
Explanation: इसकज कजरण है -
of heat is given to both of them. If
the temperature of A increases more (a) centrifugal force/ अपकेंर्द्ी बल
The metal has to be a good conductor
than that of B because of heat (b) inertia of rest/ आरजम की र्ड़तज
of heat and less reactive, then only it
addition, then / दो कपुंि A और B एि can be used as a cooking utensil. (c) inertia of motion/ गकत की र्ड़तज
ही द्रव्यिान िे हैं और उतनी ही िात्रा (d) gravitational force/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण
इन दोनोुं िो कििती है । यकद गिी बढ़ने Q496. Least audible sound for most बल
िे िारण A िा तापिान B से अकधि of the human ear is:/ अकधकजं श मनुष्यों
बढ़ जाता है , तो के कलए न्यू नतम िव्य र्ध्कन है ? Ans: (c) inertia of motion/ गकत की
(a) the specific heat capacity of A is र्ड़तज
more than that of B / A िी किकशष्ट (a) 10.0 𝜇 bar
(b) 0.0002 𝜇 bar
ताप क्षिता B से अकधि है
(c) 0.005 𝜇 bar when a running car stops suddenly,
(b) the specific heat capacity of A is
(d) 5.0 𝜇 bar the passenger tends to lean forward
less than that of B/ ए िी किकशष्ट गिी because of inertia of motion.
क्षिता बी िी तुिना िें िि है Ans: (b) 0.0002 𝜇 bar According to Newton's 1st law of
(c) both A and B have the same motion, every body has nature to
specific heat capacity but A has a Explanation: maintain inertia of rest or motion
greater thermal conductivity / ए और until there is no net force applied on
20 Millipascals (20 μPa) Or 0.0002
बी दोनोुं िें एि ही किकशष्ट ताप क्षिता that body.
millibars (0.0002 μbar) is the
होती है िेकिन ए िें अकधि तापीय threshold of hearing: the smallest
चाििता होती है Q499. The night is cooler in the
perceptible soun(d) It is the level at
(d) both A and B the same specific deserts than in the plains because /
which someone with perfect hearing
heat capacity but B has a greater can first detect a 1kHz tone. रात िैदानी इिािोुं िी तुिना िें
thermal conductivity / ए और बी दोनोुं रे कगस्तानोुं िें ठुं िी है
The ear can hear sounds ranging (a) sand radiates heat more quickly
एि ही किकशष्ट गिी क्षिता है िेकिन बी from 20Hz to 20kHz. It is most
िें एि बड़ी तापीय चाििता है than the earth / रे त पृथ्वी िी तुिना िें
sensitive to frequencies between
अकधि तेज़ी से गिी किकिरण िरती है
500Hz and 4000Hz, which
corresponds almost exactly to the (b) the sky remains clear most of the
Ans: (b) the specific heat capacity of speech ban(d) time / आिाश ज्यादातर सिय स्पष्ट
A is less than that of B/ ए िी किकशष्ट रहता है
गिी क्षिता बी िी तुिना िें िि है Q497. Amount of water vapour (c) sand absorbs heat quickly than
(gaseous) in a given volume of air the earth / रे त पृथ्वी िी तुिना िें गिी
(cubic metre) is known as:/ वजयु के िो जल्दी अिशोकषत िरती है
Heat given H=mSΔT ककसी कदए हुए आयतन में र्लवजष्प ( (d) None of the above / उपरोक्त िें से
गैसीय ) की मजत्रज को र्जनज र्जतज है - िोई नही ुं
For same H and m, we get S∝1/ΔT
(a) Mixing ratio / कमकित अनुपजत
Since temperature of A increases (b) Relative humidity/ सजपेि आर्द्ातज Ans: (a) sand radiates heat more
more than B, so specific heat (c) Absolute humidityकनरपेि आर्द्ातज quickly than the earth / रे त पृथ्वी िी
capacity of A is less than that of B.
(d) Specific humidity/ कवकशि आर्द्ातज तुिना िें अकधि तेज़ी से गिी किकिरण
िरती है
Q495. Which of the following
criterion is used for any metal to be Ans: (c) Absolute humidity/ कनरपेि
used as a cooking material?/ कनम्न में से आर्द्ातज Explanation:
ककस मजपदं ड कज प्रयोग ककसी धजतु के Explanation: Nights are cooler in the deserts
than in the plains because Sand
बजरे में यह र्जनने के कलए ककयज र्जतज है
Absolute humidity is the measure of radiates heat more quickly than the
कक वह भोर्न पकजने की सजमग्री में water vapor (moisture) in the air, earth. Because deserts have such
प्रयुक्त की र्ज सकती है यज नही ं ? regardless of temperature. It is little water vapor in the air, it makes
expressed as grams of moisture per it harder to trap heat or cold in a
(a) More specific heat/ अकधक कवकशि cubic meter of air (g/m3). The desert. At night, the sun no longer
ऊष्मज maximum absolute humidity of heats the desert and the heat from
(b) More thermal conductivity/ warm air at 30°C/86°F is the day doesn't stay trapped.
अकधक तजपीय चजलकतज approximately 30g of water vapor –
30g/m3. Q500. In which of the following
(c) Less thermal conductivity/ कम
substances the resistance decreases
तजपीय चजलकतज Q498. When a running car stops with the increase in temperature?/
(d) Less electrical conductivity/ कम suddenly, the passengers tends to कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किस पदाथय िें
कवद् युत चजलकतज lean forward because of:/ र्ब कोई
तापिान िें िृल्टद् िे साथ प्रकतरोध िि है , तो यह टू ट र्जतज है क्ोंकक कजंच : Q504. A man presses more weight
हो जाता है ? on earth at :एि आदिी धरती पर
(a) carbon / िाबयन (a) is a bad conductor of heat so only ज्यादा दबाि िब िगाएगा
(b) constantan / constantan inner surface expands/ ऊष्मज कज (a) Sitting position/बैठ िर
(c) copper / ताुंबा कुचजलक होतज है इसकलए केवल (b) Standing Position/खड़े हो िर
(d) Silver / चाुं दी आतंररक सतह फैलती है | (c) Lying Position/िेट िर
(b) has high temperature coefficient (d) None of these/इनिे से िोई नही ुं
Ans: (a) carbon / िाबयन of expansion/ इसके कवस्तजर कज तजप
गुणजं क उच्च होतज है |
Explanation: (c) has a very low specific heat/ इसमें Ans: (b) Standing Position/खड़े हो
Semiconductors have an energy gap बेहद कम कवकशि ऊष्मज होती है | िर
between the valence and conductive
bands. Heating carbon introduces Explanation:
(d) has low temperature coefficient
more electrons in the conductive Weight is the amount of matter
of expansion/ इसके कवस्तजर कज तजप
band decreasing resistance. Cooling contained in a body. Weight depends
forces the electrons from the गुणजं क कम होतज है | on the surface area of contact.
conductive band down to the valence When there is more surface area, the
band, increasing resistance. Ans: (a) is a bad conductor of heat weight will be distributed equally all
In insulators and partial conductors so only inner surface expands/ ऊष्मज over the surface area. In the lying
such as carbon, increase in कज कुचजलक होतज है इसकलए केवल position and sitting position, the
temperature results in decrease in आतंररक सतह फैलती है | weight is distributed equally or in
resistance. Thus semiconductors or some parts throughout the body
insulators are said to be in negative Explanation: which is in contact with the ground.
temperature coefficient of resistance. when you pour a very hot liquid into
a thick tumbler what happens is, the
Q501. A solid needle placed surface of glass that comes in contact Q505. A drop of liquid assumes
horizontally on the surface of the with the hot liquid heats up and spherical shape because:/ र्द्व की एक
water floats due to/ पजनी की सतह पर expands as per its coefficient of
बूाँद गोलजकजर आकजर ग्रहण करती है
िैकतर् रूप से रखी गयी एक ठोस सुई thermal expansion, while the outer
layer still remain cold and does not क्ोंकक :
तैरती है | इसकी वर्ह है -
expands because glass is a poor
conductor and does not carry heat. (a) Intermolecular forces are strong
(a) capillary action/ केकशकत्व कक्रयज in liquids/ र्द्व में अंतर-आणकवक बल
(b) water pressure/ र्लदजब Q503. Hydro-electric power is a:/ शल्टक्तशजली होतज है |
(c) surface tension of water/ पजनी कज र्ल कवद् युत है : (b) A sphere has the least surface
पृष्ठ तनजव area for a given volume/ ककसी कदए
(d) viscosity of water/ पजनी कज (a) non-renewable natural resource/ गए आयतन के कलए गोले कज पृष्ठ
कचपकचपजपन गैर-नवीकरणीय प्रजकृकतक संसजधन िेत्रफल न्यू नतम होतज है |
(b) a mixture of renewable and non- (c) A sphere has the largest surface
Ans: (c) surface tension of water/ renewable natural resource/ area for a given volume/ ककसी कदए
पजनी कज पृष्ठ तनजव नवीकरणीय तर्ज गैर-नवीकरणीय गए आयतन के कलए गोले कज पृष्ठ
प्रजकृकतक संसजधन कज कमिण | िेत्रफल सवजा कधक होतज है |
Explanation: (c) neither renewable nor non (d) Inter molecular forces are weak
An iron needle when placed renewable resource/ नज तो नवीकरणीय in liquids/ र्द्व में अंतर-आल्टिक बल
horizontally on water, floats (sits) on
नज ही गैर-नवीकरणीय संसजधन कमज़ोर होतज है |
the surface of the water. The
(d) renewable natural resource/
phenomenon is usually justified as
"surface tension". नवीकरणीय प्रजकृकतक संसजधन Ans: (b) A sphere has the least
For the needle to float without surface area for a given volume/
sinking, some force has to balance its ककसी कदए गए आयतन के कलए गोले कज
Ans: (d) renewable natural resource/
weight. Since no part of the needle is पृष्ठ िेत्रफल न्यू नतम होतज है |
under the water, buoyant force can नवीकरणीय प्रजकृकतक संसजधन
be ruled out. I learnt that force due to Explanation:
surface tension always acts Explanation:
tangentially to a surface. So, this Liquid drop always assumes
Hydroelectricity relies on water, spherical shape because drop always
force should not have any vertical which is a clean, renewable energy
component. tends to acquire minimum surface
source. A renewable source of area due to surface tension, and for a
energy is one that will not run given volume, the surface area of the
Q502. When hot liquid is poured in out.Non-renewable energy sources
to a thick glass tumbler, it cracks sphere is minimum.
include coal, oil, and natural gas.
because glass :/ र्ब ककसी तरल पदजर्ा
Q506. A clinical thermometer
को कजं च के मोटे कगलजस में डजलज र्जतज measures temperature in range of-/
कचकित्सिीय थिाय िीटर िे तापिान water on the wall/ ककसी बजाँ ध की (c) -it is directly proportional to the
िापन िी सीिा कितनी होती है ? दीवजर आधजर पर शीर्ा की तुलनज में area of cross-section of wire/ यह तजर
(a) 35°C to 42°C/35 ° C से 42 ° C अकधक मोटी बनजयी र्जती है क्ोंकक के अनुप्रस्र्-कजट के िेत्रफल के
(b) 0°C to 55°C /0 ° C से 55 ° C दीवजर पर र्ल द्वजरज लगने वजलज दजब समजनुपजती होतज है |
(c) 20°C to 55°C /20 ° C से 55 ° C (a) depends on the thickness of the (d) resistance of metallic wire
(d) -10°C to 110°C /-10 ° C से 110 ° wall/ दीवजर की मोटजई पर कनभा र करतज increases with increase in
C है | temperature/ धजल्टत्वक तजर कज प्रकतरोध
(b) increases with height of the wall/ तजपमजन में वृल्टि के सजर् बढ़तज है |
Ans: (a) 35°C to 42°C/35 ° C से 42 ° दीवजर की ऊंचजई के सजर् बढ़तज है | Ans: (b) it is directly proportional to
C (c) increases with depth of the wall/ the length of wire/ यह तजर की लंबजई
दीवजर की गहरजई के सजर् बढ़तज है | के प्रत्यि समजनुपजती होतज है |
(d) depends on the area of the wall/
Explanation: दीवजर के िेत्रफल पर कनभार करतज है | Explanation:
The thermometer used for measuring
the temperature of human body is Resistance of the resistors or any
Ans: (c) increases with depth of the conductor depends upon the length
called clinical thermometer. The
wall/ दीवजर की गहरजई के सजर् बढ़तज है of the conductor, cross sectional area
range of a clinical thermometer is
Explanation: of the conductor and the temperature
from 35°C to 42°C.
A dam wall is thicker at the bottom at which you are using it. Cross
A clinical thermometer cannot be
because it takes properties that are sectional area of the conductor is
used to measure high temperatures
because it has been designed to forced and exerted as strongest close inversely proportional to the
measure only human body to the groun(d) If the water pressure resistance of conductor.
temperature which varies over a increases proportionally with depth,
the lower portion of the dam all has Q511. For which Diode is used?/
short range. If it is used to measure
high temperatures, it will get thicker ranges. डजयोड कज प्रयोग ककसके कलए ककयज
damaged. र्जतज है ?
Q509. Full form of CFL used in
Q507. Convex mirrors are used as a place of electric bulbs is/ कवद् युत (a) modulation/ बलजघजत पररवतान
rear view mirror in motor cycles बल्बों के स्र्जन पर प्रयुक्त सफल कज पूरज (b) oscillation/ दोलन
because/ मोटर सजइककल में पिदशी नजम है - (c) amplification/ प्रवधान
दपाण के रूप में उत्तजल दपाण कज प्रयोग (a) compact fluorescent lamp/ (d) purification/ शुल्टिकरण
ककयज र्जतज है क्ोंकक ? कॉम्पैक्ट् लोरोसेंट लैंप
Ans: (d) purification/ शुल्टिकरण
(a) it forms real image/ यह वजस्तकवक (b) constantan filament lamp/
प्रकतकबंब बनजतज है | कजं स्टेंटन कफलजमेंट लैंप
(b) it forms erect (upright) image/ यह (c) closed filament lamp/ िोज्ड
सीधे प्रकतकबंब कज कनमजा ण करतज है | कफलजमेंट लैंप A rectifier is a diode that is able to
convert the current from AC to D(c)
(c) it forms smaller image as (d) closed fluorescent lamp/ िोज्ड
The rectifier is placed in one of the
compared with object/ यह वस्तु की लोरोसेंट लैंप AC lines before the loa(d) The diode
तुलनज में छोटे प्रकतकबंब कज कनमजा ण करतज has a small leak current whenever it
Ans: (a) compact fluorescent lamp/
है | is working. The rectifier is used to
कॉम्पैक्ट् लोरोसेंट लैंप
(d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी purify the circuit.
Ans: (c) it forms smaller image as
Q512. Who among the following
compared with object/ यह वस्तु की CFL stands for Compact Fluorescent
developed the technology of
तुलनज में छोटे प्रकतकबंब कज कनमजा ण करतज Light Bulbs. Unlike incandescent
bulbs which use a filament, Compact underground nuclear explosion?/ कनम्न
है | में से ककसने भूकम गत परमजणु कविोट
Fluorescent Light Bulbs give off
light when a mixture of three की तकनीक कवककसत की ?
Explanation: phosphors are exposed to ultraviolet
Because the image is smaller, more light from mercury (a) Dr. Homi J. Bhabha/ डॉ. होमी र्े.
images can fit onto the mirror, so a भजभज
convex mirror provides for a larger Q510. Indicate the false statement
(b) Dr. Vikram Sarabhai/ डॉ. कवक्रम
field of view than a plane mirror. about the resistance of a wire/ ककसी
This is why they are useful. They are तजर के प्रकतरोध के संबंध में असत्य कर्न
(c) Dr. Raja Ramanna/ डॉ. रजर्ज रमन्नज
used whenever a mirror with a large के बजरे में बतलजएं :
field of view is neede(d) For (d) Dr. P. K. Iyengar/ डॉ. पी.के
(a) it depends on material of wire/
example, the passenger-side rear अयंगजर
यह तजर की सजमग्री पर कनभार करतज है
view mirror on a car is convex.
(b) it is directly proportional to the
Ans: (a) Dr. Homi J. Bhabha/ डॉ.
length of wire/ यह तजर की लंबजई के
Q508. The wall of a dam is made होमी र्े. भजभज
thicker at the bottom than at the top प्रत्यि समजनुपजती होतज है |
because the pressure exerted by the Explanation:
Homi Jehangir Bhabha was an Indian microwave radio relay technology (d) one-fourth/ एक-चौर्जई
nuclear physicist, founding director complementary to that of
and professor of physics at the Tata communication cables. They are also Ans: (a) four times/ चजर गुनज
Institute of Fundamental Research. used for mobile applications such as Explanation:
Colloquially known as father of communication to ships, vehicles,
India's nuclear programme, Bhabha planes and handheld terminals, and The formula for kinetic energy is 1/2
gained international prominence after for TV and radio broadcasting. * mass * velocity square(d) So, if
deriving a correct expansion for the Microwave technology is extensively velocity is doubled, the kinetic
probability of scattering positrons by used for point to point energy is 4 times bigger. The braking
electrons. His major contribution telecommunications (i.e. non force will have to be 4 times greater
included his work on Compton broadcast uses). Microwaves are to stop the car in the same distance.
scattering, R-process, and especially suitable for this use since
furthermore the advancement of they are more easily focused into Q517. The dimension of which of
nuclear physics. He was awarded the narrow beams than radio waves, and the following is the same as that of
Padma Bhushan by the Government also their comparatively higher impulse?/ कनम्न में से ककसकज आयजम
of India in 1954. frequencies allow broad bandwidth आवेग के आयजम के बरजबर होतज है ?
and high data flow.
Q513. Which among the following (a) Volume/ आयतन
types of coal produces most heat per Q515. What is found in frequency
(b) Momentum/ संवेग
unit?/ कनम्न में से ककस प्रकजर कज कोयलज modulation?/ आवृकत्त मॉडु लन में क्ज
(c) Torque/ बलजघूणा
प्रकत इकजई सवजा कधक ऊष्मज कज कनमजा ण पजयज र्जतज है ? (d) Change in the rate of momentum/
करतज है ? संवेग की दर में पररवतान
(a) Fixed frequency / ल्टस्र्र आवृकत्त
(a) Bituminous / कोयलज (b) Fixed dimension/ ल्टस्र्र आयजम Ans: (b) Momentum/ संवेग
(b) Lignite/ कलग्नजइट (c) Change in frequency and
(c) Anthracite / एं थ्रेसजइट dimension/ आवृकत्त तर्ज आयजम में Explanation:
(d) Pit/ कपट पररवतान
Dimension of both impulse and
(d) Change in dimension only/ केवल
linear momentum are: M1L1T-1.
Ans: (c) Anthracite / एं थ्रेसजइट आयजम में पररवतान
In classical mechanics, impulse is
Explanation: Ans: (a) Fixed frequency / ल्टस्र्र the integral of a force, F, over the
आवृकत्त time interval, t, for which it acts.
The heat content of anthracite ranges Since force is a vector quantity,
from 22 to 28 million Btu per short impulse is also a vector quantity.
ton (26 to 33 MJ/kg) on a moist, Explanation: Impulse applied to an object
mineral matter free basis. It is a A fixed frequency is used in produces an equivalent vector
compact variety of coal that has a frequency modulation. In change in its linear momentum, also
high luster. It has the highest carbon telecommunications and signal in the same direction.
content of all types of coals, which processing, frequency modulation
also include bituminous coal and (FM) is the encoding of information Q518. Which among the following is
lignite. It is the most metamorphosed in a carrier wave by varying the the fundamental quantity?/ कनम्न में से
type of coal (but still represents low instantaneous frequency of the wave. कौन एक मौकलक रजकश है ?
grade metamorphism). In which the
carbon content is between 92.1 In analog frequency modulation,
percent and 98 percent. such as FM radio broadcasting of an (a) Volume/ आयतन
audio signal representing voice or (b) Time/ समय
Q514. Which among the following music, the instantaneous frequency (c) Velocity/ वेग
waves is used for communication by deviation, the difference between the (d) Force/ बल
artificial satellites?/ कृकत्रम उपग्रहों frequency of the carrier and its center
द्वजरज संचजर के कलए कनम्न में से ककन तरं गों frequency, is proportional to the Ans: (b) Time/ समय
modulating signal.
कज प्रयोग ककयज र्जतज है ?
(a) Microwaves/ सूक्ष्म तरं गें Q516. When the speed of car is There are 7 fundamental, or base
(b) Radio waves/ रे कडयो तरं गें doubled, then what will be the units.
braking force of the car to stop it in
(c) M./ ए.एम
(d) Frequency of 1016 series/ 1016 the same distance?/ र्ब कजर की चजल ● Time (second)
िृंखलज की आवृकत्त | दोगुनी कर दी र्जती है , तो समजन दू री में ● Length (meter)
कजर को रोकने के कलए कजर कज ब्रेककंग ● Temperature
Ans: (a) Microwaves/ सूक्ष्म तरं गें बल क्ज होगज ? (Kelvin)
● Mass (kilogram)
Explanation: (a) four times/ चजर गुनज ● Luminosity
For fixed (point to point) services, (b) two times/ दोगुनज (candela)
communications satellites provide a (c) half/ आधज
● Substance being developed at the two ends, the (a) Copper / तजं बज
amount (mole) Earth and the body. (b) gold/ सोनज
(c) manganin/मैंगकनन
● Current Q521. Who invented CAR ?/ कजर कज
(d) silver/ चजं दी
(ampere) आकवष्कजर ककसने ककयज ?
Ans: (c) manganin/मैंगकनन
(a) James Watt/ र्े म्स वजट
Q519. When a ring of metal is
(b) Edison / एकडसन
heated what happens to its hole?/ र्ब Explanation:
(c) Parsons/ पजसान्स resistance wire for heating purposes
धजतु के ककसी छल्ले को गमा ककयज र्जतज
(d) Benz/ बेंर् because it has a high resistivity and
है , तो इसके छ्द्र्द् के सजर् क्ज होतज है ? resistance to oxidation at high
Ans: (d) Benz/ बेंर् temperatures. When used as a
(a) expands/ फैलतज है | heating element,resistance wire is
(b) contracts/ कसकुड़तज है | Explanation: usually wound into coils.
(c) it expands or contracts according Karl Benz, inventor of the first
to its diameter/ व्यजस के अनुसजर practical, modern automobile. Karl Q525. Who invented television?
फैलतज यज कसकुड़तज है | Benz gets the credit for inventing the टे लीकवज़न कज आकवष्कजर ककसने ककयज
(d) it expands or contracts according automobile because his car was र्ज ?
to its coefficient of expansion/ अपने practical, used a gasoline-powered (a) J.L. Beard / र्े.एल बेयडा
कवस्तजर गुणजं क के अनुसजर यह फैलतज यज internal-combustion engine and (b) Faraday / फैरजडे
कसकुड़तज है | worked like modern cars do today.
(c) William Gas Cogin/ कवकलयम गैस
Q522. Full form of SPM: / SPM कज
Ans: (a) expands/ फैलतज है | (d) Thels/ र्ेल्स
पूणा रूप है -
(a) Suspended Particulate Matter Ans: (a) J.L. Beard / र्े.एल बेयडा
A hole in a material behaves just like (b) Standard Particles Material
a circle of that same material. It (c) Suspended Particles Material Explanation:
expands on heating. What's actually (d) None of the above The invention of the television was
happening is that if it tries to expand the work of many individuals in the
inwards (contract basically), it will Ans: (a) Suspended Particulate late 19th century and television
have to compress itself, and increase Matter practical, Scottish inventor John
its density. Logie Baird
Suspended particulate matter (SPM) Q526. The heating-element of an
Q520. When a body is earth electric heater should be made of a
connected, electrons from the earth are finely divided solids or liquids
that may be dispersed through the air material Having
flow into the body. This means the ककसी कवद् युत हीटर के गमा करने वजले
from combustion processes,
body is/ र्ब एक कपंड धरती से र्ुड़ज
industrial activities or natural तत्व कज कनमजा ण उस सजमग्री से करनज
होतज है , तो धरती से इलेक्ट््ॉन उस कपंड sources. चजकहए कर्समें -
में प्रवजकहत होते हैं | इसकज अर्ा हुआ कक (a) high specific resistance and high
वह कपंड - Q523. Time taken by the pendulum melting point/ उच्च कवकशि प्रकतरोध
to complete one oscillation is known तर्ज उच्च गलनजं क हो
(a) charged negatively/ ऋणजत्मक रूप as:/ िोिि द्वारा एि दोिन पूणय िरने (b) high specific resistance and low
से आवेकशत है िें किया गया सिय िहिाता है - Melting point/ उच्च कवकशि प्रकतरोध
(b) an insulator / एक कवसंवजहक है (a) time cycle/ सिय चर तर्ज कनम्न गलनजं क हो
(c) uncharged / आवेकशत नही ं है (b) average speed/ औसत चाि (c) low specific resistance and low
(d) charged positively/ धनजत्मक रूप (c) time period/ सिय अिकध melting point/ कनम्न कवकशि प्रकतरोध तर्ज
से आवेकशत है | (d) rotation speed/ आितयन चाि कनम्न गलनजं क हो
(d) low specific resistance and high
Ans: (d) charged positively/ धनजत्मक melting point/ कनम्न कवकशि प्रकतरोध तर्ज
रूप से आवेकशत है | Ans: (c) time period/ सिय अिकध उच्च गलनजं क हो
element is heated for the first time, stationary and a conductor is Q532. Current provided by a battery
chromium of alloy reacts with moving. This produces a Voltage or is maximum when/ बैटरी द्वजरज प्रदजन
oxygen of the atmosphere and forms EMF (Electromotive Force) across की गयी धजरज अकधकतम होती है र्ब -
a layer of chromium oxide on the the electrical conductor.
outer surface of the heating element. (a) internal resistance is equal to
Q530. What is the relation between
external resistance/ आतंररक प्रकतरोध
Q527. The invention of aeroplane is momentum and kinetic energy?/
बजह्य प्रकतरोध के बरजबर होतज है
associated with:/ एयरोप्ेन कज सुंिेग और गकतज ऊजाय िें क्या सुंबुंध
(b) internal resistance is greater than
आकवष्कजर ककस से र्ुड़ज हुआ है ? होता है ?
external resistance/ आतंररक प्रकतरोध
(a) K.E. = p2/2m
बजह्य प्रकतरोध से अकधक होतज है |
(a) F.G Otis / ऍफ़ र्ी ओकटस (b) K.E. = P/2m
(c) K.E. = P2.m (c) internal resistance is less than
(b) Edison/ एकडसन
(d) K.E. = ½ p.m2 external resistance/ आतंररक प्रकतरोध
(c) Wright Brothers / रजईट बंधू
बजह्य प्रकतरोध से कम होतज है |
(d) Graham Bell/ ग्रजहम बेल Ans: (a) K.E. = p2/2m (d) none of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं
Ans: (c) Wright Brothers / रजईट बंधू Explanation: Ans: (a) internal resistance is equal
to external resistance/ आतंररक
Q528. The massive hole in the ozone
layer over the Antarctica was first प्रकतरोध बजह्य प्रकतरोध के बरजबर होतज है
discovered in:/अंटजकाकटकज के ऊपरत
में बड़े पैमजने पर छे द पहली बजर ककस Current provided by a battery is
वर्ा में खोर्ज गयज र्ज? maximum when internal resistance is
equal to external resistance.
(a) 1976
(c) 1960 Q533. The inside of both the walls of
(b) 1985 a thermos flask is silvered i.e., on the
(d) None of these vacuum side in order to reduce heat
loss by/ र्ॉमस शीशी की दोनों कभकत्तयों
Ans: (b) 1985
के भीतर के भजग अर्जा त कनवजा त की तरफ
Explanation: चजाँ दी चढ़जई र्जती है तजकक ____ के द्वजरज
The discovery of the Antarctic ऊष्मज की हजकन को कम ककयज र्ज सके |
Q531. Which conservation principle
"ozone hole" by British Antarctic is applicable in the case of the
Survey scientists Farman, Gardiner (a) convection/ संवहन
motion of a rocket ?/ रजकेट की गकत के
and Shanklin first reported in a paper (c) conduction/ प्रवजहकत्व
मजमले में कौन सज संरिण कसिजं त लजगू
in Nature in May 1985 (b) radiation/ कवककरण
होतज है ?
(d) All the three/ ये तीनों
Q529. The production of electric (a) Conservation of mass/ र्द्व्यमजन
current by moving a magnet inside a संरिण Ans: (b) radiation/ कवककरण
fixed coil of wire is a case of:/ तजर के (b) Conservation of charge/ आवेश
ल्टस्र्र कुंडली के भीतर गकतशील चुंबक संरिण Explanation:
के द्वजरज कवद् युत धजरज कज कनमजा ण ककसकज (c) Conservation of momentum/ A thermos flask has double walls,
उदजहरण है ? संवेग संरिण which are evacuated and the vacuum
(d) Conservation of energy/ ऊर्जा bottle is silvered on the inside. The
(a) Electromagnetism/ कवद् युत संरिण vacuum between the two walls
चुम्बकत्व Ans: (c) Conservation of prevents heat being transferred from
the inside to the outside by
(b) Electromagnetic induction/ momentum/ संवेग संरिण
conduction and convection
कवद् युत चुंबकीय प्रेरण
(c) Making permanent magnet/ स्र्जयी Q534. What is the freezing point of
चुंबक कज कनमजा ण Explanation:
water (in °F)-/ पानी िा कहिाुं ि
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से कितना है (° F िें)
कोई नही ं A rocket ship taking off, the recoil of (a) 32°F
a rifle, and a bank-shot in a pool are (b) 0°F
Ans: (b) Electromagnetic induction/ examples which ... going backward (c) 4°F
कवद् युत चुंबकीय प्रेरण (direction of motion is used to define (d) -4°F
Explanation: positive and negative). ... cases
Electromagnetic Induction or where the external forces are
Induction is a process in which a significant, the concept of Ans: (a) 32°F
conductor is put in a particular conservation of linear momentum Explanation:
position and magnetic field keeps can be applied to a limited extent.
varying or magnetic field is
can only be applied when Q545. The process of depositing a Ans: (b) Inertia of Rest/ किश्राि िा
acceleration is constant and motion is layer of any desired metal on another जड़त्व
a straight line. The three equations material by means of electricity is
are, called :/ कबजिी िे िाध्यि से किसी Explanation:
v = u + at अन्य धातु पर किसी भी िाुं कित धातु िी when a tree is shaken vigorously, its
v² = u² + 2as
परत जिा िरने िी प्रकरया िो क्या fruits and leaves fall down. This is
s = ut + ½at²
where, s = displacement; u = initial िहा जाता है ? due to the fact that when the tree is
shaken, it moves to and fro slightly
velocity; v = final velocity; a = (a) fusion/सुंियन
but its fruits and leaves tend to
acceleration; t = time of motion. (b) diffusion/प्रसरण remain at the rest due to the inertia
These equations are referred as (c) electroplating/किद् युत िेपन and hence detach from the tree and
SUVAT equations where SUVAT (d) plating/परत चढ़ाना fall down
stands for displacement (s), initial
velocity (u), final velocity (v), Q548. Acceleration that is produced
acceleration (a) and time (T) Ans: (c) electroplating/किद् युत िेपन by a 24N force in a mass of 5 kg will
be equal to?/5 कििो ग्राि द्रव्यिान िें
Q543. According to the laws of Explanation: 24N बि द्वारा उत्पन्न किया गया त्वरण
reflection,/ पराितयन िे कनयि िे The process of depositing a layer of किसिे बराबर होगा ?
अनुसार, any desired metal on another (a) 2.4 ms−2
(a) ∠i = ∠ r material by means of electricity is (b) 4.8 ms−2
(b) ∠i > ∠r called electroplating. It is one of the (c) 4.2 ms−2
(c) ∠i < ∠r most common applications of (d) 7.2 ms−2
(d) ∠i ≠ ∠ r chemical effects of electric current.
Ans: (b) 4.8 ms−2
Q546. A Force can change:/ बि
Ans: (a) ∠i = ∠ r बदि सिता है :
(a) Shape of object/ िस्तु िा आिार Explanation:
Law of reflection is defined as: The (b) Size of object/ िस्तु िा रूप We know,
(c) Both (a) & (b)/ (a) और (b) दोनोुं F=m*a
principle when the light rays falls on a=F/m
the smooth surface, the angle of (d) None of these/ इनिें से िोई नही ुं
reflection is equal to the angle of Given that, F= 24N and m=5 kg
incidence, also the incident ray, the
reflected ray, and the normal to the Ans: (a) Shape of object/ िस्तु िा So, a=24/5
surface all lie in the same plane. आिार =4.8 ms−2
When a force acts on an object, the Q549. 1 Horsepower is equals to:/ 1
object may change shape by bending, हॉसयपॉिर किसिे सितुल्य है :
stretching or compressing - or a
(a) 500 watt /500 िाट
combination of all three shape
changes. (b) 724 watt /724 िाट
A force can do one of four things (c) 746 watt /746 िाट
to an object: (d) 625 watt /625 िाट
Make it speed up - accelerate.
Q544. Concave mirror is:/ अिति Make it slow down - decelerate.
दपयण क्या है ? Change its direction. Ans: (c) 746 watt /746 िाट
Change its shape.
(a) converging mirror/अकभसारी दपयण
(b) diverging mirror/अपसारी दपयण
The horsepower (hp) is a unit in the
(c) plane mirror/सिति दपयण Q547. When a branch of a tree is foot-pound-second ( fps ) or English
(d) curved mirror/ िरािार दपयण vigorously shaken the fruits and system, sometimes used to express
seeds in it fall down due to :/ जब पेड़ the rate at which mechanical energy
िी शाखा िो जोर से कहिाया जाता है is expended. It was originally
Ans: (a) converging mirror/अकभसारी तो इस पर िगे फि एिुं पत्ते कगरने defined as 550 foot-pounds per
दपयण िगते हैं | इसिी िजह है -
second (ft-lb/s). A power level of 1
hp is approximately equivalent to
(a) Inertia of Motion/ गकत िा जड़त्व 746 watt s (W) or 0.746 kilowatt s
(b) Inertia of Rest/ किश्राि िा जड़त्व (kW).
(c) Inertia of direction/ कदशा िा
Concave mirrors are also known जड़त्व Q550. If mass (m) is converted into
as a converging mirror since the rays (d) None of these/ इनिें से िोई नही ुं energy, the energy obtained will be
converge after falling on the concave ?/ यकद द्रव्यिान (m) उजाय िें पररिकतयत
mirror. किया जाता है ,तो प्राप्त उजाय क्या होगी?
(a) mc
(b) mc2 में स्ीकजया “र्ध्कन प्रदू र्ण स्तर” (c) Galvanometer/गैिेनोिीटर
(c) 2m/c _______ के बीच है | (d) Voltmeter/िोििीटर
(d) m/c
(a) 10-15 decibel
(b) 16-35 decibel Ans: (a) Ammeter/एिीटर
Ans: (b) mc2 (c) 40- 45 decibel
(d) 70-100decibel Explanation:
An ammeter (from Ampere Meter)
Explanation: Ans: (c) 40- 45 decibel is a measuring instrument used to
The energy (E) of a mass to energy Explanation: measure the current in a circuit.
conversion equals the mass (m) that
Electric currents are measured in
was converted multiplied by the Q554. If a person travels from point amperes (A), hence the name.
speed of light (c) squared. If we A to point B and return back towards Instruments used to measure smaller
choose mass in kilograms and the A and reached at point C which is currents, in the milliampere or
speed of light in meters per second, the midpoint of A & B. What will be microampere range, are designated
then the answer will be in joules. the relation Between distance and as milliammeters or micro ammeters.
Basically, the equation states that
displacement./ यकद िोई व्यल्टक्त कबुंदु
matter and energy are identical.
A से कबुंदु B ति जाता है और कफर A Q556. Rheostat is the other name of
िी ओर िापस आता है और C ति ररयोस्टै ट _____ कज दू सरज नजम है |
Q551. Chloro-fluoro-carbons (CFC) पहुूँ चता है जो A और B िा िध्य कबुंदु
are widely used in:/ िोरो-लोरो है , तो दू री और किथथापन िे बीच क्या (a) Fixed resistance/ ल्टस्र्र प्रकतरोध
कजबान कज व्यजपक रूप से प्रयोग ककयज सुंबुंध होगा ? (b) Variable resistance/ पररवतानशील
र्जतज है : (a) 1: 1 प्रकतरोध
(b) 3:1 (c) Insulator/ कवसंवजहक
(a) Micro ovens/ मजइक्रो ओवन में (c) 1:3 (d) Conductor/ संवजहक
(b) Solar heaters/ सौर हीटर में (d) can’t determined/ कनधाय ररत नही ुं
(c) Washing machines/ वजकशंग मशीनों किया जा सिता Ans: (b) Variable resistance/
पररवतानशील प्रकतरोध
Ans: (b) 3:1
(d) Refrigerators/ रे फ्रीकर्रे टर में Explanation: Explanation:
The distance is a scalar quantity A rheostat is a variable resistor
Ans: (d) Refrigerators/ रे फ्रीकर्रे टर में (magnitude) that describes the length which is used to control current.
of the total path covered by a moving They are able to vary the resistance
Explanation: object. in a circuit without interruption.
Most refrigerants found in air The displacement is a vector
conditioners, refrigerators, and quantity (magnitude and direction) Q557. Which type of fuel is used by
freezers contain fluorocarbons, and that describes the difference between GSLV in its operations?/ GSLV ने
many fluorocarbon compounds the final and initial positions of a अपने संचजलन में ककस प्रकजर के ईंधन
contain chlorine. Chlorofluorocarbon moving object. It is the shortest
(CFC) refrigerants were commonly कज उपयोग ककयज है ?
distance moved in a certain direction.
used in equipment manufactured Both distance and displacement are
before 1995. measured in unit of lengths. (a) Only solid fuel / केवल ठोस ईंधन
(centimeters, meters, kilometers,...) (b) Only liquid fuel / केवल तरल ईंधन
Q552. In the given option which is (c) Liquid in first stage and solid in
the quickest way of transmission Let, the total distance between A and second stage / पहले चरण में तरल और
heat?/ कदए गए कििल्प िें ऊष्मा B is 2 unit. दू सरे चरण में ठोस
सुंचरण िी सबसे तीव्र किकध िौन सी है ? Then, AC=1 unit and CB=1 unit (d) Solid in first stage and liquid in
(a) Radiation/किकिरण Distance covered= second stage / पहले चरण में ठोस और
(b) Convection/सुंिहन AC+CB+BC=1+1+1=3 unit दू सरे चरण में तरल
Displacement= AC=1 unit
(c) Conduction/चािन
So, Distance: Displacement=3:1 Ans: (d) Solid in first stage and
(d) Scattering/प्रिीणयन
liquid in second stage / पहले चरण में
ठोस और दू सरे चरण में तरल
Ans: (a) Radiation/किकिरण Q555. Which device is used to check
Explanation: Q558. Which of the following is a
the direction and magnitude of
The fastest mode of transmission of part of an electrical circuit?/ कनम्न में से
current in circuit?/ सकियट िें किद् युत
heat is Radiation. कौन कवद् युत पररपर् कज एक भजग है ?
Radiation is fastest among all as it धारा िी कदशा और पररिाण िी जाूँ च
travels in the speed of light. िरने िे किए किस उपिरण िा (a) Battery/ बैटरी
उपयोग किया जाता है ? (b) Fixed resistance/ ल्टस्र्र प्रकतरोध
Q553. Acceptable “Noise Pollution (a) Ammeter/एिीटर (c) Connecting wires/ र्ोड़ने वजले तजर
Level" in India range between/ भजरत (b) Bolometer/बोिोिीटर (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
Q561. What is the current flowing in (d)All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त one direction called?/ एक कदशज में
सभी बहने वजली धजरज को क्ज कहज र्जतज है ? Ans: (a) Direction of magnetic
field/ चुंबकीय िेत्रों की कदशज
Q559. ___________________ is an (a) Alternating current/ प्रत्यजवती धजरज
example for non-contact force/ (b) Induced current/ प्रेररत धजरज Explanation:
___________________ असुंपिय बि (c) Direct current/ एककदश धजरज
To reverse the direction of induced
िा उदाहरण है (d) Ionic current/ आयकनक धजरज
current, the direction of the
magnetic field should be change(d)
(a) Magnetic force/चुम्बिीय बि
(b) Frictional force/घषयण बि Ans: (c) Direct current/ एककदश धजरज Q564. The process of
(c) Rolling ball/िुढिती हुई गें द electromagnetic induction has led to
(d) None of these/इनिे से िोई नही Explanation: the construction of/ कवद् युतचुंबकीय
Direct current is the unidirectional
प्रेरण की प्रकक्रयज ______ के कनमजा ण की
flow of electric charge. A battery is a
वर्ह बनी है |
Ans: (a) Magnetic force/चुम्बिीय बि good example of a DC power supply.
Direct current may flow in a
conductor such as a wire, but can (a) Motor;/ मोटर
A non-contact force is a force which also flow through semiconductors, (b) Generators/ र्कनत्र
acts on an object without coming insulators, or even through a vacuum (c) Transformers/ ट् जं सफजमार
physically in contact with it. The as in electron or ion beams (d) Switch/ ल्टस्च
most familiar example of a non-
Q562. Magnitude of current induced
contact force is gravity, which Ans: (b) Generators/ र्कनत्र
confers weight. In contrast a contact in the coil can be increased by
force is a force applied to a body by increasing:/ कुंडली में प्रेररत धजरज कज Explanation:
another body that is in contact with पररमजण ककसे बढ़जने से बढ़जयज र्ज An electric generator is a device that
it. सकतज है ? converts mechanical energy obtained
from ... generator works on the
(a) Number of coil turns/कुंडल घुमजव principle of electromagnetic
की संख्यज induction.
(b) Strength of magnet/ चुंबक की
Q565. Which of these is known as
God particle?/ कनम्न िें से किसे गॉि
(c) Speed of coil rotation/ कुंडल
पाकटय िि िे नाि से जाना जाता है ?
आवतान की चजल
(a) Mesons/ िेसन
(d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
(b) Electrons/ इिेक्ट्रॉन
(c) Higgs Boson/ कहग्स बोसॉन
Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त
(d) Neutrinos/ न्यूटरीनोज
Q560. Which of the following are सभी
sources of direct current?/ कनम्न में से
कौन-कौन एककदश धजरज के स्रोत हैं ? Explanation:
As the number of turns increases, the Ans: (c) Higgs Boson/ कहग्स बोसॉन
magnitude of the induced current
(a) Dry cell/ शुष्क सेल Explanation:
increases. => As the speed of the
(c) generator/ र्कनत्र relative motion of the magnet In 2012, scientists confirmed the
(b) Car battery/ कजर की बैटरी increases the magnitude of the detection of the long-sought Higgs
(d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी induced current increases. => boson, also known by its nickname
Increasing the strength of the the "God particle," at the Large
Hadron Collider (LHC), the most
Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त magnet, will increase the magnitude
powerful particle accelerator on the
सभी of the induced current.
planet. This particle helps give mass
to all elementary particles that have
Explanation: Q563. What needs to be reversed in mass, such as electrons and protons.
Direct current (DC) can also be order to reverse the direction of
generated by means other than induced current?/ प्रेररत धजरज की कदशज Q566. IRNSS is a _______./ IRNSS
batteries. Solar cells, fuel cells, and
को पलटते के उद्दे श्य से कनम्न में से ककसे एक _______ है |
even some types of generators can
provide DC current. DC, or direct पलटने की आवश्यकतज होती है ? (a) Navigation satellite / ने कवगेशन
current means the electrical current is उपग्रह
(a) Direction of magnetic field/ (b) Space mission / अंतररि कमशन
flowing in only one direction in a
चुंबकीय िेत्रों की कदशज
circuit. Batteries are a good source of (c) MARS mission / MARS कमशन
(b) Direction of current/ धजरज की कदशज
direct current (DC). (d) Geo stationary satellite / कर्यो
(c) Direction of force/ बल की कदशज
ल्टस्र्र उपग्रह
Ans: (a) Navigation satellite / Ans: (c) electrical energy into constant and so does the kinetic
नेकवगेशन उपग्रह mechanical energy/ कवद् युत ऊर्जा को energy.
यजं कत्रक ऊर्जा में
Q567. Scooter was invented by?/ Q572. Metals are good conductor of
स्कूटर कज आकवष्कजर ककसने ककयज र्ज ? Explanation: heat than insulator because/
A generator converts mechanical कवसंवजहक की तुलनज में धजतुएं ऊष्मज की
(a) G. Brous/ र्ी ब्रौस energy into electrical energy, while a अच्छी संवजहक होती हैं क्ोंकक -
(b) Harrison & J Kaitlin/ है ररसन और motor does the opposite - it converts
electrical energy into mechanical (a) their atoms are relatively apart/
र्े कैटकलन
energy. Both devices work because उनके परमजणु तुलनजत्मक रूप से अलग
(c) William Gascoigne/ कवकलयम of electromagnetic induction, which होते हैं |
गैसककगने is when a voltage is induced by a
(b) they contain free electron/ उनमें
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से changing magnetic fiel(d)
मुक्त इलेक्ट््ॉन पजए र्जते हैं |
कोई नही ं
Q570. The core of an electromagnet (c) they have reflecting surface/ उनमें
Ans: (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त is made of soft iron because soft iron परजवताक सतह होती है |
में से कोई न has/ कवद् युत चुंबक कज अन्तभजा ग (d) none of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं
मुलजयम लोहे से बनज होतज है क्ोंकक
Explanation: मुलजयम लोहे में - Ans: (b) they contain free electron/
It was invented because Gino Tsai (a) small susceptibility and small उनमें मुक्त इलेक्ट््ॉन पजए र्जते हैं |
the inventor president of the J.(d) retentivity/ मुलजयम लोहे में कम
Corporation Couldn't walk around Explanation:
संवेदनशीलतज एवं कम प्रकतधजररतज होती
his factory . So they decided to make Metals are good conductors (both of
है | heat and electricity) because at least
the Razor Electric Scooter.
(b) large susceptibility and small one electron per atom is free: i.e., it
Q568. Which of the following is the retentivity/ कवशजल संवेदनशीलतज तर्ज is not tied to any particular atom, but
contribution in Physics of Scientist कम प्रकतधजररतज होती है is, instead, able to move freely
Fahrenheit? (c) large density and large throughout the metal. In good
भौकतकी में वैज्ञजकनक फ़जरे नहजइट कज retentivity/ अकधक घनत्व तर्ज अकधक insulators, such as glass, all of the
योगदजन कनम्न में से कौन सज है ? प्रकतधजररतज होती है | electrons are tightly bound to atoms
(d) small density and large (which are fixed), and so there are no
free electrons.
(a) Fountain Pen/ फजउं टेन पे न retentivity/ कम घनत्व तर्ज कम
(c) Clinical Thermometer/मजनव शरीर प्रकतधजररतज होती है | Q573. If a high power heater is
कज तजपमजपी connected to electric mains, then the
Ans: (b) large susceptibility and
(d) Thermionic Emission/ उष्मीय bulbs in the house become dim
small retentivity/ कवशजल because there is a/ यकद ककसी उच्च
उत्सर्ा न
संवेदनशीलतज तर्ज कम प्रकतधजररतज होती िमतज वजले ऊष्मक को कबर्ली के
(b) Gas Engine/ गैस इं र्न
है सजधनों से र्ोड़ज र्जतज है , तो घर के बल्ब
Ans: (c) Clinical Thermometer/मजनव मंद हो र्जते हैं क्ोंकक
Q571. When a charged particle
शरीर कज तजपमजपी enters a uniform magnetic field its
(a) current drop/ धजरज में कमी आती है |
kinetic energy/ र्ब कोई आवेकशत कण
Explanation: (b) potential drop/ कवभव में कमी आती
Daniel Fahrenheit invented the first ककसी एक समजन चुंबकीय िेत्र में प्रवेश
truly accurate thermometer using करतज है , तो इसकी गकतर् ऊर्जा -
(c) no current drop/ धजरज में कमी नही ं
mercury instead of alcohol and water
mixtures. (a) Remains constant / समजन रहती है आती है |
(b) increased/ बढ़ र्जती है (d) no potential drop/ कवभव में कमी
Q569. A motor converts/ एक मोटर (c) Decreases / कम हो र्जती है आती है |
रूपजं तररत करतज है - (d) Can't determine / कनधजा ररत नही ं कर
Ans: (b) potential drop/ कवभव में कमी
(a) mechanical energy into electrical सकते
energy/ यजं कत्रक ऊर्जा को कवद् युत ऊर्जा आती है
में Ans: (a) Remains constant / समजन
(b) mechanical energy into sound रहती है The bulb consumes lower wattage
energy/ यजं कत्रक ऊर्जा को र्ध्कन ऊर्जा में
when heater connected in parallel
(c) electrical energy into mechanical Explanation: heater consumes more wattage ex
energy/ कवद् युत ऊर्जा को यजं कत्रक ऊर्जा When a charged particle enters a bulb 100 wattage heater 2 kilowatts
में uniform magnetic field , its kinetic a sudden voltage drops this reason
(d) None of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं energy bulb glows dim.
remains constant. The magnetic field
always exerts a force perpendicular Q574. Who was the first woman to
to the particle's velocity, so the win the Nobel prize in Physics?/
magnitude of the velocity remains
भौकतिी िें नोबेि पुरस्कार जीतने िािी and very high density?/ उस ब्रह्ाुं िीय large number of electrons are
पहिी िकहिा िौन थी ुं ? कपुंि िो हि क्या िहते हैं कजसिी available for conduction.
(a) Marie Curie/ िैरी क्यूरी कत्रज्या बेहद िोटी और घनत्व बे हद
Q581. Kelvin Scale has-/ िेल्टिन
(B) Maria Goeppert-Mayer/ िाररया अकधि होता है ?
गोपटय िेयर (a) Asteroid/ क्षुद्रग्रह
(a) 273K value as the zero point on
(c) Donna Strickland/ िोना ल्टस्टििैंि (b) Supernova/ सुपरनोिा
it’s scale/273K इसिे शून्य िे बराबर
(d) No women has won till date/ आज (c) Neutron star/ न्यूटरॉन तारा
ति किसी िकहिा ने नही ुं जीता है (d) Binary star/ बाइनरी तारा
(b) negative temperature/ऋणात्मि
Ans: (a) Marie Curie/ िैरी क्यूरी Ans: (c) Neutron star/ न्यूटरॉन तारा
(c) no negative temperature/ िोई
Explanation: Explanation: ऋणात्मि तापिान नही ुं होगा
The first woman to win a Nobel Neutron star. a celestial object of (d) -273k value as the zero point on
Prize was Marie Curie, who won very small radius (typically 18 it’s scale/-273K इसिे शून्य िे बराबर
the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 miles/30 km) and very high density, होगा
with her husband, Pierre Curie, and composed predominantly of closely
Henri Becquerel. Curie is also the packed neutrons.
only woman to have won multiple Ans: (d) -273k value as the zero
Nobel Prizes; in 1911, she won the Q579. Who invented Radio?/ रे कियो point on it’s scale/-273K इसिे शून्य
Nobel Prize in Chemistry. िा आकिष्कार किसने किया था ? िे बराबर होगा
(a) Karl Benz/ िािय बेंज
Q575. What is the advantage of
parallel connection of circuits?/ (b) Benjamin Franklin/ बेंजाकिन Explanation:
सककाट के समजनजं तर कनेक्शन कज क्ज रैंिकिन In Kelvin scale, temperature is
expressed in Kelvin. In SI system,
फजयदज है ? (c) Guglielmo Marconi/ गुल्येल्मो
Kelvin is the unit of temperature. In
(a) Same voltage is available / एक िािोनी this scale of temperature, zero of the
समजन वोिे र् उपलब्ध होती है (d) Galileo Galilei/ गैकिकियो गैकििी scale corresponds to −273 0 C, which
(b) All appliances get fused / सभी is said to be the temperature at which
Ans: (c) Guglielmo Marconi/ the volume of a gas reduces to zero.
उपकरण फ्यूर् हो र्जते हैं
गुल्येल्मो िािोनी Hence, −273 0 C is also known as
(c) Fluctuation / उतजर-चढ़जव Explanation: the absolute zero. For the same
(d) All of the above / उपरोक्त सभी Guglielmo Marconi developed the reason, this scale of temperature is
first apparatus for long distance also known as absolute scale of
Ans: (a) Same voltage is available / radio communication. temperature. On this scale, the lower
एक समजन वोिे र् उपलब्ध होती है fixed point i.e. the temperature of
Q580. Which of the following is melting ice at normal pressure is
Q576. Which of the following is the correct about conductors?/ चाििोुं िे +273K and the upper fixed point i.e.
contribution of Scientist Jeans in बारे िें कनम्न िें से क्या सही है ? the temperature of boiling water at
Physics?/ भौकतकी में वैज्ञजकनक र्ीन्स (a) The conduction band and valence normal pressure is 373K.
कज योगदजन कनम्न में से कौन सज है ? band partly overlap each other/ चािन
Q582. A colour-blind person cannot/
बैंि और सुंयोजी बैंि अुंशतः एि दू सरे
(a) Lens Camera / लेंस कैमरज एक वणजां ध व्यल्टक्त -
पर अकतव्याप्त होती हैं |
(b) Tyre/ टजयर (b) There is no forbidden band gap
(c) Both A & B/A और B दोनों (a) see distant objects/ दू र की वस्तुएं
between CB and VB/
(d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी CB और VB िे बीच िोई भी िकजयत नही ं दे ख सकतज
बैंि अुंतराि नही ुं होता | (b) see black colour/ कजलज रं ग नही ं
Ans: (a) Lens Camera / लेंस कैमरज (c) Both (a) and (b) / (a) और (b) दे ख सकतज
(c) distinguish between certain
Q577. Semiconductors are used for colours/ कुछ रं गों के बीच भेद नही ं कर
(d) None / िोई नही ुं
making:/ सेमी-कंडक्ट्र बनजने के कलए सकतज
क्ज उपयोग ककयज र्जतज है ? (d) have persistence of vision/ उसमें
Ans: (c) Both (a) and (b) / (a) और दृकि की र्ड़तज होती है
(a) Solar cells / सौर सेल (b) दोनोुं
(b) Toasters / टोस्टर Ans: (c) distinguish between certain
(c) Geysers / गीर्र Explanation: colours/ कुछ रं गों के बीच भेद नही ं कर
(d) Room heaters / रूम हीटर The conduction band and the valence सकतज
band partly overlap each other and
Ans: (a) Solar cells / सौर सेल there is no forbidden energy band Explanation:
gap in between. The electrons from Most colour blind people are able to
Q578. What do we call a celestial the valence band can easily move see things as clearly as other people
object which is of very small radius into the conduction band. Hence, but they are unable to fully ‘see’ red,
ऊर्जा को कवद् युत ऊर्जा में बदलने के Q610. Why impurities are added to a Ans: (a) Zero volt/शून्य वोि
कलए ककयज र्जतज है ? semiconductor?/अधयचािि िें
अशुल्टद्याूँ क्योुं कििाया जाती हैं ? Explanation:
(a) Dip Circle/कडप सकाल (a) To increase its life/ इसिा The general idea is that live supplies
the voltage and neutral is the return
(b) Denial Cell/डे कनयल से ल जीिनिाि बढ़ाने िे किए
wire. In most installations the live is
(c) Dynamo/डजयनमो (b) To enables it to withstand higher
at the required voltage and the
(d) Dynamometer/डजयनेमोमीटर voltages/ उच्च िोिे ज िा सािना neutral line is connected to ground at
िरने िें इसे सक्षि बनाने िे किए some point (so zero volts relative to
Ans: (c) Dynamo/डजयनमो (c) To increase its electrical ground).
conductivity/ इसिी किद् युत चाििता
Explanation: िें िृल्टद् िरने िे किए Q613. How much electric potential
A dynamo is an electrical generator (d) To increase its electrical does the live wire carry?/ कवद् युन्मय
that creates direct current using a resistivity/ इसिी किद् युत प्रकतरोधिता तजर कज कवद् युत कवभव क्ज होगज ?
commutator. Dynamos were the first
िें िृल्टद् िरने िे किए (a) 100 volts / 100 वोि
electrical generators capable of
delivering power for industry, and (b) 150 volts/150 वोि
the foundation upon which many (c) 185 volts /185 वोि
Ans: (c) To increase its electrical
other later electric-power conversion (d) 220 volts/ 220 वोि
devices were based, including the conductivity/ इसिी किद् युत चाििता
electric motor, the alternating-current िें िृल्टद् िरने िे किए Ans: (d) 220 volts/ 220 वोि
alternator, and the rotary converter. Explanation:
There are two types of charge Explanation:
Q608. Through which equipment carriers in semiconductors. They are The Live Wire carries current to the
human's heart beats are recorded and electrons and holes. ... Since appliance at a high voltage. In fact, it
detected via graphics?/ ककस उपकरण conductivity depends on the no of carries the 220v AC used by most of
charge carriers per unit volume, the
के मजध्यम से मजनव के हृदय की धड़कन our home appliances. The earth wire
conductivity increases. So , impurity
को ररकॉडा ककयज र्जतज है और ग्रजकफक्स is added to increase the carrier
is a safety wire and connects the
metal case of the appliance to the
के मजध्यम से पतज लगजयज र्जतज है? concentration. earth.
(a) Barograph/ बरोग्रजफ Q611. Which object does not reflect Q614. Where do we use
(b) Crescograph/क्रेस्को ग्रजफ more light?/ िौन सी िस्तु प्रिाश िा transformers?/ ट् जं सफजमार कज उपयोग
(c) Como graph/ कोमो ग्रजफ अकधि पराितयन नही ुं िरती है ? कहजाँ होतज हैं ?
(d) Cardiograph/कजकडा योग्रजफ (a) Polished Surface/पॉकिश िी हुई (a) Power stations / पजवर स्टे शन
सतह (b) Radio sets/रे कडयो सेट
Ans: (d) Cardiograph/कजकडा योग्रजफ (b) Shining Surface/ चििदार सतह (c) Television /टे लीकवर्न (d) All
(c) Unpolished/ पॉकिश नही ुं िी हुई of the above/उपरोक्त सभी
(d) Both A and B/ A और B दोनोुं
Cardiograph is an application which
measures your heart rate. Ans: (d) All of the above/उपरोक्त
Q609. Who measured the velocity of Ans: (c) Unpolished/ पॉकिश नही ुं िी
light first?/ प्रकजश के वेग को सबसे हुई Explanation:
पहले ककसने मजपज र्ज? A transformer is used to bring
A shiny surface reduces the voltage up or down in an AC
absorption of light and causes the electrical circuit. A transformer can
(a) Galileo/गैलीकलयो maximum reflection of light. An be used to convert AC power to DC
(b) Newton/न्यूटन object which reflects light well is power.
(c) Romer/रोमर called a mirror. A highly polished
(d) Einstein/आइं स्टीन and shiny metal object reflects light Q615. Which of the following parts
well and act as a mirror. Silver metal is not there in the AC generator?/ AC
Ans: (c) Romer/रोमर is one of the best reflector of light. र्नरे टर में कनम्नकलल्टखत में से कौन सज
भजग नही ं है ?
Explanation: Q612. What is the electric potential
(a) Slip rings/ल्टलप ररं ग
Measuring the Speed of Light with of neutral wire?/ तटस्र् तजर कज
(b) Coil/कुंडल
Jupiter's Moons. The first real कवद् युत कवभव क्ज होगज?
measurement of the speed of light (c) Commutator/कम्यूटेटर
came about half a century later, in (a) Zero volt/शून्य वोि (d) Galvanometer/गैिेनोमीटर
1676, by a Danish astronomer,Ole (b) 100 volt / 100 वोि
Römer. Ans: (c) Commutator/कम्यूटेटर
(c) 10 volt /10 वोि
(d) 10 volt/10 वोि Explanation:
transfer between the calorimeter and (d) charged with a type depending Q635. Name an instrument used to
the surroundings. upon current strength/धजरज की िमतज measure the sound waves inside the
के आधजर पर कनभार होती है water?/ पजनी के अंदर र्ध्कन तरं गों को
Q629. The method of magnetisation मजपने के कलए प्रयुक्त एक उपकरण कज
Is:/ चुंबकीकरण की कवकध है : Ans: (c) neutral/ तटस्र् नजम बतजइए?
The equation E = mc^2 states that (d) Oil production capacity of a the manmade objects in space are in
the amount of energy possessed by country/एक दे श की तेल कनमजा ण की LEO.
an object is equal to its mass िमतज
multiplied by the square of the speed Q643. Which among the following is
of light. Ans: (b) Energy released by burning a Beyond-visual-range air-to-air
of oil/र्लते हुए ते ल द्वजरज छोड़ी गई missile/ कनम्नकलल्टखत में से कौन सी एक
Q638. Name a device used to
ऊष्मज परे -दृश्य-िेणी वजली हवज से हवज में मजर
measure the sharpness of the electric
करने वजली कमसजइल है
current?/ कवद् युत धजरज की तीव्रतज को
मजपने के कलए ककस उपकरण कज Unit of energy measurement (a) Agni/अकग्न
उपयोग ककयज र्जतज है ? corresponding to the energy (b) Prithvi/पृथ्वी
produced by the combustion of a ton (c) Astra/अस्त्र
(a) Gravimeter/ग्रेवीमीटर of oil. The unit was developed to be
(d) Nag/नजग
(b) Electrometer/ इलेक्ट््ोमीटर able to compare the energy
(c) Galvanometer/गैिेनोमीटर consumption and production of a
Ans: (c) Astra/अस्त्र
country or region, regardless of the
(d) Dynamometer/ डजयनेमोमीटर Explanation:
energy sources use(d) 1 ton of oil
equivalent = 41.868 gigajoules (GJ) Astra, the indigenously developed
Ans: (c) Galvanometer/गैिेनोमीटर or 11,630 KWh. Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air
Missile (BVRAAM).
Explanation: Q641. Who among the following
The galvanometer is the device used coined the term "cosmic rays" ?/ Q644. The radiator in a car serves to
for detecting the presence of small
कोल्टिक ककरणों की खोर् ककसने की? एक कजर में रे कडएटर कज कजया क्ज होतज
current and voltage or for measuring है ?
their magnitude.
(a) Henri Becquerel/हे नरी बेकरे ल (a) cool the engine/इं र्न को ठं डज
Q639. Which device is used to (b) Theodor Wulf/कर्योडोर वुल्फ करनज
measure the depth of seas and (c) Robert Millikan/रॉबटा कमकलकन (b) heat up the engine/इं र्न को गमा
oceans?/ सजगरों और महजसजगरों की (d) Bruno Rossi/ब्रूनो रॉसी करनज
गहरजई मजपने के कलए ककस उपकरण कज (c) start the car/कजर को शुरू करनज
उपयोग ककयज र्जतज है ? Ans: (c) Robert Millikan/रॉबटा (d) moderate the speed/स्पीड को
कमकलकन मध्यम करनज
(a) Gravimeter/ग्रेवीमीटर
(b) Fathometer/फजटोमीटर Explanation: Ans: (a) cool the engine/इं र्न को
(c) Gyroscope/र्जइरोस्कोप
Millikan was convinced that ठं डज करनज
penetrating radiation entering the
(d)Dilatometers/डजयलजटोमीटर atmosphere was electromagnetic and Explanation:
coined the term 'cosmic rays' in a The radiator works to stop the car
Ans: (b) Fathometer/फजटोमीटर paper where he argued that cosmic engine from overheating. The
rays were the 'birth cries of atoms' in radiator extracts heat, and also serves
Explanation: the galaxy. to re-cool your engine coolant.
A Fathometer is used in ocean
sounding where the depth of water is Q642. Which among the following is Q645. The ratio of the total distance
too much, and to make a continuous the most acceptable range of LEO travelled by a body to the total time
and accurate record of the depth of (Low Earth orbit)?/ कनम्न में से कौन सी taken by it is its
water below the boat or ship at which
LEO (कनम्न पृथ्वी की किज) की सबसे __________________./ किसी कपुंि
it is installe(d) It is an echo-sounding
instrument in which water depths are स्ीकजया सीमज है ? द्वारा तय िी गयी िुि दू री और इसिे
obtained by determining the time द्वारा किए गए िुि सिय िा अनुपात
required for the sound waves to (a) 350- 2,600 kms ______ होता है |
(b) 200-2000 kms
travel from a point near the surface (a) instantaneous velocity/ तात्काकिि
of the water to the bottom and back. (c) 160- 2,000kms
(d) 160-1600 kms िेग
(b) linear velocity/ रे खीय िेग
Q640. The following is measured in
a tonne of oil equivalent (toe) ?/ Ans: (c) 160- 2,000 kms (c) average speed/ औसत चाि
कनम्नकलल्टखत में से तेल के टन के समतुल्य (d) acceleration/ त्वरण
ककसे मजपज र्जतज है ? A Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is an
Q646. What is the colour of Explanation: Steam will produce more severe
insulation covering on live wire?/ As there is no atmosphere burns than boiling water because
लजइव तजर पर इन्सुलेशन कज रं ग क्ज surrounding the moon, the sound steam has more heat energy than
होतज है ? from anyband that is played there water due to its latent heat of
cannot travel outwards; there is no vaporisation.
(a) Green/हरज
material medium surrounding it for
(b) Red/लजल its propagation. Q652. A soap bubble is given
(c) Black/कजलज negative charge then its radius/ सजबुन
(d) Yellow/पीलज Q649. Which famous scientist was के बुलबुले को ऋणजत्मक आवे श कदयज
the first to look at the night sky
र्जतज है , तो इसकी कत्रज्यज -
Ans: (b) Red/लजल through a telescope?/ टे लीस्कोप के
मजध्यम से ककस प्रकसि वैज्ञजकनक ने (a) decreases/ कम हो र्जती है
Explanation: पहली बजर रजकत्र आकजश को दे खज र्ज?
Red – Red wire signifies the phase in (b) increases/ बढ़ र्जती है
an electric circuit. It is the live wire (c) remains unchanged/ अपररवकतात
(a) Copernicus/कोपरकनकस
which cannot be connected to रहती है
(b) Newton/ न्यूटन
another red wire or black wire. Red (d) none of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं
is used in some types of switch leg. (c) Michael Faraday/मजइकल फैरजडे
Switch leg is the wire that comes off (d) Galileo/गैलीकलयो Ans: (b) increases/ बढ़ र्जती है
from the bottom terminal of a switch
and when the switch is turned on Ans: (d) Galileo/गैलीकलयो Explanation:
becomes hot. This is the leg that If a soap bubble is given a negative
turns the load off and on. Explanation: charge, then its radius increases. The
The great scientist Galileo Galilei negative charge will distribute itself
Q647. What is the colour of first pointed a telescope skyward in evenly over the surface of the
insulation covering on neutral wire?/ late 1609, he was astounded by what bubble, and the repulsion between
तटस्र् तजर को ढकने वजले इन्सुलेशन कज he saw night after night. All the the negative charge will cause it to
रं ग क्ज है ? unexpected sights revealed through expand until the tension can bring it
his instrument transformed his life to equilibrium.
(a) Blue/नीलज and the world at large.
(b) Red/लजल Q653. The resistance of a wire is R.
Q650. A plane glass slab is kept over It is stretched uniformly so that its
(c) Green/हरज coloured letters, the letter which length is double(d) The resistance
(d) Black/कजलज appears least raised is/ एक समतल now becomes/ ककसी तजर कज प्रकतरोध
िजस लैब को रं गीन अिरों के ऊपर R है | इसे समजन रूप से खींचज र्जतज है
Ans: (d) Black/कजलज
रखज र्जतज है , र्ो अिर कम से कम तजकक इसकी लंबजई दोगुनी हो र्जए | अब
Explanation: उभरज हुआ कदखजई दे गज वह होगज- प्रकतरोध ककतनज हो र्जएगज ?
Black wire being neural, it does carry
charge/current. It mainly carries the (a) Green/हरज (a) 2R
unbalanced load i.e. the return (b) Violet/बैंगनी (b) R/2
current that we call. Return current is (c) Red/लजल (c) 4 R
the electricity/current not being used (d) R/4
(d) Blue/नीलज
and the return current to the
electrical board/panel. Ans: (a) 2R
Ans: (c) Red/लजल
Q648. If a band is played on the Explanation:
moon the sound will/ अगर चजाँ द पर Red colour letter appears least
The resistance of the wire is
proportional to length of the wire,
एक बैंड बर्जयज र्जतज है तो र्ध्कन- raise(d) since the length of the wire is
doubled its resistance also doubles
(a) reverberate/प्रकतर्ध्कन Q651. Which of the following due to doubling of the length. But
(b) be heard by us faintly/हमजरे द्वजरज produces more severe burns?/कनम्न में resistance is also inversely
मूकछा त अवस्र्ज र्ैसज सुनज र्जतज है से कौन तीव्र र्लन दे तज है ? proportional to the area of cross-
(c) be heard upto 10 km from it/इससे section, and as area of cross-section
10 कक.मी. तक सुनज र्ज सकतज है (a) Boiling water / उबलतज पजनी is halved due to doubling of length,
(d) not be heard at any distance at all (b) Hot Water/ गमा पजनी the resistance is once more doubled
from it/इस से ककसी भी दु री पर नही (c) Steam / भजप due to the half of the area of cross-
सुनज र्ज सकतज है (d) Melting Iceberg/ कपघलतज हुआ
Ans: (d) not be heard at any distance Q654. A galvanometer is converted
at all from it/इस से ककसी भी दु री पर Ans: (c) Steam / भजप into an ammeter when we connect a/
नही सुनज र्ज सकतज है
गैिनोमीटर एमीटर में बदल र्जतज है (a) zero/ शून्य ककसी घर में दो पृर्क पररपर् कनम्न में से
र्ब हम र्ोड़ते हैं - (b) very low/ बेहद कम कौन-कौन होते हैं ?
(c) very high/ बेहद उच्च
(a) high resistance in series/ िृं खलज में (d) infinite/ अनंत (a) Lighting and power circuit/
उच्च प्रकतरोध प्रकजश एवं कवद् युत पररपर्
(b) high resistance in parallel/ Ans: (d) (b) Open and closed circuit/ खुलज एवं
समजनजं तर में उच्च प्रकतरोध बंद पररपर्
(c) low resistance in series/ िृं खलज में Explanation: (c) Series and parallel circuit/ िृंखलज
कनम्न प्रकतरोध The internal resistance of an ideal
एवं समजनजं तर पररपर्
voltmeter is infinity and the internal
(d) low resistance in parallel/
resistance of an ideal ammeter is (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से
समजनजं तर में कनम्न प्रकतरोध कोई नही ं
zero. Ammeter is connected in series
and voltmeter is connected in parallel
Ans: (d) low resistance in parallel/ with the electric appliance. Ans: (a) Lighting and power circuit/
समजनजं तर में कनम्न प्रकतरोध प्रकजश एवं कवद् युत पररपर्
Q657. The resistance of an ideal
Explanation: ammeter is/ एक आदशा एमीटर कज Explanation:
Since Galvanometer is a very Lighting and power circuits are the
प्रकतरोध होतज है -
sensitive instrument therefore it can’t two separate circuits in a house.
measure heavy currents. In order to
convert a Galvanometer into an (a) zero/ शून्य
Q660. What is the fuse of the
(b) very low/ बेहद कम
Ammeter, a very low resistance lighting circuit?/ प्रकजश पररपर् कज
known as "shunt" resistance is (c) very high/ बेहद अकधक
फ्यूर् कौन सज होतज है ?
connected in parallel to the (d) infinite/ अनंत
Galvanometer. Value of the shunt is
(a) 20 A fuse
so adjusted that most of the current Ans: (a) zero/ शून्य (b) 5 A fuse
passes through the shunt. In this
(c) 18 A fuse
way a Galvanometer is converted Explanation: (d) 15 A fuse
into Ammeter and can measure The ideal ammeter has zero internal
heavy currents without fully resistance, so as to drop as little Ans: (b) 5 A fuse
deflecte(d) voltage as possible as current flows
through it. Explanation:
Q655. A galvanometer is converted
A lighting circuit is protected by a 5-
into a voltmeter when we connect a/ Q658. Two bulbs are fitted in a room or 6-amp fuse or circuit breaker. This
एक गैिनोमीटर वोिमीटर में बदल in the domestic electric installation. fuse size allows bulbs with a
र्जतज है र्ब हम र्ोड़ते हैं - One of them glows brighter than the maximum combined wattage of 1150
other. Then/ घरे लू कवद् युत प्रकतष्ठजपन में watts (5 amps x 230 volts) or 1380
(a) high resistance in series/ िृं खलज में ककसी कमरे में दो बल्ब लगजए र्जते हैं | watts (6 amps x 230 volts) to be run
उच्च प्रकतरोध इनमें से एक बल्ब की चमक दू सरे से off the circuit.
(b) high resistance in parallel/ अकधक है | तो -
समजनजं तर में उच्च प्रकतरोध Q661. What is the fuse of the power
(c) low resistance in parallel/ (a) the brighter bulb has smaller circuit?/ कवद् युत पररपर् कज फ्यू र् कौन
समजनजं तर में कनम्न प्रकतरोध resistance/ अकधक चमकीले बल्ब में सज होतज है ?
(d) low resistance in series/ िृं खलज में कम प्रकतरोध है |
कनम्न प्रकतरोध (a) 5 A fuse
(b) the brighter bulb has larger
(b) 18 A fuse
resistance/ अकधक चमकीले बल्ब में (c) 15 A fuse
Ans: (a) high resistance in series/ अकधक प्रकतरोध है | (d) 10 A fuse
िृंखलज में उच्च प्रकतरोध (c) both the bulbs have the same
resistance/ दोनों बल्ब में समजन प्रकतरोध Ans: (c) 15 A fuse
है |
Since Galvanometer is a very
sensitive instrument, therefore it can (d) none of these/ इनमें से कोई नही ं Explanation:
a 15Ampere fuse is used in power
not measure high potential circuits.
difference. In order to convert a Ans: (a) the brighter bulb has
Galvanometer into a voltmeter, a smaller resistance/ अकधक चमकीले
Q662. Which of the following
very high resistance known as "series बल्ब में कम प्रकतरोध है |
devices is run by a lighting circuit in
resistance" is connected in series
the house?/ कनम्न में से कौन से उपकरण
with the galvanometer. Explanation:
If one of the bulbs in series has a घर में प्रकजश पररपर् से चलते हैं ?
Q656. The resistance of an ideal higher resistance it will be brighter.
voltmeter is/ एक आदशा वोिमीटर कज (a) Electric bulb / कवद् युत बल्ब
प्रकतरोध होतज है - Q659.Which of the following are the (b) Tube-lights/ ट्यूब लजइट
two separate circuits in a house?/ (c) Fans / पंखे
(d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी (d) Interferometer/ इुं टरफेरोिीटर oil manometer measures gas pressure
as the height of a fluid column of
Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त Ans: (d) Interferometer/ mercury or oil that the gas sample
सभी इुं टरफेरोिीटर supports.
“फल्टल्मनोलॉर्ी” के अंतगात ककसकज were developed byGuglielmo (d) Two places with same
अध्ययन ककयज र्जतज है ? Marconi beginning in 1895. temperature / एक ही तजपमजन वजले दो
(a) Sudden changes in atmosphere/ Q673."Fermi" is a unit of which
वजयुमंडल में अचजनक पररवतान among the following?/ “फमी” कनम्न में Ans: (c) Two liquids with same
(b) Lightning/ आकजशीय कबर्ली से ककसकी इकजई है ? density/ एक ही घनत्व वजले दो तरल
(c) Cloudbursts/बजदल फटनज पदजर्ा
(a) Mass/ र्द्व्यमजन
(d) Volcanic Eruptions/ ज्वजलजमुखी
(b) Length/ लंबजई Explanation:
(c) Velocity/ वेग In isopycnic separation, also called
Ans: (b) Lightning/ आकजशीय कबर्ली (d) Frequency/ आवृकत्त buoyant or equilibrium separation, ...
rate at which particles move until
their density is the same as the
Explanation: Ans: (b) Length/ लंबजई
surrounding gradient medium.
The study or science of lightning is
called fulminology, and someone Explanation:
Q676. Which among the following is
who studies lightning is referred to A unit of length used to measure
measured by an Odometer?/
as a fulminologist. nuclear distances, = 10⁻¹⁵ meter.
Named for the Italian physicist ओडोमीटर द्वजरज कनम्न में से ककसे मजपज
Q671. A person is standing in front Enrico Fermi (1901–1954). Now र्जतज है ?
of a wall and makes a sound: what obsolete, replaced by the SI
should be the normal minimum termfemtometer (symbol, fm); one (a) Pressure/ दजब
distance between the person and the fermi = one femtometer. (b) Height/ ऊंचजई
wall, so that the person hears echo? (c) Distance/ दू री
एक व्यल्टक्त ककसी दीवजर के सजमने खड़ज Q674. Which among the following
(d) Velocity/ वेग
properties of the matter is studied in
है तर्ज वह आवजज़ कनकजलतज है | व्यल्टक्त
''Rheology"?/ “ररयोलॉर्ी” में पदजर्ा के
एवं दीवजर के बीच सजमजन्य न्यूनतम दू री Ans: (c) Distance/ दू री
कनम्न में से ककस गुण कज अध्ययन ककयज
ककतनी होनी चजकहए तजकक उस व्यल्टक्त
र्जतज है ?
को प्रकतर्ध्कन सुनजई दे ? Explanation:
Odometer is an instrument for
(a) 6 meters (a) Gravitation/ गुरुत्वजकर्ाण measuring the distance travelled by a
(b) 13 meters (b) Viscosity/ श्यजनतज wheeled vehicle
(c) 20 meters (c) Magnetic Properties/ चुंबकीय गुण
Q677. Consider the following/
(d) 17 meters (d) Entropy/एन्ट् जपी
कनम्नकलल्टखत पर कवचजर करें :
Ans: (d) 17 meters Ans: (b) Viscosity/ श्यजनतज
Near Infrared/ करीब अवरक्त
Explanation: Explanation: Mid Infrared/ मध्य अवरक्त
The minimum distance required for Rheology is the study of the low of Far Infrared/ दू र अवरक्त
an echo to be produced is 16.6 m. matter, primarily in a liquid state, but
also as "soft solids" or solids under Which among the following is the
Q672. Who invented the Wireless conditions in which they respond correct order of increasing
telegraphy, radio and wireless with plastic flow rather than wavelength of the above?
massage?/ वजयरलेस तजर प्रेर्ण, रे कडयो deforming elastically in response to उपरोक्त के बढ़ते तरं गदै ध्या कज सही क्रम
एवं वजयरलेस संदेश कज आकवष्कजर an applied force. कनम्न में से कौन सज है ?
ककसने ककयज ?
Q675. The term "Isopycnic" is most (a) 1,2,3
(a) G. Marconi/ र्ी मजकोनी closely defined by which among the (b) 3,2,1
(b) Fermi/ फमी following?/ "आइसोसजयकनक" शब्द (c) 2,1,3
(d) Einstein/ आइं स्टीन को सबसे कनकटतम ककसके द्वजरज (d) 3,1,2
(c) Galileo/ गैकलकलयो पररभजकर्त ककयज गयज है ?
Ans: (a) 1,2,3
(a) Two places with same
Ans: (a) G. Marconi/ र्ी मजकोनी
atmospheric pressure / समजन Q678. An instrument called
"Theodolite" is used in which among
Explanation: वजयुमंडलीय दबजव वजले दो स्र्जन
(b) Two liquids with same viscosity/ the following ?/ “कर्योडोलजइट” नजमक
Wireless telegraphy came to mean
Morse code transmitted by radio एक ही कचपकचपजहट के सजर् दो तरल उपकरण कज प्रयोग कनम्न में से ककस में
waves (electromagnetic waves), पदजर्ा ककयज र्जतज है ?
initially called "Hertzian waves", (c) Two liquids with same density/ (a) Measuring distances, elevations,
discovered by Heinrich Hertz in एक ही घनत्व वजले दो तरल पदजर्ा bearings et(c)/ दू री, ऊंचजई एवं असर
1886. The first practical wireless मजपने में
telegraphy transmitters and receivers
(b) Measuring rotational speed of a तरह से कपघल र्जयेगी, तो र्ल स्तर पर (c) 33
shaft/शजफ़्ट की घूणान गकत को मजपने में क्ज प्रभजव पड़े गज ? (d) 44
(c) Measuring horizontal and vertical
Ans: (b) 22
angles in triangular networks/ (a) The level of water will go up/ र्ल
कत्रभुर्जकजर नेटवका में िैकतर् एवं स्तर बढ़े गज
Current required by each bulb is
उर्ध्जा धर कोण मजपने में (b) The level of water will go down/ I=P/V
(d) Measuring acidity or alkalinity of र्ल स्तर कम होगज
solutions/ कवलयनों की अम्लतज यज (c) The level of water will remain =100/220
िजरीयतज मजपने में unchanged/ र्ल स्तर अपररवकतात रहे गज =5
(d) The level of water will first / 11A
Ans: (c) Measuring horizontal and increase then come to the previous
vertical angles in triangular on/ र्ल स्तर पहले बढ़े गज और कफर If n bulbs are joined in parallel , then
networks/ कत्रभुर्जकजर नेटवका में िैकतर् अपनी पूवा अवस्र्ज में आ र्जएगज
एवं उर्ध्जा धर कोण मजपने में nI=Ifuse
Ans: (b) The level of water will go ⇒n=Ifuse/I
Explanation: down/ र्ल स्तर कम होगज =10/(5/11)
A theodolite is a precision optical
instrument for measuring angles =22
between designated visible points in We have an ice cube of mass m
the horizontal and vertical planes. floating in the water. If it is floating Q683. Anything which gives out
(in equilibrium), it will displace light rays is called:
Q679. A "Charge-coupled device" in enough water to support its ... If ice प्रकजश ककरण दे ने वजली ककसी भी चीज़
the modern Digital Cameras has is put into a beaker filled with water, को क्ज कहज र्जतज है ?
replaced which among the following, what will happen to the level of the (a) Real Image/ वजस्तकवक प्रकतकबंब
in the traditional Cameras?/ आधुकनक water when the ice melts ... beaker
(b) Virtual Image/ आभजसी प्रकतकबंब
कडकर्टल कैमरों में प्रभजरी युल्टग्मत fall when the ice around a stone
(c) Object/ वस्तु
उपकरण ने पजरं पररक कैमरों में कनम्न में immersed in water melts completely
(d) Image/ प्रकतकबंब
से ककसकज स्र्जन कलयज है ?
Q681. An antenna in a Geostationary
satellite should have a minimum Ans: (c) Object/ वस्तु
(a) Lens/ लेंस
beam width of which among the
(b) Shutter/ शटर following values to cover the entire Explanation:
(c) Photographic film/ फोटोग्रजकफक earth? पूरी पृथ्वी के आच्छजदन के कलए Light is a form of energy which
कझल्ली भू-ल्टस्र्र उपग्रह के एं टीनज में न्यूनतम enables us to see objects and the
(d) Flash equipment/ फ़्लैश उपकरण ककरणचौड़जई ककस मजन की होनी चजकहए
straight line along which it travels is
called a ray of light. Reflection of
(a) 8.56°
Ans: (c) Photographic film/ Light is the process of sending back
(b) 17.34°
फोटोग्रजकफक कझल्ली (c) 22.16°
the light rays which falls on the
surface of an object.
(d) 23.25°
Charge coupled devices (CCDs) Q684. Who invented The Law of
Ans: (b) 17.34°
have been the most common high Refraction of light?/ प्रकजश के
performance ... While modern silicon Explanation: अपवतान के कनयम कज आकवष्कजर ककसने
processing techniques have allowed ककयज ?
amazing . The difference between The Geosynchronous satellite is
the reset voltage and the final voltage located 35865 kilometers away from (a) Willebrord Snel van Royen/
(video level), of digital cameras that earth. The global or earth coverage कवलेब्रॉडा सेल वैन रॉयन
promise to eventually replace the antenna should have a beam width of (b) Einstein/ आइं स्टीन
traditional film cameras. 17.34°to cover the entire earth. (c) Pascal/ पजस्कल
Q680. A piece of Ice was tied with a Q682. A factory is served by a 220 V (d) Alexander Volta/ एलेक्जेंडर वोिज
string to a water bucket's bottom, and supply line. In a circuit protected by
the water bucket was filled with a fuse marked 10 A, the maximum Ans: (a) Willebrord Snel van Royen/
water with ice fully submerged in it. number of 100 W lamps in parallel कवलेब्रॉडा सेल वैन रॉयन
What would be the impact on the that can be turned on is/ एि िारखाने
level of water when the ice melts Explanation:
िो 220 िी आपूकतय िाइन द्वारा सेिा दी
away completely? The actual law of refraction was
जाती है । 10 ए कचकित एि फ्यू ज द्वारा
पजनी की बजिी के तल से बफा के एक discovered in the early 1600s by a
सुंरकक्षत सकियट िें, सिानाुं तर िें 100
टु कड़े को धजगे से बजाँ ध कदयज गयज एवं Dutch mathematician and geodesist,
िब्ल्यू िैंप िी अकधिति सुं ख्या िो Willebrord Snel van Royen.
बजिी को पजनी से भर कदयज गयज कर्समें
चािू किया जा सिता है (Because his name in Latin is
बफा पूरी तरह से डूब गयी | र्ब बफा पूरी “Snellius”, the law is often called
(a) 11
(b) 22
“Snell's law” instead of “Snell's (a) K. Onnes/ के ओंस (b) a mixture of renewable and
law”. (b) H. Devi/ एच डे वी nonrenewable natural resource/
(c) (c) Fermi/ सी फमी नवीकरणीय एवं गैर-नवीकरणीय
Q685. Microscope was invented by:
(d) L. D Forest/ एल डी फजरे स्ट प्रजकृकतक संसजधन कज कमिण
सूक्ष्मदशी की खोर् ककसके द्वजरज की गयी (c) neither renewable nor non
र्ी ? renewable resource/ नज तो नवीकरणीय
Ans: (b) H. Devi/ एच डे वी
और नज ही गैर-नवीकरणीय संसजधन
(a) Zacharias Janssen/ र्चजररयज Explanation: (d) renewable natural resource/
र्जनसेन The Davy lamp is a safety lamp for नवीकरणीय प्रजकृकतक संसजधन
(c) Soldz/ सोल्ड् ज़ use in flammable atmospheres,
(b) Millikan/ कमकलकन invented in 1815 by Sir Humphry Ans: (c) neither renewable nor non
(d) Foucault/ फॉकॉि Davy. It consists of a wick lamp with renewable resource/ नज तो नवीकरणीय
the flame enclosed inside a mesh और नज ही गैर-नवीकरणीय संसजधन
Ans: (a) Zacharias Janssen/ र्चजररयज
र्जनसेन Q688. Radioactivity is invented by:/
Like other forms of electricity
रे कडयोधकमातज की खोर् ककसके द्वजरज की generation, hydropower uses a
It was invented in 1590 by Zacharias गयी र्ी ? turbine to help generate electricity;
Janssen. But it's unclear who using the energy of falling or flowing
invented the microscope. Some (a) Coolidge / कूकलर् water to turn the blades.
historians say it was Hans (b) Faraday/ फैरजडे
Lippershey, most famous for filing (c) H. Becquarel / एच बैकेरल The rotating blades spin a generator
that converts the mechanical energy
the first patent, Other evidence (d) Briggs/ कब्रग्स
points to Hans and Zacharias of the spinning turbine into electrical
Janssen. energy. The amount of electricity
Ans: (c) H. Becquerel / एच बैकेरल generated from each power plant
Q686. Match the following Inventors depends on the quantity of the
Explanation: flowing water and the height from
or Inventions
Though it was Henri Becquerel that
कनम्नकलल्टखत आकवष्कजरों कज कमलजन discovered radioactivity, it was
which it falls.
उनके आकवष्कजर कों से करें | Marie Curie who coined the term. Q691. What will happen to the water
(a) Electric Bulb / कवद् युत बल्ब when a thin, capillary tube is
1. Bunsen/ बंसेन Q689. Which instrument is used to replaced with another insufficient
(b) Spectroscope/ स्पेक्ट््ोस्कोप measure the difference in the force of
length of tube?/ पजनी के सजर् क्ज होगज
gravity from one place to another?/
2. Edison/ एकडसन र्ब एक पतली केकशकज नली के स्र्जन
गुरुत्वािषयण बि िे अुंतर िो एि
(c) Redar/ रे डजर पर एक अन्य अपयजा प्त लंबजई की नली
थथान से दू सरे थथान पर िापने िे किए
3. Wheelar/ व्हीलर कज प्रयोग ककयज र्जतज है ?
किस उपिरण िा उपयोग किया जाता
(d) Electric Fan / कवद् युत पंखज
है ?
4. Robert Watson/ रॉबटा वजटसन (a) will overflow/ र्ल-प्जवन
(a) Gravimeter/ग्रेिीिीटर
a b c d (b) will not rise/ नही ं बढ़े गज
(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) Electrometer/ इिेक्ट्रोिीटर
(c) depressed/दब र्जएगज
(b) 1 2 3 4 (c) Galvanometer/गैिेनोिीटर
(d) change its meniscus/ अपनी
(c) 4 23 1 (d) Dynamometer/ िायनेिोिीटर
(d) 2 4 1 3 नवचंर्द्क बदल लेगज
Ans: (a) 2 1 4 3 Ans: (a) Gravimeter/ग्रेिीिीटर Ans: (b) will not rise/ नही ं बढ़े गज
(a) Water molecules absorb all other Ans: (d) Dilatometer/िायिाटोिीटर The ohm is the standard unit of
colours except blue/ र्लीय अणु नीले electrical resistance in the
रं ग को छोड़ कर अन्य सभी रं गों कज International System of Units ( SI ).
अवशोर्ण कर लेते हैं | Explanation:
A dilatometer is a scientific Q697. Equal volumes of all gases
(b) Impurities in Sea water reflect the
instrument that measures volume contain equal numbers of molecules
blue light/ समुर्द्ी र्ल की अशुल्टियजाँ under similar conditions of
changes caused by a physical or
नीले रं ग को परजवकतात करती हैं | chemical process. A familiar temperature and pressure. Which law
(c) Water molecules scatter the blue application of a dilatometer is the says this ?/ सभी गैसों के समजन आयतन
light/ र्ल के अणु नीले प्रकजश कज mercury-in-glass thermometer, in में तजपमजन और दबजव की समजन
प्रकीणान करते हैं | which the change in volume of the पररल्टस्र्कतयों में समजन अणु होते हैं । यह
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से liquid column is read from a
कौन सज कनयम कहतज है ?
कोई नही ं graduated scale.
(a) Boyle's law / बॉयल कज कनयम
Ans: (c) Water molecules scatter the
(b) Charles law/ चजल्सा कज कनयम
blue light/ र्ल के अणु नीले प्रकजश कज
(c) Avogadro's Law / एवोगजड् ो कज
प्रकीणान करते हैं |
Explanation: (d) Bohr's law/ भोर कज कनयम
The blue color of ocean water is an Ans: (c) Avogadro's Law / एवोगजड् ो
intrinsic property and is caused by कज कनयम
the selective absorption and
scattering of white light. Therefore, Explanation:
when sunlight shines on the sea, all Avogadro's law states that, "equal
the colors of the rainbow go into the volumes of all gases, at the same
water. Q695. The inability of a body to temperature and pressure, have the
change its state of rest or its uniform same number of molecules." For a
Q693. The Helium atoms that have motion in a straight line is called as/ given mass of an ideal gas, the
lost two electrons are called/ दो ककसी कपंड की अपनी कवरजम की अवस्र्ज volume and amount (moles) of the
इलेक्ट््ॉन खो चुके हीकलयम परमजणुओं यज एक सीधी रे खज में अपनी एकसमजन gas are directly proportional if the
temperature and pressure are
को क्ज कहज र्जतज है ? गकत को बदलने की अिमतज को क्ज
कहज र्जतज है ?
(a) Alpha rays / अल्ब्फ़ज ककरणें Q698. What is the normal
(b) Beta rays/ बीटज ककरणें (a) Mass/ र्द्व्यमजन temperature of human beings on the
(c) Gamma rays / गजमज ककरणें (b) weight/ वज़न Kelvin scale?/ केल्टिन पैमजने पर मनुष्य
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से (c) Inertia/ र्ड़त्व कज सजमजन्य तजपमजन क्ज होतज है ?
कोई नही ं (d) Friction/ घर्ाण
(a) 290
Ans: (a) Alpha rays / अल्ब्फ़ज ककरणें Ans: (c) Inertia/ र्ड़त्व (b) 300
(c) 310
Explanation: Explanation: (d) 320
A helium nucleus without any The intrinsic property of a material
electrons is called an alpha particle. body which resists a change in its Ans: (c) 310
This is one of the three types of state of rest or of uniform motion
ionizing radiation (alpha, beta and along a straight line is called inertia . Explanation:
gamma radiation). Inertia is a natural tendency of the 310 kelvins is 36.85 degrees Celsius,
body. which is roughly the normal
Q694. Which of the following temperature of a human body.
devices is used to measure volume Q696. Ohm is a unit of measuring/
changes caused by a physical or ओम ककसे मजपने की इकजई है ? Q699. Which among the following is
chemical process?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से known as the first electronic
िौन सा उपिरण भौकति या (a) Resistance / प्रकतरोध amplification device?/ कनम्न में से ककसे
रासायकनि प्रकरया िे िारण होने िािे (b) Voltage/ वोिे र् पहले इलेक्ट््ॉकनक प्रवधान उपकरण के
िात्रा पररितयन िो िापने िे किए (c) Current / धजरज नजम से र्जनज र्जतज है ?
उपयोग किया जाता है ? (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से
(a) Gravimeter/ग्रेिीिीटर कोई नही ं (a) Diode/ डजयोड
(b) Fathometer/फाटोिीटर (b) Triode Vacuum Tubes/ ट् जयोड
(c) Gyroscope/जाइरोस्कोप Ans: (a) Resistance / प्रकतरोध कनवजा त नली
(d) Dilatometer/िायिाटोिीटर (c) Vacuum Tubes/ कनवजा त नली
Explanation: (d) bipolar transistors/कद्वध्रुवी ट् जं कर्स्टर
Ans: (b) Triode Vacuum Tubes/ Dry lubricants or solid lubricants are manufactured in the surface of a thin
ट् जयोड कनवजा त नली materials that, despite being in the substrate of semiconductor material.
solid phase, are able to reduce
Explanation: friction between two surfaces sliding Q705. What is the advantage of
against each other without the need parallel connection of circuits?/
The first practical electrical device for a liquid oil medium. पररपर्ों के समजनजं तर संयोर्न कज लजभ
which could amplify was the triode The two main dry lubricants are क्ज है ?
graphite and molybdenum disulfide.
vacuum tube, invented in 1906 by (a) Same voltage is available/ समजन
Lee De Forest, which led to the first They offer lubrication at
temperatures higher than liquid and वोिे र् उपलब्ध होतज है |
amplifiers around 1912.
oil-based lubricants operate. Dry (b) All appliances get fused/ सभी
Q700. Which among the following lubricants are often used in उपकरण संगकलत हो र्जते हैं |
temperature scales is based upon applications such as locks or dry (c) Fluctuation/ उतजर-चढ़जव
absolute zero?/ कनम्न में से कौन सज lubricated bearings. (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
तजपमजन पैमजनज परम शून्य पर आधजररत
Q703. What happens to the Ans: (a) Same voltage is available/
होतज है ? resistance of a p-n junction diode समान वोल्टे ज उपलब्ध होता है |
when forward biased? / पी एन र्ंक्शन Explanation:
(a) Celsius/ सेल्टल्सयस
डजयोड के प्रकतरोध के सजर् क्ज होतज है One of the advantages of parallel
(b) Fahrenheit/ फ़जरे नहजइट
र्ब इसे आगे झुकज कदयज र्जतज है ? circuits is that they ensure all
(c) Kelvin/ केल्टिन
(a) It becomes high/ यह उच्च हो र्जतज components in the circuit have the
(d) Rankine/ रैं कीन same voltage as the source. For
है |
instance, all bulbs in a string of lights
(b) No effect/ कोई प्रभजव नही ं
Ans: (c) Kelvin/ केल्टिन have the same brightness.
(c) None of these.
Explanation: (d) It becomes low/ यह कम हो र्जतज Q706. A cannonball is fired. The
By international agreement, absolute है motion of this ball is an example of
zero is defined as precisely; 0 K on ______. / तोप से गोलजबजरी की र्जती है ।
the Kelvin scale, which is a Ans: (d) It becomes low/ यह कम हो इस गेंद की गकत ______ कज एक
thermodynamic (absolute) जाता है | उदजहरण है ।
temperature scale; and –273.15 Explanation:
degrees Celsius on the Celsius scale. When a p-n junction is (a) Forward
(a) Straight line motion / सीधी रे खज
Biased: The effective barrier
Q701. Who had propounded the potential reduces i.e. (Vo−V) where गकत
planetary laws?/ ग्रह कजनूनों को ककसने Vo = barrier potential initially, V = (b) projectile motion / प्रिेप्य गकत
प्रकतपजकदत ककयज र्ज? forward voltage applied. Therefore, (c) Hyperbolic motion / हजइपरबोकलक
(a) Newton/ न्यूटन the thickness of depletion layer also गकत
(b) Kepler / केप्र
decreases. The junction resistance (d) horizontal motion / िैकतर् गकत
becomes very low.
(c) Galileo / गैलीकलयो
(d) Copernicus/ कोपरकनकस Ans: (b) projectile motion / प्रक्षेप्य
The holes from p region move to n-
side and electrons from n-side move
Ans: (b) Kepler / केप्लर Explanation:
towards p-side. The movement of
Explanation: The motion is an example of
holes and electrons constitute hole
Johannes Kepler published his first current (I h ) and diffusion electron projectile motion which is the type of
two laws about planetary motion in (I e ). Total current I=I e +I h . motion which a body exhibits when
1609, having found them by it is thrown near the ground and
travels in a curved path due to
analyzing the astronomical Q704. The complete form of ‘IC’ in
observations of Tycho Brahe. electronics is/इलेक्ट््ॉकनक्स में ‘IC’ कज
पूरज नजम क्ज होतज है ? Q707. Cryogenics is a branch of
Q702. Which of the following is (a) Internal circuit
used in powdered form as lubricant?/ Physics that deal with __________ /
(b) Independent circuit क्रजयोर्ेकनक्स भौकतकी की एक शजखज है
कनम्नकलल्टखत में से ककसकज पजउडर के (c) Integrated circuit
रूप में स्नेहक के रूप में उपयोग ककयज र्ो __________ से संबंकधत है
(d) Inbuilt सककाट
र्जतज है ?
(a) very high temperatures / बहुत
(a) Graphite/ग्रेफजइट Ans. (c) Integrated circuit
Explanation: अकधक तजपमजन\
(b) Chalk/चजक
Integrated Circuit (IC), chip or (b) very low temperatures / बहुत कम
(c) Salt/नमक
microchip, is a miniaturized तजपमजन
(d) Sugar/चीनी
electronic circuit consisting of (c) growth of extremely small
multiple electronic components crystals / अत्यंत छोटे कक्रस्टल की वृल्टि
Ans: (a) Graphite/ग्रेफाइट interconnected to form a complete (d) growth of extremely large
Explanation: electronic function. It is crystals / बहुत बड़े कक्रस्टल की वृल्टि
occur when the Earth, the Sun, and (d) change in wave velocity of time /
Ans: (b) Very low the Moon are in a line. The समय के तरं ग वेग में पररवतान
temperatures/बहुत कम तजपमजन gravitational forces of the Moon and
Explanation: the Sun both contribute to the tides. Ans: (c) change in frequency of
Cryogenics is the branch of physics Spring tides occur during the full sound / ध्वदन की आवृदि में पररवतष न
that deals with the production and moon and the new moon./ Explanation:
effects of very low temperatures. The The Doppler effect (or the Doppler
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the Q710. Which of the following is true shift) is the change in frequency of a
largest cryogenic system in the world about a cyclic process? चक्रीय प्रकक्रयज wave in relation to an observer who
and one of the coldest places on के बजरे में कनम्न में से क्ज सही है ? is moving relative to the wave
Earth. (a) The total heat absorbed equals the source. Hence, the time between the
work done by the system/अवशोकर्त arrivals of successive wave crests at
Q708. Fluid friction is also known as
कुल ऊष्मज प्रणजली के द्वजरज ककये गए the observer is reduced, causing an
___________/ र्द्व घर्ाण को increase in the frequency.
कजया के बरजबर होती है |
___________ के रूप में भी र्जनज र्जतज (b) The system return to its initial
है state/ प्रणजली अपनी आरं कभक अवस्र्ज में
(a) Rolling friction / सपी घर्ाण वजपस आ र्जती है |
(b) Sliding friction / सपी घर्ाण (c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) और (b) दोनों
(c) Drag / कर्ाण (d) None/ कोई नही ं
(d) Static friction / स्र्ैकतक घर्ाण
Ans: (c) Both (a) and (b)/ (a) और
Ans: (c) Drag / कर्षण (b) िोनों
Explanation: Explanation: Q713. What of the following
In fluid dynamics, drag (sometimes For cyclic process, internal energy represents viscosity?/ कनम्न में से कौन
called air resistance, a type of change ΔU=0 internal energy is a श्यजनतज को दशजा तज है ?
friction, or fluid resistance, another state function. Hence, in a cyclic (a) Pressure difference between two
type of friction or fluid friction) is a process, where initial and final states fluids/ दो तरल पदजर्ों के बीच दजब में
force acting opposite to the relative are same,the initial and final internal अंतर
motion of any object moving with energies are same. For cyclic process (b) Resistance to fluid motion/ तरल
respect to a surrounding fluid./ र्द्व W=−q. This is because for cyclic
गकत कज प्रकतरोध
की गकतशीलतज में, ड् ै ग (कभी-कभी वजयु process ΔU=0 and ΔU=W+q.
(c) Potential energy stored in fluid/
प्रकतरोध, एक प्रकजर कज घर्ाण, यज र्द्व
तरल में मौर्ूद ल्टस्र्कतर् ऊर्जा
प्रकतरोध, एक अन्य प्रकजर कज घर्ाण यज Q711. Name the instrument used for
listening the sound produced within (d) none of the above/ उपरोक्त में से
र्द्व घर्ाण) कहज र्जतज है , र्ो एक
the human body?/ मजनव शरीर के कोई नही ं
आसपजस के तरल पदजर्ा के संबंध में
भीतर उत्पन्न होने वजली र्ध्कन को सुनने
चलती ककसी भी वस्तु की सजपेि गकत के Ans: (b) Resistance to fluid
के कलए प्रयुक्त यंत्र कज नजम बतजइए?
कवपरीत कजम करने वजलज बल है । motion/ तरल गदत का प्रदतरोध
(a) manometer / मैनोमीटर Explanation:
Q709. Spring tides occur when Most of the fluids offer some
______./ वृहत ज्वजर भजटज उत्पन्न होती (b) Stethoscope / स्टे र्ोस्कोप
resistance to motion. This resistance
है र्ब ________ | (c) pyrometer / पजइरोमीटर to fluid motion is called viscosity.
(a) the moon, the sun and the earth (d) None of these / इनमें से कोई नही ं
are in the same line/ चंर्द्मज, सूरर् और Q714. When is a p-n diode said to be
पृथ्वी एक ही रे खज में होते हैं | Ans: (b) Stethoscope / स्टे थोस्कोप forward biased? / पी-एन डजयोड को
(b) the sun is closest to earth/ सूया
Explanation: कब आगे की ओर झुकज हुआ कहज र्जतज
Stethoscope, medical instrument है ?
[पृथ्वी के सवजा कधक समीप होतज है | used in listening to sounds produced
(c) the moon is farthest from earth/ (a) When p-side is connected to
within the body, chiefly in the heart
चंर्द्मज पृथ्वी से सवजा कधक दू र होतज है | positive terminal of the battery/ र्ब
or lungs. It was invented by the
(d) the earth is at right angles with French physician R.T.H. p-कसरज बैटरी के धनजत्मक टकमानल से
the sun and the moon/ पृथ्वी सूया और र्ुड़ज हुआ होतज है |
चन्द्रमज से समकोण पर होती है | Q712. Doppler's effect is related to:/ (b) When n-side is connected to
डॉपलर कज प्रभजव कनम्न में से ककस से positive terminal of the country/ र्ब
Ans: (a) the moon, the sun and the संबंकधत है ? n-कसरज दे श के धनजत्मक टकमानल से र्ुड़ज
earth are in the same line/ चंद्रमा, (a) change in wavelength of sound / होतज है |
सूरज और पृ थ्वी एक ही रे खा में होते र्ध्कन की तरं ग दै ध्या में पररवतान (c) When p-side is connected to
हैं | (b) change in amplitude of sound / earth/ र्ब p-कसरज धरती से र्ुड़ज होतज है
Explanation: र्ध्कन के आयजम में पररवतान (d) None/ कोई नही ं
Spring tides are especially strong (c) change in frequency of sound /
tides (they do not have anything to र्ध्कन की आवृकत्त में पररवतान Ans: (a) When p-side is connected
do with the season Spring). They to positive terminal of the battery/
Therefore, Rhc=[ML^2 T^−2] ऊर्जा र्ो वजयु कज कनमजा ण करती है , ककस capacitor holds its charge but with
स्रोत से आती है ? the ability to hold or release the
charge depending on how much light
(a) Anemometers/ पवनवेगमजपी
Energy =M^1 L^2 T^−2 , and darkness is applied to the Image
Force =M^1 L^1 T^−2, (b) Solar radiation / सौर कवककरण Drum. A photocopier (also known as
Angular momentum =M^1 L^2 (c) Ocean currents/ सजगरीय धजरजएं a copier or copy machine) is a
T^−1, (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त में से machine that makes paper copies of
Power =M^1 L^2 T^−3 कोई नही ं documents and other visual images
quickly and cheaply. Most current
Hence, option A is correct. Ans: (b) Solar radiation / सौर photocopiers use a technology called
दवदकरण xerography, a dry process using heat.
Q722. Neap tides occur when Explanation: Copiers can also use other
______ / मन्द ज्वजर-भजटज उत्पन्न होती है Wind is nothing but the form of technologies such as ink jet, but
र्ब ________ moving air. It is caused by the xerography is standard for office
uneven heating of the earth's surface copying.
(a) the moon, the sun and the earth by the sun. Hence, the energy that
Q727. The rays parallel to the
are in the same line/ चंर्द्मज, सूरर् और generates wind comes from solar
principal axis after refraction through
पृथ्वी एक ही रे खज में होते हैं | radiation.
a lens meet at a point called/मुख्य
(b) the sun is closest to earth/ सूया
Q725 An electric fuse is based on/ अि के समजनजं तर ककरणें ककसी लेंस से
[पृथ्वी के सवजा कधक समीप होतज है |
कवद् युत फ्यूज़ ककस पर आधजररत होतज है परजवतान के बजद एक कनकित कबंदु पर
(c) the moon is farthest from earth/
(a) the chemical effect of the current/ कमलती हैं , कर्से कहज र्जतज है -
चंर्द्मज पृथ्वी से सवजा कधक दू र होतज है |
(d) the earth is at right angles with धजरज कज रजसजयकनक प्रभजव
(b) the magnetic effect of the current/ (a) Focus/ फोकस
the sun and the moon/ पृथ्वी सूया और
धजरज कज चुंबकीय प्रभजव (b) Centre of curvature/ वक्रतज केंर्द्
चन्द्रमज से समकोण पर होती है |
(c) the heating effect of the current/ (c) Optic centre/ दृकि केंर्द्
Ans: (d) the earth is at right angles धजरज कज ऊष्मज प्रभजव (d) Image point / प्रकतकबंब कबंदु
with the sun and the moon/ पृथ्वी (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
सूयष और चन्द्रमा से समकोण पर होती Ans: (a) Focus/ फोकस
Ans: (c) the heating effect of the Explanation:
है |
current/ धारा का ऊष्मा प्रभाव This point is known as the
Explanation: focal point. Notice that a
Neap tides are especially weak tides.
The electric fuse is based on the diverging lens such as this double
They occur when the gravitational
heating effect of the current. electric concave lens does not really focus
forces of the Moon and the Sun are
fuse have low melting point so when the incident light rays that
perpendicular to one another (with
high current flow through fuse wire are parallel to the principal axis;
respect to the Earth). Neap tides
it heated and melted and break down rather, it diverges these light rays.
occur during quarter moons.
the electric circuit. For this reason, a diverging lens is
said to have a negative focal length.
Q723. Through which light cannot
Q726. On which of the following
pass?/ प्रकजश ककस से होकर नही ं गुज़र techniques photo state machine Q728. Work is always done on a
सकतज है ? works? / कनम्नकलल्टखत में से ककस body when/ ककसी कपंड पर कजया हमेशज
(a) Notebook paper/ नोटबुक कज पन्नज तकनीक पर फोटो स्टे ट मशीन कजम तभी होतज है र्ब -
(b) Water/ पजनी करती है ? (a) A force acts on it/ इस पर बल कजया
(c) Book / ककतजब (a) Magnetic Imager Making / करतज है |
(d) Sun glasses/ धूप कज चश्ज चुंबकीय इमेर्र बनजनज (b) It moves through a certain
(b) Thermal Image-Making / र्माल distance/ यह एक कनकित दू री की यजत्रज
Ans: (c) Book / दकताब इमेर्-मेककंग करतज है |
Explanation: (c) Electrostatic Image-Making / (c)It experience an increase in energy
An opaque object is neither
इलेक्ट््ोस्टै कटक इमेर्-मेककंग through a mechanical influence/ यह
transparent (allowing all light to pass
through) nor translucent (allowing
(d) Electromagnetic Image-Making / ककसी यजंकत्रक प्रभजव द्वजरज ऊर्जा में वृल्टि
some light to pass through). When इलेक्ट््ोमैग्नेकटक इमेर्-मेककंग कज अनुभव करतज है |
light strikes an interface between two (d) none of the above/ उपरोक्त में से
Ans: (c) Electrostatic Image-
substances, in general some may be कोई नही ं
reflected, some absorbed, some Making / इलेक्ट्रोस्टै दटक इमेज-
scattered, and the rest transmitted मेदकंग Ans: (a) A force acts on it/ इस पर
(also see refraction). Explanation:
बल कायष करता है |
All Electrostatic Copiers work under
Q724. The energy that generates the premise that a charge of
Work is done when the force is
wind comes from what source?/ वह electricity is placed on an Image
applied over a displacement parallel
Drum which has the ability to retain
the electric charge much like a
to the force. Yes, but it can be Q732. In the conventional direction Ans: (c) Ohm’s Law / ओम का
positive, zero or negative. of current flow the particles दनयम
considered to be moving are:/ धजरज Explanation:
Q729. The device that confirms the प्रवजह की पजरं पररक कदशज में _______ Ohm's law states that the current
presence of electric charge:/ वह कणों को गकतशील मजनज र्जतज है | through a conductor between two
उपकरण र्ो कवद् युत आवेश की (a) Protons/ प्रोटोन points is directly proportional to the
उपल्टस्र्कत की पुकि करतज है : (b) Electrons/ इलेक्ट््ॉन
voltage across the two points.
(a) Electric Meter/इलेल्टक्ट््क मीटर (c) Atoms/ परमजणु Q735. Through which equipment
(b) Electro Meter/इलेक्ट््ो मीटर (d) Ions/ आयन human's heart beats are recorded and
(c) Electron Microscope/इलेक्ट््ॉन
detected via graphics?/ ककस उपकरण
मजइक्रोस्कोप Ans: (b) Electrons/ इलेक्ट्रॉन के मजध्यम से मजनव के हृदय की धड़कन
(d) Electroscope/इलेक्ट््ोस्कोप Explanation:
को ररकॉडा ककयज र्जतज है और ग्रजकफक्स
The particles that carry charge
के मजध्यम से पतज लगजयज र्जतज है?
Ans: (d) Electroscope/इलेक्ट्रोस्कोप through wires in a circuit are mobile
Explanation: electrons. The electric field direction (a) Barograph/ बरोग्रजफ
An electroscope is an early scientific within a circuit is by definition the (b) Crescograph/क्रेस्को ग्रजफ
instrument used to detect the direction that positive test charges (c) Como graph/ कोमो ग्रजफ
presence of electric charge on a are pushed. Thus, these negatively (d) Cardiograph/कजकडा योग्रजफ
body. It detects charge by the charged electrons move in the
direction opposite the electric field.
movement of a test object due to the Ans: (d) Cardiograph/कादडष योग्राफ
Coulomb electrostatic force on it. Explanation:
The amount of charge on an object is Q733. Strength of an electromagnet
Cardiograph (plural cardiographs)
proportional to its voltage. depends upon/ एक कवद् युत चुंबक की (cardiology) an instrument which,
िमतज ककस पर कनभार करती है ? placed in contact with the chest,
Q730. Which of the following parts (a) Number of turn in the wire/ तजर में graphically registers the comparative
of the generators is stationary to
घुमजव की संख्यज duration and intensity of the heart's
produce electricity in large
(b) Strength of the current/ धजरज की movements.
powerhouses?/ र्ेनरे टर के कनम्नकलल्टखत
भजगों में से कौन बड़े कबर्ली-घरों में Q736. The theory on which
(c) Core material/ मूल सजमग्री
कबर्ली कज उत्पजदन में ल्टस्र्र रहतज है ? magnetism is explained/ वह कसिजं त
(d) All of these/ ये सभी
(a) Coil/कुंडल कर्स पर चुम्बकत्व की व्यजख्यज की र्जती
(b) Electromagnet/ इलेक्ट््ोमैग्नेट Ans: (a) Number of turn in the है -
(c) Slip rings/ल्टलप ररं ग wire/ तार में घुमाव की संख्या (a) Domain theory/ डोमेन कसिजं त
(d) Carbon brush/ कजबान ब्रश Explanation: (b) Electric theory/ कवद् युत कसिजं त
The strength of the magnetic field (c) Kepler’s theory/ केप्र कसिजं त
Ans: (a) Coil/कंु डल produced by such an electromagnet (d) Polar theory/ पोलर कसिजं त
Explanation: depends on the number of coils of
To provide the large amounts of wire, the magnitude of the current, Ans: (a) Domain theory/ डोमेन
steady power demanded by modern and the magnetic permeability of the
societies, large power plants have core material; a strong field can be
been built. Most power plants make produced from a small current if a
Domain Theory
electricity with a machine called a large number of turns of wire are
A more modern theory of magnetism
generator. Generators have two used.
is based on the electron spin
important parts: the rotor (which
principle. From the study of atomic
rotates) and the stator (which Q734. Which law states that the ratio
structure it is known that all matter is
remains stationary). of the potential difference across a
composed of vast quantities of
conductor to the current flowing
atoms, each atom containing one or
Q731. Bakelite is a/an/ बैकेलजईट है - through it, is a constant, provided
more orbital electrons.
(a) Semiconductor/ अधाचजलक that its physical conditions, such as
(b) Conductor/ चजलक temperature, remain constant ?/ कौन Q737. The commercial unit of
(c) Insulator/कवसंवजहक से कजनून में कहज गयज है कक एक electrical energy is/ कवद् युत ऊर्जा की
(d) None / कोई नही ं प्रवजहकत्त्व के पजर वतामजन प्रवजह के कलए वजकणल्टज्यक इकजई है -
संभजकवत अंतर कज अनुपजत एक ल्टस्र्र है , (a) Volt / वोि
Ans: (c) Insulator/दवसंवाहक बशते कक इसकी भौकतक पररल्टस्र्कतयजं , (b) Watt/ वजट
Explanation: र्ैसे तजपमजन, ल्टस्र्र रहें ? (c) Kilowatt/ ककलोवजट
Bakelite is a polymer made up of the (a) Lenz’s Law/ लेनज़ कनयम (d) Kilowatt hour/ ककलोवजट घंटज
monomers phenol and formaldehyde. (b) Hooke’s Law / हुक कज कनयम
This phenol-formaldehyde resin is a
(c) Ohm’s Law / ओम कज कनयम Ans.(d) Kilowatt hour/ दकलोवाट
thermosetting polymer.
(d) The coulomb’s law / युग्मन कनयम घंटा
Kilowatt - hour is the commercial (c) depended upon the nature of the Ans: (a) Interference / हस्तक्षेप
unit of electrical energy. We have body / शरीर की प्रकृकत पर कनभा र करतज Explanation:
seen that power is the rate of energy है In physics, interference is a
consumed or delivered. If 1 joule of (d) the outer surface of the body / phenomenon in which two waves
energy is used per second, we say
शरीर की बजहरी सतह superpose to form a resultant wave
that energy is used at the rate of 1 of greater, lower, or the same
watt. amplitude. Interference effects can
Ans: (d) the outer surface of the
be observed with all types of waves,
Q738. The Intensity of any wave is body / शरीर की बाहरी सतह
for example, light, radio, acoustic,
proportional to which quantity? / surface water waves, gravity waves,
ककसी भी तरं ग की तीव्रतज ककस मजत्रज के or matter waves.
Since the electric field is zero inside
समजनुपजती होती है ? the conductor, the mutual repulsion
Q743. What is the direction of
of like charges from Coulomb's Law
demands that the charges be as far torque? / टोक़ की कदशज क्ज है ?
(a) amplitude / आयजम apart as possible. Hence on the (a) Perpendicular to the direction of
(b) Square of amplitude / आयजम कज surface of the conductor, the net applied force / लजगू बल की कदशज के
वगा electric charge of a conductor resides लंबवत
(c) Square root of amplitude / आयजम entirely on its surface. (b) Same as the direction of applied
कज वगामूल force / लजगू बल की कदशज के समजन
Q741. It is difficult to fix a nail on a (c) Opposite to the direction of
(d) Cube of amplitude / आयजम कज freely suspended wooden frame. applied force / लजगू बल की कदशज के
घन Which law supports this statement? /
स्तंत्र रूप से कनलंकबत लकड़ी के फ्रेम
Ans: (b) Square of (d) Parallel to the radius / कत्रज्यज के
पर एक कील को ठीक करनज मुल्टिल
amplitude/आयजम कज वगा समजनजं तर
है । कौन सज कजनून इस कर्न कज समर्ान
Explanation: करतज है ? Ans: (a) Perpendicular to the
Because a wave's intensity is (a) Law of inertia / र्ड़तज कज कजनून direction of applied force / लागू बल
proportional to amplitude squared, (b) Newton’s second law / न्यूटन कज की दिशा के लंबवत
the intensity of the resulting wave is दू सरज कनयम Explanation:
four times as great as in the (c) Newton’s third law / न्यू टन कज Right Hand Rule for Torque Torque
individual waves.
तीसरज कनयम is inherently a vector quantity. Part
of the torque calculation is the
Q739. Who established the (d) Pascal’s law / पजस्कल कज कनयम
determination of direction. The
foundations of Quantum theory? / direction is perpendicular to both the
क्जं टम कसिजं त की नींव ककसने स्र्जकपत Ans: (c) Newton’s third law / न्यूटन radius from the axis and to the force.
की? का तीसरा दनयम It is conventional to choose it in the
(a) Max Planck / मैक्स प्ैंक right hand rule direction along the
When the wooden block is not axis of rotation.
(b) Mark Nicholas / मजका कनकोलस resting against a support, the block
(c) Albert Einstein / अल्बटा आइं स्टीन and nails both move forward on Q744. The part of a meteor which
(d) Alfred Hitchcock / अल्ब्फ्रेड being hit with a hammer. However, reaches the Earth’s surface is called
कहचकॉक when the block is held firmly against a/ उल्कज के उस भजग को क्ज कहते हैं
a support, and the nail is hit, an equal
र्ो पृथ्वी की सतह पर पहुाँ चतज है ?
Ans: (a) Max Planck / मैक्स प्लैंक reaction of the support drives the nail
(a) shooting star/ शूकटं ग स्टजर
Explanation: into the block.
(b) comet/ धूमकेतु
Niels Bohr and Max Planck, two of
the founding fathers of Quantum Q742. ______________ refers to the (c) meteorite/ उल्कजकपंड
Theory, each received a Nobel Prize superposition of two or more (d) nebula / नेयुलज
in Physics for their work on quanta. coherent waves to produce regions of
Einstein is considered the third maxima and minima in space, Ans: (c) meteorite/ उल्कादपंड
founder of Quantum Theory because according to the principle of Explanation:
he described light as quanta in his superposition. / ______________ दो A meteor is the visible path of a
theory of the Photoelectric Effect, for यज दो से अकधक सुसंगत तरं गों के meteoroid that enters the Earth's (or
which he won the 1921 Nobel Prize. सुपरपोकज़शन को संदकभात करतज है र्ो another body's) atmosphere,
अंतररि में मैल्टक्समज और कमकनमज के िेत्रों commonly called a shooting star or
Q740. Where do the electrical falling star. If a meteor survives its
कज उत्पजदन करते हैं , कसिजं त के अनुसजर
charges reside in a charged transit of the atmosphere to come to
conductor? / आवेकशत चजलक में rest on the Earth's surface, the
(a) Interference / हस्तिेप
कवद् युत आवेश कहजाँ रहते हैं ? resulting object is called a meteorite.
(b) Rectification / रे ल्टक्ट्कफकेशन
(a) at the core / कोर में
(c) Intensity / तीव्रतज Q745. The point where total mass of
(b) throughout the body / पूरे शरीर में
(d) Diffraction / कविेप a body is supposed to be
concentrated is known as / कर्स कबंदु
पर ककसी कपंड कज कुल र्द्व्यमजन होनज Explanation: (c) Approx 150 decibels/ लगभग 150
चजकहए, उसे केंकर्द्त के रूप में र्जनज र्जतज The wire(normally red colour) that is डे कसबल
connected to the phase conductor is
called the phase wire or live wire, (d) Approx 180 decibels/ लगभग 180
(a) Dead centre / मृत केंर्द् because it has a potential of 220 volt
(b) Centre of mass / र्द्व्यमजन कज केंर्द् डे कसबल
and gives a shock when touched with
(c) Centre of gravity / गुरुत्वजकर्ाण कज bare hand.
Ans: (d) Approx 180 decibels/
लगभग 180 डtसबल
(d) Centre of motion / गकत कज केंर्द् Q749. Where do we use
transformers?/ ट् जं सफजमार कज उपयोग
Ans: (b) Centre of mass / द्रव्यमान कहजाँ होतज हैं ? A healthy person hears all sound
का केंद्र (a) Power stations / पजवर स्टे शन frequencies from approximately 20
Explanation: (b) Radio sets/रे कडयो सेट to 20,000 hz
The centre of mass of a body or a (c) Television /टे लीकवर्न
system of particles is defined as a (d) All of the above/उपरोक्त सभी Pain = 140dB Discomfort = 120 dB
single point at which the whole mass
of the body or system is imagined to Jack hammers and Rock concerts =
Ans: (d) All of the above/उपरोक्त
be concentrated and all the applied 110dB Industrial noise = 90dB
forces acts at that point. It is that सभी
point that moves when forces are Transformers are most Normal conversation = 60dB
applied on the body. commonly used for increasing low
AC voltages at high current (a step- Q752. Who discovered the
Q746. What is measured with the up transformer) or decreasing high phenomenon of electromagnetic
AC voltages at low current (a step-
Nephometer? / नेफोमीटर के सजर् क्ज induction? /
down transformer) in electric power
मजपज र्जतज है ? applications, and for coupling the कवद् युत चुम्बकीय प्रेरण की घटनज की
(a) volume of rainfall / वर्जा की मजत्रज stages of signal processing circuits.
खोर् ककसने की?
(b) Cloud volume and speed / बजदल
की मजत्रज और गकत Q750. Which of the following parts
(a) Michael Faraday and Joseph
(c) Salinity of Sea / समुर्द् की लवणतज is not there in AC generator?/ AC
Henry/ मजइकल फै रजडे और र्ोसेफ
(d) All options are correct. / सभी र्नरे टर में कनम्नकलल्टखत में से कौन सज
हे नरी
कवकि सही हैं । भजग नही ं है ?
(b) Albert Einstein/ अल्बटर्जा
(a) Slip rings/ल्टलप ररं ग
आइं स्टीन
Ans (b) Cloud volume and speed/ (b) Coil/कुंडल
(c) Isaac Newton / इसहजक न्यूटन
बािल की मािा और गदत (c) Commutator/कम्यूटेटर
(d) Galileo Galilei / गैलीलयो गैलीली
(d) Galvanometer/गैिेनोमीटर
Q747. What is the electric potential
Ans: (a) Michael Faraday and
of neutral wire?/ तटस्र् तजर कज Ans: (c) Commutator/कम्यूटेटर Joseph Henry/ माइकल फै राडे और
कवद् युत कवभव क्ज होगज? Explanation:
जोसेफ हेनरी
(a) Zero volt/शून्य वोि Commutators are used in direct
(b) 100 volt / 100 वोि current (DC) machines: dynamos
(c) 10 volt /10 वोि (DC generators) and
Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry
many DC motors as well as universal
(d) 10 volt/10 वोि both discovered the electromagnetic
motors. In
phenomenon of mutual-induction at
a motor the commutator applies
Ans: (a) Zero volt/शून्य वोल्ट electric current to the windings. By
about the same time and independent
Explanation: of one another. This describes the
reversing the current direction in the
The neutral of a 3-phase, 4 wire movement of charge through more
rotating windings each half turn, a
system is typically grounded. Hence, than one conduit at the same time.
steady rotating force (torque) is
it's potential is, theoretically produced.
speaking, 0 volts. As for the return Q753. GSAT-16 is/ र्ीसैट-16 है -
path, the phase wire is at 230 volts
AC rms (higher potential). Q751. Above which level of noise is (a)Weather Satellite/ मौसमी उपग्रह
a cause of hearing loss and
Q748. How much electric potential damage?ककस स्तर से अकधक शोर हजकन (b)Remote sensing satellite/ सुदूर
does the live wire carry?/ कवद् युन्मय और िकत कज कजरण है ? संवेदन उपग्रह
तजर कज कवद् युत कवभव क्ज होगज ?
(a) 100 volts / 100 वोि (A) Approx 80 decibels/ लगभग 80 (c)Reconnaissance satellite/ टोही
(b) 150 volts/150 वोि डे कसबल उपग्रह
(c) 185 volts /185 वोि (b) Approx 130 decibels / लगभग 130
(d) 220 volts/ 220 वोि (d)Communication satellite/ संचजर
डे कसबल
Ans: (d) 220 volts/ 220 वोल्ट
Ans: (d)Communication satellite/ Ans: (b) Volume/ Temperature = Q758. Astronomical leap year is
संचार उपग्रह constant when Pressure is measured in-/खगोिीय अकधिषय िो
constant/ वॉल्यूम / तापमान = स्थथर िापा जाता है -
Explanation: जब िबाव स्थथर होता है (a) Leap year/ अकधिषय िें
G-SAT -16 is the 11th Indian
(b) Light year/ प्रिाश िषय िें
communication satellite meant to Explanation:
increase the number of transponders (c) Mega Kilometer/ िेगा कििोिीटर
that in turn enhance the satellite Charles' Law is a special case of the िें
based communication, television, ideal gas law. It states that (d) Nautical mile/ सिुद्री िीि िें
VSAT services in India. It was the volume of a fixed mass of a gas
launched on 6 December 2014 from is directly proportional to the Ans : (b) Light year/ प्रिाश िषय िें
the Guiana Space centre, French temperature. This law applies to
Guiana. ideal gases held at a constant Explanation:
pressure, where only the volume and Astronomical leap year is measured
Q754. Name the scientist who had temperature are allowed to change. in light years. 1 light year = 9.46
discovered that some molecules have 10^15 m.
mirror images?/ उस वैज्ञजकनक कज नजम Q756 Who is the English physicist
बतजइए कर्सने यह पजयज र्ज कक कुछ responsible for the "Big Bang Q759. By how many times are the
अणुओं में दपाण कचत्र होते हैं ? Theory"?/ "कबग बैंग थ्योरी" के कलए Electrostatic forces stronger than the
अंग्रेर्ी भौकतक कवज्ञजनी कौन कर्म्मेदजर Gravitational Forces for a fixed
(a) Lord Kelvin/ केल्टिन है ?/ distance? / कनकित दू री िे किए
गुरुत्वािषयण बि से इिेक्ट्रोस्टै कटि बि
(b) Louis Pasteur/ लुई पजिर (a) Albert Einstein/ अल्बटा आइं स्टीन कितनी बार िजबूत होते हैं ?
(a) 10^2
(c) Robert Hooke / रॉबटा हक (b) Michael Skube/ मजइकल स्क्ूब (b) 10^36
(c) 10^12
(d) Henry Moseley / हे नरी मोसले (c) George Gamow/ र्ॉर्ा गजमो
(d) 2
Work done is defined as the dot dimension with a very light body at
Q761. Which one of the following product of Force vector and rest. Note: the body at rest starts
has ‘ohm’ as its unit?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें displacement vector. W = F.s Work moving with double the initial
से किसिी इिाई िे रूप िें ’ओि’ है ? done is a scalar quantity. Note: velocity of the heavy body.
Instantaneous power is defined as the
(a) Resistivity / प्रकतरोधिता
dot product of Force vector and Q766. Kepler’s second law is also
(b) Conductivity / चाििता instantaneous velocity. known as:/ िेप्लर िे दू सरे कनयि िो
(c) Conductance / चाििता
इस रूप िें भी जाना जाता है :
(d) Inductive Reactance / प्रेरि Q764. What should be the angle
प्रकतकरया between force and displacement for (a) Law of periods / अिकध िे िानून
maximum work to be done? /
(b) Law of areas / क्षेत्रोुं िा िानून
Ans : (d) Inductive Reactance / अकधिति िायय िे किए बि और
(c) Law of orbits / िक्षाओुं िा कनयि
प्रेरि प्रकतकरया किथथापन िे बीच िा िोण क्या होना
(d) Law of Planets / ग्रहोुं िा कनयि
Explanation: (a) 0°
The unit of Inductive Reactance is Ans : (b) Law of areas / क्षेत्रोुं िा
(b) 90°
‘ohm’. Inductive Reactance = (c) 180° िानून
Angular frequency x Inductance (d) 30°
Inductive reactance is defined as the Explanation:
opposition to changing current flow. Ans : (a) 0° Kepler’s second law states that an
It is measured in ohm. imaginary line joining a planet and
Any changing current in an inductor Explanation: the Sun sweeps out an equal area of
will be impeded because of the For maximum work, the angle space in equal amounts of time i.e.
inductance associated with it. between force and displacement the areal velocity of the planet
should be 0°. around the sun is constant. It is also
Q762. What is the value of the Triple W = Fs Cos 0° = Fs known as the Law of areas.
point of water?/पानी िे कटर पि कबुंदु िा For zero work, the angle between
िूल्य क्या है ? force and displacement should be Q767. Which of the following is
(a) 273.16 K 90°. incorrect:/कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन गित
(b) 273.16° C W = Fs Cos 90° = 0 है :
(c) 0° C (a) Gravitational force of attraction is
(d) -273.16 K Q765. What happens to the velocity independent of the nature of
of a heavy body when it undergoes intervening medium/ आिषयण िा
Ans : (a) [ 273.16 K ] an elastic collision in one dimension गुरुत्वािषयण बि हस्तक्षेप िरने िािे
with a very light body at rest?/भारी
िाध्यि िी प्रिृकत से स्वतुंत्र है
Explanation: शरीर िे िेग िा क्या होता है जब यह (b) Gravitational forces are central
The triple point of water is the एि आयाि िें एि िोचदार टिराि से forces/ गुरुत्वािषयण बि िेंद्रीय बि हैं
temperature at which ice, water, and गुजरता है कजसिें एि बहुत ही हल्का (c) Gravitational forces are non-
water vapors coexist. The value of
शरीर होता है ? conservative forces/ गुरुत्वािषयण बि
the Triple point of water is 273.16 K
Kelvin is the S.I unit of Temperature (a) it stops and comes to rest /यह रुि गैर-रूकढ़िादी बि हैं
represented by symbol K. जाता है और आराि िरने िे किए आता (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी
T 3 = 273.1K This is equivalent to है
0.01 o C and 32.02 o F (b) it keeps on moving with the same Ans : (c) Gravitational forces are
velocity/यह उसी िेग िे साथ आगे non-conservative forces/
Q763. Work done is defined as the बढ़ता रहता है गुरुत्वािषयण बि गैर-रूकढ़िादी बि हैं
dot product of which of the (c) it starts moving with half of its
following vectors?/किए गए िायय िो initial velocity / यह अपने प्रारुं कभि Explanation:
कनम्न िें से किस िैक्ट्र िे िॉट उत्पाद िे िेग िे आधे भाग िे साथ बढ़ना शुरू Characteristics of Gravitational
रूप िें पररभाकषत किया गया है ? िरता है
(a) Force and acceleration/बि और (d) it rebounds with the same
It is always attractive in nature.
It is independent of the medium
त्वरण velocity /यह उसी िेग िे साथ किद्रोह between the bodies. It holds good
(b) Force and area / बि और क्षेत्र िरता है over a wide range of distances
(c) Force and instantaneous It is a central force i.e. acts along the
velocity/बि और तात्काकिि िेग Ans : (b) it keeps on moving with line joining the centres of two
(d) Force and displacement / बि और the same velocity/यह उसी िेग िे interacting bodies
किथथापन साथ आगे बढ़ता रहता है The gravitational force between two
particles is independent of the
Ans : (d) Force and displacement / Explanation: presence or absence of other bodies
बि और किथथापन The heavy body keeps on moving It is the weakest force in nature.
with the same velocity when it It is a conservative force i.e. work
Explanation: undergoes an elastic collision in one done by it is path independent or
work done in moving a particle
round a closed path under the action Ans : (a) 0 कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किस पर कनभयर नही ुं
of gravitational force is zero. िरती है ?
It is an action-reaction pair. Explanation:
(a) Radius of earth/ पृथ्वी िा कत्रज्या
The gravitational potential energy of
Q768. On which of the following a body at a point is defined as the (b) Height of the satellite/ उपग्रह िी
quantities, Work done does not amount of work done in bringing the ऊूँचाई
depend?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किस िात्रा body from infinity to that point (c) Mass of the satellite/ उपग्रह िा
पर, किया गया िायय कनभयर नही ुं िरता against the gravitational force. द्रव्यिान
U = – GMm/r When r =infinity, then (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
है ?
U =0 िोई नही ुं
(a) Force applied/ बि िागू
(b) Displacement/ किथथापन Q771. What will be the change in the Ans : (c) Mass of the satellite/
(c) Time/ सिय force of attraction between two
(d) Depends on all of the above/ उपग्रह िा द्रव्यिान
bodies if the distance between them
उपरोक्त सभी पर कनभयर िरता है is doubled?/ दो कनिायोुं िे बीच
आिषयण िे बि िें क्या पररितयन होगा The time period of a satellite is the
Ans : (c) Time/ सिय अगर उनिे बीच िी दू री दोगुनी हो time taken by satellite to go once
जाती है ? around the earth. The time period is
(a) No change/ िोई पररितयन नही ुं independent of the mass of the
Work done does not depend on the orbiting body and depends on the
time for which the force was applied. (b) Becomes double/ िबि हो जाता है
mass of the central body and radius
Work done is only dependent on the (c) Becomes four times/ चार बार बन
of the orbit.
force and displacement. Time is जाता है
involved in the case of Power only (d) Becomes nine times/ नौ बार बन Q774. If the time of revolution is T
जाता है in a satellite, then kinetic energy is
Q769. Which of the following is
proportional to which of the
NOT an example of the conservation
Ans : (c) Becomes four times/ चार following:/ यकद किसी उपग्रह िें राुं कत
of mechanical energy?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें
बार बन जाता है िा सिय T है , तो गकतज ऊजाय
से िौन याुं कत्रि ऊजाय िे सुंरक्षण िा
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किसिे किए
उदाहरण नही ुं है ? Explanation:
(a) Vibrations of a simple आनुपाकति है :
If the distance between two masses is
(a) T^-4/3
pendulum/एि साधारण पेंिुिि िी doubled, the gravitational attraction
(b) T^2/3
िुंपन between them becomes 4 times. F =
(c) T^-2/3
(b) Motion of a small spherical ball Gm1m2/r2
(d) T^-1/3
over a watch glass/एि घड़ी िे शीशे
िे ऊपर एि िोटी गोिािार गेंद िी Q772. Orbital velocity of a satellite Ans : (c) [T^-2/3]
does not depend on which of the
(c) Vibrations of an elastic following?/ उपग्रह िा िक्षीय िेग कनम्न Explanation:
spring/एि िोचदार िसुंत िे िुंपन िें से किस पर कनभयर नही ुं िरता है ? The square of the period of any
(d) None of the above/उपरोक्त िें से (a) Radius of the planet/ ग्रह िा कत्रज्या planet is proportional to the cube of
िोई नही (b) Mass of the planet/ ग्रह िा the semi-major axis of its orbit. So r
is inversely proportional to the cube
root of the square of T. And Kinetic
Ans : (d) None of the (c) Radius of orbit/ िक्षा िी कत्रज्या energy is inversely proportional to r.
above/उपरोक्त िें से िोई नही ुं (d) Mass of the satellite / उपग्रह िा Therefore, K.E is directly
द्रव्यिान proportional to (T)^-2/3
Some examples of conservation of Ans : (d) Mass of the satellite / Q775. What will be the total energy
mechanical energy: Vibrations of a उपग्रह िा द्रव्यिान of a satellite moving around the earth
simple pendulum in a circular orbit with speed v and
The motion of a small spherical ball Explanation: having mass m?/ गकत v और द्रव्यिान
over a watch glass Vibrations of an
elastic spring
Orbital velocity of a satellite does m िे साथ गोिािार िक्षा िें पृथ्वी िे
not depend on the mass of the
चारोुं ओर घूिने िािे उपग्रह िी िुि
satellite. It depends on the mass and
Q770. What is the gravitational radius of the planet around which it ऊजाय कितनी होगी?
potential energy for infinite is orbiting. Also, it depends on the (a) -1/2 m v^3
distance?/ अनुंत दू री िे किए radius of the orbit or the height of the (a) 2 m v^2
(a) 1/2 m v^3
गुरुत्वािषयण सुंभाकित ऊजाय क्या है ? satellite.
(a) -1/2 m v^2
(a) 0
(b) infinity Q773. The time period of a satellite
does not depend on which of the Ans : (d) -1/2 m v^2
(c) 9.8 J
(d) None of the above following?/ उपग्रह िी सियािकध
The total energy of a satellite moving (b) inversely proportional to each the measure of the resistive flow of a
around the earth in a circular orbit other / एि दू सरे िे किपरीत fluid under the influence of gravity.
with speed v and having mass m is - आनुपाकति
1/2 m v^2. (c) directly proportional to each other Q781. What Galileo invented?/
/ एि दू सरे िे सीधे आनुपाकति गैिीकियो ने क्या आकिष्कार किया?
Q776. By how much the orbital
(d) no relationship / िोई सुंबुंध नही ुं (a) Barometer./ बैरोिीटर।
velocity of Moon has to increase for
(b) Pendulum clock./ पेंिुिि घड़ी।
it to cease to remain the earth’s
Ans : B inversely proportional to (c) Microscope. / िाइरोस्कोप।
satellite?/ पृथ्वी िे उपग्रह िे बने रहने
each other / एि दू सरे िे किपरीत (d) Thermometer / थिाय िीटर
िे किए चुंद्रिा िी परररिा िा िेग
कितना बढ़ गया है ? Ans : (d) Thermometer /
(a) 2 times Explanation: थिाजाय िीटर
(b) 3 times Excess pressure is inversely
(c) √2 times proportional to the radius of the Explanation:
(d) √3 times bubble (or drop). It means that the Galileo invented Thermometer in
pressure inside a smaller bubble is 1593. He discovered the
Ans : (c) √2 times higher than inside a larger bubble. thermometer with the help of the
principle, which he had developed.
Explanation: Q779. The magnet is strongest near He found that the density of the
If the speed of a satellite orbiting
the-/ चुम्बि सबसे पास होता है - liquid changes in proportion with its
close to the earth is made √2 times
(a) on equator point from the poles of temperature change.
(or increased by 41%) then it will
escape from the gravitational field the magnet /चुुंबि िे ध्रुिोुं से भूिध्य
Moon is a natural satellite of the रे खा कबुंदु पर Q782. The property of human eye
earth. (b) ends of the magnet /चुुंबि िा अुंत for seeing near objects and distant
(c) centre of magnet / चुुंबि िा िेंद्र object is called- / िानि नेत्र िी पास
Q777. What happens to the liquid in (d) None of the above / उपरोक्त िें से एिुं दू र िी िस्तु िो दे खने िे गुण िो
a capillary of insufficient length?/ िोई नही ुं क्या िहा जाता है ?
अपयाय प्त िुंबाई िािी िेकशिा िें तरि ((a)Myopia/ कनिट दृकष्ट दोष
िा क्या होता है ? Ans : (b) ends of the magnet /चुुंबि ((b)Accomodation/ आिास
(a) liquid overflows from the upper िा अुंत ((c)Presbyopia/ जरादू रदृकष्ट
end like a fountain/ एि फव्वारे िी ((d)Correction/ सुधार
तरह ऊपरी िोर से तरि ओिरफ्लो Explanation:
(b) liquid tickles along the vertical The magnetic field of a bar magnet is Ans : (b)Accomodation/ आिास
sides of the tube/ ट्यूब िे ऊध्वाय धर strongest at either pole of the
पक्षोुं िे साथ तरि गुदगुदी magnet. It is equally strong at the Explanation:
north pole when compared with the
(c) liquid does not rise at all/ तरि Accomodation is the process by
south pole. The force is weaker in which the vertebrate eye changes
कबल्कुि नही ुं उठता है the middle of the magnet and optical power to maintain a clear
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से halfway between the pole and the image or focus on an object as its
िोई नही ुं center. distance varies.
Ans : (c) liquid does not rise at all/ Q780. Which of the following Q783. Which of these is correct
तरि कबल्कुि नही ुं उठता है represents Kinematic viscosity?/ about Simple Harmonic Motion?/
When a capillary tube of insufficient कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन िाइनेिैकटि इनिें से िौन सा सरि हािोकनि िोशन
length is dipped in a liquid, the कचपकचपाहट िा प्रकतकनकधत्व िरता है ? िे बारे िें सही है ?
radius of curvature of the meniscus (a) Viscosity/temperature/ (a) Restoring force is directly
increases so that hr = constant. That कचपकचपापन / तापिान proportional to the displacement
is pressure on the concave side
(b) Viscosity/area/ कचपकचपापन / क्षेत्र from mean position/ पुनथथाय पना बि
becomes equal to pressure exerted by
the liquid column so liquid does not (c) Viscosity/density/ कचपकचपापन / िाध्य ल्टथथकत से किथथापन िे किए सीधे
overflow. घनत्व आनुपाकति है
(d) Viscosity/mass/ कचपकचपापन / (b) Restoring force is equal to the
Q778. What is the relationship द्रव्यिान displacement from mean position /
between excess pressure and the पुनथथाय पना बि िाध्य ल्टथथकत से किथथापन
radius of the bubble?/ अकतररक्त दबाि Ans :C Viscosity /density / िे बराबर है
और बुिबुिे िी कत्रज्या िे बीच क्या कचपकचपापन / घनत्व (c) Restoring force is inversely
proportional to the displacement
सुंबुंध है ?
Explanation: from mean position / पुनथथाय पन बि
(a) are equal in value/ िूल्य िें सिान
Kinematic viscosity is defined िाध्य ल्टथथकत से किथथापन िे
mathematically as the ratio of the व्युत्क्रिानुपाती होता है
viscosity of a fluid to its density. It is (d) Restoring force is half of the
displacement from mean position/
(b) Harison & Kaitlin/ है ररसन और Ans : (b) Edison/ एडीसन acceleration is ahead of displacement
िैथकिन by a phase angle of π.
(c) William Gascoigne/ किकियि Explanation:
The first microphone that enabled Q802. What is the relationship
proper voice telephony was the between the spring constant k and
(d) Einstein/ आइुं स्टाइन (loose-contact) carbon microphone. the spring length in case of spring
This was independently developed pendulum?/ िसुंत पेंिुिि िे िाििे िें
Ans : (b) Harison & Kaitlin/ by David Edward Hughes in England िसुंत ल्टथथर िश्मीर और िसुंत िुंबाई िे
है ररसन और िैथकिन and Emile Berliner and Thomas
बीच सुंबुंध क्या है ?
Edison in the US.
(a) spring constant is inversely
proportional to the spring length/
James Harrison (17 April 1816 – 3
September 1893) was a British िसुंत ल्टथथराुं ि िसुंत िी िुंबाई िे
Q800. Which of the following is
Australian newspaper printer, correct about the speed of the sound, व्युत्क्रिानुपाती होता है
journalist, politician, and pioneer in (b) spring constant is directly
at same temperature?/ कनम्न िें से िौन
the field of mechanical refrigeration. proportional to the spring length/
सा ध्वकन िी गकत िे बारे िें सही है , एि
Harrison founded the Geelong िसुंत ल्टथथराुं ि िसुंत िी िुंबाई िे सीधे
ही तापिान पर?
Advertiser newspaper and was a आनुपाकति है
member of the Victorian Legislative (a) sound travels faster in humid air
(c) spring constant is independent of
than in dry air/ ध्वकन शुष्क हिा िी
Council and Victorian Legislative the spring length/िसुंत ल्टथथराुंि िसुंत
Assembly. Harrison is also तुिना िें नि हिा िें तेजी से यात्रा िरती
िी िुंबाई से स्वतुंत्र है
remembered as the inventor of the है (d) spring constant is twice the
mechanical refrigeration process (b) sound travels slower in humid air
spring length/ िसुंत ल्टथथराुंि िसुंत िी
creating ice and founder of the than in dry air/ ध्वकन शुष्क हिा िी
Victorian Ice Works and as a result, िुंबाई से दोगुना है
तुिना िें नि हिा िें धीिी गकत से यात्रा
is often called "the father of
refrigeration". In 1873 he won a gold िरती है Ans : (a) spring constant is
medal at the Melbourne Exhibition (c) speed of sound is same in humid inversely proportional to the
by proving that meat kept frozen for air and dry air/ ध्वकन िी गकत नि हिा spring length/ िसुंत ल्टथथराुंि िसुंत िी
months remained perfectly edible. और शुष्क हिा िें सिान है िुंबाई िे व्युत्क्रिानुपाती होता है
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
Q798. Which of the following waves िोई नही ुं Explanation:
are also called as heatwaves?/ कनम्न The spring constant of a spring
तरुं गोुं िें से किसे हीटिेि भी िहा जाता Ans : (a) sound travels faster in pendulum is inversely proportional
है ? humid air than in dry air/ ध्वकन to the spring length.
(a) UV rays/ यूिी किरणें शुष्क हिा िी तुिना िें नि हिा िें तेजी
Q803. What is the wavelength of a
(b) X-rays/ एक्स-रे से यात्रा िरती है
stationary wave?/ ल्टथथर तरुं ग िी तरुं ग
(c) Infrared/ इन्रारे ि
Explanation: दै ध्यय क्या है ?
(d) Microwaves/ िाइरोिेि
With an increase in humidity, the (a) twice the distance between two
density of air decreases. So with rise consecutive nodes or antinodes/ दो
Ans : (c) Infrared/ इन्रारे ि in humidity velocity of sound िगातार नोि् स या एुं टीनोि् स िे बीच
increases. This is why sound travels िी दू री
faster in humid air (rainy season) (b) equal to the distance between two
Infrared waves vibrate not only the than in dry air (summer) at the same
electrons but entire atoms or consecutive nodes or antinodes/ दो
molecules of a substance. This िगातार नोि् स या एुं कटनोि िे बीच िी
vibration increases the internal
Q801. By what phase angle the दू री िे बराबर
energy and consequently, the (c) half the distance between two
velocity is ahead of displacement in
temperature of the substance. consecutive nodes or antinodes/
S.H.M?/ किस चरण िे िोण से S.H.M
Therefore, infrared waves are often िगातार दो नोि् स या एुं कटनोि िे बीच
called heat waves. िें किथथापन से पहिे िेग होता है ?
(a) π िी आधी दू री
(b) π/4 (d) four times the distance between
Q799. Who among the following two consecutive nodes or antinodes/
scientist invented the Microphone?/ (c) π/2
(d) 2π दो िगातार नोि् स या एुं टीनोि् स िे बीच
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किस िैज्ञाकनि ने िी दू री िा चार गुना
िाइरोफोन िा आकिष्कार किया था?
Ans : (c) [π/2]
(a) Einstein/ आइुं स्टीन Ans : (a) twice the distance
(b) Edison/ एिीसन Explanation: between two consecutive nodes or
(c) John & John/ जॉन एुं ि जॉन In S.H.M. the velocity is ahead of antinodes/ दो िगातार नोि् स या
(d) Janson & Janson/ जानसन और displacement by a phase angle π/ 2, एुं टीनोि् स िे बीच िी दू री
जानसन the acceleration is ahead of velocity
by a phase angle π/ 2 and the Explanation:
कनयि कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से क्या दशाय ता है Ans : (b) Power/ शल्टक्त (a) allows the ions to flow from one
(V = किभिाुं तर और I = कबजिी)? half cell to another/ आयनोुं िो एि
(a) V = I^2 Explanation: आधे सेि से दू सरे सेि िें जाने िी
(b) V = 1/I Power is the rate at which electric अनुिकत दे ता है
(c) V/I = constant energy is dissipated or consumed in (b) prevents the flow of solutions
an electric circuit.
(d) None of the above from one half cell to another/ एि
आधे से ि से दू सरे से ि िें सिाधान िे
Ans : (c) [V/I = constant ] Q816. What do we call the cell that
requires an outside electrical source प्रिाह िो रोिता है
Explanation: to drive the non-spontaneous redox (c) Both a and b/ ए और बी दोनोुं
The potential difference, V, across reaction?/ गैर-सहज रे िॉक्स प्रकतकरया (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
the ends of a given metallic wire in िो चिाने िे किए हि उस से ि िो क्या िोई नही ुं
an electric circuit is directly िहते हैं कजसिे किए एि बाहरी किद् युत
proportional to the current flowing
स्रोत िी आिश्यिता होती है ? Ans : (c) Both a and b/ ए और बी
through it, provided its temperature दोनोुं
remains the same. This is called (a) Voltaic cell/ िोिे इि सेि
Ohm’s law. V/I =constant (b) Electrolytic cell/ इिेक्ट्रोिाइकटि
The salt bridge allows the ions to
Q814. Which of the following is true (c) Galvanic cell/ गैिेकनि सेि flow from one half cell to another but
about the force between two point (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से prevents the flow of solutions.
charges as per the Coulomb’s law?/ िोई नही ुं
िूिम्ब िे कनयि िे अनुसार कनम्नकिल्टखत Q819. Which of the following is
िें से िौन सा दो कबुंदु आिेशोुं िे बीच Ans : (b) Electrolytic cell/ correct about magnetic field?/
बि िे बारे िें सही है ? इिेक्ट्रोिाइकटि सेि चुुंबिीय क्षेत्र िे बारे िें कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से
(a) inversely as the square of the िौन सा सही है ?
distance between the charges/ आिेशोुं Explanation: (a) Magnetic field has magnitude but
िे बीच िी दू री िे िगय िे रूप िें उिटा An Electrolytic cell is one kind of no direction/ चुुंबिीय क्षेत्र िें पररिाण
battery that requires an outside
(b) directly proportional to the होता है िेकिन िोई कदशा नही ुं
product of the magnitude of the two electrical source to drive the non-
(b) Magnetic field has both
charges/ दो आरोपोुं िे पररिाण िे spontaneous redox reaction.
magnitude and direction/ चुुंबिीय क्षेत्र
उत्पाद िे किए सीधे आनुपाकति िें पररिाण और कदशा दोनोुं होते हैं
Q817. Which of the following is
(c) Both a and b/ ए और बी दोनोुं (c) Magnetic field may or may not
NOT correct about inert electrodes?/
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से have direction/ चुुंबिीय क्षेत्र िें कदशा
कनम्न िें से िौन सा अकरय इिे क्ट्रोि् स
िोई नही ुं हो सिती है या नही ुं भी हो सिती है
िे बारे िें सही नही ुं है ?
(a) They serve as a source of (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
Ans : (c) Both a and b/ ए और बी electrons/ िे इिेक्ट्रॉनोुं िे स्रोत िे रूप िोई नही ुं
दोनोुं िें िाि िरते हैं
(b) They take part in the chemical Ans : (b) [Magnetic field has both
reaction/ िे रासायकनि प्रकतकरया िें magnitude and direction]
As per Coulomb’s law, the force
between two point charges varied भाग िेते हैं
inversely as the square of the (c) Both a and b/ ए और बी दोनोुं Magnetic field is a quantity that has
distance between the charges and (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से both direction and magnitude.
was directly proportional to the िोई नही ुं
product of the magnitude of the two Q820. Which of the following
charges and acted along the line Ans : (b) They take part in the phenomenon is the basis of an
joining the two charges. chemical reaction/ िे रासायकनि electric generator?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से
प्रकतकरया िें भाग िेते हैं िौन सी घटना एि किद् युत जेनरे टर िा
Q815. What do we call the rate at
आधार है ?
which electric energy is dissipated or Explanation: (a) Electromagnetic Induction/
consumed in an electric circuit?/ हि An inert electrode is a metal किद् युत चुम्बिीय प्रेरण
उस दर िो क्या िहते हैं कजस पर submerged in an aqueous solution of
(b) Ferroelectric effect/ फेरोइिेल्टक्ट्रि
किद् युत ऊजाय िा प्रसार होता है या ion compounds that transfers
किद् युत पररपथ िें खपत होती है ? electrons rather than exchanging ions
with the aqueous solution. It does not (c) Telluric currents/ टे ल्यूररि धाराओुं
(a) Conductance/ चाििता
participate or interfere in the (d) Electroluminescence/
(b) Power/ शल्टक्त इिेक्ट्रोल्यूकिकनसेंस
chemical reaction but serves as a
(c) Resistance/ प्रकतरोध source of electrons.
(d) Potential Difference/ सुंभाकित Ans : (a) Electromagnetic
अुंतर Q818. What is the role of Salt Induction/ किद् युत चुम्बिीय प्रेरण
bridge?/ निि पुि िी भूकििा क्या है ?
Explanation: (b) Electromagnetism/ किद् युत (a) 1/12th of the mass of the helium
In an electric generator, mechanical चुुंबित्व atom
energy is used to rotate a conductor (c) Electric potential difference/ (b) 1/12th of the mass of the
in a magnetic field to produce hydrogen atom
इिेल्टक्ट्रि सुंभाकित अुंतर
electricity. (c) 1/12th of the mass of the oxygen
(d) Static Electricity/ थथैकति कबजिी atom
Q821. What is the total charge of the (d) 1/12th of the mass of the carbon
Ans : (a) Electric dipole moment/
electric dipole?/ किद् युत कद्वध्रुिीय िा atom
इिेल्टक्ट्रि कद्वध्रुिीय क्षण
िुि आिेश क्या है ?
(a) 0 Ans : (d) [1/12th of the mass of the
Explanation: carbon atom]
(b) -1
Debye. It is defined as 1×10^−18
(c) +1
statcoulomb-centimeters. Explanation:
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से Historically the debye was defined as 1 atomic mass unit (u) is defined as
िोई नही ुं the dipole moment resulting from 1/12th of the mass of the carbon
two charges of opposite sign but an (12(c) atom.
Ans : (a) [0 ] equal magnitude of 10^−10
statcoulomb (generally called e.s.u. Q827. In which of these transistors,
Explanation: (electrostatic unit) in older the two segments of n-type
The total charge of the electric dipole literature), which were separated by semiconductor are separated by a
is zero. 1 Ångström. segment of p-type semiconductor?/
Theoretically, an electric dipole is
इनिें से किस टर ाुं कजस्टर िें , n-टाइप
defined by the first-order term of the Q824. Which of the following is
सेिीिुंिक्ट्र िे दो खुंिोुं िो P-टाइप
multipole expansion; it consists of NOT a natural magnet?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत
two equal and opposite charges that सेिीिुंिक्ट्र िे एि सेगिेंट द्वारा अिग
िें से िौन सा एि प्रािृकति चुुंबि नही ुं
are infinitesimally close together, किया जाता है ?
है ?
although real dipoles have separated (a) p-n-p transistor/ पी-एन-पी
(a) lodestone/ िॉज़स्टोन
charges. However, when making टर ाुं कजस्टर
measurements at a distance much (b) pyrrhotite/ पाइरोहोटाइट
(b) n-p-n transistor/ एन-पी-एन
larger than the charge separation, the (c) columbite/ िोिोम्बाइट
टर ाुं कजस्टर
dipole gives a good approximation of (d) titanium/ टाइटे कनयि
the actual electric field. The dipole is (c) Both a and b/ ए और बी दोनोुं
represented by a vector from the (d) None / िोई नही ुं
Ans : (d) titanium/ टाइटे कनयि
negative charge towards the positive
Explanation: Ans : (b) n-p-n transistor/ एन-पी-
An example of a natural magnet is एन टर ाुं कजस्टर
Q822. The SI unit for electric dipole the lodestone, also called magnetite.
moment is?/ किद् युत कद्वध्रुिीय गकत िे Other examples are pyrrhotite, Explanation:
किए SI इिाई है ? ferrite, and columbite. n-p-n transistor: The two segments of
(a) coulomb-meter (C⋅m) / युग्मन- an n-type semiconductor (emitter and
िीटर (C⋅m) Q825. Which of the following is a collector) are separated by a segment
of p-type semiconductor (base).
(b) coulomb/ युग्मन suitable material for making a
(c) Ohm/ ओह permanent magnet?/ थथायी चुुंबि
Q828. What is the output of an AND
(d) Farad/ फराि बनाने िे किए कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से क्या एि
gate when both the inputs are 0?/ जब
उपयुक्त सािग्री है ?
दोनोुं इनपुट 0 हैं तो AND और गेट िा
Ans : (a) coulomb-meter (C⋅m)/ (a) alnico/ अल्टननिो
आउटपुट क्या है ?
युग्मन-िीटर (C⋅m) (b) cobalt steel/ िोबाि स्टीि
(a) 0
(c) ticonal/ टायिि (b) 1
Explanation: (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त सभी (c) Either 0 or 1/ या तो 0 या 1
The electric dipole moment is a
measure of the separation of positive (d) 2
Ans : (d) All of the above/ उपरोक्त
and negative electrical charges
within a system, that is, a measure of सभी Ans : (a) 0/ ०
the system's overall polarity.
Explanation: Explanation:
Soft iron, alnico, cobalt steel and The AND gate is a basic digital logic
Q823. Debye is the commonly used
ticonal are some of the suitable gate that gives a LOW output If none
unit for which of the following? /
materials for permanent magnets. or not all inputs to the AND gate are
िे बी कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किसिे किए
इस्तेिाि िी जाने िािी इिाई है ? Q826. Which of the following is
(a) Electric dipole moment/ इिेल्टक्ट्रि equivalent to 1 (a)m.u? / कनम्नकिल्टखत Q829. Which of these is an acceptor
कद्वध्रुिीय क्षण िें से िौन सा 1 (a)m.u िे बराबर है ? impurity?/ इनिे से िौन एि स्वीिताय
अशुद्ता है ?
(a) Phosphorus/ फास्फोरस of the mirror so that you can see your Ans : diverging lens/ िेंस िा किचिन
(b) Arsenic/ आसेकनि full image in it?/ िान िीकजए कि आप
(c) Antimony/ सुरिा एि सिति दपयण िे सािने 1 िीटर Explanation:
(d) Indium/ इुं कियि खड़े हैं । दपयण िा न्यूनति ऊध्वाय धर Bubble will behave as a diverging
lens because the refractive index of
आिार क्या होना चाकहए ताकि आप
air is less than that of a glass.
Ans : (d) Indium/ इुं कियि उसिें अपनी पूरी िकि दे ख सिें?
In semiconductor physics, an (a) 0.50 m
Q834. Who invented the Internal
acceptor is a dopant atom that when (b) 2 m
Combustion Engine?/ आुं तररि दहन
added to a semiconductor can form a (c) half of your height./ आपिी
इुं जन िा आकिष्कार किसने किया था?
p-type region. ऊुंचाई िा आधा।
(a) Roger Bacon/ रोजर बेिन
(d) twice your height./ आपिी ऊुंचाई
(b) Karl Benz/ िािय बेंज
से दोगुना।
(c) Dr. Alan M. Turing/ िॉ। एिन
एि। ट्यूररुं ग
Ans : half of your height./ आपिी
(d) Nikolaus Otto/ कनिोिस ओटो
ऊुंचाई िा आधा।
अिेररिी ने परिाणु बि कििकसत िरने He was an Italian scientist, and he Curved mirror that reflects light from
िें जियनोुं िो हराया। रूजिेि ने invented the battery in 1800. its inner surface, the curve being
inward. It may be either circular or
िैनहट्टन पररयोजना िे िैज्ञाकनि प्रिुख
Q839. The image formed by a parabolic in section. A concave
िे रूप िें किसे कनयुक्त किया? mirror converges parallel light rays
convex mirror of a real object is
(a) Robert Oppenheimer / रॉबटय
larger than the object/ िास्तकिि िस्तु inward to the point of principal
ओपेनहाइिर focus. The image formed by a
िे उत्ति दपयण द्वारा कनकियत िकि िस्तु से
(b) James (b) Conant/ जेम्स बी िॉनट concave mirror is real (reduced and
बड़ी होती है
(c) Leslie R. Groves/ िेस्ली आर ग्रोव्स (a) when u < 2f
inverted) if the object is not too close
(d) Vannevar Bush/ िननेिर बुश to the mirror. A real image is formed
(b) when u > 2f at the point of convergence. If the
(c) for all values of u/ यू िे सभी िूल्योुं object is close to the mirror then the
Ans : (a) Robert Oppenheimer/ िे किए image formed will be virtual,
रॉबटपय ओपेनहाइिर (d) for no value of u/ यू िा िोई िूल्य enlarged, and upright, as the rays of
नही ुं light cannot converge to a point.
Explanation: Only a parabolic concave mirror has
(u – object distance, f – focal length
J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) a true, single-point principal focus
was an American theoretical )/ (यू - ऑब्जेक्ट् दू री, f- फोिि िुंबाई)
for parallel rays. For this reason,
physicist. During the Manhattan parabolic mirrors are used as
Project, Oppenheimer was director of Ans : for no value of u/ यू िा िोई reflectors to focus light in telescopes,
the Los Alamos Laboratory and िूल्य नही or to focus microwaves in satellite
responsible for the research and communication systems.
design of an atomic bomb He is often Explanation:
known as the “father of the atomic For all positions of an object the Q842. Who invented Gramophone?/
bomb". image formed by a convex lens is ग्रािोफ़ोन िा आकिष्कार किसने किया
smaller than the size of the object.
Q837. What is the power of the lens, था?
if the far point of a short-sighted eye Q840. In which decade were the first (a) Michael Faraday/ िाइिि फैरािे
is 200 cm?/ िेंस िी शल्टक्त क्या है , successful diode and triode vacuum (b) Fahrenheit/ फ़ारे नहाइट
अगर दू र िी आूँ ख िा कबुंदु 200 सेिी tubes invented?/ किस दशि िें पहिे (c) Sir Alexander Graham Bell/ सर
है ? सफि िायोि और टर ायोि िैक्यूि ट्यूब अिेक्जेंिर ग्राहि बेि
(a) -0.5 D िा आकिष्कार किया गया था? (d) Thomas Alva Edison/ थॉिस
(b) 2 D (a) 1800s/ 1800 िे दशि िें अिा एकिसन
(c) 1 D
(b) 1880s/ 1880 िे दशि िें
(d) -1.5 D Ans : ((d) Thomas Alva Edison/
(c) 1890s/ 1890 िे दशि िें
(d) 1900s/ 1900 िे दशि िें थॉिस अिा एकिसन
Ans : -0.5 D
Explanation: Ans : (d) 1900s/ 1900 िे दशि िें The phonograph is a device for the
For short sighted people we use mechanical recording and
corrective lenses, the concave lens. Explanation: reproduction of sound. In its later
So we have, In 1904, John Ambrose Fleming forms, it is also called a gramophone.
v = -200cm u = infinity(○) so by lens invented the first practical electron Thomas Edison created many
formula tube called the 'Fleming Valve', inventions, but his favorite was the
1/f = 1/v-1/u which is a diode rectifier. In 1906, phonograph. While working on
=1/-200 - 1/○ Lee de Forest invented the audion improvements to the telegraph and
1/f = 1/-200 (1/○ =0) later called the triode, which the telephone, Edison figured out a
so f = -200cm provided signal amplification. way to record sound on tinfoil-coated
so p = 100/ f(cm) cylinders. In 1877, he created a
= 100/ -200 p= -0.5D Q841. The mirror used for the machine with two needles: one for
headlight of a car is/ िार िी हे ि recording and one for playback.
Q838. Who invented the battery?/ िाइट िे किए इस्तेिाि किया जाने िािा
बैटरी िा आकिष्कार किसने किया? दपयण है Q843. The ratio of the focal length
(a) John Wilkinson/ जॉन किल्टल्कुंसन (a) spherical concave/ गोिािार of the objective to the focal length of
(b) Alessandro Volta/ एिेसेंिरो िोिा अिति
the eyepiece is greater than one for/
(c) James Hargreaves/ जेम्स हरग्रेव्स भौुंह िी फोिि िुंबाई िे उद्दे श्य िे
(b) plane/ कििान
(d) Thomas Edison/ थॉिस एकिसन फोिि िुंबाई िा अनुपात एि से
(c) cylindrical/ बेिनािार
अकधि है
(d) parabolic concave/ परििकयि
Ans : (b) Alessandro Volta/ एिेसेंिरो (a) a microscope/ एि िाइरोस्कोप
िोिा (b) a telescope/ एि दू रबीन
(c) both microscope and telescope/
Ans : parabolic concave/ परििकयि
Explanation: िाइरोस्कोप और टे किस्कोप दोनोुं
(d) neither microscope nor telescope/ (a) Microwave oven/ िाइरोिेि ओिन Dr. Hans von Ohain and Sir Frank
न तो िाइरोस्कोप और न ही दू रबीन (b) Remote control/ ररिोट िुंटर ोि Whittle are recognized as the co-
inventors of the jet engine. Each was
(c) VCR/ िीसीआर
working separately and knew
Ans : a telescope/ एि दू रबीन (d) Calculator/ िैििुिेटर nothing of the other's work.
Although Whittle started first, von
Ans : (b) Remote control/ ररिोट Ohain was first to design and
In telescope, the objective is a
convex lens of large focal length and िुंटर ोि develop a turbojet engine to power
an aircraft. Of the many honors
eyepiece is a convex lens of small
Explanation: received by both, the most
focal length
The first wireless remote control for significant honor was probably "The
i.e., fo>fe Hence, fo/fe>1.
television was called Flashmatic. Charles Draper Prize" in 1992 which
was given to both Hans von Ohain
Q844. What Benjamin Franklin and Sir Frank Whittle for their
Q847. The human eye is like a
invented?/ बेंजाकिन रैंिकिन ने क्या efforts and contributions to aviation
camera and hence it contains a
आकिष्कार किया था? system of lens. The eye lens forms/ and mankin(d) "The Charles Draper
(a) Bifocal spectacles/ कबफोिि इुं सान िी आूँ ख एि िैिरे िी तरह Prize" is recognized as the equivalent
चश्मा होती है और इसकिए इसिें िेंस िी एि
to the Nobel Prize in technology.
(b) Radio/ रे कियो प्रणािी होती है । आूँ ख िा िेंस बनता है
(c) Barometer/ बैरोिीटर Q849. An object is placed at the
(a) a straight or upright, real image
focus of a concave mirror. The image
(d) Hygrometer/ हाइग्रोिीटर of the object on the retina/ रे कटना पर
will be/ एि िस्तु िो अिति दपयण िे
िस्तु िी एि सीधी या सीधी, िास्तकिि
फोिस पर रखा जाता है । प्रकतिा होगी
Ans : ((a) Bifocal spectacles/ िकि (a) real, inverted, same size at the
कबफोिि चश्मा (b) an inverted, virtual image of the focus/ िास्तकिि, उिा, फोिस िें
object on the retina/ रे कटना पर िस्तु
सिान आिार
िी एि उिटी, आभासी िकि (b) real, upright, same size at the
(c) an inverted, real image of the focus/ असिी, सीधा, सिान आिार
Here are some of Benjamin
object on the retina/ रे कटना पर िस्तु
Franklin's most significant फोिस िें
inventions: िी एि उिटी, िास्तकिि िकि (c) virtual, inverted, highly enlarged
(d) a straight or upright, real image at infinity/ आभासी, उिटा, अनुंत पर
Lightning Rod. of the object on the iris/ पररताररिा
अत्यकधि बढ़े हुए
Bifocals. पर िस्तु िी सीधी या सीधी, िास्तकिि (d) real, inverted, highly enlarged at
Franklin Stove. िकि infinity/ िास्तकिि, उिटा, अनुंत पर
अत्यकधि बढ़े हुए
Ans : (c) an inverted, real image of
Q845. The radius of curvature of a the object on the retina/ रे कटना पर Ans : (d) real, inverted, highly
plane mirror/ सिति दपयण िी िरता िस्तु िी एि उिटी, िास्तकिि िकि enlarged at infinity/ िास्तकिि,
िी कत्रज्या उिटा, अनुंत पर अत्यकधि बढ़े हुए
(a) is zero/ शून्य है Explanation:
An image is formed on the retina
(b) is infinity/ अनुंत है with light rays converging most at
(c) can be anywhere between zero For concave mirror if u=f,v=∞
the cornea and upon entering and
and infinity/ शून्य और अनुंत िे बीच exiting the lens. Rays from the top
िही ुं भी हो सिता है and bottom of the object are traced Q850. What J. (b) Dunlop invented?/
(d) None of the above/ इनिे से िोई and produce an inverted real image जे। बी। िनिप ने क्या आकिष्कार किया
भी नही ुं on the retina. था?
(a)Pneumatic rubber tire/ िायिीय
Ans : is infinity/ अनुंत है Q848. Who invented the Jet रबर टायर
Engine?/ जेट इुं जन िा आकिष्कार (b)Automobile wheel rim/
Explanation: किसने किया था? ऑटोिोबाइि िीि ररि
Radius of curvature of a plane mirror (a) Sir Frank Whittle/ सर रैंि ल्टिटे ि (c)Rubber boot/ रबर बूट
is infinite. The plane mirror is a part (b) Gottlieb Daimler/ गोटकिब िे ििर (d)Model airplanes/ िॉिि हिाई
of the sphere with infinite radius . It's (c) Roger Bacon/ रोजर बेिन जहाज
every part is a part of the sphere.
(d) Lewis E. Waterman/ िुईस ई।
िाटरिैन Ans : (a)Pneumatic rubber tire/
Q846. What now- ubiquitous device
िायिीय रबर टायर
was invented by Zenith engineer
Eugene Polley in 1955?/ 1955 िें Ans : (a) Sir Frank Whittle/ सर
जेकनथ इुं जीकनयर यूजीन पोिी द्वारा अब रैंि ल्टिटे ि
Invented in 1887.
किस सियव्यापी उपिरण िा आकिष्कार John Boyd Dunlop (5 February 1840
किया गया था? – 23 October 1921) was a Scottish
inventor and veterinary surgeon who fluorescent lamps/ ऊपर कदया गया (c) When information is transmitted
spent most of his career in Ireland. िोई भी िथन फ्लोरोसेंट िैंप िे कनिाय ण between two devices using
Familiar with making rubber devices, BlueTooth technology, the devices
िें पारे िे उपयोग िे बारे िें सही नही ुं है
he re-invented pneumatic tyres for have to be in the line of sight of each
his child's tricycle and developed other, but when Wi-Fi technology is
them for use in cycle racing. Ans : (b) When the lamp is used the devices need not be in the
switched on, the mercury in the
line of sight of each other./ जब ब्लू
lamp causes the emission of
Q851. Consider the following:/ टू थ तिनीि िा उपयोग िरिे दो
ultraviolet radiations/ जब दीपि िो
कनम्नकिल्टखत िो धयान िे रखते हुए: उपिरणोुं िे बीच सूचना प्रसाररत िी
चािू किया जाता है , तो दीपि िें पारा
1. Bluetooth device/ ब्लूटूथ कििाइस जाती है, तो उपिरणोुं िो एि-दू सरे िी
पराबैंगनी किकिरणोुं िे उत्सजयन िा
2. Cordless phone/ ताररकहत फोन दृकष्ट िी रे खा िें होना चाकहए, िेकिन जब
िारण बनता है
3. Microwave oven/ िाइरोिेि ओिन िाई-फाई तिनीि िा उपयोग किया
4. Wi-Fi device/ िाई-फाई कििाइस जाता है तो उपिरणोुं िी आिश्यिता
Which of the above can operate
Mercury is used in the manufacturing होती है एि दू सरे िी दृकष्ट िी रे खा िें
between the 2.4 and 2.5 GHz range
of fluorescent electric lamps because नही।ुं
of radio frequency bands?/ उपरोक्त when the lamp is switched on, the (d) The statements (a) and (b) given
िें से िौन 2.4 और 2.5 िे बीच िाि mercury in the lamp causes the above are correct in this context./
िर सिता है emission of ultraviolet radiations. ऊपर कदए गए िथन (a) और (b) इस
रे कियो रीक्वेंसी बैंि िी गीगा रें ज? सुंदभय िें सही हैं ।
(a) 1 and 2 Q853. What is the principle by (c) When information is transmitted
(b) 3 and 4 which a cooling system (Radiator) in between two devices using
(c) 1, 2 and 4 a motor car works?/ िह कसद्ाुंत क्या है BlueTooth technology, the devices
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 कजसिे द्वारा िोटर िार िें शीतिन have to be in the line of sight of each
प्रणािी (रे किएटर) िाि िरती है ? other, but when Wi-Fi technology is
Ans : (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 used the devices need
(a) Conduction only/ िेिि आचरण
not be in the line of sight of each
(b) Convection/ सुंिहन
Explanation: other./ जब ब्लू टू थ तिनीि िा उपयोग
(c) Radiation only/ िेिि किकिरण
The Wireless devices are operating िरिे दो उपिरणोुं िे बीच सूचना
on 2.4 and 2.5 GHz range of radio (d) Both conduction and radiation/
प्रसाररत िी जाती है, तो उपिरणोुं िो
frequency bands like- Bluetooth चािन और किकिरण दोनोुं
device, Cordless phone, Microwave एि-दू सरे िी दृकष्ट िी रे खा िें होना
चाकहए, िेकिन जब िाई-फाई तिनीि
oven, Wi-Fi device. Ans : (b) Convection/ सुंिहन
िा उपयोग किया जाता है तो उपिरणोुं
Q852. Indiscriminate disposal of Explanation: िी आिश्यिता होती है एि दू सरे िी
used fluorescent electric lamps The Principle of Convection in a दृकष्ट िी रे खा िें नही।ुं
causes mercury pollution in the motor car for cooling the engine e.g: (d) The statements (a) and (b) given
environment. Why is mercury used radiator. above are correct in this context./
in the manufacture of these lamps?/ ऊपर कदए गए िथन (a) और (b) इस
प्रयुक्त फ्लोरोसेंट इिेल्टक्ट्रि िैंप िे Q854. What is the difference सुंदभय िें सही हैं ।
अुंधाधुुंध कनपटान से पयाय िरण िें पारा between bluetooth and Wi-Fi
प्रदू षण होता है । इन दीयोुं िे कनिाय ण िें devices? / ब्लू-टू थ और िाई-फाई Ans : (a) Bluetooth uses 2.4 GHz
पारे िा उपयोग क्योुं किया जाता है ? उपिरणोुं िे बीच अुंतर क्या है ? radio frequency band, whereas
(a) A mercury coating on the inside (a) Bluetooth uses 2.4 GHz radio Wi-Fi can use 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz
of the lamp makes the light bright frequency band, whereas Wi-Fi can frequency band./ ब्लूटूथ 2.4
white/ दीपि िे अुंदर एि पारा िोकटुं ग use 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency गीगाहट्य ज रे कियो रीक्वेंसी बैंि िा
प्रिाश िो चििदार सफेद बनाता है band./ ब्लूटूथ 2.4 गीगाहट्य ज रे कियो उपयोग िरता है , जबकि िाई-फाई 2.4
(b) When the lamp is switched on, रीक्वेंसी बैंि िा उपयोग िरता है , गीगाहट्य ज या 5 गीगाहट्य ज आिृकत्त बैंि
the mercury in the lamp causes the जबकि िाई-फाई 2.4 गीगाहट्य ज या 5 िा उपयोग िर सिता है ।
emission of ultraviolet radiations/ गीगाहट्य ज आिृकत्त बैंि िा उपयोग िर
जब दीपि िो चािू किया जाता है , तो सिता है । Explanation:
दीपि िें पारा पराबैंगनी किकिरणोुं िे (b) Bluetooth is used for wireless The major difference between
उत्सजय न िा िारण बनता है local area networks (WLAN) only, bluetooth and WiFi devices is that
(c) When the lamp is switched on, it whereas Wi-Fi is used for wireless Bluetooth uses 2.4 GHz radio
is the mercury which converts the wide area networks (WWAN) only./ frequency band, whereas Wi-Fi can
ultra-violet energy into visible light/ ब्लूटूथ िा उपयोग िेिि िायरिेस use 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency
जब दीपि िो चािू किया जाता है, तो िोिि एररया नेटििय (WLAN) िे किए band.
यह पारा होता है जो अिर ा-िायिेट ऊजाय किया जाता है , जबकि िाई-फाई िा
िो दृश्य प्रिाश िें पररिकतयत िरता है उपयोग िेिि िायरिेस िाइि एररया Q855. Microbial fuel cells are
considered a source of sustainable
(d) None of the statement given नेटििय (WWAN) िे किए किया जाता
above is correct about the use of energy. Why?/ िाइरोकबयि ईुंधन
है ।
mercury in the manufacture of
िोकशिाओुं िो थथायी ऊजाय िा एि तुिना िें, बीिी प्रारूप िें िई गुना an LED lamp uses semiconductor
स्रोत िाना जाता है । क्योुं? अकधि भुंिारण क्षिता होती है । material.
1. They use living organisms as 3. Thickness of BD is 2.4 mm while A CFL is less energy-efficient as
compared to an LED lamp.
catalysts to generate electricity from that of DVD is 1.2 mm./बीिी िी
certain substrates./ िे जीकित जीिोुं िा िोटाई 2.4 कििी है जबकि िीिीिी िी
Q858. Consider the following
उपयोग उत्प्रेरि िे रूप िें िुि 1.2 कििी है ।
statements:/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर
सब्सटर े ट से कबजिी उत्पन्न िरने िे किए Which of the statements given above
किचार िरें :
िरते हैं । is/are correct?/ ऊपर कदए गए िथनोुं िें
If there were no phenomenon of
2. They use a variety of inorganic से िौन सा सही है / हैं ?
capillarity/ यकद िेकशिा िी िोई
materials as substrates./ िे किकभन्न (a) Only 1
घटना नही ुं थी
प्रिार िी अिाबयकनि सािग्री िो (b) 1 and 2 only
1. it would be difficult to use a
सब्सटर े ट िे रूप िें उपयोग िरते हैं । (c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 kerosene lamp/ किट्टी िे दीपि िा
3. They can be installed in
wastewater treatment plants to उपयोग िरना िुल्टिि होगा
cleanse water and produce Ans : (b) 1 and 2 only 2. one would not be able to use a
electricity./ उन्हें अपकशष्ट जि उपचार straw to consume a soft drink/ एि
सुंयुंत्रोुं िें थथाकपत किया जा सिता है
Explanation: शीति पेय उपभोग िरने िे किए एि
ताकि िे पानी िो साफ िर सिें और
Blu-ray disc (B(d) is different from पुआि िा उपयोग िरने िें सक्षि नही ुं
the traditional DVD as DVD
कबजिी िा उत्पादन िर सिें। होगा
supports standard definition video
Which of the following statements 3. the blotting paper would paper
while BD supports high definition
given above is/ are video. Compared to a DVD, the BD would fail to function/ ब्लॉकटुं ग पेपर
Correct?/कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा format has several times more िागज िे किए किफि होगासिारोह
िथन ऊपर कदया गया है / हैं सही बात? storage capacity. 4. the big trees that we see around
(a) Only 1 would not have grown on the earth/
(b) 2 and 3 only Q857. What is the difference जो बड़े पेड़ हि आसपास दे खते हैं , िे
(c) 1 and 3 only between a CFL and an LED lamp?/ नही ुं होते पृथ्वी पर उगाया
(d) 1, 2 and 3 सीएफएि और एिईिी िैंप िें क्या Which of the following statements
अुंतर है ? given above are correct?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत
Ans : (d) 1, 2 and 3 1. To produce light, a CFL uses िें से िौन सा िथन ऊपर कदया गया है
mercury vapour and phosphor while सही बात?
Explanation: an LED lamp uses semiconductor (a) 1, 2 and 3 only
Microbial fuel cells are considered a material./ प्रिाश िा उत्पादन िरने िे (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
source of sustainable energy
किए, एि सीएफएि पारा िाष्प और (c) 2 and 4 only
because: They use living organisms
as catalysts to generate electricity फास्फोर िा उपयोग िरता है जबकि (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
from certain substrates. They use a एि एिईिी िैंप अधयचािि सािग्री िा
Ans : (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
variety of inorganic materials as उपयोग िरता है ।
Phenomenon of Capillarity
substrates. They can be installed in 2. The average lifespan of a CFL is
wastewater treatment plants to much longer than that of an LED
cleanse water and produce lamp./ एि सीएफएि िा औसत If there were no phenomenon of
electricity. जीिनिाि एिईिी िैं प िी तुिना िें capillarity
अकधि िुंबा होता है । ● it would be difficult to use a
Q856. A new optical disc format 3. A CFL is less energy-efficient as kerosene lamp
known as the blu-ray disc (B(d) is
compared to an LED lamp./ एिईिी ● the blotting paper would fail to
becoming popular. In what way is it
different from the traditional DVD?/ िैंप िी तुिना िें सीएफएि िि ऊजाय- function
● the big trees that we see around
ब्लू-रे किस्क (B(d) िे रूप िें जाना जाने िुशि होता है ।
would not have grown on the earth
Which of the statements given above
िािा एि नया ऑकििि किस्क प्रारूप
is/are correct?/ ऊपर कदए गए िथनोुं िें
िोिकप्रय हो रहा है । किस तरह से यह Q859. Which of the following is/are
से िौन सा सही है / हैं ?
पारुं पररि िीिीिी से अिग है ? cited by the scientists as
(a) Only 1 evidence/evidences for the continued
1. DVD supports standard definition
(b) 2 and 3 only expansion of universe?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें
video while BD supports high
(c) 1 and 3 only
definition video./ िीिीिी िानि से िौन सा ब्रह्ाुं ि िे कनरुं तर किस्तार िे
(d) 1, 2 and 3
पररभाषा िीकियो िा सिथयन िरता है किए सबूत / सबूत िे रूप िें िैज्ञाकनिोुं
जबकि बीिी उच्च पररभाषा िीकियो िा Ans : (c) 1 and 3 only द्वारा उद् धृत किया गया है ?
सिथयन िरता है । 1. Detection of microwaves in space/
2. Compared to a DVD, the BD Explanation: अुंतररक्ष िें िाइरोिेि िा पता िगाना
format has several times more Differences between a CFL and LED 2. Observation of redshift
storage capacity./ एि िीिीिी िी light: To produce light, a CFL uses phenomenon in space/ अुंतररक्ष िें
mercury vapour and phosphor while रे िकशफ्ट घटना िा अििोिन
3. Movement of asteroids in space/ The implications of the creation of ROLLING friction and is minimum
अुंतररक्ष िें क्षुद्रग्रहोुं िी चाि anti-matter are: as compared to static friction and
4. Occurrence of supernova It will help probe the possibility of dynamic friction.
explosions in space code/ अुंतररक्ष the existence of stars and galaxies ● So ball bearings allow any
made of antimatter. It will help direction of movement, and the
िोि िें सुपरनोिा किस्फोट िी घटना
understand the evolution of the friction associated is least and the
(a) 1 and 2 only
universe. effort required to move them is also
(b) 2 only
very less. The Loss of energy in
(c) 1, 3 and 4
Q861. What kind of image is created moving the ball bearings is also the
(d) None of the above can be cited as
evidence./ उपरोक्त िें से िोई भी साक्ष्य by a concave lens?/ अिति िेंस द्वारा least.
िे रूप िें उद् धृत नही ुं किया जा सिता किस प्रिार िी िकि बनाई जाती है ?
Q863. Who among the following
है । (a) upright and smaller/ सीधा और developed the technology of
िोटा underground nuclear explosion?/
Ans : (a) 1 and 2 only (b) inverted and smaller/ उिटा और कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किसने भूकिगत
िोटा परिाणु किस्फोट िी तिनीि कििकसत
Explanation: िी?
● The scientists all over the world (c) inverted and larger/ उिटा और
(a)Dr. Homi J. Bhabha/ िॉ। होिी जे
has cited the major reasons for the बड़ा
expansion of universe are: (d) upright and larger/ सीधा और बड़ा
● Detection of microwaves in space (b)Dr. Vikram Sarabhai/ िॉ। किरि
● Observation of redshift साराभाई
Ans : (a) upright and smaller/ सीधा
phenomenon in space (c)Dr. Raja Ramanna/ िॉ। राजा रिन्ना
● The supernova explosions help to और िोटा
(d)Dr. P. K. Iyengar/ िॉ। पी। िे।
determine the distance of the galaxy.
Explanation: अयुंगर
This distance is used to compare
expansion distance and hence bring Concave lens forms an image behind
to light the history of expansion in the mirror , thus producing a Virtual Ans : (a)Dr. Homi J. Bhabha/ िॉ।
the universe. This showed that the and Upright image. Plane mirrors होिी जे भाभा
universe expansion is increasing and and convex mirrors only produce
hence get us to know that the virtual images. A concave lens forms Explanation:
expansion of the universe is an image that is reduced in size, or Homi Jehangir Bhabha was an Indian
increasing or accelerating. smaller than the original object. nuclear physicist, founding director
and professor of physics at the Tata
Q860. What is/are the implications Q862. Ball bearings are used in Institute of Fundamental Research.
of the creation of antimatter?/ bicycles, cars, etc., because/ बॉि
एुं टीिैटर िे कनिाय ण िे कनकहताथय क्या हैं ? बेयररुं ग िा उपयोग साइकिि, िार, Q864. When you pull out the plug
1. It will make mineral prospecting आकद िें किया जाता है , क्योुंकि connected to an electrical appliance,
and oil exploration easier and (a) The actual area of contact you often observe a spark. To which
cheaper./ यह खकनज पूिेक्षण और तेि between the wheel and axle is property of the appliance is this
िी खोज िो आसान और सस्ता बना increased/ पकहया और धुरा िे बीच related?जब आप एि किद् युत उपिरण
दे गा। सुंपिय िा िास्तकिि क्षेत्र बढ़ जाता है से जुड़े प्लग िो बाहर कनिािते हैं , तो
2. It will help probe the possibility of (b) The effective area of contact आप अक्सर एि कचुंगारी िा कनरीक्षण
the existence of stars and galaxies between the wheel and axle is िरते हैं । यह किस उपिरण िी सुंपकत्त
made of antimatter./ यह एुं टीिैटर से increased/ पकहए और धुरी िे बीच से सुंबुंकधत है ?
बने तारोुं और आिाशगुंगाओुं िे सुंपिय िा प्रभािी क्षेत्र बढ़ जाता है (a) Resistance/ प्रकतरोध
अल्टस्तत्व िी सुंभािना िी जाुं च िरने िें (c) The effective area of contact (b) Inductance/ अकनच्छा
िदद िरे गा। between the wheel and axle is (c) Capacitance / िैपेकसटें स
reduced/ पकहए और धुरी िे बीच सुंपिय
3. It will help understand the (d) Wattage/ िाट क्षिता
evolution of the universe./ यह ब्रह्ाुंि िा प्रभािी क्षेत्र िि हो गया है
िे कििास िो सिझने िें िदद िरे गा। (d) None of the statements is correct/
Ans : A Resistance/ प्रकतरोध
Select the correct Ans : using the िोई भी िथन सही नही ुं है
codes given below:/ नीचे कदए गए Explanation:
Ans : (d) None of the statements is
िोि िा उपयोग िरिे सही उत्तर चुनें: When we pull out the plug connected
(a) Only 1 correct/ िोई भी िथन सही नही ुं है to an electrical appliance, a spark is
(b) 2 and 3 only observed often due to resistance
(c) Only 3 Explanation: offered by the appliance. As the plug
(d) 1, 2 and 3 ● Ball bearings are spherical in is pulled out, the value of resistance
shape. When these move they are not in the circuit decreases and hence
dragged, they roll in any direction. more current tries to flow through
Ans : (b) 2 and 3 only
With a little effort (force and energy) the circuit. Pulling out the plug
these can be moved The friction breaks the circuit and to complete the
force that causes these to move is
circuit for the flow of electricity a Q867. Who invented Automobiles Q870. No two electrons in an atom
spark is observed. using gasoline?/ गैसोिीन िा उपयोग can have the same set of four
िरिे ऑटोिोबाइि िा आकिष्कार quantum numbers' is/ एि परिाणु िें
Q865. In the absence of the earth’s किसने किया? दो इिेक्ट्रॉनोुं िें चार क्वाुं टि सुंख्याओुं िा
atmosphere, the sky would appear:/
(a) Leo H Baekeland/ कियो एच सिान सेट नहीुं हो सिता है
पृथ्वी िे िायुिुंिि िी अनु पल्टथथकत िें , (a) Newton's law/ न्यू टन िा कनयि
आिाश कदखाई दे गा: (b) Bohr's law/ बोहर िा कनयि
(b) Karl Benz/ िािय बेंज
A blue/ नीिा (c) Aufbau principle/ औफबौ कसद्ाुं त
(c) Evangelista Torricelli/ इिेंजेकिस्ता
B deep red/ गहरा िाि (d) Pauli's exclusion principle/ पाउिी
टोररय िेिी
C white/ सफेद (d) Kirkpatrick Macmillan/ िा बकहष्करण कसद्ाुं त
D black/ िािा किियपैकटर ि िैिकििन
Ans : (d) Pauli's exclusion
Ans : D black/ िािा Ans : (b) Karl Benz/ िािय बेंज principle/ पाउिी िा बकहष्करण
कसद्ाुं त
Explanation: Explanation:
In the absence of the atmosphere, the On January 29, 1886, Carl Benz Explanation:
sky will look black. If there is no applied for a patent for his “vehicle The Pauli exclusion principle is the
atmosphere, there won’t be any powered by a gas engine.” The quantum mechanical principle which
atmospheric refraction to scatter the patent – number 37435 – may be states that two or more identical
light. This causes the sky to appear regarded as the birth certificate of the fermions cannot occupy the same
black. automobile. quantum state within a quantum
system simultaneously.
Q866. Purpose of an optical filter is Q868. According to Avogadro's
to ________./ एि ऑकििि कफिर Hypothesis, the smallest particle of Q871. Statement I: Pulling a lawn
िा उद्दे श्य ________ है । an element or a compound, that can roller is easier than pushing it./ िथन
(a) reflect lights of different colours/ exist independently, is called ____ ./ I एि िॉन रोिर खीुंचना इसे धिेिने
किकभन्न रुं गोुं िी रोशनी िो प्रकतकबुंकबत एिोगैिरो िी पररिल्पना िे अनुसार, िी तुिना िें आसान है ।
िरते हैं एि तत्व या एि यौकगि िा सबसे िोटा Statement II: Pushing increases the
(b) dispense light into component िण, जो स्वतुंत्र रूप से िौजूद हो सिता apparent weight and hence the force
colours/ घटि रुं गोुं िें प्रिाश फैिाते हैं है , िो ____ िहा जाता है । of friction./ िथन II पुकशुंग स्पष्ट िजन
(c) refract light of different colours/ (a) a molecule/ एि अणु िो बढ़ाता है और इसकिए घषयण िा
किकभन्न रुं गोुं िे प्रिाश िो अपिकतयत (b) a cation/ एि उद्रण बि।
िरता है (c) an anion/ अकनयन Which of the following options
(d) transmit or absorb light of
(d) an atom/ एि परिाणु follows given statements?/
different colours/ किकभन्न रुं गोुं िे कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा कििल्प कदए
प्रिाश िो सुंचाररत या अिशोकषत गए िथनोुं िा अनुसरण िरता है ?
Ans : (a) a molecule/ एि अणु
िरता है (a) Both the statements are true and
Explanation: statement II is the correct
Ans : D transmit or absorb light According to Avogadro's explanation of statement I/ दोनोुं
of different colours/ किकभन्न रुं गोुं िे Hypothesis, the smallest particle of िथन सत्य हैं और िथन II िथन I िी
प्रिाश िो सुंचाररत या अिशोकषत an element or a compound, that can सही व्याख्या है
िरता है exist independently, is called Atom. (b) Both the statements are true, but
Avogadro's law states that "equal statement II is not the correct
Explanation: volumes of all gases, at the same explanation of statement I/ दोनोुं
temperature and pressure, have the
The purpose of an optical filter is to िथन सत्य हैं, िेकिन िथन II िथन I
same number of molecules."
transmit or absorb light of different िी सही व्याख्या नही ुं है
colours. (c) Statement I is true, but statement
Optical filters are devices that Q869. Who invented fuel cells in
1839? II is false/ िथन I सत्य है, िेकिन िथन
selectively transmit light of different
wavelengths, usually implemented as (a) Buckminster Fuller II गित है
plane glass or plastic devices in the (b) Sir William Grove (d) Statement I is false, but statement
optical path which is either dyed in (c) Sylvester Graham II is true/ िथन I गित है, िेकिन िथन
the bulk or has interference coatings. (d) Joyce Hall II सत्य है
The optical properties of filters are
completely described by their Ans : (b) Sir William Grove/ सर Ans : (a) Both the statements are
frequency response, which specifies किकियि ग्रोि true and statement II is the correct
how the magnitude and phase of explanation of statement I/ दोनोुं
each frequency component of an Explanation: िथन सत्य हैं और िथन II िथन I िी
incoming signal are modified by the Fuel cells were invented in 1839 by सही व्याख्या है
filter. Sir William Grove.
especially suitable for this use since (c) Evangelista Torricelli/ इिेंजेकिस्ता Ans : (d) Uranium-lead method/
they are more easily focused into टोररय िेिी यूरेकनयि-सीसा किकध
narrow beams than radio waves, and (d) Kirkpatrick Macmillan/
also their comparatively higher
किियपैकटर ि िैिकििन Explanation:
frequencies allow broad bandwidth Uranium–lead dating, abbreviated
and high data flow. U–Pb dating, is one of the oldest and
Ans : (d) Kirkpatrick Macmillan/
most refined of the radiometric
Q877. If the diameter of a capillary किियपैकटर ि िैिकििन dating schemes. It can be used to
is doubled then the rise of water in it date rocks that formed and
will be/ यकद एि िेकशिा िा व्यास crystallised from about 1 million
Kirkpatrick Macmillan was a
दोगुना हो जाता है तो उसिें पानी िा Scottish blacksmith. He is generally
years to over 4.5 billion years ago
उदय होगा with routine precisions in the 0.1–1
credited with inventing the pedal percent range.
(a) two times/ दो बार driven bicycle.
(b) half/ आधा Q883. What type of system did Paul
(c) four times/ चार बार Q880. Who suggested that most of Nipkow, John Baird, and Charles
(d) no change/ िोई पररितयन नही ुं the mass of the atom is located in the
Jenkins all invent?/ पॉि कनपिो, जॉन
nucleus?/ किसने सुझाि कदया कि
बेयिय और चाल्सय जेनकिन्स ने किस
Ans : (b) half/ आधा परिाणु िा अकधिाुं श द्रव्यिान नाकभि
प्रिार िी प्रणािी िा आकिष्कार किया?
िें ल्टथथत होता है ?
(a) Telephone/ टे किफ़ोन
Explanation: (a) Thompson/ थॉम्पसन
(b) Early Warning/ प्रारुं कभि चेतािनी
Radius of a capillary tube is (b) Bohr/ बोहर
(c) Electricity/ कबजिी
inversely proportional to the height (c) Rutherford/ रदरफोिय
of the liquid column. So, if the radius (d) Television/ टे िीकिजन
(d) Einstein/ आइुं स्टीन
of the tube is doubled, the rise of the
level of water will become half of the Ans : (d) Television/ टे िीकिजन
previous rise in the capillary tube. Ans : (c) Rutherford/ रदरफोिय
Ernst Rutherford demonstrated that Explanation:
Q878. Ozone saves the biosphere by the mass of an atom is located in the All of the inventors mentioned
absorbing high energy radiations nucleus. invented an early mechanical
called __________./ ओज़ोन television system.
Q881. What Sir Isaac Newton
__________ नािि उच्च ऊजाय
invented?/ सर आइजैि न्यूटन ने क्या
किकिरणोुं िो अिशोकषत िरिे जीि- Q884. In a step-down transformer,
आकिष्कार किया था? the AC output gives the/ स्टे प-िाउन
िुंिि िो बचाता है ।
(a) Reflecting telescope/ दू रबीन िो टर ाुं सफाियर िें , AC आउटपु ट दे ता है
A Infra-red (IR)/ इुं रा-रे ि (IR)
प्रकतकबुंकबत िरना (a) Current more than the input
B Gamma rays/ गािा किरणें
(b) Chronometer/ रोनोिीटर current/ िरुं ट इनपुट से ज्यादा िरुं ट
C Ultraviolet rays (UV)/ पराबैंगनी
(c) Microscope/ िाइरोस्कोप (b) Current less than the input
किरणें (यूिी)
(d) Spectacles/ स्पेक्ट्रि current/ िरुं ट इनपुट से िि ितयिान
D X-rays/ एक्स-रे (c) Current equal to the input current/
Ans : (a) Reflecting telescope/ िरुं ट इनपुट िरुं ट िे बराबर
Ans : C Ultraviolet rays (UV)/
दू रबीन िो प्रकतकबुंकबत िरना (d) Voltage more than the input
पराबैंगनी किरणें (यूिी) voltage/ इनपुट िोिे ज से अकधि
Explanation: िोिे ज
A reflecting telescope is a telescope
Ozone saves the biosphere by
that uses a single or a combination of Ans : (a) Current more than the
absorbing high energy radiations
curved mirrors that reflect light and input current/ िरुं ट इनपुट से ज्यादा
called Ultraviolet rays (UV).
form an image.
The ozone layer acts as a filter for िरुं ट
the shorter wavelength and highly
hazardous ultraviolet radiation Q882. The age of most ancient Explanation:
(UVR) from the sun, protecting life geological formations is estimated In the step-down transformer, the AC
on Earth from its potentially harmful by/ सबसे प्राचीन भूिैज्ञाकनि सुंरचनाओुं output gives the current more than
effects. िी आयु िा अनुिान है the input current.
(a) Ra - Si method/ रा - सी किकध
Q879. Who invented the pedal- (b) Potassium-argon method/ Q885. It travels over land and water.
driven bicycle? पैिि चाकित साइकिि पोटे कशयि-आगयन किकध Who invented the HOVERCRAFT?/
िा आकिष्कार किसने किया था? (c) C14 method/ C14 किकध यह भूकि और पानी पर यात्रा िरता है ।
(a) Leo H Baekeland/ कियो एच (d) Uranium-lead method/ यूरेकनयि- HOVERCRAFT िा आकिष्कार किसने
बेििैंि सीसा किकध किया?
(b) Karl Benz/ िािय बेंज (a) S. Sperrow/ एस स्पैरो
(b) O. Stricheg/ ओ स्टर ीच
(c) T. Henman/ टी। हे िन Marconi resulted in the first technology that utilizes the Sun’s
(d) Cockerell/ सी| िॉिरे ि transmission of a transatlantic rays to generate heat which is further
wireless signal (Morse Code) from used in electricity generation
Poldhu, Cornwall, to St. John's, process./ फोटोिोल्टिक्स 'एि ऐसी
Ans : (d) Cockerell/ सी| िॉिरे ि Newfoundland. तिनीि है जो कबजिी िो प्रिाश िें
Explanation: प्रत्यक्ष रूप से पररिकतयत िरिे कबजिी
Q888. The isotope of uranium
In 1955, British inventor and पैदा िरती है , जबकि' सोिर थियि 'एि
capable of sustaining chain reaction
engineer Christopher Sydney ऐसी तिनीि है जो सूयय िी किरणोुं िा
is/ श्रृुंखिा प्रकतकरया िो बनाए रखने िें
Cockerell invented a swift water- उपयोग गिी उत्पन्न िरने िे किए िरती
transport vehicle that was not quite a सक्षि यूरेकनयि िा सिथथाकनि है
(a) U-235 है जो आगे कबजिी उत्पादन प्रकरया िें
boat, not quite a plane, but a hybrid
of sorts: the hovercraft. Cockerell (b) U-245 उपयोग िी जाती है ।
was born on June 4, 1910 in (c) U-239 2. Photovoltaics generates
Cambridge, England. (d) U-238 Alternating Current (A(c), while
Solar Thermal generates Direct
Q886. If two conducting spheres are Ans : (a) U-235 Current (D(c)./ फोटोिोल्टिक्स
separately charged and then brought ऑिरनेकटुं ग िरुं ट (A(c) उत्पन्न िरता
in contact/ यकद दो सुंिाहि क्षेत्रोुं िो Explanation: है , जबकि सोिर थियि िायरे क्ट् िरुं ट
अिग-अिग चाजय किया जाता है और
The first and most common is U-235 (D(c) उत्पन्न िरता है ।
or uranium-235. This is the fissile
कफर सुंपिय िें िाया जाता है isotope of uranium and it makes up
3. India has a manufacturing base for
(a) The total energy of the two Solar Thermal technology, but not
approximately 0.7% of all naturally for Photovoltaics./ भारत िें सोिर
spheres is conserved/ दो गोिे िी िुि occurring uranium. Because of the
ऊजाय सुंरकक्षत है थियि तिनीि िे किए किकनिाय ण आधार
small amount of uranium-235 that
(b) The total charge on the two exists, it is considered a non- है , िेकिन फोटोिोल्टिि िे किए नही।ुं
spheres is conserved/ दो गोिे पर िुि renewable energy source despite Which of the statements given above
ऊजाय सुंरकक्षत है being found in rock formations is/are correct?/ ऊपर कदए गए िथनोुं िें
(c) Both the total energy and the total around the world. से िौन सा सही है / हैं ?
charge are conserved/ िुि ऊजाय और (a) 1 only
Q889. What item, originally called (b) 2 and 3 only
िुि प्रभार दोनोुं सुंरकक्षत हैं
the 'Whirlwind', was invented by (c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) The final potential is always the
mean of the original potential of the Ives McGaffey in 1869?/ िूि रूप से (d) None
two spheres/ अुंकति क्षिता हिेशा दो 'िियकिुंि' िहे जाने िािे आइटि िा
आकिष्कार 1869 िें इिेस िैिगफी ने Ans : (a) 1 only
क्षेत्रोुं िी िूि क्षिता िा ितिब है
किया था।
Ans : (b) The total charge on the (a) Blender/ ब्लेंिर Technologies for solar power
two spheres is conserved/ दो गोिे (b) Electric mixer/ इिेल्टक्ट्रि किक्सर production
पर िुि ऊजाय सुंरकक्षत है (c) Washing machine/ िॉकशुंग िशीन ● There are three primary
(d) Vacuum cleaner/ िैक्यूि क्लीनर technologies by which solar energy
Explanation: is harnessed: photovoltaics (PV),
which directly convert light to
If two conducting spheres are Ans : (d) Vacuum cleaner/ िैक्यूि
separately charged and brought in electricity; concentrating solar power
क्लीनर (CSP), which uses heat from the sun
contact, then the total charge on the
two spheres is conserved. (thermal energy) to drive utility-
Explanation: scale, electric turbines; and solar
This is the law of conservation of
Ives W. McGaffey invented the first heating and cooling (SH(c) systems,
vacuum cleaner, called the which collect thermal energy to
“Whirlwind”, in Chicago in 1868. provide hot water and air heating or
Q887. In which decade with the first The Whirlwind was difficult to use
transatlantic radio broadcast occur?/ conditioning.
because the operator had to manually ● Photovoltaic (PV) devices generate
किस दशि िें पहिा टर ान्साटिाुं कटि turn a crank while pushing it across electricity directly from sunlight via
रे कियो प्रसारण होता है ? the floor. an electronic process that occurs
(a) 1850s/ 1850 िे दशि िें naturally in certain types of material,
(b) 1860s/ 1860 िे दशि िें Q890. With reference to called semiconductors. Electrons in
(c) 1870s/ 1870 िे दशि िें technologies for solar power these materials are freed by solar
(d) 1900s/ 1900 िे दशि िें production, consider the following energy and can be induced to travel
statements:/ सौर ऊजाय उत्पादन िे किए through an electrical circuit,
Ans : (d) 1900s/ 1900 िे दशि िें प्रौद्योकगकियोुं िे सुंदभय िें , कनम्नकिल्टखत powering electrical devices or
िथनोुं पर किचार िरें : sending electricity to the grid.
Explanation: 1. ‘Photovoltaics’ is a technology
that generates electricity by direct Q891. What did George Pullman
On December 12, 1901, a radio
transmission received by Guglielmo conversion of light into electricity, invent?/ जॉजय पुििैन ने क्या आकिष्कार
while ‘Solar Thermal’ is a किया था?
(a) Sleeping (railway) car/ स्लीकपुंग Q894. The dark lines in the solar िोयिा प्रकत यूकनट सबसे अकधि गिी
(रे ििे) िार spectrum are due to/ सौर स्पेक्ट्रि िें पैदा िरता है ?
(b) Airship/ बी हिाई पोत गहरी रे खाएुं होती हैं A Bituminous/ कबटु किनस
(c) Boxcar (railway)/ बॉक्सिर (रे ििे) (a) absorption of corresponding B Lignite/ किग्नाइट
wavelengths by the outer layers of
(d) Air brakes/ एयर ब्रेि C Anthracite/ एन्रेसाइट
the sun/ सूयय िी बाहरी परतोुं द्वारा इसी
D Pit/ कपट
Ans : (a) Sleeping (railway) car/ तरुं ग दै ध्यय िा अिशोषण
स्लीकपुंग (रे ििे) िार (b) destructive interference between
waves of certain definite Ans : C Anthracite/ एन्रेसाइट
A black hole is a region in space escape velocity surpasses the speed Forces always come in pairs - equal
where the pulling force of gravity is of light. and opposite action reaction force
so strong that light is not able to ● In other words, it is the pairs.
escape. The strong gravity occurs circumference of the black hole The rocket’s action is to push down
because matter has been pressed into beyond which light can travel. on the ground with the force of its
a tiny space. This compression can ● Within the event horizon of a black powerful engines, and the reaction is
take place at the end of a star’s life. hole, even light cannot escape due to that the ground pushes the rocket
Some black holes are a result of large gravitational pull. upwards with an equal force.
dying stars. ● The name arises since it is
Scientific evidence suggests that impossible to observe any event Q912. The mass of a star is two
every large galaxy contains a taking place inside it-it is a horizon times the mass of the Sun. How will
supermassive black hole at its center. beyond which we cannot see. it come to an end?/ एि तारे िा
The supermassive black hole at the द्रव्यिान सूयय िे द्रव्यिान िा दो गुना है ।
center of the Milky Way galaxy is Q910. The wavefront due to a source
यह िैसे सिाप्त होगा?
called Sagittarius (a) It has a mass situated at infinity is/ अनुंत पर ल्टथथत
equal to about 4 million suns and (a) Neutron Star/ न्यूटरॉन स्टार
एि स्रोत िे िारण िेिरुंट है
would fit inside a ball with a (b) Blackhole/ ब्लैिहोि
(a) spherical/ गोिािार
diameter about the size of the sun. (c) White Dwarf/ सफेद बौना
(b) cylindrical/ बेिनािार
Also, the Milky Way galaxy contains (d) Red Giant/ रे ि जाइुं ट
some 100 billion stars. Roughly one (c) planar/ प्लेनर
out of every thousand stars that form (d) circular/ िृत्तािार
Ans : (a) Neutron Star/ न्यूटरॉन स्टार
is massive enough to become a black
hole. Therefore, our galaxy may Ans : (c) planar/ प्लेनर Explanation:
harbor some 100 million black holes.
The mass of a star which is two
Explanation: times the mass of the sun turns into a
Q908. Resolving power of a The wavefront due to any source Neutron Star. A neutron star is a type
telescope can be increased by situated at infinity is planar. of stellar remnant that can result
increasing/ दू रबीन िी शल्टक्त िो from the gravitational collapse of a
बढ़ािर बढ़ाया जा सिता है Q911. The rocket’s action is to push massive star during a Type II, Type
down on the ground with the force of Ib or Type Ic supernova event. Such
(a) the wavelength/ तरुं ग दै ध्यय its powerful engines, and the reaction stars are composed almost entirely of
(b) the diameter of the objective/ is that the ground pushes the rocket neutrons. Which are subatomic
उद्दे श्य िा व्यास upwards with an equal force. This is particles without electrical charge
(c) the diameter of the eyepiece/ an example of which of the and with a slightly larger mass than
ऐकपस िा व्यास following?/ रॉिेट िी करया अपने protons. Neutron stars are very hot
(d) the focal length of the eyepiece/ शल्टक्तशािी इुं जनोुं िे बि िे साथ जिीन and are supported against further
पर नीचे धिेिना है, और प्रकतकरया यह collapse by quantum degeneracy
ऐकपस िी फोिि िुंबाई
pressure due to Pauli's exclusion
है कि जिीन रॉिेट िो एि सिान बि principle. This principle states that
Ans : (c) the diameter of the िे साथ ऊपर िी ओर धिेिती है । यह no two neutrons (or any other
eyepiece/ ऐकपस िा व्यास कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किसिा उदाहरण है ? fermionic particles) can occupy the
(a) Faraday’s law/ फैरािे िा कनयि same place and quantum state
Explanation: (b) Coulomb’s Law/ िूिम्ब िा कनयि simultaneously. A typical neutron
as R.P. of a telescope = D/1.22λ star masses (Chandrasekhar Limit),
(c) Newton’s Laws/ न्यूटन िे कनयि
R.P. is proportional 1.22 A to the with a corresponding radius of about
diameter of the objective (d) (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
12 km if the Akmal Pandharipande
िोई नही ुं Ravenhall equation of state (APR
Q909. “Event Horizon” is related EOS) is used.
to:/ Ans : (c) Newton’s Laws/ न्यू टन िे
"घटना कक्षकतज" से सुंबुंकधत है : कनयि Q913. Consider the following
(a) Telescope/ दू रबीन statement about energy/ ऊजाय िे बारे
(b) Black hole/ ब्लैिहोि Explanation: िें कनम्नकिल्टखत िथन पर किचार िरें
(c) Solar glares/ सौर चिाचौुंध Newton’s Third Law of Motion: 1. Theoretically, one form of energy
For every action, there is an equal
(d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से can be converted to another form
and opposite reaction. The statement without any loss of energy./ सैद्ाुं कति
िोई नही ुं means that in every interaction, there
is a pair of forces acting on the two रूप से, ऊजाय िे एि रूप िो ऊजाय िे
Ans : (b) Black hole/ ब्लैिहोि interacting objects. किसी भी नुिसान िे कबना दू सरे रूप िें
The size of the forces on the first पररिकतयत किया जा सिता है ।
Explanation: object equals the size of the force on 2. Energy can be created but cannot
Event Horizon the second object. The direction of be destroyed./ ऊजाय बनाई जा सिती
● The event horizon is the threshold the force on the first object is है िेकिन नष्ट नही ुं िी जा सिती।
around the black hole where the opposite to the direction of the force
on the second object.
Which of the above statements is/are Which of the above statements is/are Ans : (b) 2 only
correct?/ उपरोक्त िथनोुं िें से िौन सा correct?/ उपरोक्त िथनोुं िें से िौन सा
सही है / हैं ? सही है / हैं ? Explanation:
(a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (a) 1 only Cause of Friction
(b) 2 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) 1 and 2 only Friction is caused by the
(c) 2 and 3 only irregularities on the two surfaces in
(d) 1, 2 and 3 contact. Even those surfaces which
Ans : (a) 1 only
appear very smooth have a large
number of minute irregularities on
Explanation: Ans : (b) 1 and 2 only
them. Irregularities on the two
According to the law of conservation
surfaces lock into one another.
of energy, energy can only be Explanation:
When we attempt to move any
converted from one form to another; Gravitation Force
surface, we have to apply a force to
it can neither be created or destroyed. ● Gravitational force is directly
overcome interlocking. On rough
The total energy before and after the proportional to the mass of the
surfaces, there are a larger number of
transformation remains the same. objects. Therefore, it is dependent on
irregularities. So the force of friction
The law of conservation of energy is the masses of the object involve(d)
is greater if a rough surface is
valid in all situations and for all ● Gravitational force is a universal
kinds of transformations. force and governs the motion of all
the heavenly objects in the universe.
● Gravitational force is inversely Q918. Who invented the first
Q914. Who invented Dynamite?/
controllable flying AEROPLANE
िायनािाइट िा आकिष्कार किसने proportional to square of distance.
Therefore, it decreases with distance (AIRPLANE)?/ पहिी कनयुंत्रणीय
between the objects. उड़ान AIRPLANE (AIRPLANE) िा
(a) Sir Alexander Graham Bell/ सर
आकिष्कार किसने किया?
अिेक्जेंिर ग्राहि बेि Q916. In which decade was the (a) Wright Brothers/ राइट ब्रदसय
(b) Benjamin Franklin/ बेंजाकिन Internet first implemented?/ इुं टरनेट (b) Lidenbergh Brothers/ िीिे नबगय
रैंिकिन किस दशि िें पहिी बार िागू किया ब्रदसय
(c) Thomas Alva Edison/ थॉिस अिा गया था? (c) South Brothers/ साउथ ब्रदसय
एकिसन (a) 1940s/ 1940 िे दशि िें (d) West Brothers/ िेस्ट ब्रदसय
(d) Alfred (b) Nobel/ अनरेि बी। (b) 1950s/ 1950 िे दशि िें
नोबेि (c) 1960s/ 1960 िे दशि िें Ans : (a) Wright Brothers/ राइट
(d) 1980s/ 1980 िे दशि िें ब्रदसय
Ans : (d) Alfred (b) Nobel/ अनरेि
बी। नोबेि Ans : (c) 1960s/ 1960 िे दशि िें Explanation:
Wilbur and Orville Wright made the
Explanation: Explanation: first successful controlled powered
Alfred Nobel, in full Alfred The first message ever sent over flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina,
Bernhard Nobel, (born October 21, what is now called the Internet took in December 1903. The twelve-
1833, Stockholm, Sweden—died place at 10:30 PM on October 29, second flight covered a distance of
December 10, 1896, San Remo, 1969. Back then, the Department of 120 feet and an altitude of just ten
Italy), Swedish chemist, engineer, Defense called it ARPAnet feet.
and industrialist who invented (Advanced Research Projects
dynamite and other more powerful Agency Network). Q919. Consider the following
explosives and who also founded the
phenomena:/ कनम्नकिल्टखत घटनाओुं पर
Nobel Prizes.
Q917. Consider the following किचार िरें :
statements regarding the friction:/ 1. Light is affected by gravity./
Q915. Consider the following
घषयण िे सुंबुंध िें कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर प्रिाश गुरुत्वािषयण से प्रभाकित होता
statement about Gravitation Force/
किचार िरें : है ।
गुरुत्वािषयण बि िे बारे िें कनम्नकिल्टखत
1. It depends on the nature of 2. The Universe is constantly
िथन पर किचार िरें
surfaces in contact./ यह सुंपिय िें expanding./ ब्रह्ाुंि िा िगातार किस्तार
1. It governs the motion of planets of
सतहोुं िी प्रिृकत पर कनभयर िरता है । हो रहा है ।
solar system around the sun/ यह सूयय
2. It is caused by the irregularities on 3. Matter warps its surrounding
िे चारोुं ओर सौर िुंिि िे ग्रहोुं िी गकत
the two surfaces in contact./ यह space-time./ िैटर अपने आस-पास िे
िो कनयुंकत्रत िरता है
सुंपिय िें दो सतहोुं पर अकनयकितताओुं स्पेस-टाइि िो िॉर िरता है ।
2. The force decreases with increase
िे िारण होता है । Which of the above is/are the
in distance/ दू री िें िृल्टद् िे साथ बि
Which of the above statements is/are predictions of Albert Einstein’s
घटता है
correct?/ उपरोक्त िथनोुं िें से िौन सा General Theory of Relativity?/
3. The force is independent of the
सही है / हैं ? उपरोक्त िें से िौन अल्बटय आइुं स्टीन िे
mass of the objects/ बि िस्तुओुं िे
(a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 जनरि र्थ्ोरी ऑफ ररिेकटकिटी िी
द्रव्यिान से स्वतुंत्र है (b) 2 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2 भकिष्यिाकणयाुं हैं / हैं ?
(a) 1 and 2 only
द्रव्यिान होगा appear/ श्वेत प्रिाश िी किरण किसी Q935. In which decade was the
(a) Nearly 1 kg/ िगभग 1 किग्रा िस्तु िी सतह से टिराती है । यकद सभी SPICE simulator introduced?/ SPICE
(b) Less than 1 kg/ 1 कििो से िि रुं ग प्रकतकबुंकबत होते हैं तो सतह कदखाई कसम्युिेटर किस दशि िें शु रू किया
(c) Less than 6 kg/ 6 कििो से िि दे गी गया था?
(a) 1950s
(d) 6 kg/ 6 किग्रा (a) Black/ िािा
(b) 1960s
(b) White/ सफेद (c) 1970s
Ans : (d) 6 kg/ 6 किग्रा (c) Grey/ सफेद (d) 1980s
(d) Opaque/ अपारदशी
Explanation: Ans : (c) 1970s
Mass is a measurement of the
Ans : (b) White/ सफेद
amount of matter something Explanation:
contains. The mass of an object does SPICE (Simulation Program with
not change when the location of an Integrated Circuit Emphasis) was
When an object reflects all the
object changes. So, the mass of the introduced in May 1972 by the
colours of white light, then it would
body on the moon would be the same University of Berkeley, California.
appear white.
as that on earth.
Q933. Who invented Airship Q936. Light Emitting Diode (LE(d)
Q930. The motion of an oscillating converts/ िाइट एकिकटुं ग िायोि
(rigid)?/ एयरकशप (िठोर) िा
liquid column in a U-tube is/ एि यू- (LE(d) िुंिटय िरता है
आकिष्कार किसने किया?
ट्यूब िें एि दोिनशीि तरि स्तुंभ िी (a) Light energy into electrical
(a) Dr. Alan M. Turing/ िॉ। एिन
गकत है energy/ किद् युत ऊजाय िें प्रिाश ऊजाय
(a) Periodic but not simple harmonic/ एि। ट्यूररुं ग
(b) Electrical energy into light
आिकधि िेकिन सरि हािोकनि नही ुं (b) Roger Bacon/ रोजर बेिन
energy/ किद् युत ऊजाय िो प्रिाश ऊजाय
(b) Non-periodic/ गैर-आिकधि (c) G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin/ जी।
(c) wavy / िहरदार फकिय नेंि िॉन ज़े पेकिन
(c) Thermal energy into light energy/
(d) Simple harmonic/ सरि हािोकनि (d) Otto/ ओटो
ऊष्मीय ऊजाय िो प्रिाश ऊजाय िें
(d) Mechanical energy into electrical
Ans : (c) G. Ferdinand Von energy/ याुं कत्रि ऊजाय किद् युत ऊजाय िें
Ans : (d) Simple harmonic/ सरि
Zeppelin/ जी। फकिय नेंि िॉन ज़े पेकिन
Explanation: Ans : (b) Electrical energy into
In 1852, Henri Giffard built the first
The motion of an oscillating liquid
powered airship, which consisted of light energy/ किद् युत ऊजाय िो प्रिाश
column in a U-tube is called simple
a 143-ft (44-m) long, cigar-shaped, ऊजाय िें
harmonic motion with time period
gas-filled bag with a propeller,
depending on the density of the Explanation:
powered by a 3-horsepower (2.2-
liquid. Light Emitting Diode (LE(d) is a
kW) steam engine. Later, in 1900,
Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin of semiconductor device, which
Q931. What invention was first Germany invented the first rigid converts electrical energy into light
installed at a Hartford, Connecticut airship. energy.
bank in 1889?/ 1889 िें हाटय फोिय ,
िनेल्टक्ट्िट बैंि िें पहिी बार किस Q934. Dual Energy X-ray
आकिष्कार िो थथाकपत किया गया था? Absorptiometry (DEX(a) is used to
(a) Automatic teller machine/ measure/ िापने िे किए दोहरी ऊजाय
स्वचाकित टे िर िशीन एक्स-रे अिशोषि (DEX(a) िा उपयोग
(b) Time-lock safe/ सिय-तािा किया जाता है
सुरकक्षत (a) Spread of solid tumour/ ठोस
(c) Burglar alarm/ बगयिर अिािय ट्यूिर िा प्रसार
(d) Pay telephone/ पे टे िीफोन (b) Bone density/ अल्टथथ घनत्व
(c) Ulcerous growth in the stomach/
Ans : (d) Pay telephone/ पे टे िीफोन पेट िें अल्सर िी िृल्टद्
(d) The extent of brain hemorrhage/
Explanation: िल्टस्तष्क रक्तस्राि िी सीिा
William Gray, the inventor of the Q937. What did cardiologist Dr. Paul
pay telephone, also invented the Zoll invent in Massachusetts in
Ans : (b) Bone density/ अल्टथथ घनत्व
inflatable chest protector worn by 1952?/ िाकिय योिॉकजस्ट िॉ। पॉि ज़ोि
baseball umpires and catchers. ने 1952 िें िैसाचुसेट्स िें क्या
Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry आकिष्कार किया था?
Q932. A ray of white light strikes the (DEX(a) is used to measure the (a) EKG/ ईिेजी
surface of an object. If all the colours density or strength of bones.
are reflected the surface would
Q953. A hydrogen balloon floats up passing through the building, where atmosphere in three different ways.
because/ एि हाइिर ोजन गुब्बारा तैरता it could start a fire or cause One way that heat energy is
है क्योुंकि electrocution. Copper and its alloys transferred is radiation. Hot bodies
(a) air pressure decreases with a are the most common materials used such as the sun radiate their energy
in lightning protection. Copper does mainly in the form of short waves.
decrease in height/ ऊुंचाई िें ििी िे
not attract lightning, but it effectively These short waves are seen as visible
साथ हिा िा दबाि िि हो जाता है and rapidly facilitates the light. Cooler bodies such as Earth
(b) air pressure decrease with a transmission of lightning energy to radiate their energy as long waves.
decrease in weight/ िजन िें ििी िे the ground because of its excellent
साथ हिा िा दबाि िि हो जाता है electrical conductivity and corrosion Q957. Remote-sensing device has an
(c) of the balloon is less than the resistance characteristics. Also, it inbuilt source of/ ररिोट-सेंकसुंग
weight of air displaced by it./ गुब्बारा bends easily compared to other कििाइस िें एि इनकबि सोसय होता है
इसिे द्वारा किथथाकपत हिा िे िजन से conductor materials.
(a) X-ray/ एक्स-रे
िि है । (b)g-ray/ जी-रे
Q955. An object is kept 5 cm in front
(d) the pressure inside the balloon is
of a concave mirror of the focal (c) ultraviolet ray/ पराबैंगनी किरण
more than the pressure outside it/
length of 15 cm. What will be the (d) infrared ray/ अिरक्त किरण
गुब्बारे िे अुंदर िा दबाि उसिे बाहर
िे दबाि से अकधि होता है nature of the image?/ एि िस्तु िो 15
सेिी िी फोिि िुंबाई िे अिति दपयण Ans : (d) infrared ray/ अिरक्त
िे सािने 5 सेिी रखा जाता है। िकि िा किरण
Ans : (c) of the balloon is less than
the weight of air displaced by it./ स्वरूप क्या होगा?
Infrared imaging is used extensively
गुब्बारा इसिे द्वारा किथथाकपत हिा िे (a) virtual, not magnified/ आभासी, for military and civilian purposes.
िजन से िि है । आिकधयत नही ुं Military applications include target
Explanation: (b) virtual, magnified/ आभासी, acquisition, surveillance, night
A hydrogen atom is very light. Most आिकधयत vision, homing, and tracking. Non-
of the air on earth is made up of
(c) real, magnified/ िास्तकिि, military uses include thermal
nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon efficiency analysis, environmental
dioxide. All of these elements are आिकधयत
monitoring, industrial facility
heavier than hydrogen, so the (d) real not magnified/ असिी बढ़ाई inspections, remote temperature
balloon is pushed upwards. नही ुं sensing, short-ranged wireless
Hydrogen weighs 0.08988 grams per communication, spectroscopy, and
liter. Nitrogen, which makes up 80% Ans : (b) virtual, magnified/ weather forecasting. Infrared
of the air we breathe, weighs 1.2506 आभासी, आिकधयत astronomy uses sensor-equipped
grams per liter. Hydrogen filled Explanation: telescopes to penetrate dusty regions
balloons follow the same principle as Using of space, such as molecular clouds;
we do when we float in the water; 1/v + 1/u =1/f detect objects such as planets, and
the law of buoyancy. If the water we ∴ 1/v + 1/−5 = 1/−15 view highly red-shifted objects from
displace weighs more than we do, we ⟹ v=+7.5 cm the early days of the universe. There
will float. So the image is formed behind the are two main types of remote
mirror, thus it is virtual. sensing: passive remote sensing and
Q954. The metal used to make active remote sensing. Reflected
lightning conductors is/ कबजिी िे Magnification sunlight is the most common source
िुंिक्ट्र बनाने िे किए इस्ते िाि िी m= −v/u = −7.5/-5 of radiation measured by passive
जाने िािी धातु है =1.5 sensors. Examples of passive remote
So, a magnified image is formed. sensors include film photography,
(a) Iron/ िोहा
infrared, charge-coupled devices, and
(b) Aluminum/ अल्युिीकनयि radiometers.
Q956. The atmosphere is heated
(c) Copper/ ताुं बा
mainly by/ िायुिुंिि िुख्य रूप से गिय
(d) Zinc/ जस्ता Q958. Consider the following
होता है
(a) Insolation/ आतपन statements:/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर
Ans : (c) Copper/ ताुं बा किचार िरें :
Explanation: (b) Conduction/ प्रिाहित्त्व
1. If magenta and yellow coloured
A lightning rod is a metal rod or (c) Radiation/ किकिरण
circles intersect, the intersected area
metallic object mounted on top of a (d) Convection/ सुंिहन will have red colour./ यकद िैजेंटा और
building, electrically bonded using a
पीिे रुं ग िे घेरे इुं टरसेक्ट् होते हैं , तो
wire or electrical conductor to Ans : (c) Radiation/ किकिरण
interface with ground or “earth” इुं टरसेक्ट्ेि एररया िें िाि रुं ग होगा।
through an electrode, engineered to Changes in weather involve air 2. If cyan and magenta coloured
protect the building in the event of a circles intersect, the intersected area
movements, the formation of clouds,
lightning strike. If lightning targets and precipitation. Energy is needed will have blue colour./ अगर कसयान
the building it will preferentially to make all these things happen. That और िैजेंटा रुं ग िे घेरे इुं टरसेक्ट् होते हैं ,
strike the rod and be conducted to energy comes from the sun. Heat तो इुं टरसेक्ट्ेि एररया िें नीिा रुं ग होगा।
ground through the wire, instead of energy enters and moves through the
Which of the statements given above The stick is dipped in water in a (a)(c) किद् युत िाइन िें धारा 60 बार
is/are correct?/ ऊपर कदए गए िथनोुं िें slanting position. If observed प्रकत सेिुंि कदशा बदिती है ।
से िौन सा सही है / हैं ? sideways, the stick appears short and Reason (R): The frequency of the
(a) 1 only bent because of refraction of light. alternating voltage supplied is 50
(b) 2 only Hz./ िारण (R): आपूकतय िी गई
Q960. The head mirror used by
(c) Both 1 and 2 प्रत्यािती िोिे ज िी आिृकत्त 50 हट्य ज
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 E.N.T doctors is –/ ई.एन.टी. िॉक्ट्रोुं
है ।
द्वारा इस्तेिाि किया जाने िािा हे ि Codes:
Ans : (c) Both 1 and 2 किरर है - (a) Both A and R are correct and R is
(a) Concave/ नतोदर the correct explanation of (a)
The intersected area of magenta and
yellow-coloured circles will have red (b) Convex/ उत्ति (b) Both A and R are correct, but R
colour. The intersected area of cyan (c) Plane/ कििान is not the correct explanation of (a)
(d) Plano-convex/ उत्ति (c) A is true, but R is false.
and magenta coloured circles will
(d) A is false, but R is true.
have blue colour.
Magenta = Red + Blue Ans : Concave/ नतोदर
Ans : (d) A is false, but R is true.
Cyan = Blue + Green Explanation:
Concave mirror forms a large image
In our houses, the frequency of the
of the object placed in front of it, so
alternating voltage supplied is 50 Hz,
ENT doctors use a concave mirror as
i.e. 50 times per second. In America,
the head mirror.
the frequency of (a)(c) line is 60
Q961. Consider the following
statements and select the correct Ans
Q963. Consider the following
: using the codes given below:/
statements and select the correct
कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर किचार िरें और
code./ कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर किचार
नीचे कदए गए िोि िा उपयोग िरिे
िरें और सही िोि िा चयन िरें ।
सही उत्तर चु नें: Assertion ((a): A diamond sparkles
Assertion ((a): If ice collects on the more than a glass imitation cut to the
freezer, the cooling in the
same shape./ अकभिथन ((a): एि हीरे
refrigerator is affected adversely./
Q959. Consider the following िी एि ही आिार िें िाूँ च िी निि से
अकभिथन (ए): यकद बफय रीजर पर
statements and select the correct अकधि चििती है ।
इिट्ठा होती है, तो रे करजरे टर िें शीतिन
code./ कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर किचार Reason (R): The refractive index of
पर प्रकतिूि प्रभाि पड़ता है ।
िरें और सही िोि िा चयन िरें । diamond is less than that of glass./
Reason (R): Ice is a poor conductor./
िारण (R): हीरे िा अपितयनाुं ि िाुंच
िारण (R): बफय एि गरीब िुंिक्ट्र है ।
Assertion ((a): A stick is dipped in िी तुिना िें िि होता है ।
water in a slanting position. If Codes:
(a) Both A and R are true, and R is
observed sideways, the stick appears (a) Both A and R are true, and R is
the correct explanation of (a)
short and bent at the surface of the the correct explanation of (a)
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is
water./ एि िड़ी िो कतरिी ल्टथथकत िें not the correct explanation of (a)
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is
पानी िें िु बोया जाता है । यकद बग़ि िें (c) A is true, but R is false.
not the correct explanation of (a)
दे खा जाता है , तो िड़ी पानी िी सतह (c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
(d) A is false, but R is true.
पर िोटी और िुड़ी हुई कदखाई दे ती है ।
Reason(R):The light coming from Ans : (a) Both A and R are true,
the stick undergoes scattering from Ans : (c) A is true, but R is false.
and R is the correct explanation of
water molecules giving the stick a Explanation:
A diamond sparkles more than a
short and bent appearance./ िड़ी से Explanation:
glass imitation cut to the same shape
आने िािी रोशनी पानी िे अणुओुं से If ice collects in the freezer, the
is only the true statement. The
कबखरती है कजससे िड़ी िोटी और cooling in the refrigerator is affected
refractive index of diamond 2.42 >
adversely because ice is a poor
झुिती है । glass 1.5.
conductor of heat.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is Q962. Consider the following Q964. Consider the following
the correct explanation of (a) statements and select the correct statements:/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is किचार िरें :
code./ कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर किचार
not the correct explanation of (a)
(c) A is true, but R is false. िरें और सही िोि िा चयन िरें । 1. Light of longer wavelength is
Assertion ((a): In our houses, the scattered much more than the light of
(d) A is false, but R is true.
current in (a)(c) electricity line a shorter wavelength./ िुंबी तरुं ग दै ध्यय
changes direction 60 times per िी रोशनी एि िोटी तरुं ग दै ध्यय िी
Ans : (c) A is true, but R is false.
Explanation: second./ अकभिथन ((a): हिारे घरोुं िें, रोशनी िी तुिना िें बहुत अकधि कबखरी
हुई है ।
2. The speed of visible light in water code./ कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं पर किचार तार पर िागू होता है । यकद िी दोगुना है ,
is 0.95 times the speed in vacuum./ िरें और सही िोि िा चयन िरें । तो बहाि िेग।
पानी िें दृश्यिान प्रिाश िी गकत कनिाय त Assertion ((a): A piece of copper and (a) Is doubled/ िो दोगुना किया गया है
िें गकत िा 0.95 गुना है । a piece of glass are heated to the (b) Is halved/ िो आधा िर कदया गया
3. Radio waves are produced by same temperature. When touched
rapidly oscillating electrical currents. thereafter the copper piece appears
(c) Remain the same/ उसी िो बनाए
/ रे कियो तरुं गोुं िा उत्पादन तेजी से hotter than the glass piece./
अकभिथन (ए): ताुं बे िा एि टु िड़ा रखें
किद् युत धाराओुं िो दोिन िरिे किया
और िाुं च िा एि टु िड़ा एि ही (d) Becomes zero/ शून्य हो जाता है
जाता है ।
4. To detect the over speeding of तापिान पर गरि किया जाता है। उसिे
vehicles, police use the Doppler बाद जब ताुं बे िा टु िड़ा िाुं च िे टु िड़े Ans : (a) Is doubled/ िो दोगुना
effect to reflected short radio waves./ िी तुिना िें गिय कदखाई दे ता है । किया गया है
िाहनोुं िी तेज गकत िा पता िगाने िे Reason (R): The density of copper is Explanation:
किए, िघु रे कियो तरुं गोुं िो प्रकतकबुंकबत more than that of glass./ िारण (R):
िरने िे किए पुकिस िॉपिर प्रभाि िा ताुं बे िा घनत्व िाुं च िी तुिना िें अकधि
उपयोग िरती है । है ।
Which of these statements are Codes:
correct?/ इनिें से िौन सा िथन सही (a) Both A and R are true and R is
है ? the correct explanation of (a)
(a) 1 and 2 (b) Both A and R are true, but R is
(b) 1 and 3 not the correct explanation of (a)
(c) 2 and 4 (c) A is true, but R is false.
(d) 3 and 4 (d) A is false, but R is true.
Q976. Which components of light (b) sometimes two rainbows can be पर उत्ति िेंस से 12 सेिी िी दू री पर
are absorbed by chlorophyll ? / seen simultaneously/ िभी-िभी दो रखा जाता है और एि कनकित आिार
प्रिाश िे िौन से घटि क्लोरोकफि इुं द्रधनुष एि साथ दे खे जा सिते हैं िी एि आभासी िकि बनती है । यकद
द्वारा अिशोकषत होते हैं ? (c) the same rainbow can be ऑब्जेक्ट् िो िेंस से 8 सेंटीिीटर दू र िे
(a) Violet and red/ बैंगनी और िाि observed by two persons if both have
जाया जाता है , तो आभासी िकि िे
(b) Indigo and orange/ इुं किगो और normal vision/ एि ही इुं द्रधनुष िो दो
सिान आिार िी एि िास्तकिि िकि
ऑरें ज व्यल्टक्तयोुं द्वारा दे खा जा सिता है यकद
बनाई जाती है । कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन
(c) Blue and red/ नीिा और िाि दोनोुं िें सािान्य दृकष्ट हो
सा िेंस िी फोिि िुंबाई है ?
(d) Violet and yellow/ िायिेट और (d) Rainbow is formed due to
(a) 15 cm
refraction of light in raindrops/
पीिा (b) 16 cm
इुं द्रधनुष बाररश िी बूुंदोुं िें प्रिाश िे (c) 18 cm
अपितयन िे िारण बनता है
Ans : (b) Indigo and orange/ इुं किगो (d) 20 cm
और ऑरें ज
Ans : (a) a rainbow can be seen Ans : (b) 16 cm
only when the sun is at your front/ Explanation:
Chlorophyll is a green pigment found
in cyanobacteria and the chloroplasts इुं द्रधनुष तभी दे खा जा सिता है जब
of algae and plants. Chlorophyll is an सूरज आपिे सािने हो
extremely important biomolecule, Explanation:
critical in photosynthesis, which This is because a rainbow is actually
allows plants to absorb energy from just sunlight which has been
light. Chlorophyll absorbs light most refracted and reflected. Refraction
strongly in the blue portion of the occurs when the sunlight enters and
electromagnetic spectrum, followed leaves the small spherical water
by the red portion. However, it is a droplets that constitute the mist. ...
poor absorber of green and near- As a result, both the primary bow
green portions of the spectrum, and the secondary bow can only be
hence the green colour of seen when looking away from the
chlorophyll-containing tissues. sun.
Q977. What Henry Bessemer Q979. What Igor Sikorsky 1/v1 - 1/u1=1/f
invented?/ हे नरी बेसेिर ने क्या invented?/ इगोर कसिोरस्की ने क्या =>1/v1 - 1/-12=1/f
आकिष्कार किया था? => 1/v1=1/f-1/12
आकिष्कार किया था?
=> v1=12f/(12-f)........(i)
(a) Aluminum/ एल्युकिकनयि (a) Hydroplane/ हाइिर ोप्लेन
1/v2 - 1/u2=1/f
(b) Electroplating/ इिेक्ट्रोप्लेकटुं ग (b) Jet engine airplane/ जेट इुं जन => 1/v2 - 1/-20=1/f
(c) Steel Converter/ स्टीि िन्वटय र हिाई जहाज => 1/v2= 1/f - 1/20
(d) Steel rolling mill/ स्टीि रोकिुंग (c) Helicopter/ हे िीिािर => v2= 20f/(20-f).........(ii)
किि (d) Glider/ ग्लाइिर
m1=I/O =v1/u =
Ans : (c) Helicopter/ हे िीिाि 12f/(12−f)(−12)=−f/(12−f)
Ans : (c) Steel Converter/ स्टीि
िन्वटय र Explanation:
Invented in 1939. m2 = I/O = v2/ u = 20f/(20−f)(−20)
Explanation: = −f/(20−f)
On September 14, 1939, the VS-300,
Invented in 1856.
the world's first practical helicopter,
The Bessemer Converter completely m1=−m2
took flight at Stratford, Connecticut.
changed how steel was produced −f/(12−f)=f/(20−f)
Designed by Igor Sikorsky and built
and made steel a mass-produced ⇒−20+f=12−f
by the Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft
building material. We have
Division of the United Aircraft ⇒ 2f=32
skyscrapers, huge suspension
Corporation, the helicopter was the ⇒ f=16cm
bridges, thousands of miles of
first to incorporate a single main
railroad tracks, and automobiles
rotor and tail rotor design. Q981. Who invented Electric
because Henry Bessemer perfected
steel-making. Generator?/ इिेल्टक्ट्रि जेनरे टर िा
Q980. An object is placed at a आकिष्कार किसने किया?
distance of 12 cm from a convex lens (a) Sir Alexander Graham Bell/ सर
Q978. Which of the following is a
on its principal axis and a virtual
wrong statement?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से अिेक्जेंिर ग्राहि बेि
image of a certain size is formed. If
िौन गित िथन है ? the object is moved further 8 cm (b) Michael Faraday/ िाइिि फैरािे
(a) a rainbow can be seen only when away from the lens, a real image of (c) Alfred (b) Nobel/ अनरेि बी।
the sun is at your front/ इुं द्रधनु ष तभी the same size as that of the virtual नोबेि
दे खा जा सिता है जब सूरज आपिे image is formed. Which one of the (d) Thomas Alva Edison/ थॉिस
सािने हो following is the focal length of the अिा एकिसन
lens?/ एि िस्तु िो उसिे प्रिुख अक्ष
Ans : (b) Michael Faraday/ (d) Green/ ग्रीन कििान 2 िाच िे िेग िे साथ हिा िें
िाइिि फैरािे उड़ता है। जबकि ध्वकन िा िेग 332 m /
Explanation: Ans : (b) White/ िाइट s है , जो हिाई जहाज िा हिाई क्षेत्र है
Faraday changed all that when he Explanation: (a) 166 m/s
discovered electromagnetic induction The newton's disc is made up of (b) 66.4 km/s
in 1831. Through his innovative seven colours. when it is rotated fast (c) 332 m/s
experiments, he found that by the colour blend to form white colour (d) 664 m/s
placing a conductor in a changing due to persistence of vision.
magnetic field, it would produce
Ans : (d) 664 m/s
voltage across the conductor. ... By
Q984. In which decade was the Explanation:
age 40, Faraday invented the electric
motor, transformer, and generator. telegraph invented?/ िीग्राफ िा Mach Number =Speed of body in
आकिष्कार किस दशि िें हुआ था? any medium/Speed of sound in that
Q982. Why do some automobiles According to question
have additional yellow headlights?/ (a) 1810s
2=velocity of jet plane/332
िुि ऑटोिोबाइि िें अकतररक्त पीिे (b) 1840s
664m/s=velocity of the jet plane.
(c) 1870s
हे ििाइट् स क्योुं हैं ?
(d) 1890s
(a) Yellow light does not produce a Q987. The first-hand glider was
dazzling effect in the eyes of the
Ans : (b) 1840s designed by?/ प्रथि-हस्त ग्लाइिर
people coming from the front/ पीिी किसिे द्वारा किज़ाइन किया गया था?
रोशनी सािने से आने िािे िोगोुं िी On May 24, 1844, Samuel Morse (a) Leonardo Da Vinci/ कियोनािो
आुं खोुं िें एि चिाचौुंध पैदा नही ुं िरती sent his famous message, "What hath कित्रता
(b) Yellow light consumes less God wrought?" (b) The Wright brothers/ राइट भाइयोुं
power/ पीिी रोशनी से कबजिी िी
(c) Francis Rogallo/ राुं कसस रोगािो
खपत िि होती है Q985. Which of the following is
(d) Galileo/ गैिीकियो
(c) Yellow light is able to penetrate incorrect?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन गित
the fog and is thus able to illuminate है ? Ans : (a) Leonardo Da Vinci/
the road better in fogy nights/ पीिी (a) A concave mirror can give a
कियोनािो कित्रता
रोशनी िोहरे िें घुसने िें सक्षि है और magnified virtual image./ एि अिति
इस तरह से सड़ि िी रोशनी िो बेहतर दपयण एि आिकधयत आभासी िकि दे Q988. The visible light has a
बनाने िें सक्षि है सिता है । wavelength range from about 380 nm
(d) both (a) and (b)/ दोनोुं (ए) और (b) A concave mirror can give a (violet) to 780 nm (red). If an excited
(बी) magnified real image./ एि अिति object emits light with a wavelength
दपयण एि आिकधयत िास्तकिि िकि दे of 15 nm, to which one of the
Ans : (c) Yellow light is able to सिता है । following ranges does it belong?/
penetrate the fog and is thus able (c) The virtual image given by a दृश्यिान प्रिाश िें िगभग 380 एनएि
to illuminate the road better in concave mirror is inverted.अिति (िायिेट) से 780 एनएि (िाि) ति िी
fogy nights/ पीिी रोशनी िोहरे िें दपयण द्वारा दी गई आभासी िकि उिटी तरुं ग दै ध्यय होती है । यकद एि उत्साकहत
घुसने िें सक्षि है और इस तरह से है । िस्तु 15 एनएि िे तरुं ग दै ध्यय िे साथ
सड़ि िी रोशनी िो बेहतर बनाने िें (d) The real image given by a प्रिाश उत्सकजयत िरती है , तो कनम्न िें से
सक्षि है concave mirror is inverted./ अिति िौन सी सीिा है ?
Explanation: दपयण द्वारा दी गई िास्तकिि िकि उिटी (a) X-ray/ एक्स-रे
Yellow headlights are referred to है । (b) Gamma-ray/ गािा-रे
primarily as "selective yellow". The
(c) Infrared/ इन्रारे ि
purpose of having yellow headlights
is to improve visibility at night by
Ans : (c) The virtual image given (d) Ultraviolet/ पराबैंगनी
by a concave mirror is
removing blue to violet colors from
the wavelength spectrum. ... Today it inverted.अिति दपयण द्वारा दी गई Ans : (d) Ultraviolet/ पराबैंगनी
is common to see yellow fog lamps आभासी िकि उिटी है ।
in production cars to improve safety Explanation:
during snowy and foggy conditions. Concave mirrors can produce both
real and virtual images; they can be
Q983. ‘Newton’s disc’ when rotated upright (if virtual) or inverted (if
real); they can be behind the mirror
at a great speed appears:/ न्यू टन िी
(if virtual) or in front of the mirror (if
किस्क ’जब एि बड़ी गकत से घूिती है real); they can also be enlarged,
तो यह कदखाई दे ती है : reduced, or the same size as object.
(a) Black/ िािा
(b) White/ िाइट Q986. A jet plane flies through air
(c) Shows seven colours/ सात रुं ग with a velocity of 2 Mach. While the
कदखाता है velocity of sound is 332 m/s the
airspeed of the plane is/ एि जेट
(b) is inclined to the horizontal with अत्यकधि ऊजाय िान आिेकशत िणोुं से Select the correct Ans : from the
smaller depth at the rear end./ पीिे िे बने होते हैं । codes given:/ कदए गए िोि िें से सही
िोर पर िोटी गहराई िे साथ क्षैकतज िें (d) They originate from the sun/ िे उत्तर िा चयन िरें :
झुिा हुआ है । सूयय से उत्पन्न होते हैं (a) 1, 2 and 3
(c) is inclined to the horizontal with (b) 2, 3 and 4
larger depth at the rear end./ पीिे िे Ans : (b) They have a very high (c) 1, 2 and 4
(d) 1, 3 and 4
िोर पर बड़ी गहराई िे साथ क्षैकतज िें wavelength./ उनिे पास बहुत अकधि
झुिा हुआ है । तरुं ग दै ध्यय है । Ans : (c) 1, 2 and 4
(d) assumes parabolic curves./
परििकयि घटता िानता है । Explanation: Explanation:
Cosmic rays have very high Heat is a form of energy. Heat can be
Ans : (c) is inclined to the frequency >10^23 Hz and reflected by a mirror. Heat can’t pass
horizontal with larger depth at the wavelength <10^–24 m. through vacuum.
rear end./ पीिे िे िोर पर बड़ी
गहराई िे साथ क्षैकतज िें झुिा हुआ Q997. Which one of the following Q999. Consider the following natural
है । statements is not true for a person
phenomena: / कनम्नकिल्टखत प्रािृकति
suffering from hypermetropia?/
घटनाओुं पर किचार िरें :
हाइपरिेटरोकपया से पीकड़त व्यल्टक्त िे
Explanation: 1. Terrestrial heating/ थथिीय हीकटुं ग
The free surface of oil is inclined to किए कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा िथन
2. Reflection of light/ प्रिाश िा
the horizontal with larger depth at सही नही ुं है ?
(a) The person can see far objects पराितयन
the rear end as the oil tanker is
moving forward with uniform distinctly./ व्यल्टक्त दू र िी िस्तुओुं िो 3. Refraction of light/ प्रिाश िा
acceleration. अिग तरह से दे ख सिता है । अपितयन
(b) The focal length of the lens is 4. Diffraction of light/ प्रिाश िा
Q995. When a sound wave is large./ िेंस िी फोिि िुंबाई बड़ी है । किचिन
refracted from air to water, then (c) The image of the close object is Due to which of these phenomena is
which of the following will remain focussed behind the retina./ रे कटना िे mirage formed?/ किस घटना िे िारण
unchanged?/ जब एि ध्वकन तरुं ग हिा पीिे क्लोज ऑब्जेक्ट् िी इिेज फोिथि िृगतृष्णा िा कनिाय ण होता है ?
से पानी िें अपिकतयत होती है , तो होती है । (a) 1 and 2
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन अपररिकतय त (d) A convex lens is used to correct (b) 2, 3 and 4
रहे गी? this defect./ इस दोष िो ठीि िरने िे
(c) 1 and 3
(a) Frequency/ आिृकत्त (d) 4 only
किए उत्ति िेंस िा उपयोग किया जाता
(b) Wavelength/ तरुं गदै र्घ्य है । Ans : (c) 1 and 3
(c) Velocity/ िेग
(d) None of the above/ इनिे से िोई Ans : (d) A convex lens is used to Explanation:
भी नही ुं correct this defect./ इस दोष िो ठीि The phenomenon of mirage is
िरने िे किए उत्ति िेंस िा उपयोग formed by the terrestrial heating and
Ans : (a) Frequency/ आिृकत्त किया जाता है । refraction of light. Due to terrestrial
heating, layers of air of different
Explanation: Explanation: densities (different refractive indices)
Frequency of a wave is characterised Hypermetropia is corrected by using are formed. The ray of light strikes
by the source of the wave, therefore a concave lens. Myopia is corrected different layers/refracted and causes
it will not be affected by change in by a convex lens. a mirage-an optical illusion.
medium .
Q998. Which of the following Q1000. A sonometer wire having a
Q996. Which one of the following statements are true regarding heat?/ length of 50 cm is vibrating in the
statements is not true about cosmic कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा िथन गिी िे fundamental mode with a frequency
rays?/ िौकिि किरणोुं िे बारे िें सुंबुंध िें सही है ?
of 100 Hz. Which of the following is
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा िथन सही the type of propagating wave and its
1. Heat is a form of energy./ ऊष्मा
नही ुं है ? speed?/ 50 सेिी िी िुंबाई िािा एि
ऊजाय िा एि रूप है ।
(a) They have a very high सोनोिीटर तार 100 हट्य ज िी आिृकत्त िे
2. Heat can be reflected by a mirror. /
frequency./ उनिे पास बहुत अकधि साथ िौकिि िोि िें िुंपन िर रहा है ।
गिी िो दपयण द्वारा परािकतयत किया जा
आिृकत्त है । कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सी तरुं ग िे प्रसार
सिता है ।
(b) They have a very high और उसिी गकत िा प्रिार है ?
3. Heat is electromagnetic radiation./
wavelength./ उनिे पास बहुत अकधि ऊष्मा किद् युत चुम्बिीय किकिरण है । (a) Longitudinal, 50 m/s/ अनुदैध्यय, 50
तरुं ग दै ध्यय है । 4. Heat cannot pass through a िीटर / से
(c) They are made of highly vacuum./ गिी एि कनिायत से नहीुं गुजर (b) Transverse, 50 m/s/ अनुप्रथथ, 50
energetic charged particles./ िे सिती। िीटर / से
(c) Longitudinal, 100 m/s/ अनुदैध्यय, specific latent heat of fusion of the
100 िीटर / से metal?/ एि ठोस धातु िा िजन 150 Q1004. One end of a copper rod of
(d) Transverse, 100 m/s/ अनु प्रथथ, ग्राि होता है, जो 100W िी दर से ऊष्मा uniform cross-section and of length
100 िीटर / से प्रदान िरिे 800oC िे गिनाुंि पर 1.5m is kept in contact with ice and
the other end with water at 100 o(c)
कपघि जाता है । एि ही तापिान पर पूरी
At what point along its length should
Ans : (d) Transverse, 100 m/s/ तरह से कपघिने िे किए किया गया सिय a temperature of 200 oC be
अनुप्रथथ, 100 िीटर / से 4 किनट है। धातु िे सुंियन िा किकशष्ट maintained so that in steady-state,
अव्यक्त ताप क्या है ? the mass of the ice melting be equal
Explanation: (a) 2×10^5 J/kg to that of the steam produced in the
Wavelength of the wire is calculated (b) 3.6×10^5 J/kg same interval of time? Assume that
as - (c) 1.6×10^5 J/kg the whole system is insulated from
(d) 1.5×10^5 J/kg the surroundings. The latent heat of
λ = 2l
fusion of ice and vaporization of
λ = 2 × 50 Ans : (c) 1.6×10 5 J/kg water is 80cal/gm and 540cal/gm
λ = 100 cm
Explanation: / एि सिान रॉस-सेक्शन और िुंबाई
λ=1m Mass of ice to 1.5 िीटर िे ताुंबे िी िड़ िा एि िोर
Speed of the wave is calculated as - melt m=150g =0.15 kg बफय िे सुंपिय िें रखा जाता है और
Rate of heat supplied P=100 W दू सरा िोर पानी िे साथ 100 oC पर
v = f.λ Time taken t=4 min=4×60 रखा जाता है । किस कबुंदु पर इसिी
s=240 s
v = 100 × 1 िुंबाई िे साथ 200 ओसी िा तापिान
v = 100 m/s बनाए रखा जाना चाकहए ताकि ल्टथथर
Total heat
supplied H=Pt=100×240 अिथथा िें, बफय िे कपघिने िा द्रव्यिान
Q1001. When a body undergoes a =2.4×10^4 J सिय िे सिान अुंतराि िें उत्पाकदत
linear tensile strain it experiences a Specific latent heat of fusion of भाप िे बराबर हो? िान िें कि पूरा
lateral contraction also. The ratio of metal L= m/H कसस्टि पररिेश से अिूता है । बफय िे
lateral contraction to longitudinal ⟹ L= 0.15/2.4×10^4 सुंियन िी अव्यक्त ऊष्मा और जि िे
strain is known as/ जब एि शरीर एि =1.6×10^5 J/kg
िाष्पीिरण िी रिशः 80cal / gm और
रै ल्टखि तन्यता तनाि से गुजरता है तो यह 540cal / gm होती है ।
Q1003. If a ball of 80 kg mass hits
एि पाश्वय सुंिुचन िा भी अनु भि िरता (a)1.396m
an ice cube and temperature of the
है । अनुदैध्यय तनाि िे किए पाश्वय सुंिुचन ball is 100∘C, then how much ice
िे अनुपात िे रूप िें जाना जाता है converted into water.? (Specific heat
(c) 1m
(d) 1.42m
(a) Young’s modulus/ युंग िापाुं ि of ball is 0.2 calg^−1,Latent heat of
(b) Bulk modulus/ बल्क िापाुंि ice =80 calg^−1 )
Ans : (a) 1.396m
(c) Poisson’s ratio/ पॉसोुं िा अनुपात / यकद 80 किग्रा द्रव्यिान िी एि गेंद
(d) Hooke’s law/ हुि िा कनयि बफय िे घन से टिराती है और गेंद िा
तापिान 100 ,C होता है , तो पानी िें
Let the source of heat at 200 oC be at
Ans : (c) Poisson’s ratio/ पॉसोुं िा कितनी बफय पररिकतयत हो जाती है ? (गेंद a distance x from ice.
अनुपात िी किकशष्ट गिी 0.2calg^-1, बफय िी Let m gm of ice melt and m gm
अव्यक्त गिी = 80calg^-1)1) of water evaporate at the same
Explanation: (a) 20g time. Rate of heat transfer to
Poisson's ratio is the ratio of (b) 200g ice =Qice =mLice
transverse contraction strain to (c) 2×10^3 g =kA(200−0)t/x
longitudinal extension strain in the (d) 2×10^4 g
direction of stretching force. Rate of heat transfer to water =Qw
Poisson's ratio is a measure of the Ans : (d) 2×10^4 g =mLvap =kA(200−100)t/(1.5−x)
Poisson effect that describes the Qw/Qice= kA(200−100)t/(1.5−x) ×
expansion or contraction of a Explanation: x/kA(200−0)t
material in directions Given: = m⋅540/m⋅80
perpendicular to the direction of The mass of the ball is 80 kg. ⇒ x/(1.5−x) × 100/200 = 540/80
loading. The value of Poisson's The temperature of the ball is 100∘C ⇒ x/(1.5−x) = 27/2
ratio is the negative of the ratio of To find: ⇒2x=40.5−27x
transverse strain to axial strain. The mass of the ice converted into ⇒29x=40.5
water. ⇒x=1.396m=139.666cm
Q1002. A solid metal weighing 150g If m is the mass of ice melted, then
melts at its melting point of 800oC heat spent in melting = heat supplied Q1005. The ratio of change in
by providing heat at the rate of by the ball mL=MsΔT dimension at right angles to applied
100W. The time taken for it to m×80=0.2×(80×1000)×100 or force to the initial dimension is
completely melt at the same m=2×10^4 g defined as/ आरुं कभि आयाि िे किए
temperature is 4 min. What is the
2nd equation of motion, Ans : (d) 43/3 (c) Ceramic capacitor/ कसरे किि
S=ut+(½)gt^2 S=0+(½)×9.8×(1)^2 सुंधाररत्र
S=4.9m Explanation: (d) Paper capacitor/ िागज सुंधाररत्र
Optical path = refractive index ×path
Q1012. which of the following in medium Ans : (c) Ceramic capacitor/
devices is used to measure the flow
कसरे किि सुंधाररत्र
of a liquid?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन सा Q1015. An electrolytic capacitor is
उपिरण तरि िे प्रिाह िो िापने िे generally made to provide/ एि Explanation:
किए उपयोग किया जाता है ? इिेक्ट्रोिाइकटि सुंधाररत्र आितौर पर A ceramic capacitor is a fixed-value
(a) Thermometer/ थिाय िीटर प्रदान िरने िे किए बनाया जाता है capacitor where the ceramic material
(b) Udometer/ उिोिीटर (a) low capacitance/ िि सिाई acts as the dielectric. It is constructed
(c) Viscometer/ किस्कोिीटर (b) fixed capacitance/ कनकित सिाई of two or more alternating layers of
(d) Venturimeter/ िेंकटिीटर (c) variable capacitance/ चर सिाई ceramic and a metal layer acting as
the electrodes. The composition of
(d) large value of capacitance/ सिाई
the ceramic material defines the
Ans : (d) Venturimeter/ िेंकटिीटर िा बड़ा िान electrical behavior and therefore
Explanation: Ans : (d) large value of capacitance/
A venturi meter is a measuring or सिाई िा बड़ा िान Q1018. Who invented the Video
also considered as a meter device
Game Console?/ िीकियो गेि िुंसोि
that is usually used to measure the Explanation:
flow of a fluid in the pipe. ... The िा आकिष्कार किसने किया था?
The large capacitance of electrolytic (a) Ralph H. Baer/ राल्फ एच। बेयर
pressure difference between the
capacitors makes them particularly
upstream and the downstream flow, (b) Laszlo Biro/ िासज़्िो कबरो
suitable for passing or bypassing
Δh, can be found as a function of the
low-frequency signals, and for (c) Alfred Binet/ अनरेि कबनेट
flow rate.
storing large amounts of energy. (d) Hans Berger/ हुं स बजयर
Explanation: Q1022. Two plates of a parallel plate िान उसिी सहायता से पाया जा सिता
Electrostatics investigates interaction capacitor after being charged from a है
constant voltage source are separated
between fixed electric charges (a) Faraday’s laws/ फैरािे िे कनयि
The Gauss' Law is used to find apart by means of insulated handles,
(b) Kirchhoff's laws/ किरचॉफ िे
electric fields when the charge is then the/ एि ल्टथथर िोिे ज स्रोत से चाजय
continuously distributed within an होने िे बाद सिानाुं तर प्लेट सुंधाररत्र िी
(c) Coulomb’s laws/ िूिम्ब िे कनयि
object with symmetrical geometry, दो प्लेटोुं िो पृथि किए गए हैं िि िे
such as sphere, cylinder, or plane. (d) none of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से
िाध्यि से अिग किया जाता है , कफर ए
Gauss' law follows Coulomb's law
(a) Voltage across the plates िोई नही ुं
and the Superposition Principle.
increases/ प्लेटोुं िें िोिे ज बढ़ता है
Thus Gauss' law states that electric
(b) Voltage across the plates Ans : (c) Coulomb’s laws/ िूिम्ब
flux through any closed surface is िे कनयि
equal to the net charge enclosed decreases/ प्लेटोुं िें िोिे ज घट जाती है
inside the surface divided by (c) Charge on the capacitor
decreases/ सुंधाररत्र पर आिेश िि हो Explanation:
permittivity of vacuum.
Thus the net electric flux through जाता है Coulomb's law. Coulomb's law, or
any surface is equal numerically to (d) Charge on the capacitor Coulomb's inverse-square law, is an
experimental law of physics that
the total number of electric lines, N, increases/सुंधाररत्र पर चाजय बढ़ता है
crossing the surface. quantifies the amount of force
between two stationary, electrically
Ans : (b) Voltage across the plates charged particles. The electric force
Q1020. The unit of dielectric decreases/ प्लेटोुं िें िोिे ज घट जाती है between charged bodies at rest is
strength is given by/ ढाुं िता हुआ
conventionally called electrostatic
ताित िी इिाई द्वारा कदया जाता है Explanation: force or Coulomb force.
(a) V/m Dielectric strength relies on many
(b) V2/m factors such as crystalline structure, Q1025. The electrical conductivity
(c) m/V imperfections and impurities found of a conductor is measured in?/ किसी
(d) m/V2 in the insulator material, number of चािि िी किद् युत चाििता िो किसिें
electrons, and external factors such
Ans : (a) V/m िापा जाता है ?
as the shape of the electrodes used to
shed the electrical voltage, nature of
Explanation: (b)ohms
the external surface and the test
In physics, the term dielectric conditions.
(d)Siemens/ metre
strength has the following meanings: Dielectric strength=V/m V ∝ 1/m
Of an insulating material, the Ans : (d) Siemens/ metre
maximum electric field that a pure Q1023. What is the value of
material can withstand under ideal capacitance that must be connected
conditions without breaking down Explanation:
in parallel with 50 pF condenser to
(i.e., without experiencing failure of make an equivalent capacitance of The electrical conductivity units are
siemens per metre, S⋅m-1. The
its insulating properties). 150 pF?/ सिाई िा िान क्या है जो 150
siemens also used to be referred to as
pF िे सितुल्य सिाई बनाने िे किए 50 a mho - this is the reciprocal of an
Q1021. Which of the following pF िुंिे नसर िे साथ सिानाुंतर िें जुड़ा
devices is used to measure the ohm, and this is inferred by spelling
होना चाकहए? ohm backwards. Conductance is the
amount of rainfall?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से
(a)50 pF reciprocal of resistance and one
किस उपिरण िा उपयोग िषाय िी (b)100 pF siemens is equal to the reciprocal of
िात्रा िो िापने िे किए किया जाता है ? (c)150 pF one ohm.
(a) Thermometer/ थिोिीटर (d) 200 pF
(b) Udometer/ उिोिीटर Q1026. Which efficiency of the
(c) Viscometer/ किस्कोिीटर Ans : (b) 100 pF battery is more?/ बैटरी िी िौन सी
(d) Venturimeter/ िेंकटिीटर दक्षता अकधि है ?
Explanation: (a)Watt-hour efficiency
As the voltage, ( V ) is common
Ans : (b) Udometer/ उिोिीटर (b)Ampere hour efficiency
for parallel connected capacitors, (c)Overall efficiency
we can add together the value of (d)None of these
Explanation: the individual capacitances to get
A rain gauge (also known as an the total capacitance Ans : (a) Watt-hour efficiency
udometer, pluviometer, or an 50 pF + x = 150 pF
ombrometer, or a cup) is an => x = 100 pF
instrument used by meteorologists Explanation:
and hydrologists to gather and The watt hour efficiency is the ratio
Q1024. The value of E within the
measure the amount of liquid of the product of discharging voltage
field due to a point charge can be
and discharging current to the
precipitation over an area in a found with the help of/ एि कबुंदु product of charging voltage and
predefined period of time.
आिेश िे िारण क्षेत्र िे भीतर E िा charging current. Thus, the overall
watt hour efficiency is always less है िेकिन सुंभाकित ऊजाय और िुि ऊजाय रे करजरे टर िा दरिाजा खुिा रखा जाता
than the ampere hour efficiency. घट जाती है । है , तो ििरे पर शुद् प्रभाि क्या होगा?
(b) Kinetic energy, potential energy, (a) It will cool the room/ यह ििरे िो
Q1027. A nucleus is disintegrated
and total energy decrease./ िाइनेकटि ठुं िा िरे गा
into two parts having velocities in
the ratio of 2:1. The ratio of their ऊजाय, सुंभाकित ऊजाय और िुि ऊजाय िें (b) It will heat the room/ यह ििरे िो
nucleus sizes will be/ एि नाकभि 2: 1 ििी। गिय िरे गा
(c) Kinetic energy decreases, (c) It will make no difference on the
िे अनुपात िें िेग िािे दो भागोुं िें कबखर
जाता है । उनिे नाकभि िे आिार िा
potential energy increase but total average/ इससे औसत पर िोई फिय
energy will remain the same./
अनुपात होगा नही ुं पड़े गा
िाइनेकटि ऊजाय िि हो जाती है , (d) It will make the temperature go
(a) 2^1/3: 1
सुंभाकित ऊजाय िें िृल्टद् होती है िेकिन up and down/ इससे तापिान ऊपर
(b): 1: 3^/2
(c) 3^1/3: 1 िुि ऊजाय सिान रहे गी। और नीचे जाएगा
(d) 1: 2^⅓ (d) Kinetic energy and total energy
decrease but potential energy
Ans : (b) It will heat the room/ यह
Ans : (d) 1: 2^⅓ increases/ िाइनेकटि ऊजाय और िुि
ििरे िो गिय िरे गा
ऊजाय िें ििी िेकिन सुंभाकित ऊजाय बढ़
Explanation: जाती है
Using the principle of conservation If the door of a running refrigerator
of momentum, we get m1v1=m2v2 Ans : (a) Its kinetic energy increases
in a closed room is kept open, then it
Explanation: will heat the room because the heat
Q1028. In gamma-ray emission from but potential energy and total energy removed from the inside is released
a nucleus./ नाकभि से गािा-रे उत्सजयन decreases./ इसिी गtतज ऊजाबाय into the room, counteracting any
िें। बढ़ती है िेtिन सुंभाtित ऊजाबाय और cooling, plus the energy that is used
(a) There is no change in the proton िु ि ऊजाबाय घट जाती है । to operate the compressor eventually
number and the neutron number./ K.E. winds up being heat, therefore
प्रोटॉन सुंख्या और न्यूटरॉन सुंख्या िें िोई As n decreases kinetic energy increasing the room temperature.
पररितयन नही ुं है । decreases while potential energy and
(b) Only the neutron number total energy both increase because Q1032. It is difficult to cut things
changes./ िेिि न्यूटरॉन सुं ख्या िें kinetic energy is positive in nature will a blunt knife because/ चीजोुं िो
पररितयन होता है । always while potential energy and िाटना िुल्टिि है क्योुंकि एि िुुंद
(c) Only the proton number changes./ total energy have negative magnitude चािू होगा
िेिि प्रोटॉन सुंख्या िें पररितयन होता है । here. (a) The pressure exerted by knife for
(d) Both the neutron number and a given force increases with increase
proton number changes./ न्यूटरॉन सुंख्या Q1030. Beta rays emitted by a in bluntness/ किसी कदए गए बि िे
और प्रोटॉन सुंख्या दोनोुं िें पररितयन radioactive material are/ कियोधिी किए चािू द्वारा दबाया गया दबाि िुुंदता
होता है । सािग्री द्वारा उत्सकजयत बीटा किरणें हैं िें िृल्टद् िे साथ बढ़ता है
(a) Electromagnetic radiation/ किद् युत (b) A sharp edge decreases the
Ans : (a) There is no change in the चुम्बिीय किकिरण pressure exerted by knife for a given
proton number and the neutron (b) The electron orbiting around the force/ एि तेज धार किसी कदए गए बि
number./ प्रोटॉन सुंख्या और न्यूटरॉन nucleus./ नाकभि िे चारोुं ओर परररिा िे किए चािू से दबाि िो िि िरता है
सुंख्या िें िोई पtरितन नही ुं है | िरने िािा इिेक्ट्रॉन। (c) A blunt knife decreases the
(c) Charged particle emitted by pressure for a given force/ एि िुुंद
Explanation: nucleus./ नाकभि द्वारा उत्सकजयत िण। चािू किसी कदए गए बि िे किए दबाि
Gamma-ray emission takes place due (d) Neutral particle/ तटथथ िण िि िर दे ता है
to the de-excitation of the nucleus. (d) A blunt knife decreases the area
Therefore during gamma-ray Ans : (c) Charged particle emitted of intersection/ एि िुुंद चािू चौराहे
emission, there is no change in the by nucleus./ नाकभि द्वारा उत्सकजयत िे क्षेत्र िो िि िर दे ता है
proton and neutron number. िण।
Ans : (c) A blunt knife decreases
Q1029. As an electron makes a Explanation: the pressure for a given force/ एि
transition from an excited state to the Beta rays are emitted from the िुुंद चािू किसी कदए गए बि िे किए
ground state of a hydrogen-like
atom/ion./ एि इिेक्ट्रॉन एि उत्तेकजत
nucleus and they carry negative दबाि िि िर दे ता है
अिथथा से हाइिर ोजन जैसी परिाणु /
आयन िी जिीनी अिथथा िें सुंरिण Q1031. If the door of a running
It is difficult to cut things with a
िरता है । refrigerator in a closed room is kept
blunt knife because a blunt knife
(a) Its kinetic energy increases but open, what will be the net effect on
decreases the pressure for a given
potential energy and total energy the room?/ यकद बुंद ििरे िें चि रहे force.
decreases./ इसिी गकतज ऊजाय बढ़ती
Q1033. When deep-sea fishes are (d) Both ballpoint and gel pens िें पानी िें िोड़े गए जहाजोुं िो सीटी
brought to the surface of the sea, बजािर और हिा िे युंत्रोुं द्वारा ध्वकन
their bodies burst. This is because the Ans : (a) Fountain pen
उत्पन्न िरना शाकिि है । ये उदाहरण िे
blood in their bodies flows at very/
पररणाि हैं
जब गहरे सिुद्र िें ििकियोुं िो सिुद्र Explanation:
(a)Laminar flow of air
िी सतह पर िाया जाता है , तो उनिे The fountain pen uses capillary (b)Streamline flow of air
शरीर फट जाते हैं । ऐसा इसकिए है action in addition to gravity for the (c)Turbulent flow of air
क्योुंकि उनिे शरीर िें रक्त बहुत िि flow of ink. (d)Viscous flow at low speed
प्रिाकहत होता है
Q1036. The dispersion process forms
(a) High speed/ उच्च गकत a spectrum due to white light falling
Ans : (c) Turbulent flow of
(b) High pressure/ उच्च दबाि on a prism. The light wave with the
(c) Low speed/ िि गकत shortest wavelength
(d) Low pressure/ िि दबाि (a)Refracts the most
(b)Does not change the path The given examples are the
(c)Refracts the least result of turbulent flow of air.
Ans : (a) High speed/ उच्च गकत Turbulent flow, type of fluid
(d)Is reflected by the side of the
prism (gas or liquid) flow in which the
Explanation: fluid undergoes irregular
When deep-sea fishes are brought to Ans : (a) Refracts the most fluctuations, or mixing, in
the surface of the sea, their bodies contrast to laminar flow, in
burst, this is because the blood in which the fluid moves in
their bodies flows at very high speed. smooth paths or layers. In
The light wave with the shortest turbulent flow the speed of the
wavelength refracts the most. fluid at a point is continuously
Q1034. A device, which is used in
our TV set, computer, radio set for undergoing changes in both
Q1037. Magnetic, electrostatic magnitude and direction. The
storing the electric charge, is/ एि and gravitational forces come flow of wind and rivers is
उपिरण, जो हिारे टीिी सेट, िुंप्यूटर, under the category of/ चुुंबिीय, generally turbulent in this sense,
रे कियो सेट िें इिेल्टक्ट्रि चाजय िो स्टोर इिेक्ट्रोस्टै कटि और गुरुत्वािषयण बि even if the currents are gentle.
िरने िे किए उपयोग किया जाता है िी श्रेणी िें आते हैं The air or water swirls and
(a) Resistor (a)Non-contact forces eddies while its overall bulk
(b) Inductor (b) Contact forces moves along a specific
(c) Capacitor (c)Frictional forces direction.
(d) Conductor (d)Non-frictional forces
Q1039. Two identical piano
Ans : (c) Capacitor Ans : (a) Non-contact forces wires have same fundamental
frequency when kept under the
Explanation: Explanation: same tension. What will happen
if tension of one of the wire is
Capacitor (condenser) is a passive All of these forces don’t need any
two-terminal electrical component slightly increased and both the
physical contact to exist.
used to store energy in an electric wires are made to vibrate
field It is used in many electronics Q1038. After rising a short distance simultaneously?/ दो सिान
applications such as TV sets, that smooth column of smoke from a कपयानो तारोुं िें एि ही िौकिि
computers, and radio, etc for storing cigarette breaks up into an irregular आिृकत्त होती है जब एि ही तनाि
the electric charge. An ideal and random pattern. In a similar िे तहत रखी जाती है । यकद तार िें
capacitor is wholly characterized by fashion, a stream of fluid flowing से किसी एि िा तनाि थोड़ा बढ़
a constant capacitance (c), defined as past an obstacle breaks up into
the ratio of charge Q on each गया हो और दोनोुं तार एि साथ
eddies and vortices which give the
conductor to the voltage V between flow irregular velocity components िुंपन िरने िे किए बने होुं तो क्या
them. transverse to the flow direction. होगा?
The SI unit of capacitance (c) is Other examples include the wakes (a)Noise
Farad (F). left in the water by moving ships the (b)Beats
sound produced by whistling and by (c)Resonance
Q1035. Which type/types of pen wind instruments. These examples (d)Non-linear effects
uses/use capillary action in addition are the results of/ थोड़ी दू री बढ़ने िे
to gravity for the flow of ink?/ स्याही Ans : (c) Resonance
बाद कि कसगरे ट से धुएूँ िा कचिना स्तुंभ
िे प्रिाह िे किए गुरुत्वािषयण िे अकनयकित और यादृल्टच्छि पैटनय िें टू ट
अकतररक्त किस प्रिार / किस प्रिार िी जाता है। एि सिान फैशन िें, एि बाधा
In physics, resonance is the
ििि िेकशिा करया िा उपयोग िरती से बहने िािे तरि पदाथय िी एि धारा tendency of a system to oscillate
है ? एिीिीज़ और भुंिरोुं िें टू ट जाती है जो at a greater amplitude at some
(a) Fountain pen प्रिाह िेग अकनयकित घटिोुं िो प्रिाह frequencies than at others.
(b)Ballpoint pen िी कदशा िें िे जाती है । अन्य उदाहरणोुं
(c)Gel pens
Q1040. A liquid is kept in a Q1042. The cat can survive fall from So, it keeps the house cool in
regular cylindrical vessel up to a a height much more than a human or summer and warm in winter.
certain height. If this vessel is any other animal. It is because the
replaced by another cylindrical cat/ कबल्ली िानि या किसी अन्य जानिर Q1044. The blackboard seems
vessel having half the area of िी तुिना िें बहुत अकधि ऊुंचाई से कगर black because it/ ब्लैिबोिय िािा
cross-section of the bottom, the
सिती है । इसिी िजह है कबल्ली होने िे िारण िगता है
pressure on the bottom will/ एि (a)Can immediately adjust itself to (a)Reflects every colour
तरि िो एि कनकित बेिनािार बतयन land on all four paws and bend the (b) Does not reflect any colour
िें एि कनकित ऊुंचाई ति रखा जाता legs to absorb the impact of (c)Absorbs black colour
है । यकद इस बतयन िो नीचे िे रॉस- falling (d)Reflects black colour
सेक्शन िे आधे क्षेत्र िािे दू सरे (b)Has elastic bones
(c)Has thick and elastic skin Ans : (b) Does not reflect any
बेिनािार बतयन से बदि कदया जाए,
(d)Also gets injury equally with colour
तो नीचे िी तरफ दबाि पड़े गा other animals, but has tremendous
(a)Remain unaffected endurance, resistance, and speedy Explanation:
(b)Be reduced to half the earlier recovery
pressure The blackboard seems black because
(c)Be increased to twice the earlier it absorbs all the light falling on it
Ans : (a) Can immediately and does not reflect any colour.
pressure adjust itself to land on all four
(d)Be reduced to one-fourth the paws and bend the legs to
earlier pressure Q1045. In scuba-diving, while
absorb the impact of falling ascending towards the water surface,
Ans : (c) Be increased to twice the there is a danger of bursting the
Explanation: lungs. It is because of/
earlier pressure
As the cat falls from a height, it \स्कूबा-िाइकिुंग िें, पानी िी सतह िी
bends the legs to absorb the ओर बढ़ते हुए, फेफड़ोुं िे फटने िा
impact of falling and immediately खतरा होता है । इसिी िजह है
Pressure is force per unit area which adjusts itself. As a result, a cat can
clearly states that Pressure is (a)Archimedes’ principle
survive even after falling from a (b)Boyle’s law
inversely proportional to area and as great height in comparison to
the area decreases for a given force (c)Gay-Lussac’s law of combining
humans or any other animal. volumes
so the pressure will increase.
(d)Graham’s law of diffusion
Q1043. Mr. X was advised by an
Q1041. What is found in frequency architect to make the outer walls
modulation?/ आिृकत्त िॉड्यूिेशन िें Ans : (b) Boyle’s law
of his house with hollow bricks.
क्या पाया जाता है ? The correct reason is that such
(a) Fixed frequency/ कफक्स्ड आिृकत्त walls/ किस्टर एक्स िो एि
Boyle’s law affects almost every
(b) Fixed dimension/ कनकित आयाि आकियटे क्ट् ने अपने घर िी बाहरी aspect of scuba diving because it
(c) Change in phase/ चरण िें बदिें दीिारोुं िो खोखिी ईुंटोुं से बनाने िी describes the role of water pressure
(d) Change in dimension only/ िेिि सिाह दी थी। सही िारण यह है कि in the dive environment. As a scuba
आयाि िें पररितयन ऐसी दीिारें diver ascends towards the water
(a)Make the building stronger surface, water pressure decreases, so
Ans : (a) Fixed frequency (b)Help keeping inside cooler in according to Boyle’s law air in his
summer and warmer in winter lungs expands to occupy a greater
Explanation: (c)Prevent seepage of moisture volume.
Frequency Modulation (FM) conveys from outside
(d)Protect the building from Q1046. Half portion of a rectangular
information over a carrier wave by
lightning piece of ice is wrapped with a white
varying its instantaneous frequency.
piece of cloth while the other half
This contrasts with amplitude
Ans : (b) Help keeping inside with a black one. In this context,
modulation, in which the amplitude
cooler in summer and warmer which one among the following
of the carrier is varied while its
frequency remains constant. in winter statements is correct?/ एि आयतािार
Frequency modulation is also used in टु िड़े िा आधा कहस्सा िपड़े िे एि
telemetry, radar, seismic prospecting, Explanation: सफेद टु िड़े िे साथ किपटा होता है ,
and newborn EEG seizure By making outer walls of his जबकि दू सरा आधा िािा होता है । इस
monitoring. Frequency modulation is house with hollow bricks. Mr. X सुंदभय िें, कनम्नकिल्टखत िथनोुं िें से िौन
known as phase modulation when the can keep inside of his house
सा सही है ?
carrier phase modulation is the time cooler in summer and warmer in
(a) Ice melts more easily under black
integral of the PM signal. PM is winter. The hollow bricks
widely used for broadcasting music provide thermal and sound wrap/ ए बफय िािे चादर िे नीचे और
and speech, two-way radio systems, insulations; the air in the hollow अकधि आसानी से कपघिा दे ता है
magnetic tape recording systems, and of the bricks does not allow (b) Ice melts more easily under white
some video transmission systems. outside heat or cold in the house. wrap/ सफेद बफय िी चादर िे नीचे बफय
अकधि आसानी से कपघिता है
(c) No ice melts at all under the heated the other end will quickly (b) Inversely proportional to the
black wrap/ िािी िपेट िे नीचे िोई reach the same temperature. It is, displacement and is directed towards
बफय नही ुं कपघिती है therefore, used in many appliances the mean position./ किथथापन िे
(d) No ice melts at all under the where quick heat transfer is किपरीत आनुपाकति है और िाध्य ल्टथथकत
white wrap/ सफेद िपेट िे नीचे िोई िी ओर कनदे कशत है ।
बफय नही ुं कपघिती है (c) Directly proportional to the
Q1048. Which one of the following displacement and is directed towards
statements is correct?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें the mean position./ किथथापन िे किए
Ans : (a) Ice melts more easily
से िौन सा िथन सही है ? सीधे आनुपाकति है और िाध्य ल्टथथकत िी
under black wrap/ ए बफय िािे चादर
(a) The angle of contact of water
िे नीचे और अकधि आसानी से कपघिा ओर कनदे कशत है ।
with glass is acute while that of
दे ता है mercury with glass is obtuse./ ग्लास
(d) Inversely proportional to the
displacement and is directed away
िे साथ पानी िे सुंपिय िा िोण तीव्र है , from the mean position./किथथापन िे
जबकि ग्लास िे साथ पारा िा उपयोग व्युत्क्रिानुपाती होता है और िाध्य ल्टथथकत
When half portion of a rectangular
होता है । से दू र कनदे कशत होता है ।
piece of ice is wrapped with white
(b) The angle of contact of water
piece of cloth while the other half
with glass is obtuse, while that of
with a black one, then ice under Ans : (c) Directly proportional to
black wrap will melt easily because mercury with glass is acute./ िाुंच िे the displacement and is directed
dark colour (black) absorbs the साथ पानी िे सुंपिय िा िोण एिाुं त है , towards the mean position./
majority of light energy while जबकि िाुं च िे साथ पारा तीव्र होता है । किथथापन िे किए सीधे आनुपाकति है
reflects most of it. (c) Both the angle of contact of water और िाध्य ल्टथथकत िी ओर कनदे कशत है ।
The more light the object absorbs, with glass and that of mercury with
the more heat absorbed since light is glass are acute./ ग्लास िे साथ पानी िे Explanation:
energy. If you consider it a color, सुंपिय िे िोण और ग्लास िे साथ पारा When a particle executes simple
black absorbs the most heat. A black
दोनोुं तीव्र हैं । harmonic motion, and then it has the
object absorbs all wavelengths of
light and reflects none. Objects that (d) None of the above/ उपरोक्त िें से following three characteristics:
are white, on the other hand, reflect िोई नही ुं 1. The motion of a particle is to and
all wavelengths of light and therefore fro about a fixed point, called
absorb the least heat. Ans : (a) The angle of contact of equilibrium position.
water with glass is acute while that 2. The restoring force (acceleration)
of mercury with glass is obtuse./ acting on the particle is always
Q1047. Why is the inner lining of
proportional to the displacement of
hot water geysers made up of ग्लास िे साथ पानी िे सुंपिय िा िोण
the particle from the equilibrium
copper?/ गिय पानी िे गीजर िा तीव्र है, जबकि ग्लास िे साथ पारा िा position.
आुं तररि अस्तर ताुं बे से क्योुं बनाया उपयोग होता है । 3. The force (or acceleration) is
जाता है ? always directed towards the
(a) Copper has a low heat capacity/ Explanation: equilibrium position.
िॉपर िी ताप क्षिता िि होती है The angle of contact is the angle
(b) Copper has high electrical formed by the solid surface and the Q1050. What Elisha Otis invented?/
conductivity/ िॉपर िें उच्च किद् युत tangent line to the upper surface at एिीशा ओकटस ने क्या आकिष्कार किया?
चाििता है the endpoint. The angle of contact (a) The brake used in modern
(c) Copper does not react with steam/ for those liquids which wet the solid elevators/ आधुकनि किफ्ट िें उपयोग
is acute. It is zero for pure water and
िॉपर भाप िे साथ प्रकतकरया नही ुं किया जाने िािा ब्रे ि
clean glass. The liquids which do not
िरता है wet the solid have an obtuse angle of (b) Jet Engine/ जेट इुं जन
(d) Copper is a good conductor of contact. (c) Turbine/ टबाय इन
both heat and electricity/ िॉपर गिी For ordinary water and glass, it is (d) Hydraulic Crane/ हाइिर ोकिि रेन
और कबजिी दोनोुं िा अच्छा सुंिाहि है about 8 degrees (acute angle) and for
mercury and glass, it is about 135 Ans : (a) The brake used in
Ans : (d) Copper is a good degrees (obtuse angle). modern elevators/ आधुकनि किफ्ट िें
conductor of both heat and उपयोग किया जाने िािा ब्रेि
electricity/ िॉपर गिी और कबजिी Q1049. The force acting on a particle
दोनोुं िा अच्छा सुंिाहि है executing simple harmonic motion
is/ सरि हािोकनि गकत िो कनष्पाकदत
In 1853, American inventor Elisha
Explanation: िरने िािे एि िण पर अकभनय िरने Otis demonstrated a freight elevator
Copper has the best electrical िािा बि है equipped with a safety device to
conductivity of any metal except (a) Directly proportional to the prevent falling in case a supporting
silver. Copper wires allow the displacement and is directed away cable should break. This increased
electric current to flow without much from the mean position./ किथथापन िे public confidence in such devices.
loss of energy. Copper is also a good किए सीधे आनु पाकति है और औसत Otis established a company for
conductor of heat, this means that if ल्टथथकत से दू र कनदे कशत है । manufacturing elevators and patented
one end of a piece of copper is (1861) a steam elevator. Many
people think that he invented the नोबेि पुरस्कार से सम्माकनत किया गया William Gilbert, also known as
elevator, but the truth is, he invented था? Gilberd, was an English physician,
the elevator brake. He also invented physicist and natural philosopher. He
(a) Scattering/ कबखराि
the railway safety brake. correctly deduced that in everyday
(b) Diffraction/ किक्षेप magnets, magnetism is caused by an
Q1051. In an electron microscope, (c) Interference/ व्यिधान organized form of the material the
the accelerating voltage is increased (d) Polarization/ ध्रुिीिरण magnet is made of. Gilbert created
from 20 kV to 80 kV, the resolving the world's first electroscope to
power of the microscope will Ans : (a) Scattering/ कबखराि detect electric charge and coined the
become./ एि इिेक्ट्रॉन िाइरोस्कोप Latin word electricitas, which soon
िें, गकतिान िोिे ज 20 िेिी से 80 िेिी Explanation: became the English word electricity.
ति बढ़ाया जाता है , िाइरोस्कोप िी The Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 was
Q1056. To demonstrate the
सुंिल्प शल्टक्त बन जाएगी। awarded to Sir Chandrasekhara
phenomenon of interference, we
(a) 2R Venkata Raman "for his work on the
scattering of light and for the require two sources which emit
(b) 2/R
discovery of the effect named after radiation of./ हस्तक्षेप िी घटना िो
(c) 4R
(d) 3R him." प्रदकशयत िरने िे किए, हिें दो स्रोतोुं िी
आिश्यिता होती है जो किकिरण िा
Ans : (a) 2R Q1054. Four lenses having the focal उत्सजय न िरते हैं ।
length of + 15 cm, 20 cm, + 150 cm, (a) Nearly the same frequency/
Explanation: and +250 cm respectively are िगभग सिान आिृकत्त
provided to make an astronomical (b) The same frequency/ एि ही
We know that wavelength and
telescope. The focal length of the
accelerating voltage for an electron is आिृकत्त
eyepiece to produce the. largest
related to each other as follows (c) Different wavelengths/ किकभन्न
λ∝ 1/√V [V is potential applied] magnification, should be./ एि
तरुं ग दै ध्यय
and resolving power ∝ 1/λ खगोिीय दू रबीन बनाने िे किए रिशः
(d) The same frequency and having a
So, resolving power ∝ √V चार िेंसोुं िी िुंबाई + 15 सेिी, 20 सेिी,
definite phase relationship/ एि ही
Now,if potential use is increased 4 + 150 सेिी और + 250 सेिी है। िा
आिृकत्त और एि कनकित चरण सुंबुंध
times, resolving power will be उत्पादन िरने िे किए ऐकपस िी
increased 2 times. फोिि िुंबाई। सबसे बड़ा आिधयन,
So, if resolving power earlier is R. It
होना चाकहए। Ans : (d) The same frequency and
becomes 2R.
(a) +250 cm having a definite phase
(b) +155 cm
Q1052. The branch of physics that relationship/ एि ही आिृकत्त और एि
(c) +25 cm
analyzes the relationship between (d) +15 cm कनकित चरण सुंबुंध होना
electrostatic and magnetic fields is
known as:/ भौकतिी िी िह शाखा जो Ans : (d) +15 cm Explanation:
इिेक्ट्रोस्टै कटि और चुुंबिीय क्षेत्रोुं िे As for an Interference, Two Sources
बीच िे सुंबुंधोुं िा किश्लेषण िरती है , Explanation: must be Coherent, hence the two
इस रूप िें जानी जाती है : In case of astronomical telescope,
sources must have the same
(a) Acoustics/ ध्वकनिी frequency and a definite phase
magnification = fo/fe
(b) Atomic Physics/ परिाणु भौकतिी For maximum magnification, fe
(c) Electrodynamics/ should be the least. So, fe should be
Q1057. A plano-convex lens of focal
इिेक्ट्रोिायनाकिक्स 15 cm.
length 30 cm has its plane surface
(c) Mechanics/ याुंकत्रिी silvered. An object is placed 40 cm
Q1055. Who invented the
from the lens on the convex side.
Ans : (c) Electrodynamics / electroscope?/ इिेक्ट्रोस्कोप िा The distance of the image from the
इिेक्ट्रोिायनाकिक्स आकिष्कार किसने किया? lens is :/ फोिि िुंबाई 30 सेिी िे एि
(a) Evangelista Torricelli/
प्लानो-उत्ति िेंस िी सतह सिति होती
इिानगेकिस्ता टोररय िेिी
Explanation: है । एि िस्तु िो उत्ति पक्ष पर िेंस से
(b) Otto von Guericke/ ओट्टो िॉन
Electrodynamics studies and 40 सेिी रखा गया है। िेंस से िकि िी
analyzes the relationship between ग्वाररिे
दू री है :
electrostatic and magnetic fields. (c) Vincenzo Viviani/ किन्सेन्ज़ो (a) 18 cm
किकियकन (b) 24 cm
Q1053. Sir (c)V. Raman was (d) William Gilbert/ किकियि कगल्बटय (c) 30 cm
awarded the Nobel Prize for his work (d) 40 cm
connected with which of the
Ans : (d) William Gilbert/ किकियि
following the phenomenon of
कगल्बटय Ans : (b) 24 cm
radiation?/ सर सी.िी. रिन िो
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किस िाि िे किए Explanation:
Ans : (b) Consecutive fringes will correct Ans :s from the codes given
comes closer/ िगातार करुंज िे िरीब below the lists:/ सूची- II िें िस्तुओुं िे
आता जाएगा साथ सूची- I िें िौजूद िस्तुओुं से कििान
िरें और सूकचयोुं िे नीचे कदए गए िोिोुं
Explanation: से सही उत्तर एित्र िरें :
Fringe width, β= λD/d
The wavelength of red light is Ans : (b) I - C, II - D, III - A, IV -
greater than the wavelength of violet B
light, so fringe width will reduce.
And the consecutive fringes will Explanation:
come closer.
Myopia - Diverging lens (Concave)
Hypermetropia - Converging lens
Q1060. Who invented the vacuum (convex)
pump?/ िैक्यूि पुंप िा आकिष्कार Presbyopia - Bifocal lenses
किसने किया था? Astigmatism - Cylindrical lenses.
(a) Evangelista Torricelli/ thus,
इिानगेकिस्ता टोररय िेिी I-C
(b) Otto von Guericke/ ओट्टो िॉन II - D
IV - B
(c) Vincenzo Viviani/ किन्सेन्ज़ो
किकियकन Q1063. Who had invented ‘Optical
(d) Blaise Pascal/ ब्लाइस पास्कि Fiber?’/ ऑकििि फाइबर िा
Q1058. Identify the vector
quantity from the following:/ आकिष्कार किसने किया था?
Ans : (b) Otto von Guericke/ ओट्टो (a) Narinder Kapany/ नररुं दर िपनी
कनम्नकिल्टखत से िेक्ट्र िात्रा िी
िॉन ग्वाररिे (b) Cohan/ िोहन
पहचान िरें :
(a) Heat/ हीट (c) Claude/ क्लाउि
(b) Angular Momentum/ िोणीय (c) Damadian/ दिाकदयान
The German physicist Otto von
िोिेंटि Guericke (1602-1686), known for his
(c) Time/ सिय invention of the vacuum pump, also Ans : (a) Narinder Kapany/ नररुं दर
(d) Work/ िायय investigated the properties of air and िपनी
the atmosphere. Otto von Guericke
Ans : (b) Angular Momentum/ was born on Nov. 20, 1602, in Explanation:
िोणीय िोिेंटि Magdeburg (then in Prussian Saxony Narinder Singh Kapany had first
and now Germany). invented optical fiber in the 1950s.
Q1061. A ball is released from the Q1064. Match the items given in A,
Vector quantities are the ones that
top of a tower of height h meters. It B, C and D against their
talk about the magnitude as well as
takes T seconds to reach the ground. corresponding description given in 1,
the direction. Magnitude means
strength or length. (something that
What is the position of the ball in T/3 2, 3, 4 and 5./ 1, 2, 3, 4 और 5 िें कदए
can be measured) seconds?/ एि गेंद ऊूँचाई िीटर िे एि गए उनिे सुंबुंकधत कििरण िे ल्टखिाफ
टॉिर िे शीषय से जारी िी जाती है । ए, बी, सी और िी िें दी गई िस्तुओुं िा
Q1059. If the source of light used in जिीन ति पहुुंचने िें T सेिुंि िा सिय कििान िरें ।
Young's double-slit experiment is िगता है। T / 3 सेिुंि िें गेंद िी ल्टथथकत (a) Astronomical telescope/ खगोिीय
changed from red to violet./ युंग िे क्या है ? दू रबीन
िबि-ल्टस्लट प्रयोग िें उपयोग किए जाने (a) h/9 meters from the ground (b) Galilean Telescope/ गैकिकियन
िािे प्रिाश िे स्रोत िो िाि से बैंगनी (b) 7h/9 meters from the ground
टे िीस्कोप
(c) 8h/9 meters from the ground
िें बदि कदया जाता है । (c) Simple Microscope/ सरि
(d) 17h/18 meters from the ground.
(a) The fringes will become brighter/ िाइरोस्कोप
झािर तेज हो जाएगा (d) Compound Microscope/ यौकगि
Ans : (c) 8h/9 meters from the
(b) Consecutive fringes will comes
ground सूक्ष्मदशी
closer/ िगातार करुंज िे िरीब आता
1. Contains one convex lens/ एि
जाएगा Explanation: उत्ति िेंस होता है
(c) The intensity of minima will
From, Second law of motion 2. Contains one concave lens/एि
increase/ किकनिा िी तीव्रता बढ़ जाएगी therefore s = h/9 m
(d) The central fringe-will became a अिति िेंस होता है
Hence, the position of ball from the 3. Contains a convex lens of large
dark fringe/ िेंद्रीय करुंज-एि िािय ground= h- h/9 = 8h/9 m focal length in the objective and a
करुंज बन जाएगा
convex lens of small focal length in
Q1062. Match the items in List-I
the eye-piece/ उद्दे श्य िें बड़ी फोिि
with items in list-II and collect the
िुंबाई िा उत्ति िेंस और आुं ख िे for his invention of the barometer, Ans : (d) 80 m
टु िड़े िें िोटे फोिि िुंबाई िा उत्ति but is also known for his advances in
optics and work on the method of
िेंस होता है Explanation:
indivisibles. Third equation of motion gives
4. Contains a convex lens of small
focal length in the objective and a v^2 = u^2 + 2as ⇒ 2
convex lens of large focal length in Q1066. Which of the following s ∝ u (since v = 0)
statements is false for a particle
the eye-piece/ उद्दे श्य िें िोटी फोिि where a = retardation of body in both
moving in a circle with a constant the cases
िुंबाई िा उत्ति िेंस और आुं ख िे
angular speed?/ कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से िौन Therefore,
टु िड़े िें बड़े फोिि िुंबाई िा उत्ति
सा िथन एि कनरुं तर िोणीय गकत िे Here, s1 = 20 m, u1 = 60 km/h, u2 =
िेंस होता है
साथ एि सियि िें घूिते हुए िण िे 120 km/h. Putting the given values in
5. Contains a convex lens of large eq. (i), we get
focal length in the objective and a किए गित है ?
concave lens of small focal length in (a) The velocity vector is tangent to
the circle./ िेग िेक्ट्र िृत्त िे स्पशयरेखा Q1068. Radiocarbon dating
the eye-piece./ उद्दे श्य िें बड़ी फोिि technique is used to estimate the age
िम्बाई िा उत्ति िेंस और आूँ ख िे है ।
of/ कियोिाबयन िे कटुं ग तिनीि िा
(b) The acceleration vector is tangent
टु िड़े िें िोटे फोिि िम्बाई िा उपयोग उम्र िा अनुिान िगाने िे किए
to the circle./ त्वरण सकदश िृत्त िी
अिति िेंस होता है । किया जाता है
(a) 2 3 1 5 स्पशयरेखा है ।
(c) The acceleration vector points to (a) rocks/ चट्टानें
(b) 3 2 4 1
the centre of the circle./ त्वरण िेक्ट्र (b) monuments/ स्मारिोुं
(c) 2 5 3 4
(d) 3 5 1 4 िृत्त िे िेंद्र िी ओर इशारा िरता है । (c) soil/ किट्टी
(d) The velocity and acceleration (d) fossils/ जीिाश्म
Ans : (d) 3 5 1 4 vectors are perpendicular to each
other./ िेग और त्वरण िैक्ट्र एि दू सरे Ans : (d) fossils/ जीिाश्म
Explanation: िे िुंबित होते हैं ।
(a). Astronomical telescope - Explanation:
Contains a convex lens of large focal Ans : (b) The acceleration vector Radiocarbon dating involves
length in the objective and a convex is tangent to the circle./ त्वरण सकदश determining the age of an ancient
lens of small focal length in the eye- िृत्त िी स्पशयरेखा है । fossil or specimen by measuring its
piece carbon-14 content. Carbon-14, or
(b)) Galilean Telescope - Contains a radiocarbon, is a naturally occurring
convex lens of large focal length in radioactive isotope that forms when
the objective and a concave lens of For a particle moving in a circle with cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere
small focal length in the eye-piece constant angular speed, the velocity strike nitrogen molecules, which then
(c). Simple Microscope - Contains vector is always tangent to the circle oxidize to become carbon dioxide.
one convex lens and the acceleration vector always
(d)) Compound Microscope - points towards the centre of the
Q1069. The modulus of rigidity is
circle or is always along the radius of
Contains a convex lens of small focal
the circle. Since the tangential vector the ratio of/ िठोरता िे िापाुंि िा
length in the objective and a convex
is perpendicular to the radial vector, अनुपात है
lens of large focal length in the eye-
therefore, the velocity vector will be (a) longitudinal stress to longitudinal
Thus, A - 3 , B - 5 , C - 1 and perpendicular to the acceleration strain/ अनुदैध्यय तनाि िे किए अनुदैध्यय
D - 4 , hence Option D is correct. vector. But in no case the तनाि
acceleration vector is tangent to the (b) volume stress to volume strain/
Q1065. Who invented the
circle. िॉल्यूि तनाि िो िॉल्यूि तनाि
barometer?/ बैरोिीटर िा आकिष्कार (c) shearing stress to shearing strain/
किसने किया था?
Q1067. An automobile traveling ितरनी तनाि िो बाि िाटना तनाि
with a speed of 60 km/h, can brake to (d) tensile stress to tensile strain/
(a) Evangelista Torricelli/ stop within a distance of 20 cm. If
इिानगेकिस्ता टोररय िेिी तन्यता तनाि तन्यता तनाि सी।
the car is going twice as fast, i.e 120
(b) Galileo/ गैिीकियो km/h, the stopping distance will be/
Ans : (c) shearing stress to
(c) Vincenzo Viviani/ किन्सेन्ज़ो 60 कििी / घुंटा िी गकत से यात्रा िरने
shearing strain/ ितरनी तनाि िो
किकियकन िािा एि ऑटोिोबाइि, 20 सेिी िी
बाि िाटना तनाि
(d) Blaise Pascal/ ब्लाइस पास्कि दू री िे भीतर रुिने िे किए ब्रेि िगा
सिता है । यकद िार दो बार तेज चि
Ans : (a) Evangelista Torricelli/ रही है, अथायत् 120 कििी / घुंटा, तो रोि
The modulus of rigidity, also known
इिानगेकिस्ता टोररय िेिी दू री होगी as shear modulus, is defined as the
(a) 20 m ratio of shear stress to shear strain of
Explanation: (b) 40 m a structural member. This property
Evangelista Torricelli was an Italian (c) 60 m depends on the material of the
physicist and mathematician, and a (d) 80 m member: the more elastic the
student of Galileo. He is best known
member, the higher the modulus of fountains in a microwave-filled (a) conduction/ चािन
rigidity. cavity. The first accurate atomic (b) convection/ सुंिहन
clock, a caesium standard based on a
(c) absorption/ अिशोषण
Q1070. Who invented the nuclear certain transition of the caesium-133
(d) advection/ अकभिहन
reactor?/ परिाणु ररएक्ट्र िा atom, was built by Louis Essen in
आकिष्कार किसने किया था? 1955 at the National Physical
Laboratory in the UK. Calibration of Ans : (d) advection/ अकभिहन
(a) J. Robert Openheimer/ जे रॉबटय the caesium standard atomic clock
ओपनहाइिर was carried out by the use of the Explanation:
(b) Enrico Fermi/ एनररिो फिी astronomical time scale ephemeris Convection transfers heat vertically
(c) Ettore Majorana/ एट्टोर िेजराना time (ET). into the atmosphere. In order for heat
(d) Paul Dirac/ पॉि िीराि to be transferred to other regions, it
Q1072. For a telescope, the focal must be transferred horizontally by
Ans : (b) Enrico Fermi/ एनररिो lengths of two lenses are 30 cm and the wind. The horizontal transfer of
10 cm. One acts as objective and the heat by the wind is called advection.
other as an eye-piece. The length of Advection is a transport mechanism
the telescope is/ एि दू रबीन िे किए, of a substance or conserved property
Explanation: by a fluid due to the fluid’s bulk
दो िेंसोुं िी फोिि िुंबाई 30 सेिी और
Chicago Pile 1 was the world's first motion. An example of advection is
nuclear reactor, built in 1942 by 10 सेिी है। एि उद्दे श्य िे रूप िें और
the transport of pollutants or silt in a
Nobel Prize winner Enrico Fermi. दू सरा आूँ ख िे टु िड़े िे रूप िें िायय
river by bulk water flow
The reactor was built underneath the िरता है । दू रबीन िी िुंबाई है downstream.
University of Chicago's Stagg Field (a) 40 cm
football stadium. (b) 3 cm
Q1075. Who invented the quantum
(c) 200 cm
mechanical model of the atom?/
Q1071. An atomic clock is based on (d) 30 cm
परिाणु िे क्वाुं टि याुं कत्रि िॉिि िा
transitions in/ एि परिाणु घड़ी, आकिष्कार किसने किया था?
सुंरिणोुं पर आधाररत है Ans : (a) 40 cm
(a) Einstein/ आइुं स्टीन
(a) sodium/ सोकियि (b) Niels Bohr/ नील्स बोह्र
(b) caesium/ सीकज़यि (c) Stephen Hawkins/ स्टीफन हॉकिन्
the focal length of the objective lens
(c) magnesium/ िैग्नीकशयि (d) Erwin Schrödinger/ इरकिन
(d) aluminum/ एल्यूिीकनयि the focal length of the eyepiece lens श्रोकिुं गर
Ans : (b) caesium/ सीकज़यि The length of the lens Ans : (d) Erwin Schrödinger/
L=fo+fe इरकिन श्रोकिुं गर
Explanation: L=30+10=40cm In 1926 Erwin Schrödinger, an
An atomic clock is a clock device Austrian physicist, took the Bohr
that uses an electronic transition Q1073. If the input frequency of a atom model one step further.
frequency in the microwave, optical, full-wave rectifier be n, then output Schrödinger used mathematical
or ultraviolet region of the frequency would be/ यकद एि पूणय- equations to describe the likelihood
electromagnetic spectrum of atoms तरुं ग सुधारि िी इनपुट आिृकत्त n है, तो of finding an electron in a certain
as a frequency standard for its आउटपुट आिृकत्त होगी position. This atomic model is
timekeeping element. Atomic clocks (a) n/2 known as the quantum mechanical
are the most accurate time and (b) n model of the atom.
frequency standards known, and are (c) 3n/2
used as primary standards for (d) 2n Q1076. Natural radioactivity was
international time distribution discovered by/ प्रािृकति रे कियोधकियता
services, to control the wave
Ans : (d) 2n द्वारा खोजा गया था
frequency of television broadcasts,
and in global navigation satellite (a) Marie Curie/ िैरी क्यूरी
systems such as GPS. The principle Explanation: (b) Ernest Rutherford/ अनेस्ट
of operation of an atomic clock is not The frequency is doubled because रदरफोिय
based on nuclear physics, but rather you are rectifying both the positive (c) Henri Becquerel/ हे नरी बेिरे ि
and negative sides of the waveform.
on atomic physics and using the (d) Enrico Fermi/ एनररिो फिी
microwave signal that electrons in After rectification and no filtering
atoms emit when they change energy the signal is a DC pulsed waveform
levels. Early atomic clocks were at twice the frequency as the input Ans : (c) Henri Becquerel/ हे नरी
based on masers at room line voltage. बेिरे ि
temperature. Currently, the most
accurate atomic clocks first cool the Q1074. Heat transfer horizontally Explanation:
atoms to near absolute zero within the atmosphere is called/ March 1, 1896: Henri Becquerel
temperature by slowing them with िायुिुंिि िे भीतर क्षैकतज रूप से हीट Discovered Radioactivity. In one of
lasers and probing them in atomic टर ाुं सफर िो िहा जाता है the most well-known accidental
discoveries in the history of physics, Cellular respiration is the set of the Explanation:
on an overcast day in March 1896, metabolic reactions and processes Persistence of vision is used in
French physicist Henri Becquerel that take place in the cells of Cinematography works because the
opened a drawer and discovered organisms to convert biochemical human eye and brain can only
spontaneous radioactivity. energy from nutrients into adenosine process 10 to 12 separate images per
When Henri Becquerel investigated triphosphate (ATP), and then release second and subsequent image
the newly discovered X-rays in 1896, waste products. The reactions replaces it in this period of time it
it led to studies of how uranium salts involved in respiration are catabolic will create the illusion of continuity.
are affected by light. By accident, he reactions, which break large The use of these techniques to create
discovered that uranium salts molecules into smaller ones, moving images predates
spontaneously emit a penetrating releasing energy in the process as conventional cinema.
radiation that can be registered on a they break high-energy bonds.
photographic plate. Respiration is one of the key ways a Q1081. Assertion/ अकभिथन
cell gains useful energy to fuel
In a motion picture, the consecutive
Q1077. What changes will happen to cellular activity. Chemically, cellular
frames are almost the same and
a bowl of ice and water kept at respiration is considered an
quickly switched./एि िोशन कपक्चर
exactly zero degree celsius?/ कबल्कुि exothermic redox reaction.
िें, िगातार रेि िगभग सिान होते हैं
शून्य किग्री सेल्टल्सयस पर रखी गई बफय
Q1079. The device used to change और जल्दी से ल्टस्वच हो जाते हैं ।
और पानी िे एि िटोरे िें क्या बदिाि
the speed of an electric fan is/ Reason/ िारण
इिेल्टक्ट्रि पुंखे िी गकत िो बदिने िे In the retina of human eyes, these
(a) All ice will melt/ सारी बफय कपघि continuous images get fused into one
किए उपयोग किया जाने िािा उपिरण
जाएगी another./ िानि आुं खोुं िी रे कटना िें, ये
(b) All water will become ice/ सारा कनरुं तर िकियाुं एि दू सरे िें फ्यूज हो
(a) Amplifier/ एम्पिीफायर
पानी बफय बन जाएगा जाती हैं ।
(b) Regulator/ कनयािि
(c) No change will happen/ िोई (a) Both Assertion and Reason are
(c) Switch/ ल्टस्वच
बदिाि नही ुं होगा correct and Reason is the correct
(d) Rectifier/ रे ल्टक्ट्फायर
(d) Only some ice will melt/ िेिि explanation for Assertion
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are
िुि बफय कपघिेगी
Ans : (b) Regulator/ कनयािि correct but Reason is not the correct
explanation for Assertion
Ans : (c) No change will happen/ (c) The assertion is correct but
िोई बदिाि नही ुं होगा Reason is incorrect
A voltage regulator is designed to
automatically maintain a constant (d) The assertion is incorrect but
Explanation: voltage level. A voltage regulator Reason is correct
Fresh water cooled to zero (0) degree may be a simple “feed-forward”
Celsius and subjected to additional design or may include negative Ans : (a) Both Assertion and
loss of heat energy normally will feedback control loops. It may use an Reason are correct and Reason is
freeze. A mixture of fresh water and electro-mechanical mechanism or the correct explanation for
ice has an equilibrium temperature of electronic components. Depending Assertion
zero (0) degree Celsius. Adding heat on the design, it may be used to
to the mixture causes ice to melt regulate one or more AC or DC Explanation:
whereas removing heat causes water voltages. Electronic voltage In motion pictures, the consecutive
to freeze. For that reason, 0 (zero) regulators are found in devices such frames are almost the same with very
degree Celsius is called the freezing as computer power supplies where small differences. Hence, the
point of fresh water. Cloud droplets they stabilize the DC voltages used assertion is correct.
can cool well below the usual by the processor and other elements. When played very fast, the human
freezing point while remaining eye combines a few frames as the
liquid. Such cloud droplets are Q1080. Cinematography makes use image on the retina stays for 1/16th
composed of supercooled water.
of/ कसनेिैटोग्राफी किस चीज िा of a second. These fused images
उपयोग िरती है when shown quickly gives the feel of
Q1078. In which of the following a continuous stream of photography.
processes is energy released?/ (a) Accommodation/ आिास
Hence, the reason is correct and the
(b) Least distance of distinct vision/
कनम्नकिल्टखत िें से किस प्रकरया िें ऊजाय correct explanation of assertion.
अिग दृकष्ट िी िि से िि दू री
जारी िी जाती है ?
(c) Persistence of vision/ दृकष्ट िी
(a) Respiration/ श्वसन Q1082. A photoelectric cell
दृढ़ता converts/ एि फोटो-इिेल्टक्ट्रि सेि
(b) Photosynthesis/ प्रिाश सुंश्लेषण
(d) Bifocal lens system/ कद्व-फोिि धिाय न्तररत
(c) Ingestion/ अुंतग्रयहण
िेंस प्रणािी
(d) Absorption/ अिशोषण (a) mechanical energy to electric
energy/ याुं कत्रि ऊजाय से किद् युत ऊजाय
Ans : (c) Persistence of vision/ दृकष्ट (b) heat energy to mechanical
Ans : (a) Respiration/ श्वसन
िी दृढ़ता energy/ ऊष्मीय ऊजाय िो याुंकत्रि ऊजाय
(c) light energy to chemical energy/ Q1084. Choose the correct options./ Ans : (a) Archimedes' principle/
प्रिाश ऊजाय से रासायकनि ऊजाय सही कििल्प चुनें। आकियकििीज िा कसद्ाुं त
(d) light energy to electrical energy/ Having two eyes facilitates in:/ दो
प्रिाश ऊजाय से किद् युत ऊजाय आूँ खें होने से इसिें सुकिधा होती है : Explanation:
(a) Increasing the field of view/ दे खने The submarine operates using the
Ans : (d) light energy to electrical िे क्षेत्र िें िृल्टद् Archimedes' principle by
energy/ प्रिाश ऊजाय से किद् युत ऊजाय (b) Giving a 3-dimensional view/ एि
manipulating buoyancy. The
buoyancy is controlled by the ballast
3-आयािी दृश्य दे ना tank system. A submarine resting on
Explanation: (c) Developing the concept of the surface has positive buoyancy,
Photoelectric cell or photocell, distance/size./ दू री / आिार िी which means it is less dense than the
device whose electrical
अिधारणा िा कििास िरना। water around it and will float.
characteristics (e.g., current, voltage,
(a) A only
or resistance) vary when light is
(b) A and B only Q1087. Who invented the first
incident upon it. The most common
(c) B only navigable submarine?
type consists of two electrodes
(d) A, B and (c) (a) Cornelis Drebbel
separated by the light-sensitive
semiconductor material. A battery or (b) William Bourne
other voltage source connected to the Ans : (d) A, B and (c) (c) David Bushnell
electrodes sets up a current even in (d) John Philip Holland
the absence of light; when light Explanation: पहिी नौगम्य पनिु ब्बी िा आकिष्कार
strikes the semiconductor section of Having 2 eyes increases the field of किसने किया था?
the photocell, the current in the view and gives a 3-dimensional view ए। िॉनेकिस िर े बेि
circuit increases by an amount of our brain that calculates the बी। किकियि बॉनय
proportional to the intensity of the distance and size of the object.
सी। िे किि बुशनेि
िी। जॉन कफकिप हॉिैं ि
Q1085. The gas that filled the
Q1083. Which of the following electric bulb is/ कबजिी िे बल्ब िें जो
principle is used to produce ‘low- Ans : (a) Cornelis Drebbel/
गैस भरी होती है
temperatures’?/ कनम्न िें से िौन सा िॉनेकिस िर े बेि
(a) nitrogen/ नाइटर ोजन
कसद्ाुं त is िि तापिान ’िा उत्पादन (b) hydrogen/ हाइिर ोजन Explanation:
िरने िे किए उपयोग किया जाता है ? (c) carbon dioxide/ िाबयन
(a) Superconductivity Cornelis Jacobszoon Drebbel was a
िाइऑक्साइि Dutch engineer and inventor. He was
(b) Joule-Kelvin effect
(d) oxygen/ ऑक्सीजन the builder of the first navigable
(c) Thermo-electric effect
(d) Adiabatic demagnetization submarine in 1620 and an innovator
Ans : (a) nitrogen/ नाइटर ोजन who contributed to the development
of measurement and control systems,
Ans : (d) Adiabatic
Explanation: optics and chemistry.
There are two types of constructions
of incandescent light bulbs, one Q1088. What type of lens from the
entailing a low vacuum and one that following would you have in your
Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling magnifying lens to read a page in
technology based on the is filled with the inert gas. The gas
used is either Nitrogen or Argon. small print?/ कनम्न िें से किस प्रिार िा
magnetocaloric effect. This
technique can be used to attain Nitrogen is used because it doesn't िेंस आपिे िैग्नीफाइुं ग िेंस िें एि पृष्ठ
extremely low temperatures, as well react with the hot filament. Then, it िो िोटे कप्रुंट िें पढ़ने िे किए होगा?
as the ranges used in common will carry heat away from the (a) A convex lens of focal length 80
refrigerators, depending on the filament to cool it. Sometimes other cm/ फोिि िुंबाई िा एि उत्ति िेंस
gases are used that are inert.
design of the system. The 80 सेिी
magnetocaloric effect (MCE, from (b) A concave lens of focal length 80
Q1086. submarine works on which
magnet and calorie) is a magneto- cm/ फोिि िम्बाई िा एि अिति
thermodynamic phenomenon in principle?/ पनिु ब्बी किस कसद्ाुंत पर
िेंस 80 सें.िी.
which a change in temperature of a िाि िरती है ? (c) A concave lens of focal length 4
suitable material is caused by (a) Archimedes' principle/
cm/ फोिि िुंबाई 4 सेिी िा अिति
exposing the material to a changing आकियकििीज िा कसद्ाुं त
magnetic field. This is also known by (b) Bernoulli's principle/ बनोिी िा (d) A convex lens of the focal length
low-temperature physicists as
कसद्ाुं त of 4 cm/ 4 सेिी िी फोिि िम्बाई िा
adiabatic demagnetization, due to the
application of the process (c) Torricelli's principle/ टोररसेिी िा उत्ति िेंस
specifically to create a temperature कसद्ाुं त
drop. (d) Pascal's theorem/ पास्कि िी प्रिेय Ans : (d) A convex lens of the focal
length of 4 cm/ 4 सेिी िी फोिि
िम्बाई िा उत्ति िेंस
the/ जब प्रिाश किरणें आुं ख िें प्रिेश अकधि फोिथि हो जाता है और which the image is magnified. A
िरती हैं , तो अकधिाुं श अपितयन होता है आिधयन िि हो जाता है terrestrial telescope is a telescope
whose eyepiece has one or two
(a) Crystalline lens/ करस्टिीय िेंस (c) The text becomes more focused
lenses more than the astronomical,
(b) The outer surface of the cornea/ and magnification increases/ पाठ
for the purpose of inverting the
िॉकनयया िी बाहरी सतह अकधि िेंकद्रत होता है और आिधयन image and exhibiting objects erect.
(c) Iris/ आइररस बढ़ता है The terrestrial telescope is also
(d) Pupil/ पुकपि (d) The text becomes blurred and known as the spyglass.
magnification increases/ पाठ धुुंधिा
Ans : (b) The outer surface of the हो जाता है और आिधयन बढ़ जाता है Q1099. A soap bubble shows
cornea/ िॉकनयया िी बाहरी सतह colours when illuminated with white
Ans : (a) The text becomes light. This is due to/ सफेद रोशनी से
Explanation: blurred and magnification रोशन होने पर साबुन िा बुिबुिा रुं ग
Most refraction in the eye occurs reduces/ पाठ धुुंधिा हो जाता है और कदखाता है । इसिा िारण है
when light rays travel through the आिधयन िि हो जाता है (a) Diffraction/ किक्षेप
curved, clear front surface of the eye (b) Polarisation/ ध्रुिीिरण
(cornea). The eye's natural Explanation: (c) Interference/ हस्तक्षेप
(crystalline) lens also bends light
rays. hence Option B is correct. (d) Reflection/ पराितयन
As the magnifying lens(convex lens) Ans : (c) Interference/ हस्तक्षेप
Q1096. Which of the following
is moved far away from the eye, the
liquids has the least density?/ कनम्न िें image formed is real and inverted
से किस तरि पदाथय िा घनत्व िि है ? and is formed inside the human eye
(a) Freshwater/ िीठे पानी and hence it blurs. Since the object is The iridescent colours of soap
bubbles are caused by interfering
(b) Saltwater/ खारा पानी far away from the mirror, the image
with (internally and externally)
(c) Petrol/ पेटरोि formed is diminished and hence
reflected light waves and are
magnification reduces.
(d) Mercury/ पारा determined by the thickness of the
film. This phenomenon is not the
Q1098. The instrument used to see
Ans : (c) Petrol/ पेटरोि the distant objects on the Earth is/
same as the origin of rainbow
colours (caused by the refraction of
पृथ्वी पर दू र िी िस्तुओुं िो दे खने िे internally reflected light), but rather
किए इस्तेिाि किया जाने िािा उपिरण are the same as the phenomenon
Gasoline or petrol is a transparent,
है causing the colours in an oil slick on
petroleum-derived liquid that is used
primarily as a fuel in internal (a) Terrestrial telescope/ थथिीय a wet road. As light impinges on the
combustion engines. It consists दू रबीन film some of it reflects off of the
mostly of organic compounds (b) Astronomical telescope/ खगोिीय outer surface, some of it enters the
film and re emerges after reflecting
obtained by the fractional distillation दू रबीन
off the second surface, some of it
of petroleum, enhanced with a (c) Compound microscope/ यौकगि enters the film and re emerges after
variety of additives. The specific
िाइरोस्कोप bouncing back and forth between the
gravity (or relative density) of
gasoline ranges from 0.71–0.77 kg/l (d) Simple microscope/ सरि two surfaces from 1 to n times. The
(719.7 kg/m3 ; 0.026 lb/in3; 6.073 िाइरोस्कोप total reflection observed is
lb/US gal; 7.29 lb/imp gal), higher determined by the interference of all
densities having a greater volume of Ans : (a) Terrestrial telescope/ these reflections.
aromatics. Gasoline floats on water; थथिीय दू रबीन
water cannot generally be used to Q1100. Which of the following is
extinguish a gasoline fire unless used Explanation: true?/ इन्मे से सच क्या है ?
in a fine mist. A telescope assists the eye chiefly in (a) The image formed on the retina is
two way by enlarging the visual twice the original image/ रे कटना पर
Q1097. A magnifying glass is used angle under which a distant object is बनाई गई िकि िूि िकि से दोगुनी है
to read the newspaper. As it is seen, and thus magnifying that (b) The image formed on the retina is
moved far away from the newspaper/ object; and, secondly, by collecting, the same size as the object/ रे कटना पर
अखबार िो पढ़ने िे किए एि आिधयि and conveying to the eye, a larger बनाई गई िकि ऑब्जेक्ट् िे सिान
िाुं च िा उपयोग किया जाता है । जैसा beam of light than would enter the आिार है
कि अखबार से बहुत दू र िे जाया जाता naked organ, thus rendering objects
(c) The image formed on the retina is
है distinct and visible which would
otherwise be indistinct and or inverted/ िकि रे कटना पर गकठत उिटी,
(a) The text becomes blurred and (d) the reflection produced on the
invisible. Its essential parts are the
magnification reduces/ पाठ धुुंधिा हो retina is upward/ रे कटना पर उत्पन्न
object-glass, or concave mirror,
जाता है और आिधयन िि हो जाता है which collects the beam of light, and प्रकतकबुंब ऊपर िी ओर है
(b) The text becomes more focussed forms an image of the object, and the
and magnification reduces/ पाठ eyeglass, which is a microscope, by
The image formed by the eye lens
will be the same as that formed by a
converging lens with an object away
from the center of curvature , hence
the image will be real ,inverted and
Armand Hippolyte Louis Fizeau was A cyclotron is an apparatus in which Ans: (a) 720:1
a French physicist, best known for atomic and subatomic charged
measuring the speed of light in the particles are accelerated by an Explanation:
Q1114. In a cyclotron, If a deuteron Resistance force x resistance arm = The bulk modulus of a substance is a
can gain the energy of 40 MeV, then effort force x effort arm measure of how resistant to
a proton can the energy of:/ एक compression that substance is. It is
साइ ोटॉन म, यिद एक िडयूटोन 40 Effort force= Resistance force x defined as the ratio of the
मेव की ऊजा ा कर सकता है , तो resistance arm/ effort arm infinitesimal pressure increase to the
एक ोटॉन िन ऊजा ा कर सकता resulting relative decrease of the
है : = 4900 N * 0.100 m/2 m volume.
=245 N
(a) 40 MeV
(b) 80 MeV A lever consists of an inflexible
(c) 20 MeV length of material placed over a pivot
(d) 160 MeV point called a fulcrum. The resistance
is the object to be moved (shown
Ans: (b) 80 MeV here in red) and is placed on one side
of the fulcrum. The resistance
Explanation: distance in a lever is called the
resistance arm. The effort is exerted
F=qVB=mv^2/r elsewhere on the lever, and the effort
Q1119. The carburetor was invented
E=½*B^2q^2r^2/m distance is called the effort arm or
by/ काब रे टर का आिव ार िकसने
effort lever arm.
िकया था?
Hence ratio of energy of deuteron
and proton is= Ed/Ep
(a) Luigi De Cristoforis/ लुइगी डी
ि ोफो रस
(b) Enrico Bernardi/ एन रको बनाड
(c) George Westinghouse/ जॉज
वे ं गहाउस
=80 MeV
Q1117. Which of the following (d) Both A and B/ ए और बी दोनों
Q1115. A block of ice/ बफ का एक instruments measures optical
refractive indices?/ िन िल खत म से Ans: (d) Both A and B/ ए और बी
ॉक दोनों
कौन सा उपकरण ऑि कल अपवतक
(a) cannot radiate heat/ गम को सूचकां कों को मापता है ?
िवकीण नहीं कर सकता
(b) can radiate heat but cannot absorb (a) Fathometer
heat/ ऊ ा को िवकीण कर सकता है (b) Ellipsometer
लेिकन ऊ ा को अवशोिषत नहीं कर (c) Crescograph
सकता है (d) Calipers
(c) can absorb heat but cannot radiate
heat/ ऊ ा को अवशोिषत कर सकता
है लेिकन ऊ ा को िवकीण नहीं कर
सकता है ᄇ
(d) can radiate as well as absorb heat/
िविकरण कर सकता है और साथ ही
ऊ ा को अवशोिषत कर सकता है Q1120. What is the emissivity of a
black body?/ एक काले शरीर की
Ans: (d) can radiate as well as
उ जन ा है ?
absorb heat/ िविकरण कर सकता है
और साथ ही ऊ ा को अवशोिषत
(a) Zero/ शू
कर सकता है
Q1121. The main power supply in Ans: (d) 40% Ans: (a) No dimensions, L,L^2
India is at 220 V, whereas that in the
US is at 110 V. Which one among the Explanation: Explanation:
following statements in this regard is
correct?/ भारत म मु िबजली की A Carnot heat engine is a theoretical μ=μ=A+ B/λ + C/λ^2
आपूित 220 V पर है , जबिक अमे रका म engine that operates on the Carnot μ= No dimension=M^0L^0T^0
110 V पर है । इस संबंध म िन िल खत cycle. The basic model for this A=No dimension=M^0L^0T^0
म से कौन सा कथन सही है ? engine was developed by Nicolas μ=B/λ
Léonard Sadi Carnot in 1824. ⇒B=μλ=M^0L^1T^0
(a) 110 V is safer but more expensive Similarly,
to maintain/ 110 V सुरि त है लेिकन Given: T1=500 K T2=300 K C=μλ^2
रखरखाव के िलए अिधक महं गा है C=M^0L^2T^0
(b) 110 V is safer and cheaper to Efficiency of Carnot Engine=1 -
maintain/ 110 V सुरि त और स ा है T2/T1= 1 - 300/500= 0.4 Q1126. A heat engine undergoes a
(c) 110 V leads to lower power loss/ process in which its internal energy
110 V से िबजली की कमी होती है Thus, efficiency of Carnot engine= decreases by 400J and it gives out
(d) 110 V works better at higher 40% 150J of heat. During the process/ एक
latitudes/ 110 V उ अ ां श पर बेहतर ऊ ा इं जन एक ऐसी ि या से गुजरता
काय करता है Q1124. A 12kg bomb at rest है िजसम इसकी आं त रक ऊजा 400J
explodes into two pieces of 4kg and तक कम हो जाती है और यह 150J
Answer: (a) 110 V is safer but 8kg. If the momentum of 4kg piece is ऊ ा दे ती है । ि या के दौरान
more expensive to maintain/ 110 V 20Ns, the kinetic energy of the 8kg
सुरि त है लेिकन रखरखाव के िलए piece is:/ आराम से 12 िकलो का बम (a) It does 250 J of work and its
अिधक महं गा है 4kg और 8kg के दो टु कड़ों म फट जाता temperature rises/ यह 250J काम
है । यिद 4 िक ा के टु कड़े की गित 20Ns करता है और इसका तापमान बढ़ जाता
Explanation: है , तो 8 िक ा टु कड़ा की गितज ऊजा है : है
(b) It does 250 J of work and its
The higher the voltage, the lesser the (a) 25J temperature falls/ यह 250J काम
current. The lesser the current the (b) 20J करता है और इसका तापमान िगरता है
lesser the loss of power in (c) 50J (c) It does 550J of work and its
transmission. Thus with 110 v, the (d) 40J temperature rises/ यह 550J काम
loss of power makes it more करता है और इसका तापमान बढ़ जाता
expensive. On the other hand, higher Ans: (a) 25J है
voltage is more dangerous if (d) It does 550J of work and its
accidentally touched or if there is an Explanation: temperature falls/ यह 550J काम
accidental short circuit. करता है और इसका तापमान िगरता है
As initial momentum of the system is
Q1122. In terms of metric (SI) Unit, zero. Thus according to the law of Ans: (b) It does 250 J of work and
1 light year =/ मीिटक (SI) इकाई के conservation of momentum, final its temperature falls/ यह 250J काम
संदभ म, 1 काश वष = momentum of the system must also करता है और इसका तापमान िगरता
be zero. है
(a) - 9.4607 × 1015 m Hence momentum of 8kg piece must
(b) - 9.4607 × 1015 km be equal and opposite to the Explanation:
(c) - 6.4607 × 1015 m momentum of 4 kg piece.
(d) - 9.4607 × 1018 m => Momentum of 8kg piece The internal energy of the system
P=20Ns will decrease when the system does
Answer: (a) - 9.4607 × 1015 m work and/or gives off heat. Since the
Kinetic Energy of 8kg piece, heat given out is 150 J and the
Explanation: K=p^2/2m=20^2/2x8=25 J reduction in internal energy is 400 J,
negative charge but they never form of a gray body's thermal radiation to ि ुवीय ण और िवद् युत े के बीच
a closed loop. a black body's thermal radiation at का कोण है :
Hence statement given in option (b) the same temperature is called the
is incorrect whereas the rest of the emissivity of the gray body. (a) 0 °
statements are correct. (b) 90 °
Q1136. Who invented the (c) 180 °
Q1134. Heat energy of an object is/ typewriter? (d) 45 °
िकसी व ु की ऊ ा ऊजा होती है
(a) Christopher Latham Sholes Ans: (c) 180 °
(a) The average energy of the (b) Samuel W. Soule
molecules of the object/ व ु के (c) Carlos Glidden Explanation:
अणुओं की औसत ऊजा (d) All of the above
(b) The total energy of the molecules
of the object/ व ु के अणुओं की कुल Ans: (d) All of the above Dipole moment points in a direction
ऊजा from negative charge towards
(c) The average velocity of the Explanation: positive charge as shown in the
molecules of the objects/ व ुओं के figure. At the equatorial plane, the
अणुओं का औसत वेग Christopher Latham Sholes along
electric field points in a direction just
(d) The average potential energy of with Samuel W. Soule, Carlos opposite to that of the dipole
the molecules of the object/ व ु के Glidden and John Pratt, has been moment. Hence the angle between
अणुओं की औसत संभािवत ऊजा contended as one of the inventors of
dipole moment and electric field at
the first typewriter in the United any point on the equatorial plane is
Ans: (b) The total energy of the States. 180o.
molecules of the object/ व ु के
अणुओ ं की कुल ऊजा
अिधक तेजी से बुझा सकता है ? practical line spectrum is observe(d) Magnetic declination is the angle on
the horizontal plane between
(a) Coldwater/ ठं डा पानी Q1163. Which of the following is an magnetic north (the direction the
(b) Boiling water/ उबलता पानी instrument for measuring the north end of a compass needle
(c) Hot water/ गम पानी wavelength of radio waves?/ points, corresponding to the direction
(d) Ice/ बफ िन िल खत म से ा रे िडयो तरं गों की of the Earth's magnetic field lines)
तरं ग दै को मापने के िलए एक and true north (the direction along a
Ans: (b) Boiling water/ उबलता उपकरण है ? meridian towards the geographic
पानी North Pole).
(a) Odometer/ ओडोमीटर
Explanation: (b) Ohmmeter/ ओ ोटर Q1166. The RF channel in a radio
(c) Ondometer/ ओडोमीटर transmitter produces:/ एक रे िडयो
The process of fire extinguishing (d) Machmeter/ माचेमीटर टां समीटर म RF चैनल उ करता है :
involves absorption of heat.
Absorption of heat in converting hot Ans: (c) Ondometer/ ओडोमीटर (a) Audio signals/ ऑिडयो िस ल
water to steam is more than the heat (b) Both audio signal and
absorbed in heating cold water to the Q1164. A convex lens of focal length high-frequency carrier waves/
boiling temperature. Hence boiling F is placed in contact with a concave ऑिडयो िस ल और उ -आवृि वाहक
water can extinguish fire more lens of focal length F. The equivalent तरं ग
quickly then ice or cold water. focal length of the combination is:/ (c) High-frequency carrier waves/
फोकल लंबाई F का एक उ ल लस उ -आवृि वाहक तरं ग
Q1161. Which of the following फोकल लंबाई F के अवतल लस के (d) Low-frequency carrier waves/
devices does not allow (d)(c) to pass संपक म रखा जाता है । संयोजन की कम-आवृि वाहक तरं ग
through?/ िन िल खत म से कौन सा समतु फोकल लंबाई है :
उपकरण (d)c की अनुमित नहीं दे ता है । Ans: (b) Both audio signal and
गुज़रने के िलए? (a) Infinity high-frequency carrier waves/
(b) F/2 ऑिडयो िस ल और उ -आवृि
(a) Resistor/ अवरोधक (c) 2F वाहक तरं ग
(b) Capacitor/ संधा र (d) Zero
(c) Inductor/ इं ड र When audio signals are transmitted
(d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं Ans: (a) Infinity over thousands of kilometers through
radio transmission, the audio
Ans: (b) Capacitor/ संधा र Explanation: frequencies that lie within the
frequency range of 15 Hertz to 20
Explanation: Given that, f1=F & f2= - F KiloHertz has very small signal
power and thus cannot be transmitted
A capacitor does not allow (d)(c) to Let the equivalent focal length be f. via antenna for communication
pass through it but allows an (a)(c) purposes. The radiation of electrical
whereas resistor and inductor allow 1/f = 1/f1 + 1/f2 energy is only possible at frequencies
both (a)(c) as well as (d)(c) to pass = 1/F + 1/-F above 20 KiloHertz. Thus, the audio
through them. =0 signals must be sent along with the
high-frequency signals for
Q1162. According to the Rutherford Therefore, f=1/0=∞ communication since the
atom model, the spectrum emitted by high-frequency signals can travel
an atom is:/ रदरफोड परमाणु मॉडल Q1165. The direction of the magnetic long distances without dissipation in
के अनुसार, परमाणु ारा उ िजत field at any location on the earth’s power. This can be done by
े म है : surface is commonly specified in superimposing electrical audio
terms of/ पृ ी की सतह पर िकसी भी signals on a high-frequency wave
(a) Line spectrum/ लाइन े म थान पर चुंबकीय े की िदशा आमतौर called the carrier wave by a process
(b) Continuous spectrum/ िनरं तर पर िनिद होती है called modulation.
े म
(c) Continuous absorption spectrum/ (a) field declination/ े झुकाव Q1167. LCD stands for:/ एलसीडी के
िनरं तर अवशोषण े म (b) field inclination/ े झुकाव िलए खड़ा है :
(d) Band spectrum/ बड े म (c) both field declination and field
inclination/ दोनों े झुकाव और े (a) Light Carrying Diode/ लाइट
Ans: (b) Continuous spectrum/ झुकाव कै रं ग डायोड
िनरं तर े म (d) horizontal component of the (b) Liquid Crystal Display/ िल ड
field/ े का ैितज घटक ि ल िड े
Explanation: (c) Long Crystal Display/ लां ग
Ans: (a) field declination/ े ि ल िड े
One of the defects of the Rutherford झुकाव (d) Light Crystal Display/ लाइट
atom model was if the electrons emit ि ल िड े
energy continuously, a continuous Explanation:
spectrum should be forme(d) But in Ans: (b) Liquid Crystal Display/
साथ बढ़ जाती है
Q1175. A line joining places of zero
dip is called/ शू डु बकी के थानों को Explanation:
िमलाने वाली रे खा को कहा जाता है
The reverse saturation current
(a) aclinic/ िबना झुकाव increases with the rise of temperature
(b) isoclinic/ आइसो िनक of the junction diode. This is because
(c) isodynamic/ आइसोडायनािमक the minority carrier density
(d) isogonal/ आइसोगोनल है contributing proportion increases
with the rise of temperature.
Ans: (a) aclinic/ िबना झुकाव
a certain distance with speed v1 and can be defined as: “The rate of (a) Mass/ मास
the second half with a speed v2. The change of unit length per unit degree (b) Momentum/ गित
average speed during the whole change in temperature” Assuming (c) Energy/ ऊजा
journey is:/ एक बस एक िनि त दू री the effect of pressure is negligible. (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
की पहली छमाही को गित v1 और दू सरी
छमाही को गित v2 के साथ कवर करती Its unit ii 1/temperature, in SI units Ans: (c) Energy/ ऊजा
है । पूरी या ा के दौरान औसत गित है : 1/K, which is equivalent to 1/deg (c)
(Whenever you have ΔT in a Explanation:
(a) (v1+v2)/2 formula, you can express the
(b) v1v2/(v1+v2) difference in K or deg C in SI units. Bernoulli's principle is based on the
(c) √v1v2 principle of conservation of energy.
(d) 2v1v2/(v1+v2) Q1205. Coefficient of linear This states that in a steady flow the
expansion always ___________ with sum of all forms of mechanical
Answer: (d) 2v1v2/(v1+v2) the increase in temperature./ तापमान energy in a fluid along a streamline is
म वृ के साथ हमेशा रै खक िव ार the same at all points on that
Q1203. A passenger standing in a का गुणां क ___________। streamline. This requires that the sum
bus is thrown outward when the bus of kinetic energy and potential
takes a sudden turn. This happens (a) increase/ बढ़ता है energy remain constant. If the fluid is
due to/ बस म खड़े या ी को अचानक (b) decrease/ घटता है flowing out of a reservoir the sum of
मोड़ लेने पर बाहर की ओर फक िदया (c) remains constant/ थर रहता है all forms of energy is the same on all
जाता है । के कारण ऐसा होता है (d) doubles itself/ दोगुना हो जाता है streamlines because in a reservoir the
energy per unit mass (the sum of
(a) Outward pull on him/ उस पर Ans: (c) remains constant/ थर pressure and gravitational potential)
बाहर की ओर खंचाव रहता है is the same everywhere.
(b) Inertia of motion/ गित की जड़ता Explanation:
(c) Change in momentum/ संवेग म
प रवतन The coefficient of linear expansion is
(d) Change in acceleration/ रण म a constant that governs the degree to
प रवतन which the length of a solid will
change as a result of an alteration in
Ans: (b) Inertia of motion/ गित की temperature. For any given
जड़ता substance, the coefficient of linear
Explanation: expansion is typically a number
expressed in terms of 10−5/o(c)
Newton's I law of inertia states that
an object will change its direction Q1206. A spherical ball made of
when a force is applied to it. Hence, steel when dropped in a bucket full
when a bus takes a sudden turn the of mercury (hg) will ________./ पारा Q1208. When pure water boils
passengers are thrown outwar(d) (hg) से भरी बा ी म िगराए जाने पर vigorously, the bubbles that rise to
This is due to the inertia of direction. ील से बनी गोलाकार गद ________ the surface are composed primarily
होगी। of ______./ जब शु पानी जोर से
उबलता है , तो सतह पर उठने वाले
(a) sink to the bottom/ नीचे तक डूबो बुलबुले मु प से ______ से बने होते
(b) float on the surface/ सतह पर ह।
तैरता है
(c) will dissolve/ िवलीन हो जाएगी (a) air/ हवा
(d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं (b) hydrogen/ हाइडोजन
(c) hydrogen and oxygen/ हाइडोजन
Ans: (b) float on the surface/ सतह और ऑ ीजन
पर तैरता है (d) water vapour/ जल वा
Q1204. The unit of coefficient of
linear expansion is/ रै खक िव ार के Explanation: Ans: (d) water vapour/ जल वा
गुणां क की इकाई है
A spherical ball made of steel when Explanation:
(a) m dropped in a mercury container will
(b) /°C be partly immersed in mercury. So, When we first start to boil water, the
(c) m/°C the ball of steel will float on the bubbles are basically air bubbles.
(d) °C surface of mercury. Hence, option B These are bubbles formed from the
is correct. dissolved gases in water. The
Ans: (b) /°C solubility of a gas in water decreases
Q1207. Bernoulli's principle is based when the temperature is increased,
Explanation: on the law of conservation of: / and that is why the dissolved air
बन ली का िस ां त संर ण के कानून पर bubbles come out from the water.
The Coefficient of Linear Expansion आधा रत है : Then, as the boiling point of water is
(b)Comsat Q1217. Consider the statements/
(c)Telestar कथनों पर िवचार कर
1. Photon is a particle of light./
Ans: (a)Marisat फोटॉन काश का एक कण है ।
2. Mass of photon is not define(d)/
Explanation: फोटॉन के मान को प रभािषत नहीं
िकया गया है ।
Marisat satellites were the first 3. The speed of a photon is the speed
maritime telecommunications of light./ एक फोटॉन की गित काश
satellites and were designed to की गित है ।
provide dependable 4. Photons are charge(d)/ फोटोन चाज
telecommunications for commercial िकए जाते ह।
shipping and the U.S. Navy from
stable geosynchronous orbital Which options are correct?/ कौन से
locations over the three major ocean िवक सही ह?
regions. The three satellites were all (a)1 and 2
Q1215. Elasticity in the material is
launched in 1976. (b)1, 2, 3 and 4
due to _______./ साम ी म लोच
(c)1, 2 and 3
_______ के कारण है ।
1. The change of the effective radius (d)1 and 3
of the molecules./ अणुओं के भावी
Ans: (c)1, 2 and 3
ि ा का प रवतन।
2. The change in intermolecular Explanation:
distance and restoring forces starts
Photons are a massless neutral
acting on the molecules./
particle of light that travels at a speed
अंतर-आणिवक दू री और बहाल करने
equal to the speed of light.
वाली श यों म प रवतन अणुओं पर
काय करना शु कर दे ता है ।
Q1218. Dispersion can take place
3. The deforming forces acting on it./
for/फैलाव िकस बात के िलए हो सकता
उस पर कारवाई करने वाले िवकृत बल।
है ?
Which option is true?/ कौन सा
(a)Transverse waves only but not for
िवक सही है ?
longitudinal waves/ अनु थ तरं ग
(a) 1 and 2 केवल अनुदै तरं गों के िलए नहीं
(b)Longitudinal waves only but not
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1, 2 and 3 for transverse waves/ अनुदै तरं ग
(d) Only 2 केवल लेिकन अनु थ तरं गों के िलए नहीं
(c)Both transverse and longitudinal
Ans: (d) Only 2 waves/ अनु थ और अनुदै दोनों
तरं गे
Explanation: (d)Neither transverse nor
longitudinal/ न तो अनु थ और न ही
Elasticity property refers to the अनुदै
ability of a material to regain its
Ans: (c)Both transverse and
चालकता को बढ़ाता है
2. Decreases its conductivity/ इसकी
चालकता कम हो जाती है
3. Increases its resistivity/ इसकी
ितरोधकता को बढ़ाता है
4. Decreases its resistivity/ इसकी
ितरोधकता को घटाता है
Q1235. Consider the following
Which option is correct?/ कौन सा statements./ िन िल खत कथनों पर
िवक सही है ? िवचार कर।
Q1233. When a positively charged
conductor connected to the earth, 1. Quartz and phosphor or bronze are
(a)Only 1 examples of nearly perfectly elastic
(b)Only 2 then/ जब एक सकारा क प से चाज
िकया गया कंड र पृ ी से जुड़ा होता bodies./ ाट् ज और फॉ ोर या कां
(c)2 and 3 लगभग पूरी तरह से लोचदार िनकायों के
(d)1 and 4 है , तो
उदाहरण ह।
(a)Electrons flow from the conductor 2. Putty, mud and paraffin wax are
Ans: (d)1 and 4 examples of perfectly plastic bodies./
to earth/ इले ॉन चालक से पृ ी पर
वािहत होते ह पोटीन, िम ी और पैरािफन मोम पूरी
Explanation: तरह से ा क िनकायों के उदाहरण
(b)Protons flow from conductor to
Due to doping of pure semiconductor earth/ कंड र से पृ ी पर ोटॉन
Which of the statement(s) given
with trivalent or pentavalent atoms, वािहत होते ह
(c)Electrons flow from earth to above are correct?/ ऊपर िदया गया
the number density of majority कौन सा कथन (कथन) सही है ?
charge carriers increases which conductor/ इले ॉनों का वाह पृ ी से
increases the conductivity of the कंड र तक होता है
(a) Only 1
semiconductor and hence decreases (d)No charge flow occurs/ कोई
(b) Only 2
its resistivity. आवेश वाह नहीं होता है
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q1232. At a point inside a charged Ans: (c)Electrons flow from earth
conductor, the/ एक चाज कंड र के to conductor/ इले ॉनों का वाह
Ans: (c) Both 1 and 2
अंदर एक िबंदु पर, पृ ी से कंड र तक होता है
1. Ohm's law is not applicable at very So both the statements are correct.
low and very high temperatures./
ओम का िनयम ब त कम और ब त Q1251. A 1 cm height needle is
अिधक तापमान पर लागू नहीं होता है । placed at a distance of 0.1 m from a
2. Ohm's law is applicable to convex mirror of focal length 0.05 m,
semiconductor./ ओम का िनयम then the size of the image is/ 1 सेमी
अधचालक पर लागू होता है । ऊंचाई की सुई फोकल लंबाई 0.05 मीटर
3. Ohm's law is not applicable to के उ ल दपण से 0.1 मीटर की दू री पर
electron tubes, discharge tubes and रखी जाती है , िफर छिव का आकार है
electrolytes./ ओम का िनयम इले ॉन
ूब, िड चाज ूब और इले ोलाइट् स (a) 1 cm
पर लागू नहीं है । (b) 0.66 cm
4. Conductance is the reciprocal of (c) 0.33 cm
resistance and is measured in (d) 0.5 cm
siemens./ चालकता ितरोध का
पार रक है और इसे सीमे म मापा Ans: (c) 0.33 cm
जाता है । Explanation:
Which of the statements given is/are
correct?/ िदए गए कथनों म से कौन सा Object distance u= -0.1 m
सही है / ह? Focal length f= 0.05 m
(a) 1,2 and 3 Using mirror formula 1/v + 1/u = 1/f
(b) 1,2 and 4
(c) 1,3 and 4 So, 1/v + 1/-0.1 = 1/0.05
(d) 1,2,3 and 4 Q1250. Consider the following => v= 1/30 cm
statements./ िन िल खत कथनों पर Object height ho= 1 cm
Ans: (c) 1,3 and 4 िवचार कर। Magnification= m= hi/ho= -v/u
Explanation: When an object floats inside a liquid, So, hi/1 = -1/30 x (-0.1)
then _______./ जब कोई व ु िकसी => hi = 0.33 cm
According to Ohm's law, the slope of तरल पदाथ के अंदर तैरती है , तो
V-I graph is a straight line as in the _______। Q1252. In the relation of α=βt+λ, α
case of conductors. But in and λ are measured in metre and t is
semiconductor, slope of V-I graph is 1. The apparent weight of the object measured in second(s). The SI unit of
not a straight line, rather it is curved is equal to the liquid displaced by the β must be:/ α = βt + λ, α और λ मीटर
implying that ohm's law is not object./ व ु का वजन व ु ारा म मापा जाता है और t second(s) म
applicable for semiconductor. िव थािपत तरल के बराबर है । मापा जाता है । β की SI इकाई होनी
So, statement 2 is false but the rest 2. The center of gravity (CG) of the चािहए:
of the statements are true. object and the center of gravity (CG)
of the displaced water lie in the same (a) m
Q1249. Who invented the tractor?/ vertical line./ व ु का गु (CG) क (b) ms
टै र का आिव ार िकसने िकया था? और िव थािपत जल का गु (CG) क (c) s
एक ही ऊ ाधर रे खा म थत होता है । (d) ms^-1
(a) J. Froelich/ जे े िलच Ans: (d) ms^-1
(b) Bardeen/ बरदीन Which of the above statement(s)
(c) Sholes/ शो given above is/are correct?/ उपयु Explanation:
(d) Judson/ जुडसन म से कौन सा कथन / कथन सही है / ह?
(a) Only 1 α=βt+λ
Ans: (a) J. Froelich/ जे े िलच (b) Only 2 metre=β*second + metre
(c) Both 1 and 2 So, β=metre/second
Explanation: (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Note that:
In 1892, John Froelich invented and Ans: (c) Both 1 and 2 the values of α and λ are not equal.
built the first Their unit is the same only. So,
gasoline/petrol-powered tractor in Explanation: they will not cancel out each other.
Clayton County, Iowa, US. A Van
Duzen single-cylinder gasoline 1. As the body is under translational Q1253. The meniscus of mercury in
engine was mounted on a Robinson equilibrium, the weight of displaced a capillary is/ एक केिशका म पारे की
engine chassis, which could be liquid would be equal to that of the नवचं क है
controlled and propelled by body.
Froelich's gear box. 2. As the body is under rotational (a) Concave/ अवतल
equilibrium, the CG of the object and (b) Convex/ उ ल
CG of the displaced liquid should be (c) Plane/ ेन
on the same vertical line, otherwise, (d) Cylindrical/ बेलनाकार
the body will topple.
Ans: (b) Convex/ उ ल Ans: (d) In terms of none/ िकसी के poles would remain unchange(d)
Explanation: संदभ म नही ं
Q1258. Internal forces
Mercury does not wet glass - the Explanation: ____________/ आं त रक
cohesive forces within the drops are बल____________
stronger than the adhesive forces Temperature is a fundamental
between the drops and glass. When quantity, so it can not be expressed as (a) are always balanced/ हमेशा
liquid mercury is confined in a tube, a derived quantity in terms of length, संतुिलत होते ह
its surface (meniscus) has a convex mass and time. (b) are always equal/ हमेशा बराबर
shape because the cohesive forces in होते ह
liquid mercury tend to draw it into a Q1256. The reason a moving coil (c) may or may not be balanced/
drop. galvanometer cannot be used with an संतुिलत हो भी सकता है और नहीं भी
alternating current is that/ चलती (d) are never balanced/ कभी संतुिलत
कॉइल गै ेनोमीटर का उपयोग एक नहीं होते ह
ावत धारा के साथ नहीं िकया जा
सकता है Ans: (a) are always balanced/
हमेशा संतुिलत होते ह
(a) The coil bends easily/ कुंडल
आसानी से झुक जाता है Explanation:
(b) The coil heats up too much/
कुंडली ब त अिधक गम होती है Internal forces are forces exchanged
(c) Sparks can be produced/ ा by the objects in the system. Internal
का उ ादन िकया जा सकता है forces may cause acceleration in
Q1254. A large tank having a small (d) The net magnetic field produced different parts of the system but does
hole at the bottom is filled with water is zero/ शु चुंबकीय े का उ ादन not cause any acceleration in the
to a height h. If the stream of water शू है center of mass of the entire system.
coming out of the hole is directed Example:
vertically upward it will/ एक बड़ा Ans: (d) The net magnetic field Friction is an external force if the
टक िजसके तल म एक छोटा छे द होता produced is zero/ शु चुंबकीय े body is experiencing friction in the
है वह पानी से ऊँचाई तक भरा होता है । का उ ादन शू है system.
यिद छे द से पानी की धारा िनकलती है तो Explanation: If both the bodies involved in friction
यह उ ाधर प से ऊपर की ओर are considered as a system, then it
िनदिशत होती है Since the direction of the magnetic acts as an internal force.
field depends on the direction of the During any time period when the
(a) Rise to height h/ h ऊँचाई तक वृ current. So, the direction of the object stays the same shape and size,
(b) Rise to a height less than h/ h की magnetic field reverses as soon as the the internal forces must all be
तुलना म कम ऊंचाई तक वृ direction of the current gets balancing one another out. If the
(c) Rise to a height greater than h/ h reverse(d) In alternating current, internal forces were not in balance,
की तुलना म से अिधक ऊंचाई तक वृ current reverses its direction at a they would cause the object to
(d) Not rise at all/ वृ िब ु ल नहीं constant period and so the magnetic deform (or implode or explode)
fiel(d) Thus net magnetic field
Ans: (a) Rise to height h/ h ऊँचाई produced in the galvanometer will be Q1259. If a stream of air is blown
तक वृ zero with alternating current and under one of the pans of a physical
Explanation: there will be no deflection in the balance in equilibrium, then the pan
galvanometer. will/ यिद संतुलन म एक भौितक संतुलन
The velocity of water coming out of के एक पैन के तहत हवा की एक धारा
the hole is √(2gh) Q1257. If the earth were to spin को उड़ा िदया जाता है , तो पैन होगा
So it will rise to a height of h. faster, acceleration due to gravity at
Option A is correct. the poles/ यिद गु ाकषण के कारण (a) Go up/ ऊपर जाओ
पृ ी अिधक तेज़ होती, ुवों पर रण (b) Go down/ नीचे जाओ
Q1255. Temperature can be होता (c) Not be affected/ भािवत नहीं
expressed as derived quantity in (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
terms of any of the following/ (a) Increases/ बढ़ता
तापमान को िन िल खत म से िकसी के (b) Decreases/ घटता Ans: (b) Go down/ नीचे जाओ
संदभ म ु मा ा के पम (c) Remains the same/ ही रहता है Explanation:
िकया जा सकता है (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
The air medium can be considered a
(a) Length and mass/ लंबाई और मास Ans: (c) Remains the same/ ही very sparse fluid medium. When air
(b) Mass and time/ मासऔर समय रहता है is blown under the right-hand pan,
(c) Length, mass and time/ लंबाई, Explanation: the upthrust from air-fluid is
मास और समय destroyed, thus the upthrust on the
(d) In terms of none/ िकसी के संदभ म Acceleration due to a force of left-hand pan becomes the
नहीं rotation has nothing at all to do with unbalanced force and causes the
gravity. So, the gravitational force at right-hand pan to move down.
measuring the power of incident Sir J.S. Fleming discovered Diode by making use of Newton's:/ एक
electromagnetic radiation via the Bulb in 1904, आदमी पूरी तरह से िचकनी बफ पर एक
heating of a material with a तालाब के बीच म आराम कर रहा है । वह
temperature-dependent electrical ूटन के उपयोग से खुद को िकनारे कर
resistance. It was invented in 1878 सकता है :
by the American astronomer Samuel
Pierpont Langley. (a) First law/ पहला कानून
(b) Second law/ दू सरा कानून
(c) third law/ तीसरा कानून
(d) All the laws/ सभी कानून
Q1272. How many images are A simple periscope is just a long tube
Q1274. A car goes straight from a with a mirror at each en(d) The
formed if a point object is kept in
point a to a point b with a velocity of mirrors are fitted into each end of the
between two plane mirrors which are
40 km/h and returns back with a tube at an angle of exactly 45
at 45 degrees to each other? / यिद
velocity of 60 km/h. The average degrees so that they face each other.
एक िबंदु व ु को दो समतल दपणों के
velocity during the whole journey is/ In the periscope, light hits the top
बीच म रखा जाए तो िकतनी छिवयां
एक कार 40 िकमी / घंटा के वेग के साथ mirror at 45 degrees and reflects
बनती ह जो एक दू सरे से 45 िड ी पर ह?
एक िबंदु बी से सीधे िबंदु बी तक जाती है away at the same angle. The light
(a) 1 और 60 िकमी / घंटा के वेग के साथ then bounces down to the bottom
(b) 2 वापस आती है । पूरी या ा के दौरान mirror. When that reflected light hits
(c) 7 औसत वेग है the second mirror it is reflected again
(d) 8 at 45 degrees, right into our eye.
(a) 0 Light is always reflected away from
(b) 50 km/h a mirror at the same angle that it hits
Ans: (c) 7
(c) 48km/h the mirror.
(d) none Hence, the image formed in a
No of images= (360/45) -1=8-1=7 periscope is reflected, and not real.
Ans: (a) 0
Explanation: Q1277. X-rays can be used/ ए -रे
Q1273. Who invented the diode
bulb?/ का उपयोग िकया जा सकता है
(a) Sir J.S. Fleming/ सर जे.एस. (a) to detect heart diseases/ दय रोगों
velocity=displacement/time का पता लगाने के िलए
(b) Lee De Forest/ ली दे वन (b) to detect defects in precious
as here displacement is zero, user stones and diamonds/ कीमती प रों
(c) Frederick Guthrie/ े ड रक गुथरी
came back to starting point so the और हीरे म दोष का पता लगाने के िलए
(d) T.(a) Edison/ टी। ए। एडीसन
velocity will be zero (c) to detect gold under the earth/
Ans: (a) Sir J.S. Fleming/ सर पृ ी के नीचे सोने का पता लगाने के िलए
Q1275. A man is at rest in the (d) for cutting and welding of metals/
जे.एस. ेिमंग
middle of a pond on perfectly smooth धातुओं के काटने और वे ं ग के िलए
ice. He can get himself to the shore
Ans: (b) Potential energy/ संभािवत (a) (c) Babbage/ सी। बैबेज
ऊजा (b) (b) Pascal/ बी पा ल
Explanation: (c) (c) Biro/ सी। बीरो
(d) J.(b) Dunlop/ जे.बी. डनलप
When a spring is coiled up or a
rubber band is stretched, mechanical Ans: (b) (b) Pascal/ बी पा ल
energy is stored in it. When the
spring uncoils or the rubber band
snaps back, this energy is release(d)
This stored mechanical energy is
called potential energy because it has
the potential to make things happen.
(a) +ve
(b) -ve
(c) Zero
(d) Infinity
standing waves in the string, Ans: (c) Thermopile/ थम पाइल of the gravitational force that acts on
whereas wind instruments set up a Explanation: an object. The weight of any body is
longitudinal standing wave in a given by formula W = mg m is the
column of air. A thermopile is an electronic device mass of the body. g refers to the
that converts thermal energy into acceleration that the Earth imparts to
electrical energy. It is composed of objects on or near its surface. It is
several thermocouples connected called acceleration due to gravity.
usually in series or, less commonly, Now, mass is universally constant. It
in parallel will remain the same at earth's
surface or at any point above the
surface of the earth. Acceleration due
to gravity decreases with altitude
since greater altitude means the
greater distance from the Earth's
center. The following formula
approximates the Earth's gravity
formula variation with altitude:
Q1291. In scuba-diving, while
ascending towards the water surface, gr= go(re/re+h)^2
there is a danger of bursting the
lungs. It is because of / ू बा-डाइिवंग Where
Q1289. Which of the following is म, पानी की सतह की ओर बढ़ते ए, gr = • is the gravity measure at a
most elastic?/ िन िल खत म से कौन फेफड़ों के फटने का खतरा होता है । height above sea level.
सबसे अिधक लोचदार है ? इसकी वजह है re = • is the Earth's mean radius.
go = • is the standard gravity. Earth
(a) Rubber/ रबर (a) Archimedes' principle/ is not a perfect sphere because its
(b) Wet clay/ गीली िम ी आिकिमडीज का िस ां त two poles cause it to bulge out in the
(c) Steel/ ील (b) Boyle's law/ बॉयल का िनयम middle. It spins on its axis and the
(d) Plastic/ ा क (c) Gay-Lussac's law of combining centrifugal force makes the part at
volumes/ गे-लुसैक के संयोजन के िनयम the equator bulge out slightly.
Ans: (c) Steel/ ील (d) Graham's law of diffusion/ ाहम
के सार का िनयम Q1293. The force between two
charges in the air is 20 n but they
In common reference, Ans: (b) Boyle's law/ बॉयल का experience a force of 5N in another
िनयम medium calculate the relative
Elasticity is the ability of a material Explanation: permittivity of the medium/ हवा म दो
to regain its own original shape after
आवेशों के बीच का बल 20 n है लेिकन वे
being stretched according to which According to Boyle's law, the volume दू सरे मा म म 5N के बल का अनुभव
rubber is the most elastic substance. of a sample of a gas is inversely करते ह
proportional to its pressure. While
But when we define elasticity in ascending the pressure decreases; as (a) Zero
physics it is the ratio of stress to a result the volume of gas inside (b) 4
strain. It means that the shape which lungs increases. (c) 1
has more resistance to change is
(d) Infinity
more elasti(c) Q1292. Assertion (a): The weight of
a body decreases with the increase of Ans: (b) 4
Hence, as per physics steel is the altitude on earth./ पृ ी पर ऊंचाई Explanation:
most elastic material. बढ़ने के साथ िकसी िपंड का वजन घटता
है । Relative permittivity=Force in free
Q1290. Which of the following is the Reason (R): The earth is not a perfect space/Force in medium
correct device for the detection of sphere./ पृ ी एक संपूण े नहीं है । Er=20N/5N=4
thermal radiation?/ िन िल खत म से
कौन सा थमल िविकरण का पता लगाने (a) Both A and R are true and R is Q1294. If a liquid wets a solid
के िलए सही उपकरण है ? the correct explanation of A surface, the angle of contact is/ यिद
(b) Both A and R are true but R is एक तरल ठोस सतह को िमटाता है , तो
(a) Constant volume gas not a correct explanation of A संपक का कोण है
thermometer/ लगातार मा ा गैस (c) A is true but R is false
थमामीटर (d) A is false but R is true (a) 0°
(b) liquid-in-glass thermometer/
(b) 90°
तरल-इन- ास थमामीटर Ans: (b) Both A and R are true but (c) Less than 90°
(c) Thermopile/ थम पाइल R is not a correct explanation of A (d) Greater than 90°
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से Explanation:
कोई नहीं Ans: (c) Less than 90°
Weight is basically the measurement Explanation:
generates is dependent on weight and When a diver jumps from the clear day is due to the scattering of
foot shape. If the foot is flat and springboard, he curls his body by the blue wavelength of visible light.
wide, the weight is dispersed across a rolling his arms and legs in. By doing
greater surface area and the force is so, he decreases his moment of 2. The scattering of the red part of
less than if the foot were sharp and inertia and hence angular speed the light is least in comparison to
thin. increases to conserve the angular blue light in the atmosphere because
momentum. the wavelength of the red colour is
Q1300. A monkey sits on the pan of larger than other colours.
a spring scale kept in an elevator. Q1302. Choke is used to_______./
The reading of the spring scale will चोक का उपयोग _______ के िलए 3. If there is no atmosphere on Earth,
be maximum when the elevator/ एक िकया जाता है । then there will be no scattering of
बंदर िल म रखे ंग े ल के तवे पर visible light and hence, the sky
बैठता है । एलीवेटर के आधार पर ंग (a) Reduce the current in AC circuit/ would appear black.
े ल की रीिडं ग अिधकतम होगी AC सिकट म करं ट करता है
(b) Reduce the current in DC circuit/ Q1304. Hairs of a shaving brush
(a) Is stationary/ थर है DC सिकट म करं ट करता है cling together when the brush is
(b) Accelerates upwards/ ऊपर की (c) Convert AC to DC/ AC को DC म removed from water due to/ शेिवंग
ओर गित करता है बदल श के मेल एक साथ िचपक जाते ह जब
(c) Accelerates downwards/ नीचे की (d) Convert DC to AC/ DC को AC म श को पानी के कारण हटा िदया जाता
ओर गित करता है बदल है
(d) It falls freely towards the earth/
यह पृ ी की ओर तं प से िगरता है Ans:(a) Reduce the current in AC (a) Viscosity/ िचपिचपापन
circuit/ AC सिकट म करं ट करता है (b) Surface tension/ सतह तनाव
Ans:(b) Accelerates upwards/ ऊपर Explanation: (c) Friction/ घषण
की ओर गित करता है (d) Elasticity/ लोच
Explanation: a choke coil acts as an inductor, with
the eddy currents produced in a Ans: (b) Surface tension/ सतह
The Monkey will feel heavier (feel choke coil quickly reducing the तनाव
more support) than it really is current in the circuit due to Explanation:
(because the floor is pushing upon it self-induction. If we immerse a shaving brush in
with a force larger than its weight). water, then inside the water the hairs
Q1303. Consider the following of the brush remain separated from
N=mg+ma statements/ िन िल खत कथनों पर each other, but when the brush is
Where, N= total force िवचार कर taken out, the hair stick together.
mg=weight of the monkey [ 1. The clear sky appears blue due to This happens due to surface tension.
m=mass g=acceleration due to poor scattering of the blue When brush is taken out, the water
gravity] wavelength of visible light./ film is formed between the hairs and
a= acceleration of the lift काश के नीले तरं ग दै के खराब they contract due to surface tension.
कीणन के कारण आकाश नीला
Q1301. An athlete diving off a high िदखाई दे ता है । Q1305. Which one of the following
springboard can perform a variety of 2. The red part of the light shows is not the result of surface tension?/
exercises in the air before entering more scattering than blue light in the िन िल खत म से कौन सा सतह तनाव
the water below./ एक उ ंगबोड atmosphere./ काश का लाल िह ा का प रणाम नहीं है ?
पर डाइिवंग करने वाला एक एथलीट वायुमंडल म नीली रोशनी की तुलना म
नीचे पानी म वेश करने से पहले हवा म अिधक िबखराव िदखाता है । (a) Vapour formation above the
कई तरह के ायाम कर सकता है । 3. In the absence of an atmosphere, liquid surface/ तरल सतह के ऊपर
Which one of the following there would be no scattering of light, वा का िनमाण
parameters will remain constant and sky will look black./ वातावरण के (b) The convex shape of the liquid
during the fall?/ िन म से कौन सा अभाव म, काश का कीणन नहीं होगा, meniscus/ तरल मेिन स का उ ल
पैरामीटर िगरावट के दौरान थर रहे गा? और आकाश काला िदखाई दे गा। आकार
(c) Liquid rising in a capillary/ एक
(a) The athlete’s linear momentum/ Which of the statements given above केिशका म तरल बढ़ रहा है
एथलीट की रै खक गित is/are correct?/ ऊपर िदए गए कथनों म (d) The spherical shape of mercury
(b) The athlete’s moment of inertia/ से कौन सा सही है / ह? fallen on the floor/ पारे का गोलाकार
एथलीट की जड़ता का ण आकार फश पर िगरा
(c) The athlete’s kinetic energy/ (a) Only 1
एथलीट की गितज ऊजा (b) 1 and 2 Ans: (c) Liquid rising in a
(d) The athlete’s angular momentum/ (c) Only 3 capillary/ एक केिशका म तरल बढ़
एथलीट की कोणीय गित (d) All of these रहा है
Q1312. Only one part of the moon (c) 65 dB Ans: (c) Its velocity goes on
can be seen from earth because____./ (d) 75 dB increasing for some time and then
चं मा का केवल एक िह ा पृ ी से becomes constant/ इसका वेग कुछ
दे खा जा सकता है ोंिक। Ans: (b) 60 dB समय के िलए बढ़ता रहता है और िफर
Explanation: थर हो जाता है
(a) Only one part reflects light/ केवल Explanation:
एक भाग काश को दशाता है The permissible level of noise in a
b) It does not rotate/ यह घूमता नहीं है silent zone at day time is 60 d(b) When a small raindrop falls through
c) The period of rotation and the air, first its velocity is increasing
revolution are equal/ रोटे शन और Q1315. Consider the following but after some time it gets a velocity
ां ित की अविध समान ह statements regarding X-rays/ ए -रे called terminal velocity, which is
d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं के संबंध म िन िल खत कथनों पर िवचार constant throughout.
Answer:(c)The period of rotation 1. It can pass through aluminum./ यह About terminal velocity:
and revolution are equal/ रोटे शन ए ूमीिनयम से गुजर सकता है । Terminal velocity is the highest
और ांित की अविध समान ह 2. It can be deflected by a magnetic velocity attainable by an object as it
Explanation: fiel(d)/ इसे चुंबकीय े ारा िव ेिपत falls through air. It occurs once the
िकया जा सकता है । sum of the drag force (Fd) and
Only one part of the moon can be 3. Move with a velocity less than the buoyancy equals the downward force
seen from earth because the period of velocity of ultraviolet rays in of gravity (FG) acting on the object.
rotation and revolution are equal. vacuum./ िनवात म पराबगनी िकरणों के Since the net force on the object is
Explanation- The moon is tidally वेग से कम वेग के साथ चलते ह। zero, the object has zero acceleration.
locked to earth which means that one
face of the moon will continuously Which of the statements given above In fluid dynamics, an object is
face earth while the other will not. is/are correct?/ ऊपर िदए गए कथनों म moving at its terminal velocity if its
This stage is achieved by slowing से कौन सा सही है / ह? speed is constant due to the
down after a long duration by the (a) 1, 2 and 3 restraining force exerted by the fluid
application of gravity on two bodies. (b) Only 1 through which it is moving.
Since the moon is smaller than earth (c) 2 and 3
thus it slowed down earlier than (d) 1 and 2 Q1317. In which among the
earth. But after sometime earth will following is alternating current not
also get tidally locked to the moon. Ans: (b) Only 1 used?/ िन िल खत म से िकसम
Thus one face of the moon always Explanation: वैक क चालू का उपयोग नहीं िकया
faces towards the Earth. गया है ?
Characteristics of X-rays:
Q1313. By which one of the (a) Refrigeration/ शीतन
following, an old written material 1. X-rays can pass through (b) Heat production/ गम उ ादन
which cannot be read easily, can be aluminum. (c) Electroplating/ इले ो ेिटं ग
read/ िजसके ारा िन िल खत म से एक, (d) Radio detection/ रे िडयो का पता
एक पुरानी िल खत साम ी िजसे आसानी 2. X-rays cannot be deflected by लगाना
से पढ़ा नहीं जा सकता है , पढ़ा जा सकता magnetic fields as they do not have
है charge. Answer: c) Electroplating/
इले ो ेिटं ग
(a) γ-rays 3. X-rays are electromagnetic waves,
(b) X-rays so they move with velocity of light. Explanation:
(c) IR-rays
(d) Radiofrequency waves Q1316. If a small raindrop falls In case of alternating current, the
through air/ यिद एक छोटी सी वषा हवा direction of current keeps changing
Ans: (c) IR-rays से िगरती है every 1/100th of a secon(d) Due to
Explanation: changing direction of the current, the
(a) Its velocity goes on increasing/ metallic ions in the electrolyte keeps
An old written material that cannot इसका वेग बढ़ता ही जा रहा है shunting between the electrodes that
be read easily by the naked eye can (b) Its velocity goes on decreasing/ keep changing polarity. Hence AC
be read by using infrared-rays इसका वेग कम होता चला जाता है current cannot be used in
(IR-rays). (c) Its velocity goes on increasing for electroplating.
some time and then becomes
Q1314. Which one of the following constant/ इसका वेग कुछ समय के िलए
is the permissible level of noise in a बढ़ता रहता है और िफर थर हो जाता है
silent zone at day time?/ िन िल खत (d) It falls with constant speed for
म से कौन सा एक मौन े म िदन के some time and then its velocity
समय शोर का अनुम र है ? increases/ यह कुछ समय के िलए
िनरं तर गित के साथ िगरता है और िफर
(a) 50 dB इसका वेग बढ़ जाता है
(b) 60 dB
Explanation: (a) Potential energy/ संभािवत ऊजा (a) Inversely proportional/ िवपरीत
(b) Kinetic energy/ गितज ऊजा आनुपाितक
Jagdish Chandra Bose was elected as (c) Chemical energy/ रासायिनक ऊजा (b) Independent of each other/ एक
a fellow of the Royal Society of (d) Gravitational energy/ गु ाकषण दू सरे से तं
London for his contribution in the ऊजा (c) Directly proportional/ सीधे
field of Plant Physiology and आनुपाितक
Physics. He scientifically proved Ans: (b) Kinetic energy/ गितज (d) Curvilinear relationship/ घुंघराले
parallelism between animal and plant ऊजा संबंध
Explanation: Ans: (c) Directly proportional/ सीधे
About Jagdish Chandra Bose: आनुपाितक
The matter is composed of very tiny
Jagdish Chandra Bose was a particles (atoms or molecules), which Explanation:
polymath, physicist, biologist, are separated from each other by
biophysicist, botanist, archaeologist, inter-particle distances. Each particle The temperature of matter tells us the
as well as a well known writer of of matter is in constant motion. average kinetic energy possessed by
science fiction. Institute of Electrical Because the particles are in motion, the particles. When we apply heat to
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) they possess kinetic energy. matter, it gets absorbed and results in
named him one of the fathers of the particles having increased kinetic
radio science because he pioneered Hence, option B is correct. energy. This basically means that
the investigation of radio and while the particles were already in
microwave optics, made very Q1332. The growth of the baby in motion before, this kinetic energy
significant contributions to plant the uterus is found using______. / results in greater motion. All of this
science and laid the foundations of ______ का उपयोग करके गभाशय म leads to a rise in temperature.
experimental science in the Indian ब े की वृ पाई जाती है ।
subcontinent. Hence, the relationship is direct- the
(a) X-rays/ ए -रे more the temperature, more is the
Q1330. The most familiar form of (b) Gamma rays/ गामा िकरण kinetic energy.
radiant energy in sunlight that causes (c) Ultrasound/ अ ासाउं ड
tanning and sun burning of human (d) Ultra Violet rays/ अ ा वायलेट Q1334. Intermixing of particles of
skin, is called/ सूरज की रोशनी म िकरण two different types of matter on their
रे िडएं ट ऊजा का सबसे प रिचत प जो own is called/ दो अलग-अलग कार
मानव चा की टै िनंग और सन बन का Answer: (c) Ultrasound/ के पदाथ के कणों को अपने आप म
and becomes a liqui(d)/ वह तापमान पैमाने पर 180 से िभ होना चािहए (c) It can resist a current up to
िजस पर वह िपघल जाता है और एक approx. 5 amperes/ यह लगभग वतमान
तरल बन जाता है । Explanation: तक का िवरोध कर सकता है । 5 ए ीयर
(d) For all of the above reasons/
Ans: (d) The temperature at which By the relation in different scales, उपरो सभी कारणों से
it melts and becomes a liqui(d)/ वह from the given statements,
तापमान िजस पर वह िपघल जाता है Answer: (d) For all of the above
और एक तरल बन जाता है । The temperature which differs by reasons/ उपरो सभी कारणों से
100 on the Celsius scale must differ
Explanation: by 180 on the Fahrenheit scale. Explanation:
The melting point of a solid is Q1341. Which of the following is an Nichrome is an alloy that contains
defined as the temperature at which example of a non- uniform approximately 20% chromium and
solid changes into a liqui(d) On accelerated motion?/ िन िल खत म से 80% nickel.
heating a solid, its molecules absorb कौन सा एक गैर-समान रत गित का
energy in the form of heat and their एक उदाहरण है ? Because of the below properties, it is
kinetic energy increases. As the best opted as a material in the wiring
kinetic energy increases, the (a) Freely falling body/ तं प से of electric heaters.
temperature of the solid increases. As िगरने वाला शरीर
a result, the force of attraction (b) Movement of a fan/ एक शंसक It melts only at a very high
between the molecules decreases and का आं दोलन temperature of 1400°(c)
the molecules become more and (c) A roller coaster/ एक रोलर को र It is non-corrosive as it produces a
more separate(d) This increases the (d) The motion of a ball rolling down protective oxide layer.
potential energy of the molecule and an inclined plane/ एक झुकाव वाले It has a high electrical resistance of
the particles leave their fixed िवमान को लुढ़काने वाली गद की गित about 1.40 × 10−6 Ωm
positions and start moving more
freely. The melting point of a solid Ans: (c) A roller coaster/ एक रोलर Q1343. According to Kepler's first
indicates the strength of the force of को र law, a moving planet follows which
attraction between the particles of the of the following paths?/ के र के
soli(d) Explanation: पहले िनयम के अनुसार, एक चलता आ
The quantity of heat required to ह िन िल खत म से िकस माग का
completely change 1 kg of ice into What is acceleration? The increase in अनुसरण करता है ?
the water at atmospheric pressure at the velocity of a moving body with
its melting point is called the latent time is called acceleration. (a) Elliptical/ अ ाकार
heat of fusion. For ice, it is 3.34 x Now, there are two types of (b) Circle/ सिकल
105 J/kg at 0°(c) acceleration. 1) Uniform (c) Hyperbole/ हाइपरबोले
acceleration- The change in velocity (d) Irregular shape/ अिनयिमत आकार
Q1340. Which one of the following is constant here. For example, if
statements is true?/ िन िल खत म से starting velocity is 5m/s, next will be Ans: (a) Elliptical/ अ ाकार
कौन सा कथन स है ? 10m/s, then 15m/s and so on.
Non- uniform acceleration- The Explanation:
(a) Temperatures differing 25° on the change in velocity is not constant as
Fahrenheit (d) scale must differ by in uniform acceleration. Kepler stated 3 laws of planetary
45° on the Celsius (c) scale/ Freely falling body has a uniform motion. According to Kepler's first
फ़ारे नहाइट (डी) पैमाने पर तापमान म acceleration of 9.8 m/s. The law of motion, all planets move
िभ ता 25° िड ी से यस (सी) पैमाने movement of a fan just after it is around the sun in an elliptical path
पर 45° से िभ होनी चािहए started is also an example of uniform with the sun as one of the foci.
(b) 0°F corresponds to – 32°C/ 0° acceleration and so is motion of a
एफ - 32° सी से मेल खाती है ball rolling down an inclined plane. The second law states that a radius
(c) Temperatures which differ by 100 The velocity of a roller coaster vector joining any planet to the Sun
on the Celsius scale must differ by changes randomly and hence is a sweeps out equal areas in equal
180 on the Fahrenheit scale/ तापमान perfect example of on- uniform lengths of time.
पैमाने पर 100 से िभ होता है जो accelerated motion.
फ़ारे नहाइट पैमाने पर 180 से िभ होना The third law states that the squares
चािहए Q1342. Nichrome wire is used in an of the sidereal periods (of revolution)
(d) Water at 90°C is warmer than electric heater because__________./ of the planets are directly
water at 202°F/ वाटर पर 90° सी। िबजली के हीटर म िनक ा तार का proportional to the cubes of their
202° एफ पर पानी की तुलना म गम है उपयोग िकया जाता है ोंिक mean distances from the Sun.
Answer: (c) Temperatures which Q1344. Which of the following has
differ by 100 on the Celsius scale (a) It has high resistance/ इसका उ more inertia?/ िन िल खत म से िकसम
must differ by 180 on the ितरोध है अिधक जड़ता है ?
Fahrenheit scale/ तापमान पैमाने पर (b) It has a high melting point/ इसका
100 से िभ होता है जो फ़ारे नहाइट उ गलनां क है (a) A rubber ball/ एक रबर की गद
(b) A stone of the same size/ एक ही (c) Force remains constant/ बल थर invented the machine gun?/
आकार का एक प र रहता है िन िल खत म से िकसने मशीनगन का
(c) Both will have the same inertia/ (d) Depends on the mass of you and आिव ार िकया था?
दोनों म समान जड़ता होगी your friend/ आपके और आपके िम के
(d) Cannot be determined/ िनधा रत मान पर िनभर करता है (a) Samuel Colt/ शमूएल को
नहीं िकया जा सकता है (b) Richard Gatling/ रचड गैटिलंग
Ans: (b) Force decreases/ बल घटता (c) Hiram Maxim/ हीराम मै म
Ans: (b) A stone of the same size/ है (d) Charles Goodyear/ चा गुडइयर
एक ही आकार का एक प र
Explanation: Ans: (b) Richard Gatling/ रचड
Explanation: गैटिलंग
The force between two objects is
Inertia is defined as the natural given by F= kmM/d^2. Explanation:
tendency of an object to resist the
change in its state of motion or rest. K is the force constant, m and M are Richard Jordan Gatling was an
The mass of an object is a measure of the masses of two objects. d is the American inventor best known for
its inerti(a) distance between two objects. Hence, his invention of the Gatling gun,
if the distance between two objects which is considered to be the first
The size of the stone is more than the increases the force decreases since successful machine gun.
size of the rubber ball. Hence, the force is inversely proportional to the
stone of the same size has more square of the distance.
Q1347. Who invented the match
Q1345. A diffraction pattern is (safety)?/ मैच (सुर ा) का आिव ार
obtained using a beam of red light. िकसने िकया?
Which one among the following will
be the outcome, if the red light is (a) Gustaf Erik Pasch/ गु ाफ ए रक
replaced by blue light?/ लाल काश पास
की िकरण का उपयोग करके एक (b) J.E. Lundstrom/ जे ई लुंड ॉम
िववतन पैटन ा िकया जाता है । (c) Robert Boyle/ रॉबट बॉयल
िन िल खत म से कौन सा प रणाम होगा, (d) John Walker/ जॉन वॉकर
यिद लाल ब ी को नीली रौशनी से बदल
िदया जाए? Ans: (b) J.E. Lundstrom/ जे ई
लुंड ॉम
(a) Bands disappear/ बड गायब हो
जाते ह Explanation:
(b) Diffraction pattern becomes
broader and further apart/ िववतन Johan Edvard Lundström was a
पैटन ापक और आगे अलग हो जाता है Swedish industrialist and inventor
(c) Diffraction pattern becomes who improved the safety match and
narrower and crowded together/ made it possible to commercially
िववतन पैटन एक साथ संकरा और exploit it. The safety match had been
भीड़भाड़ वाला हो जाता है invented and patented by the
(d) No change/ कोई प रवतन नहीं Swedish chemist Gustaf Erik Pasch
(1788–1862) in 1844, but at that
Answer: (a) Bands disappear/ बड time, it was too difficult to produce
गायब हो जाते ह it.
Q1349. A prism splits white light
In diffraction pattern, bandwidth into 7 colors. What happens when an
wavelength. Since the wavelength of inverted prism is placed alongside
red light is greater than the blue light, the previous one?/ एक ि सफेद
so the width of the red band is wider. रोशनी को 7 रं गों म िवभािजत करता है ।
If the blue light is used in place of जब एक उ े ि को िपछले वाले के
red light then the bands disappear. साथ रखा जाता है तो ा होता है ?
Q1346. What happens to the force (a) Each of the 7 colors further split
between you and your friend when into 7 colors/ ेक 7 रं ग आगे 7 रं गों
you move away from each other?/ म िवभािजत होते ह
जब आप एक-दू सरे से दू र जाते ह तो (b) The 7 colors maintain their color/
आपके और आपके िम के बीच बल का 7 रं ग अपना रं ग बनाए रखते ह
ा होता है ? (c) The colors are merged together
into white light again/ रं गों को िफर से
(a) Force increases/ बल बढ़ता है एक साथ सफेद रोशनी म िमला िदया
Q1348. Who of the following
(b) Force decreases/ बल घटता है जाता है
(d) Cannot say, depends on the portion of the solid immersed in पानी िछड़कते ह ोंिक
refractive index of the prism/ कह liqui(d) So, the apparent weight of a
नहीं सकते, ि के अपवतक सूचकां क steel sphere will be greatest for the (a) water helps air around the
पर िनभर करता है liquid in which the sphere was roof-top to absorb the heat instantly /
submerged deepest. पानी छत के चारों ओर हवा को गम को
Ans: (b) The 7 colors maintain तुरंत अवशोिषत करने म मदद करता है
their color/ 7 रं ग अपना रं ग बनाए Q1351. Match the entries of List I to (b) water has a lower specific heat
रखते ह the entries of List II./ सूची II की capacity/ पानी म कम िविश ताप
िवि यों से सूची I की िवि यों का मता होती है
Explanation: िमलान कर। (c) water is easily available/ पानी
List I/ सूची I आसानी से उपल है
A prism splits white light into 7 List II/ सूची II (d) water has a large latent heat of
different colors namely- violet, (a)Specific Heat Capacity/ िविश vaporisation/ पानी म वा ीकरण की
indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange गम मता एक बड़ी अ गम होती है
and red because of refraction and (b) Thermal Capacity/ थमल मता
dispersion of white light. The speed Ans: (d) water has a large latent
of light is different in media having (c) Heat required for the Change of heat of vaporisation/ पानी म
different refractive indices. The red state/ वा ीकरण की एक बड़ी अ गम
light bends the least because of the रा के प रवतन के िलए आव क होती है
longest wavelength and violet bends ऊ ा
the most because of its shortest (d) Water equivalent/ पानी बराबर Explanation:
wavelength. 1. ΔQ/ΔT
2. ΔQ/m.ΔT The water evaporates quickly due to
Since the velocity of all the 7 colors 3. m.C the intensive heat of the sun. This
is different because of different 4. mL gives a cooling effect which helps to
wavelengths, the white light splits keep it Cool. The particles on the
into 7 colors. Below the Codes are given in A B C Surface evaporate by gaining energy
D order/ नीचे िदए गए कोड ए बी सी डी from the surroundings and this gives
However, when an inverted prism is म म िदए गए ह the Cooling Effect.
placed alongside, the colors mix up (a) 2 1 3 4
again to give white light from the (b) 2 1 4 3 Q1353. Clothes keep us warm in
other en(d) (c) 1 2 3 4 winter because they/ कपड़े हम सिदयों
(d) 1 2 4 3 म गम रखते ह ोंिक वे
Q1350. The apparent weight of a
steel sphere immersed in various Ans: (b) 2 1 4 3 (a) supply heat/ आपूित गम
liquids is measured using a spring (b) do not radiate heat/ गम िवकीण न
balance. The greatest reading is Explanation: कर
obtained for the liquid/ िविभ तरल (c) prevent air from contacting the
पदाथ म डूबे एक ील के गोले का Specific heat capacity is the amount body/ हवा को शरीर से संपक करने से
वजन वसंत संतुलन का उपयोग करके of heat energy required to raise the रोक
मापा जाता है । तरल के िलए सबसे बड़ी temperature of a substance per unit (d) prevent the heat of the body from
रीिडं ग ा की जाती है of mass. ΔQ/m.ΔT escaping/ शरीर की गम से बचने से
रोकता है
(a) Having the smallest density/ सबसे Thermal capacity is defined as the
कम घन वाला amount of heat to be supplied to a Ans: (d) prevent the heat of the
(b) Having the largest density/ सबसे given mass of a material to produce a body from escaping/ शरीर की गम
बड़ा घन वाला unit change in its temperature. से बचने से रोकता है
(c) In which the sphere was ΔQ/ΔT
submerged deepest/ िजसम गोला गहरे Q1354. Paraffin wax contracts on
म डूबा आ था The heat required to change the solidification the melting point of the
(d) Having the greatest volume/ सबसे state of a substance at constant wax/ पैरािफन मोम मोम के िपघलने िबंदु
बड़ी मा ा है temperature is called latent heat. को जमने पर िसकुड़ता है
Answer: (c) In which the sphere (a) Increases with an increase in
was submerged deepest/ िजसम Water equivalent of a given body is pressure/ दबाव म वृ के साथ बढ़ता है
गोला गहरे म डूबा आ था the amount of water whose (b) Decreases with an increase in
temperature could be raised through pressure/ दबाव म वृ के साथ घट
Explanation: 1K ( or 1oC) by the heat m.C जाती है
required to raise the temperature of (c) Is independent of pressure/ दबाव
When a body is immersed in a liquid, the body through 1K ( or 1oC) से तं है
then the apparent weight of the body (d) None of the above/ इनमे से कोई
depends upon the densities of the Q1352. After a hot sunny day, people भी नहीं
liquid and body also on the volume Sprinkle water on the roof-top
of the solid and volume of the because/ तेज़ धूप के बाद, लोग छत पर Ans: (a) Increases with an increase
in pressure/ दबाव म वृ के साथ which melting occurs is the melting (b) Decreases as we move towards its
बढ़ता है point (mp) of the substance. end/ घटता है ोंिक हम इसके अंत की
ओर बढ़ते ह
Q1355. R is the radius of curvature Q1357. Which of the following eye (c) Increases as we move towards its
and f is the focal length of a spherical component controls the size of the end/ जैसे-जैसे हम उसके अंत की ओर
mirror. What is the relationship pupil?/ िन िल खत म से कौन सा ने बढ़ते ह
between the two?/ R, व ता का ि ा घटक पुतली के आकार को िनयंि त (d) Is the same at all points/ सभी
है और f एक गोलाकार दपण की फोकल करता है ? िबंदुओं पर समान है
लंबाई है । दोनों के बीच ा संबंध है ?
(a) Retina/ रे िटना Ans: (d) Is the same at all points/
(a) R=2f (b) Ciliary muscles/ िसिलअरी सभी िबंदुओ ं पर समान है
(b) R=f/2 मां सपेिशयाँ
(c) R=f/2 (c) Optic nerve/ ऑि क नव Explanation:
(d) R=f/4 (d) Iris/ आइ रस
A solenoid is a long coil of wire
Ans: (a) R=2f Ans: (d) Iris/ आइ रस wrapped in many turns. When
current passes through it, it creates a
Explanation: Explanation: nearly uniform magnetic field inside.
Solenoids can convert electric
The radius of curvature of a spherical All the above are parts of the eye. current to mechanical action, and so
mirror is twice the focal length. Iris controls the size of the pupil. are very commonly used as switches.
Below is an image showing the same Most of the refraction of light rays
occurs at the outer surface of the Q1360. Which of the following is
corne(a) Image Is formed on the true regarding the formation of
retin(a) image in a concave mirror when the
object is at infinity?/ जब व ु अनंत
Q1358. In the winter season if we पर होती है तो अवतल दपण म छिव के
touch two blocks one of Iron and िनमाण के संबंध म िन िल खत म से
another of wood in the early morning कौन सा सही है ?
then the block of iron appears to be
colder because/ सिदयों के मौसम म (a) Diminished, virtual and inverted/
यिद हम सुबह-सुबह लोहे के दो ॉक कम, आभासी और उलटा
Q1356. Which one of the following और लकड़ी के एक और ॉक को छूते (b) Enlarged, real and inverted/ बढ़े
statements is not correct?/ िन िल खत ह तो लोहे का ॉक ठं डा होने लगता है ए, वा िवक और उ े
म से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है ? ोंिक (c) Highly diminished, point sized,
real and inverted/ अ िधक मंद, िबंदु
(a) Conduction can occur easily in (a) the temperature of the iron block आकार, वा िवक और उ ा
solids. less easily in liquids but is less than that of the wooden block/ (d) Enlarged, virtual and erect/ बढ़े
hardly at all in gases/ चालन ठोस म लोहे के ॉक का तापमान लकड़ी के ए, आभासी और सीधा
आसानी से हो सकता है । तरल पदाथ म ॉक की तुलना म कम है
आसानी से कम लेिकन गैसों म शायद ही (b) iron is a bad conductor of heat in Ans: (c) Highly diminished, point
(b) Heat energy is carried by moving comparison of the wood/ लोहा लकड़ी sized, real and inverted/ अ िधक
particles in a convection current/ हीट की तुलना म गम का एक बुरा कंड र मंद, िबंदु आकार, वा िवक और
ऊजा को संवहन धारा म कणों को ले है उ ा
जाकर िकया जाता है (c) iron is a good conductor of heat
(c) Heat energy is carried by in comparison with the wood/ लकड़ी Explanation:
electromagnetic waves in the की तुलना म लोहा गम का एक अ ा
radiation / ऊ ा ऊजा िविकरण म संवाहक है The image formed is highly
िवद् युत चु कीय तरं गों ारा की जाती है (d) the block of iron is heavier than diminished, point size, real and
(d) The temperature at which a solid the wooden block/ लोहे का ॉक inverted when the object is placed at
change into a liquid is called the लकड़ी के ॉक से भारी होता है infinity. The following table
boiling point/ वह तापमान िजस पर summarises all the positions and
तरल म ठोस प रवतन को थनां क कहा Ans: (c) iron is a good conductor of types of images forme(d)
जाता है heat in comparison with the wood/
लकड़ी की तुलना म लोहा गम का Q1361. How is an ammeter
Ans: (d) The temperature at which एक अ ा संवाहक है connected in a circuit?/ सिकट म
a solid change into a liquid is एमीटर कैसे जुड़ा होता है ?
called the boiling point/ वह Q1359. The magnetic field inside a
तापमान िजस पर तरल म ठोस long straight solenoid carrying (a) Parallel/ समानां तर
प रवतन को थनांक कहा जाता है current/ एक लंबे सीधे सॉलोनॉइड के (b) Series/ ृंखला
अंदर चुंबकीय े िवद् युत वाह ले (c) Can be connected either in
The solid begins to go from a solid जाता है parallel or in series/ समानां तर या
state to a liquid state — a process ृंखला म या तो जुड़ा हो सकता है
called melting. The temperature at (a) Is zero/ शू है (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
कोई नहीं Ans: (d) Rectenna/ एं टीना The live wire carries current to the
appliance at a high voltage. The
Ans: (b) Series/ ृंखला Explanation: neutral wire completes the circuit
and carries current away from the
Explanation: Envisioned by Nikola Tesla, wireless appliance. The third wire, called the
energy transmission was made earth wire is a safety wire and
An ammeter is a device that is used possible in the 1960s with the connects the metal case of the
to measure current In a circuit. An invention of the rectenn(a) A blend appliance to the earth. This stops a
ammeter is always connected in of the words rectifying and antenna, fault making the case of the
series to the circuit so that it can rectennas are receiving antennas that appliance live.
measure the current flowing In the convert energy from electromagnetic
whole circuit. waves into electricity. Q1365. Which of the following is
true regarding the formation of
Q1362. Box type solar cookers are image in a convex mirror when the
used to prepare foo(d) What type of object is at infinity?/ जब व ु अनंत
reflectors are used in these cookers?/ पर होती है , तो उ ल दपण म छिव के
भोजन तैयार करने के िलए बॉ कार िनमाण के संबंध म िन िल खत म से
के सोलर कुकर का उपयोग िकया जाता कौन सा सही है ?
है । इन कुकरों म िकस कार के
र े र का उपयोग िकया जाता है ? (a) Highly diminished, point sized,
virtual and erect/ अ िधक कम, िबंदु
(a) Concave mirrors/ अवतल दपण आकार, आभासी और सीधा
(b) Convex mirrors/ उ ल दपण (b) Diminished, virtual and erect/
(c) Plane mirror/ ेन िमरर कम, आभासी और सीधा
(d) Either of the three can be used/ या (c) Enlarged, virtual and erect/ बढ़े
तो तीन का उपयोग िकया जा सकता है ए, आभासी िव ापन ंभ
(d) Diminished, virtual and inverted/
Ans: (c) Plane mirror/ ेन िमरर कम, आभासी और उलटा
The main parts of a box-type solar
cooker are: Ans: (a) Highly diminished, point
1. An insulated metal box painted Q1364. Wires of different colors are sized, virtual and erect/ अ िधक
black from inside. used in many electrical appliances. कम, िबंदु आकार, आभासी और
2. A glass sheet. Which of the following is true सीधा
3. A plane mirror as a reflector. regarding them?/ कई िवद् युत
Below is the working of a solar उपकरणों म िविभ रं गों के तारों का Explanation:
cooker. उपयोग िकया जाता है । िन िल खत म से
When the box with a glass cover is कौन सा उनके बारे म सच है ? The image formed is highly
placed in the sunlight, the glass cover diminished, point size, virtual, and
allows the infrared rays present in (a) Live wire - black, neutral wire - erect. There are only two different
sunlight to pass into the box. Most of green, earth wire - red/ लाइव तार - types of positions of image.
these infra red rays are then absorbed काला, तट थ तार - हरा, पृ ी तार -
by black surface of the box and the लाल Q1366. A ray of light is incident at
box becomes hot. But, after (b) Live wire - red, neutral wire - an angle of 60 degrees on a plane
sometime when the black surface black, earth wire - green/ लाइव तार - mirror. What is the angle of
becomes hot it starts radiating out लाल, तट थ तार - काला, पृ ी तार - reflection?/ समतल दपण पर 60 िड ी
heat in the form of infrared rays. But, हरा के कोण पर काश की िकरण की घटना
the glass sheet cover placed over the (c) Live wire - black, neutral wire - होती है । ितिबंब का कोण ा है ?
box does not allow the heat radiated red, earth wire - green/ लाइव तार -
by the black surface to go out from काला, तट थ तार - लाल, पृ ी तार - (a) 30 degrees/ 30 िड ी
the box. In this way, the glass cover हरा (b) 120 degrees/ 120 िड ी
enables the cooker to entrap the heat (d) Live wire - green, neutral wire - (c) 60 degrees/ 60 िड ी से
inside it. black, earth wire - red/ लाइव तार - (d) Will not be reflected at this angle/
हरा, तट थ तार - काला, पृ ी तार - इस कोण पर प रलि त नहीं होगा
Q1363. Which of the following लाल
converts electromagnetic energy into Ans: (c) 60 degrees/ 60 िड ी से
electrical energy?/ िन िल खत म से Ans: (b) Live wire - red, neutral
कौन िवद् युत चु कीय ऊजा को िवद् युत wire - black, earth wire - green/ Explanation:
ऊजा म प रवितत करता है ? लाइव तार - लाल, तट थ तार - काला,
पृ ी तार - हरा According to the first law of
(a) Electric generator/ िबजली जनरे टर reflection- the angle of the incident is
(b) Inverter/ इनवटर Explanation: equal to the angle of reflection on a
(c) Charger/ चाजर plane mirror. Here, the angle of the
(d) Rectenna/ एं टीना Generally, any electrical appliance incident is equal to 60 degrees,
has 3 wires. Red, black and green. therefore the angle of reflection will
also be equal to 60 degrees. Ans: (d) The value of g increases handler’s fan. The condenser coil or
with depth/ गहराई के साथ g का outdoor coil is the “warm” coil as it
Q1367. What is the relationship मान बढ़ता है rejects the heat as a fan blows
between the rate of emission of outside air over the surface.
photoelectrons and the intensity of Explanation:
incident light in the photoelectric
effect?/ फोटोइले ॉिन के उ जन The value of g which is
और फोटोइले क भाव म घटना approximately equal to 9.8m/s2 and
काश की ती ता के बीच संबंध ा है ? is known as the acceleration of
gravity depends on the shape of the
(a) Directly proportional/ सीधे earth. g is maximum at the poles and
आनुपाितक minimum at the equator.
(b) Inversely proportional/ िवपरीत
आनुपाितक g also depends on the altitude and it
(c) Rate of emission is inversely decreases with an increase in
proportional to the square of the altitude.
intensity of incident light/ उ जन की g also depends on the depth and
दर घटना काश की ती ता के वग के decreases with depth and is zero at Q1370. The net power of lenses
ु मानुपाती होती है the center of the earth. placed in contact with each other is
(d) Rate of emission is directly given by/ एक दू सरे के संपक म रखे गए
proportional to the square of the Q1369. Consider the following लस की शु श ारा दी गई है
intensity of incident light/ उ जन की statements/ िन िल खत कथनों पर
िवचार कर (a) The average power of all the
दर घटना काश की ती ता के वग के
सीधे आनुपाितक है lenses/ सभी लसों की औसत श
1. Steam at 100°C and boiling water (b) The sum of the powers of all the
Ans: (a) Directly proportional/ at 100°C contain the same amount of lenses/ सभी लसों की श यों का योग
सीधे आनुपाितक heat./ 100 िड ी से यस पर भाप और (c) The product of the powers of all
100 िड ी से यस पर उबलते पानी म the lenses/ सभी लसों की श यों का
Explanation: उतनी ही मा ा म गम होती है । गुणनफल
2. Latent heat of fusion of ice is (d) The sum of the reciprocal of the
The emission of electrons from the equal to the latent heat of powers of all the lenses/ सभी लसों की
surface of a metal is called the vaporization of water./ बफ के संलयन श यों के पार रक योग का योग
photoelectric effect. It was की अ गम पानी के वा ीकरण की
discovered by Einstein for which he अ गम के बराबर होती है । Ans: (b) The sum of the powers of
received a Nobel prize. 3. Conditioner heat is extracted from all the lenses/ सभी लसों की श यों
the room air at the evaporator coils का योग
When a ray of light is incident on the and is rejected out at the condenser
surface of a metal, electrons are coils./ कंडीशनर की गम को Explanation:
ejected out of the surface. The rate of बा ीकरणीय कॉइल म कमरे की हवा से
emission is directly proportional to िनकाला जाता है और कंडे नसर कॉइ The net power of lenses placed in
the intensity of incident light. पर बाहर िनकाल िदया जाता है । contact with each other is given
Therefore, as the intensity increases, simply by the addition of individual
the number of electrons ejecting out Which of these statements is/are powers. Also, note that P=1/f where f
of the surface will also increase. correct?/ इनम से कौन सा कथन सही है is the focal length.
/ सही है ?
Q1368. Which of the following is Suppose, there are 3 lenses of powers
not true about the value g i.e the (a) 1 and 2 P1, P2, P3 placed in contact with
gravitational constant./ िन िल खत म (b) 2 and 3 each other then the net power
से कौन सा मान g के बारे म सही नहीं है (c) only 2 becomes = P1+P2+P3.
अथात् गु ाकषण थरां क। (d) only 3
Q1371. How is a voltmeter
(a) Value of g depends on the shape Ans: (d) only 3 connected in a circuit?/ सिकट म
of the earth/ g का मान पृ ी के आकार वो मीटर कैसे जुड़ा होता है ?
पर िनभर करता है Explanation:
(b) The value of g is zero at the (a) Parallel/ समानां तर
center of the earth/ पृ ी के क म g An air conditioning system has two (b) Series/ ृंखला
का मान शू है coils, condenser coils and evaporator (c) Can be connected either in
(c) The value of g decreases with coils usually made of copper tubes parallel or in series/ समानां तर या
increase in height/ ऊंचाई म वृ के with aluminum fins. The evaporator ृंखला म या तो जुड़ा हो सकता है
साथ जी का मू घटता जाता है coil, or indoor coil, is often described (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
(d) The value of g increases with as the “cold” coil because it provides कोई नहीं
depth/ गहराई के साथ g का मान बढ़ता indoor cooling. The coil works by
है absorbing heat from the indoor air Ans: (a) Parallel/ समानांतर
that is blown over by the air
Hence the most appropriate answer उनम से एक नहीं है ? gives the extent to which the image
would be the D option. of an object is magnified with respect
(a) Linear expansion/ रै खक िव ार to the object size. It is expressed as
Q1377. If T is the time period of an (b) Superficial expansion/ सतही the ratio of the height of the image to
oscillating pendulum, which one of िव ार the height of the object. It can also be
the following statements is NOT (c) Cubical expansion/ घन िव ार expressed as the ratio of the image
correct?/ यिद T एक दोलन पडु लम की (d) Spherical expansion/ गोलाकार distance to object distance.
समयाविध है , तो िन िल खत म से कौन िव ार
सा कथन सही नहीं है ? Q1381. A ball bounces higher at
Ans: (d) Spherical expansion/ high altitudes than on plains
(a) The motion repeats after time T गोलाकार िव ार because./ मैदानों की तुलना म एक गद
only once/ गित केवल एक बार T के उ ऊंचाई पर अिधक उछलती है
बाद दोहराती है Explanation: ोंिक।
(b) T is the least time after which
motion repeats itself/ T कम से कम The thermal expansion means (a) Downward pull due to gravity is
समय है , िजसके बाद गित खुद को "increase in size on heating". Various less at higher altitudes/ गु ाकषण
दोहराती है substances expand (increase in size) के कारण नीचे की ओर खंचाव अिधक
(c) The motion repeats itself after nT, when their temperature is raised and ऊंचाई पर कम होता है
where n is a positive integer/ गित contract(decrease in size) when their (b) The pressure at higher altitudes is
यं को nT के बाद दोहराती है , जहाँ n temperature is lowere(d) higher than that on plains/ मैदानी
एक धना क पूणाक है For example, when a metal block is इलाकों की तुलना म अिधक ऊँचाई पर
(d) T remains the same only for heated, it generally expands in दबाव अिधक होता है
small angular displacements/ T केवल length, breadth, and height. This (c) The rarefied air offers less
छोटे कोणीय िव थापन के िलए समान है indicates that the metal block resistance to the ball/ दु लभ हवा गद
expands in volume and is called को कम ितरोध दान करती है
Ans: (c) The motion repeats itself volume expansion or cubical (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
after nT, where n is a positive expansion. However, if we heat a
integer/ गित यं को nT के बाद solid, which is in the form of a sheet Ans: (c) The rarefied air offers less
दोहराती है , जहाँ n एक धना क (its thickness can be neglected as resistance to the ball/ दु लभ हवा
पूणाक है compared to its surface area), then गद को कम ितरोध दान करती है
the increase in area is called
Explanation: superficial expansion. Similarly, if Explanation:
we heat a solid, which is in the form
Motion is repeated at an interval of of a wire (its cross-section area is too Due to less dense air, the friction due
time T, but it can be repeated infinite small compared to its length and to air is less in higher altitudes in
times hence can be neglected), then the comparison to plains. As a result the
increase in length is called linear ball bounces much higher.
Q1378. Who invented the electric expansion.
razor?/ िवद् युत रे जर का आिव ार Q1382. A piece of paper and a
िकसने िकया था? Q1380. Magnification produced by a cricket ball is dropped from the same
mirror gives the extent to which the height. Under which of the following
(a) K.G. Gillette/ के.जी. िजलेट image of an object is magnified with conditions do both reach the surface
(b) Col. J. Schick/ कनल जे। िशक respect to the object size. What is the simultaneously?/ कागज का एक
(c) Adolphe Sax/ एडो से mathematical formula of टु कड़ा और एक ि केट की गद को एक
(d) Philo Farnsworth/ िफलो फ़ान थ magnification?/ दपण ारा िनिमत ही ऊंचाई से िगराया जाता है ।
आवधन उस व ु के आकार के संबंध म िन िल खत म से िकस प र थित म दोनों
Ans: (b) Col. J. Schick/ कनल जे। िकसी व ु की छिव को बढ़ाता है । सतह पर एक साथ प ं चते ह?
िशक आवधन का गिणतीय सू ा है ?
(a) They must have the same volume/
Explanation: (a) (-) image distance/ object उनके पास एक ही वॉ ूम होना चािहए
distance/ (-) छिव दू री / व ु दू री (b) They must have the same density/
Col. Jacob Schick (September 16, (b) (+) image distance/ object उनका घन समान होना चािहए
1877 – July 3, 1937) was an distance/ (+) छिव दू री / व ु दू री (c) They must have the same mass/
American inventor and entrepreneur (c) (-) object distance/ image उनका मान समान होना चािहए
who patented the first electric razor distance/ (-) व ु दू री / छिव दू री (d) They must be dropped in
and started the Schick Dry Shaver, (d) (+) object distance/ image vacuum/ वे िनवात म िगरा िदया जाना
In(c) razor company. He is the father distance/ (+) व ु दू री / छिव दू री चािहए
of electric razors.
Ans:(a) (-) image distance/ object Ans: (d) They must be dropped in
Q1379. A solid can undergo three distance/ (-) छिव दू री / व ु दू री vacuum/ वे िनवात म िगरा िदया जाना
types of expansions. Which of the चािहए
following is not one of them?/ एक Explanation:
ठोस तीन कार के िव ार से गुजर Explanation:
सकता है । िन िल खत म से कौन सा Magnification produced by a mirror
When a piece of paper and a cricket the same temperature is known as otherwise the body would have
ball are dropped from the same relative humidity. Relative humidity move(d)
height, they reach the surface at depends on temperature and the
different times because the shape of pressure of the system of interest. Q1387. What will be the initial
the paper is more flat and it behaves velocity of a car which covers a
like a parachute causing more air If the water vapor content stays the distance of 200 km in 5 hours,
resistance acting on it with respect to same and the temperature drops, the having an acceleration of 4 km/hr
the ball. But, in order to reach the relative humidity increases. If the and final velocity as 50 km/hr?/ एक
surface at the same time by both the water vapor content stays the same कार का शु आती वेग ा होगा जो 5
articles, they must be dropped in and the temperature rises, the relative घंटे म 200 िकमी की दू री तय करती है ,
vacuum. It is because in vacuum humidity decreases. This is because िजसम 4 िकमी / घंटा और 50 िकमी /
there is no other force other than colder air doesn't require as much घंटा के प म अंितम वेग का रण
force of gravity occurring on them moisture to become saturated as होता है ?
and this leads to a conclusion that warmer air.
both the article reaches at the same (a) 20
time. Q1385. Which of the following (b) 30
terms does not represent electrical (c) 40
Q1383. If you float on your back, on power in a circuit?/ िन िल खत म से (d) 50
water, your weight will be/ यिद आप कौन सा श सिकट म िवद् युत श
अपनी पीठ पर तैरते ह, तो पानी पर, का ितिनिध नहीं करता है ? Ans: (a) 20
आपका वजन होगा
(a) V × I Explanation:
(a) less than the weight of water (b) V^2/R
displaced by you/ आपके ारा (c) I^2 × R We know V= U + at where V is the
िव थािपत पानी के वजन से कम (d) I × R^2 final velocity, U is the initial
(b) zero/ शू velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is
(c) half of your normal weight/ अपने Ans: (d) I × R^2 the time. Hence, putting V= 50, t=5,
सामा वजन का आधा a=4 we get u as 30 km/hr.
(d) equal to your normal weight/ Explanation:
आपके सामा वजन के बराबर Hence, the initial velocity is 30
Electric power is the rate, per unit km/hr
Ans: (b) zero/ शू time, at which electrical energy is
transferred by an electric circuit. Q1388. The national physics
Explanation: The SI unit of power is the watt, one laboratory is located in?/ रा ीय
joule per secon(d) भौितकी योगशाला िकस म थत है ?
The apparent weight of floating It is the power consumed by a device
bodies is always zero. that carries 1 A of current when (a) Pune/ पुणे
operated at a potential of 1 volt. (b) Delhi/ िद ी
If the body is having More than P = V × I If we put V = I × R, then P (c) Bangalore/ बगलोर
Density Then that of water The = I^2 × R and if we put I = V/R, then (d) Hyderabad/ है दराबाद
apparent weight will be less than the P = V^2/R.
actual weight Ans: (b) Delhi/ िद ी
Q1386. When a body is lying on a
Q1384. Relative humidity rough inclined plane and does not Explanation:
__________ with increase of move, the force of friction
temperature; If the water vapor ____________./ जब कोई शरीर िकसी The national physics laboratory (
content stays the same/ तापमान म झुकाव वाले िवमान पर लेटा होता है और NPL) is located In Delhi.
वृ के साथ सापे आ ता गित नहीं करता है , तो घषण का बल
__________ ; यिद जल वा की ____________ होता है । The CSIR- National Physical
साम ी समान रहती है | Laboratory of India, situated in New
(a) Is equal of μR/ μR के बराबर है Delhi, is the measurement standards
(a) Increases/ बढ़ता है (b) Is less than μR/ μR से कम है laboratory of Indi(a) It maintains
(b) Decreases/ घटता है (c) Is greater than μR/ μR से अिधक है standards of SI units in India and
(c) Remains the same/ ही रहता है (d) Is equal to R/ R के बराबर है calibrates the national standards of
(d) Might increase or decrease/ वृ weights and measures.
या कमी हो सकती है Ans: (b) is less than μR/ μR से कम Headquarters location: New Delhi
है Founded: 4 January 1947
Ans: (b) Decreases/ घटता है Parent agency: Council of Scientific
Explanation: and Industrial Research Agency
Explanation: executive: Dr. (d)K. ASWAL,
Since the body is not moving which Director
The amount of water vapour present shows that the amount of friction that
in air expressed as a percentage of the plane can apply on the body has Q1389. Which of the following
the amount needed for saturation at not yet reached the max value instrument gives a qualitative
(c) they have low resistivity/ उनम one. / दोनों टु कड़ों म िवद् युत वाह की
ितरोधकता कम होती है (a) Increasing/ बढ़ाना समान मा ा पा रत होती है और मोटे भाग
(d) they have resistivity which (b) Decreasing/ घटाना म अिधक ऊ ा का उ ादन होता है
almost remains unchanged with (c) Inverse/ उलटा (d) Same amount of electric current
temperature/ उनकी ितरोधकता होती (d) Zero/ शू would pass through both the pieces
है जो तापमान के साथ लगभग producing more heat in the thinner
अप रवितत रहती है Ans: (d) Zero/ शू one. / दोनों टु कड़ों म िवद् युत वाह की
समान मा ा पा रत होती है और पतले
Ans: (d) they have resistivity which Explanation: भाग म अिधक ऊ ा का उ ादन होता
almost remains unchanged with है
temperature/ उनकी ितरोधकता For an object, the state of rest is
होती है जो तापमान के साथ लगभग considered to be the state of zero Ans: (d) Same amount of electric
अप रवितत रहती है spee(d) current would pass through both
the pieces producing more heat in
Explanation: Q1404. The upper and lower the thinner one. / दोनों टु कड़ों म
portions in common type of bi-focal िवद् युत वाह की समान मा ा पा रत
Constantan, also known as Eureka, is lenses are respectively होती है और पतले भाग म अिधक
an alloy of copper and nickel, was सामा कार के ि -फोकल लस म ऊ ा का उ ादन होता है
discovered in 1887 and has been ऊपरी और िनचले भाग मशः
used for resistance all along, apart __________ होते ह Explanation:
from other applications. Its (a) concave and convex / अवतल और
preference for resistance wire stems उतल Resistance of the wire R=ρl/A
from high resistivity, (b) convex and concave/ उतल और ⟹ R∝1/A
low-temperature coefficient of अवतल Since, thinner wire has less
resistance, ability to attain good (c) both concave of different focal cross-sectional are(a) So it has more
resistance values in small size, lengths/ िविभ फोकस ल ाई के दोनों resistance than thicker wire. Also,
stability, ability to draw in thin wires. अवतल लस the same current flows through both
It's melting point is also high at over (d) both convex of different focal the pieces of conductor as they are
1200 degrees Celsius. Apart from lengths/ िविभ फोकस ल ाई के दोनों connected in series with each other.
resistance, constantan is also used in उतल लस Heat produced H=I^2Rt
thermocouples.Manganin is an ⟹ H∝R for the same I and t.
improvement over constantan, Ans: (a) concave and convex /
discovered in 1892. It is an alloy of अवतल और उतल Q1406. Tungsten is used for the
copper, manganese, and nickel. Its construction of filament in electric
temperature coefficient of resistance Explanation: bulb because of its/ टं ग न का
is near zero, and this makes it ideal उपयोग, _______ के कारण िवद् युत
for ammeter shunt and high precision The upper and lower portions in a ब म िफलामट के िनमाण के िलए
resistance. Manganin is used in common type of bifocal lenses are िकया जाता है –
resistance standards, its melting point concave and convex respectively.
is around 1000 degrees Celsius, and (a) High melting point/ उ गलनां क
maximum usage temperature is Q1405. Two pieces of conductor of (b) Low specific resistance / कम
limited to 300 degrees Celsius. the same material and of equal length िविश ितरोध
are connected in series with a cell. (c) High light-emitting power / उ
Q1402. Who invented the thermos One of the two pieces has a काश उ जक श
flask?/ थमस ा का आिव ार cross-sectional area double that of (d) High specific resistance/ उ
िकसने िकया था? the other. Which one of the following िविश ितरोध
statements is correct in this regard?
(a) Ray Tomlinson/ रे टॉमिलंसन समान साम ी और समान लंबाई वाले Ans. (a) High melting point/ उ
(b) Tim Berners-Lee/ िटम बनस-ली कंड र के दो टु कड़े एक सेल के साथ गलनांक
(c) William Cullen/ िविलयम कुलेन ृंखला म जुड़े ए ह। दो टु कड़ों म से
(d) James Dewar/ जे दे वर एक का ॉस-से नल े फल दू सरे Explanation:
की तुलना म दोगुना है । इस संबंध म
Ans: (d) James Dewar/ जे दे वर िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन सही है ? Sol. Tungsten has the highest melting
(a) The thicker one will allow point and lowest vapor pressure of all
Explanation: stronger current to pass through it. / metals.
चौड़ा वाला बल धारा को इसके मा म
In 1892, Scottish scientist Sir James से पा रत करने की अनुमित दे गा। Q1407. Inactive Nitrogen and Argon
Dewar invented the thermos flask. (b) The thinner one would allow gases are usually used in electric
stronger current to pass through it. / bulbs in order to/ आमतौर पर िबजली
Q1403. For an object, the state of पतला वाला बल धारा इसके मा म से के ब म िन य नाइटोजन और
rest is considered to be the state of पा रत करने की अनुमित दे गा। आगन गैसों का उपयोग िकस िलए िकया
______ spee(d)/ िकसी व ु के िलए, (c) Same amount of electric current जाता है ?
आराम की थित को ______ गित की would pass through both the pieces
थित माना जाता है । producing more heat in the thicker (a) Increase the intensity of light
emitted / उ िजत काश की ती ता soun(d) The microphone can then slow / ूटॉन को धीमा कर िदया
बढ़ाने के िलए pick up the sound and convert it to an जाता है
(b) Increase the life of the filament / electrical signal which can be
िफलामट का जीवन बढ़ाने के िलए displayed on the oscilloscope. Explanation:
(c) Make the emitted light coloured /
उ िजत काश को रं गीन बनाने के िलए Q1410. The distribution of electrons Moderators like carbon and Graphite
(d) Make the production of bulb into different orbits of an atom, as are used for slowing down the
economical / ब का उ ादन suggested by Bohr; is/ एक परमाणु की neutrons from fission, have very high
िकफायती बनाने के िलए िविभ क ाओं म इले ॉनों का िवतरण, speeds and must be slowed greatly
जैसा िक बोहर ारा सुझाया गया है ; ा by “moderation” to maintain the
Ans.(b) Increase the life of the है ? chain reaction.
filament / िफलामट का जीवन बढ़ाने (a) 2 electrons in the K-orbit, 6
के िलए electrons in the L-orbit, 18 electrons Q1412. For a harmonic oscillator, the
in the M-orbit /K-ऑिबट म 2 graph between momentum p and
Explanation: इले ॉन, L-ऑिबट म 6 इले ॉन, displacement q would come out as/
M-ऑिबट म 18 इले ॉन एक हाम िनक ओिसलेटर के िलए, गित p
The inert gas within the bulb (b) 2 electrons in the K-orbit, 8, और िव थापन q के बीच का ाफ िकस
prevents the filament from electrons in the L-orbit, 32 electrons कार होगा?
evaporating. Thus it increases the life in the M-orbit / K-ऑिबट म 2
of the filament. इले ॉन, L-ऑिबट म 8 इले ॉन, (a) A straight line / सीधी रे खा
M-ऑिबट म 32 इले ॉन (b) A parabola / पैराबोला
Q1408. In the phenomenon of (c) 2 electrons in the K-orbit, 8 (c) A circle / वृ
dispersion of light, the light wave of electrons in the L-orbit, 18 electrons (d) An ellipse / अंडाकार
shortest wavelength is/ काश के in the M-orbit / K-ऑिबट म 2
िव ेपण की थित म, सबसे छोटी तरं ग इले ॉन, L-ऑिबट म 8 इले ॉन, Ans: (d) An ellipse / अंडाकार
दै की काश तरं ग ______________ M-ऑिबट म 18 इले ॉन
होती है (d) 2 electrons in the K-orbit, 8 Q1413. The distance-time graph for
(a) accelerated and refracted the most electrons in the L-orbit, 16 electrons an object is shown above. Which one
/सबसे अिधक रत और अपवितत in the M-orbit / of the following statements holds
(b) slowed down and refracted the K-ऑिबट म 2 इले ॉन, L-ऑिबट म 8 true for this object?/ िकसी व ु के
most / सबसे अिधक धीमी और इले ॉन, M-ऑिबट म 16 इले ॉन िलए दू री-समय का ाफ ऊपर िदया गया
अपवितत है । िन िल खत म से कौन सा कथन इस
(c) accelerated and refracted the least Ans.(c) 2 electrons in the K-orbit, 8 व ु के िलए सही है ?
/ सबसे कम रत और अपवितत electrons in the L-orbit, 18
(d) slowed down and refracted the electrons in the M-orbit / K-ऑिबट
least / सबसे कम धीमी और अपवितत म 2 इले ॉन, L-ऑिबट म 8
इले ॉन, M-ऑिबट म 18 इले ॉन
Ans.(b) slowed down and refracted
the most / सबसे अिधक धीमी और Explanation:
Maximum n of electrons in K, L, M
Explanation: and N is 2, 8, 18 and 32 respectively.
िकसी बंदूक को चलाया जाता है , यह I: एक लॉन रोलर खींचना इसे धकेलने Capacitor (condenser) is used to
रकॉयल होता है , यानी, यह गोली के वेग की तुलना म आसान है । store energy in an electric fiel(d) The
की तुलना म ब त कम वेग के साथ पीछे Statement II: Pushing increases the capacitance of a capacitor C, defined
धकेलता है । apparent weight and hence the force as the ratio of charge ± Q on each
Statement II: Velocity of the of friction. / कथन II: धकेलने से conductor to the voltage V between
recoiling gun is less because the gun वजन बढ़ता है और इसिलए घषण बल them.
is much heavier than the bullet./ बढ़ता है । C=Q/V
कथन II: रीकॉइिलंग गन का वेग कम Codes /कूट
होता है ोंिक गन गोली से ब त भारी (a) Both the statements are true, and Q1418. A person is hurt on kicking a
होती है । statement II is the correct stone due to –/ एक प र को लात
Code: /कोड़ explanation of statement I / दोनों मारने पर एक को ______ के
(a) Both the statements are कथन स ह, और कथन II, कथन I की कारण चोट लगी है :
individually true, and Statement II is सही ा ा है
correct explanation of Statement I. / (b) Both the statements are true, but (a) Inertia (जड़ता)
दोनों कथन गत प से स ह, statement II is not the correct (b) Velocity (वेग)
और कथन II कथन I की सही ा ा explanation of statement I / दोनों (c) Reaction ( रए न)
है । कथन स ह, लेिकन कथन II कथन I (d) Momentum (संवेग)
(b) Both the statements are की सही ा ा नहीं है
individually true, but Statement II is (c) Statement I is true, but statement Ans. (c) Reaction ( रए न)
not the correct explanation of II is false / कथन I स है , लेिकन
Statement I. / दोनों कथन गत कथन II गलत है Explanation:
प से स ह, और कथन II कथन I की (d) Statement I is false, but statement
सही ा ा नहीं है । II is true / कथन I गलत है , लेिकन A person is hurt by kicking a stone
(c) Statement I is true, but Statement कथन II स है due to reaction. Here Newton's third
II is false. /कथन I स ह पर ु कथन law of motion is applied which states
II अस है Ans.(a) Both the statements are that every action has an equal and
(d) Statement I is false, but statement true, and statement II is the opposite reaction.
II is true./ कथन I अस ह पर ु कथन correct explanation of statement I /
II स है दोनों कथन स ह, और कथन II, Q1419. A parachute descends slowly
कथन I की सही ा ा है whereas a stone dropped from the
Ans: (a) Both the statements are same height falls rapidly, because –/
individually true, and Statement II Explanation: एक पैराशूट धीरे धीरे उतरता है जबिक
is correct explanation of Statement समान ऊंचाई से िगराया गया प र तेजी
I. / दोनों कथन गत प से It is easier to move anybody by से िगरता है ोंिक:
स ह, और कथन II कथन I की pulling it than by pushing it. A body
सही ा ा है । starts to move when the applied force (a) Stone is heavier than parachute
is more than the frictional force. This (प र पैराशूट से भारी है )
Q1415. In a step-down transformer, frictional force is proportional to the (b) Special mechanisms are present
the AC output gives the/ े प-डाउन weight of the body under which it in parachute (पैराशूट म िवशेष तं
टां सफामर म, AC ____ उ ादन दे ता है acts. When the lawn roller is pushed मौजूद ह)
by the force (F), the vertical (c) A parachute has a larger surface
(a) Current more than the input component of the pushing force now area and air resistance is more (एक
current / इनपुट करं ट से अिधक करं ट increases the weight (w = mg) of the पैराशूट म एक बड़ा सतह े है और
(b) Current less than the input current roller which in turn results in वायु ितरोध अिधक है )
/ इनपुट करं ट से कम करं ट increase of normal reaction and (d) None of the above (उपरो म से
(c) Current equal to the input current hence the friction is more. कोई भी नहीं)
/ इनपुट करं ट के बराबर करं ट
(d) Voltage more than the input Q1417. A device, which is used in Ans. (c) A parachute has a larger
voltage/ इनपुट वो े ज से अिधक our TV set, computer, radio set for surface area and air resistance is
वो े ज storing the electric charge, is/ एक more (एक पैराशूट म एक बड़ा सतह
उपकरण, िजसका उपयोग हमारे टीवी े है और वायु ितरोध अिधक है )
Ans.(a) Current more than the सेट, कं ूटर, रे िडयो सेट म इले क
input current / इनपुट करं ट से चाज को ोर करने के िलए िकया जाता Explanation:
अिधक करं ट है
A parachute descends slowly because
Explanation: (a) Resistor / ितरोधक it has a larger surface area and air
(b) Inductor / इं डक्टर resistance is more.
In step-down transformer (c) Conductor/ कंड र
N_p>N_s,E_p>E_s,I_p<I_s (d) Capacitor / कैपेिसटर Q1420. The spoon dropped by an
Here N, E, and I used for no. of astronaut in a satellite will –/ एक
turns, emf, and current respectively. Ans. (d) Capacitor / कैपेिसटर उप ह म एक अंत र या ी ारा िगराया
गया च च –
Q1416. Statement I: Pulling a lawn Explanation:
roller is easier than pushing it. / कथन (a) Fall to the floor(फश पर िगरे गा)
(b) Remain stationary ( थर रहे गा) (c) centre of gravity and centre of के शरे खा के बराबर
(c) Continue to follow the motion of equilibrium fall within the
the satellite(उप ह की गित का पालन feet(गु ाकषण क और पैरों के भीतर Explanation:
करे गा) संतुलन क के भीतर आते ह)
(d) Move tangentially away (d) resultant weight of buckets is The angle which is the resultant of
( शरे खय प से दू र जाएगा) zero (बा ी का प रणामी वजन शू है ) the limiting friction and the normal
reaction which makes the normal
Ans. (c) Continue to follow the Ans. (c) centre of gravity and reaction is called the angle of
motion of the satellite(उप ह की centre of equilibrium fall within friction. But the tangent of the angle
गित का पालन करे गा) the feet(गु ाकषण क और पैरों of friction is equal to the coefficient
के भीतर संतुलन क के भीतर आते of static friction.
Explanation: ह)
Q1425. A matchstick struck on a
The spoon dropped by an astronaut Explanation: matchbox catches fire easily because/
in a satellite will continue to follow मािचस की तीली को मािचस के ड े पर
the motion of the satellite. It is easier to carry two buckets of रगड़ने पर आसानी से आग लगती है
water in one hand each than to carry ोंिक-
Q1421. The sensation of only one in one hand because the
weightlessness in a spacecraft in an centre of gravity and center of (a) Friction may cause fire / घषण से
orbit is due to the –/ एक क ा म एक equilibrium fall within the feet. आग लग सकती है
अंत र यान म वजनहीनता की अनुभूित (b) of chemical reaction / रासायिनक
_______ के कारण होती है – Q1423. It is difficult to walk on any िति या की वजह से
oily floor because/ िकसी भी तैलीय (c) Force heated the match stick/ बल
(a) Absence of gravity outside (बाहर फश पर चलना मु ल होता है ोंिक- के कारण मािचस की ित ी गम हो गयी
गु ाकषण की अनुप थित) (d) None of the above /इनम से कोई
(b) Acceleration in the orbit which is (a) Floor gets spoiled / फश खराब हो नहीं
equal to the acceleration due to जाता है Ans: (a) Friction may cause fire /
gravity outside (बाहर गु ाकषण की (b) There is more resistance / अिधक घषण से आग लग सकती है
अनुप थित) िवरोध होता है
(c) Presence of gravity outside but (c) Force of friction is high / घषण Explanation:
not inside the spacecraft (बाहर बल अिधक होता है
गु ाकषण की उप थित होती है (d) Force of friction is very less / Sol. A matchstick is a small stick of
लेिकन अंत र यान के अंदर नहीं होती घषण बल ब त कम होता है wood with a solidified mixture of
है ) flammable chemicals deposited on
(d) Fact that spacecraft in the orbit Ans: (d) Force of friction is very one en(d) When that end is struck on
has no energy (क ा म अंत र यान less / घषण बल ब त कम होता है the side of the matchbox which is a
की कोई ऊजा नहीं है ) rough surface the friction generates
Explanation: enough heat to ignite the chemicals
Ans. (b) Acceleration in the orbit and produce a small flame.
which is equal to the acceleration It is difficult to walk on an oily
due to gravity outside (बाहर surface because the surface has less Q1426. A compass needle cannot be
गु ाकषण की अनुप थित) friction. We can walk only if there is used to detect/ एक क ास की सुई को
more friction. So we slip easily thus िकसका पता लगाने के िलए इ ेमाल
Explanation: it is hard to walk on an oily floor. नहीं िकया जा सकता है ?
The sensation of weightlessness in a Q1424. The coefficient of static (a) Magnetic North-South direction/
spacecraft in an orbit is due to the friction is/ थैितक घषण का िनदशां क चुंबकीय उ र-दि ण िदशा
acceleration in the orbit which is ा होता है ? (b) Polarity of a magnet/ एक चुंबक
equal to the acceleration due to की ुवीयता
gravity outside. (a) Less than the coefficient of (c) Strength of a magnet/ एक चुंबक
kinetic friction/ गितज घषण के की श
Q1422. It is easier to carry two िनदशां क से कम (d) Direction of magnetic field/
buckets of water in one hand each, (b) Greater than the coefficient of चुंबकीय े की िदशा
than to carry only one in one hand limiting friction/ घषण को सीिमत
because –/ एक हाथ म केवल एक ही ले करने के िनदशां क से अिधक Ans: (c) Strength of a magnet/ एक
जाने की तुलना म, ेक हाथ म (c) Equal to the coefficient of kinetic चुंबक की श
एक-एक बा ी पानी लेकर जाना आसान friction/ गितज घषण के िनदशां क के
है ोंिक – बराबर Explanation:
(d) Equal to the tangent of the angle
(a) weight of buckets are balanced of friction / घषण के कोण के शरे खा A compass needle cannot be used to
(बा ी का वजन संतुिलत रहता है ) के बराबर detect the strength of a magnet.
(b) centre of gravity falls within the
body (गु का क शरीर के भीतर Ans: (d) Equal to the tangent of Q1427. To hear a clear echo, the
आता है ) the angle of friction / घषण के कोण minimum distance should be/ एक
गूंज/ ित िन सुनने के िलए, the speed of soun(d) Sonic booms Refraction is the deviation in the path
ूनतम दू री िकतनी होनी चािहए? create huge amounts of sound of light when it travels from one
energy. When an object moves optical medium to the other.
(a) 165 feet / फीट through the air, it makes pressure Different wavelengths experience
(b) 165 metre / मीटर waves in front of and behind it. different degrees of deviation. As a
(c) 16.5 feet / फीट result, white light splits into 7 colors
(d) 16.5 metre / मीटर (VIBGYOR) on passing through the
Ans: (d) 16.5 metre / मीटर
Q1432. All the magnetic materials
Explanation: lose their magnetic properties when
________./ सभी चुंबकीय पदाथ अपने
To hear a clear echo, the minimum चुंबकीय गुणों को खो दे ते ह जब
distance should be 16.5 meters. Q1430. Four children were asked to ________।
arrange forces due to rolling static
Q1428. A vibrating body/ एक कां पता and sliding frictions in a increasing (a) dipped in oil/ तेल म डूबा आ
आ शरीर order. Their arrangements are given (b) dipped in water/ पानी म डूबा आ
(a) will always produce sound / below Choose the correct (c) strongly heated/ ढ़ता से गरम
हमेशा िन उ करे गा arrangement/ चार ब ों को बढ़ते म (d) brought near iron/ लोहे के पास
(b) may or may not produce sound if म रोिलंग ै िटक और ाइिडं ग घषण लाया
the amplitude of vibration is low / के कारण बलों की व था करने के िलए
कंपन का आयाम कम होने पर िन कहा गया था। उनकी व था नीचे दी Ans: (c) strongly heated/ ढ़ता से
उ कर भी सकता है और नहीं भी गई है । सही व था चुन: गरम
(c) will produce sound which
depends upon frequency / िन उ (a) Rolling, Static, Sliding / रोिलंग, Explanation:
करे गा जो आवृि पर िनभर करता है े िटक, ाइिडं ग
(d) None of these /इनम से कोई नहीं (b) Static, Rolling, Sliding / े िटक, On heating, all the magnetic
रोिलंग, ाइिडं ग materials lose their magnetic
Ans: (c) will produce sound which (c) Rolling, sliding, static/ रोिलंग, property. The temperature at which
depends upon frequency / िन ाइिडं ग, े िटक the paramagnetic material loses its
उ करे गा जो आवृि पर िनभर (d) Sliding, static, Rolling / ाइिडं ग, magnetic property is known as Curie
करता है े िटक, रोिलंग temperature.
Explanation: Ans: (c) Rolling, sliding, static/ Q1433. Glaciers always melt at the
रोिलंग, ाइिडं ग, े िटक ………… first./ ेिशयर हमेशा सबसे
A vibrating body will produce a पहले ………… पर िपघलते ह
sound that is dependent upon the Explanation:
frequency. Sounds of frequencies less (a) top surface / ऊपर की सतह
than about 20 vibrations per second Rolling friction is lesser than both (b) sides /साइड
(20 Hz) cannot be detected by the static and sliding friction. Thus, the (c) bottom / तल
human ear. correct sequence of frictions is (d) middle surface / बीच की सतह
Such sounds are called inaudible. On Rolling, sliding, stati(c)
the higher side, sounds of Ans: (c) bottom / तल
frequencies higher than about 20,000 Q1431. White light is made up of
vibrations per second (20 kHz) are seven colors. What is the method of Explanation:
also not audible to the human ear. separating the colors?/ वाइट लाइट
सात रं गों से बनी होती है . रं गों को अलग Sol. As the pressure increases toward
Q1429. Which of the following करने की िविध ा है ? the base of the glacier, the melting
phenomena creates huge amounts of point of water decreases and the ice
sound energy? (a) By passing it through a prism / melts. Hence Glaciers always melt at
इसे ि से पास कर के the bottom first.
(a) LASER (b) By filtration / िन ंदन ारा
(b) SONAR (c) Can’t be separated / अलग नहीं Q1434. Calorimeters are generally
(c) sonic boom / िन बूम िकया जा सकता made of/ कैलोरीमीटर आमतौर पर
(d) reverberation/ ित िन (d) Both (a) and (b)/(a) और (b) दोनों िकस से बने होते ह?
Ans: (c) sonic boom / िन बूम Ans: (a) By passing it through a (a) copper /तां बा
prism / इसे ि से पास कर के (b) brass / पीतल
Explanation: (c) aluminum / अ ुमीिनयम
Explanation: (d) zinc/ ज ा
A sonic boom is a loud sound kind of
like an explosion. It's caused by The speed of light and its Ans: (a) copper /तांबा
shock waves created by any object components vary inversely with the
that travels through the air faster than refractive index of the medium. Explanation:
(a) Distance from earth / पृ ी से दू री Q1446. Which of the following Q1449. Tyres are treaded to/ टायस
(b) Temperature / तापमान substances has greatest specific heat/ को ों टीड िकया जाता है ?
(c) Luminosity / चमक िन िल खत म से िकस पदाथ म सबसे
(d) Distance from the sum / सूय से अिधक िविश ऊ ा होती है ? (a) To look good /अ ा िदखने के िलए
दू री (b) Increase friction / घषण बढ़ाने के
(a) Iron / लोहा िलए
Ans: (b) Temperature / तापमान (b) Gold/सोना (c) To increase its longevity / इसकी
(c) Copper / तां बा लंबी उ बढ़ाने के िलए
Explanation: (d) Mercury / पारा (d) To increase weight of the tyre /
टायर का वजन बढ़ाने के िलए
The colour of the star is an indication Ans: (a) Iron / लोहा
(b) Loudness/ लाउडनेस (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से the Earth. It's clean and sustainable.
(c) Quality/ गुणव ा कोई नहीं Resources of geothermal energy
(d) Overtones/ ओवरटोन range from the shallow ground to hot
Ans: (a) Frequency of incident water and hot rock found a few miles
Ans: (c) Quality/ गुणव ा light/ घटना काश की आवृि beneath the Earth's surface, and
down even deeper to the extremely
Explanation: Explanation: high temperatures of molten rock
called magm(a)
There are 3 properties of sound, The stopping potential depends only
based on which we can distinguish on the frequency of incident light. Q1470. Flight Recorder is
one sound-note from the other. They technically called:/ ाइट रकॉडर
are Loudness, Pitch(or shrillness), Stopping potential is defined as the को तकनीकी प से कहा जाता है :
and Quality. The loudness of a sound potential required to stop ejection of
depends on the Amplitude of the electrons from a metal surface when (a) Dark box/ डाक बॉ
sound-wave. Greater the amplitude, an incident beam of energy greater (b) Blind box/ ाइं ड बॉ
louder is the soun(d) Pitch or than the work potential of metal is (c) Black box/ ैक बॉ
shrillness depends on the frequency. directed on it. (d) Altitude meter/ ऊंचाई मीटर
Greater the frequency, shriller is the
soun(d) Quality or Timbre depends Q1468. An eye specialist prescribes Ans: (c) Black box/ ैक बॉ
on the overtones present in the spectacles to a patient. The spectacle
sound, along with the fundamental is a combination of a convex lens of Explanation:
note and their amplitudes. Quality is focal length 20cm and a concave lens
the property by which two sounds of focal length 25cm. The power of A flight data recorder (FDR) is an
may appear different even if they are this lens combination will be./ एक electronic device employed to record
equally loud and shrill. ने िवशेष एक मरीज को च ा any instructions sent to any
िनधा रत करता है । तमाशा फोकल electronic systems on an aircraft.
Suppose I am playing a note on flute लंबाई 20 सेमी के उ ल लस और Another kind of flight recorder is the
and sitar. Even if both the notes are फोकल लंबाई 25 सेमी के अवतल लस cockpit voice recorder which records
of the same pitch and loudness, they का एक संयोजन है । इस लस संयोजन conversation in the cockpit, radio
appear different. That is because of की श होगी। communications between the cockpit
the difference in quality crew and others (including a
(a) 2D conversation with air traffic control
Q1466. A sound wave has a (b) −1.5D personnel), as well as ambient
frequency of 1 kHz and wavelength (c) 1D sounds. Popularly referred to as a
0.25 m, to travel 2.2 km it takes:/ एक (d) −1D “black box” by the media, the data
िन तरं ग की आवृि 1 kHz और तरं ग recorded by the FDR is used for
दै 0.25 मीटर होती है , जो 2.2 िकमी Ans: (c) 1D accident investigation as well as for
की या ा करती है : analyzing air safety issues, material
Explanation: degradation, and engine
A. 2(3/7)s p = p1 + p2 performance.
B. 80(⅖)s = 1/f1(m) + 1/f2(m)
C. 5/4 min = 100/f1(cm) + 100/f2(cm) Q1471. Curie temperature is defined
D. 8(⅘) s = 100/20 + 100/(-25) as the temperature above which./
=5-4 ूरी तापमान को ऊपर के तापमान के
Ans: (d) 8⅘ s = 1D प म प रभािषत िकया गया है ।
Explanation: Q1469. The energy that can harness (a) A paramagnetic material becomes
heat stored below the earth's surface ferromagnetic/ एक पैरामै ेिटक पदाथ
V= vλ = 10^3Hz x 0.25m is known as _________./ पृ ी की फेरोमै ेिटक हो जाता है
= 250 m/s सतह के नीचे सं िहत ऊ ा का दोहन (b) A ferromagnetic material
Time taken to travel 2.2 Km करने वाली ऊजा को _________ के becomes paramagnetic/ एक
Distance/Velocity = 2200m/250m/s प म जाना जाता है । फेरोमै ेिटक पदाथ पैरामै ेिटक हो जाता
=8.8s= 8(⅘)s है
(a) thermal energy/ ऊ ीय ऊजा (c) A ferromagnetic material
Q1467. The stopping potential (b) tidal energy/ ार की ऊजा becomes diamagnetic/ एक
depends on./ रोक मता पर िनभर (c) nuclear energy/ परमाणु ऊजा फेरोमै ेिटक पदाथ डायमै ेिटक हो
करता है । (d) geothermal energy/ भूतापीय ऊजा जाता है
(d) A diamagnetic material becomes
(a) Frequency of incident light/ घटना Ans: (d) geothermal energy/ ferromagnetic/ एक diamagnetic
काश की आवृि भूतापीय ऊजा साम ी फेरोमै ेिटक बन जाती है
(b) The intensity of incident light/
घटना काश की ती ता Explanation: Ans: (b) A ferromagnetic material
(c) Both (a) and (b)/ दोनों (ए) और becomes paramagnetic/ एक
(बी) Geothermal energy is the heat from फेरोमै ेिटक पदाथ पैरामै ेिटक हो
When the pressure of a gas is Q1502. An application of Bernoulli's Ans: (b) Decreases/ घटता है
changed, then the ratio of the equation for fluid flows is found in
pressure to the density remains ______./ व वाह के िलए बन ली के Explanation:
unaffected as = P/ρ=RT/M समीकरण का एक अनु योग ______ म
And R, T and M are constant. पाया जाता है । since the velocity of wind is in the
opposite direction so the net or actual
Q1500. Bernoulli's theorem is velocity of sound decreases by the
applicable in the case of: / बन ली की (a) viscosity meter/ िचपिचपापन मीटर velocity of wind in the opposite
मेय के मामले म लागू है : (b) capillary rise/ केिशका वृ direction.
(a) compressible liquid in a (c) hydraulic press/ हाइडोिलक ेस so the answer is (b)
streamlined flow/ सु व थत तरल (d) dynamic lift of an aeroplane/ एक
एक सु व थत वाह म हवाई जहाज की गितशील िल Q1505. The power loss in an AC
(b) compressible liquid in turbulent circuit can be minimized by./ एक
flow/ अशां त तरल अशां त वाह म Ans: (c) hydraulic press/ एसी सिकट म िबजली की हािन को कम
(c) incompressible liquid in हाइडोिलक ेस से कम िकया जा सकता है ।
Ans: (a) as a parallel beam in one के िलए एक खलाड़ी लंबी कूद से पहले
direction/ एक िदशा म समानांतर Explanation: दौड़ता है
बीम के पम
The speed of sound in air depends on (a) Inertia of motion/ गित की जड़ता
Explanation: the density of air and the density of (b) Frictional force/ घषण बल
air depends on the temperature. The (c) Moment of a force/ एक बल का
An optically plane surface reflects a speed of sound is unaffected by ण
beam of light as a parallel beam in pressure. If the atmospheric pressure (d) Principle of moments/ णों का
one direction. The set of incident changes, the speed of sound in air िस ां त
rays are reflected as a set of rays. In remains constant.
other words, a beam of light is Ans: (a) Inertia of motion/ गित की
reflected as a beam of light if the Q1520. The best material for the जड़ता
mirror is plane and its reflecting core of a transformer is/ टां सफामर के
surface is smooth. This type of आ रक के िलए सबसे अ ी साम ी है Explanation:
reflection of a set of rays is called
Specular Reflection. (a) stainless steel/ े नलेस ील An athlete does so to build up
(b) mild steel / नरम ील forward momentum so that when he
Q1518. A bomb at rest explodes into (c) hard steel/ कठोर ील jumps he already has a forward
a large number of tiny fragments. (d) soft iron/सॉ आयरन motion that would be greater than
The total momentum of all the that of a jump made from standing in
fragments/ आराम से एक बम बड़ी Ans: (d) soft iron/सॉ आयरन one spot. He needs forward
सं ा म छोटे टु कड़ों म फट गया। सभी momentum to get a good long jump
अंशों की कुल गित Explanation: and the best way is to have a running
start. In this way, he gets advantage
(a) is zero/ शू है In alternating current (AC) devices in terms of inertia of motion which is
(b) depends on the total mass of all they cause energy losses, called core the tendency of an object to resist a
the fragments/ सभी टु कड़ों के कुल losses, due to hysteresis and eddy change in motion.
मान पर िनभर करता है currents in applications such as
(c) depends on the speeds of various transformers and inductors. “Soft” Q1523. Night photography and
fragments/ िविभ अंशों की गित पर magnetic materials with low photography In mist and fog are
िनभर करता है coercivity and hysteresis, such as possible using/ नाइट फ़ोटो ाफ़ी और
(d) is infinity/ अनंत है silicon steel, or soft iron are use(d) फ़ोटो ाफ़ी धुंध और कोहरे का उपयोग
संभव है
Ans: (a) is zero/ शू है Q1521. The four-stroke petrol engine
Is based on/ फोर ोक पेटोल इं जन पर (a) ultraviolet radiation/ पराबगनी
Explanation: आधा रत है िविकरण
(b) infrared radiation/ अवर
In an explosion, an internal impulse (a) Carnot cycle/ कान ट च िविकरण
acts in order to propel the parts of a (b) Otto cycle/ ओटो च (c) microwave radiation/ माइ ोवेव
system (often a single object) into a (c) Diesel cycle/ डीजल च िविकरण
variety of directions. After the (d) Boyles cycle/ बॉय च (d) gamma radiation/ गामा िविकरण
explosion, the individual parts of the
system (that is often a collection of Ans: (b) Otto cycle/ ओटो च Ans: (b) infrared radiation/
fragments from the original object) अवर िविकरण
have momentum. If the vector sum Explanation:
of all individual parts of the system Explanation:
could be added together to determine A four-stroke engine (also known as
the total momentum after the four-cycle) is an internal combustion Infrared is used in night vision
explosion, then it should be the same engine in which the piston completes equipment when there is insufficient
as the total momentum before the four separate strokes—intake, visible light to see. Night vision
explosion. Just like in collisions, compression, power, and devices operate through a process
total system momentum is exhaust—during two separate involving the conversion of ambient
conserve(d) revolutions of the engine’s light photons into electrons which
crankshaft, and one single are then amplified by a chemical and
Q1519. Speed of sound in air is thermodynamic cycle. The earliest of electrical process and then converted
unaffected by change in:/ हवा म िन these to be developed is the Otto back into visible light.
की गित प रवतन से अ भािवत है : cycle engine developed in 1876 by
Nikolaus August Otto in Cologne, Q1524. When a person sitting on a
(a) Pressure/ दबाव Germany, after the operation swing stands up on the swing the
(b) Humidity/ आ ता principle described by Alphonse frequency of oscillation/ जब एक झूले
(c) Temperature/ तापमान Beau de Rochas in 1861. पर बैठा झूले पर दोलन की
(d) Volume/ मा ा आवृि करता है
Q1522. An athlete runs before a long
Ans: (a) Pressure/ दबाव jump to get advantage on/ फायदा पाने (a) decreases/ घटता है
(b) increases/ बढ़ता है Ans: (b) Max Planck unveiled the an object viewed through it. A basic
(c) becomes infinite/ अनंत हो जाता है Quantum Theory/ मै क ने microscope is made up of two
(d) does not change/ नहीं बदलता है ांटम िस ांत का अनावरण िकया converging lenses. The first lens
creates a real image which serves as
Ans: (b) increases/ बढ़ता है Explanation: the object for the second lens, and
the image created by the second lens
Explanation: General Theory of Relativity: a is the one a viewer sees. The final
theory of gravitation developed by image is virtual and is inverted
In Simple Harmonic Motion, the Einstein in the years 1907–1915; compared to the original object.
frequency of the oscillation (f) is the Quantum Theory of Max Planck:
number of oscillations per second 1900; Q1529. A sphere rolls down on two
which is expressed as f =1/T Transmission of wireless signal by inclined planes of different angles
Marconi: first Atlantic wireless but same height it does so/ एक गोला
where T is the time period (the time transmission on December 11, 1901; िविभ कोणों के दो झुकाव वाले िवमानों
for the oscillator to complete one and Madame Curie becoming the पर लुढ़कता है , लेिकन एक ही ऊंचाई
cycle). Now, when a person sitting first woman Nobel Prize winner: ऐसा करती है
on a swing stands up on the swing, shared her 1903 Nobel Prize in
the effective length of the swing Physics with her husband Pierre (a) it the same time/ यह एक ही समय
decreases. When the length Curie. है
decreases, the time period also (b) with the same speed/ समान गित
decreases. Since the frequency of Q1527. The necessary element of के साथ
oscillation is inversely proportional change in solar energy to electrical (c) In the same time with the same
to the time period, it increases in the energy/ सौर ऊजा म िवद् युत ऊजा म speed/ समान गित के साथ एक ही समय
present case of a man standing up on प रवतन का आव क त म
the swing. (d) in the same time with the same
(a) Beryllium/ बे रिलयम kinetic energy/ एक ही समय म एक ही
Q1525. Which of the following (b) Silicon/ िसिलकॉन गितज ऊजा के साथ
circuit elements is used to ‘block’ (c) Tantalum/ टटलम
DC in an electronic circuit? / (d) Pure Copper/ शु कॉपर Ans: (b) with the same speed/
िन िल खत म से िकस प रपथ त का समान गित के साथ
उपयोग िवद् युत प रपथ म DC को Ans: (b) Silicon/ िसिलकॉन
‘ ॉक’ करने के िलए िकया जाता है ? Explanation:
(a) Resistance/ ितरोध The speed of the sphere at the bottom
(b) Capacitance/ कैपेिसटस By 1953, Calvin Fuller, Gerald does not depend on the angle of
(c) Inductance/इ स Pearson, and Daryl Chapin inclination, both g and height are
(d) None of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं discovered the use of silicon to independent of the angle of
produce solar cells was extremely inclination.
Ans: (b) Capacitance/ कैपेिसटस efficient and produced a net charge
that far exceeded that of selenium. Q1530. In the process of
Explanation: magnetization of a bar/ एक बार के
Q1528. A microscope used in चुंबकीकरण की ि या म
Capacitance is used to ‘block’ DC in pathological laboratories forms/
an electronic circuit. पैथोलॉिजकल योगशालाओं म उपयोग (a) the entire bulk of the bar gets
िकया जाने वाला एक माइ ो ोप magnetized/ बार का पूरा आयतन
Q1526. Which of the following चुंबकीय हो जाता है
events occurred first?/ िन िल खत (a) magnified virtual erect image/ (b) only the surface of the bar gets
घटनाओं म से कौन पहले ई? आविधत आभासी ंभ छिव magnetized/ केवल बार की सतह
(b) diminished real and erect image/ चुंबकीय हो जाती है
(a) Albert Einstein propounded the वा िवक और ंिभत छिव कम हो गई (c) only the ends of the bar get
General Theory of Relativity/ अ ट (c) magnified virtual and inverted magnetized/ केवल बार के िसरे चुंबकीय
आइं ीन ने जनरल ोरी ऑफ image/ आविधत आभासी और उ े िच हो जाते ह
रलेिटिवटी का ाव िदया (d) diminished virtual and erect (d) only some parts of the other
(b) Max Planck unveiled the image/ कम हो गई आभासी और ंिभत layers of the bar get magnetized/ बार
Quantum Theory/ मै क ने ां टम छिव की अ परतों के केवल कुछ िह े
िस ां त का अनावरण िकया चुंबकीय हो जाते ह
(c) Marconi first transmitted a Ans: (c) magnified virtual and
wireless signal/ माक नी ने पहली बार inverted image/ आविधत आभासी Ans: (a) the entire bulk of the bar
एक वायरलेस िस ल सा रत िकया और उ े िच gets magnetized/ बार का पूरा
(d) Madame Marie Curie became the आयतन चुंबकीय हो जाता है
first woman Nobel Prizewinner/ Explanation:
मैडम मैरी ूरी पहली मिहला नोबेल Explanation:
पुर ार िवजेता बनीं A microscope is an instrument that
produces a clear magnified image of In the process of magnetization of a
bar, the entire bulk of the bar gets point to its next “identical” point). the times then as we progress toward
magnetize(d) So if w is the wavelength, then w/2 = the stem the fundamental will fade
50. So, w = 50 × 2 = 100 cm away and we will hear the clang
Q1531. A person wears spectacles tone. The ends of the times are the
with concave lenses. It means that Q1533. When a vibrating tuning fork antinodes of the fundamental and the
normally (when not using glasses) is placed on a table a loud sound is clang tone, but as we move down the
the image of distant objects is hear(d) This is due to :/ जब एक कंपन gap a bit we come to a place which is
focused in his eyes/ एक ूिनंग कां टा एक मेज पर रखा जाता है the node of motion for the clang
अवतल लस के साथ च ा पहनता है । तो एक जोर की आवाज सुनाई दे ती है । tone. Hence, there are 4 nodes and
इसका मतलब है िक आम तौर पर (जब इसका कारण है : antinodes in a tuning fork.
च ा का उपयोग नहीं िकया जाता है )
दू र की व ुओं की छिव उसकी आं खों म (a) reflection/ ितिबंब Q1535. While riding the bicycle if
कि त होती है (b) refraction/ अपवतन we stop paddling why does the
(c) forced vibrations/ मजबूर कंपन bicycle begins to slow down? /
(a) behind the retina/ रे िटना के पीछे (d) damped vibrations/ कां पना कंपन साइिकल चलाते समय जब हम पेडिलंग
(b) in front of the retina/ रे िटना के करना बंद कर दे ते ह तो साइिकल धीमी
सामने Ans: (c) forced vibrations/ मजबूर ों होने लगती है ?
(c) on the retina/ रे िटना पर कंपन
(d) on the blind spot/ अंधी जगह पर (a) The earth’s gravitational force
Explanation: acts on it/ इस पर पृ ी का
Ans: (b) in front of the retina/ गु ाकषण बल काय करता है
रे िटना के सामने When a vibrating tuning fork is (b) It is not accelerated/ यह रत
placed on a table, then a large sound नहीं होती है
Explanation: is heard due to the entire system (c) No unbalanced force acts on it/
begins vibrating and forces इस पर कोई असंतुिलत बल काय नहीं
Myopia occurs when the light is surrounding air particles into करता है
focused in front of the retin(a) It vibration motion. The tendency of (d) Frictional force acts on it/ इस पर
occurs because either the eyeball is one object to force another adjoining घषण बल काय करता है
too long, or because the cornea is too or interconnected object into
curve(d) People with short sight are vibration motion is referred to as a Ans: (d) Frictional force acts on it/
not able to see distant objects clearly. forced vibration. इस पर घषण बल काय करता है
Concave prescription lenses (called
as minus lenses) are used to bend Q1534. How many nodes and Explanation:
light rays slightly outwards. The light antinodes are there in a tuning fork? /
rays then have a greater angle to ूिनंग फोक म िकतने नोड् स और The bicycle slows down because of
bend back to focus when traveling एं िटनोड होते ह? the frictional force acting on the tires
through the cornea and lens. As a of the bicycle. When this frictional
result, the light rays focus further (a) 6 force overcomes the force applied by
back on the retin(a) (b) 5 paddling, the bicycle stops.
(c) 3
Q1532. The distance between the (d) 4 Q1536. Pure water is a bad
node and the adjacent antinodes is 50 conductor of electricity because it is/
cm. The wavelength is/ नोड और Ans: (d) 4 शु पानी िबजली का कुचालक है
आस एं िटनोड के बीच की दू री 50 सेमी ोंिक यह है
है । तरं ग दै है Explanation:
(a) feebly ionized/ शु
(a) 30 cm./ से.मी. Tuning forks produce two loud tones, आयनीकृत
(b) 90 cm./ से.मी. a low pitch note, its fundamental, (b) not volatile/ अ थर नहीं है
(c) 120 cm./ से.मी. which is the one it is labeled as (c) a very good solvent/ एक
(d) 100 cm./ से.मी. producing, and a higher pitch note ब त अ ा िवलायक
known as the "clang" tone. The high (d) a non-polar solvent/ एक
Ans: (d) 100 cm./ से.मी. pitch clang tone is over six times गैर- ुवीय िवलायक
higher in frequency than the
Explanation: fundamental tone of the tuning fork. Ans: (a) feebly ionized/ शु
The stem of the tuning fork is an आयनीकृत
A node is a point along a standing antinode of vibration for the
wave where the wave has minimal fundamental frequency, it is a node Explanation:
amplitude. The opposite of a node is for the clang tone. If we strike it
an antinode, a point where the against the ground and listen to it Pure water is a covalent compoun(d)
amplitude of the standing wave is a vibrate with our ear near the ends of It exists as simple discrete molecules
maximum. The distance between a the two tines, then move our ear and has a simple molecular structure.
node and antinode is 1/2 of a down the gap between the tines Hence, it does not exist as ions.
wavelength; since a wavelength is toward the stem. we will hear the Therefore, pure water cannot conduct
from one node to another (or any fundamental loudest near the ends of electricity due to the absence of
mobile ions and electrons. One image). Imaging systems may compression. Air gets heated up
instance that water can conduct introduce some amounts of distortion when it is compresse(d)
electricity is when there is dissolved or artifacts in the signal, so the
substance in it. Only then will water quality assessment is an important Q1541. For a person having
dissociate into hydrogen ions and problem. Sharpness determines the hypermetropia, the near point is/
hydroxide ions. The presence of amount of detail an image can हाइपरमेटोिपया वाले के िलए,
mobile ions enables it to conduct convey. System sharpness is affected िनकट िबंदु है
electricity. by the lens (design and
manufacturing quality, focal length, (a) greater than 25 cm/ 25 सेमी से
Q1537. The time period of a seconds aperture, and distance from the अिधक
pendulum is/ एक सेकंड पडु लम की image center) and sensor (pixel count (b) greater than 50 cm/ 50 सेमी से
समय अविध है and anti-aliasing filter). अिधक
(c) less than 25 cm/ 25 सेमी से कम
(a) 1 second/ सेकंड Q1539. In the MRI machine which (d) infinity/ अनंत
(b) 2 seconds/ सेकंड one Of the following is used?/
(c) 5 seconds/ सेकंड एमआरआई मशीन म िन िल खत म से Ans: (a) greater than 25 cm/ 25
(d) 15 seconds/ सेकंड िकसका उपयोग िकया जाता है ? सेमी से अिधक
developments in the industrialization coolie against gravity is zero./ जब (Force and displacement). Dot
of weaving during the early िसर पर भार रखने वाली कुली एक product of two vectors becomes
Industrial Revolution. The first ैितज मंच पर चलती है , तो कुली ारा scalar quantity. So, work done has
power loom was designed in 1784 by गु ाकषण के िव िकया गया काय only magnitude but not direction.
Edmund Cartwright and first built in शू होता है । Work done may be positive, negative
1785. (2) When a satellite revolves in a or zero.
circular orbit around the Earth, the
Q1562. An oscilloscope is an work done by the gravitational force Q1565. If the frequency of a wave is
instrument which allows us to see on the satellite is zero./ जब कोई doubled, then its wavelength/ यिद
waves produced by _________./ एक उप ह पृ ी के चारों ओर एक गोलाकार एक लहर की आवृि दोगुनी हो जाती है ,
आ सील प एक उपकरण है जो हम क ा म घूमता है , तो उप ह पर तो इसकी तरं ग दै
_________ ारा उ ािदत तरं गों को गु ाकषण बल ारा िकया गया काय
दे खने की अनुमित दे ता है । शू होता है । (a) Becomes doubled/ बन गया दोगुना
(3) When a body falls freely under (b) Remains the same/ वही रहता है
(a) visible light/ काश gravity, the work done by gravity is (c) Becomes half of the original/ मूल
(b) X-rays/ ए -रे negative./ जब कोई शरीर गु ाकषण का आधा िह ा बन जाता है
(c) sound/ िन के तहत तं प से िगरता है , तो (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
(d) gamma rays/ गामा िकरण गु ाकषण ारा िकया गया काय
ऋणा क होता है । Ans: (c) Becomes half of the
Ans: (a) visible light/ काश (4) Work is a scalar quantity./ काम original/ मूल का आधा िह ा बन
एक अिदश रािश है । जाता है
An oscilloscope is an instrument Which of the statements given above Explanation:
which is used to see the waves is/are correct?/ ऊपर िदए गए कथनों म
produced by visible light. से कौन सा सही है / ह? Frequency is inversely proportional
to the wavelength. Then If the
Q1563. Pressure is a scalar quantity (a) 1 and 2 frequency of a wave is doubled, then
because__________./ दबाव एक (b) 2 and 3 its wavelength will be half of the
प रमाण मा ा है ोंिक __________। (c) Only 4 original.
(d) 1, 2 and 4
(a) It is the ratio of force to the area Q1566. If a bomb dropped from an
and both force and area are vectors/ Ans: (d) 1, 2 and 4 airplane explodes in mid-air
यह े के बल का अनुपात है और बल ______________./ यिद िकसी हवाई
और े दोनों वै र ह Explanation: जहाज से िगराया गया बम म हवा म
(b) It is the ratio of the magnitude of ______________ फट जाता है ।
force to the area/ यह े म बल के (1)If a coolie walks on a level road
प रमाण का अनुपात है with a load on his head he is moving (a) its KE increases/ इसका KE बढ़ता
(c) It is the ratio of a component of himself and also he is moving the है
force vector (normal to the area) to object. The force acting on load is in (b) its total energy increases/ इसकी
area vector/ यह े वे र के िलए बल the downward direction (weight due कुल ऊजा बढ़ जाती है
वे र ( े के सामा ) के एक घटक to gravity) and displacement is in the (c) its total energy decreases/ इसकी
का अनुपात है horizontal direction. So by W=F.s कुल ऊजा कम हो जाती है
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से cos 90. w=0. (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
कोई नहीं Hence, work done against gravity is कोई नहीं
Ans: (b) It is the ratio of the Ans: (a) its KE increases/ इसका
magnitude of force to the area/ यह (2) Gravity acts towards the center of KE बढ़ता है
े म बल के प रमाण का अनुपात है the earth. So if the satellite moves in
a circular orbit with the center of Explanation:
Explanation: earth as the orbit center the work
done at any point is zero, since the The energy processed by virtue of its
Pressure is a ratio of two scalar force and the displacement are motion is called as kinetic energy of
quantities that is magnitude of perpendicular. that object.
component of force vector parallel to The expression of the kinetic energy
area vector, and magnitude of area (3) If a force acting on a body has a is, K.E.=½ mv^2
vector. component in the direction of Here, v is the speed of the object.
displacement, then the work done by Explosion causes an increase in the
Q1564. Consider the following the force is positive. Hence when a speed of the parts of the bom(b)
statements./ िन िल खत कथनों पर body falls freely under the influence Therefore, the total kinetic energy is
िवचार कर। of gravity the work done by the increase(d)
gravity is positive.
(1) When a coolie carrying a load on Q1567. Which one of the following
his head moves on a horizontal (4) Work is a scalar quantity because is not a contact force?/ िन िल खत म
platform, the work done by the it is the dot product of two vectors से कौन सा एक संपक बल नहीं है ?
(d) pyrometer/ पाइरोमीटर electrons & holes. (b) magnetic poles/ चुंबकीय ुव
(c) geographic north pole/ भौगोिलक
Ans: (c) thermopile/ थम पाइल Q1577. Minority carriers in a p-type उ री ुव
semiconductor are/ एक पी- कार (d) latitude 45o/ अ ां श 45o
Explanation: अधचालक म अ सं क वाहक ह
Ans: (a) magnetic equator/ चुंबकीय
Thermopile is a combination of a (a) electrons only/ केवल इले ॉन भूम रे खा
thermocouple that generates (b) holes only/ केवल छे द
electrical energy when one end is (c) both electrons and holes/ इले ॉन Explanation:
kept at a higher temperature with और िछ दोनों
respect to the other en(d) It is helpful (d) neither electrons nor holes/ न तो At the equator it has only the
in measuring the temperature of a hot इले ॉन और न ही छे द horizontal component.
and radiating body.
Ans: (a) electrons only/ केवल Q1580. The working of a microwave
Q1575. The property of electric इले ॉन oven involves/ माइ ोवेव ओवन के
current which is applicable in the काम म शािमल है
fuse wire is ________./ िवद् युत वाह Explanation:
की संपि जो ूज तार म लागू होती है , (a) Absorption of microwaves by
________ है । Minority carriers in a p-type matter/ पदाथ ारा सू तरं गों का
semiconductor are free electrons. अवशोषण
(a) Chemical effect of current/ (b) Reception of microwaves by
वतमान का रासायिनक भाव Q1578. What is the reason to pivot optical fiber/ ऑि कल फाइबर ारा
(b) Magnetic effect of current/ the compass needle on a sharp pin?/ माइ ोवेव का रसे शन
वतमान का चुंबकीय भाव तेज िपन पर क ास सुई को िपवट करने (c) Microwave amplification by
(c) Heating effect of current/ वतमान का ा कारण है ? stimulated emission of radiation/
का ताप भाव िविकरण के उ ेिजत उ जन ारा
(d) The optical effect of current/ (a) To minimize the magnetic effect माइ ोवेव वधन
वतमान का ऑि कल भाव on the pin/ िपन पर चुंबकीय भाव को (d) Transmission of microwaves
कम करने के िलए through a metal/ एक धातु के मा म से
Ans: (c) Heating effect of current/ (b) To maximize the magnetic effect माइ ोवेव का संचरण
वतमान का ताप भाव on the pin/ िपन पर चुंबकीय भाव को
अिधकतम करने के िलए Ans: (a) Absorption of microwaves
Explanation: (c) To minimize the friction between by matter/ पदाथ ारा सू तरं गों
the pin and the compass needle/ िपन का अवशोषण
The property of electric current और क ास सुई के बीच घषण को कम
which is applicable in the fuse wire करने के िलए Explanation:
is the heating effect of current. (d) To ensure that the compass
Electric fuse in an electric circuit is a needle will not drop from the pivoted The working of the microwave oven
device which is used to interrupt any point./ यह सुिनि त करने के िलए िक involves the absorption of
type of accidental fire due to a short क ास की सुई िपवोट िबंदु से नहीं microwaves by matter.
circuit. Its essential component is a िगरे गी।
metal wire or strip that melts when Q1581. A thermodynamic process
too much current flows through it, Ans: (c) To minimize the friction where no heat is exchanged with the
thereby interrupting the current. between the pin and the compass surroundings is ___________./ एक
needle/ िपन और क ास सुई के बीच ऊ ागितकीय ि या िजसम प रवेश के
Q1576. Electric conduction in a घषण को कम करने के िलए साथ कोई ऊ ा का आदान- दान नहीं
semiconductor takes place due to/ होता है , ___________ है ।
अधचालक म िवद् युत चालन के कारण Explanation:
होता है (a) Isothermal/ समतापी
By pivoting the compass needle on a (b) Adiabatic/ आिदबेिटक
(a) electrons only/ केवल इले ॉन fixed pin, the friction between the (c) Isobaric/ समदाब रे खीय
(b) holes only/ केवल छे द needle and the fixed pin is minimized (d) Isotropic/ आइसोटोिपक
(c) both electrons and holes/ इले ॉन and the compass needle can rotate
और िछ दोनों freely to the magnetic field in the Ans: (b) Adiabatic/ आिदबेिटक
(d) neither electrons nor holes/ न तो region.
इले ॉन और न ही छे द Explanation:
Q1579. The earth's magnetic field
Ans: (c) both electrons and holes/ always has a vertical component A thermodynamic process where no
इले ॉन और िछ दोनों except at the/ पृ ी के चुंबकीय े म heat is exchanged with the
हमेशा ऊ ाधर िसवाय एक घटक होता surroundings is called adiabatic
Explanation: है process. e.g. expansion of gas in
Electric conduction, in a (a) magnetic equator/ चुंबकीय भूम Features of adiabatic process:
semiconductor, occurs due to both रे खा 1. The system is thermally isolated
from surroundings. लेिकन एक खोखला होता है और दू सरा the wavelength of light, the
2. Internal energy varies (ΔU not ठोस होता है । उ उसी तापमान पर गम diffraction pattern becomes narrower
equal to 0) िकया जाता है , िफर and crowded together.
3. W = ΔU
(a) both spheres will expand equally/ Q1586. Consider the following
Q1582. Thermal conductivity of दोनों गोले समान प से िव ा रत होंगे statements: X-rays/ िन िल खत कथनों
aluminum, copper, and stainless steel (b) hollow sphere will expand more पर िवचार कर: ए -रे
increases in the order ___________./ than the solid one/ खोखला गोला ठोस 1. can pass through aluminum./
आदे श ___________ म ए ूमीिनयम, से अिधक िव ृत होगा ए ूमीिनयम के मा म से पा रत कर
तां बा और े नलेस ील की थमल (c) solid sphere will expand more सकते ह।
चालकता बढ़ जाती है । than the hallowed one/ ठोस गोले, 2. can be deflected by a magnetic
दालान की तुलना म अिधक िव ार fiel(d)/ एक चुंबकीय े ारा िव ेिपत
(a) Copper < Aluminium < Stainless करगे िकया जा सकता है ।
Steel/ कॉपर <ए ूमीिनयम < े नलेस (d) none of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं 3. move with a velocity less than the
ील velocity of ultraviolet rays in the
(b) Stainless Steel < Aluminium < Ans: (a) both spheres will expand vacuum./ िनवात म पराबगनी िकरणों के
Copper/ े नलेस ील <ए ूमीिनयम equally/ दोनों गोले समान प से वेग से कम वेग के साथ चलते ह।
<कॉपर िव ा रत होंगे Which of the statement(s) given
(c) Aluminium < Copper < Stainless above is/are correct?/ उपरो म से
Steel/ ए ुिमिनयम <कॉपर < े नलेस Explanation: कौन सा कथन / कथन सही है / ह?
ील (a) 1,2 and 3
(d) Copper < Stainless Steel < Here, we know that both the body is (b) Only 1
Aluminium/ कॉपर < े नलेस ील made up of the same material, hence (c) 2 and 3
<ए ूमीिनयम its orientation will not affect its (d) 1 and 2
Ans: (b) Stainless Steel < Hence, ΔV solid/V solid = ΔV Ans: (a) 1,2 and 3
Aluminium < Copper/ े नलेस hollow/V hollow =γΔT
ील <ए ूमीिनयम <कॉपर Therefore we can say both spheres Explanation:
will expand the same, because
Explanation: material used for making both of X-rays can pass through aluminum.
them are the same.
Thermal conductivity of copper, Of course, X-rays can penetrate
aluminum and stainless steel are 385, Q1585. A diffraction pattern is aluminum and produce an image
205, and 50.2(in W/mK) obtained using a beam of red light. through the same, but the KV (power
respectively. Among the three, Which one among the following will of the generated radiation) must be
copper is the best conductor of heat. be the outcome if the red light is sufficient to penetrate the thickness
replaced by blue light?/ लाल काश of aluminum. ... Aluminum,
Q1583. The inherent property of all की िकरण का उपयोग करके एक therefore, has the ability to distort,
matter is/are ________./ सभी मामलों िववतन पैटन ा िकया जाता है । िन magnify, reduce, and obstruct x-rays.
की अंतिनिहत संपि ________ है । म से कौन सा प रणाम होगा यिद लाल
ब ी को नीले काश से बदल िदया जाए? X-rays of the chest, stomach, and
(a) diamagnetism/ ितचु क neck were taken in all cases to rule
(b) paramagnetism/ अनुचु क (a) Bands disappear/ बड गायब हो out that kids hadn't swallowed other
(c) ferromagnetism/ फेरोमै ेिट म जाते ह “foreign bodies” and also to see how
(d) All of these/ इन सभी (b) Diffraction pattern becomes many tabs were visible. They
broader and further apart/ िववतन identified 19 cases, with only 4
Ans: (a) diamagnetism/ पैटन ापक और आगे अलग हो जाता है visible on X-rays - not unexpected,
ितचु क (c) Diffraction pattern becomes given that aluminum doesn't usually
narrower and crowded together/ show up on X-rays.
Explanation: िववतन पैटन एक साथ संकरा और
भीड़भाड़ वाला हो जाता है Q1587. A person rings a metallic
Diamagnetism is an inherent (d) No change/ कोई प रवतन नहीं ball near a strong concrete wall. He
property of the matter that the matter hears the echo after 0.3s. If the sound
opposes the magnetic fiel(d) We Ans:(c) Diffraction pattern moves with a speed of 340m/s, how
induce paramagnetism and becomes narrower and crowded far is the wall from him?/ एक
ferromagnetism in the substances by together/ िववतन पैटन एक साथ एक मजबूत ठोस दीवार के पास एक
applying an external magnetic fiel(d) संकरा और भीड़भाड़ वाला हो जाता धातु की गद बजाता है । वह 0.3 के बाद
है ित िन सुनता है । यिद िन 340 मीटर
Q1584. Two spheres of the same size / सेकंड की गित से चलती है , तो उससे
are made of the same metal but one Explanation: िकतनी दू र दीवार है ?
is hollow and the other is soli(d)
They are heated to the same Since the wavelength of red light is (a) 102m/ मी
temperature, then/ एक ही आकार के more than that of blue light and no. (b) 11m/ मी
दो गोले एक ही धातु के बने होते ह of orders is inversely proportional to (c) 51m/ मी
(d) 30m/ मी become less than the size of the वृ के साथ अप रवितत रहता है
object./ छिव का आकार व ु के (d) The melting point of ice is 0oC/
Ans: (c) 51m/ मी आकार से कम हो जाएगा। बफ का गलनां क 0oC है
(c) The distance between the image
Explanation: and the plane mirror increases / छिव Ans: (a) The melting point of ice is
और समतल दपण के बीच की दू री बढ़ lowered with an increase in
Distance from wall is given by, जाती है pressure/ दबाव म वृ के साथ बफ
d=340×0.3/2 (d) The distance between the image का गलनांक कम िकया जाता है
=51m and the plane mirror decreases / छिव
और समतल दपण के बीच की दू री कम Explanation:
Option C is correct. हो जाती है
As the melting point of ice gets
Q1588. A child is standing in front Ans: (c) The distance between the lowered it melts, when pressurized,
of a magic mirror. She finds the image and the plane mirror and when removed, it freezes again.
image of her head bigger, the middle increases / छिव और समतल दपण के Thus two blocks of ice can be joined
portion of her body of the same size, बीच की दू री बढ़ जाती है by pressing against each other.
and that of the legs smaller. The
following is the order of combination Explanation: Q1592. An egg when placed in
for the magic mirror from the top:/ ordinary water sinks but floats when
एक ब ा एक जादू दपण के सामने खड़ा When the distance between the placed in brine. This is because:/ एक
है । वह अपने िसर की छिव को बड़ा, object and the plane mirror increases अंडे को जब साधारण पानी म रखा जाता
अपने शरीर के म भाग को समान because the distance between the है , लेिकन जब उसे रखा जाता है तो वह
आकार का और पैरों के छोटे को पाती image and the plane mirror increases. तैरता है । यह है ोंिक:
है । शीष से जादू दपण के िलए संयोजन
का म िन िल खत है : Q1590. If a body is charged by (a) the density of brine is less than
rubbing it, its weight:/ अगर िकसी that of ordinary water/ नमकीन का
(a) Plane, convex and concave/ ेन, शरीर को उसके रगड़ से चाज िकया घन साधारण पानी की तुलना म कम
उ ल और अवतल जाता है , तो उसका वजन: होता है
(b) Convex, concave and plane/ (b) the density of brine is equal to
उ ल, अवतल और समतल (a) Remains precisely constant/ ठीक that of ordinary water/ नमकीन पानी
(c) Concave, plane and convex/ रहता है का घन साधारण पानी के बराबर होता
अवतल, समतल और उ ल (b) Increase slightly/ थोड़ा बढ़ाएं है
(d) Convex, plane and concave/ (c) Decrease slightly/ थोड़ा कम कर (c) the density of brine is greater than
उ ल, समतल और अवतल (d) May increase slightly or may that of ordinary water/ नमकीन पानी
decrease slightly/ थोड़ा बढ़ सकता है का घन साधारण पानी की तुलना म
Ans: (c) Concave, plane and या थोड़ा कम हो सकता है अिधक होता है
convex/ अवतल, समतल और उ ल (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
Ans: (a) Remains precisely
Explanation: constant/ ठीक रहता है Ans: (c) the density of brine is
greater than that of ordinary
We find that the child's image in the Explanation: water/ नमकीन पानी का घन
magic mirror has साधारण पानी की तुलना म अिधक
1. Head bigger and hence the mirror The weight of the body might होता है
must be a concave mirror. A concave increase or decrease depending on
mirror here is producing an enlarged whether electrons are gained or lost, Explanation:
and erect mirror. but the weight of the whole system
2. The middle portion unaltered and has to remain constant. Brine due to its high density exerts
hence the middle part of the mirror an upthrust which can balance the
must be a plane mirror. Q1591. Why do two ice blocks join weight of the egg.
3. The bottom part of the mirror to form one block when pressed
produces a smaller image of the legs. together?/ जब एक साथ दबाया जाता है Q1593. Why does a block of plastic
The image is smaller since it is तो दो बफ ॉक एक ॉक बनाने के released under water come up to the
produced by a convex mirror. The िलए ों जुड़ते ह? surface of the water?/ पानी के नीचे
convex mirror produced the erect and छोड़ा गया ा क का एक ॉक पानी
diminished image. (a) The melting point of ice is की सतह तक ों आता है ?
lowered with an increase in pressure/
Q1589. When the distance between दबाव म वृ के साथ बफ का गलनां क (a) Buoyant force > Gravitational
the object and the plane mirror कम िकया जाता है force/ बौय बल> गु ाकषण बल
increases:/ जब व ु और समतल दपण (b) The melting point of ice increases (b) Buoyant force = Gravitational
के बीच की दू री बढ़ जाती है : with increase in pressure/ दबाव म force/ उ ावक बल = गु ाकषण
वृ के साथ बफ का गलनां क बढ़ता है बल
(a) The image remains the same/ छिव (c) The melting point of ice remains (c) Buoyant force < Gravitational
वही रहती है unchanged with an increase in force/ बलदायी बल <गु ाकषण बल
(b) The size of the image will pressure/ बफ का िपघलने िबंदु दबाव म (d) Gravitational force < Buoyant
force/ गु ाकषण बल <उ ावक बल जाती है Q1598. A single fixed pulley is used
to draw water from a well because/
Ans: (a) Buoyant force > Explanation: एक एकल िनि त चरखी का उपयोग
Gravitational force/ बौय बल> कुएं से पानी खींचने के िलए िकया जाता
गु ाकषण बल As the swing rises, its kinetic energy है
is converted to potential energy and
Explanation: as the height increases, PE increases (a) efficiency is 100%/ द ता 100% है
because PE = mgh. And according to (b) velocity ratio is low/ वेग का
Apparent weight, W' = W - B the law of conservation of energy, अनुपात कम है
∴ B>W ⟹ W' <0 total energy E = KE+PE is constant. (c) mechanical advantage is high/
i.e the object comes to the surface of Hence, we can infer that KE यां ि क लाभ अिधक है
the water decreases and PE increases. (d) force is applied in a convenient
Hence plastic underwater comes up direction/ बल एक सुिवधाजनक िदशा
to the surface of the water because Q1596. If the distance S covered by म लागू िकया जाता है
the buoyant force acting on it a moving car in rectilinear motion
exceeds its gravitational force. with a speed ν in time t is given by Ans: (d) force is applied in a
S=νt, then the car undergoes convenient direction/ बल एक
Q1594. How is the kinetic energy of _____________./ यिद समय एस म सुिवधाजनक िदशा म लागू िकया
a moving object affected if the net एक गित ν के साथ रे लाइिनयर गित जाता है
work done on it is positive?/ यिद चल म चलती कार ारा कवर की गई दू री S
रहे शु काय सकारा क ह, तो = νt ारा दी जाती है , तो कार Explanation:
गितमान व ु की गितज ऊजा कैसे _____________ से गुजरती है ।
भािवत होती है ? A single fixed pulley is used to lift a
(a) A uniform acceleration/ एक load upwards by applying efforts
(a) Decreases/ घटता है समान रण downwards. The load and effort
(b) Increases/ बढ़ता है (b) A non-uniform acceleration/ एक move equal distance but in opposite
(c) Remains constant/ थर रहता है गैर-समान रण directions. This is convenient to
(d) Becomes zero/ शू हो जाता है (c) A uniform velocity/ एक समान वेग apply effort in downward direction.
(d) A non-uniform velocity/ एक They are used on flag-poles and to
Ans: (b) Increases/ बढ़ता है गैर-समान वेग draw water from a well.
Ans: (c) A uniform velocity/ एक Q1599. The resistance of the human
According to work-energy theorem समान वेग body (dry condition) is of the order
ΔK.E.=Work done of/ मानव शरीर का ितरोध (शु
since W>0. Explanation: थित) के म का है
so, kinetic energy increases
As the body moves with a constant (a) 10^2 Ohm/ ओम
Q1595. Which one among the speed v along a straight line or (b) 10^3 Ohm/ ओम
following happens when a swing rectilinear path hence the body (c) 10^4 Ohm/ ओम
rises to a certain height from its rest undergoes a uniform velocity. Here (d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
position?/ िन िल खत म से कौन सा तब the direction of the moving body is
होता है जब एक ंग अपनी बाकी unchange(d) Ans: (d) None of these/ इनम से
थित से एक िनि त ऊंचाई तक बढ़ कोई नही ं
जाती है ? Q1597. Pitch of the sound depends
upon its/ िन की िपच इस पर िनभर Explanation:
(a) Its potential energy decreases करती है
while kinetic energy increases/ गितज The level of current passing through
ऊजा बढ़ने पर इसकी संभािवत ऊजा (a) Wavelength/ वेवलथ the human body is directly related to
घट जाती है (b) Frequency/ आवृि the resistance of its path through the
(b) Its kinetic energy decreases while (c) Amplitude/ आयाम body. Under dry conditions, the
potential energy increases/ इसकी (d) Periodicity and regularity/ resistance offered by the human body
गितज ऊजा कम हो जाती है जबिक आविधकता और िनयिमतता may be as high as 100,000 Ohms.
संभािवत ऊजा बढ़ जाती है Wet or broken skin may drop the
(c) Both potential and kinetic energy Ans: (a) Wavelength/ वेवलथ body’s resistance to 1,000 Ohms.
decrease/ मता और गितज ऊजा दोनों (Source: The Guide to Photovoltaic
म कमी आती है Explanation: System Installation by Gregory
(d) Both potential and kinetic energy Fletcher)
increase/ मता और गितज ऊजा दोनों Sounds may be generally
म वृ होती है characterized by pitch. The perceived Q1600. In which categories did
pitch of a sound is just the ear's Marie Curie win her two different
Ans: (b) Its kinetic energy response to frequency, i.e., for most Nobel prizes?/ मैरी ूरी ने िकस ेणी
decreases while potential energy practical purposes the pitch is just the म अपने दो अलग-अलग नोबेल पुर ार
increases/ इसकी गितज ऊजा कम frequency. जीते?
हो जाती है जबिक संभािवत ऊजा बढ़
(a) Physics and Chemistry/ भौितकी height. times. If velocity is tripled, the
और रसायन kinetic energy would go up nine
(b) Chemistry and Medicine/ रसायन times. If velocity is increased by 1.5
और िचिक ा times the Kinetic energy would go up
(c) Physics and Medicine/ भौितकी by 1.5×1.5=2.25 times.
और िचिक ा
(d) Chemistry and Peace/ रसायन और Q1604. When net torque is zero,
शां ित __________ will be constant./ जब
शु टोक़ शू होगा, __________
Ans: (a) Physics and Chemistry/ थर होगा।
भौितकी और रसायन
(a) force/ बल
Explanation: (b) angular momentum/ कोणीय गित
(c) linear momentum/ रै खक गित
Marie Curie was the first woman to Q1602. Electrical Potential on Earth (d) acceleration/ रण
win a Nobel Prize, the first person to is considered to be ___________/
win two Nobel Prizes, the only पृ ी पर िवद् युत मता को Ans:(b) angular momentum /
woman to win in two fields, and the ___________ माना जाता है कोणीय गित
only person to win in multiple Explanation:
sciences. Marie Curie was the first (a) Maximum/ अिधकतम
woman to win a Nobel Prize, in (b) Zero/ शू If the net torque is zero, then angular
Physics, and with her later win, in (c) Minimum/ ूनतम momentum is constant or
Chemistry, she became the first (d) Unity/ एकता conserve(d)
person to claim Nobel honors twice.
Her efforts with her husband Pierre Ans: (b) Zero/ शू Q1605. Pipelines in cold countries
led to the discovery of polonium and often burst in winter because/ ठं डे
radium, and she championed the Explanation: दे शों म पाइपलाइन अ र सिदयों म
development of X-rays. फट जाती ह ोंिक
We take potential at the surface of
Q1601. Siphon will fail to work if/ the earth as a reference and is (a) water freezes and expands in its
साइफन काम करने म िवफल रहे गा defined as zero. By convection, the volume/ पानी ीज होता है और इसकी
electrostatic potential of the earth is मा ा म िव ार होता है
(a) both its limbs are of unequal taken to be zero. It is considered that (b) the temperature of ice is less than
length/ इसके दोनों अंग असमान लंबाई earth is a storehouse of infinite that of water/ बफ का तापमान पानी
के ह negative charges. So, most points are की तुलना म कम होता है
(b) the temperature of the liquids in at a positive potential w.r.t it. (c) pipelines contract in their
the two vessels are the same/ दो volume/ उनकी मा ा म पाइपलाइन
जहाजों म तरल पदाथ का तापमान Q1603. If a moving body turns its अनुबंध
समान होता है speed to 1.5 times, what will be the (d) pipelines expand due to freezing/
(c) the level of the liquid in the two impact on its kinetic energy?/ यिद ीिजंग के कारण पाइपलाइनों का
vessels are at the same height/ दो एक गितमान िपंड अपनी गित को 1.5 िव ार होता है
जहाजों म तरल का र समान ऊंचाई गुना कर दे , तो उसकी गितज ऊजा पर
पर है ा भाव पड़े गा? Ans: (a) water freezes and expands
(d) the densities of the liquid in the in its volume/ पानी ीज होता है
two vessels are equal/ दो जहाजों म (a) will become 2 times/ 2 गुना हो और इसकी मा ा म िव ार होता है
तरल का घन बराबर होता है जाएगा
(b) will become 2.25 times/ 2.25 गुना Explanation:
Ans: (c) the level of the liquid in हो जाएगा
the two vessels are at the same (c) will become 1.5 times/ 1.5 गुना हो Water pipes burst because the water
height/ दो जहाजों म तरल का र जाएगा inside them expands as it gets close
समान ऊंचाई पर है (d) will become 6 times/ 6 गुना हो to freezing, and this causes an
जाएगा increase in pressure inside the pipe.
Explanation: Ans: (b) will become 2.25 times/ When the pressure gets too high for
2.25 गुना हो जाएगा the pipe to contain, it ruptures.
Siphon is a tube bent to form two
legs of unequal length by which a Explanation: Q1606. _________________
liquid can be transferred from a through a plane surface is the product
reservoir and then down to a lower Kinetic Energy is a product of half of the magnetic flux density normal
level of it. the Mass times Velocity Square(d) to the surface and the area of the
surface./ _________________ एक
Siphon will fail to work if, the level K.E.= ½ mv^2 समतल सतह के मा म से सतह और
of the सतह के े के िलए चुंबकीय वाह
liquid in the two vessels are at the When the velocity is doubled, the घन का उ ाद है ।
same Kinetic energy would go up four
temperature rise. The final length विटलेटर कमरे की छत के पास दान (a) Oil/ तेल
will be:/ दो समान छड़ ए और बी िकए जाते ह ोंिक (b) Milk/ दू ध
मशः लोहे और पीतल से बनी होती ह (c) Water/ पानी
जो समान तापमान वृ के िलए गरम (a) the exhaled warmer air rises up (d) Petrol/ पेटोल
होती ह। अंितम लंबाई होगी: and goes out/ ए हौ वामर हवा
ऊपर उठती है और बाहर िनकल जाती Ans: (a) Oil/ तेल
(a) more of rod A than of B/ बी की है
तुलना म रॉड ए का अिधक (b) these provide cross ventilation in Explanation:
(b) more of rod B than of A/ ए की the room/ ये कमरे म ॉस विटलेशन
तुलना म रॉड बी के अिधक दान करते ह Informally, viscosity is the quantity
(c) same of both rods A and B/ दोनों (c) these provide some sunlight in the that describes a fluid’s resistance to
छड़ का एक ही ए और बी room/ ये कमरे म कुछ धूप दान करते flow. It is dependent on temperature.
(d) nothing can be said/ कुछ नहीं कहा ह Viscosity of the different fluids (in
जा सकता (d) these do not look nice in the cP) is as follows: Edible Oil: 20 to
lower part/ ये िनचले िह े म अ े नहीं 60; Milk: approximately 1.0; Water:
Ans: (b) more of rod B than of A/ ए लगते ह 0.894; and Petrol: around 0.82 to
की तुलना म रॉड बी के अिधक 0.95 cP.
Ans: (a) the exhaled warmer air
Explanation: rises up and goes out/ ए हौ Q1625. Why is the glassware used in
वामर हवा ऊपर उठती है और बाहर a kitchen made up of pyrex glass?/
Two identical rods A and B made up िनकल जाती है ों एक रसोई घर म इ ेमाल कां च के
of iron and brass respectively are बने पदाथ पाइरे कां च से बना है ?
heated to the same temperature rise. Explanation:
The final length will be more of rod (a) does not crack on heating/ गम
B than of A because the coefficient In the room when air is hot its करने पर नहीं फटता है
of linear expansion is more for brass density decreases and rises up. So (b) crack on heating/ गम करने पर
than iron. ventilators help to remove hot air दरार
from the room and make its (c) resist heat/ गम का िवरोध
Q1621. In the process of temperature the same. So,ventilators (d) none of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
magnetization of a bar/ एक बार के are made close to the ceiling.
चुंबकीयकरण की ि या म Ans: (a) does not crack on heating/
Q1623. An oil drop spreads over गम करने पर नही ं फटता है
(a) The entire bulk of the bar gets water, because/ एक तेल की बूंद पानी
magnetized/ बार के पूरे ब को म फैल जाती है , ोंिक Explanation:
चु िकत िकया जाता है
(b) Only the surface of the bar gets (a) oil is lighter than water/ तेल पानी Pyrex glass is commonly used in
magnetized/ केवल बार की सतह ही से ह ा होता है kitchenware because pyrex glass has
चु िकत होती है (b) oil is more viscous/ तेल अिधक a very low coefficient of expansion.
(c) Only the ends of the bar get िचपिचपा होता है There it does not crack on heating.
magnetized/ केवल बार के िसरे (c) oil does not mix with water/ तेल
चु िकत होते ह पानी के साथ नहीं िमलता है Q1626. Thermal expansion of
(d) Only some parts of the outer (d) the surface tension of oil is much materials arises from/ साम ी का
layers of the bar get magnetized/ बार lesser than that of water/ तेल की सतह थमल िव ार से उ होता है
की बाहरी परतों के कुछ भाग ही का तनाव पानी की तुलना म ब त कम है (a) Strong bonds/ मजबूत बां ड
चु िकत होते ह (b) Thermal vibrations/ थमल कंपन
Ans: (d) the surface tension of oil is (c) Weak bonds/ कमजोर बंधन
Ans: (a) The entire bulk of the bar much lesser than that of water/ तेल (d) Asymmetry of the potential
gets magnetized/ बार के पूरे ब की सतह का तनाव पानी की तुलना म energy curve/ संभािवत ऊजा व की
को चु िकत िकया जाता है ब त कम है िवषमता
Explanation: े म
Q1627. Which among the following (d) interference of light/ काश का
is measured using a Vernier A shake is an informal metric unit of ह ेप
Calliper?/ िन िल खत म से कौन time equal to 10 nanoseconds, or
विनयर कैिलपर का उपयोग करके मापा 10−8 seconds. It has applications in Ans: (d) interference of light/
जाता है ? nuclear physics, helping to काश का ह ेप
(a) Dimension/ आयाम conveniently express the timing of
(b) Sound/ िन various events in a nuclear reaction, Explanation:
(c) Time/ समय especially neutron reactions.
(d) Temperature/ तापमान Interference of light is a special
Q1630. statement (1): Platinum is phenomenon reflecting the wave
Ans: (a) Dimension/ आयाम used to fuse into a glass tube./ कथन nature of light. Due to interference of
(1): ेिटनम का उपयोग ास ूब म light two waves interfere with each
Explanation: ूज करने के िलए िकया जाता है । other and where crest and crest or
statement (2): Both platinum and trough and trough meet amplitude of
A vernier scale is a visual aid to take glass have almost the same values of light becomes very large and we say,
an accurate measurement reading coefficient of linear expansion./ कथन there happens constructive
between two graduation markings on (2): ैिटनम और ास दोनों म रै खक interference.
a linear scale by using mechanical िव ार के गुणां क के लगभग समान मू
interpolation; thereby increasing ह।
resolution and reducing measurement
uncertainty by using Vernier acuity (a) statement 1 and statement 2 are
to reduce human estimation error. correct and statement 2 is correct
explanation for statement 1/ कथन 1
और कथन 2 सही ह और कथन 2 कथन
1 के िलए सही ीकरण है
(b) statement 1 and statement 2 are
correct and statement 2 is not correct Q1632. Knot is the measuring unit
Q1628. What is the time taken by the explanation for statement 1/ कथन 1 of?/ नॉट मापने की इकाई है ?
earth to complete one rotation about और कथन 2 सही ह और कथन 2 कथन (a) Speed/ गित
its axis with regard to a fixed star?/ 1 के िलए सही ीकरण नहीं है (b) Distance/ दू री
एक िनि त तारे के संबंध म अपनी धुरी (c) statement 1 is true and statement
(c) Acceleration/ रण
के बारे म एक च र पूरा करने के िलए 2 is false/ कथन 1 स है और कथन 2 (d) Depth/ गहराई
पृ ी ारा िलया गया समय ा है ? गलत है
(d) statement 1 is wrong and
Ans: (a) Speed/ गित
(a) Shake/ शेक statement 2 is true./ कथन 1 गलत है
(b) Solar Day/ सौर िदवस और कथन 2 स है । Explanation:
(c) Tropical/ उ किटबंधीय
(d) Sidereal Day/ साइड रयल डे Ans: (a) statement 1 and statement The knot is a unit of measurement of
2 are correct and statement 2 is speed A knot (kn) is a non-SI
Ans: (d) Sidereal Day/ साइड रयल correct explanation for statement (non-System International)
डे 1/ कथन 1 और कथन 2 सही ह और measurement unit of spee(d) One
कथन 2 कथन 1 के िलए सही knot is a speed of one nautical mile
Explanation: ीकरण है per hour with which to measure how
many nautical miles traveled per one
The time between two consecutive Explanation: hour.
transits of the First Point of Aries. It
represents the time taken by the earth Since both glass and platinum have Q1633. A metal-semiconductor
to rotate on its axis relative to the almost the same coefficient of linear junction diode is called _______/
stars, and is almost four minutes expansion therefore, with a change in
धातु-अधचालक जं न डायोड को
temperature, the shape of glass will
shorter than the solar day because of _______ कहा जाता है
the earth's orbital motion. not change, even though platinum is
fused with it. therefore, statement 1
(a) Schottky diode/ Schottky डायोड
is true and statement 2 is correct
Q1629. Which of the following is (b) Photodiode/ फोटोडायोड
NOT a unit for measuring pressure?/ explanation
(c) Tunnel diode/ टनल डायोड
िन िल खत म से कौन दबाव को मापने (d) P-N Juction diode/ पी-एन ज न
के िलए एक इकाई नहीं है ? Q1631. The wave theory of light can
(a) Bar/ बार explain/ काश का तरं ग िस ां त समझा
(b) Shake/ शेक सकता है Ans: (a) Schottky diode/ Schottky
(c) Pascal/ पा ल डायोड
(d) torr/ टॉक (a) Compton effect/ कॉ टन भाव
(b) photoelectric effect/ Explanation:
Ans: (b) Shake/ शेक फोटोइले क भाव
(c) black body spectrum/ ैक बॉडी A Schottky Diode is a
Explanation: (a) a, b
(b) a, c
Velocity is inversely proportional to (c) b, c
coefficient of viscosity, η of water is (d) all of them
less than that of honey. Hence, water
Q1641. A spaceship entering the flows faster than honey. Ans: (a) a, b
earth's atmosphere is likely to catch
fire. This is due to:/ पृ ी के वायुमंडल Q1643. The quality of fountain-pen Explanation:
म वेश करने वाले एक अंत र यान म ink depends largely on:/ फाउं टेन-पेन
आग लगने की संभावना है । इसका ाही की गुणव ा काफी हद तक इस Intensity of sound is an objective
कारण है : पर िनभर करती है : quantity. It does not depend on the
(a) The surface tension of air/ वायु का response of our ears.
सतही तनाव (a) The surface tension of the liquid/ Loudness is a subjective quantity. It
(b) Air Friction/ वायु घषण तरल की सतह तनाव cannot be measured as a physical
(c) The high temperature of the upper (b) Viscosity of ink/ ाही की quantity.
atmosphere/ ऊपरी वायुमंडल का उ िचपिचपाहट
तापमान (c) impurities in ink/ ाही म Q1646. To measure the speed of an
(d) The greater portion of the oxygen अशु याँ approaching car a police officer
in the atmosphere at a greater (d) Density of ink/ ाही की घन shines—/ एक अ ोिचंग कार की गित
height./ अिधक ऊंचाई पर वायुमंडल म मापने के िलए एक पुिलस अिधकारी
ऑ ीजन का अिधक भाग। Ans: (b) Viscosity of ink/ ाही की चमकता है -
Ans: (b) Air Friction/ वायु घषण (a) light waves on it/ उस पर काश
Explanation: तरं ग
Explanation: (b) microwaves on it/ उस पर
The quality of fountain-pen ink माइ ोवेव
As the body enters Earth's depends largely on viscosity of ink (c) radio waves on it/ उस पर
atmosphere, it falls at very high because as the viscosity of ink is रे िडयोडावे
speeds. These high speeds cause a lot more, it requires hard pressure on the (d) ultra-high frequency waves on it/
of friction with the air, causing the pen to write and as the viscosity of उस पर अित-उ आवृि तरं ग
parts to catch fire. Option (b) ink is less we can write smoothly.
Ans: (c) radio waves on it/ उस पर
Q1642. Assertion: Water flows faster Q1644. Which of the following is the रे िडयोडावे
than honey./ दावा: शहद की तुलना म largest practical unit of mass?/
पानी तेजी से बहता है । िन िल खत म से कौन सा मान की Explanation:
Reason: The coefficient of viscosity सबसे बड़ी ावहा रक इकाई है ?
of water is less than honey./ कारण: (a) Hyperkg Radar, which stands for radio
पानी की िचपिचपाहट का गुणां क शहद (b) Slug detection and ranging, is a system
से कम है । (c) (a)m.u that uses reflected radio waves to
(d) (c)S.L detect objects and measure their
(a) Both assertion and reason are true distance and spee(d) For example,
and the reason is the correct Ans: (d) (c)S.L police use radar to calculate the
explanation of assertion./ अिभकथन speed of cars.
और कारण दोनों स ह और इसका Explanation:
कारण अिभकथन की सही ा ा है । Q1647. Which of the following
(b) Both assertion and reason are true Chandrasekhar Limit (CSL). It is the measurements is not a unit of
but the reason is not the correct largest practical unit of mass and is distance?/ िन िल खत म से कौन सी
explanation of assertion./ अिभकथन equal to 1.4 times the solar mass. 1 माप दू री की इकाई नहीं है ?
और कारण दोनों ही सही ह लेिकन CSL = 1.4 times the mass of the sun.
इसका कारण अिभकथन की सही (a) Cubit/ ूिबट
ा ा नहीं है । Q1645. Mark the incorrect (b) Ammeter/ एममीटर
(c) The assertion is true but the statements./ गलत बयानों को िचि त (c) Angstron/ एं ग ॉन
reason is false./ दावा सही है लेिकन कर। (d) Parsec/ पारसेक
कारण झूठा है ।
(d) Both assertion and reason are (a) the intensity of sound depends on Ans: (b) Ammeter/ एममीटर
false/ दावा और तक दोनों ही झूठे ह the response of our ears/ िन की
ती ता हमारे कानों की िति या पर Explanation:
Ans: (a) Both assertion and reason िनभर करती है
are true and the reason is the (b) loudness can be measured as a Q1648. Who discovered the
neutron?/ ूटॉन की खोज िकसने की (d) The sound is quieter and has a और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण
थी? lower pitch/ िन शां त है और कम िपच अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है
है (b) Both Assertion and Reason are
(a) Rutherford/ रदरफोड correct but Reason is not the correct
(b) Chadwick/ चाडिवक Ans: (d) The sound is quieter and explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन
(c) Thompson/ थॉ सन has a lower pitch/ िन शांत है और और कारण दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण
(d) Newton/ ूटन कम िपच है अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण नहीं
Ans: (b) Chadwick/ चाडिवक Explanation: (c) Assertion is correct but Reason is
incorrect/ दावा सही है लेिकन कारण
Explanation: The loudness of a sound depends गलत है
upon the amplitude. If the amplitude (d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason
The neutron was discovered by of sound decreases the loudness will is correct/ दावा गलत है , लेिकन कारण
James Chadwick in 1932. It is also सही है
remarkable that the neutron was not decrease
discovered until 1932 when James Ans: (c) Assertion is correct but
Chadwick used scattering data to Also, the pitch of sound also depends Reason is incorrect/ दावा सही है
calculate the mass of this neutral upon the frequency of soun(d) If the लेिकन कारण गलत है
particle. This analysis follows that frequency of sound decreases the
for a head-on elastic collision where pitch Explanation:
a small particle strikes a much more of sound will also decrease.
massive one. The balloon initially rises in the air
Hence the sound will be quieter and because the weight of the displaced
Q1649. Which of the following has a lower pitch. air i.e. upthrust is greater than the
terms is not used in the field of weight of the helium and the balloon.
physics/ िन िल खत म से कौन सा श Q1651. When we increase the Since the density of air decreases
भौितकी के े म उपयोग नहीं िकया loudness of sound of a TV, the with height, therefore, the balloon
गया है property of sound that changes are:/ halts at a particular. height where the
जब हम टीवी की िन की िन को density of air is such that the weight
(a) Latent Heat/ अ गम बढ़ाते ह, तो िन की संपि जो बदल of air displaced is just equal to the
(b)Refractive Index/ अपवतक जाती है : weight of helium gas and the
सूचकां क (a) Amplitude/ आयाम balloon. Hence the net force acting
(c) Nuclear Fission/ परमाणु िवखंडन (b) Frequency/ आवृि on the balloon is zero and the balloon
(d) Stock/ ॉक (c) Wavelength/ तरं ग दै stops rising.
(d) Speed/ गित
Ans: (d) Stock/ ॉक Q1653. ____ pressure indicates
Ans: (a) Amplitude/ आयाम sinking air where clouds cannot
Explanation: form. ____ pressure indicates rising
Explanation: air, which allows clouds to form,
A stock (also known as equity) is a bringing rain or snow. Fill in the
security that represents the The loudness of sound is blank./ ____ दबाव डूबती हवा को
ownership of a fraction of a proportional to the intensity and दशाता है जहाँ बादल नहीं बन सकते ह।
corporation. This entitles the owner amplitude of the soun(d) So when we ____ दबाव बढ़ती हवा को इं िगत करता
of the stock to a proportion of the turn on the volume of tv, the है , जो बादलों को बनाने के िलए, बा रश
corporation's assets and profits equal amplitude of sound wave increases या बफ लाने की अनुमित दे ता है । र
to how much stock they own. Units hence, the loudness of sound थान भर।
of stock are called "shares." increases
So the answer is (a) (a) High, high/ उ ,उ
Q1650. Both the amplitude and the (b) High, low/ उ , िन
frequency of a sound wave decrease. Q1652. Assertion: A helium-filled (c) Low , low/ िन , िन
What happens to the sound heard?/ balloon does not rise indefinitely in (d) Low, high/ िन ,उ
दोनों आयाम और एक िन तरं ग की the air but halts after a certain
आवृि घट जाती है । सुनाई दे ने वाली height./ अिभकथन: हीिलयम से भरा Ans: (b) High, low/ उ , िन
िन से ा होता है ? गु ारा हवा म अिनि त काल तक नहीं
बढ़ता है लेिकन एक िनि त ऊंचाई के Explanation:
(a) The sound is louder and has a बाद क जाता है ।
higher pitch/ िन तेज है और उ Reason: Viscosity opposes the High pressure indicates sinking air
िपच है motion of the balloon/ कारण: where clouds cannot form. Low
(b) The sound is louder and has a िव ोिसटी गु ारे की गित का िवरोध pressure indicates rising air, which
lower pitch/ िन जोर से है और कम करता है allows clouds to form, bringing rain
िपच है or snow.
(c) The sound is quieter and has a (a) Both Assertion and Reason are
higher pitch/ िन शां त है और उ correct and Reason is the correct Q1654. The wavefront due to a
िपच है explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन source situated at infinity is/ अनंत पर
(a) Becomes very hard/ ब त मेहनत place at such low temperature/ काश amplitude ratio will be 5:3.
करता है सं ेषण इतने कम तापमान पर नहीं
(b) reflects most of the heat from the होता है Q1671. A bullet of mass ‘m’ and
sun/ सूय से अिधकां श गम को दशाता है (c) Respiration does not take place at velocity ‘a’ is fired into a large block
(c) has a low specific heat capacity/ low temperature/ कम तापमान पर of wood of mass ‘M’. The final
म कम िविश ताप मता है सन नहीं होता है velocity of the system is/ मान
(d) has a high latent heat of fusion/ म (d) There is a mechanical loss of ‘m’ और वेलोिसटी ‘a’ की एक गोली को
संलयन की एक उ अ गम होती tissues and drought condition बड़े पैमाने पर। ‘M’ मान की लकड़ी
है prevails/ ऊतकों का एक यां ि क के ॉक म िनकाल िदया जाता है ।
नुकसान होता है और सूखे की थित णाली का अंितम वेग है
Ans: (d) has a high latent heat of बनी रहती है
fusion/ म संलयन की एक उ (a) Ma/(m+M)
अ गम होती है Ans: (d) There is a mechanical loss (b) ma/(m+M)
of tissues and drought condition (c) (m+M)a/m
Explanation: prevails/ ऊतकों का एक यांि क (d) (m+M)a/M
नुकसान होता है और सूखे की थित
At the mountain, there is a very large बनी रहती है Ans: (b) [m/(m+M)]*a
amount of snow i.e. m is very very
high. Explanation: Explanation:
And for melts of ice, latent heat of
fusion is require(d) Respiration does not rely on the sun, If v is the final velocity, then
Latent heat of fusion = mass×Lf so it is possible for plants to respire according to the principle of
And since a very very large mass is around the clock. The rate of conservation of momentum,
present so a very high amount of heat respiration is dependent on m1v1+m2v2=(m1+m2)v
is required which can't be delivered temperature: The warmer it is, the Or, v= m1v1+m2v2/(m1+m2)
by the sun at once. more a plant will respire. Drought, Using values from the question, v=
extreme winter or frost and heat ma+0/(m+M)=ma/(m+M)
Q1668. A stone is dropped from the injury all create a situation for the
roof of a house towards the groun(d) plant where moisture is not adequate Q1672. The locomotion of insects to
The kinetic energy of the stone will to maintain the proper water levels in the source of light is called :/ काश
be maximum:/ एक घर की छत से plant tissues. Extreme winter cold के ोत के िलए कीड़ों की थित को
जमीन की ओर एक प र िगरा है । प र and frost are similar to summer कहा जाता है :
की गितज ऊजा अिधकतम होगी: drought in that frozen water is
unavailable to the plant. The air is (a) Phototropic/ फोटोटोिपक
(a) just after it is dropped/ बस िगराए very dry as well. (b) Hydrotropic/ हाइडोटोिपक
जाने के बाद (c) Phototactic/ फोटोटै क
(b) when it is just on the half-way/ Q1670. The intensity ratio of waves (d) Thermotactic/ थम टै क
जब यह आधे रा े पर होता है is 25:9. What is the ratio of their
(c) just before it touches the ground/ amplitudes?/ तरं गों की ती ता का Ans: (a) Phototropic/ फोटोटोिपक
जमीन को छूने से पहले अनुपात 25: 9 है । उनके आयाम का
(d) when it touches the ground/ जब अनुपात ा है ? Explanation:
यह जमीन को छूता है
(a) 50:18 The growth or movement of a plant
Ans: (c) just before it touches the (b) 25:9 part in response to a source of light is
ground/ जमीन को छूने से पहले (c) 3:5 called phototropism. It is most often
(d) 5:3 observed in plants, but can also occur
Explanation: in other organisms such as fungi.
Ans: (d) 5:3
When an object reaches the ground it Q1673. Which of the following is a
has its maximum value of kinetic Explanation: good conductor of heat but a bad
energy just before touching the conductor of electricity?/ िन िल खत
groun(d) Since kinetic energy + In general, the intensity of a wave is म से कौन ऊ ा का अ ा संवाहक है
potential energy= Constant; so on proportional to the square of its लेिकन िवद् युत का कुचालक है ?
reaching the ground the potential amplitude. This has an important (a) mica/ अ क
energy of an object becomes zero (0). implication: relative intensity can be (b) asbestos/ ए े ोस
The kinetic energy on reaching obtained by squaring relative (c) celluloid/ से ुलॉयड
ground becomes maximum. amplitude. (d) paraffin wax/ पैरािफन मोम
I α a^2
Q1669. Plants are dried up in winter ∴a1/a2= √(I1/I2) Ans: (a) mica/ अ क
due to frost because/ सिदयों म ठं ढ के = √(25/9)
कारण पौधे सूख जाते ह =5/3 Explanation:
(a) Evaporation does not take place/
वा ीकरण नहीं होता है i.e., a1: a2 = 5:3 Mica is a good conductor of heat but
(b) Photosynthesis does not take So if the intensity ratio is 25:9, the bad conductor of electricity.
bubbles from the liquid are formed/ (b) dispense light into component Explanation:
उस ि या का नाम बताइए िजसके ारा colours/ घटक रं गों म
तरल से बुलबुले बनते ह (c) refract the light of different In a Type 2 Lever, the load is
colours/ िविभ रं गों के काश को between the pivot (fulcrum) and the
(a) Effervescence/ बुदबुदाहट अपवितत करता है effort. Examples of common tools
(b) Surface Tension/ सतह तनाव (d) transmit or absorb light of that use a type 2 lever include a
(c) Surface Energy/ सतह ऊजा different colours/ िविभ रं गों के stapler, bottle opener, wheelbarrow,
(d) Degasification/ डीिगिज़िफकेशन काश को संचा रत या अवशोिषत करना nail clippers, and a nutcracker.
Q1682. Purpose of an optical filter is (a) class III lever/ वग III लीवर Explanation:
to/ एक ऑि कल िफ र का उ े है (b) pulley system/ चरखी णाली
(c) class I lever/ वग I लीवर In addition to being used in
(a) reflect lights of different colours/ (d) class II lever/ वग II लीवर telescopes, parabolic mirrors have
िविभ रं गों की रोशनी को ितिबंिबत Ans: (d) class II lever/ वग II लीवर been used as a means to focus
करते ह sunlight against an enemy in time of
war, to light the Olympic torch, (a) Quasars/ ासर एक धातु के तार के िलए, अनुपात V / i
create a solar cooker, and as car (b) Binaries/ बायने रज़ (जहां V = लागू संभािवत अंतर और i =
headlights. Additionally, the mirrors (c) Novas and supernovas/ नोवास वतमान वाह)
have been used to create parabolic और सुपरनोवा
microphones and spotlights. (d) Asteroids/ ु ह (a) is independent of temperature/
तापमान से तं है
Q1687. In which of the following Ans: (b) Binaries/ बायने रज़ (b) increases as the temperature rises/
industries is mica as a raw material?/ तापमान बढ़ने के साथ बढ़ता है
िन िल खत म से िकस उ ोग म क े Explanation: (c) decreases as the temperature
माल के प म अ क है ? rises/ तापमान के बढ़ने के साथ ही कम
A binary star is a star system हो जाती है
(a) Iron and Steel/ आयरन और ील consisting of two stars orbiting (d) increases or decreases as
(b) Cement/ सीमट around their common barycenter. temperature rise depending upon the
(c) Glass and Pottery/ ास और Systems of two or more stars are metal./ धातु के आधार पर तापमान बढ़ने
पॉटरी called multiple star systems. These के साथ डी बढ़ता या घटता है ।
(d) Electrical/ िवद् युत systems, especially when more
distant, often appear to the unaided Ans: (b) increases as the
Ans: (d) Electrical/ िवद् युत eye as a single point of light, and are temperature rises/ तापमान बढ़ने के
then revealed as multiple by other साथ बढ़ता है
Q1688. On a cold day when room means.
temperature is 15oC, the metallic cap Explanation:
of a pen becomes much colder than
its plastic body, though both are at Metallic wires contain free electrons
the same temperature of 15oC, which help in conduction of
because/ एक ठं डे िदन पर जब कमरे electricity. As temperature increases,
का तापमान 15oC होता है , एक कलम atoms start vibrating more
की धातु की टोपी उसके ा क शरीर vigorously, thereby increasing the
की तुलना म ब त अिधक ठं डी हो जाती number of collisions. These
है , हालां िक दोनों 15oC के समान collisions hinder the movement of
तापमान पर होते ह, ोंिक free electrons. Therefore, the
Q1690. During a cyclone, air moves resistance to movement of electrons
(a) metals have higher thermal from :/ एक च वात के दौरान, हवा is higher at higher temperatures. So,
capacity than plastics/ धातुओं म चलती है : the ratio increases as temperature
ा क की तुलना म उ तापीय increases.
मता होती है (a) Region of high pressure to low
(b) plastics have a lower density than pressure/ उ दाब से िन दाब तक का Q1692. A body produces sound only
metals/ ा क म धातुओं की तुलना म े if, it is/ एक शरीर केवल तभी िन
कम घन होता है (b) Region of high pressure to high उ करता है , यिद वह है
(c) metals are good conductor of pressure/ उ दाब से उ दाब का े
heat/ धातुएँ ऊ ा की सुचालक होती ह (c) Region of low velocity to high (a) Made of steel/ ील से बना है
(d) plastics have a higher thermal velocity/ िन वेग से उ वेग का े (b) Made of glass/ ास से बना है
conductivity than metals/ ा क म (d) Region of high pressure to low (c) Plucked/ लगाई
धातुओं की तुलना म अिधक ऊ ीय velocity/ िन दबाव के िलए उ दबाव (d) Vibrating/ वाइ ेिटं ग
चालकता होती है का े
Ans: (d) Vibrating / वाइ ेिटं ग
Ans: (c) metals are good conductor Ans: (a) Region of high pressure to
of heat/ धातुएँ ऊ ा की सुचालक low pressure/ उ दाब से िन दाब Explanation:
होती ह तक का े
Sound is caused by a vibration.
Explanation: Explanation: Vibration is just something that goes
back and forth, back and forth. Now,
because metals are good conductors The correct answer is option(a). if the object vibrates fast enough, it's
of heat, so they could absorb and We know when there is the going to disturb the air. If the air
release heat in a better way than difference in atmospheric pressure, vibrates, our ears are sensitive
insulators. air moves from the higher to the enough to pick that up.
lower pressure area, resulting in
Q1689. Stars which appear single to winds of various speeds. Hence Q1693. Assertion - The fundamental
the naked eye but are double when during a cyclone air moves from a frequency of an open organ pipe
seen through a telescope are region of high pressure to low increases as the temperature is
_____________/ वे तारे जो न आं खों pressure. increase(d)/ अिभकथन - तापमान के
के िलए एकल िदखाई दे ते ह लेिकन प म एक खुला अंग पाइप बढ़ जाती है
दू रबीन के मा म से दे खे जाने पर दोहरे Q1691. For a metallic wire, the ratio की मौिलक आवृि बढ़ जाती है ।
होते ह _____________ V/i (where V = applied potential Reason - as the temperature increases
difference and i = current flowing)/ the velocity of sound increases more
rapidly than the length of the pipe./ incorrect/ अिभकथन सही है लेिकन two balloons closer./ गु ाकषण बल
कारण - तापमान बढ़ने के साथ पाइप की कारण सही नहीं है दो गु ारों को पास खींचता है ।
लंबाई की तुलना म िन का वेग अिधक (d) Both Assertion and Reason are (d) None of the above./ उपरो म से
तेजी से बढ़ता है । incorrect/ अिभकथन और कारण दोनों कोई नहीं।
सही नहीं ह
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are Ans: (b) Blowing air in between
correct and Reason is the correct Ans: (a) Both Assertion and increases the pressure in between
explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन Reason are correct and Reason is the balloons pulls them closer./
और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण the correct explanation for बीच-बीच म हवा बहने से गु ारों के
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है Assertion/ अिभकथन और कारण बीच का दबाव बढ़ जाता है जो उ
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are दोनों सही ह और कारण अिभकथन करीब खी ंचता है ।
correct but Reason is not the correct के िलए सही ीकरण है
explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन Explanation:
और कारण दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण Explanation: When we blow between two
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण नहीं The velocity of sound in solids is balloons, they come closer because
है given by, ν= √(γ/ρ) . Though ρ is the pressure between the balloons
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is large for solids, their coefficient of decreases. The pressure inside the
incorrect/ अिभकथन सही है लेिकन elasticity is much larger (compared balloon would then push them
कारण सही नहीं है to that of liquids and gases). That is towards each other.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are why ν is maximum in case of solids.
incorrect/ अिभकथन और कारण दोनों Q1697. The large grouping of stars,
सही नहीं ह Q1695. A sound wave travels at a dust, and gas held together by gravity
speed of 339 m/s. If its wavelength is are called:/ गु ाकषण ारा तारों, धूल
Ans: (a) Both Assertion and 1.5 cm, what is the frequency of the और गैस के बड़े समूह को एक साथ रखा
Reason are correct and Reason is wave?/ एक िन तरं ग 339 m / s की जाता है :
the correct explanation for गित से या ा करती है । यिद इसकी तरं ग (a) Galaxies/ आकाशगंगाएं
Assertion/ अिभकथन और कारण दै 1.5 सेमी है , तो लहर की आवृि (b) Nebulae/ नेबुला
दोनों सही ह और कारण अिभकथन ा है ? (c) Pulse/ प
के िलए सही ीकरण है (a) 2600 Hz/ हट् ज (d) Comets/ धूमकेतु
(b) 2200 Hz/ हट् ज
Explanation: (c) 2260 Hz/ हट् ज Ans: (a) Galaxies/ आकाशगंगाएं
(d) 22600 Hz/ हट् ज
For an open organ pipe fundamental Explanation:
frequency is expressed as=v/2l, Ans: (d) 22600 Hz/ हट् ज
where v is the velocity of the wave Galaxies are a large grouping of
and l is the length of an organ pipe. Explanation: stars, dust, and gas held together by
Since the velocity increases rapidly gravity.
with the increase of temperature in Given speed (V)=339m/s ; λ=0.0015 Nebulae: cosmic element of gas
comparison with the increase in its m; f=? Pulse: The rapid pulse
length. Therefore, it is clear that the Comets: Left ones from the
frequency increases with the increase Now we know, formation of the planetary system
of temperature. V=fλ⟹f=V/λ
=339/0.0015 Q1698. In which form is the supplied
Q1694. Assertion - The speed of =22600 Hz heat energy stored during the change
sound in solids is maximum through in temperature of substance?/ पदाथ
their density is large./ अिभकथन - Q1696. Why do two balloons come के तापमान म प रवतन के दौरान
ठोसों म िन की गित अिधकतम होती closer when we blow in the space सं हीत ऊ ा ऊजा िकस प म
है , उनका घन बड़ा होता है । between them?/ जब हम उन दोनों के सं िहत की जाती है ?
Reason - The coefficient of elasticity बीच अंत र म उड़ते ह तो दो गु ारे
of solids is large./ कारण - ठोस की करीब ों आते ह? (a) Heat energy/ ऊ ा ऊजा
लोच का गुणां क बड़ा है । (b) Kinetic energy/ गितज ऊजा
(a) Greater pressure inside the (c) Potential energy/ संभािवत ऊजा
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are balloons than the reduced pressure in (d) Both kinetic and potential energy/
correct and Reason is the correct between them drives the balloons गितज और संभािवत ऊजा दोनों
explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन towards one another./ गु ारों के अंदर
और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण का कम दबाव उनके बीच के कम दबाव Ans: (b) Kinetic energy/ गितज
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है से गु ारे को एक दू सरे की ओर खींचता ऊजा
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are है ।
correct but Reason is not the correct (b) Blowing air in between increases Q1699. Assertion: A dam for a water
explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन the pressure in between the balloons reservoir is built thicker at the
और कारण दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण pulls them closer./ बीच-बीच म हवा bottom than at the top./ अिभकथन:
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण नहीं बहने से गु ारों के बीच का दबाव बढ़ पानी के जलाशय के िलए एक बाँ ध नीचे
है जाता है जो उ करीब खींचता है । से ऊपर की ओर मोटा होता है ।
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is (c) The gravitational force pulls the Reason: The pressure of water is
very large at the bottom./ कारण: पानी audible range, the listeners will hear the two regions. Winds flow from the
का दबाव सबसे नीचे होता है । only this note prominently. region of higher pressure to the
region of lower pressure. Greater is
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are Q1701. More viscous oil is used in the pressure difference, greater is the
correct and Reason is the correct summer than in winter in motors due speed of the wing flowing and
explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन to/ गिमयों म मोटरों की तुलना म गिमयों vice-vers(a)
और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण म अिधक िचपिचपे तेल का उपयोग Thus all the statements are true, so
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है िकया जाता है option D is correct.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are
correct but Reason is not the correct (a) rise in temperature in summer, the Q1703. A laser beam is coherent
explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन viscosity of oil increases./ गिमयों म because it contains/ एक लेजर बीम
और कारण दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण तापमान म वृ , तेल की िचपिचपाहट सुसंगत है ोंिक इसम शािमल है
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण नहीं बढ़ जाती है ।
है (b) rise in temperature in summer, (a) waves of several wavelengths./
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is the viscosity of oil decreases./ गिमयों कई तरं ग दै की तरं ग।
incorrect/ दावा सही है लेिकन कारण म तापमान म वृ , तेल की िचपिचपाहट (b) incoherent waves of a single
गलत है कम हो जाती है । wavelength./ एक तरं ग दै की लहरों
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are (c) surface tension of oil decreases./ की असंगत तरं ग।
incorrect/ दावा और तक दोनों ही गलत तेल की सतह का तनाव कम हो जाता है । (c) coherent waves of several
ह (d) surface tension of oil increases./ wavelengths/ कई तरं ग दै की सुसंगत
तेल की सतह तनाव बढ़ जाती है । तरं ग
Ans: (a) Both Assertion and (d) coherent waves of a single
Reason are correct and Reason is Ans: (b) rise in temperature in wavelength./ एक तरं ग दै की सुसंगत
the correct explanation for summer, the viscosity of oil तरं ग।
Assertion/ अिभकथन और कारण decreases./ गिमयों म तापमान म
दोनों सही ह और कारण अिभकथन वृ , तेल की िचपिचपाहट कम हो Ans: (d) coherent waves of a single
के िलए सही ीकरण है जाती है । wavelength./ एक तरं ग दै की
सुसंगत तरं ग।
Explanation: Explanation:
Q1704. Assertion - The intensity of
The Wall of dams is thick from the Due to rise in temperature viscosity sound wave does not change when
bottom because the pressure of water of oil decreases in summers. So more the listener moves towards or away
at the bottom is very large. viscous oils are used for better from stationary./ अिभकथन - िन
Because we know Pressure=ρ×g×h lubricant protection. तरं ग की ती ता म प रवतन नहीं होता है
So, pressure in liquid increases with जब ोता चाल की िदशा म या थर से
depth. Hence, both reason and Q1702. Which of the following is/are दू र।
assertion are correct and the reason is true?/ िन िल खत म से कौन सा स है Reason - The motion of listener
the correct explanation of assertion. / ह? causes the apparent change in
wavelength./ कारण - ोता की गित
Q1700. A sharp sound becomes a (a) The wind blows because of तरं ग दै म प रवतन का कारण
musical note in an auditorium then, it differences in air pressure from one बनती है ।
is called/ एक सभागार म एक तेज िन location to another/ हवा का दबाव एक
एक संगीत नोट बन जाती है , इसे कहा थान से दू सरे थान पर अंतर के कारण (a) Both Assertion and Reason are
जाता है हवा चलती है correct and Reason is the correct
(b) Wind blows from areas of high explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन
(a) echo/ गूंज pressure toward areas of low और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण
(b) Echelon effect/ इकोलोन भाव pressure/ उ दाब के े ों से िन दाब अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है
(c) reverberation/ पुनज वाले े ों की ओर हवा चलती है (b) Both Assertion and Reason are
(d) shrillness/ ती णता (c) If the high pressure area is very correct but Reason is not the correct
close to the low pressure area, or if explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन
Ans: (b) Echelon effect/ इकोलोन the pressure difference is very great, और कारण दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण
भाव the wind can blow very fast/ यिद उ अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण नहीं
दाब े िन दाब े के ब त करीब है , है
Explanation: या यिद दबाव का अंतर ब त अिधक है , (c) Assertion is correct but Reason is
तो हवा ब त तेज उड़ सकती है incorrect/ दावा सही है लेिकन कारण
If there is a regular structure similar (d) All of the above/ उपरो सभी गलत है
to a flight of stairs or assets of (d) Both Assertion and Reason are
railways in the hall, the sound Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरो incorrect/ दावा और तक दोनों ही गलत
produced in front of such a structure सभी ह
may produce a musical note due to
regular successive echoes of sound Explanation: Ans: (b) Both Assertion and
reaching the observer. Such an effect Reason are correct but Reason is
is called the echelon effect. If the Wind flowing is the result of a not the correct explanation for
frequency of this note is within the pressure difference in the air between Assertion/ अिभकथन और कारण
दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण जहां λ वेवलथ है । disturbance will produce a large
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण (c) should be much larger than the change.
नही ं है wavelength./ तरं ग दै से ब त बड़ा Hence, a ball balanced on a vertical
होना चािहए। rod is an example of unstable
Explanation: (d) should be of the order of equilibrium.
wavelength./ वेवलथ के म का होना
The intensity of the sound at any चािहए। Q1709. If a gymnast, standing on a
point is defined as the amount of rotating stool with his arms stretched,
energy flowing per second per unit Ans: (d) should be of the order of suddenly lowers his arms/ यिद एक
area around that point. This value wavelength./ वेवलथ के म का होना िज ा , अपनी बाहों के साथ घूमते ए
will not change due to the motion of चािहए। ू ल पर खड़ा होता है , तो अचानक
the listener in a particular direction. उसकी बाह कम हो जाती ह
The motion of the listener changes Explanation:
the apparent wavelength of the sound (a) His angular velocity decreases/
only. The phenomenon of diffraction is उसका कोणीय वेग कम हो जाता है
observed when the size of the (b) His angular velocity remains
Therefore, the assertion and reason obstacle is of the order of wavelength constant/ उसका कोणीय वेग थर
both are correct but the reason is not due to the wave nature of light. रहता है
the correct explanation for the (c) His moment of inertia decreases/
assertion. Q1707. The characteristic of उसकी जड़ता का ण कम हो जाता है
__________ is used in the breaking (d) His moment of inertia increases/
Q1705. A wire of uniform thickness pads of cars/ __________ की िवशेषता उसकी जड़ता का ण बढ़ जाता है
with a resistance of 27Ω is cut into का उपयोग कारों के ेिकंग पैड म िकया
three equal pieces and they are joined जाता है Ans: (c) His moment of inertia
in parallel. Find the resistance of the decreases/ उसकी जड़ता का ण
parallel combination./ 27Ω के ितरोध (a) Zero effect of friction/ घषण का कम हो जाता है
के साथ समान मोटाई के एक तार को शू भाव
तीन समान टु कड़ों म काट िदया जाता है (b) Weight impulse force tension Explanation:
और वे समानां तर म जुड़ जाते ह। action/ वजन आवेग बल तनाव कारवाई
समानां तर संयोजन के ितरोध का पता (c) Negative effect of friction/ घषण By conservation of angular
लगाएं । का नकारा क भाव momentum I1ω1=I2ω2 , When
(d) Positive effect of friction/ घषण gymnast lowers his arms, the
(a) 9 Ohm का सकारा क भाव Moment of Inertia of the gymnast
(b) 27 Ohm decreases (because more mass is
(c) 3 Ohm Ans: (d) Positive effect of friction/ closer to axis of rotation) and angular
(d) ⅓ Ohm घषण का सकारा क भाव velocity will increase.
density of the resulting mixture if rotation of the earth about its axis/
equal volumes of the three liquids are Explanation: अविध पृ ी की धुरी के घूमने की अविध
mixed?/ तीन तरल पदाथ की घन डी, के बराबर है
2 डी और 3 डी ह। तीन तरल पदाथ के Except for B, All are correct because (d) Mass is less than the mass of
बराबर मा ा म िमि त होने पर प रणामी if velocity does not change then earth/ मान पृ ी के मान से कम
िम ण का घन ा होगा? speed cannot. है
(a) 6 D and acceleration is the rate of change
(b) 1.4 D of velocity, so it is zero Ans: (c) Period is equal to the
(c) 2 D period of rotation of the earth
(d) 3 D Q1714. Which one of the following about its axis/ अविध पृ ी की धुरी
has maximum inertia?/ िन िल खत म के घूमने की अविध के बराबर है
Ans: (c) 2 D से िकसम अिधकतम जड़ता है ?
Explanation: (a) An atom/ एक परमाणु
(b) A molecule/ एक अणु Relay satellite has two forces on the
Let V be the volume of each liqui(d) (c) A one-rupee coin/ एक पये का area instantly supposed if the satellite
Resulting density will be, िस ा is stable in space of a certain
D′= (DV+2DV+3DV)/(V+V+V) (d) A cricket ball/ एक ि केट की गद position, then as the earth rotates the
= 6DV/3V Ans: (d) A cricket ball/ एक ि केट satellite can show once one part and
= 2D की गद later another part which is absorbed
in movement. Therefore the satellite
Q1712. The pressure of the earth's Explanation: has to revolve around the earth with
atmosphere at sea level is due to the/ the same angular spee(d) Therefore
समु तल पर पृ ी के वायुमंडल का The inertia of a body depends upon the time period of the satellite
दबाव िकसके कारण है the quantity of mass. revolution should be the same as the
Among the following, a cricket ball time period of the rotation of earth
(a) Fact that most living things has the maximum mass. Hence, it and rotation of the satellite should be
constantly breathe air/ त िक possesses maximum inerti(a) about the axis of earth's rotation. So
ादातर जीिवत चीज लगातार हवा म its period is equal to the period of
सां स लेती ह Q1715. Which one of the following rotation of the earth about its axis.
(b) The gravitational attraction of the devices is non-ohmic?/ िन म से कौन
earth for the atmosphere/ वायुमंडल के सा उपकरण गैर-ओिमक है ? Q1717. Which of the following is
िलए पृ ी का गु ाकषण आकषण true for elastic potential energy
(c) Evaporation of water from the (a) Conducting copper coil/ कॉपर density?/ लोचदार संभािवत ऊजा घन
seas and oceans/ समु और महासागरों कॉइल का संचालन करना के िलए िन िल खत म से कौन सा सही
से पानी का वा ीकरण (b) Electric heating coil/ इले क है ?
(d) Heating of the atmosphere by the हीिटं ग कॉइल
sun/ सूय ारा वायुमंडल का ताप (c) Semiconductor diode/ (a) Energy density =
सेमीकंड र डायोड 1/2×strain×stress/ ऊजा घन = 1/2 ×
Ans: (b) The gravitational (d) Rheostat/ रसो ै ट तनाव × तनाव
attraction of the earth for the (b) Energy density =
atmosphere/ वायुमंडल के िलए पृ ी Ans: (c) Semiconductor diode/ (strain)^2×volume/ ऊजा घन =
का गु ाकषण आकषण सेमीकंड र डायोड (तनाव) ^ 2 × मा ा
(c) Energy density =
Q1713. If an object moves with Explanation: (strain)×volume/ ऊजा घन = ( े न)
constant velocity then which one of × आयतन
the following statements is A semiconductor diode is (d) Energy density =
incorrect?/ यिद कोई व ु िनरं तर वेग से non-ohmi(c) (stress)×volume/ ऊजा घन =
चलती है तो िन िल खत म से कौन सा (तनाव) × आयतन
कथन गलत है ? Q1716. The relay satellite transmits
the television program continuously Ans: (a) Energy density =
(a) Its motion is along a straight line/ from one part to another because its:/ 1/2×strain×stress/ ऊजा घन = 1/2
इसकी गित एक सीधी रे खा के साथ है रले उप ह टे लीिवज़न काय म को एक × तनाव × तनाव
(b) Its speed changes with time/ समय भाग से दू सरे भाग तक लगातार प ँ चाता
के साथ इसकी गित बदल जाती है है ोंिक इसका: Explanation:
(c) Its acceleration is zero/ इसका (a) Period is greater than the period
रण शू है of rotation of the earth about its axis/ Elastic potential energy per unit
(d) Its displacement increases इसकी धुरी के बारे म पृ ी के घूमने की volume is given by
linearly with time/ इसका िव थापन अविध की तुलना म अविध अिधक है u=1/2×stress×strain
समय के साथ रै खक प से बढ़ता है (b) Period is less than the period of
rotation of the earth about its axis/ Q1718. The Solar constant is defined
Ans: (b) Its speed changes with अपनी धुरी के बारे म पृ ी के घूमने की as the energy incident per unit area
time/ समय के साथ इसकी गित बदल अविध से कम है per secon(d) The dimensional
जाती है (c) Period is equal to the period of formula for solar constant is/ सौर
which is similarly polarized and clearly because the iris is unable to Only a parabolic concave mirror has
blocks the light polarized in the dilate the pupil immediately. This a true, single-point principal focus
opposite direction, each eye sees a phenomenon is called photophobi(a) for parallel rays. For this reason,
different image. This is used to parabolic mirrors are used as
produce a three-dimensional effect Q1727. The reason for a swimming reflectors to focus light in telescopes
by projecting the same scene into pool to appear less deep than the or to focus microwaves in satellite
both eyes, but depicted from slightly actual depth is/ िमंग पूल का communication systems.
different perspectives. वा िवक गहराई से कम गहरा िदखाई
दे ने का कारण है Q1729. Which of the following
Q1726. When a person walking in (a) refraction/ अपवतन instruments is used to measure
bright Sunlight enters a dark room he (b) light scattering/ काश का humidity?/ िन म से िकस उपकरण
is not able to see clearly for a little कीणन का उपयोग नमी को मापने के िलए िकया
while because/ जब उ ल सूय के (c) reflection/ ितिबंब जाता है ?
काश म चलने वाला एक अंधेरे (d) interference/ वधान (a) Kata Thermometer/ काटा
कमरे म वेश करता है , तो वह थोड़ी दे र थमामीटर
के िलए प से दे खने म स म नहीं Ans: (a) refraction/ अपवतन (b) Anemometer/ एनीमोमीटर
होता है (c) Sling Psychrometer/ ंग
Explanation: साइ ोमीटर
(a) the eye muscles cannot (d) Clinical Thermometer/ िनकल
immediately adjust the focal length The apparent depth will look less थमामीटर
of the eye lens./ आं ख की मां सपेिशयां than its real depth due to the
आं ख के लस की फोकल लंबाई को तुरंत refraction of light. Refraction is the Ans:(c) Sling Psychrometer/ ंग
समायोिजत नहीं कर सकती ह। bending of a wave when it enters a साइ ोमीटर
(b) the retina retains the bright medium where it’s speed is different.
images for some time and becomes The refraction of light when it passes Explanation:
momentarily insensitive./ रे िटना कुछ from a fast medium to a slow
समय के िलए चमकदार छिवयों को medium bends the light ray toward A sling psychrometer is an
बनाए रखता है और पल-पल the normal to the boundary between instrument that measures the relative
असंवेदनशील हो जाता है । the two medi(a) The amount of humidity and dew point in an are(a)
(c) the iris is unable to contract the bending depends on the indices of A sling psychrometer has two
pupil immediately/ आई रस पुतली को refraction of the two media and is thermometers: a wet bulb and a dry
तुरंत अनुबंिधत करने म असमथ है described quantitatively by Snell’s bul(b) The wet bulb has a cotton
(d) the iris is unable to dilate the Law. wick over the bulb of the
pupil immediately/ आइ रस पुतली को thermometer, which is moistened
तुरंत पतला नहीं कर पाता है Q1728. The type of mirrors used in with room temperature water.
the headlamp of cars is/ कारों के
Ans: (c) the iris is unable to हे डलै म यु दपण का कार है
contract the pupil immediately/ (a) parabolic concave/ परवलियक
आई रस पुतली को तुरंत अनुबंिधत अवतल
करने म असमथ है (b) plane/ समतल
(c) spherical convex/ गोलाकार उ ल
Explanation: (d) cylindrical concave/ बेलनाकार
We need light to see what is around
us and to see colour. Light bounces Ans:(a) parabolic concave /
off the objects we look at. These परवलियक अवतल
reflect different amounts of light
which we see as different colours. Explanation:
Our eyes need light to work. Light
entering the eye is collected by the Curved mirror that reflects light from
retina and processed by the brain to its inner surface, the curve being
obtain the pictures that we need to inwar(d) It may be either circular or
see. Light is an essential part of this parabolic in section. A concave
process, for example, it is difficult to mirror converges parallel light rays
read when light levels are low. inward to the point of principal
Sometimes light can cause problems focus. The image formed by a
for our vision. Usually, our eyes concave mirror is real (reduced and Q1730. A coil of resistance 10Ω and
adjust to the new source of light and inverted) if the object is not too close an inductance 5 H is connected to a
we are able to see clearly again after to the mirror. A real image is formed 100 V battery. The energy stored in
a few seconds. The eye adjusts to the at the point of convergence. If the the coil is/ ितरोध 10 coil का कॉइल
new level of light by making our object is close to the mirror then the और इं ड न 5 H 100 V बैटरी से जुड़ा
pupil smaller (constricting). When a image formed will be virtual, है । कुंडल म सं हीत ऊजा है
person walking in bright light enters enlarged, and upright, as the rays of
a dark room, he is not able to see light cannot converge to a point. (a) 125 erg
(b) 125 J does to revolve around its partner. एक लेजर म (िनयॉन लेजर कहते ह)
(c) 250 erg This causes one hemisphere सभी परमाणु काश तरं गों का उ जन
(d) 250 J constantly to face the partner body. करते ह
(a) Same frequency/ एक ही आवृि
Ans: (d) 250 J Q1732. The oldest type of energy (b) Same amplitude/ एक ही आयाम
known to man is/ मनु को ात सबसे (c) Same phase/ एक ही चरण
Steady state current पुरानी कार की ऊजा है (d) All of the above/ उपरो सभी
I0 = V/R (a) wind power/ पवन ऊजा
= 100/10 (b) solar power/ सौर ऊजा Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरो
= 10A (c) tidal energy/ ारीय ऊजा सभी
∴ Energy stored in the coil U= (d) geothermal energy/ भूतापीय ऊजा
1/2LI0^2 Explanation:
= Ans: (d) geothermal energy/
1/2×5×(10)^2 भूतापीय ऊजा In a Laser, all the atoms emit the
=250J light waves of the same frequency,
Explanation: amplitude, and phase. A laser is a
Q1731. We always see the same face device that emits light
of the moon because/ हम हमेशा The oldest energy known to man is (electromagnetic radiation) through a
चं मा का एक ही चेहरा दे खते ह ोंिक Geothermal energy. This geothermal process of optical amplification
energy originates from the original based on the stimulated emission of
(a) It is smaller than the earth/ यह formation of the planet, from photons. The term “laser” originated
पृ ी से छोटा है radioactive decay of minerals, and as an acronym for Light
(b) it revolves on its axis in a from solar energy absorbed at the Amplification by Stimulated
direction opposite to that of the earth surface. It has been used for space Emission of Radiation.
/ यह अपनी धुरी पर पृ ी के िवपरीत heating and bathing since ancient
िदशा म घूमता है Roman times but is now better Q1735. The metal used to make
(c) it takes equal time for revolution known for generating electricity. lightning conductors is/ िबजली के
around the earth and rotation on its Geothermal energy is thermal energy संवाहक बनाने के िलए यु धातु है
own axis/ यह पृ ी के चारों ओर ां ित generated and stored in the Earth. (a) Iron/ आयरन
के िलए समान समय लेता है और अपनी Thermal energy is the energy that (b) Aluminum/ ए ुिमिनयम
धुरी पर घूमता है determines the temperature of matter. (c) Copper/ कॉपर
(d) it rotates at the same speed as the The Geothermal energy of the (d) Zinc/ िजंक
earth around the sun/ यह सूय के चारों Earth’s crust originates from the
ओर पृ ी के समान गित से घूमता है original formation of the planet Ans: (c) Copper/ कॉपर
(20%) and from radioactive decay of
Ans: (c) it takes equal time for minerals (80%). Explanation:
revolution around the earth and
rotation on its own axis/ यह पृ ी Q1733. ‘Therm’ is the unit of/ ‘थम’ A lightning rod is a metal rod or
के चारों ओर ांित के िलए समान की इकाई है metallic object mounted on top of a
समय लेता है और अपनी धुरी पर building, electrically bonded using a
घूमता है (a) power/ श wire or electrical conductor to
(b) heat/ गम interface with ground or “earth”
Explanation: (c) light/ काश through an electrode, engineered to
(d) distance/ दू री protect the building in the event of a
It is tidal locking that causes the lightning strike. If lightning targets
synchronous rotation which causes Ans: (b) heat/ गम the building it will preferentially
the Moon to present “just one side” strike the rod and be conducted to
to the Earth all the time. The Moon Explanation: ground through the wire, instead of
rotates (spins) but very slowly, passing through the building, where
making one turn on its axis at the Therm is a non-SI unit of heat energy it could start a fire or cause
same time it takes to revolve (orbit) equal to 100,000 British thermal electrocution. Copper and its alloys
around the Earth. So it maintains a units (BTU). It is approximately the are the most common materials used
“constant face” in our direction. We energy equivalent of burning 100 in lightning protection. Copper does
actually see slightly more than half cubic feet (often referred to as 1 not attract lightning, but it effectively
of its surface as it turns. Tidal CCF) of natural gas. Since (Natural and rapidly facilitates the
locking (or captured rotation) occurs Gas) meters measure volume and not transmission of lightning energy to
when the gravitational gradient energy content, a therm factor is used the ground because of its excellent
makes one side of an astronomical by (Natural) gas companies to electrical conductivity and corrosion
body always face another, an effect convert the volume of gas used to its resistance characteristics. Also, it
known as synchronous rotation. For heat equivalent, and thus calculate bends easily compared to other
example, the same side of the Earth’s the actual energy use. conductor materials.
Moon always faces the Earth. A
tidally locked body takes just as long Q1734. In a Laser (say neon laser) Q1736. The energy of Ultraviolet
to rotate around its own axis as it all the atoms emit the light waves of/ rays is great than/ पराबगनी िकरणों की
ऊजा की तुलना म महान है (c) live wire and the neutral wire/ frequency in the microwave, or
(a) Infrared rays/ इ ारे ड िकरण लाइव वायर और ूटल वायर electron transition frequency in the
(b) Gamma rays/ गामा िकरण (d) earth wire and the neutral wire/ optical or ultraviolet region of the
(c) X-rays/ ए -रे पृ ी तार और तट थ तार electromagnetic spectrum of atoms
(d) Cosmic rays/ कॉ क िकरण as a frequency standard for its
Ans: (c) live wire and the neutral timekeeping element.
Ans: (a) Infrared rays/ इ ारे ड wire/ लाइव वायर और ूटल वायर
Three wires enter most homes from
The electromagnetic spectrum is the the power pole—two “hot” wires and
name we use when we talk about a third “neutral” wire. Each hot wire
different types of radiation as a provides 120-volt current for
group. The parts of the conventional lights, receptacles, and
electromagnetic spectrum, arranged appliances when paired with the
from highest energy to lowest, are neutral wire, which is normally kept Q1740. A device used for converting
gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, at zero volts or “ground potential.” (d)(c) into (a)(c) is called/ एक
visible light, infrared light, When both hot wires are used उपकरण िजसका उपयोग (d)c को
microwaves, and radio waves. All together with the neutral, they power (a)(c)म प रवितत करने के िलए िकया
the parts of the electromagnetic large 240-volt appliances such as air जाता है ।
spectrum are the same thing — conditioners and electric ovens. All
radiation. Radiation is made up of a the electric appliances stop working (a) transformer/ टां सफामर
stream of photons — particles in a house when the main switch is (b) rectifier/ सही करनेवाला
without mass that move in a wave put off because the electric circuit (c) inverter/ पलटनेवाला
pattern, all at the same speed — the (the path where the electricity (d) dynamo/ डाइनेमो
speed of light. Each photon contains travels) gets opene(d) A circuit needs
a certain amount of energy. The only to be closed in order for current to Ans: (c) inverter/ पलटनेवाला
difference between the parts of the flow through it and thus all electric
electromagnetic spectrum is the appliances to work. Switching off the Explanation:
amount of energy the photons main supply involves breaking the
contain. Radio waves have the least circuit and hence the current flow A rectifier is an electrical device that
energy, and gamma rays have the through the circuit. Turning off a converts alternating current (AC),
most wall switch does not necessarily turn which periodically reverses direction,
off the power to a fixture or to direct current (DC), which flows
Q1737. A multimeter is used to receptacle; the power at the circuit in only one direction. The process is
measure/ मापने के िलए एक म ीमीटर breaker should be shut off. On the known as rectification. Physically,
का उपयोग िकया जाता है electrical box, we can see a row of a rectifiers take a number of forms,
(a) current/ वतमान switch. One main switch is including vacuum tube diodes,
(b) voltage/ वो े ज particularly unique in colour or size. mercury-arc valves, solid-state
(c) resistance/ ितरोध This is the main switch which cuts diodes, silicon-controlled rectifiers,
(d) All of the above/ उपरो सभी off the supply from a live and neutral and other silicon-based
wire. In the rest of the switches, only semiconductor switches. Rectifiers
Ans: (d) All of the above/ उपरो the live wire is disconnecte(d) This is have many uses but are often found
सभी an important note to take, and the serving as components of DC power
same applies to the wall switches. supplies and high-voltage
direct-current power transmission
Q1739. Which of the following are systems. Rectification may serve in
used for accurately measuring very roles other than to generate direct
small time intervals?/ िन िल खत म से current for use as a source of power.
कौन सा ब त कम समय के अंतराल को
मापने के िलए उपयोग िकया जाता है ? Q1741. A hydrogen balloon floats up
(a) Pulsars/ प र because/ एक हाइडोजन गु ारा तैरता
(b) Quartz clocks/ ाट् ज घिड़याँ है ोंिक
(c) Atomic clocks/ परमाणु घिड़याँ
(d) White dwarfs/ सफेद बौने (a) air pressure decreases with a
Q1738. When the main switch of the decrease in height/ ऊंचाई म कमी के
house is put off it disconnects the/ Ans: (c) Atomic clocks/ परमाणु साथ हवा का दबाव कम हो जाता है
जब घर का मु च बंद कर िदया घिड़याँ (b) air pressure decreases with a
जाता है तो यह िड ने हो जाता है decrease in weight/ हवा का दबाव
Explanation: वजन म कमी के साथ घटता है
(a) live wire only/ केवल लाइव तार (c) weight of the balloon is less than
(b) live wire and the earth wire/ लाइव An atomic clock is a clock device the weight of air displaced by it./
वायर और अथ वायर that uses a hyperfine transition गु ारे का वजन उसके ारा िव थािपत
हवा के वजन से कम है । (b) acceleration in the orbit which is coal is used for electricity. The steel
(d) the pressure inside the balloon is equal to the acceleration due to industry uses coal (or coke rather) in
more than the pressure outside it/ gravity outside/ क ा म रण जो blast furnaces. Thermal energy is the
गु ारे के अंदर का दबाव उसके बाहर बाहर गु ाकषण के कारण रण के part of the total internal energy of a
के दबाव से अिधक होता है बराबर है thermodynamic system or sample of
(c) presence of gravity outside but matter that results in the system
Ans: (c) weight of the balloon is not inside the spacecraft/ अंत र यान temperature. This quantity may be
less than the weight of air के बाहर गु ाकषण की उप थित difficult to determine or even
displaced by it./ गु ारे का वजन लेिकन अंदर नहीं meaningless unless the system has
उसके ारा िव थािपत हवा के वजन (d) fact that spacecraft in the orbit attained its temperature only through
से कम है । has ho energy/ यह त िक क ा म heating, and not been subjected to
अंत र यान म हो ऊजा है work input or output, or any other
Explanation: energy-changing processes.
Ans: (b) acceleration in the orbit
A hydrogen atom is very light. Most which is equal to the acceleration Q1745. A bomb of mass 30 kg at rest
of the air on earth is made up of due to gravity outside/ क ा म explodes into two pieces of masses
nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon रण जो बाहर गु ाकषण के 18 kg and 12 kg. The velocity of
dioxide. All of these elements are कारण रण के बराबर है 18kg mass is 6ms−1. The KE of the
heavier than hydrogen, so the balloon other mass is/ आराम से मान 30
is pushed upwards. Hydrogen weighs Explanation: िकलो का एक बम 18 िकलो ाम और 12
0.08988 grams per liter. Nitrogen, िकलो ाम मान के दो टु कड़ों म फट
which makes up 80% of the air we Weightlessness in space is caused by जाता है । 18 िक ा मान का वेग 6ms
breathe, weighs 1.2506 grams per the simple physical factors that cause kg 1 है । अ मान का KE है
liter. Hydrogen filled balloons follow the limitation of gravity. While on
the same principle as we do when we Earth, external forces are pushing or (a) 256 J
float in the water; the law of pulling on a person’s body, however, (b) 486 J
buoyancy. If the water we displace when a spacecraft enters orbit, the (c) 524 J
weighs more than we do, we will people and objects aboard the craft (d) 324 J
float. enter a state of free fall. Essentially,
the vehicle and all of its contents are Ans: (b) 486 J
Q1742. Which of the following has falling towards the Earth causing the
got more heat capacity?/ िन िल खत sensation of weightlessness similar to Explanation:
म से िकसने अिधक ताप मता ा की the state a person feels when
है ? enjoying the amusement park ride. Here, m1=18 kg,m2=12 kg,v2=6 m/s
(a) Iron piece/ लोहे का टु कड़ा Many people believe that a lack of
(b) Water/ पानी gravity is the root cause of In accordance with conservation law
(c) Gold piece/ सोने का टु कड़ा weightlessness in space. However, a of momentum
(d) Benzene/ बजीन spacecraft needs gravity in order to v2=m1v1/m2
orbit around the Earth. Gravity =18×6/12
Ans: (b) Water/ पानी supplies a centripetal force that is =9m/s
responsible for the orbital motion.
Explanation: This means that the spacecraft is ∴ KE of 12 kg mass piece
falling towards the Earth without K2 = 1/2 m2v2^2
Heat capacity (usually denoted by a colliding with it due to tangential = 1/2×12×(9)^2
capital C, often with subscripts), or velocity. Despite this fact, spacecraft = 486 J
thermal capacity, is the measurable in orbit around Earth still experience
physical quantity that characterizes a certain amount of weighted force. Q1746. A resonance air column of
the amount of heat required to length 20 cm resonates with a tuning
change a substance’s temperature by Q1744. The energy that is produced fork of frequency 250 Hz. The speed
a given amount. In the International commercially from coal is called/ of sound in air is/ 20 सेमी लंबाई का
System of Units (SI), heat capacity is कोयले से ावसाियक प से उ एक ित िन वायु ंभ आवृि 250
expressed in units of joule(s) (J) per होने वाली ऊजा को कहा जाता है हट् ज के ूिनंग कां टा के साथ
Kelvin (K). Among iron pieces, ित िनत होता है । हवा म िन की गित
water, a gold piece, and benzene; (a) Light energy/ काश ऊजा है
water has the maximum heat (b) Kinetic energy/ गितज ऊजा
capacity i.e. 4.1813 j/g.k. (c) Thermal energy/ तापीय ऊजा (a) 300 m/s
(d) Potential energy/ संभािवत ऊजा (b) 200 m/s
Q1743. The sensation of (c) 150 m/s
weightlessness in a spacecraft in an Ans: (c) Thermal energy/ तापीय (d) 75 m/s
orbit is due to the/ एक क ा म एक ऊजा
अंत र यान म भारहीनता की अनुभूित Ans: (b) 200 m/s
िकसके कारण होती है Explanation:
(a) absence of gravity outside/ बाहर Explanation:
गु ाकषण की अनुप थित Thermal energy, but in most cases
Explanation: For statement 1 - Pressure varies Q1753. For a body moving with no
with height (Hence False) uniform velocity and uniform
The kinetic energy needed to project For statement 2 - Of course as P is acceleration/ एक समान वेग और
a body of mass m from the earth non zero at all points in the liqui(d) एकसमान रण के साथ गितमान शरीर
surface to infinity is given by (Hence true) के िलए
KE=1/2mve^2=1/2m2gR (∵Escape For statement 3 - statement 2
velocity,ve=√2gR−−−−⇒ve^2=2gR) explains st 3 also ( Hence true) (a) The displacement Time graph is
⇒KE=mgR linear./ िव थापन का समय रे खीय
Q1751. The mass-energy relation is रै खक है ।
Q1749. A ball is dropped from a the outcome of/ मान-ऊजा संबंध (b) Displacement Time graph is
height h. If the coefficient of िकसका प रणाम है nonlinear/ िव थापन का समय
restitution be e, then the body ग़ैर-अ है
rebounds to a height of/ एक गद को (a) quantum theory/ ां टम िस ां त (c) Velocity Time graph is nonlinear/
ऊँचाई से िगराया जाता है । यिद (b) general theory of relativity/ वेग समय ाफ अरे खीय है
पुन थापना का गुणां क ई है , तो शरीर सापे ता का सामा िस ां त (d) Velocity Time graph is linear/ वेग
एक ऊंचाई तक िव ोह करता है (c) field theory of energy/ ऊजा का समय ाफ रे खीय है
े िस ां त
(a) eh (d) special theory of relativity/ Ans: (b) Displacement Time graph
(b) e^2h सापे ता का िवशेष िस ां त is nonlinear/ िव थापन का समय
(c) e^3h ग़ैर-अ है
(d) e^4h Ans: (d) special theory of
relativity/ सापे ता का िवशेष Explanation:
Ans: (b) e^2h िस ांत
Displacement-time graph is
nonlinear. Linear motion (also called is less than one it refers to a (b) constant velocity/ िनरं तर वेग
rectilinear motion) is motion along a reduction in size, sometimes called (c) constant acceleration/ िनरं तर
straight line, and can therefore be “de-magnification”. रण
described mathematically using only (d) varying acceleration/ िभ रण
one spatial dimension. The linear Q1755. The bulging of the earth at
motion can be of two types: uniform the equator and flattening at the poles Ans:(c) constant acceleration/
linear motion with constant velocity is due to/ भूम रे खा पर पृ ी का िनरं तर रण
or zero acceleration; non uniform उभार और ुवों पर चपटे होने के कारण
linear motion with variable velocity होता है Explanation:
or non-zero acceleration. The motion
of a particle (a point like object) (a) Centripetal force/ क पाल बल In this case, the given equation
along a line can be described by its (b) Centrifugal force/ के ापसारक shows that the velocity is linear with
position, which varies with (time). बल time and therefore the particle is
An example of linear motion is an (c) Gravitational force/ गु ाकषण moving with constant acceleration
athlete running 100m along a straight बल because for a particle to acquire
track. Linear motion is the most (d) Electrostatic force/ िवद् युत बल constant acceleration the graph of the
basic of all motion. velocity-time graph should be in
Ans: (b) Centrifugal force/ linear with the time function.
Q1754. An electron microscope के ापसारक बल
gives higher magnification than an Q1758. Good conductor of
optical microscope because:/ एक Explanation: electricity is/ िबजली का सुचालक होता
इले ॉन माइ ो ोप एक ऑि कल है
माइ ो ोप की तुलना म उ बढ़ाई The bulging of the equator and (a) dry air/ शु वायु
दे ता है ोंिक: flattening at poles is due to the (b) paper/ पेपर
rotation of the earth. The rotation of (c) kerosene/ िम ी का तेल
(a) it uses more powerful the earth creates a centrifugal force (d) graphite/ ेफाइट
lenses/ यह अिधक श शाली लस का which is a pseudo effect
उपयोग करता है counterbalancing the inward acting Ans: (d) graphite/ ेफाइट
(b) the velocity of the electron centripetal force. This pseudo effect
is smaller than that of visible light/ pushes the earth outward, bugling Q1759. The speed of light with the
इले ॉन का वेग काश की तुलना from the earth, and flattening at rise in the temperature of the
म छोटा होता है poles. medium/ मा म के तापमान म वृ के
(c) the electrons have more Hence the correct answer is option साथ काश की गित
energy than the light particles/ (b)
इले ॉनों म काश कणों की तुलना म (a) Increases/ बढ़ता है
अिधक ऊजा होती है Q1756. Longitudinal waves cannot (b) Decreases/ घटता है
(d) the wavelength of elections travel through/ अनुदै तरं गों के (c) Remains unaltered/ अनछु ए
is smaller as compared to the मा म से या ा नहीं कर सकते अवशेष
wavelength of visible light/ (a) Vacuum/ िनवात (d) Drops suddenly/ अचानक िगरता है
काश की तरं ग दै की तुलना म चुनाव (b) Solid/ ठोस
की तरं गदै छोटी होती है (c) Liquid/ तरल Ans:(c) Remains unaltered/ अनछु ए
(d) Gas/ गैस अवशेष
Ans: (d) the wavelength of elections
is smaller as compared to the Ans: (a) Vacuum/ िनवात Q1760. Clear nights are colder than
wavelength of visible light/ cloudy nights because of/ साफ रात
काश की तरं ग दै की तुलना म Explanation: ठं डी रातों की वजह से ठं डी होती ह
चुनाव की तरं गदै छोटी होती है
Longitudinal waves are like (a) conduction/ चालन
Explanation: mechanical waves which need the (b) condensation/ सं ेपण
medium to propagate. These waves (c) radiation/ िविकरण
An electron microscope uses a beam cannot travel through a vacuum. A (d) insulation/ इ ुलेशन
of electrons to illuminate a specimen vacuum is an area where there are no
and produce a magnified image. An liquids, gases or solids of any kin(d) Ans: (c) radiation/ िविकरण
electron microscope (EM) has That is, there is absolutely in a
greater resolving power than a vacuum. Explanation:
light-powered optical microscope
because electrons have wavelengths Q1757. If the velocity-time graph of Cloudless nights are colder because
about 100,000 times shorter than a particle is represented by y = mt + the nights that have clouds provide a
visible light photons. Magnification c then the particle is moving with/ blanket for the earth and trap some of
is the process of enlarging something यिद िकसी कण का वेग-समय ाफ y = the hot day air whereas the cloudless
only in appearance, not in physical mt + c ारा दशाया जाता है , तो कण के nights have no protection so all the
size. This enlargement is quantified साथ घूम रहा है hot air rises up into the sky. radiation
by a calculated number also called is a process in which energetic
“magnification”. When this number (a) constant speed/ िनरं तर गित particles or energetic waves travel
Q1767. The plastic material Q1769. Holography is a technique Q1770. A person standing on a
commonly used for making gear of/ होलो ाफी की एक तकनीक है railway platform listens to the
wheels is/ िगयर पिहए बनाने के िलए whistles of arriving and departing
आमतौर पर इ ेमाल की जाने वाली (a) recording a permanent sharp trains. The whistle heard is/ रे लवे
ा क साम ी है two-dimensional black and white or ेटफॉम पर खड़ा एक आने-जाने
multicolor photograph/ एक थायी तेज वाली टे नों की सीटी सुनता है । सुनी ई
(a) Polyesters/ पॉिल र दो आयामी काले और सफेद या ब रं गा सीटी है
(b) Nylons/ नाइलन त ीर रकॉिडग
(c) Bakelite/ बैकेलाइट (b) recording a permanent (a) the same in both cases in all
(d) Polystyrene/ पॉली ाइिनन three-dimensional multicolour respects/ सभी मामलों म दोनों मामलों म
photograph/ एक थायी तीन आयामी समान है
Ans: (b) Nylons/ नाइलन ब रं गी त ीर रकॉिडग (b) of higher intensity when train
(c) recording a permanent arrives/ टे न आने पर अिधक ती ता का
Explanation: three-dimensional black and white (c) of higher pitch when train arrives/
photograph/ एक थायी तीन आयामी टे न आने पर उ िपच का
Popular materials for plastic gears काले और सफेद त ीर रकॉिडग (d) of higher pitch when train depart/
are acetal resins such as DELRIN, (d) recording a permanent
टे न के थान के समय उ िपच का
Duracon M90; nylon resins such as three-dimensional photograph of a
ZYTEL, NYLATRON, MC901 and given single colour or a multicolor/ Ans: (c) of higher pitch when train
acetal copolymers such as CELCON. िदए गए िसंगल कलर या म ीकलर का arrives/ टे न आने पर उ िपच का
The physical and mechanical थायी ि -आयामी फोटो ाफ रकॉड
properties of these materials vary करना Explanation:
with regard to strength, rigidity,
dimensional stability, lubrication Ans: (b) recording a permanent Sound is a sequence of waves of
requirements, moisture absorption, three-dimensional multicolour pressure that propagates through
etc .A gear is a rotating machine part photograph/ एक थायी तीन compressible media such as air or
having cut teeth, or cogs, which आयामी ब रं गी त ीर रकॉिडग water. (Sound can propagate through
mesh with another toothed part in solids as well, but there are
order to transmit torque. Two or Explanation: additional modes of propagation).
more gears working in tandem are Sound that is perceptible by humans
called a transmission and can A hologram is a physical recording has frequencies from about 20 Hz to
produce a mechanical advantage of an interference pattern which uses 20,000 Hz. In air at standard
through a gear ratio and thus may be diffraction to reproduce a temperature and pressure, the
considered a simple machine. Geared three-dimensional light field, corresponding wavelengths of sound
devices can change the speed, torque, resulting in an image which retains waves range from 17 m to 17 mm.
and direction of a power source. the depth, parallax, and other During propagation, waves can be
properties of the original scene. reflected, refracted, or attenuated by
Q1768. The velocity of heat Holography is the science and the medium. Now if we consider
radiation in vacuum is/ िनवात म practice of making holograms. these cases, then the train which is
ऊ ा िविकरण का वेग होता है arriving towards us having whistles
of higher pitch because it propagates
(a) Equal to that of light/ काश के through a medium which is coming
बराबर towards us but the train which is
(b) Less than that of light/ काश की leaving propagating through a
तुलना म कम है medium moving further away from
(c) Greater than that of light/ काश the listener and thus produced a
की तुलना म अिधक whistle of lower pitch.
(d) Equal to that of sound/ िन के
बराबर Q1771. Two waves each amplitude
1.5 mm and frequency 10 Hz are
Ans: (a) Equal to that of light/ traveling in the opposite direction
काश के बराबर with a speed of 20 mms. The
due to which the magnetic field lines code given below:/ नीचे िदए गए कोड होते ह और लकड़ी से नहीं ोंिक:
cannot emanate from a point. का उपयोग करके सही उ र चुन:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (a) Metals are less elastic than wood/
Q1786. Two convex lenses with (b) 2 and 4 धातुएं लकड़ी की तुलना म कम लोचदार
power 2 dioptre are kept in contact (c) 1 and 3 only होती ह
with each other. The focal length of (d) 1 only (b) The density of the metal is
the combined lens system is/ पावर 2 greater than that of wood/ धातु का
डायो े के साथ दो उ ल लस एक दू सरे Ans: (a) 1, 2 and 3 घन लकड़ी की तुलना म अिधक है
के संपक म रहते ह। संयु लस णाली (c) The sound is not conducted by
की फोकल लंबाई है Explanation: metals but is radiated/ िन का
(a) 0.10m/ मी संचालन धातुओं ारा नहीं िकया जाता है
(b) 2m/ मी All are simple facts except 4th since ब िवकीण िकया जाता है
(c) 4m/ मी sound waves are mechanical waves (d) Wood dampens vibrations slower/
(d) 0.25m/ मी and they can't travel in vacuum . लकड़ी के कंपन कंपन को धीमा करता
Ans: (d) 0.25m/ मी Q1789. Who among the following
built a model steam engine in 1698 Ans: (b) The density of the metal is
Explanation: called "Miner's Friend" to drain greater than that of wood/ धातु का
mines?/ िन िल खत म से िकसने 1698 घन लकड़ी की तुलना म अिधक है
Power = 1/f म "माइनर ड" नामक एक खदान के
Power = 2 िनकास के िलए मॉडल ीम इं जन Explanation:
⟹f=0.5m बनाया?
Combined Power = 4 dioptre Bells are made of metal and not of
Combined focal length = 0.25m (a) Thomas Savery/ थॉमस सैवरी wood because-
(b) Thomas Newcomen/ थॉमस → Metal is much denser and stiffer
Q1787. Which one of the following ूकमेन than wood which makes it more
alkali metals has the lowest melting (c) James Watt/ जे वाट elastic than woo(d) So, it stores more
point?/ िन िल खत म से िकस ार धातु (d) Richard Arkwright/ रचड kinetic/potential energy per
म सबसे कम गलनां क होता है ? आकराइट amplitude of vibration of the surface.
So it can support the same sound
(a) Sodium/ सोिडयम Ans: (a) Thomas Savery/ थॉमस amplitude for longer.
(b) Potassium/ पोटे िशयम सैवरी → Wood dampens the vibration
(c) Rubidium/ िबिडयम faster because its absorbing
(d) Caesium/ सीिज़यम Explanation: coefficient is more than that of metal.
So, when vibrations are produced in
Ans: (d) Caesium/ सीिज़यम Thomas Savery was an English the wood then it dampers the
inventor and engineer, born at vibration.
Explanation: Shilstone, a manor house near
Modbury, Devon, Englan(d) He Q1791. If you go on increasing the
In alkali metals, Caesium has the invented the first commercially used stretching force on a wire a guitar, its
lowest boiling point (28.44 C) as we steam-powered device, a steam pump frequency :/ यिद आप िकसी तार पर
can see that in alkali metal as we which is often referred to as an िगटार को बढ़ाते ए चलते ह, तो उसकी
move down the group in the periodic "engine". Savery's "engine" was a आवृि :
table the distance of the electron revolutionary method of pumping
from the nucleus increases thus the water, which solved the problem of (a) Increases/ बढ़ता है
metallic bond weakens thus the mine drainage and made widespread (b) Decreases/ घटता है
melting point of the metal decreases. public water supply practical. (c) Remains unchanged/ अप रवितत
रहता है
Q1788. Which of the following (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
statements about electromagnetic कोई नहीं
waves, sound waves, and water
waves is/are correct?/ िवद् युत Ans: (a) Increases/ बढ़ता है
चु कीय तरं गों, िन तरं गों और जल
तरं गों के बारे म िन िल खत म से कौन Explanation:
सा कथन सही है / ह?
1. They exhibit reflection/ वे ितिबंब On increasing the stretching force on
का दशन करते ह a wire in a guitar, the frequency also
2. They carry energy/ वे ऊजा ले जाते increases.
3. They exert pressure/ वे दबाव डालते Q1792. What will be the wave
ह velocity, if the radar gives 54 waves
4. They can travel in vacuum/ वे per min and wavelength of the given
वै ूम म या ा कर सकते ह Q1790. Bells are made of metal and wave is 10 m?/ लहर का वेग ा होगा,
Select the correct answer using the not of wood because:/ बेल धातु से बने अगर रडार ित िमनट 54 तरं ग दे ता है
thus appearing to have "drifted" (a) 2 Hz/ हट् ज (a) If both the assertion and the
across the ocean be(d) The (b) 1.5 Hz/ हट् ज reason are true and the reason is a
speculation that continents might (c) 1.25 Hz/ हट् ज correct explanation of the assertion/
have 'drifted' was first put forward by (d) 1 Hz/ हट् ज यिद अिभकथन और कारण दोनों स ह
Abraham Ortelius in 1596. और कारण अिभकथन की सही ा ा
From 1912, Wegener publicly Ans: (c) 1.25 Hz/ हट् ज है
advocated the existence of (b) If both the assertion and reason
"continental drift", arguing that all Explanation: are true but the reason is not a correct
the continents were once joined explanation of the assertion/ यिद दोनों
together in a single landmass and had Number of beats in 1min or 60s=75 का तक और कारण सही है , लेिकन
since drifted apart. Number of beats in 1s=75/60=1.25 इसका कारण अिभकथन की सही
The number of heartbeats in 1 second ा ा नहीं है
is the frequency of the wave. (c) If the assertion is true but the
∴ frequency of the heart reason is false/ यिद दावा सही है लेिकन
beat=1.25Hz. कारण गलत है
(d) If both the assertion and reason
Q1801. Assertion: Density is a are false/ यिद दावा और तक दोनों झूठे
derived physical quantity./ अिभकथन: ह
घन एक ु भौितक मा ा है ।
Reason: Density cannot be derived Ans: (c) If the assertion is true but
from the fundamental the reason is false/ यिद दावा सही है
physical quantities./ कारण: घन लेिकन कारण गलत है
मौिलक से ा नहीं िकया जा सकता है
भौितक मा ा। Explanation:
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are
correct and Reason is the correct We know that often distances
explanation of Assertion./ यिद between two planets are measured in
अिभकथन और कारण दोनों सही और terms of light year that is the time
कारण ह अिभकथन की सही ा ा है । taken by light to travel between the
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are two planets. Also smaller wavelength
correct, but Reason is not the correct is measured in terms of angstrom
explanation of Assertion./ यिद which is used by modern day meters.
अिभकथन और कारण दोनों सही ह,
लेिकन कारण अिभकथन का सही Q1803. If d denotes the distance
ीकरण नहीं है । covered by a car in time t and S
Q1799. What is the power rating (in
(c) If Assertion is correct but Reason denotes the displacement by the car
W) of a bulb if a current of 0.3 A
is incorrect./ यिद अिभकथन सही है during the same time, then:/ यिद d
passes through on application of 240
लेिकन कारण गलत है । समय t म कार ारा कवर की गई दू री
V of potential difference across its
(d) If Assertion is incorrect but को दशाता है और S उसी समय कार
terminals?/ एक ब की ड ू (ड ू)
Reason is correct./ यिद अिभकथन ारा िव थापन को दशाता है , तो:
म िवद् युत श रे िटं ग ा होती है यिद
गलत है लेिकन कारण सही है ।
0.3 ए का एक वाह 240 टिमनलों पर (a) d ≤ |S |
संभािवत अंतर के 240 वी के आवेदन पर
Ans: (c) If Assertion is correct but (b) d = |S | only
गुजरता है ?
Reason is incorrect./ यिद अिभकथन (c) d ≥ |S |
(a) 800 सही है लेिकन कारण गलत है । (d) d < |S |
(b) 36
Explanation: Ans: (c) d ≥ |S |
(c) 400
(d) 72
Density= Mass/ Volume Explanation:
Dimensional formula of density=
Ans: (d) 72
M/L^3= [M^1 L^-3] Displacement is the shortest distance.
The magnitude of displacement is
So, Assertion is correct but Reason is always less than or equal to the
incorrect. distance
W= VxA
i.e. ∣S→∣≤d(distance).
= 240x0.3
Q1802. Assertion: Nowadays a
= 72 watt
standard meter is defined as in terms Q1804. A body is projected
of the wavelength of light./ vertically upwards with a velocity of
Q1800. The heart of a man beats 75
times a minute. What is its अिभकथन: आजकल एक मानक मीटर 96 ft/s. What is the total time for
को काश की तरं ग दै के प म which the body will remain in the
frequency?/ एक आदमी का िदल एक
प रभािषत िकया जाता है । air? (g=32fts^−2)/ एक शरीर को 96
िमनट म 75 बार धड़कता है । इसकी
Reason: Light has no relation with फीट / सेकंड के वेग के साथ लंबवत
आवृि ा है ?
length./ कारण: काश का लंबाई से ऊपर की ओर पेश िकया जाता है । वह
कोई संबंध नहीं है । कुल समय ा है िजसके िलए शरीर हवा
illuminating power of two sources./ current in one direction only from the
इनका उपयोग दो ोतों की रोशन श anode to the cathode. On the Explanation:
की तुलना करने के िलए िकया जाता है । contrary, a transistor is a
(d) To control the temperature in three-terminal device that passes A digital signal uses the binary (0
furnaces and chemical reactions/ current from high resistance region and 1) system for transferring
भि यों और रासायिनक िति याओं म to low resistance region. message signals.
तापमान को िनयंि त करने के िलए Such a system cannot utilize the
Q1818. Which of the following decimal system (which corresponds
(a) B and C frequencies will be suitable for to analog signals). Digital signals
(b) B, C, D beyond-the-horizon communication represent discontinuous values.
(c) A, B, C using sky waves?/ िन िल खत म से
(d) All of these कौन सी आवृि आकाश की तरं गों का Q1820. Find the kinetic energy of a
उपयोग करते ए ि ितज संचार से परे ball of mass 200g moving at a speed
Ans: (d) All of these के िलए उपयु होगी? of 20cms^−1./ 20cms ^ -1 की र ार
से बड़े पैमाने पर 200 ाम चलती की
Q1816. The audio signal cannot be (a) 10 kHz/ िकलोहट् ज एक गद की गितज ऊजा का पता लगाएं ।
transmitted because/ ऑिडयो िस ल (b) 10 MHz/ मेगाहट् ज
सा रत नहीं िकया जा सकता ोंिक (c) 1 GHz/ गीगाहट् ज (a) 0.4J
(d) 1000 GHz/ गीगाहट् ज़ (b) 0.004J
(a) the signal has more noise/ िस ल (c) 0.001J
म अिधक शोर है Ans: (b) 10 MHz/ मेगाहट् ज (d) 0.1J
(b) the signal cannot be amplified for
distance communication/ संकेत दू री Explanation: Ans: (b) 0.004J
संचार के िलए विधत नहीं िकया जा
सकता है For beyond-the-horizon Explanation:
(c) the transmitting antenna length is communication, it is necessary for
very small to design/ टां सिमिटं ग the signal waves to travel a large K.E = ½ mv^2
एं टीना की लंबाई िडजाइन करने के िलए distance. 10 KHz signals cannot be = ½ ×0.2×20×20×10^−4
ब त कम है radiated efficiently because of the =0.004J
(d) the transmitting antenna length is antenna size. The high energy signal
very large and impracticable/ संचारण waves (1GHz − 1000 GHz) penetrate Q1821. ________ is used as a fuel in
एं टीना की लंबाई ब त बड़ी और the ionosphere. 10 MHz frequencies space ships./ ________ का उपयोग
अ वहा रक है get reflected easily from the अंत र जहाजों म ईंधन के प म िकया
ionosphere. Hence, signal waves of जाता है ।
Ans: (d) the transmitting antenna such frequencies are suitable for
length is very large and beyond-the-horizon communication. (a) Hydrogen/ हाइडोजन
impracticable/ संचारण एं टीना की (b) Alcohol/ शराब
लंबाई ब त बड़ी और अ वहा रक है Q1819. Digital signals/ िडिजटल (c) Petrol/ पेटोल
िस ल (d) Diesel/ डीजल
Explanation: (i) do not provide a continuous set of
values,/ मू ों का एक सतत सेट दान Ans: (a) Hydrogen/ हाइडोजन
Wavelength of audio signals is very नहीं करता है ,
large thus the antenna has to be very (ii) represent values as discrete Q1822. Assertion (a): A person
large to transmit the signals. steps,/ असतत चरणों के प म मू ों stands at a distance of 1m in front of
का ितिनिध करते ह, a concave mirror. If the radius of
Q1817. The active component in an (iii) can utilize a binary system, and/ curvature of the mirror is 4m, the
IC are/ एक आईसी म सि य घटक ह एक बाइनरी िस म का उपयोग कर image of the person lies at a distance
सकते ह, और 2m behind the mirror./ अिभकथन (a):
(a) Resistors/ ितरोध (iv) can utilize decimal as well as एक अवतल दपण के सामने 1
(b) Capacitors/ कैपेिसटर binary systems./ दशमलव और बाइनरी मीटर की दू री पर खड़ा होता है । यिद
(c) Transistors and diodes/ टां िज र िस म का उपयोग कर सकते ह। दपण की व ता की ि ा 4 मी है , तो
और डायोड Which of the above statements are की छिव दपण के पीछे 2 मीटर
(d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं true?/ उपरो कथनों म से कौन सा की दू री पर थत है ।
स है ? Reason (R): The general mirror
Ans: (c) Transistors and diodes/ (a) (i) and (ii) only/ (i) और (ii) केवल equation confirms the location of the
टांिज र और डायोड (b) (ii) and (iii) only/ (ii) और (iii) image from the mirror and it could
केवल be a real image./ कारण (R): सामा
Explanation: (c) (i), (ii) and (iii) but not (iv)/ (i), दपण समीकरण दपण से छिव के थान
(ii) और (iii) लेिकन (iv) नहीं की पुि करता है और यह वा िवक
Diodes and transistors (d) All of (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)./ सभी छिव हो सकती है ।
Featured snippet from the web (i), (ii), (iii) और (iv)। (a) Both A and R are individually
The main difference between diode true and R is the correct explanation
and transistor is that a diode is a Ans: (c) (i), (ii) and (iii) but not of A/ A और R दोनों गत प से
two-terminal device that allows (iv)/ (i), (ii) और (iii) लेिकन (iv) नही ं सही ह और आर ए की सही ा ा है
(b) Both A and R are individually The Nobel Prize in Physics 1935 was
true but R is NOT the correct awarded to James Chadwick "for the
explanation of A/ A और R दोनों discovery of the neutron."
गत प से सही ह लेिकन आर ए
की सही ा ा नहीं है
(c) A is true but R is false/ A स है
लेिकन R गलत है
(d) A is false but R is true/ A गलत है
लेिकन R स है
बनी होती ह।
Explanation: (a) Ground waves./ जमीन तरं गों।
(b) Skywaves./ ाईवे स। (a) protons and positrons only/ केवल
Ohm's law is only applicable to (c) Surface waves./ सतही तरं ग। ोटॉन और पॉिज़टॉन
linear resistances, where the (d) Space waves./ अंत र तरं ग। (b) protons only/ केवल ोटॉन
resistance is the same with changes (c) all positive particles of an atom/
in voltage and current. A diode is Ans: (d) Space waves./ अंत र एक परमाणु के सभी सकारा क कण
nonlinear, so Ohm's law does not तरं ग। (d) positive residue of an atom/ एक
apply. परमाणु के सकारा क अवशेष
Q1828. who of the following Ans: (d) positive residue of an
invented the safety pin/ िन िल खत म Owing to its high frequency an atom/ एक परमाणु के सकारा क
से िकसने सुर ा िपन का आिव ार ultra-high frequency (UHF) wave अवशेष
िकया था can neither travel along the trajectory
(a) Walter Hunt/ वा र हं ट of the ground nor can it get reflected Explanation:
(b) Gustaf Erik Pasch/ गु ाफ ए रक by the ionosphere. The signals
पास having UHF are propagated through Cathode rays are negatively charged
(c) Carl Frans Lundström/ काल ा line-of-sight communication, which beams consisting of electrons
लुंड ोम is nothing but space wave whereas anode rays are positively
(d) Johan Edvard/ जोहान एडवड propagation. charged beams made up of positive
ions or we can say that positive
Ans: (a) Walter Hunt/ वा र हं ट Q1831. Consider the following residue of an atom.
statements/ िन िल खत कथनों पर
Explanation: िवचार कर Q1833. Optically active substances
1. A compound microscope has an are those substances which/ वैक क
The modern safety pin was the objective lens with a very short focal प से सि य पदाथ वे पदाथ होते ह जो
invention of Walter Hunt. A safety length/ एक यौिगक माइ ो ोप म
pin is is an object that's commonly ब त कम फोकल लंबाई के साथ एक (a) Produce polarized light/ ुवीकृत
used to fasten clothing (i.e. cloth उ े लस होता है काश का उ ादन करते ह
diapers) together. The very first pins 2. The simple microscope consists of (b) Rotate the plane of polarization
used for clothing date back to the a strong converging lens system/ of polarized light/ ुवीकृत काश के
Mycenaeans during the 14th century सरल सू दश म एक मजबूत ुवीकरण के िवमान को घुमाएं
BCE and were called fibulae. अिभसरण लस णाली होती है (c) Produce double refraction/ डबल
3. Television camera converts the अपवतन का उ ादन
Q1829. In charging a battery of the optical images into electrical video (d) Convert a plane-polarized light
motor cars, which of the following signals/ टे लीिवजन कैमरा ऑि कल into circularly polarized light/ एक
effect of electric current is used?/ छिवयों को िवद् युत वीिडयो संकेतों म िवमान- ुवीकृत काश को प रप
मोटर कारों की बैटरी चाज करने म, प रवितत करता है ुवीकृत काश म प रवितत कर
िवद् युत धारा के िन म से िकस भाव 4. Hypermetropia is corrected by
का उपयोग िकया जाता है ? using a diverging lens. Which of Ans: (b) Rotate the plane of
these statement is/are correct?/ polarization of polarized light/
(a) heating/ ताप डायवजिनंग लस का उपयोग करके ुवीकृत काश के ुवीकरण के
(b) magnetic/ चुंबकीय हाइपरमेटोिपया को ठीक िकया जाता है । िवमान को घुमाएं
(c) chemical/ रसायन कौन सा शोध कथन सही है / ह?
(d) induction/ ेरण Explanation:
Codes/ कोड् स
Ans: (c) chemical/ रसायन (a) 4 only The ability of a substance to rotate
(b) 2 and 3 plane-polarized light is called optical
Explanation: (c) 1, 2 and 3 activity and these substances are
(d) 1. 2. 3. and 4 called optically active
A battery charger, or recharger, is a
device used to put energy into a Ans: (c) 1, 2 and 3 Q1834. The tourmaline crystal/
secondary cell or rechargeable टू मलाइन ि ल
battery by forcing an electric current Explanation:
through it. The charging protocol (a) Absorbs ordinary light and
depends on the size and type of The defect hypermetropia can be transmits extraordinary/ साधारण
battery being charge(d) In charging a corrected by using a convex lens of काश को अवशोिषत करता है और
battery of the motor cars, the effect appropriate power. Hypermetropia is असाधारण प से सा रत करता है
of electric current is used chemical. also known as far -sightedness. (b) Absorbs extraordinary light and
transmits ordinary light/ असाधारण
Q1830. Frequencies in the UHF Q1832. Cathode rays are made up of काश को अवशोिषत करता है और
range normally propagate by means electrons. Anode rays are made up of साधारण काश को सा रत करता है
of/ UHF रज म आवृि याँ सामा प ________./ कैथोड िकरण इले ॉनों से (c) Both absorb ordinary and
से होती ह बनी होती ह। एनोड िकरण ________ से extraordinary light/ दोनों साधारण और
2. Cold-cathode lamp is used in the हमेशा आविधत और उ ा होता है एक समय म केवल एक िदशा कहा जाता
lighting of neon lamps./ शीत-कैथोड है
लप का उपयोग िनयॉन लप की रोशनी म Which of the statements given above (a) Simplex/ िस ले
िकया जाता है । is/are correct?/ ऊपर िदए गए कथनों म (b) Four-wire circuit/ चार-तार सिकट
से कौन सा सही है / ह? (c) Full Duplex/ पूण ै ध
Which of the statements given above (d) Half Duplex/ हाफ ै ध
is/are correct?/ ऊपर िदए गए कथनों म (a) 1 only/ केवल 1
से कौन सा सही है / ह? (b) 2 only/ केवल 2 Ans: (d) Half Duplex/ हाफ ै ध
(c) Both 1 and 2/ दोनों 1 और 2
(a) Only 1 (d) Neither 1 nor 2/ न तो 1 और न ही 2 Explanation:
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 Ans: (a) 1 only/ केवल 1 Half-duplex data transmission means
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 that data can be transmitted in both
Explanation: directions on a signal carrier, but not
Ans: (b) Only 2 at the same time. Like full-duplex
If the image is real then the light will transmission, half-duplex
Explanation: actually converge to form it. transmission implies a bidirectional
Hence it can be obtained on a screen. line (one that can carry data in both
A cold cathode fluorescent lamp Hence 1 is true. directions).
(CCFL) is a type gas-discharge lamp
similar to linear fluorescent or If the object is at infinity for a An example of a half-duplex system
compact fluorescent lamps. CCFLs concave mirror then it forms a is a two-party system such as a
are used in a number of different diminished and real image of the walkie-talkie, wherein one must use
specialty applications, such as object. Hence 2 is false "over" or another previously
cold-weather lighting, display designated keyword to indicate the
backlighting, and signage. Q1841. While looking at an image end of transmission and ensure that
formed by a convex lens (one half of only one party transmits at a time,
Q1839. Intelsat satellite is used for the lens is covered with a black because both parties transmit and
________./ इं टेलसैट उप ह का paper), which one of the following receive on the same frequency.
उपयोग ________ के िलए िकया जाता will happen to the image?/ उ ल लस
है । ारा बनाई गई छिव को दे खते समय Q1843. Consider the following
(लस का एक आधा िह ा काले रं ग के statements./ िन िल खत कथनों पर
(a) radar communication/ राडार संचार पेपर से ढका होता है ), जो िन म से एक िवचार कर।
(b) radio communication/ रे िडयो छिव का होगा? 1. In a semiconductor, the uppermost
संचार band is the valence ban(d)/ एक
(c) intercontinental communication/ (a) Half of the image will be visible./ अधचालक म, ऊपरवाला बड वैलस बड
अंतरमहा ीपीय संचार छिव का आधा िह ा िदखाई दे गा। है ।
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से (b) Intensity of the image will be 2. All semiconductors are electrically
कोई नहीं diminishe(d)/ छिव की ती ता कम हो neutral./ सभी अधचालक िवद् युत प
जाएगी। से तट थ ह।
Ans: (c) intercontinental (c) Image will be inverted now./ छिव 3. With an increase in temperature,
communication/ अंतरमहा ीपीय अब उलटी हो जाएगी। the resistivity of a semiconductor
संचार (d) One can see an image of smaller decreases./ तापमान म वृ के साथ,
size./ एक छोटे आकार की एक छिव एक अधचालक की ितरोधकता कम हो
Explanation: दे ख सकते ह। जाती है ।
4. The addition of a small amount of
INTELSAT was originally formed as Ans: (b) Intensity of the image will impurity of a III or V group elements
International Telecommunications be diminishe(d)/ छिव की ती ता to a pure semiconductor increases its
Satellite Organization (ITSO) and कम हो जाएगी। resistivity./ एक शु अधचालक के
operated from 1964 to 2001 as an िलए एक तृतीय या वी समूह त ों की
intergovernmental consortium Explanation: अशु ता की एक छोटी रािश के अलावा
owning and managing a constellation इसकी ितरोधकता बढ़ जाती है ।
of communications satellites The half-covered lens will still Choose the correct statements./ सही
providing international broadcast produce a complete image of the कथन चुन।
services. object but the image so formed may (a) 1 and 2
not be as intense as formed with an (b) 2 and 3
Q1840. Consider the following uncovered lens. (c) 3 and 4
statements:/ िन िल खत कथनों पर (d) 1 and 4
िवचार कर: Q1842. The method of
communication in which Ans: (b) 2 and 3
A real image/ एक वा िवक छिव transmission takes place in both
1. can be formed on a screen/ एक directions, but only one direction at a Explanation:
ीन पर गिठत िकया जा सकता है time is called/ संचार की िविध िजसम
2. is always magnified and inverted/ संचरण दोनों िदशाओं म होता है , लेिकन In a semiconductor, the uppermost
band is a conduction ban(d) discovered the existence of the एक थलीय दू रबीन एक ंिभत छिव
The addition of impurity in the pure elements radium and polonium in बनाता है जबिक एक खगोलीय दू रबीन
semiconductor increases the majority their research of pitchblende. One एक उलटी छिव बनाती है
charge carriers which increases its year after isolating radium, they (d) A terrestrial telescope forms an
conductivity and thus decreases its would share the 1903 Nobel Prize in inverted image while an astronomical
resistivity. So statements 1 and 4 are physics with French scientist (a) telescope forms an erect image/ एक
incorrect. Henri Becquerel for their थलीय दू रबीन एक उलटी छिव बनाती है
With an increase in temperature, groundbreaking investigations of जबिक एक खगोलीय दू रबीन एक
more electrons jump into the radioactivity. ंिभत छिव बनाती है
conduction band which increases its
conductivity and decreases its Q1846. What is the telescope Ans: (c) A terrestrial telescope
resistivity. designed to search for earth-size forms an erect image while an
So statements 3 and 2 are correct planets nearby our galaxy, termed as/ astronomical telescope forms an
because all the semiconductors are हमारी आकाशगंगा के पास थत पृ ी inverted image/ एक थलीय दू रबीन
electrically neutral. के आकार के हों की खोज के िलए एक ंिभत छिव बनाता है जबिक
बनाया गया टे ली ोप ा कहा जाता है एक खगोलीय दू रबीन एक उलटी छिव
Q1844. A digital signal:/ एक (a) Hubble Telescope/ हबल सू दश बनाती है
िडिजटल िस ल: (b) Kepler telescope/ के र सू दश
(c) Copernicus telescope/ कोपरिनकस Explanation:
(a) is less reliable than an analog सू दश
signal/ एनालॉग िस ल की तुलना म कम (d) Newton telescope/ ूटन सू दश In an astronomical telescope, the
िव सनीय है final image with respect to the object
(b) is more reliable than an analog Ans:(a) Hubble Telescope/ हबल is inverted, enlarged, and at a
signal/ एनालॉग िस ल की तुलना म सू दश distance of least distance of distinct
अिधक िव सनीय है vision while in a terrestrial telescope
(c) is equally reliable as an analog Explanation: the final image will be erect with
signal/ एनालॉग िस ल के समान ही respect to the object.
िव सनीय है The Hubble Space Telescope is a
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से space telescope that was launched Q1848. who invented the lie detector
कोई नहीं into low Earth orbit in 1990 and machine?/ झूठ िडटे र मशीन का
remains in operation. It was not the आिव ार िकसने िकया?
Ans: (b) is more reliable than an first space telescope but it is one of (a) John Augustus Larson/ जॉन
analog signal/ एनालॉग िस ल की the largest and most versatile, well ऑग स लासन
तुलना म अिधक िव सनीय है known both as a vital research tool (b) William Moulton Marston/
and as a public relations boon for िविलयम मौलटन मार न
Explanation: astronomy. (c) James Mackenzie/ जे मैकज़ी
(d) Leonarde Keeler/ िलयोनाड कीलर
Advantages of Digital Signal Over
Analog Signal Ans: (a) John Augustus Larson/
There are several advantages to using जॉन ऑग स लासन
digital signals over an analog signal. Explanation:
Digital signals are more secure, and
they do not get damaged by noise. The polygraph was invented in 1921
They allow the signals transmitted by John Augustus Larson, a medical
over a lengthy distance. student at the University of
California, Berkeley, and a police
Q1845. The ore from which radium officer of the Berkeley Police
Q1847. What is the essential
was extracted by Curie couple?/ ूरी Department in Berkeley, Californi(a)
difference between a terrestrial
युगल ारा िकस रे िडयम से अय
telescope and an astronomical
िनकाला गया था?
(a) Monazite/ मोनाजाइट telescope ?/ थलीय दू रबीन और एक
खगोलीय दू रबीन के बीच आव क
(b) Pitch Blend/ िपच ड
(c) Sandstone/ सड ोन अंतर ा है ?
(d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
(a) One of the lenses in a terrestrial
Ans: (b) Pitch Blend/ िपच ड telescope is concave/ एक थलीय
दू रबीन म लस म से एक अवतल है
Explanation: (b) The final image formed in a
terrestrial telescope is virtual/ एक
On April 20, 1902, Marie and Pierre थलीय दू रबीन म गिठत अंितम छिव
Curie successfully isolated आभासी है
radioactive radium salts from the (c) A terrestrial telescope forms an
mineral pitchblende in their erect image while an astronomical
laboratory in Paris. the Curies telescope forms an inverted image/
mountain regions while have nose During thermal radiation, the heat In such a reaction, free neutrons
bleeding and it is because the drier waves travel along straight lines with released by each fission event can
and thinner atmosphere makes the the speed of light. trigger yet more events, which in
turn release more neutrons and cause
blood vessels burst and the blood
Q1875. The relation between T and g more fission. The chemical element
flows rapidly because the low is given by/ T और g के बीच का संबंध isotopes that can sustain a fission
pressure. ारा िदया गया है chain reaction are called nuclear
fuels, and are said to be fissile.
(a) T ∝ g
(b) T ∝ g^2
Q1878.When a ship enters the sea
(c) T^2 ∝ 1/g
from a river/ जब कोई जहाज़ िकसी
(d) T ∝ 1/g नदी से समु म वेश करता है -
(a) it rises a little/ यह थोडा उठ जाता
Ans: (c) T^2 ∝ 1/g है |
(b) it sinks a little/ यह थोडा डूब जाता
Q1873. When two bodies stick है |
(c) it remains at the same level /
together after the collision, the T = time period of oscillation
यह उसी र पर बना रहता है |
collision is said to be:/ जब ट र के g = effective acceleration on (d) it rises or sinks depending on
बाद दो शरीर आपस म िचपक जाते ह, pendulum
the material it is made of/ इसका
तो ट र के बारे म कहा जाता है : l = length of pendulum.
उठाना या डूबना उस साम ी पर िनभर
so, T = 2π √(l/g )
करता है िजससे यह िनिमत है |
(a) partially elastic/ आं िशक प से ⇒T^2 = 4π^2 √(l/g)
लोचदार ⇒T^2 ∝ 1/g When l is unchange(d) Ans: (a) it rises a little/ यह थोडा
(b) elastic/ लोचदार उठ जाता है |
(c) inelastic/ अपा Q1876. A suitable unit for
(d) perfectly inelastic/ पूरी तरह से expressing the strength of the electric Explanation:
अयो field is/ िवद् युत े की ताकत को When a ship enters a sea from a
करने के िलए एक उपयु इकाई river ,the ship is elevated or uplifted
Ans:(d) perfectly inelastic/ पूरी तरह है due to the density of seawater and
से अयो
during the buoyant motion of the
Explanation: (a) V/C ship, as it would gain both potential
(b) A-m
and kinetic energy when rising in the
In a perfectly inelastic collision, the (c) C/m^2
two colliding bodies get stuck (d) N/C
together and move with a common
velocity. Ans: (d) N/C Q1879.If cream is removed from
For perfectly inelastic collision, e=0 milk,then its density-
In a perfectly inelastic collision, the Explanation: यिद दू ध से मलाई िनकाल ली जाए, तो
total momentum of the system इसका घन -
remains conserved just before and The SI unit of electric field strength
just after the collision but some is newtons per coulomb (N/C) or (a) Increases/ बढ़ जाता है |
kinetic energy is lost during the volts per meter (V/m). (b) Decreases/ कम हो जाता है |
collision. (c) Remains same / समान रहता है |
Q1877. Which type of reaction (d) May increase or decrease/ कम या
Q1874. In which mode of produces the most harmful अिधक हो सकता है |
transmission, the heat waves travel radiation?/ िकस तरह की अिभि या
along the straight line with the speed सवािधक हािनकारक िविकरण मु Ans: (a) Increases/ बढ़ जाता है |
of light?/ संचरण के िकस मोड म, करती है ?
ऊ ा तरं ग काश की गित के साथ (a) Fusion reaction/संलयन अिभि या Explanation:
सीधी रे खा म या ा करती ह?
(b) Fission reaction/ िवखंडन When it is removed, it increases the
(a) Natural convection/ ाकृितक अिभि या prevailing density of milk (1032
संवहन (c) Chemical reaction/ रासायिनक kg/cubic meter). Density of cream is
(b) Thermal radiation/ थमल िविकरण अिभि या about 0.98 while that of milk is 1.028
(c) Forced convection/ बलात् संवहन (d) Photochemical reaction/ and skim milk is 1.032. Thus if the
(d) Thermal conduction/ तापीय काश-रासायिनक अिभि या amount of cream reduces thus it
चालकता leads to less density from cream and
Ans: (b) Fission reaction/ िवखंडन thus the
Ans:(b) Thermal radiation/ थमल अिभि या density of leftover milk increases.
Explanation: Q1880.'Shock-absorbers' are usually
Explanation: made of steel as it:/ आघात अवशोषकों
का िनमाण आमतौर पर ील से िकया
Ans: (c) the temperature of the Laplace shorted the equation by The golden view of the sea shell is
body cannot be altered by adding having K = gamma × pressure. K due to the polarisation of light. The
or extracting any amount of heat./ refers to the elastic bulk modulus. seashell view is golden because of
िकसी भी मा ा म ऊ ा को जोड़ने या The formula is called the the reflection of polarized light.
िनकालने से शरीर के तापमान म Newton-Laplace equation:
प रवतन नही ं िकया जा सकता है । c = √(K/p)
(d) 4 min/ िम it's not easily available. (a) Water to glass/ पानी से कां च
(b) Water to air/ पानी से हवा
Ans: (a) 8 min/ िम Q1908. The energy of photon whose (c) Glass to air/ कां च से हवा
momentum Is 10 MeV/c, where c is (d) Glass to water/ कां च से पानी
The light from the sun takes about 8 the speed of light?/ फोटॉन की ऊजा Ans: (a) Water to glass/ पानी से
minutes to reach the Earth after it has िजसकी गित 10 MeV / c है , c काश कांच
been emitted from the sun's surface. की गित कहाँ है ?
The time it takes for light to reach Total internal reflection is an
planets in our Solar System varies (a) 10 MeV intersecting effect that can occur
from about 3 minutes for Mercury to (b) 100 MeV when light attempts to move from a
about 5.3 hours for Pluto. (c) 1 MeV medium having given refractive
(d) 0.1 MeV indexes to the medium having a
Q1906. A boat at anchor is rocked by lower refractive index.
waves whose crests are 100m apart Ans: (a) 10 MeV Suppose a ray of light travels from
and velocity is 25m/s. The boat Momentum of photon= E/c medium1 having refractive index 1
bounces up once in every :/ लंगर म Momentum= 10 MeV/c to the medium having refractive
एक नाव लहरों से टकराती है , िजसके index 2 . then according to Snell’s
िशखर 100 मीटर अलग होते ह और वेग So, E/c = 10/c law
25 मीटर / सेकंड होता है । नाव हर बार So, E = 10 MeV sin that = n1 / n2. n1 > n2.
एक बार उछलती है : and refraction angle at which we
Q1909. When you walk on a woolen get the total internal reflection is
(a) 2500s carpet and bring your finger near the known as the critical angle.
(b) 75s metallic handle of a door an electric The answer is water to glass because
(c) 4s shock is produce(d) This is the refractive index of water is less
(d) 0.25s because________./ जब आप ऊनी than the refractive index of glass,
कालीन पर चलते ह और अपनी उं गली here the glass is denser medium and
Ans: (c) 4s को दरवाजे के धातु के हडल के पास water has a rarer medium. ( ref.
लाते ह तो िबजली का झटका लगता है । index of water < ref. index of glass )
The distance between the two यह है ोंिक________।
consecutive crests in transverse wave
motion is called the wavelength. The (a) The charge is transferred from
boat bounces up, ie, it travels from your body to the handle/ चाज आपके
crest to the consecutive crest along शरीर से हडल म थानां त रत िकया जाता
with wave motion. Wavelength है
=distance between two consecutive (b) A chemical reaction occurs when Q1911. The pressure exerted by a
crests you touch the handle/ जब आप हडल 760 mm column of mercury at 0 °C
ie, Velocity of wave =2m/s को छूते ह तो एक रासायिनक िति या is known as/ 0 िड ी से यस पर पारा
Hence, time in one bounce of boat t होती है के 760 िममी के ंभ ारा लगाए गए
= λ/v (c) The temperature of the human दबाव के प म जाना जाता है
body is higher than that of the
= 100/25 handle/ मानव शरीर का तापमान संभाल (a) 1 Pascal/ पा ल
की तुलना म अिधक है (b) 1 Atmosphere/ वायुमंडल
= 4s (d) The human body and the handle (c) 1 Bar/ बार
arrive at thermal equilibrium by the (d) 1 Poise/ पू
Q1907. Optical fiber communication process/ मानव शरीर और संभाल
is generally preferred over the ि या ारा थमल संतुलन पर प ं चते ह Ans: (c) 1 Bar/ बार
general communication system
because/ ऑि कल फाइबर संचार को Ans: (a) The charge is transferred A bar is a unit of pressure defined as
आम तौर पर सामा संचार णाली से from your body to the handle/ चाज 100 kilopascals. It is about equal to
अिधक पसंद िकया जाता है ोंिक आपके शरीर से हडल म थानांत रत the atmospheric pressure on Earth at
िकया जाता है sea level.
(a) It is more efficient/ यह अिधक
कुशल है When you walk on a woolen carpet Q1912. With the propagation of
(b) Of signal security/ िस ल सुर ा के and bring your finger near the longitudinal waves through a
(c) Both (a) and (b)/ दोनों (ए) और metallic handle of a door an electric medium, the quantity transmitted is :/
(बी) shock is produce(d) This is because एक मा म से अनुदै तरं गों के सार
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से charge is transferred from your body के साथ, संच रत मा ा है :
कोई नहीं to the handle
(a) matter/ पदाथ
Ans: (c) Both (a) and (b)/ दोनों (ए) Q1910. Total Internal Reflection (b) energy/ ऊजा
और (बी) Cannot Take Place When Light Goes (c) energy and matter/ ऊजा और
From:/ कुल आं त रक परावतन जगह पदाथ
Optical fiber is more efficient and नहीं ले सकता है जब काश से जाता है : (d) energy, matter, and momentum/
secure but its cost is still a bit high so ऊजा, पदाथ और गित
recorded by:/ सबसे कम तापमान ारा सिसंग (आईआरएस) उप हों का िव ेिपत हो जाता है जब इसे बार चुंबक
दज िकया गया है : उपयोग िन िल खत म से िकस के पास रखा जाता है ोंिक सूचक म है :
गितिविधयों म िकया जाता है ?
(a) Mercurial Thermometer/ 1. Assessment of crop productivity/ (a) electromagnetism/ िवद् युत चुंबक
म ू रयल थमामीटर फसल उ ादकता का आकलन (b) permanent magnetism/ थायी
(b) Alcohol thermometer/ शराब 2. Locating groundwater resources/ चुंबक
थमामीटर भूजल संसाधनों का पता लगाना (c) induced magnetism/ चु क
(c) Maximum reading thermometer/ 3. Mineral exploration/ खिनज े रत
अिधकतम पढ़ने थमामीटर अ ेषण (d) ferromagnetism/ फेरोमै ेिट म
(d) Minimum reading thermometer/ 4. Telecommunications/ दू रसंचार
ूनतम पढ़ने थमामीटर 5. Traffic studies Select the correct Ans: (b) permanent magnetism/
answer using the code given below./ थायी चुंबक
Ans:(b) Alcohol thermometer/ टै िफ़क अ यन नीचे िदए गए कोड का
शराब थमामीटर उपयोग करके सही उ र का चयन कर। The needle of a compass is made of
permanent magnetic materials.
Alcohol is the thermometric liquid in (a) 1, 2 and 3 only
the case of Six's thermometer. (b) 4 and 5 only Q1926. The chemical part of the dye
Change in temperature is recorded (c) 1 and 2 only that absorbs light and produces
due to the expansion and contraction (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 colour is called a:/ डाई का रासायिनक
of alcohol. िह ा जो काश को अवशोिषत करता
Ans: (a) 1, 2 and 3 only है और रं ग पैदा करता है उसे एक कहा
Q1922. Mohan having a mass of 40 जाता है :
kg runs up a staircase of 50 steps in Indian Remote Sensing (IRS)
10s.If the height of each step is satellites are used in the Assessment (a) natural pigment/ ाकृितक रं ग
15cm.What is his power (Take of crop productivity, Locating (b) chromophore/ ोमोफोर
g=10m/s^2) / मोहन 40 िक ा का groundwater resources, and Mineral (c) neon/ िनयॉन
मान रखता है , जो 10 चरणों म 50 exploration. This system was (d) photochrome/ फोटो ोम
कदम की सीढ़ी पर चढ़ता है । यिद launched in 1979 and 1981. This
ेक चरण की ऊंचाई 15 सेमी है । system is used in agriculture, water Ans: (b) chromophore/ ोमोफोर
उसकी श ा है resources, forestry and ecology,
geology, marine fisheries, and coastal A chromophore is a group of atoms
(a) 200 W management. It is the largest which control the colour of the dye.
(b) 400 W constellation of remote sensing Thus option B is the correct answer.
(c) 300 W satellites.
(d) 100 W Q1927. The ratio of the speed of
Q1924. The first explosion of an X-rays to that of gamma rays is?/
Ans: (c) 300 W atomic device in India was carried गामा िकरणों की ए -रे की गित का
out in the state of/ भारत म एक अनुपात ा है ?
m = mass of mohan = 40 kg परमाणु उपकरण का पहला िव ोट
n = number of steps mohan ran = 50 रा म िकया गया था (a) <1
h = height of each step = 15 cm = (b) >1
0.15 m (a) Jammu and Kashmir/ ज ू और (c) 1
H = Total height to which mohan is क ीर (d) depends upon the ratio of their
raised (b) Nagaland/ नागालड frequencies/ उनकी आवृि यों के
Total height to which mohan is raised (c) Manipur/ मिणपुर अनुपात पर िनभर करता है
is given as H = n h (d) Rajasthan/ राज थान
inserting the values, H = 50 x 0.15 = Ans: (c) 1
7.5 m Ans: (d) Rajasthan/ राज थान
W = work done by mohan = potential Both are Electromagnetic waves and
energy gained by mohan Smiling Buddha (MEA designation: travel with speed of light.
we know that potential energy gained Pokhran-I) was the assigned code So ratio of their speed is 1.
is given as, PE = mgH name of India's first successful
hence W = work done = PE = mgH nuclear bomb test on 18 May 1974. Q1928. A body floats with one- third
t = time taken to travel the height = The bomb was detonated on the army of its volume of outside water and
10 s base Pokhran Test Range (PTR), in 3/4th of its volume outside another
Power is given as, P = W/t Rajasthan, by the Indian Army under liqui(d) The density of another liquid
P = mgH/t the supervision of several key Indian is:/ एक शरीर बाहर के पानी की मा ा के
inserting the values generals. एक ितहाई िह े के साथ तैरता है एक
P = (40 x 10 x 7.5)/10 अ तरल के बाहर इसकी मा ा का 3 /
P = 300 Watt Q1925. The metallic pointer of a 4th। एक और तरल का घन है :
plotting compass gets deflected only
Q1923. In which of the following when it is placed near a bar magnet (a) 9/4 g/cc
activities are Indian Remote Sensing because the pointer has: / ॉिटं ग (b) 4/9 g/cc
(IRS) satellites used?/ भारतीय रमोट क ास का धा क सूचक केवल तब (c) 8/3 g/cc
(d) ⅜ g/cc Ans: (c) It has a high specific heat/ Ans: (a) nature of the gas-filled in
इसम उ िविश ऊ ा होती है the tube/ ूब म गैस से भरे की
Ans: (c) 8/3 g/cc कृित
The specific heat is the amount of
Consider the mass of the body be M heat per unit mass required to raise The nature of anode rays depends on
and volume v. the temperature by one degree the gas which is taken in the tube
weight of the body =Mg which is Celsius. The specific heat of water is because these rays are produced from
bounced by Buoyant Force 1 calorie/gram °C = 4.186 joule/gram them. If different gases have different
Let the density of the two liquid be °C which is higher than any other types of positive rays, which contain
ρ1 & ρ2. (ρ1=1 g/cc for water) common substance. As a result, particles of different mass and
in first liquid only 2v/3 in immersed water plays a very important role in charge. Therefore, the charge to mass
(water) temperature regulation ratio of anode depends on the gas.
so, Mg = (2v/3) ρ1g→(1) [Buoyant This ratio is not constant.
force = weight of liquid displaced] Q1931. In a bipolar junction
similarly for liquid (2), v/4 in transistor/ एक ि ुवी जं न टां िज र Q1933. The north-south polarities of
immersed म an electromagnet can be found easily
Mg= (v/4)ρ2g→(2) [volume by using:/ इले ोमै ेट के उ र-दि ण
Immersed =volume -volume outside] (a) all the three regions (the emitter, ुवों को आसानी से पाया जा सकता है :
Comparing (1) & (2) the base, and the collector) have
(2v/3)ρ1= (v/4)ρ2 equal concentrations of impurity/ (a) Fleming's right-hand rule/ ेिमंग
⇒ ρ2= 8/3ρ1 as in water ρ1=1 g/cc सभी तीन े ों (एिमटर, बेस और के दािहने हाथ का िनयम
⇒ ρ= 8/3 g/cc कले र) म अशु ता की समान सां ता (b) Fleming's left-hand rule/ ेिमंग
है के बाएं हाथ का िनयम
Q1929. The relation between the (b) the emitter has the least (c) Clock face rule/ ॉक फेस ल
colour and temperature of a star is concentration of impurity/ एिमटर म (d) Left-hand thumb rule/ बाएं हाथ के
given by/ िकसी तारे के रं ग और अशु ता की कम से कम सां ता होती है अंगूठे का िनयम
तापमान के बीच का संबंध िकसके ारा (c) the collector has the least
िदया जाता है concentration of impurity/ कले र म Ans: (c) Clock face rule/ ॉक
अशु ता की कम से कम एका ता है फेस ल
(a)Wien's displacement law Right (d) the base has the least
sign/ वीन का िव थापन कानून सही concentration of impurity/ आधार म According to the clock rule "When
संकेत अशु ता की कम से कम सां ता है an observer, looking at the face of the
(b)Hubble's law/ हबल का िनयम coil, finds the current to be flowing
(c)Planck's law/ ां क का िनयम Ans: (a) all the three regions (the in the anti-clockwise direction, then
(d)Hippacrus law/ िह ा ास का emitter, the base, and the collector) the face of the coil will behave like
िनयम have equal concentrations of the North Pole. While if the current
impurity/ सभी तीन े ों (एिमटर, is in the clockwise direction, the face
Ans:(a)Wien's displacement law बेस और कले र) म अशु ता की of the coil will behave like the South
Right sign/ वीन का िव थापन कानून समान सां ता है Pole.
सही संकेत
Q1934. Panchromatic photographic
Wien's displacement law states that film is sensitive to/ पं ोमेिटक
the black-body radiation curve for फोटो ािफक िफ के ित संवेदनशील
different temperatures will peak at है
different wavelengths that are
inversely proportional to the (a) light of red colour/ लाल रं ग का
temperature. ... Wien's displacement काश
law may be referred to as "Wien's (b) light of yellow colour/ पीले रं ग का
law", a term which is also used for Q1932. The e/m ratio of anode rays काश
the Wien approximation. produced in the discharge tube, (c) light of violet colour/ बगनी रं ग का
depends on the काश
Q1930. Water is used in hot water _________________./ िड चाज ूब (d) the entire region of the visible
bags because/ पानी का उपयोग गम म िनिमत एनोड िकरणों का ई / एम spectrum/ मान े म का पूरा े
पानी की थैिलयों म िकया जाता है ोंिक अनुपात, _________________ पर
िनभर करता है । Ans: (d) the entire region of the
(a) It is easily obtained/ यह आसानी से visible spectrum/ मान े म
ा हो जाता है (a) nature of the gas-filled in the का पूरा े
(b) It is cheaper and is not harmful/ tube/ ूब म गैस से भरे की कृित
यह स ा है और हािनकारक नहीं है (b) nature of the material/ साम ी की Panchromatic film. Panchromatic
(c) It has a high specific heat/ इसम कृित emulsion is a type of
उ िविश ऊ ा होती है (c) nature of cathode material/ कैथोड black-and-white photographic
(d) It is easy to heat water/ पानी को साम ी की कृित emulsion that is sensitive to all
गम करना आसान है (d) all of these/ इन सब wavelengths of visible light.
Q1935. If the density of oxygen is 16 इले क हीटर को लगातार गम िकया (a) absolute electrode potential is not
times that of hydrogen, what will be जाता है । इसका तापमान zero/ पूण इले ोड मता शू नहीं है
their corresponding ratio of the (b) absolute electrode potential is
velocity of sound?/ यिद ऑ ीजन का (a) will go rising with time./ समय के zero/ पूण इले ोड मता शू है
घन हाइडोजन के 16 गुना है , तो िन साथ बढ़ता जाएगा। (c) both absolute and standard
के वेग का उनका अनुपात ा होगा? (b) will stop rising after some time as electrode potential values are zero/
it will lose heat to the surroundings िनरपे और मानक इले ोड दोनों
(a) 4 : 1 by conduction./ कुछ समय बाद उठना संभािवत मान शू ह
(b) 2 : 1 बंद कर दे गा ोंिक यह चालन से (d) electrode potential is zero only at
(c) 1 : 16 आसपास की गम को खो दे गा। 25 °C/ इले ोड की मता केवल 25 °
(d) 1 : 4 (c) will rise for some time and C पर शू है
thereafter will start falling./ कुछ
Ans: (d) 1 : 4 समय के िलए उठ जाएगा और उसके Ans: (a) absolute electrode
बाद िगरने लगेगा। potential is not zero/ पूण इले ोड
The velocity of sound in a gas is (d) will become constant after some मता शू नही ं है
given by time because of loss heat due to
v =√(γp/ρ) ....(i) radiation./ कुछ समय के बाद थर हो Its absolute electrode potential is
Clearly, velocity v is inversely जाएगा ोंिक िविकरण के कारण estimated to be 4.44 ± 0.02 V at 25
proportional to the square root of नुकसान गम । °C, but to form a basis for
density (r) of the gas. Now, let us comparison with all other electrode
consider two gases which are at the Ans: (d) will become constant after reactions, hydrogen's standard
same pressure (P) and the same value some time because of loss heat due electrode potential (E0) is declared to
of g. If r1 and r2 be their densities, to radiation./ कुछ समय के बाद be zero volts at any temperature.
then the velocity of sound in the two थर हो जाएगा ोंिक िविकरण के
gases are कारण नुकसान गम । Q1940. The important conclusion
v1 = √(γp/ρ1) given by Millikan's experiment about
and v2 =√(γp/ρ2) Initially temperature will be the charge is/ चाज के बारे म िमिलकन
∴ v1/v2 =√ ρ2/ρ1 ....(ii) increasing and radiation as well. के योग ारा िदया गया मह पूण
For example, the density of oxygen When the heater reaches a certain िन ष है
is 16 times the density of hydrogen, temperature, the radiation power
therefore from (ii), we have equals the input power and the (a) Charge is never quantized/ चाज
vH/vo =√(ρo/ρH) temperature of the heater stops कभी भी िनधा रत नहीं होता है
=√(16pH/pH) = 4 rising. Thus temperature becomes (b) Charges have no definite value/
or vH = 4vo constant after some time. चाज का कोई िनि त मू नहीं है
So the corresponding ration of the (c) Charge is quantized/ चाज की मा ा
velocity of sound in oxygen and Q1938. Water drops cannot stick to िनधा रत की जाती है
hydrogen is 1:4. the oily surface due to/ पानी की बूंद (d) Charge on oil drop always
तैलीय सतह से िचपक नहीं सकती ह increases/ तेल छोड़ने पर चाज हमेशा
Q1936. Who invented the hand crank बढ़ता है
flashlight?/ हाथ क टॉच का (a) lack of adhesive force/ िचपकने
आिव ार िकसने िकया था? वाला बल की कमी Ans: (c) Charge is quantized/ चाज
(b) surface tension/ सतह तनाव की मा ा िनधा रत की जाती है
(a) Ann Makosinski/ एन माकोिसं ी (c) cannot mix each other/ एक दू सरे
(b) Conrad Hubert/ कॉनराड ह्यूबट को िमला नहीं सकते Millikan's oil drop experiment proves
(c) David Misell/ डे िवड िमसल (d) water is lighter than oil/ पानी तेल that charge on oil drop is always
(d) Michael Faraday/ माइकल फैराडे की तुलना म ह ा है some integer multiple of the
fundamental charge (e), we can not
Ans: (d) Michael Faraday/ माइकल Ans: (b) surface tension/ सतह acquire any intermediate charge, i.e
फैराडे तनाव charge is quantize(d)
Hand crank flashlights, or The separation of oil and water is Q1941. A magnetic field exerts no
dynamo—meaning caused due to the difference in force on:/ एक चुंबकीय े पर कोई
generator—flashlights, are not a new surface tension of the two liquids. बल नहीं है :
invention. Michael Faraday The water molecules stick together
discovered the concept upon which tightly and does not mix with the oil (a) an electrical charge moving
they operate during his research into because water molecules are perpendicular to its direction/ एक
electromagnetic induction in the attracted to each other very strongly, िवद् युत आवेश अपनी िदशा म लंबवत
1820s. forming an invisible “skin” of चलती है
surface tension around each drop. (b) an unmagnetized iron bar/ एक
Q1937. An electric heater kept in a अनमै ेटाइ आयरन बार
vacuum is heated continuously by Q1939. In case of a standard (c) a stationary electric charge/ एक
passing an electric current. Its hydrogen electrode/ एक मानक थर िवद् युत आवेश
temperature/ एक िवद् युत वाह को हाइडोजन इले ोड के मामले म (d) a magnet/ एक चुंबक
पा रत करके एक वै ूम म रखे गए
universe is accelerating after looking Earth, the light coming from these
Q1949. The inductance of a coil is at data from the Hubble Space celestial bodies does not bend much
directly proportional to/ एक कुंडल Telescope…. there is an unknown due to Earth’s atmosphere. Also
का अिध ापन सीधे आनुपाितक है source of energy in the universe being not a point source but
which is causing the cosmic appearing as disks, they comprise
(a) its length/ इसकी लंबाई expansion to speed up. several point sources- lights of which
(b) the number of turns/ मोड़ की are coming at the same time. So a
सं ा Light is indeed affected by gravity. deviation in the light path of one
(c) the resistance of the coil/ कुंडल point source can cancel with
का ितरोध Hubble Space Telescope captured the deviations of others and would
(d) the square of the number of turns/ image of a phenomenon called the average out to give rise to a steady
घुमावों की सं ा का वग Einstein Ring. Einstein in his theory shine. Therefore, the light coming
of general relativity had suggested from our solar system’s planets does
Ans: (b) the number of turns/ मोड़ that a massive object would warp not appear to twinkle like stars.
की सं ा space and time. So, statement 3 is
right. Q1952. There are how many vocal
Inductance is directly proportional to cords in the human voice box?/ मानव
the magnetic field strength in the Q1951. Stars twinkle but planets do आवाज बॉ म िकतने मुखर तार ह?
coil, hence as the magnetic field not twinkle because/ िसतारे िटमिटमाते
strength decreases, inductance ह लेिकन ह िटमिटमाते नहीं ह (a) 1
decreases. Current through the coil (b) 2
produces an electromagnetic field, as (a) Stars emit their own light but (c) 3
illustrate(d) The magnetic lines of planets receive light from the stars/ (d) 4
force around each loop (turn) in the िसतारे अपने यं के काश का उ जन
winding of the coil effectively add to करते ह लेिकन ह तारों से काश ा Ans: (b) 2
the lines of force around the करते ह
adjoining loops, forming a strong (b) Stars do not form a part of solar In humans, vocal cords, also known
electromagnetic field within and system/ िसतारे सौर मंडल का एक as vocal folds or voice reeds are
around the coil. The net direction of िह ा नहीं बनाते ह folds of tissue in the throat. The
the total electromagnetic field creates (c) Stars from a point source of light vocal folds are located within the
a north and a south pole. while planets are considered as a larynx at the top of the trache(a) The
collection of a large number of point two true vocal cords (or folds)
Q1950. Consider the following sources of light/ काश के एक िबंदु represent the chief mechanism of the
phenomena:/ िन िल खत घटनाओं पर ोत से िसतारे जबिक हों को काश larynx.
िवचार कर: की बड़ी सं ा के िबंदु ोतों के सं ह के
1. Light is affected by gravity./ प म माना जाता है Q1953. A circular coil of single turn
गु ाकषण से काश (d) During refraction of starlight has a resistance of 20 ohm. Which
भािवत होता है । from the atmosphere, starlight bends one of the following is the correct
2. The Universe is constantly more towards the normal as value for the resistance b/w the ends
expanding./ ां ड लगातार compared to the planets/ वायुमंडल से of any diameter of the coil?/ िसंगल
िव ार कर रहा है । ारलाइट के अपवतन के दौरान, तारों टन के एक गोलाकार कुंडल म 20 ohm
3. Matter warps its की तुलना म ारलाइट सामा की ओर का ितरोध होता है । िन िल खत म से
surrounding space-time./ अिधक झुकता है कौन-सा एक तार के िकसी भी ास के
मैटर अपने आस-पास के छोरों के ितरोध b/w का सही मान है ?
ेस-टाइम को वॉर करता है । Ans: (d) During refraction of
Which of the above is/are the starlight from the atmosphere, (a) 5 ohm
prediction/predictions of Albert starlight bends more towards the (b) 10 ohm
Einstein’s General Theory of normal as compared to the planets/ (c) 20 ohm
Relativity, often discussed in media?/ वायुमंडल से ारलाइट के अपवतन (d) 40 ohm
उपरो म से कौन अ ट आइं ीन की के दौरान, तारों की तुलना म
जनरल ोरी ऑफ रलेिटिवटी की ारलाइट सामा की ओर अिधक Ans: (a) 5 ohm
भिव वाणी / भिव वाणी है , अ र झुकता है
मीिडया म चचा की जाती है ? Each of the two semicircles between
(a) 1 and 2 only Light of the star is bent many times the two ends of the diameter has a
(b) 3 only and in random directions as light is resistance of 20/2=10 ohm.
(c) 1 and 3 only bent when it hits a change in density.
(d) 1, 2 and 3 This random refraction results in the They are parallel between the 2 ends
star winking out - twinkling. of the diameter. Thus the effective
Ans: (d) 1, 2 and 3 Planets are closer to Earth and so resistance
appear as tiny disks in our sky. 1/R = 1/10 + 1/10 = 2/10 = 1/5
The International Team of The light from these little disks is R = 5 ohm
Astronomers confirmed Albert also refracted by Earth’s atmosphere,
Einstein’s theory of general relativity as it travels toward our eyes. Due to Q1954. What is ‘Talcher’ important
and that the expansion of the the planets’ apparent closeness to for?/ 'तालचेर' िकसके िलए मह पूण है ?
Talcher, located in Angul district of Ans: (a) virtual, erect, diminished/ Ans: (b) 10 %
Odisha, is famous for Heavy Water आभासी, सीधा, छोटा
Plant. This plant is a Government of Let the original current be I and the
India organisation under the aegis of It is to be remembered that a convex resistance of the lamp be R Then,
Ministry of Atomic Power & Energy. mirror always forms the virtual, power is P=I^2 R..........(i)
It is involved in the production of erect, and diminished image. the Reduced current value is 95 % of
organic solvents like TBP, D2EFHA, Given: Object distance, u=−10cm the original current value. I ′ =0.95I
TAPO & TOPO et(c) and other allied Focal length, f=15cm New power is: P ′ =I ′^2R
chemicals required as a part of the To find: Image distance, v P ′ =0.95^2 I^2 R
nuclear power programme of the From mirror formula : 1/v + 1/u = 1/f P ′ =0.9025 I^2R
country. 1/v − 1/10 = 1/15 P ′ ≈0.9 I^2R
1/v = 1/15 + 1/10 = 25/150
Q1955. If germanium has to be v=6cm P'/P=0.9=9/10=90/100
doped with a donor impurity, the Hence image will be formed 6 cm
foreign atom should be/ यिद beyond the mirror, i.e virtual So, there is a 10% decrease.
जमिनयम को डोनर अशु ता के साथ magnification m = −v/u = −6/−10
डॉप करना पड़ता है , तो िवदे शी परमाणु =0.6 Q1959. Where are mesons found?/
होना चािहए Hence it will be erect and मेसन कहाँ पाए जाते ह?
(a) Tetravalent/ टे टावैलट (a) Cosmic rays/ कॉ क िकरण
(b) Pentavalent/ पटावैलट Q1957. A person rings a metallic (b) X-rays/ ए -रे
(c) Trivalent/ ि संयोजक bell near a strong concrete wall. He (c) Gamma rays/ गामा िकरण
(d) None of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं hears the echo after 0.3 s. If the (d) Laser beam/ लेजर बीम
sound moves with a speed of 340
Ans: (b) Pentavalent/ पटावैलट m/s, how far is the wall from him?/ Ans: (a) Cosmic rays/ कॉ क िकरण
एक एक मजबूत ठोस दीवार के
Doping is the process of adding पास एक धातु की घंटी बजाता है । वह Mesons are not produced by
impurities to intrinsic 0.3 एस के बाद ित िन सुनता है । यिद radioactive decay, but appear in
semiconductors to alter their िन 340 मीटर / सेकंड की गित से nature only as short-lived products of
properties. Normally Trivalent and चलती है , तो उससे िकतनी दू र दीवार है ? very high-energy interactions in
Pentavalent elements are used to (a) 102 m matter, between particles made of
dope Silicon and Germanium. When (b) 11 m quarks. In cosmic ray interactions,
an intrinsic semiconductor is doped (c) 51 m for example, such particles are
with Trivalent impurity it becomes a (d) 30 m ordinary protons and neutrons.
P-Type semiconductor. The P stands Mesons are hadronic subatomic
for Positive, which means the Ans: (c) 51 m particles composed of one quark and
semiconductor is rich in holes or one anti-quark, bound together by the
Positively charged ions. When we Step-by-step explanation: strong interaction. Because mesons
dope intrinsic material with are composed of sub-particles, they
Pentavalent impurities we get Echo heard by him =0.3s have a physical size, with a radius
N-Type semiconductor, where N Time taken for sound to go there roughly one femtometre, which is
stands for Negative. N-type =0.3/2=0.15 about 2/3 the size of a proton or
semiconductors have Negatively Velocity of sound=340m/s neutron. All mesons are unstable,
charged ions or in other words have Distance from the person to the wall with the longest-lived lasting for
excess electrons in it. =time taken for sound to go only a few hundredths of a
there*speed or velocity of sound microsecon(d) Charged mesons
Q1956. An object is placed at a =340*0.15=51m decay (sometimes through
distance of 10 cm from a convex Distance from the person to the intermediate particles) to form
mirror of focal length 15 cm. Find wall=51m electrons and neutrinos.
the position and nature of the image./
एक व ु को फोकल लंबाई 15 सेमी के Hence, Option C is the correct one Q1960. An oscillator is nothing but
उ ल दपण से 10 सेमी की दू री पर रखा an amplifier with/ एक थरथरानवाला
गया है । छिव की थित और कृित का Q1958. If the electric current in a एक ए लीफायर के अलावा कुछ भी
पता लगाएं । lamp decreases by 5 %, then the नहीं है
Q1982. Ice is packed in saw dust (a) α− rays/ α- िकरणों (a) 30°
because/ बफ को धूल म पैक िकया (b) β−rays/ β- िकरणों (b) 45°
जाता है ोंिक (c) Positive rays/ धना क िकरण (c) 15°
(d) X-rays/ ए -रे (d) 60°
(a) saw dust will not get melted
easily./ दे खा धूल आसानी से नहीं Ans: (d) X-rays/ ए -रे Ans: (b) 45°
(b) saw dust is poor conductor of Compton scattering is an inelastic i=(A+δm)/2
heat./ दे खा धूल गम के गरीब कंड र scattering of a photon by a quasi-free =(60+30)/2
है । charged particle, usually an electron. =45°
(c) saw dust is a good conductor of It results in a decrease in energy
heat./ दे खा धूल गम का एक अ ा (increase in wavelength) of the Q1987. If the pressure in a closed
संवाहक है । photon (which may be an X-ray or vessel is reduced by drawing out
(d) saw dust does not stick to the gamma-ray photon), called the some gas, the mean-free path of
ice./ दे खा धूल बफ से िचपकता नहीं है । Compton effect. Part of the energy of molecules :/ यिद िकसी गैस को
the photon is transferred to the खींचकर बंद बतन म दबाव कम िकया
Ans: (b) saw dust is poor conductor recoiling electron. Binding energy is जाता है , तो अणुओं का म -मु माग:
of heat./ दे खा धूल गम के गरीब equal to the work function of the
कंड र है । metal. In most metals, the threshold (a) is decreased/ घट जाता है
frequency is equal to that of (b) is increased/ बढ़ जाता है
Ice needs to absorb heat energy to ultraviolet light. So the Compton (c) remains unchanged/ अप रवितत
melt and become water (called the effect is associated with X-rays. रहता है
latent heat of fusion). Since sawdust (d) increases or decreases according
is a poor conductor of heat, it takes Q1985.n-type semiconductor is/ n- to the nature of the gas/ गैस की कृित
more time for the ice to absorb the टाइप सेमीकंड र है के अनुसार बढ़ता या घटता है
required heat energy. This allows ice
to remain in solid-state for more time (a) negatively charged/ नकारा क Ans: (b) is increased/ बढ़ जाता है
when packed in saw dust. आवेश
(b) positively charged/ धना क The mean-free path of a molecule is
Q1983. The tangent galvanometer is आवेश the distance traveled by a molecule
used to measure/ शरे खा (c) neutral/ तट थ in two consecutive collisions. If the
गै ेनोमीटर का उपयोग मापने के िलए (d) none of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं pressure is reduced and there are
fewer particles then a molecule will explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन 1/−1 − 1/−∞ = 1/f
travel a longer distances before the और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण Thus Power = 1/f = −1
collision, so mean free path is अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है
increase(d) (b) Both Assertion and Reason are Q1992. The temperature of boiling
correct but Reason is not the correct water in a steam engine may be high
Q1988. A hydrogen atom is explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन because _________./ भाप इं जन म
paramagneti(c) A hydrogen molecule और कारण दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण उबलते पानी का तापमान अिधक हो
is: अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण नहीं सकता है ोंिक _________।
/ हाइडोजन परमाणु सव प र है । एक है
हाइडोजन अणु है : (c) Assertion is correct but Reason is (a) there are dissolved substances in
incorrect/ दावा सही है लेिकन कारण water/ पानी म घुले ए पदाथ ह
(a)Diamagnetic/ डायनामै ेिटक गलत है (b) there is low pressure inside the
(b)Paramagnetic/ पैरामै ेिटक (d) Both Assertion and Reason are boiler/ बॉयलर के अंदर कम दबाव होता
(c)Ferromagnetic/ फेरोमै ेिटक incorrect/ दावा और तक दोनों ही गलत है
(d)Antiferromagnetic/ ह (c) there is high pressure inside the
एं टीफेरोमै ेिटक boiler/ बॉयलर के अंदर उ दबाव
Ans: (a) Both Assertion and Reason होता है
Ans: (a) Diamagnetic/ are correct and Reason is the correct (d) the fire is at a very high
डायनामै ेिटक explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन temperature/ आग ब त अिधक
और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण तापमान पर होती है
A hydrogen atom has 1 electron only अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है
and so it is unpaire(d) Ans: (c) there is high pressure
Paramagnetism arises due to the Shortwave radio is radio inside the boiler/ बॉयलर के अंदर
presence of unpaired electrons. In transmission using shortwave उ दबाव होता है
hydrogen molecules, the two atoms frequencies, generally, 1.6–30 MHz
share their electrons to complete (187.4–10.0 m), just above the At high pressure, the boiling point
their duplet and get 1s2 medium wave AM broadcast ban(d) increases, so if the temperature of
configuration. thus, there are 2 paired boiling water is high, it implies
electrons in a hydrogen molecule and Shortwave radio has an ability to pressure is high inside the boiler.
it is diamagneti(c) enter a state of skywave or skip
propagation, in which the radio Q1993. Armature current in DC
Q1989. The ratio of magnetic force waves are reflected or refracted back motor will be maximum when the /
(Fm) and electric force (Fe) acting on to Earth from the ionosphere, as जब डीसी मोटर म आमचर करं ट
a moving charge is/ गितमान आवेश opposed to being absorbe(d) This is a अिधकतम होगा
पर अिभनय करने वाले चुंबकीय बल particularly important characteristic:
(Fm) और िवद् युत बल (Fe) का अनुपात it allows the transmitted signal to be (a) The motor has acquired
है reflected around the curve of the maximum speed/ मोटर ने अिधकतम
Earth, thus shortwave is not गित ा कर ली है
(a) (C/V)^2 line-of-sight. This allows for very (b) The motor has acquired
(b) (V/C)^2 long-distance communications. intermediate speed/ मोटर ने म वत
(c) C/V गित ा कर ली है
(d) V/C Q1991. A nearsighted man can (c) The motor has just started
clearly see objects only up to a moving/ मोटर ने चलना शु कर िदया
Ans: (d) V/C distance of 100 cm and not beyond है
this. The number of spectacle lenses (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से
Felectric = qE necessary for the remedy of this कोई नहीं
Fmag = qVB defect will be/ एक नज़दीकी आदमी
केवल 100 सेमी की दू री तक व ुओं को Ans: (c) The motor has just started
Fmag/Felectric = VB/E प से दे ख सकता है और इससे moving/ मोटर ने चलना शु कर
= Vx(B/E) परे नहीं। इस दोष के उपाय के िलए िदया है
= V/C आव क तमाशा लस की सं ा होगी
At the moment a DC motor is started
Q1990. Assertion: Short wave bands (a) +1 the armature is stationary and there is
are used for transmission of radio (b) - 1 no counter EMF being generate(d)
waves to a large distance./ अिभकथन: (c) +3 The only component to limit starting
लघु तरं ग बड का उपयोग रे िडयो तरं गों (d) - 3 current is the armature resistance,
के संचरण के िलए बड़ी दू री पर िकया which, in most DC motors is a very
जाता है । Ans: (b) - 1 low value (approximately one ohm
Reason: Short waves are reflected by The power of the lens should be such or less). As a result, the starting
the ionosphere./ कारण: आयनो ीयर that the image of an object at infinity current is very high.
ारा लघु तरं ग परावितत होती ह। is obtained at a distance of 100 cm
=1 m by the lens. Q1994. To produce deflection in a
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are Hence, using television picture tube/ एक टे लीिवजन
correct and Reason is the correct 1/v − 1/u = 1/f िप र ूब म िव ेपण का उ ादन
करने के िलए (a) There will be no change/ कोई (d) To measure the hardness of
बदलाव नहीं होगा minerals/ खिनजों की कठोरता को
(a) An electric field is used/ एक (b) The spectrum will move to the मापने के िलए
िवद् युत े का उपयोग िकया जाता है infrared region/ े म अवर े
(b) A magnetic field is used/ एक म चला जाएगा Ans: (d) To measure the hardness
चुंबकीय े का उपयोग िकया जाता है (c) The spectrum will seem to shift to of minerals/ खिनजों की कठोरता को
(c) Both electric and magnetic field the ultraviolet side/ े म पराबगनी मापने के िलए
are used/ िवद् युत और चुंबकीय े प म थानां त रत हो जाएगा
दोनों का उपयोग िकया जाता है (d) None of the above/ उपरो म से Mohs' scale of mineral hardness is
(d) None of the above/ उपरो म से कोई नहीं named after Friedrich Mohs, a
कोई नहीं mineralogist. Mohs scale is ordered
Ans: (b) The spectrum will move to by hardness, determined by which
Ans: (b) A magnetic field is used/ the infrared region/ े म minerals can scratch other minerals.
एक चुंबकीय े का उपयोग िकया अवर े म चला जाएगा Rocks are made up of one or more
जाता है minerals. According to the scale,
Due to expansion of universe, the Talc is the softest: it can be scratched
Q1995. Assertion: A dish antenna is star will go away from the earth by all other materials.
highly directional./ जोर: एक िडश thereby increasing the observed
एं टीना अ िधक िदशा क है । wavelength. Therefore the spectrum Q1999. The atomic mass of most of
Reason: This is because a dipole will shift to the infrared region. the elements is fractional. This is
antenna is omnidirectional./ कारण: because of:/ अिधकां श त ों का परमाणु
ऐसा इसिलए है ोंिक एक ि ुवीय Q1997. Two electric fans p and 2 p मान िभ ा क होता है । इसका
एं टीना सव ापी है । watt respectively are connected in कारण यह है :
series. What is the power of the
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are combination in watt?/ दो िवद् युत (a) mass is due to the sum of masses
correct and Reason is the correct शंसक पी और 2 पी वाट मशः ृंखला of p,n,e in it which are fractional/
explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन म जुड़े ए ह। वाट म संयोजन की श मान p, n, e के मान के योग के
और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण ा है ? कारण होता है जो िभ ा क होते ह
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है (b) the average atomic mass of
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are (a) p different isotopes of elements/ त ों
correct but Reason is not the correct (b) 3 p के िविभ सम थािनकों का औसत
explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन (c) 2p / 3 परमाणु मान
और कारण दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण (d) 3 p / 2 (c) mass of C12 is in fraction/ C12
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण नहीं का मान अंश म है
है Ans: (c) 2p/3 (d) none of these/ इनम से कोई नहीं
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is
incorrect/ दावा सही है लेिकन कारण As per the given data Power in fan1 Ans: (b) the average atomic mass
गलत है is, p= V^2/r1 of different isotopes of elements/
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are Power in fan2 is 2p=V^2/r2 त ों के िविभ सम थािनकों का
incorrect/ दावा और तक दोनों ही गलत औसत परमाणु मान
ह When the fans are connected in
series their resistances will be in The atomic masses of most elements
Ans: (b) Both Assertion and series and power consumption will are fractional because they exist as a
Reason are correct but Reason is be mixture of isotopes of different
not the correct explanation for masses.
Assertion/ अिभकथन और कारण P = V^2/(r1+r2) Most elements occur as a mixture of
दोनों सही ह, लेिकन कारण 1/P = (r1+r2)/ V^2 = r1/V^2 + isotopes of different masses. The
अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण r2/V^2 fractional atomic masses arise
नही ं है 1/P = 1/p + 1/2p = (2+1)/2p = 3/2p because of this mixture.
P = 2p/3
A dish antenna is a directional Q2000. Assertion: Fax is a
antenna because it can transmit or Q1998. For what is the Mohs scale modulating and demodulating
se(c) used?/ मोह पैमाने का उपयोग िकस िलए device.
िकया जाता है ? Reason: It is necessary for the exact
Q1996. Assuming that universe is reproduction of a document.
expanding, if the spectrum of light (a) To measure the brightness of a
coming from a star which is going substance/ िकसी पदाथ की चमक को (a) Both Assertion and Reason are
away from earth is tested, then in the मापने के िलए correct and Reason is the correct
wavelength of light/ यह मानते ए िक (b) To measure the viscosity of a explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन
ां ड का िव ार हो रहा है , अगर िकसी liquid/ एक तरल की िचपिचपाहट को और कारण दोनों सही ह और कारण
तारे से आने वाले काश का े म जो मापने के िलए अिभकथन के िलए सही ीकरण है
पृ ी से दू र जा रहा है , परी ण िकया (c) To measure the elasticity of a (b) Both Assertion and Reason are
जाता है , तो काश की तरं ग दै म material/ िकसी साम ी की लोच को correct but Reason is not the correct
मापने के िलए explanation for Assertion/ अिभकथन