Cont - Folder3Pillar4 and 5
Cont - Folder3Pillar4 and 5
Cont - Folder3Pillar4 and 5
Schools’ health facilities including WASH and clinics provided.
Enhance and Installation of additional handwashing facitility.
Teachers are trained in handling students experienceing
mental and psychosocial health issues.
Improved learners’ performance in all subject areas and daily
living skills through a specialized Weekly Lesson Log
Considers the needs, nature, abilities, capacities , and interests
of the learners through Home Visitation and crafting of
Individualized Educational Program (IEP) or Individualized
Transistion Program (ITP)
Adoption of the K to 12 Transicition Curriculum Framework for
the holistic development of learners that will prepare them for
independence in their chosen life pathway. (DO 21,s.2020)
Upgrade special education classroom into a more conducive
and interactive venue for learning.
Procure the needed equipment and materials through shchool
MOOE (SPED allotment)
Pillar 5: Enabling Mechanisms: Governance and Management
Enabling Mechanisms: Governance and Management is the fifth and
final pillar of education. This pillar recognizes that effective governance and
management are essential for ensuring that education systems are responsive,
accountable, and efficient. It is also essential for ensuring that education
system are able to adapt to changing circumstances and to achieve their goals.
This Pillar is based on the fact that effective governance and
management are essential for promoting edcuation quality, equity, and learner
well-being. Good governance ensures that education policies and strategies are
responsive to the needs and aspirations of learners, parents, and communities.
It also ensures that education systems are accountable to all stakeholders and
theat resources are used efficiently and effectively. This seeks to address these
challenges by promoting effective governance and management at all levels of
the edcuation system. This means ensuring that education system have the
ncessary policies, strategies, and frameworks to support effective governance
and management. It also means ensuring that education systems have the
necessary human, financial, and technological resources to suport effective
governance and management. Individuals, communitis, and societies can all
benefit significantly from promoting excellent governance and management. It
guarantees that educational system can meet their objectives and encourges
transparancey, accountablity, and efficiency. Also, it’s crucial for accomplishing
the SDGs, especially SDG 4 on excellent education, as well as other related
targets like SDGs, especially SDG 4 on excellent education, as well as other
related targets lik SDG 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions and SDG 17
on partnerships for the targets.
Thus, Governance and Management is a crucial component of the global
effort to achieve the SDGs. By promoting effective governance and
management, we can ensure that education systems are responsive,
accountable, and efficient, and that they are able to achieve their goals, This is
essential for building more just, equitable, and sustainable societies and for
ensuring that all learners have access to high-quality eduation that promotes
their personal and social development.
1. Reading HUB
PROBLEM STATEMENT: Promoting a love of reading and increase reading
time to improve reading skills.
PROJECT OBSERVATION UNIT: To construct a Reading Hub for the
ROOT CAUSE: Unavailability of Reading Hub and Reading Materials
appropriate to the readers.
Reading Hub is a program design to improve learner’s reading skills,
vocublary, knowledge,perspective and critical thinking. This program is to
suppot every learner to develop love of reading. It develops a child’s reading
skills and improve their communication and language skill. This will strengthen
and uplift the reading skills of learners and to be more effective and efficient
readers through this reading hub. It provides equal opportunities among
learners to improve their reading and writing skills, develop fluency,
vocabulary, comprehension in reading , spelling of words, exchange ideas with
peers, develop positive attitude towards reading, promote the importance of
reading and make struggling readers into advance readers.
In addition, reading can be a fun and imaginative time for children,
which open door to all kinds of new words for them.
Goals and Objectives
Promoting a love of reading, the Hubs help schools provide excellent teaching
in phonics and early language. Provides reading and reference materials. To
support their lessons and help improve reading skills, vocabulary, knowledge,
perspectives, and critical thinking. It will increase reading time and improve
reading skills.
To develop the love for habits of reading among pupils and students through
building a warehouse of supplementary reading materials called the Reading
Hub. Ultimately, it will create pervasive reading culture and environment in our
school. Provide greater access to reading materials to all pupils/students
through Reading Hub.
Provide quality and appropriate books
Develop the love of books and habit of reading
Make a learner a book lover
Support the development of reading and comprehension skills of
Importance of Reading Hub
Providing access to information and resources, supporting literacy and
education, promoting lifelong learning, and serving as community gathering
space. It increases student’s interest in reading, viewing, and using information
and ideas.
The purpose of reading hub is to gain information, better writing, learn
relevant news, and scan for quick facts. Providing free access to information
and knowledge. It helps build skills such as sentence structure , punctuation
and grammar. This is because when books are readily available to use, students
may be more likely to pick them up and read them, which is fantastic for
developing important skills in reading and writing.
Enhance brain activity
Increase vocabulary and comprehension
Improved vocabulary by exposing students to new words, reading can
expand vocabulary
Developing critical thinking
Increased ability to understand others
Improve learner’s reading skills, vocabulary, knowledge, perspectives
and critical thinking.
Related Activities
Construct a Reading Hub conductive to learning
Conduct remedial reading to the non-readers and slow readers
Improve learners reading skills, vocabulary , knowledge, perspective and
critical thinking.
Related Activitives:
Construct a Reading Hub conductive to learning
Conduct remedial reading to the non-readers and slow readers
2. TSAR (Teachers Support Action Research)
PROBLEM STATEMENT: Only 8% of teachers engaged in action research
PROJECT OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Motivate 20% of teachers to start their action
ROOT CAUSE: Lack of knowledge and interest on how to do action research
The Teachers Support Action Research program is an initiative aimed at
motivating teachers to engage in action research and empowering them to
apply their new knowledge in the classroom setting. This program is designed
to foster reflective teaching and thinking, expand teachers’ pedagogical skills,
and ultimately bring about positive change in their professional development.
By participating in this program, teachers are provided with the opportunity to
enhance their teaching practices, contribute to educational research and
improve student outcomes.
Goals and Objectives
This primary objective of the Teachers Support Action Research (TSAR) is
to inspire 20 percent of the teachers to embark on action research projects.
By setting these goals and objectives, educational institutions can create
an environment that encourages and supports teachers in undertaking action
research. It helps to increase teachers motivation, provide the necessary
resources and support, and recognize the value and impact of their research
1. Goal: Increase awarness and understanding of action research
Introduce teachers to the concept and benefits of action research
Provide information on the relevance of action to their teaching
Raise awariness of the potential impact of action research student
learning outcomes.
Clarify the process, steps, and expectations involved in conducting
action research.
2. Goal: Foster a culture of inquiry and professional growth
Cultivate a supportive and collaborative environment that values
research and inquiry.
Encourage teachers to embrace a growth mindset and a
commitment to continuous improvement
Promote a sense of curiosity and an eagerness to explore new
teaching strategies.
Instill a belief in the importance of ongoing professional
3. Goal:Provide resources and support for action research
Offer trainging, workshops or professional development sessions
on action research methods and techniques
Provide access to relevant literature, research journals, and online
Establish mentorship program where experienced researchers can
guide and support teachers.
Allocate dedicated time and resources for teachers to plan,
implement, and reflect on their action research projects.
4. Goal: Recognize and celebrate action efforts
Acknowledge and celebrate teachers who engage in action
research initiatives
Highlight the impact of action research on teaching practice and
student outcomes
Showcase succuessful action research projects through
presentations, conferences, or publications
Share best paractices and success stories to inspire and motivate
other teachers to undertake action research
5. Goal: Create incentives and rewards for action research participation
Establish a system for recognizing and rewarding teachers who
actively engage in action research.
Provide platforms for teachers to present their research findings
and share their experiences with a wider audience
Foster a sense of achievement and pride in teachers who
contribute to the improvement of education through action
To enhance teaching practices, promote professional growth, and
imporve student learning outcomes through action research
Security and safety. Fences are proven to act as deterrent to intruders
and trespassers, improving the security of the structure they surround.
As well as keeping uninvited guests out, a fence also stops children from
getting out , ensuring that they stay safe when inside the campus.
Clear Boundaries. A fence acts as an unmissable boundary between
properties, preventing accidental or intentional trespassing. Boundaries
that are not poperly delineated can cause disagreements, but a fence is
easily understood by anyone.
To secure the safety of the learners and teachers inside the campus
Related Activites
School physical facilities coordinator discusses the problem on perimeter
fence with SBAC members.
Identify materials to be used for the perimeter fence repair.
Canvass for construction materials
Post invitation to bid for perimeter fence repair.
Bidding for labor of perimeter fence repair.
Award construction
8. CCASS ( Collegial Care and Support System)
This program called Collegial Care and Support System (CCASS) is
design to provide financial aid to Corrales Elementary School teaching and non-
teaching personnel whenever their immediate family members were admitted
to the hospital.