Majchrzak, Neece, and Cooper (2001) have noted that “innovation, by definition,
means the use of knowledge in unknown future contexts and thus simple searches of
any repository are unlikely to yield innovative outcomes”. Malhotra (2002) also has
questioned the feasibility of storing large quantities of knowledge for future reuse,
and observed that the underlying assumptions a system must make when
determining what should be retrieved cannot be “pre-programmed to detect an
unpredictable future”. So, one concern is that it is often impossible to predict how
current knowledge will be used by future innovators. On the other hand, knowledge
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Multi-Dimensional View of Innovation Performance from Knowledge Dynamics to Maturity
is dynamic and evolves over time, which leads to the increase of the available
knowledge. Perry-Smith and Shalley (2003) have argued that good ideas evolve from
people who have access to relevant knowledge. However, the knowledge per se is
not enough to ensure the innovation success. According to several surveys, such the
annual innovation survey from The Boston Consulting Group, an increasing number
of organizations spend more and more on innovation, but many of these initiatives
don’t generate satisfactory impact. This problem does not lie in a lack of ideas, but
more in a successful management of the innovation process from an idea to a useful
product. Booz Allen Hamilton found that a common factor between successful
innovators is “a rigorous process for managing innovation, including a disciplined,
stage-by-stage approval process combined with regular measurement of every
critical factor, ranging from time and money spent to the success of new products in
the market” (Du Preez & Louw, 2008).
Commonly, the success of idea generation depends on the quality of the best
opportunity selected (Girotra et al., 2010), because organizational resources are,
usually, limited and cannot be wasted in the development of unpromising ideas.
While best idea identification is undoubtedly important, it is only one aspect of an
organization’s innovativeness and it is the measurement of the overall innovation
aspects as well as the expected effects of the innovation diffusion that is critical for
competitiveness. However, the Boston Consulting Group report (Andrew et al., 2009)
found that companies focus only on the measurement of innovation inputs and they
consider themselves far less adept at tracking innovation inputs and the quality of
the process in-between. Therefore, the multidimensional perspective of innovation
is yet inadequately represented in measurement terms and this is a challenging
problem that requires being tackled.
The remainder of this paper unfolds as follows. In the next section, to bring a better
understanding of the topic, we start from the knowledge dynamics characterizing
innovation then we highlight the need to measure the performance of this latter
(Section 2). Next, we review and discuss the relevant literature in Section 3, and we
present the adopted research design and the evaluation approach in Section 4. We
then develop a tri-axial model for innovation performance measurement in Section
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Innovation and knowledge are intrinsically linked. Drucker (1995) has mentioned
that “if we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different, we call it innovation”,
and most commentators agree that innovation is a knowledge intensive process that
demands the straightforward application of knowledge (Choo, 1998). Thus, to
maintain competitive advantage, modern organizations have to be open to new kinds
of knowledge resources and to access external people. Arundel and Bordoy (2002)
have noted that “modern innovation theories stress the diffusion of knowledge
among many different actors”. This means that innovation is a social process that
happens when people interact with others and their knowledge is exposed,
assimilated, shared and finally transformed to produce new knowledge. However,
knowledge largely resides in people’s heads thus, relevant knowledge cannot be
achieved except through identifying those people because it is highly tacit and little
codified in a structured way. Furthermore, the dyad used to represent the individual,
as well as organizational knowledge, has shifted in the last years from the tacit-
explicit dyad to new and wider concepts like cognitive, emotional and spiritual
knowledge forms (Bratianu, 2016). Thus, organizations have to identify, reduce or
remove barriers and create an environment in which knowledge sharing, learning,
and reusing are valued and encouraged.
Over time a lot of attention has been granted to the creation and protection of
organizational knowledge, while little attention has been granted to the dynamics of
transforming knowledge from one form into another. Since innovation is tightly
related to knowledge dynamics, clearer specification and measurement of the key
factors underpinning innovation should assist managers in improving organizational
innovativeness and overall organizational performance. Simons (1990) emphasized
that measurement can be used as a strategic tool to motivate and inspire new
behaviors, to have the potential to support team autonomy, as well as stimulating
communities for the generation and implementation of creative ideas. Despite its
potential to facilitate management, measurement is considered as a challenging area
in practice and measuring innovation is particularly challenging as innovation is
multidimensional, complex and unpredictable (McCarthy et al., 2006). As well, the
measurement of its underlying knowledge dynamics is still emerging and misses
workable method and metrics. While many argue that too much measurement will
stifle the spirit of innovation, accurate measurement is still considered as pivotal for
every business success because assessing the progress and evaluating the impact
allow the organization to change its direction before mistakes become expensive or
great opportunities are missed.
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Multi-Dimensional View of Innovation Performance from Knowledge Dynamics to Maturity
Reviewing existing research literature shows that only a small part of generated
ideas reaches an advanced stage in the innovation stage or end with success.
According to Kerka, Kriegesmann, and Schwering (2009), Liberatore and Stylianou
(1995), roughly 6% of all official ideas and 14% of the promising ideas attaining the
implementation stage become a commercial success. Hence, the continuous
measurement of performance is important for effective management as it provides
the foundation through the persistent investigation of ideas throughout the
innovation process. Likewise, the findings of Kerka, Kriegesmann, and Schwering
(2009) have shown a lack of research on this subject and argued that the missing of
appropriate evaluation mechanism is the most challenging problem. This gap is
especially applied to the measurement activity at the early stages of the innovation
process, as many evaluation mechanisms are simply not up to deal with the special
characteristics of the front end of innovation. In addition, the existing research works
addressing the issue of developing metrics for innovation measurement provide
metrics, even though somewhat useful, offer a limited view of an organization’s
innovativeness and don’t measure its overall innovation capability (Muller,
Välikangas, & Merlyn, 2005) and impact.
Literature review
More recently there has been significant progress in delineating the multiplicity of
resources required for innovation, and the innovation actors’ dependence on the
global competitive market forces, as well as their immediate socio-economic and
institutional environment (Milbergs & Vonortas, 2004). In fact, for a long time,
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On the other hand, choosing the right metrics is obviously critical to the innovation
success, but the road to suitable metrics is fraught with pitfalls. A good metric should
be precise, tied to overall effectiveness and designed to encourage extra-normal
effort (Hauser & Katz, 1998). Actually, many metrics that seem right and easy to be
used have subtle, counter-productive consequences; whereas metrics focusing on
decisions and actions which are critical to organizational innovativeness are more
difficult to measure (Minonne & Turner, 2012). For instance, the “R&D Effectiveness
Index” (EI) proposed by McGrath and Romeri (1994). This index, roughly equal to
the percent of profit obtained from new products divided by the percent of revenue
spent on R&D, attempts to measure R&D effectiveness based on the net revenue that
R&D contributes to the organization. But R&D, as a special kind of innovation, is one
of the riskiest and long-term investments that an organization can make. So, if
managers perceive that they are rewarded based on EI, then they will prefer projects
that are less risky and more short-term oriented. Furthermore, a significant fraction
of R&D projects can be falsely rejected or falsely selected if EI is the only metric.
Otherwise, Schulze et al. (2012) performed a study on 331 Australian corporations,
to explore what practices organizations currently employ in their efforts to evaluate
incoming ideas and, specifically, what role information systems play in idea
assessment. This study showed that almost 40% of the participating organizations
do not have a regular, structured framework for idea assessment, and assess fewer
ideas less frequently, which lead to lower effectiveness. Alarmingly, almost 20% of
organizations do not assess the ideas they collect at all. In addition, they stated that
one-third of their survey respondents report not having fixed measurement criteria,
while only a third use one criterion (e.g. difficulty, feasibility, originality).
performance at high levels of precision. (2) Usability: Intuitive and easily used to
assess the innovation performance across the innovation’s lifecycle stages. (3)
Consistency: Yield the same results when conducted by different assessors. (4)
Flexibility: Can be performed across different stages and context scales. (5)
Informativity: Provide feedback and guidance for next steps in the lifecycle (6)
Specificity: Serve the specific requirements of the innovation activity. Based on these
guiding principles, the next sections introduce and describe the development of a set
of complementary knowledge components that aim to underpin the measurement of
innovation performance and then its improvement. These components were
aggregated into a tri-axial model that targets the contextual integration of innovation
dynamics, actors and outcomes; which allow a fast and intuitive assessment of
activities particularly on the early stages of innovation, to explore the extent to which
organizations are nominally innovative or whether or not innovation is embedded
throughout them, and to identify areas for improvement.
Research design
Since this research work does not seek to prove, disprove or compare phenomena
but rather to discover the underlying structures of a nascent domain of knowledge,
this study adopted a mixed research perspective combining behavioral and design
research patterns, an interpretive and critical paradigm, a mixture of research
strategies focusing on retroduction, and an exploratory mixed data collection
methodology. The empirical examination of the conceptual constructs developed in
this study will be published in upcoming research works.
the inputs (resources invested). Accordingly, other measures reflecting the dynamics
and processes characterizing the innovation activities should be also integrated.
Such multidimensional approach to measurement has been found in other areas of
management to be an improvement on simple one-dimensional measures and to be
able to capture both short- and long-term aspects of value creation in the
organization (Adams, Bessant, & Phelps, 2006).
1. Knowledge Scale: refers to the different forms of knowledge resulting from the
innovation knowledge dynamics in order to deliver a noteworthy outcome.
2. Actor Scale: refers to different actors involved in the innovation process.
3. Context Scale: refers to the organizational abilities allowed to innovation actors
to perform innovation activities and deliver noteworthy outcomes.
Acting as an Innovation Scoping Filter, these Granularity Scales have been further
detailed to enable a more targeted approach to innovation assessment and
improvement. Table 1 below introduces more granular levels.
The term “Maturity” denotes the extent ability in performing a task or delivering an
outcome. A maturity model provides a systematic framework for carrying out
benchmarking and performance improvement. Thus, “Innovation Maturity” refers to
performance improvement milestones that innovation actors aspire to achieve. It
represents the degree of excellence throughout an innovation journey. Maturity
models are typically staged models providing a predefined roadmap for
improvement based on proven grouping and ordering (from “not able to do it”
through to “continuously improving”) of processes and associated relationships.
Each stage, called “maturity level”, has a set of process areas that indicate where
innovation actors should focus their improvement efforts. Each process area is
described in terms of the practices that contribute to satisfying its goals. The
practices describe the infrastructure and activities that contribute most to the
effective implementation and institutionalization of the process areas. Progress
occurs by satisfying the goals of all process areas in a particular maturity level.
Based on a deep analysis of maturity models used across different industries (El
Bassiti & Ajhoun, 2016), an innovation maturity model has been developed (see
Figure 4) to reflect the specifics of the innovation activity, its management
requirements, performance targets and knowledge dynamics. As a result, five
distinct levels have been identified:
unpredictable and targets, if defined, are often missed. IM costs are high both in
functional, financial and managerial terms.
b. Defined Level: The basic IM processes are defined but remain unclear, elementary
and very simple. Process performance is more predictable and targets are defined
but still missed more often than not. Overcoming the functional and managerial
difficulties still takes considerable effort due to turf concerns and competing goals.
IM costs remain high, frustration is still present and satisfaction, although better
defined, is still low.
c. Linked Level: At this breakthrough level, IM processes are implemented with
strategic intent and goals. Process performance becomes more predictable and
targets are often achieved. Continuous improvement efforts take shape and
emphasize root cause elimination and performance improvements. IM costs begin
decreasing and feelings of “community spirit” take the place of frustration.
Innovation actors are included in process improvement efforts and their satisfaction
begins to show marked improvement.
d. Managed Level: The innovation actors reach a wholeness perspective based on
wise judgment and intentional learning. IM measures and management systems are
deeply embedded in the organization. Advanced IM practices, such as creative
imagination, collective engagement, and collaborative forecasting, take shape.
Process performance becomes very predictable and targets are reliably achieved.
Process improvement goals are collectively set and achieved with confidence. IM
costs are dramatically reduced and satisfaction and community spirit become a
competitive advantage.
e. Sustained Level: Advanced IM practices that allow self-responsibility are in place.
Innovation actors with common processes, goals and broad authority take shape.
Trust, mutual dependency, and community spirit are the glue holding the different
actors together. A creative and collaborative culture is firmly in place. Process
performance and reliability of the sustained system are measured and joint
investments in improving the system are shared, as are the returns. This is the
beginning of a successful innovation networked journey.
be accurate, usable, consistent, flexible, informative and specific (as detailed in the
previous section).
to promote the risk and establish new and in-depth analysis are
collective mind and sources of revenue are occurring to assist in
mutual adjustments initiated. Both internal understanding the future
and negotiated actions and external actors organizational success factors.
are achieved. that may be interested
Innovation in or impacted by the
management is more innovation initiative
deeply integrated into are identified, and
processes to foster then involved
learning from both
successes and failures
for consistent
There is widespread
involvement of
external actors.
Idea generation Innovation policies and
Relationships with
sessions are capabilities excellence are
highly skilled external
encouraged and embedded in the organization
parties (e.g.
sponsored. Individuals and continuously improved.
readily teach and There are a shared understanding
consultants) are
Using the Innovation Maturity Matrix, the innovation performance measurement can
be conducted -in conformance with the guiding principles presented above
(Accuracy, Usability, Consistency, Flexibility, Informativity and Specificity) - at
multiple combinations of Capability Stage, Granularity Scale and Maturity Level. To
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manage all possible configurations, a simple assessment and reporting workflow has
been designed.
Innovation Capability and Maturity assessments can be employed at either one of six
Capability Stages and at one of three Major Granularity Scales. To manage all these
assessments and reporting configurations, a simple assessment and reporting
workflow has been developed and depicted in Figure 5 below:
Expanding on the designed workflow, a total of four workflow steps are needed to
conduct an innovation performance measurement. Starting with the innovation
granularity scales, the assessors first filter out a scale, conduct a series of
assessments within a particular stage and then generate a suitable measurement
report following an innovation maturity level:
Step 1: The assessor identifies the “Actual” and the “Target” Innovation Capability
Stages. For instance, if the assessed organization has an interlinking capability and
aims to start collaborating with an external actor then Innovation Stage 2 is the
“Actual Stage” while Innovation Stage 3 is the “Target Stage”. In this first workflow
step, the selection of an Innovation Capability Stage considerably reduces the
number of applicable competencies.
Step 2: After the number of applicable innovation competencies has been
significantly reduced by specifying an Innovation Capability Stage, the assessor
selects a Granularity Scale. For instance, a multinational organization with multiple
offices across different countries may decide to assess the Innovation Capability and
Maturity across the whole Organization (Community Scale) or within one specific
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Multi-Dimensional View of Innovation Performance from Knowledge Dynamics to Maturity
3.3. Capabilities •
Subtotal 10 60 90 120 0
Total Points 280
Maturity Score 28
Innovation practitioners can employ the InnoMM and its underlying components to
accurately assess their own, their peers and potential partners’ capability and
maturity at selective capability stages and organizational scales. An efficient use of
InnoMM will boost fast and intuitive management of innovation activities and
deliverables within a complex environment while keeping an eye on the quality
perspective. In sum, implementing such a systematic approach to innovation
performance measurement and improvement will benefit modern organizations of
all kind by enhancing their growth, revenues, and profit from sustained innovation
what we actually should measure. What are the relevant KPIs that should underlie
such model? This is the focus of upcoming research works, where we will identify a
selection of KPIs based on the combination of inputs and outputs metrics that relates
to a particular performance level and fit to a specific stage of the innovation process
while focusing on a given granular scale of innovation.