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Code No: R1932032 R19 SET - 1

III B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2022

(Common to Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions ONE Question from Each unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
(Data Books are allowed)
1. a) Derive a three-dimensional generalized heat conduction equation [8M]
in cylindrical co-ordinates.
b) The resistance wire of a 1200-W hair dryer is 80 cm long and has [7M]
a diameter of D = 0.3 cm. Determine the rate of heat generation in
the wire per unit volume, in W/cm3, and the heat flux on the outer
surface of the wire as a result of this heat generation.
2. a) Derive the expression for temperature distribution and heat [8M]
transfer associated with one dimensional radial conduction
through a hollow sphere, assuming steady state and with not
internal heat generation.
b) A large plane wall of thickness L 5 0.2 m, thermal conductivity [7M]
k = 1.2 W/mK, and surface area A = 15 m2. The two sides of the
wall are maintained at constant temperatures of T1 = 120°C and
T2= 50°C, respectively. Determine
(i) the variation of temperature within the wall and the value
of temperature at x = 0.1 m and
(ii) the rate of heat conduction through the wall under
steady conditions.
3. a) Derive the temperature distribution along the length of a [8M]
rectangular fin for insulated boundary condition at the tip.
b) An aluminum sphere weighing 5.5 kg and initially at a [7M]
temperature of 2900C is suddenly immersed in a fluid at 150C. The
convective heat transfer coefficient is 58 W/m2K. Estimate the
time required to cool the aluminum to 950C, using the lumped
capacity method of analysis.
4. a) In an experiment to determine the thermal conductivity of a long [8M]
solid 2.5 cm diameter rod, its base is placed in a furnace with a
large portion of it projecting into the room air at 220C. After steady
state conditions prevail, the temperature at two points, 10 cm
apart, are found to be 1100C and 850C respectively. The convective
heat transfer coefficient between the rod surface and the
surrounding air is 28.4 W/m2K. Determine the thermal
conductivity of the rod material.
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Code No: R1932032 R19 SET - 1

b) On a hot summer’s day, a concrete highway may reach a [7M]

temperature of 550C. Suppose that stream of water is directed on
the highway so that the surface temperature is suddenly lowered
to 350C. How long will it take to cool the concrete to 450C at a
depth of 5 cm from the surface?
For concrete, k= 1.29 W/m K, Thermal diffusivity, 𝛼 = 1.77 x 10−3
5. a) Derive the continuity equation for laminar flow. [7M]
b) Using dimensional analysis, obtain an expression for relation [8M]
among the different non dimensional numbers in the case of
forced convection.
6. a) Derive an expression for velocity profile for fully developed laminar [8M]
flow between two parallel plates a distance L apart. Also obtain an
expression for the friction factor.
b) The velocity and temperature profiles for fully developed flow at a [7M]
particular axial location in a 20 cm diameter pipeline may be
approximated by the following expressions:
𝑢 = 96𝑟 − 190𝑟 2 m/s
𝑇 = 100 1 − 2𝑟 0 C
where 𝑟 is the distance in meters measured from inside surface.
Calculate the average (cup mixing) temperature of the liquid.
7. a) A 30 cm long glass plate is hung vertically in the air at 270C while [8M]
its temperature is maintained at 770C. Calculate the boundary
layer thickness at the trailing edge of the plate and also determine
average heat transfer coefficient for natural convection.
b) Derive an expression for logarithmic mean temperature difference [7M]
(LMTD) in case of parallel flow heat exchanger.
8. a) A thin 80 cm long and 8 cm wide horizontal plate is maintained at [8M]
a temperature of 1300C in a large tank full of water at 700C.
Estimate the rate of heat input into the plate necessary to
maintain the temperature of 1300C.
b) When one of the two fluids undergoes phase change, show that the [7M]
effectiveness values for both parallel flow and counter flow heat
exchangers are equal and given by ε = 1-exp(-NTU).

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Code No: R1932032 R19 SET - 1

9. a) Dry saturated steam at a pressure of 2.45 bar condenses on the [8M]
surface of a vertical tube of height 1 m. the tube surface
temperature is kept at 1170C. Estimate the thickness of the
condensate film and the local heat transfer coefficient at a distance
of 0.2 m from the upper end of the tube.
b) Explain about electrical network analogy for thermal radiation [7M]
system with an example.
10. a) Introducing Nusselt’s simplication, obtain an expression for local [8M]
heat transfer in film-wise condensation over a vertical plate.
b) An enclosure measures 1.5m  1.7m with a height of 2 m. The [7M]
walls and ceiling are maintained at 2500C and the floor at 1300C.
The walls and ceiling have an emissivity of 0.82 and the floor 0.7.
Determine the net radiation to the floor.


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