Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Research Design
methods will focus on measurements that are objective which represents facts, with
statistical analysis or collecting numerical data. In gathering the data of the Junior High
answer the relationship between the attitude and the performance of the students on
problem-based. The dependent and independent variable of this study will be the main
perfect negative correlation between ranks and 0 has no correlation between ranks.
Instrument Validation
means of content validation. Content validation, which plays a primary role in the
instrument by assessing the degree to which the instrument measures the targeted
construct (Anastasia, 1988). This enables the instrument to be used to make meaningful
and appropriate inferences and/or decisions from the instrument scores given the
assessment purpose (Messick, 1989). All elements of the instrument (e.g., items, stimuli,
codes, instructions, response formats, scoring) that can potentially impact the scores
obtained and the interpretations made should be subjected to content validation. In the
process of the instrument validation for this study, the survey-questionnaire will be sent
to experts on the field of research. The experts will give their insights and opinion about
the survey questionnaire. The researcher will consider the suggestions of the expert in
order to ensure that their survey-questionnaire will be able to answer the research
Sampling Procedure
The target population of this study are Junior High School students in Wright I
District which consists of Tenani Integrated School, Pequit Integrated School, Apolonia
Integrated School, Wright National high School, minarog Integrated School and
Lokilokon Integrated School. The researcher will use the stratified random sampling to
The researcher will gather the data using survey-questionnaire in which it will be
utilized to collect, analyze and interpret the different views of a group of people from a
particular population. With this survey method, it will utilize the specific target
population that is involved which are the Junior High School students of Wright I
District. It will give the researchers a good response rate because students can easily
answer the questions and there are choices given in answering a certain question.
For the research instrument to be validated, the researcher will submit a copy of
the survey-questionnaire to an expert in this field for content analysis and further
expert validation. After the expert validation along with the corrections and suggestions
given by the Research Teacher, the survey-questionnaire will be prepared for actual
data gathering.
The researcher will go to the Science class schedules of the Junior High School
students of each school of Wright I District. Then, the researcher must have the
opportunity to establish relationship with the respondents and will explain the purpose
of the study.
The data collection will be completed during the vacant and convenient time and
day of the respondents. After the researcher gathered the data, it will be tabulated,
Statistical Treatment
After gathering the relevant information in the study, the researcher will use
descriptive and inferential statistics in data analysis. Descriptive statistics help describe
and understand the features of a specific data set by giving short summaries about the
sample and measures of the data. The following are the descriptive statistical tools that
will be employed:
Frequency Distribution Table. It is a chart that summarizes values and their frequency.
It’s a useful way to organize data if you have a list of numbers that represent the
conclusions that have been obtained from one experimental study to more general
populations and samples that have not been tested in the given experiment.
The researcher will analyze the data using the Spearman Rank Correlation.
Spearman rank correlation is a non-parametric test that is used to measure the degree of
association between two variables. The Spearman rank correlation test does not carry
any assumptions about the distribution of the data and is the appropriate correlation
analysis when the variables are measured on a scale that is at least ordinal. In our
study, this Spearman Rank Correlation will help to measure degree of association
between the two variables namely, the attitude and the performance of the students.