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Mam Cathy - Topic 3

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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: sucpresident.msc@gmail.com
Website: www.marinduquestatecollege.edu.ph


Title: The Effectiveness of BYAHEdukasyon to improve Reading Performances in relation to

efficacy among Grade 4 students of Camohaguin Elementary School
Name of Researcher: Ma’am Cathy

Course and Major: Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management

Rationale –

Reading comprehension is an essential skill in life throughout childhood and adulthood,

necessary for employment opportunities and higher education success. However, by middle
school, very little reading instruction takes place as school becomes focused on reading to learn,
not learning to read ). While typical readers may be able to comprehend text through general
reading instruction in school, poor readers may need extra support in reading development
(Leach, Scarborough, & Rescorla, 2003).
In the domain of reading, self-efficacy measures have been targeted typically at assessing
general level beliefs (e.g., Lee & Zentall, 2015; Smith et al., 2012; Wigfield et al., 2004). Self-
efficacy has often been conceptualized in ways similar to self-concept with items tapping
perceived competence or relative ability comparisons (see Bong & Skaalvik, 2003). However,
such general level measures may have some disadvantages. First, young children may evaluate
their reading efficacy with specific tasks or situations in mind, even when asked about their
general self-efficacy. For example, Guthrie et al. (2007) found that fourth graders did not
describe their general reading ability but they seemed to have well-formed conceptualizations of
their self-efficacy in reference to particular reading tasks. Children might similarly be answering
generally-worded items by thinking of different reading subskills.
Self-efficacy has been found to be positively related to primary school children’s reading
skills, but the strength of this relationship has been inconsistent. Some studies have found rather
small associations between self-efficacy and reading skills (e.g., Liew, McTigue, Barrois, &
Hughes, 2008; Smith et al., 2012), whereas others have found a stronger relationship (e.g.,
Carroll & Fox, 2017; Guthrie et al., 2009; Mercer et al., 2011). This is likely because both the
self-efficacy measures and those used to assess targeted reading subskills have largely varied.
Consequently, further research is needed before any conclusive claims about the relationship
between self-efficacy and reading performance can be made.
On the other hand, with schools pivoting to remote learning, traditional methods of
teaching have been upended and a number of concerns have arisen. In fact, as the result of a
recent study, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) regards students in the Philippines
as having poor reading skills. Even before the pandemic, more than half of 10-year-olds in low
and middle-income countries have poor reading skills. According to UNICEF, “now that figure
is estimated to be as high as 70%.” This dilemma prompted the researcher to develop an
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: sucpresident.msc@gmail.com
Website: www.marinduquestatecollege.edu.ph

intervention program called BYAHEdukasyon which aims to develop an intervention program to

enhance the literacy skill of Grade four students of Camohaguin Elementary School.

Statement of the Problem –

Main Problem – This study aims to assess the effectiveness of BYAHEdukasyon to

improve Reading Performances in relation to efficacy among Grade 4 students of Camohaguin
Elementary School

Sub Problems –

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:

1. What is the demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
2. What is the Reading Proficiency Level of Grade four pupils in terms of:
2.1 Silent Reading
2.2 Oral Reading
3. What is the self-eficacy level of Grade four pupils in terms of:
3.1 General level
3.2 Intermediate level
3.3 Specific level
4. Is there a significant difference on the level of reading proficiency of Grade four students
in silent and oral reading?
5. Is there a significant difference on the reading proficiency levels Grade 4 pupils of
Camohaguin ES in both silent and oral reading when analyzed according to age and
6. What is the Impact of BYAHEdukasyon in improving the reading performances of Grad
Four pupils of Camohaguin ES?

Theoretical Framework

Social capital refers to the benefits

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: sucpresident.msc@gmail.com
Website: www.marinduquestatecollege.edu.ph

Social capital refers to the benefits

gained from social
relationships (Putnam, 2000).
Specifically, individuals
form and invest in social relationships
with the expectation
of fulfilling goals and profiting from
their interactions with
others (Coleman, 1988; Lin, 2001).
Social capital refers to the benefits
gained from social
relationships (Putnam, 2000).
Specifically, individuals
form and invest in social relationships
with the expectation
of fulfilling goals and profiting from
their interactions with
others (Coleman, 1988; Lin, 2001).
Comprehension is a cognitive, but also social and intellectual process which we as
teachers need to be flexible with to cater for students of all capabilities and backgrounds (Luke,
Woods, & Dooley, 2011). This study anchored on the social constructivist nature of
comprehension suggests that readers refine their understanding by negotiating meaning with
others (McLaughlin, 2012)”. This typically occurs through discussion. Engaging students in such
discussion promotes active engagement in constructing meaning from a text.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: sucpresident.msc@gmail.com
Website: www.marinduquestatecollege.edu.ph

Schema-based learning development suggests that learning takes place when new
information is integrated with what is already known (McLaughlin, 2012). Long before students
come to school, they develop schemata (units of knowledge) about everything they experience.
Schemata become theories about reality. These theories not only affect the way information is
interpreted, thus affecting comprehension, but also continue to change as new information is
Another scope of this study is the Dual Coding Theory. This approach proposes the need
to build semantic knowledge through such vessels as abstract models, relevant vocabulary, and
through concrete examples such as visual images and real life experiences (G.Winch, 2010).The
more prior knowledge and experience readers have with a particular topic, the easier it is for
them to make connections between what they are learning and what they know (McLaughlin,
Blooms taxonomy also plays a crucial role in this study which is designed a set of
guidelines to help students think critically about a text. It enabled teachers to present a reading
comprehension lesson in a way that enabled students to understanding the meaning behind a text
by prompting students with questions or think points. Teachers ask students to read a specific
text, and from that they must derive the main facts and ideas by organizing, comparing,
translating, interpreting, giving descriptions and stating the main ideas that they see present
(University, 2009)

Conceptual Framework –
(Show the paradigm showing the flow of the study)


1. Demographic Descriptive
profile of the Survey Method
2. Reading Sampling Enhanced
Proficiency Level of Technique reading skill of
Grade four pupils of BYAHEdukas Grade four
Camohaguin ES -Interview yon pupils of
Based on Phil-Iri Gst Questionnaire Camohaguin ES
Results in terms of:
1. Silent Reading -Frequency and
2. Oral Reading Percentage
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: sucpresident.msc@gmail.com
Website: www.marinduquestatecollege.edu.ph

Research Methodology

Design: Experimental

Locale: Camohaguin ES Instrument: Questionnaire

Population and Sample:

Grade Four Pupils of Statistical Tool: Frequency,
Camohaguin ES Mean and T-Test
Purposive Sampling
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address: sucpresident.msc@gmail.com
Website: www.marinduquestatecollege.edu.ph


Title: Implications of Schools Division of Quezon VAWC Program on Parents Awareness

toward Women and Children Abuse and Attitude toward reporting: Bases for creation VAWC
Referral System
Name of Researcher: Catherine A. Peroy

Course and Major: Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management

Rationale –

VAWC or the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004, is a law
passed to protect women and children from violence. Also known as RA 9262, the law is in
keeping with the provisions on human rights enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, as well as
the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in various international declarations and
documents to which the Philippines is signatory, including Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and
Convention on the Rights of the Child

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