53 PDF
53 PDF
53 PDF
Question: Does AP Std 53 require deadman and autoshear systems to be installed in a Yes. Section, is a general section applicable for BOP's subsea BOP stack manufactured in 1977, equipped with conventional hydraulic surface or subsea. Section 6.3 BOP Control Systems (Subsea) is
5th Edition, control systems (not mux system) whithout modifications or replacement since was for subsea BOP's exclusively and all subsea BOP's are required
53 and 53-07-20
Dec. 2018 built? to have the deadman and autoshear systems installed.
Question: Does Std 53 require deadman and autoshear systems to be installed on Reply: Yes. a BOP control system for a subsea BOP stack manufactured in 1990?
5th Edition,
53 and 53-06-20
Dec. 2018
Question 1: When replacing a component in a 16A 3rd edition BOP Stack, for instance Reply 1: No, the replacement annular is required to meet the
replacing the Annular, must the replacement component be 4th edition API 16A, edition of API 16A in effect when the annular was manufactured.
according to what came into play April last year, to be in compliance?
5th Edition,
53 53-05-19
Dec. 2018
Question 2: Can the replacement components still be 3rd edition API 16A when added Reply 2: Yes, as long as the replacement components were
into a 3rd edition BOP Stack? manufactured when API 16A 3rd edition was in effect.
According to minimum ID for lines downstream of the chokes shall be equal to Reply: No, minimum ID for lines downstream of the choke shall
5th Edition, or greater than the nominal size of the choke inlet and outlet. In this instance the be equal to or greater than the larger of the choke inlet or choke
53 4.2.3 53-03-19 nominal bore of the choke inlet and outlet are different. Therefore can either bore size outlet.
Dec. 2018
be used?
We have had customers reference the wording in "BOP control systems shall
be in accordance with the edition of API 16D that was in effect at the time of the control
system manufacture", stating this wording dictates that if a new edition of API 16D is
released during manufacture of new equipment that the equipment must meet the
requirements of this new edition.
5th Edition,
53 53-03-20
Dec. 2018 Question: If a new edition of API 16D is released during manufacture of new equipment Reply: No. The equipment shall be maintained to the same edition
does this require that the equipment must meet the requirements of this new edition? that was active at the time of manufacture and installation of the
control system. The clause effectively locks-in-time, the set of
requirements for the piece of equipment.
Some rigs have a main and auxiliary rotary table. The aux rotary table and topdrive is
not configured to run a BOP, does not have a diverter housing and cannot be used
together with riser.
5th Edition, Question: Is an auxiliary rotary table with no diverter housing and no way to connect Reply: Yes.
53 4.4 53-02-19 to riser such that is cannot run pipe in riser, exempt from the requirements of section
Dec. 2018
4.4 for Kelly valves while the main well is connected to riser and the BOP?
Question: If the equipment owner’s PM program specifies an NDE inspection Reply: Yes.
(including use of go, no-go gauges) at a five yearly frequency, would this PM and
completion of it satisfy both API Standard 53 4th and 5th edition requirements?
Question 1: Shall HPHT Wellbore and Choke & Kill Line Sensors, be recalibrated by Reply 1: Yes
the OEM at least every 3 years?
5th Edition,
53 53-02-20 Question 2: Is a CoC issued to support the calibration? Reply 2: No. API Std 53 does not require COCs. Documentation
Dec. 2018
confirming that the requirements are met is sufficient.
Question 1: Will a configuration of 1 ea BSR and 1 ea CSG shear ram require a risk Reply 1: No.
assessment according to 6.1.4?
5th Edition,
53 53-04-19
Dec. 2018 Question 2: Is this interpretation also correct for API 53 4th edition, chapter Reply 2: Yes.
Question: If the components are produced with 3" nominal material does this comply Reply: Yes.
5th Edition, with API Std 53 5th Edition?
53 53-01-20
Dec. 2018
Question: Is it correct to interpret that and that permit disarming of the Reply: No. Per and the deadman and autoshear
5th Edition, autoshear and deadman systems through MOC, also allow the user to not install the systems shall be installed on all subsea BOP stacks.
53 53-08-19 autoshear and deadman systems?
Dec. 2018
As noted in both Standard 53 4th edition (section and Standard 53 5th Reply: This is supported in Std 53 fifth edition by the requirement
edition (section the requirement for Control System Response Times states to be in accordance with API 16D at time of manufacture.
that "response time for choke and kill valves (either open or close) shall not exceed
the minimum observed
Question 1: Is this requirement based on the actual response time of the ram? Reply 1: Yes
5th Edition, Question 2: Does this require that choke and kill valves shall not exceed the 45 second Reply 2: Yes, but if a ram closes quicker than 45 seconds, the
53 e 53-05-20
Dec. 2018 allowable response time for rams? choke and kill valves shall not exceed that minimum observed
ram closure time.
In Sec., the document states that “Initial pressure tests are defined as those
tests that shall be performed on location before the equipment is put into operational
Question 1: Is the “Initial Pressure Tests” as per the above clause referring to the BOP Reply 1: Yes
pressure test after nipple up on the first well of the campaign?
Question 2: Based on the above question, can I refer to the BOP pressure test after Reply 2: subsequent testing is conducted post operation on a
5th Edition, nipple up on the 2nd well of the campaign onwards as the “Subsequent tests” well.
53 53-01-19
Dec. 2018 mentioned in For pad drilling operations when connecting to a subsequent
well, pressure testing is only required for pressure-containing
and pressure-controlling connections when the integrity of a
pressure seal has not been proven.
API Std 53 fifth edition clarified this question with footnote c to
Table C.4.
Question 1: Is riser recoil testing required by API S53 Fifth Edition, at commissioning Reply 1: No.
or any frequency thereafter?
Please confirm if the re-coil/lift off is to be tested even if you have a means to verify the
intended operation as described in table C.20?
If it is the intent to include the re-coil/lift off then we request that an addendum is
published at the earliest adding back in the wording from 4th edition. This should also
5th Edition, Table include the safety considerations that were mentioned in the 4th edition and it would
53 53-04-20 also be recommended to perform this test on a dummy well with a full assessment on
Dec. 2018 C.10
conditions completed prior to the test.
Question: Is lift-off the LMRP required to perform EDS testing? Reply: No. This topic will be up for review with the Std 53 task
group for future clarification.
A BOP stack was made up and tested , kept beside r8g floor. After 15 days, it was
nippled up on the well. Should it be tested now again ?
Question 1: Are all components of the BOP required to be tested prior to starting Reply 1: No, pressure testing is only required for pressure-
5th Edition,
53 BOP test 53-09-19 operations? containing and pressure-controlling connections when the
Dec. 2018
integrity of a pressure seal has not been proven.
Question 2: Does the 21 day subsequent operational testing start from the day the Reply 2: This is not specified in the fifth edition. The committee
BOP is nippled up? will review for inclusion in a future edition.