Financial MGT 1 CHAPTER 4 Part I
Financial MGT 1 CHAPTER 4 Part I
Financial MGT 1 CHAPTER 4 Part I
Risk Analysis
Risk --- What is this?
Consider the two cases.
1)Mr Ramesh has put his money in National Bank of Ethiopia
(NBE) bond where he is going to get 12% p.a.. He is really happy
with the rate of return. Will he have sleepless nights, if the economy
goes into recession?. Of course no.
2) Mr. Ramesh is very bullish with the stock market and invests
money into equity diversified fund with the expectation that he
will get 12% return. Will he have sleepless nights if economy goes
into deep recession, and now he feels that he may get negative
returns of say 5-7%? Of course yes.
In finance,
• Risk refers to the likelihood that we will receive a return on an
investment that is different from the return we expected to make.
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Thus, risk includes not only the bad outcomes
(returns that are lower than expected), but also
good outcomes (returns that are higher than
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Risk-Return Tradeoffs for Various
Investment Vehicles
Sources of Risk
Sources of Risk Con’t…
Business Risk:
Uncertainty of income flows caused by the
nature of a firm’s business
Purchasing Power Risk refers to the chance that changing price levels (inflation
or deflation) will adversely affect investment returns.
Measuring of Return:
If you buy an asset of any sort, your gain (loss) from that
investment is called the return on your investment. This return
will usually have two components:
Current return – It is the periodic cash inflow in the form of interest or
Capital return --- It represents change in the price of asset.
T hus Total Return = Current Return + Capital Return
N otice that, if you sold the stock at the end of the year, the total
amount of cash you would have would eq ual your initial
investment plus total return. Then, total cash if the stock is
sold is :
Total cash = initial investment + total return
$ 3 7 00 + $ 518 = $ 4 ,218
As a check, notice that this is the same as the proceeds
from the sale of the stock plus the dividends:
Proceeds from stock sale + dividends = $ 40 .33 x 10 0 + 18 5= $ 4,218
Although expressing returns in dollars is easy, two
problems arise:
(1) to make a meaningful judgment about the return, you
need to know the scale (size) of the investment;
A $100 return on a $100 investment is a great return
(assuming the investment is held for 1 year), but a
$100 return on a $10,000 investment would be a poor
T he q uestion is, how much do we get for each dollar
we invest?
(2) Y ou also need to know the timing of the return;
a $100 return on a $100 investment is a great
return if it occurs after 1 year, but the same dollar
return after 20 years is not very good.
Capital gains yield: The change in stock price as a percentage of the initial
stock price.
The bigger this number is, the more the actual returns
tend to differ from the average return.
Recession 0.25 5% 8%
Req uired: compute the expected rate of return on each company’s stock
Sun Feb 5 11:00:49
and recommend
2023 where M r “X” has to invest the $ 10 ,0 0 0 investable fund.
E(Ri) = (Rj x P rj)
E(Ralpha) = (0 .3 5 *2 0 ) + (0 .4 *1 5 ) + (0 .2 5 *5 )
E(Ralpha) = 7 + 6 + 1 .2 5 = 1 4 .2 5 %
E(RB eta) = (0 .3 5 * 2 4 ) + (0 .4 * 1 2 ) +
(0 .2 5 * 8 )
E(RB eta) = 8 .4 + 4 .8 + 2 = 1 5 .2 %
The greater the chance of a return far below the expected return, the greater the
Stock X
Stock Y
Rate of
-20 0 15 50 return (%)
Which stock is riskier? Why ?
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Answer: Con’t…
The tighter (or more peaked) the probability distribution, the
more likely it is that the actual outcome will be close to the
expected value, and hence the less likely it is that the actual
return will end up far below the expected return.
Thus, the tighter the probability distribution, the lower the risk
assigned to a stock.
Since Stock X has a relatively tight probability
distribution, its actual return is likely to be closer to
its 15% expected return than that of Stock Y.
According to this definition, Stock X is less risky than Stock Y because there
is a smaller chance that its actual return will end up far below its
expected return.
2. Subtract the expected rate of return (E(Ri ) ) from each possible outcome (ri) to
obtain a set of deviations about E(Ri ), Deviationi = ri − E(Ri)
Stock BW
RiPi (Ri)(Pi)
-.15 .10 -.015 expected
-.03 .20 -.006 return, R,
.09 .40 .036 for Stock
.21 .20 .042 BW is .09
or 9%
.33 .10 .033
Sum 1.00 .090
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How to Determine the Expected Return and
Standard Deviation
Stock BW
RiPi (Ri)(Pi) (Ri - R )2(Pi)
-.15 .10 -.015 .00576
-.03 .20 -.006 .00288
.09 .40 .036 .00000
.21 .20 .042 .00288
.33 .10 .033 .00576
Sum 1.00 .090 .01728
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State of the Returns on
Economy Probability Security A
Determined by
multiplying the
probability times the
possible return.
Possible Weighted
State of the Returns on Possible
Economy Probability Security A Returns
Return = 10.3% Variance = 0.0420
Deviation = 20.50%
= ( Ri - R )2( Pi )
Standard Deviation, s, is a statistical measure of
the variability of a distribution around its mean.
It is the square root of variance.
Note, this is for a discrete distribution.
The larger σi is, the lower the probability that actual returns
will be closer to expected returns.
The larger the Standard deviation (σi), the higher the risk,
because Standard deviation (σi), is a measure of total
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Coefficient of Variation: A Relative Measure of Risk
If conditions for two or more investment alternatives are not
similar—that is, if there are major differences in the expected rates
of return or standard deviation—it is necessary to use a measure of
relative variability to indicate risk per unit of expected return.
The coefficient of variation is a useful measure of risk when we are comparing the
investment alternatives which have
(i) same standard deviations but different expected values, or
(ii) different standard deviations but same expected values, or
(iii) different standard deviations and different expected values.