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Alam 2021

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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Materials Today: Proceedings

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Influence of aluminum addition on the mechanical properties of brass/Al

composites fabricated by stir casting
Mohammad Azad Alam a,b, H.H. Ya a,⇑, Akhlaq Ahmad b, Mohammad Yusuf c, Mohammad Azeem a,
Faisal Masood d
Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Mechanical Engineering Department, IFTM University, Moradabad, U.P, India
Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia
Electrical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Brass has an interesting set of characteristics, such as good wear capabilities and high electrical and ther-
Available online xxxx mal conductivity. Aluminium has been utilized as reinforcement and matrix in the development of
advanced composites. In the present investigation, the new unique material the brass/Al composite
Keywords: has been developed by liquid casting route. The effect of Al filler in varying wt.% on the mechanical prop-
Brass/Al Composites erties of new brass/Al composites were investigated. The tensile strength and hardness were evaluated
Casting process for produced composites. The microstructural features were observed by optical microscopy. The optical
Tensile strength
microscopy revealed the uniform distribution of Al particles in the brass matrix. The tensile strength and
hardness increased by increasing the Al contents. It was interestingly observed that the addition of 4 wt%
Al exhibits the uniform distribution of irregular block shape strengthening phase and has the best
mechanical properties. The fine surface was obtained by addition of Al. This research work provides an
advanced strategy for improving the overall characteristics of existing brass.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific
committee of the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Technology and Sciences (iCITES 2020).

1. Introduction and its alloys are frequently used as filler and matrix materials in
the development of composites [3–5]. For several years, the advan-
Brass has long been a very popular material for many engineer- tages offered by the presence of Aluminum have been appreciated
ing applications such as a decoration utensil, doorknobs and to promote chip fracture, decrease cutting forces, increase machin-
drawer pulls. Due to its outstanding features such as no mag- ing rate and efficiency, decrease instrument wear, and improve
netism, and good machinability, brass (Cu-Zn) alloy is extensively surface finish [6].
used as an engineering material [1]. In order to get a sufficiently When the structure switches from all-beta to alpha + beta [du-
good formability, high copper content (larger than 60 percent) is plex] and from duplex to all-alpha, significant performance
needed to produce products via cold working. However, lower improvements occur. In extreme cases, alloys containing just
strength, hardness and resistance against wear limited the applica- under 15 percent Zn are dezincified. Some alloying additives have
tions of brass in many industrial appliances. Also brass can corrode a significant impact on the structure of brass by altering the alpha,
in presence of water or moisture. Hence a unique material is beta, or gamma phase proportion available. Reinforcement Al is
required which can improve these characteristics of brass when added into the brass as solid solution strengthener and it leads to
combined with it. Aluminum is commonly used to alter the phase enhancement in the fractional area of b-phase [7]. Nevertheless,
structure and other mechanical properties of brass [2]. Aluminum when significant quantities of Al are applied to the brass matrix,
enables the brass to be stronger and good corrosion resistant. Alu- the brittle and coarser intermetallic compounds formation occurs,
minum is also added into the brass when good surface finish of the there is a substantial decline in mechanical properties is observed.
component and high machining performance is needed. Aluminum Many studies have been done on brass and Aluminum composites
and their by various fabrication technique [8]. However, the liter-
⇑ Corresponding author. ature review about the influence of Al on the brass mechanical
E-mail address: hamdan.ya@utp.edu.my (H.H. Ya).

2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on
Innovative Technology and Sciences (iCITES 2020).

Please cite this article as: Mohammad Azad Alam, H.H. Ya, A. Ahmad et al., Influence of aluminum addition on the mechanical properties of brass/Al com-
posites fabricated by stir casting, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.02.321
Mohammad Azad Alam, H.H. Ya, A. Ahmad et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

strength and hardness are very little and it must be explored in

more details.
In the present investigation, a unique brass/Al composites have
been fabricated by liquid casting method. The effect of strengthen-
ing element (wt.%) on the tensile strength and hardness of the
brass -x wt.% Al (x = 2,4 and 6 wt%) composites were studied. The
optical microscopy observation is taken for microstructural charac-
teristics. The statistical analysis has been done by one way Anova
using Minitab.
Fig. 1. The casted specimen for (a) tensile testing and, (b) hardness testing.

2. Experimental work
3. Results and discussion
Liquid casting method is widely accepted process to produce
3.1. Microstructures of brass/Al composites
the various metal composites. In comparison to other manufactur-
ing methods, it has many advantages including reduced fabrication
The microstructural observations by optical microscopy of pro-
time, lower cost, its relevance to large scale production and
duced composites are depicted in Fig. 2. It can be observed form
improved mixing of reinforcement in the matrix [9]. Following
Fig. 2 that refinement in the grain size is achieved with the addi-
are the experimental details for the current research work.
tion of Al in varying proportions. Al reinforcement particles are
also visible in brass matrix. The firm grain boundaries depict that
2.1. Composites preparation

In this work, liquid casting method was utilized to produce the

brass/Al composites. For each sample preparation, a chunk of small
size of brass weighing 1 kg were melted in the furnace. As the fur-
nace temperature reached 900 °C, brass started to melt. The rein-
forcement, pre milled Al powder in three different weight (20 g,
40 g and 60 g), was dropped at the rate of 1 g/min in the com-
pletely melt brass matrix in the ladle. Then the melts were poured
in the die cavity of permanent mold at 950 ± 20 °C. The melt
acquires the liquid–solid state after 10 min of pouring. Then nor-
mal cooling is allowed to cool the mold. To maintain the geomet-
rical uniformity of the samples, brass/Al composite samples gone
through little machining operations to make them in suitable
dimensions and removal of extra projections. These prepared spec-
imens were further finished by various size of emery papers. The
same procedure was repeated for each sample.

2.2. Microstructural test

Fig. 2. The microstructure of (a) brass, (b) brass/2 wt% Al, (c) brass/4 wt% Al, (d)
The microstructure of the prepared samples was observed by an brass/6 wt% Al.
optical microscope. The cast specimen was cut into cylindrical disc
of dimension 12 mm diameter and 6 mm thick from different sam-
ples of prepared composites. The metallography operations grind-
ing, polishing and etching was followed to prepare the sample
before observations. The suitable etchant was prepared by mixing
distilled water 200 ml, ferric chloride 10gm and hydrochloric acid
50 ml and immersion of samples were done for etching of the sam-
ples. The well-polished and etched surface was exposed for the

2.3. Mechanical tests

Tensile test (Uniaxial) is the most widely utilized for finding the
mechanical strength of the isotropic materials. Tensile test and
hardness test was carried out for the prepared samples. The tensile
test run was conducted at room temperature by computer aided
universal testing machine for high experimental accuracy. For
The ASTM E10-15a standard were followed in preparation of hard-
ness samples of the synthesized composites. The casted tensile
specimen and hardness samples are shown in Fig. 1. All the tensile
strength and hardness measurement was noted four times for each
test sample and the mean values were taken into consideration for
study. Fig. 3. Tensile strength variation plot with addition of Al particles.

Mohammad Azad Alam, H.H. Ya, A. Ahmad et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

minute pores are also visible in all the samples, it is attributed to

minor casting defects produced during the casting of the

3.2. Mechanical properties of brass/Al composites

The mechanical properties of brass and brass/Al composites

were evaluated and analyzed in the form of tensile strength and
hardness. The tensile strength for all compositions of composites
is higher than the brass matrix as observed in Fig. 3. With the addi-
tion of 2 wt% Al the slight improvement (2.25%) in the tensile
strength is was observed. The highest increment was noted as
10.67% as compared to base matrix at 4 wt% Al addition. There is
minor improvement (5.5%) noticed for 6 wt% reinforcement. Also
the surface finish is improved by addition of Al. These results are
in the similarity with the previous work [2].
The variations in hardness of brass and Brass/Al composites are
reported in Fig. 4. The Rockwell hardness of brass is 40. The max-
imum increment in the hardness was observed for the 4 wt% Al
addition. The hardness of all samples of the composites is higher
Fig. 4. Influence of addition of Al particles on the hardness of the brass/Al than the base matrix. The increment in the hardness in all the sam-
composites. ples is attributed to many reasoning viz. disruption in movement
of the dislocations, Uniform distribution of Al particles in brass
matrix and refinement of the grain of matrix. However, the hard-
Al particles are successfully dispersed in the matrix. Few agglomer-
ness of 6 wt% Al- brass composites declines as compared to 4 wt
ations of the Al particles are observed in Fig. 2(d), as the wt.% of Al
% Al. These results are in similar to available literature [2,6].
is 6%. The uniform dispersion of filler materials in brass matrix is
responsible in the improvement in tensile strength and hardness.
After adding the 2% Al, the microstructure revealed a slight decre- 3.3. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis of brass/Al composites
ment in grain size, at the same time needle like structure is
observed. The grains are of Columnar shape and having mainly Analysis of variance has been done to analyze the influence of
ß-phase along with alpha needles embedded in the matrix. Some single process parameter i.e. weight percentage of Al on the two
response variables. In the current research work Minitab-18 was

Fig. 5. Main effects plot for (a) Tensile strength, (b) Hardness and (c) Bubble plot with Wt. % Al as a bubble size.

Mohammad Azad Alam, H.H. Ya, A. Ahmad et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

the addition of Al particles in brass matrix in different weight ratio.

Highest improvement in mechanical properties of fabricated com-
posites were observed for 4 wt% of Al in the brass matrix.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Mohammad Azad Alam: Conceptualization, Writing - original

draft, Supervision. H.H. Ya: Conceptualization. Akhlaq Ahmad:
Methodology. Mohammad Yusuf: Writing - review & editing.
Mohammad Azeem: Writing - review & editing. Faisal Masood:
Writing - review & editing.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-

cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
Fig. 6. Contour plot of the composites. to influence the work reported in this paper.

used for ANOVA analysis. Main effect plots and contour plot has
been revealed in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 respectively. Fig. 5(a) and (b) The authors gratefully acknowledge the IFTM University,
shows the tensile strength and hardness variation along the mean Moradabad, India and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
line of the response. Fig. 5(c) depicts the bubble diagram for the for the all necessary facilities required for this research work.
two response. The author also thanks to all lab technicians for their help during
The bubbles size indicates the Weight percentage of the rein- experiments.
forcement. The mid bubble is showing the highest percentage of
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