Conservative Management Following Patellar Dislocation: A Level I Systematic Review
Conservative Management Following Patellar Dislocation: A Level I Systematic Review
Conservative Management Following Patellar Dislocation: A Level I Systematic Review
Journal of Orthopaedic
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:393 Surgery and Research
Conservative management
following patellar dislocation: a level I
systematic review
Gustavo Wickert Flores1, Deise Ferreira de Oliveira1, Ana Paula Silveira Ramos2, Luciana Sayuri Sanada1,
Filippo Migliorini3,4,7* , Nicola Maffulli4,5,6 and Rodrigo Okubo1
Background Patellar instability is a common and disabling clinical condition. Treatment of acute primary patellar dis-
location aims to reduce the risk of recurrence or painful subluxation and improve function. However, the actual clini-
cal efficacy of any management modality following an acute dislocation has never been demonstrated in prospective
or retrospective studies, and the optimal way in which the various management modalities should be used is at best
Methods A search was conducted in PubMed, Bireme and Embase databases. Inclusion criteria followed the
acronym PICOS, (P) subjects with patellar instability, (I) therapeutic interventions, (C) placebo or control or surgical
treatments, (O) rate of dislocations and function, and (S) clinical trials. The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms
used were: ((“patellar instability”) OR (“patellar dislocation”)) AND ((physiotherapy) OR (rehabilitation) OR (“conservative
treatment”) OR (therapy) OR (therapeutic)). The risk of bias was analysed using the PeDRO scale.
Results Seven randomized controlled trials including 282 patients were considered. The quality of studies detailing
the results of conservative treatment was higher than that of surgical procedures, but all studies have relatively low
methodological quality. Four studies compared physiotherapeutic interventions with surgical procedures, and three
studies compared conservative intervention techniques.
Conclusion An unstructured lower limb physical therapy programme evidences similar outcomes to specific
exercises. Surgical management is associated with a lower rate of re-dislocation; however, whether surgery produces
greater functional outcomes than conservative management is still unclear. The use of a knee brace with a limited
range of motion, stretching and neuromuscular exercises are the most commonly recommended physiotherapy
Keywords Patella, Instability, Dislocation, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation
Filippo Migliorini
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Flores et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:393 Page 2 of 10
adequacy of follow-up; (8) statistical analysis with inten- this screening, 27 articles were excluded because they
tion to treat; (9) statistical comparison of results between were observational studies (n = 21) or congress summa-
groups; and (10) existence of specific measures and vari- ries (n = 1); therefore, 13 complete articles were selected
ability for at least one key result. These items are dichoto- for the reading stage. In the last stage, 6 articles were
mous, and each question is scored as 1 or 0 [32, 33]. The excluded since they were feasibility studies (n = 5) and
PeDRO Scale has been widely used in previous system- function or instability was not a primary outcome (n = 1).
atic reviews [34–37]. Finally, seven articles were included in the present inves-
tigation (Fig. 1).
Selection of studies Methodological quality
The literature search resulted in 612 articles: 130 in No study performed participants blinding, negatively
Bireme, 178 in Embase, and 304 in PubMed. After impacting the final result. High between studies variabil-
removing duplicates, 291 remained for consideration. ity in the PeDRO scale was evidenced, with values rang-
After reading the titles, 40 abstracts remained. After ing from seven to three points. Concluding, the average
Flores et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:393 Page 4 of 10
score of the PeDRO scale was 4.1 points, demonstrating limb, and full weight bearing as tolerated by pain for
the low quality of the methodology (Table 1). both groups, compared the efficacy of a patella-stabi-
lizing, motion-restricting knee brace versus a neoprene
Characteristics of the studies and participants non-hinged knee brace for the treatment of first-time
Data from 282 patients were retrieved (Table 2). Four traumatic patellar dislocation. Knee immobilization
studies compared physiotherapeutic interventions with was associated with quadriceps muscle atrophy, more
surgical procedures [20, 38, 39, 41], and three studies restricted knee ROM, and worse functional outcomes in
compared conservative intervention techniques [21, 40, the first 6 months after the injury. In another study, cylin-
42]. der cast immobilization was compared to taping in terms
of intensive training of isometric and isotonic exercises
Conservative intervention to strengthen quadriceps muscles. Both groups were
All studies suggested the use of braces (with total or allowed the full weight-bearing [21]. After 12 weeks and
partial immobilization) for the initial period of the first 5 years, the Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale was significantly
3 weeks. Concerning weight bearing, one RCT recom- better in the taping group.
mended progressive weight according to pain [42], and
another investigation recommended 15 kg partial weight Conservative and surgical treatment
bearing for the first 3 weeks [20]. The conservative inter- Four RCTs compared conservative versus surgical man-
ventions implemented were: strengthening the quadri- agement [20, 38, 39, 41]. Surgical management included
ceps, in particular the vastus medialis muscle [38, 40, 41] reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament
and hamstring [38, 41], closed kinetic chain exercises [39, (MPFL-R) [38, 39, 41], femoral re-insertion [38] and
42]; increasing proprioception and balance [39, 41]. “repair the tear” [20]. Surgical management evidenced
Smith et al. [40] observed a statistical difference in the greater functional results and a lower rate of recurrence
Lysholm knee score and Tegner Level of Activity score of dislocations [38, 39]. Camanho et al. [38] reported a
between general quadriceps and VM exercise groups at higher number of recurrent dislocations (8 patients) in
12 months; however, there was no statistically or clini- the conservative treatment group compared to the sur-
cally significant difference for these measures during the gical treatment group, which did not experience any
first 12 months post-commencement of rehabilitation relapses. In addition, the surgical management group
following patellar dislocation. obtained a better mean score on the Kujala test (92) than
Honkonen et al. [42], in addition to quadriceps mus- the conservative treatment group. Bitar et al. [39] showed
cle strengthening exercises, closed kinetic chain lower that the surgical group presented a higher percentage
Table 2 Results of studies performing conservative strategies
References Country Objective Sample (n) Evaluation Characteristics of Function Recurrence of Other outcomes
the therapeutic dislocations/
intervention instability
Straume‑Næsheim Norway To compare surgery - 61 patients - Patellar instability - Home exercises and - PROMs (p > 0.05) - Persistent instabil- - Anterior knee pain:
et al. [41] (reconstruction of (surgery, n = 30, reha- PISS and (BHS) referral to physi- comparing surgery ity (12 months): 13 6 (20%) in the surgery
the medial patel- bilitation, n = 31) - Function (PROMS): otherapy and rehabilitation (41.9%) rehabilita- group
lofemoral ligament KOOS, Kujala, - VMO strengthening tion, 2 (6.7%) surgery - Complex regional
(MPFL-R)) with active Cincinnati, Lysholm training program, (RR 6.3 (95% CI syndrome in the
rehabilitation in the and Noyes Sport hamstring stretching 1.5–25.5) surgery group (1)
absence of anatomi- Activity (Baseline and and knee neuro- - ROM without dif-
cal changes such as 12 months) muscular balance. ferences between
risk factors McConnell patellar groups at follow-up
brace or bandage
Smith et al. [40] UK To compare VMO - 50 patients - Instability: Norwich - Standard treatment - Tegner (12 months) - There was no sta- - There was no
strengthening with - General quadriceps Patellar Instability was immobilization in the general tistically significant statistically significant
general quadriceps exercises (n = 25) (NPI) (3–4 weeks) in an quadriceps exercise difference between difference between
Flores et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
strengthening after - Specific VMO exer- - Function: Lysholm extension splint, group compared groups for NPI groups for isometric
first patellar disloca- cises (n = 25) and Tegner Level of followed by physi- to the VMO group - 2 episodes were strength
tion Activity otherapy (p = 0.04; 95% observed (VMO
- Isometric knee - Exercise diary CI − 3.0 to 0.0) group)
extension strength in - The program was - Lysholm (p = 0.05)
various knee ROMs aimed at reduc-
(2023) 18:393
Honkonen et al. [42] Finland To compare a patel- - 64 patients - Numbers of shifts - Braces were used - Kujala: Group A < B - Group A was 34.4% - ROM: Group A < B at
lar stabilizing and - Group A (n = 32) - Pain (VAS) according to groups at 6 months (89.0 (11/32). Group B, 4 weeks (90° vs 115°;
movement-restrict- (patellar stabilizer - ROM of the knee and both groups vs 93.6, [95% CI rate of 37.5% (12/32) p < 0.001), at 3 months
ing brace versus brace and articulated - Tegner Activity were advised: use 1.07–8.14]; p = 0.01) (RD, − 3.1% [95% CI (125° vs 133°; p = 0.03),
a non-articulated for 0°–30° ROM only) Scale of crutches for as - Tegner: No differ- 26.6–20.3%]; p = 0.8) at 6 months (p > 0.05)
neoprene brace for - Group B (n = 32) - Score of Kujala long as necessary ences - Group A: 20/32 - Hypotrophy: Group
the treatment of a (neoprene brace (no - Muscular trophism with full load as cases (62.5%) and A > B at 4 weeks and
first traumatic patel- ROM restriction) of the quadriceps tolerated. All patients B: 19/32 (59.4%) 3 months (24/32 vs
lar dislocation - Follow-up: 4 weeks, received similar reported subjec- 16/32, p = 0.5)
3 months, 6 months, physiotherapeutic tive joint instability - VAS: No differences
12 months, instructions (exercise symptoms
24 months and to strengthen the
Flores et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
servative treatment (n = 16) - Average follow-up - Rehabilitation 90–92. 22% improve- reported
for acute patellar - Surgical (n = 17) of 40.4 months started after this ment)
dislocations period with exercises
to strengthen
the lower limbs
(emphasis on VMO),
stretching for the
hamstrings and the
articular retinaculum
were only performed
1 month after the
trauma or surgery.
The treatment time
varied between 2
and 4 months (with-
out pain)
Page 6 of 10
Table 2 (continued)
References Country Objective Sample (n) Evaluation Characteristics of Function Recurrence of Other outcomes
the therapeutic dislocations/
intervention instability
Petri et al. [20] Germany To compare con- - 20 patients (acute - Patellar instability - Conservative and - Kujala: Conservative - Conservative: - N/a
servative and surgical patellar dislocation) severity score surgical were treated vs operative—78.6 vs 37.5% (3/8) had
“repair the tear” - Conservative (n = 8) - Numbers of recur- with a ROM brace 80.3 after 6 months been dislocated
treatment in patients - Surgical (n = 12) ring shifts 0°–0°–60° + partial (p = 0.8), 79.9 vs 88.9 - Surgical: 16.7%
after first patellar - Role: Kujala load 15 kg crutches after 12 months (2/12) suffered
dislocation - Follow-up at 6, 12 (first 3 weeks) (p = 0.2) and 81.3 vs dislocation within
and 24 months and 0°–0°–90° 87.5 after 24 months 24 months
(3–6 weeks) (p = 0.3) - p = 0.5
- Progression to
Flores et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
full pain-adapted
Bitar et al. [39] Brazil To compare the - 36 patients (acute - Numbers of recur- - Use of extension - Kujala: Conservative The conservative - N/a
results of surgical patellar dislocation) ring shifts brace for 3 weeks (70.8) < compared group had > num-
(MPFL-R) versus non- - Conservative - Role: Kujala and physical therapy with Surgical group ber of recurrences
surgical treatment (n = 18) - Minimum follow-up focusing on ROM (88.9; p = 0.001).— and subluxations
(2023) 18:393
in the treatment - Surgical (n = 18) of 24 months and quadriceps Surgery had a (7 patients; 35%
of primary patellar strengthening. higher percentage of cases), whereas
dislocation Isometric quadriceps of ’’good/excellent there were no
exercises, analgesia, results’’ (71.43%) in reports of recur-
cryotherapy, and the Kujala, compared rences or subluxa-
electrical stimula- with the conserva- tions in the surgical
tion. Weight bearing tive group (25.0%; group
after 3 weeks. p = 0.003)
Afterward, exercises
were increased to
gain ROM and the
ergometric bicycle
without load was
introduced. Initial
proprioception and
closed kinetic chain
exercises were per-
formed and gradually
evolved. Target time
of 16–24 weeks
PISS Patellar Instability Severity Score, BHS Beighton Hypermobility Score, PROMS Patient Reported Outcome Measures, KOOS Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, VMO Vastus Medialis Oblique, VAS Visual
Analog Scale, N/a not applicable
Page 7 of 10
Flores et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:393 Page 8 of 10
of ‘‘good/excellent’’ results (71.43%) on the Kujala score [46]. Lampros et al. [47] report that studies with objec-
when compared with the non-operative group (25.0%; tive measures combined with psychological readiness
p = 0.003). The non-operative group presented a large and a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s
number of recurrences and subluxations (7 patients; specific tasks should be considered when assessing the
35% of cases), whereas no recurrences or subluxations ability to safely and successfully return to sport and, to
occurred in the surgical group. a lesser extent, to daily life. Therefore, the level of func-
One study showed no differences in function between tional demand is discussed to reflect on rehabilitation
treatments, but more dislocations in patients man- when working with non-operative and operative manage-
aged non-operatively [41]. Straume‑Næsheim et al. [41] ment of patellar instability.
showed persistent patellar instability at 12 months in 13 The present study compared investigations in which
(41.9%) controls, versus 2 (6.7%) in the surgical group the only therapeutic interventions were exercises.
(RR 6.3 (95% CI 1.5–25.5). The patients with persistent Smith et al. [40] compared the functional result of mus-
instability at 12 months did not score significantly lower cle strengthening of the vastus medialis obliquus with
on any of the PROMs compared to their stable peers, a general strengthening of the quadriceps muscle. The
regardless of the study group. statistical difference in the Lysholm knee score and in
One study showed no differences in function and the Tegner score between the groups at 12 months of
dislocation rate between treatments [20]. Petri et al. intervention was not clinically relevant: isolated muscle
[20] showed a mean Kujala score of the conservative vs training provided the same result as what obtained exer-
operative treatment group of 78.6 vs 80.3 after 6 months cising the whole quadriceps. Although strengthening the
(p = 0.8), 79.9 vs 88.9 after 12 months (p = 0.2), and 81.3 quadriceps muscle and vastus medialis obliquus is the
vs 87.5 after 24 months (p = 0.3). The re-dislocation rate primary and main treatment advocated by many authors,
after 24 months was 37.5% in the conservative group and the production of force in the knee extensors, hip abduc-
16.7% in the operative group (p = 0.4). tors and hip extensor musculature is also an important
target for rehabilitation [48], in addition to soft tissue
Discussion flexibility [49]. Rood et al. [21] compared function using
According to the main findings of the present systematic the Lysholm knee score and the rate of dislocation by
review of level I evidence, surgical management is associated performing two types of conservative intervention: tap-
with a lower rate of re-dislocation; however, whether surgery ing and immobilization. They evaluated the outcomes of
promotes greater functional outcomes than conservative this regimen at 6 and 12 weeks, 1 year and 5 years. Taping
management is still unclear. The use of a knee brace with resulted in higher values in terms of knee function com-
a limited range of motion, stretching and neuromuscular pared to plaster immobilization, both in the short- and
exercises are the most commonly recommended method- medium-term, with no difference in re-dislocation rate.
ologies of physiotherapy. In cases of primary patellar disloca- Also, taping produced less muscular hypotrophy. Con-
tion associated with large displaced osteochondral fractures trolled mobilizations can be performed in the post-injury
(> 5 mm) or chondral shear fragments and/or complete period to avoid loss of mobility and, in the future, mus-
VMO avulsion of the patellar insertion site, surgery is indi- cle atrophy. Most of the surgeons recommend weight-
cated [43]. However, the management of the patients who bearing to tolerance and a knee brace during the first
experienced traumatic patellar dislocation with no evidence four weeks, with a range of motion from full extension
of osteochondral injuries or intraarticular loose bodies is still to 30° of flexion during the first 15 days and up to 60° of
controversial [17, 44, 45]. flexion for an additional 15 days [50]. This study was cor-
Straume‑Næsheim et al. [41] compared MPFL-R sur- roborated by the use of a stabilizing and restrictive brace
gery with active rehabilitation in patients with recurrent for 4 weeks after traumatic patellar dislocation for the
patellofemoral instability. Patients with recurrent patel- first time, not resulting in a reduction in re-dislocations
lar dislocations have a six times greater risk of persistent compared to the use of a brace without neoprene. Knee
patellar instability if treated with active rehabilitation immobilization was associated with quadriceps muscle
alone, compared to active rehabilitation combined with atrophy, more restricted knee ROM and worse functional
MPFL-R, even in the absence of significant anatomical outcomes in the first 6 months after injury [42]. In sum-
risk factors. mary, although some studies have already addressed this
Data from the included studies suggest that the rate issue, there is still no consensus on the ideal conserva-
of recurrence might not be directly associated with tive treatment for primary patellar dislocation. Exercises
joint function [41]. Long-term subjective and functional to strengthen the quadriceps (including vastus medialis)
results of conservatively managed patients following and hip muscles; gain/maintenance of knee flexibility
patellar dislocation are for the most part satisfactory (hamstring stretching); use of braces with controlled free
Flores et al. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2023) 18:393 Page 9 of 10
have effects similar to those concentrating on specific Received: 22 March 2023 Accepted: 21 May 2023
muscles, and the use of braces with controlled motion in
the post-injury period is better than immobilization. For
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