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راهنمای تعمیرات پمپ هیدرولیک کاوازاکی K3V K5V
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راهنمای تعمیرات پمپ هیدرولیک کاوازاکی K3V K5V
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راهنمای تعمیرات پمپ هیدرولیک کاوازاکی K3V K5V
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KAWASAKI SWASH-PLATE TYPE K3V/K5V SERIES AXIAL PISTON PUMP MAINTENANCE MANUAL, Kom COPY [NOTE Kawasaki Precision Machinery Ltd T Components Engineering Department approver O-taTbvebe Co reviews. oka — cvecxen prawn A. 0 sum] | DATE : Oct.01, 2008 | DRAWING NO, 0B010811 teeing cover)‘conrents 1 ISASSEMBLING AND REASSEMBLING PROCEDURES: 1 Teale « 12 Dieaccembing Prosedires ~ 113 Reassenbng Procedures 2. PUMP MAINTENANCE CRITERIA 2.1 Vior Pat Replacement Criteria 22 Correction Crit or Cylinder, Vave Plate and Sah Pat (Shoe Pate) <-=++ 17 28 Tenng Torguos [Attached Owe. 1 Purp Expodad Vow KSVEI01). [Attached Dg. 2 Pump Exploded View (KSV1207) ~~ [tached Dwg 3 Construction af Pump (KSVE0T) ‘Attached Due 4 Construction of Pure (K3V11201)1. DISASSEMBLING AND REASSENBLING PROCEDURES 1.1 Toole ‘Tho tole necessary te di Ot rerble / reassemble KBV pump ore shown in he fling et ‘The se of the bots ond slugs depend en he purp Spe Tesla ae Oey ea a fener Part name ‘are | wavs | evra FORE |Home Nemes 18 eves | reve | vevie Nee | sea Greate Pastel | Teton 7 S = = we 2 = S 5 5 +pefel} o rc reve | Me spefol| o Me Reve 5 Mio ‘an, efe},o| o Me reve [01a | wie mie ~" TePofo|_o or reva | ave | mie me 0 or reve | ove | a lo] 3° wie mis | foam | aw = 7 ee a = ® ° woe war |= = 5 Dasievne | 22 2 = = oma S owen o| 0 mae 5 5 = Soot wens [27 [© ° Me 5 am = = e|o ao = = 5 autres) [ap oman = = aaa = = 5 = [ena f= mame — lo | 0 | 0 |wedimaie tant Sewmaver | =| _© | © | © | Favtniescnsiverimasunia) aye Homer [= [0 [0 | 0 [Pienaar toon Per [= [0 | © | 0 | Tete 100tratp inane re/searalarap Suatbw[= [© | © | © | Stslbartr Ky 10x0%200 er dane Tere wreck |=] © | © | 0 | canal o tpg wih tn spi raeFor disascenbling the pump, read this section thoroughly and then Aisassenble Lt in the following sequence, The figures in parentheses after port names show the items in Attached Dus.34 Construction of Fanp, ‘his maintenance mana describes the disassenbline procedures for both the single pune and tender type double- pump, Disassenble the imp, referring to the contents for its appropriate type, In aa » for the deuble- pune, take care not to mix up parts of one punp with the sane ones of the other pump,& “| 1 | Select place suitable to disessenbling. Revove dust, rust, et2, from pump surfaces with cleaning ofl or s0 om Reaove drain port plug (468) and let ofl out of pomp casing. ie 4 | Bono hese socket head bolts 412, | 23) and renove regulator. 5 oxen hexagon socket head bolts 401) | which tighten swash plate support (251) | pune casing (271) and valve block (S12) - Tolle Caution () Select clean place, 2) Spread rubber sheet, cloth or 80 on on overhaul workbench top to prevent | parts fron being dazed, (4) For tanden type pump, ronove plugs fron both front ard rear pues. (0) Refer to irstrvction sansa! | of regulator for its isacsonin. | (0) If ear pump and so on are fitted to rear face of eon, reaove then before starting this work.Procedure 8 | Po | | with its regulator-fitting surface dow, | and separate ramp easing (211) from valve block (B12), (ID, Patt out also pistons (50, sot plate (159), sobecical bush (56) and cylinder speings awe horizontally on workbench | (t)Bafore bringing this surface dom, spresd rubber chest of workbench without fail to prevent this surfece fron being donage, (D Take care not to danage sliding surfaces of cinder, spherical bush, shoes, oath plate, etcme Procedure : 0s) | 8 | Remove te | | | and thea fF), and cover can be easily 2 Since oil seal is fitted | not to danage it in 8 | Reuove Hexagon socket bead bolts (406) and then seal cover @) (262) [imate tng «er wm tet) l | | ‘remove gear pune | Topping Lightly fitting flange section of swash plabo supper on its pomp te ssach plateProcedure 11 Revove shoo plate C1D and swash plate t 12| Taine tiehtly start ends of drive | | shafts (LLL, 119) with plastic hammer, | | take oot drive shatts from sash otate | por | ——:t | | 4] If necessary, renove stopper (1) 530, | (1) In renoving tilting pin, topper (S) v0 pisto | ue en plined coupling e to fit f blo, except ‘dered to b1-2, Reassenbling Procedures For reassonbling roverse the disassonbling procedures, paying attention to the folloving itens. (0) Do not fail to repair the parts dadnaged during disassenbline, and propair roplaconont parts in advance, (2) Clean each part fully with cleaning ofl and dry it with compressed air, (8) Do not fail to apply clean working oil to sTiding sections, boarings, etc. before assowbling thon, (#1 In principte, replace seal parts, such as O-rings, oil seals, ete. (5) For Fitting bolts, plug, etc.. prepare a torauo wrench or so on, and tahten then with torques shown in Section 2-8 (©) Por the dovble-puno, take care aot to mix up parts of the front ump with those of the rear pump,asiag @7i), tapping the foewae 1 pin, stopper (L) and stopper ba ham (9) are removed, fit thew son casing in advance for reassanblin, © In tightening servo piston and tilting pin, use a | Ting pin head and eodtack pin from being aed, tion, apply Lock-tight Geediun | strength) to their threaded | 2 | Pu acing with its regulator. | (1) Confirm with fingers of 8 3 surface dow, fit tilting bush | both hands that awash plate | moved encothlyve |) Do not tap 27) and snap ring (82) (2) Assenble then into su tapping outer race of | be ightly withvericat bus¥(156) and cylinder spring asm) | nto pune cascedure motion | a) at tise asseable this tot head | rear pup side, and this | bolts (oD. work will be easy (2) Take care not to nistake | | direction of valve block frow input shaft side)) Fit block with regulator ep ard with delivery flange | lef, viewed fron front side | (Counterctockvise rotation (owed from input shaft side) FUL block with regulator up and with delivery flange right, viewed ¢row front | - fooibeck pin of tilting pin into |) tonistake | Ati tee 8 | putea | feedback lever of regulator, fit front pump for ogulator and oxagon socket‘Ss dare ution bel % Proce Cat ea 9 | Fit drain port plug 468). aU types procedures. ‘This is tho ond of rassonbline2. PUMP MAINTENANCE CRITERIA 2.1 Worn Part Replacement Criteria Replace «part when texcoods any of the allowing exter. Homaver when a partis damaged seriou in appearance roplece it wheut fl. sreecton rams fewtie | ag | gavin | forme | Somme ‘awa boo patenanderinderooe | aze 7 | ome 7 | aoe ~ | cose 7 | coms | Rese stn or ‘oo oss | ower | cow | aw | aor ore Py beta itn a zea | roa | ros | ow ar | oar | oar 7 | Resse anentvt ‘itr sh Tice area) [207 a7 | 4a 7 a7 | 54 750/547 50 | 547 50 Feetecrectorntr | naz | a7 | nar | wor | aor ea az | wa | io | ow | or ‘Sontag oak pte ewaateroaion | 007 | 2907 | me” mae cs wz_| mo | oe na ‘indore (Cin rer samen 7857 sitenal va a 6 asset a (es ated Giearance between Piston & Free height of eylinder spring :L cexlinder bore (O-<) ti San Play between piston & shoe: @ Combined height of set plate & Thickness of shoo : spherical Bush: H—h 167 22 Corectin Geter or Cinder, Valve Plate and Sash plate (Show pate) Tarts radrane brake] Stones race oe plate (sliding face), te be corrected Slider line ee | Stes | _ 94-2 oer arin 23 Tang Toss Of Partane se | “ar osname Voagnwaetiwebor [me | ts | B24 [Amero Oar M8 we | oe | os w | » | o wo | os | a we | oo | oo ma | ow |e me | wo | ow we | ow | ou zo | «o | ‘wow tne rae | eo | « [on Materia S450) Rae 10 5 wosesaitnn strum] oon | on |g mnt tee rat | ou |e rae |» | roma am | |e oo VP oe os | uw |e ec ave 110 10 ow | m | u‘tached Dwg 3 Construction of Pump(K3V6ID7) aa i
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