Business Model of E Tourism For Developi
Business Model of E Tourism For Developi
Business Model of E Tourism For Developi
underdeveloped country like Bangladesh. and offers them as a packaged service through travel agent.
Here, travel agent is the retailer of travel service which ties
prospective travelers and service providers together by
III. STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON TOURISM controlling the information flow among the different
Statistics provided in this section represent the developed participants in the value chain, and selling the information to
countries where tourism is one the most promising and travelers [9], [10]. The value chain is based on the
revenue earning sectors [2], [ 9]. co-operation among travel service provider, travel operator
More than 64 million Americans i.e. 30% of the U.S. and travel agent. In developing countries the intermediary
adult population used the Internet to look for information function of travel operator is weaker compared to that of
about destinations, check prices and schedules in 2003. Two travel agent and most travel agents take the responsibilities
thirds of them (i.e. 42 million) booked travel via the Internet of the travel operators [11].
and it is a gain about 8% over 2002 according to the Travel
Industry Association of America ( During this
same time European online travel sales increased by 44%,
reaching over $14 billion. V. EXISTING BUSINESS MODEL IN E-TOURISM
Some statistics about travel and tourism industry is as A business model is the method of doing business - it is the
example, an unsold hotel room reflects lost income. A. Business to Customer Model (B2C)
The risk of loss can be reduced if information access is In B2C Business, Tourist service providers sell their
available. Use of the Internet or Information products directly to the tourists or customers. It is the most
VII. OUR PROPOSED E-TOURISM BUSINESS MODEL To provide security information to operators about
suspicious cases.
Our proposed E-Commerce model in E-Tourism for the
developing or under developed countries is Government to F. Security Issues
Business to Customer (G2B2C). We functionally eliminate The decentralization of visa processing to the airlines and
the agents from our model as the tourists in our model can tour operators adds a challenging dimension to the area of
easily communicate with the tourist service providers (As a security. However it should be remembered that banks deal
result, the need for a middleman as the tourist agent is no with a variety of customers yet they manage to enforce a level
of security. Thus, government must implement strict
longer required). In our model, tourist service providers/tour
licensing regulations to prevent security breach in the visa
operators play the central role. Here, government (G) processing service.
renders necessary support to tourist service
providers/operators (B) to operate seamlessly and thus, G. Potential bottlenecks
tourist service providers can provide better service to the Government bureaucracy may delay electronic payment
tourists (C) to promote tourism (Fig. 5). processing and thus, a backup model may be suggested in
case of such an occurrence. Also, benefits from our proposed
model cannot be realized in those places where the Internet is
A. Government not available.
To provide visa and other services to tourists through