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For Office Use Only

TURLOCK CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS Selected for Interview:  Yes  No

PO Box 1540, Turlock, CA 95381
(209)632-2337 Fax (209)632-5859 Interview Date:
www.turlockchristian.com Interviewers:

Approved to coach:  Yes  No


Thank you for your interest in the ministry of Turlock Christian Schools. We invite you to fill out this application
and return it to our school office. A clear understanding of your background and work history will help us to
evaluate your qualifications for coaching. If an opening occurs for which it appears you may qualify, we will
arrange for a personal interview. It is our prayer that God will fulfill His perfect will in the lives of all applicants.

Coaching Position Desired: _____________________ Application Date : / /

Availability: M__ T__W__Th__F__ Hours a week: _________


Full name:

Present Address:

How long have you lived at the above address: __________________________________

Email Address:

Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________

Social Security Number ___________________ Driver’s License Number __________________

Do you have daily transportation to and from work? Yes _____ No _____

SDrive/Employment & Coaching Applications/Coach.doc R 10.02.17

It is our desire that the students of Turlock Christian Schools become strong in spirit and in character,
grow and mature in their knowledge of Christ, and live out their faith in their academic, personal and
professional lives in ways that honor and please God (Col 1:10). Therefore, the following foundational
beliefs are set forth as the basic, guiding biblical principles of TCS:

God: We believe that there is one true God. He is the Creator (Gen 1:1). He is Sovereign (Ps 135:6, Dan
4:34-35). He is the lord who sustains, rules, and by grace, redeems (Ps 54:4, Ps 103:19, Ps 34:22). We
believe that God eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19, Luke 3:22).
We believe that God is love (1 John 4:8) and He is passionate about His relationship with people (Ex

Jesus Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He became flesh (John 1:14); born of a virgin
(Matt 1:23) and conceived by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:31, 35). He lived a life on earth holy and perfect,
without sin (1 Peter 2:22). He died a sacrificial death on a cross for our sins (2 Cor 5:21). On the third
day, by the power of God, he rose from the dead (Luke 24:39, 1 Cor 6:14). He ascended into heaven and
is seated at the right hand of God (Acts 2:33).

Holy Spirit: We believe the Holy Spirit continues the work of spiritual growth begun at the time of
salvation. The Holy Spirit dwells within our hearts (Rom 8:9) and produces in us the fruit of love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). The Holy
Spirit instructs and empowers us for godly living and service (1 Cor 6:19-20).

The Bible: We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God. The Bible is
profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:15-17).

Salvation: We believe that salvation is by God’s grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ (Eph 2:8). We
believe that whoever will call on the name of the lord will be saved (Rom 10:13).

Prayer: We believe that prayer is an intimate (Matt 6:6) and essential part of a person’s growing and
maturing relationship with Christ (James 5:16b).

Servant Leaders: We believe that as followers of Jesus Christ we are called to serve God through serving
others. We believe that whoever wishes to become great among men shall be a servant of men (Matt
20:26) and that we should model our lives after the life of Christ, in that the Son of man did not come to
be served, but to serve (Matt 20:28).

Unity: We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers of Jesus Christ (Rom 8:9, Cor 12:12-13).

Heaven: We believe that heaven is the reward for all believers. We believe that every person has a
choice to accept Christ and spend eternity with Him, or to reject Him and spend eternity apart from Him.
We believe we will reign with Christ forever (Rev. 22:5, 2 Tim. 2:12).
☐ I fully support the Statement as written without mental reservations.
☐ I support the Statement except for the area(s) listed and explained on a separate paper.

Signature _

SDrive/Employment & Coaching Applications/Coach.doc R 10.02.17


School/Organization Name Sports Coached Years Coached


E. WORK EXPERIENCE (List most recent position first)

Dates (From-To) Employer/Address Position Supervisor


School/Location Dates Attended Course of Study Degree/Diploma

G. PERSONAL INTERESTS (List any professional certification or licenses earned)

SDrive/Employment & Coaching Applications/Coach.doc R 10.02.17

Can you, after you have been offered a position as coach, supply verification that you are 18
years of age, or older?  Yes  No
After an offer of a position to coach, could you supply verification of your legal right to
work in the United States?  Yes  No
Have you had a child out of wedlock, had an unresolved marital separation, or been divorced?
 Yes  No (If “yes” please explain on a separate sheet of paper.)

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?  Yes  No

If “yes” please explain on a separate sheet of paper.

Have you ever had any license or certification revoked or suspended?

 Yes  No If yes, please explain:

H. PERSONAL REFERENCES (Do not list family members or relatives for references).

Give at least one reference who is qualified to speak of your character, professional
experience (not employers), special abilities or activities, and spiritual experience and
Christian service. Please list your current pastor first.

Sign the Applicant’s Certification & Agreement

On page six and return it with this application.

Name Address Phone Position

SDrive/Employment & Coaching Applications/Coach.doc R 10.02.17

Conversion: Briefly describe your Christian testimony.

Church: What is your local church affiliation? How often do you attend?


Service: In what church activities are you involved and with what degree of regularity?

What is your attitude toward liquor, tobacco, and matters of recreation and entertainment?

SDrive/Employment & Coaching Applications/Coach.doc R 10.02.17


I hereby certify that the facts set forth in this initial application are true and complete
to the best of my knowledge. I understand that discovery of falsification of any statement or
significant omission of fact during any phase of the process may prevent me from
being offered a coaching position and may subject me to immediate dismissal.

I authorize Turlock Christian Schools to inquire about my credit, work and personal history
and to verify all data given in my application, related papers, and my oral
interviews. I authorize the release and giving of any information requested by Turlock
Christian Schools such as employment records, performance reviews, and personal
references. I release any person, organization, or company from liability or damage which
may result from furnishing the information requested. I further waive the right to ever
personally view any references given to Turlock Christian Schools.

I further certify that I have carefully read and do understand the above statements.

Signature of Applicant Date

SDrive/Employment & Coaching Applications/Coach.doc R 10.02.17


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