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(Vol B), Amendment Guidance For Class Notations, Jul 2022 - Unlocked

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1 JULY 2022
Part 0 General

Volume B



Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia

Copyright © 2022 Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia

Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 38-40, Tanjung Priok
Jakarta 14320 - Indonesia
Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations

This Guidance Change Notice (GCN) No.1 gives new additions and amendments to the “Guidance for Class
Notation (Pt.0, Vol.B)” along with the effective dates from which these changes are applicable.

These new addition and amendments are to be read conjunction with the requirements given in the 2021
edition of the Guidance.

The summary of current amendments for each section including the implementation date are indicated in
Table 1 - Amendments Incorporates in This Notice.

This GCN is available to be downloaded at www.bki.co.id. Once downloaded, this GCN will be uncontrolled
copy. Please check the latest version on the website.

Further queries or comments concerning this Rules are welcomed through communication to BKI Head

B iro Klasifi kasi Indonesia – 2022 Page i i

Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Guidance Changes Notice No. 1 – July 2022

Table 1 – Amendments Incorporates in This Notice

These amendments will come into force as indicated in the Table

Paragraph Title/Subject Status/Remark

Section 1. General Requirements and Guidance

The amendments are effective from 1 August 2022

Supersede redaction regarding the
1.A.3 -
determination of ship type notation.
1.A.5.2 - Corrigenda
1.A.5.3 - Change into English language
Delete qualifier of special notation at class
1.B.3.A) -
designation for hull
Add redaction related to the definition of
1.D Table 1.2 Class symbol
Class Symbol “A-SM”
Section 2. Ship Type Notations

The amendments are effective from 1 August 2022

Delete “Mandatory” word in Section 2.A to
Section 2.W.
All -
Delete “<none>” at Special Notation part in
Section 2.
Delete one of special notation and add a new
additional notation.
2.B.1 General Dry Cargo Ship
Restore footnote 1 which was lost in the 2020
Delete one of special notation and add a new
2.B.2 Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo Ship
additional notation.
Delete one of special notation and add a new
2.E.1 Passenger Ship
additional notation.
2.E.2 RO-RO Passenger Add formula explanation “SA”
2.E.3 Passenger Boat Add a new ship type notation
2.E.4 RO-RO Passenger Boat Add a new ship type notation
Add two new special notation and add some
2.K.1 Tugs
list of additional notation related with.
Add new special notations and corrigenda on
2.K.2 Special Service Ship
description of Fire Fighter.

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Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Add a new special notation and corrigenda on

2.L.1 Offshore Service Vessel
description of Fire Fighter.
Add description related to the special
2.M.1 Pontoon
notation “container”.
Add new special notation and corrigenda on
2.M.2 Barge
description of some special notations.
2.M.3 Self Propelled Barge Add a new ship type notation
Delete all special notations and add two
2.P.1 Landing Craft
additional notation.
2.T.2.1 Self-Elevating Unit Add a new special notation
2.T.2.2 Column Stabilized Unit Add a new special notation
2.T.6 Floating Aquaculture Installation Add a new notation
2.U.1 Fixed Offshore Structure Add a new notation
2.U.2 Fixed Aquaculture Installation Add a new notation
2.X Wing in Ground Craft (WIG Craft) Add a new ship type notation
Section 3. Additional Notations

The amendments are effective from 1 August 2022

3.A Additional Notation for Hull
3.A.2 Special hull structure analysis Add new additional notations
3.A.3 Cargo operation Add new additional notations
Environmental protection and pollution
3.A.5 Add new additional notations
3.B Additional Notation for Machinery
Supersede description of additional notation
3.B.2 Navigation and manoeuvering
and delete some footnotes.
3.B.4 Equipment and design features Add new additional notations

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Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Section 1 General Requirements and Guidance

A. Introduction
1. Within the scope of classification, the characteristic features of hull, machinery and equipment
are reflected in the character of classifications and notations affixed to the character of classification.

2. Class notations are assigned in order to determine the applicable rule requirements for
assignment and retention of class.

3. Class notations The ship type notations are defined are either mandatory or optional are
indicated in Tables given in Section 2 to Section 3. Certain ship type notations are determined mandatory
based on e.g.:
– type of cargo
– number of passengers
– the ability to execute special operations.

4. Due to the space restriction, the presentation of class notations in the Class Certificates and
documents issued by BKI, in the Register of Vessels and in the electronic customer portals, may differ from
the presentation in this Guidance.

5. Application

5.1 All ships and offshore units/installations admitted or being admitted to class after the effective
application date of the current Guidance are to be assigned class notations in accordance with B to J.

5.2 Ships and offshore units/installations with notations assigned in accordance with previous
editions of the Guidance keep their current notations, latest until next class renewal survey.

At the class renewal survey, notations having an equivalence with the notations given in the current edition,
are replaced. Notations indicated as having no equivalence with any notation in the current Guidance are
kept for the life time of the ship.

At Upon Owner’s request, change over from former to current notations may be performed before the next
class renewal survey.

5.3 Untuk aplikasi notasi klas pada kapal/unit/installation yang sudah ada (existing/transfer of class)
yaitu sesuai dengan tanggal completion survey. For existing or transfer of class on ships and
offshore units/installations, the class notation will be assigned after the survey
completion date.

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Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

B. Class designation
1. All ships classed with BKI in accordance with the requirements of BKI are to be assigned with class
designations, as applicable.
– construction symbol
– class symbol
– anchoring equipment symbol
– service area symbol
– ship type notation
– special notation and/or additional notation

2. The class designations are to be granted for hull and/or machinery parts.

3. The presentation of class designation are as follows:

– Characters of class consists of construction symbol, class symbol, anchoring equipment symbol and
range of service area symbol.
– Character of class will be shown in CAPITAL letter and bold.
– Class notations consists of ship type notation, qualifier and special/additional notation. Multiple ship
type notations as well as additional notations are separated by comma and space.
– Class notations are printed either in CAPITAL or regular font, which one is applicable.

A) Class designation for Hull

Character of class Class notation

Construction Class symbol Anchoring Service area Ship type 1 Special and Ship type 2 Special
symbol equipment symbol (Qualifier) , notation /or (Qualifier) , notation
symbol (Qualifier) (Qualifier)

Additional notation (Qualifier)

Oil Tanker (FP< 60C, ESP, Double hull, CSR), Crude and Chemical Tanker
 M100 H P
(ESP, FP > 60C), Type 2, 2G, Palm acid oil
IW, RSD(F25), SPM(1), HBT

B) Class designation for Machinery Installation

Character of class Class notation

Class symbol Additional notation (Qualifier)


 W GF(DF), RP(1x%), INERT, OT, CM-PS

---------------------------------------------------------------- end ----------------------------------------------------------------

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Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

D. Class symbol
The class symbol is to be assigned to ships and offshore units/installations as well as naval ships based on
compliance of BKI Technical Rules related its hull, machinery including electrical installations with the
condition as shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Class symbol

Part Symbol Definition
The ship's hull fully comply with the requirements of BKI Technical Rules or
other rules considered to be equivalent.
M100 For domestic ships in correspond to service area symbols namely P(ID), L(ID),
and T(ID) in Table 1.5, the ship’s hull fully comply with the requirements of
Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Bag. 8, Vol. I).
The ship's hull does not fully comply with the requirements of BKI Technical
Rules; however, the Class may be maintained for a shorter period and/or with
shorter survey intervals. The symbol 90 indicate the maintenance condition
of the ship's hull in relation to the requirements of the BKI Technical Rules,
M90 taking into account the permissible corrosion and wear tolerances.
For domestic ships in correspond to service area symbols namely P(ID), L(ID),
Hull and T(ID) in Table 1.5, the ship’s hull not fully comply with the requirements
of Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Bag. 8, Vol. I) where class is still maintained with
shorter interval periods of survey.
The naval ship's hull fully complies with the requirements of the BKI
Construction Rules or other rules considered to be equivalent. p as a figure
is indicating the duration of the nominal Class period [years].
Normally p = 5, but BKI may agree to adjustment to the material and
N100 (p) maintenance scheme of a Naval Administration.
The nominal Class period can be reduced in exceptional cases and for a limited
time, if the ship does not fully comply with the Rules but has been allowed to
operate under restrictions, e.g. regarding the service range and/or weather
The machinery including electrical installations fully complies with the
requirements of BKI Technical Rules or other Rules considered to be
W For domestic ships in correspond to service area symbols namely P(ID), L(ID),
and T(ID) in Table 1.5, the ship`s machinery including electrical installations
fully complies with the requirements of Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Bag. 8, Vol.
The machinery including electrical installations of non-self propelled o r
assiste d pro pulsio n syste m vessels and floating units fully comply with
the requirements of the BKI Technical Rules or other Rules considered to be
For domestic ships in correspond to service area symbols namely P(ID), L(ID),
and T(ID) in Table 1.5, The ship`s machinery including electrical installations
of non-self-propelled vessels fully complies with the requirements of
Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Bag.8, Vol. I).
The machinery including electrical installations does not fully comply with the
V X requirements of BKI Technical Rules, but functional safety and general fitness
for purpose are ensured for the envisaged service.

---------------------------------------------------------------- end ----------------------------------------------------------------

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Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Section 2 Ship Type Notations

B. Dry cargo ship

1. General Dry Cargo Ship

Underlying rules/requirements
Notation Qualifier Special notation
Design Survey
General Dry  <none>  Strengthened for  Rules for Hull (Pt.1,  Rules for Classification
Cargo Ship  BC CH.XII Heavy Cargo Vol.II) Sec. 23 A and and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
 Equipped for Sec.36 Sec. 3 and Sec. 4-II.
 Hatch coverless
Mandatory: Yes Carriage of  Rules for Machinery
 Hatch coverless,
Containers Installation (Pt.1, Vol.III)
max Hs …m
 Rules for Electrical
Installations (Pt.1,
 Rules for Materials
(Pt.1, Vol.V)
 Rules for Welding (Pt.1,
 Rules for Stowage and
Lashing of Containers
(Pt.4, Vol. I)
 Guidelines for the
Carriage of Refrigerated
Containers on Board
Ships (Pt.1, Vol. 5)
 Peraturan Domestik
(Bagian 8, Vol.I)

1.1 Description

General Dry Cargo Ship : Notation assigned to ships constructed for the carriage of unitized and dry bulk
cargo. The following ship types are excluded:
– bulk carriers and double skin bulk carriers subject to the enhanced survey programme (ESP)
– dedicated container carriers
– Ro-Ro cargo ships
– refrigerated cargo ships
– dedicated wood chip carriers
– dedicated cement carriers
– livestock carriers
– deck cargo ship1
general dry cargo ships of double side-skin construction, with double side-skin extending for the entire
length of the cargo area, and for the entire height of the cargo hold to the upper deck.

1 A deck cargo ship is a ship that is designed to carry cargo exclusively above deck without any access
for cargo below deck.

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Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

1.2 Qualifier

– BC CH.XII: Applicable to ships engaged in domestic service in accordance with the Peraturan Kapal
Domestik (Pt.8, Vol.I) Bab.1, which are not constructed with the typical midship section arrangement
as General Dry Cargo Ship in 1.1 and comply with the requirements in Pt. 1 Seagoing Ship and Solas
Chapter XII and not subject to Enhanced Survey Program (ESP). Requirements on MSC/Circ.608/Rev.1
may be applied. Refer to Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec.36
– Hatch coverless: Assigned for hatchcoverless General Cargo Ships equipped with the appropriate
facilities subject to BKI’s approval2.
– Hatch coverless, max Hs…m: Assigned for domestic Indonesian waterways General Dry Cargo Ships
equipped with the appropriate facilities and limiting operating conditions based on permissible
significant wave height (Hs in meter), refers to Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Bag.8, Vol.I).

1.3 Special notation

– Strengthened for Heavy Cargo : Special notation For ships provided with strengthening
recommended by BKI in accordance with BKI Construction Rules and not complying with the
requirements of the notations “Bulk Carrier” or “Ore Carrier”. This Special notation is not mandatory.
– Equipped for Carriage of Containers : Assigned for General Cargo Ships (other than container ship)
carrying containers occasionally or as part of cargo only, and equipped with the appropriate facilities.

1.4 Additional notation

– ECC : Equipped for Carriage of Containers, see Section 3.A.3

The relevant additional notation for Concerning to hull and machinery item, see Section 3.

1. Examples:

 M100 H P General Dry Cargo Ship

 M100 H P General Dry Cargo Ship, Strengthened for Heavy Cargo

 M100 H P General Dry Cargo Ship (Hatch coverless), Equipped for Carriage of Containers
 M100 H P(ID) General Dry Cargo Ship (Hatch coverless, max Hs 7 m), Equipped for Carriage of
 M100 H P(ID) General Dry Cargo Ship (BC CH.XII), Equipped for Carriage of Containers

2 Requirements on MSC/Circ.608/Rev.1 may be applied. Refer to Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec.36

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Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

2. Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo Ship

Underlying rules/requirements
Notation Qualifier Special notation
Design Survey
Multi-Purpose N/A  Strengthened for  Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II)  Rules for Classification
Dry Cargo Ship Heavy Cargo and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
 Rules for Machinery
 Equipped for Installation (Pt.1, Vol.III) Sec. 3 and Sec. 4-II.
Mandatory: Yes
Carriage of RO-RO  Rules for Electrical
Cargo Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV)
 Equipped for  Rules for Materials (Pt.1,
Carriage of Vol.V)
 Rules for Welding (Pt.1,

2.1 Description

Multi-purpose Dry Cargo Ship : Notation assigned to ships constructed for the carriage of general and bulk

2.2 Qualifiers

– N/A

2.3 Special notation

– Strengthened for Heavy Cargo : Assigned for ships provided with strengthening recommended by BKI
in accordance with BKI Construction Rules and not complying with the requirements of the notations
“Bulk Carrier” or “Ore Carrier”. This Special notation is not mandatory.
– Equipped for Carriage of RO-RO Cargo : Assigned for Multi Purpose Dry Cargo Ships which are also
equipped for the transport of trailers and motor vehicles without fuel in the tanks and which are for
this purpose fitted with ramps and if applicable shell doors and strengthened according to the Rules.
– Equipped for Carriage of Containers : Assigned for General Cargo Ships (other than container ship)
carrying containers occasionally or as part of cargo only, and equipped with the appropriate facilities.

2.4 Additional notation

– ECC : Equipped for Carriage of Containers, see Section 3.A.3

The relevant additional notation for Concerning to hull and machinery item, see Section 3.

1. The provisions of IMO resolution MSC.277(85) apply to ships, which occasionally carry dry cargoes in bulk,
the keels of which are laid or which are at similar stage of construction on or after 1st July 2010.
2. The resolution is non-mandatory in general. If a flag state considers the regulation as mandatory, all
provisions are to be applied regardless of the length of the ship.
3. The following application has to be used if flag state considers the regulation as non-mandatory:
− Multi Purpose Dry Cargo Ships with ship length less than 150 m:
Generally, all provisions given for MPVs with L < 150 m shall be applied. A ship owner may refuse
applying resolution MSC.277(85).
− Multi Purpose Dry Cargo Ships with ship length of 150 m and upwards:

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Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

It is recommended to apply all provisions given for MPVs with L > 150 m.
4. Underlying rules for Special notation: Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II), Section 23.A.
5. Examples:
 M100 H P Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo Ship, Strengthened for Heavy Cargo

 M100 H P Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo Ship, Equipped for Carriage of Containers

 M100 H P Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo Ship, Equipped for Carriage of RO-RO Cargo
--------------------------------------------------------------- end ----------------------------------------------------------------

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Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

E. Passenger ships
1. Passenger Ship

Underlying rules/requirements
Notation Qualifier Special notation
Design Survey
Passenger N/A  <none>  Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II)  Rules for Classification and
Ship Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I) Sec. 3.
 Cargo carrier  Rules for Machinery
 Equipped for Installation (Pt.1, Vol.III)  For the Indonesian flag,
Carriage of  Rules for Electrical Rules for Classification and
Containers Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV) Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I) Sec. 5 is
to be observed.
 Car carrier  Rules for Materials (Pt.1,
 Ferry Vol.V)
 Recreational  Rules for Welding (Pt.1,
 Rules for High Speed Craft
(Pt 3, Vol. III)
 Rules for Small Vessel up to
24 m (Pt.3 Vol.VII)
 SOLAS Convention Ch. II-1
and II-2.

1.1 Description

Passenger Ship : Notation assigned to ship which carries more than 12 passengers. Passenger is every
person other than:
– the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in any capacity on
board a ship on the business of that ship, and
– a child under one year of age.

Ships shall comply with the construction rules for carriage and /or accommodation of passengers and with
the applicable requirements of the Chapters II-1 and II-2 of the SOLAS Convention. For domestic passenger
ships, exemption from these requirements may be granted only within the framework of options given
therein and are subject of approval by the competent Administration.

1.2 Qualifiers

– N/A

1.3 Special notation

– Cargo carrier: Assigned to passenger ship carrying general cargoes.

– Equipped for Carriage of Containers: Assigned to passenger ship carrying containers occasionally or
as part of cargo only, and equipped with the appropriate facilities.
– Car carrier: Assigned to passenger ship carrying vehicle on deck.
– Ferry: Assigned to ship which carries more than 12 passengers and vehicles, especially engaged short
services between two or three harbours regularly, subject to the corresponding National Regulations.
– Recreational: Assigned to passenger ship for recreational purpose only and granted by administration
for exemption from SOLAS requirements.

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Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

1.4 Additional notation

– ECC : Equipped for Carriage of Containers, see Section 3.A.3

The relevant additional notation for Concerning to hull and machinery item, see Section 3.

1. Example:

 M100 H P Passenger Ship

 M100 H P Passenger Ship, Cargo carrier
 M100 H P Passenger Ship, Container carrier
 M100 H P Passenger Ship, Car carrier
 M100 H P Passenger Ship, Cargo carrier, Equipped for Carriage of Containers, Car carrier
 M100 H P Passenger Ship, Ferry
 M100 H L(ID) Passenger Ship, Recreational

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Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

2. RO-RO Passenger Ship

Notation Qualifier Special Underlying rules/requirements

notation Design Survey
RO-RO  Open space  Ferry  Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II)  Rules for Classification and
Passenger  Enclosed  Rules for Machinery Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I) Sec. 3.
Ship space Installation (Pt.1, Vol.III)  For the Indonesian flag, Rules
. for Classification and Survey
Mandatory:  Rules for Electrical
Installations (Pt.1, Vol.IV) (Pt.1, Vol.I) Sec. 5 is to be
Yes observed.
 Rules for Materials (Pt.1,
 Rules for Welding (Pt.1,
 SOLAS Convention Ch. II-1
and II-2.

2.1 Description

RO-RO Passenger Ship: Assigned to passenger ships which are utilizes a loading ramp and specially designed
and constructed for the carriage of vehicles, and cargo in pallet form or in container, and loaded and
unloaded by wheeled vehicles.

2.2 Qualifiers

– Open space : Assigned to ship which have following criteria:

A) The bulkhead is not provided at the end of fore and after, and openings are not provided on
the shell plating of vehicle area. In this case, the area of openings on the upper deck of
considering area is to be comply with the followings.
a 1

A 2
a = area of opening on the upper deck
A = area of vehicle deck
B) When the openings are provided on the both side shell plating in vehicle area, the area of
opening is comply with the following.
a 5 Sa 1
  
A 3 SA 2
a,A = as specified in A)
Sa = area of opening on one side in vehicle area.
SA = area of shell plating on one side in vehicle area.
– Enclosed space : Assigned to ship which closed space with weathertight other than above mentioned
(open space).

2.3 Special notation

– Ferry: Assigned to ship which carries more than 12 passengers and vehicles, especially engaged short
services between two or three harbours regularly, subject to the corresponding National Regulations.

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Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

2.4 Additional notation

Concerning to hull and machinery item, see Section 3.

1. Examples:

 M100 H P RO-RO Passenger Ship (Open Space), Ferry

 M100 H P RO-RO Passenger Ship (Enclosed Space), Ferry

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Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

3. Passenger Boat

Spe c ial Unde rlying rule s/ re quire m e nts

N o tatio n Q ualifie r
no tatio n De sign Surve y
Passe nge r N/A N/A  R ule s fo r H ull (Pt.1,  R ule s fo r C lassific atio n
B o at V o l.I I ) and Surve y (Pt.1, V o l.I )
 R ule s fo r Mac hine ry Se c . 3.
I nstallatio n (Pt.1,  Fo r the I ndo ne sian flag,
V o l.I I I ) R ule s fo r C lassific atio n
 R ule s fo r Ele c tric al and Surve y (Pt.1, V o l.I )
I nstallatio ns (Pt.1, Se c . 5 is to be
V o l.I V ) o bse rve d.
 R ule s fo r Mate rials  Pe raturan K apal
(Pt.1, V o l.V ) Do m e stik (B ag.8, V o l.I )
 R ule s fo r We lding (Pt.1,
V o l.V I )
 R ule s fo r H igh Spe e d
C raft (Pt 3, V o l. I I I )
 R ule s fo r Sm all V e sse l
up to 24 m (Pt.3
V o l.V I I )
 SO LA S C o nve ntio n C h.
I I - 1 and I I - 2.
 Pe raturan K apal
Do m e stik (B ag.8, V o l.I )

3.1 Description

Passenger boat: Notation assigned to passenger ship with length less than 24 m which
carries more than 12 passengers. Passenger is every person other than:
– the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in
any capacity on board a ship on the business of that ship, and
– a child under one year of age.

Ships shall comply with the construction rules for carriage and /or accommodation of
passengers and with the applicable requirements of the Chapters II-1 and II-2 of the
SOLAS Convention. For domestic passenger ships, exemption from these requirements
may be granted only within the framework of options given therein and are subject of
approval by the competent Administration.

3.2 Qualifiers

– N/A

3.3 Special notation

– N/A

3.4 Additional notation

The relevant additional notation for hull and machinery item, see Section 3.

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R em arks:
1. Ex am ple:

 M100 H II Passe nge r B o at

 M100 H V(ID) Passe nge r B o at

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Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

4. RO-RO Passenger Boat

N o tatio n Q ualifie r Spe c ial Unde rlying rule s/ re quire m e nts

no tatio n De sign Surve y
RO-RO  O pe n  Fe rry  R ule s fo r H ull (Pt.1,  R ule s fo r C lassific atio n
Passe nge r spac e V o l.I I ) and Surve y (Pt.1, V o l.I )
B o at  Enc lo se d  R ule s fo r Mac hine ry Se c . 3.
spac e I nstallatio n (Pt.1,  Fo r the I ndo ne sian flag,
V o l.I I I ) R ule s fo r C lassific atio n
 R ule s fo r Ele c tric al and Surve y (Pt.1, V o l.I )
I nstallatio ns (Pt.1, Se c . 5 is to be
V o l.I V ) o bse rve d.
 R ule s fo r Mate rials
(Pt.1, V o l.V )
 R ule s fo r We lding (Pt.1,
V o l.V I )
 SO LA S C o nve ntio n C h.
I I - 1 and I I - 2.

4.1 Description

RO-RO Passenger boat: Assigned to passenger ships with length less than 24 m which
are utilizes a loading ramp and specially designed and constructed for the carriage of
vehicles, and cargo in pallet form or in container, and loaded and unloaded by wheeled

4.2 Qualifiers

– Open space: Assigned to ship which have following criteria:

A) The bulkhead is not provided at the end of fore and after, and openings are
not provided on the shell plating of vehicle area. In this case, the area of
openings on the upper deck of considering area is to be comply with the
a 1

A 2
a = area of opening on the upper deck
A = area of vehicle deck
B) When the openings are provided on the both side shell plating in vehicle area,
the area of opening is comply with the following.
a 5 Sa 1
  
A 3 SA 2
a,A = as specified in A)
Sa = area of opening on one side in vehicle area.
SA = area of shell plating on one side in vehicle area.
– Enclosed space: Assigned to ship which closed space with weathertight other than
above mentioned (open space).

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2.3 Special notation

– Ferry: Assigned to ship which carries more than 12 passengers and vehicles,
especially engaged short services between two or three harbours regularly, subject
to the corresponding National Regulations.

2.4 Additional notation

Concerning to hull and machinery item, see Section 3.

R em arks:
1. Ex am ples:

 M100 H II R O - R O Passe nge r bo at (O pe n Spac e ), Fe rry

 M100 H III R O - R O Passe nge r bo at (Enc lo se d Spac e ), Fe rry

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K. Vessel for Special Operations

1. Tugs

Special Underlying rules/requirements

Notation Qualifier
notation Design Survey
TUG N/A  Active  Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec.  Rules for Classification and
Escort 27. Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I) Sec. 3.
 Escort
 Pusher
 Fire
Fighte r

1.1 Description

TUG : Notation assigned to ships primarily designed for towing and/or pushing operations or assisting other
vessels or floating objects in manoeuvring complying with the requirement of Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II)
Section 27.

1.2 Qualifiers

– N/A

1.3 Special notation

– Active Escort : Notation for tugs actively assisting a vessel during ahead voyage and manoeuvring by
means of a permanent rope connection to the stern of the escorted vessel and complying with the
requirement of Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Section 27.H.
The characteristics of this notation is to be determined by approved full scale trials, as follows:
A) maximum steering force Tey [kN] at a test speed of advance Vt [kn], normally 8 to 10 knots,
B) manoeuvring time t [s],
C) manoeuvring coefficient K = 31 / t [–] or 1, whichever is less.
– Escort : Notation for tugs which not comply with the requirement of Active escort tug
– Pusher : Notation for tugs operating as pusher unit.
– Fire Fighter: Notation for tugs with additional fire fighting operation. These ships
fitted with equipment complying with the Guidance for Equipment on Fire Fighting Ships
(Pt.4, Vol.C) will, depending on the size and purpose of the equipment provided, have
one of the additional notations in 1.4 affixed to the Character of Classification for
the machinery installation.
– FFC: Notation for tugs equipped with some fire fighting capability in addition to
their regular service, but not in full compliance with or not specifically built for
the service intended to be covered by the Guidance for Equipment on Fire Fighting Ships
(Pt.4, Vol.C).

1.4 Additional notation

– FF1: Equipment for fighting fires in the initial stage and performing rescue
operations in the immediate vicinity of the installation on fire.

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– FF2: Equipment for sustained fighting of large fires and for cooling parts of the
installation on fire.
– FF3: Corresponding to FF2, but with greater fire-extinguishing capacity and more
comprehensive fire-extinguishing equipment.
– FF1/2 or FF1/3: Equipment corresponding to FF2 or FF3 and additionally suited for
rescue operations as per FF1.

The relevant additional notation for Concerning to hull and machinery item, see Section 3

1. Examples:

 M100 H P TUG
 M100 H P TUG, Active Escort
 M100 H P TUG, Pusher
 M100 H P T UG , Fire Fighte r
 W FF2
 M100 H P T UG , FFC

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2. Special Service Ship

Underlying rules/requirements
Notation Qualifier Special notation
Design Survey
Special Service  <none>  Deck Cargo  Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II)  Rules for Classification
Ship Sec. 29-II. and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
 SPS  Research
 Code of Safety for Special Sec. 3.
Mandatory:  Seismic Survey
Purpose Ship, 2008 (SPS
Yes  Fish Carrier
 Pilot
 Rules for High Speed Craft
 Mooring (Pt.3, Vol.III)
 Hospital  Guidance for Equipment
 Diving Support on Fire Fighting Ship (Pt.4,
 Fire Fighter
 Training
 Rescue
 Lifeboat
 Skimmer (specific  Rules for Small Vessel up
function) to 24 m (Pt.3, Vol.VII)
 Cable layer  Rules for Mobile Offshore  Rules for Classification
 Pipe layer Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI). and Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I)
Sec. 3.I
 Well stimulation
 Rules for Mobile
 Offshore Crane
Offshore Unit (Pt.5,
 Power Service Vol.VI), Sec.2
 A quac ulture  G uide line s fo r  G uide line s fo r
A quac ulture (Pt.5, A quac ulture (Pt.5,
V o l.4) V o l.4)

2.1 Description

Special Service Ship : to be assigned to ships designed for carrying out intended special service.

2.2 Qualifiers

– SPS : Ships carrying special personnel who are neither crew members nor passengers in accordance
with Rules for Hull (Pt. 1, Vol. II), Sec.29.II.

2.3 Special notation

– Deck Cargo : to be assigned to ship carrying cargo on deck

– Research : to be assigned to research ships.
– Seismic Survey : to be assigned to seismic survey ships.
– Fish Carrier : to be assigned to fish carrier.
– Pilot : to be assigned to pilot ships.
– Mooring : to be assigned to mooring ships
– Hospital : to be assigned to hospital ships
– Diving Support : to be assigned to ships carrying out special purpose related diving support matters.

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– Fire Fighter : to be assigned to fire-fighting ships. These ships fitted with equipment complying with
the Regulation Guidance for Equipment on Fire Fighting Ships (Pt.4, Vol.C) will,
depending on the size and purpose of the equipment provided, have one of the additional notations
in 2.4 affixed to the Character of Classification for the machinery installation.
– FFC: Notation for ship equipped with some fire fighting capability in addition to
their regular service, but not in full compliance with or not specifically built for
the service intended to be covered by the Guidance for Equipment on Fire Fighting Ships
(Pt.4, Vol.C).
– Skimmer (specific function): to be assigned to skimmer vessel intended to carry out specific function
such as for trash, oil, etc.
– Well Stimulation: notation for self-propelled ship type vessels equipped for intervention at subsea
wells with the aim to improve the operational well performance.
– Cable Layer: unit primarily intended for subsea cable installation. It denotes cable laying units
designed and built in accordance with Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI), Sec.12.A
– Pipe Layer: unit primarily intended for subsea pipeline installation. It denotes pipe layer units
designed and built in accordance with Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI), Sec.12.A
– Rescue: to be assigned to rescue ships.
– Lifeboat: to be assigned for emergency evacuation in the event of a disaster aboard a ship.
– Offshore Crane: to be assigned for unit engaged in the operation for the lifting of heavy loads in oil
drilling and/or production operations or offshore construction.
– Power Service: to be assigned for vessels (including units, installations and converted vessels)
intended to mount the power plant whose generated power is transferred or distributed externally
that comply with full requirements of Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI) Sec.12, F.1-F.4 and
– Aquaculture: to be assigned for unit primarily intended for farming of aquatic
organisms in offshore areas but not limited at sea involving interventions in the
rearing process to enhance production.

2.4 Additional notation

– FF1 : Equipment for fighting fires in the initial stage and performing rescue operations in the
immediate vicinity of the installation on fire.
– FF2 : Equipment for sustained fighting of large fires and for cooling parts of the installation on fire.
– FF3 : Corresponding to FF2, but with greater fire-extinguishing capacity and more comprehensive
fire-extinguishing equipment.
– FF1/2 or FF1/3 : Equipment corresponding to FF2 or FF3 and additionally suited for rescue operations
as per FF1.

1. Where a ship carries more than 12 passengers, as defined in SOLAS, the ship should not be considered a
special purpose ship as it is a passenger ship as defined by SOLAS.
2. Examples:

 M100 H P Special Service Ship (SPS), Research

 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Seismic Survey
 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Fish Carrier

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 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Patrol

 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Pilot
 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Mooring
 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Hospital
 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Diving Support
 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Fire Fighter
 W FF2
 M100 V Special Service Ship, Skimmer (Trash)
 M100 V Special Service Ship, Rescue
 M100 V Special Service Ship, Lifeboat
 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Offshore Crane
 M100 H P Special Service Ship, Power Service
 M100 H P Spe c ial Se rvic e Ship, A quac ulture

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L. Offshore Service Vessel

1. Offshore Service Vessel

Special Underlying rules/requirements

Notation Qualifier
notation Design Survey
Offshore N/A  SUPPLY Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Rules for Classification
Service Vessel Sec. 34 and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
 AH
Sec. 3.
Mandatory:  TOW
Yes  Standby
 OR
 CR
 Fire Fighter

1.1 Description

Offshore Service Vessel : Notation assigned to ships designed for support service to offshore installation
and built to the requirement of the Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Section 34.

1.2 Qualifiers

– N/A

1.3 Special notation

– SUPPLY : Notation for ships primary engaged in the supply of stores such as water and fuel oil,
materials and equipment to offshore installations and which is designed with accommodation and
bridge erections in the forward part and an exposed cargo deck in the aft part for the handling of
cargo at sea.
– AH : Notation for anchor handling ships of ships engaged in the installation, moving and taking up of
the mooring anchors of mobile offshore drilling units, dredgers, etc.
– TOW : Notation assigned for ships engaged in towing service, see Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec. 27.
– Standby : Notation assigned to ships engaged in standby and rescue operations.
– OR : Notation assigned to ships with system to recover oil spilled on the surface of the water and/or
a storage system for recovered oils and complying with the Rules for Oil Recovery Vessel (Pt.3, Vol.I).
– CR : Chemical recovery and transportation
– HNLS : Notation for ships carrying hazardous and noxious liquid substances and complying with the
requirement of Rules for Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemical in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.X), Section 20.
– Fire Fighter: to be assigned to fire-fighting ships Notation assigned to ships with additional
fire fighting operation. These ships fitted with equipment complying with the Regulation for
Equipment on Fire Fighting Ships Guidance for Equipment on Fire Fighting Ships (Pt.4,
Vol.C) will, depending on the size and purpose of the equipment provided, have one of the
additional notations in 1.4 affixed to the Character of Classification for the machinery installation.
– FFC: Notation for ship equipped with some fire fighting capability in addition to
their regular service, but not in full compliance with or not specifically built for
the service intended to be covered by the Guidance for Equipment on Fire Fighting Ships
(Pt.4, Vol.C).

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1.4 Additional notation

– FF1 : Equipment for fighting fires in the initial stage and performing rescue operations in the
immediate vicinity of the installation on fire.
– FF2 : Equipment for sustained fighting of large fires and for cooling parts of the installation on fire.
– FF3 : Corresponding to FF2, but with greater fire-extinguishing capacity and more comprehensive
fire-extinguishing equipment.
– FF1/2 or FF1/3 : Equipment corresponding to FF2 or FF3 and additionally suited for rescue operations
as per FF1.

The relevant additional notation for hull and machinery item see Section 3.

1. Examples:

 M100 H P Offshore Service Vessel, SUPPLY, HNLS

 M100 H P Offshore Service Vessel, AH, TOW, SUPPLY, Fire Fighte r
 W FF2
 M100 H P O ffsho re Se rvic e V e sse l, A H , T O W, SUPPLY , FFC

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M. Pontoon and Barge

1. Pontoon

Underlying rules/requirements
Notation Qualifier Special notation
Design Survey
Pontoon N/A  Container  Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II),  Rules for Classification
 Dry Bulk Cargo Sec.31 and Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
Mandatory: Sec. 3
 General Dry Cargo  Rules for Mobile Offshore
Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI) Sec.12  Rules for Classification
 Floating Pier
 Petunjuk Konstruksi dan and Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I)
Fasilitas Pelabuhan (Pt.10, Sec. 3.I
Vol.A)  Rules for Mobile Offshore
Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI) Sec.2

1.1 Description

Pontoon: Notation assigned to unmanned or manned floating units with following characteristics:
– non-propelled unit
– the ratios of the main dimensions of pontoons deviate from those usual for seagoing ships.
– they are designed to usually carry deck load or working equipment (e.g. lifting equipment, rams etc.)
and have no holds for the carriage of cargo.

1.2 Qualifiers

– N/A

1.3 Special notation

– Container: Notation assigned to pontoon which is constructed primarily for the carriage of
containers. Pontoon is characterized by fixed stowage appliances in the form of cell
guides as well as fixed container foundations on the deck.
– Dry Bulk Cargo: Notation assigned to pontoon which is constructed primarily for the carriage of dry
bulk cargoes.
– General Dry Cargo: Notation assigned to pontoon which is constructed primarily for the carriage of
general dry cargoes.
– Floating Pier: Notation assigned to pontoon has mooring equipment, loading apparatus, etc. for
loading or unloading and has bridges for access from the shore.

1.4 Additional notation

– DL (maximum deck loading), see Section 3.A.2

1. Example:

 M100 H P Pontoon, Dry Bulk Cargo

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 M100 H P Pontoon, General Dry Cargo

DL = 3 t/m2

 M100 T Pontoon, Floating Pier

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2. Barge

Underlying rules/requirements
Notation Qualifier Special notation
Design Survey
Barge  Hatch coverless,max  Linked Pusher Barge  Rules for Hull  Rules for
Hs …m  Container (Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec. Classification and
 <None> 31. Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
Yes  Sand
 Rules for Sec. 3.
 Crane
Mobile Offshore
 Accommodation Unit (Pt.5,
 Piling Vol.VI) Sec.12
 Salvage  Peraturan Kapal
 Waste Domestik (Pt.8,
 Log Vol.I)
 Oil Recovery
 Heavy Cargo
 Water
 Dry Bulk Cargo
 General Dry Cargo
 Floating Transfer
 Work
 Mud
N/A  Pipe Layer  Rules for Rules for
 Cable Layer Mobile Offshore Classification and
Unit (Pt.5, Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I)
 Well Stimulation
Vol.VI) Sec.12 Sec. 3.I
 Offshore Crane
 Power Service Rules for Mobile
Offshore Unit (Pt.5,
Vol.VI) Sec.2

N/A  Hopper  Rules for Hull  Rules for

 Split Hopper (Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec. Classification and
32.M. Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
Sec. 3.
 FP < 60 C  Oil  Rules for Hull  Rules for
 FP > 60 C (Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec. Classification and
24 and 31. Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
(See also Oil Tanker)
Sec. 3 and Section
 FP < 60 C  Chemical (Type of  Rules for Hull  Rules for
 FP > 60 C tank, Type of barge, (Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec. Classification and
Specific cargo) 31. Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
 <None>
(See also Chemical  Rules for Ships Sec. 3 and Section
Tanker) Carrying 4-I.
Chemical in

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Bulk (Pt.1,
N/A  Asphalt  Rules for Hull  Rules for
(Pt.1, Vol.II) Sec. Classification and
24 and Sec.31 Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
Sec. 3 and Section
N/A  LPG Tank  Rules for Hull  Rules for
(Pt.1, Vol.II) Classification and
Sec.31 Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I)
 Rules for Sec. 3 and Section
Ships 4-I.
Gas in Bulk
(Pt.1, Vol.IX)
N/A  Aquaculture  G uide line s fo r  G uide line s fo r
A quac ulture A quac ulture
(Pt.5, V o l.4) (Pt.5, V o l.4)

2.1 Description

Barge : Notation assigned to unmanned or manned vessels, normally without self-propulsion,

sailing in pushed or towed units with following characteristics:
– non-propelled unit but may be installed with insufficient propulsion, see Section 3.B.2;
– the ratios of the main dimensions of barges are in a range usual for seagoing ships;
– their construction complies with the usual construction of seagoing ships;
– their cargo holds are suitable for the carriage of dry or liquid cargo.
– their cargo may be put on deck

2.2 Qualifiers

– FP ≤ 60 oC : assigned to Tankers intended to carry oil in bulk having a flashpoint (closed cup test) on
and below 60°C.
– FP > 60 oC : Where it is intended to carry liquids having a flash point (closed cup test) above 60°C only
– Hatch coverless, max Hs =…m: Assigned for domestic Indonesian waterways barges equipped with
the appropriate facilities. Refers to Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Bag.8, Vol.I).

2.3 Special notation

– Linked Pusher Barge : Notation assigned to barges which are connected and operated by pusher tug.
– Container : Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primarily for the carriage of
containers. Barge is characterized by fixed stowage appliances in the form of cell
guides as well as fixed container foundations on the deck.
– Sand : Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primarily for the carriage of sand

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– Crane : Notation assigned to barges with installed permanent crane (with pedestal or
movable crane fixed to hull structure) engaged in lifting heavy loads and moving such loads
vertically and horizontally.
– Accommodation : Notation assigned to barges which are constructed intended for the
accommodation of persons who are industrial personnel, engaged in some aspect of offshore or
related employment, excluding members of the crew.
– Piling : Notation assigned to barges carrying out piling works.
– Salvage : Notation assigned to barges carrying out salvage works.
– Waste : Notation assigned to barges primarily for the carriage of waste.
– Log : Notation assigned to barges primarily for the carriage of logs.
– Oil Recovery : Notation assigned to barges carrying out oil recovery works.
– Heavy Cargo : Notation assigned to barges which are constructed for the carriage of heavy cargoes.
– Water : Notation assigned to barges intended for the carriage of liquid cargoes (water) in tanks
integrated with their hull structures.
– Oil : Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primarily for the carriage of oil in bulk.
The relevant qualifiers as well as Special notations are also to be assigned to this notation in the same
manner for those of Oil Tanker.
ASSPRO as additional notation for oil barge is applicable only to barges having a size of 5000 GT
and less or having the high (H) of 6,5 m and less. For ship type “Barge, Oil/Chemical/Dry
Bulk Cargo” assigned with this additional notation will be exempted from
requirement of ESP Code.
– Chemical : Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primarily for the carriage of chemicals
in tanks integrated with their hull structure (liquid cargoes listed in the Rules for Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemical in Bulk (Pt.1, Vol.X) Section 17.
The relevant qualifiers as well as Special notations are also to be assigned to this notation in the same
manner for those of Chemical Tanker.
– Hopper Unit : Notation assigned to barge intended to carry out dredging operation and having one
or more hopper spaces in the midship region, or suction pipe well.
– Split Hopper Unit : Notation assigned to hopper barge which opens longitudinally around hinges.
– Dry Bulk Cargo : Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primarily for the carriage of dry
bulk cargoes.
– General Dry Cargo: Notation assigned to barge which is constructed primarily for
the carriage of general dry cargoes.
– Floating Transfer : Notation assigned to barge which are constructed primary for the carriage of dry
bulk cargoes and located in a fix position as floating transfer unit.
– Work: Notation assigned to barge which is intended for work services.
– Mud : Notation assigned to barge which are constructed primary for the carriage of mud.
– Pipe Layer : Notation assigned to barges carrying out pipe laying works.
– Cable Layer : Notation assigned to barges carrying out cable laying works
– Well Stimulation: Notation assigned to barge equipped for intervention at subsea wells with the aim
to improve the operational well performance.
– Offshore Crane: Notation assigned to barge engaged with installed permanent crane in the operation
for the lifting of heavy loads in oil drilling and/or production operations or offshore construction.

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– Power Service : Notation assigned to barge intended to mount the power plant whose generated
power is transferred or distributed externally that comply with full requirements of Rules for Mobile
Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI) Sec.12, F.1-F.4 and F.6.
– Asphalt: Notation assigned to barge intended to carry Asphalt
– LPG Tank: Notation assigned to barge intended to carry LPG Tank
– Aquaculture: Notation assigned to barge primarily intended for farming of aquatic
organisms in offshore areas but not limited at sea involving interventions in the
rearing process to enhance production.

2.4 Additional notation

Additional Notation concerning material, hull item and machinery item, see Section 3.

1. Barges may be qualified with more than one Special notation.
2. Examples:

 M100 H P BARGE, Accommodation

 M100 H P BARGE (FP > 60C), Oil
 M100 H P BARGE (FP > 60C), Chemical (Type 2, 2G, Palm Oil)
 M100 H P BARGE, Container and Crane
 M100 H P BARGE, Pipe Layer and Cable Layer and Salvage
 M100 H P BARGE, Split Hooper
 M100 H P BARGE (FP > 60C), Oil
 M100 H P BARGE (Hatch coverless, max Hs 7 m), Container
 M100 H P B A R G E, A quac ulture

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3. Self Propelled Barge

Unde rlying rule s/ re quire m e nts

N o tatio n Q ualifie r Spe c ial no tatio n
De sign Surve y
Se lf  H atc h  C o ntaine r  R ule s fo r H ull  R ule s fo r
Pro pe lle d c o ve rle ss,m  Sand (Pt.1, V o l.I I ) Se c . C lassific atio n
B arge ax H s … m 31. and Surve y (Pt.1,
 C rane
 <N o ne >  R ule s fo r Mo bile V o l.I ) Se c . 3.
 A c c o m m o datio n
O ffsho re Unit
 Piling (Pt.5, V o l.V I )
 Salvage Se c .12
 Waste  Pe raturan K apal
Do m e stik (Pt.8,
 Lo g
V o l.I )
 O il R e c o ve ry
 H e avy C argo
 Wate r
 Dry B ulk C argo
 De c k C argo
 G e ne ral Dry C argo
 Wo rk
 Mud
N/A  Pipe Laye r  R ule s fo r Mo bile  R ule s fo r
 C able Laye r O ffsho re Unit C lassific atio n
(Pt.5, V o l.V I ) and Surve y (Pt.5,
 We ll Stim ulatio n
Se c .12 V o l.I ) Se c . 3.I
 O ffsho re C rane
 R ule s fo r Mo bile
 Po we r Se rvic e O ffsho re Unit
(Pt.5, V o l.V I )
Se c .2
N/A  H o ppe r  R ule s fo r H ull  R ule s fo r
 Split H o ppe r (Pt.1, V o l.I I ) Se c . C lassific atio n
32.M. and Surve y (Pt.1,
V o l.I ) Se c . 3.
N/A  A sphalt  R ule s fo r H ull  R ule s fo r
(Pt.1, V o l.I I ) Se c . C lassific atio n
24 and Se c .31 and Surve y (Pt.1,
V o l.I ) Se c . 3 and
Se c tio n 4- I .
N/A  LPG T ank  R ule s fo r H ull  R ule s fo r
(Pt.1, V o l.I I ) C lassific atio n
Se c .31 and Surve y (Pt.1,
 R ule s fo r Ships V o l.I ) Se c . 3 and
C arrying Lique fie d Se c tio n 4- I .
G as in B ulk (Pt.1,
V o l.I X )

3.1 Description

Self Propelled Barge: Notation assigned to barge not carrying oil or chemical cargo
sailing with following characteristics:

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– self-propelled unit with limitation as follows:

– operated only in restricted service area.
– having the maximum speed not exceeding 9 knots.
– having length not exceeding 120 meters.
– the ratios of the main dimensions of barges are in a range usual for seagoing ships;
– their construction complies with the usual construction of seagoing ships;
– their cargo holds are suitable for the carriage of dry cargo.
– their cargo may be put on deck
Other than characteristics as mentioned above, self-propelled barge should meet with
the safety requirements as usual ships.

3.2 Qualifiers

– Hatch coverless, max Hs =…m: Assigned for domestic Indonesian waterways barges
equipped with the appropriate facilities. Refers to Peraturan Kapal Domestik (Bag.8,

3.3 Special notation

– Container: Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primarily for the
carriage of containers. Barge is characterized by fixed stowage appliances in the
form of cell guides as well as fixed container foundations on the deck.
– Sand: Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primarily for the carriage
of sand
– Crane: Notation assigned to barges with installed permanent crane (with pedestal
or movable crane fixed to hull structure) engaged in lifting heavy loads and moving
such loads vertically and horizontally.
– Accommodation: Notation assigned to barges which are constructed intended for
the accommodation of persons who are industrial personnel, engaged in some
aspect of offshore or related employment, excluding members of the crew.
– Piling: Notation assigned to barges carrying out piling works.
– Salvage: Notation assigned to barges carrying out salvage works.
– Waste: Notation assigned to barges primarily for the carriage of waste.
– Log: Notation assigned to barges primarily for the carriage of logs.
– Oil Recovery: Notation assigned to barges carrying out oil recovery works.
– Heavy Cargo: Notation assigned to barges which are constructed for the carriage
of heavy cargoes.
– Water: Notation assigned to barges intended for the carriage of liquid cargoes
(water) in tanks integrated with their hull structures.
– Dry Bulk Cargo: Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primarily for
the carriage of dry bulk cargoes.
– Deck Cargo: Notation assigned to barges that is designed to carry cargo exclusively
above deck without any access for cargo below deck.
– General Dry Cargo: Notation assigned to barge which is constructed primarily for
the carriage of general dry cargoes.
– Work: Notation assigned to barge which is intended for work services.

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– Floating Transfer: Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primary for
the carriage of dry bulk cargoes and located in a fix position as floating transfer
– Mud: Notation assigned to barges which are constructed primary for the carriage
of mud.
– Hopper: Notation assigned to barges intended to carry out dredging operation and
having one or more hopper spaces in the midship region, or suction pipe well.
– Split Hopper: Notation assigned to hopper barges which opens longitudinally
around hinges.
– Pipe Layer: Notation assigned to barges carrying out pipe laying works.
– Cable Layer: Notation assigned to barges carrying out cable laying works
– Well Stimulation: Notation assigned to barge equipped for intervention at subsea
wells with the aim to improve the operational well performance.
– Offshore Crane: Notation assigned to barge engaged with installed permanent
crane in the operation for the lifting of heavy loads in oil drilling and/or
production operations or offshore construction.
– Power Service: Notation assigned to barge intended to mount the power plant
whose generated power is transferred or distributed externally that comply with
full requirements of Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI) Sec.12, F.1-F.4
and F.6.
– Asphalt: Notation assigned to barge intended to carry Asphalt
– LPG Tank: Notation assigned to barge intended to carry LPG Tank

3.4 Additional notation

– ECC : Equipped for Carriage of Containers, see Section 3.A.3

Additional Notation concerning material, hull item and machinery item, see Section 3.

R em arks:
1. S elf Propelled B arges m ay be qualified with m ore than one S pec ial notation.
2. Ex am ples:

 M100 H P Se lf Pro pe lle d B arge , A c c o m m o datio n

 M100 H P Se lf Pro pe lle d B arge , C o ntaine r and C rane
 M100 H P Se lf Pro pe lle d B arge , Pipe Laye r and C able Laye r and Salvage
 M100 H P Se lf Pro pe lle d B arge , Split H o o pe r
 M100 H P Se lf Pro pe lle d B arge (H atc h c o ve rle ss, m ax H s 7 m ), C o ntaine r
 M100 H P Se lf Pro pe lle d B arge , De c k C argo

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P. Landing Craft
1. Landing Craft

Special Underlying rules/requirements

Notation Qualifier
notation Design Survey
Landing Craft N/A  Equipped for  Rules for Hull (Pt.1, Vol.II). Rules for Classification and
Carriage of Survey (Pt.1, Vol.I) Sec. 3.
 Rules for Stowage and
Mandatory: Containers Lashing of Containers (Pt.4,
Yes  Equipped for Vol.I)
Carriage of ISO  Guideline for Freight
Tank Container (Pt.6, Vol.8)
 <none> N / A

1.1 Description

Landing Craft : Notation assigned to ships constructed for carriage of deck cargo and equipped with ramp

1.2 Qualifiers

– N/A

1.3 Special notation

– Equipped for Carriage of Containers: Assigned for Landing Craft carrying containers occasionally or
as part of cargo only, and equipped with the appropriate facilities.
– Equipped for Carriage of ISO Tank Containers: Assigned for Landing Craft carrying ISO Tank containers
occasionally or as part of cargo only, and equipped with the appropriate facilities. Requirements of
the specific tank containment e.g. IMDG Code, National Regulation, SOLAS II-2 Reg. 19, etc. are to be
– N/A

1.4 Additional notation

– ECC : Equipped for Carriage of Containers, see Section 3.A.3

– ECIC : Equipped for Carriage of ISO Tank Containers, see Section 3.A.3

The relevant additional notation for Concerning to hull and machinery item, see Section 3.

1. Example:

 M100 H P Landing Craft

 M100 H P Landing Craft, Equipped for Carriage of Containers
 M100 H P Landing Craft, Equipped for Carriage of ISO Tank Containers

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T. Floating Offshore Structure

2. Specific Offshore Unit

2.1 Self-Elevating Unit

Underlying rules/requirements
Notation Qualifier Special notation
Design Survey
Self-Elevating N/A  <none>  Rules for Mobile  Rules for
Unit  Accommodation Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Classification and
Vol.VI), Sec.12 Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I)
 Offshore Crane
Mandatory:  G uide line s fo r  G uide line s fo r
 Power Service A quac ulture
Yes A quac ulture (Pt.5,
 A quac ulture V o l.4) (Pt.5, V o l.4)

2.1.1 Description

Self-Elevating Unit: Notation for units equipped with legs which are capable of raising the hull above the
sea surface by means of a jack-up system. These units have hulls with sufficient buoyancy and they are also
known as jack-up units. The movable legs of a self-elevating unit are supported on the sea-bed when in the
elevated condition and may be equipped with enlarged sections or footings to reduce the soil penetration
or may be attached to a bottom pad or mat.

This notation is assigned to mobile offshore unit capable of engaging in offshore operation other than
drilling, storage, production, having a hull with sufficient buoyancy to transport the unit to the desired

2.1.2 Qualifiers


2.1.3 Special notation

– Accommodation: unit primarily intended for the accommodation of persons who are industrial
personnel, engaged in some aspect of offshore or related employment, excluding members of the
crew. It denotes accommodation units designed and built in accordance with Rules for Mobile
Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI), Sec.12.C.
– Offshore Crane: unit engaged in the operation for the lifting of heavy loads in oil drilling and/or
production operations or offshore construction. It denotes crane units designed and built in
accordance with Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI), Sec.12.E.
– Power Service: unit intended to mount the power plant whose generated power is transferred or
distributed externally that comply with full requirements of Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5,
Vol.VI) Sec.12, F.1-F.4 and F.6.
– Aquaculture: unit primarily intended for farming of aquatic organisms in offshore
areas but not limited at sea involving interventions in the rearing process to
enhance production.

2.1.4 Additional notation

The relevant additional notation for hull and machinery item see Section 3.

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1. Special notation is mandatory.
2. Example:

 M100 Self-Elevating Unit, Accommodation

 M100 Self-Elevating Unit, Offshore Crane
 M100 Self-Elevating Unit, Power Service
 M100 H Se lf- Ele vating Unit, A quac ulture

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2.2 Column Stabilized Unit

Underlying rules/requirements
Notation Qualifier Special notation
Design Survey
Column N/A  <none>  Rules for Mobile  Rules for
Stabilized Unit  Accommodation Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Classification and
Vol.VI), Sec.12 Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I)
Mandatory:  Offshore Crane
 G uide line s fo r  G uide line s fo r
Yes  Cable Layer
A quac ulture (Pt.5, A quac ulture
 Pipe Layer V o l.4) (Pt.5, V o l.4)
 Power Service
 A quac ulture

2.2.1 Description

Column Stabilized Unit: Notation for mobile offshore units with an upper structure connected to the
underwater hulls or footings by widely spaced columns. Column Stabilized Units depend upon the buoyancy
of the columns, lower hulls or footings for flotation stability for all modes of operation afloat or in the
raising or lowering the unit, as may be applicable.

This notation is assigned to mobile offshore unit capable of engaging in offshore operation other than
drilling, storage, production, or handling of hydrocarbons having a hull with sufficient buoyancy to
transport the unit to the desired location.

2.2.2 Qualifiers


2.2.3 Special notation

– Accommodation: unit primarily intended for the accommodation of persons who are industrial
personnel, engaged in some aspect of offshore or related employment, excluding members of the
crew. It denotes accommodation units designed and built in accordance with Rules for Mobile
Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI), Sec.12.C.
– Offshore Crane: unit engaged in the operation for the lifting of heavy loads in oil drilling and/or
production operations or offshore construction. It denotes crane units designed and built in
accordance with Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI), Sec.12.E.
– Cable Layer: unit primarily intended for subsea cable installation. It denotes cable laying units
designed and built in accordance with Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI), Sec.12.A
– Pipe Layer: unit primarily intended for subsea pipeline installation. It denotes pipe layer units
designed and built in accordance with Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5, Vol.VI), Sec.12.A
– Power Service: unit intended to mount the power plant whose generated power is transferred or
distributed externally that comply with full requirements of Rules for Mobile Offshore Unit (Pt.5,
Vol.VI) Sec.12, F.1-F.4 and F.6.
– Aquaculture: unit primarily intended for farming of aquatic organisms in offshore
areas but not limited at sea involving interventions in the rearing process to
enhance production.

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2.2.4 Additional notation

The relevant additional notation for hull and machinery item see Section 3.

1. Special notation is not mandatory.
2. Example:

 M100 H Column Stabilized Unit

 M100 H Column Stabilized Unit, Offshore Crane
 M100 H Column Stabilized Unit, Cable Layer
 M100 H Column Stabilized Unit, Accommodation
 M100 H Column Stabilized Unit, Power Service
 M100 H C o lum n Stabilize d Unit, A quac ulture

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6. Floating Aquaculture Installation

Spe c ial Unde rlying rule s/ re quire m e nts

N o tatio n Q ualifie r
no tatio n De sign Surve y
Flo ating  Spar- T ype  Manne d  G uide line s fo r  G uide line s fo r
A quac ulture  C o lum n-  Unm anne d A quac ulture (Pt.5, A quac ulture (Pt.5,
I nstallatio n Stabilize d V o l.4) V o l.4)
T ype
 Ship- T ype

6.1 Description

Floating Aquaculture Installations: The notations are assigned to a floating offshore

structure primarily intended for farming of aquatic organisms in offshore areas but not
limited at sea involving interventions in the rearing process to enhance production.

POSMOSYS (Position Mooring System) as additional notation (see Sec.3.A.12) is

mandatory for this installation. However, for the extraordinary cases, this additional
notation may be waived with special consideration by BKI.

6.2 Qualifiers

– Spar-Type: An installation possessing a deep draft, vertical floating structure,

usually of cylindrical shape, supporting a topside structure (if any) and moored to
the seafloor. The hull can be divided into upper hull, mid-section and lower hull.
– Column-Stabilized Type An installation consisting of surface piercing columns,
submerged pontoons and a deck supported at column tops. Buoyancy is provided
by the submerged pontoons, surface piercing columns and braces, if any
– Ship Type: Ship type is single displacement hulls, either ship-shaped or barge-
shaped installation with or without the side or bottom structure.

6.3 Special notation

– Manned: A manned aquaculture installation is one with permanent occupied living

accommodations or one that requires the continuous attendance of personnel for
more than 12 hours in successive 24-hour periods.
– Unmanned: An unmanned aquaculture installation which is unattended, but which
may be visited regularly, and where its operations are aligned with requirements
from the national authority and owner's classification of pre-determined risk
severity (e.g. safety level may be considered that operation can be shut-in during
the design environmental event, equivalent to the medium exposure level (L2) as
defined in ISO 19904-1)
Such installations are provided with accommodation that is suitable for the
intended visits to the installation

6.4 Additional notation

The relevant additional notation for hull and machinery item see Section 3.

R em arks:
1. Ex am ple:

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 M100 Flo ating A quac ulture I nstallatio n (Spar- T ype ), Manne d

PO SMO SY S, I W, in N atuna Fie ld
 M100 Flo ating A quac ulture I nstallatio n (C o lum n Stabilize d- T ype ), Unm anne d
PO SMO SY S, I W, in N atuna Fie ld
 M100 Flo ating A quac ulture I nstallatio n (Ship- T ype ), Manne d
PO SMO SY S, I W, in N atuna Fie ld

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U. Fixed Offshore Structure

1. Fixed Offshore Structure

Special Underlying rules/requirements

Notation Qualifier
notation Design Survey
Fixed Offshore  Pile N/A  Rule for Structure (Pt.5,  Rules for Classification and
Structure Foundation Vol.II). Survey (Pt.5, Vol.I), Sec.5
 Gravity  Rules for Fixed Offshore
Mandatory: Foundation Installation (Pt.5, Vol.VII),
Yes Sec.2
 Rules for Fixed Offshore
Installation (Pt.5, Vol.VII),
 Rules for Fixed Offshore
Installation (Pt.5, Vol.VII),

1.1 Description

Fixed Offshore Structure: The notation is assigned to offshore structure that pay load is supported by a
foundation bearing capacity.

1.2 Qualifiers

– Pile Foundation: Notation for structures fixed on the sea-bed by means of piles
– Gravity Foundation: Notation for structures supported on the sea-bed by action of gravity only.

1.3 Special notation


1.4 Additional notation

The relevant additional notation for hull and machinery item see Section 3.

1. Example:

 M100 Fixed Offshore Structure (Pile Foundation)

 M100 Fixed Offshore Structure (Gravity Foundation)

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2. Fixed Aquaculture Installation

Spe c ial Unde rlying rule s/ re quire m e nts

N o tatio n Q ualifie r
no tatio n De sign Surve y
Fix e d  Pile  Manne d  R ule fo r Struc ture  R ule s fo r
O ffsho re Fo undatio n  Unm anne d (Pt.5, V o l.I I ). C lassific atio n and
I nstallatio n  G ravity  R ule s fo r Fix e d Surve y (Pt.5, V o l.I ),
Fo undatio n O ffsho re I nstallatio n Se c .5
(Pt.5, V o l.V I I ), Se c .2
 R ule s fo r Fix e d
O ffsho re I nstallatio n
(Pt.5, V o l.V I I ), Se c .3
 R ule s fo r Fix e d
O ffsho re I nstallatio n
(Pt.5, V o l.V I I ), Se c .4

2.1 Description

Fixed Aquaculture Installation: The notation is assigned to fixed offshore structure

primarily intended for farming of aquatic organisms in offshore areas but not limited at
sea involving interventions in the rearing process to enhance production.

2.2 Qualifiers

– Pile Foundation: Notation for structures fixed on the sea-bed by means of piles
– Gravity Foundation: Notation for structures supported on the sea-bed by action
of gravity only.

2.3 Special notation

– Manned: A manned aquaculture installation is one with permanent occupied living
accommodations or one that requires the continuous attendance of personnel for
more than 12 hours in successive 24-hour periods.
– Unmanned: An unmanned aquaculture installation which is unattended, but which
may be visited regularly, and where its operations are aligned with requirements
from the national authority and owner's classification of pre-determined risk
severity (e.g. safety level may be considered that operation can be shut-in during
the design environmental event, equivalent to the medium exposure level (L2) as
defined in ISO 19904-1)
Such installations are provided with accommodation that is suitable for the
intended visits to the installation

2.4 Additional notation

The relevant additional notation for hull and machinery item see Section 3.

R em arks:
1. Ex am ple:

 M100 Fix e d A quac ulture I nstallatio n (Pile Fo undatio n), Unm anne d
 M100 Fix e d A quac ulture I nstallatio n (G ravity Fo undatio n), Manne d
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X. Wing in Ground Craft (WIG Craft)

1. WIG

Spe c ial Unde rlying rule s/ re quire m e nts

N o tatio n Q ualifie r
no tatio n De sign Surve y
WI G A  Passe nge r  R ule s fo r  R ule s fo r C lassific atio n
 WH  C argo C lassific atio n and and Surve y (Pt.1, V o l.I )
HS0/HS1 C o nstruc tio n o f Wing Se c . 3.
I n G ro und (Pt.3,  R ule s fo r C lassific atio n
V o l.V I I I ). and C o nstruc tio n o f
Wing I n G ro und (Pt.3,
V o l.V I I I ).

1.1 Description

WIG: to be assigned to the craft which, in its main operational mode is supported clear
above the water or ground by lift forces generated by the ground-effect between that
surface and one or more air foils forming part of the structure of the craft, and which
is not capable of sustained flight outside of that ground- effect.

1.2 Qualifiers

– A: type A WIG craft means a WIG craft that operates only within the ground-effect.
– WH H S 0 /H S 1 : is wave height for maximum permitted operating conditions
expressed in terms of a significant wave height HS0 [m] for safe take-off and
landing and a significant wave height HS1 [m] for safe wing in ground-effect flight
and for safe emergency landing.

1.3 Special notation

– Passenger : passenger WIG craft means any passenger WIG craft:

a) operating on a route where it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction
of the flag and port States that there is a high probability that in the event
of an evacuation at any point of the route, all passengers and crew can be
rescued safely by external rescue services within the least of:
– the time to prevent persons in survival craft from exposure causing
hypothermia in the worst intended conditions,
– the time appropriate with respect to environmental conditions and
geographical features of the route, or
– 4 hours;
b) which has access to weather reports and can reach a place of refuge in
good time, if weather conditions deteriorate and are forecasted to exceed
the worst intended conditions; and
c) carrying not more than 50 passengers
– Cargo : Cargo WIG craft means any WIG craft other than passenger WIG craft:
a) with an all up weight of 30 t or less, and
b) capable of maintaining the main functions and safety systems of
unaffected spaces,

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1.4 Additional notation

The relevant additional notation for hull and machinery item, see Section 3.

R em arks:
1. Ex am ple:

 M100 H P WI G (A , WH 0,5/ 2,0), Passe nge r

 M100 H P WI G (A , WH 0,5/ 2,0), C argo

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Section 3 Additional Notations

A. Additional Notations for hull

2. Special hull structural analysis or strengthening

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
Cargo hold analysis carried out by the  Rules for
<None> N/A
designer and examined by BKI Hull (Pt.1,
Fatigue assessment based on 6,25 · 107
 Rules for
(F25) load cycles of North Atlantic Spectrum N/A
carried out by BKI 1)
Ships (Pt.
1, Vol.
Fatigue assessment based on 7,5 · 107
(F30) load cycles of North Atlantic Spectrum N/A
Annex B
carried out by BKI 1)
 Guidelines
Additional corrosion margin according to for Hull
(ACM) detailed listings in the technical file. Structures N/A
Analysis carried out by BKI. and Ship
Global finite element analysis which (Pt.9,
mandatory for Container Ships in Vol.2) Sec.
accordance with the Rules for Container 4
(gFE) Ships (Pt.1, Vol.XVIII), Annex B or optional N/A
for Other Ships in accordance with
Guidelines for Analysis Techniques
Strength of Ships (Pt. 1, Vol. 6)

Ships, the side structures of which are Rules for Hull

COLL 1-6 specially strengthened in order to resist (Pt. 1, Vol. II), N/A
collision impacts Sect. 35

For ships with inner bottoms and/or Rules for Hull

coamings and longitudinal bulkheads (Pt 1, Vol. II),
G <None> N/A
strengthened for the use of grabs Sect. 23,

For Oil Tankers, the cargo tanks of which Guidance for

comply with the Rules for Corrosion the Corrosion
Protection of Crude Oil Cargo Tanks Protection
CTC <None> N/A
and Coating
(Pt.1, Vol.G)

Coating Performance Standard (CPS) is an Guidance for

additional notation with objectives Coating
CPS <None> promoting the effective use of protective Performance
coatings on Ships and Marines Structures. Standard
(Pt.7, Vol.G)

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Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
Maximum Deck Loading in ton/m2 Rules for Hull
DL=…t/m2 <None>
(Pt.1, Vol.II)

R ule s fo r
Max im um Stac k Lo ad fo r
SL= … t < N o ne > H ull (Pt.1,
c o ntaine rs in to n
V o l.I I )

Maximum wheel load in ton Rules for Hull

WHL=…t <None>
(Pt.1, Vol.II)

Maximum axle load in ton Rules for Hull

AXL=…t <None>
(Pt.1, Vol.II)

Maximum mass density in ton Rules for Hull

Md=…t/m3 <None>
(Pt.1, Vol.II)

For Bulk Carriers designed to carry dry  Rules for Rules for
bulk cargoes of cargo density of 1,0 t/m3 Hull (Pt.1, Classification
and above with specified holds empty at Vol.II) and Surveys
BC-A <None> maximum draught in addition to BC- B (Pt.1 Vol.I)
 Rules for
Carrier and
Oil Tanker
For Bulk Carriers designed to carry dry (Pt.1,
bulk cargoes of cargo density of 1,0 t/m3 Vol.XVII)
BC-B <None> and above with all cargo holds loaded in
addition to BC-C conditions.2)

For Bulk Carriers designed to carry dry

BC-C <None> bulk cargoes of cargo density less than 1,0
1) Fatigue assessment will be carried out for all hatch opening corners on all deck levels, longitudinal frames and butt welds of
deck plating and side shell plating (where applicable).
2) BC-A, BC-B and BC-C are mandatory additional notations for bulk carriers having CSR notation and length L ≥ 150 m. For non-
CSR bulk carrier may be granted with those notations as requested by Owner.

3. Cargo operation

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
For tankers in shuttle service and Rules for Hull
STL <None> designed with a submerged turret loading (Pt.1, Vol.II) N/A
arrangement Sec.24 L

This Notation may be assigned to tankers

equipped with vapour return installations
VEC <None> for the return of volatile organic N/A N/A
compounds to shore during loading
operations complying either with:

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Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
– USCG Regulations for foreign flag
vessels Title 46 CFR, Part 39
Vapour Control Systems, or
– IMO MSC/ Circ. 585, Standards
for vapour emission control

Computer based system for calcubblation Guidelines

and control of loading for
conditions by means of which it can be
of loading
easily and quickly ascertained that in any
LCS <None> computer N/A
ballast or load condition
system (Pt.4,
the applicable stability requirements and Vol.1)
longitudinal and local strength will be
complied with.

Equippe d fo r C arriage o f G uide line s

C o ntaine rs is assigne d fo r ships fo r
(inc luding ge ne ral dry c argo , Sto wage
R ule s fo r
m ulti- purpo se dry c argo ship, and
C lassific atio
passe nge r ship and landing c raft, Lashing
EC C < N o ne > n and
barge and se lf pro pe lle d barge ) (Pt.4,
Surve ys (Pt.1
c arrying c o ntaine rs o c c asio nally V o l.I )
V o l.I )
o r as part o f c argo o nly, and
e quippe d with the appro priate
fac ilitie s.

Equippe d fo r C arriage o f I SO T ank G uide line s R ule s fo r

C o ntaine rs is assigne d fo r ships fo r C lassific atio
(inc luding ge ne ral dry c argo , Sto wage n and
m ulti- purpo se dry c argo ship, and Surve ys (Pt.1
passe nge r ship and landing c raft, Lashing V o l.I )
barge and se lf pro pe lle d barge ) (Pt.4,
c arrying I SO T ank c o ntaine rs V o l.I )
EC I C < N o ne > o c c asio nally o r as part o f c argo
o nly, and e quippe d with the
appro priate fac ilitie s.
R e quire m e nts o f the spe c ific tank
c o ntainm e nt e .g. I MDG C o de ,
N atio nal R e gulatio n, SO LA S I I - 2
R e g. 19, e tc . are to be applie d.

---------------------------------------------------------------- end ----------------------------------------------------------------

5. Environmental protection and pollution control

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
Rules for Rules for
BWM (D1) Ballast water exchange Machinery Classification and

Bi ro K lasifi kasi Indo nesia – 2022 Page 47

Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
(Pt.1, Vol.III), Surveys (Pt.1
(D2) Ballast water treatment Sec.11, P.1.6 Vol.I)

Ships de signe d, c o nstruc te d,  Guidance for  Rules for

and o pe rate d in compliance with the the Classification
applicable requirements of: Environmental and Surveys
Service (Pt.1 Vol.I)
– Annexes I, II, III, IV, V, and VI to the
Systems for
International Convention for the  Guidance for
Ships, Offshore
EP <None> Prevention of Pollution from Ships, the
Units, Floating
MARPOL 73/78, as amended Environmental
– SOLAS 74/88, as amended: Chapter Service
and Liftboats
VII "Carriage of dangerous goods, Systems for
(Pt.7 Vol.F)
International Convention on the Ships, Offshore
Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling  Guidelines for Units, Floating
Systems on Ships, 2001" Ship Operation Installations
Installations & and Liftboats
Ships de signe d, c o nstruc te d, Auxiliary (Pt.7 Vol.F),
and o pe rate d in compliance with the Systems (Pt.9, Sec.6
applicable requirements of EP plus: Vol.6), Sec.10

– "International Convention for the

Control and Management of Ships’
Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004"
– MEPC.179(59), "Guidelines for the
Development of the Inventory of
EP+ <None> Hazardous Materials"
– MEPC.1 / Circ. 681, "Interim
Guidelines on the Method of
Calculation of the Energy Efficiency
Design Index for New Ships"
– MEPC.1 / Circ. 682, "Interim
Guidelines for Voluntary
Verification of the Energy Efficiency
Design Index"

O ffsho re units, flo ating G uidanc e fo r G uidanc e fo r

installatio ns, and liftbo ats the the
de signe d, c o nstruc te d, and Enviro nm e nta Enviro nm e nta
o pe rate d in c o m plianc e with the l Se rvic e l Se rvic e
applic able re quire m e nts o f: Syste m s fo r Syste m s fo r
Ships, Ships,
– A nne x e s I , I V , V , and V I to the
O ffsho re O ffsho re
I nte rnatio nal C o nve ntio n fo r
Units, Units,
the Pre ve ntio n o f Po llutio n
Flo ating Flo ating
EP- O S < N o ne > fro m Ships,
I nstallatio ns I nstallatio ns
– MA R PO L 73/ 78, as am e nde d, and Liftbo ats and Liftbo ats
– R e quire m e nts o f Se c tio n 4 o f (Pt.7 V o l.F) (Pt.7 V o l.F),
the G uidanc e fo r the Se c .6
Enviro nm e ntal Se rvic e
Syste m s fo r Ships, O ffsho re
Units, Flo ating I nstallatio ns
and Liftbo ats (Pt.7 V o l.F)

Bi ro K lasifi kasi Indo nesia – 2022 Page 48

Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
O ffsho re units, flo ating
installatio ns, and liftbo ats
de signe d, c o nstruc te d, and
G uidanc e fo r
o pe rate d in c o m plianc e with G uidanc e fo r
applic able re quire m e nts o f: the
Enviro nm e nta
Enviro nm e nta
– the EP- O S no tatio n and l Se rvic e
l Se rvic e
A nne x e s I , I V , V , and V I to the Syste m s fo r
Syste m s fo r
I nte rnatio nal C o nve ntio n fo r Ships,
EP- O S+ < N o ne > the Pre ve ntio n o f Po llutio n O ffsho re
O ffsho re
fro m Ships, Units,
– MA R PO L 73/ 78, as am e nde d, Flo ating
Flo ating
I nstallatio ns
– R e quire m e nts o f Se c tio n 5 o f I nstallatio ns
and Liftbo ats
the G uidanc e fo r the and Liftbo ats
(Pt.7 V o l.F),
Enviro nm e ntal Se rvic e (Pt.7 V o l.F)
Se c .6
Syste m s fo r Ships, O ffsho re
Units, Flo ating I nstallatio ns
and Liftbo ats (Pt.7 V o l.F)

Bi ro K lasifi kasi Indo nesia – 2022 Page 49

Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

B. Additional Notations for Machinery

2. Navigation and manoeuvring

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Survey Design
Loss of position may occur (only  Rules for Rules for
functionality) Dynamics Dynamics
Positioning Positioning
Loss of position may occur, meets IMO Class Systems Systems
1 (nonredundant) (Pt.4, Vol.II) (Pt.4, Vol.II)
 Guidelines
No loss of position in the event of a single
DP 1) for
2 fault in an active component, meets IMO
Class 2 (redundant)
Plants (Pt.9,
No loss of position in the event of a single
fault in an active or static component,
3 meets IMO Class 3 (redundant installation in
separate compartments)

The ship is designed in compliance with Rules for the Rules for the
the rules for Bridge design on seagoing Bridge Design Bridge Design
ships on man console for ship operated on on Seagoing on Seagoing
ocean area. Ships One Ships One
NAV Man Console Man Console
The ship is designed in compliance with (Pt.4, Vol.III) (Pt.4, Vol.III)
the rules for Bridge design on seagoing
ships on man console for ship operated on
ocean areas and coastal waters

This notation A ssiste d Pro pulsio n  Rules for Rules for

(A SSPR O ) is assigned to a pro pulsio n Machinery Classification
syste m thruster machinery system as Installations and Surveys
assisted propulsion on ships or any units (Pt.1, Vol.III) (Pt.1, Vol.I)
which are:  Rules for
– having the service speed not exceeding Electrical
7 knots no t e nabling to pro c e e d at Installations
a se rvic e spe e d gre ate r than 7 (Pt.1, Vol.IV)
kno ts (ship rated speed in MCR
– operated only in restricted service area
L 2 0 (the distanc e to the ne are st
ASSPRO 3) <None> po rt o f re fuge and the o ffsho re
distanc e are no t e x c e e ding 20
nautic al m ile s) and no lim itatio n
in vo yage le ngth and not more than
24-hour operations;
– ship or unit move from 1 location to
another location within same area
– having length not exceeding 200
– The thruster machinery systems are to
comply with the Rules of Seagoing ships.

Bi ro K lasifi kasi Indo nesia – 2022 Page 50

Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Survey Design
1) For DP 2 and DP 3 a redundancy concept document (FMEA of basic design) with worst case failure design intent is to be

submitted in due time.

2) For ship or unit engaged in domestic service, the service speed more than 7 knots may be accepted with subject to special

approval by BKI.
3) For ship type “Barge, Oil” assigned with this additional notation will be exempted from requirement of ESP Code.

4. Equipment and design features

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
The vessel or unit classed by BKI having an Guidelines Guidelines
installed shipboard crane. for for
Certification Certification
Fo r the o pe ratio n o f the ship o r
of Lifting of Lifting
LA- A 1 (SWL … ton) <None> installatio n, suc h as e .g.:
Appliances Appliances
pro visio n c rane s, e ngine ro o m (Pt.7, Vol.1). (Pt.7, Vol.1).
c rane s / wo rksho p c rane s, hatc h
c o ve r c rane s ho se c rane s
G uide line s G uide line s
Fo r o ffsho re c rane s no t use d fo r
fo r fo r
c argo - handling, suc h as e .g.:
LA - A 2 (SWL… to n) < N o ne > Lo ading Lo ading
o ffsho re wo rking c rane s G e ar o n G e ar o n
Se ago ing Se ago ing
Fo r flo ating c rane s no t use d fo r
Ships and Ships and
LA - A 3 (SWL… to n) < N o ne > c argo - handling, like e .g.:
O ffsho re O ffsho re
m o unting c rane s
I nstallatio I nstallatio
Fo r ship c rane s fo r c argo - handling ns (Pt.4, ns (Pt.4,
using spre ade rs o r ho o ks, suc h as V o l.3) V o l.3)
LA - B 1 (SWL… to n) < N o ne >
e .g.: c o ntaine r c rane s, ge ne ral
c argo c rane s
Fo r c rane s fo r c argo - handling at
se a using ho o ks, suc h as e .g.:
LA - B 2 (SWL… to n) < N o ne >
ge ne ral c argo c rane s, o ffsho re
c rane s ac c o rding to A .3.2
Fo r flo ating c rane s fo r c argo -
LA - B 3 (SWL… to n) < N o ne > handling using ho o ks, suc h as e .g.:
flo ating c argo c rane s
Fo r ship c rane s fo r c argo - handling
using grabs, ho o ks o r spe c ial lo o se
LA - C 1 (SWL… to n) < N o ne >
ge ar, suc h as e .g.: grab c rane s,
palle t c rane s
Fo r ship c rane s fo r c argo - handling
LA - C 2 (SWL… to n) < N o ne > o ffsho re using grabs, suc h as e .g.:
grab c rane s, lighte r c rane s
Fo r flo ating c rane s fo r c argo -
handling using grabs, suc h as e .g.:
LA - C 3 (SWL… to n) < N o ne >
grab flo ating c rane s, lighte r
flo ating c rane s
1 Diving support with wetbell and/or basket
2 Diving support with diving bell

Bi ro K lasifi kasi Indo nesia – 2022 Page 51

Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
Support for underwater equipment with a
weight of up to 5 ton

Support for underwater equipment with a

weight of up to 20 ton
Support for underwater equipment with a
weight of up to 80 ton

Support for underwater equipment with a

weight of more than 80 ton

Assigned to crew boat equipped with Rules for Rules for

helicopter winching operation. Crew Boat Classification
HELIW <None>
(Pt.3, Vol.X) and Surveys
(Pt.1, Vol.I)

Vessels with a helicopter deck intended for Guidance for Rules for the
HELIL <None> landing with no provision for storage or the Class Classification
refuelling Notation and Surveys
Helicopter (Pt.1, Vol.I)
Vessels with a helicopter deck and a Deck and Sec.3.C.1.1.
HELILSRF <None> helicopter facility for storage and/or Facilities
refuelling (Pt.7, Vol.A)

Equipped with machinery and systems Guidelines for

suitable for operations at very low Ship
temperatures and for minimization of Operation
ICEOPS <None> accretion of ice and other relevant Installations
problems. and Auxiliary

An Inert gas system for tanks and void Rules for Rules for
spaces within cargo area Classification Machinery
and Survey Installation
(Pt.1, Vol.I) (Pt.1, Vol.III)

INERT <None> Rules for

Liquefied Gas
in Bulk (Pt.1,
Reliability Centered Maintenance: Guidance for Guidance for
The propulsion system, including as Survey Based Survey Based
applicable: prime mover(s), reduction on Reliability on Reliability
gears, shafting, propeller or other – Centered – Centered
thrusting device, all auxiliary systems Maintenance Maintenance
RCM PS providing, cooling, control, electrical (Pt. 7, Vol.I) (Pt. 7, Vol.I)
power, exhaust, fuel, lubrication and Rules for
equipment related to the steering or other Classification
directional control system. and

Bi ro K lasifi kasi Indo nesia – 2022 Page 52

Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
Reliability Centered Maintenance: The fire Guidance for Guidance for
extinguishing system Survey Based Survey Based
on Reliability on Reliability
– Centered – Centered
Maintenance Maintenance
(Pt. 7, Vol.I) (Pt. 7, Vol.I)

Reliability Centered Maintenance: Guidance for Guidance for

Survey Based Survey Based
The cargo handling (cargo pumps,
on Reliability on Reliability
associated piping for internal and
– Centered – Centered
independent tanks) and safety equipment
Maintenance Maintenance
(i.e., inert gas system, vapor emission
(Pt. 7, Vol.I) (Pt. 7, Vol.I)
control) for a tanker, liquefied gas carrier
or chemical carrier.
Rules for
CARGO Liquefied Gas
in Bulk (Pt.1,

Rules for
Chemical in
Bulk (Pt.1,

When the RCM Program is approved for Guidance for Guidance for
both propulsion and fire extinguishing Survey Based Survey Based
system. on Reliability on Reliability
– Centered – Centered
Maintenance Maintenance
MACH (Pt. 7, Vol.I) (Pt. 7, Vol.I)
Rules for
(Pt.1, Vol.III)
When the RCM Program is approved for Guidance for Guidance for
systems and equipment used in Survey Based Survey Based
connection with drilling and the drilling on Reliability on Reliability
CDS system. – Centered – Centered
Maintenance Maintenance
(Pt. 7, Vol.I) (Pt. 7, Vol.I)

This notation is assigned to a new or Guidelines for Guidelines for

existing LNG Carrier on which the Owner Floating Floating
has elected to install a Re-gasification Production Production
RE-Gas <None>
facility so that the vessel may load and Installations Installations
transport LNG and then re-gasify it for (Pt.5, Vol.3). (Pt.5, Vol.3).
direct discharge ashore.

Bi ro K lasifi kasi Indo nesia – 2022 Page 53

Pt 0 General
Vol B Guidance for Class Notations
Guidance Changes Notice No. 1

Additional Underlying Rules

Qualifier Description
Notations Design Survey
Guidelines for Guidelines for
Floating Floating
Offshore Offshore
Guidelines for Guidelines for
Floating Floating
Offshore Offshore
Liquified Gas Liquified Gas
Terminal Terminal
(Pt.5, Vo.2). (Pt.5, Vo.2).

C S- 1: C ybe rse c urity Le ve l 1 G uide line s G uide line s

B asic le ve l o f c ybe rse c urity fo r fo r
1 (I nfo rm e d C ybe rse c urity) fo r Maritim e Maritim e
ships, o ffsho re struc ture s and C ybe rse c ur C ybe rse c ur
sho re fac ilitie s. ity (Pt.4, ity (Pt.4,
V o l.4) V o l.4)
C S- 2: C ybe rse c urity Le ve l 2
C S- A dvanc e d le ve l o f C ybe rse c urity
fo r ships, o ffsho re struc ture s and
sho re fac ilitie s.
C S- 3: C ybe rse c urity Le ve l 3

3 A daptive le ve l o f C ybe rse c urity fo r

ships, o ffsho re struc ture s and
sho re fac ilitie s.

---------------------------------------------------------------- end ----------------------------------------------------------------

Bi ro K lasifi kasi Indo nesia – 2022 Page 54

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