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Astm A490m 1993

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Designation: A 490M - 93


Standard Specification for

High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for
Structural Steel Joints [Metric]'
Th is surndard is issued under the fixed des igna tion A 490M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
origi nal adoption or, in the case o f revision, the yea,- of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscri pt epsi lon (( ) indicates an editorial cbange ! ince tbe last n:vision or ",approva l.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Departrn£IIt of Def ense. COII.WIt rhe DoD huin. of SfUcificat;ons and
SramJanb for the specific year of iss"" which ~ been atiQpted by rhe Department of Defense.

1. Scope follows:
1.1 This specification covers the chemical and mechanical son Type and Finish Washe r Finish
requirements of quenched and tempered steel bolts, in nominal 1 and 2. pla in (uncoated) pla in (uflC(la ted)
thread diameters MI6 to M36, inch. These bolts are intended 3. plain weathering s teel. pla in
for use in structural joints that are comparable to those made
1.4 This specification provides that heavy hex structural
under the Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A
bolts and heavy hex nuts shall be furnished unless other
325 or A 490 Bolts2 issued by the Research Council on
dimensional requirements are stipulated in the purchase inquiry
Structural Connections of the Engineering Foundation. The
and order.
various types of bolts covered by this specification are:
1. 1.1 Type 1- Bolts made of alloy steel, supplied in nomi- Ncm; I- For qu enChed and tempered steel bolts, swds, and other
nal thread diameters M 16 to M36, inclusive. externall y Ihreaded fasteners with nominal thread diameters larger than
1. 1.2 Type 2-Bolls made from what is generally described M36. but with similar m«: hanical properties, refer to class 10.9 of
Specification F 568.
as low-carbon manensite steel, supplied in nominal thread
diameters MI6 to M24 inclusive. NOTIl 2- This specification is the metric companion of Specification
I. 1.3 Type 3-Bolts in nominal thread diameters M 16 to A 490.
M36 , inclusive, having atmospheric corrosion resistance and 2. Referenced Documents
weathering characteristics comparable to that of the steels
cove red in Specifications A 588/A 588M , A 242/A 242M, and 2. 1 ASTM Slandards:
A 709/A 709M. The atmospheric corrosion resistance of these A 2421A242M Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy
steels is substantially better than that of carbon steel with or Structural Steel3
without copper addition. See 6.3 . When properly exposed to A 563M Specifi cation for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts
the atmosphere, these steels can be used bare (uncoated) for [MetricJ4
many applications. A 588/A588M Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy
1.2 Unless otherwise specified, all nuts used on these bolts Structural Steel with 50 ksi [345 MPa] Minimum Yield
shall conform to the requirements of Specificalion A 563M, Point to 4 in. [100 mm) Thick 3
shall be heavy hex, and shall be of the class and surface fini sh A 709/A709M Speci fication for Structural Steel for
for each type of bolt as fo llows : Bridges 3
Boil Type and Finish
D 395 1 Practice for Commercial Pac kag ing~
Nut Class and Finish
E 138 Method for Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection6
1 a nd 2. plain (noocoaled) l OS, 1053. pla in E 709 Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination7
3, plain 105 3. p lain
F 436M Specification for Hardened Steel Washers [Metric]8
1.3 Unless otherwise specified, all washers used on these F 568 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Externally
bolts shall conform to the requirements of Specifi cation Threaded Metric Fasteners 8
F 436M and shall be of a surface fi nish for each type of bolt as F 606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Prop-
erties of Externally and Internall y Threaded Fasteners,
'This specifica lion is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Commiuee F- 16 on
Fasleners and is the direcl responsibili ly of Subcommiuee F16.02 on Steel Bo lts. J A,mlUli Book of AS/M Srandards. Vol 01 .04.
Nuts. Rivels, and WashcIl. • AnnlUli Book of ASTM Standards. Vols 01.01 and 15.08.
Current edilion approved Feb. 15. 1993. Publi shed April 1993. Orig inally ' Annual Book of ASTM Swndards. Vol t5.09 .
published as A 490~1 - 82. LaSI previous edilio n A 490M _ 92e. • Di s.con{inued: sec 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Pan 1I.
, Publi shed by the American IIlSlilUIC of Sleel COnSlruclion, 400 N. Micbigan 7 AllnlUli Book of ASTM Srondnrtls, Vol 03.03.
A'·c .. Chicago. IL 60611. I AmllUli Book of ASTM Srondnrds, Vol 15.m!.

~ffi\l A 490M
Washers, and Ri vels8 NOl'l! 3-Two e)(amples of ordering descriptions follow: (1) 1000
F 7881F788M Specification for Surface Discontinuities of pieces. heavy he;o; structurat boils. each with two hardened washers,
ASTM F 436M. and one heavy he)( nut, ASTM A 563M class lOS, M24
Bolts, Screws, and Studs, Inch and Metric Series8
x 3 x 100, ASTM A 490M dated . (2) 1000 pieces, heavy
G 101 Guide for Estimating the Atmospheric Corrosion hex structural bolts. no nuts or washers. M20 x 2.5 x 60. Type I, ASTM
Resistance of Low-Alloy Stcels9 A 490M daled, _ _ _ __
2.2-ANSI StaJu/ards: JO
Bl.13M Metric Screw Threads 5. Materials and Manufacture
BI8.2.3.7M Metric Heavy Hex Structural Bolts 5.1 Steel for bolts, and the heading, threading, and heat
2.3 Military Standard:" treatment of bolts shall be in accordance with requirements
MIL~STD~[05 Sampling Procedure and Tables for Inspec- specified for classes 10.9 and 10.9.3 bolts in Specification
tion by Attributes F568.

3. Terminology 6. Chemical Composition

3.1 Definitions; 6.1 Type I bolts shall conform to the chemical composition
3.1.1 Surface discontinuities as covered by this speci fi cation requirements specified for alloy steel class 10.9 bolts in
are defined as follows: Specification F 568. The steel shall contain sufficient alloying
3.1.2 acceptable quality level (AQL)-as defined in M1L- elements to qualify it as an alloy steel.
STD-lDS , the maximum percent defective that, for purposes of NOl'l! 4---SIeel is considered 10 be alloy. by the American iron and Steel
sampling inspection, can be considered satisfactory as the institute, when the ma)(imum of the range given for Ihe COnlenl of alloying
process average. elements e)(cecds onc or more of the following limits: manganese. 1.65 %;
3.1.3 burs/-a break located at the periphery of the bolt silicon. 0.60 %; copper, 0.60 %; or in which a definite range or a definilC
minimum quantily of any of Ihe following elements is specified or
head. required within the limits of the recognized field of constructional alloy
3.1.4 crack-a clean crystalline break passing through the steels: aluminum, chromium up to 3.99 'lb, cobalt. columbium. molybde-
grai n boundary without inclusion of foreign elements. num. nickel. titanium, tungsten, vanadium. zirconium. or any other
3.1.5 process average-as defined in MIL-STD-105, the alloying elements added to obtain a desired alloying effect.
average percent defective of product at the lime of original 6.2 Type 2 bolts shall conform to thc chemical composition
inspection. Original inspection is that first inspection of a requirements specified for low carbon martensite steel class
particular quantity of product which is being reinspected after 10.9 boIls in Specification F 568.
rejection and reconditioning. 6.3 Type 3 bolts shall confonn to the chemical composition
3. 1.6 seam or lap-a noncrystalline break through the requirements specified for class 10.9.3 bolts in Specification
metal which is inhcrent in the raw material. F 568. See Guide G 101 for methods of estimating the atmo-
spheric corrosion resistance of low alloy steels.
4. Ordering lnformation
6.4 Product analyses may be made by the purchaser from
4.1 Orders for products under this specification shall include finished material representing each lot of bolts. The chemical
the follow ing: composition thus detennined shall confonn to the requirements
4.1. 1 Quantity (number of pieces of bolts and accessories), given in Tables I or 2 of Specification F 568, as applicable.
4.1.2 Name of products, including accessories such as nuts
and washers when desired, 7_ Mechanical Requirements
4.1.3 Dimensions, including nominal bolt diameter, thread 7.1 Bolts shall meet the mechanical requirements specified
pitch, and length. For bolts of dimensional requirements other for classes 10.9 and 10.9.3 bolts in Specification F 568 . In
than heavy hex structural bolts (see section 1.4) it is normally addition, bolts shall not have a tensile strength greater than
necessary to specify grip length, 1200 MPa.
4.1 .4 Type of bolt (that is, Type I, 2, or 3).
NOl'l! 5-For infonnation purposes on ly, Ihe mechanical propenies of When the bolt type is not specified Type I, 2 or 3 bol ts arc given in Appendi)( X I.
bolts may be supplied by the manufacturer. When atmospheric corrosion resistance and weath- 7.2 For bolts on which hardness and tension tests are
ering characteristics are required, Type 3 bolts should be performed, acceptance based on tensile requirements shall take
specified by the purchaser. precedence in case of controversy over low or high hardness
4.1.5 ASTM designation and date of issue, readings.
4. 1.6 Whether proof load tests are required, 8. Dimensions
4.1.7 Specify if test reports are required, and
8. 1 Unless otherwise speci fied, bolts shall conform to the
4. [.8 Any special requirements.
dimensions for heavy hex structural bolts specified in ANSI 8
8.2 Threads shall be the metric coarse thread series as
9 Annual Book of ASTM S"'fI<lorns. Vol 03.02. specified in ANSI B 1. 13M, and shall have class 6g tolerances.
00 Available froln American National Standards Institute. 11 West 42nd SI.. 13th
Floor. New York. NY 10036. 9. Workmanship
!I A"ailablc from Standardization Documents Order Desk. Bldg. 4 S«:,ion D,
700 Robbins Ave .. Philadelphia. PA 19111-5094. Ann: NPODS. 9.1 Surface discontinuity limits shall be in accordance with
~iI\l A 490M
Specification F 7881F 788M. be in accordance with the practices of the individual manufac-
10. Q ualily Assurance of Mecha nical Requirements 10.4.2 Before packing bolts for shipment, the manufacturer
10.1 The manufacturer shall make sample inspections of shall make tests of sample bolts taken at random from each
every lot of bolts to ensure that properties of bolts are in shipping lot. A shi pping lot, for purposes of selecting lest
-Conformance with the requirements of this specification. All samples, is defined as that quantity of bolts of the same
boils shall be inspected tested prior to shipment in accordance nominal diameter and same nominallenglh necessary to fill the
with one of the two Quality assurance procedures described in requirements of a single purchase order.
10.3 and lOA, respectively. The manufacturer shall have the 10.4.3 The manufacturer shall make tests for tensile
option of which procedure will be followed when furnishing strength (wedge test), and hardness of each lot of bolts,
bolts to any single purchase order. ~Iuding proof load tests when specified ~n ~he order. Alter~ c_
10.2 The purpose of a lot inspection testing program is to natively, in accordance with 7.1 tests may 6elCriSi le strength,
ensure that each lot confonns to the requirements of this yield strength, reduction of area, elongation, and hardness.
specification. For such a plan to be fully effective, it is essential 10.4.4 From each shipping lot, the minimum number of
that fo llowing delivery the purchaser continue to maintain the tests of each required property shall be as fo llows:
identification and integrity of each lot until the product is Number of Pieces
installed in its service application. in Shipping Lot Number of Specimens

10.3 Production wt Method: 150 and less ,

10.3.1 All bolts shall be processed in accordance with a 151 to 280 2
lot-identification-control quality assurance plan. The manufac- 281 to 500 3
turer shall identify and maintain the integrity of each produc-
501 to 1 200
1 201 to 3 200 ,5

tion lot of bolts from raw-material selection through all 3 201 to 10 000 13
processing operations and treatments to fi nal packing and 10 001 and over 20

shipment. Each lot shall be assigned its own lot-identifi cation 10.4.5 If any test specimen shows defective machining, it
number, each lot shall be tested, and the inspection test reports may be discarded and another specimen substituted.
for each lot shall be retained . 10.4.6 A copy of the inspection test report for each shippi ng
10.3.2 A production lot, for purposes of assigning an iden- lot shall be furnished to the purchaser when specified in the
tification number and from which test samples shall be order. Individual heats of steel are not identified in the finished
selected, shall consist of all bolts processed essentially together product.
through all operations to the shipping container that are of the
same nominal diameter, the same nominal length, and pro- 11. Test Methods
duced from the same mill heat of steel. 11 . I Tests shall be conductcd in accordancc with Test
10.3.3 The manufacturer shall make tests for tensile Methods F 606.
strength (wedge test) and hardness of each lot of bolts.
Alternatively, in accordance with 7. 1, tests may be tensile 12. Magnetic Pa rticle a nd Visual Inspection for Surrace
strength, yield strength, reduction of area, elongation, and Discontinuities
10.3.4 From each production lot, the minimum number of 12. I Bolts shall be examined by magnetic particle inspec-
tests of each required property shall be as follows: tion fo r longitudinal discontinuities and transverse cracks, and
shall confonn to an AQL of 0.25 when inspected in accordance
Number of Pieces
in ProdllClion Lot Number of Specimens with the sampling plan described in 12.4. Eddy-current inspec-
tion may be substituted, at the option of the manufacturer, for
800 and less 1 the lOO % magnetic particle inspection specified in 12.4.1 and
801 to 8 000 2
12.4.2, provided that the bolts, after eddy current inspection,
8 001 to 35 000
35 001 to 150 000 , 3
are subsequently randomly sampled according to Table I and
150 001 and over
10.3.5 If any test specimen shows defective machining, it
subjected to the magnetic particle inspection and acceptance
requirements as described above. In the case of dispute, the
may be discarded and another specimen substituted . magnetic particle test shall govern.
10.3.6 Bolts shall be packed in shipping containers as soon 12.2 Bolts shall be examined visually for bursts and shall
as practicable folJowing final processing. Shipping containers meet an AQL of 2.5 when inspected in accordance with the
shall be marked with the lot identification number. sampl ing plan described in 12.5.
10.3.7 A copy of the inspection test report for each produc~ 12.3 A 101, for purposes of selecting a sample for magnctic
tion lot from which bolts are supplied to fi ll the requirements particle or visual inspection, shall consist of all bolts of onc
of a shipment shall be furnished to the purchaser when type, having the same nominal diameter and length offered for
specified in the order. Individual heats of steel need not be inspection at one time. No lot shall contain more than 10 000
identified on the test report. pieces.
10.4 Shipping Lot Method: 12.4 Longitudinal Discominllities and Trallsverse Cracks:
10.4.1 I n~process inspection during all manufacturing op- 12.4.1 From each lot of bolts a representative sample shall
erations and treatments and storage of manufactured bolts shall be picked at random and magnetic particle inspected for
~ffi)l A 490M
TABLE 1 Sample Sizes and Acceptance Numbers for Inspection purchaser, it shall be specifi ed in the inquiry and contract or
of Longitudin al Dlscontinultles , Transverse Cracks, and Bursts
0.25 Act 2.5AQL 13.2 The inspector representing the purchaser shall have
Lot Size Sample Accept- Ae)ec- Sample Accept- Rejec· free entry 10 all pans of the manufacturer' s works that concern
SizeA.B . ~,

Sile"'s .~
the manufaclUre of the material ordered. The manufacturer
1 to 1 50 50 0 ,, 5
0 , shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilit ies, to satisfy him
that the material is being furnished in accordance with this
151 to 500
501 to
0 , 20
J2 2
3 specification. All tests and inspections required by the specifi-
, 200
1 201 10 50 0 , 50 3 •
cation that are requested by the purchaser's representative shall
be made before shipment, and shall be conducted as not to
3 201 10 50 0 , 80 5 6 interfere u~e<;essari ly with the operation of the works.
- - 10 _
"Sample SIZes, acceptance numbers. and relecbon numbers are extracted from 14. Certification
·Single Sampl ing Plan lor NOl111allnspectioo· Table IIA.MIL-STO·lOS.
"'Inspect all bolts in the lot if 101 size is less Itlan sample size.
14.1 When specified on the order the manufacturer shall
furnish the test repons described in \0.3.7 or \oA.6, depending
longitudinal discontinuities and transverse cracks in accor- on whether the bolts are furnished by the production 101 or
dance with Guide E 709. (See Note 5), The sample size shall be shipping lot method.
as specifi ed for an AQL orO.25 in Table I. If any defectives are 15, Res ponsibility
found during inspection by the manufacturer all bolts in the lot
shall be magnetic particle inspected and all defectives shall be 15.1 The party responsible fo r the fastener shall be the
removed and destroyed. If any defectives are found during organization that supplies the fastener to the purchaser and
inspection by the purchaser the lot shall be subject to rejection. cenifies that the fastener was manufactured, sampled , tested
and inspected in accordance with this specificati on and meets
NOTE 6-Magnetic particle inspection may be conducted in accordance all of its requirements.
with Method E 138. For referee purposes Guide E 709 shall be used.
12.4.2 Any bolt with a longitudinal discontinuity (located 16. Product Marking
parallel to the axis of the bolt in the threads, body, fillet, or 16. 1 Bolt heads shall be marked A 490M, and shall also be
underside of head), with a depth normal to the surface greater marked to identify the manufacturer or private label distributor,
than 0.03 D, where D is the nominal bolt diameter in as appropriate.
millimetres, shall be considered defective. In addition, any bolt 16.2 In addition to the markings required in 16.1 , Type 1
with a transverse crack (located perpendicular to the axis of the bolts shall be marked IOS ; Type 2 bolts shall be marked 10S
bolt in the threads, body, fillet, or underside of head), shall be with this marking underlined; and Type 3 bolts shall be marked
considered defective. IOS3.
16 .3 At the manufacturer's option, Type 3 bolts may have
NOTE 7-Magnetic particle indications of themselves shall not be cause
for rejection. tf in the opinion of the inspector the indications may be additional distinguishing marks to indicate the bolt is atmo-
cause for rejection. a representative sample shall be taken from those bolts spheric corrosion resistant and of a weathering type.
showing indications and shall be further examined by microscopical 16.4 All markings shall be located on the top of the bolt
examination to detennine whether the indicated discontinuities are in head with the base of the propeny class numerals positioned
accordance with the specific limits. toward the closest periphery o f the head. Markings may be
12.5 Bursts: either raised or depressed at the option of the manufacturer.
12.5. 1 From each lot of bolts a representative sample shall 16.5 Type and manufacturer's or private label distributor' s
be picked at ra ndom and visually inspected for bursts. The identification shall be separate and distinct. The two identifi-
sample size shall be as specified for an AQL of 2.5 in Table I. cations shall preferably be in different locations and, when on
If the number of defectives found during inspection by the the same level, shall be separated by at least two spaces.
manufacturer is greater than the acceptance number given in
Table I for the sample size, all bolts in the lot shall be visually
17. Packaging and Package Marking
inspected and all defectives shall be removed and destroyed. If 17.1 Packaging:
the number of defectives found during inspection by the 17 .1. 1 Unless otherwise specified, packaging shall be in
purchaser is greater than the acceptance number given in Table accordance with Practice 0 395 1.
I for the sample size, the lot shall be subject 10 rejection. 17. 1.2 When special packaging requirements are required,
12.5.2 Any bolt with a burst in the flat of the head which they shall be defi ned at the time of the inquiry and order.
extends into the top crown surface (chamfer circle) or the 17.2 Package Marking:
under-head bearing surface shall be considered defective. In 17.2. 1 Each shipping unit shall include or be plai nly marked
addition, bursts occurring at the intersection of two wrenching with the followi ng information:
fiats shall not reduce the width across corners below the ASTM designation and type,
specifi ed minimum. Size, Name and brand or trademark of the manufacturer,
13. Inspection 17.2. 1.4 Number of pieces,
13.1 If the inspection described in 13.2 is required by the Lot number,
~t A 490M
17.2. 1.6 Purchase order number, and 18. Keywords
17.2. 1.7 Country of origin. 18.1 alloy steel; bolts; metric; steel; structural; weathering


(Nonmandatory Information)


X 1.1 See mechanical properties fo fu ll-size bolts in Table

X I. I.

TABLE Xl.1 Mechanical Properties of Full-Size Bolts

Proof Load. kN Tensile Strength. kN Product Hardness
Nominal Bolt
Stress Area. HR 30N
Diameter and Y>eld
Thread Pilch
mm' Length HRC (Rockwell C) HV (Vockers) (Rockwe ll

MeaSl.lrem9f1\ Min "~
.. ..
Strength J()N)
Method Method

M16 )( 2
" Min
" "
M20 x 2.5 '" '" '"
M22 x 2.5
303 ""
25' 285
M24 )( 3
M27 x3
293 332
m '" 39 382

M30 x 3 _5
M36 x 4
56' '"
'66 '"
527 563

'" 678 768 850 980

The American Society for Testing Sfld Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any palenl righrs asserted in connection
wilfl any irem menUoned in Iflis srandard. Users of Iflis srandard are expressly advised Iflar dererminaUon of Ifle validi!), of any such
patent rights. and Ifle risk of infringement of such rights. are entirely their own responsibifi!)'.

This standard is suOject to revision a/any lime by the responsible technical commlllee and must be reviewed evel}' fIVe years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Commilloo on SWldards, 100 Ba" Hafbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.


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