Current Electricity Edited 1
Current Electricity Edited 1
Current Electricity Edited 1
Current Electricity
The reciprocal of resistance is called Conductance.
−1 −1
Unit of conductance is ohm (Ω or mho) or =siemens
Ohm’s Law : Experⅈmental verⅈfⅈcatⅈon
Resistivity of a Conductor
The resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to length 𝑙 of the
conductor and inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area, A.
𝐑= 𝐀
where the constant of proportⅈonalⅈty ρ ⅈs called resⅈstⅈvⅈty.
▪ The fⅈrst two bands from the end ⅈndⅈcate the fⅈrst two sⅈgnⅈfⅈcant
fⅈgures of the resⅈstance ⅈn ohms.
▪ The thⅈrd band ⅈndⅈcates the decⅈmal multⅈplⅈer .
▪ The last band stands for tolerance .Sometⅈmes, thⅈs last band ⅈs absent
and that ⅈndⅈcates a tolerance of 20%.
- 10x 101 ± 5%
- 22x 102 ± 5%
▪ For n of resistors ,the equivalent resistance is , R = 𝐑𝟏 + 𝐑 𝟐 +… … + 𝐑𝐧
▪ If n resistors have same resistance equal to R, the equivalent resistance is ,
𝐑′ = 𝐧𝐑
Resistors in Parallel
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
▪ For 2 of resistors ,the equivalent resistance is , = +
𝐑 𝐑𝟏 𝐑𝟐
𝐑 𝟏 +𝐑𝟐
▪ For n of resistors ,the equivalent resistance is
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= + +⋯………+
𝐑 𝐑𝟏 𝐑𝟐 𝐑𝐧
▪ If n resistors have same resistance equal to R, the equivalent
resistance is, 𝐑′ =
Cells, Emf, Internal Resistance
Current I =
Total Resistance
ε = I (R + r)
ε = IR + Ir
ε = V + Ir
𝐕 = 𝛆 – Ir
VAC = ε eq − I req
𝛆ⅇ𝐪 = 𝛆 𝟏 + 𝛆𝟐
𝐫ⅇ𝐪 = 𝐫𝟏 + 𝐫𝟐
For n cells in series,
ε eq = ε 1 + ε2 +………+εn
r eq = r 1 + r2 +………..+rn
Cells in parallel
VAC = ε eq − I req
1 1 1
= +
r ⅇq r1 r2
ε ⅇq ε1 ε2
= +
r ⅇq r1 r2
For n cells in parallel
1 1 1 1
= + +…………+
r ⅇq r1 r2 rn
ε ⅇq ε1 ε2 εn
= + +………….+
r ⅇq r1 r2 rn
Kⅈrchhoff’s Rules
(a)Kⅈrchhoff’s Fⅈrst Rule - Junction Rule:
At any junction, the sum of the currents entering the junction is equal to the
sum of currents leaving the junction . ∑ I = 0 .
I1 + I2 + I4 = I3 + I5
I1 + I2 − I3 + I4 − I5 =0
Wheatstone Bridge
For a balanced Wheatstone’s brⅈdge , the resⅈstors are such that the current
through th galvanometer I g = 0.
Apply Kⅈrchhoff’s junctⅈon rule to junctⅈons B
𝐈 𝟐 = 𝐈𝟒 -------------(1)
Apply Kⅈrchhoff’s junctⅈon rule to junctⅈons D
𝐈 𝟏 = 𝐈𝟑 -------------(2)
Apply Kⅈrchhoff’s loop rule to closed loop ABDA
- I 2 R 2 + I1 R1 =0
𝐈 𝟏 𝐑 𝟏 = 𝐈𝟐 𝐑 𝟐 ----------------(3)
Apply Kⅈrchhoff’s loop rule to closed loop CBDC
I 4 R 4 − I3 R 3 =0
𝐈 𝟑 𝐑 𝟑 = 𝐈𝟒 𝐑 𝟒 ---------------(4)
eq (3) I1 R 1 I R
eq (4)
I3 R 3
= I2 R 2
4 4
R1 R
= R2
𝐑𝟐 𝐑
= 𝐑𝟒
This is the balance condition for the galvanometer to give zero or null
Meter Bridge
Meter Bridge is an electrical device to measure an unknown resistance.
It works on the principle of balanced Wheatstone Bridge.
S = 13.5Ω.
Using eq(1)
R = 6.86 Ω.
A potentiometer is a long piece of uniform wire of few meters in length
across which a standard cell is connected.
Principle of Potentiometer
The potential difference between two points of a current carrying conductor
of uniform thickness is directly proportional to the length of the wire
between the points
Potentiometer is used,
1. to compare the emf of two cells
2. to measure the internal resistance of a cell
r+R 𝑙1
R 𝑙2
r 𝑙1
+1 =
R 𝑙2
r 𝑙1
= -1
R 𝑙2
r 𝑙 1−𝑙 2
R 𝑙2
𝑹(𝒍𝟏− 𝒍𝟐 )
𝐫= 𝒍𝟐