Optical 3
Optical 3
Optical 3
Abstract Interconnection networks have traditionally electrical interconnection networks. Concluding remarks
been implemented with electrical signaling. However, recent are given in Section 4.
developments in optical interconnect technology has made it a
competitive alternative. There are many fundamental advan-
2. Electrical and Optical Signaling Compari-
tages to using optical interconnect as the communication
medium. Although optical interconnect technology is still son
inferior to electrical interconnect technology in terms of cost
and maturity, it does make sense in certain situations where 2.1 Latency
electrical signaling might not do so well. This paper addresses It is worth noting first that both electrical and optical
some of these situations and discusses several architectures
signals are electromagnetic in nature. This point is often
specifically tailored for them.
misunderstood in the case of electrical signaling: it is not
electrons or other charge carriers that carry the signal;
1. Introduction rather, it is the electromagnetic wave. In typical electrical
Optical interconnect has long been employed in long- cables (LC lines), signals travel essentially at the speed of
distance, high-bandwidth telecommunications. However, light (or slightly slower due to higher dielectric constant)
for interconnection networks that span relatively short dis- rather than the speed of electrons. To say that optical inter-
tance (e.g. chip-to-chip, board-board, cabinet-to-cabinet), connects have lower latency is grossly incorrect. In fact,
optical interconnections are still relatively rare. That we signals typically travel slightly slower in optical fibers than
have not used optical communications more up to now is in coaxial cables because the dielectric used in cables has a
due to many sound reasons: optics may have been imprac- lower dielectric constant than glass. Furthermore, with the
tical because the necessary devices, though physically pos- current state-of-art, most of the computations in a system
sible, were either not realized or not easily manufactured; it have to be done in the electrical domain; therefore, there is
may be unfamiliar to designers; applications requiring suf- a significant latency involved in domain conversion if opti-
ficiently large interconnection networks to justify the use cal interconnects are employed.
of optics may not have emerged; architectures best suited In the case of on-chip electrical connections, signals do
for optical interconnection networks may not have been move slower because the wave is moving in a dissipative
studied as thoroughly as those for the electrical counter- fashion. The typical speed is 107m/s [3]. However, in a
parts; electrical interconnections have been working in a typical interconnection network, wire delay is dominated
very broad range of applications and symbolized cost- by off-chip LC lines.
effective and mature technology; a significant amount of
opto-electric and electro-optical conversion overhead is 2.2 Bandwidth
required because the capability of optical switching The bandwidth (or data rate) of an electrical medium is
devices are not even close to that of the electrical counter- limited by frequency-dependent (both skin-effect and
parts. dielectric loss) attenuation. In particular, frequency-depen-
Nonetheless, there are many physical and architectural dent attenuation causes a phenomenon known as inter-
reasons for using optical interconnections. It is not the pur- symbol interference (ISI) in which signals both in the past
pose of this paper to argue for either optical or electrical and in the future alter the current signal in such a way that
interconnections for all cases. Rather, the objective here is it is no longer reliably detectable. For most of electrical
to provide a comparative study and discuss reasons why we cables, attenuation is dominated by skin-effect, and the fol-
would want to use optics-based interconnection networks lowing metric gives the bandwidth of a cable given its
in some situations. Section 2 provides some background on length and allowable attenuation [1]:
the state-of-art electrical and optical signaling and dis-
A 2
Bd = 2f 1 ------T
cusses the pros and cons of each. Section 3 describes some 2
network architectures specifically targeted for optical inter- A
connections and compares them with the more traditional where B is bandwidth in b/s, d is the length of the wire in
m, A1 is the attenuation of a 1m wire at frequency f1. For a
given allowable attenuation, (1) indicates that Bd2 is con- A benefit of optical interconnects is that all of the con-
nections are very well synchronized with one another,
stant. For example, Bd2 for an unequalized 24AWG pair is
hence avoiding any signal skew. Free space interconnects
4 × 1010 bits×m2/s (40Gb/s over 1m or 400Mb/s over have the additional benefit that signals can be routed in the
10m). Better equalization can improve this figure by allow- third dimension and cross each other without any interfer-
ing a larger AT. If we assume perfect equalization, a trans- ence. These features are useful in very global interconnec-
mit level of 1V, no coding, a minimum of 20dB SNR for tion network topologies like perfect-shuffle, butterfly, and
reliable signaling, and that the Johnson noise is the only banyan. Furthermore, as we shall see later, because free
fundamental noise source and the noise temperature is space optical interconnects allow the possibility of 3
300K, then it can be shown that the maximum capacity dimensional routing, bisection bandwidth, a factor derived
(note that this is different from Shannon Capacity) of a from the planar nature of electrical interconnects, is no
24AWG pair is 1Gb/s over 230m, 10Gb/s over 63m, or longer a suitable constraint of the network, and as a result
100Gb/s over 17m [1]. higher dimension torus and mesh could be built with less
Optical interconnects, on the other hand, exhibit no sig- penalty using optical interconnects [6].
nificant frequency-dependent attenuation. The carrier fre- One could argue that free space communications have
quency of light is so high compared to the modulating been done in electrical domain (essentially wireless com-
(information-bearing) frequency that any modulation of the munication). However, a significant difference between
light beam makes essentially no difference to the propaga- optical and electrical signaling is that optical light beam
tion of light. There is some dispersive effect and propaga- has a much shorter wavelength. Wavelengths of electri-
tion loss over long distance. However, they are so small cally-driven signals are usually comparable to or larger
that they can be safely ignored for fibers with distance up than a circuit board, and certainly larger than a chip. The
to several kilometers. Also, optical fiber can be made law of diffraction says that it is difficult to focus a wave to
extremely small in diameter (e.g. 125 microns). As a result, a dimension smaller than its wavelength. Wavelengths of
optical interconnections can readily exceed the bit rate optically-driven signals, however, are much smaller. It is
capacity of electrical interconnections by 9 orders of mag- possible to have more than 200,000 free space connections
nitude for the same cross-sectional area and length [3]. on a 12cm×12cm board [6].
Note that the above bandwidth limitation only considers Since optical interconnects operate on the principle of
the physical media. There is obviously a constraint on how detecting photons, it is possible to generate voltages and
fast the on-chip switches can go. At present, the fastest sig- currents at the receiving end without any direct electrical
naling system achieved with standard CMOS technology is connection with the light beam source. In other words,
10Gb/s over 10m of PE-142LL cable (about 6.48dB of optical interconnects give us perfect electrical isolation
loss) [4]. It is expected that both the electrical and optical between two circuits, and the absolute voltage levels
signaling rate will improve with Moore’s law due to faster between different parts of the system are irrelevant. This
on-chip electrical switches [1] [2]. solves the problem of voltage variation in electrical sys-
tems and allow much larger systems to be built [3].
2.3 Packaging and Layout
Optical signaling allows the possibility of making free 2.4 Power
space interconnects. Figure 1 shows an example of this [6]. Power consumption of an electrical signaling system is
limited by the amount of the current necessary to drive a
Mirror typical 50-ohm line. If the minimal allowable signal swing
plane is 50mV and the power supply is 2.5V, it would require
2.5×(50m/50) = 2.5mW of power. Notice that this does not
take into account the power consumption of doing addi-
Micro- tional pre-emphasis on the line. Optical signal, however,
lens works on a completely different principle from electrical
signals, and the voltage generated in a photodetector bears
Rx Tx no relation to the classical voltage in the light beam. It is
possible to generate 1V in a photodetector from a light
beam with 600mV of classical voltage, a consequence of
Figure 1: Free space optical interconnects. Through micro- photo-electric effect [3]. Photon energy of light (~2eV) is
lens refraction and mirror plane reflection, it is possible to also much larger than the photon energy of electrically-
route from arbitrary points in the transmitter to arbitrary induced waves (40neV - 40ueV). Traditional optical inter-
points in the receiver. connects have not been able to exploit this fundamental
advantage because optical drivers alone consume more
energy than a 50-ohm resistor. However, the emergence of Processing (STAP). However, since control of the optical
quantum well modulator technology has led to practical circuitry and optical memory technology are not readily
low power optical output devices with < 6mW of power available, the control has to be done electrically. Thus, the
operated at 375Mb/s. [3] Gemini interconnection network uses a electrically con-
Besides the issue of energy-inefficient optical drivers, trolled optical network and a new memory system designed
optical interconnection networks also suffer from losses in to provide high bandwidth to the network.
the signal paths. Although an optical fiber has almost no Short messages are sent over the electrical interconnect,
propagation loss (as mentioned previously), it does suffer and long messages are sent over the optical interconnect.
from losses when passing through optical connectors or The optical interconnect uses circuit switching, and the
switches (if an all-optical network is implemented). messages to set up the optical paths are sent over the same
Although inserting solid state amplifiers (SOA, the equiva- electrical interconnect as the short messages. Thus, this
lent of repeaters) could solve this problem, they are very design works well when a significant percentage of the
expensive and take up a good deal of board area. There- messages sent over the network are large.
fore, a good deal of power has to be budgeted for this kind In order to provide enough bandwidth from the memory
of loss (30-40dB) [6]. system to the network, the network visible memory is
interleaved, and the network interface has gather/scatter
2.5 Technology Summary capabilities. This allows large amounts of data to be trans-
Both electrical and optical signaling have approximately ferred over the network, and efficiently executes opera-
the same signal propagation delay because both operate tions such as large matrix transforms.
with electromagnetic waves. Where optical signaling
might do better is in the areas of bandwidth, packaging/lay- 3.2 Optical Time Division Multiplexing (OTDM)
out, and power. All of these come from the underlying [5]
physical differences between light and electricity. Optical This technology also takes advantage of the high band-
signaling has orders of magnitude more data rate capacity width provided by optical link technology. The basic
than electrical signaling. The opportunity of free space premise of OTDM technology is to time multiplex several
optical interconnects also allows more flexible layout and lower bandwidth channels onto a single high bandwidth
packaging. Finally, because the photon energy of light is so fiber. The key to this technology is the Terahertz Optical
much larger than electrically-induced waves, optical inter- Asymmetric Demultiplexer (TOAD) device [5]. This
connects can operate with much lower power consumption device is essentially an optical AND gate that allows effec-
with appropriate devices. All of the above advantages tive demultiplexing of the optical signal.
could potentially be exploited to build an interconnection Laboratory experiments have indicated that using the
network system with a much better performance/area/ TOAD device, bisection bandwidths of up to 250 Gbits/sec
power combination than the existing systems. can be achieved, and that the technological limit is above 5
Tbits/sec [5].
3. Impact of Optical Technology on Intercon- The authors asserts that the OTDM technology can be
nect Architectures used to effectively implement a large crossbar intercon-
nect. Large crossbars are very difficult to implement with
Optical interconnect technology differs in many electronic technology. This is mainly because the number
respects from conventional electronic interconnect technol-
of switches needed is O(N2). Further, crossbars do not map
ogy, as shown in the previous section. Since the architec-
well to electronic packaging technology since they are
ture of an interconnect is highly dependent on the
completely pin-limited.
underlying technology, it is interesting to explore the sorts
In contrast to electronic technology, OTDM technology
of interconnect architectures that are feasible with optical
effectively implements large crossbars by time multiplex-
technology, and whether these provide significant benefits
ing all the node traffic onto one high bandwidth link. Then,
over electronic interconnects. The following are examples
the signal on this link is received at every node and demul-
of interconnection networks that previous researches have
tiplexed appropriately. Each receiving node has an
proposed (and in some cases implemented). Each one will
assigned channel (i.e., time slot) assigned to it in the base
be discussed in the context of the aspects of optical inter-
case. Fancier channel assignment schemes can be used to
connect technology that motivate each network.
allow broadcasting and multi-casting. Furthermore, the
3.1 Parallel Electrical / Optical Networks [6] bandwidth of each node can be increased by assigning
more than one channel to it and replicating the demulti-
This system (Gemini interconnection network) uses the plexing circuitry.
high-bandwidth optical technology to target applications
that are bandwidth limited, such as Space-Time Adaptive
The authors also presents an arbitration scheme which capacity to that of a hypercube with the same number of
allows only one transmitter on each time-multiplexed nodes and channels with a width of 1. That results in a
channel every packet slot. Fairness is implemented using a channel width of :
form of rotating priorities. This scheme provided an effec-
W ( k,n ) = log 2k (3)
tive throughput of 60% with large numbers of nodes. A
slightly more complicated scheme allows two arbitration Thus, as the aryness of a network is increased (or its
cycles every packet slot, allowing all transmitters that were dimensionality reduced), the channel width increases loga-
denied a channel on the first arbitration to submit a request rithmically. For electrical interconnects, which are limited
for a different channel. This is useful when nodes are capa- by bisection bandwidth, the channel width increases lin-
ble of queueing packets to be sent and when out-of-order early with k. This linear factor in electrical networks moti-
packet delivery is acceptable [5]. Using this scheme, vates designers to decrease the dimensionality of the
throughputs of approximately 75% can be achieved. network in order to reduce the latency due to the serializa-
An interesting application of this network, the paper tion of the message and to increase the speedup of the net-
shows, is to multicomputers. Message passing multicom- work (assuming a constant bisection bandwidth).
puters benefit from the multi-casting and broadcasting In contrast, free-space optical interconnect technology
capabilities, which are normally difficult to implement in more efficiently implements higher dimensional networks.
electronic interconnect networks. Shared memory multi- It is clear that lowering the dimensionality of a free-space
processors benefit greatly from the “globally visible event optical network is not as large a win (logarithmic vs. lin-
ordering” in OTDM. This allows common synchronization ear), and the increase in hop count that accompanies
operations to be implemented using the OTDM interface decreasing dimensionality might have a larger impact on
directly [5]. Implementation of cache-coherency directory the overall performance. In addition, their calculations
protocols can also be simplified since all events are ordered indicated that networks implemented with fairly aggressive
and occur in the span of a packet cycle. In other words, cer- electrical and optical technology differ in that the optical
tain issues can be ruled out, such as pending messages and one can support wider channels (the network fit on a single
out of order delivery, etc. PCB board in both cases). Thus optical network latency is
less dependent on message length to begin with, so moving
3.3 Free-Space Optics [7] to lower dimensional networks is not as important.
Free space optical technology presents the possibility of
using the third dimension to route signals, as opposed to 4. Discussion
the planar electronic routing. In [7] an analysis is given of
k-ary n-cube networks implemented with free-space optical 4.1 Gemini Interconnect
The first thing to consider is what all of the above case
Free space optical interconnects are implemented using
studies gain from using optical technology. The Gemini
a planar mirror and a plane of microlenses (see Figure 1).
network uses circuit switched optical paths for long mes-
Each microlens is associated with a transmitter or receiver.
sages. Thus, if the bandwidth of the optical path is higher
A microlens has a diameter of 125µm in the technology
than that can be achieved by electrical paths, the optical
available at the time the paper [7] was written. The trans-
network is better. The lasers that the authors considered in
mitter and receiver circuit arrays are integrated with the
the paper could operate at 2.5Gb/s, and they mentioned that
router chips using flip chip bonding.
10 to 20Gb/s lasers would be affordable soon [5].
The paper analyzes the performance of k-ary n-cube net-
However, the bandwidth of a single channel is not all
works and claims that the correct metric for free-space
that matters. For example, the optical switches used in this
optical interconnects is not bisection bandwidth. Although
network did not include repeaters. Yet any non-ideal pas-
bisection bandwidth is a useful notion for planar VLSI
sive device must have a loss associated with it. The authors
technology, it is not representative of the 3D nature of free-
calculated that with the current power budget (1mW laser
space interconnects. In this case, the authors of the paper
source and -30dBm receiver sensitivity) only 32 node
propose a new metric called connection capacity. Connec-
switches could be built. They predicted 256 node switches
tion capacity is a measure of the total connections needed
by the year 2002. Thus, the stability of the current technol-
in a network, and is simply :
ogy is suspect, unless a low latency, cheap, and small
C = nk W (2) active optical switch is developed.
Finally, the ease of integration of the optical technology
Here, W is the width of each channel. Thus, now the should be considered. The optical switch used by the
effect of higher dimension networks on the channel width authors was 1.5cm by 12cm in the technology that was cur-
of a network can be analyzed by normalizing the channel rent when the paper was written. The switch is perhaps a
little smaller now, but is still much greater than the size of will surely be more compact, and the authors expect the
a similar switch implemented in CMOS. The question then price per node to drop to less than $1,000 in the future.
is, can you implement a switch that performs the same Overall, their application of optical technology targets a
function as the optical switch and provides just as much class networks which are not viable in the electrical inter-
bandwidth in the same area, with the same power budget, connect domain. With the right optical technology a decent
and the same price? crossbar can be built, and this is a reasonable motivation
If electrical signalling and switching can give the same for continued research into the technology presented in the
or nearly the performance, using the optical technology paper.
cannot be justified. However, the authors unfortunately did
not run the proper experiments and provide the proper 4.3 Free-Space Optical k-ary n-cube networks
results. They compared the performance of the dual electri- The paper that discussed the analysis of free-space inter-
cal and optical networks with an all electrical network. connect networks. The arguments presented for building
However, all the messages in the electrical network only higher dimensional networks with free-space technology
used the packet-switched portion of the Banyan network make sense. However, the original premise behind using
they were using. It would have been nice if they had at free-space optical interconnect technology is not perfectly
least two more data sets : 1) the performance of the best sound. A free-space optical k-ary n-cube does provide
electrical interconnect they could build with the same or lower latencies and higher bandwidths than their electrical
lower cost and power; and 2) the performance of a network counterparts. However, free-space interconnects have
in which all the optical components are replaced with elec- stricter packaging constraints than electrical interconnects.
trical ones -- in other words a similar network with both the First, nothing must be allowed to interfere with the free-
packet-switched and circuit-switched portions imple- space optical signals. Second, the packaging does not seem
mented with electrical signalling and switching. scalable. Some solution must be found to scale the optical
technology better, for instance, how to make connections
4.2 OTDM Crossbar between two boards that use free-space optics. Also, they
The OTDM network presented above in section 3.2 made a comparison to similar networks implemented in
seemed to be a more interesting and viable idea. This net- planar VLSI technology. However, it would have been nice
work used a truly optically controlled switch, the TOAD. to have seen some sort of reference or comment on the pos-
The free-space interconnect just used static optical routes, sibility or feasibility of a 3D electrical interconnect.
and the Gemini paper used optical switches, but even these
were controlled electrically, and thus bound to the same 5. Conclusion
frequency limitations that all electronic components are
We have shown that there are fundamental advantages
bound to.
to using optical interconnects over electrical interconnects.
In contrast, the OTDM makes better use of the potential
These include links with much higher bandwidth, longer
bandwidth available on a single optical fiber link. The
signaling distances, lower power, and more efficient pack-
backbone of the network is simply one fiber with several (1
aging. Theoretically, these improvements over electrical
- 1024) electrically modulated signals time multiplexed
signaling could lead to much larger and higher perfor-
onto it. This usage of the optical technology seems to be
mance interconnection networks.
better in almost every way than the methods used in the
We have also shown that there are interconnection net-
other two architectures. The free-space interconnect gets
work architectures that could take advantage of optical
most of its gain from the fact that optical signals can be
interconnects [5] [6] [7]. These architectures have
routed through free space and that more optical connec-
exploited optical interconnects for high bandwidth links
tions can be made per unit area of chip space. The Gemini
and free-space optical interconnects for more heavily con-
network plans to use wavelength division multiplexing,
nected topologies. In addition, one could also envision
which requires a separate laser for each channel that is
building very large interconnection networks connected by
optical fibers. These networks could have many more
Not only is the use of the optical technology good with
nodes than current systems because link distance is no
OTDM, but the authors implement the best network topol-
longer as important an issue.
ogy possible: a crossbar. The arbitration scheme the
However, the main reasons we have not seen optical
authors use is clever, but not optimal. Finally, the only real
interconnection networks built in volume is due to engi-
critique currently is the size and cost of the network. Cur-
neering constraints. One such engineering constraint is
rently the size of a TOAD device is approximately 10 in 2 cost. For example, the current OTDM hardware has a cost
as estimated from the photo they provide, and the cost is of around $20,000/node [5] (as compared to hundreds of
approximately $20,000 per node. However the TOAD dollars per node for an electrical network). Another con-
device shown was only experimental and production model
straint is technology maturity. Devices that efficiently
exploit the advantages of optical interconnects and inter-
face easily to electrical systems are either not easily manu-
factured in volume or just have not been realized yet.
In addition to the engineering constraints just men-
tioned, more research needs to be done to find which net-
work architectures which are best suited to take advantage
of the increased raw performance provided by optical tech-
Some progress has been made in recent years to over-
come these shortcomings and improve the availability of
optical interconnect devices [2] [3] [5]. As these trends
continue, it will become more cost-effective to build opti-
cal interconnection networks. Fundamentally, optical sig-
naling has advantages over electrical signaling that will
allow for larger, higher-performance interconnection net-
works in the future.
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