Group 3
Group 3
Group 3
Developmental Disorders
Do eruption cysts need
Development of Cyst
Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst
- Composed of odontogenic
epithelium that contains “ghost”
- Affects all ages. Most commonly What ages are affected by the
seen in individuals younger than calcifying odontogenic cyst?
40 years. No significant sex
preference is noted. All ages, but most common in those
younger than 40.
- Lesions occur equally in the
maxilla and mandible, most
often in the incisor and cuspid
Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst contin… - Microscopic examination
usually reveals a cystic
structure lined by
- Radiographically, that may
odontogenic epithelium with
present either radiolucent or
an associated and
mixed radiolucent radiopaque
characteristic ghost cell
keratinization. The epithelium
resembles that seen in
- Presents radiographically as a
ameloblastoma, consisting of
well-defined, unilocular or
ameloblast- like cells and
multilocular radiolucency.
stellate reticulum- like areas.
Calcifications can occur and are
The ghost cells that are
seen as radiopaque areas within
characteristic of this lesion
the radiolucency
exhibit a clear central area.
They are thought to
- Treated by surgical enucleation
represent degenerating
(removal of entire globe). Rarely
epithelial cells or atypical
form of keratinization
Lateral Periodontal Cyst
- Is a developmental odontogenic cyst
- Usually asymptomatic
- Enucleation
Abnormalities of
● Congenital LACK of teeth
● Total anodontia is the lack of
ALL teeth, may affect the
deciduous or permanent
● Associated with hereditary
disturbance called hereditary
hypohidrotic ectodermal
● Teeth may not be identified
missing until :
○ Time of normal eruption
○ Radiographic exam
➔ Lack of one or more teeth may affect
either detention but more commonly
seen in permanent dentition
➔ Can affect ANY tooth
➔ Most often teeth are missing bilaterally
➔ Teeth most often missing include:
◆ Max. + Man. 3rd molars
◆ Max. lateral incisors
◆ Man. 2nd premolars
◆ Man. incisor is the most commonly
missing tooth in the deciduous
➔ Missing teeth may be familial
➔ Missing teeth may be a sign of a
syndrome and should be evaluated
➔ Prosthetic replacements or ortho
evaluation required