Reference Number Beneficiary Name Bank Name Beneficiary Account Number Beneficiary Branch Number Beneficiary Reference Amount Payment Date and Time
Reference Number Beneficiary Name Bank Name Beneficiary Account Number Beneficiary Branch Number Beneficiary Reference Amount Payment Date and Time
Reference Number Beneficiary Name Bank Name Beneficiary Account Number Beneficiary Branch Number Beneficiary Reference Amount Payment Date and Time
We confirm that the following payment has been made into your account from Calton:
Reference number 2934642812
Beneficiary name MARINA DOMS
Bank name ABSA BANK
Beneficiary account number XXXXXXXXXXXX1654
Beneficiary branch number 00632005
Beneficiary reference Mupande
Amount R12390.80
Payment date and time 2023-09-30 13h45
If you need more information or have any questions about this payment, please contact:
Please check your account to confirm you have received this payment.
Yours sincerely,
The Internet Banking Team
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (Reg. No. 1962/000738/06) Authorised financial services provider and registered credit provider (NCRCP15)
Directors: NMC Nyembezi (Chairman) L Fuzile* (Chief Executive) LL Bam PLH Cook A Daehnke* GJ Fraser-Moleketi Xueqing Guan2 GMB Kennealy Li Li2 JH Maree NNA Matyumza NMC
Nyembezi ML Oduor-Otieno3 ANA Peterside CON4 SK Tshabalala*