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Kung 2007

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Brian C. Kung and Thomas O. Willcox, Jr.

Hearing loss and balance disorders are two of the most common what to look for during the subsequent physical examination
reasons that patients visit their physicians. Varying degrees of and audiological and/or radiographic tests in order to arrive at
hearing loss can affect patients at any age. One of every 1000 the correct diagnosis. The severity of the patient’s hearing loss
newborns is affected by some degree of hearing loss, and the can be assessed just by conversing with the patient in a normal
prevalence of hearing loss rises with advancing age.1 By age 60, or soft voice and observing whether the patient responds appro-
one of every three individuals is affected by hearing loss, and priately. If the patient speaks in a very loud voice, it may indi-
by age 85, one of every two is affected.1 cate a sensorineural cause of hearing loss, and if the patient
Balance disorder, or “dizziness,” is the ninth most common speaks very softly, it may point to a conductive cause, as the
complaint for which patients visit primary care physicians and patient’s voice may sound louder to the patient (just as a normal
the third most common complaint for 65- to 75-year-old hearing person’s would if his or her ears were plugged). Some-
patients.2-4 Hearing and balance disorders have a myriad of times, discrepancies between the patient’s behavior in conver-
manifestations and etiologies, some of which are difficult to sation and during diagnostic tests can point to malingering as
piece together. Treatment is often multidisciplinary, involving a possible diagnosis.
the neurologist, otolaryngologist, audiologist, neurosurgeon, When taking a history of present illness, specific points
and physical therapist, among others. It is important to recog- should be emphasized. These include the patient’s perception
nize the signs and symptoms associated with specific types of of the degree of hearing loss, whether the hearing loss is uni-
hearing loss and balance disorders for the patient to receive lateral or bilateral, and the onset of the hearing loss (sudden
proper referrals and proper treatment. The purpose of this within 3 days, rapidly progressive within 1 week, slowly pro-
chapter is to provide a better understanding of the otolaryn- gressive over weeks to years, fluctuating, or stable). The patient
gologist’s approach to the hearing and balance examination. may have associated symptoms, such as aural fullness, tinnitus,
vertigo, disequilibrium, otalgia, otorrhea, headache, visual
problems, and other neurological complaints (facial numbness
HEARING EXAMINATION or weakness, ataxia, oscillopsia, etc.), that may help point to
specific causes of hearing loss. The past medical history is also
There are three main forms of hearing loss: conductive, sen-
very helpful: cardiovascular, renal, rheumatological, hemato-
sorineural, and mixed. Each can be caused by a wide variety of
logical, endocrine, and neurological conditions can predispose
conditions, ranging from benign conditions, such as cerumen
a patient to certain types of hearing loss.5 Past surgical history
impaction, to potentially life-threatening diseases, such as
should also be obtained, with special emphasis on head trauma
squamous cell carcinoma of the temporal bone. Usually, con-
and previous otological or neurological surgery. A history of
ductive hearing loss is caused by a disorder in the external or
noise exposure is also important, as excessive noise exposure,
middle ear, whereas a sensorineural hearing loss is caused by a
either suddenly or over a period of time, can lead to hearing
disorder of the inner ear or neural structures leading from the
loss. A full account of the patient’s recent medications, includ-
inner ear to the central nervous system. Hearing loss can lead
ing potentially ototoxic medications, should be taken. It is very
to speech and developmental delays in children and significant
important to know whether there is a family history of hearing
communication problems and decreased quality of life in both
loss, as there is a genetic predisposition for many types of
children and adults. Many of these conditions are treatable and
hearing loss, and many genes associated with deafness and pre-
early recognition is important. A structured hearing evaluation
disposition to hearing loss have been identified.1,5
consists of a history, physical examination, and audiological
testing; often radiological testing is necessary to lead to the
proper diagnosis.
Physical Examination
A complete head and neck examination can give many clues to
the cause of a patient’s hearing loss. The auricle and the postau-
A thorough history is one of the most important aspects of a ricular area should be examined for deformities, surgical inci-
hearing evaluation. Often, this gives the physician clues as to sions, the presence of a hearing aid, and patency of the external
chapter 25 examination of hearing and balance 319

auditory canal. Something as simple as cerumen impaction can Audiological Testing

be the cause of hearing loss in some patients, but other condi-
tions, such as foreign bodies, exostoses, canal stenosis/atresia, Audiological testing has been available for decades, but devel-
and carcinoma of the external canal, can be more troublesome. opments over the years have advanced the field of audiology to
Pneumatic otoscopy can then be used to examine the tympanic include tests and procedures that can determine the site of
membrane and middle ear. Here, the presence of a tympanos- lesion with far greater accuracy than before. Otolaryngologists
tomy tube, tympanosclerosis (scarring of the tympanic mem- and audiologists often need to rely on one another to diagnose
brane), tympanic membrane perforation, retraction pocket, accurately the cause of a patient’s hearing loss using a combi-
fluid in the middle ear, middle ear masses, or otorrhea can be nation of the history, physical examination, and results of
assessed. It is important to obtain a good seal with the specu- various audiological tests. The audiological test battery
lum in order to assess the mobility of the tympanic membrane. includes audiometry (pure tone and speech), acoustic immit-
External and middle ear abnormalities usually point to a con- tance testing (tympanometry and acoustic reflex testing),
ductive component of hearing loss. electrophysiological testing (auditory brainstem response and
Tuning fork testing is an essential part of the physical exam- electrocochleography), and otoacoustic emission testing.
ination and can help determine if the cause of hearing loss is
conductive, sensorineural, or mixed. The three types of tuning
forks that can be used are 256 Hz (middle C), 512 Hz (octave Pure-Tone Audiometry
above middle C), and 1024 Hz (two octaves above middle C).
The Rinne test is useful in determining if there is a conductive Pure-tone audiometry is the most commonly used test to
hearing loss and is performed by striking the tuning fork and measure auditory sensitivity. Pure-tone signals are delivered to
placing it on the mastoid bone (testing bone conduction). Once the ear via air conduction and bone conduction at a variety of
the patient stops hearing the sound, the tines of the tuning fork frequencies, and the patient responds to the sound by signal-
are then placed in front of the external canal (testing air con- ing the examiner with a button or by raising a hand. The
duction) with the tines oriented in the head-frontal plane, and response can be modified for pediatric patients or patients who
the patient indicates whether he or she can hear the sound. If lack the capacity to respond in the conventional manner.
the patient can hear the sound, air conduction is greater than Although the entire range of human hearing is from 20 to
bone conduction, and the result is normal, or “positive.” If the 20,000 Hz, the typical range of frequencies tested runs from 250
patient cannot hear the sound, bone conduction is greater than to 8000 Hz, which is the range necessary to understand
air conduction, and the result is abnormal, or “negative.” The speech.10
degree of conductive hearing loss can be estimated based on The intensity of a sound presented is represented by a ratio
the results of the Rinne test. A test that is negative at 256 Hz of its sound pressure to a reference sound pressure, defined as
and positive at 512 and 1024 Hz indicates a mild 20- to 30- the amount of pressure that can just be sensed by a normal
decibel (dB) conductive loss. A test that is negative at 256 and human ear at its most sensitive frequency (0.0002 dyne/cm2).11
512 Hz and positive at 1024 Hz indicates a moderate 30- to As the pressure level of a presented sound is often many times
45-dB conductive loss. A negative test at all three frequencies the reference sound pressure, the simplest way to present this
indicates a severe 45- to 60-dB conductive loss.6,7 The Weber ratio is to use the decibel, a logarithmic unit:
test is a test used to lateralize the hearing loss. The tuning
dB = 20 log10(P2/P1)
fork is struck and placed on the patient’s vertex, nasal bones,
or maxillary teeth in the midline. The single most clinically where P2 is the presented sound pressure and P1 is the
useful fork used here is the 512-Hz variety, as the 256-Hz fork reference sound pressure.
can be overly sensitive, leading to many false-positive results, A sound referenced to the reference sound pressure is known
and the 1024-Hz fork may not be sensitive enough.7-9 Lateral- as the absolute sound level, presented as decibels sound pres-
ization of sound to one ear during the Weber test indicates sure level (dB SPL). The normal human ear is variably sensi-
either a conductive hearing loss in that ear or a greater sen- tive to different frequencies throughout its range, so clinically,
sorineural loss in the opposite ear.7 Simple tuning fork tests the easiest reference level to use is the sound pressure level for
using only a few frequencies are far from comprehensive. If each tested frequency that can be heard by a normal ear. The
both ears are symmetrically affected by a sensorineural hearing sound level is presented as decibels hearing loss, or dB HL.11
loss, both the Rinne and Weber tests will be normal, provided For example, if a normal hearing patient responds to a sound
the patient is able to hear the tuning fork at all. P2 that is equal to P1 (what another normal person would
The physical examination should also include an assessment hear), then that patient has 20 log10 1 = 20(0) = 0 dB HL. If a
of any craniofacial deformities or stigmata that may be associ- patient with hearing loss responds to a sound P2 that is 100
ated with hereditary causes of hearing loss or associated sys- times what a normal person would hear, then that patient has
temic diseases. Also, a full cranial nerve examination should be 20 log10 (100/1) = 20(2) = 40 dB HL. If a patient with hyperacu-
performed, as asymmetries in any of the cranial nerves may sis (supersensitive hearing) responds to a sound P2 that is
indicate that hearing loss is just one component of more severe 1/10 what a normal person would hear, then that patient has
or extensive disease, such as a skull base neoplasm. A decreased 20 log10 (1/10) = 20(−1) = −20 dB HL. These examples help to
corneal blink reflex and hypesthesia of the external auditory illustrate that dB is indeed a comparison between sound levels
canal (Hitselberger’s sign) can be suspicious for an acoustic and that 0 dB or negative dB does not mean that there is no
neuroma. Finally, attention to the nose, nasopharynx, oral sound⎯it just means that the sound is the same as or lower
cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx can reveal other than the reference sound level, respectively.
causes of hearing loss (e.g., the presence of nasopharyngeal Auditory threshold is defined as the lowest signal intensity
carcinoma as the cause of serous otitis media). at which the signal can be identified 50% of the time.12 Air
320 Section V Neuro-Otology

conduction thresholds are determined by presenting sound to softest level at which the patient can barely detect the presence
the ears via headphones or insert earphones, and bone con- of a speech signal 50% of the time.12 The SRT is the softest level
duction thresholds are determined by vibrating the mastoid at which the patient can repeat 50% of balanced disyllabic
directly. Air conduction thresholds measure the sensitivity of words, or spondees (e.g. “hot dog,” “baseball”), correctly.10,12
the entire auditory system from the external ear to the audi- The SDT should correspond to the PTA, whereas the SRT is
tory cortex. When analyzed alone, they do not provide much usually about 8 to 9 dB higher than the PTA.12 Both SDT and
information regarding the etiology of hearing loss. However, SRT can be measured with bone conduction testing and can be
when they are analyzed together with bone conduction thresh- masked if necessary. Discrepancies between the PTA and the
olds, which measure the degree of sensorineural hearing loss, SDT or SRT can indicate malingering.
they can provide valuable information regarding both the type The speech discrimination score is a test of the patient’s
and severity of the hearing loss.12 When air conduction thresh- ability to identify monosyllabic words, or phonemes, at a
olds are elevated relative to bone conduction thresholds, an suprathreshold level, usually about 40 dB above the SRT.10 The
“air-bone gap” exists, indicating a conductive hearing loss. Air speech discrimination score is important in that it helps assess
conduction and bone conduction thresholds showing the same the patient’s ability to understand speech, to communicate
amount of hearing loss indicate a sensorineural hearing loss. A effectively, and to benefit from amplification. It also provides
mixed hearing loss is present when both air and bone conduc- some information regarding the patient’s central auditory
tion thresholds are elevated, but air conduction thresholds are function.12
more elevated than bone conduction thresholds. In general, patients with conductive hearing loss tend to
The normal region on the audiogram is from 0 to 20 dB HL have excellent speech discrimination scores when presented
for adults and from 0 to 15 dB HL for children. Mild hearing with sounds loud enough for them to hear. Patients with
loss is 20 to 40 dB HL, moderate loss is 40 to 55 dB HL, cochlear sensorineural loss tend to have lower speech discrim-
moderately severe loss is 55 to 70 dB HL, severe loss is 70 to ination scores, and patients with retrocochlear sensorineural
90 dB HL, and profound loss is above 90 dB HL. Hearing loss (from lesions of the eighth cranial nerve to the auditory
sensitivity within the speech frequencies is known as the cortex) have even lower speech discrimination scores. They
pure-tone average (PTA) and can be calculated by adding the may even have lower speech discrimination in the presence of
thresholds obtained at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz and dividing the normal pure-tone thresholds.12
result by 3.11
For audiometric results to be valid, the patient must respond
to stimulation of the ear being tested. When noninsert ear- Tympanometry
phones are used, sounds greater than 40 dB HL presented to
Acoustic immittance refers to either acoustic admittance (the
one ear can cross over to the opposite ear, most likely with the
ease with which energy flows through a system) or acoustic
vibration of the earphone against the skull acting as a bone con-
impedance (the blockage of energy flow through a system).12 In
ductor. The amount of sound needed for crossover to occur is
tympanometry, acoustic immittance measures are used to
known as the interaural attenuation, which for air conduction
determine the status of the tympanic membrane and middle
is about 50 dB HL for lower frequencies and 60 dB HL for higher
ear. A probe is placed in the ear canal and an airtight seal is
frequencies. The interaural attenuation is considerably higher
obtained. A tone is introduced into the ear canal and the pres-
when insert earphones are used. For bone conduction, inter-
sure in the canal is varied. When the pressure in the ear canal
aural attenuation is less than 10 dB HL.11 To correct for the
is equal to the middle ear pressure, the tympanic membrane
presence of interaural attenuation when a true hearing loss is
will be at its most compliant (highest admittance) and will
present, masking techniques are used. A narrow band “white”
absorb the sound. This results in a tympanometric peak.10
noise is presented to the nontest ear when the true stimulus is
If eustachian tube function is normal, the middle ear pres-
being given to the test ear, and with adequate masking, any
sure is equal to the atmospheric pressure and the peak occurs
sound crossing over to the nontest ear is masked by the noise.
at 0 mm H2O⎯this corresponds to a type A tympanogram. If
To work, the masking noise presented to the nontest must be
there is negative middle ear pressure, the peak occurs at a neg-
greater than the threshold of hearing for the nontest ear.11 This
ative pressure, corresponding to a type C tympanogram. If there
can be a problem when bilateral hearing loss (especially con-
is no peak (flat or type B tympanogram), there is no compli-
ductive) exists, as masking presented to the nontest ear can
ance of the tympanic membrane (no admittance), indicating a
cross back over to the test ear. This is known as a “masking
middle ear effusion, tympanic membrane perforation, or patent
dilemma.”10 In air conduction testing, masking should be used
tympanostomy tube. These can be distinguished using ear canal
when there is a difference between the air conduction presen-
volume measurements, with higher volumes corresponding
tation level to the test ear and the bone conduction threshold
to a hole in the tympanic membrane. Other types of tym-
of the nontest ear of greater than 40 dB for lower frequencies
panograms include As (shallow peak and low compliance at
and greater than 60 dB for higher frequencies. In bone con-
0 mm H2O), indicating ossicular chain fixation or middle ear
duction testing, masking should be used whenever there is any
effusion, and Ad (very high peak and high compliance at 0 mm
difference in the air and bone conduction thresholds.10
H2O), indicating ossicular chain discontinuity or a monomeric
tympanic membrane.10

Speech Audiometry
Acoustic Reflex
Commonly measured speech tests include the speech detection
threshold (SDT), the speech reception threshold (SRT), and In acoustic reflex testing, acoustic immittance measures are
speech discrimination or word recognition. The SDT is the used to assess the neural pathway surrounding the stapedial
chapter 25 examination of hearing and balance 321

reflex, which occurs in response to a loud sound (70 to 90 dB affected. In cochlear sensorineural loss, the wave I latency is
above threshold).10 The afferent limb of the stapedial reflex is slightly delayed and is small in amplitude, but the latencies
the ipsilateral eighth nerve, which leads to the brainstem. between waves are not affected. In retrocochlear (neural)
Complex pathways in the brainstem involving the ipsilateral hearing loss, wave I tends to be normal, but latencies between
ventral cochlear nucleus, trapezoid body, and bilateral medial waves I-III and I-IV are abnormally prolonged.10,11
superior olives lead from the eighth nerve on the ipsilateral In practice, the ABR is a good tool to definitively test hearing
(stimulated) side to the motor nucleus of the facial nerve on in uncooperative patients (newborns) and in suspected malin-
both sides of the brainstem.7,10-12 The efferent limb is the ipsi- gerers, and it can be used to evaluate the eighth nerve and
lateral and contralateral facial nerves, which innervate the brainstem structures in patients with suspected retrocochlear
stapedius muscles. When the stapedius muscle contracts, the hearing loss. It is also used in neurotological surgical proce-
ossicular chain stiffens, causing a small change in compliance dures, such as vestibular nerve section and acoustic neuroma
in the middle ear system that is detected by the probe.11 removal.11
Patients with mild to moderate cochlear sensorineural
hearing loss have reflexes bilaterally at about the same inten-
sity level as those with normal hearing, but patients with severe Electrocochleography
or profound hearing loss have absent reflexes when the affected
Electrocochleography is a test of the electrical activity gener-
ear is stimulated.10
ated by the cochlea and eighth nerve. It is most often used to
A conductive hearing loss results in absent reflexes when the
aid in the diagnosis of Ménière disease, but it can also be used
affected ear is stimulated, as sound will not be loud enough to
for intraoperative monitoring of the cochlear and eighth nerve.
stimulate the reflex. Even when the normal ear is stimulated,
An electrode is placed in the ear canal, on the tympanic mem-
the ear with the conductive loss does not have a reflex, as the
brane, or on the promontory of the cochlea in the middle ear.
middle ear condition prevents the stapedius from contracting.10
The three main signals detected by electrocochleography are
A lesion of the eighth nerve should result in absent reflexes
the cochlear microphonic, the summating potential, and the
bilaterally when the affected ear is stimulated, but reflexes
action potential. The cochlear microphonic and summating
should be present bilaterally when the nonaffected ear is stim-
potential reflect cochlear electrical activity, and the action
ulated. This can be confused with the reflex result associated
potential reflects eighth nerve activity and is the same as wave
with profound unilateral hearing loss (>70 dB) of cochlear
I of the ABR. The calculation of interest is the summating
origin. Lesions of the brainstem affecting the central crossed
potential/action potential ratio. An abnormally high ratio is
pathways may result in present ipsilateral reflexes when each
suggestive of endolymphatic hydrops characteristic of
ear is stimulated but absent contralateral reflexes. A facial nerve
Meniere’s disease.10,11
lesion results in an absent reflex on the affected side, no matter
which side is stimulated, provided the lesion is proximal to the
branching of the nerve to the stapedius muscle.10
Otoacoustic Emissions
Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) represent auditory signals pro-
duced by the cochlear outer hair cells that can be picked up by
Auditory Brainstem Response
a very sensitive microphone in the ear canal.12 Although they
The auditory brainstem response (ABR) is an electrophysiolog- are a measure of cochlear function, abnormalities anywhere
ical recording of responses of the distal auditory pathway between the microphone and cochlea (e.g. middle ear) block
(eighth nerve and brainstem) to sounds.11 The ABR involves any signals going from the cochlea to the microphone⎯they
placement of electrodes on the patient’s head and presentation will not be detectable in the presence of conductive hearing
of sound to the ear. When sound is presented to a normal ear, loss.10 The three main types of OAEs are spontaneous, transient
either in click form or frequency-specific tones, five to seven evoked, and distortion product.
peaks occurring within 10 milliseconds make up the ABR.12 Spontaneous OAEs occur in the absence of a stimulus, but
Usually only the first five peaks are considered. Wave I repre- they only occur in less than one half to 60% of normal hearing
sents the action potentials from the eighth nerve near the individuals.10,11 Transient evoked OAEs (OAEs) are elicited by a
cochlea. Wave II comes from the eighth nerve near the cochlear brief click or tone burst. Distortion product OAEs (OAEs) are
nucleus in the brainstem. Waves I and II are the only waves generated when two pure-tone stimuli of different frequencies
generated by ipsilateral structures. All subsequent waves rep- are presented to the ear simultaneously. In response to these
resent bilateral crossed pathways. Wave III comes from the tones, the outer hair cells generate signals called distortion
caudal pons with contributions from the cochlear nucleus, products that are related to the frequencies of the presented
trapezoid body, and superior olive. Wave IV probably comes tones. Transient evoked OAEs are used to determine mainly if
from the lateral lemniscus. Wave V, the most prominent wave, there is good cochlear function, whereas distortion product
comes from the lateral lemniscus as it approaches the inferior OAEs can be used to generate a curve resembling an audiogram
colliculus.11 based on frequency-specific responses of the cochlea.10-12
For audiological purposes, the latencies and amplitudes of OAEs are useful in that they are specific to cochlear func-
waves I, III, and V are analyzed, and comparisons between sides tion. They are not present in conductive hearing loss or
are made. In normal hearing, the latencies of waves I, III, and cochlear hearing loss greater than 25 to 30 dB HL. However,
V are within normal ranges and the latencies between ears are they can be present in retrocochlear (neural) hearing loss,
within 0.2 to 0.4 milliseconds of each other. In conductive which can help differentiate cochlear from retrocochlear
hearing loss, the absolute latency of wave I is prolonged, but lesions.10 OAEs are noninvasive and easy to perform⎯they can
the latencies between waves and the amplitudes are not be used to screen hearing in infants, to confirm audiometric
322 Section V Neuro-Otology

testing in young children, to monitor the effects of ototoxic When the patient describes his or her symptoms, it is impor-
medications, to detect cochlear abnormalities in patients tant to distinguish whether the patient is experiencing a sen-
with tinnitus and normal audiograms, and to help detect sation of movement, such as a spinning sensation or a falling
malingerers.10,11 sensation. Vertigo, a false sensation of movement, should be
distinguished from dizziness, which is any kind of altered sense
of orientation.17 Lightheadedness refers to a sensation charac-
Radiographic Testing teristic of presyncope, which may include temporary blurred
Radiographic testing is indicated in certain patients with either vision and pale facial color. It should be distinguished from
conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. A CT scan of the tem- vertigo and is usually caused by nonvestibular problems such
poral bones can be useful to detect the presence of congenital as the cardiac or vasovagal reflex, both of which can result in
inner ear malformations, middle ear masses, erosive skull base cerebral hypoxia.17 A sense of imbalance refers to the inability
neoplasms, and temporal bone fractures. It is also important to maintain the center of gravity, which causes the patient to
in assessing the patient’s surgical anatomy and in planning feel unsteady and as if he or she is going to fall.17 This can be
for procedures such as cholesteatoma removal or cochlear caused by both vestibular and nonvestibular disorders.
implantation. When the patient describes vertigo, further information
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the internal auditory must be gathered in order to differentiate whether it is caused
canals is extremely useful in the diagnosis of unilateral or by a peripheral or central lesion. Vertigo can be caused by
asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss. It is more sensitive and lesions anywhere from the vestibular end organs (utricle,
specific than ABR for the detection of acoustic neuromas and saccule, and semicircular canals), the vestibular nuclei, the
is the gold standard in the diagnosis of acoustic neuromas as cerebellum, brainstem pathways, and the cortex (rarely).17 An
a cause of retrocochlear (neural) hearing loss.5,13 MRI with important characteristic to ascertain is whether the vertigo is
gadolinium enhancement is able to detect small tumors less episodic or continuous. If episodic, how long the attacks last,
than 1 cm in diameter, which results in better facial and hearing how often they occur, and whether they occur with head move-
function after tumor removal.13 MRI should also be heavily con- ment or positioning are important points to know. Associated
sidered in the face of sudden sensorineural hearing loss, even auditory symptoms, such as hearing loss, aural fullness, and
if it resolves with steroids, because as many as 19% of patients tinnitus, are all important to ask about. Also important are
with acoustic neuromas can present with sudden hearing loss.14 associated neurological symptoms, such as headache with or
Some reports state that as many as 47.5% of cases of sudden without aura, visual changes, oscillopsia, numbness, weakness,
hearing loss may be caused by an acoustic neuroma.14,15 ataxia, seizure, and loss of consciousness. Asking if the vertigo
is more intense with a Valsalva maneuver is also helpful. A full
otological history including history of infection, otalgia, otor-
BALANCE EXAMINATION rhea, and previous otological surgery is essential. In addition,
it is imperative to obtain a full past medical history, past sur-
The diagnosis and treatment of patients with “dizziness” can be gical history, history of head trauma, recent medications (with
very challenging and frustrating for the patient, the neurolo- attention to ototoxic medications, blood pressure medications,
gist, the otolaryngologist, and the audiologist. A huge variety stimulants, depressants, and illegal drugs), diet, allergies, social
of disorders can cause the patient to have a sensation of dizzi- history, and family history of hearing loss or vestibular
ness, and a huge variety of terms can be used to describe it problems.16
(lightheadedness, spinning, “swimming sensation,” “things not Sorting out the history is important in suggesting possible
being right in the head”).16 Often, the diagnosis is made by diagnoses as well as recognizing more extensive and complex
piecing together many different pieces of information. It is conditions. Episodic intense vertigo lasting up to one minute
important to realize that not every case of dizziness can be com- associated with head positioning or movement and not associ-
pletely cured or diagnosed exactly. An organized, systematic ated with other auditory symptoms is characteristic of benign
approach is necessary in order to make a reasonably accurate paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV),17 but brief 5- to 10-
diagnosis and to avoid confusion. Key components in the eval- second episodes associated with head movement may also be a
uation of dizziness include the history, physical examination, sign of vascular compression of the eighth nerve complex.2
electronystagmography, rotary chair testing, and computerized Episodic vertigo lasting minutes to hours sometimes associated
dynamic posturography testing. with fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and/or aural fullness is
suggestive of Meniere’s disease, but vertigo lasting 2 to 20
minutes may be associated with transient ischemic attacks,
especially when associated with visual changes, ataxia, and
Obtaining a careful history is probably the most important step other neurological findings.17 An isolated attack of continuous
in the diagnosis of dizziness, but it often requires patience. vertigo lasting longer than 24 hours with a sudden onset is sug-
Symptoms are often vague and difficult for the patient to gestive of vestibular neuronitis when not associated with
describe. It may seem faster to begin by asking a lot of leading hearing loss and with viral labyrinthitis when associated with
questions, but the physician will actually save time by allowing hearing loss.17 However, sudden-onset vertigo associated
the patient to describe what he or she is feeling in the patient’s with hearing loss and tinnitus can also represent a brainstem
own words. Especially important is the patient’s description of stroke.18 Vertigo brought about by straining or other Valsalva-
the first episode of dizziness, although this may be difficult to like maneuvers are associated with perilymphatic fistula, Chiari
elicit in patients who are so consumed by their dizziness that malformation, and superior semicircular canal dehiscence.17
they cannot focus on the initial event and in patients who have There is also vertigo induced by sound, which is known as the
already seen multiple specialists and/or lawyers.16 Tullio phenomenon. This can be associated with perilymph
chapter 25 examination of hearing and balance 323

fistula, Meniere’s disease, congenital inner ear malformations, firing rate of both vestibular nerves in the absence of head
Lyme disease, and superior semicircular canal dehiscence.19 movement, but when the head turns to the left, the endolymph
Taking the history of the dizzy patient may be the most dif- in the left horizontal canal moves to the right. This displaces
ficult part of the balance examination, but when done in an the cupula and consequently the cilia toward the kinocilium,
organized fashion, sometimes with the help of a questionnaire leading to an increased firing rate in the left superior vestibu-
or preprinted template, it can be extremely useful in knowing lar nerve. The opposite effect occurs on the right side. Path-
what to look for in subsequent tests and examinations. ways in the brainstem then cause activation of the left medial
rectus and the right lateral rectus, while the left lateral rectus
and right medial rectus are inhibited. The eyes then move con-
Physical Examination jugately to the right in the exact opposing fashion to head rota-
tion until they reach a limit. At this point, a saccade to the left
The physical examination of a patient with a balance disorder
brings the eyes back to the midline.
should contain a complete head and neck examination, includ-
When a patient has a unilateral left vestibular lesion, tonic
ing a detailed neurotological examination specifically using
input from the left vestibular nerve ceases, resulting in unop-
oculomotor function testing, positional testing, and postural
posed input from the right vestibular nerve. This leads to
control testing.
conjugate eye movements to the left (slow phase), followed by
corrective saccades to the right (fast phase). The direction of
Head and Neck Examination nystagmus is defined by its fast phase. This is a right-beating
spontaneous nystagmus. Right-beating torsional nystagmus
The head and neck examination is similar to that described pre-
would also occur from unopposed stimulation of the right
viously. Additional information can be found by performing a
superior and inferior canals. Upbeating or downbeating nys-
fistula test, which can be done by either tragal pressure or
tagmus is not characteristic of peripheral vestibular lesions and
pneumatic otoscopy. The patient is instructed to look straight
usually is caused by central lesions. Spontaneous peripheral
ahead, and continuous positive and negative pressure is applied.
nystagmus can be suppressed by visual fixation. The use of
Normally, the eyes will not drift, but a positive fistula test (Hen-
Frenzel lenses that do not allow visual fixation are useful to
nebert’s sign) is manifest by the eyes drifting away from the
increase the examiner’s sensitivity to the patient’s nystagmus.2
tested ear with positive pressure and toward the tested ear with
Nystagmus can also be enhanced by having the patient look
negative pressure. A positive fistula test is associated with a per-
toward the intact side. Vestibular suppressants, alcohol, and
ilymph fistula, Meniere’s disease, or superior semicircular canal
antiepileptic medications decrease the amplitude of the nys-
tagmus and can make evaluation difficult.16
The cranial nerve examination should be as thorough as pos-
Gaze nystagmus can be identified by having the patient look
sible, as every cranial nerve may be potentially affected in
at the examiner’s index finger held at off-center positions. Gaze-
disease processes that cause vertigo. Oculomotor examination
evoked nystagmus is often a side effect of drugs such as anti-
documenting the function of cranial nerves III, IV, and VI
convulsants, benzodiazepines, or alcohol, but when it is present
should be performed. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia produced
in the absence of these drugs, it almost always indicates a
by lesions in the medial longitudinal fasciculus of the lower
central disorder involving the brainstem, cerebellum, or
midbrain and pons is important to recognize, as vertigo may be
midbrain depending on its direction, and also tends to be
one of the manifesting signs of multiple sclerosis.16 Subtle
direction changing.17,20
abnormalities in cranial nerves V, VII, and VIII may indicate a
Head-shaking nystagmus is assessed by having the patient
retrocochlear lesion. These can be tested by closely examining
shake his or her head very rapidly back and forth in the hori-
facial symmetry at rest and during movement, performing
zontal plane while wearing Frenzel lenses. Shaking is abruptly
the corneal blink reflex test, and performing tuning fork
stopped, and nystagmus is assessed. Normal individuals usually
testing. Usually, though, patients with retrocochlear lesions
have just a beat or two of nystagmus, but individuals with a
will present with hearing loss rather than tinnitus or vertigo.16
unilateral vestibular lesion show nystagmus with the fast phase
Finally, cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII should be thoroughly
toward the intact side.2 Patients with central lesions such as
cerebellar dysfunction may also have post head-shaking nys-
tagmus, often in the vertical direction.2
Nonlinearity testing, or head thrust testing, is performed by
Oculomotor Function Testing
applying quick head thrusts about 15 degrees in the plane of
The basis for nystagmus and oculomotor testing revolves each semicircular canal from the neutral position while the
around the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). The VOR is a pathway patient attempts to fix his gaze on the examiner’s nose. A
that associates the activity of paired semicircular canals to a set normal patient is able to keep his or her gaze on the examiner’s
of extraocular muscles.20 There are two main types of VOR: the nose, but a patient with a lesion affecting a semicircular canal
angular reflex associated with the semicircular canals and the demonstrates a corrective saccade after the head thrust toward
linear reflex associated with the utricle and saccule. The pur- the lesioned side.17
poses of the reflex are to maintain binocular vision and to
stabilize images on the fovea during head movement.2 The
pathway involves the vestibule, the vestibular nuclei, and the
Positional Testing
oculomotor nuclei with modulation between cerebellar centers.
The easiest reflex pathway to test is the paired horizontal semi- The first positional test that should be performed is the Dix-
circular canals with cranial medial and lateral recti muscles. Hallpike maneuver to detect the presence of benign paroxysmal
For example, in a normal individual, there is an equal tonic positional vertigo of the posterior semicircular canal. In this
324 Section V Neuro-Otology

test, the patient is sitting upright on an examination table and then with the eyes closed. Failure of this test can indicate an
the head is turned 45 degrees to the side in question. The head abnormality in the vestibulospinal pathway.2,17
is brought quickly down to a position where the head hangs off
the edge of the table and the patient is instructed to look
straight ahead with the eyes open (the patient may also wear Electronystagmography
Frenzel lenses if desired).2,17 This position is held for 30
seconds, and in the presence of BPPV, classically the patient has Electronystagmography is a combination of tests based on the
horizontorotary nystagmus with the fast phase beating toward VOR that provides important information about the vestibular
the down ear (geotropic), which is delayed in onset and fatiga- and ocular systems. Results of the electronystagmographic
ble. Almost all persons with BPPV have a sensation of spin- battery should be used in conjunction with findings from the
ning.16 Nystagmus of central origin may also manifest itself history, the physical examination, and other studies to arrive at
during the Dix-Hallpike maneuver, but it usually lasts indefi- a diagnosis.22
nitely while the patient is in the supine position.16

Electro-oculography is used to record eye movements during
Postural Control Testing electronystagmographic testing. It is based on the corneoreti-
nal potential (difference in electrical charge between the cornea
Postural control testing is based on the vestibulospinal reflex. and the retina), with the long axis of the eye acting as a dipole.
These pathways work in conjunction with visual and proprio- Movements of the eye relative to the surface electrodes placed
ceptive pathways to help the patient maintain balance. For around the eye produce an electrical signal that corresponds to
example, if your body leans to the left, the left leg extensors are eye position. Recordings of eye movement are accurate to about
activated to counteract a change in the patient’s new center of 0.5 degree, but it is still less sensitive than visual inspection,
gravity. With a perceived forward motion, the body sways which can perceive movements of about 0.1 degree.2 Therefore,
forward to maintain the center of gravity. visual inspection with Frenzel lenses is sometimes still
A simple way to think of this is that balance in gravity necessary to document nystagmus of low amplitude. Another
depends on three peripheral components: vision, propriocep- limitation of electro-oculography is that torsional eye move-
tion, and the vestibular system. These three components are ments cannot be monitored. Again, visual inspection with
bilateral peripheral inputs to the brain, which integrates Frenzel lenses is sometimes necessary to document torsional
balance, whereas the cerebellum is considered a central input. nystagmus.2
Taking away one of the inputs places the burden of maintain- Fortunately, new techniques have been developed to provide
ing balance on the other two inputs, and taking away two of the greater accuracy and breadth for oculomotor testing. The most
inputs places all of the burden on the one remaining input. This clinically useful technique that has been developed is the
is analogous to a person standing in darkness having to rely on infrared video electronystagmographic system. Here, the
vestibular inputs and proprioception to maintain balance.16 patient wears goggles that illuminate the eyes with infrared
The Romberg test was originally described for tabes dorsalis light (invisible to the patient), allowing a small video camera
and primarily tests proprioception.16,21 In this test, the patient to pick up and project an image of the eyes onto a monitor.
stands with both feet together with the arms either folded in This can also assess eye movement in horizontal, vertical,
front or down at the sides. Then the patient closes his or her and torsional directions and is more accurate than electro-
eyes and attempts to keep balance. Patients with a unilateral oculography.22
vestibular lesion tend to fall toward the lesioned side. The
tandem Romberg test is a variant that requires patients to stand
with one foot directly in front of the other. This increases its
Oculomotor Testing
The Fukuda stepping test is performed with the patient’s Oculomotor testing measures the accuracy, latency, and veloc-
arms straight out in front and the eyes closed. The patient then ity of eye movements in response to a stimulus (usually an LED
marches in place. A vestibular lesion is indicated if the patient light). The tests performed include tests for saccades, smooth
is turned more than 30 degrees from the original position pursuit, and optokinetic nystagmus. Saccades are rapid eye
after approximately 50 steps. Usually, patients turn toward movements that bring objects from the peripheral visual fields
the diseased side. Patients with a vestibular lesion with a onto the fovea. They are controlled by the occipitoparietal
positive Fukuda stepping test are usually surprised by the cortex, the frontal lobe, the basal ganglia, the superior collicu-
result, as they do not sense that they are rotating during the lus, the cerebellum, and the brainstem.17 During saccade
test.16 testing, the patient follows the LED, which flashes sequentially
Another test of vestibulospinal function is the tandem gait in positions 15 to 20 degrees to the right or left of center. The
test, in which the patient is asked to step heel-to-toe with test is repeated vertically. The latency, peak eye velocity, and
his/her eyes closed. Normal individuals can do this for at least accuracy are then calculated. The latency is the time lag
10 steps, but patients with vestibular disorders fail this test.17 between presentation of the stimulus and the beginning of a
The past pointing test is done by having the patient and exam- saccade. Prolonged or shortened latency, as well as differences
iner stand facing each other with arms extended forward and in latency between eyes, are usually indicative of neurodegen-
their index fingers in contact with one another. The patient erative disease. Abnormally slow peak velocities can be caused
then raises his or her arms up and brings his or her fingers into by sedative drugs, drowsiness, cerebellar disorders, basal
contact again with the examiner’s, first with the eyes open and ganglia disorders, and brainstem lesions. Abnormally fast
chapter 25 examination of hearing and balance 325

velocities are found with calibration errors and eye muscle usually does not change independent of head movement.
restrictions. Asymmetrical velocities are caused by internuclear Nystagmus that changes in direction independent of head
ophthalmoplegia, eye muscle restriction, and cranial nerves III movement is suggestive of a central lesion.22
and VI palsies. Poor accuracy, described as overshoot or under- Positioning tests include the Dix-Hallpike maneuver, among
shoot dysmetria, usually indicates cerebellar, brainstem, or others. The patient is positioned as described earlier (see Phys-
basal ganglia abnormalities.17 ical Examination), and the presence of nystagmus is noted. If
Smooth pursuit describes eye movements that are generated the patient has nystagmus, the test is repeated to see if the
when tracking moving objects. In smooth pursuit testing, the response fatigues. If the response fatigues, it is suggestive of a
patient follows an LED moving back and forth between two peripheral disorder, but if it does not, it suggests a central
points at a constant velocity. The gain and phase are then cal- lesion.22
culated. Gain is the ratio of the eye velocity to the target veloc-
ity. Abnormally low gain is suggestive of a central disorder
(brainstem or cerebellum).17 Phase is the difference in time Caloric Testing
between eye movement and target movement. Abnormalities
Caloric testing is a very important part of electronystagmogra-
here also indicate central nervous system disorders.17 The mor-
phy in that it is one of the few tests that allows one labyrinth
phology of the smooth pursuit tracing can be analyzed. A sac-
to be examined independently of the other.2 Horizontal nystag-
cadic pattern of smooth pursuit is associated with a cerebellar
mus is induced by stimulation of the horizontal semicircular
disorder.22 Acute peripheral vestibular lesions can also impair
canal using a cold and warm stimulus (air or water). The patient
smooth pursuit when the eyes are trying to move opposite the
lies in the supine position with the head tilted 30 degrees
slow phase of spontaneous nystagmus.17
upward to bring the horizontal canal into the vertical plane
Optokinetic nystagmus is tested by having the patient look
(direction of gravity), making it more sensitive to the flow of
ahead while seated in a rotating drum with black and white
endolymph.17 The external canal is irrigated with 250 mL of
stripes on it. When the patient tries to look straight ahead,
water at 30ºC and 44ºC for about 30 seconds each. Alternatively,
there will be small involuntary excursions of the eye (stare nys-
air at temperatures of 24ºC and 50ºC can be used.
tagmus). When the patient follows a target, smooth pursuit is
For example, a cold stimulus in the left ear causes the
tested (look nystagmus). Both types of nystagmus are probably
endolymph of the horizontal canal to fall (as if the head was
responsible for eye movement during stimulation. However,
turning right and the endolymph was moving left) and the
when the lights go out, the patient with an intact optokinetic
cupula moves the cilia in an ampullofugal direction away from
system will continue to have nystagmus for about 25
the kinocilium, causing a decreased firing rate in the left
seconds⎯optokinetic after nystagmus (OKAN).22 The optoki-
vestibular nerve and inhibition of the left medial rectus and the
netic system is distributed widely throughout the brainstem
right lateral rectus via the VOR. The eyes then drift conjugately
and cerebellum, so abnormalities are difficult to localize.
to the left (slow phase) and corrective saccades bring the eyes
However, absence or asymmetry of OKAN can occur with
back to the right (fast phase)⎯this results in a right-beating
peripheral vestibular lesions. Bilateral lesions tend to greatly
nystagmus. The opposite occurs with warm stimulation. A
reduce or eliminate OKAN, whereas unilateral lesions can
mnemonic used to determine the direction of the fast phase of
result in asymmetrical OKAN with prolonged nystagmus
nystagmus in cold and warm stimulation is “COWS”: Cold
directed at the site of lesion.22,23
Opposite, Warm Same.
The measured value of the induced nystagmus for each stim-
ulus is the peak slow-phase velocity averaged over a 10-second
Spontaneous and Gaze Nystagmus
period.17 The difference between the sides is calculated, and any
The electronystagmogram can record eye movements associ- difference greater than 20% to 25% between sides is considered
ated with spontaneous and gaze-evoked nystagmus similar to significant and indicates weakness of the vestibular labyrinth
that described earlier (see Physical Examination). An advantage or nerve on the less active side. Directional preponderance,
of electronystagmography over physical examination is that eye which compares the peak slow-phase velocities of eye move-
movements can be monitored with the eyes closed. If during ments to the right with the left, can also be calculated. A dif-
any part of the test nystagmus is identified with the eyes closed, ference of 25% to 30% is considered significant and indicates
the patient is then told to open the eyes so that changes in nys- an imbalance but is a nonlocalizing measure.16
tagmus can be detected. Patients with peripheral causes of nys-
tagmus and a normal central pathway are able to suppress the
nystagmus with the eyes open. This is called fixation suppres- Rotational Chair Testing
sion. A central lesion is suggested when there is no fixation sup-
Rotational chair testing measures the VOR response to small
pression and the nystagmus continues with the eyes open.22
rotations of the body around an axis. It can be useful in moni-
toring changes in vestibular function over time (especially
bilateral lesions or lesions from vestibulotoxic medications),
Positional and Positioning Tests
monitoring compensation following acute injury, and identify-
Positional tests measure the response to changes in the direc- ing residual vestibular function in patients with no response
tion of gravitational force. With the eyes closed, the patient is during caloric testing.22 The easiest canal to test is the hori-
moved slowly into a series of stationary positions, and the pres- zontal canal. The patient is fitted with electro-oculographic
ence of nystagmus is assessed, which can be fixed or direction electrodes and rotated slowly around a vertical axis with the
changing. Positional nystagmus from a peripheral lesion can eyes covered. The patient then undergoes sinusoidal harmonic
fatigue with repeated testing, is usually fixed in direction, and acceleration, during which the patient is rotated back and forth
326 Section V Neuro-Otology

at gradually increasing frequencies to a peak angular velocity Other Testing

of about 50 degrees per second.16 The three values analyzed are
phase, gain, and symmetry. Additional tests that may be useful in the balance evaluation
Phase measures the timing of eye movement relative to head are audiometric tests, radiographic tests, and blood tests.
movement. In individuals with an intact VOR, the direction of Audiometric tests are extremely important in the evaluation of
slow phase eye velocity is exactly opposite head velocity, but dizziness. Every patient should at least have an audiogram and
patients with a vestibular or cerebellar lesion have an abnor- immittance testing. A unilateral hearing loss supports a periph-
mal phase, with either a phase lead or lag. Gain is the ratio of eral cause of vertigo, and reduced speech discrimination scores
the slow phase eye velocity to the head velocity. Abnormally low may prompt a search for a retrocochlear abnormality such as
gain may indicate bilateral peripheral vestibular weakness, an acoustic neuroma.16 Radiographic tests such as an MRI will
whereas abnormally high gain may be seen in cerebellar be able to detect acoustic neuromas, multiple sclerosis, and
lesions.17 Symmetry measures the difference between slow brainstem strokes. CT scans may detect middle and inner ear
phase velocities associated with rightward and leftward rota- anomalies such as a cholesteatoma eroding into the semi-
tion and can suggest involvement of the central pathways or circular canals or a superior semicircular canal dehiscence.
peripheral vestibular dysfunction.17 Finally, blood tests looking for thyroid function, glucose toler-
ance, syphilis, rheumatoid factor, and ANA may also be useful
in helping to diagnose a dizzy patient.

Computerized Dynamic Posturography

Posturography is a quantitative test of the vestibulospinal
reflex. It has the same basis as the Romberg test, where three
peripheral inputs of vision, the labyrinth, and proprioception K E Y P O I N T S
are integrated for a patient to maintain balance. If one of these
inputs is taken away, the patient has to rely on the remaining ● Hearing loss and balance disorders are two of the most
inputs to maintain balance. No one input can be measured by common reasons why patients visit their physicians.
itself. Patients with cerebellar lesions and certain cortical
● There are three main forms of hearing loss: conductive,
lesions are characteristically ataxic and will have poor results
sensorineural, and mixed. Each can be caused by a wide
on posturography.16 There are two tests in posturography: the
variety of conditions, ranging from benign conditions,
sensory organization test and the motor control test.
such as cerumen impaction, to potentially life-threatening
In the sensory organization test, the patient is subjected to
diseases, such as squamous cell carcinoma of the temporal
six conditions. In condition 1, the patient stands on a fixed plat-
form with the eyes open and looks at a fixed visual surround.
In condition 2, the platform is fixed, but the eyes are covered, ● A thorough history is one of the most important aspects of a
forcing the patient to rely on proprioceptive and vestibular hearing evaluation.
cues. In condition 3, the platform is fixed and the eyes are open,
● A complete head and neck examination can give many clues
but the visual surround moves in reference to body sway,
to the cause of a patient’s hearing loss.
forcing the patient to ignore the visual stimulus and rely on
proprioceptive and vestibular cues. In condition 4, the eyes are ● Audiological testing has been available for decades, but
open and the visual surround is fixed, but the platform sways, developments over the years have advanced the field of
taking away proprioception, which forces the patient to rely on audiology to include tests and procedures that can deter-
visual and vestibular cues. Patients with vestibular dysfunction mine the site of lesion with far greater accuracy than before.
still tend to do well in condition 4. In condition 5, the platform Otolaryngologists and audiologists often need to rely on one
sways and the eyes are covered, forcing the patient to rely on another to diagnose accurately the cause of a patient’s
vestibular cues alone⎯patients with vestibular dysfunction hearing loss using a combination of the history, physical
tend to fall here. In condition 6, the eyes are open, but both the examination, and results of various audiological tests.
platform and visual surround move, forcing the patient to rely
● The diagnosis and treatment of patients with “dizziness”
on vestibular cues while ignoring inaccurate proprioceptive and
can be very challenging and frustrating for the patient, the
visual cues.2 Patients with vestibular dysfunction tend to fall
neurologist, the otolaryngologist, and the audiologist. A
here as well. The parameter measured is the patient’s anterior
huge variety of disorders can cause the patient to have a
and posterior body sway, and is measured on a 0-to-100 scale
sensation of dizziness, and a huge variety of terms can be
(fall = 0, no sway = 100).22
used to describe it (lightheadedness, spinning, “swimming
Motor control tests evaluate the automatic postural
sensation,” “things not being right in the head”).
responses to forward and backward horizontal movements of
the platform. The main parameter tested here is latency. A pro- ● Often, the diagnosis is made by piecing together many
longed latency in both directions suggests a central lesion, different pieces of information. Not every case of dizziness
whereas a prolonged latency in only one direction suggests can be completely cured or diagnosed exactly. An organized,
either a peripheral or central lesion.17 systematic approach is necessary to make a reasonably
Although posturography results tend not to localize lesions, accurate diagnosis and avoid confusion. Key components in
they are useful for planning vestibular rehabilitation. Postur- the evaluation of dizziness include the history, physical
ography may also aid in the detection of malingerers, who tend examination, electronystagmography, rotary chair testing,
to have inconsistent results and may do more poorly on condi- and computerized dynamic posturography testing.
tions 1 and 2 than on conditions 5 and 6.2
chapter 25 examination of hearing and balance 327

Suggested Reading 8. Miltenburg DM: The validity of tuning fork tests in diagnosing
hearing loss. J Otolaryngol 1994; 23:254-259.
Chole RA, Cook GB: The Rinne test for conductive deafness. A clin- 9. Chole RA, Cook GB: The Rinne test for conductive deafness. A
ical reappraisal. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998; clinical reappraisal. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;
114:399-403. 114:399-403.
Cueva RA: Auditory brainstem response versus magnetic resonance 10. Sweetow RW, Bold JM: Audiologic testing. In Lalwani AK, ed:
imaging for the evaluation of asymmetric sensorineural hearing Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology⎯Head
loss. Laryngoscope 2004; 114:1686-1692. and Neck Surgery. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004, pp 631-641.
Kileny PR, Zwolan TA: Diagnostic and rehabilitative audiology. In 11. Hall JW, Antonelli PJ: Assessment of peripheral and central
Lustig LR, Cummings CW, eds: Cummings Otolaryngology auditory function. In Bailey BJ, ed: Head and Neck
Head and Neck Surgery. St Louis: Mosby Elsevier, 2004, pp Surgery⎯Otolaryngology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
3483-3502. and Wilkins, 2001, pp 1659-1672.
Satar B: Vestibular testing. In Lalwani AK, ed: Current Diagnosis 12. Kileny PR, Zwolan TA: Diagnostic and rehabilitative audiology.
and Treatment in Otolaryngology⎯Head and Neck Surgery. In Lustig LR, Cummings CW, eds: Cummings Otolaryngolo-
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004, pp 643-658. gy⎯Head and Neck Surgery. St Louis: Mosby Elsevier, 2004,
pp 3483-3502.
13. Cueva RA: Auditory brainstem response versus magnetic
References resonance imaging for the evaluation of asymmetric sen-
sorineural hearing loss. Laryngoscope 2004; 114:1686-1692.
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Cummings CW, eds: Cummings Otolaryngology⎯Head and Laryngol 2003; 112:395-397.
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2. Hullar TE, Minor LB, Zee DS: Evaluation of the patient with symptom of acoustic neuroma. Am J Otolaryngol 1999; 20:157-
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