Field Drilling Data Cleaning and Preparation For Data Analytics A
Field Drilling Data Cleaning and Preparation For Data Analytics A
Field Drilling Data Cleaning and Preparation For Data Analytics A
June 2019
Recommended Citation
Braga, Daniel Cardoso, "Field Drilling Data Cleaning and Preparation for Data Analytics Applications" (2019). LSU Master's Theses.
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A Thesis
Daniel Cardoso Braga
B.S., University of Campinas, 2014
August 2019
The achievements obtained in this work are the result of effort from multiple people,
to whom I would like to express my gratitude:
To Dr. Mauricio Almeida for all the support in my endeavor to come to LSU and
pursue my master’s degree, without your help none of this would have happened. Thank
you for your advice in and outside the classroom. I would also like to thank Dr Wesley
Williams for accepting me as a student, and as a friend. Your sense of competition and high
achievement motivated me to also always push the extra mile when things were difficult.
I could not have asked for a better pair of professors to advise me in this transition of my
career, with the perfect balance of experiences to help me achieve my goals.
To Tati, I would like to thank the non-stop support as my partner. The decision
to move to a different country, leaving family and friends behind to pursue this dream
would be much more difficult without you. Thank you for teaching me how to be a better
person, and to trust my ”gut”. The award received from this work was mainly because you
motivated me to go there and show my work.
To Branum, Stanley and Mark from Legacy Directional Drilling I thank the thrust
deposited on me since the beginning. The plan was ambitious due to the short time frame,
but with your guidance we could meet all project goals. Special thanks to Branum for his
dedication and passion about extracting knowledge from data. Your help was crucial to
guide me to the right way.
To all professors and employees of the Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum En-
gineering I would also like to thank for supporting us, the students, making this institution
loved in the intense way it is. Thank you Dr. Wojtanowicz for giving me a chance when
accepting me in this program, and for the long talks and experience shared during my time
here. Also I would like to thank Dr. Gupta for being such an amazing person and professor
- Your dedication is contagious, and makes us all proud of having you as a professor. To all
employees from the department - Andy, Janet, Tanesha, Jeanette and Fenelon - I express
my sincere gratitude for your dedication in making the department better every day.
To my family and friends from both Brazil and Baton Rouge I would like to thank for
their company when the mind was not able to work anymore. I had no idea how difficult
it would be to live so far from all of you, but at the same time this experience allowed us
to make many new friends, so at the end we always become stronger.
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
LIST OF NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1. Petroleum Engineering Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5. Data Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6. Data Analytics Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.7. Literature Review – Data Analytics in Drilling Engineering . . . . . . . . . 19
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
VITA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
List of Tables
1.1. EDR Data in Tabular View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
List of Figures
1.1. Oil and Gas Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.11. Typical Drill Line Spooling Scheme, Adapted From [Eric et al., 2015] . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6. Illustration of the First Cleaning Steps. The Null Values are
Cleaned, and the Wells Overview Table Provides the [Well Spud]
and [Well TD] Datetime Values That Will Slice the EDR File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.7. Representation of the New Status Columns Added to the EDR File . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.8. Addition of Well Section and BHA Number to the EDR File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.10. Mud Motor Assembly (top left) – Different Types of Rotors (top
right) – Relationship Between Lobe Configuration and Torque
and Speed Output (bottom), Adapted From [Vieira, 2009] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.15. Box Plots of Bit Weight using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and
Drilling Operations Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.16. Bit Weight and Bit Weight Corrected Zoomed Between -25 and
75 klbf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.17. Box Plots of Block Height Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and
Drilling Operations Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.20. Box Plots of Gamma Ray Using Raw Data, Without Nulls,
Drilling Operations Only, and Zoomed Between -50 and 250 ◦ API . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.21. Box Plots of Hook Load Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and
Drilling Operations Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.22. Box Plots of Pump Pressure Using Raw Data, Without Nulls,
Drilling Operations Only, and Zoomed Between -220 and 5000 psi . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.23. Box Plots of Average ROP Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and
Drilling Operations Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.24. Box Plots of Average ROP for Raw Data and Cleaned Drilling-
only Values Zoomed Between 0 and 500 ft/hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.25. Box Plots of Top Drive Rotation Using Raw Data, Without
Nulls, and Drilling Operations Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.26. Box Plots of Top Drive Torque Using Raw Data, Without Nulls,
and Drilling Operations Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.27. Box Plot of Flow Rate In for Data Without Nulls and Filtered
for Drilling Operations Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.28. Box Plots of Flow Rate In Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and
Drilling Operations Only, With a Cutoff at 1600 gpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.30. Box Plots of Pump Rate Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and
Drilling Operations Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.31. Box Plot of Pump Rate Using Data Without Nulls Filtered to
Drilling Operations Only and Zoomed to Values Between 0 and
600 spm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.33. Box Plot of Instantaneous ROP Using Data Without Nulls Fil-
tered With Drilling Operations Only, Zoomed to Values Between
-450 and +450 ft/hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.6. Visualization of the Footage Drilled per Bit Model in All Vertical Sections . . . . 78
3.8. Bit Run Report for Well 4, Run 1, HSI Bin of 8 to 11 hp/in2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.9. Bit Run Report for Well 4, Run 1, HSI Bin of 12 to 15 hp/in2 ,
From 2,000 to 5,000 feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.10. Bit Run Report for Well 4, Run 1, HSI Bin of 12 to 15 hp/in2 ,
From 5,000 to 8,000 feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.11. Bit Run Report for Well 4, Run 1, HSI Bin of 16 hp/in2 and More . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.14. Heat Map of WOB vs Bit RPM for Well 8, Run 1. Data Points
With HSI of 8-11 hp/in2 (left), and With HSI of 12-15 hp/in2 (right) . . . . . . . . . 86
3.15. Heat Map of WOB vs Bit RPM for the First Half of Depth Intervals . . . . . . . . . 87
3.16. Heat Map of WOB vs Bit RPM for the Second Half of Depth Intervals . . . . . . . 88
3.17. Typical Learning Curve for a Drilling Campaign, From [Damski, 2014] . . . . . . . . 90
3.19. Learning Curve for Pad 5 Divided by Vertical (top), Curve (mid-
dle) and Lateral (bottom) Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.7. Example of the Decision Logic of Some Leaves of One Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.9. Comparison Between the Recorded and Predicted ROP for the
Curve Section of Well 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.10. Resulting ROP Prediction for ROP of 1.3, 2 and 3 Times Higher . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.11. Resulting ROP Predictions Zoomed Between 9,040 and 9,250 feet . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.12. Drilling Parameters Zoomed Between 9,040 and 9,250 feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.13. Resulting ROP Predictions Zoomed Between 9,400 and 9,600 feet . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.14. Drilling Parameters Zoomed Between 9,400 and 9,600 feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
List of Nomenclature
3D - Three Dimensional
AFE - Authorization for Expenditure
AI - Artificial Intelligence
API - American Petroleum Institute
BHA - Bottom Hole Assembly
BOP - Blow-out Preventer
CSV - Comma Separated Values
DD - Directional Driller
DNN - Deep Neural Network
DoC - Depth of Cut
DWOB - Downhole Weight on Bit
EDR - Electronic Drilling Recorder
HHP - Hydraulic Horse Power
HL - Hook Load
HMI - Human-Machine Interface
HSI - Hydraulic Horse Power per Square Inch
IOT - Internet of Things
IQR - Interquartile Range
IT - Information Technology
KDD - Knowledge Discovery in Databases
KOP - Kick-off Point
KPI - Key Performance Indicator
LP - Landing Point
MD - Measured Depth
ML - Machine Learning
MSE - Mechanical Specific Energy
MTM - Methods-Time Measurements
MWD - Measurement While Drilling
OD - Outer Diameter
OGDQ - Operators Group for Data Quality
OPEX - Operational Expenditure
OPM - Open Porous Media
PC - Personal Computer
PDF - Probability Density Function
RMSE - Root Mean Squared Error
ROI - Return on Investment
ROP - Rate of Penetration
RPG - Rotations per Gallon
RPM - Rotations per Minute
RTOC - Real Time Operation Center
SPM - Stroke per Minute
SW - String Weight
TSE - Torsional Severity Estimate
WITS - Wellsite Information Transfer Specification
WITSML - Wellsite Information Transfer Standard Markup Language
WOB - Weight on Bit
Throughout the history of oil well drilling, service providers have been continuously
striving to improve performance and reduce total drilling costs to operating companies.
Despite constant improvement in tools, products, and processes, data science has not played
a large part in oil well drilling. With the implementation of data science in the energy sector,
companies have come to see significant value in efficiently processing the massive amounts
of data produced by the multitude of internet of thing (IOT) sensors at the rig. The scope
of this project is to combine academia and industry experience to analyze data from 13
different wells drilled in an area of 2 x 4 miles. The data was collected in the same rig and
contains over 12 million electronic drilling recorder data points, driller’s activity logs and
well profiles. The main focus is to propose a detailed workflow to clean and process real
drilling data. Once cleaned, the data can be fed into data analytics platforms and machine
learning models to efficiently analyze trends and plan future well more efficiently. This
roadmap will serve as a basis for drilling optimization. The objective of this work is to
detail the various steps needed to prepare field drilling data for business analysis, as well
discuss about data analytics and machine learning application in drilling operations. The
results to be presented are the detailed workflow and description of the data preparation
steps, an example analysis of the drilling data and an example application of a machine
learning model in drilling.
Chapter 1
1.1. Petroleum Engineering Overview
The exploration for oil and gas is a very complex process that comprises a multitude
of skilled professionals, each of them working in their area of expertise to bring petroleum
fluids from the subsurface of the earth to the production facility. Once refined, petroleum
products are used in multiple forms such as fuel, petrochemicals, additives to agricultural
products, clothing, cosmetics, plastics and polymers, just to name a few. From the time
an oil company bids for an exploration lease, to when it removes all equipment used to
produce the oil and returns the area to the government, engineering work is present in all
steps. An overview of the processes performed in the search, discovery and extraction of
petroleum from the ground is depicted in Fig. 1.1.
The typical oil and gas life cycle comprises five main phases:
1. Exploration: Oil companies, the so-called Operators, purchase land where it is be-
lieved to have oil or gas in the subsurface to be explored. Usually appraisal seismic
is done by the government natural resources agency, in order to provide initial infor-
mation about the lithology and geology of the area beneath the lease.
Seismic is the technique used by the geologists in the attempt of describing the
layers of rocks and sediments along the Earth’s crust. With the creation of sound
waves generated by explosives and then calculating the travel time taken for the
waves to come back, the analyst can infer how the layers are organized. From a
petroleum exploration perspective, it is very important to identify geological features
like faults and sealing layers that could facilitate the accumulation of hydrocarbon
fluids. A schematic of the seismic shooting process as well as an example of seismic
interpretation is shown in Fig. 1.2.
Figure 1.2. Seismic Shooting Schematic (top) – Example of Seismic Interpretation (bottom)
Petroleum geologists and petrophysicists analyze together this information and decide
where to drill the first exploratory well in the area, with the objective to confirm if
the target formation contains petroleum or not.
2. Appraisal: With the confirmation of oil in the first exploratory well, then the next
step is to drill additional wells to evaluate the size and quality of the reservoir. The
objectives of the drilling campaign now are to understand the limits of the reservoir
in respect to faults or other geological features, as well as performing well tests to
collect more data from the reservoir (permeability, production rates, pressures, fluid
samples, etc).
3. Field Development: In this phase the field development plan is executed. This plan
covers the production strategy for the whole life of the field - from 10 to 30 years
depending on the size of the accumulation. Here all the wells - producers and injectors
- needed are drilled, cased and completed to allow the maximum oil extraction possible
(oil recovery).
4. Production: Once the wells are drilled and the production equipment that will receive,
store and separate the fluids produced are installed, the production phase begins. This
is denoted as the first oil of the field. As described previously, this phase is the longest
of the field life cycle and can last up to three decades. Because the production can
last many years, programmed stops are done to maintain the downhole and wellhead
1.2. Motivation
In the schematic shown in Fig. 1.1, the arrow below shows where drilling-related
operations happen along the life of a field. From Exploration to Decommissioning, the
drilling department of the operating company is involved in all steps: Drilling exploratory
wells at the exploration phase; drilling delimiting wells and helping execute well tests during
the appraisal; drilling the producers and injectors during the development; performing
workover operations during the producing period, and finally, plugging and abandoning the
well in the decommissioning phase. This description makes clear how important drilling
operations are to the whole field development process. Because drilling oil wells is a very
expensive activity, a unique network of service providers and contractors has been developed
in the last century just to provide these services to the operating companies. These drilling
service companies have multimillion-dollar budgets for research and development to employ
the best technology available to the field. Some examples of such innovative technologies
are the rotary steerable systems, the wired drill pipe and hybrid drill bits.
Closely linked to technology advances is automation. The drilling rig of today contains a
massive amount of instrumentation that collects parameters from almost every equipment
installed in the drilling rig, whether it is related to the drilling operation or not. For
example, the rig control system receives multiple data streams from the Top Drive that are
used to execute drilling: its position in respect to the derrick, temperature of the electric
motors, drill string rotation speed, oil temperature, drill pipe elevator opening status, etc.
Also other non-critical equipment have sensors measuring their state, like drilling fluid
agitators, or access baskets to lift personnel, allowing its remote and safe operation. Fig.
1.3 shows an example of a modern Top Drive, with multiple sensors installed.
With the evolution of the technology applied to the drilling rig, companies started to
store the data generated by these hundreds of sensors in their databases. The data usually
is recorded at very high frequency (1, 5 or 10Hz), and in most cases is standardized in the
Wellsite Information Transfer Standard Markup Language (WITSML), a modernization of
Figure 1.3. National Oilwell Varco Top Drive HPS 750
the original WITS protocol, created by an Industry consortium formed by many companies,
and managed by Energistics [Energistics, 2019].
Today, many companies stream data from the sensor to the corporate office in real-
time, plotted in colorful graphs on multiple screens. Fig. 1.4 shows the whole IT network
that must be installed to make live data transmission possible. The data is transmitted
along several means that can be located hundreds of miles apart to reach the database.
Although it is very appealing to have this feature, if said company is not using it to improve
how they operate, the tremendous effort behind the real-time data transmission is nothing
more than a very high expense providing no return on investment (ROI) [Damski, 2014].
Putting together the advances of computational power, the exponential growth of data
that is generated in every well drilled, and the strong incentive of cost reduction due do the
drop of oil price in recent years, it is easy to understand why companies that own this huge
amount of data wants to extract sense from it: Business managers and decision makers
want to have insights from the operation they perform on a daily basis, in an attempt to
improve future results and remain competitive in this very tight market. Consequently,
this thesis presents a study on how to organize the raw drilling data, clean it, pre-process
it and present it in a way that will enable the drilling engineer to make better decisions
about the planning of a next well to be drilled.
Figure 1.4. Current Real-Time Wellsite Data Flow at Saudi Aramco, From
[Al-Khudiri et al., 2008]
1.3. Objectives
When dealing with massive amounts of data (a table with more than 30 columns
and 1,000,000 rows for example), the analyst id responsible to extract meaning from
the raw data should apply some tasks in a logical order that will help them to under-
stand the patterns and relationship between variables. A very good approach to this
process is called “The Knowledge Discovery in Databases” (KDD) and was proposed by
[Fayyad et al., 1996]. Here, Fayyad proposes the KDD as a five-step process that transforms
raw data into knowledge: Data selection, Preprocessing, Transformation, Data Mining and
Interpretation/Evaluation. The KDD schematic is presented in Fig. 1.5.
Figure 1.5. The KDD Process, Adapted From [Fayyad et al., 1996]
Having the KDD process as the base for the workflow applied to the drilling data, the
objectives of the present work are:
2. Describe data analytics techniques applied to analyze and understand the drilling
3. Create a statistics-based (machine learning) model that will predict actual drilling
performance based on previous data.
1.4. Background
1.4.1. The Well
An oil well is the physical conduit between the reservoir and surface. It is formed of
several concentric steel tubulars – casing – that are drilled in a sequential order. Typically,
a casing configuration goes from the largest - 30 inches of outer diameter (OD) to the
smaller - 9 4
inches of OD. Once the target formation is reached, a production tubing – a
steel pipe with 5-7 inches OD - is run until the bottom of the well and hung on top of the
well head on a tubing hanger. A well schematic is presented in Fig. 1.6.
When drilling a hole in the ground, the main objective is to break the formation,
and transport the cutting material to the surface, as the well is being drilled. This is
accomplished using a drill bit that rotates clockwise against the formation. The bit has
teeth that are indented into the formation with applied force, known as Weight on Bit
(WOB). With the indentation, usually referred to as Depth of Cut (DoC) and rotation
of the bit (RPM), the drilling process occurs. The resulting performance of drilling is
described as the rate of penetration (ROP), measured in feet per hour. This process is
described in Figure 1.7. It can be seen from the diagram that the volume of rock cut at
any revolution is simply the length of the total indentation caused by the WOB multiplied
by the bit area, on every rotation.
Figure 1.7. Single Cutter Representation of the Rock Cutting Mechanism
Drill string is the name given to several equipment/components that are screwed to-
gether sequentially as drilling progresses. A typical drill string configuration comprises a
drill bit at the tip, the Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) that contains the main equipment
that will enable the drill bit to drill in the planned direction and downhole data acquisi-
tion systems and the drill collar/drill pipe sections. Drill pipes are steel tubulars that are
threaded on both ends. Its main purpose is to connect the drill bit to the top drive, and
to transmit fluid from surface to the bit.
1.4.4. Measurement While Drilling Tool
The Measurement While Drilling (MWD) tool is a set of sensors that are run in to
the well, just behind the drill bit (Fig 1.8). These sensors record information such as
magnetic orientation, lateral and axial shock, lateral and axial vibration, temperature and
acceleration. These metrics are used to tune the directional control of the bit by calculating
the bit position over time. The data is transmitted to the surface via 10 Hz mud pulse
telemetry, and a full log is downloaded once the tool and the whole BHA is pulled out of
Figure 1.8. Typical MWD Assembly, From JAE Smart DM 2016 Catalog
The concept of mechanical specific energy (MSE) was derived by [Teale, 1965]. In his
work he derived a relationship between the rock strength and the energy required to destroy
the rock. To prove his theory, a laboratory test was performed and Taele realized that the
value of the MSE was equal to the rock compressive strength. The expression derived by
Teal is:
However, the application of MSE in drilling surveillance had only become widespread
after [Dupriest et al., 2005] published the gains in drilling performance when drillers used
MSE as a direct indicator of efficient drilling.
1.4.6. Electronic Drilling Recorder
The Electronic Drilling Recorder (EDR) is the computer systems that gathers infor-
mation of all sensors that are related to the drilling operation (Fig. 1.9). Examples of
equipment that are connected to the EDR are: Top Drive, Retractable Dolly, Drawworks,
Mud Pumps, Blow-Out Preventer (BOP), Diverter, Power Slips, Pipe Handling Crane and
Mud Bucket. The EDR system usually provides information about each machine that is
connected to it via a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) system. With this system, the driller
can easily operate and check the status of all equipment on the drill floor.
Figure 1.9. Example of an EDR Screen, From Pason Systems
The EDR file is the download of the recorded values during a selected time interval.
The data frequency can be set to display the values each 1, 5 or 10 seconds, being the last
two formats the average during the selected time interval. Thus, the total number of rows
depends on the time interval selected to be aggregated in the file, and the time frequency
of the recording. A simple estimation can be:
60 seconds × 60 minutes × 24 hours = 86, 400 rows (data points) per day
and, assuming that a well takes 60 days to be drilled, for a 5 seconds recording frequency
we have:
Multiplying this number of rows by each drilling parameter that you want to analyze,
the EDR file can easily be of a size that is impossible for a human to understand in a
logical and meaningful way. It is therefore imperative that one use computational aid
when processing such large files.
Common features (columns) that usually are analyzed in an EDR file are: Date Time
(Timestamp), Hole Depth, Bit Position, Top Drive Rotation, Top Drive Torque, Pump
Pressure, Weight on Bit and Block Position. However, most commercial EDR systems
enable the inclusion of more than 200 readings from the various equipment installed, al-
though this availability might depend if the sensors are in fact installed, which often must
be included in the contract with the service company, among other factors.
A sample of an EDR file download is presented below. A common format for download
is the comma-separated-values (CSV) format. This format describes the data in text for-
mat, being parsed into columns by a comma “,”. The parsing software then understands
this pattern and the data can be read as a table.
Example of a raw EDR file in CSV format:
The same data now displayed in tabular form, Table 1.1:
Table 1.1. EDR Data in Tabular View
5/12/2018 8:15:25 17434.37 17434.37 34.2 14.90 697.61 140 199.90
5/12/2018 8:15:30 17434.57 17434.57 34.0 14.70 695.14 140 199.90
5/12/2018 8:15:35 17434.78 17434.78 34.0 14.49 693.91 140 200.00
5/12/2018 8:15:40 17434.98 17434.98 34.1 14.29 700.12 140 199.80
5/12/2018 8:15:45 17435.17 17435.17 34.2 14.10 701.66 140 199.80
5/12/2018 8:15:50 17435.37 17435.37 34.1 13.90 706.06 140 199.90
5/12/2018 8:15:55 17435.57 17435.57 34.0 13.70 694.92 140 199.90
5/12/2018 8:16:00 17435.76 17435.76 34.1 13.51 682.12 140 200.00
5/12/2018 8:16:05 17435.97 17435.97 33.9 13.30 680.16 124 200.00
5/12/2018 8:16:10 17436.17 17436.17 34.1 13.11 686.31 114 199.90
5/12/2018 8:16:15 17436.36 17436.36 34.2 12.92 673.07 114 199.80
The well schematic, or well plan, is the document that describes the trajectory to be
drilled. It should contain all the information needed for the correct execution of the well
trajectory by the field personnel. Once the well is drilled, this document can be updated
with the actual drilled path, so the planned vs actual trajectories can be compared to assess
the well directional performance. Several factors must be taken into consideration for the
trajectory design of a well:
• Surface location and target formation: The two basic inputs, first the designer has
to understand from where the well is departing and to where it is going. This will
determine the main profile of the well (J shape, S shape, Vertical, etc)
• Lease constrains: According to regulation, the limits of the leasing area apply also
for the subsurface. That way, the well path must also respect these limits.
• Underground aquifer: In case of an existing aquifer along the well path, extra care
has to be taken in the proper isolation of the aquifer to avoid contamination of the
water body. The practice is usually to case and cement any phase that is crossing an
aquifer to avoid this problem.
• Well collision: In very prolific areas, drilling activity is very intense. That way,
the drilling companies have to take extra care in the directional control to avoid
collision with surrounding wells. The consequences of hitting a producing well can be
catastrophic. Companies operating in the same area usually share the information
about their wells so the collision avoidance can be properly planned.
In the well schematic, the main geometric parameters are plotted in a lateral view (cross
section of the vertical plane) and top view. A horizontal well that is typically divided into
three main sections: vertical or nudge, curve and lateral or horizontal section. The vertical
section is the first to be drilled, covering the shallower (thus softer) formations. At a
certain point, the trajectory has to change from vertical to horizontal, so a curved section
is drilled. The point at which the trajectory begins to deviate from vertical is called the
kick-off-point (KOP). At the end of the curve section, the point at which the trajectory is
now kept constant horizontally is called the landing point (LP). For a horizontal well as
depicted in Fig. 1.10, the lateral profile can be described simply knowing the KOP and
LP depths. However more information has to be given for a precise 3D description of the
The well plan also contains georeferencing information to be used to set the directional
tools such as the system datum, the ellipsoid used as reference, the direction of the true
and magnetic north, the geodetic system used, etc.
Figure 1.10. Well Schematic Document, Courtesy of Legacy Directional Drilling
1.5.3. Directional Driller Activity Log
At the drilling rig, several companies are hired by the operator to execute the well
together. The drilling contractor provides the rig and the main personnel to operate the
rig. The service companies provide expertise and equipment to execute specific tasks such
as well cementing, well logging, directional drilling surveying, drilling cuttings treatment
and disposal, etc.
In regards to directional drilling, the specialized professional called a Directional Driller
(DD) works together with the driller in the execution of the directional path of the well.
The driller is the main person responsible for the normal drilling operation and works based
on the same drilling rig. He controls the top drive, mud pumps, drawworks, and all drilling
related equipment. Also, he is the leader of the drilling crew (roughnecks, derrickman,
assistant driller) and is responsible for assuring that safety barriers and procedures are
begin put in place to avoid incidents. Finally, he is also the main person responsible for
observing the drilling parameters to quickly detect kick signs, and act accordingly using
the well control practices that he is trained upon.
The directional driller is a professional that is sent to the rig only when directional
control is needed. Since he works for the directional drilling company and not for the
drilling contractor, he/she is assigned on a job basis, usually working among several rigs
and crews. This professional has the skills to execute the curve section as close as possible
to the planned trajectory, and works together with the driller, providing instructions about
the drilling parameters such as angle build rate, drill string rotation speed, etc.
For reporting purposes, the directional driller has to discretize every drilling operation
in a chronological log. This report is used later to evaluate the performance of the drilling
operation, as well to calculate any non-productive time (if any). This report contains
especially useful information about operational problems that are not evident in the EDR
file. For example, a very sudden stop in the drilling operation, with no apparent reason in
the sensors reading can be explained due to a failure in the mud pump gearbox that was
reported in the DD Activity Log. Table 1.2 shows a few rows of an activity log.
Table 1.2. Example of Directional Driller Activity Log
Job Well Motor Motor Motor Motor Motor Hole Bit Bit
Job # Rig Job ID Comment
BHA BHA MFG Size Bend Stator Stages Size MFG Model
182 Rig A MD180037 1 1 X 8 1.5 0.88 4 12 1/4 ABC A1B2 CUT DRILL LINE
182 Rig A MD180037 1 1 X 8 1.5 0.88 4 12 1/4 ABC A1B2 DRILL CEMENT AND FLOAT EQUIPMENT
182 Rig A MD180037 1 1 X 8 1.5 0.88 4 12 1/4 ABC A1B2 ROTATE 1200-1285
182 Rig A MD180037 1 1 X 8 1.5 0.88 4 12 1/4 ABC A1B2 SURVEY & CONN. @1228’ INC 1.22 AZM 174.35
182 Rig A MD180037 1 1 X 8 1.5 0.88 4 12 1/4 ABC A1B2 DRILLING – (WOB:15.00;GPM :78.00;RPM:30)
182 Rig A MD180037 1 1 X 8 1.5 0.88 4 12 1/4 ABC A1B2 SURVEY & CONN. @1318’ INC 0.56 AZM 167.69
The first step in the KDD process is to define the target data set on which discovery
is planned to be performed. Here the data structure that will enable the user to access the
data is established. The target data set can be one or multiple tables, containing whole or
a subset of variables from different sources of data.
1.6.2. Preprocessing
Data cleaning and preprocessing steps include the strategies for handling missing values,
remove or account for noise, removal of unnecessary portions of the data set and fixing
textual information.
1.6.3. Transformation
Transforming the data covers the actions used to create new features to better represent
the data. Most times, a reduction of uncorrelated or invariant features is performed to
decrease the dimensionality of the data set, thus making the processing steps more efficient.
For example, the [Block Position] column represents the instantaneous position of the top
drive in respect to the rotary table, storing values such as 40 feet. If two consecutive
values of the [Block Position] column are subtracted and stored in a new column called
[Block Movement], this new column now provides much more information about the same
equipment. It can be inferred the direction of the movement, given the resulting sign of
the subtraction, and the speed, represented by the magnitude of the value.
1.6.4. Data Mining
From all the steps in the KDD process, without a doubt the data mining part is the
most notorious. Widely discussed in the literature and in the mainstream media, data min-
ing consists in applying basic but well understood statistical and mathematical techniques
to search for patterns and try to understand them, predict future values, or both. The ba-
sic concepts from which most algorithms are derived from are: model representation (the
language used to describe discoverable patterns), model evaluation (criteria or functions
that evaluate how well a model meets the goals of the KDD process) and search, a concept
that can be subdivided into two components (parameter search and model search, where
basically both loop into searching for the best match that optimizes the model evaluation).
An example of data mining is the application of the Decision Trees algorithm as a represen-
tative model, using the coefficient of determination (R2 ), performing a parameter search
on the optimal number of leafs and nodes of the model that result in the highest R2 .
1.6.5. Interpretation and Evaluation
This step involves visualization of the resulting data extracted from the models, or
simply the patterns now visible in the data itself after all the cleaning and transformation
routines. In this step also domain knowledge is applied to support the application of the
knowledge created with the process to add some benefit to the user or task performed,
preferably compared against a well define metric. The results should be understandable
(with some postprocessing or not) and should add value to the overall process that is being
represented by the data analyzed.
It is important to note that iteration can occur between all the steps, meaning that the
overall process is due to find enhancements if an intermediate discovery affects a previous
step. This iterative nature is common to data analysis procedures but is emphasized in the
KDD process by the connecting arrows.
1.7. Literature Review – Data Analytics in Drilling Engineering
1.7.1. Drilling Data Quality and Structure
One of the main challenges in the application of data driven platforms is the setup of
the data network and the quality control of the data that is being used by the system. At
an enterprise level, it is normal to have files that are being used in daily workflows being
copied for individual use. Once a copy is created, the person runs some analysis, modifying
the data, creating metrics and visualizations from it. This might be moved forward to its
direct managers and directors, being modified at each step. If another employee uses the
same data to do another analysis, he/she will download it from the same source, but all
the transformations will happen independently. For the management of the data in the
organization, a system like this creates a complete chaos, with uncontrolled versions of
business files circulating back and forth [Damski, 2014].
For the drilling domain, we are dealing with data coming from a variety of sources –
from EDR data to manually generated reports. [Brannigan and Co, 1992] proposed a clear
schematic on how big enterprises should organize its drilling data based on four criteria.
Once the data is structured in this format, a logical relationship between the data entities
(well number, basin, drilling phase, Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) number, etc)
can be easily queried in a relational database network. A more recent take on the same
idea of data architecture was presented by [Al-Khudiri et al., 2008]. The main advantage
of this new structure was the application of the WITSML standard, created in early 2000s
in a more effective manner. With focus in completion data, [Reddicharla, 2015] described
an automated workflow with enhanced data quality for designing completion strings. The
quality gains were achieved mainly due to standardized data entry templates applied across
its organization.
Once a company has the data structure set, the next step required is to build the infor-
mation technology (IT) structure that will enable its use in real time. [AlBar et al., 2018]
described the path taken from data collection to performance optimization. AlBar stated
that the huge bottleneck in the application of drilling data is data preparation and data
control, as well the operationalization of analytical models in real-time. In the same line,
[Spivey et al., 2017] applied physical concepts such as mechanical specific energy (MSE)
and torsional severity estimate (TSE) in the application of an advisory system installed in
the drillers chair for real time optimization. Surface data was used to estimate drilling state
and indirect downhole conditions with enough accuracy to guide the driller to parameters
change towards a better ROP without creating bit dysfunction.
Once the data collected is organized and the structure is put in place, the next step
before application of the data is the evaluation of data quality. By that, is meant not only
the pure values of the sensors, but also the combination of recordings. For values that
are calculated from readings, the verification of the calculation for each recording can be
performed for quality issues. One example is the calculation of WOB using the reading of
the Hook Load (HL) and the input variable String Weight (SW ) in the EDR system. The
relationship between W OB, SW and HL is:
SW = HL + W OB (1.2)
SW should be simply the weight of the drill string at particular time, measured when
the drill string is being hung by the Top Drive (direct reading from HL reading). The
value of SW increases as new stands are added to the drill string with drilling progress.
To update the SW value in the EDR system the driller should zero (tare) the SW value
before drilling with the recently added stand. From Eq. 1.2, if the SW is not updated as
a new stand is being drilled, but the system is reading a HL value that is greater than the
SW (due to the added weight of the new stand), the system will apply a negative value of
W OB to hold the equation true, even though negative values of W OB have no physical
It is important to note that the relationship described in Eq. 1.2 is only valid for vertical
wells, since the whole string weight is being supported by the hook load. For inclined and
horizontal wells where part of the string is in direct contact with the wellbore wall, a
correction for friction and inclination has to be made to correctly calculate the downhole
weight on bit (DWOB). [Mitchell, 1976] presented a detailed description of the physics
involved in weight distribution on inclined wells. More recently, [Hareland et al., 2014]
modeled the accurate calculation of the DWOB using surface measurements and friction
coefficient calculations, validating their results with directly measured DWOB. Although
a good number of technical papers can be found dealing with this issue, the application of
WOB correction for inclined wells is still not a standard practice among EDR systems.
[Neufeldt et al., 2018] did a detailed analysis of the zeroing W OB and found that
drillers forget to zero W OB in around 80% of the stands, yielding to errors as large as
100% of the measured W OB. With these numbers in mind, they developed a computational
routine that can correct for this error, updating the SW value based on actual readings
of the HL in a correct moment. To mitigate changes in the HL load readings, the best
moment to apply the artificial correction is before drilling is resumed after a new stand
is connected, but after the rotation is set to the actual drilling value, the mud pumps are
already on and at final value, the travelling block just starts to move down and the bit is
off bottom. These conditions are important to be met to avoid errors due to friction forces
acting on the drill string in drilling conditions but are not present in a static situation.
Since the mud motor differential pressure (difference between the pressure when the bit
is off bottom versus the pressure when drilling) also needs to be zeroed in every stand
to account for changes in the pressure losses as the drill string gets longer, the algorithm
proposed by Neufeldt can be applied also to the differential pressure variable.
An independent work performed by [Borjas et al., 2019] shows a very similar approach
to solve the issue of data quality in EDR data for these cases where a repetitive action is
needed to be executed by the driller to guarantee accurate recordings. Since both authors
work for EDR manufacturers, it is clear that data quality is getting importance not only
for the end user of the data, but for the designers of the systems that are collecting it.
Borjas also described that the routine developed to correct WOB and differential pressure
can be activated in some of the EDRs running in rigs, demonstrating a logical solution
that solves the issue at the source, rather than relying on the analyst to find and fix it at
a later time. The last two references dealt with correcting data that was being recorded
incorrectly due to human error. But a remark has to be made in regards to the quality of
the HL measure itself. The first issue arises with the fact that the total weight that is being
hung by the hoisting system is usually an indirect estimation using the tension measured
in the dead-line anchor load cell. The dead-line is the portion of the drill line that is set
to be static during normal operations, comprising the portion after the last sheave of the
crown block and the anchor that fixes the drill string. Figure 1.11 presents a schematic
view of the drill line spooling scheme in a typical drilling rig.
Figure 1.11. Typical Drill Line Spooling Scheme, Adapted From [Eric et al., 2015]
[Eric et al., 2015] studied the implications of this indirect reading of the hook load,
including the forces generated by friction in all the pulleys in the system, the difference
in height of the travelling block, the lateral forces applied by the dolly (retraction) system
and the hydraulic hoses that are hung by the top drive, among other effects. In the work
also a model is proposed to correct for these factors, resulting in better readings of hook
load. Their work was focused primarily in the surface forces acting in the drill line spooling
system that affect the hook load readings. [Kyllingstad and Thoresen, 2018] complement
the analysis focusing in other parameters that also can cause errors in the measurement:
well bore friction, buoyancy, well inclination, lift induced by flow and nozzle jetting, etc.
These two extensive articles are good examples of all the complications that are usually
neglected when analyzing a simple measurement such as the total weight hoisted by the
travelling block. The analyst must have these factors in mind when using EDR data to
make any conclusion about the drilling process using the WOB or hook load recordings.
Together with the data issues described so far, noise and wrong measurements can
be found in practically any reading, if simple quality control measures are not put into
place. [Ashok et al., 2018] detailed how other industries reduce measurement error by
simply having more than one sensor taking the same reading. In case of sensor malfunction,
the other readings are used to invalidate the bad reading, removing it from the recording
and also raising a flag that maintenance is needed. With the problem of data recording in
mind, Pradeepkumar developed a system that validates the readings of eight core readings
(block position, hook load, rotary speed, rotary torque, pump strokes per minute, flow rate
out, standpipe pressure and pit volume). The approach used was a statistical based model
using Bayesian network to validate data in real-time.
Finally, [Maidla et al., 2018] discussed overall misconceptions about drilling data record-
ings, the errors associated with drilling measurements, and some guidelines that should be
considered to avoid pitfalls in the analysis. Common mistakes such as evaluating gross ROP
measurements instead of net ROP (when drilling is actually taking place) are highlighted
in the work. Maidla also describes that in many drilling rigs the torque measurements are
not direct either. In these cases, the torque is calculated using the current drawn by the
top drive needed to maintain a set rotation. For these systems, it is stated that calibration
is often forgotten, which implies there would be more uncertainty regarding the data.
After this literature review, it became clear that most issues on drilling data are caused
by poor design of the recording systems. In my understanding, one of the causes for this
issue is that the people that design these systems are not the ones that use the data. If they
were and data users, it would be obvious that some readings are so wrong, or so poorly
estimated, that they would take some action to do something about it. This fact is what
motivated for example, [Borjas et al., 2019] to not only develop a correction for the WOB
zeroing, but to automatically implement it in their systems.
Two recent initiatives that aim to solve this issue as an industry are worth mentioning.
First, the work of [Halloran et al., 2018] describes the five types of data quality issues
in sequence: systematic, measurement, conversion, calculation and propagation. Second,
it describes the work performed by The Operators Group for Data Quality (OGDQ), a
cooperation to fix the data quality issues on the key measurements used in the drilling
process. Another joint effort was presented recently by [Pastusek et al., 2019], and thirteen
other authors in a review of many open source models that were already published in drill
string hydraulics, dynamics, directional control and bit-rock interaction models. The idea
is to create a similar repository as the Open Porous Media (OPM,
but for drilling engineering.
1.7.2. Classification of Drilling Operations
The process of drilling oil wells can be described as a repetition of a few operations.
The sequence of normal drilling operation can be summarized as:
• Drilling the whole in a portion equal to the drilling stand length (a drill stand usually
comprises three drill pipes of around 30 ft long each.).
• Circulating: Once the top drive reaches the rotary table, a short time is spent to
circulate the well prior to connection, where the mud pumps will be turned off and
the cuttings may settle around the BHA.
• Connection: The drill string is put on the slips and a new stand is added to the
• Drilling resumes until the top drive positions reaches its lowest limit.
Less frequent operations also happen in the process of drilling wells. Tripping pipe is
the term given to the operation of moving the drill bit in and out of hole between drill
runs. Tripping operations are necessary for various reasons such as when the target depth
is reached, when the casing setting depth is reached, when the bit is suspected to be dull
(low ROP rate), when some downhole tool fails, etc. Therefore, it is also important to
identify when the current operational status is:
• Tripping in: Moving the drill bit and BHA inside the whole.
Finally, specific operations that take a small percentage of the total drilling time of the
well are also important to be distinguished for further analysis and performance evaluation.
According to [Cao et al., 2018], the task of recognizing drilling activities is the basis for
all other analytics routines that are performed using drilling data. In his work, Cao also
included in the classification the Reaming and Back reaming operations, Slide off bottom
and On Surface statuses. A good work in the automated classification of drilling activities
using surface drilling parameters was performed by [Al-khudiri et al., 2015]. The scope of
the work not only describes the classification process but also the application of key per-
formance indicators (KPIs) that allow benchmarking and offset well comparison. The data
structure used in the real time application, as well as the data quality control measures and
examples of reports are described to provide the reader examples of analytics applications.
Other authors attempted to identify drilling operations using trend analysis or statis-
tical and machine learning algorithms. [Serapião et al., 2007] created a model to classify
drilling operations using support vector machine, which is a hyperplane classifier. Their
model obtained a correctness rate (ratio between right classified cases and total cases) of
92.6%. [Arnaout et al., 2012] demonstrated a technique using discrete polynomial analysis
to extract moments (patterns) for each drilling operation. Then, these patterns were ap-
plied to three test wells and obtained accuracies between 88-94%. In a similar approach of
extracting traces in the data for the different types of operations, [Kristjansson et al., 2016]
applied finite mixture modeling (or maximum-likelihood approach to clustering) to gener-
ate archetypes (patterns) for a group of drilling parameters. These archetypes were created
for depth intervals, and then the archetypes with greater ROP were combined to determine
a recommendation of the optimum drilling parameters that should yield in the best drilling
rate for a future offset well, based on historic data.
1.7.3. Applications of Data Analytics in Drilling Engineering
• Data Analytics
Once the analyst has the drilling data organized, there are many applications of data
analytics and machine learning that can be performed to extract knowledge from it, whether
using past data or real-time recordings. [Eren and Kok, 2018] present their approach for
comparing drilling performance between forty wells using ROP indexing. As stated by
the authors, it is important to separate the flat time from the drilling time to obtain
meaningful results. The indexation calculates the rate of penetration at the same depth
and time basis, allowing comparison in the same order of magnitude. [Ashok et al., 2018]
applied the storyboarding process to answer questions that could be asked once one has
the data set at hand, such as: “what was the fastest run?” or “which well has the least
tortuosity?”. Again, once the data is structured, the idea is to pre-calculate some KPIs
that would answer such questions, and by the time the user asks them in the platform, the
answer will be presented instantaneously. In a sequence of this work, [van Oort et al., 2018]
showed the back-end processes that enable the storyboarding process to happen. The main
idea is to pass the data through a series of scrips – called bots – that will clean, process
and index the data in a way that it can be readily accessed. If cost data is available, an
analysis as the one done by [Willis and Jackson, 2018] can be performed. An important
remark from their work is the highlight of the revised budget versus original budget. This
will give the true baseline to compare with the actual cost, avoiding misleading over-cost
• Real-Time Optimization
improvement of 30.9% of drilling time and invisible lost time (ILT) 47% less. Focusing on
the bit-rock interaction, [Millan and Ringer, 2018] propose a workflow to estimate bit wear
and in-situ-rock strength, to further estimate ROP ahead of the bit. The model can be
used to estimate bit wear in real time, thus providing insights on when to pull the bit to
obtain the least drilling time possible. The application of real-time data in a multi-well
management level is illustrated by [Bolen et al., 2018]. Several dashboards provide a high-
level picture of the drilling performance across different rigs, when drilling different wells.
The data can provide insights on the ILT operations (tripping time, cementing, casing runs,
etc) and resulted in an average of 40% improvement in the time spent.
• Application of Analytics in Real Time Operation Centers (RTOC)
When companies spend thousands of dollars in the IT structure to read drilling data
from the rig in real-time, the logical approach is to combine these readings in one place, the
RTOCs. Placing a few experts to analyze the real-time data in the RTOCs, the benefits
can be seen in faster decision making, reduction in stuck pipe incidents, less hole cleaning
issues and fluid losses events, while increasing the wells that can be monitored with the
same number of personnel [Al-khudiri et al., 2015]. Other benefits of the application of
RTOCs were reported by [Almeida Leon et al., 2013] as hazard prevention, better work
relationships between field personnel and remote operators, reduced human intervention.
Utilizing another source of data, the mud logging,[Bermúdez Martı́nez, 2012] combined
offset wells data in a RTOC to predict in real-time the pore pressure and fracture gradient
readings using correlations. With this data, the fluid engineer can calibrate the fluid
density and casing set points, minimizing uncertainties in the well design as well as reducing
safety risks of kicks, for example. Finally, [Mandava et al., 2018] provide best practices and
applications for those who are interested in implementing RTOC in their operations.
• Machine Learning Applications
Further applications of drilling data to optimize drilling performance is the use of sta-
tistical based models and machine learning algorithms. Since drilling data is generated at
very high volumes, statistical analysis tends to be well representative of the actual physics
and phenomena happening in the drilling process. This is presented by [Liu et al., 2018],
when past data was used to calibrate a statistical model to calculate wear factor to predict
the optimum time to pull the bit due to decrease in cutting efficiency. Once the wear factor
is calculated, a decision tree algorithm is applied to answer if the bit should be pulled or
not. In twenty-five bit runs, the results showed only two false alarms and a success rate of
predicting bit failure of 92%. [Evangelatos and Payne, 2016] applied spatial discretization
to calibrate drilling fluid and borehole dampening coefficients, thus identifying scenarios
of forward or backward whirl, or a mix of the two. Also, neural network algorithm was
used to predict ROP with errors less than 20%. Bayesian Network was successfully applied
to identify drilling dysfunction by [Thetford et al., 2017]. Besides identifying drilling dys-
function, this system calculates the likelihood of the cause of such dysfunction, and then
recommends the change in these parameters to solve the problem in the form of operational
cones.[Cao et al., 2018] applied data analytics and machine learning to create a full suite
of real-time drilling optimization. The individual packages include drilling activity recogni-
tion, rotation and sliding drilling guidance, torque and drag modelling, real time hydraulics
calculation, wellbore trajectory correction, among others. Another interesting application
of neural networks is to generate synthetic data to calibrate automated systems. The main
problem when generating drilling data is the lack of randomness and noise.[Yu et al., 2018]
proved that Deep Neural Networks (DNN) can represent the noises that typically occur in
EDR data, thus providing a better training data set for autonomous systems.
For a thorough review of machine learning applications in drilling operations, as well
as in exploration and production, I refer the reader also to [Noshi and Schubert, 2018] and
[Noshi et al., 2018] respectively.
Chapter 2
Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Set Description
The data set used in this study gathers data from thirteen wells drilled in the US
Permian Basin, located in West Texas. All the wells are placed close to each other in a
rectangle two by three miles long. The wells’ proximity is important because the lithology
found during the drilling of each well should be very similar, making any statistical analysis
much more representative. Also, since the Permian Basin is one of the most active drilling
sites in the country, any conclusion regarding optimum operating parameters should be
easily reproducible in future wells.
Figure 2.1 depicts the basin location and what pad drilling looks like. The thin traces
along the horizontal portion of the figure represent the hydraulic fracturing operation.
Hydraulic fracturing a reservoir is the process of pumping fluid with proppant material to
enhance the connectivity (permeability) of the reservoir, enabling the fluids to flow.
Figure 2.1. A Highlight of the Permian Basin in West Texas (left) - A Schematic of the
Pad Drilling (right)
Pad drilling is the drilling layout on which multiple wells depart from a close location on
surface but hit different areas in the same or multiple reservoirs. A major contributor that
allowed the execution of this drilling pattern is the recent added capability of the drilling
rigs to move (or “walk”) with the derrick raised and all equipment installed, including
the blow out preventer (BOP). The movement is achieved with several pistons installed
beneath the rig substructure that move in small increments using hydraulic power (Fig.
2.2). With this technique, the operators are now able to drill multiple wells from the same
surface location, which represents significant savings in cost and time when compared to
conventional drilling.
Figure 2.2. An Example of the Rig Walking System, From Columbia Industries
The thirteen wells are all of similar shape profile, horizontal wells with around 8,500 to
9,000 feet of vertical (or nudge) section, then they have between 600 to 1,000 feet of curve
section, and once they achieve an inclination close to 90 degrees, the horizontal drilling
continues for around 7,000 feet, reaching a total measured depth (MD) of 17,000 feet on
average. Fig. 2.3 depicts the typical well profile used in this work.
Figure 2.3. Typical Well Schematic From the Data Set
in the same row. The Wells Overview table also contains generic data such as the rig that
drilled the well, the well number inside the company’s code, date and time for the well spud
(the start of the actual drilling in a job) and ”well TD” (the moment when the drilling
reaches the total depth, or TD).
Table 2.1. Wells Overview Table Example
Well Pad Rig EDR EDR Well Well Job Start Job End KOP KOP LP LP
ID # Name Start End Spud TD Depth [ft] Depth [ft] Depth [ft] Datetime Depth [ft] Datetime
1/1/2018 3/1/2018 1/4/2018 2/28/2018 2/1/2018 2/4/2018
well1 1 Rig X 1,250 16,253 8,850 10,152
00:00 12:00 11:33 09:29 02:57 22:03
The second reference is Table 2.2 , called “”Wells BHA Overview”. This table gathers
information describing each BHA configuration run in each well. Since all the wells are
drilled with multiple bit runs, there is a not unique combination of either ”Well ID” or
”BHA Number” in this table. The solution is to create an aggregated column that com-
bines the two columns into one (now unique) column. Having the information organized
in such way is important and will allow the comparison between different bits, mud mo-
tor manufacturers, motor specifications and settings, that will provide insights regarding
drilling efficiency.
Table 2.2. Wells BHA Overview
Well Motor Motor Bit Total Depth Depth Total
Well Motor Motor Motor Motor Bit Bit Datetime Datetime
BHA RPG Size Size Circ. In Out Footage
ID Bend MFG Stator Stages MFG Model In Out
# [rpm/gal] [in] [in] Time [hr] [ft] [ft] [ft]
3 1 1/4/2018 1/9/2018
well1 1 1 4
0.166 MFG X 8 0.88 4 12 4
A ABC12 82 1250 5741 4491
11:33 08:23
1 3 1 1/9/2018 1/15/2018
well1 2 2 4
0.28 MFG Z 6 4
0.88 5 8 2
B CDE34 90 5741 12487 6746
17:39 03:00
Lastly, the EDR files are downloaded per well. The columns downloaded are:
• DateTime
• Hole Depth
• Bit Position
• Bit Weight
• Block Height
• Gamma Ray
• Hook Load
• Pump Pressure
• ROP – Average
• Flow In Rate
• Pump SPM
Fig. 2.4 shows examples of the location of the EDR readings for the main components.
Using the two reference tables, now each individual EDR file can be related to either
the Wells Overview table with the [Well ID] value, or to the Wells BHA Overview table
with the [Well-ID BHA] value. A schematic of this relationship is presented in Fig. 2.5.
Figure 2.5. Relationship Between the Three Main Data Tables
To download an EDR file, the user has to access the EDR online repository in the
manufacturer0 s website, select the time interval to be downloaded and the columns wanted
to be included in the file. But the fact that not all measurements are active during all the
operations leads to some of the values to be null, or “-999,25” as defined as the null value
for most EDR systems. This is true also if any failure happens during normal operations.
With the definition of “-999.25” as a null value, the substitution of this value for a
“null” variable should be straightforward in any programming language. But first, it has
to be verified if the -999.25 could be actually a valid reading, so one doesn’t unintentionally
delete good data. Since all the columns downloaded in the EDR should contain only positive
values, this operation can be performed without concerns in this case.
Next, an obvious problem was detected by examining the EDR files: some rows have
the Bit Position value greater than the Hole Depth reading. Since it is physically impossible
to happen and was only observed in less than one percent of the cases, it was decided that
for the rows in which [Bit Position] > [Hole Depth], the whole row will be filled with “nulls”.
But due to small inaccuracies in the calculations of the Bit Position by the EDR system,
a more expressive number of cases is identified where Bit Position is greater than the Hole
Depth no more than 0.2 feet, or 6 centimeters. These cases were kept in the analysis.
Finally, since during normal operations a total blackout of the system can happen,
resulting in rows with all values as ‘-999.25”. In some wells also, the EDR did not start to
record during the first hundred feet drilled. Since the time interval selected to download
the EDR came from the Wells Overview table, which reported the date time when the
actual drilling started, this fact also resulted in some complete null rows until the EDR
was set up properly. All these rows were deleted completely. For all the values in which
a “null” variable was set in the operations described previously, then a value of 0.00 was
input to it.
The second step in this initial data cleaning is to properly slice the data set removing
periods of time that are either invalid or out of the interest for this analysis. For example,
since the scope of this work is to only analyze data where actual drilling was being performed
(hole depth was increasing), as soon as the TD was reached, the operations that took
place after it (tripping out the bit, running the production casing, cement it, etc) are also
removed. For the cases described in the previous paragraph, where the recordings did not
begin until a certain point, we now slice these values as well based on the Well Spud date
time in the Wells Overview Table. It is important to notice here that since the data came
from a directional drilling company, the definition of Well Spud here is not the spud of the
well (usually when the conductor pipe is put in place) but when the first feet with MWD in
the BHA was drilled. This usually happens after the first two sections of casing are drilled
and cemented.
After the first cleaning steps, a representation of the data set is shown in Fig. 2.6. It
can be seen mainly that the missing values, as well as some of the first and last rows are
now gone.
Figure 2.6. Illustration of the First Cleaning Steps. The Null Values are Cleaned, and the
Wells Overview Table Provides the [Well Spud] and [Well TD] Datetime Values That Will
Slice the EDR File
Following the first cleaning step, next some calculated columns are created based on
other values. The first calculated column is the [Making Hole] column, which is of Boolean
type (TRUE or FALSE). The calculated value is simply TRUE if the actual Hole Depth is
greater than the previous one, or FALSE if it is equal. This calculation will be used later
to not only identify easily in which rows the drilling is progressing, but also to filter the
data set for visualization and analysis.
The second status column is called [Block Movement]. It represents the difference
between two consecutive block height values, being positive if the block is moving up
(Actual height is greater then previous) or negative if the opposite happens. A column with
this information can be very useful to infer drilling operations, when evaluated together
with other values. For example, being all the other values equal, the signal of the [Block
Movement] can be useful to directly distinguish between tripping in vs tripping out, or
reaming vs back reaming. Also, if there is no movement, this column can support the
misclassification of other operations in case of bad values (ex: the hole depth could be
increasing due to an error in that reading, but if block movement is zero, it will avoid the
A third status column is created to point out the off-set distance between the bit and
the bottom of the hole. The column [Off Bottom Distance] is used as well to identify
drilling operations more easily, and also to take into account small errors in the readings.
As stated previously, for example, operations can still be classified as “drilling” even if the
distance between the bit and the bottom of the hole is negative by a very small amount
(0.2 feet), to account for problems in the bit position recording. Also, the [Off Bottom
Distance] is helpful to quick access if a tripping operation is underway, when the distance
is greater than one stand. The steps described in this section are represented in Fig. 2.7.
Figure 2.7. Representation of the New Status Columns Added to the EDR File
Next, more data from the reference tables are added to the EDR file for easy slicing.
First is the [Well Section], obtained with the comparison between the actual hole depth and
the reference KOP and LP from the Wells Overview. If actual depth is less than KOP, its
value is “Vertical”, if the value is in between KOP an LP, “Curve” and lastly if is greater
than LP, [Well Section] gets a “Lateral” value.
Using the same logic, the [BHA #] from the Wells BHA Overview is read, and this
value is added to the EDR file. With these both new columns in the EDR, any analysis of
performance for each run, or the comparison between the drilling of the curve section in
all the wells can be performed without trouble. Fig. 2.8 illustrates this step.
Figure 2.8. Addition of Well Section and BHA Number to the EDR File
As stated in Section 1.7.2, the process of drilling oil wells involves several different
operations that are repeated as the drilling progresses. Therefore, it is crucial to prop-
erly classify these operations in the EDR before performing any analysis of the operation.
Without proper classification, data points describing operations such as tripping, circulat-
ing, reaming will all be analyzed together with actual drilling data points. The opposite
is also true: When the analyst wants to investigate tripping performance, all other data
points should be excluded from the analysis. The present work classified drilling operations
into 10 categories, utilizing only seven columns from the preprocessed EDR file (four pre-
existing columns plus the three status columns that were created). Table 2.3 summarizes
the classification logic.
and cuttings accumulation in the bottom part of the annulus due to poor hole cleaning
while sliding, increasing friction significantly. These factors difficult the application of
WOB, causing sudden releases of weight on the bit, and most times making the mud motor
to stall. Frequent stalling of the motor can damage its components, so this problem must
be corrected [Duplantis, 2016].
To control the bit orientation during a slide, the driller attempts to rotate the whole
string applying successive torque clockwise and counter-clockwise, which is called “rocking”
the bit. By doing this, drag is reduced and the length of the upper part of the drill string
that is being rotated (up to the maximum rocking depth) increases (Fig. 2.9). The objective
of the rocking operation is therefore to minimize the portion of the string that is static, i.e.,
does not rotate either due to the surface torque application or due to the reactive torque
from the bit. With the static portion minimized, more control to apply WOB is obtained,
thus the driller will spend less time pulling the bit off-bottom to release torque attempting
to correct toolface orientation, resulting in better operational efficiency.
Figure 2.9. Representation of the Different Zones of the Drill String During Rocking, From
[Duplantis, 2016]
This rock operation can be performed by an automated torque control system installed
on the surface, or manually by the driller (as in the cases of this work). Details of this oper-
ation can be found in [Maidla et al., 2004], [Maidla et al., 2005] and [Maidla et al., 2009].
For the classification of the rocking operation in our data set, it was noticed in the
directional driller activity logs that it has never occurred in depths shallower than 10,000
feet. Because of this observation, a set point on the hole depth was placed in the algorithm
for the classification of this operation. Besides this depth set point, the only difference
between the drilling and drilling/rocking operation is the top drive rotation. Because of
the variations in rotation to control the bit orientation, it was observed that the range
applied by the drillers was between 5 and 45 rpm for the majority of the cases. This
range limit was applied to the top drive rpm column when classifying the drilling/rocking
-Sliding: Sliding drilling is the operation when drilling is performed without rotation
of the drill string. The BHA contains a bent sub with a slight inclination – 0 to 3 degrees –
that will cause the well trajectory to deviate. To apply rotation to the bit, a mud motor is
installed behind the bent sub. The motor will make the bit rotate as drilling mud is flown
through the chamber. The chamber comprises of a rotor and stator, and the number of
lobes of the assembly define the motor output of rotation and torque. The more lobes in
the rotor/stator assembly, the higher the torque transmitted to the bit, but smaller is the
rotary speed. Fig. 2.10 illustrates the mud motor components.
For the classification of Sliding operations, the distinction between drilling and sliding is
made only with the top drive rotation. It is seen that even when sliding is being performed,
sometimes the driller rotates the drill string slowly (no faster than 10 rpm) for short periods
of time to overcome torque. So this value was selected as the threshold between rotating
drilling and sliding. In depths greater than 10,000 ft however, the algorithm checks for
the hole depth value before it checks the other columns, making the classification in data
points that fall in the same interval (when top drive rotation is between 5 and 10 rpm) to
be classified as drilling/rocking. This represents nature of the operation better, since at
this point, sliding drilling is not expected to occur frequently; instead the driller is rocking
Figure 2.10. Mud Motor Assembly (top left) – Different Types of Rotors (top right) – Re-
lationship Between Lobe Configuration and Torque and Speed Output (bottom), Adapted
From [Vieira, 2009]
the drill bit in an attempt to continue drilling forward in the lateral section of the well.
An example of the intermittent rotation of the drill string during the sliding operation is
shown if Fig. 2.11, where it can be seen in three consecutive stands that small rotation
was applied during short periods of time. The rotating drilling was performed with a top
drive rotation of 55 rpm.
- Reaming: This operation is defined here simply as drilling off-bottom. Reaming is
when a reamer of slightly larger diameter is installed in the BHA to enlarge the hole. But
for the purpose of operation classification, the data points where the bit is pulled off bottom
during drilling operations is classified as reaming. This is seen more often at the end of
Figure 2.11. Example of Small Top Drive Rotation During Sliding Operations
the drilling of a stand, when resuming drilling after a connection in preparation for pulling
out of the hole (POOH). Since this operation is not critical for classification, no threshold
in the off-bottom distance and block movement columns is necessary.
-Back Reaming: Back Reaming is the reciprocal operation to Reaming, so the only
difference is the direction of the block movement. Usually these two operations occur in
sequence: The driller reams the well back and forth to make sure the hole is in gauge prior
to trip out.
-In Slip Connection: In Slip Connection is assigned to the data points where the drill
string is put on the slips. This happens more often during a drilling or tripping connection.
The main indication of this operation is therefore the hook load, that can point out that
the string is not being hung by the top drive with a steep drop in value. If the hook load
was calibrated with the top drive and hoses installed, its value should be close to zero due
to the lack of load. However, the hook load is measured indirectly by a strain gauge in the
dead line, and the weight of the top drive, elevator bails, elevator, top drive hoses, etc, is
not taken into account during calibration. Because of this, the values read for the hook
load fluctuate around 57,000 lbf. To verify this reading, the weight of the top drive and
travelling block was read from the manufacturer website in [NOV, b] and [NOV, c] and
presented in Table 2.4. For hoses, elevator and other equipment, the weight is estimated.
Table 2.4. Hoisting System Element Weights
Table 2.4 demonstrates that the reading of around 57,000 lbf for In Slips situation is
justified by the weight of all equipment of the hoisting system. Obviously, some fluctua-
tion around this value is observed due to block movement, block movement speed, size of
elevator and bails installed, mud hose elongation, if the mud hose is filled with fluid or not.
[Eric et al., 2015].
The classification of the In Slip Connection is then obtained when the hook load reading
is below 57,000 lbf and the bit is not touching the bottom of the well (off-bottom distance
greater than 0.2 ft).
-Tripping In: Running pipe in the hole is identified when the making hole value is
False, the bit is far from the hole bottom, more than one stand away, the block is moving
down, and the hook load is greater than 57,000 lbf. To account for possible errors in the
bit position measurements, the threshold for the off-bottom distance was reduced slightly
from 90 feet (typical Range III triple stand length) to 80 feet. With the same idea, a small
margin for errors in the top drive RPM and Pump Stroke-per-Minute (SPM) are accepted
even though in reality, there should be no rotation or flow during tripping. A remark is
made for the fact that between stands, the driller fills the well to account for the amount
of drill pipe removed from the well. This operation is performed during the whole tripping
operation, but since the top drive is not being moved, these data points are then captured
as circulating/survey that will be described next.
-Tripping Out: Is the reciprocal of the Tripping In classification, but with the block
moving upwards.
-Circulating/Survey: This operation is classified to any point where there is circulation,
and the bit is not on bottom. For example, if the whole string is away from the bottom of the
hole by 3 feet, with the mud pumps on, this data point is classified as circulating/survey. If
the string starts to rotate, this still does not change the classification for circulating/survey.
However, if later the string is moved either up or down, this action triggers the classification
for Reaming or Back Reaming respectively.
-Other: The previous classification of operations covers more than 92% of the data
points in a typical EDR file. These data points represent either operations not classified
by the algorithm, or data points that have some sensor error that avoids its classification.
Either case, these cases are simply neglected since it is a small percentage of the total
number of data points in the set.
2.3.5. Correcting WOB and Differential Pressure
In an EDR system, there are usually three types of input data: some values are di-
rectly measured from a sensor or instrument; others are indirect measured or inferred from
other values; and some are calibrated according to operational sequence (i.e. have to be
constantly updated/zeroed). Two important values fall in the last category and deserve
special attention: The WOB and mud motor differential pressure readings.
Section 1.7.1 presented how the calculation of the WOB is made, and the issues resulting
from such indirect measurements. Because the EDR system has a static value for the string
weight (SW) measurement, if the driller does not tare this value every time a new drill stand
is added to the drill string, the system will compensate for the extra weight read in the
hook load as negative weight on bit, so the equation for SW remains true. For example, in
normal operation, if the EDR value for SW is set as 100 klbf, and a hook load of 95 klbf
is measured using the dead line anchor sensor, then, the EDR records 100 - 95 = 5klbf as
weight on bit. Now let’s assume that a new drill stand weighting 2 klbf is added to the
string, but the SW is not updated. Thus, when the bit is off-bottom, the hook load will
hang all the weight of the string (102 klbf). But, since this value is greater than the SW, a
WOB of -2 klbf is computed to be on the bit (which makes no physical sense because the
bit is off-bottom). Following that, when drilling resumes and the bit touches the bottom,
whatever value is being read from the WOB column will be off by the same -2 klbf. If this
error propagates long enough, the off-set in WOB becomes so large that the actual weight
applied to the bit is much greater than the computed value, leading to damages at the bit
and inefficient drilling.
The same concept applies to the mud motor differential pressure. This value is cal-
culated simply as the pressure difference when the bit is on-bottom minus the pressure
recorded when the bit is off-bottom. Since both pressures are read in the stand pipe
pressure gage (SPP), and the off-bottom pressure is called static pressure (SP), then the
equation for the differential pressure DiffP becomes:
The value of SP has to be updated every stand the same way as the SW to account for
changes in the hydrostatic pressure as drilling progresses [Neufeldt et al., 2018]. In case of
successive stands without zeroing, the effect in the DiffP value is the opposite to that of
WOB: Since SP will not be updated (increased), the recorded value of DiffP will be greater
than it really is. The effect of this error is that the motor will not run on its full capacity
since the DiffP will be held to a value smaller than it could be, resulting in a smaller WOB
and more likely to a slower ROP.
Combining the work of [Neufeldt et al., 2018] with [Borjas et al., 2019], an algorithm
to correct for both WOB and DiifP is run on the EDR files in the data set. The first
reference provided the main logic to perform the correction, whereas the second provided
the actual values used to calibrate the logic. The zeroing logic starts as follows:
• Once the connection is made up, the driller turns the mud pumps back on gradually
until it reaches the stable final value. Waiting for mud flow stabilization is important
because the constant rate will have a steady effect in the hook load (friction) as well
as in the DiffP (which is directly related to flow rate).
• Next, the driller resumes rotation gradually as well. Again it is important to wait for
top drive rotation to stabilize for the same reasons as for the flow rate.
• The final requirement to achieve a good zeroing is to have the block moving down-
wards to resume drilling. [Neufeldt et al., 2018] make reference to a work where it
was found that lowering the travelling block results in smaller errors when compared
to raising it, thus downward movement is favored when zeroing for WOB and DiffP.
Fig. 2.12 shows the logic in the algorithm, and Fig. 2.13 depicts the same logic using a
sample of EDR data set. Note in Fig. 2.12 that a verification is set for the cases where the
bit is not held off-bottom long enough before all the parameters are met. If that happens,
drilling will resume, and then it will avoid the zeroing in such non-ideal conditions until
the next stand is drilled.
Figure 2.12. Flowchart Representing the Zero WOB and DiffP Logic
Figure 2.13. Demonstration of the Ideal Moment to Zero WOB and DiffP
2.3.6. Removing Outliers
The last step in the data wrangling process is the removal of outliers, that can be easily
identified in box plots. In a box plot, the data is divided into five intervals: minimum, first
quartile (Q1), median, third quartile (Q3) and maximum. The definition of this division
explained by logical definition (not in order) is:
• Median: The middle value of the data set. (not the mean)
• First Quartile (Q1 or 25th percentile): the middle number between the smallest
number (not the minimum) and the median of the data set.
• Third Quartile (Q3 or 75th percentile): the middle number between the highest
number (not the maximum) and the median of the data set.
• Interquartile Range (IQR): The range from the 25th to the 75th percentile.
Following the definition above, outliers are defined as any data points that are outside
the range of 1.5 times the interquartile range. Fig.2.14 depicts a box plot with its definitions,
as well as a comparison with a probability density function (PDF) for a normal distribution.
It can be seen from Fig. 2.14 that considering outliers, the values outside 1.5 times
the IQR, will keep 2.698 standard deviations from the mean of the data, or 99.3 % of it.
This means that using this criteria will remove a very small amount of the data, still not
compromising its distribution.
During the previous steps of the data cleaning process, many bad values were auto-
matically excluded (for example, a bad data point of 100,000 ft/hr ROP at the beginning
of the data set when the EDR was being set up). Because data points like this one could
skew the calculation of the IQR range, this step is performed as the last one of the data
Figure 2.14. Comparison of a Box Plot of a Nearly Normal Distribution and a PDF for a
Normal Distribution, From [Galarnyk, 2018]
wrangling process. To demonstrate this fact, box plots of several values are plotted below
in three steps: As raw data, just after the last wrangling process (step described in 2.3.5)
and the same cleaned values but filtered only for data point where drilling is happening
(meaning where the drilling operation is classified either as ”Drilling”, ”Drilling/Rocking”
or ”Sliding”). The reason for filtering the cleaned data point for drilling only is because
it was noticed that some values can be consistently bad in other operations, for example
the gamma ray values spike when the operation is circulating, or the ROP - Instant spikes
during tripping operations.
2.3.7. Bit Weight
It can be seen from Fig. 2.15 that the problem with the WOB still remains after the
null values are cleaned. This is mainly due to the problems already discussed of lack of
Figure 2.15. Box Plots of Bit Weight using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling Oper-
ations Only
zeroing, and affects mainly when the bit is not on bottom. When we filter the data for
drilling operations only (drilling, sliding and rocking) we can see that the variance reduces
significantly, with most of the data above zero and below 100,000 lbf.
Figure 2.16. Bit Weight and Bit Weight Corrected Zoomed Between -25 and 75 klbf
Fig. 2.16 shows the expected overall increase with the correction of the WOB due to
the algorithm implementation. However, it is still noted some outliers of negative values,
specially in well number 4, that need further investigation.
After analyzing Figs. 2.15 and 2.16, it was decided not to remove any outliers artifi-
cially, because the very few occurrences observed in the bottom plot of Fig. 2.15, reveal
that there are a very few high values, in ranges that still might be actual true values of
some operational problem (such as sudden release of weight on the bit due to stuck pipe
or bit stalling). Further investigation will be performed in the data analysis section of this
work to understand these data points.
Figure 2.17. Box Plots of Block Height Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling
Operations Only
An analysis of the Block Height values shows no problems with outliers. The last well
presented errors in the calibration of the sensors, recording values in a wider range than
really exist (the derrick has a fix value since the rig used to drill the wells is the same).
Another important observation is that most of the very negative values are removed by
simply filtering the data set for drilling values only. A possible explanation for this issue
is that the sensor is more likely to perform poorly during tripping operations, in which the
top drive moves at much higher speeds than during drilling. Even though, for all the wells
it is observed that the actual zero in the block height occurs in values below zero, being
close to -4 ft. This does not pose any harm for human operated top drives, but is a problem
that will have to be addressed more seriously when moving to automated operations.
2.3.9. Mud Motor Differential Pressure
Regarding the mud motor differential pressure, filtering for drilling operations only
results in most of the negative values to be removed from the analysis (Fig. 2.18). This
is good, and once again confirms the issues with the zeroing operation described earlier in
2.3.5. When the box plots for the differential pressure and corrected differential pressure
are zoomed between -2000 and 4000 psi (Fig. 2.19), the variance of the data increased
considerably for the corrected values. This is not the behavior expected with the zeroing
algorithm, therefore it is an indicator that the zeroing routine for DiffP should be reviewed.
A possible cause for this issue is the zeroing point selected not being at the final pressure
state. Again, further investigation in the data analysis will be performed to answer this
question. It is also noted however that for some of the wells (Numbers 12 and 13 for
example) the zeroing routine seems to be working, i.e., not increasing data variance and
also reducing the overall values of the variable, as expected by the problem with no zeroing
Figure 2.18. Box Plots of Differential Pressure using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling
Operations Only
Figure 2.19. Box Plots of Differential Pressure and Differential Pressure Corrected Zoomed
Between -2000 and 4000 psi
The gamma ray box plots show that most values are within the expected range (0 to
120◦ API.) after performing the null values cleaning, filtering for drilling points and zooming
in. The only well that presented negative values is Well 7, with this issue being most likely
an isolated recording issues. A comparison between the second and third plot shows that
some outliers with very high readings disappear when filtered for drilling operations. But
in the third plot it is still possible to see a consistent appearance of very high values for
gamma ray even after the filtering. This phenomena is understood as a tool problem and
thus all values equal to or above 200◦ API where replaced by 200◦ API to remove this issue.
The value of 200◦ API was chosen because it still a realistic high value for gamma ray
readings, thus still providing information about the high radioactivity of the formation.
Figure 2.20. Box Plots of Gamma Ray Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, Drilling Operations
Only, and Zoomed Between -50 and 250 ◦ API
2.3.11. Hook Load
Figure 2.21. Box Plots of Hook Load Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling Oper-
ations Only
The hook load values plotted present a consistent behavior for all wells once cleaned
and filtered on drilling only data points. In the second box plot it is observed a decrease
in the Q1 position, being for most of the wells, close to the In Slips value (around 57 klbf).
This behavior might be explained if the overall tripping performance was slower, or more
time was spent on surface (in between trips). Regarding the data quality of the values, the
last plot shows no signs of problems with the measurements.
2.3.12. Pump Pressure
Figure 2.22. Box Plots of Pump Pressure Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, Drilling Oper-
ations Only, and Zoomed Between -220 and 5000 psi
The pump pressure, or stand pipe pressure values also do not present evident incon-
sistencies or problems in measurements. Since all wells are drilled up to similar measured
depths, it is expected the pump pressure (hydraulics) to be similar as well. The average
value when drilling is being around 3500 psi, with some wells having the data skewed
towards smaller values. From Fig 2.22 it is concluded that no further treatment to this
variable is necessary.
2.3.13. ROP - Average
Figure 2.23. Box Plots of Average ROP Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling
Operations Only
The rate of penetration is the most important parameter in drilling analysis, since it
represents the rate in which the bit advances, that can be translated to efficiency to drill.
The calculation of ROP is therefore of utmost importance, since the aggregation of wrong
values can result in completely wrong values and or conclusions. For this reading, the EDR
calculates the average of the last 5 seconds. Fig. 2.24 shows that an increase in values
for ROP by just filtering the data to drilling only operations. Since it seems that all of
the wells’ data show consistent outliers from 300 to 800 ft/hr, a detailed analysis may be
conducted in sequence.
Figure 2.24. Box Plots of Average ROP for Raw Data and Cleaned Drilling-only Values
Zoomed Between 0 and 500 ft/hr
2.3.14. Top Drive Rotation
Figure 2.25. Box Plots of Top Drive Rotation Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling
Operations Only
The top drive rotation presents consistent measurements once null values are cleaned.
No negative values, and most of the data for all the wells is between 0 and 60 rpm, which
is the interval where most of the operations occur. For the drilling only values (third plot)
the most upper limit is still at 60 rpm, however for some of the wells there are more data
points pushing the distribution towards 25 rpm approximately. This could be an indication
of more rocking for these wells.
2.3.15. Top Drive Torque
Figure 2.26. Box Plots of Top Drive Torque Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling
Operations Only
Torque measurements recorded in the thirteen wells from the data set are consistent and
in accordance with the expected physical values for mud motors of 8.5 inches of diameter
(but most BHAs are of this size). For the drilling only plot, only one well presented
some outliers, meaning that there is no reason to believe that there are problems with this
variable, so no further edits will be performed.
2.3.16. Flow Rate In
When plotting the flow rate values, a very small quantity of outliers dominated the
plot, even when cleaned and filtered for drilling values only, as seen in Fig. 2.27.
Figure 2.27. Box Plot of Flow Rate In for Data Without Nulls and Filtered for Drilling
Operations Only
That way, all data values above 1600 gpm are cut from the plot, to allow interpretation.
After the first cleaning routine, most of the flow rate values lie between zero and 600 gpm,
which seems to be reasonable according to the pump specifications for a well of such depth.
When the values are filtered for drilling only, the values are now concentrated in a higher
interval - 600 to 800 gpm - indicating that the pumps are on at sufficient values to promote
hole cleaning. In at least four wells however (3, 8, 10 13) some outliers show flow rates
up to 1200-1400 gpm, but these values look unrealistic, especially for such a small period
of time. Because the flow rate is calculated by the EDR using the pump rate (strokes
per minute), liner size, stroke length and piston rod diameter, the most likely explanation
for such values is that the pump rate for these points is off, resulting in an equally off
calculation of the flow rate. This will be evaluated in the next column (pump rate).
Figure 2.28. Box Plots of Flow Rate In Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling
Operations Only, With a Cutoff at 1600 gpm
The pump rate is the count of pump speed in strokes per minute, usually measured
by a micro limit switch sensor installed in one of the pistons of the pump. The sensor
is actuated when the piston touches the sensor’s rod, increasing the count of mud pump
Figure 2.29. Example of Micro Limit Switch, From HDI Gauges
Since these sensors count a stroke every time it detects movement, this measure is
susceptible to ”false” readings. Because the mud pump rod seals frequently present some
leaking, splashing of the mud due to the piston movement could trigger the stroke counter
to read before the actual piston completes a full stroke. Although the sensor is designed
to withstand equipment vibration, unusual movement of the pump could also trigger false
strokes. This false reading then makes the stroke per minute calculator compute an ex-
tremely high value for the pump rate.
When we compare the last plots of Fig. 2.28 and 2.30 it seems that the outliers for the
pump rate indeed caused the EDR to calculate equally high flow rates in another column.
According to a mud pump manufacturer [NOV, a], a pump of similar specification has a
maximum pump speed of 120 spm. Since the rig used in this work has three triplex pumps
and the channel feeding the EDR system calculates the sum of all pump speeds (Pump SPM
- Total), it is known that any value greater than 360 spm is due to faulty measurements.
Because of this reason, the values of this column will be all set to a maximum of 360 spm.
Fig. 2.31 shows that this assumption is reasonable since most values lie below the threshold
Figure 2.30. Box Plots of Pump Rate Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling
Operations Only
Figure 2.31. Box Plot of Pump Rate Using Data Without Nulls Filtered to Drilling Oper-
ations Only and Zoomed to Values Between 0 and 600 spm
The instantaneous ROP column (ROP - Fast) is the column name given to the top drive
velocity calculation. It is measured by dividing the displacement of the top drive (using the
block height measurement) over time. This calculated column is sample dependent because
it is updated only once every 5 seconds. So, if the same physical movement of the top drive
begins at a x:xx:00 time or xx:xx:03, the value for the ”ROP - Fast” is likely to be different.
Also, for tripping operations where the block is moving at much faster speeds, this effect
of sampling can result in even higher positive or negative ”ROP - Fast” recordings.
This issue is evident in Fig. 2.32 which shows instantaneous velocity of positive 400,000
ft/hr and negative of up to 1,000,000 ft/hr. The third plot shows that the negative effect
is removed for drilling only operations, because in drilling the top drive is always moving
downwards (ROP positive). It is also noted that this filter removed most of the very
high values, since no tripping data points are included in the analysis now. However,
the existence of these outliers even in drilling is attributed to bad readings in the block
height, already discussed in Section 2.3.1 when dealing with bit position values greater
than the hole depth. Because the reliability of this column is compromised, which in turn
is useful only for qualitative analysis, these outliers are left as is. No drilling optimization
Figure 2.32. Box Plots of Instantaneous ROP Using Raw Data, Without Nulls, and Drilling
Operations Only
conclusion is seen to be derived from the evaluation of this column’s values, besides using
it as a guideline by the driller during actual drilling. A zoom in for instantaneous ROP
values below 500 ft/hr is presented in Fig. 2.33. Now it is visible that most instantaneous
ROP plots look similar to the ones in Fig. 2.24. In the zoomed plot some negative values
can be seen, confirming that misreadings of block position and block movement occur in
the EDR.
Figure 2.33. Box Plot of Instantaneous ROP Using Data Without Nulls Filtered With
Drilling Operations Only, Zoomed to Values Between -450 and +450 ft/hr
The conclusion of individual analysis of all drilling parameters collected from the EDR
result in only two values to be artificially corrected:
• Pump Rate: The ”Pump SPM - Total” column is limited to 320 gpm.
This fact does not mean that other columns do not need some sort of fixing. As
discussed along the individual sessions, some variables affect the drilling operation more
direct than others, and thus for these further investigation is done before changing its
Chapter 3
Data Visualization and Analysis
3.1. Data Analysis Overview
Data analysis is the process of extracting meaning from data and using it to improve
a process or activity. In this work, drilling data of previously drilled wells is being used to
provide insights on the performance of future wells. In the previous chapter, a complete
description of the cleaning process for drilling data was proposed, based on a mixture of the
experience of the analysts and published work in the literature. This resulted in a method
that was not yet described in the literature with the same degree of detail.
With the data cleaned and organized, the next step is to visualize the data in plots,
trying to identify patterns or relationships that would help explain a certain behavior.
With the advent of computers in the last decades, an particular tool to analyze data
became ubiquitous in almost every PC: Microsoft Excel R . This software contains a wide
array of numerical, statistical and visualization tools that enable an easy manipulation of
the data, helping tremendously in the analysis process.
But with the growth of the size of the data sets generated in the past 5-8 years, mainly
because of the advance in remote sensors, wireless data transmission and computational
processing power, the size of these so called ”Big Data” data sets exceeds the limit of Excel
of 1,048,576 rows per file. Not to mention that the software gets slow when the number
or rows is around half of the limit, depending of the number of columns and calculations
performed in the spreadsheet.
To overcome this issue, data analysts needed a tool that would enable them to manipu-
late, transform, model, and plot the data with ease and speed. For this reason, open source
languages such as Python and R gained popularity, and continue to gain space even when
commercial tools were created to address the same problem (dealing with the growing size
of data sets).
In the present work, we used Python to perform all the data manipulation and box
plots described in Chapter 2. For the data visualization we utilize two widely used commer-
cial platforms Microsoft PowerBI R and Tibco Spotfire R . The decision to use commercial
programs instead of open source tools is simply to facilitate future implementation of the
analysis process by the sponsor company. A great advantage of these products is the ability
to interact with the visuals created, highlighting portions of data in other visuals as you
select or filter a single plot. When this feature is combined with a plot of various graphs
in a single screen (called a dashboard), many interesting conclusions can be derived after
some analysis. Figure 3.1 illustrates a dashboard with a high level view of the data set, as
well as the interactive feature of these programs.
To begin our analysis, first we summarize general information in Table 3.1 to provide
an overview of the nomenclature used in the analysis.
Table 3.1. Summary of Wells Classification
A detailed look in the well spud and TD dates shows that the wells were not drilled in
chronological order. In a same pad, the sequence was to first drill all the vertical sections
one after another. For the last well in the pad, the drilling continued until the final depth.
Then, the remaining curve and lateral section of the previous wells was drilled in reverse
order. This procedure is better illustrated in Fig. 3.2.
Figure 3.1. Dashboard Example Created Using a Commercial Software. All Wells View
(top) and Highlight of a Single Well (bottom)
Figure 3.2. Depth vs Time For All Wells in the Data Set
Figure 3.3. Visualization of the Average ROP in the Vertical Section
Analyzing Fig. 3.3, we cannot see any tendency of increase in ROP as new wells are
being drilled. In fact, for Pads number 2 and 6 the average ROP decreased on the second
well. For the pad with most wells however, Pad 5, the ROP consistently increased, showing
improvements in terms of learning.
Another simple metric that can be correlated to average ROP is the percentage of
drilling versus sliding for a given section. Figure 3.4 shows the percentage of the rotating
and slide drilling in the vertical section for all wells but Well 1, and Fig 3.5 provides the
percentage of rotating drilling against average ROP for the same wells.
Figure 3.4. Percentage of Rotating and Slide Drilling in the Vertical Section
Figure 3.5. Comparison Between Percentage of Rotational Drilling Versus Average ROP
in the Vertical Section
From both figures, a direct correlation is not visible when comparing all the wells in
terms of average ROP, having the best performer, Well DMD17006978 not having the
lowest sliding rate. The opposite is also true: the worst performers in ROP are not the
ones with the highest slide percentage. But in a pad level, the tendency seems to exist in
all but Pad 2, as seem in Fig. 3.5.
Next we investigate if the bit model used in the wells can provide information about
the drilling performance, indicating an effect in bit design when drilling the area.
From Fig. 3.6 it is seen that all wells used bit model CF616 to drill most of the section.
Outside of these cases, bit models CF513, CF516 and U513M were used to drill the curve
section, but since they started a few hundred feet above the KOP, they appear on this
analysis but can be neglected since their contribution to the vertical section metrics are
Figure 3.6. Visualization of the Footage Drilled per Bit Model in All Vertical Sections
From a manufacture’s catalog, the bit nomenclature is the following [Ulterra, 2019]:
• Second and third numbers (16): The size of the cutter in mm.
• Last letter: Denotes the bit body material (M for Matrix, S for Steel).
Although the bit used is the same in all the wells, it can be seen from Fig. 3.6 that
out of thirteen wells, in seven cases (Wells 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13) the bit was able to
drill the whole vertical section. In the remaining four wells, the bit drilled less than 4,000
feet in two of them (Wells 5 and 11). A search in the DD activity log indicates that in
these wells the first bit run was interrupted due to MWD tool failure. However, for Well
11 (DMD18101127) a third run was necessary to drill only 200 feet. In Wells 4, 7 and 9
there is no evident reason for the bits to be pulled out, so we analyze how these bits were
operated with the objective to find insights on why the bit had to be pulled.
To do this analysis, we first introduce the concept of hydraulic horsepower per square
inch (HSI). This metric is the division of the hydraulic horsepower (HHP) provided to the
bit by the hole area (bit area). The expression to calculate the bit hydraulic power in field
units (flow rate in gpm and pressure in psi) is:
With the HHP in hand, we divide it by the bit area to obtain the HSI [hp/in2 ]:
HSI = Bit Diameter2 ×π
By grouping the HSI values into bins of size 4 hp/in2 , we can compare the resulting
output ROP in terms of the two most important drilling parameters: the WOB and RPM
- in this case, the bit RPM. Due to the use of a downhole mud motor, the total rotation
of the bit when drilling in rotating mode is the sum of the top drive rotation plus the
rotation due to the motor. This last term is calculated multiplying the motor factor (given
in rotations per gallon, or RPG) by the total flow rate (in gpm):
First we analyze Well Number 4 with the aid of another dashboard, called Bit Report.
This dashboard contains collected information about the BHA (bit and motor specifica-
tions), the plot of average ROP and MSE per foot, and the heat map of WOB vs Bit RPM
for each bin of HSI. Fig. 3.7 shows in detail this view.
At a first glance, the average ROP shows a downward trend with depth. The colors in
the Average ROP plot (left middle of the figure) represent the groups of HSI. The plot just
below this is the surface MSE, showing an increase as drilling advances, in accordance with
the ROP decrease. The right middle plot represents the heat map. Further investigation
will be performed now filtering this view for the HSI Bins of 8-11, 12-15 and 16+ hp/in2 .
Figure 3.7. Bit Run Report Dashboard View
Fig. 3.8 shows the HSI of 8-11 hp/in2 . We can see that the well was drilled for a
small portion of time with this power, and the average ROP was 143.34 ft/hr. In the heat
map on the right it is seen that the best combination for the WOB and Rotation was with
around 10 klbf and 200 rpm.
Because the HSI Bin of 12-15 hp/in2 was used in almost the entire section, it was
divided into two segments: from 2,000 to 5,000 feet, and from 5,000 to 8,000 feet (Figs.
3.9 and 3.10). For the first part, the decrease in ROP is due to an increase in the slide
percent. The points in the left part of the Bit RPM and WOB heat map represents sliding
(no top drive rotation), and the right portion denotes rotating sliding. For the second half
(Fig. 3.10), we see that almost all the section was drilled with no sliding, but obtained a
slower average ROP due to improper WOB. The heat map shows that for this portion of
the well the WOB should be increased to around 30 klbf, showing more yellow data points
in this area.
Figure 3.8. Bit Run Report for Well 4, Run 1, HSI Bin of 8 to 11 hp/in2
Figure 3.9. Bit Run Report for Well 4, Run 1, HSI Bin of 12 to 15 hp/in2 , From 2,000 to 5,000 feet
Figure 3.10. Bit Run Report for Well 4, Run 1, HSI Bin of 12 to 15 hp/in2 , From 5,000 to 8,000 feet
Figure 3.11. Bit Run Report for Well 4, Run 1, HSI Bin of 16 hp/in2 and More
Lastly the final portion of the well was drilled with most of the footage at HSI of 16
hp/in2 or more. The heat map map of Fig. 3.11 shows a maximum of 200 ft/hr (excluding
outliers), meaning that the flounder point was reached for this set of parameters. The
misuse of the bit during the final 1,000 feet might explain the reason the bit was not
performing well, forcing the crew to pull it out of the hole.
Performing the same analysis for Wells 7, 8 and 9 (all from Pad 5) we can see that for
Well 7, most of the section was drilled with a low HSI (8-11 hp/in2 range) that resulted in
inefficient drilling (Fig. 3.12).
In the same pad, the following well had the vertical section drilled up to TD, using the
same bit and motor assembly. A clear difference by looking at the average ROP plot (Fig.
3.13) is that most of this well was drilled with HSI in the range of 12-15 hp/in2 .
Filtering only the HSI Bins of 8-11 and 12-15 hp/in2 , the respective heat maps show
that the sweet-spot for the drilling parameters is around 150 rpm and 15-20 klbf.
Dividing the drilling of the first run of Well 8 into two segments - HSI of 8-11 and 12-15
hp/in2 , we can see the parameters that resulted in better ROP, as shown in Fig. 3.14.
Figure 3.13. Bit Run Report for Well 8, Run 1
Figure 3.14. Heat Map of WOB vs Bit RPM for Well 8, Run 1. Data Points With HSI of
8-11 hp/in2 (left), and With HSI of 12-15 hp/in2 (right)
Fig. 3.14 shows that for the lowest HSI range, during sliding, the best ROP was
achieved with lower rotation (around 90 rpm) and WOB close to 5 klbf. For rotating
drilling, most points with higher ROP happened with rotation around 150 rpm and WOB
of 15 klbf. When the hydraulics was increased, the new range of best performance in this
well was similar, but with increased WOB to around 20 klbf.
This bit run however did not present the best performance in the whole data set.
Attempting to identify the best parameters to achieve the highest performance from previ-
ously drilled wells, we first combine in the plot all wells that were able to drill the vertical
section in a single run, namely Wells 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13. Next, we divide the total
drilled section into 1,000 feet intervals of depth (besides the first and final 2,000 feet).
Figure 3.15. Heat Map of WOB vs Bit RPM for the First Half of Depth Intervals
Figure 3.16. Heat Map of WOB vs Bit RPM for the Second Half of Depth Intervals
The recommendations based on Figs. 3.15 and 3.16 are:
• 0 - 2,000 feet: Drill with HSI of 8-11 hp/in2 , with bit rotation of 183 rpm and WOB
of 10 klbf.
• 2,000 - 3,000 feet: Drill with HSI of 12-15 hp/in2 , with bit rotation of 183 rpm and
WOB of 15 klbf.
• 3,000 - 4,000 feet: Drill with HSI of 12-15 hp/in2 , with bit rotation of 188 rpm and
WOB of 20 klbf.
• 4,000 - 5,000 feet: Drill with HSI of 12-15 hp/in2 , with bit rotation of 188 rpm and
WOB of 25 klbf.
• 5,000 - 6,000 feet: Drill with HSI of 12-15 hp/in2 , with bit rotation of 188 rpm and
WOB of 40 klbf.
• 6,000 - 7,000 feet: Drill with HSI of 16+ hp/in2 , with bit rotation of 189 rpm and
WOB of 50 klbf.
• 7,000 - Final Depth: Drill with HSI of 12-15 hp/in2 , with bit rotation of 174 or 180
rpm and WOB of 30 or 40 klbf.
• C1 : Learning potential.
• C2 : Learning rate.
• C3 : Operational/technical limit.
[Damski, 2014] explains that the learning rate C2 reduces the gap between C1 and
C3 . The greater C2 . the faster tn reaches C3 . A good learning curve is represented by
C2 between 0.45 and 0.80. Fig. 3.17 depicts the learning curve behavior, as well as the
mathematical meaning of the constants.
Figure 3.17. Typical Learning Curve for a Drilling Campaign, From [Damski, 2014]
Using the learning curve theory, we plot the average time taken to drill the wells versus
the well sequence for the three sections: Vertical, Curve and Lateral. Fig. 3.18 shows the
curve for all wells. It is important to reiterate that in all plots in this section, only data
points representing drilling operations (drilling, sliding or rocking) are being used.
Figure 3.18. Learning Curve for All Wells in the Data Set
The overall learning coefficient when considering all wells is 0.11. This denotes that
there is a room for improvement regarding previous performance to be communicated along
the drilling crews. However, because the wells were drilled in the course of one year (Fig.
3.2), and we do not know if the drilling crews were the same during the whole campaign,
we nail down the learning curve analysis for the wells in Pad 5, since it is the pad with the
largest number of wells. The following plots (Fig. 3.19) show the learning curve behavior
by well section. In the vertical part of the well, the improvement is maintained until the
third well, resulting in a learning rate of 0.36. In the curve section, the behavior found
is defined as ”loss of learning” [Millheim et al., 1998], where a past performance level is
not obtained again. For this case, we calculate the learning curve from the second well,
achieving a high learning coefficient of 0.9643, since the time to drill the curve section went
from 18.1 to 10.1 hours. Lastly, the analysis for the lateral section presents inconsistent
performance, with learning coefficient of 0.14.
Figure 3.19. Learning Curve for Pad 5 Divided by Vertical (top), Curve (middle) and
Lateral (bottom) Sections
The learning curve analysis demonstrates that there is room for improvement when
evaluating the wells in the data set. Some recommendations to overcome this issue are:
• Enhance Documentation: The drillers could document and classify all drilling prob-
lems encountered in a well into a structured database for further analysis.
• Knowledge Sharing: The drilling contractor should promote knowledge sharing among
the drilling crews by issuing performance alerts to be read by all relevant crew mem-
bers (Toolpushers, Drillers and Assistant Drillers).
• Active Performance Monitoring: The company should keep track of the metrics as
the wells are being drilled to get the benefits of the knowledge created in real time.
• Rotate Crew Members: One good approach is to rotate key crew members between
crews and track the performance changes. This usually results in good practices being
shared between the crews, and can raise equipment issues that are hard to detect if
the rotation is done between rigs.
Chapter 4
Machine Learning Modelling
Machine learning (ML) is a field inside computer science that has as a goal to teach
the computer to provide answers (by calculating probabilities) by example. The fact that
the computer learns by example differs than traditional coding because the computer was
never explicitly programmed to perform a task, but it learns with the data how the data
points are distributed in a data set, therefore it can infer the outcome for a new row of
data never seen before.
A common example of ML is picture recognition. For example, if a data set containing
lots of pictures of chairs and random objects, the computer will first learn the traces that
differentiate them. In this example, it is important that the pictures are labeled (have the
information if they are chairs or not chairs), so the computer can learn about it. Also, it is
important to highlight that no other information about the differences between a chair and
”not a chair” is provided (i.e., a chair has four chairs, a back seat, etc). The computer will
analyze all the pictures (in this example the pictures will be converted into one dimensional
vectors containing the pixels of each picture) and identify the relationship between them.
Because it is trained by example, another key aspect of ML is to have a good number of
data points in the training set to result in accurate models.
Once the model is trained, meaning it calculated the important traces for all the pic-
tures that have labels as ”chair” and ”not chair”, it can be exposed (or tested) to a new
picture, and be asked if the picture contains a chair or not. The way the computer model
does that is to calculate the features (pixels) of the new picture and answer the value
that the picture has the greatest probability to be. They way this procedure is normally
performed, 60% to 70% of the data goes to training, and the remaining part to testing.
4.1. The Boosted Decision Trees Algorithm
Besides classification, another type of problem usually solved using ML is regression.
Regression is the analog of classification, but instead of returning a class, it returns a
numerical value. There are several algorithms that are used to estimate new values given
a training data set. For this work, we will focus on the method that resulted in the best
performance, or the smallest error, called Boosted Decision Trees.
”Decision Trees” is the name given to algorithms that provide an output by asking
multiple questions to the data by comparing multiple data points and checking the outcome.
The reasoning is similar to how humans perform this action, dividing possible outcomes
into new branches (or leaves) after a new outcome is analyzed. For example, lets assume if
we have the data set represented in Fig. 4.1. This data set contains answers of customers
for the question ”if they would wait for a table in a restaurant”. In order to answer, they
were given some features about the restaurant (if they have other options, type of food,
location, price) as well as the occasion (special date, is it crowded, etc). After considering
all the aspects of the decision, the customers provide the answer (label) if they would stay
or not at the restaurant.
Figure 4.1. Example Data Set to Explain the Decision Tree Algorithm
Now, taking this table to a computer using decision trees, the computer will try to
predict which combinations of questions will result in the answer with the best confidence
(least error). To do that, it will divide each column into separate trees, and proceed to a
new question until an answer is found, meaning that there is no more ambiguity left. For
example, in Fig. 4.2 we see that the first questions ”if the restaurant is crowded or not”
can lead to multiple answers, so another layer (node) is created. The next level checks the
values in the ”do you have plans?” column, and evaluates if it still can provide a definite
answer. Since it still cannot, another questions is asked, until there is a clear difference
between the answers depending on the value of the column.
Because of the way it is created, a particular tree will only perform well if the sequence
of questions asked is the same. To avoid this limitation, thus making the process more
generalized, boosting is performed. Boosting is the combination of several decision trees
made with different orders of questions. A boosted decision tree model therefore, is the
model that returns an answer to the combination of the answers from all the trees in the
4.2. ROP Prediction of the Curve Section Using Decision Trees
In the present work, an example of ML application will be the prediction of the ROP
in the curve section of a well. The platform used to program the ML algorithm is the
Microsoft R Azure Machine Learning Studio. First, we select eight wells to be used as the
training wells. These wells were chosen in such way that no two wells from the same pad
were used to train the model. Also, between wells of the same pad, always the first well is
chosen as the training well (so we can assess the model’s ability to predict the next wells’
performance). The training workflow begins by compiling the cleaned data, after running
the process described in Section 2.3.1 into a single table (Fig. 4.3).
Figure 4.3. Combination the Data From the Eight Training Wells
Next, minor preparation steps are performed for the given application. In this example,
we are interested only in the drilling of the curve section, so the column ”Well Section” is
filtered for values of ”Curve”. Also, we look for values where ”Making Hole” is ”True”, and
”Operations” is not ”Other”, resulting in only data points where drilling occurs. Finally,
to avoid bias in the training regarding the magnitude of the features, all data columns are
normalized to values between 0 and 1. This way, the column of Hole Depth - average of
8,500 feet - will not have a greater weight in the training than top drive rotation - 0 to
60 rpm, even having much smaller influence in the resulting ROP. Lastly, the data set is
partitioned into equally sized folds for cross validation. Cross validation is the procedure
of dividing the training data set into smaller parts, and training separately in search of
sampling bias. For example, lets say that in the random split between 60% of the data
for the training set, and 40% for testing, no data points of ”sliding” are in the training
set, so the model has never seen this operation when training. So, when asked to infer
the test points containing ”sliding” drilling, the model will perform poorly because of this
sampling bias. Cross validating the training set into equally divided sets can verify if the
model performs with the same accuracy in all subsets. These steps as shown in Fig. 4.4.
Figure 4.4. Filtering and Normalization of the Data
In the sequence of partitioning and sampling, the model is trained. Fig. 4.5 shows
that the training uses also another technique called ”tuning hyperparameters”. To each
boosted decision trees model, it is possible to customize its parameters such as the total
number of trees in the model, the depth of each tree (number of questions), the number
of leaves (nodes) in each level, etc. Since it is a heuristic model, there is no guarantee
that one configuration will be better than another, being completely dependent on the
data set size and values. In that way, this tuning method trains the model in several
configurations until it finds the best configuration. The time spent for a computer to train
all these combinations will depend on the number of the parameters sweep that is passed
to the tuning method. In this work, we sampled a total of 180 combinations, varying the
maximum number of leaves per tree (from 2 to 128), the minimum number of cases to form
a leaf (from 1 to 100), the learning rate, which is the steps taken to reach the final answer
(from 0.025 to 0.4) and the number of trees constructed (from 20 to 500). Fig. 4.6 show
examples of the overall shape of the first nine trees, and Fig. 4.7 presents details of the
decision logic in part of a tree.
The resulting best model (with the smaller error) has 350 trees, a learning rate of
0.375257, minimum of 26 cases per leaves, and 90 leaves. Besides sweeping for the best
parameters to achieve good learning, and performing cross validation to avoid sampling
bias, we also executed a task called ”permutation feature importance”. This procedure
removes one column at a time from the training set and computes the overall performance.
The individual results from each trial missing a different column is then compared with the
training using all columns. The features that cause the greatest penalty in performance, are
Figure 4.7. Example of the Decision Logic of Some Leaves of One Tree
attributed the highest importance; for those that barely affected the overall performance it
was assigned lower importance. The resulting importance estimation in the ROP is shown
in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1. Feature Importance When Predicting ROP
Feature Score
Hook Load 0.092441
Block Movement 0.082389
Bit Weight 0.080794
Pump Pressure 0.075463
Top Drive Torque 0.044885
Diff Pressure 0.044694
Block Height 0.043641
Hole Depth 0.038213
Flow In Rate 0.025674
Pump SPM Total 0.02061
Top Drive RPM 0.020033
Bit Position 0.019743
Gamma Ray 0.016839
Operation 0.000041
Table 4.1 shows that the hook load (and the associated WOB), the block movement
speed and the pump pressure are the top features when predicting accurately the ROP.
The top drive RPM resulted in a lower value mainly because almost all points represent
slide drilling, so this columns has almost all values close to zero. The formation (gamma
ray) also does not play a big role in the curve section since it is drilled through a fairly
consistent lithology due to the angle build.
Then the model is evaluated, to check if the performance predicting the ROP is good
or not. The two main metrics analyzed are the root mean squared error (RMSE) and
the coefficient of determination (R2 ). The RMSE represents the amount of error in the
predictions, thus the less the better. The R2 is a measure of how well the model represents
the variation of the data, and the greater the better (goes between 0 and 1). The present
model performed the cross validation with a RMSE of 0.033949 and a R2 of 0.97751. These
metrics suggest that the model is predicting well the ROP of the data set that it was trained
The next step is to upload data from a new well (never exposed to the model) to check
its ability to reproduce the results. We selected Well Number 10 (MD180037) since it is
the last well of Pad 5 (Fig 4.8).
Since we used 2 wells from this pad in the training set, we expect a good result in
the testing. The resulting performance for Well 10 was an RMSE of 0.137218 and R2 of
0.560061. Although the performance is not as good as for the training set, the resulting
model covers most of the variations of the ROP, as seen in Fig. 4.9.
With the satisfactory results of the model, the following steps are to change values of
the test variables to see the resulting effect in the ROP, in the attempt to predict a better
performance in a future drilling for a similar well. In this example, we test three scenarios
multiplying the WOB by 1.3, 2 and 3. The equivalent reduction in hook load was also
taken into account, since these values are dependent on each other. The resulting ROP is
presented in Fig. 4.10.
Figure 4.8. Testing of Well 10 Against the Trained Model
Figure 4.9. Comparison Between the Recorded and Predicted ROP for the Curve Section
of Well 10
Figure 4.10. Resulting ROP Prediction for ROP of 1.3, 2 and 3 Times Higher
Fig. 4.10 presents an interesting result. The model shows that the ROP will not
increase indefinitely with increase of WOB. For example, from the performance of Well 10,
it can be seen that a somewhat steady performance is present from 8,900 until 9,250 feet.
After this point, the ROP becomes very unsteady. Similarly, for a doubled value of the
WOB (yellow curve), the ROP seems to be the best in this first interval (up to 9,250 feet).
However, for the troubled part, it seems that more WOB (as represent by the green line,
with a multiplier of 3) would have resulted in a better ROP. To assess this result further,
plots of the two regions are presented in Figs 4.11 to 4.14.
Figure 4.11. Resulting ROP Predictions Zoomed Between 9,040 and 9,250 feet
Figs. 4.11 and 4.12 show a zoom in the first part of Fig. 4.10. From the drilling
parameters plot, we can see that during the two stands drilled (observed by the red line
of Block Height), all important parameters were steady, namely the Differential Pressure,
Figure 4.12. Drilling Parameters Zoomed Between 9,040 and 9,250 feet
the WOB and HL, top drive rpm and torque. This shows sections that presented efficient
drilling, and an increase in the WOB, for example, would not increase rate of penetration.
This is exactly what is seen in Fig. 4.11, where all predicted lines with WOB increase (the
red, yellow and green lines) show almost identical values of ROP.
Figure 4.13. Resulting ROP Predictions Zoomed Between 9,400 and 9,600 feet
Figure 4.14. Drilling Parameters Zoomed Between 9,400 and 9,600 feet
Figs. 4.13 and 4.14 show now a zoom at the second half of Fig. 4.10, where the ROP
was very inconsistent. Further examination of the drilling parameters show that around
half of each drilling stand, something happened that resulted in a sudden drop of ROP.
The behavior seen is a increase in WOB and Differential Pressure, high values of oscillating
torque and a surface RPM greater than zero (note that the drilling parameters plot has
the values normalized between 0 and 1 to be used in the model, as described previously).
This behavior represents an attempt to overcome the torque and drag by rocking the
drill bit, and the sudden drop in ROP is when the mud motor stalls, as explained by
[Duplantis, 2016]: ”At the driller’s console, an impeding stall might be indicated by an
increase in WOB but with no corresponding upsurge in downhole pressure to signal that
an increase in downhole WOB has actually occurred. At some point, the WOB indicator
will show an abrupt decrease, indicating a sudden transfer of force from the drill string
to the bit”. The red arrows in Figs. 4.13 and 4.14 denote the moment when the mud
motor stalled. This pattern of motor stalling around the half point of the drilling stand is
consistent along the second half of the curve section of Well 10. The predicted ROP from
the model shows a better separation between the lines of higher WOB, suggesting that
an increase in weight on bit could help prevent this issue, resulting in better performance.
However, as explained in [Duplantis, 2016], [Maidla et al., 2004] and [Maidla et al., 2005],
the most important parameter to overcome torque is the control of string rotation from
the surface to counterbalance the reacting torque applied to the lower portion of the drill
The resulting ML application example in drilling could result in another ML model,
one that can predict mud motor stalling. Because of the distinguishable pattern of a motor
stall in Fig. 4.14, a new model could be trained in a data set where the points prior to the
stall are labeled as such, as well as the actual moment when the motor stall occurs. With a
model like that calibrated, a real implementation of it could help the driller predict when a
motor stall is going to happen, raising a flag that can result in action, resulting in a longer
motor life and wellbore quality.
Chapter 5
Conclusions and Future Directions
5.1. Conclusions
From the work of this thesis we can conclude that:
• Data Wrangling is the most difficult and time consuming task in a Data Science
• Once the drilling engineer has the data cleaned and structured, a vast number of anal-
ysis can be performed with the data to extract valuable information about previous
drilling performance.
• The operation of the drill bit is the most important factor in drilling. Thus the close
monitoring of actual and previous operational parameters can result in significant
performance gains.
• Most companies already have the data to perform data analytics in drilling. The
missing part usually is an organized workflow to treat the massive data influx, and a
systematic way to evaluate previous performance against well defined metrics.
5.2. Future Directions
Directions for a future work following what was done here are:
• The zero WOB and Diff Pressure algorithm needs a fine tune in its logic, since noticing
that it missed the zeroing point in some drilling stands. Proper zeroing is important
to correct the parameters.
• The downhole data (MWD) was available but not included in the scope of the current
work. The addition of the downhole parameters (bit vibration, rotation, loads, etc)
plus the geometry of the well (inclination, dog leg, tortuosity) could improve even
further the analysis performed. With the 3D plot of the well geometry, the drilling
parameters can be plotted in the space domain. Plotting wells drilled in the same pad
in three dimensions can provide insights of the directions where the trouble formations
are, helping in the well plan for future wells in the same pad.
• The machine learning modelling and analysis can be expanded in the prediction of
drilling problems, if the problems are properly categorized. Thus, it is recommended
to accurately identify the time portions where drilling dysfunction happened to un-
derstand the causes of drilling problems with the aid of ML techniques.
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1 import numpy a s np
2 import pandas a s pd
3 import o p e r a t o r
4 import math
8 def c r e a t e s t a t u s c o l s l i c e ( f i l e , overview ) :
9 #f u n c t i o n t o c r e a t e t h e t h r e e s t a t u s columns Making Hole , Block Movement
and O f f Bottom D i s t a n c e
10 #Also , t h i s f u n c t i o n s l i c e s t h e raw EDR f i l e between t h e Well Spud and
Well TD v a l u e s from t h e MDB
12 d f = pd . r e a d c s v ( f i l e )
14 #Rename columns
15 d f . columns = d f . columns . s t r . r e p l a c e ( ” − ” , ” ” )
16 d f . columns = d f . columns . s t r . r e p l a c e ( ” ” , ” ” )
18 #g e t s t h e name o f t h e f i l e t o f i n d t h e w e l l f i l e i n t h e o v e r v i e w t a b l e
19 wellid = f i l e [: −4]
20 #c o n v e r t some columns i n t h e o v e r v i e w t a b l e t o d a t e t i m e s o t h e comparison
below can work
21 overview . i l o c [ : , [ 7 , 8 , 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 6 , 1 8 ] ] = overview . i l o c
[ : , [ 7 , 8 , 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 6 , 1 8 ] ] . apply ( pd . t o d a t e t i m e )
29 #s l i c i n g t h e d a t a s e t
30 d f = d f [ d f [ ’ Date Time ’ ] > s t a r t ]
31 d f = d f [ d f [ ’ Date Time ’ ] < end ]
33 #c l e a n t h e n u l l v a l u e s
34 d f = d f . r e p l a c e ( −999.25 , np . NaN)
35 #make n u l l i f b i t p o s i t i o n i s g r e a t e r than h o l e depth by more than 0 . 0 2
f t , then drop them
36 d f = d f . mask ( d f . Hole Depth − d f . B i t P o s i t i o n < −0.02)
37 d f = d f . dropna ( s u b s e t =[ ’ Hole Depth ’ ] )
38 #Drop rows with n u l l v a l u e s i n a l l columns
39 d f = d f . dropna ( how = ’ a l l ’ )
44 #C r e a t e t h e s t a t u s columns
45 #Making Hole compares i f Hole Depth i s i n c r e a s i n g
46 d f [ ’ Making Hole ’ ] = d f . Hole Depth . eq ( d f . Hole Depth . s h i f t ( ) )
47 d f [ ’ Making Hole ’ ] = np . i n v e r t ( d f [ ’ Making Hole ’ ] )
52 #O f f B o t t o m D i s t c a l c u l a t e s t h e b i t d i s t a n c e t o t h e bottom o f t h e h o l e
53 d f 2 = d f . i l o c [ : , [ 1 , 2 ] ] . d i f f ( a x i s =1)
54 df [ ’ Off Bottom Dist ’ ] = df2 . B i t P o s i t i o n
Pump SPM Total ’ , ’ Flow Out Rate ’ , ’ ROP Fast ’ , ’ Making Hole ’ , ’
Block Movement ’ , ’ O f f B o t t o m D i s t ’ ] ]
63 d f . t o c s v ( o u t p u t f i l e , i n d e x=F a l s e )
67 #t h i s i s a s u p p o r t f u n c t i o n f o r t h e c r e a t e bha f u n c t i o n
68 def removeDuplicates ( l i s t o f E l e m e n t s ) :
70 # C r e a t e an empty l i s t t o s t o r e unique e l e m e n t s
71 uniqueList = [ ]
73 # I t e r a t e o v e r t h e o r i g i n a l l i s t and f o r each e l e m e n t
74 # add i t t o u n i q u e L i s t , i f i t s not a l r e a d y t h e r e .
75 f o r elem i n l i s t o f E l e m e n t s :
76 i f elem not i n u n i q u e L i s t :
77 u n i q u e L i s t . append ( elem )
79 # Return t h e l i s t o f unique e l e m e n t s
80 return uniqueList
86 wellid = f i l e [: −4]
88 #f i n d t h e w e l l i n b h a i n f o
89 d f r a n g e = b h a i n f o [ b h a i n f o [ ’ Well ID ’ ] == w e l l i d ]
91 #c r e a t e t h e r a n g e i n d e x t o be i n p u t l a t e r i n t h e bhanumbers dataframe
92 r a n g e s = [ ( i , j ) f o r i , j i n z i p ( d f r a n g e [ ’ Depth In ’ ] , d f r a n g e [ ’ Depth Out
’ ]) ]
93 r a n g e s = [ num f o r elem i n r a n g e s f o r num i n elem ]
94 ranges = removeDuplicates ( ranges )
96 #c r e a t e t h e dataframe o f r a n g e s
97 bhanumbers = l i s t ( enumerate ( r a n g e s ) )
98 bhanumbers = pd . DataFrame ( bhanumbers ) . drop ( 1 , a x i s =1) . drop ( 0 , a x i s =0)
104 f o r i in df . index :
105 h o l e d e p t h = d f . a t [ i , ’ Hole Depth ’ ]
106 #c r e a t e t h e bha column , comparing t h e depth with t h e r a n g e s from
107 d f . a t [ i , ’BHA ’ ] = bhanumbers . l o c [ h o l e d e p t h ] . BHA
109 o u t p u t f i l e = w e l l i d + ’ . csv ’
111 d f . t o c s v ( o u t p u t f i l e , i n d e x=F a l s e )
121 kop = o v e r v i e w . KOP Depth [ o v e r v i e w . Well ID == w e l l i d ]
122 kop = kop . to numpy ( )
123 l p = o v e r v i e w . LP Depth [ o v e r v i e w . Well ID == w e l l i d ]
124 l p = l p . to numpy ( )
126 f o r i in df . index :
127 h o l e d e p t h = d f . a t [ i , ’ Hole Depth ’ ]
137 o u t p u t f i l e = w e l l i d + ’ . csv ’
139 d f . t o c s v ( o u t p u t f i l e , i n d e x=F a l s e )
143 def c l a s s i f y w e l l ( f i l e ) :
144 d f = pd . r e a d c s v ( f i l e )
146 f o r i in df . index :
147 #c r e a t e t h e v a r i a b l e s t o be used a s o p e r a t i o n d e f i n e r
148 h o l e d e p t h = d f . a t [ i , ” Hole Depth ” ]
149 m a k i n g h o l e = d f . a t [ i , ” Making Hole ” ]
150 o f f b o t t o m d i s t = df . at [ i , ’ Off Bottom Dist ’ ]
151 block mov = d f . a t [ i , ’ Block Movement ’ ]
152 td rpm = d f . a t [ i , ’ Top Drive RPM ’ ]
153 t o t a l s p m = d f . a t [ i , ’ Pump SPM Total ’ ]
154 h o o k l o a d = d f . a t [ i , ’ Hook Load ’ ]
157 #c l a s s i f y t h e o p e r a t i o n based on t h e v a r i a b l e v a l u e s
158 i f h o l e d e p t h > 10000 and m a k i n g h o l e == True and o f f b o t t o m d i s t >
−0.2 and block mov < 0 . 1 and td rpm >5 and td rpm< 4 5 . 1 and t o t a l s p m >10
159 d f . a t [ i , ’ O p e r a t i o n ’ ] = ’ D r i l l i n g / S l i d i n g Rocking ’
160 e l i f m a k i n g h o l e == True and o f f b o t t o m d i s t > −0.2 and block mov <
0 . 1 and td rpm >10 and t o t a l s p m >10:
161 df . at [ i , ’ Operation ’ ] = ’ D r i l l i n g ’
162 e l i f m a k i n g h o l e == True and o f f b o t t o m d i s t > −0.2 and block mov <
0 . 1 and td rpm <=10 and t o t a l s p m >10:
163 df . at [ i , ’ Operation ’ ] = ’ S l i d i n g ’
164 e l i f m a k i n g h o l e == F a l s e and o f f b o t t o m d i s t <= −0.2 and block mov <
0 and td rpm >10 and t o t a l s p m >10:
165 d f . a t [ i , ’ O p e r a t i o n ’ ] = ’ Reaming ’
166 e l i f m a k i n g h o l e == F a l s e and o f f b o t t o m d i s t <= −0.2 and block mov >
0 and td rpm >10 and t o t a l s p m >10:
167 d f . a t [ i , ’ O p e r a t i o n ’ ] = ’ Back Reaming ’
168 e l i f m a k i n g h o l e == F a l s e and o f f b o t t o m d i s t <= −0.2 and h o o k l o a d
169 d f . a t [ i , ’ O p e r a t i o n ’ ] = ’ In S l i p Connection ’
170 e l i f m a k i n g h o l e == F a l s e and o f f b o t t o m d i s t <= −80 and block mov <
0 and td rpm < 5 and t o t a l s p m <5 and h o o k l o a d >57:
171 d f . a t [ i , ’ O p e r a t i o n ’ ] = ’ T r i p p i n g In ’
172 e l i f m a k i n g h o l e == F a l s e and o f f b o t t o m d i s t <= −80 and block mov >
0 and td rpm < 5 and t o t a l s p m <5 and h o o k l o a d >57:
173 d f . a t [ i , ’ O p e r a t i o n ’ ] = ’ T r i p p i n g Out ’
174 e l i f m a k i n g h o l e == F a l s e and o f f b o t t o m d i s t <= −0.2 and t o t a l s p m >
175 d f . a t [ i , ’ O p e r a t i o n ’ ] = ’ C i r c u l a t i n g / Survey ’
176 else :
177 d f . a t [ i , ’ O p e r a t i o n ’ ] = ’ Other ’
179 d f . t o c s v ( f i l e , i n d e x=F a l s e )
185 #C r e a t e t h e v a r i a b l e s t h a t w i l l be used t o t r i g g e r t h e z e r o i n g l o g i c
186 newstring = False
187 pressure = 0.0
188 hlerror = 0.0
189 #C r e a t e t h e new column , wich z e r o v a l u e s
190 d f [ ’ HL Error ’ ] = 0 . 0
191 d f [ ’ZWOB’ ] = ’ Normal ’
192 f o r i in df . index :
193 #c r e a t e t h e v a r i a b l e s t o be used a s s t a t u s i n d i c a t o r f o r t h e b e s t
moment t o z e r o WOB and P d i f f
194 operation = df . at [ i , ” Operation ” ]
195 b l o c k h e i g h t = df . at [ i , ” Block Height ” ]
196 o f f b o t t o m d i s t = df . at [ i , ’ Off Bottom Dist ’ ]
206 e l i f n e w s t r i n g == True and ( o p e r a t i o n == ’ D r i l l i n g ’ o r o p e r a t i o n == ’
S l i d i n g ’ o r o p e r a t i o n == ’ D r i l l i n g / S l i d i n g Rocking ’ ) :
207 newstring = False
209 #This s t a t e m e n t c h e c k s a l l t h e c o n d i t i o n s f o r t h e z e r o i n g a l g o r i t h m
t o update t h e E r r o r and t h e SP v a l u e s
210 e l i f o p e r a t i o n == ’ Reaming ’ and o f f b o t t o m d i s t <= −2 and t o t a l s p m >
50 and h o o k l o a d > 100 and b l o c k h e i g h t > 80 and td rpm > 15 and
n e w s t r i n g == True :
211 h l e r r o r = abs ( d f . a t [ i , ’ Bit Weight ’ ] )
212 p r e s s u r e = d f . a t [ i , ’ Pump Pressure ’ ]
213 d f . a t [ i , ’ZWOB’ ] = ’ Zero ’
214 newstring = False
216 e l i f o p e r a t i o n == ’ T r i p p i n g Out ’ :
217 hlerror = 0
218 pressure = 0
231 d f . t o c s v ( f i l e , i n d e x=F a l s e )
239 #Clean t h e r e m a i n i n g n e g a t i v e v a l u e s f o r D i f f e r e n t i a l P r e s s u r e
240 df . loc [ df . D i f f P r e s s < 0 , ’ D i f f P r e s s ’ ] = 0
246 #Fix v e r y h i g h f l o w i n v a l u e s
247 d f . l o c [ d f . F l o w I n R a t e > 1 1 0 0 , ’ F l o w I n R a t e ’ ] = 1100
252 d f . t o c s v ( f i l e , i n d e x=F a l s e )
b h a i n f o . Well BHA == d f .BHA[ i ] ) ] . to numpy ( )
265 #c r e a t e t h e v a r i a b l e s t o u s e i n t h e mse c a l c u l a t i o n
266 td rpm = d f . a t [ i , ’ Top Drive RPM ’ ]
267 t d t o r q u e = d f . a t [ i , ’ Top Drive Torque ’ ]
268 r o p a v g = d f . a t [ i , ’ ROP Average ’ ]
269 wob = d f . a t [ i , ’ Bit Weight ’ ]
278 o u t p u t f i l e = w e l l i d + ’ . csv ’
280 d f . t o c s v ( o u t p u t f i l e , i n d e x=F a l s e )
289 d f = pd . r e a d c s v ( f i l e )
4 0 1 . 2 5 , 4 0 1 . 4 0 , 4 0 1 . 5 9 w i l l be a v e r a g e d i n t o 4 0 1 . 5
293 #S i n c e we do not want t o a v e r a g e a l l v a l u e s a t t h e same h o l e depth , we
f i l t e r v a l u e s when making h o l e e q u a l s t r u e
294 d f = d f . groupby ( n e a r e s t h a l f ( d f [ d f [ ’ Making Hole ’ ] == True ] [ ’ Hole Depth ’ ] )
) . mean ( )
295 d f = d f . drop ( ’ Hole Depth ’ , a x i s =1) . r e s e t i n d e x ( )
297 d f . t o c s v ( f i l e , i n d e x=F a l s e )
Daniel Cardoso Braga, born in São Paulo, Brazil, worked as a Drilling Performance
Engineer for Seadrill after receiving his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from
University of Campinas. His work experience is focused in performance monitoring of
ultra-deepwater drilling rigs. As his interest for data science grew, he decided to pursue his
master’s degree at the Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering at Louisiana
State University. Upon completion of his master’s degree, he wants to apply the knowledge
obtained to optimize the drilling of oil wells.