Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework
Theoretical Framework
Published on October 14, 2015 by Sarah Vinz. Revised on October 22, 2020.
Theories are developed by researchers to explain phenomena, draw connections, and make
predictions. In the theoretical framework, you explain the theories that support your research,
showing that your work is grounded in established ideas.
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There may be many different theories about your topic, so the theoretical framework also
involves evaluating, comparing, and selecting the most relevant ones.
By “framing” your research within a clearly defined field, you make the reader aware of the
assumptions that inform your approach, showing the rationale behind your choices.
This part of your dissertation lays the foundations that will support your analysis, helping you
interpret your results and make broader generalizations.
Examples of theoretical frameworks in researchThe same research topic can be approached very
differently within different theoretical frameworks:
In literature, a scholar using postmodernist literary theory would analyze The Great
Gatsby differently than a scholar using Marxist literary theory.
In psychology, a behaviorist approach to depression would involve different methods and
assumptions than a psychoanalytical approach.
In economics, wealth inequality would be explained and interpreted differently within
classical economics and Keynesian economics frameworks.
In each of these cases, you would explain the theory you’re using in order to support your
interpretations and explanations of the data.
Example: Problem statement and research questionsCompany X is struggling with the problem
that many online customers do not return to make subsequent purchases. Management wants to
increase customer loyalty and believes that improved customer satisfaction will play a major role
in achieving this goal. To investigate this problem, you have identified and plan to focus on the
following problem statement, objective, and research questions:
Problem: Many online customers do not return to make subsequent purchases.
Research question: How can the satisfaction of company X’s online customers be improved in
order to increase customer loyalty?
The concepts of “customer loyalty” and “customer satisfaction” are clearly central to this study.
The theoretical framework will define these concepts and discuss theories about the relationship
between them.
After discussing different models and theories, you establish the definitions that best fit your
research and justify why this is the case. In more complex research projects, you might combine
theories from different fields to build your own unique framework.
Make sure to mention the most important theories related to your key concepts. If there is a well-
established theory or model that you don’t want to apply to your own research, explain why it
isn’t suitable for your purposes.
There are no fixed rules for structuring a theoretical framework. The important thing is to create
a clear, logical structure. One option is to draw on your research questions, structuring each
section around a question or key concept.
As in all other parts of your thesis, make sure to properly cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.
The theoretical framework defines the key concepts in your research, proposes relations between
them, and discusses relevant theories based on a literature review.
A strong theoretical framework gives your research direction, allowing you to convincingly
interpret, explain and generalize from your findings.
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Company X is struggling with the problem that many online customers do not return to make
subsequent purchases. Management wants to increase customer loyalty and believes that
improved customer satisfaction will play a major role in achieving this goal.
To investigate this problem, you have identified the following problem statement, objective, and
research questions:
Research question: ‘How can the satisfaction of company X’s online customers be improved in
order to increase customer loyalty?’
As the concepts of “loyalty” and “customer satisfaction” play a major role in the investigation
and will later be measured, they are essential concepts to define within the theoretical
The definition of Zeithaml and Bitner (2003, p. 86) is slightly different from that of Thomassen:
“Satisfaction is the consumer fulfillment response. It is a judgement that a product or service
feature, or the product of service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related
fulfillment.” Zeithaml and Bitner’s emphasis is thus on obtaining a certain satisfaction in relation
to purchasing.
Thomassen’s definition is the most relevant to the aims of this study, given the emphasis it
places on unconscious perception. Although Zeithaml and Bitner, like Thomassen, say that
customer satisfaction is a reaction to the experience gained, there is no distinction between
conscious and unconscious comparisons in their definition. Company X claims in its mission
statement that it wants to sell not only a product, but also a feeling; as a result, unconscious
comparison will play an important role in the satisfaction of its customers. Thomassen’s
definition is therefore more relevant to the current study.