Comparison Shopping
Comparison Shopping
Comparison Shopping
Total Price & Price Description Total Price and – if the total
Original List Item Description Alternative Product
per Serving (of product & size) Price per Serving product isn’t the
same size
EXAMPLE: Great Value Nacho $2.98 per 19 oz. bag You would save $.11
Cheese Tortilla Chips cents per serving. You
Doritos Nacho Cheese 19 oz. 15.6 cents per ounce get 4 more ounces of
Tortilla Chips chips for $1.01 LESS!
26.6 cents per ounce
15 oz.
Loaf of SaraLee
Honey Wheat bread
12.45 cents per ounce
20 oz.
2% Reduced Fat Milk
2.9 cents per ounce
Mountain Dew 6 Pack $3.99
16.9 fl. oz. bottles 66.5 cents per bottle
Simply Orange –
Orange Juice
6.6 cents per ounce
89 oz.