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ISSN 2322-0929

Vol.02, Issue.07,

FPGA Based Wireless Mobile Jammer
PG Scholar, Dept of VLSI, Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.
Assoc Prof, Dept of ECE, Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.
Professor & HOD, Dept of ECE, Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad, India.

Abstract: Mobile Jammer is one of the instruments used to prevent the cellular phones from receiving signals from Base
Stations. Cell Phone Jammers are very useful to the society from the anti social elements by using the mobile jammers. So, in
this paper we are designing a new Mobile Jammer unit which is capable of blocking the cell phone working not the signal
receiving from Base Station, which make effective use of the situation where jammers actually used. By using the FPGA and
RF technology to implement low cost jammers is implemented.

Keywords: Jammers, Mobile Jammer, FPGA, RF Transmitter, RF Receiver, LCD.

I. INTRODUCTION Normally Mobile Jammers are used in the Nursing

Cell phones are everywhere these days. According to the Schools and Colleges to Maintain Discipline and Order
Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association, within the Institution. Mobile Phones are wrongly utilized
almost 195 million people in the United States had cell- by Students in the Examination. Mobile Phone Jammers
phone service in October 2005. And cell phones are even Mobile Phone Jammers Keep discipline in silent area like
more ubiquitous in Europe. A Mobile Phone Jammer is Class Rooms, Temples, masjid, gurudwaras and Meditation
basically defined as a Device that stops any communication Center. In a Nursing College, Discipline and Duty with
process within Phones. Due to the rising Number of Mobile Silence is very necessary to Maintain Patient Security, Care
Phone Subscribers, there are also rising concerns such as and Hospital Management System. So all the Nursing
breach of privacy and cheating at exams in Colleges has to train their Students with strict discipline of
Schools/College/University. Mobile Phone Jammers are not using Mobile Phones inside the Nursing College
also use to disrupt communications by outlaws and rebels, Campus or inside the Class Rooms., We are providing
which hampers their illegal and violent Operations. There Mobile Signal Jammers to prison, theater, conference
are Mobile Phone Jammers that are designed to stop the center, library, church, gas station, school campus,
Remote Capabilities of Mobile Phones from causing Government Hospitals, and Military site etc.
Improvised Explosive Device (IED) explosions by
terrorists. As an Expert Mobile Phone Signal Jammer II. INSIDE CELL PHONE JAMMERS
Supplier inside Integrated Marketing Services is providing Electronically speaking, cell-phone jammers are very
Variety Mobile Phone Signal Jammers to Various. basic devices. The simplest just have an on/off switch and a
light that indicates it's on. More complex devices have
switches to activate jamming at different frequencies.
Components of a jammer include:

A. Antenna
Every jamming device has an antenna to send the signal.
Some are contained within an electrical cabinet. On stronger
devices, antennas are external to provide longer range and
may be tuned for individual frequencies.
1. Circuitry:
The main electronic components of a jammer are:
 Voltage-controlled oscillator - Generates the radio
signal that will interfere with the cell phone signal.
 Tuning circuit - Controls the frequency at which the
jammer broadcasts its signal by sending a particular
Fig1. Mobile Phone voltage to the oscillator.

Copyright @ 2014 IJVDCS. All rights reserved.

 Noise generator - Produces random electronic output noise, increasingly sophisticated digital phones have led to
in a specified frequency range to jam the cell-phone more elaborate counters. Cell phone jamming devices are an
network signal (part of the tuning circuit). alternative to more expensive measures against cell phones,
 RF amplification (gain stage) - Boosts the power of such as Faraday cages, which are mostly suitable as built in
the radio frequency output to high enough levels to jam protection for structures. They were originally developed for
a signal. law enforcement and the military to interrupt
communications by criminals and terrorists. Some were also
2. Power supply: designed to foil the use of certain remotely detonated
Smaller jamming devices are battery operated. Some look explosives. The civilian applications were apparent, so over
like cell phone and use cell-phone batteries. Stronger time many companies originally contracted to design
devices can be plugged into a standard outlet or wired into a jammers for government use switched over to sell these
vehicle's electrical system. devices to private entities. Since then, there has been a slow
but steady increase in their purchase and use, especially in
B. Jamming Basics major metropolitan areas.
Disrupting a cell phone is the same as jamming any other
type of radio communication. A cell phone works by As with other radio jamming, cell phone jammers block
communicating with its service network through a cell cell phone use by sending out radio waves along the same
tower or base station. Cell towers divide a city into small frequencies that cellular phones use. This causes enough
areas, or cells. As a cell-phone user drives down the street, interference with the communication between cell phones
the signal is handed from tower to tower. A jamming device and towers to render the phones unusable. On most retail
transmits on the same radio frequencies as the cell phone, phones, the network would simply appear out of range.
disrupting the communication between the phone and the Most cell phones use different bands to send and receive
cell-phone base station in the tower. Cell Phone Jammer is communications from towers (called frequency division
an instrument to prevent cellular phone from receiving and duplexing, FDD). Jammers can work by either disrupting
transmitting the mobile signals to the base station. Mobile phone to tower frequencies or tower to phone frequencies.
Cell Phone Jammer can block all kinds of mobile phone’s Smaller handheld models block all bands from 800 MHz to
ringing sound at all places such as church, mosque, library, 1900 MHz within a 30-foot range (9 meters). Small devices
Movie Theater and meeting room. You just buy it and just tend to use the former method, while larger more expensive
attach it at some place. And you will never hear the bell models may interfere directly with the tower. The radius of
sound of mobile phone any more. cell phone jammers can range from a dozen feet for pocket
models to kilometers for more dedicated units. The TRJ-89
jammer can block cellular communicat-ions for a 5-mile
(8 km) radius.

Less energy is required to disrupt signal from tower to

mobile phone than the signal from mobile phone to the
tower (also called base station), because the base station is
located at larger distance from the jammer than the mobile
phone and that is why the signal from the tower is not as
strong. Older jammers sometimes were limited to working
on phones using only analog or older digital mobile phone
standards. Newer models such as the double and triple band
jammers can block all widely used systems (CDMA, iDEN,
GSM, et al.) and are even very effective against newer
phones which hop to different frequencies and systems
when interfered with. As the dominant network technology
and frequencies used for mobile phones vary worldwide,
Fig2. Mobile Jamming.
some work only in specific regions such as Europe or North
C. Need & History of Jammers: America. Some Cell Phone Jammers have been introduced
The rapid proliferation of cell phones at the beginning of to some State Prisons in the United States. Cell phones that
the 21st century to near ubiquitous status eventually raised have been sneaked into prison pose a security risk for
problems, such as their potential use to invade privacy or guards and property owners living nearby.
contribute to academic cheating. In addition, public
backlash was growing against the disruption cell phones D. Problems in Existing Jammers:
introduced in daily life. While older analog cell phones The Common Problems are listed below:
often suffered from poor reception and could even be  The person didn’t even get the notification of a call or
disconnected by simple interference such as high frequency message when he is in the jammer coverage area.

International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems

Volume.02, IssueNo.07, October-2014, Pages: 0524-0529
FPGA Based Wireless Mobile Jammer
 The person cannot be contacted for some urgent
information also.
 Nearly the mobile phone will be in Switch Off state.
 There will not be any notification that the user mobile
has been jammed.


In most countries, it is illegal for private citizens to jam
cell-phone transmission, but some countries are allowing
businesses and government organizations to install jammers
in areas where cell-phone use is seen as a public nuisance.
In December 2004, France legalized cell-phone jammers in
movie theaters, concert halls and other places with
performances. France is finalizing technology that will let
calls to emergency services go through. India has installed
jammers in parliament and some prisons. It has been
reported that universities in Italy have adopted the
technology to prevent cheating. Students were taking photos
of tests with their camera phones and sending them to
Fig4. Basic Flow Diagram of Fpga
A. Alternatives to Cell Phone Jamming
While the law clearly prohibits using a device to actively IV. FPGA
disrupt a cell-phone signal, there are no rules against passive Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are emerging in
cell-phone blocking. That means using things like wallpaper many areas of high performance computing, either as tailor
or building materials embedded with metal fragments to made signal processor, embedded algorithm
prevent cell-phone signals from reaching inside or outside implementation, systolic array, software accelerator or
the room. Some buildings have designs that block radio application specific architecture. FPGAs are so flexible and
signals by accident due to thick concrete walls or a steel reconfigurable that they are capable of massively parallel
skeleton. Companies are working on devices that control a operations, explicitly tailored to the problem at hand. There
cell phone but do not "jam the signal." One device sends are lot of paradigms to put FPGAs at work in a high
incoming calls to voicemail and blocks outgoing calls. The performance computing environment There are number of
argument is that the phone still works, so it is technically limitations which restrict FPGAs to reach the performance
not being jammed. It is a legal gray area that has not been of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) but they
ruled on by the FCC as of April 2005. Cell-phone alters are provide the possibility of changing the hardware design
available that indicate the presence of a cell-phone signal. easily while outpacing software implementations on general
These have been used in hospitals where cell-phone signals purpose processors.
could interfere with sensitive medical equipment. When a
A. Basic Flow Diagram of FPGA
signal is detected, users are asked to turn off their phones.
There are number of advantages using FPGAs including
For a less technical solution, Caudal Partners, a design firm
speed, reduced energy power consumption. As in
in Chicago, has launched the SHHH, the Society for
reconfigurable computing, hardware circuit is optimized
Handheld Hushing. At its Web site, you can download a
with the application so that the power consumption will tend
note to hand to people conducting annoying cell-phone
to be much lower than that for a general-purpose processor.
conversations, expressing your lack of interest in what
FPGAs have other advantages which comprised of reduction
they're talking about
in size, component count (and hence cost), improved time-
to-market and improved flexibility and extendibility.
FPGAs offer tremendous performance potential. They can
support in number of different parallel computation
applications and implemented in single clock execution
time. If FPGAs are reprogrammable then they can provide
on chip facility for a number of applications. Due to the
presence of on-chip memory facilitate co-processor logic’s
memory access bandwidth is not restricted to the number of
I/O pins present in the devices. Moreover, memory is also
closely coupled to the algorithm logic so therefore, no
external high-speed memory cache is needed. And due to
that power-consuming cache access and coherency
Fig3. Mobile Jammer General Diagram problems can be avoided.

International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems

Volume.02, IssueNo.07, October-2014, Pages: 0524-0529
V. RF ENCODER AND DECODER resistor for each of these resistors to ensure the correct
A. General Encoder and Decoder Operations: circuit oscillation.
The Holtek HT-12E IC encodes 12-bits of information
and serially transmits this data on receipt of a Transmit C. Range of Operation
Enable, or a LOW signal on pin-14 /TE. Pin-17 the D_OUT The normal operating range using (only) the LOOP
pin of the HT-12E serially transmits whatever data is TRACE ANTENNA on the transmitter board is about 50
available on pins 10,11,12 and 13, or D0,D1,D2 and D3. feet. By connecting a quarter wave antenna using 9.36
Data is transmitted at a frequency selected by the external inches of 22 gauge wire to both circuits, you can extend this
oscillator resistor. By using the switches attached to the data range to several hundred feet. Your actual range may vary
pins on the HT-12E, as shown in the schematic, we can due to your finished circuit design and environmental
select the information in binary format to send to the conditions.The transistors and diodes can be substituted
receiver. The receiver section consists of the Ming RE-99 with any common equivalent type. These will normally
and the HT-12D decoder IC. The DATA_IN pin-14 of the depend on the types and capacities of the particular loads
HT-12D reads the 12-bit binary information sent by the HT- you want to control and should be selected accordingly for
12E and then places this data on its output pins. Pins 10, 11, your intended application.
12 and 13 are the data out pins of the HT-12D, D0, D1, D2
and D3.The HT-12D receives the 12-bit word and interprets
D. RF Details
the first 8-bits as address and the last 4-bits as data. Pins 1-8
The TWS-434 and RWS-434 are extremely small, and are
of the HT-12E are the address pins. Using the address pins
excellent for applications requiring short-range RF remote
of the HT-12E, we can select different addresses for up to controls. The transmitter module is only 1/3 the size of a
256 receivers. The address is determined by setting pins 1-8 standard postage stamp, and can easily be placed inside a
on the HT-12E to ground, or just leaving them open. The
small plastic enclosure.TWS-434: The transmitter output is
address selected on the HT-12E circuit must match the
up to 8mW at 433.92MHz with a range of approximately
address selected on the HT-12D circuit (exactly), or the
400 foot (open area) outdoors. Indoors, the range is
information will be ignored by the receiving circuit. When approximately 200 foot, and will go through most walls.....
the received addresses from the encoder matches the
decoders, the Valid Transmission pin-17 of the HT-12D will
go HIGH to indicate that a valid transmission has been
received and the 4-bits of data are latched to the data output
pins, 10-13. The transistor circuit shown in the schematic
will use the VT, or valid transmission pin to light the LED.
When the VT pin goes HIGH it turns on the 2N2222
transistor which in turn delivers power to the LED
providing a visual indication of a valid transmission
Fig5. RF 434MhzTransmitter. Modulation ASK
B. Controlling the Project with a FPGA
Using these RF transmitter & receiver circuits with a The TWS-434 transmitter accepts both linear and digital
FPGA would be simple. We can simply replace the inputs, can operate from 1.5 to 12 Volts-DC, and makes
switches used for selecting data on the HT-12E with the building a miniature hand-held RF transmitter very easy.
output pins of the FPGA. Also we can use another output The TWS-434 is approximately the size of a standard
pin to select TE, or transmit enable on the HT-12E. By postage stamp.
taking pin-14 LOW we cause the transmitter section to
transmit the data on pins 10-13. To receive information
simply hook up the HT-12D output pins to the FPGA. The
VT, or valid transmission pin of the HT-12D could signal
the FPGA to grab the 4-bits of data from the data output
pins. If you are using a FPGA with interrupt capabilities,
use the VT pin to cause a jump to an interrupt vector and
process the received data. The HT-12D data output pins will
LATCH and remain in this state until another valid
transmission is received.
NOTE: You will notice that in both schematics each of the Fig6. RF-434 Pin Diagram
Holtek chips have resistors attached to pins 15 and 16.
These resistors must be the exact values shown in the TWS-434RF Receiver operates at 433.92MHzFrequency
schematic. These resistors set the internal oscillators of the and at Voltage: 4.5V~5.5V and Bit-rate: 0.2kbps-4kbps.
HT-12E/HT-12D. It is recommended that you choose a 1%

International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems

Volume.02, IssueNo.07, October-2014, Pages: 0524-0529
FPGA Based Wireless Mobile Jammer
Our projected Mobile jammer is functioning utterly while
not moving the signals from the network. In order that the
user will able to get the notifications relating to Calls and
messages (SMS, MMS). The notifications regarding the
calls are given to the user. If there's any imperative decision
as we will get the notification we will leave from the
Fig7. RF Receiver coverage space and use our mobile because it is. No would
like of licensing. Implementation of our freshly designed
E. LCD Display jammers is straightforward. As we tend to square measure
More FPGA devices are using 'smart LCD' displays to employing a FPGA, our hardware will be changed whenever
output visual information. The following discussion covers we would like. FPGAs offer a number of paradigms to
the connection of a 16x2 LCD display to a PIC FPGA. speed up calculations in a hardware software co-design
LCD displays designed around Hitachi's LCD HD44780 environment. They are relatively cost-effective as compare
module, are inexpensive, easy to use, and it is even possible to ASICs and due to flexible in nature, hardware resources
to produce a readout using the 8 x 80 pixels of the display. are utilized in effective way.
Hitachi LCD displays have a standard ASCII set of
characters plus Japanese, Greek and mathematical symbols. VIII. REFERENCES
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Fig5. Snap shot Mobile jammer.

International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems

Volume.02, IssueNo.07, October-2014, Pages: 0524-0529
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Author’s Profile:

Pursuing M.TECH in Very Large Scale
Integration (VLSI) from Sri Indu
College of Engineering & Technology.

Associative professor, Currently
working in Sri Indu College of
Engineering Technology in ECE dept.

K. Ashok Babu
Currently working as Professor &
HOD, Dept of ECE in Sri Indu
College of Engineering &Technology.

International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems

Volume.02, IssueNo.07, October-2014, Pages: 0524-0529

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