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Jsa-Rp-003 Rebar Works

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SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) Element 6 Safe Operations

Attachement ID
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Worksheet Dept/Div/Unit

Division name: AS&QFSD Unit Name: Supply & Install CCTV Systems at Facility: Qatif GOSP-2
Qatif Facilities
Job description: Rebar Works JSA No.
Date: 07/ 28 /2022 Time: from 0600 to 1800 JSA Observer: Site Supervisor

JSA team (initials): MD Eng: Reviewed by: JSA TEAM Approved by:
OPER Suprv:
Oper Eng:
Contractor Suprv:


List the steps required to be For each step list the hazards that could List the control measures required to eliminate or Write the name of the Confirm the risk
perform the activity in the cause an injury, equipment damage or minimize the risk of injury arising from the identified person responsible to control measures
sequence they are carried out. Use environmental impact when the task is hazards (Engineering Controls, Procedures, Training, implement the control have been
as many lines as needed to performed PPE, Stop Work Trigger). For each identified hazard measure identified implemented
describe the job. There may be assign control measure(s) numerically linked to that
more than one hazard per job. List hazard.
each hazard

1.1 Unauthorized entry and work 1.1.1 Only project safety-oriented personnel
shall be allowed in the area

1.2 Workers unaware of work- 1.2.1 Crew members to assign on the activity
1.0 Workforce entry in the related hazard and shall have proper knowledge on the job Supervisor
emergency procedure and must be aware of ERP and HSE Officer
locations of assemble areas Permit Receiver

1.3 Chance of struck by 1.3.1 Only trained and competent flagmen/

passing vehicles on the riggers shall be assigned for road traffic
road signals. Area must be hard barricaded

2.0 Apply all necessary work 2.1 Lack of information on job 2.1.1 Secure necessary permit. Supervisor
permits description, Location, 2.1.2 Only qualified/trained work permit HSE Officer
equipment and tools to be receiver to obtain work permit from the Permit Receiver
used issuer prior to start the job complies
with all instructions specified in the

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2.1.3 Safe work permits and other pertinent
documents shall be secured before any
works commence. Comply the work
permit and shall follow the safety
2.1.4 A joint inspection must be conducted
both by Permit Issuer and Permit
Receiver prior to signing of permit.

3.1 Lack of knowledge/ 3.1.1 Topic to be discussed must be based on

understanding the activities and safety requirements
on the approved work permit
3.2 Miss communication 3.2.1 Each job steps must be clearly explained
3.0 Pre-task briefing HSE Officer
to all crew members and the potential
Permit Receiver
hazards during the activities

3.3 Language barrier 3.3.1 Pre-task briefing shall be translated in

crew members’ local languages

4.0 (Mobilize to carry-out the 4.1.1 Communicate hazards to the workforce Supervisor
job according to the plan. to make them aware HSE Officer
4.1.2 Give training on emergency procedure Permit Receiver
to the work force.
4.1.3 Emergency contact details must be
4.1 Natural Habitants (need to
posted at site.
4.1.4 Buddy system must be implemented for
easy reporting.
4.1.5 Standby vehicle must be at site in case
of emergency.
4.1.6 Full site supervision at all time.

4.2 Vehicle to Pedestrian 4.2.1 All drivers shall have a Saudi Arabian
Access and other vehicles, Government driver’s license.
human & vehicle interface 4.2.2 Safe access shall be maintained at site
for vehicles and equipment.
4.2.3 Pedestrian safety precautions shall be

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discussed in daily TBT
4.2.4 All traffic rules and signs should be
followed (on site approved speed limit-
4.2.5 All employees shall be wearing full
personal protective equipment. (helmet,
safety glass, high visibility vest, safety

4.3.1 Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic route

4.3 Unidentified Vehicle and
must be clearly identified with signs.
Pedestrian Traffic Route
4.3.2 Trained Flagmen shall be assigned

4.4.1 Safe access shall be maintained at site

For vehicles and equipment as well as
for the workforce.
4.4 Poor Access/egress
4.4.2 A separate access with barricade and
signage information shall be provided
for pedestrian only

5.1 Improper Manual Handling 5.1.1 Manual handling shall be covered in Supervisor
5.0 Manual Handling daily TBT and be HSE Officer
implemented on site, safe manual Permit Receiver
handling procedure to be adopted
5.1.2 Ergonomic Awareness Training correct
body positioning during lifting.
5.1.3 Buddy system may apply
5.1.4 Use of mechanical lifting if possible
5.1.5 Provide adequate information,
instruction and training to workmen
5.1.6 Proper supervision and constant
monitoring must be done
5.1.7 Ask for help on heavy and awkward
load, use mechanical lift if necessary.
5.1.8 Check label for weight information for
manual lifting or have an information
from site engineer or supervisor for the
material/object estimated weight

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5.2.1 All materials, tools and equipment shall
be stored in a correct
manner and the site shall be cleared as
the work progresses
5.2.2 Keep work areas as clean and dry as
5.2 Poor housekeeping
5.2.3 Wear suitable foot wear with anti-slip
5.2.4 Proper waste disposal
5.2.5 Remove all obstruction in access way
5.2.6 Materials shall be segregated with
proper markings at per standard.

5.3.1 Always use correct hand gloves when

handling Material
5.3 Sharp Edges 5.3.2 Ensure all protruding nails were
removed or bended.
5.3.3 Discuss the hazard in TBM.

6.0 Bar Cutting and Bending 6.1 Pinched point 6.1.1 Proper tool box talk must be discussed Supervisor
Operation, . to the personnel involved in the bar HSE Officer
Using bar bending cutting activity. Permit Receiver
6.1.2 Ensure the Machine is well located to
machine and grinder
take care of the cutting & bending
operation taking into account for
maximum length, volume personnel
presence etc. other than for stacking
6.1.3 Ensure the bar handling platforms are
properly designed.
6.1.4 Minimize manual cutting & bending
6.1.5 Pinch point signage’s such as related
hazards and safe work
method shall be displayed in the rebar
cutting area.

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6.2 Electrocution, 6.2.1 Inspection & approval of the bar cutting
the electrical connection is & bending machine.
not routed through ELCB. 6.2.2 Inspection & testing of the ELCB.
6.2.3 Bar bending machine shall be with 3rd
party inspection sticker
6.2.4 Ensure all electrical cables are free from
cuts and damage
6.2.5 Ensure bar bending machine, grinder
and other bar cutting tools are inspected
with valid monthly color code including
the electrical connections.

6.3 Emergency stop switches 6.3.1 Ensure the Emergency Stop switch/dead
are not marked & located man switch is marked & located in an
for easy operation easily accessible location & tested.
6.3.1 Ensure dead man switch is installed in
the grinder used for cutting

6.4 Personnel are not trained to 6.4.1 Ensure the personnel are trained and
use the machine safely. competent to handle the machine &
adjustments including safety features.
6.4.2 Minimize personnel involvement for bar
cutting/bending operation.
6.4.3 Display the photo of the assigned bar
bending operators to the machine who
has been trained to avoid non-trained
persons to operate

6.5 Personnel not using PPE 6.5.1 Proper tool box talk must be discussed
while handling the Re-bars. to the personnel involved in the bar
cutting activity.
6.5.2 Ensure the personnel are using proper
hand gloves & goggles, face shield and
leather apron on using grinder during
the handling of the rebar

6.6 Rebar are not properly 6.6.1 Ensure regular housekeeping in the area
stacked & de-stacked. to remove the wastes & ensure proper
Cut Pieces (Unusable ones) stacking.

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are not removed from the 6.6.2 Immediately remove steel rebar scrap
area causing tripping away from the bar bending area
hazards. 6.6.3 Clear rebar fabrication area from all
obstructions and tripping hazards

6.7 Guards removed. 6.7.1 Ensure the guards are in place while
performing bending and cutting
6.7.2 Report all unguarded bar bending
machine parts and power tools such as

6.8 Fire 6.8.1 Install fire blanket during cutting using

6.8.2 Remove all combustible materials near
the cutting area using grinder
6.8.3 Standby fie extinguisher shall be
available and competent Fire Watcher
6.8.4 Fire watcher to stay in the hot work
activity 30minutes after job completion.

7.0 Fixing/ emplacement of 7.1.1 Wear gloves all the time when handling Supervisor
rebar rebar. HSE Officer
7.1.2 Proper supervision Permit Receiver
7.1 Sharp ends of rebar and
7.1.3 Tie wire ends must be bended down.
sticking tie wires
7.1.4 Communicate the hazard on TBM
7.1.5 Provide wood planks on the top or rebar
cage as walkways

7.2 Line of fire/ Improper 7.2.1 Workers should keep away during
manual handling emplacement of rebar.
7.2.2 Ask help for awkward load
7.2.3 Remove all unwanted materials in
working area to give proper access
during fixing & emplacement.
7.2.4 Always wear basic PPE’s
7.2.5 Avoid positioning in the line of fire

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7.3.1 Let workers to do stretching, exercise
before starting the job.
7.3 Ergonomics- wrong work
7.3.2 Give awareness training to workers
7.3.3 Provide reliever or substitute if needed.
7.3.4 Provide proper rest period

7.4.1 Always maintain proper housekeeping in

working area.
7.4.2 Wear suitable foot wear with anti-slip
7.4.3 Keep all materials in proper and safe
stocking area
7.4.4 On using of air compressor, use proper
PPE, face shield, safety glass and ear
7.4 Poor housekeeping/
personnel injury during
7.4.5 Use air compressor for cleaning during
cleaning of rebar cage
break hours
using air compressor
7.4.6 Ensure whip check is installed on air
compressor hose connections
7.4.7 Ensure to check and inspect the
compressor using compressor daily
inspection checklist
7.4.8 Ensure grounding/earthing is properly
7.4.9 Fire extinguisher shall be available

8.1 Improper Scaffolding 8.1.1 Ensure that the scaffolds are inspected Supervisor
and tagged and are safe HSE Officer
8.0 Working at heights 8.1.2 Install RED tags during scaffold erection, Permit Receiver
activities YELLOW tag in incomplete scaffold and Scaffold Supervisor
must use fall protection (full body
harness with double lanyard) and
GREEN tag for complete scaffold.
8.1.3 Do not removed/change tag if not
authorized nor dismantle any portion if
you are not a certified erector/scaffolder
8.1.4 Scaffold inspector/supervisor to use
scaffold checklist form during inspection

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8.2.1 Ensure good housekeeping, clear all
access from obstruction and tripping
8.2 Tripping hazards hazards
8.2.2 Scrap rebar shall be immediately
removed from scaffold platform
8.2.3 Keep tools inside toolbox

8.3.1 Barricade areas beneath working at

heights and assign watch man to control
persons to cross under falling hazards
8.3.2 Install signage regarding the work at
8.3 Falling object hazard heights activities
8.3.3 Avoid simultaneous activities on ground
and above ground on the same area
8.3.4 Use canvass tool bag when hoisting low
weights materials
8.3.5 Rebar shall not be stocked in the
scaffold platform

8.4.1 Use 100% tie off using full body harness

with double lanyard on yellow tagged
8.4 Personnel Injury due to scaffold
slip / trip, struck against, 8.4.2 Only personnel with working at heights
struck by and fall from training can work at heights
height, back injury, heat 8.4.3 Remove/protect all protruding objects
tress 8.4.4 Provide proper work break, proper
manual lifting, avoid lifting using back
force, heavy objects shall not be lifted

8.5 Bad weather condition 8.5.1 No scaffold erection, dismantling,

modification and working at heights on
wind speed above 65KPH (40MPH)
8.5.2 No scaffold erection, dismantling,
modification and working at heights
activities during heavy sandstorm
8.5.3 No scaffold erection, dismantling,

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modification and working at heights
activities during rain fall
8.5.4 Re-inspect all scaffolding platforms after
rains, sandstorms and strong winds

9.1.1 No external activities shall be performed

9.1 High winds / Sand Storms when sand storms / visibility is poor
9.1.2 Use dust mask during sandstorms

9.2.1 Workers shall be provided with rest

shelters and breaks on regular intervals
9.2.2 Workers shall be provided with cold and
HSE Officer
9.0 Working in Adverse 9.2 Heat Stress / Heat related sufficient drinking water at job location
Permit Receiver
Weather Conditions illness 9.2.3 All workforce shall be trained on “Heat
Stress” management system
9.2.4 Job rotation system shall be applied
within the group.

9.3 Environmental condition/ 9.3.1 Weather condition shall always be

high temperature checked every 30minutes

10.1.1 Adequate water coolers with disposable

10.1 Lack of drinking water cups will be provided.

10.2.1 Rest shelter near work area to be

10.2 Rest shelters lack of
10.2.2 Rest shelters shall be provided with fans
and proper bench for resting and must Supervisor
10.0 Welfare Facilities be covered with green net HSE Officer
Permit Receiver
10.3.1 Portable toilet will be provided for
personnel working in the area.
10.3.2 Sufficient number of toilets shall be
10.3 Insufficient toilet facilities provided as per required ratio or
depends on the distance from the
working area

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11.1.1 Approved extended work permit to be
obtained prior to start of work.
11.1 Unauthorized extended 11.1.2 Adequate Supervision shall be ensured.
work 11.1.3 All workers shall wear clear safety
11.1.4 HSE coverage to be available Supervisor
11.0 Extended work if HSE Officer
required Permit Receiver
11.2.1 Adequate illumination shall be provided
in all work areas and Access
11.2.2 No equipment shall be used in poorly
11.2 Insufficient illumination
illuminated area.
11.2.3 Dedicated electrician, maintenance
personnel to be available at extended

12.1.1 Refuelling to be done at slow rate to Supervisor

reduce the potential for HSE Officer
spillage and static ignition build up Permit Receiver
12.1.2 Never overfill or top the fuel tank
12.1.3 Ensure drip tray under the equipment to
12.1 Overfilled be refuelled
12.0 Re-fuelling 12.1.4 Let the fuel dispenser shut off
automatically and leave the nozzle in
the tank for six to eight seconds so the
fuel can settle down and any fuel in the
nozzle can drip down into fuel tank

12.2 .2 Fire 12.2.1 Refuelling to be done only by refuelling

vehicle and trained person
12.2.1 Switch off equipment before starting
12.2.2 Ensure the availability of fire
extinguisher near refuelling point
12.2.3 No ignition source /smoking near
refuelling point
12.2.4 Switch off mobile phone before starting

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12.2.5 Ensure earthing is properly installed
prior to refuelling
12.2.6 If fuel is needed to be taken on site in
can, use the recommended jerry can

12.3.1 Never overstretch refuelling hose

12.3.2 Hose and refuelling assembly should be
in good condition
12.3 Damaged hose
12.3.3 Stay near equipment’s fuelling point
connection/ leak
when refuelling
12.3.4 Ensure availability of MSDS and
emergency spill kit on the diesel truck

13.1.1 Drinking containers must be in good

sanitary, tightly capped,
and clearly marked
13.1 Health Hazard
13.1.2 Condition for use and cup dispenser
must be provided.
13.1.3 Dust control shall be performed to
control the dust in the area
13.2.1 Regular disposal of waste, debris and
HSE Officer
scrap materials shall be
13.0 Housekeeping Permit Receiver
carried out
13.2.2 Trash bin for waste, used paper cups,
scrap and debris must be provided
13.2.3 Housekeeping must be done prior to
13.2 Environmental Pollution
closing of work permit
13.2.4 All unused materials shall be removed
from site on a daily basis and disposed
only in an approved dumping area
13.2.5 Dust control shall be performed to
control the dust in the area

14.0 Emergency 14.1 Unawareness of 14.1.1 All shall be familiar with SA and RAPCO Supervisor
emergency response emergency contact numbers. (see below HSE Officer
contact numbers) Permit Receiver
14.1.2 All work permits shall be cancelled in
case of any emergency

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14.1.3 All equipment shall be shut off, power
isolated and are secured during
14.1.4 All personnel shall proceed to the
nearest assembly point in upwind / cross
wind direction during emergency.
14.1.5 Head count shall be conducted at the
Assembly point.
14.1.6 All crew shall remain calm at the muster
point till all clear alarm is sounded

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JSA Communication meeting attendance with all personal conducting job at the field
JSA description Rebar Works

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No SA Badge Name Dept / Div / Contractor Name Position Signature













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