The document provides a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence trends in education. It discusses how AI is being applied in various areas of education, including learning, instruction, and administration. Specifically, it examines the increasing research and funding of AI in education over the past decade. It also analyzes the roles of machine learning and other intelligent technologies in transforming areas like education administration, instructional design, and learning outcomes assessment.
The document provides a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence trends in education. It discusses how AI is being applied in various areas of education, including learning, instruction, and administration. Specifically, it examines the increasing research and funding of AI in education over the past decade. It also analyzes the roles of machine learning and other intelligent technologies in transforming areas like education administration, instructional design, and learning outcomes assessment.
The document provides a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence trends in education. It discusses how AI is being applied in various areas of education, including learning, instruction, and administration. Specifically, it examines the increasing research and funding of AI in education over the past decade. It also analyzes the roles of machine learning and other intelligent technologies in transforming areas like education administration, instructional design, and learning outcomes assessment.
The document provides a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence trends in education. It discusses how AI is being applied in various areas of education, including learning, instruction, and administration. Specifically, it examines the increasing research and funding of AI in education over the past decade. It also analyzes the roles of machine learning and other intelligent technologies in transforming areas like education administration, instructional design, and learning outcomes assessment.
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752 A COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TENDS IN EDUCATION Bharatwaja Namatherdhala*1, Noman Mazher*2, Gopal Krishna Sriram*3 *1Adobe Inc, USA. *2,3EdgeSoft Crop, USA. ABSTRACT Artificial Intelligence technology is invading human life with its numerous leverages. Like all other fields, education also adopted AI tools and techniques to enhance student learning capabilities and other features of the education sector. The role of AI in education is widespread, covering learning, instruction, and administrative features. In this research, we carefully discuss the role of AI in education. We discussed the superior AI technologies and briefly described each that can play a vital role in the education sector. This research comprehensively analyses all aspects of the education sector innovated by AI tools and technologies. Our research can play an anchor role in the research of AI in education since we covered all critical areas of the education sector that AI influences. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Education, Machine Learning. I. INTRODUCTION Artificial Intelligence (AI) gains rapid response in all aspects of human life. Day-to-day life has changed after the wide-spreading adaptability of AI. Using AI tools and techniques, researchers and AI scientists are making their unstinting efforts to make human life more comfortable and technologically advanced. Figure 1 shows funding of AI startups in millions of dollars from 2013 to 2019.
Fig 1: Funding of AI startup companies worldwide [1]
When peeping into the past, we see university professors loaded bundles of student paper under their arms while entering the classroom. They had to manually evaluate the student's papers and assign an award list for the whole class. Even after suspecting students' content about plagiarism, they did not have any valuable sources to check for plagiarism. The current decade scenario is entirely different from those mentioned earlier. Now Professors have web-enabled tools to evaluate student papers and versatile means of plagiarism checking. With modern video conferencing technology, the teacher can now even conduct meetings with their students on-off timing of university. The education sector warmly adopts Information Communication Technology (ICT) landscapes; AI is one of the most used ICT paradigms in the education industry[2, 3]. II. RESEARCH TRENDS OF AI IN CURRENT EDUCATION Over the past decade, researchers have drastically improved AI in education. In this section, we presented a past decade analysis of the research trend of our related topics. Figure 1 shows a gradually increasing number of the research paper. This data is gathered from a web of science and Google scholar research database while searching for the terms "AI" and "Education." Futures show that from 2010 to 2015, the research published on @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science [1261] e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752 the mentioned topics was steep, from 60 to 90. While from 2016, it started gradually increasing and reached 190 research publications in 2019. This data shows an increasing trend of research in that domain.
Fig 2: number of papers with "AI" and "Education" keywords
III. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT IN EDUCATION This section will discuss AI in the education sector from our literature overview. As mentioned, we took data from Google scholar's web of science research papers. This section will discuss AI related to its history, branches, and its role in the education paradigm. History of Artificial Intelligence The history of AI in education can be started with the first teaching machine by Sidney Pressey in 1924. That machine works to help students find correct answers to multiple-choice questions [4]. Skinner's teaching machine in 1954 can bethink as the next step to AI in education. Skinner's machine is the first commercial machine for the education sector. This machine was based on the idea that the human mind constantly changes its response to an external element. These machines are composed chiefly of fill-in-the-blanks worksheets. If the student gives the correct answer system will ask the following question; otherwise, it is reinforced by providing the correct answer. Intelligent education technologies A: Machine Learning The early stage of AI involves instructing how to complete a brilliant job. Machine learning in advance promises to make computer programs so intelligent that it does not need to train for the next step; instead, machine learning algorithms teach themselves with the help of an input training set[5-9]. Nevertheless, machine learning algorithms need extensive input data to predict further steps. Machine learning plays its unsurpassed role in the education industry, like in other areas, to improve the efficiency of leaner and learning software [10]. Abundant applications of today's world are leveraging machine learning techniques. Self-driving cars, natural language processing applications, and stock exchange forecasts are examples of machine learning applications[11]. The widespread nature of machine learning makes it as popular as it seems to be a competitor technology of AI; in essence, it is the subfield of AI Machine learning can be further distributed into supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. Supervised learning deals with input data and labels. The input data values are given pre-defined tags, supervised learning algorithm, in turn, can predict the future label of similar data. One easy example of supervised learning is Facebook's photo recognition algorithm. In contrast with supervised learning, unsupervised learning does not have labels of data values. An unsupervised learning algorithm attempts to reveal a hidden pattern from the data cluster. DNA recognition and human signature recognitions are examples of unsupervised learning applications. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
[1262] e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752 Reinforcement learning can be assumed to be the most powerful category of machine learning that deals with continuously changing data. In supervised and unsupervised learning, the algorithm needs to transform itself by the programmer as the data changes. In contrast, reinforcement learning algorithms self-change from the feedback of previous execution. IV. RESEARCH AREAS OF AI IN EDUCATION Our literature review investigates how AI influences the education industry in multiple ways. We categorized the areas of the education industry influenced by AI in the following areas Education administration Instruction Design Learning outcomes Following is the detail of the research challenges for particular areas. AI in education administration Education administration is a crucial area influenced for every educational institute; despite the study level, educational institutes are schools, colleges, or universities that need intense intension on administration tasks. The administration of the educational institute, along with inherited organizational administration challenges, also need to tackle some specified challenges. For instance, in any other organization, products can be good or services, but humans are the key in educational institutes. These specified administration challenges can span the evaluation process of students' exams and assignment to the proper feedback. Sharma et al. discussed the potential research challenges related to educational administration mainly. According to him, AI can play a great part in online and distance education administrative services [12]. Some AI-based educational programs like Knewton give a new way of educational administration by reducing the load on teachers because it offers a feedback platform for students. There is still a need to focus on educational administration research. Instructional design Preparing instructional stuff such as tutorials, lecture notes, and handouts have been very easy with AI-driven tools. Jasper, ai is a leading AI tool that helps writers with all kinds of writing services. Other services like spell and grammar check have been made easy with tools like Grammarly. Along with other industries, education also leverages AI-driven tools of writing. Furthermore, different simulation platforms help an instructor prepare instruction material by creating a simulation that is more affected than text-based lecture notes. Technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) helps in demonstrating difficult concept to students by simulation. Since VR and AR are evolving their canvas rapidly, there is a lot of cushion to enhance those technologies for instructional design. AI in learning: Learning is the pivotal part of the education industry, based on which all industries stand. Our literature review finds widespread AI aspects that can influence student learning. AI is involved in designing and developing numerous study programs that help students in their learning ability and facilitate them to learn new stuff [3]. Simulations and other learning material also help students quickly learn new topics. With the help of AI-based tools, it has been possible to learn across the border over web-based platforms. V. CONCLUSION Artificial Intelligence makes its impact on almost every field of life. Education is one of the leading areas leveraged by AI technology. Like all other fields, education also adopted AI tool and technique to enhance student learning capabilities and other features of the education sector. The role of AI in education is wide- spreading and covers learning, instruction, and administrative features. In this research, we carefully discuss the role of AI in education. In this research, we categorized the areas in the education industry into educational administration, instructional design, and learning. We reviewed literature and explored research aspects of AI in education. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
[1263] e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal ) Volume:04/Issue:07/July-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752 VI. REFERENCES [1] "Total funding of AI startups worldwide 2014-2021 | Statista," 2021. [2] W. Holmes, M. Bialik, and C. Fadel, "Artificial intelligence in education," 2019. [3] A. Ikedinachi, S. Misra, and P. Assibong…, "Artificial intelligence, smart classrooms and online education in the 21st century: Implications for human development," 2019. [4] B. Xing and T. Marwala, "Implications of the fourth industrial age for higher education," 2017. [5] M. Ahmadi and B. S. Ghahfarokhi, "Preserving privacy in location based mobile coupon systems using anonymous authentication scheme," in 2016 13th International Iranian Society of Cryptology Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC), 2016: IEEE, pp. 60-65. [6] M. Ahmadi, "Hidden fear: Evaluating the effectiveness of messages on social media," Arizona State University, 2020. [7] M. Ahmadi, K. Leach, R. Dougherty, S. Forrest, and W. Weimer, "Mimosa: Reducing malware analysis overhead with coverings," arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.07328, 2021. [8] M. Ahmadi, P. Kiaei, and N. Emamdoost, "SN4KE: Practical Mutation Testing at Binary Level," arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.05709, 2021. [9] P. Kiaei, C.-B. Breunesse, M. Ahmadi, P. Schaumont, and J. Van Woudenberg, "Rewrite to reinforce: Rewriting the binary to apply countermeasures against fault injection," in 2021 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2021: IEEE, pp. 319-324. [10] D. Kučak, V. Juričić, and G. Đambić, "MACHINE LEARNING IN EDUCATION-A SURVEY OF CURRENT RESEARCH TRENDS," Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings, vol. 29, 2018. [11] J. Stilgoe, "Machine learning, social learning and the governance of self-driving cars," Social studies of science, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 25-56, 2018. [12] A. Renz and R. Hilbig, "Prerequisites for artificial intelligence in further education: identification of drivers, barriers, and business models of educational technology companies," 2020. [13] I. Caponetto, J. Earp, and M. Ott, "Gamification and education: A literature review," in European Conference on Games Based Learning, 2014, vol. 1: Academic Conferences International Limited, p. 50. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science