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AC Course PRINTING 2016-2018

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Chapter 1 Psychrometry [ Methods for estimating properties of moist air -

Measurement of psychrometric properties - Calculation of psychrometric properties

from p, DBT and WBT - Psychrometer ]

Chapter 2 Psychrometric Processes [ Important psychrometric processes - Air

Washers ~ Enthalpy potential ]

Chapter 3 Inside And Outside Design Conditions [ Selection of inside design

conditions - Thermal comfort - Heat balance equation for a human being - Factors
affecting thermal comfort - Indices for thermal comfort - Predicted Mean Vote (PMV)
and Percent People Dissatisfied (PPD) - Selection of outside design conditions ]

Chapter 4 Psychrometry Of Air Conditioning Systems [ Summer air conditioning

systems - Guidelines for selection of supply state and cooling coil ]

Chapter 5 Evaporative, Winter And All Year Air Conditioning Systems

[ Introduction to evaporative air conditioning systems - Classification of evaporative
cooling systems - Advantages and disadvantages of evaporative cooling systems -
Applicability of evaporative cooling systems - Winter Air Conditioning Systems - All year
(complete) air conditioning systems ]

Chapter 6 Transmission Of Air In Air Conditioning Ducts [ Transmission of air -

Flow of air through ducts - Estimation of pressure loss in ducts - Dynamic losses in ducts
- Static Regain ]
Chapter 7 Design Of Air Conditioning Ducts [ General rules for duct design -
Classification of duct systems - Commonly used duct design methods - Performance of
duct systems - System balancing and optimization - Fans ]

Chapter 8 Space Air Distribution [ Design of air distribution systems - Behaviour

of free-stream jet - Circular jets - Types of air distribution devices -Return air inlets -
Airflow patterns inside conditioned space - Stratified mixing flow - Spot cooling/
heating - Selection of supply air outlets ]
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o this point we have restricted our attention to heat transfer problems

T that did not involve any mass transfer. However, many significant heat
transfer problems encountered in practice involve mass transfer. For ex-
ample, about one-third of the heat loss from a resting person is due to evapo-
14–1 Introduction 718
14–2 Analogy between Heat
ration. It turns out that mass transfer is analogous to heat transfer in many and Mass Transfer 719
respects, and there is close resemblance between heat and mass transfer rela- 14–3 Mass Diffusion 721
tions. In this chapter we discuss the mass transfer mechanisms and develop re- 14–4 Boundary Conditions 727
lations for the mass transfer rate for some situations commonly encountered 14–5 Steady Mass Diffusion
in practice. through a Wall 732
Distinction should be made between mass transfer and the bulk fluid motion 14–6 Water Vapor Migration
(or fluid flow) that occurs on a macroscopic level as a fluid is transported from in Buildings 736
one location to another. Mass transfer requires the presence of two regions at 14–7 Transient Mass Diffusion 740
different chemical compositions, and mass transfer refers to the movement of 14–8 Diffusion in a
a chemical species from a high concentration region toward a lower concen- Moving Medium 743
tration one relative to the other chemical species present in the medium. The 14–9 Mass Convection 754
primary driving force for fluid flow is the pressure difference, whereas for 14–10 Simultaneous Heat
mass transfer it is the concentration difference. Therefore, we do not speak of and Mass Transfer 763
mass transfer in a homogeneous medium.
We begin this chapter by pointing out numerous analogies between heat and
mass transfer and draw several parallels between them. We then discuss
boundary conditions associated with mass transfer and one-dimensional
steady and transient mass diffusion. Following is a discussion of mass trans-
fer in a moving medium. Finally, we consider convection mass transfer and
simultaneous heat and mass transfer.

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14–1 ■
Water Salty It is a common observation that whenever there is an imbalance of a
commodity in a medium, nature tends to redistribute it until a “balance” or
Salt “equality” is established. This tendency is often referred to as the driving
force, which is the mechanism behind many naturally occurring transport
(a) Before (b) After phenomena.
FIGURE 14–1 If we define the amount of a commodity per unit volume as the concentra-
Whenever there is concentration tion of that commodity, we can say that the flow of a commodity is always in
difference of a physical quantity in the direction of decreasing concentration; that is, from the region of high con-
a medium, nature tends to equalize centration to the region of low concentration (Fig. 14–1). The commodity sim-
things by forcing a flow from the ply creeps away during redistribution, and thus the flow is a diffusion process.
high to the low concentration region. The rate of flow of the commodity is proportional to the concentration gradi-
ent dC/dx, which is the change in the concentration C per unit length in the
flow direction x, and the area A normal to flow direction and is expressed as

Flow rate  (Normal area)(Concentration gradient)


· dC
Q  kdiff A (14-1)

Here the proportionality constant kdiff is the diffusion coefficient of the

medium, which is a measure of how fast a commodity diffuses in the medium,
and the negative sign is to make the flow in the positive direction a positive
quantity (note that dC/dx is a negative quantity since concentration decreases
in the flow direction). You may recall that Fourier’s law of heat conduction,
Ohm’s law of electrical conduction, and Newton’s law of viscosity are all in the
form of Equation 14–1.
To understand the diffusion process better, consider a tank that is divided
1 into two equal parts by a partition. Initially, the left half of the tank contains
Initial N2 0.79
Initial O2
nitrogen N2 gas while the right half contains air (about 21 percent O2 and
concentration 79 percent N2) at the same temperature and pressure. The O2 and N2 mole-
0.21 cules are indicated by dark and light circles, respectively. When the partition
0 is removed, we know that the N2 molecules will start diffusing into the air
while the O2 molecules diffuse into the N2, as shown in Figure 14–2. If we
N2 Air wait long enough, we will have a homogeneous mixture of N2 and O2 in the
tank. This mass diffusion process can be explained by considering an imagi-
nary plane indicated by the dashed line in the figure as: Gas molecules move
randomly, and thus the probability of a molecule moving to the right or to the
left is the same. Consequently, half of the molecules on one side of the dashed
line at any given moment will move to the other side. Since the concentration
N2 O2 of N2 is greater on the left side than it is on the right side, more N2 molecules
FIGURE 14–2 will move toward the right than toward the left, resulting in a net flow of N2
A tank that contains N2 and air in its toward the right. As a result, N2 is said to be transferred to the right. A similar
two compartments, and the diffusion argument can be given for O2 being transferred to the left. The process con-
of N2 into the air when the partition tinues until uniform concentrations of N2 and O2 are established throughout
is removed. the tank so that the number of N2 (or O2) molecules moving to the right equals
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the number moving to the left, resulting in zero net transfer of N2 or O2 across
an imaginary plane.
The molecules in a gas mixture continually collide with each other, and the
diffusion process is strongly influenced by this collision process. The collision
of like molecules is of little consequence since both molecules are identical
and it makes no difference which molecule crosses a certain plane. The colli-
sions of unlike molecules, however, influence the rate of diffusion since un-
like molecules may have different masses and thus different momentums, and
thus the diffusion process will be dominated by the heavier molecules. The
diffusion coefficients and thus diffusion rates of gases depend strongly on
temperature since the temperature is a measure of the average velocity of gas
molecules. Therefore, the diffusion rates will be higher at higher temperatures.
Mass transfer can also occur in liquids and solids as well as in gases. For ex-
ample, a cup of water left in a room will eventually evaporate as a result of
water molecules diffusing into the air (liquid-to-gas mass transfer). A piece of
solid CO2 (dry ice) will also get smaller and smaller in time as the CO2 mole-
cules diffuse into the air (solid-to-gas mass transfer). A spoon of sugar in a
cup of coffee will eventually move up and sweeten the coffee although the
sugar molecules are much heavier than the water molecules, and the mole-
cules of a colored pencil inserted into a glass of water will diffuse into the
water as evidenced by the gradual spread of color in the water (solid-to-liquid
mass transfer). Of course, mass transfer can also occur from a gas to a liquid
or solid if the concentration of the species is higher in the gas phase. For ex-
ample, a small fraction of O2 in the air diffuses into the water and meets the
oxygen needs of marine animals. The diffusion of carbon into iron during
case-hardening, doping of semiconductors for transistors, and the migration of
doped molecules in semiconductors at high temperature are examples of solid-
to-solid diffusion processes (Fig. 14–3). Air Air
Another factor that influences the diffusion process is the molecular Water vapor CO2
spacing. The larger the spacing, in general, the higher the diffusion rate.
Therefore, the diffusion rates are typically much higher in gases than they are
in liquids and much higher in liquids than in solids. Diffusion coefficients in
gas mixtures are a few orders of magnitude larger than these of liquid or solid Liquid Dry
water ice

14–2 ■
ANALOGY BETWEEN (a) Liquid to gas (b) Solid to gas
We have spent a considerable amount of time studying heat transfer, and we
could spend just as much time (perhaps more) studying mass transfer. How- Coffee Iron
ever, the mechanisms of heat and mass transfer are analogous to each other,
and thus we can develop an understanding of mass transfer in a short time Carbon
with little effort by simply drawing parallels between heat and mass transfer. Sugar
Establishing those “bridges” between the two seemingly unrelated areas will (c) Solid to liquid (d) Solid to solid
make it possible to use our heat transfer knowledge to solve mass transfer
problems. Alternately, gaining a working knowledge of mass transfer will help
Some examples of mass transfer that
us to better understand the heat transfer processes by thinking of heat as involve a liquid and/or a solid.
a massless substance as they did in the nineteenth century. The short-lived
caloric theory of heat is the origin of most heat transfer terminology used
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today and served its purpose well until it was replaced by the kinetic theory.
Mass is, in essence, energy since mass and energy can be converted to each
Heat other according to Einstein’s formula E  mc2, where c is the speed of light.
Therefore, we can look at mass and heat as two different forms of energy and
10°C exploit this to advantage without going overboard.
Heat concentration
Mass concentration Temperature
The driving force for heat transfer is the temperature difference. In contrast,
CO2 the driving force for mass transfer is the concentration difference. We can
Mass view temperature as a measure of “heat concentration,” and thus a high tem-
perature region as one that has a high heat concentration (Fig. 14–4). There-
fore, both heat and mass are transferred from the more concentrated regions to
the less concentrated ones. If there is no temperature difference between two
FIGURE 14–4 regions, then there is no heat transfer. Likewise, if there is no difference be-
Analogy between tween the concentrations of a species at different parts of a medium, there will
heat and mass transfer. be no mass transfer.

Thermal You will recall that heat is transferred by conduction, convection, and radia-
tion. Mass, however, is transferred by conduction (called diffusion) and con-
No mass vection only, and there is no such thing as “mass radiation” (unless there is
radiation something Scotty knows that we don’t when he “beams” people to anywhere
in space at the speed of light) (Fig. 14–5). The rate of heat conduction in a di-
Mass rection x is proportional to the temperature gradient dT/dx in that direction and
is expressed by Fourier’s law of heat conduction as
FIGURE 14–5 · dT
Unlike heat radiation, there is Q cond  kA (14-2)
no such thing as mass radiation.
where k is the thermal conductivity of the medium and A is the area normal to
the direction of heat transfer. Likewise, the rate of mass diffusion m· diff of a
chemical species A in a stationary medium in the direction x is proportional to
Temperature the concentration gradient dC/dx in that direction and is expressed by Fick’s
profile law of diffusion by (Fig. 14–6)

· dT dCA
Qcond = – kA —
m· diff  DAB A (14-3)

where DAB is the diffusion coefficient (or mass diffusivity) of the species in
x the mixture and CA is the concentration of the species in the mixture at that
Concentration profile
of species A
It can be shown that the differential equations for both heat conduction and
A mass diffusion are of the same form. Therefore, the solutions of mass dif-
dC fusion equations can be obtained from the solutions of corresponding heat
m· diff = –DAB A ——A conduction equations for the same type of boundary conditions by simply
switching the corresponding coefficients and variables.

FIGURE 14–6 Heat Generation

Analogy between heat conduction Heat generation refers to the conversion of some form of energy such as elec-
and mass diffusion. trical, chemical, or nuclear energy into sensible heat energy in the medium.
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Heat generation occurs throughout the medium and exhibits itself as a rise in
temperature. Similarly, some mass transfer problems involve chemical reac-
tions that occur within the medium and result in the generation of a species
throughout. Therefore, species generation is a volumetric phenomenon, and
the rate of generation may vary from point to point in the medium. Such reac-
tions that occur within the medium are called homogeneous reactions and are
analogous to internal heat generation. In contrast, some chemical reactions
result in the generation of a species at the surface as a result of chemical re-
actions occurring at the surface due to contact between the medium and the
surroundings. This is a surface phenomenon, and as such it needs to be treated
as a boundary condition. In mass transfer studies, such reactions are called
heterogeneous reactions and are analogous to specified surface heat flux.

You will recall that heat convection is the heat transfer mechanism that in-
volves both heat conduction (molecular diffusion) and bulk fluid motion.
Fluid motion enhances heat transfer considerably by removing the heated
fluid near the surface and replacing it by the cooler fluid further away. In the
limiting case of no bulk fluid motion, convection reduces to conduction. Like-
wise, mass convection (or convective mass transfer) is the mass transfer
mechanism between a surface and a moving fluid that involves both mass dif-
fusion and bulk fluid motion. Fluid motion also enhances mass transfer con-
siderably by removing the high concentration fluid near the surface and
replacing it by the lower concentration fluid further away. In mass convection,
we define a concentration boundary layer in an analogous manner to the ther-
mal boundary layer and define new dimensionless numbers that are counter-
parts of the Nusselt and Prandtl numbers.
The rate of heat convection for external flow was expressed conveniently by
Newton’s law of cooling as
Q conv  hconv As(Ts  T) (14-4)

where hconv is the heat transfer coefficient, As is the surface area, and Ts  T
is the temperature difference across the thermal boundary layer. Likewise, the
rate of mass convection can be expressed as (Fig. 14–7) Mass
transfer Concentration
m· conv  hmass As(Cs  C) (14-5) coefficient difference

where hmass is the mass transfer coefficient, As is the surface area, and Cs  C

Mass 678

is a suitable concentration difference across the concentration boundary layer. convection: m· conv  hmass As(Cs  C)
Various aspects of the analogy between heat and mass convection are ex- Heat ·
plored in Section 14–9. The analogy is valid for low mass transfer rate cases convection: Q conv  hconv As(Ts  T)

in which the flow rate of species undergoing mass flow is low (under 10 per-

cent) relative to the total flow rate of the liquid or gas mixture.

transfer Temperature
coefficient difference
14–3 ■
Fick’s law of diffusion, proposed in 1855, states that the rate of diffusion of a FIGURE 14–7
chemical species at a location in a gas mixture (or liquid or solid solution) is Analogy between convection heat
proportional to the concentration gradient of that species at that location. transfer and convection mass transfer.
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A + B mixture B Although a higher concentration for a species means more molecules of that
species per unit volume, the concentration of a species can be expressed in
several ways. Next we describe two common ways.
1 Mass Basis
On a mass basis, concentration is expressed in terms of density (or mass con-
centration), which is mass per unit volume. Considering a small volume V at
V = VA = VB
a location within the mixture, the densities of a species (subscript i) and of the
m = mA + mB mixture (no subscript) at that location are given by (Fig. 14–8)
ρ = ρA + ρB
Partial density of species i: i  mi /V (kg/m3)
C = CA + CB
Mass basis:
Total density of mixture:   m/V   m /V   
i i

m m ρ
ρA = —–A , ρ = — , wA = —A– Therefore, the density of a mixture at a location is equal to the sum of the
V V ρ
densities of its constituents at that location. Mass concentration can also be
Mole basis:
expressed in dimensionless form in terms of mass fraction w as
CA = —A– , C = — , yA = —A–
V V C mi mi /V i
Relation between them:
Mass fraction of species i: wi  m   (14-6)
m /V
ρ M
CA = —A– , wA = yA —–A
MA M Note that the mass fraction of a species ranges between 0 and 1, and the con-
FIGURE 14–8 servation of mass requires that the sum of the mass fractions of the con-
Different ways of expressing the concentration stituents of a mixture be equal to 1. That is, wi  1. Also note that the density
of species A of a binary mixture A and B. and mass fraction of a constituent in a mixture, in general, vary with location
unless the concentration gradients are zero.

2 Mole Basis
On a mole basis, concentration is expressed in terms of molar concentration
(or molar density), which is the amount of matter in kmol per unit volume.
Again considering a small volume V at a location within the mixture, the mo-
lar concentrations of a species (subscript i) and of the mixture (no subscript)
at that location are given by
Partial molar concentration of species i: Ci  Ni /V (kmol/m3)
Total molar concentration of mixture: C  N/V   N /V   C
i i

Therefore, the molar concentration of a mixture at a location is equal to the

sum of the molar concentrations of its constituents at that location. Molar
concentration can also be expressed in dimensionless form in terms of mole
fraction y as
Ni Ni /V Ci
Mole fraction of species i: yi    (14-7)

Again the mole fraction of a species ranges between 0 and 1, and the sum of
the mole fractions of the constituents of a mixture is unity, yi  1.
The mass m and mole number N of a substance are related to each other by
m  NM (or, for a unit volume,   CM) where M is the molar mass (also
called the molecular weight) of the substance. This is expected since the mass
of 1 kmol of the substance is M kg, and thus the mass of N kmol is NM kg.
Therefore, the mass and molar concentrations are related to each other by
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Ci  (for species i) and C  (for the mixture) (14-8)
Mi M

where M is the molar mass of the mixture which can be determined from

N M  Ni
 N M y M
m i i
M  i i i (14-9)

The mass and mole fractions of species i of a mixture are related to each
other by
i Ci Mi Mi
wi     yi (14-10)

Two different approaches are presented above for the description of con-
centration at a location, and you may be wondering which approach is better
to use. Well, the answer depends on the situation on hand. Both approaches
are equivalent, and the better approach for a given problem is the one that
yields the desired solution more easily.

Special Case: Ideal Gas Mixtures

At low pressures, a gas or gas mixture can conveniently be approximated as
an ideal gas with negligible error. For example, a mixture of dry air and water 2 mol A
vapor at atmospheric conditions can be treated as an ideal gas with an error 6 mol B
much less than 1 percent. The total pressure of a gas mixture P is equal to the P  120 kPa
sum of the partial pressures Pi of the individual gases in the mixture and is ex-
pressed as P  Pi. Here Pi is called the partial pressure of species i, which
A mixture of two ideal gases A and B
is the pressure species i would exert if it existed alone at the mixture temper-
NA 2
ature and volume. This is known as Dalton’s law of additive pressures. Then yA    0.25
N 26
using the ideal gas relation PV  NRuT where Ru is the universal gas constant
PA  yAP  0.25  120  30 kPa
for both the species i and the mixture, the pressure fraction of species i can
be expressed as (Fig. 14–9) FIGURE 14–9
For ideal gas mixtures, pressure
Pi Ni RuT/V Ni fraction of a gas is equal to
   yi (14-11)
its mole fraction.

Therefore, the pressure fraction of species i of an ideal gas mixture is equiva-

lent to the mole fraction of that species and can be used in place of it in mass
transfer analysis.

Fick’s Law of Diffusion:

Stationary Medium Consisting of Two Species
We mentioned earlier that the rate of mass diffusion of a chemical species in
a stagnant medium in a specified direction is proportional to the local concen-
tration gradient in that direction. This linear relationship between the rate of
diffusion and the concentration gradient proposed by Fick in 1855 is known
as Fick’s law of diffusion and can be expressed as
Mass flux  Constant of proportionality  Concentration gradient
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Higher Lower But the concentration of a species in a gas mixture or liquid or solid solution
concentration concentration can be defined in several ways such as density, mass fraction, molar concen-
of species A of species A
tration, and mole fraction, as already discussed, and thus Fick’s law can be ex-
pressed mathematically in many ways. It turns out that it is best to express the
dC concentration gradient in terms of the mass or mole fraction, and the most ap-
slope = ——A
dx propriate formulation of Fick’s law for the diffusion of a species A in a sta-
tionary binary mixture of species A and B in a specified direction x is given by
Area (Fig. 14–10)
m· diff, A d(A /) dwA
CA(x) Mass basis: jdiff, A   DAB  DAB (kg/s · m2)
A dx dx
profile of species A N· diff, A d(CA/C) dyA
Mole basis: j̄diff, A   CDAB  CDAB (mol/s · m2) (14-12)
A dx dx
Here jdiff, A is the (diffusive) mass flux of species A (mass transfer by diffusion
Mass basis: per unit time and per unit area normal to the direction of mass transfer, in
m· diff = –ρADAB ——
kg/s · m2) and j̄diff, A is the (diffusive) molar flux (in kmol/s · m2). The mass
dx flux of a species at a location is proportional to the density of the mixture at
= – ρADAB ———
that location. Note that   A  B is the density and C  CA  CB is the
dx molar concentration of the binary mixture, and in general, they may vary
= –ADAB —— (if ρ = constant)
throughout the mixture. Therefore, d(A /) dA or Cd(CA /C) dCA. But
dx in the special case of constant mixture density  or constant molar concentra-
tion C, the relations above simplify to
Mole basis:
· dyA
Ndiff, A = –CADAB —— Mass basis (  constant): jdiff, A  DAB (kg/s · m2)
dx dx
d(CA/C) dCA
= –CADAB ——— – Mole basis (C  constant): j̄diff, A  DAB (kmol/s · m2) (14-13)
dx dx
= –ADAB —— (if C = constant)
dx The constant density or constant molar concentration assumption is usually
FIGURE 14–10 appropriate for solid and dilute liquid solutions, but often this is not the case
Various expressions of Fick’s law of for gas mixtures or concentrated liquid solutions. Therefore, Eq. 14–12 should
diffusion for a binary mixture. be used in the latter case. In this introductory treatment we will limit our con-
sideration to one-dimensional mass diffusion. For two- or three-dimensional
cases, Fick’s law can conveniently be expressed in vector form by simply re-
placing the derivatives in the above relations by the corresponding gradients
(such as jA  DAB wA).
Mass Concentration
Remember that the constant of proportionality in Fourier’s law was defined
diffusivitygradient as the transport property thermal conductivity. Similarly, the constant of pro-

→ portionality in Fick’s law is defined as another transport property called the

Mass diffusion: m· A  DAB A binary diffusion coefficient or mass diffusivity, DAB. The unit of mass diffu-
sivity is m2/s, which is the same as the units of thermal diffusivity or momen-
· dT
Heat conduction: Q  kA tum diffusivity (also called kinematic viscosity) (Fig. 14–11).
→ dx
Because of the complex nature of mass diffusion, the diffusion coefficients

Thermal Temperature are usually determined experimentally. The kinetic theory of gases indicates
conductivity gradient that the diffusion coefficient for dilute gases at ordinary pressures is essen-
tially independent of mixture composition and tends to increase with temper-
FIGURE 14–11 ature while decreasing with pressure as
Analogy between Fourier’s law of
DAB, 1 P2 T1 3/2
heat conduction and Fick’s
law of mass diffusion.
T 3/2
DAB, 2 P1 T2
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This relation is useful in determining the diffusion coefficient for gases at dif- TABLE 14–1
ferent temperatures and pressures from a knowledge of the diffusion coeffi-
cient at a specified temperature and pressure. More general but complicated Binary diffusion coefficients of
some gases in air at 1 atm pressure
relations that account for the effects of molecular collisions are also available.
(from Mills, Ref. 13, Table A.17a,
The diffusion coefficients of some gases in air at 1 atm pressure are given in p. 869)
Table 14–1 at various temperatures.
The diffusion coefficients of solids and liquids also tend to increase with Binary Diffusion Coefficient,*
temperature while exhibiting a strong dependence on the composition. The m2/s  105
diffusion process in solids and liquids is a great deal more complicated than T, K O2 CO2 H2 NO
that in gases, and the diffusion coefficients in this case are almost exclusively 200 0.95 0.74 3.75 0.88
determined experimentally. 300 1.88 1.57 7.77 1.80
The binary diffusion coefficient for several binary gas mixtures and solid 400 5.25 2.63 12.5 3.03
and liquid solutions are given in Tables 14–2 and 14–3. We make these two 500 4.75 3.85 17.1 4.43
observations from these tables: 600 6.46 5.37 24.4 6.03
700 8.38 6.84 31.7 7.82
1. The diffusion coefficients, in general, are highest in gases and lowest 800 10.5 8.57 39.3 9.78
in solids. The diffusion coefficients of gases are several orders of 900 12.6 10.5 47.7 11.8
magnitude greater than those of liquids. 1000 15.2 12.4 56.9 14.1
2. Diffusion coefficients increase with temperature. The diffusion 1200 20.6 16.9 77.7 19.2
coefficient (and thus the mass diffusion rate) of carbon through iron 1400 26.6 21.7 99.0 24.5
during a hardening process, for example, increases by 6000 times as 1600 33.2 27.5 125 30.4
the temperature is raised from 500°C to 1000°C. 1800 40.3 32.8 152 37.0
2000 48.0 39.4 180 44.8
Due to its practical importance, the diffusion of water vapor in air has been
the topic of several studies, and some empirical formulas have been developed *Multiply by 10.76 to convert to ft2/s.
for the diffusion coefficient DH2O–air. Marrero and Mason proposed this popu-
lar formula (Table 14–4):

TABLE 14–2
Binary diffusion coefficients of dilute gas mixtures at 1 atm
(from Barrer, Ref. 2; Geankoplis, Ref. 5; Perry, Ref. 14; and Reid et al., Ref. 15)
Substance Substance T, DAB or DBA, Substance T, DAB or DBA,
A B K m2/s Substance A B K m2/s
Air Acetone 273 1.1  105 Argon, Ar Nitrogen, N2 293 1.9  105
Air Ammonia, NH3 298 2.6  105 Carbon dioxide, CO2 Benzene 318 0.72  105
Air Benzene 298 0.88  105 Carbon dioxide, CO2 Hydrogen, H2 273 5.5  105
Air Carbon dioxide 298 1.6  105 Carbon dioxide, CO2 Nitrogen, N2 293 1.6  105
Air Chlorine 273 1.2  105 Carbon dioxide, CO2 Oxygen, O2 273 1.4  105
Air Ethyl alcohol 298 1.2  105 Carbon dioxide, CO2 Water vapor 298 1.6  105
Air Ethyl ether 298 0.93  105 Hydrogen, H2 Nitrogen, N2 273 6.8  105
Air Helium, He 298 7.2  105 Hydrogen, H2 Oxygen, O2 273 7.0  105
Air Hydrogen, H2 298 7.2  105 Oxygen, O2 Ammonia 293 2.5  105
Air Iodine, I2 298 0.83  105 Oxygen, O2 Benzene 296 0.39  105
Air Methanol 298 1.6  105 Oxygen, O2 Nitrogen, N2 273 1.8  105
Air Mercury 614 4.7  105 Oxygen, O2 Water vapor 298 2.5  105
Air Napthalene 300 0.62  105 Water vapor Argon, Ar 298 2.4  105
Air Oxygen, O2 298 2.1  105 Water vapor Helium, He 298 9.2  105
Air Water vapor 298 2.5  105 Water vapor Nitrogen, N2 298 2.5  105

Note: The effect of pressure and temperature on DAB can be accounted for through DAB ~ T3/2/P. Also, multiply DAB values by 10.76 to convert them to ft2/s.
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TABLE 14–3
Binary diffusion coefficients of dilute liquid solutions and solid solutions at 1 atm
(from Barrer, Ref. 2; Reid et al., Ref. 15; Thomas, Ref. 19; and van Black, Ref. 20)
(a) Diffusion through Liquids (b) Diffusion through Solids
Substance Substance T, Substance Substance B T,
A (Solute) B (Solvent) K DAB, m2/s A (Solute) (Solvent) K DAB, m2/s
Ammonia Water 285 1.6  109 Carbon dioxide Natural rubber 298 1.1  1010
Benzene Water 293 1.0  109 Nitrogen Natural rubber 298 1.5  1010
Carbon dioxide Water 298 2.0  109 Oxygen Natural rubber 298 2.1  1010
Chlorine Water 285 1.4  109 Helium Pyrex 773 2.0  1012
Ethanol Water 283 0.84  109 Helium Pyrex 293 4.5  1015
Ethanol Water 288 1.0  109 Helium Silicon dioxide 298 4.0  1014
Ethanol Water 298 1.2  109 Hydrogen Iron 298 2.6  1013
Glucose Water 298 0.69  109 Hydrogen Nickel 358 1.2  1012
Hydrogen Water 298 6.3  109 Hydrogen Nickel 438 1.0  1011
Methane Water 275 0.85  109 Cadmium Copper 293 2.7  1019
Methane Water 293 1.5  109 Zinc Copper 773 4.0  1018
Methane Water 333 3.6  109 Zinc Copper 1273 5.0  1013
Methanol Water 288 1.3  109 Antimony Silver 293 3.5  1025
Nitrogen Water 298 2.6  109 Bismuth Lead 293 1.1  1020
Oxygen Water 298 2.4  109 Mercury Lead 293 2.5  1019
Water Ethanol 298 1.2  109 Copper Aluminum 773 4.0  1014
Water Ethylene glycol 298 0.18  109 Copper Aluminum 1273 1.0  1010
Water Methanol 298 1.8  109 Carbon Iron (fcc) 773 5.0  1015
Chloroform Methanol 288 2.1  109 Carbon Iron (fcc) 1273 3.0  1011

T 2.072
DH2O–Air  1.87  1010 (m2/s), 280 K T 450 K (14-15)
TABLE 14–4
In a binary ideal gas mixture of where P is total pressure in atm and T is the temperature in K.
species A and B, the diffusion The primary driving mechanism of mass diffusion is the concentration
coefficient of A in B is equal to gradient, and mass diffusion due to a concentration gradient is known as the
the diffusion coefficient of B in A,
ordinary diffusion. However, diffusion may also be caused by other effects.
and both increase with temperature
Temperature gradients in a medium can cause thermal diffusion (also called
DH2O–Air or DAir–H2O the soret effect), and pressure gradients may result in pressure diffusion.
at 1 atm, in m2/s Both of these effects are usually negligible, however, unless the gradients are
T, °C (from Eq. 14–15)
very large. In centrifuges, the pressure gradient generated by the centrifugal
0 2.09  105 effect is used to separate liquid solutions and gaseous isotopes. An external
5 2.17  105 force field such as an electric or magnetic field applied on a mixture or solu-
10 2.25  105 tion can be used successfully to separate electrically charged or magnetized
15 2.33  105 molecules (as in an electrolyte or ionized gas) from the mixture. This is called
20 2.42  105 forced diffusion. Also, when the pores of a porous solid such as silica-gel are
25 2.50  105
smaller than the mean free path of the gas molecules, the molecular collisions
30 2.59  105
35 2.68  105
may be negligible and a free molecule flow may be initiated. This is known as
40 2.77  105 Knudsen diffusion. When the size of the gas molecules is comparable to the
50 2.96  105 pore size, adsorbed molecules move along the pore walls. This is known as
100 3.99  105 surface diffusion. Finally, particles whose diameter is under 0.1 m such as
150 5.18  105 mist and soot particles act like large molecules, and the diffusion process of
such particles due to the concentration gradient is called Brownian motion.
Large particles (those whose diameter is greater than 1 m) are not affected
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by diffusion as the motion of such particles is governed by Newton’s laws. In

our elementary treatment of mass diffusion, we will assume these additional
effects to be nonexistent or negligible, as is usually the case, and refer the in-
terested reader to advanced books on these topics.

EXAMPLE 14–1 Determining Mass Fractions from Mole Fractions

The composition of dry standard atmosphere is given on a molar basis to be
78.1 percent N2, 20.9 percent O2, and 1.0 percent Ar and other constituents
(Fig. 14–12). Treating other constituents as Ar, determine the mass fractions of
the constituents of air.
78.1% N2
20.9% O2
SOLUTION The molar fractions of the constituents of air are given. The mass 1.0% Ar
fractions are to be determined.
Assumptions The small amounts of other gases in air are treated as argon. FIGURE 14–12
Properties The molar masses of N2, O2, and Ar are 28.0, 32.0, and 39.9 Schematic for Example 14–1.
kg/kmol, respectively (Table A–1).
Analysis The molar mass of air is determined to be

M   yi Mi  0.781  28.0  0.209  32.0  0.01  39.9  29.0 kg/kmol

Then the mass fractions of constituent gases are determined from Eq. 14–10 to

MN2 28.0
N2: wN2  yN2  (0.781)  0.754
M 29.0
MO2 32.0
O2: wO2  yO2  (0.209)  0.231
M 29.0
MAr 39.9
Ar: wAr  yAr  (0.01)  0.014
M 29.0

Therefore, the mass fractions of N2, O2, and Ar in dry standard atmosphere are
75.4 percent, 23.1 percent, and 1.4 percent, respectively. Air

14–4 ■
We mentioned earlier that the mass diffusion equation is analogous to the heat yH
2O, gas side (0)
diffusion (conduction) equation, and thus we need comparable boundary con- 0
ditions to determine the species concentration distribution in a medium. Two
common types of boundary conditions are the (1) specified species concen- Jump in yH
2O, liquid side
concentration = 1.0
tration, which corresponds to specified temperature, and (2) specified species
flux, which corresponds to specified heat flux. Water
Despite their apparent similarity, an important difference exists between Concentration
temperature and concentration: temperature is necessarily a continuous func- profile
tion, but concentration, in general, is not. The wall and air temperatures at a FIGURE 14–13
wall surface, for example, are always the same. The concentrations of air on Unlike temperature, the concentration
the two sides of a water–air interface, however, are obviously very different of species on the two sides of a
(in fact, the concentration of air in water is close to zero). Likewise, the liquid–gas (or solid–gas or
concentrations of water on the two sides of a water–air interface are also dif- solid–liquid) interface are
ferent even when air is saturated (Fig. 14–13). Therefore, when specifying a usually not the same.
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boundary condition, specifying the location is not enough. We also need to

specify the side of the boundary. To do this, we consider two imaginary sur-
faces on the two sides of the interface that are infinitesimally close to the
interface. Whenever there is a doubt, we indicate the desired side of the inter-
face by specifying its phase as a subscript. For example, the water (liquid
or vapor) concentration at the liquid and gas sides of a water–air interface at
x  0 can be expressed on a molar basis is
yH2O, liquid side (0)  y1 and yH2O, gas side (0)  y2 (14-16)

Using Fick’s law, the constant species flux boundary condition for a diffus-
ing species A at a boundary at x  0 is expressed, in the absence of any blow-
ing or suction, as

dyA dwA
T(x) CDAB  j̄A, 0 or DAB  jA, 0 (14-17)
dx x0 dx x0
surface ——– = 0
Q(0) = 0 where j̄A, 0 and jA, 0 are the specified mole and mass fluxes of species A at the
boundary, respectively. The special case of zero mass flux ( j̄A, 0  jA, 0  0)
corresponds to an impermeable surface for which dyA(0)/dx  dwA (0)/
x dx  0 (Fig. 14–14).
To apply the specified concentration boundary condition, we must know the
CA(x) concentration of a species at the boundary. This information is usually ob-
Impermeable dCA(0) tained from the requirement that thermodynamic equilibrium must exist at the
surface ——– —=0
dx interface of two phases of a species. In the case of air–water interface, the con-
mA(0) = 0 centration values of water vapor in the air are easily determined from satura-
tion data, as shown in Example 14–2.
FIGURE 14–14
An impermeable surface in EXAMPLE 14–2 Mole Fraction of Water Vapor
mass transfer is analogous to an at the Surface of a Lake
insulated surface in heat transfer.
Determine the mole fraction of the water vapor at the surface of a lake whose
temperature is 15°C and compare it to the mole fraction of water in the lake
Air (Fig. 14–15). Take the atmospheric pressure at lake level to be 92 kPa.
92 kPa, 15°C
SOLUTION The mole fraction of the water vapor at the surface of a lake and
Saturated air
the mole fraction of water in the lake are to be determined and compared.
yH O, air side = 0.0185
2 Assumptions 1 Both the air and water vapor are ideal gases. 2 The mole frac-
tion of dissolved air in water is negligible.
yH ≅ 1.0 Properties The saturation pressure of water at 15°C is 1.705 kPa (Table A–9).
2O, liquid side
Lake Analysis The air at the water surface will be saturated. Therefore, the partial
15°C pressure of water vapor in the air at the lake surface will simply be the satura-
tion pressure of water at 15°C,
FIGURE 14–15
Pvapor  Psat @ 15°C  1.705 kPa
Schematic for Example 14–2.
Assuming both the air and vapor to be ideal gases, the mole fraction of water
vapor in the air at the surface of the lake is determined from Eq. 14–11 to be

Pvapor 1.705 kPa

yvapor    0.0185 (or 1.85 percent)
P 92 kPa
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Water contains some dissolved air, but the amount is negligible. Therefore, we
can assume the entire lake to be liquid water. Then its mole fraction becomes

ywater, liquid side  1.0 (or 100 percent)

Discussion Note that the concentration of water on a molar basis is 100 per-
cent just beneath the air–water interface and 1.85 percent just above it, even
though the air is assumed to be saturated (so this is the highest value at 15°C).
Therefore, huge discontinuities can occur in the concentrations of a species
across phase boundaries.

The situation is similar at solid–liquid interfaces. Again, at a given temper-

ature, only a certain amount of solid can be dissolved in a liquid, and the sol-
ubility of the solid in the liquid is determined from the requirement that
thermodynamic equilibrium exists between the solid and the solution at the in-
terface. The solubility represents the maximum amount of solid that can be
dissolved in a liquid at a specified temperature and is widely available in
chemistry handbooks. In Table 14–5 we present sample solubility data for TABLE 14–5
sodium chloride (NaCl) and calcium bicarbonate [Ca(HCO3)2] at various Solubility of two inorganic
temperatures. For example, the solubility of salt (NaCl) in water at 310 K is compounds in water at various
36.5 kg per 100 kg of water. Therefore, the mass fraction of salt in the brine at temperatures, in kg, in 100 kg of
the interface is simply water [from Handbook of Chemistry
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961)]
msalt 36.5 kg
wsalt, liquid side  m   0.267 (or 26.7 percent) Solute
(100  36.5) kg
whereas the mass fraction of salt in the pure solid salt is w  1.0. Note that Tempera- Salt, Bicarbonate,
water becomes saturated with salt when 36.5 kg of salt are dissolved in ture, K NaCl Ca(HCO3)2
100 kg of water at 310 K. 273.15 35.7 16.15
Many processes involve the absorption of a gas into a liquid. Most gases are 280 35.8 16.30
weakly soluble in liquids (such as air in water), and for such dilute solutions 290 35.9 16.53
the mole fractions of a species i in the gas and liquid phases at the interface 300 36.2 16.75
are observed to be proportional to each other. That is, yi, gas side  yi, liquid side or 310 36.5 16.98
320 36.9 17.20
Pi, gas side  P yi, liquid side since yi, gas side  Pi, gas side /P for ideal gas mixtures. This
330 37.2 17.43
is known as Henry’s law and is expressed as 340 37.6 17.65
Pi, gas side 350 38.2 17.88
yi, liquid side  (at interface) (14-18) 360 38.8 18.10
370 39.5 18.33
373.15 39.8 18.40
where H is Henry’s constant, which is the product of the total pressure of the
gas mixture and the proportionality constant. For a given species, it is a func-
tion of temperature only and is practically independent of pressure for pres-
sures under about 5 atm. Values of Henry’s constant for a number of aqueous
solutions are given in Table 14–6 for various temperatures. From this table
and the equation above we make the following observations:
1. The concentration of a gas dissolved in a liquid is inversely proportional
to Henry’s constant. Therefore, the larger Henry’s constant, the smaller
the concentration of dissolved gases in the liquid.
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TABLE 14–6
Henry’s constant H (in bars) for selected gases in water at low to moderate
pressures (for gas i, H  Pi, gas side /yi, water side)
(from Mills, Ref. 13, Table A.21, p. 874)
Solute 290 K 300 K 310 K 320 K 330 K 340 K
H2S 440 560 700 830 980 1140
CO2 1280 1710 2170 2720 3220 —
O2 38,000 45,000 52,000 57,000 61,000 65,000
H2 67,000 72,000 75,000 76,000 77,000 76,000
CO 51,000 60,000 67,000 74,000 80,000 84,000
Air 62,000 74,000 84,000 92,000 99,000 104,000
N2 76,000 89,000 101,000 110,000 118,000 124,000
Gas A
yA, gas side
2. Henry’s constant increases (and thus the fraction of a dissolved gas
yA, liquid side in the liquid decreases) with increasing temperature. Therefore, the
Gas: A dissolved gases in a liquid can be driven off by heating the liquid
Liquid: B
(Fig. 14–16).
3. The concentration of a gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to the
partial pressure of the gas. Therefore, the amount of gas dissolved in a
yA, gas side  yA, liquid side liquid can be increased by increasing the pressure of the gas. This can
or be used to advantage in the carbonation of soft drinks with CO2 gas.
PA, gas side
————  yA, liquid side Strictly speaking, the result obtained from Eq. 14–18 for the mole fraction of
P dissolved gas is valid for the liquid layer just beneath the interface and not
or necessarily the entire liquid. The latter will be the case only when thermo-
PA, gas side = HyA, liquid side dynamic phase equilibrium is established throughout the entire liquid body.
FIGURE 14–16
Dissolved gases in a liquid can EXAMPLE 14–3 Mole Fraction of Dissolved Air in Water
be driven off by heating the liquid.
Determine the mole fraction of air dissolved in water at the surface of a lake
Air whose temperature is 17°C (Fig. 14–17). Take the atmospheric pressure at lake
level to be 92 kPa.
Saturated air Pdry air, gas side
SOLUTION The mole fraction of air dissolved in water at the surface of a lake
is to be determined.
ydry air, liquid side
Lake Assumptions 1 Both the air and water vapor are ideal gases. 2 Air is weakly sol-
17°C uble in water so that Henry’s law is applicable.
Properties The saturation pressure of water at 17°C is 1.92 kPa (Table A–9).
FIGURE 14–17 Henry’s constant for air dissolved in water at 290 K is H  62,000 bar (Table
Schematic for Example 14–3.
Analysis This example is similar to the previous example. Again the air at the
water surface will be saturated, and thus the partial pressure of water vapor in
the air at the lake surface will be the saturation pressure of water at 17°C,

Pvapor  Psat @ 17°C  1.92 kPa

Assuming both the air and vapor to be ideal gases, the partial pressure of dry air
is determined to be

Pdry air  P  Pvapor  92  1.92  90.08 kPa  0.9008 bar

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Note that with little loss in accuracy (an error of about 2 percent), we could
have ignored the vapor pressure since the amount of vapor in air is so small.
Then the mole fraction of air in the water becomes

Pdry air, gas side 0.9008 bar

ydry air, liquid state    1.45  105
H 62,000 bar

which is very small, as expected. Therefore, the concentration of air in water

just below the air–water interface is 1.45 moles per 100,0000 moles. But ob-
viously this is enough oxygen for fish and other creatures in the lake. Note that
the amount of air dissolved in water will decrease with increasing depth.

We mentioned earlier that the use of Henry’s law is limited to dilute gas–
liquid solutions; that is, a liquid with a small amount of gas dissolved in it.
Then the question that arises naturally is, what do we do when the gas is
highly soluble in the liquid (or solid), such as ammonia in water? In this case
the linear relationship of Henry’s law does not apply, and the mole fraction of
a gas dissolved in the liquid (or solid) is usually expressed as a function of the
partial pressure of the gas in the gas phase and the temperature. An approxi-
mate relation in this case for the mole fractions of a species on the liquid and
gas sides of the interface is given by Raoult’s law as
Pi, gas side  yi, gas side P  yi, liquid side Pi, sat(T) (14-19)

where Pi, sat(T) is the saturation pressure of the species i at the interface tem-
perature and P is the total pressure on the gas phase side. Tabular data are
available in chemical handbooks for common solutions such as the ammonia–
water solution that is widely used in absorption-refrigeration systems.
Gases may also dissolve in solids, but the diffusion process in this case can
be very complicated. The dissolution of a gas may be independent of the
structure of the solid, or it may depend strongly on its porosity. Some dissolu-
tion processes (such as the dissolution of hydrogen in titanium, similar to the
dissolution of CO2 in water) are reversible, and thus maintaining the gas con-
tent in the solid requires constant contact of the solid with a reservoir of that
gas. Some other dissolution processes are irreversible. For example, oxygen
gas dissolving in titanium forms TiO2 on the surface, and the process does not
reverse itself.
TABLE 14–7
The concentration of the gas species i in the solid at the interface Ci, solid side
is proportional to the partial pressure of the species i in the gas Pi, gas side on the Solubility of selected
gas side of the interface and is expressed as gases and solids
(for gas i,   Ci, solid side /Pi, gas side)
Ci, solid side    Pi, gas side (kmol/m3) (14-20) (from Barrer, Ref. 2)
Gas Solid T, K  kmol/m3 · bar
where  is the solubility. Expressing the pressure in bars and noting that the
O2 Rubber 298 0.00312
unit of molar concentration is kmol of species i per m3, the unit of solubility is
N2 Rubber 298 0.00156
kmol/m3 · bar. Solubility data for selected gas–solid combinations are given in CO2 Rubber 298 0.04015
Table 14–7. The product of the solubility of a gas and the diffusion coefficient He SiO2 293 0.00045
of the gas in a solid is referred to as the permeability , which is a measure H2 Ni 358 0.00901
of the ability of the gas to penetrate a solid. That is,   DAB where DAB is
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the diffusivity of the gas in the solid. Permeability is inversely proportional to

thickness and has the unit kmol/s · bar.
Finally, if a process involves the sublimation of a pure solid (such as ice or
solid CO2) or the evaporation of a pure liquid (such as water) in a different
medium such as air, the mole (or mass) fraction of the substance in the liquid
or solid phase is simply taken to be 1.0, and the partial pressure and thus the
mole fraction of the substance in the gas phase can readily be determined from
the saturation data of the substance at the specified temperature. Also, the as-
sumption of thermodynamic equilibrium at the interface is very reasonable for
pure solids, pure liquids, and solutions, except when chemical reactions are
occurring at the interface.

EXAMPLE 14–4 Diffusion of Hydrogen Gas into a Nickel Plate

Consider a nickel plate that is in contact with hydrogen gas at 358 K and
300 kPa. Determine the molar and mass density of hydrogen in the nickel at
Nickel the interface (Fig. 14–18).
SOLUTION A nickel plate is exposed to hydrogen. The molar and mass density
of hydrogen in the nickel at the interface is to be determined.
Air Assumptions Nickel and hydrogen are in thermodynamic equilibrium at the
Properties The molar mass of hydrogen is M  2 kg/kmol (Table A–1). The sol-
358 K
300 kPa ubility of hydrogen in nickel at 358 K is 0.00901 kmol/m3 · bar (Table 14–7).
Analysis Noting that 300 kPa  3 bar, the molar density of hydrogen in the
nickel at the interface is determined from Eq. 14–20 to be
0 CH2, solid side    PH2, gas side
L x
 (0.00901 kmol/m3 · bar)(3 bar)  0.027 kmol/m3
FIGURE 14–18
Schematic for Example 14–4.
It corresponds to a mass density of

H2, solid side  CH2, solid side MH2

 (0.027 kmol/m3)(2)  0.054 kg/m3

That is, there will be 0.027 kmol (or 0.054 kg) of H2 gas in each m3 volume of
nickel adjacent to the interface.

TABLE 14–8
Analogy between heat conduction
and mass diffusion in a
14–5 ■
stationary medium THROUGH A WALL
Mass Diffusion Many practical mass transfer problems involve the diffusion of a species
Heat Mass Molar through a plane-parallel medium that does not involve any homogeneous
Conduction Basis Basis chemical reactions under one-dimensional steady conditions. Such mass
T wi yi
transfer problems are analogous to the steady one-dimensional heat conduc-
k DAB CDAB tion problems in a plane wall with no heat generation and can be analyzed
q· ji j̄ i
similarly. In fact, many of the relations developed in Chapter 3 can be used
DAB DAB for mass transfer by replacing temperature by mass (or molar) fraction, ther-
L L L mal conductivity by DAB (or CDAB), and heat flux by mass (or molar) flux
(Table 14–8).
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Consider a solid plane wall (medium B) of area A, thickness L, and

density . The wall is subjected on both sides to different concentrations of a
species A to which it is permeable. The boundary surfaces at x  0 and x  L
are located within the solid adjacent to the interfaces, and the mass fractions
of A at those surfaces are maintained at wA, 1 and wA, 2, respectively, at all times
(Fig. 14–19). The mass fraction of species A in the wall will vary in the Medium
x-direction only and can be expressed as wA(x). Therefore, mass transfer
through the wall in this case can be modeled as steady and one-dimensional.
Here we determine the rate of mass diffusion of species A through the wall
using a similar approach to that used in Chapter 3 for heat conduction. m· diff, A
The concentration of species A at any point will not change with time since ρ ≅ constant
operation is steady, and there will be no production or destruction of species wA, 1
A since no chemical reactions are occurring in the medium. Then the conser-
vation of mass principle for species A can be expressed as the mass flow rate
of species A through the wall at any cross section is the same. That is
m· diff, A  jAA  constant (kg/s) wA, 2
Then Fick’s law of diffusion becomes 0 L x
m· diff, A dwA FIGURE 14–19
jA   DAB  constant Schematic for steady one-dimensional
A dx
mass diffusion of species A
Separating the variables in this equation and integrating across the wall from through a plane wall.
x  0, where w(0)  wA, 1, to x  L, where w(L)  wA, 2, we get
m· diff, A
dx    wA, 2

wA, 1
DAB dwA (14-21)

where the mass transfer rate m· diff, A and the wall area A are taken out of the
integral sign since both are constants. If the density  and the mass diffusion
coefficient DAB vary little along the wall, they can be assumed to be constant.
The integration can be performed in that case to yield · T1 – T2
Q = ———
wA, 1  wA, 2 A, 1  A, 2 T1 T2
m· diff, A, wall  DAB A  DAB A (kg/s) (14-22)
(a) Heat flow
This relation can be rearranged as
wA, 1  wA, 2 wA, 1  wA, 2 1 – 2
m· diff, A, wall   (14-23) I = ———
L/DAB A Rdiff, wall Re
1 2
where Re
L (b) Current flow
Rdiff, wall 
wA, 1 – wA, 2
is the diffusion resistance of the wall, in s/kg, which is analogous to the elec- m· diff, A = ———— —
trical or conduction resistance of a plane wall of thickness L and area A (Fig. wA, 1 wA, 2
14–20). Thus, we conclude that the rate of mass diffusion through a plane Rmass
wall is proportional to the average density, the wall area, and the concentra- (c) Mass flow
tion difference across the wall, but is inversely proportional to the wall thick- FIGURE 14–20
ness. Also, once the rate of mass diffusion is determined, the mass fraction Analogy between
wA(x) at any location x can be determined by replacing wA, 2 in Eq. 14–22 by thermal, electrical, and mass
wA(x) and L by x. diffusion resistance concepts.
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The preceding analysis can be repeated on a molar basis with this result,
· yA, 1  yA, 2 CA, 1  CA, 2 yA, 1  yA, 2
Ndiff, A, wall  CDAB A  DAB A  (14-24)
L L Rdiff, wall
m· diff, A
where Rdiff, wall  L/CDAB A is the molar diffusion resistance of the wall in
s/kmol. Note that mole fractions are accompanied by molar concentrations
and mass fractions are accompanied by density. Either relation can be used to
r2 determine the diffusion rate of species A across the wall, depending on
r1 whether the mass or molar fractions of species A are known at the boundaries.
Also, the concentration gradients on both sides of an interface are different,
and thus diffusion resistance networks cannot be constructed in an analogous
wA, 1
manner to thermal resistance networks.
In developing these relations, we assumed the density and the diffusion co-
efficient of the wall to be nearly constant. This assumption is reasonable when
wA, 2
a small amount of species A diffuses through the wall and thus the concentra-
tion of A is small. The species A can be a gas, a liquid, or a solid. Also, the
FIGURE 14–21
wall can be a plane layer of a liquid or gas provided that it is stationary.
One-dimensional mass diffusion
The analogy between heat and mass transfer also applies to cylindrical and
through a cylindrical or
spherical shell.
spherical geometries. Repeating the approach outlined in Chapter 3 for heat
conduction, we obtain the following analogous relations for steady one-
dimensional mass transfer through nonreacting cylindrical and spherical
layers (Fig. 14–21)
wA, 1  wA, 2 A, 1  A, 2
m· diff, A, cyl  2LDAB  2LDAB (14-25)
ln(r2/r1) ln(r2/r1)
wA, 1  wA, 2 A, 1  A, 2
m· diff, A, sph  4r1r2DAB r2  r1  4r1r2DAB r2  r1 (14-26)

or, on a molar basis,

· yA, 1  yA, 2 CA, 1  CA, 2
Ndiff, A, cyl  2LCDAB  2LDAB (14-27)
ln(r2/r1) ln(r2/r1)
· yA, 1  yA, 2 CA, 1  CA, 2
Ndiff, A, sph  4r1r2CDAb r  r  4r1r2DAB r  r (14-28)
2 1 2 1

PA, 1 Solid wall PA, 2

Here, L is the length of the cylinder, r1 is the inner radius, and r2 is the outer
radius for the cylinder or the sphere. Again, the boundary surfaces at r  r1
Gas Gas and r  r2 are located within the solid adjacent to the interfaces, and the mass
fractions of A at those surfaces are maintained at wA, 1 and wA, 2, respectively,
PA, 1 – PA, 2 · at all times. (We could make similar statements for the density, molar concen-
Ndiff, A
AB A ————–
A L tration, and mole fraction of species A at the boundaries.)
We mentioned earlier that the concentration of the gas species in a solid at
0 the interface is proportional to the partial pressure of the adjacent gas and was
L x
expressed as CA, solid side  AB PA, gas side where AB is the solubility (in kmol/m3
FIGURE 14–22 bar) of the gas A in the solid B. We also mentioned that the product of solu-
The diffusion rate of a gas species bility and the diffusion coefficient is called the permeability, Ab  AB DAB
through a solid can be determined (in kmol/m · s · bar). Then the molar flow rate of a gas through a solid under
from a knowledge of the partial steady one-dimensional conditions can be expressed in terms of the partial
pressures of the gas on both sides pressures of the adjacent gas on the two sides of the solid by replacing CA in
and the permeability of the solid these relations by AB PA or AB PA /DAB. In the case of a plane wall, for ex-
to that gas. ample, it gives (Fig. 14–22)
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· PA, 1  PA, 2 PA, 1  PA, 2

Ndiff, A, wall  DABAB A  AB A (kmol/s) (14-29)

where PA, 1 and PA, 2 are the partial pressures of gas A on the two sides of the
wall. Similar relations can be obtained for cylindrical and spherical walls by
following the same procedure. Also, if the permeability is given on a mass
basis (in kg/m · s · bar), then Eq. 14–29 will give the diffusion mass flow rate.
Noting that 1 kmol of an ideal gas at the standard conditions of 0°C and
1 atm occupies a volume of 22.414 m3, the volume flow rate of the gas
through the wall by diffusion can be determined from
· ·
Vdiff, A  22.414Ndiff, A (standard m3/s, at 0°C and 1 atm)

The volume flow rate at other conditions can be determined from the ideal gas
· ·
relation PAV  NA RuT.

EXAMPLE 14–5 Diffusion of Hydrogen through a

Spherical Container
Pressurized hydrogen gas is stored at 358 K in a 4.8-m-outer-diameter spheri-
cal container made of nickel (Fig. 14–23). The shell of the container is 6 cm kmol–
CA, 1 = 0.087 ——
thick. The molar concentration of hydrogen in the nickel at the inner surface is m3
determined to be 0.087 kmol/m3. The concentration of hydrogen in the nickel CA, 2 = 0
at the outer surface is negligible. Determine the mass flow rate of hydrogen by
diffusion through the nickel container.
H2 gas
SOLUTION Pressurized hydrogen gas is stored in a spherical container. The 358 K m· diff
diffusion rate of hydrogen through the container is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Mass diffusion is steady and one-dimensional since the hydro- container
gen concentration in the tank and thus at the inner surface of the container is
practically constant, and the hydrogen concentration in the atmosphere and FIGURE 14–23
thus at the outer surface is practically zero. Also, there is thermal symmetry Schematic for Example 14–5.
about the center. 2 There are no chemical reactions in the nickel shell that re-
sult in the generation or depletion of hydrogen.
Properties The binary diffusion coefficient for hydrogen in the nickel at the
specified temperature is 1.2  1012 m2/s (Table 14–3b).
Analysis We can consider the total molar concentration to be constant (C 
CA  CB  CB  constant), and the container to be a stationary medium since
there is no diffusion of nickel molecules (NB  0) and the concentration of the
hydrogen in the container is extremely low (CA  1).Then the molar flow rate of
hydrogen through this spherical shell by diffusion can readily be determined
from Eq. 14–28 to be

· CA, 1  CA, 2
Ndiff  4r1r2DAB r  r
2 1
(0.087  0) kmol/m3
 4(2.34 m)(2.40 m)(1.2  1012 m2/s)
2.40  2.34
 1.228  1010 kmol/s
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The mass flow rate is determined by multiplying the molar flow rate by the
molar mass of hydrogen, which is M  2 kg/kmol,
m· diff  MNdiff  (2 kg/kmol)(1.228  1010 kmol/s)  2.46  1010 kg/s

Therefore, hydrogen will leak out through the shell of the container by diffusion
at a rate of 2.46  1010 kg/s or 7.8 g/year. Note that the concentration of
hydrogen in the nickel at the inner surface depends on the temperature and
pressure of the hydrogen in the tank and can be determined as explained in
Example 14–4. Also, the assumption of zero hydrogen concentration in nickel
at the outer surface is reasonable since there is only a trace amount of hydro-
gen in the atmosphere (0.5 part per million by mole numbers).

14–6 ■
Moisture greatly influences the performance and durability of building mate-
rials, and thus moisture transmission is an important consideration in the con-
struction and maintenance of buildings.
The dimensions of wood and other hygroscopic substances change with
moisture content. For example, a variation of 4.5 percent in moisture content
causes the volume of white oak wood to change by 2.5 percent. Such cyclic
changes of dimensions weaken the joints and can jeopardize the structural in-
tegrity of building components, causing “squeaking” at the minimum. Excess
moisture can also cause changes in the appearance and physical properties of
materials: corrosion and rusting in metals, rotting in woods, and peeling of
paint on the interior and exterior wall surfaces. Soaked wood with a water
content of 24 to 31 percent is observed to decay rapidly at temperatures 10 to
38°C. Also, molds grow on wood surfaces at relative humidities above 85 per-
cent. The expansion of water during freezing may damage the cell structure of
Dry Wet porous materials.
insulation insulation Moisture content also affects the effective conductivity of porous mediums
such as soils, building materials, and insulations, and thus heat transfer
through them. Several studies have indicated that heat transfer increases al-
most linearly with moisture content, at a rate of 3 to 5 percent for each percent
· · increase in moisture content by volume. Insulation with 5 percent moisture
Q 1.25 Q
content by volume, for example, increases heat transfer by 15 to 25 percent
relative to dry insulation (ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Ref. 1,
Chap. 20) (Fig. 14–24). Moisture migration may also serve as a transfer mech-
anism for latent heat by alternate evaporation and condensation. During a hot
and humid day, for example, water vapor may migrate through a wall and con-
0% 5% dense on the inner side, releasing the heat of vaporization, with the process re-
moisture moisture versing during a cool night. Moisture content also affects the specific heat and
FIGURE 14–24 thus the heat storage characteristics of building materials.
A 5 percent moisture content can Moisture migration in the walls, floors, or ceilings of buildings and in other
increase heat transfer through wall applications is controlled by either vapor barriers or vapor retarders. Vapor
insulation by 25 percent. barriers are materials that are impermeable to moisture, such as sheet metals,
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heavy metal foils, and thick plastic layers, and they effectively bar the vapor
from migrating. Vapor retarders, on the other hand, retard or slow down the
flow of moisture through the structures but do not totally eliminate it. Vapor
retarders are available as solid, flexible, or coating materials, but they usually
consist of a thin sheet or coating. Common forms of vapor retarders are rein-
forced plastics or metals, thin foils, plastic films, treated papers, coated felts,
and polymeric or asphaltic paint coatings. In applications such as the building
of walls where vapor penetration is unavoidable because of numerous open-
ings such as electrical boxes, telephone lines, and plumbing passages, vapor
retarders are used instead of vapor barriers to allow the vapor that somehow
leaks in to exit to the outside instead of trapping it in. Vapor retarders with
a permeance of 57.4  109 kg/s · m2 are commonly used in residential
The insulation on chilled water lines and other impermeable surfaces that
are always cold must be wrapped with a vapor barrier jacket, or such cold
surfaces must be insulated with a material that is impermeable to moisture.
This is because moisture that migrates through the insulation to the cold
surface will condense and remain there indefinitely with no possibility of
vaporizing and moving back to the outside. The accumulation of moisture in
such cases may render the insulation useless, resulting in excessive energy
TABLE 14–9
Atmospheric air can be viewed as a mixture of dry air and water vapor, and
the atmospheric pressure is the sum of the pressure of dry air and the pressure Saturation pressure of water at
of water vapor, which is called the vapor pressure P. Air can hold a certain various temperatures
amount of moisture only, and the ratio of the actual amount of moisture in the Saturation
air at a given temperature to the maximum amount air can hold at that tem- Temperature, °C Pressure, Pa
perature is called the relative humidity . The relative humidity ranges from 40 13
0 for dry air to 100 percent for saturated air (air that cannot hold any more 36 20
moisture). The partial pressure of water vapor in saturated air is called the 32 31
saturation pressure Psat. Table 14–9 lists the saturation pressure at various 28 47
temperatures. 24 70
The amount of moisture in the air is completely specified by the tempera- 20 104
ture and the relative humidity, and the vapor pressure is related to relative hu- 16 151
12 218
midity  by
8 310
P  Psat (14-30)
4 438
0 611
5 872
where Psat is the saturation (or boiling) pressure of water at the specified tem- 10 1,228
perature. Then the mass flow rate of moisture through a plain layer of thick- 15 1,705
ness L and normal area A can be expressed as 20 2,339
25 3,169
P, 1  P, 2 1 Psat, 1  2 Psat, 2 30 4,246
m·   A  A (kg/s) (14-31) 35 5,628
40 7,384
50 12,349
where  is the vapor permeability of the material, which is usually expressed 100 101,330
on a mass basis in the unit ng/s · m · Pa, where ng  1012 kg and 1 Pa  105 200 1.55  106
bar. Note that vapor migrates or diffuses from a region of higher vapor pres- 300 8.58  106
sure toward a region of lower vapor pressure.
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The permeability of most construction materials is usually expressed for a

given thickness instead of per unit thickness. It is called the permeance ,
which is the ratio of the permeability of the material to its thickness. That is,
TABLE 14–10 Permeability
Typical vapor permeance of common Thickness
building materials (from ASHRAE,

Ref. 1, Chap. 22, Table 9)*  (kg/s · m2 · Pa) (14-32)
Materials and Permeance
Its Thickness ng/s · m2 · Pa The reciprocal of permeance is called (unit) vapor resistance and is ex-
Concrete (1:2:4 mix, 1 m) 4.7 pressed as
Brick, masonry, 100 mm 46
Plaster on metal lath, 1
Vapor resistance 
19 mm 860 Permeance
Plaster on wood lath,
1 L
19mm 630 R   (s · m2 · Pa/kg) (14-33)
Gypsum wall board,
9.5 mm 2860
Plywood, 6.4 mm 40–109 Note that vapor resistance represents the resistance of a material to water
Still air, 1 m 174 vapor transmission.
Mineral wool insulation It should be pointed out that the amount of moisture that enters or leaves a
(unprotected), 1 m 245 building by diffusion is usually negligible compared to the amount that enters
Expanded polyurethane with infiltrating air or leaves with exfiltrating air. The primary cause of inter-
insulation board, 1 m 0.58–2.3 est in the moisture diffusion is its impact on the performance and longevity of
Aluminum foil, 0.025 mm 0.0 building materials.
Aluminum foil, 0.009 mm 2.9 The overall vapor resistance of a composite building structure that consists
Polyethylene, 0.051 mm 9.1
of several layers in series is the sum of the resistances of the individual layers
Polyethylene, 0.2 mm 2.3
Polyester, 0.19 mm 4.6
and is expressed as
Vapor retarder latex paint,
0.070 mm 26
R, total  R, 1  R, 2  · · ·  R, n  R , i (14-34)

Exterior acrylic house and

Then the rate of vapor transmission through a composite structure can be de-
trim paint, 0.040 mm 313
Building paper, unit mass
termined in an analogous manner to heat transfer from
of 0.16–0.68 kg/m2 0.1–2400 P
m·   A (kg/s) (14-35)
R, total
*Data vary greatly. Consult manufacturer for more
accurate data. Multiply by 1.41  106 to convert
to lbm/s · ft2 · psi. Also, 1 ng  1012 kg. Vapor permeance of common building materials is given in Table 14–10.

EXAMPLE 14–6 Condensation and Freezing of Moisture in Walls

The condensation and even freezing of moisture in walls without effective vapor
retarders is a real concern in cold climates, and it undermines the effectiveness
of insulations. Consider a wood frame wall that is built around 38 mm 
90 mm (2  4 nominal) wood studs. The 90-mm-wide cavity between the studs
is filled with glass fiber insulation. The inside is finished with 13-mm gypsum
wallboard and the outside with 13-mm wood fiberboard and 13-mm  200-mm
wood bevel lapped siding. Using manufacturer’s data, the thermal and vapor re-
sistances of various components for a unit wall area are determined to be as:
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R-Value, R-Value,
Construction m2 · °C/W s · m2 · Pa/ng
1. Outside surface, 24 km/h wind 0.030 —
2. Painted wood bevel lapped siding 0.14 0.019
3. Wood fiberboard sheeting, 13 mm 0.23 0.0138
4. Glass fiber insulation, 90 mm 2.45 0.0004
5. Painted gypsum wallboard, 13 mm 0.079 0.012
6. Inside surface, still air 0.12 —
TOTAL 3.05 0.0452

The indoor conditions are 20°C and 60 percent relative humidity while the
outside conditions are 16°C and 70 percent relative humidity. Determine if
condensation or freezing of moisture will occur in the insulation.

SOLUTION The thermal and vapor resistances of different layers of a wall are
given. The possibility of condensation or freezing of moisture in the wall is to be
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Heat transfer through the
wall is one-dimensional. 3 Thermal and vapor resistances of different layers of
the wall and the heat transfer coefficients are constant.
Properties The thermal and vapor resistances are as given in the problem
statement. The saturation pressures of water at 20°C and 16°C are 2339 Pa
and 151 Pa, respectively (Table 14–9).
Analysis The schematic of the wall as well as the different elements used in its
construction are shown in Figure 14–25. Condensation is most likely to occur
at the coldest part of insulation, which is the part adjacent to the exterior
sheathing. Noting that the total thermal resistance of the wall is 3.05
m2 · °C/W, the rate of heat transfer through a unit area A  1 m2 of the wall is

· Ti  To [20  (16)°C]
Q wall  A  (1 m2)  11.8 W
Rtotal 3.05 m2 · °C/W

The thermal resistance of the exterior part of the wall beyond the insulation is
0.03  0.14  0.23  0.40 m2 · °C/W. Then the temperature of the insula-
tion–outer sheathing interface is 6
· 4
TI  To  Q wall Rext  16°C  (11.8 W)(0.40°C/W)  11.3°C 3
The saturation pressure of water at 11.3°C is 234 Pa, as shown in Table
FIGURE 14–25
14–9, and if there is condensation or freezing, the vapor pressure at the insu-
Schematic for Example 14–6.
lation–outer sheathing interface will have to be this value. The vapor pressure at
the indoors and the outdoors is

P, 1  1Psat, 1  0.60  (2340 Pa)  1404 Pa

P, 2  2Psat, 2  0.70  (151 Pa)  106 Pa

Then the rate of moisture flow through the interior and exterior parts of the wall
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P, 1  P, l
m· , interior  A
interior R, interior
(1404  234) Pa
 (1 m2)  94,355 ng/s  94.4 g/s
(0.012  0.0004) Pa · m2 · s/ng
P, 1  P, l
m· , exterior  A
R exterior
R, exterior
(234  106) Pa
 (1 m2)  3902 ng/s  3.9 g/s
(0.019  0.0138) Pa · m2 · s/ng

That is, moisture is flowing toward the interface at a rate of 94.4 g/s but flow-
ing from the interface to the outdoors at a rate of only 3.9 g/s. Noting that the
interface pressure cannot exceed 234 Pa, these results indicate that moisture
is freezing in the insulation at a rate of

m· , freezing  m· , interior  m· , exterior  94.4  3.9  90.5 g/s

This corresponds to 7.82 g during a 24-h period, which can be absorbed by the
insulation or sheathing, and then flows out when the conditions improve. How-
ever, excessive condensation (or frosting at temperatures below 0°C) of moisture
in the walls during long cold spells can cause serious problems. This problem
can be avoided or minimized by installing vapor barriers on the interior side of
the wall, which will limit the moisture flow rate to 3.9 g/s. Note that if there
were no condensation or freezing, the flow rate of moisture through a 1 m2 sec-
tion of the wall would be 28.7 g/s (can you verify this?).

14–7 ■
The steady analysis discussed earlier is useful when determining the leakage
rate of a species through a stationary layer. But sometimes we are interested in
the diffusion of a species into a body during a limited time before steady op-
erating conditions are established. Such problems are studied using transient
analysis. For example, the surface of a mild steel component is commonly
hardened by packing the component in a carbonaceous material in a furnace
Carbonaceous at high temperature. During the short time period in the furnace, the carbon
material molecules diffuse through the surface of the steel component, but they pene-
Hardened trate to a depth of only a few millimeters. The carbon concentration decreases
exponentially from the surface to the inner parts, and the result is a steel com-
Steel shaft
Carbon ponent with a very hard surface and a relatively soft core region (Fig. 14–26).
Soft core
The same process is used in the gem industry to color clear stones. For ex-
ample, a clear sapphire is given a brilliant blue color by packing it in titanium
and iron oxide powders and baking it in an oven at about 2000°C for about a
month. The titanium and iron molecules penetrate less than 0.5 mm in the sap-
phire during this process. Diffusion in solids is usually done at high tempera-
tures to take advantage of the high diffusion coefficients at high temperatures
FIGURE 14–26 and thus to keep the diffusion time at a reasonable level. Such diffusion or
The surface hardening of a mild steel “doping” is also commonly practiced in the production of n- or p-type semi-
component by the diffusion of carbon conductor materials used in the manufacture of electronic components. Dry-
molecules is a transient mass ing processes such as the drying of coal, timber, food, and textiles constitute
diffusion process. another major application area of transient mass diffusion.
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Transient mass diffusion in a stationary medium is analogous to transient

heat transfer provided that the solution is dilute and thus the density of the
medium  is constant. In Chapter 4 we presented analytical and graphical so-
lutions for one-dimensional transient heat conduction problems in solids with
constant properties, no heat generation, and uniform initial temperature. The
analogous one-dimensional transient mass diffusion problems satisfy these
1. The diffusion coefficient is constant. This is valid for an isothermal TABLE 14–11
medium since DAB varies with temperature (corresponds to constant Analogy between the quantities
thermal diffusivity). that appear in the formulation
2. There are no homogeneous reactions in the medium that generate or and solution of transient heat
deplete the diffusing species A (corresponds to no heat generation). conduction and transient mass
3. Initially (t  0) the concentration of species A is constant throughout diffusion in a stationary medium
the medium (corresponds to uniform initial temperature). Heat Mass
Conduction Diffusion
Then the solution of a mass diffusion problem can be obtained directly from
T C, y,  or w
the analytical or graphical solution of the corresponding heat conduction prob-
lem given in Chapter 4. The analogous quantities between heat and mass DAB
transfer are summarized in Table 14–11 for easy reference. For the case of a T (x, t )  T wA(x, t )  wA, *
 , mass  w w
semi-infinite medium with constant surface concentration, for example, the Ti  T A, i A, 

solution can be expressed in an analogous manner to Eq. 4-24 as T (x, t )  Ts wA(x, t )  wA

Ti  Ts wA, i  wA
CA(x, t)  CA, i
CA, s  CA, i 

2 DABt

2 t
2 DABt
hconv L hmass L
where CA, i is the initial concentration of species A at time t  0 and CA, s is the Bi  Bimass 
concentration at the inner side of the exposed surface of the medium. By using
the definitions of molar fraction, mass fraction, and density, it can be shown t DABt
that for dilute solutions, L2 L2

CA(x, t)  CA, i A(x, t)  A, i wA(x, t)  wA, i yA(x, t)  yA, i

    w w  y y (14-37)
CA, s  CA, i A, s A, i A, s A, i A, s A, i

since the total density or total molar concentration of dilute solutions is usu- CA, s
ally constant (  constant or C  constant). Therefore, other measures of CA(x, t)
concentration can be used in Eq. 14–36.
A quantity of interest in mass diffusion processes is the depth of diffusion at
CA, i 0
a given time. This is usually characterized by the penetration depth defined x
δdiff Tangent line to
as the location x where the tangent to the concentration profile at the surface
(x  0) intercepts the CA  CA, i line, as shown in Figure 14–27. Obtaining the gradient at x = 0
concentration gradient at x  0 by differentiating Eq. 14–36, the penetration Semi-infinite
depth is determined to be medium

CA, s  CA, i CA, s  CA, i Slope of dCA CA, s – CA, i

diff    D t
(dCA/dx)x0 (CA, s  CA, i)/ DABt  ABz
(14-38) —– = – —–———
tangent line dx x=0 δdiff

FIGURE 14–27
Therefore, the penetration depth is proportional to the square root of both the The concentration profile of species A
diffusion coefficient and time. The diffusion coefficient of zinc in copper at in a semi-infinite medium during
1000°C, for example, is 5.0  1012 m2/s. Then the penetration depth of zinc transient mass diffusion and the
in copper in 10 h is penetration depth.
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diff  DABt  (5.0  1012 m2/s)(10  3600 s)

 0.00038 m  0.38 mm

That is, zinc will penetrate to a depth of about 0.38 mm in an appreciable

amount in 10 h, and there will hardly be any zinc in the copper block beyond
a depth of 0.38 mm.
The diffusion coefficients in solids are typically very low (on the order of
109 to 1015 m2/s), and thus the diffusion process usually affects a thin layer
at the surface. A solid can conveniently be treated as a semi-infinite medium
during transient mass diffusion regardless of its size and shape when the pen-
etration depth is small relative to the thickness of the solid. When this is not
the case, solutions for one-dimensional transient mass diffusion through a
plane wall, cylinder, and sphere can be obtained from the solutions of analo-
gous heat conduction problems using the Heisler charts or one-term solutions
presented in Chapter 4.

EXAMPLE 14–7 Hardening of Steel by the Diffusion of Carbon

The surface of a mild steel component is commonly hardened by packing the
component in a carbonaceous material in a furnace at a high temperature for a
predetermined time. Consider such a component with a uniform initial carbon
concentration of 0.15 percent by mass. The component is now packed in a
carbonaceous material and is placed in a high-temperature furnace. The diffu-
sion coefficient of carbon in steel at the furnace temperature is given to be
4.8  1010 m2/s, and the equilibrium concentration of carbon in the iron
at the interface is determined from equilibrium data to be 1.2 percent by
mass. Determine how long the component should be kept in the furnace for the
mass concentration of carbon 0.5 mm below the surface to reach 1 percent
Furnace (Fig. 14–28).

SOLUTION A steel component is to be surface hardened by packing it in a

wA, s = 1.2% carbonaceous material in a furnace. The length of time the component should
Carbonaceous be kept in the furnace is to be determined.
material wA(x, t) = 1%
Assumptions Carbon penetrates into a very thin layer beneath the surface of
the component, and thus the component can be modeled as a semi-infinite
0.5 mm wA, i = 0.15% x medium regardless of its thickness or shape.
Properties The relevant properties are given in the problem statement.
Steel Analysis This problem is analogous to the one-dimensional transient heat con-
component duction problem in a semi-infinite medium with specified surface temperature,
Carbon and thus can be solved accordingly. Using mass fraction for concentration since
the data are given in that form, the solution can be expressed as
FIGURE 14–28 wA(x, t)  wA, i
Schematic for Example 14–7.  x
wA, s  wA, i  erfc 2 D t

Substituting the specified quantities gives

0.01  0.0015
0.012  0.0015
 0.81  erfc x
2 DABt 
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The argument whose complementary error function is 0.81 is determined from

Table 4–3 to be 0.17. That is,
2 DABt

Then solving for the time t gives

x2 (0.0005 m)2
t   4505 s  1 h 15 min
4  (4.8  1010 m2/s)(0.17)2

Discussion The steel component in this case must be held in the furnace for
1 h and 15 min to achieve the desired level of hardening. The diffusion coeffi-
cient of carbon in steel increases exponentially with temperature, and thus this
process is commonly done at high temperatures to keep the diffusion time at a
reasonable level.

14–8 ■
To this point we have limited our consideration to mass diffusion in a station-
ary medium, and thus the only motion involved was the creeping motion of
molecules in the direction of decreasing concentration, and there was no mo-
tion of the mixture as a whole. Many practical problems, such as the evapora-
tion of water from a lake under the influence of the wind or the mixing of two
fluids as they flow in a pipe, involve diffusion in a moving medium where the
bulk motion is caused by an external force. Mass diffusion in such cases is
complicated by the fact that chemical species are transported both by diffusion
and by the bulk motion of the medium (i.e., convection). The velocities and
mass flow rates of species in a moving medium consist of two components:
one due to molecular diffusion and one due to convection (Fig. 14–29). Air
Diffusion in a moving medium, in general, is difficult to analyze since var-
ious species can move at different velocities in different directions. Turbu- Convection
lence will complicate the things even more. To gain a firm understanding of
the physical mechanism while keeping the mathematical complexities to a Diffusion
minimum, we limit our consideration to systems that involve only two com-
ponents (species A and B) in one-dimensional flow (velocity and other prop- Lake
erties change in one direction only, say the x-direction). We also assume the
total density (or molar concentration) of the medium remains constant. That FIGURE 14–29
is,   A  B  constant (or C  CA  CB  constant) but the densities of In a moving medium, mass transfer is
species A and B may vary in the x-direction. due to both diffusion and convection.
Several possibilities are summarized in Figure 14–30. In the trivial case
(case a) of a stationary homogeneous mixture, there will be no mass transfer
by molecular diffusion or convection since there is no concentration gradient
or bulk motion. The next case (case b) corresponds to the flow of a well-mixed
fluid mixture through a pipe. Note that there is no concentration gradients and
thus molecular diffusion in this case, and all species move at the bulk flow ve-
locity of . The mixture in the third case (case c) is stationary (  0) and
thus it corresponds to ordinary molecular diffusion in stationary mediums,
which we discussed before. Note that the velocity of a species at a location in
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A B Species Density Velocity Mass flow rate

(a) Homogeneous mixture Species A ρA = constant A = 0 m· = 0
without bulk motion
(no concentration gradients Species B ρB = constant B = 0 m· B = 0
and thus no diffusion)
Mixture of ρ = ρA + ρB =0 m· = 0
A and B
= constant
(b) Homogeneous mixture Species A ρA = constant A =  m· A = ρAA A
with bulk motion
(no concentration gradients Species B ρB = constant B =  m· B = ρBB A

and thus no diffusion) · = ρA
Mixture of ρ = ρA + ρB = m
A and B
= constant = m· + m·

(c) Nonhomogeneous mixture Species A ρA ≠ constant A = diff, A m· A = ρAdiff, A A

without bulk motion
(stationary medium with Species B ρB ≠ constant B = diff, B m· B = ρBdiff, B A
concentration gradients) · = ρA = 0
Mixture of ρ = ρA + ρB =0 m
A and B · = –m· )
diff, A diff, B = constant (thus mA B

(d) Nonhomogeneous mixture Species A ρA ≠ constant A =  + diff, A m· A = ρAdiff, A A

with bulk motion
(moving medium with Species B ρB ≠ constant B =  + diff, B m· B = ρBdiff, B A

concentration gradients) · = ρA
Mixture of ρ = ρA + ρB = m
A and B
diff, A diff, B = constant = m· + m·

FIGURE 14–30
Various quantities associated with a mixture of two species A and B at a location x under one-dimensional flow or no-flow
conditions. (The density of the mixture   A  B is assumed to remain constant.)

this case is simply the diffusion velocity, which is the average velocity of a
group of molecules at that location moving under the influence of concentra-
tion gradient. Finally, the last case (case d) involves both molecular diffusion
and convection, and the velocity of a species in this case is equal to the sum of
the bulk flow velocity and the diffusion velocity. Note that the flow and the
diffusion velocities can be in the same or opposite directions, depending on
the direction of the concentration gradient. The diffusion velocity of a species
is negative when the bulk flow is in the positive x-direction and the concen-
tration gradient is positive (i.e., the concentration of the species increases in
the x-direction).
Noting that the mass flow rate at any flow section is expressed as m·  A
where  is the density,  is the velocity, and A is the cross sectional area, the
conservation of mass relation for the flow of a mixture that involves two
species A and B can be expressed as
m·  m· A  m· B


Canceling A and solving for  gives

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    A   B  wAA  wBB (14-39)

where  is called the mass-average velocity of the flow, which is the veloc-
ity that would be measured by a velocity sensor such as a pitot tube, a turbine
device, or a hot wire anemometer inserted into the flow.
The special case   0 corresponds to a stationary medium, which can
now be defined more precisely as a medium whose mass-average velocity is
zero. Therefore, mass transport in a stationary medium is by diffusion only,
and zero mass-average velocity indicates that there is no bulk fluid motion.
When there is no concentration gradient (and thus no molecular mass
diffusion) in the fluid, the velocity of all species will be equal to the mass-
average velocity of the flow. That is,   A  B. But when there is a con-
centration gradient, there will also be a simultaneous flow of species in the
direction of decreasing concentration at a diffusion velocity of diff. Then the
average velocity of the species A and B can be determined by superimposing
the average flow velocity and the diffusion velocity as (Fig. 14–31) diff, A = 0
A = 
A    diff, A
B    diff, B (14-40)
Similarly, we apply the superposition principle to the species mass flow rates

to get Flow
m· A  AA A  A(  diff, A)A  AA  Adiff, A A  m· conv, A  m· diff, A
m· B  BB A  B(  diff, B)A  BA  Bdiff, B A  m· conv, B  m· diff, B (14-41) (a) No concentration gradient

Using Fick’s law of diffusion, the total mass fluxes j  m· /A can be ex-
pressed as diff, A ≠ 0
A =  + diff, A
A dwA dwA
jA  A  Adiff, A     DAB  wA(jA  jB)  DAB
dx dx
B dwB dwB A
jB  B  Bdiff, B     DBA  wB(jA  jB)  DBA (14-42) diff, A
dx dx

Note that the diffusion velocity of a species is negative when the molecular
diffusion occurs in the negative x-direction (opposite to flow direction). The
mass diffusion rates of the species A and B at a specified location x can be ex- (b) Mass concentration gradient and thus
mass diffusion
pressed as
FIGURE 14–31
m· diff, A  Adiff, A A  A(A  )A The velocity of a species at a point is
m·diff, B   A   (  )A
B diff, B B B (14-43) equal to the sum of the bulk
flow velocity and the diffusion
By substituting the relation from Eq. 14–39 into Eq. 14–43, it can be shown velocity of that species at that point.
that at any cross section
dwA dwB
m· diff, A  m· diff, B  0 → m· diff, A  m· diff, B → ADAB  ADBA (14-44)
dx dx

which indicates that the rates of diffusion of species A and B must be equal
in magnitude but opposite in sign. This is a consequence of the assumption
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  A  B  constant, and it indicates that anytime the species A diffuses in

one direction, an equal amount of species B must diffuse in the opposite di-
rection to maintain the density (or the molar concentration) constant. This
behavior is closely approximated by dilute gas mixtures and dilute liquid
or solid solutions. For example, when a small amount of gas diffuses into a
liquid, it is reasonable to assume the density of the liquid to remain constant.
Note that for a binary mixture, wA  wB  1 at any location x. Taking the
derivative with respect to x gives
dwA dwB
dx dx

w = wA + wB = 1 Thus we conclude from Eq. 14–44 that (Fig. 14–32)

wA wB DAB  DBA (14-46)

That is, in the case of constant total concentration, the diffusion coefficient of
species A into B is equal to the diffusion coefficient of species B into A.
0 We now repeat the analysis presented above with molar concentration C and
x ·
the molar flow rate N. The conservation of matter in this case is expressed as
· · ·
m· diff, A

m· diff, B or
A  AA A  BB A (14-47)

Canceling A and solving for  gives
wA = –wB
dwA dwB
—— = – —— CAA  CBB CA CB
dx dx       yAA  yBB (14-48)

diff, A= –m· diff, B

DAB = DBA where  is called the molar-average velocity of the flow. Note that  
FIGURE 14–32 unless the mass and molar fractions are the same. The molar flow rates of
In a binary mixture of species A and B species are determined similarly to be
with   A  B  constant, the rates · · ·
NA  CAA A  CA(  diff, A)A  CAA  CAdiff, A A  Nconv, A  Ndiff, A
of mass diffusion of species A and B · · ·
are equal magnitude and opposite NB  CBB A  CB(  diff, B)A  CBA  CBdiff, B A  Nconv, B  Ndiff, B (14-49)
in direction. ·
Using Fick’s law of diffusion, the total molar fluxes j̄  N /A and diffusion
molar flow rates Ndiff can be expressed as
CA dyA dyA
j̄A  CA  CAdiff, A  C  CDAB  yA( j̄A  j̄B)  CDAB
C dx dx
CB dyB dyB
j̄B  CB  CBdiff, B  C  CDBA  yB( j̄A  j̄B)  CDBA (14-50)
C dx dx

Ndiff, A  CAdiff, A A  CA(A  )A
Ndiff, B  CBdiff, B A  CB(B  )A (14-51)
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By substituting the  relation from Eq. 14–48 into these two equations, it can
be shown that
· · · ·
Ndiff, A  Ndiff, B  0 → Ndiff, A  Ndiff, B (14-52)

which again indicates that the rates of diffusion of species A and B must be
equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.
It is important to note that when working with molar units, a medium is said
to be stationary when the molar-average velocity is zero. The average veloc-
ity of the molecules will be zero in this case, but the apparent velocity of the
mixture as measured by a velocimeter placed in the flow will not necessarily
be zero because of the different masses of different molecules. In a mass-
based stationary medium, for each unit mass of species A moving in one
direction, a unit mass of species B moves in the opposite direction. In a mole-
based stationary medium, however, for each mole of species A moving in one
direction, one mole of species B moves in the opposite direction. But this may
result in a net mass flow rate in one direction that can be measured by a
velocimeter since the masses of different molecules are different.
You may be wondering whether to use the mass analysis or molar analysis
in a problem. The two approaches are equivalent, and either approach can be
used in mass transfer analysis. But sometimes it may be easier to use one of
the approaches, depending on what is given. When mass-average velocity is
known or can easily be obtained, obviously it is more convenient to use the
mass-based formulation. When the total pressure and temperature of a mix-
ture are constant, however, it is more convenient to use the molar formulation,
as explained next.

Special Case: Gas Mixtures

at Constant Pressure and Temperature
Consider a gas mixture whose total pressure and temperature are constant
throughout. When the mixture is homogeneous, the mass density , the molar
density (or concentration) C, the gas constant R, and the molar mass M of the
mixture are the same throughout the mixture. But when the concentration of
one or more gases in the mixture is not constant, setting the stage for mass dif-
fusion, then the mole fractions yi of the species will vary throughout the mix-
ture. As a result, the gas constant R, the molar mass M, and the mass density 
of the mixture will also vary since, assuming ideal gas behavior,
 y M,
M i i R , and 

where Ru  8.314 kJ/kmol · K is the universal gas constant. Therefore, the as-
sumption of constant mixture density (  constant) in such cases will not be
accurate unless the gas or gases with variable concentrations constitute a very
small fraction of the mixture. However, the molar density C of a mixture re-
mains constant when the mixture pressure P and temperature T are constant
P  RT   T  CRuT (14-53)
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The condition C  constant offers considerable simplification in mass

Gas transfer analysis, and thus it is more convenient to use the molar formulation
when dealing with gas mixtures at constant total pressure and temperature
T  constant
P  constant (Fig. 14–33).

Diffusion of Vapor through a Stationary Gas:

of composition Stefan Flow
 of mixture
 Many engineering applications such as heat pipes, cooling ponds, and the fa-
P →
C miliar perspiration involve condensation, evaporation, and transpiration in the
presence of a noncondensable gas, and thus the diffusion of a vapor through a
  stationary (or stagnant) gas. To understand and analyze such processes, con-
RT (Ru /M)T

sider a liquid layer of species A in a tank surrounded by a gas of species B,

Depends on
such as a layer of liquid water in a tank open to the atmospheric air (Fig.
composition 14–34), at constant pressure P and temperature T. Equilibrium exists between
of mixture the liquid and vapor phases at the interface (x  0), and thus the vapor pres-
FIGURE 14–33 sure at the interface must equal the saturation pressure of species A at the
When the total pressure P and specified temperature. We assume the gas to be insoluble in the liquid, and
temperature T of a binary mixture both the gas and the vapor to behave as ideal gases.
of ideal gases is held constant, then If the surrounding gas at the top of the tank (x  L) is not saturated, the
the molar concentration C of the vapor pressure at the interface will be greater than the vapor pressure at the
mixture remains constant. top of the tank (PA, 0  PA, L and thus yA, 0  yA, L since yA  PA/P), and this
pressure (or concentration) difference will drive the vapor upward from the
air–water interface into the stagnant gas. The upward flow of vapor will be
Gas mixture sustained by the evaporation of water at the interface. Under steady condi-
L tions, the molar (or mass) flow rate of vapor throughout the stagnant gas col-
umn remains constant. That is,
Diffusion of A

Diffusion of B

j̄A  NA/A  constant (or jA  m· A/A  constant)
Bulk flow

The pressure and temperature of the gas–vapor mixture are said to be con-
stant, and thus the molar density of the mixture must be constant throughout
the mixture, as shown earlier. That is, C  CA  CB  constant, and it is more
0 convenient to work with mole fractions or molar concentrations in this case
Liquid A
instead of mass fractions or densities since  constant.
FIGURE 14–34 Noting that yA  yB  1 and that yA, 0  yA, L, we must have yB, 0 yB, L. That
Diffusion of a vapor A is, the mole fraction of the gas must be decreasing downward by the same
through a stagnant gas B. amount that the mole fraction of the vapor is increasing. Therefore, gas must
be diffusing from the top of the column toward the liquid interface. However,
the gas is said to be insoluble in the liquid, and thus there can be no net mass
flow of the gas downward. Then under steady conditions, there must be an
upward bulk fluid motion with an average velocity  that is just large enough
to balance the diffusion of air downward so that the net molar (or mass) flow
rate of the gas at any point is zero. In other words, the upward bulk motion
offsets the downward diffusion, and for each air molecule that moves down-
ward, there is another air molecule that moves upward. As a result, the air ap-
pears to be stagnant (it does not move). That is,
j̄B  NB /A  0 (or jB  m· B /A  0)

The diffusion medium is no longer stationary because of the bulk motion. The
implication of the bulk motion of the gas is that it transports vapor as well as
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the gas upward with a velocity of , which results in additional mass flow of
vapor upward. Therefore, the molar flux of the vapor can be expressed as
· dyA
j̄A  NA/A  j̄A, conv  j̄A, diff  yA( j̄A  j̄B)  CDAB (14-54)

Noting that j̄B  0, it simplifies to

j̄A  yA j̄A  CDAB (14-55)

Solving for j̄A gives

CDAB dyA 1 dyA j¯A
j̄A   →    constant (14-56)
1  yA dx 1  yA dx CDAB

since j̄A  constant, C  constant, and DAB  constant. Separating the vari-
ables and integrating from x  0, where yA(0)  yA, 0, to x  L, where
yA(L)  yA, L gives

  yA, L

A, 0
1  yA
L j¯A
dx (14-57)

Performing the integrations,

1  yA, L j¯A
ln  L (14-58)
1  yA, 0 CD AB

Then the molar flux of vapor A, which is the evaporation rate of species A per
unit interface area, becomes

· CDAB 1  yA, L
j̄A  NA/A  ln (kmol/s · m2) (14-59)
L 1  yA, 0

This relation is known as Stefan’s law, and the induced convective flow de-
scribed that enhances mass diffusion is called the Stefan flow.
An expression for the variation of the mole fraction of A with x can be
determined by performing the integration in Eq. 14–57 to the upper limit of x
where yA(x)  yA (instead of to L where yA(L)  yA, L). It yields
1  yA j¯A
ln  x (14-60)
1  yA, 0 CDAB

Substituting the j̄A expression from Eq. 14–59 into this relation and rearrang-
ing gives
1  yA 1  yA, L x/L x/L

yB yB, L
 and yB, 0  yB, 0 (14-61)
1  yA, 0 1  yA, 0

The second relation for the variation of the mole fraction of the stationary
gas B is obtained from the first one by substituting 1  yA  yB since
yA  yB  1.
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To maintain isothermal conditions in the tank during evaporation, heat must

be supplied to the tank at a rate of
Q  m· A hfg, A  jA As hfg, A  ( j̄AMA)As hfg, A (kJ/s) (14-62)

where As is the surface area of the liquid–vapor interface, hfg, A is the latent
heat of vaporization, and MA is the molar mass of species A.

Equimolar Counterdiffusion
Consider two large reservoirs connected by a channel of length L, as shown in
Gas Figure 14–35. The entire system contains a binary mixture of gases A and B at
mixture mixture a uniform temperature T and pressure P throughout. The concentrations of
· · species are maintained constant in each of the reservoirs such that yA, 0  yA, L
yA > yB NA NB yA < yB
and yB, 0 yB, L. The resulting concentration gradients will cause the species A
to diffuse in the positive x-direction and the species B in the opposite direc-
tion. Assuming the gases to behave as ideal gases and thus P  CRuT, the total
0 x L molar concentration of the mixture C will remain constant throughout the
T, P T, P mixture since P and T are constant. That is,
C  CA  CB  constant (kmol/m3)
FIGURE 14–35
Equimolar isothermal counterdiffusion
This requires that for each molecule of A that moves to the right, a molecule
of two gases A and B.
of B moves to the left, and thus the molar flow rates of species A and B must
be equal in magnitude and opposite in sign. That is,
· · · ·
NA  NB or NA  NB  0 (kmol/s)

This process is called equimolar counterdiffusion for obvious reasons. The

net molar flow rate of the mixture for such a process, and thus the molar-
average velocity, is zero since
· · ·
N  NA  NB  0 → CA  0 → 0

Therefore, the mixture is stationary on a molar basis and thus mass transfer is
by diffusion only (there is no mass transfer by convection) so that
· dyA · dyB
j̄A  NA/A  CDAB and j̄B  NB /A  CDBA (14-63)
dx dx

Under steady conditions, the molar flow rates of species A and B can be
determined directly from Eq. 14–24 developed earlier for one-dimensional
steady diffusion in a stationary medium, noting that P  CRuT and thus
C  P/RuT for each constituent gas and the mixture. For one-dimensional
flow through a channel of uniform cross sectional area A with no homoge-
neous chemical reactions, they are expressed as

· yA, 1  yA, 2 CA, 1  CA, 2 DAB PA, 0  PA, L

Ndiff, A  CDAB A  DAB A  A
· yB, 1  yB, 2 CB, 1  CB, 2 DBA PB, 0  PB, L
Ndiff, B  CDBA A  DBA A  A (14-64)
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These relations imply that the mole fraction, molar concentration, and the par-
tial pressure of either gas vary linearly during equimolar counterdiffusion.
It is interesting to note that the mixture is stationary on a molar basis, but
it is not stationary on a mass basis unless the molar masses of A and B are
equal. Although the net molar flow rate through the channel is zero, the net
mass flow rate of the mixture through the channel is not zero and can be
determined from
· · ·
m·  m· A  m· B  NAMA  NB MB  NA(MA  MB) (14-65)

· ·
since N B  N A. Note that the direction of net mass flow rate is the flow
direction of the gas with the larger molar mass. A velocity measurement
device such as an anemometer placed in the channel will indicate a velocity
of   m· /A where  is the total density of the mixture at the site of

EXAMPLE 14–8 Venting of Helium into the Atmosphere

by Diffusion
The pressure in a pipeline that transports helium gas at a rate of 2 kg/s is main-
tained at 1 atm by venting helium to the atmosphere through a 5-mm-internal-
diameter tube that extends 15 m into the air, as shown in Figure 14–36. Air
Assuming both the helium and the atmospheric air to be at 25°C, determine 1 atm
(a) the mass flow rate of helium lost to the atmosphere through an individual
tube, (b) the mass flow rate of air that infiltrates into the pipeline, and (c) the Air
He x
flow velocity at the bottom of the tube where it is attached to the pipeline that
will be measured by an anemometer in steady operation. L = 15 m

SOLUTION The pressure in a helium pipeline is maintained constant by vent-

ing to the atmosphere through a long tube. The mass flow rates of helium and
air through the tube and the net flow velocity at the bottom are to be deter- 5 mm
Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Helium and atmospheric He
air are ideal gases. 3 No chemical reactions occur in the tube. 4 Air concentra- 0
tion in the pipeline and helium concentration in the atmosphere are negligible
so that the mole fraction of the helium is 1 in the pipeline and 0 in the atmo- Helium Air 1 atm
sphere (we will check this assumption later). (A) 2 kg/s 25°C
Properties The diffusion coefficient of helium in air (or air in helium) at normal
atmospheric conditions is DAB  7.20  105 m2/s (Table 14–2). The molar FIGURE 14–36
masses of air and helium are 29 and 4 kg/kmol, respectively (Table A–1). Schematic for Example 14–8
Analysis This is a typical equimolar counterdiffusion process since the prob-
lem involves two large reservoirs of ideal gas mixtures connected to each other
by a channel, and the concentrations of species in each reservoir (the pipeline
and the atmosphere) remain constant.
(a) The flow area, which is the cross sectional area of the tube, is

A  D2/4  (0.005 m)2/4  1.963  105 m2

Noting that the pressure of helium is 1 atm at the bottom of the tube (x  0)
and 0 at the top (x  L), its molar flow rate is determined from Eq. 14–64 to be
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· · DAB A PA, 0  PA, L

Nhelium  Ndiff, A 
(7.20  10 m /s)(1.963  105 m2) 1 atm  0 101.3 kPa


(8.314 kPa · m3/kmol · K)(298 K) 15 m 1 atm
 3.85  10 kmol/s

m· helium  (NM)helium  (3.85  1012 kmol/s)(4 kg/kmol)  1.54  1011 kg/s

which corresponds to about 0.5 g per year.

· ·
(b) Noting that N B  N A during an equimolar counterdiffusion process, the
molar flow rate of air into the helium pipeline is equal to the molar flow rate of
helium. The mass flow rate of air into the pipeline is
m· air  (NM)air  (–3.85  1012 kmol/s)(29 kg/kmol)  112  1012 kg/s

The mass fraction of air in the helium pipeline is

m· air 112  1012 kg/s

wair  ·   5.6  1011 0
m total (2  112  1012  1.54  1011) kg/s

which validates our original assumption of negligible air in the pipeline.

(c) The net mass flow rate through the tube is

m· net  m· helium  m· air  1.54  1011  112  1012  9.66  1011 kg/s

The mass fraction of air at the bottom of the tube is very small, as shown above,
and thus the density of the mixture at x  0 can simply be taken to be the den-
sity of helium, which is

P 101.325 kPa
  helium    0.1637 kg/m3
RT (2.0769 kPa · m3/kg · K)(298 K)

Then the average flow velocity at the bottom part of the tube becomes

m· 9.66  1011 kg/s

   3.02  105 m/s
A (0.01637 kg/m3)(1.963  105 m2)

which is difficult to measure by even the most sensitive velocity measurement

devices. The negative sign indicates flow in the negative x-direction (toward the

EXAMPLE 14–9 Measuring Diffusion Coefficient by the Stefan

A 3-cm-diameter Stefan tube is used to measure the binary diffusion coefficient
of water vapor in air at 20°C at an elevation of 1600 m where the atmospheric
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pressure is 83.5 kPa. The tube is partially filled with water, and the distance
from the water surface to the open end of the tube is 40 cm (Fig. 14–37). Dry Air, B
air is blown over the open end of the tube so that water vapor rising to the top yA, L

Diffusion of vapor
is removed immediately and the concentration of vapor at the top of the tube is L

Diffusion of air
zero. In 15 days of continuous operation at constant pressure and temperature,

air and vapor

Bulk flow of
the amount of water that has evaporated is measured to be 1.23 g. Determine
the diffusion coefficient of water vapor in air at 20°C and 83.5 kPa.
yA yB
SOLUTION The amount of water that evaporates from a Stefan tube at a spec-
ified temperature and pressure over a specified time period is measured. The
diffusion coefficient of water vapor in air is to be determined. Water, A 0 yA, 0 1
Assumptions 1 Water vapor and atmospheric air are ideal gases. 2 The amount FIGURE 14–37
of air dissolved in liquid water is negligible. 3 Heat is transferred to the water
Schematic for Example 14–9.
from the surroundings to make up for the latent heat of vaporization so that the
temperature of water remains constant at 20°C.
Properties The saturation pressure of water at 20°C is 2.34 kPa (Table A–9).
Analysis The vapor pressure at the air–water interface is the saturation pres-
sure of water at 20°C, and the mole fraction of water vapor (species A) at the
interface is determined from

Pvapor, 0 2.34 kPa

yvapor, 0  yA, 0    0.0280
P 83.5 kPa

Dry air is blown on top of the tube and, thus, yvapor, L  yA, L  0. Also, the total
molar density throughout the tube remains constant because of the constant
temperature and pressure conditions and is determined to be

P 83.5 kPa
C   0.0343 kmol/m3
RuT (8.314 kPa · m3/kmol · K)(293 K)

The cross-sectional area of the tube is

A  D2/4  (0.03 m)2/4  7.069  104 m2

The evaporation rate is given to be 1.23 g per 15 days. Then the molar flow rate
of vapor is determined to be

· · m· vapor 1.23  103 kg

NA  Nvapor    5.27  1011 kmol/s
Mvapor (15  24  3600 s)(18 kg/kmol)

Finally, substituting the information above into Eq. 14–59 we get

5.27  1011 kmol/s (0.0343 kmol/m )DAB 10
7.069  104 m2 0.4 m 1  0.028

which gives

DAB  3.06  105 m2/s

for the binary diffusion coefficient of water vapor in air at 20°C and 83.5 kPa.
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14–9 ■
So far we have considered mass diffusion, which is the transfer of mass due to
a concentration gradient. Now we consider mass convection (or convective
mass transfer), which is the transfer of mass between a surface and a moving
fluid due to both mass diffusion and bulk fluid motion. We mentioned ear-
lier that fluid motion enhances heat transfer considerably by removing the
heated fluid near the surface and replacing it by the cooler fluid further away.
Likewise, fluid motion enhances mass transfer considerably by removing
the high-concentration fluid near the surface and replacing it by the lower-
concentration fluid further away. In the limiting case of no bulk fluid motion,
mass convection reduces to mass diffusion, just as convection reduces to con-
duction. The analogy between heat and mass convection holds for both forced
and natural convection, laminar and turbulent flow, and internal and ex-
ternal flow.
Like heat convection, mass convection is also complicated because of the
complications associated with fluid flow such as the surface geometry, flow
regime, flow velocity, and the variation of the fluid properties and composi-
tion. Therefore, we will have to rely on experimental relations to determine
mass transfer. Also, mass convection is usually analyzed on a mass basis
rather than on a molar basis. Therefore, we will present formulations in terms
of mass concentration (density  or mass fraction w) instead of molar concen-
tration (molar density C or mole fraction y). But the formulations on a molar
basis can be obtained using the relation C  /M where M is the molar mass.
 Concentration Also, for simplicity, we will restrict our attention to convection in fluids that
Concentration profile are (or can be treated as) binary mixtures.
boundary ρA,  Consider the flow of air over the free surface of a water body such as a lake
y layer
under isothermal conditions. If the air is not saturated, the concentration of
water vapor will vary from a maximum at the water surface where the air is al-
x ρA, s
Species A
ways saturated to the free steam value far from the surface. In heat convection,
FIGURE 14–38
we defined the region in which temperature gradients exist as the thermal
The development of a concentration
boundary layer. Similarly, in mass convection, we define the region of the
boundary layer for species A during fluid in which concentration gradients exist as the concentration boundary
external flow on a flat surface. layer, as shown in Figure 14–38. In external flow, the thickness of the con-
centration boundary layer c for a species A at a specified location on the sur-
face is defined as the normal distance y from the surface at which
Concentration Fully developed
entry length region A, s  A
A, s  A,   0.99

where A, s and A,  are the densities of species A at the surface (on the fluid
side) and the free stream, respectively.
Species A
In internal flow, we have a concentration entrance region where the
Concentration boundary layer concentration profile develops, in addition to the hydrodynamic and thermal
Thermal boundary layer entry regions (Fig. 14–39). The concentration boundary layer continues to
Velocity boundary layer develop in the flow direction until its thickness reaches the tube center and
FIGURE 14–39 the boundary layers merge. The distance from the tube inlet to the location
The development of the velocity, where this merging occurs is called the concentration entry length Lc, and
thermal, and concentration boundary the region beyond that point is called the fully developed region, which is
layers in internal flow. characterized by
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 A, s  A

x A, s  A, b
0  (14-66)

where A, b is the bulk mean density of species A defined as

A, b 
Acave   dA
A c (14-67)

Therefore, the nondimensionalized concentration difference profile as well as

the mass transfer coefficient remain constant in the fully developed region.
This is analogous to the friction and heat transfer coefficients remaining con-
stant in the fully developed region.
In heat convection, the relative magnitudes of momentum and heat diffusion
in the velocity and thermal boundary layers are expressed by the dimension-

less Prandtl number, defined as (Fig. 14–40) Heat transfer: Pr 

 Momentum diffusivity 
Prandtl number: Pr   (14-68) Mass transfer: Sc 
Thermal diffusivity

The corresponding quantity in mass convection is the dimensionless Schmidt FIGURE 14–40
number, defined as In mass transfer, the Schmidt number
plays the role of the Prandtl
 Momentum diffusivity number in heat transfer.
Schmidt number: Sc   (14-69)
DAB Mass diffusivity

which represents the relative magnitudes of molecular momentum and mass

diffusion in the velocity and concentration boundary layers, respectively.
The relative growth of the velocity and thermal boundary layers in laminar
flow is governed by the Prandtl number, whereas the relative growth of the
velocity and concentration boundary layers is governed by the Schmidt num-
ber. A Prandtl number of near unity (Pr 1) indicates that momentum and
heat transfer by diffusion are comparable, and velocity and thermal boundary
layers almost coincide with each other. A Schmidt number of near unity
(Sc 1) indicates that momentum and mass transfer by diffusion are com-
parable, and velocity and concentration boundary layers almost coincide with
each other.
It seems like we need one more dimensionless number to represent the rel-
ative magnitudes of heat and mass diffusion in the thermal and concentration
boundary layers. That is the Lewis number, defined as (Fig. 14–41)  Thermal diffusivity

Sc Thermal diffusivity Sc
Lewis number: Le    (14-70) Le  
Pr DAB Mass diffusivity Pr DAB
Mass diffusivity
The relative thicknesses of velocity, thermal, and concentration boundary
layers in laminar flow are expressed as FIGURE 14–41
Lewis number is a measure of heat
velocity velocity thermal diffusion relative to mass diffusion.
 Prn,  Scn, and  Len (14-71)
thermal concentration concentration

where n  13 for most applications in all three relations. These relations, in

general, are not applicable to turbulent boundary layers since turbulent mix-
ing in this case may dominate the diffusion processes.
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Concentration Note that species transfer at the surface (y  0) is by diffusion only because
wA,  wA,  of the no-slip boundary condition, and mass flux of species A at the surface
 —– can be expressed by Fick’s law as (Fig. 14–42)
dy y=0
Mass diffusion
jA  m· A/A  DAB
y  y0
(kg/s · m2) (14-72)

0 wA, s
Species A This is analogous to heat transfer at the surface being by conduction only and
expressing it by Fourier’s law.
∂C The rate of heat convection for external flow was expressed conveniently by
–DAB —–A = hmass(wA, s – wA,  ) Newton’s law of cooling as
∂y y=0
FIGURE 14–42 Q conv  hconv A(Ts  T)
Mass transfer at a surface occurs by
diffusion because of the no-slip where hconv is the average heat transfer coefficient, A is the surface area, and
boundary condition, just like heat Ts  T is the temperature difference across the thermal boundary layer.
transfer occurring by conduction. Likewise, the rate of mass convection can be expressed as
m· conv  hmass A(A, s  A, )  hmassA(wA, s  wA, ) (kg/s) (14-73)

where hmass is the average mass transfer coefficient, in m/s; A is the surface
area; A, s  A,  is the mass concentration difference of species A across the
concentration boundary layer; and  is the average density of the fluid in the
boundary layer. The product hmass, whose unit is kg/m2 · s, is called the mass
transfer conductance. If the local mass transfer coefficient varies in the flow
direction, the average mass transfer coefficient can be determined from

hmass, ave 
A h A
massdA (14-74)

In heat convection analysis, it is often convenient to express the heat trans-

fer coefficient in a nondimensionalized form in terms of the dimensionless
Nusselt number, defined as
hconv L
Nusselt number: Nu  (14-75)

where L is the characteristic length of k is the thermal conductivity of the

fluid. The corresponding quantity in mass convection is the dimensionless
hconv L
Heat transfer: Nu  Sherwood number, defined as (Fig. 14–43)
hmass L hmass L
Mass transfer: Sh  Sherwood number: Sh  (14-76)

FIGURE 14–43 where hmass is the mass transfer coefficient and DAB is the mass diffusivity. The
In mass transfer, the Sherwood Nusselt and Sherwood numbers represent the effectiveness of heat and mass
number plays the role the Nusselt convection at the surface, respectively.
number plays in heat transfer. Sometimes it is more convenient to express the heat and mass transfer co-
efficients in terms of the dimensionless Stanton number as
hconv 1
Heat transfer Stanton number: St   Nu (14-77)
 Cp Re Pr
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hmass 1
Mass transfer Stanton number: Stmass   Sh (14-78)
 Re Sc

where  is the free steam velocity in external flow and the bulk mean fluid
velocity in internal flow.
For a given geometry, the average Nusselt number in forced convection
depends on the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers, whereas the average Sher-
wood number depends on the Reynolds and Schmidt numbers. That is,
Nusselt number: Nu  f(Re, Pr) TABLE 14–12
Sherwood number: Sh  f(Re, Sc)
Analogy between the quantities that appear
in the formulation and solution of heat
where the functional form of f is the same for both the Nusselt and Sherwood convection and mass convection
numbers in a given geometry, provided that the thermal and concentration
boundary conditions are of the same type. Therefore, the Sherwood number Heat Mass
can be obtained from the Nusselt number expression by simply replacing the Convection Convection
Prandtl number by the Schmidt number. This shows what a powerful tool
T C, y, , or w
analogy can be in the study of natural phenomena (Table 14–12).
In natural convection mass transfer, the analogy between the Nusselt and hconv hmass
Sherwood numbers still holds, and thus Sh  f(Gr, Sc). But the Grashof num- thermal concentration
ber in this case should be determined directly from Lc Lc
Re   Re  
g(  s) L3c g(/) L3c
Gr   (14-79) g (Ts  T) L3c g (  s) L3c
2 2 Gr  , Gr 
which is applicable to both temperature- and/or concentration-driven natural Pr  Sc 
convection flows. Note that in homogeneous fluids (i.e., fluids with no con-
centration gradients), density differences are due to temperature differences h conv h mass
St  Stmass 
only, and thus we can replace / by T for convenience, as we did in nat-  C p 
ural convection heat transfer. However, in nonhomogeneous fluids, density hconv Lc hmass Lc
Nu  Sh 
differences are due to the combined effects of temperature and concentration k DAB
differences, and / cannot be replaced by T in such cases even when all Nu  f (Re, Pr) Sh  f (Re, Sc)
we care about is heat transfer and we have no interest in mass transfer. For ex- Nu  f (Gr, Pr) Sh  f (Gr, Sc)
ample, hot water at the bottom of a pond rises to the top. But when salt is
placed at the bottom, as it is done in solar ponds, the salty water (brine) at the
bottom will not rise because it is now heavier than the fresh water at the top
(Fig. 14–44). 20°C Fresh water
Concentration-driven natural convection flows are based on the densities of
No convection SOLAR
different species in a mixture being different. Therefore, at isothermal condi- currents POND
tions, there will be no natural convection in a gas mixture that is composed of
gases with identical molar masses. Also, the case of a hot surface facing up 70°C ρbrine > ρwater Brine
corresponds to diffusing fluid having a lower density than the mixture (and Salt
thus rising under the influence of buoyancy), and the case of a hot surface fac-
ing down corresponds to the diffusing fluid having a higher density. For ex-
FIGURE 14–44
ample, the evaporation of water into air corresponds to a hot surface facing up
A hot fluid at the bottom will rise and
since water vapor is lighter than the air and it will tend to rise. But this will not
initiate natural convection currents
be the case for gasoline unless the temperature of the gasoline–air mixture at only if its density is lower.
the gasoline surface is so high that thermal expansion overwhelms the density
differential due to higher gasoline concentration near the surface.
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temperature, or
Analogy between Friction, Heat Transfer,
and Mass Transfer Coefficients
 Consider the flow of a fluid over a flat plate of length L with free steam con-
ditions of T, , and wA,  (Fig. 14–45). Noting that convection at the surface
Tangent line (y  0) is equal to diffusion because of the no-slip condition, the friction, heat
at y = 0 transfer, and mass transfer conditions at the surface can be expressed as

FIGURE 14–45 Wall friction: s   2 (14-80)
y y0 2
The friction, heat, and mass transfer
q·  k 
coefficients for flow over a surface are T
Heat transfer:  hheat(Ts  T) (14-81)
proportional to the slope of the tangent s
y y0
line of the velocity, temperature, and w
concentration profiles, respectively, Mass transfer: jA, s  D AB  hmass(wA, s  wA, ) (14-82)
at the surface.
These relations can be rewritten for internal flow by using bulk mean proper-
ties instead of free stream properties. After some simple mathematical manip-
ulations, the three relations above can be rearranged as
d(/ ) f  L f
Wall friction:  d(y/L) y0


d[(T  T )/(T  T )]

s  s hheat L
Heat transfer:   Nu (14-84)
d(y/L) y0 k
 w )/(w  w )]

d[(wA A, s A,  A, s hmass L
Mass transfer:   Sh (14-85)
d(y/L) y0 DAB

The left sides of these three relations are the slopes of the normalized veloc-
ity, temperature, and concentration profiles at the surface, and the right sides
are the dimensionless numbers discussed earlier.

Special Case: Pr Sc 1 (Reynolds Analogy)

Normalized Now consider the hypothetical case in which the molecular diffusivities of
velocity, Velocity,
temperature, or temperature, or momentum, heat, and mass are identical. That is,    DAB and thus Pr 
concentration concentration Sc  Le  1. In this case the normalized velocity, temperature, and concen-
wA,  profile boundary layer tration profiles will coincide, and thus the slope of these three curves at the

surface (the left sides of Eqs. 14–83 through 14–85) will be identical (Fig.
14–46). Then we can set the right sides of those three equations equal to each
other and obtain
f f  L hheat L hmass L
Re  Nu  Sh or   (14-86)
2 2  k DAB
Reynolds analogy
ν = α = DAB Noting that Pr  Sc  1, we can also write this equation as
(or Pr = Sc = Le)
FIGURE 14–46 f Nu Sh f
  or  St  Stmass (14-87)
When the molecular diffusivities of 2 Re Pr Re Sc 2
momentum, heat, and mass are equal
to each other, the velocity, This relation is known as the Reynolds analogy, and it enables us to deter-
temperature, and concentration mine the seemingly unrelated friction, heat transfer, and mass transfer coeffi-
boundary layers coincide. cients when only one of them is known or measured. (Actually the original
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Reynolds analogy proposed by O. Reynolds in 1874 is St  f /2, which is then

extended to include mass transfer.) However, it should always be remembered
that the analogy is restricted to situations for which Pr Sc 1. Of course
the first part of the analogy between friction and heat transfer coefficients can
always be used for gases since their Prandtl number is close to unity.

General Case: Pr  Sc  1 (Chilton–Colburn Analogy)

The Reynolds analogy is a very useful relation, and it is certainly desirable to
extend it to a wider range of Pr and Sc numbers. Several attempts have been
made in this regard, but the simplest and the best known is the one suggested
by Chilton and Colburn in 1934 as
 St Pr2/3  StmassSc2/3 (14-88)

for 0.6 Pr 60 and 0.6 Sc 3000. This equation is known as the

Chilton–Colburn analogy. Using the definition of heat and mass Stanton
numbers, the analogy between heat and mass transfer can be expressed more
conveniently as (Fig. 14–47) Chilton–Colburn Analogy
Pr hmass 
hheat DAB 2/3

2/3 2/3

hheat Sc
 Cp  Cp  Cp Le2/3

or (14-89) 1 DAB
hmass Pr AB  f 

For air–water vapor mixtures at 298 K, the mass and thermal diffusivities are Special case:    DAB
DAB  2.5  105 m2/s and  2.18  105 m2/s and thus the Lewis number
is Le  /DAB  0.872. (We simply use the value of dry air instead of the hmass 
hheat 1
moist air since the fraction of vapor in the air at atmospheric conditions is Cp 2
low.) Then ( /DAB)2/3  0.8722/3  0.913, which is close to unity. Also, the
Lewis number is relatively insensitive to variations in temperature. Therefore, FIGURE 14–47
for air–water vapor mixtures, the relation between heat and mass transfer co- When the friction or heat transfer
efficients can be expressed with a good accuracy as coefficient is known, the mass transfer
coefficient can be determined directly
hheat  Cp hmass (air–water vapor mixtures) (14-90)
from the Chilton–Colburn analogy.
where  and Cp are the density and specific heat of air at mean conditions (or
Cp is the specific heat of air per unit volume). Equation 14–90 is known as
the Lewis relation and is commonly used in air-conditioning applications.
Another important consequence of Le  1 is that the wet-bulb and adiabatic
saturation temperatures of moist air are nearly identical. In turbulent flow, the
Lewis relation can be used even when the Lewis number is not 1 since eddy
mixing in turbulent flow overwhelms any molecular diffusion, and heat and
mass are transported at the same rate.
The Chilton–Colburn analogy has been observed to hold quite well in lam-
inar or turbulent flow over plane surfaces. But this is not always the case for
internal flow and flow over irregular geometries, and in such cases specific re-
lations developed should be used. When dealing with flow over blunt bodies,
it is important to note that f in these relations is the skin friction coefficient, not
the total drag coefficient, which also includes the pressure drag.
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Limitation on the Heat–Mass Convection Analogy

Caution should be exercised when using the analogy in Eq. 14–88 since there
are a few factors that put some shadow on the accuracy of that relation. For
one thing, the Nusselt numbers are usually evaluated for smooth surfaces, but
many mass transfer problems involve wavy or roughened surfaces. Also,
many Nusselt relations are obtained for constant surface temperature situa-
tions, but the concentration may not be constant over the entire surface be-
cause of the possible surface dryout. The blowing or suction at the surface
during mass transfer may also cause some deviation, especially during high
speed blowing or suction.
Finally, the heat–mass convection analogy is valid for low mass flux cases
in which the flow rate of species undergoing mass flow is low relative to the
total flow rate of the liquid or gas mixture so that the mass transfer between
the fluid and the surface does not affect the flow velocity. (Note that convec-
tion relations are based on zero fluid velocity at the surface, which is true only
when there is no net mass transfer at the surface.) Therefore, the heat–mass
convection analogy is not applicable when the rate of mass transfer of a
species is high relative to the flow rate of that species.
Consider, for example, the evaporation and transfer of water vapor into air
in an air washer, an evaporative cooler, a wet cooling tower, or just at the free
Air surface of a lake or river (Fig. 14–48). Even at a temperature of 40°C, the
Saturated vapor pressure at the water surface is the saturation pressure of 7.4 kPa, which
air Evaporation corresponds to a mole fraction of 0.074 or a mass fraction of wA, s  0.047 for
the vapor. Then the mass fraction difference across the boundary layer will be,
at most, w  wA, s  wA,   0.047  0  0.047. For the evaporation of
Lake water into air, the error involved in the low mass flux approximation is
roughly w/2, which is 2.5 percent in the worst case considered above. There-
FIGURE 14–48 fore, in processes that involve the evaporation of water into air, we can use the
Evaporation from the free surface of heat–mass convection analogy with confidence. However, the mass fraction
water into air. of vapor approaches 1 as the water temperature approaches the saturation tem-
perature, and thus the low mass flux approximation is not applicable to mass
transfer in boilers, condensers, and the evaporation of fuel droplets in com-
bustion chambers. In this chapter we limit our consideration to low mass flux

Mass Convection Relations

Under low mass flux conditions, the mass convection coefficients can be de-
termined by either (1) determining the friction or heat transfer coefficient and
then using the Chilton–Colburn analogy or (2) picking the appropriate Nusselt
number relation for the given geometry and analogous boundary conditions,
replacing the Nusselt number by the Sherwood number and the Prandtl num-
ber by the Schmidt number, as shown in Table 14–13 for some representative
cases. The first approach is obviously more convenient when the friction or
heat transfer coefficient is already known. Otherwise, the second approach
should be preferred since it is generally more accurate, and the Chilton–
Colburn analogy offers no significant advantage in this case. Relations for
convection mass transfer in other geometries can be written similarly using
the corresponding heat transfer relation in Chapters 6 and 7.
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TABLE 14–13
Sherwood number relations in mass convection for specified concentration at the surface corresponding to the Nusselt
number relations in heat convection for specified surface temperature
Convective Heat Transfer Convective Mass Transfer
1. Forced Convection over a Flat Plate
(a) Laminar flow (Re 5  105)
Nu  0.664 Re0.5L Pr
, Pr  0.6 Sh  0.664 Re0.5 1/3
L Sc , Sc  0.5
(b) Turbulent flow (5  105 Re 107)
Nu  0.037 Re0.8 L Pr
, Pr  0.6 Sh  0.037 Re0.8 1/3
L Sc , Sc  0.5
2. Fully Developed Flow in Smooth Circular Pipes
(a) Laminar flow (Re 2300)
Nu  3.66 Sh  3.66
(b) Turbulent flow (Re  10,000)
Nu  0.023 Re0.8 Pr0.4, 0.7 Pr 160 Sh  0.023 Re0.8 Sc0.4, 0.7 Sc 160
3. Natural Convection over Surfaces
(a) Vertical plate
Nu  0.59(Gr Pr)1/4, 105 Gr Pr 109 Sh  0.59(Gr Sc)1/4, 105 Gr Sc 109
Nu  0.1(Gr Pr) , 1/3
109 Gr Pr 1013 Sh  0.1(Gr Sc)1/3, 109 Gr Sc 1013
(b) Upper surface of a horizontal plate
Surface is hot (Ts  T) Fluid near the surface is light (s )
Nu  0.54(Gr Pr)1/4, 104 Gr Pr 107 Sh  0.54(Gr Sc)1/4, 104 Gr Sc 107
Nu  0.15(Gr Pr)1/3, 107 Gr Pr 1011 Sh  0.15(Gr Sc)1/3, 107 Gr Sc 1011
(c) Lower surface of a horizontal plate
Surface is hot (Ts  T) Fluid near the surface is light (s )
Nu  0.27(Gr Pr)1/4, 105 Gr Pr 1011 Sh  0.27(Gr Sc)1/4, 105 Gr Sc 1011

EXAMPLE 14–10 Mass Convection inside a Circular Pipe

Consider a circular pipe of inner diameter D  0.015 m whose inner surface is
covered with a layer of liquid water as a result of condensation (Fig. 14–49). In Wet pipe
order to dry the pipe, air at 300 K and 1 atm is forced to flow through it with an Air
average velocity of 1.2 m/s. Using the analogy between heat and mass transfer,
 = 1.2 m/s
determine the mass transfer coefficient inside the pipe for fully developed flow. 300 K
1 atm
SOLUTION The liquid layer on the inner surface of a circular pipe is dried by FIGURE 14–49
blowing air through it. The mass transfer coefficient is to be determined. Schematic for Example 14–10.
Assumptions 1 The low mass flux model and thus the analogy between heat
and mass transfer is applicable since the mass fraction of vapor in the air is low
(about 2 percent for saturated air at 300 K). 2 The flow is fully developed.
Properties Because of low mass flux conditions, we can use dry air properties
for the mixture at the specified temperature of 300 K and 1 atm, for which  
1.58  105 m2/s (Table A–15). The mass diffusivity of water vapor in the air at
300 K is determined from Eq. 14–15 to be

T 2.072 3002.072
DAB  DH2O-air  1.87  1010  1.87  1010  2.54  105 m2/s
P 1
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Analysis The Reynolds number for this internal flow is

D (1.2 m/s)(0.015 m)
Re     1139
1.58  105 m2/s

which is less than 2300 and thus the flow is laminar. Therefore, based on the
analogy between heat and mass transfer, the Nusselt and the Sherwood num-
bers in this case are Nu  Sh  3.66. Using the definition of Sherwood num-
ber, the mass transfer coefficient is determined to be

ShDAB (3.66)(2.54  105 m2/s)

hmass    0.00620 m/s
D 0.015 m

The mass transfer rate (or the evaporation rate) in this case can be determined
by defining the logarithmic mean concentration difference in an analogous
manner to the logarithmic mean temperature difference.

EXAMPLE 14–11 Analogy between Heat and Mass Transfer

Heat transfer coefficients in complex geometries with complicated boundary
conditions can be determined by mass transfer measurements on similar
geometries under similar flow conditions using volatile solids such as naphtha-
lene and dichlorobenzene and utilizing the Chilton–Colburn analogy between
heat and mass transfer at low mass flux conditions. The amount of mass trans-
fer during a specified time period is determined by weighing the model or mea-
suring the surface recession.
During a certain experiment involving the flow of dry air at 25°C and 1 atm at
a free stream velocity of 2 m/s over a body covered with a layer of naphthalene,
Naphthalene it is observed that 12 g of naphthalene has sublimated in 15 min (Fig. 14–50).
vapor The surface area of the body is 0.3 m2. Both the body and the air were kept at
0.3 m2
25°C during the study. The vapor pressure of naphthalene at 25°C is 11 Pa and
the mass diffusivity of naphthalene in air at 25°C is DAB  0.61  105 m2/s.
1 atm Body covered Determine the heat transfer coefficient under the same flow conditions over the
T = 25°C with a layer of same geometry.
 = 2 m/s naphthalene
SOLUTION Air is blown over a body covered with a layer of naphthalene, and
the rate of sublimation is measured. The heat transfer coefficient under the
FIGURE 14–50 same flow conditions over the same geometry is to be determined.
Schematic for Example 14–11. Assumptions 1 The low mass flux conditions exist so that the Chilton–Colburn
analogy between heat and mass transfer is applicable (will be verified). 2 Both
air and naphthalene vapor are ideal gases.
Properties The molar mass of naphthalene is 128.2 kg/kmol. Because of low
mass flux conditions, we can use dry air properties for the mixture at the spec-
ified temperature of 25°C and 1 atm, at which   1.184 kg/m3, CP  1007
J/kg · K, and  2.141  105 m2/s (Table A–15).
Analysis The incoming air is free of naphthalene, and thus the mass fraction
of naphthalene at free stream conditions is zero, wA,   0. Noting that the
vapor pressure of naphthalene at the surface is 11 Pa, its mass fraction at the
surface is determined to be
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PA, s MA
11 Pa 128.2 kg/kmol
wA, s    4.8  104
P Mair 101,325 Pa 29 kg/kmol

which confirms that the low mass flux approximation is valid. The rate of evap-
oration of naphthalene in this case is

m 0.012 kg
m· evap    1.33  105 kg/s
t (15  60 s)

Then the mass convection coefficient becomes

m· 1.33  105 kg/s

hmass    0.0780 m/s
As(wA, s  wA, ) (1.184 kg/m3)(0.3 m2)(4.8  104  0)

Using the analogy between heat and mass transfer, the average heat transfer
coefficient is determined from Eq. 14–89 to be
hheat  Cp hmass D 

2.141  10

 (1.184 kg/m3)(1007 J/kg · °C)(0.0776 m/s)
0.61  10
 215 W/m2 · °C

Discussion Because of the convenience it offers, naphthalene has been

used in numerous heat transfer studies to determine convection heat transfer
coefficients. Plastic
or glass

14–10 ■
during reentry

Many mass transfer processes encountered in practice occur isothermally, and
thus they do not involve any heat transfer. But some engineering applications (a) Ablation (b) Evaporation of
involve the vaporization of a liquid and the diffusion of this vapor into the sur- rain droplet
rounding gas. Such processes require the transfer of the latent heat of vapor-
ization hfg to the liquid in order to vaporize it, and thus such problems involve rejection
simultaneous heat and mass transfer. To generalize, any mass transfer problem Evaporation
involving phase change (evaporation, sublimation, condensation, melting, Condensation
etc.) must also involve heat transfer, and the solution of such problems needs Vapor
to be analyzed by considering simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Some ex-
amples of simultaneous heat and mass problems are drying, evaporative cool- Liquid
ing, transpiration (or sweat) cooling, cooling by dry ice, combustion of fuel Evaporation
droplets, and ablation cooling of space vehicles during reentry, and even ordi-
nary events like rain, snow, and hail. In warmer locations, for example, the Heat
snow melts and the rain evaporates before reaching the ground (Fig. 14–51). absorption
To understand the mechanism of simultaneous heat and mass transfer, con- (c) Drying of clothes (d) Heat pipes
sider the evaporation of water from a swimming pool into air. Let us assume FIGURE 14–51
that the water and the air are initially at the same temperature. If the air is Many problems
saturated (a relative humidity of   100 percent), there will be no heat or encountered in practice involve
mass transfer as long as the isothermal conditions remain. But if the air is not simultaneous heat and mass transfer.
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saturated ( 100 percent), there will be a difference between the concen-

tration of water vapor at the water–air interface (which is always saturated)
and some distance above the interface (the concentration boundary layer).
Concentration difference is the driving force for mass transfer, and thus this
concentration difference will drive the water into the air. But the water must
vaporize first, and it must absorb the latent heat of vaporization in order to va-
porize. Initially, the entire heat of vaporization will come from the water near
the interface since there is no temperature difference between the water and
the surroundings and thus there cannot be any heat transfer. The temperature
of water near the surface must drop as a result of the sensible heat loss, which
also drops the saturation pressure and thus vapor concentration at the inter-
This temperature drop creates temperature differences within the water at
the top as well as between the water and the surrounding air. These tempera-
ture differences drive heat transfer toward the water surface from both the air
Surroundings and the deeper parts of the water, as shown in Figure 14–52. If the evaporation
20°C Air rate is high and thus the demand for the heat of vaporization is higher than the
· 20°C amount of heat that can be supplied from the lower parts of the water body
Evaporation ·
and the surroundings, the deficit will be made up from the sensible heat of the
(Qlatent ) water at the surface, and thus the temperature of water at the surface will drop
further. The process will continue until the latent heat of vaporization is equal
to the rate of heat transfer to the water at the surface. Once the steady opera-
Water 18°C tion conditions are reached and the interface temperature stabilizes, the energy
20°C ·
Qcond balance on a thin layer of liquid at the surface can be expressed as
· · ·
Lake Q sensible, transferred  Q latent, absorbed or Q  m·  hfg (14-91)

FIGURE 14–52 where m·  is the rate of evaporation and hfg is the latent heat of vaporization of
Various mechanisms of heat transfer water at the surface temperature. Various expressions for m·  under various ap-
involved during the evaporation of proximations are given in Table 14–14. The mixture properties such as the
water from the surface of a lake. specific heat Cp and molar mass M should normally be evaluated at the mean
film composition and mean film temperature. However, when dealing with
air–water vapor mixtures at atmospheric conditions or other low mass flux sit-
uations, we can simply use the properties of the gas with reasonable accuracy.

TABLE 14–14
Various expressions for evaporation rate of a liquid into a gas through an
interface area As under various approximations (subscript  stands for vapor,
s for liquid–gas interface, and  away from surface)
Assumption Evaporation Rate
General m·   hmass As(, s  , )
hmass As P, s P, 
Assuming vapor to be an ideal gas,
R  Ts

hmass As P, s P, 
Using Chilton–Colburn analogy,
hheat  CphmassLe2/3
CpLe2/3R Ts

1 1 1 Ts  T hmass As M P, s  P, 
Using  , where T  m·  
Ts T T 2 CpLe2/3 M P
and P  RT  (Ru /M)T
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The Q in Eq. 14–91 represents all forms of heat from all sources transferred
to the surface, including convection and radiation from the surroundings and
conduction from the deeper parts of the water due to the sensible energy of the
water itself or due to heating the water body by a resistance heater, heating
coil, or even chemical reactions in the water. If heat transfer from the water
body to the surface as well as radiation from the surroundings is negligible,
which is often the case, then the heat loss by evaporation must equal heat gain
by convection. That is,

· hconv As hfg M P, s  P, 

Q conv  m·  hfg or hconv As(T  Ts) 
Cp Le2/3 M P

Canceling hconv As from both sides of the second equation gives

hfg M P, s  P, 
Ts  T  (14-92)
Cp Le2/3 M P

which is a relation for the temperature difference between the liquid and the
surrounding gas under steady conditions.

EXAMPLE 14–12 Evaporative Cooling of a Canned Drink

During a hot summer day, a canned drink is to be cooled by wrapping it in a
cloth that is kept wet continually, and blowing air to it with a fan (Fig. 14–53). 1 atm
If the environment conditions are 1 atm, 30°C, and 40 percent relative humid- 30°C
ity, determine the temperature of the drink when steady conditions are reached. 40% RH
SOLUTION Air is blown over a canned drink wrapped in a wet cloth to cool it
by simultaneous heat and mass transfer. The temperature of the drink when
steady conditions are reached is to be determined.
Assumptions 1 The low mass flux conditions exist so that the Chilton–Colburn
analogy between heat and mass transfer is applicable since the mass fraction of
vapor in the air is low (about 2 percent for saturated air at 300 K). 2 Both air
and water vapor at specified conditions are ideal gases (the error involved in this
assumption is less than 1 percent). 3 Radiation effects are negligible.
Properties Because of low mass flux conditions, we can use dry air properties FIGURE 14–53
for the mixture at the average temperature of (T  Ts)/2 which cannot be de-
Schematic for Example 14–12.
termined at this point because of the unknown surface temperature Ts. We know
that Ts T and, for the purpose of property evaluation, we take Ts to be 20°C.
Then the properties of water at 20°C and the properties of dry air at the average
temperature of 25°C and 1 atm are (Tables A–9 and A–15)

Water: hfg  2454 kJ/kg, P  2.34 kPa; also, P  4.25 kPa at 30°C
Dry air: CP  1.007 kJ/kg · °C,  2.141  105 m2/s

The molar masses of water and air are 18 and 29 kg/kmol, respectively (Table
A–1). Also, the mass diffusivity of water vapor in air at 25°C is DH2O-air  2.50 
105 m2/s (Table 14–4).
Analysis Utilizing the Chilton–Colburn analogy, the surface temperature of the
drink can be determined from Eq. 14–92,
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hfg M P, s  P, 

Ts  T 
Cp Le 2/3 M P

where the Lewis number is

2.141  105 m2/s

Le    0.856
DAB 2.5  105 m2/s

Note that we could take the Lewis number to be 1 for simplicity, but we chose
to incorporate it for better accuracy.
The air at the surface is saturated, and thus the vapor pressure at the sur-
face is simply the saturation pressure of water at the surface temperature
(2.34 kPa). The vapor pressure of air far from the surface is determined from

P,   Psat @ T  (0.40)Psat @ 30°C  (0.40)(4.25 kPa)  1.70 kPa

Noting that the atmospheric pressure is 1 atm  101.3 kPa, substituting gives

2454 kJ/kg 18 kg/kmol (2.34  1.70) kPa

Ts  30°C  2/3 29 kg/kmol
(1.007 kJ/kg · °C)(0.872) 101.3 kPa

Therefore, the temperature of the drink can be lowered to 19.4°C by this


EXAMPLE 14–13 Heat Loss from Uncovered Hot Water Baths

Hot water baths with open tops are commonly used in manufacturing facilities
for various reasons. In a plant that manufactures spray paints, the pressurized
paint cans are temperature tested by submerging them in hot water at 50°C in
20°C a 40-cm-deep rectangular bath and keeping them there until the cans are
heated to 50°C to ensure that the cans can withstand temperatures up to 50°C
· during transportation and storage (Fig. 14–54). The water bath is 1 m wide and
Qrad Air 3.5 m long, and its top surface is open to ambient air to facilitate easy obser-
25°C vation for the workers. If the average conditions in the plant are 92 kPa, 25°C,
92 kPa and 52 percent relative humidity, determine the rate of heat loss from the top
· 52% RH surface of the water bath by (a) radiation, (b) natural convection, and (c) evap-
oration. Assume the water is well agitated and maintained at a uniform temper-
ature of 50°C at all times by a heater, and take the average temperature of the
surrounding surfaces to be 20°C.
Water can SOLUTION Spray paint cans are temperature tested by submerging them in an
bath uncovered hot water bath. The rates of heat loss from the top surface of the
50°C bath by radiation, natural convection, and evaporation are to be determined.
Heat supplied Assumptions 1 The low mass flux conditions exist so that the Chilton–Colburn
analogy between heat and mass transfer is applicable since the mass fraction of
vapor in the air is low (about 2 percent for saturated air at 300 K). 2 Both air
Resistance heater and water vapor at specified conditions are ideal gases (the error involved in this
assumption is less than 1 percent). 3 Water is maintained at a uniform temper-
FIGURE 14–54
ature of 50°C.
Schematic for Example 14–13.
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Properties Relevant properties for each mode of heat transfer are determined
below in respective sections.

Analysis (a) The emissivity of liquid water is given in Table A–18 to be

0.95. Then the radiation heat loss from the water to the surrounding surfaces
Q rad  As(Ts4  Tsurr
 (0.95)(3.5 m )(5.67  108 W/m2  K4)[(323 K)4  (293K)4]

 663 W

(b) The air–water vapor mixture is dilute and thus we can use dry air properties
for the mixture at the average temperature of (T  Ts)/2  (25  50)/2 
37.5°C. Noting that the total atmospheric pressure is 92/101.3  0.9080 atm,
the properties of dry air at 37.5°C and 0.908 atm are

k  0.02644 W/m · °C, Pr  0.7261 (independent of pressure)

 (2.311  105 m2/s)/0.9080  2.545  105 m2/s
  (1.678  105 m2/s)/0.9080  1.848  105 m2/s

The properties of water at 50°C are

hfg  2383 kJ/kg and P  12.35 kPa

The air at the surface is saturated, and thus the vapor pressure at the surface is
simply the saturation pressure of water at the surface temperature (12.35 kPa).
The vapor pressure of air far from the water surface is determined from

P,   Psat @ T  (0.52)Psat @ 25°C  (0.52)(3.17 kPa)  1.65 kPa

Treating the water vapor and the air as ideal gases and noting that the total at-
mospheric pressure is the sum of the vapor and dry air pressures, the densities
of the water vapor, dry air, and their mixture at the water–air interface and far
from the surface are determined to be

At the P, s 12.35 kPa

, s    0.0828 kg/m3
surface: RTs (0.4615 kPa · m3/kg · K)(323 K)
Pa, s (92  12.35) kPa
a, s    0.8592 kg/m3
RaTs (0.287 kPa · m3/kg · K)(323 K)
S  , s  a, s  0.0828  0.8592  0.9420 kg/m3


Away from P,  1.65 kPa

,     0.0120 kg/m3
the surface: RT (0.4615 kPa · m3/kg · K)(298 K)
Pa,  (92  1.65) kPa
a,     1.0564 kg/m3
RaT (0.287 kPa · m3/kg · K)(298 K)
  ,   a,   0.0120  1.0564  1.0684 kg/m3

The area of the top surface of the water bath is As  (3.5 m)(1 m)  3.5 m2 and
its perimeter is p  2(3.5  1)  9 m. Therefore, the characteristic length is
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As 3.5 m2
Lc  p   0.3889 m

Then using densities (instead of temperatures) since the mixture is not homo-
geneous, the Grashof number is determined to be

g(  S)L3c
(9.81 m/s2)(1.0684  0.9420 kg/m3)(0.3889 m)3

[(0.9420  1.0684)/2 kg/m3](1.848  105 m2/s)2
 2.125  108

Recognizing that this is a natural convection problem with hot horizontal sur-
face facing up, the Nusselt number and the convection heat transfer coeffi-
cients are determined to be

Nu  0.15(Gr Pr)1/3  0.15(2.125  108  0.7261)1/3  80.45


Nuk (80.45)(0.02644 W/m ·°C)

hconv    5.47 W/m2 · °C
L 0.3889 m

Then the natural convection heat transfer rate becomes

Q conv  hconv As(Ts  T)
 (5.47 W/m2 · °C)(3.5 m2)(50  25)°C  479 W

Note that the magnitude of natural convection heat transfer is comparable to

that of radiation, as expected.
(c) Utilizing the analogy between heat and mass convection, the mass transfer
coefficient is determined the same way by replacing Pr by Sc. The mass diffu-
sivity of water vapor in air at the average temperature of 310.5 K is determined
from Eq. 14–15 to be

T 2.072 310.52.072
DAB  DH2O–air  1.87  1010  1.87  1010
P 0.908
 3.00  105 m2/s

The Schmidt number is determined from its definition to be

 1.848  105 m2/s

Sc    0.616
DAB 3.00  105 m2/s

The Sherwood number and the mass transfer coefficients are determined to be

Sh  0.15(Gr Sc)1/3  0.15(2.125  108  0.616)1/3  76.2


ShDAB (76.2)(3.00  105 m2/s)

hmass    0.00588 m/s
Lc 0.3889 m
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Then the evaporation rate and the rate of heat transfer by evaporation become

m·   hmass As(, s  , )

 (0.00588 m/s)(3.5 m2)(0.0828  0.0120)kg/m3
 0.00146 kg/s  5.25 kg/h

Q evap  m·  hfg  (0.00146 kg/s)(2383 kJ/kg)  3.479 kW  3479 W

which is more than seven times the rate of heat transfer by natural convection.
Finally, noting that the direction of heat transfer is always from high to low
temperature, all forms of heat transfer determined above are in the same direc-
tion, and the total rate of heat loss from the water to the surrounding air and
surfaces is
· · · ·
Q total  Q rad  Q conv  Q evap  663  479  3479  4621 W

Discussion Note that if the water bath is heated electrically, a 4.6 kW resis-
tance heater will be needed just to make up for the heat loss from the top sur-
face. The total heater size will have to be larger to account for the heat losses
from the side and bottom surfaces of the bath as well as the heat absorbed by
the spray paint cans as they are heated to 50°C. Also note that water needs to
be supplied to the bath at a rate of 5.25 kg/h to make up for the water loss by
evaporation. Also, in reality, the surface temperature will probably be a little
lower than the bulk water temperature, and thus the heat transfer rates will be
somewhat lower than indicated here.


Mass transfer is the movement of a chemical species from a mA mA /V A

high concentration region toward a lower concentration one Mass fraction of species A: wA  m   
m /V
relative to the other chemical species present in the medium.
Heat and mass transfer are analogous to each other, and several Mole fraction of species A: yA   
parallels can be drawn between them. The driving forces are N N/V C
the temperature difference in heat transfer and the concentra-
tion difference in mass transfer. Fick’s law of mass diffusion is In the case of an ideal gas mixture, the mole fraction of a gas is
of the same form as Fourier’s law of heat conduction. The equal to its pressure fraction. Fick’s law for the diffusion of a
species generation in a medium due to homogeneous reactions species A in a stationary binary mixture of species A and B in a
is analogous to heat generation. Also, mass convection due to specified direction x is expressed as
bulk fluid motion is analogous to heat convection. Constant
surface temperature corresponds to constant concentration at m· diff, A d(A/)
the surface, and an adiabatic wall corresponds to an imperme- Mass basis: jdiff, A   DAB
A dx
able wall. However, concentration is usually not a continuous
function at a phase interface. dwA
The concentration of a species A can be expressed in dx
terms of density A or molar concentration CA. It can also be N· diff, A d(CA/c)
expressed in dimensionless form in terms of mass or molar Mole basis: j̄diff, A   CDAB
A dx
fraction as
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where DAB is the diffusion coefficient (or mass diffusivity) of where PA, 1 and PA, 2 are the partial pressures of gas A on the
the species in the mixture, jdiff, A is the diffusive mass flux of two sides of the wall.
species A, and j̄diff, A is the molar flux. During mass transfer in a moving medium, chemical species
The mole fractions of a species i in the gas and liquid phases are transported both by molecular diffusion and by the bulk
at the interface of a dilute mixture are proportional to each fluid motion, and the velocities of the species are expressed as
other and are expressed by Henry’s law as
A    diff, A
Pi, gas side B    diff, B
yi, liquid side 
where  is the mass-average velocity of the flow. It is the
where H is Henry’s constant. When the mixture is not dilute, an velocity that would be measured by a velocity sensor and is
approximate relation for the mole fractions of a species on the expressed as
liquid and gas sides of the interface are expressed approxi-
mately by Raoult’s law as   wAA  wBB
Pi, gas side  yi, gas side P  yi, liquid side Pi, sat(T)
The special case   0 corresponds to a stationary medium.
Using Fick’s law of diffusion, the total mass fluxes j  m· /A in
where Pi, sat(T) is the saturation pressure of the species i at the a moving medium are expressed as
interface temperature and P is the total pressure on the gas
phase side. dwA
The concentration of the gas species i in the solid at the in- jA  A  Adiff, A  wA( jA  jB)  DAB
terface Ci, solid side is proportional to the partial pressure of the
species i in the gas Pi, gas side on the gas side of the interface and dwB
jB  B  Bdiff, B  wB( jA  jB)  DBA
is expressed as dx

Ci, solid side    Pi, gas side The rate of mass convection of species A in a binary mixture
is expressed in an analogous manner to Newton’s law of cool-
where  is the solubility. The product of the solubility of a gas ing as
and the diffusion coefficient of the gas in a solid is referred to
as the permeability , which is a measure of the ability of the m· conv  hmass As(A, s  A, )  hmass As(wA, s  wA, )
gas to penetrate a solid.
In the absence of any chemical reactions, the mass transfer where hmass is the average mass transfer coefficient, in m/s.
rates m· diff, A through a plane wall of area A and thickness L and The counterparts of the Prandtl and Nusselt numbers in mass
cylindrical and spherical shells of inner and outer radii r1 and r2 convection are the Schmidt number Sc and the Sherwood num-
under one-dimensional steady conditions are expressed as ber Sh, defined as
wA, 1  wA, 2 A, 1  A, 2
m· diff, A, wall  DAB A  DAB A  Momentum diffusivity hmass L
L L Sc   and Sh 
DAB Mass diffusivity DAB
wA, 1  wA, 2 A, 1  A, 2
m· diff, A, cyl  2LDAB  2LDAB
ln(r2/r1) ln(r2/r1) The relative magnitudes of heat and mass diffusion in the ther-
wA, 1  wA, 2 mal and concentration boundary layers are represented by the
m· diff, A, sph  4r1r2DAB r2  r1 Lewis number, defined as
A, 1  A, 2 Sc Thermal diffusivity
 4r1r2DAB r2  r1 Le   
Pr DAB Mass diffusivity

The mass flow rate of a gas through a solid plane wall under Heat and mass transfer coefficients are sometimes expressed in
steady one-dimensional conditions can also be expressed in terms of the dimensionless Stanton number, defined as
terms of the partial pressures of the adjacent gas on the two
sides of the solid as hconv 1 hconv 1
Stheat   Nu and Stmass   Sh
PA, 1  PA, 2  Cp Re Pr  Re Sc
m· diff, A, wall  DAB AB A
where  is the free-stream velocity in external flow and the
PA, 1  PA, 2 bulk mean fluid velocity in internal flow. For a given geometry
L and boundary conditions, the Sherwood number in natural or
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forced convection can be determined from the corresponding which is known as the Chilton–Colburn analogy. The analogy
Nusselt number expression by simply replacing the Prandtl between heat and mass transfer is expressed more conve-
number by the Schmidt number. But in natural convection, the niently as
Grashof number should be expressed in terms of density dif-
ference instead of temperature difference. hheat  CpLe2/3 hmass  Cp( /DAB)2/3hmass
When the molecular diffusivities of momentum, heat,
and mass are identical, we have    DAB, and thus Pr  For air–water vapor mixtures, Le  1, and thus this relation
Sc  Le  1. The similarity between momentum, heat, and simplifies further. The heat–mass convection analogy is limited
mass transfer in this case is given by the Reynolds analogy, to low mass flux cases in which the flow rate of species under-
expressed as going mass flow is low relative to the total flow rate of the
liquid or gas mixture. The mass transfer problems that involve
f phase change (evaporation, sublimation, condensation, melt-
Re  Nu  Sh or
2 ing, etc.) also involve heat transfer, and such problems are an-
f  L hheat L hmass L f alyzed by considering heat and mass transfer simultaneously.
  or  St  Stmass
2  k DAB 2

For the general case of Pr Sc 1, it is modified as

 St Pr2/3  StmassSc2/3


1. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air 11. W. M. Kays and M. E. Crawford. Convective Heat and
Conditioning Engineers. Handbook of Fundamentals. Mass Transfer. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.
Atlanta: ASHRAE, 1993. 12. T. R. Marrero and E. A. Mason. “Gaseous Diffusion
2. R. M. Barrer. Diffusion in and through Solids. New York: Coefficients.” Journal of Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1 (1972),
Macmillan, 1941. pp. 3–118.
3. R. B. Bird. “Theory of Diffusion.” Advances in Chemical 13. A. F. Mills. Basic Heat and Mass Transfer. Burr Ridge,
Engineering 1 (1956), p. 170. IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1995.
4. R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot. Transport 14. J. H. Perry, ed. Chemical Engineer’s Handbook. 4th ed.
Phenomena. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1960. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1963.
5. C. J. Geankoplis. Mass Transport Phenomena. New York: 15. R. D. Reid, J. M. Prausnitz, and T. K. Sherwood. The
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1972. Properties of Gases and Liquids. 3rd ed. New York:
6. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 56th ed. Cleveland, McGraw-Hill, 1977.
OH: Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., 1976. 16. A. H. P. Skelland. Diffusional Mass Transfer. New York:
7. J. O. Hirshfelder, F. Curtis, and R. B. Bird. Molecular John Wiley & Sons, 1974.
Theory of Gases and Liquids. New York: John Wiley & 17. D. B. Spalding. Convective Mass Transfer. New York:
Sons, 1954. McGraw-Hill, 1963.
8. J. P. Holman. Heat Transfer. 7th ed. New York: 18. W. F. Stoecker and J. W. Jones. Refrigeration and Air
McGraw-Hill, 1990. Conditioning. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982.
9. F. P. Incropera and D. P. De Witt. Fundamentals of Heat 19. L. C. Thomas. Mass Transfer Supplement—Heat Transfer.
and Mass Transfer. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991.
Sons, 1985. 20. L. Van Black. Elements of Material Science and
10. International Critical Tables. Vol. 3. New York: Engineering. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1980.
McGraw-Hill, 1928.
cen58933_ch14.qxd 9/9/2002 10:06 AM Page 772



Analogy between Heat and Mass Transfer 14–9C Mark these statements as being True or False for a
14–1C How does mass transfer differ from bulk fluid flow? binary mixture of substances A and B.
Can mass transfer occur in a homogeneous medium? (a) The molar concentration of a mixture is always
14–2C How is the concentration of a commodity defined? equal to the sum of the molar concentrations of its
How is the concentration gradient defined? How is the diffu- constituents.
sion rate of a commodity related to the concentration gradient? (b) The ratio of the molar concentration of A to the molar
concentration of B is equal to the mole fraction of
14–3C Give examples for (a) liquid-to-gas, (b) solid-to- component A.
liquid, (c) solid-to-gas, and (d) gas-to-liquid mass transfer. (c) If the mole fraction of component A is greater than
14–4C Someone suggests that thermal (or heat) radiation can 0.5, then at least half of the mass of the mixture is
also be viewed as mass radiation since, according to Einstein’s component A.
formula, an energy transfer in the amount of E corresponds to (d) If both A and B are ideal gases, then the pressure frac-
a mass transfer in the amount of m  E/c2. What do you think? tion of A is equal to its mole fraction.
(e) If the mole fractions of A and B are both 0.5, then the
14–5C What is the driving force for (a) heat transfer,
molar mass of the mixture is simply the arithmetic
(b) electric current flow, (c) fluid flow, and (d) mass transfer?
average of the molar masses of A and B.
14–6C What do (a) homogeneous reactions and (b) hetero-
geneous reactions represent in mass transfer? To what do they 14–10C Fick’s law of diffusion is expressed on the mass
correspond in heat transfer? and mole basis as m· diff, A  ADAB(dwA/dx) and Ndiff, A 
CADAB(dyA/dx), respectively. Are the diffusion coefficients
Mass Diffusion DAB in the two relations the same or different?
14–7C Both Fourier’s law of heat conduction and Fick’s law 14–11C How does the mass diffusivity of a gas mixture
of mass diffusion can be expressed as Q  kA(dT/dx). What change with (a) temperature and (b) pressure?
do the quantities Q , k, A, and T represent in (a) heat conduction
and (b) mass diffusion? 14–12C At a given temperature and pressure, do you think
14–8C Mark these statements as being True or False for a the mass diffusivity of air in water vapor will be equal to the
binary mixture of substances A and B. mass diffusivity of water vapor in air? Explain.

(a) The density of a mixture is always equal to the sum 14–13C At a given temperature and pressure, do you think
of the densities of its constituents. the mass diffusivity of copper in aluminum will be equal to the
(b) The ratio of the density of component A to the den- mass diffusivity of aluminum in copper? Explain.
sity of component B is equal to the mass fraction of
14–14C In a mass production facility, steel components are
component A.
to be hardened by carbon diffusion. Would you carry out the
(c) If the mass fraction of component A is greater than
hardening process at room temperature or in a furnace at a high
0.5, then at least half of the moles of the mixture are
temperature, say 900°C? Why?
component A.
(d) If the molar masses of A and B are equal to each 14–15C Someone claims that the mass and the mole frac-
other, then the mass fraction of A will be equal to the tions for a mixture of CO2 and N2O gases are identical. Do you
mole fraction of A. agree? Explain.
(e) If the mass fractions of A and B are both 0.5, then the
molar mass of the mixture is simply the arithmetic 14–16 The composition of moist air is given on a molar basis
average of the molar masses of A and B. to be 78 percent N2, 20 percent O2, and 2 percent water vapor.
Determine the mass fractions of the constituents of air.
Answers: 76.4 percent N2, 22.4 percent O2, 1.2 percent H2O
*Problems designated by a “C” are concept questions, and
students are encouraged to answer them all. Problems designated 14–17E A gas mixture consists of 5 lbm of O2, 8 lbm of N2,
by an “E” are in English units, and the SI users can ignore them. and 10 lbm of CO2. Determine (a) the mass fraction of each
Problems with an EES-CD icon are solved using EES, and component, (b) the mole fraction of each component, and
complete solutions together with parametric studies are included (c) the average molar mass of the mixture.
on the enclosed CD. Problems with a computer-EES icon are
comprehensive in nature, and are intended to be solved with a 14–18 A gas mixture consists of 8 kmol of H2 and 2 kmol of
computer, preferably using the EES software that accompanies N2. Determine the mass of each gas and the apparent gas con-
this text. stant of the mixture.
cen58933_ch14.qxd 9/9/2002 10:06 AM Page 773


14–19 The molar analysis of a gas mixture at 290 K and the same as the mole fraction of water in the lake (which is
250 kPa is 65 percent N2, 20 percent O2, and 15 percent CO2. nearly 1)?
Determine the mass fraction and partial pressure of each gas. 14–28C When prescribing a boundary condition for mass
14–20 Determine the binary diffusion coefficient of CO2 transfer at a solid–gas interface, why do we need to specify the
in air at (a) 200 K and 1 atm, (b) 400 K and 0.8 atm, and side of the surface (whether the solid or the gas side)? Why did
(c) 600 K and 3 atm. we not do it in heat transfer?
14–21 Repeat Problem 14–20 for O2 in N2. 14–29C Using properties of saturated water, explain how
you would determine the mole fraction of water vapor at the
14–22E The relative humidity of air at 80°F and 14.7 psia is
surface of a lake when the temperature of the lake surface and
increased from 30 percent to 90 percent during a humidifica-
the atmospheric pressure are specified.
tion process at constant temperature and pressure. Determine
the percent error involved in assuming the density of air to 14–30C Using solubility data of a solid in a specified liquid,
have remained constant. Answer: 2.1 percent explain how you would determine the mass fraction of the
solid in the liquid at the interface at a specified temperature.
14–31C Using solubility data of a gas in a solid, explain how
you would determine the molar concentration of the gas in the
solid at the solid–gas interface at a specified temperature.
14–32C Using Henry’s constant data for a gas dissolved in a
80°F liquid, explain how you would determine the mole fraction of
14.7 psia the gas dissolved in the liquid at the interface at a specified
30% RH temperature.
14–33C What is permeability? How is the permeability of a
Humidifier gas in a solid related to the solubility of the gas in that solid?
14–34E Determine the mole fraction of the water vapor at
the surface of a lake whose temperature at the surface is 60°F,
and compare it to the mole fraction of water in the lake. Take
the atmospheric pressure at lake level to be 13.8 psia.
14–35 Determine the mole fraction of dry air at the surface of
FIGURE P14–22E a lake whose temperature is 15°C. Take the atmospheric pres-
sure at lake level to be 100 kPa. Answer: 98.3 percent
14–23 The diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in steel is given
as a function of temperature as 14–36 Reconsider Problem 14–35. Using EES (or
other) software, plot the mole fraction of dry air
DAB  1.65  106 exp(–4630/T) (m2/s) at the surface of the lake as a function of the lake temperature
as the temperatue varies from 5°C to 25°C, and discuss the
where T is in K. Determine the diffusion coefficients from results.
200 K to 1200 K in 200 K increments and plot the results. 14–37 Consider a rubber plate that is in contact with nitrogen
14–24 Reconsider Problem 14–23. Using EES (or gas at 298 K and 250 kPa. Determine the molar and mass den-
other) software, plot the diffusion coefficient as sities of nitrogen in the rubber at the interface.
a function of the temperature in the range of 200 K to 1200 K. Answers: 0.0039 kmol/m3, 0.1092 kg/m3

Boundary Conditions
14–25C Write three boundary conditions for mass transfer
(on a mass basis) for species A at x  0 that correspond to
specified temperature, specified heat flux, and convection N2
boundary conditions in heat transfer. 298 K
250 kPa
14–26C What is an impermeable surface in mass transfer?
How is it expressed mathematically (on a mass basis)? To what
does it correspond in heat transfer?
ρN2 = ?
14–27C Consider the free surface of a lake exposed to the
atmosphere. If the air at the lake surface is saturated, will the
mole fraction of water vapor in air at the lake surface be FIGURE P14–37
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14–38 A wall made of natural rubber separates O2 and N2 (d) Other things being equal, doubling the mass fraction
gases at 25°C and 500 kPa. Determine the molar concentra- of the diffusing species at the high concentration side
tions of O2 and N2 in the wall. will double the rate of mass transfer.
14–39 Consider a glass of water in a room at 20°C and 14–44C Consider one-dimensional mass diffusion of species
97 kPa. If the relative humidity in the room is 100 percent and A through a plane wall of thickness L. Under what conditions
the water and the air are in thermal and phase equilibrium, de- will the concentration profile of species A in the wall be a
termine (a) the mole fraction of the water vapor in the air and straight line?
(b) the mole fraction of air in the water. 14–45C Consider one-dimensional mass diffusion of species
14–40E Water is sprayed into air at 80°F and 14.3 psia, and A through a plane wall. Does the species A content of the wall
the falling water droplets are collected in a container on the change during steady mass diffusion? How about during tran-
floor. Determine the mass and mole fractions of air dissolved sient mass diffusion?
in the water. 14–46 Helium gas is stored at 293 K in a 3-m-outer-diameter
14–41 Consider a carbonated drink in a bottle at 27°C and spherical container made of 5-cm-thick Pyrex. The molar con-
130 kPa. Assuming the gas space above the liquid consists of a centration of helium in the Pyrex is 0.00073 kmol/m3 at the
saturated mixture of CO2 and water vapor and treating the inner surface and negligible at the outer surface. Determine
drink as water, determine (a) the mole fraction of the water the mass flow rate of helium by diffusion through the Pyrex
vapor in the CO2 gas and (b) the mass of dissolved CO2 in a container. Answer: 7.2  1015 kg/s
200-ml drink. Answers: (a) 2.77 percent, (b) 0.36 g

5 cm

CO2 Pyrex

He gas Air
293 K

130 kPa
14–47 A thin plastic membrane separates hydrogen from air.
The molar concentrations of hydrogen in the membrane at the
FIGURE P14–41 inner and outer surfaces are determined to be 0.065 and 0.003
kmol/m3, respectively. The binary diffusion coefficient of hy-
drogen in plastic at the operation temperature is 5.3  1010
Steady Mass Diffusion through a Wall m2/s. Determine the mass flow rate of hydrogen by diffusion
through the membrane under steady conditions if the thickness
14–42C Write down the relations for steady one-dimensional of the membrane is (a) 2 mm and (b) 0.5 mm.
heat conduction and mass diffusion through a plane wall, and
identify the quantities in the two equations that correspond to 14–48 The solubility of hydrogen gas in steel in terms of its
each other. mass fraction is given as wH2  2.09  104 exp(–3950/T)P0,5 H2
where PH2 is the partial pressure of hydrogen in bars and T is
14–43C Consider steady one-dimensional mass diffusion the temperature in K. If natural gas is transported in a 1-cm-
through a wall. Mark these statements as being True or False. thick, 3-m-internal-diameter steel pipe at 500 kPa pressure and
(a) Other things being equal, the higher the density of the the mole fraction of hydrogen in the natural gas is 8 percent,
wall, the higher the rate of mass transfer. determine the highest rate of hydrogen loss through a 100-m-
(b) Other things being equal, doubling the thickness of long section of the pipe at steady conditions at a temperature
the wall will double the rate of mass transfer. of 293 K if the pipe is exposed to air. Take the diffusivity of hy-
(c) Other things being equal, the higher the temperature, drogen in steel to be 2.9  1013 m2/s.
the higher the rate of mass transfer. Answer: 3.98  1014 kg/s
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14–49 Reconsider Problem 14–48. Using EES (or determine how long it will take for the pressure inside the
other) software, plot the highest rate of hydro- balloon to drop to 100 kPa.
gen loss as a function of the mole fraction of hydrogen in nat- 14–53 Pure N2 gas at 1 atm and 25°C is flowing through a
ural gas as the mole fraction varies from 5 to 15 percent, and 10-m-long, 3-cm-inner diameter pipe made of 1-mm-thick
discuss the results. rubber. Determine the rate at which N2 leaks out of the pipe if
14–50 Helium gas is stored at 293 K and 500 kPa in a 1-cm- the medium surrounding the pipe is (a) a vacuum and (b) at-
thick, 2-m-inner-diameter spherical tank made of fused silica mospheric air at 1 atm and 25°C with 21 percent O2 and
(SiO2). The area where the container is located is well venti- 79 percent N2.
lated. Determine (a) the mass flow rate of helium by diffusion Answers: (a) 4.48  1010 kmol/s, (b) 9.4  1011 kmol/s
through the tank and (b) the pressure drop in the tank in one
week as a result of the loss of helium gas. Vacuum
14–51 You probably have noticed that balloons inflated with N2
helium gas rise in the air the first day during a party but they
fall down the next day and act like ordinary balloons filled with 1 atm
air. This is because the helium in the balloon slowly leaks out N2 gas
through the wall while air leaks in by diffusion.
Consider a balloon that is made of 0.1-mm-thick soft rubber
and has a diameter of 15 cm when inflated. The pressure and Rubber pipe
temperature inside the balloon are initially 110 kPa and 25°C. FIGURE P14–53
The permeability of rubber to helium, oxygen, and nitrogen
at 25°C are 9.4  1013, 7.05  1013, and 2.6  1013
kmol/m · s · bar, respectively. Determine the initial rates of dif- Water Vapor Migration in Buildings
fusion of helium, oxygen, and nitrogen through the balloon 14–54C Consider a tank that contains moist air at 3 atm and
wall and the mass fraction of helium that escapes the balloon whose walls are permeable to water vapor. The surrounding air
during the first 5 h assuming the helium pressure inside the bal- at 1 atm pressure also contains some moisture. Is it possible for
loon remains nearly constant. Assume air to be 21 percent oxy- the water vapor to flow into the tank from surroundings?
gen and 79 percent nitrogen by mole numbers and take the Explain.
room conditions to be 100 kPa and 25°C.
14–55C Express the mass flow rate of water vapor through a
wall of thickness L in terms of the partial pressure of water
vapor on both sides of the wall and the permeability of the wall
to the water vapor.
110 kPa
25°C 14–56C How does the condensation or freezing of water
He vapor in the wall affect the effectiveness of the insulation in the
wall? How does the moisture content affect the effective ther-
mal conductivity of soil?
14–57C Moisture migration in the walls, floors, and ceilings
of buildings is controlled by vapor barriers or vapor retarders.
Explain the difference between the two, and discuss which is
more suitable for use in the walls of residential buildings.
14–58C What are the adverse effects of excess moisture
on the wood and metal components of a house and the paint on
the walls?
14–59C Why are the insulations on the chilled water lines
always wrapped with vapor barrier jackets?
FIGURE P14–51 14–60C Explain how vapor pressure of the ambient air is
determined when the temperature, total pressure, and relative
14–52 Reconsider the balloon discussed in Problem 14–51. humidity of the air are given.
Assuming the volume to remain constant and disregarding 14–61 The diffusion of water vapor through plaster boards
the diffusion of air into the balloon, obtain a relation for the and its condensation in the wall insulation in cold weather are
variation of pressure in the balloon with time. Using the results of concern since they reduce the effectiveness of insulation.
obtained and the numerical values given in the problem, Consider a house that is maintained at 20°C and 60 percent
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Plaster 25°C
board 88 kPa
50% RH Moisture
9.5 mm
Outdoors Aluminum
97 kPa Vapor
diffusion Milk
60% RH

relative humidity at a location where the atmospheric pressure
is 97 kPa. The inside of the walls is finished with 9.5-mm-thick permeance is 2.9  1012 kg/s · m2 · Pa. The inner diameter of
gypsum wallboard. Taking the vapor pressure at the outer side the glass is 12 cm. Assuming the air in the glass to be saturated
of the wallboard to be zero, determine the maximum amount of at all times, determine how much the level of the milk in the
water vapor that will diffuse through a 3-m  8-m section of a glass will recede in 12 h. Answer: 0.00079 mm
wall during a 24-h period. The permeance of the 9.5-mm-thick
gypsum wallboard to water vapor is 2.86  109 kg/s · m2 · Pa. Transient Mass Diffusion
14–62 Reconsider Problem 14–61. In order to reduce the 14–67C In transient mass diffusion analysis, can we treat the
migration of water vapor through the wall, it is proposed to use diffusion of a solid into another solid of finite thickness (such
a 0.2-mm-thick polyethylene film with a permeance of 2.3  as the diffusion of carbon into an ordinary steel component) as
1012 kg/s · m2 · Pa. Determine the amount of water vapor that a diffusion process in a semi-infinite medium? Explain.
will diffuse through the wall in this case during a 24-h period. 14–68C Define the penetration depth for mass transfer, and
Answer: 6.7 g explain how it can be determined at a specified time when the
14–63 The roof of a house is 15 m  8 m and is made of a diffusion coefficient is known.
20-cm-thick concrete layer. The interior of the house is main- 14–69C When the density of a species A in a semi-infinite
tained at 25°C and 50 percent relative humidity and the local medium is known at the beginning and at the surface, explain
atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa. Determine the amount of how you would determine the concentration of the species A at
water vapor that will migrate through the roof in 24 h if the av- a specified location and time.
erage outside conditions during that period are 3°C and 30 per-
14–70 A steel part whose initial carbon content is 0.12 per-
cent relative humidity. The permeability of concrete to water
cent by mass is to be case-hardened in a furnace at 1150 K by
vapor is 24.7  1012 kg/s · m · Pa.
exposing it to a carburizing gas. The diffusion coefficient of
14–64 Reconsider Problem 14–63. Using EES (or carbon in steel is strongly temperature dependent, and at the
other) software, investigate the effects of tem- furnace temperature it is given to be DAB  7.2  1012 m2/s.
perature and relative humidity of air inside the house on the
amount of water vapor that will migrate through the roof. Let
the temperature vary from 15°C to 30°C and the relative hu-
midity from 30 to 70 percent. Plot the amount of water vapor 1150 K
that will migrate as functions of the temperature and the rela-
tive humidity, and discuss the results.
14–65 Reconsider Problem 14–63. In order to reduce the mi-
gration of water vapor, the inner surface of the wall is painted
with vapor retarder latex paint whose permeance is 26  1012 Steel part
kg/s · m2 · Pa. Determine the amount of water vapor that will
diffuse through the roof in this case during a 24-h period.
14–66 A glass of milk left on top of a counter in the kitchen
at 25°C, 88 kPa, and 50 percent relative humidity is tightly
sealed by a sheet of 0.009-mm-thick aluminum foil whose FIGURE P14–70
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Also, the mass fraction of carbon at the exposed surface of the (a) The rates of mass diffusion of species A and B are
steel part is maintained at 0.011 by the carbon-rich environ- equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
ment in the furnace. If the hardening process is to continue (b) DAB  DBA.
until the mass fraction of carbon at a depth of 0.7 mm is raised (c) During equimolar counterdiffusion through a tube,
to 0.32 percent, determine how long the part should be held in equal numbers of moles of A and B move in opposite
the furnace. Answer: 9 h directions, and thus a velocity measurement device
14–71 Repeat Problem 14–70 for a furnace temperature of placed in the tube will read zero.
500 K at which the diffusion coefficient of carbon in steel is (d) The lid of a tank containing propane gas (which is
DAB  2.1  1020 m2/s. heavier than air) is left open. If the surrounding air
and the propane in the tank are at the same tempera-
14–72 A pond with an initial oxygen content of zero is to be ture and pressure, no propane will escape the tank
oxygenated by forming a tent over the water surface and filling and no air will enter.
the tent with oxygen gas at 25°C and 130 kPa. Determine the
mole fraction of oxygen at a depth of 2 cm from the surface 14–78C What is Stefan flow? Write the expression for
after 12 h. Stefan’s law and indicate what each variable represents.
14–79E The pressure in a pipeline that transports helium gas
Tent at a rate of 5 lbm/s is maintained at 14.5 psia by venting helium
O2 gas to the atmosphere through a 14-in. internal diameter tube that
25°C extends 30 ft into the air. Assuming both the helium and the
130 kPa atmospheric air to be at 80°F, determine (a) the mass flow rate
of helium lost to the atmosphere through an individual tube,
O2 diffusion
(b) the mass flow rate of air that infiltrates into the pipeline,
and (c) the flow velocity at the bottom of the tube where it is
attached to the pipeline that will be measured by an anemome-
ter in steady operation.

FIGURE P14–72 Air

14–73 A long nickel bar with a diameter of 5 cm has been
He Air
stored in a hydrogen-rich environment at 358 K and 300 kPa
for a long time, and thus it contains hydrogen gas throughout
uniformly. Now the bar is taken into a well-ventilated area so
that the hydrogen concentration at the outer surface remains at 0.25 in.
almost zero at all times. Determine how long it will take for the
hydrogen concentration at the center of the bar to drop by half. 30 ft
The diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in the nickel bar at the
room temperature of 298 K can be taken to be DAB  1.2 
1012 m2/s. Answer: 3.3 years

Diffusion in a Moving Medium Helium Air

14–74C Define the following terms: mass-average velocity, 14.5 psia
5 lbm/s
diffusion velocity, stationary medium, and moving medium.
14–75C What is diffusion velocity? How does it affect the FIGURE P14–79E
mass-average velocity? Can the velocity of a species in a mov-
ing medium relative to a fixed reference point be zero in a 14–80E Repeat Problem 14–79E for a pipeline that trans-
moving medium? Explain. ports carbon dioxide instead of helium.
14–76C What is the difference between mass-average veloc- 14–81 A tank with a 2-cm thick shell contains hydrogen gas
ity and mole-average velocity during mass transfer in a moving at the atmospheric conditions of 25°C and 90 kPa. The charg-
medium? If one of these velocities is zero, will the other also ing valve of the tank has an internal diameter of 3 cm and ex-
necessarily be zero? Under what conditions will these two ve- tends 8 cm above the tank. If the lid of the tank is left open so
locities be the same for a binary mixture? that hydrogen and air can undergo equimolar counterdiffusion
14–77C Consider one-dimensional mass transfer in a moving through the 10-cm-long passageway, determine the mass flow
medium that consists of species A and B with   A  B  rate of hydrogen lost to the atmosphere through the valve at the
constant. Mark these statements as being True or False. initial stages of the process. Answer: 4.20  108 kg/s
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14–82 Reconsider Problem 14–81. Using EES (or 14–87C What is a concentration boundary layer? How is it
other) software, plot the mass flow rate of defined for flow over a plate?
hydrogen lost as a function of the diameter of the charging 14–88C What is the physical significance of the Schmidt
valve as the diameter varies from 1 cm to 5 cm, and discuss the number? How is it defined? To what dimensionless number
results. does it correspond in heat transfer? What does a Schmidt num-
14–83E A 1-in.-diameter Stefan tube is used to measure the ber of 1 indicate?
binary diffusion coefficient of water vapor in air at 70°F and
14–89C What is the physical significance of the Sherwood
13.8 psia. The tube is partially filled with water with a distance
number? How is it defined? To what dimensionless number
from the water surface to the open end of the tube of 10 in. Dry
does it correspond in heat transfer? What does a Sherwood
air is blown over the open end of the tube so that water vapor
number of 1 indicate for a plain fluid layer?
rising to the top is removed immediately and the concentration
of vapor at the top of the tube is zero. During 10 days of con- 14–90C What is the physical significance of the Lewis
tinuous operation at constant pressure and temperature, the number? How is it defined? What does a Lewis number of 1
amount of water that has evaporated is measured to be 0.0015 indicate?
lbm. Determine the diffusion coefficient of water vapor in air 14–91C In natural convection mass transfer, the Grashof
at 70°F and 13.8 psia. number is evaluated using density difference instead of tem-
14–84 An 8-cm-internal-diameter, 30-cm-high pitcher half perature difference. Can the Grashof number evaluated this
filled with water is left in a dry room at 15°C and 87 kPa with way be used in heat transfer calculations also?
its top open. If the water is maintained at 15°C at all times also, 14–92C Using the analogy between heat and mass transfer,
determine how long it will take for the water to evaporate explain how the mass transfer coefficient can be determined
completely. Answer: 1125 days
from the relations for the heat transfer coefficient.
14–93C It is well known that warm air in a cooler environ-
ment rises. Now consider a warm mixture of air and gasoline
(C8H18) on top of an open gasoline can. Do you think this gas
87 kPa Water mixture will rise in a cooler environment?
14–94C Consider two identical cups of coffee, one with no
sugar and the other with plenty of sugar at the bottom. Initially,
both cups are at the same temperature. If left unattended, which
cup of coffee will cool faster?
14–95C Under what conditions will the normalized velocity,
thermal, and concentration boundary layers coincide during
flow over a flat plate?
14–96C What is the relation ( f/2) Re  Nu  Sh known as?
Water Under what conditions is it valid? What is the practical im-
15°C portance of it?
14–97C What is the name of the relation f/2  St Pr2/3 
StmassSc2/3 and what are the names of the variables in it? Under
what conditions is it valid? What is the importance of it in
FIGURE P14–84 engineering?
14–98C What is the relation hheat  Cp hmass known as? For
14–85 A large tank containing ammonia at 1 atm and 25°C is what kind of mixtures is it valid? What is the practical im-
vented to the atmosphere through a 3-m-long tube whose inter- portance of it?
nal diameter is 1 cm. Determine the rate of loss of ammonia 14–99C What is the low mass flux approximation in mass
and the rate of infiltration of air into the tank. transfer analysis? Can the evaporation of water from a lake be
treated as a low mass flux process?
Mass Convection 14–100E Consider a circular pipe of inner diameter D 
14–86C Heat convection is expressed by Newton’s law of 0.5 in. whose inner surface is covered with a thin layer of
cooling as Q  hA(Ts  T). Express mass convection in an liquid water as a result of condensation. In order to dry the
analogous manner on a mass basis, and identify all the quanti- pipe, air at 540 R and 1 atm is forced to flow through it with an
ties in the expression and state their units. average velocity of 4 ft/s. Using the analogy between heat and
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mass transfer, determine the mass transfer coefficient inside the 14–105 Consider a 5-m  5-m wet concrete patio with an
pipe for fully developed flow. Answer: 0.024 ft/s average water film thickness of 0.3 mm. Now wind at 50 km/h
14–101 The average heat transfer coefficient for air flow is blowing over the surface. If the air is at 1 atm, 15°C, and
over an odd-shaped body is to be determined by mass transfer 35 percent relative humidity, determine how long it will take
measurements and using the Chilton–Colburn analogy between for the patio to dry completely. Answer: 18.6 min
heat and mass transfer. The experiment is conducted by blow- 14–106E A 2-in.-diameter spherical naphthalene ball is sus-
ing dry air at 1 atm at a free stream velocity of 2 m/s over a pended in a room at 1 atm and 80°F. Determine the average
body covered with a layer of naphthalene. The surface area of mass transfer coefficient between the naphthalene and the air
the body is 0.75 m2, and it is observed that 100 g of naph- if air is forced to flow over naphthalene with a free stream ve-
thalene has sublimated in 45 min. During the experiment, both locity of 15 ft/s. The Schmidt number of naphthalene in air at
the body and the air were kept at 25°C, at which the vapor room temperature is 2.35. Answer: 0.0525 ft/s
pressure and mass diffusivity of naphthalene are 11 Pa and
DAB  0.61  105 m2/s, respectively. Determine the heat 14–107 Consider a 3-mm-diameter raindrop that is falling
transfer coefficient under the same flow conditions over the freely in atmospheric air at 25°C. Taking the temperature of the
same geometry. raindrop to be 9°C, determine the terminal velocity of the rain-
drop at which the drag force equals the weight of the drop and
0.75 m2 the average mass transfer coefficient at that time.
14–108 In a manufacturing facility, wet brass plates coming
1 atm out of a water bath are to be dried by passing them through a
2 m /s section where dry air at 1 atm and 25°C is blown parallel to
25°C their surfaces. If the plates are at 20°C and there are no dry
spots, determine the rate of evaporation from both sides of
Naphthalene a plate.
FIGURE P14–101

14–102 Consider a 15-cm-internal-diameter, 10-m-long cir-

cular duct whose interior surface is wet. The duct is to be dried Air
25°C 40 cm
by forcing dry air at 1 atm and 15°C through it at an average 4 m/s
velocity of 3 m/s. The duct passes through a chilled room, and
it remains at an average temperature of 15°C at all times. De-
termine the mass transfer coefficient in the duct. 40 cm
14–103 Reconsider Problem 14–102. Using EES (or Brass plate
other) software, plot the mass transfer coeffi- 20°C
cient as a function of the air velocity as the velocity varies from FIGURE P14–108
1 m/s to 8 m/s, and discuss the results.
14–104 Dry air at 15°C and 92 kPa flows over a 2-m-long 14–109E Air at 80°F, 1 atm, and 30 percent relative humid-
wet surface with a free stream velocity of 4 m/s. Determine the ity is blown over the surface of a 15-in.  15-in. square pan
average mass transfer coefficient. Answer: 0.00514 m/s filled with water at a free stream velocity of 10 ft/s. If the water
is maintained at a uniform temperature of 80°F, determine the
Dry air rate of evaporation of water and the amount of heat that needs
15°C, 92 kPa to be supplied to the water to maintain its temperature constant.
4 m /s 14–110E Repeat Problem 14–109E for temperature of 60°F
for both the air and water.
Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer
14–111C Does a mass transfer process have to involve heat
transfer? Describe a process that involves both heat and mass
14–112C Consider a shallow body of water. Is it possible for
this water to freeze during a cold and dry night even when the
ambient air and surrounding surface temperatures never drop
FIGURE P14–104 to 0°C? Explain.
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14–113C During evaporation from a water body to air, under the emissivities of sheet metal and water to be 0.61 and 0.95,
what conditions will the latent heat of vaporization be equal to respectively.
convection heat transfer from the air? Answers: (a) 61,337 W, (b) 1480 W, (c) 3773 W, (d ) 79,960 W,
44.9 kg/h
14–114 Jugs made of porous clay were commonly used to
cool water in the past. A small amount of water that leaks out 14–118 Repeat Problem 14–117 for a water bath temperature
keeps the outer surface of the jug wet at all times, and hot and of 50°C.
relatively dry air flowing over the jug causes this water to 14–119 One way of increasing heat transfer from the head on
evaporate. Part of the latent heat of evaporation comes from the a hot summer day is to wet it. This is especially effective in
water in the jug, and the water is cooled as a result. If the envi- windy weather, as you may have noticed. Approximating the
ronment conditions are 1 atm, 30°C, and 35 percent relative head as a 30-cm-diameter sphere at 30°C with an emissivity of
humidity, determine the temperature of the water when steady 0.95, determine the total rate of heat loss from the head at am-
conditions are reached. bient air conditions of 1 atm, 25°C, 40 percent relative humid-
ity, and 25 km/h winds if the head is (a) dry and (b) wet. Take
the surrounding temperature to be 25°C.
Answers: (a) 40.6 W, (b) 352 W
Water that
leaks out Wet
Evaporation 1 atm
Hot, dry air 30°C
30°C 40% RH
35% RH

25 km/h
FIGURE P14–114

14–115 Reconsider Problem 14–114. Using EES (or FIGURE P14–119

other) software, plot the water temperature as a 14–120 A 2-m-deep 20-m  20-m heated swimming pool is
function of the relative humidity of air as the relative humidity maintained at a constant temperature of 30°C at a location
varies from 10 to 100 percent, and discuss the results. where the atmospheric pressure is 1 atm. If the ambient air is at
20°C and 60 percent relative humidity and the effective sky
14–116E During a hot summer day, a 2-L bottle drink is to be temperature is 0°C, determine the rate of heat loss from the top
cooled by wrapping it in a cloth kept wet continually and blow- surface of the pool by (a) radiation, (b) natural convection, and
ing air to it with a fan. If the environment conditions are 1 atm, (c) evaporation. (d) Assuming the heat losses to the ground to
80°F, and 30 percent relative humidity, determine the tempera- be negligible, determine the size of the heater.
ture of the drink when steady conditions are reached.
14–121 Repeat Problem 14–120 for a pool temperature
14–117 A glass bottle washing facility uses a well- of 25°C.
agitated hot water bath at 55°C with an open
top that is placed on the ground. The bathtub is 1 m high, 2 m Review Problems
wide, and 4 m long and is made of sheet metal so that the outer 14–122C Mark these statements as being True or False.
side surfaces are also at about 55°C. The bottles enter at a rate
of 800 per minute at ambient temperature and leave at the wa- (a) The units of mass diffusivity, heat diffusivity, and
ter temperature. Each bottle has a mass of 150 g and removes momentum diffusivity are all the same.
0.6 g of water as it leaves the bath wet. Makeup water is sup- (b) If the molar concentration (or molar density) C of a
plied at 15°C. If the average conditions in the plant are 1 atm, mixture is constant, then its density  must also be
25°C, and 50 percent relative humidity, and the average tem- constant.
perature of the surrounding surfaces is 15°C, determine (a) the (c) If the mass-average velocity of a binary mixture is
amount of heat and water removed by the bottles themselves zero, then the mole-average velocity of the mixture
per second; (b) the rate of heat loss from the top surface of the must also be zero.
water bath by radiation, natural convection, and evaporation; (d) If the mole fractions of A and B of a mixture are both
(c) the rate of heat loss from the side surfaces by natural con- 0.5, then the molar mass of the mixture is simply the
vection and radiation; and (d) the rate at which heat and water arithmetic average of the molar masses of A and B.
must be supplied to maintain steady operating conditions. Dis- 14–123 Using Henry’s law, show that the dissolved gases in
regard heat loss through the bottom surface of the bath and take a liquid can be driven off by heating the liquid.
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14–124 Show that for an ideal gas mixture maintained at a

constant temperature and pressure, the molar concentration C
of the mixture remains constant but this is not necessarily the
case for the density  of the mixture.
14–125E A gas mixture in a tank at 600 R and 20 psia con- Water
sists of 1 lbm of CO2 and 3 lbm of CH4. Determine the volume
of the tank and the partial pressure of each gas.
14–126 Dry air whose molar analysis is 78.1 percent N2, 20.9
percent O2, and 1 percent Ar flows over a water body until it is
saturated. If the pressure and temperature of air remain con-
stant at 1 atm and 25°C during the process, determine (a) the
molar analysis of the saturated air and (b) the density of air
before and after the process. What do you conclude from your
14–127 Consider a glass of water in a room at 25°C and FIGURE P14–129
100 kPa. If the relative humidity in the room is 70 percent and
the water and the air are at the same temperature, determine
(a) the mole fraction of the water vapor in the room air, (b) the
mole fraction of the water vapor in the air adjacent to the water 14–130 Consider a brick house that is maintained at 20°C
surface, and (c) the mole fraction of air in the water near the and 60 percent relative humidity at a location where the atmos-
surface. pheric pressure is 85 kPa. The walls of the house are made of
Answers: (a) 2.22 percent, (b) 3.17 percent, (c) 1.34  105 20-cm thick brick whose permeance is 23  109 kg/s · m2 ·
percent Pa. Taking the vapor pressure at the outer side of the wallboard
25°C to be zero, determine the maximum amount of water vapor that
100 kPa will diffuse through a 4-m  7-m section of a wall during a
24-h period.
70% RH
Air-water 14–131E Consider a masonry cavity wall that is built around
interface 6-in.-thick concrete blocks. The outside is finished with 4-in.
face brick with 21 -in. cement mortar between the bricks and
concrete blocks. The inside finish consists of 12 -in. gypsum
wallboard separated from the concrete block by 34 -in.-thick
air space. The thermal and vapor resistances of various compo-
nents for a unit wall area are as follows:

FIGURE P14–127
14–128 The diffusion coefficient of carbon in steel is
given as

DAB  2.67  105 exp(–17,400/T) m2/s

where T is in K. Determine the diffusion coefficient from

300 K to 1500 K in 100 K increments and plot the results.
14–129 A carbonated drink is fully charged with CO2 gas at
17°C and 600 kPa such that the entire bulk of the drink is in 6
thermodynamic equilibrium with the CO2–water vapor mix- 5
ture. Now consider a 2-L soda bottle. If the CO2 gas in that bot- 3
tle were to be released and stored in a container at 25°C and 2
100 kPa, determine the volume of the container. 1
Answer: 12.7 L FIGURE P14–131E
cen58933_ch14.qxd 9/9/2002 10:06 AM Page 782


R-Value, R-Value, 14–134 Consider a 30-cm-diameter pan filled with water at

Construction h · ft2 · °F/Btu s · ft2 · psi/lbm 15°C in a room at 20°C, 1 atm, and 30 percent relative humid-
1. Outside surface, ity. Determine (a) the rate of heat transfer by convection, (b)
15 mph wind 0.17 — the rate of evaporation of water, and (c) the rate of heat trans-
2. Face brick, 4 in. 0.43 15,000 fer to the water needed to maintain its temperature at 15°C.
3. Cement mortar, Disregard any radiation effects.
0.5 in. 0.10 1930 14–135 Repeat Problem 14–134 assuming a fan blows air
4. Concrete block, over the water surface at a velocity of 3 m/s. Take the radius of
6-in. 4.20 23,000 the pan to be the characteristic length.
5. Air space,
3 -in. 1.02 77.6 14–136 Naphthalene is commonly used as a repellent against
6. Gypsum wallboard, moths to protect clothing during storage. Consider a 1-cm-
0.5 in. 0.45 332 diameter spherical naphthalene ball hanging in a closet at 25°C
7. Inside surface, and 1 atm. Considering the variation of diameter with time, de-
still air 0.68 — termine how long it will take for the naphthalene to sublimate
completely. The density and vapor pressure of naphthalene at
25°C are 0.11 Pa and 1100 kg/m3 and 11 Pa, respectively, and
the mass diffusivity of naphthalene in air at 25°C is DAB  0.61
The indoor conditions are 70°F and 65 percent relative humid-  105 m2/s.
ity while the outdoor conditions are 32°F and 40 percent rela- Answer: 45.7 days
tive humidity. Determine the rates of heat and water vapor
transfer through a 9-ft  25-ft section of the wall.
Answers: 1436 Btu/h, 4.03 lbm/h
14–132 The oxygen needs of fish in aquariums are usually 25°C Sublimation
met by forcing air to the bottom of the aquarium by a compres- 1 atm
sor. The air bubbles provide a large contact area between the
water and the air, and as the bubbles rise, oxygen and nitrogen
gases in the air dissolve in water while some water evaporates Naphthalene
into the bubbles. Consider an aquarium that is maintained at 25°C
room temperature of 25°C at all times. The air bubbles are ob-
served to rise to the free surface of water in 2 s. If the air enter-
ing the aquarium is completely dry and the diameter of the air
bubbles is 4 mm, determine the mole fraction of water vapor at
the center of the bubble when it leaves the aquarium. Assume FIGURE P14–136
no fluid motion in the bubble so that water vapor propagates in
the bubble by diffusion only. 14–137E A swimmer extends his wet arms into the windy air
Answer: 3.13 percent outside at 1 atm, 40°F, 50 percent relative humidity, and 20
mph. If the average skin temperature is 80°F, determine the
1 atm rate at which water evaporates from both arms and the corre-
25°C sponding rate of heat transfer by evaporation. The arm can be
Air bubbles modeled as a 2-ft-long and 3-in.-diameter cylinder with adia-
batic ends.
14–138 A thick part made of nickel is put into a room filled
25°C with hydrogen at 3 atm and 85°C. Determine the hydrogen
concentration at a depth of 2-mm from the surface after 24 h.
Answer: 4.1  107 kmol/m3
14–139 A membrane made of 0.1-mm-thick soft rubber sep-
arates pure O2 at 1 atm and 25°C from air at 1.2 atm pressure.
FIGURE P14–132
Determine the mass flow rate of O2 through the membrane per
unit area and the direction of flow.
14–133 Oxygen gas is forced into an aquarium at 1 atm and 14–140E The top section of an 8-ft-deep 100-ft  100-ft
25°C, and the oxygen bubbles are observed to rise to the free heated solar pond is maintained at a constant temperature of
surface in 2 s. Determine the penetration depth of oxygen into 80°F at a location where the atmospheric pressure is 1 atm. If
water from a bubble during this time period. the ambient air is at 70°F and 100 percent relative humidity
cen58933_ch14.qxd 9/9/2002 10:06 AM Page 783


and wind is blowing at an average velocity of 40 mph, deter- cern in cold climates as it undermines the effectiveness of the
mine the rate of heat loss from the top surface of the pond by insulation. Investigate how the builders in your area are coping
(a) forced convection, (b) radiation, and (c) evaporation. Take with this problem, whether they are using vapor retarders or
the average temperature of the surrounding surfaces to be 60°F. vapor barriers in the walls, and where they are located in the
14–141E Repeat Problem 14–140E for a solar pond surface walls. Prepare a report on your findings and explain the rea-
temperature of 90°F. soning for the current practice.
Answers: (a) 299,400 Btu/h, (b) 1,057,000 Btu/h, (c) 3,396,000 14–146 You are asked to design a heating system for a swim-
Btu/h ming pool that is 2 m deep, 25 m long, and 25 m wide. Your
client desires that the heating system be large enough to raise
Computer, Design, and Essay Problems the water temperature from 20°C to 30°C in 3 h. The heater
14–142 Write an essay on diffusion caused by effects other must also be able to maintain the pool at 30°C at the outdoor
than the concentration gradient such as thermal diffusion, pres- design conditions of 15°C, 1 atm, 35 percent relative humidity,
sure diffusion, forced diffusion, knodsen diffusion, and surface 40 mph winds, and effective sky temperature of 10°C. Heat
diffusion. losses to the ground are expected to be small and can be disre-
14–143 Write a computer program that will convert the mole garded. The heater considered is a natural gas furnace whose
fractions of a gas mixture to mass fractions when the molar efficiency is 80 percent. What heater size (in Btu/h input)
masses of the components of the mixture are specified. would you recommend that your client buy?
14–144 One way of generating electricity from solar energy 15°C
involves the collection and storage of solar energy in large ar- 1 atm Heat
tificial lakes of a few meters deep, called solar ponds. Solar en- Evaporation 35% RH loss
ergy is stored at the bottom part of the pond at temperatures
close to boiling, and the rise of hot water to the top is prevented
by planting salt to the bottom of the pond. Write an essay on 30°C
the operation of solar pond power plants, and find out how Heating
much salt is used per year per m2. If the cost is not a factor, can Pool
sugar be used instead of salt to maintain the concentration gra-
dient? Explain.
14–145 The condensation and even freezing of moisture in
building walls without effective vapor retarders is a real con- FIGURE P14–146
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
1.1. Introduction:
Atmospheric air makes up the environment in almost every type of air
conditioning system. Hence a thorough understanding of the properties of
atmospheric air and the ability to analyze various processes involving air is
fundamental to air conditioning design.

Psychrometry is the study of the properties of mixtures of air and water


Atmospheric air is a mixture of many gases plus water vapour and a number
of pollutants (Fig.1.1). The amount of water vapour and pollutants vary from place
to place. The concentration of water vapour and pollutants decrease with altitude,
and above an altitude of about 10 km, atmospheric air consists of only dry air. The
pollutants have to be filtered out before processing the air. Hence, what we process
is essentially a mixture of various gases that constitute air and water vapour. This
mixture is known as moist air.

The moist air can be thought of as a mixture of dry air and moisture. For all
practical purposes, the composition of dry air can be considered as constant. In
1949, a standard composition of dry air was fixed by the International Joint
Committee on Psychrometric data. It is given in Table 1.1.

Constituent Molecular weight Mol fraction

Oxygen 32.000 0.2095
Nitrogen 28.016 0.7809
Argon 39.944 0.0093
Carbon dioxide 44.010 0.0003

Table 1.1: Composition of standard air

Based on the above composition the molecular weight of dry air is found to be
28.966 and the gas constant R is 287.035 J/kg.K.

As mentioned before the air to be processed in air conditioning systems is a

mixture of dry air and water vapour. While the composition of dry air is constant, the
amount of water vapour present in the air may vary from zero to a maximum
depending upon the temperature and pressure of the mixture (dry air + water

At a given temperature and pressure the dry air can only hold a certain
maximum amount of moisture. When the moisture content is maximum, then the air
is known as saturated air, which is established by a neutral equilibrium between the
moist air and the liquid or solid phases of water.

For calculation purposes, the molecular weight of water vapour is taken as 18.015
and its gas constant is 461.52 J/kg.K.
Atmospheric air

Mixture of permanent Water vapour

gases (N2,O2,Ar,H2,…)

Dust particles,
fumes etc

After filtration

Mixture of permanent
gases (N2,O2,Ar,H2,…)

Water vapour

Moist air for


Fig.1.1: Atmospheric air

1.2. Methods for estimating properties of moist air:

In order to perform air conditioning calculations, it is essential first to estimate
various properties of air. It is difficult to estimate the exact property values of moist
air as it is a mixture of several permanent gases and water vapour. However, moist
air upto 3 atm. pressure is found to obey perfect gas law with accuracy sufficient for
engineering calculations. For higher accuracy Goff and Gratch tables can be used
for estimating moist air properties. These tables are obtained using mixture models
based on fundamental principles of statistical mechanics that take into account the
real gas behaviour of dry air and water vapour. However, these tables are valid for a
barometric pressure of 1 atm. only. Even though the calculation procedure is quite
complex, using the mixture models it is possible to estimate moist air properties at

other pressures also. However, since in most cases the pressures involved are low,
one can apply the perfect gas model to estimate psychrometric properties.

1.2.1. Basic gas laws for moist air:

According to the Gibbs-Dalton law for a mixture of perfect gases, the total
pressure exerted by the mixture is equal to the sum of partial pressures of the
constituent gases. According to this law, for a homogeneous perfect gas mixture
occupying a volume V and at temperature T, each constituent gas behaves as
though the other gases are not present (i.e., there is no interaction between the
gases). Each gas obeys perfect gas equation. Hence, the partial pressures exerted
by each gas, p1,p2,p3 … and the total pressure pt are given by:

nR T n R T n R T
p 1 = 1 u ; p 2 = 2 u ; p 3 = 3 u ......
V V V (1.1)
p t = p 1 + p 2 + p 3 + ......

where n1,n2,n3,… are the number of moles of gases 1,2,3,…

Applying this equation to moist air.

p = pt = pa + pv (1.2)

where p = pt = total barometric pressure

pa = partial pressure of dry air
pv = partial pressure of water vapour

1.2.2. Important psychrometric properties:

Dry bulb temperature (DBT) is the temperature of the moist air as measured by a
standard thermometer or other temperature measuring instruments.

Saturated vapour pressure (psat) is the saturated partial pressure of water vapour at
the dry bulb temperature. This is readily available in thermodynamic tables and
charts. ASHRAE suggests the following regression equation for saturated vapour
pressure of water, which is valid for 0 to 100oC.
ln(p sat ) = 1 + c 2 + c 3 T + c 4 T 2 + c 5 T 3 + c 6 ln(T ) (1.3)
where psat = saturated vapor pressure of water in kilo Pascals
T = temperature in K
The regression coefficients c1 to c6 are given by:

c1 = -5.80022006E+03, c2 = -5.516256E+00, c3 = -4.8640239E-02

c4 = 4.1764768E-05, c5 = -1.4452093E-08, c6 = 6.5459673E+00

Relative humidity (Φ) is defined as the ratio of the mole fraction of water vapour in
moist air to mole fraction of water vapour in saturated air at the same temperature
and pressure. Using perfect gas equation we can show that:

partial pressure of water vapour p

φ= = v
saturation pressure of pure water vapour at same temperature p sat

Relative humidity is normally expressed as a percentage. When Φ is 100

percent, the air is saturated.

Humidity ratio (W): The humidity ratio (or specific humidity) W is the mass of water
associated with each kilogram of dry air 1 . Assuming both water vapour and dry air to
be perfect gases 2 , the humidity ratio is given by:

kg of water vapour p v V / R v T pv / R v
W= = = (1.5)
kg of dry air p a V / R a T (p t − p v ) / R a

Substituting the values of gas constants of water vapour and air Rv and Ra in
the above equation; the humidity ratio is given by:

W = 0.622
pt − pv (1.6)

For a given barometric pressure pt, given the DBT, we can find the saturated vapour
pressure psat from the thermodynamic property tables on steam. Then using the
above equation, we can find the humidity ratio at saturated conditions, Wsat.

It is to be noted that, W is a function of both total barometric pressure and

vapor pressure of water.

Dew-point temperature: If unsaturated moist air is cooled at constant pressure, then

the temperature at which the moisture in the air begins to condense is known as
dew-point temperature (DPT) of air. An approximate equation for dew-point
temperature is given by:

4030(DBT + 235 )
DPT = − 235 (1.7)
4030 − (DBT + 235 ) ln φ
where Φ is the relative humidity (in fraction). DBT & DPT are in oC. Of course, since
from its definition, the dew point temperature is the saturation temperature
corresponding to the vapour pressure of water vapour, it can be obtained from steam
tables or using Eqn.(1.3).

1 Properties such as humidity ratio, enthalpy and specific volume are based on 1 kg of dry air. This is useful as the total
mass of moist air in a process varies by the addition/removal of water vapour, but the mass of dry air remains constant.
2 Dry air is assumed to be a perfect gas as its temperature is high relative to its saturation
temperature, and water vapour is assumed to be a perfect gas because its pressure is low relative to its saturation
pressure. These assumptions result in accuracies, that are, sufficient for engineering calculations (less than 0.7 percent as
shown by Threlkeld). However, more accurate results can be obtained by using the data developed by Goff and Gratch in

Degree of saturation μ: The degree of saturation is the ratio of the humidity ratio W to
the humidity ratio of a saturated mixture Ws at the same temperature and pressure,

W (1.8)
Ws t ,P

Enthalpy: The enthalpy of moist air is the sum of the enthalpy of the dry air and the
enthalpy of the water vapour. Enthalpy values are always based on some reference
value. For moist air, the enthalpy of dry air is given a zero value at 0oC, and for water
vapour the enthalpy of saturated water is taken as zero at 0oC.
The enthalpy of moist air is given by:

h = h a + Whg = c p t + W(h fg + c pw t ) (1.9)

where cp = specific heat of dry air at constant pressure, kJ/kg.K

cpw = specific heat of water vapor, kJ/kg.K
t = Dry-bulb temperature of air-vapor mixture, oC
W = Humidity ratio, kg of water vapor/kg of dry air
ha = enthalpy of dry air at temperature t, kJ/kg
hg = enthalpy of water vapor 3 at temperature t, kJ/kg
hfg = latent heat of vaporization at 0oC, kJ/kg

The unit of h is kJ/kg of dry air. Substituting the approximate values of cp and hg, we
h = 1.005 t + W (2501 + 1.88 t ) (1.10)
Humid specific heat: From the equation for enthalpy of moist air, the humid specific
heat of moist air can be written as:

c pm = c p + W.c pw (1.11)

where cpm = humid specific heat, kJ/kg.K

cp = specific heat of dry air, kJ/kg.K
cpw = specific heat of water vapor, kJ/kg
W = humidity ratio, kg of water vapor/kg of dry air

Since the second term in the above equation (w.cpw) is very small compared
to the first term, for all practical purposes, the humid specific heat of moist air, cpm
can be taken as 1.0216 kJ/kg dry air.K

Specific volume: The specific volume is defined as the number of cubic meters of
moist air per kilogram of dry air. From perfect gas equation since the volumes
occupied by the individual substances are the same, the specific volume is also
equal to the number of cubic meters of dry air per kilogram of dry air, i.e.,

3 Though the water vapor in moist air is likely to be superheated, no appreciable error results if we assume it to be saturated.
This is because of the fact that the constant temperature lines in the superheated region on a Mollier chart (h vs s) are
almost horizontal.

R T R aT
v= a = m3 / kg dry air (1.12)
pa pt − pv

1.2.3. Psychrometric chart

A Psychrometric chart graphically represents the thermodynamic properties of

moist air. Standard psychrometric charts are bounded by the dry-bulb temperature
line (abscissa) and the vapour pressure or humidity ratio (ordinate). The Left Hand
Side of the psychrometric chart is bounded by the saturation line. Figure 1.2 shows
the schematic of a psychrometric chart. Psychrometric charts are readily available
for standard barometric pressure of 101.325 kPa at sea level and for normal
temperatures (0-50oC). ASHRAE has also developed psychrometric charts for other
temperatures and barometric pressures (for low temperatures: -40 to 10oC, high
temperatures 10 to 120oC and very high temperatures 100 to 120oC)

Lines of constant
relative of
constant RH Lines of
Saturation curve
(RH = 100%)

Lines of

Fig.1.2: Schematic of a psychrometric chart for a given barometric pressure

1.3. Measurement of psychrometric properties:

Based on Gibbs’ phase rule, the thermodynamic state of moist air is uniquely
fixed if the barometric pressure and two other independent properties are known.
This means that at a given barometric pressure, the state of moist air can be
determined by measuring any two independent properties. One of them could be the
dry-bulb temperature (DBT), as the measurement of this temperature is fairly simple
and accurate. The accurate measurement of other independent parameters such as
humidity ratio is very difficult in practice. Since measurement of temperatures is

easier, it would be convenient if the other independent parameter is also a

temperature. Of course, this could be the dew-point temperature (DPT), but it is
observed that accurate measurement of dew-point temperature is difficult. In this
context, a new independent temperature parameter called the wet-bulb temperature
(WBT) is defined. Compared to DPT, it is easier to measure the wet-bulb
temperature of moist air. Thus knowing the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures from
measurements, it is possible to find the other properties of moist air.

To understand the concept of wet-bulb temperature, it is essential to

understand the process of combined heat and mass transfer.

1.3.1. Combined heat and mass transfer; the straight line law

The straight line law states that “when air is transferring heat and mass
(water) to or from a wetted surface, the condition of air shown on a psychrometric
chart drives towards the saturation line at the temperature of the wetted surface”.

For example, as shown in Fig.1.3, when warm air passes over a wetted
surface its temperature drops from 1 to 2. Also, since the vapor pressure of air at 1 is
greater than the saturated vapor pressure at tw, there will be moisture transfer from
air to water, i.e., the warm air in contact with cold wetted surface cools and
dehumidifies. According to the straight line law, the final condition of air (i.e., 2) lies
on a straight line joining 1 with tw on the saturation line. This is due to the value of
unity of the Lewis number, that was discussed in an earlier chapter on analogy
between heat and mass transfer.

Fig.1.3: Principle of straight-line law for air-water mixtures

1.3.2. Adiabatic saturation and thermodynamic wet bulb temperature:

Adiabatic saturation temperature is defined as that temperature at which

water, by evaporating into air, can bring the air to saturation at the same temperature
adiabatically. An adiabatic saturator is a device using which one can measure
theoretically the adiabatic saturation temperature of air.

As shown in Fig.1.4, an adiabatic saturator is a device in which air flows

through an infinitely long duct containing water. As the air comes in contact with

water in the duct, there will be heat and mass transfer between water and air. If the
duct is infinitely long, then at the exit, there would exist perfect equilibrium between
air and water at steady state. Air at the exit would be fully saturated and its
temperature is equal to that of water temperature. The device is adiabatic as the
walls of the chamber are thermally insulated. In order to continue the process, make-
up water has to be provided to compensate for the amount of water evaporated into
the air. The temperature of the make-up water is controlled so that it is the same as
that in the duct.

After the adiabatic saturator has achieved a steady-state condition, the

temperature indicated by the thermometer immersed in the water is the
thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature. The thermodynamic wet bulb temperature will
be less than the entering air DBT but greater than the dew point temperature.

Certain combinations of air conditions will result in a given sump temperature,

and this can be defined by writing the energy balance equation for the adiabatic
saturator. Based on a unit mass flow rate of dry air, this is given by:

h1 = h 2 − ( W2 − W1 )h f (1.13)

where hf is the enthalpy of saturated liquid at the sump or thermodynamic wet-bulb

temperature, h1 and h2 are the enthalpies of air at the inlet and exit of the adiabatic
saturator, and W1 and W2 are the humidity ratio of air at the inlet and exit of the
adiabatic saturator, respectively.

It is to be observed that the thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature is a

thermodynamic property, and is independent of the path taken by air. Assuming the
humid specific heat to be constant, from the enthalpy balance, the thermodynamic
wet-bulb temperature can be written as:

hfg,2 (1.14)
t 2 = t1 − ( w 2 − w 1)
where hfg,2 is the latent heat of vaporization at the saturated condition 2. Thus
measuring the dry bulb (t1) and wet bulb temperature (t2) one can find the inlet
humidity ratio (W1) from the above expression as the outlet saturated humidity ratio
(W2) and latent heat heat of vaporizations are functions of t2 alone (at fixed
barometric pressure).

On the psychrometric chart as shown in Fig.1.5, point 1 lies below the line of
constant enthalpy that passes through the saturation point 2. t2 = f(t1,W1) is not a
unique function, in the sense that there can be several combinations of t1 and W1
which can result in the same sump temperature in the adiabatic saturator. A line
passing through all these points is a constant wet bulb temperature line. Thus all
inlet conditions that result in the same sump temperature, for example point 1’ have
the same wet bulb temperature. The line is a straight line according to the straight-
line law. The straight-line joining 1 and 2 represents the path of the air as it passes
through the adiabatic saturator.

Normally lines of constant wet bulb temperature are shown on the

psychrometric chart. The difference between actual enthalpy and the enthalpy
obtained by following constant wet-bulb temperature is equal to (w2-w1)hf.

Perfect insulation

Moist air Moist air

t1,W1,p t2,W2,p
Water at t2

Make-up water
(W2-W1) per kgda

Fig.1.4: The process of adiabatic saturation of air



t2 t1

Fig.1.5: Adiabatic saturation process 1-2 on psychrometric chart


1.3.3. Wet-Bulb Thermometer:

In practice, it is not convenient to measure the wet-bulb temperature using an

adiabatic saturator. In stead, a thermometer with a wetted wick is used to measure
the wet bulb temperature as shown in Fig.1.6. It can be observed that since the
area of the wet bulb is finite, the state of air at the exit of the wet bulb will not be
saturated, in stead it will be point 2 on the straight line joining 1 and i, provided the
temperature of water on the wet bulb is i. It has been shown by Carrier, that this is a
valid assumption for air-water mixtures. Hence for air-water mixtures, one can
assume that the temperature measured by the wet-bulb thermometer is equal to the
thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature 4 . For other gas-vapor mixtures, there can be
appreciable difference between the thermodynamic and actual wet-bulb

Wet wick


Fig.1.6: Schematic of a wet-bulb thermometer and the process

on psychrometric chart

4 By performing energy balance across the wet-bulb, it can be shown that, the temperature measured
by the wet-bulb thermometer is:

t2 = t1 − (kw /hc )hfg(wi − w); where kw is the mass transfer coefficient

for air-water mixtures, the ratio (hc/kwcpm) = Lewis number is ≈1, hence, the wick temperature is approximately
equal to the thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature.
It should be noted that, unlike thermodynamic WBT, the WBT of wet bulb thermometer is not a
thermodynamic property as it depends upon the rates of heat and mass transfer between the wick and air.

1.4. Calculation of psychrometric properties from p, DBT and

As mentioned before, to fix the thermodynamic state of moist air, we need to
know three independent properties. The properties that are relatively easier to
measure, are: the barometric pressure, dry-bulb temperature and wet-bulb
temperature. For a given barometric pressure, knowing the dry bulb and wet bulb
temperatures, all other properties can be easily calculated from the psychrometric
equations. The following are the empirical relations for the vapor pressure of water in
moist air:

i) Modified Apjohn equation:

1.8p(t − t , ) (1.15)
p v = p ,v −
ii) Modified Ferrel equation:
⎡ 1 .8 t ⎤
p v = p ,v − 0.00066p(t − t , )⎢1 + ⎥ (1.16)
⎣ 1571⎦
iii) Carrier equation:
1.8(p − p ,v )(t − t , )
p v = p ,v − (1.17)
2800 − 1.3(1.8t + 32)

where t = dry bulb temperature, oC

t’ = wet bulb temperature, oC
p = barometric pressure
pv = vapor pressure
pv’ = saturation vapor pressure at wet-bulb temperature

The units of all the pressures in the above equations should be consistent.

Once the vapor pressure is calculated, then all other properties such as
relative humidity, humidity ratio, enthalpy, humid volume etc. can be calculated from
the psychrometric equations presented earlier.

1.5. Psychrometer:
Any instrument capable of measuring the psychrometric state of air is called a
psychrometer. As mentioned before, in order to measure the psychrometric state of
air, it is required to measure three independent parameters. Generally two of these
are the barometric pressure and air dry-bulb temperature as they can be measured
easily and with good accuracy.

Two types of psychrometers are commonly used. Each comprises of two

thermometers with the bulb of one covered by a moist wick. The two sensing bulbs
are separated and shaded from each other so that the radiation heat transfer
between them becomes negligible. Radiation shields may have to be used over the
bulbs if the surrounding temperatures are considerably different from the air

The sling psychrometer is widely used for measurements involving room air
or other applications where the air velocity inside the room is small. The sling
psychrometer consists of two thermometers mounted side by side and fitted in a
frame with a handle for whirling the device through air. The required air circulation (≈
3 to 5 m/s) over the sensing bulbs is obtained by whirling the psychrometer (≈ 300
RPM). Readings are taken when both the thermometers show steady-state readings.

In the aspirated psychrometer, the thermometers remain stationary, and a

small fan, blower or syringe moves the air across the thermometer bulbs.

The function of the wick on the wet-bulb thermometer is to provide a thin film
of water on the sensing bulb. To prevent errors, there should be a continuous film of
water on the wick. The wicks made of cotton or cloth should be replaced frequently,
and only distilled water should be used for wetting it. The wick should extend beyond
the bulb by 1 or 2 cms to minimize the heat conduction effects along the stem.

Other types of psychrometric instruments:

1. Dunmore Electric Hygrometer

2. DPT meter
3. Hygrometer (Using horse’s or human hair)

Chapter 2
Psychrometric Processes

Version 1 ME, IIT Kharagpur 1

Chapter 2 Psychrometric Processes

2.1. Introduction:
In the design and analysis of air conditioning plants, the fundamental
requirement is to identify the various processes being performed on air. Once identified,
the processes can be analyzed by applying the laws of conservation of mass and
energy. All these processes can be plotted easily on a psychrometric chart. This is very
useful for quick visualization and also for identifying the changes taking place in
important properties such as temperature, humidity ratio, enthalpy etc. The important
processes that air undergoes in a typical air conditioning plant are discussed below.

2.2. Important psychrometric processes:

a) Sensible cooling:

During this process, the moisture content of air remains constant but its
temperature decreases as it flows over a cooling coil. For moisture content to remain
constant, the surface of the cooling coil should be dry and its surface temperature
should be greater than the dew point temperature of air. If the cooling coil is 100%
effective, then the exit temperature of air will be equal to the coil temperature. However,
in practice, the exit air temperature will be higher than the cooling coil temperature.
Figure 28.1 shows the sensible cooling process O-A on a psychrometric chart. The heat
transfer rate during this process is given by:

Q c = m a (hO − h A ) = m a c pm (TO − TA ) (2.1)




Fig.2.1: Sensible cooling process O-A on psychrometric chart
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b) Sensible heating (Process O-B):

During this process, the moisture content of air remains constant and its
temperature increases as it flows over a heating coil. The heat transfer rate during this
process is given by:

Q h = m a (hB − hO ) = m a c pm (TB − TO ) (2.2)

where cpm is the humid specific heat (≈1.0216 kJ/kg dry air) and ma is the mass flow
rate of dry air (kg/s). Figure 28.2 shows the sensible heating process on a
psychrometric chart.



Fig.2.2: Sensible heating process on psychrometric chart

c) Cooling and dehumidification (Process O-C):

When moist air is cooled below its dew-point by bringing it in contact with a cold
surface as shown in Fig.28.3, some of the water vapor in the air condenses and leaves
the air stream as liquid, as a result both the temperature and humidity ratio of air
decreases as shown. This is the process air undergoes in a typical air conditioning
system. Although the actual process path will vary depending upon the type of cold
surface, the surface temperature, and flow conditions, for simplicity the process line is
assumed to be a straight line. The heat and mass transfer rates can be expressed in
terms of the initial and final conditions by applying the conservation of mass and
conservation of energy equations as given below:

By applying mass balance for the water:

ma .w O = ma .w C + mw (2.3)

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Cooling coil hw
hC O

ma ma Wc
ho hC

Qt mw
Ts TC To
Fig.2.3: Cooling and dehumidification process (O-C)

By applying energy balance:

m a .h O = Q t + m w .h w + m a .h C (2.4)

from the above two equations, the load on the cooling coil, Qt is given by:

Q t = m a (h O − h C ) − m a ( w O − w C )h w (2.5)

the 2nd term on the RHS of the above equation is normally small compared to the other
terms, so it can be neglected. Hence,

Q t = m a (h O − h C ) (2.6)
It can be observed that the cooling and de-humidification process involves both latent
and sensible heat transfer processes, hence, the total, latent and sensible heat transfer
rates (Qt, Ql and Qs) can be written as:

Q t = Ql + Q s
where Q l = m a (h O − h w ) = m a .h fg ( w O − w C ) (2.7)
Q s = m a (h w − h C ) = m a .c pm (TO − TC )

By separating the total heat transfer rate from the cooling coil into sensible and
latent heat transfer rates, a useful parameter called Sensible Heat Factor (SHF) is
defined. SHF is defined as the ratio of sensible to total heat transfer rate, i.e.,

SHF = Q s / Q t = Q s /(Q s + Q l ) (2.8)

From the above equation, one can deduce that a SHF of 1.0 corresponds to no
latent heat transfer and a SHF of 0 corresponds to no sensible heat transfer. A SHF of
0.75 to 0.80 is quite common in air conditioning systems in a normal dry-climate. A

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lower value of SHF, say 0.6, implies a high latent heat load such as that occurs in a
humid climate.
From Fig.2.3, it can be seen that the slope of the process line O-C is given by:

tan c = (2.9)

From the definition of SHF,

1 − SHF Q l m a h fg Δ w 2501Δ w Δw
= = = = 2451 (2.10)
SHF Q s m a c pm Δ T 1.0216 Δ T ΔT

From the above equations, we can write the slope as:

1 ⎛ 1 − SHF ⎞
tan c = ⎜ ⎟ (2.11)
2451 ⎝ SHF ⎠

Thus we can see that the slope of the cooling and de-humidification line is purely
a function of the sensible heat factor, SHF. Hence, we can draw the cooling and de-
humidification line on psychrometric chart if the initial state and the SHF are known. In
some standard psychrometric charts, a protractor with different values of SHF is
provided. The process line is drawn through the initial state point and in parallel to the
given SHF line from the protractor as shown in Fig.2.4.




Fig.2.4: A psychrometric chart with protractor for SHF lines

In Fig.2.3, the temperature Ts is the effective surface temperature of the cooling

coil, and is known as apparatus dew-point (ADP) temperature. In an ideal situation,
when all the air comes in perfect contact with the cooling coil surface, then the exit
temperature of air will be same as ADP of the coil. However, in actual case the exit
temperature of air will always be greater than the apparatus dew-point temperature due
to boundary layer development as air flows over the cooling coil surface and also due to

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temperature variation along the fins etc. Hence, we can define a by-pass factor (BPF)

T − TS (2.12)

It can be easily seen that, higher the by-pass factor larger will be the difference
between air outlet temperature and the cooling coil temperature. When BPF is 1.0, all
the air by-passes the coil and there will not be any cooling or de-humidification. In
practice, the by-pass factor can be decreased by increasing the number of rows in
a cooling coil or by decreasing the air velocity or by reducing the fin pitch.

Alternatively, a contact factor(CF) can be defined which is given by:

CF = 1 − BPF (2.13)
d) Heating and Humidification (Process O-D):

During winter it is essential to heat and humidify the room air for comfort. As
shown in Fig.2.5., this is normally done by first sensibly heating the air and then
adding water vapour to the air stream through steam nozzles as shown in the figure.

Heating coil Steam nozzles

hO D
ma ma
wO wD wO
hO hD O

Qh mw

Fig.2.5: Heating and humidification process

Mass balance of water vapor for the control volume yields the rate at which steam has
to be added, i.e., mw:

mw = ma (wD − wO ) (2.14)

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where ma is the mass flow rate of dry air.

From energy balance:

Q h = m a (hD − h O ) − m w h w (2.15)
where Qh is the heat supplied through the heating coil and hw is the enthalpy of steam.

Since this process also involves simultaneous heat and mass transfer, we can
define a sensible heat factor for the process in a way similar to that of a coolind and
dehumidification process.

e) Cooling & humidification (Process O-E):

As the name implies, during this process, the air temperature drops and its
humidity increases. This process is shown in Fig.2.6. As shown in the figure, this can
be achieved by spraying cool water in the air stream. The temperature of water should
be lower than the dry-bulb temperature of air but higher than its dew-point temperature
to avoid condensation (TDPT < Tw < TO).

Cold water spray or a

wetted surface

ma ma wE
wO wE wO
hO hE


Fig.2.6: Cooling and humdification process

It can be seen that during this process there is sensible heat transfer from air to
water and latent heat transfer from water to air. Hence, the total heat transfer depends
upon the water temperature. If the temperature of the water sprayed is equal to the wet-
bulb temperature of air, then the net transfer rate will be zero as the sensible heat
transfer from air to water will be equal to latent heat transfer from water to air. If the
water temperature is greater than WBT, then there will be a net heat transfer from water
to air. If the water temperature is less than WBT, then the net heat transfer will be from
air to water. Under a special case when the spray water is entirely recirculated and is
neither heated nor cooled, the system is perfectly insulated and the make-up water is
supplied at WBT, then at steady-state, the air undergoes an adiabatic saturation
process, during which its WBT remains constant. This is the process of adiabatic
saturation discussed in Chapter 1. The process of cooling and humidification is
encountered in a wide variety of devices such as evaporative coolers, cooling towers

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f) Heating and de-humidification (Process O-F):

This process can be achieved by using a hygroscopic material, which absorbs or

adsorbs the water vapor from the moisture. If this process is thermally isolated, then the
enthalpy of air remains constant, as a result the temperature of air increases as its
moisture content decreases as shown in Fig.2.7. This hygroscopic material can be a
solid or a liquid. In general, the absorption of water by the hygroscopic material is an
exothermic reaction, as a result heat is released during this process, which is
transferred to air and the enthalpy of air increases.




Fig.27. Chemical de-humidification process

g) Mixing of air streams:

Mixing of air streams at different states is commonly encountered in many

processes, including in air conditioning. Depending upon the state of the individual
streams, the mixing process can take place with or without condensation of moisture.

i) Without condensation: Figure 2.8 shows an adiabatic mixing of two moist air
streams during which no condensation of moisture takes place. As shown in the figure,
when two air streams at state points 1 and 2 mix, the resulting mixture condition 3 can
be obtained from mass and energy balance.

From the mass balance of dry air and water vapor:

m a,1w 1 + m a,2 w 2 = m a,3 w 3 = (m a,1 + m a,2 ) w 3 (2.16)

From energy balance:

m a,1h1 + m a,2 h 2 = m a,3 h 3 = (m a,1 + m a,2 )h 3 (2.17)

From the above equations, it can be observed that the final enthalpy and
humidity ratio of mixture are weighted averages of inlet enthalpies and humidity ratios.
A generally valid approximation is that the final temperature of the mixture is the

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weighted average of the inlet temperatures. With this approximation, the point on the
psychrometric chart representing the mixture lies on a straight line connecting the two
inlet states. Hence, the ratio of distances on the line, i.e., (1-3)/(2-3) is equal to the ratio
of flow rates ma,2/ma,1. The resulting error (due to the assumption that the humid
specific heats being constant) is usually less than 1 percent.


ma,1+ma,2 = ma,3


Fig.2.8. Mixing of two air streams without condensation

ii) Mixing with condensation:

As shown in Fig.2.9, when very cold and dry air mixes with warm air at high
relative humidity, the resulting mixture condition may lie in the two-phase region, as a
result there will be condensation of water vapor and some amount of water will leave
the system as liquid water. Due to this, the humidity ratio of the resulting mixture (point
3) will be less than that at point 4. Corresponding to this will be an increase in
temperature of air due to the release of latent heat of condensation. This process rarely
occurs in an air conditioning system, but this is the phenomenon which results in the
formation of fog or frost (if the mixture temperature is below 0oC). This happens in
winter when the cold air near the earth mixes with the humid and warm air, which
develops towards the evening or after rains.

Fig.2.9. Mixing of two air streams with condensation

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2.3. Air Washers:

An air washer is a device for conditioning air. As shown in Fig.2.10, in an air
washer air comes in direct contact with a spray of water and there will be an exchange
of heat and mass (water vapour) between air and water. The outlet condition of air
depends upon the temperature of water sprayed in the air washer. Hence, by
controlling the water temperature externally, it is possible to control the outlet conditions
of air, which then can be used for air conditioning purposes.


Air in Air out


Fig.2.10: Air washer

In the air washer, the mean temperature of water droplets in contact with air
decides the direction of heat and mass transfer. As a consequence of the 2nd law, the
heat transfer between air and water droplets will be in the direction of decreasing
temperature gradient. Similarly, the mass transfer will be in the direction of decreasing
vapor pressure gradient. For example,

a) Cooling and dehumidification: tw < tDPT. Since the exit enthalpy of air is less than its
inlet value, from energy balance it can be shown that there is a transfer of total energy
from air to water. Hence to continue the process, water has to be externally cooled.
Here both latent and sensible heat transfers are from air to water. This is shown
by Process O-A in Fig.2.10.

b) Adiabatic saturation: tw = tWBT. Here the sensible heat transfer from air to water is
exactly equal to latent heat transfer from water to air. Hence, no external cooling
or heating of water is required. That is this is a case of pure water recirculation.
This is shown by process O-B in Fig. 2.11. This the process that takes place in a
perfectly insulated evaporative cooler.

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c) Cooling and humidification: tDPT < tw < tWBT. Here the sensible heat transfer is from air
to water and latent heat transfer is from water to air, but the total heat transfer is from
air to water, hence, water has to be cooled externally. This is shown by Process O-C
in Fig.2.11.

d) Cooling and humidification: tWBT < tw < tDBT. Here the sensible heat transfer is from air
to water and latent heat transfer is from water to air, but the total heat transfer is from
water to air, hence, water has to be heated externally. This is shown by Process O-D in
Fig.211. This is the process that takes place in a cooling tower. The air stream
extracts heat from the hot water coming from the condenser, and the cooled water is
sent back to the condenser.

e) Heating and humidification: tw > tDBT. Here both sensible and latent heat transfers are
from water to air, hence, water has to be heated externally. This is shown by Process
O-E in Fig.2.11.

Thus, it can be seen that an air washer works as a year-round air conditioning
system. Though air washer is a and extremely useful simple device, it is not commonly
used for comfort air conditioning applications due to concerns about health resulting
from bacterial or fungal growth on the wetted surfaces. However, it can be used in
industrial applications.



Fig.2.11: Various psychrometric processes that can take place in an air washer

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2.4. Enthalpy potential:

As shown in case of an air washer, whenever water (or a wetted surface) and air
contact each other, there is possibility of heat and moisture transfer between them. The
directions of heat and moisture transfer depend upon the temperature and vapor
pressure differences between air and water. As a result, the direction of the total heat
transfer rate, which is a sum of sensible heat transfer and latent heat transfers also
depends upon water and air conditions. The concept of enthalpy potential is very useful
in quantifying the total heat transfer in these processes and its direction.

The sensible (QS) and latent (QL) heat transfer rates are given by:

Q S = h C A S (t i − t a )
. (2.18)
Q L = m w .h fg = hD .A S ( w i − w a ).h fg

the total heat transfer QT is given by:

Q T = Q S + Q L = hC A S (t i − t a ) + hD .A S ( w i − w a ).h fg (2.19)

where ta = dry-bulb temperature of air, oC

ti = temperature of water/wetted surface, oC

wa = humidity ratio of air, kg/kg

wi = humidity ratio of saturated air at ti, kg/kg

hc = convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2.oC

hD = convective mass transfer coefficient, kg/m2

hfg = latent heat of vaporization, J/kg

Since the transport mechanism that controls the convective heat transfer
between air and water also controls the moisture transfer between air and water, there
exists a relation between heat and mass transfer coefficients, hc and hD as discussed in
an earlier chapter. It has been shown that for air-water vapor mixtures,

hC hc
hD ≈ or = Lewis number ≈ 1.0 (2.20)
c pm hD .c pm

where cpm is the humid specific heat ≈ 1.0216 kJ/kg.K.

Hence the total heat transfer is given by:

h A
Q T = Q S + Q L = C S ( t i − t a ) + ( w i − w a ).h fg
c pm
] (2.21)

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by manipulating the term in the parenthesis of RHS, it can be shown that:

h A
Q T = Q S + Q L = C S [(hi − h a )] (2.22)
c pm

thus the total heat transfer and its direction depends upon the enthalpy difference (or
potential) between water and air (hi-ha).

if hi > ha; then the total heat transfer is from water to air and water gets cooled

if hi < ha; then the total heat transfer is from air to water and water gets heated

if hi = ha; then the net heat transfer is zero, i.e., the sensible heat transfer rate is equal
to but in the opposite direction of latent heat transfer. Temperature of water remains at
its wet bulb temperature value

The concept of enthalpy potential is very useful in psychrometric calculations

and is frequently used in the design and analysis of evaporative coolers, cooling
towers, air washers etc.

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Chapter 3
Inside and Outside Design
3.1. Introduction:
Design and analysis of air conditioning systems involves selection of
suitable inside and outside design conditions, estimation of the required capacity
of cooling or heating equipment, selection of suitable cooling/heating system,
selecting supply conditions, design of air transmission and distribution systems
etc. Generally, the inputs are the building specifications and its usage pattern
and any other special requirements. Figure 3.1 shows the schematic of a basic
summer air conditioning system. As shown in the figure, under a typical summer
condition, the building gains sensible and latent heats from the surroundings and
also due to internal heat sources (RSH and RLH). The supply air to the building
extracts the building heat gains from the conditioned space. These heat gains
along with other heat gains due to ventilation, return ducts etc. have to be
extracted from the air stream by the cooling coil, so that air at required cold and
dry condition can be supplied to the building to complete the cycle. In general,
the sensible and latent heat transfer rates (GSH and GLH) on the cooling coil are
larger than the building heat gains due to the need for ventilation and return duct
losses. To estimate the required cooling capacity of the cooling coil (GTH), it is
essential to estimate the building and other heat gains. The building heat gains
depend on the type of the building, outside conditions and the required inside
conditions. Hence selection of suitable inside and outside design conditions is an
important step in the design and analysis of air conditioning systems.

Return duct losses

Return fan
me= mo
A/C bldg.
ti, Wi, hi


Cooling coil
Supply fan ms=mo+ mrc


GTH=GSH+GLH Supply duct losses


Fig.3.1: Schematic of a basic summer air conditioning system

3.2. Selection of inside design conditions:
The required inside design conditions depend on the intended use of the
building. Air conditioning is required either for providing suitable comfort
conditions for the occupants (e.g. comfort air conditioning), or for providing
suitable conditions for storage of perishable products (e.g. in cold storages) or
conditions for a process to take place or for products to be manufactured (e.g.
industrial air conditioning). The required inside conditions for cold storage and
industrial air conditioning applications vary widely depending on the specific
requirement. However, the required inside conditions for comfort air conditioning
systems remain practically same irrespective of the size, type, location, use of
the air conditioning building etc., as this is related to the thermal comfort of the
human beings.

3.3. Thermal comfort:

Thermal comfort is defined as “that condition of mind which expresses
satisfaction with the thermal environment”. This condition is also some times
called as “neutral condition”, though in a strict sense, they are not necessarily
same. A living human body may be likened to a heat engine in which the
chemical energy contained in the food it consumes is continuously converted into
work and heat. The process of conversion of chemical energy contained in food
into heat and work is called as “metabolism”. The rate at which the chemical
energy is converted into heat and work is called as “metabolic rate”. Knowledge
of metabolic rate of the occupants is required as this forms a part of the cooling
load of the air conditioned building. Similar to a heat engine, one can define
thermal efficiency of a human being as the ratio of useful work output to the
energy input. The thermal efficiency of a human being can vary from 0% to as
high as 15-20% for a short duration. By the manner in which the work is defined,
for most of the light activities the useful work output of human beings is zero,
indicating a thermal efficiency of 0%. Irrespective of the work output, a human
body continuously generates heat at a rate varying from about 100 W (e.g. for a
sedentary person) to as high as 2000 W (e.g. a person doing strenuous
exercise). Continuous heat generation is essential, as the temperature of the
human body has to be maintained within a narrow range of temperature,
irrespective of the external surroundings.

A human body is very sensitive to temperature. The body temperature

must be maintained within a narrow range to avoid discomfort, and within a
somewhat wider range, to avoid danger from heat or cold stress. Studies show
that at neutral condition, the temperatures should be:

Skin temperature, tskin ≈ 33.7oC

Core temperature, tcore ≈ 36.8oC
At other temperatures, the body will feel discomfort or it may even become
lethal. It is observed that when the core temperature is between 35 to 39oC, the
body experiences only a mild discomfort. When the temperature is lower than
35oC or higher than 39oC, then people suffer major loss in efficiency. It becomes
lethal when the temperature falls below 31oC or rises above 43oC. This is shown
in Fig. 3.2.

Major loss in efficiency

Slight discomfort

Lethal Lethal

31oC 35oC 36.8oC 39oC 43oC

Neutral condition

Fig.3.2: Affect of the variation of core temperature on a human being

3.4: Heat balance equation for a human being:

The temperature of human body depends upon the energy balance
between itself and the surrounding thermal environment. Taking the human body
as the control volume, one can write the thermal energy (heat) balance equation
for the human body as:

Q gen = Q sk + Q res + Q st (3.1)

where Qgen = Rate at which heat is generated inside the body

Qsk = Total heat transfer rate from the skin
Qres = Heat transfer rate due to respiration, and
Qst = Rate at which heat is stored inside the body
The heat generation rate Qgen is given by:

Q gen = M(1 − η) ≈ M (3.2)

where M = Metabolic rate, and

η = Thermal efficiency ≈ 0 for most of the activities

The metabolic rate depends on the activity. It is normally measured in the

unit “met”. A met is defined as the metabolic rate per unit area of a sedentary
person and is found to be equal to about 58.2 W/m2. This is also known as “basal
metabolic rate”. Table 3.1 shows typical metabolic rates for different activities:

Typical metabolic rates

Activity Specifications Metabolic rate

Resting Sleeping 0.7 met
Reclining 0.8 met
Seated, quite 1.0 met
Standing, relaxed 1.2 met
Walking 0.89 m/s 2.0 met
1.79 m/s 3.8 met
Office activity Typing 1.1 met
Driving Car 1.0 to 2.0 met
Heavy vehicles 3.2 met
Domestic activities Cooking 1.6 to 2.0 met
Washing dishes 1.6 met
House cleaning 2.0 to 3.4 met
Dancing - 2.4 to 4.4 met
Teaching - 1.6 met
Games and sports Tennis, singles 3.6 to 4.0 met
Gymnastics 4.0 met
Basket ball 5.0 to 7.6 met
Wrestling 7.0 to 8.7 met

Studies show that the metabolic rate can be correlated to the rate of
respiratory oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. Based on this
empirical equations have been developed which relate metabolic rate to O2
consumption and CO2 production.

Since the metabolic rate is specified per unit area of the human body
(naked body), it is essential to estimate this area to calculate the total metabolic
rate. Even though the metabolic rate and heat dissipation are not uniform
throughout the body, for calculation purposes they are assumed to be uniform.

The human body is considered to be a cylinder with uniform heat

generation and dissipation. The surface area over which the heat dissipation
takes place is given by an empirical equation, called as Du Bois Equation. This
equation expresses the surface area as a function of the mass and height of the
human being. It is given by:
ADu = 0.202 m0.425 h 0.725 (3.3)

where ADu = Surface area of the naked body, m2

m = Mass of the human being, kg
h = Height of the human being, m

Since the area given by Du Bois equation refers to a naked body, a

correction factor must be applied to take the clothing into account. This correction
factor, defined as the “ratio of surface area with clothes to surface area without
clothes” has been determined for different types of clothing. These values are
available in ASHRAE handbooks. Thus from the metabolic rate and the surface
area, one can calculate the amount of heat generation, Qgen.

The total heat transfer rate from the skin Qsk is given by:

Q sk = ± Q conv ± Q rad + Q evp (3.4)

where Qconv = Heat transfer rate due to convection (sensible heat)

Qrad = Heat transfer rate due to radiation (sensible heat), and
Qevp = Heat transfer rate due to evaporation (latent heat)

The convective and radiative heat transfers can be positive or negative,

i.e., a body may lose or gain heat by convection and radiation, while the
evaporation heat transfer is always positive, i.e., a body always looses heat by
evaporation. Using the principles of heat and mass transfer, expressions have
been derived for estimating the convective, radiative and evaporative heat
transfer rates from a human body. As it can be expected, these heat transfer
rates depend on several factors that influence each of the heat transfer

According to Belding and Hatch, the convective, radiative and evaporative

heat transfer rates from the naked body of an average adult , Qc, Qr and Qe,
respectively, are given by:

Q c = 14.8 V 0.5 (t b − t )
Q r = 11.603 (t b − t s ) (3.5)
Q e = 181.76 V (p s,b − p v )

In the above equation all the heat transfer rates are in watts, temperatures
are in oC and velocity is in m/s; ps,b and pv are the saturated pressure of water
vapour at surface temperature of the body and partial pressure of water vapour in
air, respectively, in kPa. From the above equations it is clear that the convective
heat transfer from the skin can be increased either by increasing the surrounding
air velocity (V) and/or by reducing the surrounding air DBT (t). The radiative heat
transfer rate can be increased by reducing the temperature of the surrounding
surfaces with which the body exchanges radiation. The evaporative heat transfer
rate can be increased by increasing the surrounding air velocity and/or by
reducing the moisture content of surrounding air.
The heat transfer rate due to respiration Qres is given by:

Q res = C res + E res (3.6)

where Cres = Dry heat loss from respiration (sensible, positive or negative)
Eres = Evaporative heat loss from respiration (latent, always positive)

The air inspired by a human being is at ambient conditions, while air

expired is considered to be saturated and at a temperature equal to the core
temperature. Significant heat transfer can occur due to respiration. Correlations
have been obtained for dry and evaporative heat losses due to respiration in
terms of metabolic rate, ambient conditions etc.

For comfort, the rate of heat stored in the body Qst should be zero, i.e.,

Q st = 0 at neutral condition (3.7)

However, it is observed that a human body is rarely at steady state, as a

result the rate of heat stored in the body is non-zero most of the time. Depending
upon the surroundings and factors such as activity level etc., the heat stored is
either positive or negative. However, the body cannot sustain long periods of
heat storage with a consequent change in body temperatures as discussed

Since the body temperature depends on the heat balance, which in turn
depends on the conditions in the surroundings, it is important that the
surrounding conditions should be such that the body is able to maintain the
thermal equilibrium with minimum regulatory effort. All living beings have in-built
body regulatory processes against cold and heat, which to some extent
maintains the body temperatures when the external conditions are not favorable.
For example, human beings consist of a thermoregulatory system, which tries to
maintain the body temperature by initiating certain body regulatory processes
against cold and heat.

When the environment is colder than the neutral zone, then body loses
more heat than is generated. Then the regulatory processes occur in the
following order.

1. Zone of vaso-motor regulation against cold (vaso-constriction): Blood vessels

adjacent to the skin constrict, reducing flow of blood and transport of heat to the
immediate outer surface. The outer skin tissues act as insulators.

2. Zone of metabolic regulation: If environmental temperature drops further, then

vaso-motor regulation does not provide enough protection. Hence, through a
spontaneous increase of activity and by shivering, body heat generation is
increased to take care of the increased heat losses.
3. Zone of inevitable body cooling: If the environmental temperature drops
further, then the body is not able to combat cooling of its tissues. Hence the body
temperature drops, which could prove to be disastrous. This is called as zone of
inevitable body cooling.

When the environment is hotter than the neutral zone, then body loses
less heat than is generated. Then the regulatory processes occur in the following

1. Zone of vaso-motor regulation against heat (vaso-dilation): Here the blood

vessels adjacent to the skin dilate, increasing the flow of blood and transport of
heat to the immediate outer surface. The outer skin temperature increases
providing a greater temperature for heat transfer by convection and radiation.

2. Zone of evaporative regulation: If environmental temperature increases further,

the sweat glands become highly active drenching the body surface with
perspiration. If the surrounding air humidity and air velocity permit, then increase
in body temperature is prevented by increased evaporation from the skin.

3. Zone of inevitable body heating: If the environmental temperature increases

further, then body temperature increases leading to the zone of inevitable body
heating. The internal body temperature increases leading several ill effects such
as heat exhaustion (with symptoms of fatigue, headache, dizziness, irritability
etc.), heat cramps (resulting in loss of body salts due to increased perspiration)
and finally heat stroke. Heat stroke could cause permanent damage to the brain
or could even be lethal if the body temperature exceeds 43oC.

Thus it is seen that even though human body possesses a regulatory

mechanism, beyond certain conditions it becomes ineffective. Hence it is
essential to ensure that surrounding conditions are conducive for comfortable
and safe living. The purpose of a comfort air conditioning system is to provide
suitable conditions in the occupied space so that it is thermally comfortable to the

A sedentary person at neutral condition loses about 40 % of heat by

evaporation, about 30 % by convection and 30 % by radiation. However, this
proportion may change with other factors. For example, the heat loss by
evaporation increases when the DBT of the environment increases and/or the
activity level increases
3.5. Factors affecting thermal comfort:
Thermal comfort is affected by several factors. These are:

1. Physiological factors such as age, activity, sex and health. These factors
influence the metabolic rate. It is observed that of these factors, the most
important is activity. Other factors are found to have negligible effect on thermal

2. Insulating factor due to clothing. The type of clothing has strong influence on
the rate of heat transfer from the human body. The unit for measuring the
resistance offered by clothes is called as “clo”. 1 clo is equal to a resistance of
about 0.155 m2.K/W. Typical clo values for different types of clothing have been
estimated and are available in the form of tables. For example, a typical business
suit has a clo value of 1.0, while a pair of shorts has a clo value of about 0.05.

3. Environmental factors. Important factors are the dry bulb temperature, relative
humidity, air motion and surrounding surface temperature. Of these the dry bulb
temperature affects heat transfer by convection and evaporation, the relative
humidity affects heat loss by evaporation, air velocity influences both convective
and evaporative heat transfer and the surrounding surface temperature affects
the radiative heat transfer.

Apart from the above, other factors such as drafts, asymmetrical cooling
or heating, cold or hot floors etc. also affect the thermal comfort. The objective of
a comfort air conditioning system is to control the environmental factors so that
comfort conditions prevail in the occupied space. It has no control on the
physiological and insulating factors. However, wearing suitable clothing may help
in reducing the cost of the air conditioning system.

3.6. Indices for thermal comfort:

It is seen that important factors which affect thermal comfort are the
activity, clothing, air DBT, RH, air velocity and surrounding temperature. It should
be noted that since so many factors are involved, many combinations of the
above conditions provide comfort. Hence to evaluate the effectiveness of the
conditioned space, several comfort indices have been suggested. These indices
can be divided into direct and derived indices. The direct indices are the dry bulb
temperature, humidity ratio, air velocity and the mean radiant temperature (Tmrt).
The mean radiant temperature Tmrt affects the radiative heat transfer and is
defined (in K) as:

Tmrt 4 = T 4 + C V 2 (T − T ) (3.8)
g g a

Tg = Globe temperature measured at steady state by a thermocouple placed at

the center of a black painted, hollow cylinder (6” dia) kept in the conditioned
space, K. The reading of thermocouple results from a balance of convective and
radiative heat exchanges between the surroundings and the globe
Ta = Ambient DBT, K
V= Air velocity in m/s, and
C= A constant, 0.247 X 109

The derived indices combine two or more direct indices into a single
factor. Important derived indices are the effective temperature, operative
temperature, heat stress index, Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), Percent of People
Dissatisfied (PPD) etc.

Effective temperature (ET): This factor combines the effects of dry bulb
temperature and air humidity into a single factor. It is defined as the temperature
of the environment at 50% RH which results in the same total loss from the skin
as in the actual environment. Since this value depends on other factors such as
activity, clothing, air velocity and Tmrt, a Standard Effective Temperature (SET) is
defined for the following conditions:

Clothing = 0.6 clo

Activity = 1.0 met
Air velocity = 0.1 m/s
Tmrt = DBT (in K)

Operative temperature (Top): This factor is a weighted average of air DBT and
Tmrt into a single factor. It is given by:

h T + h c Tamb Tmrt + Tamb

Top = r mrt ≈ (3.9)
hr + h c 2

where hr and hc are the radiative and convective heat transfer coefficients and
Tamb is the DBT of air.

ASHRAE has defined a comfort chart based on the effective and operative
temperatures. Figure 3.3 shows the ASHRAE comfort chart with comfort zones
for summer and winter conditions. It can be seen from the chart that the comfort
zones are bounded by effective temperature lines, a constant RH line of 60% and

dew point temperature of 2oC. The upper and lower limits of humidity (i.e. 60 %
RH and 2oC DPT, respectively) are based on the moisture content related
considerations of dry skin, eye irritation, respiratory health and microbial growth.
The comfort chart is based on statistical sampling of a large number of occupants
with activity levels less than 1.2 met. On the chart, the region where summer and
winter comfort zones overlap, people in winter clothing feel slightly warm and
people in summer clothing feel slightly cool. Based on the chart ASHARE makes
the following recommendations:
Inside design conditions for Winter:

Top between 20.0 to 23.5oC at a RH of 60%

Top between 20.5 to 24.5oC at a DPT of 2oC

Inside design conditions for Summer:

Top between 22.5 to 26.0oC at a RH of 60%

Top between 23.5 to 27.0oC at a DPT of 2oC

Winter zone RH = 60%

Summer zone



DPT=2oC ET=23.5oC

Fig.3.3: ASHRAE comfort chart for a sedentary person (activity ≈ 1.2 met)

Table 3.2 shows the recommended comfort conditions for different

seasons and clothing suitable at 50 % RH, air velocity of 0.15 m/s and an activity
level of ≤ 1.2 met.

Season Clothing Icl Top,opt Top range for 90%

Winter Heavy slacks, long 0.9 clo
sleeve shirt and 22oC 20 to 23.5 oC
Summer Light slacks and 0.5 clo 24.5oC 23 to 26oC
short sleeve shirt
Minimal (shorts) 0.05 27oC 26 to 29 oC

Table 3.2: Optimum and recommended operative temperatures for comfort

The above values may be considered as recommended inside design
conditions for comfort air conditioning. It will be shown later that the cost of air
conditioning (initial plus running) increases as the required inside
temperature increases in case of winter and as the required inside
condition decreases in case of summer. Hence, air conditioning systems
should be operated at as low a temperature as acceptable in winter and as high
a temperature as acceptable in summer. Use of suitable clothing and maintaining
suitable air velocities in the conditioned space can lead to reduced cost of air
conditioning. For example, in summer the clothing should be minimal at a socially
acceptable level, so that the occupied space can be maintained at higher
temperatures. Similarly, by increasing air velocity without causing draft, one can
maintain the occupied space at a higher temperature in summer. Similarly, the
inside temperatures can be higher for places closer to the equator (1oC rise in ET
is allowed for each 5o reduction in latitude). Of course, the above
recommendations are for normal activities. The required conditions change if the
activity levels are different. For example, when the activity level is high (e.g. in
gymnasium), then the required indoor temperatures will be lower. These special
considerations must be kept in mind while fixing the inside design conditions.
Prof. P.O. Fanger of Denmark has carried out pioneering and detailed studies on
thermal comfort and suggested comfort conditions for a wide variety of situations.

3.6.1. Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Percent People

Dissatisfied (PPD):
Based on the studies of Fanger and subsequent sampling studies,
ASHRAE has defined a thermal sensation scale, which considers the air
temperature, humidity, sex of the occupants and length of exposure. The scale is
based on empirical equations relating the above comfort factors. The scale varies
from +3 (hot) to –3 (cold) with 0 being the neutral condition. Then a Predicted
Mean Vote (PMV) that predicts the mean response of a large number of
occupants is defined based on the thermal sensation scale.

The PMV is defined by Fanger as:

PMV = [0.303 exp(−0.036M) + 0.028]L (3.10)

where M is the metabolic rate and L is the thermal load on the body that is the
difference between the internal heat generation and heat loss to the actual
environment of a person experiencing thermal comfort. The thermal load has to
be obtained by solving the heat balance equation for the human body.

Fanger related the PMV to Percent of People Dissatisfied (PPD) by the

following equation:

PPD=100 − 95 exp − (0.03353 PMV4 + 0.2179 PMV2 ) ] (3.11)
where dissatisfied refers to anybody not voting for –1, 0 or +1. It can be seen
from the above equation that even when the PMV is zero (i.e., no thermal load on
body) 5 % of the people are dissatisfied! When PMV is within ± 0.5, then PPD is
less than 10 %.

Of late, several studies have been carried out on adaptive thermal

comfort. These studies show that human beings adapt to their natural
surroundings so as to feel thermally comfortable. The adaptation consists of
changing their clothing, activity level and schedule, dietary habits etc. according
to the surrounding conditions. Due to this human tendency, it is observed that
human beings feel comfortable that are higher or lower than those suggested by
the heat balance equation as outlined by Fanger. It is observed that there is
correlation between the outside temperatures and the required inside
temperatures at which human beings feel comfortable, or at least do not feel
uncomfortable. For example, a study by Humphrey on adaptive thermal comfort
in tropical countries suggests the following correlation for comfort temperature in
free-running (non-air conditioned) buildings:

Tc = 0.534To + 12.9 (3.12)

Where To and Tc are the outdoor and indoor comfort temperature in oC,
respectively. According to the above correlation, higher the outdoor temperature,
higher can be the indoor temperature. This is very important from energy
conservation point-of-view as air conditioning systems are very energy intensive,
and the load on an air conditioning plant can be reduced by maintaining the
indoor temperatures at as high a value as is allowed from thermal comfort point-

3.7. Selection of outside design conditions:

The ambient temperature and moisture content vary from hour-to-hour
and from day-to-day and from place-to-place. For example, in summer the
ambient temperature increases from sunrise, reaches a maximum in the
afternoon and again decreases towards the evening. On a given day, the relative
humidity also varies with temperature and generally reaches a minimum value
when the ambient temperature is maximum. For most of the major locations of
the world, meteorological data is available in the form of mean daily or monthly
maximum and minimum temperatures and corresponding relative humidity or wet
bulb temperature. As mentioned before, to estimate the required cooling capacity
of an air conditioning plant, it is essential to fix the outside design conditions in
addition to the inside conditions. It is obvious that the selected design conditions
may prevail only for a short a duration, and most of the time the actual outside
conditions will be different from the design values. As a result, for most of the
time the plant will be running at off-design conditions.
The design outside conditions also depend on the following factors:

a) Type of the structure, i.e., whether it is of heavy construction, medium or light

b) Insulation characteristics of the building
c) Area of glass or other transparent surfaces
d) Type of usage
e) Nature of occupancy
f) Daily range (difference between maximum and minimum temperatures in a given day)

3.7.1. Outdoor design conditions for summer:

Selection of maximum dry and wet bulb temperatures at a particular

location leads to excessively large cooling capacities as the maximum
temperature generally persists for only a few hours in a year. Hence it is
recommended that the outdoor design conditions for summer be chosen based
on the values of dry bulb and mean coincident wet bulb temperature that is
equaled or exceeded 0.4, 1.0 or 2.0 % of total hours in an year. These values for
major locations in the world are available in data books, such as AHRAE
handbooks. Whether to choose the 0.4 % value or 1.0 % value or 2.0 % value
depends on specific requirements. In the absence of any special requirements,
the 1.0% or 2% value may be considered for summer outdoor design conditions.

3.7.2. Outdoor design conditions for winter:

Similar to summer, it is not economical to design a winter air conditioning

for the worst condition on record as this would give rise to very high heating
capacities. Hence it is recommended that the outdoor design conditions for
winter be chosen based on the values of dry bulb temperature that is equaled
or exceeded 99.6 or 99.0 % of total hours in an year. Similar to summer
design conditions, these values for major locations in the world are available in
data books, such as AHRAE handbooks. Generally the 99.0% value is adequate,
but if the building is made of light-weight materials, poorly insulated or has
considerable glass or space temperature is critical, then the 99.6% value is
Chapter 4
Psychrometry of Air
Conditioning Systems
4.1. Introduction:
Generally from the building specifications, inside and outside design
conditions; the latent and sensible cooling or heating loads on a building can be
estimated. Normally, depending on the ventilation requirements of the building, the
required outdoor air (fresh air) is specified. The topic of load estimation will be
discussed in a later chapter. From known loads on the building and design inside
and outside conditions, psychrometric calculations are performed to find:

1. Supply air conditions (air flow rate, DBT, humidity ratio & enthalpy)
2. Coil specifications (Latent and sensible loads on coil, coil ADP & BPF)

In this chapter fixing of supply air conditions and coil specifications for
summer air conditioning systems are discussed. Since the procedure is similar for
winter air conditioning system, the winter air conditioning systems are not discussed

4.2. Summer air conditioning systems:

4.2.1. Simple system with 100 % re-circulated air:

In this simple system, there is no outside air and the same air is recirculated
as shown in Fig.4.1. Figure 4.2 also shows the process on a psychrometric chart. It
can be seen that cold and dry air is supplied to the room and the air that leaves the
condition space is assumed to be at the same conditions as that of the conditioned
space. The supply air condition should be such that as it flows through the
conditioned space it can counteract the sensible and latent heat transfers taking
place from the outside to the conditioned space, so that the space can be maintained
at required low temperature and humidity. Assuming no heat gains in the supply and
return ducts and no energy addition due to fans, and applying energy balance across
the room; the Room Sensible Cooling load (Qs,r), Room Latent Cooling Load (Ql,r)
and Room Total Cooling load (Qt,r) are given by:

Q s,r = m s Cpm (t i − t s ) (4.1)

Q l,r = m sh fg (Wi − Ws ) (4.2)
Q t,r = Q s,r + Q l,r = m s (hi − h s ) (4.3)

From cooling load calculations, the sensible, latent and total cooling loads on
the room are obtained. Hence one can find the Room Sensible Heat Factor (RSHF)
from the equation:

Q s,r Q s,r (4.4)

RSHF = =
Q s,r + Q l,r Q t,r
Ql r Qs,r

RSHF line


ADP ts ti
Supply Fan
Qs,c, Ql,c Cooling coil

Fig.4.1: A simple, 100% re-circulation type air conditioning system

From the RSHF value one can calculate the slope of the process undergone
by the air as it flows through the conditioned space (process s-i) as:

1 ⎛ 1 − RSHF ⎞
slope of process line s − i, tan θ = ⎜ ⎟ (4.5)
2451 ⎝ RSHF ⎠

Since the condition i is known say, from thermal comfort criteria, knowing the
slope, one can draw the process line s-i through i. The intersection of this line with
the saturation curve gives the ADP of the cooling coil as shown in Fig.4.1. It should
be noted that for the given room sensible and latent cooling loads, the supply
condition must always lie on this line so that the it can extract the sensible and
latent loads on the conditioned space in the required proportions.

Since the case being considered is one of 100 % re-circulation, the process
that the air undergoes as it flows through the cooling coil (i.e. process i-s) will be
exactly opposite to the process undergone by air as it flows through the room
(process s-i). Thus, the temperature and humidity ratio of air decrease as it flows
through the cooling coil and temperature and humidity ratio increase as air flows
through the conditioned space. Assuming no heat transfer due to the ducts and fans,
the sensible and latent heat transfer rates at the cooling coil are exactly equal to the
sensible and latent heat transfer rates to the conditioned space; i.e.,

Q s,r = Q s, c & Q l,r = Q l, c (4.6)

Fixing of supply condition:

The supply condition has to be fixed using Eqns.(4.1) to (4.3). However,

since there are 4 unknowns (ms, ts, Ws and hs) and 3 equations, (Eqns.(4.1) to
(4.3)), one parameter has to be fixed to find the other three unknown parameters
from the three equations.

If the by-pass factor (X) of the cooling coil is known, then, from room
conditions, coil ADP and by-pass factor, the supply air temperature ts is obtained
using the definition of by-pass factor as:

⎛ t − t ADP ⎞
X = ⎜⎜ s ⎟⎟ ⇒ t s = t ADP + X(t i − t ADP ) (4.7)
⎝ t i − t ADP ⎠

Once the supply temperature ts is known, then the mass flow rate of supply air
is obtained from Eqn.(4.1) as:

Q s,r Q s,r
ms = = (4.8)
Cpm (t i − t s ) Cpm (t i − t ADP )(1 − X)

From the mass flow rate of air and condition i, the supply air humidity ratio and
enthalpy are obtained using Eqns.(4.2) and (4.3) as:

Q l,r (4.9)
Ws = Wi −
m sh fg
Q t ,r
h s = hi − (4.10)

From Eqn.(4.8), it is clear that the required mass flow rate of supply air
decreases as the by-pass factor X decreases. In the limiting case when the by-pass
factor is zero, the minimum amount of supply air flow rate required is:

Q s,r
m s,min =
Cpm (t i − t ADP )

Thus with 100 % re-circulated air, the room ADP is equal to coil ADP and the
load on the coil is equal to the load on the room.

4.2.2. System with outdoor air for ventilation:

In actual air conditioning systems, some amount of outdoor (fresh) air is
added to take care of the ventilation requirements. Normally, the required outdoor air
for ventilation purposes is known from the occupancy data and the type of the
building (e.g. operation theatres require 100% outdoor air). Normally either the
quantity of outdoor air required is specified in absolute values or it is specified as a
fraction of the re-circulated air.
Fixing of supply condition:

Case i) By-pass factor of the cooling coil is zero:

Figure 4.2 shows the schematic of the summer air conditioning system with
outdoor air and the corresponding process on psychrometric chart, when the by-pass
factor X is zero. Since the sensible and latent cooling loads on the conditioned space
are assumed to be known from cooling load calculations, similar to the earlier case,
one can draw the process line s-i, from the RSHF and state i. The intersection of this
line with the saturation curve gives the room ADP. As shown on the psychrometric
chart, when the by-pass factor is zero, the room ADP is equal to coil ADP, which in
turn is equal to the temperature of the supply air. Hence from the supply temperature
one can calculate the required supply air mass flow rate (which is the minimum
required as X is zero) using the equation:

Q s, r Q s,r
ms = = (4.12)
Cpm (t i − t s ) Cpm (t i − t ADP )

From the supply mass flow rate, one can find the supply air humidity ratio
and enthalpy using Eqns.(4.9) and (4.10).

Ql r Qs,r

m me ti,Wi,hi

i mrc

Supply Fan
ADP = ts ti tm to
Cooling coil
Qs,c, Ql,c
Fig.4.2: A summer air conditioning system with outdoor air for ventilation and a
zero by-pass factor
From mass balance of air;

m s = mrc + m o (4.13)

Where mrc is the re-circulated air flow rate and mo is the outdoor air flow rate.
Since either mo or the ratio mo : mrc are specified, one can calculate the amount of
re-circulated air from Eqn.(4.13).
Calculation of coil loads:

From energy balance across the cooling coil; the sensible, latent and total
heat transfer rates, Qs,c, Ql,c and Qt,c at the cooling coil are given by:

Q s, c = m s Cpm (t m − t s )
Q l, c = m sh fg ( Wm − Ws ) 4.14)
Q t , c = Q s, c + Q l, c = m s (hm − h s )

Where ‘m’ refers to the mixing condition which is a result of mixing of the recirculated
air with outdoor air. Applying mass and energy balance to the mixing process one
can obtain the state of the mixed air from the equation:

mo Wm − Wi hm − hi t m − t i
= = ≈ (4.15)
m s Wo − Wi ho − hi t o − t i

Since (mo/ms) > 0, from the above equation it is clear that Wm > Wi, hm > hi
and tm > ti. This implies that ms(hm - hs) > ms(hi - hs), or the load on the cooling coil is
greater than the load on the conditioned space. This is of course due to the fact that
during mixing, some amount of hot and humid air is added and the same amount of
relative cool and dry air is exhausted (mo = me).

From Eqn.(4.1) to (4.3) and (4.14), the difference between the cooling
load on the coil and cooling load on the conditioned space can be shown to be equal

Q s, c − Q s,r = m o Cpm (t o − t i )
Q l, c − Q l,r = m o h fg ( Wo − Wi ) (4.16)
Q t , c − Q t ,r = m o (h o − hi )

From the above equation it is clear that the difference between cooling coil
and conditioned space increases as the amount of outdoor air (mo) increases and/or
the outdoor air becomes hotter and more humid.

The line joining the mixed condition ‘m’ with the coil ADP is the process line
undergone by the air as it flows through the cooling coil. The slope of this line
depends on the Coil Sensible Heat Factor (CSHF) given by:

Q s, c Q s, c
CSHF = = (4.17)
Q s, c + Q l,c Q t ,c

Case ii: Coil by-pass factor, X > 0:

For actual cooling coils, the by-pass factor will be greater than zero, as a
result the air temperature at the exit of the cooling coil will be higher than the coil
ADP. This is shown in Fig.4.3 along with the process on psychrometric chart. It can
be seen from the figure that when X > 0, the room ADP will be different from the coil
ADP. The system shown in Fig.4.3 is adequate when the RSHF is high ( > 0.75).

Return duct losses Qs,r, Ql,r

Return fan

A/C Room
me= mo i ti, Wi, hi


Cooling coil
Supply fan ms=mo+ mrc
Supply duct losses

Qt,c=Qs,c+Ql,c By-pass


ADP ts ti tm to

Fig.4.3: A summer air conditioning system with outdoor air for ventilation and a non-
zero by-pass factor
Normally in actual systems, either the supply temperature (ts) or the
temperature rise of air as it flows through the conditioned space (ti-ts) will be
specified. Then the step-wise procedure for finding the supply air conditions and the
coil loads are as follows:

i. Since the supply temperature is specified one can calculate the required supply air
flow rate and supply conditions using Eqns. (4.8) to (4.10).

ii. Since conditions ‘i’, supply air temperature ts and RSHF are known, one can draw
the line i-s. The intersection of this line with the saturation curve gives the room ADP.

iii. Condition of air after mixing (point ‘m’) is obtained from known values of ms and
mo using Eqn.(4.15).

iv. Now joining points ‘m’ and ‘s’ gives the process line of air as it flows through the
cooling coil. The intersection of this line with the saturation curve gives the coil ADP.
It can be seen that the coil ADP is lower than the room ADP.

v. The capacity of the cooling coil is obtained from Eqn.(4.14).

vi. From points ‘m’, ‘s’ and coil ADP, the by-pass factor of the cooling coil can be

If the coil ADP and coil by-pass factor are given instead of the supply air
temperature, then a trial-and-error method has to be employed to obtain the supply
air condition.

4.2.3. High latent cooling load applications (low RSHF):

When the latent load on the building is high due either to high outside
humidity or due to large ventilation requirements (e.g. hospitals) or due to high
internal latent loads (e.g. presence of kitchen or laundry), then the simple system
discussed above leads to very low coil ADP. A low coil ADP indicates operation of
the refrigeration system at low evaporator temperatures. Operating the system at low
evaporator temperatures decreases the COP of the refrigeration system leading to
higher costs. Hence a reheat coil is sometimes used so that the cooling coil can be
operated at relatively high ADP, and at the same time the high latent load can also
be taken care of. Figure 4.4 shows an air conditioning system with reheat coil along
with the psychrometric representation of the process. As shown in the figure, in a
system with reheat coil, air is first cooled and dehumidified from point ‘m’ to point ’c’
in the cooling coil and is then reheated sensibly to the required supply temperature ts
using the reheat coil. If the supply temperature is specified, then the mass flow rate
and state of the supply air and condition of the air after mixing can be obtained using
equations given above. Since the heating process in the reheat coil is sensible, the
process line c-s will be horizontal. Thus if the coil ADP is known, then one can draw
the coil condition line and the intersection of this line with the horizontal line drawn
from supply state ‘s’ gives the condition of the air at the exit of the cooling coil. From
this condition, one can calculate the load on the cooling coil using the supply mass
flow rate and state of air after mixing. The capacity of the reheat coil is then obtained
from energy balance across it.

m c s

Reheat coil
Cooling coil


c s

Fig.4.4: A summer air conditioning system with reheat coil for high latent cooling
load applications
Advantages and disadvantages of reheat coil:

a) Refrigeration system can be operated at reasonably high evaporator temperatures

leading to high COP and low running cost.
b) However, mass flow rate of supply air increases due to reduced temperature rise
(ti-ts) across the conditioned space
c) Wasteful use of energy as air is first cooled to a lower temperature and then
heated. Energy is required for both cooling as well as reheat coils. However, this can
be partially offset by using waste heat such as heat rejected at the condenser for
reheating of air.

Thus the actual benefit of reheat coil depends may vary from system.

4.3. Guidelines for selection of supply state and cooling coil:

i. As much as possible the supply air quantity should be minimized so that smaller
ducts and fans can be used leading savings in cost of space, material and power.
However, the minimum amount should be sufficient to prevent the feeling of
stagnation. If the required air flow rate through the cooling coil is insufficient, then it
is possible to mix some amount of re-circulated air with this air so that amount of air
supplied to the conditioned space increases. This merely increases the supply air
flow rate, but does not affect sensible and cooling loads on the conditioned space.
Generally, the temperature rise (ti-ts) will be in the range of 8 to 15oC.

ii. The cooling coil should have 2 to 6 rows for moderate climate and 6 to 8 rows in
hot and humid climate. The by-pass factor of the coil varies from 0.05 to 0.2. The by-
pass factor decreases as the number of rows increases and vice versa. The fin pitch
and air velocity should be suitable.

iii. If chilled water is used for cooling and dehumidification, then the coil ADP will be
higher than about 4oC.
Chapter 5
Evaporative, Winter and All
Year Air Conditioning
5.1. Introduction to evaporative air conditioning systems:
Summer air conditioning systems capable of maintaining exactly the required
conditions in the conditioned space are expensive to own and operate. Sometimes,
partially effective systems may yield the best results in terms of comfort and cost.
Evaporative air conditioning systems are inexpensive and offer an attractive
alternative to the conventional summer air conditioning systems in places, which are
hot and dry. Evaporative air conditioning systems also find applications in hot
industrial environments where the use of conventional air conditioning systems becomes
prohibitively expensive.

Evaporative cooling has been in use for many centuries in countries such as
India for cooling water and for providing thermal comfort in hot and dry regions. This
system is based on the principle that when moist but unsaturated air comes in
contact with a wetted surface whose temperature is higher than the dew point
temperature of air, some water from the wetted surface evaporates into air. The latent
heat of evaporation is taken from water, air or both of them. In this process, the air
loses sensible heat but gains latent heat due to transfer of water vapour. Thus the
air gets cooled and humidified. The cooled and humidified air can be used for
providing thermal comfort.

5.2. Classification of evaporative cooling systems:

The principle of evaporative cooling can be used in several ways.
Cooling can be provided by:

1. Direct evaporation process

2. Indirect evaporation process, or
3. A combination or multi-stage systems

5.2.1. Direct evaporative cooling systems:

In direct evaporative cooling, the process or conditioned air comes in direct contact
with the wetted surface, and gets cooled and humidified. Figure 5.1 shows the schematic of
an elementary direct, evaporative cooling system and the process on a psychrometric chart.
As shown in the figure, hot and dry outdoor air is first filtered and then is brought in
contact with the wetted surface or spray of water droplets in the air washer. The air gets
cooled and dehumidified due to simultaneous transfer of sensible and latent heats
between air and water (process o-s). The cooled and humidified air is supplied to
the conditioned space, where it extracts the sensible and latent heat from the conditioned
space (process s-i). Finally the air is exhausted at state i. In an ideal case when the air
washer is perfectly insulated and an infinite amount of contact area is available
between air and the wetted surface, then the cooling and humidification process follows
the constant wet bulb temperature line and the temperature at the exit of the air
washer is equal to the wet bulb temperature of the entering air (to,wbt), i.e., the process
becomes an adiabatic saturation process.
However, in an actual system the temperature at the exit of the air washer will be
higher than the inlet wet bulb temperature due to heat leaks from the
surroundings and also due to finite contact area. One can define the saturation
efficiency or effectiveness of the evaporative cooling system ε as:

(t o − t s )
ε= (5.1)
( t o − t o, wbt )

Exhaust air(i)

Conditioned Qt = Qs+Ql
Water spray or
wetted surface
Air washer
Supply air (s)

OD air(o)

Water pump

s w

to,wbt t ts to

Fig.5.1: A direct, evaporative cooling system

Depending upon the design aspects of the evaporative cooling system, the
effectiveness may vary from 50% (for simple drip type) to about 90% (for
efficient spray pads or air washers).

The amount of supply air required ms can be obtained by writing
energy balance equation for the conditioned space, i.e.,

. Qt
ms = (5.2)
(hi − h s )

where Qt is the total heat transfer rate (sensible + latent) to the building, hi and
hs are the specific enthalpies of return air and supply air, respectively.

Compared to the conventional refrigeration based air conditioning

systems, the amount of airflow rate required for a given amount of cooling is
much larger in case of evaporative cooling systems. As shown by the above
equation and also from Fig.5.1, it is clear that for a given outdoor dry bulb
temperature, as the moisture content of outdoor air increases, the required
amount of supply air flow rate increases rapidly. And at a threshold moisture
content value, the evaporative coolers cannot provide comfort as the cooling
and humidification line lies above the conditioned space condition ‘i’. Thus
evaporative coolers are very useful essentially in dry climates, whereas the
conventional refrigeration based air conditioning systems can be used in any
type of climate.

5.2.2. Indirect evaporative cooling system:

Figure 5.2 shows the schematic of a basic, indirect evaporative

cooling system and the process on a psychrometric chart. As shown in the
figure, in an indirect evaporative cooling process, two streams of air - primary
and secondary are used. The primary air stream becomes cooled and
humidified by coming in direct contact with the wetted surface (o-o’), while the
secondary stream which is used as supply air to the conditioned space,
decreases its temperature by exchanging only sensible heat with the cooled
and humidified air stream (o-s). Thus the moisture content of the supply air
remains constant in an indirect evaporative cooling system, while its
temperature drops. Obviously, everything else remaining constant, the
temperature drop obtained in a direct evaporative cooling system is larger
compared to that obtained in an indirect system, in addition the direct
evaporative cooling system is also simpler and hence, relatively inexpensive.
However, since the moisture content of supply air remains constant in an
indirect evaporation process, this may provide greater degree of comfort in
regions with higher humidity ratio. In modern day indirect evaporative coolers,
the conditioned air flows through tubes or plates made of non-corroding
plastic materials such as polystyrene (PS) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). On the
outside of the plastic tubes or plates thin film of water is maintained. Water
from the liquid film on the outside of the tubes or plates evaporates into the air
blowing over it (primary air) and cools the conditioned air flowing through the
tubes or plates sensibly. Even though the plastic materials used in these
coolers have low thermal conductivity, the high external heat transfer
coefficient due to evaporation of water more than makes up for this. The
commercially available indirect evaporative coolers have saturation efficiency
as high as 80%.
Supply air to
space (s)

air (o) Blower Air-to-air heat

Water Exhaust air (o)
pump air(e)



Fig.5.2: An indirect, evaporative cooling system

5.2.3: Multi-stage evaporative cooling systems:

Several modifications are possible which improve efficiency of the
evaporative cooling systems significantly. One simple improvement is to
sensibly cool the outdoor air before sending it to the evaporative cooler by
exchanging heat with the exhaust air from the conditioned space. This is
possible since the temperature of the outdoor air will be much higher than the
exhaust air. It is also possible to mix outdoor and return air in some proportion
so that the temperature at the inlet to the evaporative cooler can be reduced,
thereby improving the performance. Several other schemes of increasing
complexity have been suggested to get the maximum possible benefit from
the evaporative cooling systems. For example, one can use multistage
evaporative cooling systems and obtain supply air temperatures lower than
the wet bulb temperature of the outdoor air. Thus multistage systems can be
used even in locations where the humidity levels are high.

Figure 5.3 shows a typical two-stage evaporative cooling system and

the process on a psychrometric chart. As shown in the figure, in the first
stage the primary air cooled and humidified (o -o’) due to direct contact with a
wet surface cools the secondary air sensibly (o -1) in a heat exchanger. In
the second stage, the secondary air stream is further cooled by a direct
evaporation process (1-2). Thus in an ideal case, the final exit temperature of
the supply air (t2) is several degrees lower than the wet bulb temperature of
the inlet air to the system (to’).

5.3. Advantages and disadvantages of evaporative

cooling systems:
Compared to the conventional refrigeration based air conditioning
systems, the evaporative cooling systems offer the following advantages:

1. Lower equipment and installation costs

2. Substantially lower operating and power costs. Energy savings can be
as high as 75 %
3. Ease of fabrication and installation
4. Lower maintenance costs
5. Ensures a very good ventilation due to the large air flow rates involved,
hence, are very good especially in 100 % outdoor air applications
6. Better air distribution in the conditioned space due to higher flow rates
7. The fans/blowers create positive pressures in the conditioned space,
so that infiltration of outside air is prevented
8. Very environment friendly as no harmful chemicals are used

Compared to the conventional systems, the evaporative cooling systems

suffer from the following disadvantages:

1. The moisture level in the conditioned space could be higher, hence,

direct evaporative coolers are not good when low humidity levels in the
conditioned space is required. However, the indirect evaporative cooler
can be used without increasing humidity
2. Since the required air flow rates are much larger, this may create draft
and/or high noise levels in the conditioned space
3. Precise control of temperature and humidity in the conditioned space is
not possible
4. May lead to health problems due to micro-organisms if the water used
is not clean or the wetted surfaces are not maintained properly.

air out (2)

Primary air Secondary

in (o) Primary air air in (o)
out (e)


1 o

t2 to’ t
Fig.5.3: A two-stage evaporative cooling system

5.4. Applicability of evaporative cooling systems:

As mentioned before, evaporative cooling systems are ideal in hot and
dry places, i.e., in places where the dry bulb temperature is high and the
coincident wet bulb temperature is low. However, there are no clear-cut rules
as to where these systems can or cannot be used. Evaporative cooling can
provide some measure of comfort in any location. However, in many locations
where the humidity levels are very high, stand-alone evaporative cooling
systems cannot be used for providing thermal comfort especially in
residences, office buildings etc. One of the older rules-of-thumb used in USA
specifies that evaporative cooling systems can be used wherever the average
noon relative humidity during July is less than 40%. However, experience
shows that evaporative coolers can be used even in locations where the
relative humidity is higher than 40%. A more recent guideline suggests that
evaporative cooling can be used in locations where the summer design wet
bulb temperatures are less than about 24oC (75oF). It is generally observed
that evaporative coolers can compete with conventional systems when the
noon relative humidity during July is less than 40%, hence should definitely be
considered as a viable alternative, whereas these systems can be used in
places where the noon relative humidity is higher tha 40% but the design
WBT is lower than 24oC, with a greater sacrifice of comfort. It should be
mentioned that both these guidelines have been developed for direct
evaporative cooling systems. Indirect evaporative coolers can be used over a
slightly broader range. Evaporative air conditioning systems can also be used
over a broader range of outdoor conditions in factories, industries and
commercial buildings, where the comfort criteria is not so rigid (temperatures
as high as 30oC in the conditioned space are acceptable). Evaporative air
conditioning systems are highly suitable in applications requiring large
amounts of ventilation and/or high humidity in the conditioned space such as
textile mills, foundries, dry cleaning plants etc.

Evaporative cooling can be combined with a conventional refrigeration

based air conditioning systems leading to substantial savings in energy
consumption, if the outside conditions are favorable. Again, a number of
possibilities exist. For example, the outdoor air can be first cooled in an
evaporative cooler and then mixed with the re-circulating air from the
conditioned space and then cooled further in the conventional refrigerant or
chilled water coil.

5.5. Winter Air Conditioning Systems

In winter the outside conditions are cold and dry. As a result, there will
be a continuous transfer of sensible heat as well as moisture (latent heat)
from the buildings to the outside. Hence, in order to maintain required comfort
conditions in the occupied space an air conditioning system is required which
can offset the sensible and latent heat losses from the building. Air supplied to
the conditioned space is heated and humidified in the winter air conditioning
system to the required level of temperature and moisture content depending
upon the sensible and latent heat losses from the building. In winter the heat
losses from the conditioned space are partially offset by solar and internal
heat gains. Thus in a conservative design of winter A/C systems, the effects
of solar radiation and internal heat gain are not considered.

Heating and humidification of air can be achieved by different

schemes. Figure 5.4 shows one such scheme along with the cycle on
psychrometric chart. As shown in the figure, the mixed air (mixture of return
and outdoor air) is first pre-heated (m-1) in the pre-heater, then humidified
using a humidifier or an air washer (1-2) and then finally reheated in the re-
heater (2-s). The reheated air at state ‘s’ is supplied to the conditioned space.
The flow rate of supply air should be such that when released into the
conditioned space at state ‘s’, it should be able to maintain the conditioned
space at state I and offset the sensible and latent heat losses (Qs and Ql).
Pre-heating of air is advantageous as it ensures that water in the humidifier/air
washer does not freeze. In addition, by controlling the heat supplied in the
pre-heater one can control the moisture content in the conditioned space.

Return air (i) Qs,Ql

Exhaust air
air (i)

Supply air (s)

OD air (o) (m) (1) (2)

Pre-heater Humidifier Re-heater

2 s


Fig.5.4: A winter air conditioning system with a pre-heater
The humidification of air can be achieved in several ways, e.g. by bringing the
air in contact with a wetted surface, or with droplets of water as in an air
washer, by adding aerosol sized water droplets directly to air or by direct
addition of dry saturated or superheated steam. Humidification by direct
contact with a wetted surface or by using an air washer are not recommended
for comfort applications or for other applications where people are present in
the conditioned space due to potential health hazards by the presence of
micro-organisms in water. The most common method of humidifying air for
these applications is by direct addition of dry steam to air. When air is
humidified by contact with wetted surface as in an air washer, then
temperature of air decreases as its humidity increases due to simultaneous
transfer of sensible and latent heat. If the air washer functions as an adiabatic
saturator, then humidification proceeds along the constant wet bulb
temperature line. However, when air is humidified by directly adding dry,
saturated steam, then the humidification proceeds close to the constant dry
bulb temperature line. The final state of air is always obtained by applying
conservation of mass (water) and conservation of energy equations to the
humidification process.

By applying energy balance across the conditioned space, at steady

state, the sensible and latent heat losses from the building can be written as:

Q s = m s c pm (t s − t i ) (5.3)
Q l = m s h fg ( w s − w i ) (5.4)
where ms is the mass flow rate of supply air, cpm is the specific heat of air, hfg
is the latent heat of vapourization of water, ws and wi are the supply and return
air humidity ratios and ts, ti are the supply and return temperatures of air. By
applying mass and/or energy balance equations across individual
components, the amount of sensible heat transfer rate to the pre-heater and
re-heater and the amount of moisture to be added in the humdifier can easily
be calculated.

Figure 5.5 shows another scheme that can also be used for heating
and humidification of air as required in a winter air conditioning system. As
shown in the figure, this system does not consist of a pre-heater. The mixed
air is directly humidified using an air washer (m-1) and is then reheated (1-s)
before supplying it to the conditioned space. Though this system is simpler
compared to the previous one, it suffers from disadvantages such as
possibility of water freezing in the air washer when large amount of cold
outdoor air is used and also from health hazards to the occupants if the water
used in the air washer is not clean. Hence this system is not recommended
for comfort conditioning but can be used in applications where the air
temperatures at the inlet to the air washer are above 0oC and the conditioned
space is used for products or processes, but not for providing personnel
Return air

Exhaust air(i)


(m) (1) Supply air(s)

OD air(o)

Air washer Re-heater


Fig.5.5: A winter air conditioning system without a pre-heater

Actual winter air conditioning systems, in addition to the basic

components shown above, consist of fans or blowers for air circulation and
filters for purifying air. The fan or blower introduces sensible heat into the air
stream as all the electrical power input to the fan is finally dissipated in the
form of heat.
5.6. All year (complete) air conditioning systems:
Figure 5.6 shows a complete air conditioning system that can be used
for providing air conditioning throughout the year, i.e., during summer as well
as winter. As shown in the figure, the system consists of a filter, a heating coil,
a cooling & dehumidifying coil, a re-heating coil, a humidifier and a blower. In
addition to these, actual systems consist of several other accessories such as
dampers for controlling flow rates of re-circulated and outdoor (OD) air,
control systems for controlling the space conditions, safety devices etc. Large
air conditioning systems use blowers in the return air stream also. Generally,
during summer the heating and humidifying coils remain inactive, while during
winter the cooling and dehumidifying coil remains inactive. However, in some
applications for precise control of conditions in the conditioned space all the
coils may have to be made active. The blowers will remain active throughout
the year, as air has to be circulated during summer as well as during winter.
When the outdoor conditions are favourable, it is possible to maintain comfort
conditions by using filtered outdoor air alone, in which case only the blowers
will be running and all the coils will be inactive leading to significant savings in
energy consumption. A control system is required which changes-over the
system from winter operation to summer operation or vice versa depending
upon the outdoor conditions.

Return air

Conditioned Heating
air space load

Supply air
OD air


F: Filter; H: Heating coil; CC: Cooling & dehumidifying coil

RH: Re-heating coil; Hu: Humidifier; B: Blower

Fig.5.6: An all year air conditioning system

Chapter 7
Transmission of Air in
Air Conditioning Ducts
7.1. Introduction:
In air conditioning systems that use air as the fluid in the thermal distribution
system, it is essential to design the Air Handling Unit (AHU) properly. The primary
function of an AHU is to transmit processed air from the air conditioning plant to the
conditioned space and distribute it properly within the conditioned space. A typical
AHU consists of:

1. A duct system that includes a supply air duct, return air duct, cooling and/or
heating coils, humidifiers/dehumidifiers, air filters and dampers

2. An air distribution system comprising various types of outlets for supply air and
inlets for return air
3. Supply and return air fans which provide the necessary energy to move the air
throughout the system

7.2. Transmission of air:

In an AHU, air is transmitted through various ducts and other components
with the help of fans. Since the fan motor consumes a large amount of power, and
the duct system occupies considerable building space, the design of air transmission
system is an important step in the complete design of air conditioning systems. In the
end the success of any air conditioning system depends on the design of individual
components as well as a good matching between them under all conditions. In order
to design the system for transmission of air, it is important to understand the
fundamentals of fluid (air) flow through ducts.

7.3. Flow of air through ducts:

The fundamental equation to be used in the analysis of air conditioning ducts
is the Bernoulli’s equation. Bernoulli’s equation is valid between any two points
in the flow field when the flow is steady, irrotational, inviscid and
incompressible. The equation is valid along a streamline for rotational,
steady and incompressible flows. Between any two points 1 and 2 in the flow
field for irrotational flows, the Bernoulli’s equation is written as:

p 1 V12 p V2 p
+ + z 1 = 2 + 2 + z 2 = T = total head (7.1)
ρg 2g ρg 2g ρg

p V2
where is the pressure head, is the velocity head and Z is the static head,
ρg 2g
respectively. Each of the heads has units of length as explained before. The above
equation can be written in terms of static, velocity, datum and total pressures as:
ρV12 ρV22
p1 + + ρgz 1 = p 2 + + ρgz 2 = p T = total pressure (7.2)
2 2
The above equation implies that for frictionless flow through a duct, the total
pressure remains constant along the duct. Since all real fluids have finite
viscosity, i.e. in all actual fluid flows, some energy will be lost in overcoming friction.
This is referred to as head loss, i.e. if the fluid were to rise in a vertical pipe it will
rise to a lower height than predicted by Bernoulli’s equation. The head loss will
cause the total pressure to decrease in the flow direction. If the head loss is denoted
by Hl, then Bernoulli’s equation can be modified to:
p 1 V12 p V2
+ + z 1 = 2 + 2 + z 2 + Hl (7.3)
ρg 2g ρg 2g

To overcome the fluid friction and the resulting head, a fan is required in air
conditioning systems. When a fan is introduced into the duct through which air is
flowing, then the static and total pressures at the section where the fan is located
rise. This rise is called as Fan Total Pressure (FTP). Then the required power input
to the fan is given by:
Wfan = air (7.4)
η fan
The FTP should be such that it overcomes the pressure drop of air as it flows
through the duct and the air finally enters the conditioned space with sufficient
momentum so that a good air distribution can be obtained in the conditioned space.
Evaluation of FTP is important in the selection of a suitable fan for a given
application. It can be easily shown that when applied between any two sections 1
and 2 of the duct, in which the fan is located, the FTP is given by:

ρ(V2 2 − V12 )
FTP = (p 2 − p 1 ) + + ρg(z 2 − z 1 ) + ρgHl (7.5)

Thus to evaluate FTP, one needs to know the static pressures at sections 1
and 2 (p1, p2), air velocities at 1 and 2 (V1, V2), datum at 1 and 2 (Z1, Z2) and the
head loss Hl. Normally, compared to the other terms, the pressure change due to
datum ρg(z 2 − z1) is negligible. If the static pressures at the inlet and exit are equal,
say, to atmospheric pressure (p1= p2 = patm) and the duct has a uniform cross section
(v1=v2), then FTP is equal to the pressure loss due to friction. Thus to find FTP, one
has to estimate the total pressure loss as air flows through the duct from one section
to other.
7.4. Estimation of pressure loss in ducts:
As air flows through a duct its total pressure drops in the direction of flow. The
pressure drop is due to:

1. Fluid friction

2. Momentum change due to change of direction and/or velocity

The pressure drop due to friction is known as frictional pressure drop or

friction loss, Δpf. The pressure drop due to momentum change is known as
momentum pressure drop or dynamic loss, Δpd. Thus the total pressure drop Δpt
is given by:

Δ p t = Δ p f + Δp d (7.6)

7.4.1. Evaluation of frictional pressure drop in ducts

The Darcy-Weisbach equation is one of the most commonly used equations

for estimating frictional pressure drops in internal flows. This equation is given by:

L ⎛ ρV 2 ⎞
Δp f = f ⎜ ⎟
D ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟ (7.7)

where f is the dimensionless friction factor, L is the length of the duct and D is the
diameter in case of a circular duct and hydraulic diameter in case of a non-circular
⎛ ρVD ⎞
duct. The friction factor is a function of Reynolds number, Re D = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ and the
⎝ μ ⎠
relative surface roughness of the pipe or duct surface in contact with the fluid.

For turbulent flow, the friction factor can be evaluated using the empirical
correlation suggested by Colebrook and White is used, the correlation is given by:

1 ⎡ k 2.51 ⎤
= − 2log10 ⎢ s + ⎥ (7.8)
f ⎣ 3.7D (ReD ) f⎦

where ks is the average surface roughness of inner duct expressed in same units as
the diameter D. Evaluation of f from the above equation requires iteration since f
occurs on both the sides of it.

In general in air conditioning ducts, the fluid flow is turbulent. It is seen from
the above equation that when the flow is turbulent, the friction factor is a function of
Reynolds number, hydraulic diameter and inner surface roughness of the
duct material. Table 7.1 shows absolute roughness values of some of the
materials commonly used in air conditioning:
Material Absolute roughness , ε (m)
Galvanized Iron (GI) sheet 0.00015
Concrete 0.0003 to 0.003
Riveted steel 0.0009 to 0.009
Cast Iron (CI) 0.00026
Commercial steel 0.00046

Table 7.1: Average surface roughness of commonly used duct materials

Of the different materials, the GI sheet material is very widely used for air
conditioning ducts. Taking GI as the reference material and properties of air at
20oC and 1 atm. pressure, the frictional pressure drop in a circular duct is given by:
0.022243 Q air 1.852 L
Δp f = in N / m 2 (7.9)
where Q air is the volumetric flow rate of air in m3/s, L is the length and D is the inner
diameter of the duct in meters, respectively.

Using the above equation, friction charts have been created for estimation of
frictional pressure drop of standard air through circular ducts made of GI sheets.
Figure 7.1 shows the standard chart for estimating frictional pressure drop in
circular ducts made of GI sheets at standard air conditions.

Pressure loss, Pa/m

Fig.7.1. Chart for estimating frictional pressure drop in circular GI ducts

It can be seen from the chart that one can estimate frictional pressure drop
per unit length if any two parameters out of the three parameters, i.e., flow rate Q air ,
diameter D and velocity V are known. Correction factors have to be applied to the
pressure drop values for ducts made of other materials and/or for air at other
conditions. For small changes in air density (ρ) and temperature (T in K), one can
use the following relation to obtain frictional pressure drop from the standard chart.

⎛ Δp f ,1 ⎞ ⎛ ρ 1 ⎞ ⎛ Δp f ,1 ⎞ ⎛ T2 ⎞ 0.857
⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟ and ⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟ (7.10)
⎜ Δp f ,2 ⎟ ⎜⎝ ρ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜ Δp f ,2 ⎟ ⎜⎝ T1 ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

The chart shown above is valid only for circular ducts. For other shapes, an
equivalent diameter has to be used to estimate the frictional pressure drop.

7.4.2. Rectangular ducts:

Even though circular ducts require the least material for a given flow rate and
allowable pressure drop, rectangular ducts are generally preferred in practice as
they fit easily into the building construction thus occupying less space, and they are
also easy to fabricate. The ratio of the two sides ‘a’ and ‘b’ of the rectangle (a/b) is
called as aspect ratio of the duct. Since square ducts with aspect ratio 1.0 come
close in performance to a circular duct, it is preferable to use an aspect ratio as close
to unity as possible for best performance.

One can use equation (7.9) and friction chart for circular ducts for estimating
pressure drop through a rectangular duct by using an equivalent diameter. A
rectangular duct is said to be equivalent to a circular duct, if the volumetric
flow rate Q air and frictional pressure drop per unit length (ΔPf/L) are same for
both. Equating these two parameters for a rectangular duct and an equivalent
circular duct, it can be shown that the equivalent diameter is given by:

(ab) 0.625
D eq = 1.3 (7.11)
(a + b) 0.25

The above equation is found to be valid for aspect ratio less than or equal
to 1:8. Thus from the known values of the two sides of the duct ‘a’ and ‘b’, one can
find the equivalent diameter Deq. From the equivalent diameter and the air flow rate,
one can estimate the frictional pressure drop per unit length by using either Eq.(7.9)
or the friction chart Fig. 7.1. However, when using equivalent diameter and flow rate
to find the frictional pressure drop from the chart, the velocity values shown on the
chart are not the actual velocities. The actual velocities have to be obtained from
the flow rate and the actual cross-sectional area of the rectangular duct. If a
rectangular duct has to be designed for a given flow rate and a given frictional
pressure drop, then one can first find the equivalent diameter from the friction chart
or from Eq.(7.9) and then find the required dimensions of the duct either by fixing
the aspect ratio or one of the sides.
7.5. Dynamic losses in ducts:
Dynamic pressure loss takes place whenever there is a change in either the
velocity or direction of airflow due to the use of a variety of bends and fittings in air
conditioning ducts. Some of the commonly used fittings are: enlargements,
contractions, elbows, branches, dampers etc. Since in general these fittings and
bends are rather short in length (< 1 m), the major pressure drop as air flows through
these fittings is not because of viscous drag (friction) but due to momentum change.
Pressure drop in bends and fittings could be considerable, and hence should be
evaluated properly. However, exact analytical evaluation of dynamic pressure drop
through actual bends and fittings is quite complex. Hence for almost all the cases,
the dynamic losses are determined from experimental data. In turbulent flows, the
dynamic loss is proportional to square of velocity. Hence these are expressed as:

ρV 2 (7.12)
Δp d = K

where K is the dynamic loss coefficient, which is normally obtained from


Sometimes, an equivalent length Leq is defined to estimate the dynamic

pressure loss through bends and fittings. The dynamic pressure loss is obtained
from the equivalent length and the frictional pressure drop equation or chart, i.e.,

⎛ ρV 2 ⎞ ⎛ f.L eq ⎞⎛ ρV 2 ⎞
Δp d = K ⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ (7.13)
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ D eq ⎟⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠

where f is the friction factor and Leq is the equivalent length.

7.5.1. Evaluation of dynamic pressure loss through various fittings:

a) Turns, bends or elbows: The most common type of bends used in air
conditioning ducts are 90o turns shown in Fig. 7.2(a).

1’ 2

R2 W/H
Cb 1/2
R1 1

(a) Fig.7.2: Airflow through a 90o bend (elbow)
The cross-section of the elbow could be circular or rectangular. Weisbach
proposed that the dynamic pressure loss in an elbow is due to the sudden expansion
from the vena contracta region (1’) to full cross-section 2 as shown in Fig.7.2(a). The
dynamic pressure drop due to the elbow or 90o turn is found to be a function of the
aspect ratio (W/H), inner and outer radii of the turn (R1 and R2) and the velocity
pressure ρV2/2, i.e.,

⎛ ρV 2 ⎞ ⎛ ρV 2 ⎞
Δp d,b = Cb ⎜ ⎟ = f (( W / H), R 1 , R 2 )⎜ ⎟ (7.14)
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

The value of dynamic loss coefficient Cb as a function of aspect ratio (W/H),

inner and outer radii of the turn (R1 and R2) is available in the form of tables and
graphs (Fig.7.2(b)). It can be seen from Fig. 7.2(b) that the pressure loss
increases as (R1/R2) decreases and/or the aspect ratio W/H decreases. As a result,
installing turning vanes in the bends reduces the dynamic pressure drop as it is
equivalent to increasing W/H, as shown in Fig. 7.2(c).

Turning vanes

Fig.7.2(c): Use of turning vanes in a 90o bend (elbow)

The equivalent lengths are available as function of geometry for other types of
turns and bends.

b ) Branch take-offs: Branch take-offs (Fig. 7.3) are commonly used in air
conditioning ducts for splitting the airflow into a branch and a downstream duct. The
dynamic pressure drop from the upstream (u) to downstream (d), Δpu-d is given by:

⎛ ρV 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2
⎜ d ⎟⎜ Vd ⎞
Δp u -d = 0.4 1− ⎟⎟ (7.15)
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜⎝ V ⎠
⎝ ⎠ u

where Vd and Vu are the air velocities in the downstream and upstream ducts,

The dynamic pressure drop from the upstream (u) to branch (b), Δpu-b is given by:

⎛ ρV 2 ⎞
Δp u -b = C u -b ⎜ d ⎟ (7.16)
⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Fig.7.3: A branch take-off

The value of dynamic loss coefficient Cu-b is available in the form of tables and
graphs as a function of the angle β and the ratio of branch-to-upstream velocity,
Vb/Vu. Cu-b is found to increase as β and Vb/Vu increase.

c) Branch entries: Branch entries (Fig. 7.4) are commonly used in return air ducts.
Similar to branch take-offs, the values of dynamic pressure loss coefficients from
upstream-to-downstream (Cu-d) and from branch-to-downstream (Cu-d) are available
in the form of tables and graphs as functions of upstream, branch and downstream
velocities and the angle β.


Fig.7.4: A branch entry

d) Sudden enlargement: The pressure loss due to sudden enlargement, shown in

Fig. .5(a), ΔPd,enl is given by Borda-Carnot equation as:

⎛ ρV 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2
⎜ 1 ⎟⎜ A1 ⎞
Δp d, enl = 1− ⎟⎟ (7.17)
⎜ 2 ⎟⎜⎝ A ⎠
⎝ ⎠ 2

where V1 is the velocity before enlargement, and A1 and A2 are the areas before and
after enlargement, respectively. The above expression, which is obtained analytically
using modified Bernouille’s equation and momentum balance equation is found to
over-predict the pressure loss when the air flow rates are high and under-predict
when the flow rate is low. Correction factors are available in the form of tables for
different enlargements.

Vena contracta

1 2 1 1’

Fig.7.5(a): Sudden enlargement Fig.7.5(b): Sudden contraction

e) Sudden contraction: A sudden contraction is shown in Fig. 7.5(b). Similar to

sudden enlargement, the dynamic pressure loss due to sudden contraction ΔPd,con
can be obtained analytically. This expression is also known as Borda-Carnot
equation. It is given by:

⎛ ρV 2 ⎞⎛ A 2 ⎛ ρV 2 ⎞⎛ 1
⎞ ⎞
Δp d, con = ⎜ 2 ⎟⎜ 2
− 1⎟⎟ = ⎜ 2 ⎟⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ (7.18)
⎜ 2 ⎟⎜⎝ A 1' ⎠ ⎜ 2 ⎟⎝ C c ⎠
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

where V2 is the velocity in the downstream, and A1’ and A2 are the areas at vena
contracta and after contraction, respectively. The coefficient Cc is known as
contraction coefficient and is seen to be equal to area ratio A1’/A2. The contraction
coefficient Cc is found to be a function of the area ratio A2/A1, and the values of Cc as
obtained by Weisbach are shown in Table 7.3.

A2/A1 Cc
0.1 0.624
0.5 0.681
0.8 0.813
1.0 1.000

Table 7.3: Values of contraction coefficient Cc for different area ratios

Comparing the expressions of pressure loss for sudden enlargement and

sudden contraction, it can be seen that for the same flow rates and area ratios, the
pressure drop due to sudden enlargement is higher than that due to sudden

f) Miscellaneous fittings, openings etc.: The dynamic pressure loss coefficients

for other types of fittings, such as suction and discharge openings are also available
in the form of tables. These values depend on the design of the fitting/opening. For
abrupt suction opening the dynamic loss coefficient (K) is found to be about 0.85,
while it is about 0.03 for a formed entrance. For discharge openings where the
downstream pressure is atmospheric, all the kinetic energy of the air stream is
dissipated at the exit, hence, the dynamic loss coefficient is equal to 1.0 in this case.

Filters, cooling and heating coils, dampers etc.: The pressure drop across air
handling unit equipment, such as, air filters, dampers, cooling and heating coils
depend on several factors. Hence, normally these values have to be obtained from
the manufacturer’s data.

7.6. Static regain:

Whenever there is an enlargement in the cross-sectional area of the duct, the
velocity of air decreases, and the velocity pressure is converted into static pressure.
The increase in static pressure due to a decrease in velocity pressure is known as
static regain. In an ideal case, when there are no pressure losses, the increase in
static pressure (Δps) is exactly equal to the decrease in velocity pressure (Δpv) and
the total pressure (pt) remains constant as shown in Fig.7.6(a). Thus for the ideal

Δp v = p v,1 - p v,2 = Δp s = p s,2 - p s,1

p t,1 = p t,2

However, for sudden enlargements or for other non-ideal enlargements, the

decrease in velocity pressure will be greater than the increase in static pressure, and
the total pressure decreases in the direction flow due to pressure losses as shown in
Fig. 7.6(b). The pressure loss is due to separation of the boundary layer and the
formation of eddies as shown in Fig.7.6(b). Thus, for sudden or non-ideal

Δp v = p v,1 - p v,2 > Δp s = p s,2 - p s,1

p t,1 = p t,2 + Δp loss

The pressure loss due to enlargement Δploss is expressed in terms of a Static

Regain Factor, R as:

Δp loss = (1 − R ) Δp v = (1 − R )(p v,1 − p v,2 ) (7.21)

where the static regain factor R is given by:

Δp s (p s,2 − p s,1 )
R= = (7.22)
Δp v (p v,1 − p v,2 )

Thus for ideal enlargement the Static Regain Factor R is equal to 1.0, whereas it is
less than 1.0 for non-ideal enlargement.

1 2


Fig.7.6(a): Ideal enlargement

1 2


Fig.7.6(b): Sudden enlargement

Chapter 8
Design of Air
Conditioning Ducts
8.1. Introduction:
The chief requirements of an air conditioning duct system are:

1. It should convey specified rates of air flow to prescribed locations

2. It should be economical in combined initial cost, fan operating cost and

cost of building space

3. It should not transmit or generate objectionable noise

Generally at the time of designing an air conditioning duct system, the

required airflow rates are known from load calculations. The location of fans and
air outlets are fixed initially. The duct layout is then made taking into account the
space available and ease of construction. In principle, required amount of air can
be conveyed through the air conditioning ducts by a number of combinations.
However, for a given system, only one set results in the optimum design. Hence,
it is essential to identify the relevant design parameters and then optimize the

8.2. General rules for duct design:

1. Air should be conveyed as directly as possible to save space, power and

2. Sudden changes in directions should be avoided. When not possible to

avoid sudden changes, turning vanes should be used to reduce pressure

3. Diverging sections should be gradual. Angle of divergence ≤ 20o

4. Aspect ratio should be as close to 1.0 as possible. Normally, it should not

exceed 4

5. Air velocities should be within permissible limits to reduce noise and


6. Duct material should be as smooth as possible to reduce frictional losses

8.3. Classification of duct systems:
Ducts are classified based on the load on duct due to air pressure and
turbulence. The classification varies from application to application, such as for
residences, commercial systems, industrial systems etc. For example, one such
classification is given below:

Low pressure systems: Velocity ≤ 10 m/s, static pressure ≤ 5 cm H2O (g)

Medium pressure systems: Velocity ≤ 10 m/s, static pressure ≤ 15 cm H2O (g)

High pressure systems: Velocity > 10 m/s, static pressure 15<ps ≤ 25 cm H2O (g)

High velocities in the ducts results in:

1. Smaller ducts and hence, lower initial cost and lower space requirement

2. Higher pressure drop and hence larger fan power consumption

3. Increased noise and hence a need for noise attenuation

Recommended air velocities depend mainly on the application and the noise
criteria. Typical recommended velocities are:

Residences: 3 m/s to 5 m/s

Theatres: 4 to 6.5 m/s
Restaurants: 7.5 m/s to 10 m/s

If nothing is specified, then a velocity of 5 to 8 m/s is used for main ducts

and a velocity of 4 to 6 m/s is used for the branches. The allowable air velocities
can be as high as 30 m/s in ships and aircrafts to reduce the space requirement.

8.4. Commonly used duct design methods:

Figure 8.1 shows the schematic of a typical supply air duct layout. As
shown in the figure, supply air from the fan is distributed to five outlets (1 to 5),
which are located in five different conditioned zones. The letters A to I denote the
portions of the duct to different outlets. Thus A-B is the duct running from the
supply air fan to zone 1, A-B-C is the duct running from supply fan to conditioned
zone and so on. These are known as duct runs. The run with the highest
pressure drop is called as the index run. From load and psychrometric
calculations the required supply airflow rates to each conditioned space are
known. From the building layout and the location of the supply fan, the length of
each duct run is known. The purpose of the duct design is to select suitable
dimensions of duct for each run and then to select a fan, which can provide the
required supply airflow rate to each conditioned zone.

Due to the several issues involved, the design of an air conditioning duct
system in large buildings could be a sophisticated operation requiring the use of
Computer Aided Design (CAD) software. However, the following methods are
most commonly used for simpler lay-outs such as the one shown in Fig.8.1.

1. Velocity method
2. Equal Friction Method
3. Static Regain method




1 E
Fig.8.1: Typical air conditioning duct lay-out

8.4.1. Velocity method:

The various steps involved in this method are:

i. Select suitable velocities in the main and branch ducts

ii. Find the diameters of main and branch ducts from airflow rates and velocities
for circular ducts. For rectangular ducts, find the cross-sectional area from flow
rate and velocity, and then by fixing the aspect ratio, find the two sides of the
rectangular duct

iii. From the velocities and duct dimensions obtained in the previous step, find the
frictional pressure drop for main and branch ducts using friction chart or equation.
iv. From the duct layout, dimensions and airflow rates, find the dynamic pressure
losses for all the bends and fittings

v. Select a fan that can provide sufficient FTP for the index run

vi. Balancing dampers have to be installed in each run. The damper in the index
run is left completely open, while the other dampers are throttled to reduce the
flow rate to the required design values.

The velocity method is one of the simplest ways of designing the duct
system for both supply and return air. However, the application of this method
requires selection of suitable velocities in different duct runs, which requires
experience. Wrong selection of velocities can lead to very large ducts, which,
occupy large building space and increases the cost, or very small ducts which
lead to large pressure drop and hence necessitates the selection of a large fan
leading to higher fan cost and running cost. In addition, the method is not very
efficient as it requires partial closing of all the dampers except the one in the
index run, so that the total pressure drop in each run will be same.

For example, let the duct run A-C-G-H be the index run and the total
pressure drop in the index run is 100 Pa. If the pressure drop in the shortest duct
run (say A-B) is 10 Pa, then the damper in this run has to be closed to provide an
additional pressure drop of 90 Pa, so that the required airflow rate to the
conditioned zone 1 can be maintained. Similarly the dampers in the other duct
runs also have to be closed partially, so that the total pressure drop with damper
partially closed in each run will be equal to the pressure drop in the index run
with its damper left open fully.

8.4.2. Equal friction method:

In this method the frictional pressure drop per unit length in the main and
branch ducts (Δpf/L) are kept same, i.e.,


Then the stepwise procedure for designing the duct system is as follows:
i. Select a suitable frictional pressure drop per unit length (Δpf/L) so that the
combined initial and running costs are minimized.

ii. Then the equivalent diameter of the main duct (A) is obtained from the
selected value of (Δpf/L) and the airflow rate. As shown in Fig.8.1, airflow rate in
the main duct Q A is equal to the sum total of airflow rates to all the conditioned
zones, i.e.,

. . . . . . N . (8.2)
Q A = Q1 + Q 2 + Q 3 + Q 4 + Q 5 = ∑ Qi
From the airflow rate and (Δpf/L) the equivalent diameter of the main duct (Deq,A)
can be obtained either from the friction chart or using the frictional pressure drop
equation, i.e.,
⎛ ⎞
(14.973 )
⎜ . ⎟
⎜ 0.022243 Q A 1.852 ⎟
D eq, A = ⎜ ⎟
⎛ Δp f ⎞ (8.3)
⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟
⎜ ⎝ L ⎠A ⎟
⎝ ⎠

iii. Since the frictional pressure drop per unit length is same for all the duct runs,
the equivalent diameters of the other duct runs, B to I are obtained from the

⎛ . 1.852 ⎞ ⎛ . 1.852 ⎞ ⎛ . 1.852 ⎞

⎜ Q ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ =⎜ Q ⎟ =⎜ Q ⎟ = ... (8.4)
⎜ D eq 4.973 ⎟ ⎜ D eq 4.973 ⎟ ⎜ D eq 4.973 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠A ⎝ ⎠B ⎝ ⎠C

iv. If the ducts are rectangular, then the two sides of the rectangular duct of each
run are obtained from the equivalent diameter of that run and by fixing aspect
ratio as explained earlier. Thus the dimensions of the all the duct runs can be
obtained. The velocity of air through each duct is obtained from the volumetric
flow rate and the cross-sectional area.

v. Next from the dimensions of the ducts in each run, the total frictional pressure
drop of that run is obtained by multiplying the frictional pressure drop per unit
length and the length, i.e.,

⎛ Δp f ⎞ ⎛ Δp f ⎞
ΔPf , A = ⎜ ⎟ .L A ; ΔPf ,B = ⎜ ⎟ .L B ... (38.5)
⎝ L ⎠A ⎝ L ⎠B

vi. Next the dynamic pressure losses in each duct run are obtained based on the
type of bends or fittings used in that run.

vii. Next the total pressure drop in each duct run is obtained by summing up the
frictional and dynamic losses of that run, i.e.,

ΔPA = Δp f,A + Δp d,A ; ΔPB = Δp f,B + Δp d,B ...
viii. Next the fan is selected to suit the index run with the highest pressure loss.
Dampers are installed in all the duct runs to balance the total pressure loss.

Equal friction method is simple and is most widely used conventional

method. This method usually yields a better design than the velocity method as
most of the available pressure drop is dissipated as friction in the duct runs,
rather than in the balancing dampers. This method is generally suitable when the
ducts are not too long, and it can be used for both supply and return ducts.
However, similar to velocity method, the equal friction method also requires
partial closure of dampers in all but the index run, which may generate noise. If
the ducts are too long then the total pressure drop will be high and due to
dampering, ducts near the fan get over-pressurized.

8.4.3. Static Regain Method:

This method is commonly used for high velocity systems with long duct
runs, especially in large systems. In this method the static pressure is maintained
same before each terminal or branch. The procedure followed is as given below:

i. Velocity in the main duct leaving the fan is selected first.

ii. Velocities in each successive runs are reduced such that the gain in static
pressure due to reduction in velocity pressure equals the frictional pressure drop
in the next duct section. Thus the static pressure before each terminal or branch
is maintained constant. For example, Fig.8.2 shows a part of the duct run with
two sections 1 and 2 before two branch take-offs. The velocity at 1 is greater
than that at 2, such that the static pressure is same at 1 and 2. Then using the
static regain factor, one can write:

Δp f ,2 + Δp d,2 = R p v,1 − p v,2 ) (8.7)

where Δpf,2 and Δpd,2 are the frictional and dynamic losses between 1 and 2, and
pv,1 and pv,2 are the velocity pressures at 1 and 2 respectively.


Fig.8.2: Principle of static regain method

iii. If section 1 is the outlet of the fan, then its dimensions are known from the flow
rate and velocity (initially selected), however, since both the dimensions and
velocity at section 2 are not known, a trial-and-error method has to be followed to
solve the above equation, which gives required dimensions of the section at 2.

iv. The procedure is followed in the direction of airflow, and the dimensions of the
downstream ducts are obtained.

v. As before, the total pressure drop is obtained from the pressure drop in the
longest run and a fan is accordingly selected.

Static Regain method yields a more balanced system and does not call for
unnecessary dampering. However, as velocity reduces in the direction of airflow,
the duct size may increase in the airflow direction. Also the velocity at the exit of
the longer duct runs may become too small for proper air distribution in the
conditioned space.

8.5. Performance of duct systems:

For the duct system with air in turbulent flow, the total pressure loss (Δpt)
is proportional to the square of flow rate; i.e.,

total pressure drop, ΔPt ∝ (Q) 2 (8.8)

or, total pressure drop, ΔPt = C(Q) 2 (8.9)

where C is the resistance offered by the duct system. Once the duct system is
designed and installed, the value of C is supposed to remain constant. However,
if the air filters installed in the duct become dirty and/or if the damper position is
altered, then the value of C changes. Thus variation of total pressure drop with
airflow rate is parabolic in nature as shown in Fig. 8.3. In this figure, the curve A
refers to the performance of the duct at design conditions, while curve B refers to
the performance under the conditions of a dirty filter and/or a higher damper
closure and curve C refers to the performance when the damper is opened more.

From the duct characteristic curve for constant resistance, one can write
Δp t ,1 (Q 1 ) 2
Δp t ,2 . (8.10)
(Q 2 ) 2

Thus knowing the total pressure drop and airflow rate at design condition
(say 1), one can obtain the total pressure drop at an off-design condition 2, using
the above equation.

Δpt A

Fig.8.3: Variation of total pressure drop with flow rate for a given duct system

8.6. System balancing and optimization:

In large buildings, after the Air Handling Unit is installed, it has to be
balanced for satisfactory performance. System balancing requires as a first step,
measurements of actual airflow rates at all supply air outlets and return air inlets.
Then the dampers are adjusted so that the actual measured flow rate
corresponds to the specified flow rates. System balancing may also require
adjusting the fan speed to get required temperature drop across the cooling or
heating coils and required airflow rates in the conditioned zone. Balancing a large
air conditioning system can be a very expensive and time consuming method
and may require very accurate instruments for measuring air flow rates and
temperatures. However, system balancing is always recommended to get the full
benefit from the total cost incurred on air conditioning system.

Large air conditioning systems require optimization of the duct design so

as to minimize the total cost, which includes the initial cost of the system and the
lifetime operating cost. At present very sophisticated commercial computer
software are available for optimizing the duct design. One such method is called
as T-Method. The reader should refer to advanced textbooks or ASHRAE
handbooks for details on duct optimization methods.
8.7. Fans:
The fan is an essential and one of the most important components of
almost all air conditioning systems. Thus a basic understanding of fan
performance characteristics is essential in the design of air conditioning systems.
The centrifugal fan is most commonly used in air conditioning systems as it can
efficiently move large quantities of air over a large range of pressures. The
operating principle of a centrifugal fan is similar to that of a centrifugal
compressor discussed earlier. The centrifugal fan with forward-curved blades is
widely used in low-pressure air conditioning systems. The more efficient
backward-curved and airfoil type fans are used in large capacity, high-pressure

8.7.1. Fan laws:

The fan laws are a group of relations that are used to predict the effect of
change of operating parameters of the fan on its performance. The fan laws are
valid for fans, which are geometrically and dynamically similar. The fan laws
have great practical use, as it is not economically feasible to test fans of all sizes
under all possible conditions.

The important operating parameters of a fan of fixed diameter are:

1. Density of air (ρ) which depends on its temperature and pressure

2. Operating speed of the fan (ω in rps), and
3. Size of the fan.

Here the fan laws related to the density of air and the rotative speed of the
fan are considered. The effect of the size of the fan is important at the time of
designing the fan. For a given air conditioning system with fixed dimensions,
fittings etc. it can be easily shown that:

airflow rate, Q ∝ ω (8.11)
ρV 2
static pressure rise, Δp s ∝ (8.12)
. . . ⎛ ρV 2 ⎞
fan power input, W ∝ Q(Δp s ) + Q⎜ ⎟ (8.13)
⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

From the expression for fan power input (Eqn.(8.13)), it can be seen that
the 1st term on the RHS accounts for power input required for increasing the
static pressure of air and the 2nd term on RHS accounts for the power input
required to impart kinetic energy to air as it flows through the fan. Using the
above relations, the following fan laws can be obtained.
Law 1: Density of air ρ remains constant and the speed ω varies:
. .
Q ∝ ω; Δp s ∝ ω 2 and W ∝ ω 3 (8.14)
Law 2: Airflow rate Q remains constant and the density ρ varies:
. .
Q = cons tan t; Δp s ∝ ρ and W ∝ ρ (8.15)

Law 3: Static pressure rise Δps remains constant and density ρ varies:
. 1 1 . 1
Q∝ ; Δp s = cons tan t, ω ∝ and W ∝ (8.16)
ρ ρ ρ

8.8. Interaction between fan and duct system:

Figure 8.4 shows the variation of FTP of a centrifugal fan (fan performance
curve) and variation of total pressure loss of a duct system (duct performance
curve) as functions of the airflow rate. As shown in the figure, the point of
intersection of the fan performance curve and the duct performance curve yield
the balance point for the combined performance of fan and duct system. Point 1
gives a balance point between the fan and duct system when the rotative speed
of fan is ω1. At this condition the airflow rate is Q1 and the total

Fan performance
Curve at ω1 Duct performance

Fan performance
Curve at ω2
Δpt,1 ω1 > ω2


Q2 Q1

Fig.8.4: Fan and duct performance curves and balance points

pressure loss which is equal to the FTP is Δpt,1. Now if the flow rate is reduced to
Q2, then the total pressure loss reduces to Δpt,2. To match the reduced flow rate
and the reduced pressure loss, the speed of the fan has to be reduced to ω2 or
the position of the inlet guide vanes of the centrifugal fan have to be adjusted to
reduce the flow rate. This will give rise to a new balance point at 2. Thus the fan
and duct system have to be matched when there is a change in the operating
Chapter 9
Space Air Distribution
9.1. Introduction
After the required amount of supply air is transmitted to the conditioned
space, it is essential to distribute the air properly within the conditioned space. Thus
it is important to design suitable air distribution system, which satisfies the following

a) Create a proper combination of temperature, humidity and air motion in the

occupied zone. The occupied zone is defined as all the space in the conditioned
zone that is from the floor to a height of 1.8 m and about 30 cms from the walls. In
the occupied zone, the maximum variation in temperature should be less than 1οC
and the air velocity should be in the range of 0.15 m/s to 0.36 m/s.

b) To avoid draft in the occupied zone. Draft is defined as the localized feeling of
cooling or warmth. Draft is measured above or below the controlled room condition
of 24.4 οC and an air velocity of 0.15 m/s at the center of the room. The effective
draft temperature (EDT) for comfort is given by:

EDT = (DBT − 24.4) − 0.1276(V − 0.15) (9.1)

where DBT is the local dry bulb temperature (in oC) and V is the local velocity (m/s).
For comfort, the EDT should be within –1.7oC to +1.1oC and the air velocity should
be less than 0.36 m/s.

39.1.1. Air Distribution Performance Index (ADPI)

The ADPI is defined as the percentage of measurements taken at many

locations in the occupied zone of space that meets EDT criteria of –1.7oC to +1.1oC,
that is:

⎛N ⎞
ADPI = ⎜ θ ⎟ x100 (9.2)
⎝ N ⎠

where N is the total number of locations at which observations have been made, and
Nθ is the number of locations at which the effective draft temperature is within –1.7oC
to +1.1oC.

The objective of air distribution system design is to select and place the
supply air diffusers in such a way that the ADPI approaches 100 percent. The ADPI
provides a rational way of selecting air diffusers. Studies show that the value of ADPI
depends very much on space cooling load per unit area. A large value of space
cooling load per unit area tends to reduce the value of ADPI.
9.1.2. Space Diffusion Effectiveness Factor (SDEF)

The effectiveness of air distribution system is sometimes assessed using

Space Diffusion Effectiveness Factor (SDEF). It is defined as:

T − Ts
SDEF = ex (9.3)
Tr − Ts

where Tex is the temperature of the exhaust air, Ts is the supply air temperature and
Tr is the temperature of the room air (at the measuring point). A SDEF value of ≤ 1
implies that some amount of cold supply air has not mixed with the room air and is
leaving the conditioned space as exhaust. The space air distribution is considered to
be effective if SDEF ≥ 1.0.

Table 39.1 shows the recommended supply air velocities for diffusers. Since
the air velocity at the supply air outlet is normally much higher than 0.36 m/s and its
temperature is much lower than 24.4oC, it has to mix properly with the room air
before it reaches the occupancy level. This depends on the effective design of the air
distribution system.

Criterion Application Supply velocity, m/s

Noise Studios, operating theatres 3 to 3.5
Apartments, office spaces 4.0 to 5.0
Restaurants, libraries 5.0 to 6.0
Supermarkets 6.0 to 7.5
Factories, Gymnasium 7.5

Table 9.1: Recommended air velocities for supply air diffusers

9.2. Design of air distribution systems

The objective of air distribution system design is to choose the location and
type of supply air diffuser and the location and type of the return air grilles. The
parameters that affect air velocity and temperature at a given point in the conditioned
space are:

a) Velocity of air at the inlet to the supply diffuser: Noise criteria to be observed

b) Supply to room temperature difference (Ts−Tr)

c) Geometry and Position of air supply outlet

d) Position of return air inlet

e) Room Geometry

f) Room surface temperature: Lower the surface temperature (e.g. with glass)
stronger are the natural convection currents.

g) Internal heat sources (e.g. people, appliances)

h) Room turbulence
The exact prediction of velocity and temperature profiles inside the
conditioned space requires simultaneous solution of mass, momentum and energy
equations for the conditioned space. However in general this task is extremely
complicated due to the several factors that affect airflow and heat transfer inside the
conditioned space. However, a basic understanding of room air distribution requires
the understanding of, buoyancy effects, deflection of air streams and behaviour of
free-stream jets. Normally the location and type of return air grilles do not affect the
air distribution significantly.

9.2.1. Buoyancy effects:

Due to the buoyancy effects, a supply air stream that is cooler than the room
air will drop and supply air that is warmer than room air rises. However, from thermal
comfort point-of-view, it is important that the supply air stream does not strike at
occupancy level. Figure 9.1(a) shows the drop of a supply air jet that is cooler than
the room air.



Fig.9.1(a): Drop of a cool air jet Fig.9.1(b): Deflection of a cool air jet

It is understood that the buoyancy effects are due to temperature difference

prevailing between the supply air and the room air. It can be shown that the velocity
of an element at a height ‘h’ due to buoyancy is given by:

⎛ ΔT ⎞
Vt 2 = gh⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (9.4)
⎝ Tr ⎠
where ΔT is the difference between the local temperature of the fluid (Tf) element
and the room air (Tr), Tr is the room air temperature in K, g is the acceleration due to
gravity and h is the height. For equilibrium at a height H, the velocity of the fluid
element should be equal to the entrance velocity of supply air (Vo), i.e.,

Vt = Vo at equilibrium (9.5)
Then from Eqn.(9.1):
⎛ ΔT ⎞
Vo 2 = gH ⎜⎜ d ⎟⎟ (9.6)
⎝ Tr ⎠

where ΔTd is the difference between the temperature of air at supply outlet and the
room air.
The Archimedes number, Ar is then defined as:

gH ⎛ ΔTd ⎞
Ar = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (9.7)
Vo 2 ⎝ T r ⎠

In the above expression for Archimedes number, H may be the height of the room or
the hydraulic diameter, Dh of the room given by:

4 WH
Dh = (9.8)
2( W + H)

where W and H are the width and height of the room, respectively. Archimedes
number conveniently combines the supply air velocity at the outlet, supply to room
temperature difference and the principle dimensions of the room- important factors
that define the air distribution in a room. Several studies show that the airflow pattern
in a room is largely dependent on the Archimedes number. The Archimedes number
can also be viewed as a ratio of Grashof number to the square of Reynolds number
(Ar ≈ Gr/Re2), thus combining the effects of natural convection due to buoyancy and
forced convection due to supply air jet. Archimedes number also affects the heat
transfer between the air inside the conditioned space and the surrounding surfaces.
To avoid cold drafts in the occupied zone, the Archimedes number should not
exceed a maximum value, which depends on the room dimensions. Table 9.2 shows
the maximum Archimedes number values as a function of W/H ratio.

W/H 4.7 3.0 2.0 1.0

Armax 2000 3000 10000 11000

Table 39.2: Maximum recommended Archimedes number values to avoid draft

9.2.2. Deflection:

When an air stream strikes a solid surface such as a concrete beam or a wall,
it deflects. Again from comfort criteria, it is essential to ensure that due to deflection,
the supply air does not strike the occupants before it is diffused. Figure 9.1(b) shows
the deflection of a supply air jet as it strikes a solid beam.

9.3. Behaviour of free-stream jet:

The following aspects are important in understanding the behaviour of free-
stream jets:

Blow or throw:

It is the distance traveled by the air stream in horizontal direction on leaving

the supply air outlet and reaching a velocity of 0.25 m/s. The velocity should be
measured at a height of 1.8 m above the floor level. In air conditioning, the desirable
length of blow is upto 3/4th of the distance to the opposite side of the wall.

It is the vertical distance the air moves after leaving the supply outlet and
reaches the end of blow.

Figure 9.2 shows the meaning of drop and throw of free-stream jets.


Fig.9.2. Definition of drop and throw

Entrainment ratio:

As the high velocity jet (called as primary air) leaves the supply air outlet, it
entrains some amount of room air (called as secondary air). Entrainment gives rise
to motion of room air. The entrainment ratio at a distance x from the supply outlet is
defined as the ratio of volumetric flow rate of air at x to the volumetric flow rate of air
at the supply air outlet (x=0), i.e.,

Entrainment ratio at x,R x = (9.9)
Qx = 0


It is the angle of divergence of the air stream after it leaves the supply air
outlet as shown in Fig.9.3. The spread can be both horizontal as well as vertical.
Vanes are normally used in the supply air outlets. These vanes can be straight,
converging or diverging. Figure 9.3 shows the outlet with diverging vanes, for which
the horizontal spread is 60o as shown in the figure. For straight vanes and
converging the spread is equal to 19o both in horizontal and vertical directions.
Converging vanes yield a blow that is about 15% longer than that of straight vanes,
whereas for diverging vanes it is about 50% less than that of horizontal vanes.
Outlet vanes


Fig.9.3: Spread of an air jet with diverging vanes

9.4.Circular jets:
An understanding of the principle of the simple circular jet can be used to
understand the characteristics of most of the commercial supply air diffusers and
grilles. Figure 9.4 shows the airflow pattern in a circular jet. As shown in the figure,
supply air leaves the outlet at a velocity Vo. The velocity decays as the jet enters the
room and entrains the room air. Figure 9.4 also shows the velocity profile. It can be
seen that the velocity of air varies as a function of distance, horizontal x from the
opening along the centerline and the radial distance from the centerline.

Using the mass and momentum balance equations to the circular jet, it has
been shown by Schlichting that the velocity profile for the circular jet is given by:

7.41 Vo A o
V (x, r ) =
[ (
x 1 + 57.5 r 2 / x 2 )] 2 (39.10)

where Vo is the velocity at the outlet, m/s; V(x,r) is the velocity of air in the jet at x
and r, and Ao is the cross-sectional area of the outlet. From the above equation it is
easy to predict that the air velocity in the circular jet decreases as x and r increase,
and as Ao and Vo decrease. Thus a jet sustains its velocity better as the velocity at
the supply outlet increases and/or the area of opening increases. One can also
deduce that since the velocity decreases with x and r, the jet spreads as it flows, so
that the mass of air is always conserved. And from momentum conservation, it can
be deduced that entrainment of room air takes place as the jet moves away from the
supply air outlet.

Vo centreline

Fig.9.4: Velocity distribution through a circular jet

From Eqn.(9.10), the velocity of air in the circular jet along the centerline (r= 0) is
found to be:

7.41 Vo A o (9.11)
V ( x , r = 0) =
From the above expression, the entrainment ratio Rx for the circular jet can be
written as:

∫ V(x, r ).2πr.dr
Qx r =0 0.405 x
Rx = = = (9.12)
Q x =0 A o Vo Ao

Large circular openings are rarely used in actual air distribution systems as
they travel long distances before mixing with room air. As this can cause discomfort
to the occupants, normally diffusers are used in circular jets. These diffusers provide
rapid velocity decay and large entrainment.

9.5. Rectangular jets:

Long, rectangular grilles are commonly used for distributing air in conditioned
space. These grilles can be modeled using equations of rectangular jet. It has been
shown that for a rectangular jet, the velocity distribution is given by:

2.40 Vo b ⎡ 2⎛ y ⎞⎤
V ( x , y) = ⎢1 − tanh ⎜ 7.67 x ⎟ ⎥ (9.13)
x ⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
where b is the width of the opening and y is the normal distance from the central
plane. A comparison between circular and rectangular jets shows that the centerline
velocity decreases more rapidly for a circular jet compared to a rectangular jet. The
rectangular jet entrains less air than a circular jet, as a result it decelerates more

9.6. Types of air distribution devices:

Grilles and Registers: A grille is an outlet for supply air or an inlet for return air. A
register is a grille with a volume control damper. Figure 9.5 shows the front view of a
supply air grille with horizontal and vertical vanes. The vanes, either fixed or
adjustable are used for deflecting airflow. Grilles have a comparatively lower
entrainment ratio, greater drop, longer throw and higher air velocities in the occupied
zone compared to slot and ceiling diffusers. Manufacturers specify the performance
of the grill in terms of core size or core area, volumetric flow rate of air, effective air
velocity, total pressure drop, throw and noise levels. They can be mounted either on
the sidewalls or in the ceiling.

Fig. 9.5. Front view of a supply air grille with horizontal and vertical vanes
Ceiling diffusers: A ceiling diffuser consists of concentric rings or inner cones made
up of vanes arranged in fixed directions. Ceiling diffusers can be round, square or
rectangular in shape. Figure 9.6 (a) shows square and rectangular ceiling diffuser,
and Fig. 9.6(b) shows a perforated diffuser. A square diffuser is widely used for
supply air. In the diffusers the supply air is discharged through the concentric air
passages in all directions. The air distribution pattern can be changed by adjusting
the adjustable inner cones or the deflecting vanes. Ceiling diffusers are normally
mounted at the center of the conditioned space. Ceiling diffusers provide large
entrainment ratio and shorter throw, hence are suitable for higher supply air
temperatures and for conditioned spaces with low head space. Ceiling diffusers can
deliver more air compared to grilles and slot diffusers.

Fig.9.6(a): Schematic of a ceiling diffuser

Fig.9.6(b): Schematic of a perforated ceiling diffuser

Slot diffusers: A slot diffuser consists of a plenum box with single or multiple slots
and air deflecting vanes. These are mounted either on the side walls or in the ceiling.
Linear slot diffusers mounted on the sidewalls can be as long as 30 meters. These
are used for both supply air and return air. Linear slot diffusers are particularly
suitable for large open-spaces that require flexibility to suit changing occupant
distribution. Figures 9.7(a) and (b) show photograph of conditioned space with linear
slot diffusers mounted in the ceiling.



Fig.9.7(a) and (b): Photographs of conditioned space with linear slot

diffusers mounted in the ceiling
Light Troffer-Diffuser: A light troffer-diffuser combines a fluorescent light troffer and
a slot diffuser. The slot can be used either as supply air outlet or return air inlet. Light
troffer-diffusers offer the following advantages:

a) The luminous efficiency of fluorescent lamps can be increased by maintaining

lower air temperature in the light troffer

b) An integrated layout of light troffer, diffuser and return slots can be formed on
suspended ceilings

c) Improved aesthetics

d) A combination of light troffer and return slot reduces the space cooling load as
the return air absorbs a part of the heat emitted by the lights. However, they
should be designed such that the return air does not come in direct contact
with the tube so that deposition of dust on the fluorescent tube is prevented

Figure 39.8 shows a light troffer-diffuser slot that combines the light troffer, supply air
diffuser and return air slot.

Fig.9.8: Light troffer-diffuser slot

In addition to the above air distribution devices, the floor mounted grilles
and diffusers, low-side wall diffusers, nozzle diffusers etc. are also used for
room air distribution.
9.7. Return air inlets:
Different types of return air inlets are used to return the space air to the air
handling unit. Requirements of return air inlets are:

a) They should not lead to short-circuiting of supply air

b) Undesirable products such as tobacco smoke, odours etc. should be able to

move in their natural direction so that they do not stagnate in the occupied
space. To eliminate tobacco smoke, the return air inlets should be placed high
in the wall, whereas to remove dust particles etc. the return air inlets should
be placed in the floor so that these particles do not float in air.

Similar to supply air outlets, return air inlets can be classified as grilles, registers,
diffusers etc. In many commercial buildings the ceiling plenum is used as return air
plenum. In this case, return slots are used to draw the return air through the ceiling.
In return air inlets the air velocity decreases sharply as the distance from the inlet
increases. Based on noise criteria, the air velocity should be within 3 m/s if the return
air inlet is inside the occupied space and it should be less than 4 m/s if it is above the
occupied space.

9.8. Airflow patterns inside conditioned space:

In most of the air conditioned buildings air is supplied at a temperature
between 10 to 15.6oC and with a velocity in the range of 2 to 4 m/s. This air has to
mix thoroughly with the room air so that when it reaches the occupied zone its
temperature should be around 22.2 to 23.3oC and its velocity is less than 0.36 m/s to
avoid draft. The mixing airflow patterns should have the following characteristics:

a) Entrainment of room air to reduce the air temperature and velocity in the
occupied zone to acceptable levels

b) Reverse air stream in the occupied zone for an even velocity and temperature

c) Minimization of stagnant areas in the occupied space. A stagnant area is zone

in which the natural convective currents prevail and the velocity is less than
about 0.1 m/s. Reverse air stream reduces the stagnant areas in the occupied

The airflow pattern in the conditioned space is influenced mainly by the type and
location of supply air outlets. The high side outlets, ceiling diffusers and slot diffusers
are most commonly used in air conditioned buildings.

Figure 9.9 shows the airflow pattern using high side outlets installed on a high
sidewall for cooling and heating applications. As the air is discharged from the high
side outlet, due to surface effect (Coanda effect) the air jet tends to stick to the
ceiling as shown in the figure. For cooling applications, the cold supply air entrains
the room air and deflects downwards when it strikes the opposite wall. The reverse
air stream formed due to entrainment fills the occupied space as shown. If the throw
is longer than the length of the room and height of the opposite wall, then the air jet
is deflected by the opposite wall and the floor and enters the occupied zone with high
velocity. On the other hand if the throw is too small, then the air jet drops directly
into the occupied zone before it strikes the opposite wall. Thus both these i.e, a very
long or very short throw can cause draft. For heating, a stagnant zone may form as
shown due to buoyancy effect. However, if the throw is long, the reverse flow can
minimize the stagnant area during heating. For high sidewall outlet, the most suitable
location for return air inlet is on the ceiling outside the air jet as shown in the figure.

Total air = Primary air + room air

Cooling Cooling
Side view End view

Return air

Heating Cooling
Plan view

Fig.9.9: Airflow pattern using high side outlets for cooling and heating applications

Figure 9.10 shows the airflow pattern using ceiling diffusers for both cooling
and heating applications. It is seen that ceiling diffusers produce a shorter throw, a
lower and more even distribution of air velocity and a more even temperature in the
occupied zone when used for cooling. However, when used for heating it is seen that
a larger stagnant area is formed due to buoyancy effect. Ceiling diffusers are widely
used for conditioned spaces with limited ceiling height and are designed to have a
large entrainment ratio and are widely used in variable air volume systems.

Side view Cooling
End view

Heating Cooling
Plan view

Fig.9.10: Airflow pattern using ceiling diffusers for cooling and heating applications

Figure 9.11 shows the airflow patters obtained using slot diffusers installed in
the ceiling in the perimeter and interior zones. The slot diffusers installed in the
perimeter zone discharge air vertically downwards and also in the horizontal
direction. Due to its better surface effect, the air jet remains in contact with the ceiling
for a longer period and the reverse air stream ensures uniformity of temperature and
velocity in the occupied zone. Due to their superior characteristics and better
aesthetics, slot diffusers are widely used in large office spaces with normal ceiling
heights and with VAV systems.
Fig.9.11: Airflow pattern for cooling using slot diffusers

9.9: Stratified mixing flow:

In buildings with a high ceiling, it is more economical to stratify the conditioned
space into a stratified upper zone and a cooled lower zone. In such cases the supply
air outlet is located at the upper boundary of the cooled lower zone and the air jet is
projected horizontally. The cold air supply takes care of the cooling load in the lower
zone due to windows, walls, occupants and equipment. Radiant heat from the roof,
upper external walls and lights installed in the roof enter the occupied zone and are
converted into cooling load with a thermal lag.

Stratified mixing flow for summer cooling offers the following advantages:

a) Convective heat transfer from the hot roof is effectively blocked by the higher
temperature air in the stagnant upper zone thus reducing the building cooling
b) Location of the return air inlets affects the cooling load only when they are
located in the upper zone

9.10: Cold air distribution:

When chilled water is available at a lower temperature of about 1 to 2oC (e.g.
using an ice storage system), the supply air temperature can be reduced to about
4.4 to 7.2oC, instead of the usual temperature of about 13oC. Such a system is called
a cold air distribution system. These systems offer the following advantaged when
compared with the conventional systems:

a) Due to the lower dew-point temperature, the space humidity can be

maintained between 35 to 45 %, as a result the occupied space can be
maintained at a slightly higher temperature without causing discomfort
b) Due to the lower supply temperature, the flow rate of supply air can be
reduced significantly leading to smaller ducts and hence smaller building
space requirement and associated benefits
c) Due to lower flow rates, fan power consumption can be reduced by as much
as 40 percent
d) Noise levels in the conditioned space can be reduced due to reduced flow

However, due to considerably reduced airflow rates, the air distribution and IAQ
may get affected, especially when using with VAV systems. Better insulation and
sealing of the ducts may be required to reduce losses and prevent surface

9.11: Displacement flow:

Displacement flow is a flow pattern in which cold supply air supplied at a
velocity that is almost equal to the velocity in the conditioned zone and a
temperature that is only slightly lower than the occupied zone, enters the occupied
zone and displaces the original space air with a piston like motion without mixing
with the room air. Displacement flow when designed properly, provides better Indoor
Air Quality (IAQ) with lower turbulent intensity and lower draft in the occupied zone.
Displacement flow can be classified into downward unidirectional flow and horizontal
unidirectional flow. Figures 9.12(a), (b) and (c) shows the schematic of a downward
unidirectional flow system, a horizontal unidirectional flow system and a
unidirectional flow system for work stations, respectively. As mentioned before, due
to the possibility of achieving superior IAQ, displacement flow systems are used
widely in clean rooms, in operation theatres etc. Previously, displacement flow was
known as laminar flow. However, in an air conditioned building with forced air
circulation, the air flow in the occupied zone is turbulent everywhere except in the
boundary layers near the walls (where the flow is laminar), even when the velocities
are very low (Reynolds number is usually greater than 10000).

9.12. Spot cooling/heating:

In these systems cold or warm air jet is projected directly into a part of the
occupied zone, often called as target zone, so that thermal environment can be
controlled locally. Spot cooling/heating offers several advantages such as:

a) Better control of temperature, air purity and movement in a localized area,

thus improving the thermal comfort of the occupants
b) Possibility of using greater outdoor air for ventilation
c) Highly localized loads can be handled very efficiently
d) Occupants have greater control of their own personalized environment

However spot cooling/heating have certain disadvantages such as: possibility

of draft, discomfort due to air jet pressure, limited area of environment control and a
complex air distribution system. Spot cooling systems can be classified into industrial
spot cooling systems and desktop task air conditioning systems. As the name
implies, industrial spot cooling systems are used in large industrial areas such as
large machine shops, steel plants etc. Desktop task air conditioning systems find
application in large office buildings.

Fig.9.12(a): Downward unidirectional flow

Fig.9.12(b): Horizontal unidirectional flow

Fig.9.12(c): Unidirectional flow for work stations
9.13. Selection of supply air outlets:
Selection depends on:

1. Requirement of indoor environment control: If the indoor environment

requires controlled air movement, then a high side outlet should not be used

2. Shape, size and ceiling height of the building: Ceiling and slot diffusers are
ideal for buildings with limited ceiling height. For large buildings with large
ceiling heights, high side wall mounted outlets are recommended.

3. Volume flow rate per unit floor area: Sidewall outlets are limited to low
specific volume flow rates as they give rise to higher air velocities in the
occupied zone. Compared to slot diffusers, the ceiling diffusers can handle
efficiently a larger volumetric flow rates. Table 9.3 shows the specific volume
flow rate of different outlets

4. Volume flow rate per outlet: The volume flow rate per supply outlet depends
on the throw required to provide a satisfactory room air distribution. For linear
slot diffusers, the volume flow rate per unit length is important. Its value
normally lies between 23 to 62 L/s.m for linear slot diffusers. In a closed office
with a floor area of about 14 m2 and only one external wall, one ceiling diffuser
is normally sufficient

5. Throw: High side wall outlets have a longer throw than ceiling diffusers.
Square ceiling diffusers and circular ceiling diffusers have similar throw

6. Noise level

7. Total pressure drop: The total pressure loss of supply air as it flows through
a slot diffuser of 19 mm width is normally between 12 to 50 Pascals, whereas
it is between 5 to 50 Pascals for ceiling diffuser. Normally the pressure loss
across the supply outlet should not exceed 50 Pascals

8. Cost and Appearance: Finally the cost and appearance of the supply air
outlets also have to be considered depending upon the specific application

Performance of various types of supply air outlets are provided by the

manufacturers in the form of tables and charts, using which one can select a
suitable supply air outlet.

Type of outlet Specific volume flow rate Max. ACH for 3-m
L/s/m2 of floor area ceiling
Grilles 3.0 to 6.0 7
Slot diffuser 4.0 to 20.0 12
Perforated Panel 4.5 to 15.0 18
Ceiling diffuser 4.5 to 25.0 30

Table 9.3: Specific volume flow rates of different outlet devices

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