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AGRI 51 Soil Science Notes

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AGRI 51 LAB REVIEWER  P – parent material

 T - time
Chapter 1. The Origin of Soils  Parent Material
1.1 Factors of Soil Formation  do not have to be a rock.
 Soil  can be materials transported
 is a natural, living, dynamic by wind, water, and ice.
system made up of minerals  geologic map may show
and organic matter. different parent materials in an
 not rocks but rocks can area.
develop into soil.  soil properties such as texture,
 forms at normal earth surface base saturation, including
temperature and pressure. dominant clay minerals will
 development includes reducing depend on the kind of parent
the size of the PM(rocks and material that will transform
minerals) particles(phys. into soil.
weathering), rearranging the  Two Types of Parent Material:
mineral particles, adding • Residual - if soil
organic matter, changing the developed directly from
composition and structure of the bedrock.
minerals(including clay • Transported - PM that
formation) through chemical was transported either
weathering, and the formation by water(alluvium),
of soil horizons. wind(eolian),
 Individual soil is characterized by gravity(colluvium), and
a unique soil profile. ice(glacial drift).
 Soil profile is a vertical  Climate
section(cross section) of the soil  Two Major Components
exposing all of its horizons. • Temperature - as the
 Soil development or soil genesis mean annual
is a continuous but slow process. temperature increases
 Soil horizon is a layer of soil or the weathering of rocks
soil material approximately and minerals in the soil
will be faster. For every
parallel to the land and differing
10°C rise in temperature,
from adjacent horizons in
the rate of biochemical
physical, chemical, and biological
reactions doubles.
• Precipitation - areas
 Five soil forming factors
with more rainfall will
 C - climate
have greater
 LO - living organism
weathering and greater
 R - relief
leaching. Areas that are
cool and wet will have this slope position faster, there
more leaching than is more erosion, and there is
areas that are hot and less leaching.
wet. Leaching zone is  Footslope - slowed
determined by the development due to it
location of CaCO3 in the collecting sediment from
soil profile. CaCO3 reacts upslope that can bury the
with HCl to release CO2. horizons.
 Living Organism  Soils with deep water table are
 Biotic and climatic factors are considered well drained but as
interrelated. the water table goes up closer
 Bioturbation is the mixing of to the soil surface drainage
the soil caused by the becomes poor to very poor.
organisms living in it.  Soil with poor drainage will
 Forested areas – soil develops a show redoximorphic features
thin surface horizon, a leached, and are reflected in the soil as
light colored zone below the splotches of red or gray and are
surface, and an accumulation called mottles.
zone that is often brown or red  Soils that are very poorly
color. drained the entire soil below
 Grassland – thick, black surface the dark surface will be gray in
horizon that resulted from color. Iron has been reduced
thick grassland roots due to the low O2 levels.
contributing large amounts of  Time
OM.  Age of soil is generally
 Vegetation affects the considered to be the length of
thickness and color of the time in years since the land
surface horizons. surface became stable.
 Relief/Topography  Length of time of soil
 Is related to the soil’s position formation depends on the
in the landscape. intensity of the other active soil
 Refers to the shape or contour forming factors of climate and
of the land surface. organisms, and how
 Slope position will have a great topography and PM modify
deal to do with soil their effect.
characteristics.  Age of soil in general is NOT
 Summit and shoulder - considered in years but how
generally develop horizons the much development soil has
fastest. undergone.
 Backslope - develop soils slower  Young soils = minimal soil
because: rainfall will run off development; few horizons.
 Old soils = well-developed  PM is made up of partly
horizons. weathered rocks and minerals.
 Conditions that increase rate of  A mineral consists of a chemical
soil development: combination of elements while a
• permeable,
rock is an aggregate of minerals.
unconsolidated, PM
 Three Major Classes of Rocks
• warm, humid, climate
 Igneous - formed from cooling
• forest vegetation
of molten magma; crystallized
• summit or backslope
combinations of primary
position that is well
minerals; most abundant class
 Conditions that retard rate of of rocks in earth’s crust.
soil development:  Sedimentary - derived from
• impermeable, hard, earlier generations of rocks that
consolidated, PM have been subjected to the
• cold, dry, climate geological processes of
• grassland vegetation weathering, transportation,
• steeply sloping and deposition; most abundant
backslope or shoulders on earth’s surface.
 One-meter thick soil developed  Metamorphic - originated
from loess in temperate from geochemical alterations
country in 8, 000 years while in
of igneous and sedimentary
tropical country it took 75, 000
years to form. rocks; transformation
 Soil develops faster in process occurred while in
temperate countries than in solid state, by heat, pressure,
tropical or arid countries. and chemically active fluids.
 The following happens with  “Young” soils are likely to reflect
time for a soil: the properties of PM.
• thicker horizons that
 Examples of distinguishing
sink deeper into the PM
properties of horizons:
• increased iron
accumulation making  depth
the soils redder  texture
• increased clay content  structure
• increased acidity  pH
• leaching of soil nutrients  color
 consistency(degree of
1.2 Soil Profile and Common Parent cohesion)
 boundary between  mineral horizon that is dark in
horizons(abrupt, wavy, diffuse, color due to the incorporation
irregular) of OM
 presence of mottles  the darker the mineral soil the
 concretions(grains or pellets greater the percent OM
that are cemented often by  4 to 5% OM in soils that
calcium carbonate or iron oxide) developed under grasslands for
 iron content a depth of 25 cm or more
 organic matter content  Ap = plowed
 cation exchange capacity  AB = transition horizon that is
 One capital letter is used to more like A than B
designate master horizons while  Subsurface horizons
two are used for transitional  develop due to
horizons transformations, translocation,
 Lowercase subscripts are used to and losses
subdivide master and transitional  zones of accumulation or
horizons and to designate change in PM where color and
important horizon properties. structure develop
 Master horizons with two or  E horizon
more subordinate horizons keep • develops when
the identical letter identification materials are eluviated
and are numbered consecutively. out of a zone in the soil
 Surface soil horizons are mainly • lighter in color than
influenced by the addition of OM. horizons above or below
 OM is converted to humus and
becomes colloidal in size and
• found mainly in forested
coats the mineral particles of the
• zone of eluviation
 O horizon • not all soils have E
 all OM and are mainly found in
forest soils  B horizons
 contains very little mineral soil • below the E or A horizon
 can also be found in peat bogs • zones of illuviation or
of swamps and wetlands accumulations(Bt)
 A horizon • some acid sandy soils
develop Bhs horizon
which is often dark red  Texture of soils is determined by
in color relative proportion of sand(2.0
• Bw horizon - minimal mm - 0.05 mm), silt(0.05 mm -
illuviation but significant 0.002 mm), and clay(<0.002 mm).
transformations and  There are 12 textural classes of
develops different color soils that ranges from fine-
and structure from the textured(clayey), medium-
PM texture(loamy), and coarse-
• Bk - CaCO3 texture(sandy).
 C horizon  Soil texture determines other soil
• outside the zone of properties such as:
pedogenesis  porosity
• little altered by soil  ease of water movement
forming processes  water holding capacity
• PM of the soil  internal drainage
•  tillage property
 The solum describes A and B  nutrient retention
horizonz(zone of pedogenic  Soil texture can be approximated
activity) and does NOT include C by:
horizon.  feel method - rubbing a handful
 Physical Properties of Minerals: of moist soil; sand(gritty),
silt(smooth and floury),
 cleavage(splitting along
clay(sticky when wet, plastic
definite planes)
when moist)
 fracture(breaking irregulary)
 roll method - kneading a
 color moistened soil sample into a
 streak(“chalk mark” when soil wire/rod and molding it into
rubbed against unglazed a ring
porcelain)  hydrometer method - based on
 luster(reflection of ordinary the principle that when in water
light from its surface) suspension, sand, silt, and clay
 specific gravity(ratio of the can be separated due to the
weight of the substance to that difference in their settling
of an equal volume of water) velocity; Stoke’s Law
 hardness(Mohs Mineral  Sodium hexametaphosphate
Hardness Scale) (Na6P6O18) and sodium carbonate
(Na2CO3) are dispersing agents
used when determining relative
Chapter 2. Soil Texture
proportions of sand, silt, and clay.
 Hydrometer is calibrated so that volume of particles is
the corrected reading gives the incompressible.
concentration(g / 1000 mL) of soil  Particle density of MS = 2.65
material in the suspension. g/cm3 or 2.65 g/m3
Concentration at the top  Bulk density is greatly influenced:
decreases with time.  soil structure and texture
 Corrected 4o secs hydrometer  changes in porosity
reading = amount of silt plus clay.  improper tillage operation
 Corrected 6-hour reading =  soil compaction
amount of clay  decrease in OM constant
 Pore space is the fraction of the
Chapter 3. Soil Structure, Particle soil volume occupied by air and
Density, Bulk Density water
 Soil structure describes the  Porosity is the term used to
clustering of soil particles into signify the extent of pore spaced
aggregates of certain size, shape expressed as percentage of the
and stability. bulk volume of the soil
 OM, lime, and other binding  Distinctness and durability of
agents like Fe/Al oxides, clays, peds:
and silica promote soil  structureless - no aggregation
aggregation. or orderly arrangement
 Soil aggregation lowers bulk  weak - poorly formed
density. nondurable, indistinct peds that
 Bulk density provides indirect break into mixture of a few
measure of porosity and entire and many broken peds
compaction. and unaggregated materials
 105°C for at least 24 hours - oven  moderate - well formed,
drying of soil to achieve moisture- moderately durable peds,
free sample indistinct in undisturbed soil
 Volume of pore space is excluded break into many entire and
in the calculation of particle some broken peds but little
density unaggregated material
 Particle density is affected by the  strong - well-formed, durable,
distinct peds weakly attached
mineral and OM content of the
to each other that break almost
completely into entire peds
 Mineral soil = particle density is
more of less constant since
Chapter 4. Soil Moisture
 Soil moisture constitutes the  Upward water movement or
primary source of water for capillary rise is largely governed
terrestrial plants by capillary forces while
 Amount of water that the soil can downward movement via
store and the ease of its infiltration and percolation is
movement are governed by soil mainly by gravitational forces
properties such as:  Infiltration is the downward entry
 texture of water via the soil surface while
 structure percolation is through the soil
 amount and size of pores  Determines the extent of
 Availability of water to plants is
influence of capillary and
determined by various forces
gravitational forces:
expressed as soil moisture
 soil texture
tension(SMT) which classifies  structure
water as:  porosity
 hygroscopic water  bulk density
 water at PWP (15 bar)  Soil moisture tension
 water at FC (1/3 bar)  when liquid water is retained in
 water at saturation soil, the freedom of motion of
 available water the water is reduced which is
 gravitational or drainage water commonly expressed in terms
 Field capacity is an estimate of of tension or suction
the upper limit of the available  tension increases when amount
moisture and permanent wilting of water stored or retained is
point for the lower limit smaller
 Soil moisture content can be  ease with which stored or
expressed as: retained water may be
 percentage of the oven-dry released from soil decreases
mass (percent by mass, %θm) with decreasing soil moisture
 percentage of the total bulk content(increasing soil
volume (percent by volume, moisture tension or suction)
%θv)  moisture-release curve depicts
 percentage of the total volume the nature of moisture release
of pore space (degree of from a soil; shows moisture
saturation) of the soil content, moisture tension, soil
 depth of water characteristics
 Available moisture
 amount of water that a quantity  best to maintain soil moisture
of soil can store and content within the root-zone of
subsequently release readily for the plants as close as possible
use by a plant to the upper limit of the AMR
 varies directly with the total  amount of water to be drained
amount of the pore spaces of from or added to the soil is
medium size present in the soil proportional to the difference
 effective pore space diameter between the prevailing
range is 0.2 - 10 moisture content and upper
micrometers(0.0002 - 0.01 mm) limit of the AMR of the soil in
 pore space wider than 10 the root zone
micrometers drain water  Infiltration is decreased as a
readily; no significant role in result of aggregate breakdown
water retention when the soil at the surface has
 pore space narrower than 0.2 low aggregate stability
micron release water too  Presence of dense clay pan or
slowly; not much contribution hard pan near the soil surface can
in supplying water to the plant easily reduce infiltration and
 total amount of medium-sized
percolation and bring about
pore spaces in a soil is
formation of a perched water
commonly referred to as the
table with plant root-zone after
available moisture capacity or
heavy rain or irrigation
available moisture range of the
 Capillarity is the ability of a liquid
to flow against gravity.
 moisture content of the soil
 The smaller the diameter of
when all of its pore spaces
except those wider than 10 capillary tube, the higher is the
microns are completely filled rise of the liquid.
with water is taken as the
upper limit of the available Chapter 5. Characteristics of Soil
moisture range of the soil Colloids
 Common estimates of the  Colloids are minute particles
upper limit of AMR: which are the site of various
• Field capacity(FC) chemical reactions. They are less
• moisture <0.001 mm in size.
equivalent(ME)  Colloidal particles in soils includes
• one-third atmosphere organic(humus) and inorganic
percentage(TAP) colloids.
 Inorganic colloids are composed aluminosilicates of various types
of various clay types such as depending on the ratio of silica
 kaolinite sheet to alumina sheet in the
 montmorillonite crystal structure. They do not
 vermiculite occur in pure form in the clay
 illite fraction of soil.
 The chemical reactivity of  1:1-type
colloids is due to their large • kaolinite
specific area • halloysite
 Colloids’ large specific area arises  2:1-expanding type or
from: smectites
 their small particle size • montmorillonite
 presence of both positive and  2:1-limited expansion type
negative electric charges • vermiculites
 Soil properties that could be  2:1-nonexpanding type
attributed to their differences in • illites
the amount and type of  2:1:1 type
dominant colloids: • chlorite
 retention of nutrients  Amorphous silicates are
 swelling and shrinking represented by:
 stickiness  allophane
 Ca(OH)2 is a flocculating agent  imogolite
while NaOH is a dispersing agent  In PH, amorphous silicates are
of soil colloids usually associated with relatively
 Gentian violet is a positively young soils derived from volcanic
charged dye while Eosin red is ash with high OM
negatively charged.  Properties of inorganic soils
 Clay colloids classification based generally depend on the kind of
on structure: dominant clay mineral present.
 crystalline
• crystalline silicates Chapter 6. Cation Exchange
• crystalline Fe/Al  Cation exchange is a process in
oxides(sesquioxides) which positively charged ions in
 amorphous soil solution ;eave the solution
• amorphous silicates and attach themselves loosely to
• amorphous Fe/Al the solid phase which has a net
oxides(sesquioxides) negative charge. Cations on the
 Crystalline silicate clays are solids enter the solution. It is a
composed of sheet-structured
simultaneous and reversible exchange complex less easily
process. than large cations
 Weakly held cations in contact  highly charged ions are held
with soil solution are ready for more tightly than those that are
quick replacement and available less highly charged
for plants. They are held in the  regardless of size or charge,
“outer sphere complex”. cations present in large
 Basic cations: concentrations in the soil
 NH4+ solution are favored in the
 K exchange reaction
 Na  Cation exchange capacity is the
 Ca2+ total amount of exchangeable
 Mg2+ cations that can be held by a
 Acidic cations given mass of soil; expressed as
 H+ meq/100 g soil or cmolc / kg
 Al3+  CEC increases with increasing
 Fe(soils with pyrite) amount of clay and OM
 In cation exchange, one positive  Base saturation is the percentage
charge is balanced by one of the CEC that is occupied by the
negative charge. basic cations
 Cation exchange is important  Soils with high %BS have higher
because the exchangeable ions pH; thus, they are more buffered
are: against acid cations from plant
 because the exchangeable ions roots and soil processes that
are available to plants, acidify the soil(nitrification, acid
supplementing the small rain); contain greater amounts of
quantity in solution the essential plant nutrient
 ions are retained in soil and not cations K, Ca, and Mg for plant
lost with leaching water use
 Characteristics of cation
 instantaneous - quick reaction
 reversible
 stoichiometric - there is a
proportion of exchange
 Properties that influence cation
 small ions are held more tightly
and are replaced from the

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